#im also attempting to improve my writing skills. they suck
rainofthetwilight · 10 months
i want to share a specific au of mine but im like. scared
me n my friendo have been ranting together abt for like 2(?) yrs n i was thinking of posting abt it n never did (i wasnt completely involved in the fandom at that time as i am today)
now that i am i wanna post it but im nervous
might tweak it a little not sure
(more of the rant in the tags, important ig)
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aritamargarita · 2 years
Yesss take your time! Smut is really rough (HAHAhahahahab COUGH *dies*). As an avid writer of quite bad FanFiction i know the want to write smut™ but just kinda sucking at it. (haHHa *dies again*)
My first attempts were laughable and my later ones about as bad as my writing skill so take your time, Hon. And you now, Anticipation makes things greater :) (at least for me. And if it isn't Crown Jewel because nothing could have improved that dumpster fire)
IM SO GLAD U UNDERSTAND AND LIKE YES!! THE URGE TO WRITE IT IS SO BAD, then like you try putting it on paper, and..it doesn’t translate well😭
i will try to take my time!! also, im sure yours wasn’t that bad tho!!! AND U MEAN CROWN JEWEL?? THE CROWN JEWEL LMAO?
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cinnamontoastcronch · 4 years
3:17 am- Todoroki cherishes every moment he spends with you.
As you walk through the premises of UA, he can’t help but notice how soft your fingers feel, rubbing circles on the back of his right hand, sending warm tingles up his arm and into his chest. There’s no better way to spend the last day of summer vacation—your second summer at the dorms—than taking a walk around the campus, hand in hand. The school looks different at night, and there’s something about sneaking out of your rooms, when you should be asleep, that makes it all the more thrilling. The cool early morning breeze that dances through the air pushes the two of you even closer together.
You’re saying something about how excited you are that school is finally going to begin. Starting a new semester as 3rd years means you’re just one step closer to becoming pro-heroes . That thought would typically fill Todoroki with glee, but when he glances at you through dark lashes, all he can think of is how gorgeous you look. Perhaps he’s just exhausted, or the moonlight is playing tricks on him, but if anyone could look so stunning in gym shorts and old, oversized sweatshirt, it’s you.
After exchanging a few teasing words and a little small talk—neither of you are in the mood to hold a full conversation at 3am—the two of you fall into a comfortable silence, hands interlocked, footsteps and heartbeats in sync. It’s just nice to revel each other’s company so early in the morning. No Iida to keep you guys in check. No Bakugou yelling at you. No prying eyes of teachers and classmates. No one else to catch the moment Todoroki laughs when you realize that the bright red popsicle you’ve been sucking on has melted all over your right hand.
“Told you to bring a napkin,” he scolds, but his voice is light, and his amused smile gives him away
“Shut up Sho! Why didn’t you tell me it was melting?” you pout.
And he can’t reply, partly because he’s too embarrassed to tell you that he didn’t notice either (he was too busy imagining a future together with you), and partly because he’s kind of having a hard time processing information right now (your morning voice just DOES THINGS to him).
Instead, he laughs again. This time it’s at your weak attempt to wipe your cold, sticky hands on him. As a gesture of self-indulgence self-defense, he grabs your wrists, firm but gentle, and pulls you to his chest.
Now your cheeks are nearly as red as your stained lips, and he can tell how sleepy you are from the way you sigh, your legs give out, and you relax into his arms.
And so he kisses you, and your mouth is soft and tender and just a little colder than usual. He tugs your bottom lip with his teeth. That seems to wake you up a bit, and you release a startled squeak. But it’s Todoroki who’s really shocked when you return the kiss, and your tongue darts out and meets his. Shit, he thinks to himself because he adores you so, so, so, much. But also because he doesn’t remember the flavor of cherry popsicles tasting as delicious as it does on your lips.
You pull away first, looking up at him through half-open lids, smiling shyly.
“I love you Sho.”
“I love you too, Y/N.” The confession is accompanied by his lips brushing softly on your forehead.
“Now let’s get you back to bed.”
A/N: hello, this is my first post! ✨ im a new anime writing blog, hoping to improve my creative writing skills and make some friends. so yeah, thanks for reading. it’s my first time really doing this, so I hope u enjoyed✌️✨
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fanfictionlive · 4 years
Good Ideas, Bad Writing Skills
This is embarassing but i have a terrible hobby of coming up new fanfic ideas and never or hardly ever writing them. I get ideas, write details and plots, then reality (school & life) drags me away. Timeskip months or mostly in my case, YEARS later i come back and remember it. Then my new and older self make tweaks and changes and voila they are improved.. but my writing skills? Nope!
Like this fanfic idea i had on 2017. I read the unfinished chapter and just want to butcher myself. I thought said fanfic idea had potential and you know my cycle.. i improved the OC backstory and overall story drama. I'm really proud how less cliché and somewhat original and i guess complex (?) it become compared to the rotten 2017 wip it was before. But here's the thing again.. I don't think I have the capacity or feel like i should write it out with the skills i have right now. Should I wait it out? Probably.
