#im about to make so much more twdg art
spacedlexi · 1 year
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the urge to make this my new icon everywhere and not just on dc is so strong you WILL look at them
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daredevilexchange · 2 years
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What’s your fannish ID? i'm found under the name "michasartdump" on pretty much all socials! :D only exception being instagram (michaasartdump)
What types of fanworks do you create? as the name already hints, i mainly create digital art! i sometimes also make other stuff though. :] i just love being able to share my thoughts through my art hehe What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating? really just everything 😔 there can never be enough fanworks no matter what it might be 😌
What do you like in particular about this fandom? i am a big sucker for mattfoggy and my friend journey and i literally cannot stop talking about them 😔 i don't often interact with fandoms directly (except when i post art for it) but when i do i love to see other peoples interpretations of certain characters or scenes or just in-depth analysises of those same characters/scenes!
Do you like participating in fan events? i always want/try to, but i'm either too young to participate or i don't have time/am going through art block 😭 so i prefer to just see what other people create while i sit on the sidelines :,))
What about your creating process? i really just listen to music matching the vibe of my art when i draw stuff, but it depends on the day im having
Do you interact a lot with other fans? i usually love interacting with other people and talk to them about my favorite characters/medias, but most of the time i'm too scared/shy 😔 but umm,,, if anyone wants to talk to me about my fandoms..... I'M RIGHT HERE HELLO
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? https://michasartdump.tumblr.com/post/673323359898075136/the-devil-of-hells-kitchen this one! i'm kinda sad that it flopped because i really enjoyed drawing this one, and i'm still super proud of it 😌
Do you have other fandoms you’d like to talk about? well i obviously really love marvel (comics, tv shows and movies) and i've been mainly creating 616 hawkeye content the past few months :] which was probably also my first real introduction to daredevil (thanks to hawkeye: freefall and hawkeye vs deadpool). after that i've been meaning to watch the show, but kept forgetting about it. THEN spider-man no way home dropped and, well, then i binged everything in less than a week. some of my other fandoms are d:bh, twdg, portal 2, the witcher (tv show and games), overwatch and more recently, genshin impact. :D though i don't really create much for those fandoms.
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? my name is micha, i'm 16, and i'm a trans guy (my pronouns being he/him/his) from germany, who's really just trying to have a good time on the internet :] i also play the guitar and i love collecting merch for my favorite characters!
Where can your fanworks be found? mainly on twitter, instagram and tumblr!! i also use the tag "#michasartdump" on tumblr if you want to find my art quickly! :D
Thank you, @michasartdump !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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OH MY GOD ITS TENNIANA NIGHT..... THE PUREST OF SHIPS....... GOD can you just IMAGINE Tenn approaching Mari all nervous like "uh hey.... do you wanna look at my drawings??" AND THATS HOW SHE SPENDS THE FIRST DAY AT ERICSON WHIKE CLEM GOES OUT HUNTING WITH AJ LIKE!!! DONT TOUCH ME IM GENTLE
Tenniana IS the purest of ships, though. I honestly can’t think of a softer, more pure ship in twdg. 
Also, I absolutely LOVE that?? Like, Mari notices this shy kid who doesn’t talk much, but AJ tells her that he’s really nice and a really good artist, so she makes a plan to talk to him in the morning. 
But then, he totally approaches her first, super nervous and won’t look her in the eye as he asks if she wants to draw with him. Mari agrees, but only if he’ll show her some of his amazing art pieces. Tenn agrees, showing her a piece that he drew of him and his sisters, which sparks a conversation about their siblings. 
So much time passes that she doesn’t even realize that Clementine and AJ already left to go help the others, but she’s totally okay with it because this is the first time in forever that she’s felt safe enough to sit down, draw, and make a new friend that she connects with. 
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wolfwhiteflowers · 5 years
issue 192/TWD comic thoughts
huge spoilers🙄😭🤠 
RIP comic Rick Grimes.
