#want to do a line up of all the ericson kids so i can nail their shapes down for comics
spacedlexi · 1 year
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the urge to make this my new icon everywhere and not just on dc is so strong you WILL look at them
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starryviolentine · 4 years
Color Me Blue (That’s Me Without You): A Pre-Apocalypse Story
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(Sequel to Brody’s Diary) The events of a long weekend have twelve-year-old best friends Violet and Brody feeling all kinds of blue. Not quite the homey, familiar blue of a diary cover, nor the glittery liquid blue of their roommate’s nail polish. Gloomier, more melancholy shades of blue.   
Part 1/10: Violet
Violet is unbelievably, incredibly bored.
All the students at Ericson’s Boarding School have a four-day weekend this week because of teacher conferences, or training… or something or other – Violet’s not sure of the exact reason, but all she knows is that it’s going be boring and lame because Brody will be gone the entire time, like always. Every time there’s a holiday break or even just a long weekend, the Burress family comes to pick Brody up so they can spend the time together.
Which completely sucks.
Well, not for Brody. Violet’s really happy that her friend gets to do lots of stuff with her family. When Brody comes back she always has interesting stories to tell, and sometimes she even brings back a little trinket as a souvenir for Violet, like one of those really pretty, colorful rocks from the science museum, or one of those pennies that you stick into those machines and it comes out imprinted with a picture. It’s just that it would be cool to be able to hang out with Brody and do those things together instead of being stuck at this boring, lame school.
Their bedroom was dark and quiet this morning, as is usually the case when Brody’s away. Brody’s the one who gets out of bed first and likes to let in the sunshine. If it’s particularly warm and the weather is nice, she’ll open their window and Violet wakes to a gentle breeze that always feels really nice. Their other roommate, Therissa, will sometimes grumble about Brody letting the pollen in or, if she’s really not in a good mood, just bang on the wall from her bunk and tell her to “Shut the damn blinds!”
Without Brody shuffling around the room doing this and that, Therissa, in typical teen fashion, is still sound asleep when Violet finally decides to get up. For a brief moment, the younger girl considers waking her roommate up so she has somebody to eat breakfast with, but she quickly changes her mind. Therissa can be scary when she’s woken up against her will. Violet decides that it’s not worth the risk.
After breakfast, Violet realizes that she has nothing else on her agenda for the day, so she purposely takes the long way back to the dormitories, hoping that she’ll think of something to do on the way. She could go for a walk outside… or practice her dribbling in the gym… or she could hang around the dormitories to see what other losers are stuck at Ericson’s on a long weekend and maybe do something with them. Violet scrunches up her nose at the thought of socializing and shakes her head. Nope. Not today.
And so that’s how Violet finds herself standing outside of the library.
Now, Violet has never been that big on reading. She reads sometimes, but only if there isn’t anything better to do, and only if the reading material is something she really cares about. Violet wanders slowly, aimlessly, running one finger along the spines of the books she passes. Her feet carry her quite effortlessly through the literary labyrinth to a familiar section in the back, near the tables and chairs. Going over to one of the bookcases in particular, she crouches down until she’s eye-level with a row of pastel paperbacks.
It’s a series about a group of teenage babysitters, and although Violet wouldn’t ever read it herself, she knows of a certain auburn-haired girl who’s currently hooked. Brody sped through the first thirty volumes in less than two weeks, and almost every evening before curfew she would drag Violet here so she could return one book and check out another (or two or three). Violet narrows her eyes at the triple digit number on the last volume, wondering how in the world the author could write over a hundred books about the same group of kids and not run out of ideas.
Hand hovering over a book with a yellow cover, Violet pauses and double – no, triple checks the area around her to make sure nobody’s watching. There’s not a soul in sight, but the back of her neck still prickles with embarrassment as she plucks the book from the shelf and flips through the first few pages. Violet just wants to see what Brody finds so fascinating about these books, that’s all.
Before she knows it, though, Violet is fifty pages deep and has nestled herself in a corner, back resting against one of the tall wooden bookcases. Unfortunately for her, she’s so focused on the words lining the pages of the book in her lap that she neither sees nor hears anybody approaching until there’s a shadow looming over her. Violet jumps and slams the book shut as her cheeks start to burn. Taking a moment to mentally prepare herself to face whoever just caught her red-handed reading what could honestly be the most embarrassing book series in the world, she slowly lifts her head while throwing in a quick prayer that it’s nobody she knows.
By some miracle, it’s not Marlon… or Mitch, both of whom Violet is certain would never let her live this down. She’s lucky that it’s nobody from her class, either. And thank god it’s not Therissa. Violet counts her lucky stars for that because her roommate would definitely tease her about this for the next century… and would absolutely tell Brody about it when she gets back.  
It’s actually the school librarian, Mrs. Wilson, who’s looking down at Violet with a soft, apologetic smile. “Didn’t mean to startle you, dear. I just thought you might be more comfortable moving to one of the chairs over over there.”