My issue with my writing is that i think they sound like school essays. I suck at ~fancy~ and sophisticated descriptive writing. My. writing. is. choppy. I also think i don't know how to use commas properly. You know, I thought my english writing was satisfactory but reality check. Mad respect to writers who finish long arse longfics.. this sht is hard.
Maybe writing isn't possible for me? 🥴
PS: This cry for help occured after I stared at a barely filled word office and just cringing and nearly backspacing everything i typed (me attempting to write)
TL;DR: I need tips on how to improve my writing. Maybe a club online or community or someone out there make me an apprentice lol. English is not my main language so it's gonna take a while. Actually, im hesitating this already as im scared of criticism. But then I'm determined to actually write my many wips as i feel like it would be a waste to give them up.
submitted by /u/cluelessed [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/3bijM2f
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redlemonz · 7 years
Day #3
Fuck everything. I can’t deal with this, what’s even happening. Ugh, all I have is this continuous warm, stabbing-like pain inside me which won’t just go away, following what felt like a bitter end to last night. Being human absolutely sucks to begin with, but even more so when you’re just a sensitive and emotionally vulnerable asshole with a chemical imbalance in his head which tells him everything is way worse, and you should deserve to feel way worse.
Day 3 - upside down & inside out
The above basically sums up the morning so far today. I woke up and punished myself, and will probably continue to, (trust me, it’s not really a choice I can make) for my actions last night. I’m an on-going detriment to myself as it is, so the real question is, why am I being one to her - even more than I already was. Just leave her alone & stop finding literally any excuse to contact her, even if it’s with good intentions - It’s not about you and it doesn’t matter anymore. Give her what she wants for a change - not you. She put up with your bullshit undeservingly for long enough.
Work. It’s a Thursday.. inching closer to the weekend - ugh, screw the weekend. Finding it difficult enough today to keep myself in tact at my desk as it is, let alone in my own lonely presence at home. I even shifted my scheduled yet unscheduled shower crying session to a different location - my car during the drive to work. Gotta change things up after all. Prior to leaving though, for some unknown reason today I decided to reattach my detachable hood to the coat-jacket-thing I’ve been wearing to work for the last couple years. Of all days, I feel like I needed it today. Not because it’s raining or anything - it’s actually a beautiful day (in which I picture myself walking BBT with her at One tree hill after work, hand in hand - great). Aside from being a wondrous fashionable alteration, I believe it’s probably more the fact that the hood gives me a false sense of security, as it shields me ever so slightly from the cruel world. I can keep to myself, only looking ahead and not having to expose myself to more, unnecessary features of society in what’s around me. Fashionable change aside, a change in myself is what I need fullstop to try get use to life without her. I can’t be the same guy I once was, as it’s all too familiar to my daily life with her. I have to be someone else.. I have to be something else (homage to the fictional guy who’s identity I’m saved on her phone under as). Which brings me to the daily cup of coffee I drank at work with the other two. No sugar or milo mixed in today (self made mocha recipe). I wanted to hate myself like the rest of the world and taste the absolute bitterness of life literally, and it definitely didn’t disappoint in that regard. I don’t deserve the sweetness. During this coffee time, I was also now starting to fail in my facade of chipper-ness. In fact I couldn’t help but openly admit to the other two, that unlike yesterday where I was trying my best to be upbeat and fine about things, that I’m not. I’m broken. I know it’s what thy wanted to hear as they saw right through me the last couple days anyway - and it’s time to start facing my own truth.. even if it’s slowly and steadily. Thankfully I was able to contain the tears. Im getting by through making small talk with other colleagues who don’t know about these circumstances, and being genuinely happy for them where I can. Glad to hear that your back injury is improving and that you’re attending all your medical appointments. Glad to hear your pregnancy is going swell as ever now, after everything you’ve been through. Glad to hear you’ve finally promoted to another team - you deserve it. Glad to hear that you think the new Doctor on the show being a female isn’t actually a problem - you’re fantastic. And so on. I just want to be able to be glad for her. Which once again it dawns upon me the constant emphasis and repetitive reminder that I need to exit her life.. to make things easy for her. Considering easy is what she wants. Pretty sure it’s quite distinguishable by now with everything written thus far that I don’t fit that/her criteria. I’ve never really been good enough when it comes down to it. I feel exhausted. It’s been a long as hell day at work & my anxiety has picked up, though still controlled as it’s still a small dose (which I am extremely thankful for). Somewhat ironically she’s actually helped me gain enough strength during our relationship to battle it - for now anyway. Let’s see, another memory to blabber on about just sparked (obviously it did - because this whole damn thing is about her and almost anything, as insignificant as it may seem, can form a link or be symbolic if your mind & heart are assholes to you) as a result of a colleague asking one of the ‘the three’ to borrow his umbrella as she broke the other one of ‘the three’’s umbrella and still owes him a replacement. Back when I was still stuck in the friendzone yet still head over boots for her, I had this cool umbrella with a samurai sword handle. She accidentally broke it through tripping down a small, not-very-steep hill on one of our many mountain walks together. I was just glad that she was alright. Then she stabbed me with said broken part of umbrella. Yup. Another accident (I hope), which caused my left thumb to continuously bleed. Never in my life I was so psyched to have brought an umbrella, and especially have the events follow in the way they did (with the exception of her falling). She so cutely wrapped up my thumb and first aided me with her scouting skills, with a bunch of leaves and whatever else she could find. My heroine. To top it all off, my thumb received a couple kisses from her, and eventually so did my cheek when we parted ways that beautiful day. From that day I still have a voice recording of her at the summit of the mountain as she was singing/shouting out the lyrics to Kelly Clarkson’s “since you’ve been gone”, of which the lyrics are now more than appropriate (yes I know, most songs are about relationships and love, if not bitches and money - which in a way are also their own relationships?). Her hair tied, black and white polka dot top & light blue jeans with a purple cardigan wrapped around them - looking as beautiful as always.. but nevertheless, back to the point at hand - She still owes me an umbrella. Though not really - the kisses I received that day and her company make up for it pretty well, and can generally make up for anything she breaks.. even a heart.