 It’s not the way I wanted him to die at all. I feel it shoulda done better. I know it’s “Carl’s story or he’s gonna lead someday” but it felt blah. ARGH asdlkfjdkla
 Does it still feel like a father-son story? Because it doesn’t feel that way....much or so. Idk I’m just shocked that it happened in the end of that dumb political plot/volume with CW and Pamela. Like it should’ve happened in the next volume or set the whole thing in the whole volume. ARGH. I’m more annoyed how this death was set up and rushed more than feeling sad that comic Rick died and didn’t get his final goodbyes like he would wanted. Comic Riiiiick :(
ok...I can see how it was like wrapping up Rick’s story. I liked those parts. I liked that everyone was basically there in CW (like Maggie) to Idk say bye to Rick,... I guess. I liked the moment of when he said “ we are not the walking dead!”
But what about wrapping up the Rick and Carl’s storyline? ehhh. ARGH.
Sigh I was hoping for Rick to mentor Carl and die in meaningful Volume; not in a few Issue and whatever Carl gonna do. I’m so disappointed how it was done. Seriously? Carl hanged out with Rick and said a few words or so for like 2 issues and it was just words (not actions) of like Carl’s gonna be a good man/leader. etc. I don’t mind how Rick dies, his actual death. I get it. It’s more like realistic or whatever. I just don’t like how bland it was. (And right after Dwight’s death. It’s weird. Like some rushed plot/arc. ) It's not surprising of this death cos Kirkman hinted about this big issue for a month.
Idk it feels weird. Rick wanted to die after Andrea and grieved/cried, but he did right when he found Commonwealth. K. It's seems quick. I’m just - sigh. If it was planned to have Rick die in 192, why not have Carl with him at CW and do stuff together? idgi. I want more father and son moments (actions and Carl learning; not Carl stuck in Hilltop)
It felt like a boring and rushed “pass the torch”-to- Carl plot.  Idk why Kirkman didn’t put it all...idk make it better for the farewell of Rick Grimes, his first leading character.
Another thing, Idk what he’s doing with Michonne, because I thought it seems like Michonne got it all, more than Rick, and yet she still lives. Idk what’s next for her. But um idk ..maybe she fades away in the story with Elodie in CW. 
Sigh idk..i always felt Kirkman’s writing is ok or not as good. And I feel bummed from reading the whole thing like last year i think and making the comic-richonne fanvid. All comes to an end now. ok. Imagine those who read it since the start. oof and Rick dies like that. umm. It just sucks when a fave character dies and when story’s conclusions suck.
So obviously comic-Richonne didn’t go canon but they have a good bff going on. But ukno Kirkman’s writing/comics aren’t that emotional-whatever and well I guess what we got out of Richonne is good enough, I guess, based on Kirkman’s writing. I would have hoped for more meaningful moments of them. (like Grimes meeting Michonne and Elodie and getting to know each other, etc. ) Same thing with other survivors. Anyway. maybe that’s comics style idk.
Geeze, why is TWD story takes forever to end. So far TWDG did and they ended it very well. comic and tv, meh.
k so im gonna think about the AMC show The Son, Fringe, tv TWD ...stories about fathers & sons. ....And blah writers. I’m tired of being disappointed from writers. :(
--- ~spoilers~!!!
I read the issue on youtube. It’s straightforward as usual. Carl puts down Rick. 2 days later Pamela told him it’s Sebastian and he’s in jail for lifetime. It’s all Carl’s POV, if u get it. He’s cries and all and tries to be a good civilized man. Michonne supports him a lot. A lot of people from CW are going to ASZ for Rick’s funeral which Rick will be buried by Andrea. Carl is scared of what to do next in his life.  
So yeah I just want more other character’s reactions (Michonne, Maggie, Eugene) and grieving but yeah...and it’s weird again how quick it was. We see Rick just in 4 pages and that’s it. idk that’s how comics go ..it’s so fast (and slow). I hate this lil plot. 