“No! Um, no thank you,” Violet hastily replies, scrambling to her feet and tucking the book back into its space on the shelf. Now that she’s been seen, she has no intention of sticking around. “I-I have to go anyway.”
The blonde hightails it out of the library without looking back. Mrs. Wilson is probably the kindest, most helpful lady in this entire school, but Violet’s been in a strange sort of mood all morning and kind of just wants to be alone. Her library encounter leaves her feeling as though there’s nowhere safe to go without potentially running into somebody else, so, instead of continuing her little detour, Violet begrudgingly returns to the dorms.
She wonders if Therissa’s awake yet.
Ever since the whole bell tower incident, things have been a lot better between them. Of course, old habits die hard and Therissa is still Therissa, but she doesn’t rag on her and Brody as much anymore. They’ve been talking a lot more, too.
And it’s not that Violet’s hoping to hang out with her roommate today or anything like that. She’s just so bored and… well, it might be kind of fun to pester the teen for a bit. To kill time, of course.
Definitely not because she’s lonely without Brody.
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maybemitch · 5 years
DESCRIPTION: Folded pieces of paper, littered the top draw of Y/N’s desk.
WARNING: Implied character death. Mentions of deceased characters (Brody, Marlon, Mitch). Just a whole lot of death. Swearing.
When the news of Y/N dying broke, everyone in Ericson was in a sense of mourning. Everyone which was a member of the school - apart from Clementine and AJ - knew Y/N.
Y/N was a member of the school just as the dead started to work, yet their parents came and collected them right away. In a sense of protection. Therefore, because they came and collected them, the students left at Ericson didn't see Y/N for a while. That was until two years into the apocalypse. Y/N had remember their way back to the school and found themselves standing in front of the gates which were ever so familiar to them. Marlon was the one which saw them at the gate, his jaw drops. Marlon never thought he'd see Y/N again, but there they were standing, blood, sweat and dirt coating their skin, their weapons (which was a knife) in their hands. Most of the kids were surprised when they saw Y/N but welcomed them right back into the school wall.
Everyone in Ericson was in a sense of mourning because they always thought that Y/N would be one of the people which made it to the new world, they always fascinated about. They never expected them to get bitten. But then again, no one could control what happened in the world.
Violet was the one which suggested that they should bury Y/N's things like they did with Tenn's sisters. This would allow those in the school to go and mourn properly. Therefore, Violet and AJ were collecting Y/N's things and placing them into a box.
AJ opened up the draw to the identical desk he had in his dorm room, white folded pieces of paper slide side to side in the draws. Curiously, he reached for one, unfolding it, noticing, black and blue scribbles on it. Writing.
Violet noticed AJ's confusion when she turned around, her arms folding across her chest, "What you got there AJ?" her voice was soft. She was in pain for losing another friend.
AJ held the piece of paper up in the air, twisting it around, as if it was something unfamiliar to him, "It's some writing," unfortunately, the small boy couldn't figure out what was written on the paper, the handwriting was sloppy. Therefore, he held it out for Violet, "Can you read it?"
Violet walked over slowly, gently taking it from the boys hands. She inspected it. It definitely was Y/N writing. She knew that from the way which the letters were conjoined, it was something Y/N use to do in the class they shared together.
A small smile plastered on Violet's lips, before folding the piece of paper back up. The words left unread. How it should be.
AJ looked at her in confusion, "Why didn't you read it?"
"Its an invasion of privacy," Violet explained, the piece of paper clenched in her hand, "Y/N wrote them for themselves. I... I couldn't read their thoughts."
AJ nodded his head. He somewhat understood why Violet didn't want to read the letter. It was similar to the situation AJ was in when he first arrived at the school and tried to read Aasim's journal. The words which people write are sometimes private and only should be read if the person reading them allows it.
AJ looked back into the draw, noticing more folded piece of paper, before casting another look to the blonde who had her eyes closed. "Hey, Vi. What shall I do with the other letters Y/N wrote?"
Violet open her eyes, looking into the desk draw. There was around four folded piece of paper inside. All probably scribbled on with thoughts, with feelings which Y/N felt. Each one of these letters absorbed every piece of pain which lingered in Y/N's conscience. Violet couldn't bring herself to invade that.
"Past them here," Violet held out her hands. She didn't know where to put them. She didn't want to burn them - she might not want to read them, but someone in the future might. She didn't want to hide them away in the cupboard, they might be completely forgetting about then. Violet just didn't want to disrespect her deceased friend, they might have not been close when they were alive, but they were basically family.
"What are you going to do with them?" AJ asked as he placed the last one into Violet's hand.
Violet sighed, "But them somewhere safe, most likely. I can't get rid of them."
AJ continued to pack up the room, Violet had her hand on her pocket, ensuring that none of the papers fell from her pocket. The zip was broken, that the reason she didn't just zip them up. Whilst the two were packing up the room, they didn't speak much. The occasionally question came from AJ and the answer came from Violet.