Back home (yes I’m currently living a very exciting life as you can tell). Just watched a bit of an episode of Friends - Ross still in denial though clearly crazy about Rachel, whom is unaware and worried about their history together being weird if she were to consider moving in as his flatmate (which he desperately desires). The ultimately classic television adaption of the most special kind of love between two human beings - a balance of being best friends, lovers, partners and perceptively & potentially, even soulmates. Looking back again at my recent wonderful weekend (+sick day monday) in which my failed attempts to win her back for longer than that precious time we had cherished together, I sunk low, although true to my own geeky belief, by utilising that very TV reference of us being Ross & Rachel. Definitely didn’t click straight away as to why she bursted out laughing about my overly geeky and lame reference comparison, until she made me realise I admitted to being Ross. Fuck. Long ago my group of friends had this ongoing debate with me that I was the Ross of our group, which I took as an insult at the time comparative to the other characters, cause well, it’s Ross. I overly defended my case for ages, and to this day am still firmly of the idea that I’m a combinative representation of all the main characters. Let’s break it down. Like come on - the under-appreciated punny comedy of, yet easy to pick on, Chandler (obviously my favourite as mentioned first). The obsessive Monica who can’t handle dirty dishes & has to make scheduled plans. The mainstream, basic bitch, Rachel (oh shit, please note this definition does not at all apply to 'her’ being Rachel as per my geeky romantic acclaims above. She is waaay more). The randomness and open weirdness offered by Phoebe. The comic idiot, Joey (although I don’t even have to act the part). And fine yes, the hopeless romantic, and sensitive Ross. Wow - What an positively arrogant bastard I just became during my usual scheduled time of despairing and regretting stuff. Though I don’t mean to be arrogant - as the point I was trying to bring across is that we all have various qualities and attributes from each of the Friends. They all reside in each of us to some extent, so you can’t just be fitted to one. Back to her - she just snapped me? What in the world? Okay calm down dude, relax you idiot. Don’t ruin this moment - it’s not a big deal - it’s just a snap (even though it visibly means so much considering your little bit of anxiety subsided without you initially even noticing, and you’re grinning like an idiot at her name popping up on your phone). And open! Oh the absolute bloody hell. It’s a snap of the same episode I just watched, on the plus one channel certainly enough, because it’s an hour later. The caption - “hi friend” on top of a very distinct character’s face. I’m Ross. That cheeky yet adorable little minx (Minx? What? So I tend to say non-sensical stuff & my brain freezes more than usual quite often when it comes to her). So I switch over to the same channel, grab my phone & send her a “hey friend” snap right back - and you can probably guess quite easily.. that it was on top of a portrait view of Rachel. So we snapped and chatted ever so slightly more this evening - and my whole day turned upside down - which means I’m the right way up now.
Finished writing up my little pub quiz for tomorrow at work. Snuck in a question right at the end about the snowy mountain I was at with her on the weekend, which I couldn’t resist. Well I mean I guess I could have, but didn’t want to. It just felt right and left me with blissful content, ending the quiz on such a beautiful note. Just like us. It all get quite unintentionally poetic, and I loved it. Plus people need to learn more about the Country they live in, so I’m really doing everyone favours here (says the hypocrite). What makes this night even better is that she just did my quiz. I know she didn’t probably care to talk to me or anything, which doesn’t matter because she did my quiz & I’m full of smiles as a result. I kept to my word and didn’t call her though. We made it work as I sent her real time snaps of each question on my TV, blanking out the rest of the background or hiding other questions with various random emojis. One by one. She even cutely reaffirmed the 10 second rule of answering without me having to mention anything. The smartypants ended up with 6/10 (even a 6.5 really - heh, as she chose correctly on one of them the second time but I strictly took her first answer). I can guarantee its gonna be higher than the average amongst large groups tomorrow when I conduct this live. She even cracked a few of her classic puns for one of the questions which wasn’t surprising at all, and kept this stupid smile glued to my face. Then we wished each other a nice weekend and night ahead & parted our ways. Though it was a simple experience, it was a momentous feeling - especially with that last question. I wonder if she thought back to our weekend also because of it. Maybe it made her smile? I hope so. It certainly made me.. did I already mention that? Well shit, this can’t be good.
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