I still feel the same way. Still feeling disappointed. Like why so quick? wtf and all that subvert expectation trend going on with the writers. Not a lot of richonne moments  since their bff moment ...k yeah. disappointing. The whole thing is disappointing. Like can Rick die after Andrea did or.... just later on after spending time with Carl. sigh 😐😥
eta. after thinking about the issue., first here’s a link of some comments, cover art, Kirkman’s quotes. https://popculture.zone/threads/walking-dead-issue-192.6211/#post-85409
Okay so after thinking about it. I can see how it was like very planned out and it was how Kirkman wanted to go and all. He did had Rick die like respectfully, imo, like in his story with Rick finding Commonwealth and how it’s what Rick wanted to find this new/civilization. Kirkman, I guess, wanted Carl to lose Rick with NOT so much father/son +mentor/student trope of Carl being a leader some day. Like that’s what Kirkman wanted to do and planned to do. I don’t like that idea because I thought this story was also very father/son story so... And omg I didn’t expect to be like now-ish when Rick’s in his 40s(?) and close after Andrea’s death. And, again, how it was like 3 issues Rick was centered on and dies. 
 So I guess Carl will be freaked out about what to do in life now and learned about leadership skills with other people like Michonne (because she’s a lawyer and can help him with new civilization?) and Negan (he’s back in next issue i think. and knowledgeable leader or so).  I’m like uhh idk. I want Rick and Carl moments! Idc about Negan that much. (So if Carl and Negan are gonna team up or something wahtever, it reminds me of how Kirkman thought about having Carl being raised by Shane, the man who killed his dad.I think.)
It’s all annoying but it is interesting what Carl will do next (and maybe a time jump.) 
So im saying im kinda ok with what happened with this and not okay. But at least it was planned and kinda respected Rick’s story, even though I wanted a different direction in the story.
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spacedlexi · 5 months
saw your reply about wanting to draw s1 and s2 art more often, would literally die for Lee and Carley in your style... i skim through your stuff often as well, probably one of my top three fav styles, and cant wait for your post s4 clemvi story, i know ill enjoy that as much as i do your art. have a nice holiday and happy new year friend :)
ive drawn lee before so if you mean more in a shippy sense then.. possibly? (im partial to both lee/carley and lee/lilly myself 😏 like i see it) i need to draw carley anyway im making a promise to myself to draw the ladies from the other seasons at Least once..because i love them and they get no attention (except for when theyre getting yelled at amirite). fucked up women of twdg my beloveds
so much kenny nick and luke art out there i will bring balance to the ecosystem 😔🙏
byut shdfkshjkd 🥺💕 THANK YOU!!! im excited to finally finish it and im making illustrations to go with it as well i just havent decided how many to do yet. i hope you have a happy new year too anon!!
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spacedlexi · 4 years
Hello! I like your TWDG art and I'm curious if the Final Season was your first exposure to TWDG series? What do you think of the series overall, if you've played them? Any favourite characters outside of S4? I personally stopped playing the games after S2 left me severely disappointed, I think S1 will always be the best of them.
oooo cool questions. and thank you!!
my first exposure to twdg was actually when the demo dropped for the first season!! yea ive secretly been here the Whole Time lmao i didnt play it myself tho i watched my friend play. it was the first time i had been exposed to the telltale choice game kind of format and i didnt really know how to feel about it so i didnt pick it up for myself i just watched others play. it took me a while to catch up and i didnt finish the first season until after s2 ended
the end of season one, like with most people, left me like.....really super heart broken and emotional like man i was Empty inside ahah that ending still and always will get me just Right in the fuckin heart meat. so, feeling as empty as i did and wanting to know where clems story went i jumped Right into season 2 ............ and that left me even More fuckin empty and sad than season 1 lmao fuckin season 2 is probably The most depressing season imo i didnt think i could feel worse than the end of s1 but s2 took it as a challenge
i Hated s2 and was really suffering through it but when kenny showed up i was like OH THANK GOD a familiar face (even tho he really tested my patience in S1) because i capital H Hated the new cast. sarah was fine and luke was Generally ok for the most part but the adults pissed me the Fuck off and still do for how they treated clem (an 11 year old!!) like a whole ass adult and personal therapist. but then kenny got Real scary after the whole sarita thing and jane was pissin me off for not only constantly pushing kenny (a man who was desperately holding onto a very thin thread) but for trying to convince clem that she didnt need anyone and that she’d be better off on her own (AN 11 YEAR OLD!! in the zombie apocalypse!! even tho yea the s2 cast were shit to be around). looking at s2 in hindsight the only good thing about it was AJ..bby boy...