Eventually, the room was packed away. It was as if the room had never been used before, not a single trace of human existence present inside the room.
Violet took a deep breath when she stood at the door, taking in the room. The curtains danced with the slight breeze which fluttered through, but that was all the movement in the room. For now and most likely for good. The blonde slowly shut the door, the click of the lock made her hear sink further into her chest.
"I'm going to find Clem," AJ announced to the girl which had her back pressed up against the shut door. "You can come with me, if you like. That's if you don't want to be alone."
Violet shook her head, pushing herself of the door, making her way towards her room, "I'm alright, little man. I'll come catch up with you in a little while? How's that sound?"
AJ nodded his head, lingering in his spot for a moment. He didn't want to leave Violet, he didn't want her to hurt by herself, but he couldn't connect to the pain which Violet felt, considering he only knew Y/N for a few weeks. A few weeks is nothing compared to years.
Violet waved AJ off, before opening her door and stepping inside. She didn't shut the door, she allowed the wind from the window to do it for her, the clock echoed in the room. A signal that she was now alone.
The first thing which she did was take out the letter scraps she had bunched up in her pocket. She lay they astray on the desk, not knowing where else she could put them. Whilst she paced around her shared room, her eyes kept drifting over to them.
An urge inside of her wanting to read them but the other half does not. Violet ended up bringing her hands to her mouth, nibbling slightly at her dirty nails and the skin around them, before caving into the temptation of wanting to know what ran through her friends mind.
"I'm sorry Y/N," Violet mumbled into the room, looking up at the sky, "Please forgive me."
She snatched the five notes on the table, before sitting down on her floor, her back pressed up against the metal bed frame. She unfolded them timidly, her hands shaking as she did so. Some letters were long, some were short. But Violet could already tell that each letter was written from the heart, that emotion had caved it's way into the writing.
Letter One:
We're not living in this world, its were surviving it. And that's the thing... surviving this world had (that’s the key word; had) been my plan. To outlive the dead had been my plan from the very beginning. But now, my main priority is making sure my friends survive. That's all that matters to me now. I couldn't care less what happens to me. If I get bit (which is a likely scenario) then I get bit. I don't want my friends to worry about me. Yeah, maybe somewhere in the world someone has survived an amputation to the infected limb, but I don't want to give them hope. If I get bit. Then that's it for me. That's the end of the line. With most all of my friends I have promised them that they'd get to see the new world. Some laughed, saying that it was a ridiculous assumption and that was never going to happen. My optimism seems to be funny to some, but that’s doesn’t bother me. Whilst some laughed. Some held hope that maybe I was telling the truth. But the things is, I am telling the truth. They’re going to make it to the new world. However, I won’t though. The new world isn’t for me.
Letter Two:
We welcomed new people into our home today. Their names were Clementine and AJ. They seem like nice people. They seemed to know how to survive the world. I don’t know how long they’ve been outside for, in the open world. But I know it’s been longer than me, longer than the other kids. Clementine and AJ seem like the people which would also make it to the new world. They both seem to know how to make it around this world. I would be envious of them, that they know how to survive, that they would make it to the new world. But in all honesty, I don’t mind at all.
Letter Three:
The small boy, AJ. He shot Marlon. And Brody. She's also dead. Apparently, Marlon killed her? I don't know what to believe. I thought they were nice. Fuck. We held a funeral for our friends. And afterwards, we held a vote for the two new comers. Violet, Tenn and Aasim voted for those to stay. I refused to vote. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. What Marlon did was wrong, trade the twins, accidentally kill Brody. And what AJ did was wrong, killing Marlon. [a section which was unreadable] Clementine came back. AJ was wounded. They came across people in the woods which were looking for the school. We're preparing for a war. Maybe no one will see the new world after all? I know for a fact I wouldn’t be.
Letter Four:
Death came knocking on Ericon's door again, claiming the life of Mitch, after he heroically saved Tennessee. He didn't deserve it. The people which are at war with are called Delta. They took Omar, Aasim and Louis. Clementine promises to bring them all back from Delta. She promises that we will win.But what's the point of a victory if no everyone can celebrate? Either way. We’ve already lost.
Letter Five:
Fighting a war of tiring. I can’t do it. Fighting humans is different than fighting the dead. Humans. At the end of the day; humans are a dying race. Were being overpopulated by the dead. So why should we try and kill one another? There is no point in doing it. Clementine. She promised that we’ll get our friends backs. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Hopefully everyone comes back, so they can see the new world i’ve promised them. Delta. They’re evil fuckers people. What they did to my friends. What they did to Louis. They deserves to fucking burn. What I said earlier about us humans being a dying race, doesn’t matter. Delta. They. Fuck. Minerva was there. I saw her get bit on the cheek - I remember promising her the new world. After all, she did get one. But not the one which was meant for her. Not the one I promised. I suppose what I’ve been doing, giving promises out to my friends has been foolish? Selfish? I just wanted them happy. I didn’t want them panic. I just wanted them to be happy. But i’ve been meaning what i’ve been saying. About me not making it to the new world. I know that because... i was bit. Trying to escape the walkers on the beach. It was only a small graze on my ankle, a small bite. But it’s still infectious. I’m just sorry to my friends. I understand that this is going to cause them pain. But i’ve always vocalised that I wasn’t going to make it. And if they didn’t believe me, then they were foolish.
