#illegal immigrants
gamer2002 · 8 months
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justbeingnamaste · 11 months
The office of the secretary of state in Colorado has ‘mistakenly’ sent a postcard to 30,000 illegal immigrants encouraging them to register to vote.
This must have been a completely innocent mistake, right?
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Joe? Kamala? Anything to say for yourselves?
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Vivek Ramaswamy has said he would deport US-born children of illegal migrants if he wins next year’s presidential election, in a move that would undermine the country’s “birthright citizenship” rule.
The Republican primary candidate said the principle that US-born children should be given citizenship was “legally contested” and called for the privilege to be removed from undocumented immigrants.
In an interview with NBC News, Mr. Ramaswamy said he would deport an “entire family unit,” calling into question the 14th Amendment of the American Constitution, which gives citizenship to anyone born in the United States.
“There are legally contested questions under the 14th Amendment of whether the child of an illegal immigrant is indeed a child who enjoys birthright citizenship,” he said. “They are contested.”
His comments come after Donald Trump, the former president and Republican primary frontrunner, pledged to suspend the 14th Amendment for the children of illegal migrants, and Ron DeSantis, the second-placed candidate, said the current system of birthright citizenship was “inconsistent with the original understanding of 14th Amendment.”
The text of the amendment, ratified in 1868, says that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
Asked about his plan to deport entire migrant families, Mr. Ramaswamy acknowledged that it relied on a “theory” that would need to be tested by the Supreme Court.
“Under the legal theory that the child of an illegal immigrant is not someone who enjoys birthright citizenship, then it would be perfectly legally permissible to remove the entire family unit,” he said.
The amendment was tested in a Supreme Court case in 1898, when Wong Kim Ark, a child of two Chinese immigrants, was denied re-entry to the US after a trip to China.
The court ruled he was a US citizen and could not be prevented from returning.
According to FiveThirtyEight, a poll aggregator, Mr. Ramaswamy is in third place among Republicans, with the support of around 7.5% of GOP voters.
Mr. DeSantis remains in second place with 13.2%, while Mr. Trump has the support of 53%.
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diablo1776 · 9 days
All Americans First
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Biden violates immigration law, then spends taxpayer money to aid his violation of immigration law.  This government is broken and out of control.
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t3rr3nc3 · 11 months
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pointless-letters · 8 months
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Regret to inform you all that Barbara from Hull has gone and done a great big think
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Douglas Murray: I don't want them to live here. I don't want them here. They came under false pretences. Many of them came illegally and continue to come illegally. And we don't want them here. And I'm perfectly willing to say that because it needs to be said.
If I hated Australia, hated the Australian people, hated Australian history, hated the Australian way of life, broke into the country illegally and spent my time trying to undermine Australia, why should I be in Australia? Why? What would I have brought the country? What benefit? What moral benefit? What financial benefit? What social benefit?
The answer is you'd have brought no benefit. So why just hope that those people are not in large enough numbers and keep your fingers crossed and put it off for another day?
I think we have to start saying very clearly, if you don't like it here, go. And if you don't like it here and you intend to make it worse, we will make you go.
We stripped citizenship from ISIS members, members of ISIS who, even if they had British citizenship, we stripped their passports. We need to start doing the same thing with Hamas. We have Hamas leaders in the UK, Hamas members in the UK. I'm calling on the foreign secretary, the Home Secretary, the director of public prosecutions, the Attorney General, prime minister and others to start doing this. To start taking the passports away and start deporting people who support Hamas in the UK.
John Anderson: Is there the willpower to listen?
Murray: Absolutely. Well, I mean, we have a couple of choices clearly at this point. One of them is, and I say this metaphorically for the time being, but it's not that metaphorical. One is to stand up and the other is to beg on your knee.
I don't think that the British public should be on their knees, begging. Particularly not to people who dislike them. So best to be on your feet.
The soul of England, the soul of Britain is about to be trampled on very, very visibly by people who are gleeful in their trampling. And they have defaced and defiled all of our holy places. And I think -- I know that the British soul is awakening and stirring with rage at what these people are doing.
These people came into our house, many of them broke into our house illegally, many of them were never wanted here. And they have come here, they have betrayed all of our attempts at hospitality, they've spat in our faces and now they want to trample everything we have underfoot. No. No.
We have a crux point in my view coming up in the UK on the 11th of November, when there is Muslim groups, Palestinian groups, pro-Hamas groups in the UK have announced what they call the Million Man March in this city, on Remembrance Day, on Armistice Day, when they will again defile the cenotaph and the statues of our dead and our war leaders. And I believe that the British people will not take this lying down.
We're not obliged to tolerate people who hate us, who hate our countries, and want to destroy them and turn them into the same kind of theocratic hellholes they pretended to be escaping in the first place.
The correct response from Denmark - and there was one - rather than the implementation of blasphemy laws, was to say, no, and if you demand them, especially with threats of violence, we will remove you.
And the starting point is to stop pretending that "Islamophobia" is actually a real thing, when we all know it's not.
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ghassanrassam · 7 months
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1950 Hemingway and Garfield and Neal..add Curtiz you get a taut edgy movie
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commonsensecommentary · 10 months
The Democrat Conundrum:
Virtue signaling is easy. Governing is hard.
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redpillfuturist215 · 9 months
I have never heard gov officials ask Americans to open their homes to the homeless, for whatever reason from straight up to veterans and fire/disaster victims, but they want citizens to do it for illegal immigrants.
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Hmm, the way racists will pretend to care about illegal immigrants in order to get conservative POC to vote Republican as though they're not the one's who voted in the guy who put children in cages.
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This Is What Life Is Like In San Antonio Now
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atlxolotl · 22 days
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