and then about a year or so later the trailer for s3 dropped and i was like YES look at clem fuckin badass fuckin shotgun fuckin take no shit Yes but then i was soooooooooo so disappointed when i found out you were gonna be playing as some fuckin Nobody new character i was like fuck off i just want clem back. season 3 was just....pretty boring in my opinion and the only saving grace was whenever clem was around and the whole “wheres aj” plot that i wish the game focused on instead. out of the s3 cast (minus clem/aj) i only really cared for javi and mari...and well.....we all kno what happens to mari and how fast l o l rip. eps 1-3 (generously) were ok and interesting but the final eps just... ehhh. also jesus was ok but hes also a part of the comics/show whatever so he doesnt rack up points for telltale. javi flirting with him was pretty cool tho. both protags are bisexual you love to see it. bi rights hell yeah
AND THEN....SEASON 4. i immediately fell in love with the entire cast (even when vi was mean to her when they first spoke cuz i was like “yeah yeah i know you dont mean it i saw the way you were lookin at her from the wall i KNOW youre gonna be a romance option”). the whole troubled youth boarding school was such a great choice finally clem was around people her fuckin age no more adults looking to her for guidance or to parent. and she was Top Dog these kids had no real experience and i knew it was only a matter of time before she slipped into the role as their leader. i was NOT expecting it to be because of how ep 1 ends like omfg the end of the 1st ep is just.....Real Good. the ep itself was pretty slow getting you introduced to everyone but my god shit gets Real the moment clem walks into that basement and from then on out the ep is just Wild and ends with a (literal) bang.
E2 started testing my patience with a few characters (lookin at you louis specifically (even tho i still like you) because i will never get over how now AJ was the one being treated like an adult (A 5 YEAR OLD WHO ONLY KNOWS KILL MONSTERS TO SURVIVE and has never been in a group setting that he can remember))(its why my clem could never romance louis sorry dude) but violet was 💕💕 amazing standing up for clem and aj against the whole group and she takes on the role as leader cuz “no one else stepped the fuck up” i love her.... and then lily shows up and the whole drama with the raiders AGH love it
up until this point i was still just watching others play since the seasons were either too depressing or boring for me to want to pick it up for myself
but then telltale shut down. and i was like.....oh my god....clems story is gonna get cut right at the end?? i loved this new cast and i dont get to see how it ends??? im not gonna get to play it for myself!??!?! so when skybound stepped in and saved it i bought it up IMMEDIATELY i was like “that was TOO CLOSE im gonna finish this series for myself Dammit” and i did and it was great i played eps 3 and 4 when they dropped at midnight im so glad i got to experience the ending for myself on my own. i cried ahhaha so fuckin hard and i still do CLEEEEMMMM you did it bitch i love you
season 1 and 4 are really the only ones i like. and for me s4 ranks higher than s1 because of the cast and the found family trope and how its just..not as fuckin desperate and depressing and hopeless. it really just comes down to preference but s4 wins for me with s1 close second. i only ever go through seasons 2 and 3 for the sake of setting up s4 like its just formality aha. plus getting ajs plot established makes it worth it. and knowing how clems story ends makes the depressing parts easier to get through
SO YEAH OOF SORRY for the long answer i talk way too much ahah but i do really love this game. seasons 1 and 4 now reside snugly in a little corner of my heart where they will stay until i die lmao. if you havent i definitely recommend at least going through s4!!
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