Violet placed down the letters. Her throat clenching from fighting the tears. She obviously knew that Y/N got bit. Violet was one of the people which didn’t believe what they said. She didn’t believe that Y/N wasn’t going to make it. So she was foolish.
Violet smiled, her eyebrows knitting together when she noticed something sprawled in the corner of one of the piece of paper. She wonder how she didn’t see it. But it was small writing.
Violet picked the paper back up, brining the paper close to her face, so she could read the rough writing.
Maybe I did make it to the new world? Maybe that’s what peace is? Maybe peace is the new world.
Violet smiled sadly at the words, a small tear falling. She quickly wiped it away, crying was never her thing, but after all, if she’s hurting, she’s going to let her emotions show.
“Of course,” she smiled, “Of course only you’d say that, Y/N.”
I don’t know how i feel about this piece of writing. I haven’t wrote in a while. But still.
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clemsbaseballcap · 5 years
Dating Mitch (Female!Reader)
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A/N: This is actually really long, but I go hard for Mitch because he is my MAN. I’m so sad telltale killed him off, he had so much potential as a character. If they kill Aasim, AJ, Clem, Louis, or Violet, I might just riot. 
You first met Mitch when he was with Ruby and Clementine at the Greenhouse.
You were also a kid that was taken to the Delta to fight their war, but you were quick to see through their scheme and you never fell into their bribery of warm clothes and hot showers. As soon as they assigned you on your first mission, you abandoned your group in a cluster of walkers and ran like hell into the forest, meeting the three kids your age burying a body.
Ruby and Clementine had to make Mitch shut his mouth when they were bringing you back to the boarding school. He didn’t like bringing in another stranger, especially after what happened to Marlon. You decided to not ask about who that was or what happened to him. You were just happy to finally be out of that place.
Everyone welcomed you in, especially after they were sure you weren’t a threat. You were unarmed, and just a little bit taller than Willy was. And you were all smiled despite not having any food in your system what’s so ever.
You became close to Willy, Tenn. and AJ immediately, they reminded you of your younger brother who died in the very beginning. Not only that, you’d always were good with kids even before the end of the world. Willy had told you Mitch would warm up to you eventually.
After dinner, everyone piled around Louis, the tall boy with a sweet coat and a deck of cards. You figured you’d join them and see what the commotion was about.
It turned out to be a game of truth or dare and after Aasim had to kiss a walker head, you chickened out and picked truth.
“Where were you from before you came here? Surely you weren’t all alone running through the woods.” He asked.
You told the group you were actually on your own for a while after your older sister died and that a group of people had taken you off of the side of the road one day and told you to fight for them or die. Everyone got silent before the little boy with a large face scar asked if there was a girl named Minnie or Sophie where you were from.
You asked how he knew Minnie and he looked down at his hands and they fiddled together. Violet began to tell you the story of how you were a victim of a group who took children to force them into becoming soldiers, and that they lost people of their own because of the Delta. All of a sudden, everyone began asking several questions at once, about Minnie, Sophie, and a woman named Christa.
“Guys, back up. Let Y/N breathe a bit.” Mitch piped up out of nowhere, and everyone apologized and sat back down.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know much about Minnie and I’ve never met a Sophie or Christa. I ran away as soon as I could, so I didn’t have time to met anyone else besides Lilly.” Just saying her name made your blood boil. She was the real monster behind it all. Clementine told you later on while you both were on watch that she and Lilly had history and that the Delta was planning an attack on the school, which was the whole reason behind their being at the greenhouse.
Two weeks later, they arrived at the gates. Cages connected to horses, a sight you found familiar to see that left a nasty taste in your mouth. When Lily stepped out and began speaking of Minerva, you watched as Tenn blew his cover. Mitch and Willy were right next to you, annoyed but sympathetic at the naive little boy.
“Let me take you to them,-” “Shut the fuck up Lily!” You said, drawing your gun and aiming it at her head. “You’re not taking anyone else, not again!”
Mitch ran to attack Lily later on, and you noticed she had her knife drawn. You got in between her and Mitch and felt the blade pierce your skin. “Fuck, no. Not you too!” Mitch cried, but another member of the Delta came up from behind him and you lost your line of vision as you blacked out.
You woke up in a cell, one you’ve seen before. With Louis/Violet (depending on who Clem saved)
You made sure Violet knew Clem didn’t have time to save both of you, and you convinced her that Clem is dying knowing she let them take her. Violet felt better after being reassured by you.
When Louis kept yelling at Lily, you knew he was going to get punished. And you’d be damned if you were going to let that happen. Minerva unlocked your cell and put a gun to your head as Lily made way to Louis, a towel and knife in hand. “Maybe this will finally shut you up?”
Before Lily could lay a finger on Louis, you jumped on her back and clawed at her neck. Minnie shot your leg and Lily pushed you off, touching her neck to feel the blood from your nails. She stomped you out until you could barely move before she left. All you cared about was Louis not getting his punishment.
When Clem and the rest of Ericson came through, the first person you heard was Mitch calling your name. Louis jumped up and ran to the cell door, telling him where you were. After the door got broken open, Mitch ran to you and took you into his lap.
“What the hell did they do to you?” He asked, feeling over your cheeks. “I’m fine. They were gonna cut out his tongue. They’ve done it before.” You thought your ribs were broken since it was getting more difficult to breathe and talk. Not to mention, your stab wound has reopened and you were losing blood fast.
Mitch took off his coat and draped it over your shoulders, which helped with the bleeding once you pressed the material closer to your body. He lifted you up and took you out of the boat along with everyone else. You all waited for Clementine to return.
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep, but you woke up in a bed back at Ericsons. Mitch was on the ground next to you, ringing out a towel in a bowl of red water.
“Mitch?” “Oh, thank god. You gave me a scare back there.”
He was taking care of you since Ruby was taking care of everyone else that got injured on the mission.
He blamed himself for you getting hurt and taken. If he hadn’t run up to Lily or fought off that soldier sooner, he could have done something to help you. He began to ramble about how sorry he was until you sat yourself up and grabbed his hand.
“I stood in between you and her because I didn’t want to see another person I cared about die. I chose to go in your place because I didn’t want it to happen to you, Mitch. I’ve seen it all once already and I didn’t want you to go through it like I did.” You spoke in the softest tone Mitch has ever heard, not even his mother spoke to him with such kindness when he was a child.
Without even realizing, Mitch leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. When he noticed what he was doing he was about to pull away, but you put your hand on the back of his head to keep him close. 
His body pressed up against yours and by accident, he put a bit of pressure on your wounds and made you wince in pain.
He sits up quickly and backs away a bit, flustered and ashamed at the same time. You giggle and tell him it was alright and that he can come back, which he does. You two end up sitting next to each other for the rest of the day, just chatting about things you’ve never gotten to before. 
Mitch would also leave you on bed rest until Ruby cleared you to walk, and even then he’d stand by you just in case you lost your balance. 
While on bedrest, Mitch would fetch you everything you could have possibly needed. Felt hungry? He’d grab you a bowl of whatever Omar was whipping up. Got thirsty? Mitch would go all the way to the stream to get you a glass of fresh water. His eagerness to help you made it clear to everyone in the camp that Mitch had a soft spot for the newcomer. 
Even when you were completely healed, Mitch would volunteer to go with you on runs. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Louis or Aasim to bring you back safe, he just felt better if he was there just in case something went wrong. 
One night you had a nightmare and couldn’t go back to sleep. You laid in your room, staring at the ceiling with shaky breaths. Every time you heard a noise you jumped, thinking it was going to be the last thing you heard before a walker or bullet got to you. You stood up, not being able to take it anymore, and walked out of the room. You thought if you looked outside you would see there was nothing to worry about and that you would feel better. What you didn’t know was that Mitch was on the lookout shift that night. 
He spotted you immediately and almost drew his weapon until he saw it was you, eyes red and skin paler than ever. “Y/N, are you feeling alright? You should be asleep.” 
Once you started saying what was on your mind, Mitch listened to your worries intently and gave you reassurance. He told you that whatever challenges you face from now on, he’ll be right there with you. Before you knew it, Willy was there to take the next shift.
Mitch didn’t like the idea of you being alone when you were feeling like this, so he offered you his bedroom and said he’d sleep on the floor.
“That’s ridiculous, it’s your bed and it’s big enough for the both of us.” When you guys fell asleep you were as far as possible from each other but at some point, you guys were intertwined in each other’s arms and legs. 
Not only was it his attitude towards you, but it was also his attitudes towards others that made everyone in the camp think that you were good for Mitch. He had a short temper as it was, but you were the only one that managed to calm him down and make him listen to the voice of reason. 
Finally, you keep Mitch from being too hard on himself when he thinks something is his fault when it either wasn’t, unavoidable or an accident. He trusted you to tell him the truth and in turn, he believed most of what you said or at least took it into consideration. Everyone appreciated the impact you were on their troubled youth. 
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scullyy · 5 years
Days With You / Chapter Four
Title: Days With You / Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 3091
Summary: As the Ericson gang try to readjust to the start of their university life, Louis and Clementine spend their time between classes together and this time he has a surprise in store.
A/N: Eek sorry for the wait, I've had a lot on my plate lately. Enjoy :))
Clementine slammed her hand against the raging alarm clock beside her ear, a louder groan escaping her. The thin curtain did nothing to hide away the beaming sun, however, Clem didn't have the energy to appreciate the morning rays just yet.
"Remind me why I joined an early morning class," Violet mumbled from above, the top bunk creaked as she tossed and turned. "You think the professor will notice if I don't show up?" She threw a leg over the side of her bed, flinching at the chilly air.
"No, but you won't hear the end of it from Brody," Clementine pulled herself out of the warm bed, her feet tingling from the cold floor. She reached out for her favourite (and only) denim jacket and flung it over her shoulder. "You ready for the day?"
Violet hopped off her bunk and wandered to her side of the closet. "I never am and never will be," Her section was an absolute mess compared to Clem's, jackets and shirts were all piled together into a leaning tower of fabric. "And I have to sit with Brody for two hours hearing all about how much she wants to go to the beach. As if we have the time for that now."
"Says the girl who wants to go to the Grand Canyon."
Violet threw a sock at Clem. "We've never been to the Grand Canyon before! It might be fun if we had the money."
Clementine eagerly sculled down the rest of her water, her body jolting awake in response. "We all know Louis does." She bopped along to the tune playing over her radio as both girls dressed for the day. Clem adorned her signature hat as Violet placed her pin over her lilac sweater.
"Let's kick some ass." The blonde girl bumped fists with her best friend, if she could fake enough energy to get through class she could get through anything.
"Too tired to kick any more ass," Violet threw her to-go coffee cup in the bin, it wasn't enough to prepare her for the class she had to suffer through. Choosing a 9 am lecture was a terrible decision on her part. "Never listen to Brody ever again." She yawned, stretching her arms out to the sky. It wasn't so bad, Louis and Marlon were in the same boat and did make for some good company...sometimes. Violet caught Louis's eye as she wandered to their table in the courtyard. He waved at her with so much glee it almost made her sick. How could he be so chipper so early?
As she walked closer their mumbled conversation turned into actual words. "And they were roommates."
Louis gasped. "Oh my god, they were roommates."
"What are you two crumbs talking about?" Violet threw herself onto the spare chair beside Marlon, not bothered to hide her distaste at his hair. It somehow seemed worse today.
"Why isn't it my favourite 5′4″ chicken nugget. We're just super keen to start this fantastic school year," Louis clasped his hands together. "I cannot wait to wake up early again and sit in a two-hour lecture." His voice was drenched in sarcasm, despite being a morning person. The getting out of bed part was the most difficult task.
Violet scanned the courtyard, her eyes on the prowl for her classmate. "Is Brody here yet?"
Marlon's head perked up suddenly, ignoring the chuckle from Louis. "She texted me saying she was going into the library to print some stuff. I think it has to do with the extracurricular activities."
"Our sweet Brody, such a diligent worker." Louis sighed. Even in high school, Brody was one of the top students, always working hard and trying to get others involved in whatever fundraiser she had organised.
Violet scoffed, her chipped nails tapping the wooden table. "She said she'd meet me here before class." Her eyes scanned the courtyard, all the students seemed to have a grey cloud over their heads. She could relate. Violet's eyes landed on two familiar faces making their way over to the group, a devilish grin overcame her face. "Louis, don't look now but right behind you is somehow who has the power to destroy you." She chuckled, teasing her friends was the highlight of her day.
Of course, Louis turned around and was greeted by Aasim and Clementine locked in conversation. "I mean, Aasim is cute and all but Clem is the one I have my eyes on," He turned his body to Clem and opened his arms to her. "Oh my darlin-"
Clementine quickly slammed her hand over his mouth. "No," She whispered. "Not this early." There was a playful smirk on her lips though.
Louis pulled her in closer, their noses touching. "Alright, can I have my mouth back now?" His warm breath sent shivers down her arm.
"Sure," She retracted her hand slowly, knowing Louis he would still try and pull some stunt.
Violet made a loud and grotesque gag. "C'mon guys, I don't need this gross shit so early in the morning."
Louis poked his tongue out at her, a mighty retaliation. "What brings you here so early Clem? Your class isn't for another hour."
"I told Aasim I'd help him with the school newspaper," Clementine adjusted the strap of his satchel. "Your class starts in ten minutes doesn't it?"
Louis nodded. "It sure does, I just wanted to see you before I had to leave," He turned over to Marlon and poked his shoulder. "You ready to go or are you gonna keep looking around for Brody?"
Marlon threw a punch to his shoulder. "Yeah, we can go. For the record, I was not-"
Violet held her hand right up to his face. "I'll save you the energy, yes you were," She gave him a gentle push as the boys wandered off to their lecture hall. "Seriously what is taking Brody so long?"
Marlon threw an arm over the shoulder of his best mate. "Ready to face the music?"
"As ready as I'll ever be. You have any plans after class?"
Marlon smirked, flashing his pearly whites to the strangers that walked by. "Yup, I got so many places to be," It remained silent between the two as they entered their hall, with Louis raising his eyebrows at that comment. "What? Television counts as a place."
"I do not miss those chairs," Louis shoved his schoolbooks back into his satchel, only adding to the mess inside.  "Who are you talking to Louis?" He asked himself. Marlon had zipped off the second class ended, the boy caught sight of Violet and more importantly Brody walking across the courtyard and felt the need to catch up with them. "So much for television."
Louis pushed his booted feet across the grass and pulled his phone out, seeing a few messages from Clementine.
I'll be in the library after class if you wanna meet me there :)
It's really boring here
                                                            Don't worry Clem, I'll be there in a flash!
The library wasn't far from his lecture hall, the grand building hovered over the smaller classrooms, Louis wasn't so sure why it had to be so big. He pushed the door open slowly, trying to minimise the creaking sound that came with the old entrance, it always echoed throughout the dismal space.
                                                                         Where have you parked m'lady?
Parked? You've watched that movie Clueless too many times, I'm by the horror section
Alas, there she was, hunched over her textbook. Her nose was slightly scrunched and the tip of her tongue was hanging from her mouth, after being her friend for so long Louis could immediately tell that she was in deep thought. Ethics was one of her main passions, being able to study it was a dream, albeit a difficult one to achieve
"You look cute when you're thinking," He leaned against the side of her chair, interrupting her reading. "Already studying I see." Clementine was that kid in high school who got good grades in all classes, she even bumped up Louis from a C+ to an A- in Geography.
"I'm just making a summary of today's lesson, thanks for meeting me here," She leaned up and pecked his cheek. "How was your lecture?"
Louis rolled his eyes. "Does a book full of little sketches count as hard work?" He didn't appreciate Clementine's stone-cold stare. "What? I just need a break."
"Already?" She slammed her textbook shut, as much as it annoyed her to admit, Louis was right. Having to understand ethics and moral values wasn't easy so early in the morning.
He extended his hand out to her. "Care to join me?" His voice was smooth like silk and Clementine felt herself giving in to his request almost too easily.
"Okay," She gripped her books beneath her arm and grabbed onto Louis's warm hand tightly. "So, where are we running off to this time?"
Louis ran his thumb over her hand, admiring how soft it was against his calloused ones. "I know we usually go to that small diner but I thought this time we could go somewhere new. Broaden our horizon!" He announced bravely.
Together they weaved their way through the hoard of students, Clementine's mind was running wild with all the possibilities of what was about to happen. Knowing Louis it would be nothing short of magical. He took her far past the school to a small park, a few young children scattered by.
Clementine stood unimpressed by the sight. "I hate to break it to you, but this swingset isn't new."
"Now now Clemmy, we're not there yet," He continued with the march, heading closer a long line of trees. The thick wall of leaves proved to be a challenge to squeeze through, Clementine flinched as stray twigs scratched her hands. "Sometimes you gotta continue past the danger to find what you're looking for."
Once through the cascading trees, the duo was happily greeted with a glimmering pond, with daisies and smaller fern trees lining the calm body of water. Sunlight peaked through the trees, bouncing along the pond as if it were made of diamonds.
"Louis," She whispered. "This is so..so.." Clementine was utterly speechless.
He tip-toed down to the water's edge and sat beside the quiet stream, patting the spot beside him. "I thought you'd like it. I've known about this place for a while, but now that you're my girlfriend I want to share it with you."
She eagerly sat next to him, rather closely, and admired the view all around her. "How did you find this place?" The park was a common hangout spot for her and Violet, the rusty swingset had heard many of their rants and laughs.
"I was looking after Rosie one day when she chased a cat through these trees," Louis dipped his index finger into the water, surprisingly it wasn't that cold. "She received extra belly rubs that day."
Clementine leaned her head against his shoulder, she always found peace by his side. "After that long ass class I just had, this is just what I need." She grabbed a pebble from her side and flicked it across the water, bringing out a bemused expression from Louis.
He looked between the sunken pebble and Clem rapidly. "I've never been able to figure out how to do that."
"You just gotta swish and flick," Lee had taught her how to do it on a camping trip when she was eleven, it was one of her best memories. "Is there a reason you dragged me out here? Besides the view."
Louis bounced up and down like an excited baby. "Yes! I figured now that uni has started again and we might not get a chance to go on a date for a while, I thought we could-dammit!" His attempt at sliding his boots off in one swift motion failed as the lace had been tied up too tightly. Soon enough he resorted to yanking them off his feet. Louis quickly composed himself, so much for trying to look cool. "Have one now. Care to join me for a swim?"
Clementine sat up straight and tried not to oggle at Louis as he lifted his shirt up. "It's winter Lou, we'll freeze our asses off."
He set his shoes and shirt beside a patch of daisies. "I've done this before, it's totally fine. Tell you what, I promise we'll keep it short and sweet so we can get back to our classes," Louis climbed atop a nearby rock and dived into the water, splashing Clem's feet. "See?" He couldn't let on that the tips of his toes were beginning to feel cold, not when he could see the temptation to jump in her eyes.
"Well there is nothing wrong with short and sweet," She couldn't stop herself from winking at him. "But close your eyes!"
Louis turned his back to her to provide extra security, if his mother taught him anything it was how to respect a girl. He could hear the thump of shoes being thrown onto the soil, followed by the scuffle of her denim jacket.
Clementine rolled her jeans up to her knees, thankful that she decided to leave a singlet top on beneath her shirt. "You can look now," She called out. Her big toe made contact with the water first and her body immediately recoiled. "You said it wasn't cold!"
"It's not that bad, you'll get used to it," Louis trudged over to her and gently took her hand, guiding her until the water hit her shoulders. "Feeling better?" Once she gained confidence he let her go, smiling at how she bobbed around in the water. She was luckily tall enough to balance on her tiptoes.
Clementine tied her hair up into a petite bun. "It's alright, except I can't feel my toes," She gazed up at him, her smile falling at how distracted he was by her hair. "Louis?"
He couldn't help it, she never usually tied her hair up this way. Little pigtails had become her signature style, it was fun to flick them and watch the little curls bounce around lightly-
Oops, busted. "Yes, my darling Clementine?" He feigned an innocent smile, acting as if he hadn't been staring at her for the past ten seconds, fangirling over her hair.
She crossed her arms tightly, an expression that could match the face of Death adorned her. "Are you even listening to me?" Clementine already knew the answer to that question, he had a glazed look in his eyes.
"I am, it's just..." How could he explain to her how beautiful she was? What words in the English language could perfectly describe the way her eyes crease when she smirks? What could possibly begin to fathom her little giggle? Or the way her smile could light up an entire city? "You're cute."
It seemed to be enough, the giggle that erupted from her sent his heart into a spiral. "You have got to be kidding me." Clementine pushed him away but he grabbed ahold of her hand and pulled her in close, their lips barely touching.
"What? I'm just speaking the god's honest," He whispered in her ear, the hairs on the back of her neck were standing to attention. She wasn't sure if it was because of how cold she was getting or if it was the sublime power of Louis's voice.
Possibly both.
He could see the small goosebumps forming along her arms. "You getting cold?" His answer came in the form of a shiver and the chattering of teeth. "Alrighty, I told you I'd make this quick. Let's head out."
Clementine trudged back to the shore, her arms wrapped around her body. Louis quickly wrapped his thick coat around her. "You need it more than I do." She eagerly snuggled into the fuzzy lining.
Louis placed her hat rightfully atop her head, completing the outfit. "Did you have fun?"
She jumped up to his cheek and pecked it softly once again. "I did, thanks for showing me this place." Clementine didn't want to say goodbye to this slice of paradise, but the real world beckons. They made their way through the army of trees and ignored the glares from some of the nearby parents as they emerged. Even some of the students stared once they made it back to their campus.
"We probably should have made a better effort to dry off." Clementine held onto the jacket with an iron grip, she could feel specks of water dripping down her back slowly.
Louis whistled at Marlon, who had his headphones yanked off by Mitch. He raised an eyebrow at the state Clem and Louis were in. "Where have you two been?"
Violet pointed at the obvious water droplets falling from their hair. "Why are you two soaking?" This was a new sight. She reached for her phone carefully, a photo opportunity like this doesn't come around very often. "Say cheese lovebirds!"
The flash caught them both off guard. It took Clementine a couple seconds to realise what had just happened. "Are you fucking serious Vi?" She stood her ground yet Violet seemed more focus on showing everyone else the photo.
Louis rubbed his eyes, all he could see were a bunch of spots. "Hey, remember when I had corneas?"
Mitch wiggled his eyebrows. "Dude seriously, where have you been?" His phone buzzed in his hand as Violet sent him her copy of the photo, a repressed snort escaped him.
"Drop it, Mitch. We just went for a quick swim." Clem snapped. She secured her hat and marched past her friends, ignoring their whistles and giggles. They all turned their heads to Louis in unison, awaiting a more exciting answer.
Louis tried to decipher what his strange friends were doing. "What? She's being honest."
"Did you sneak into the school's pool?" Aasim crossed his arms, the swim room was always kept under lock in key. If Louis had snuck in somehow that would be too much power for the man to have.
"No, I took her somewhere...secret." Louis headed back to his dorm room, his lips turned into a tight smile as he checked the text bubble on his phone. Even if Clementine didn't think so, that surprise photo had become one of his favourites.
                                                                                                               Thanks Vi
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