simaax95 · 4 years
Remembering all those who didn’t have fathers they were able to look up to when they were kids.
Remembering those who have been hurt by their fathers.
Remembering those who have never felt a fathers love.
Remembering those that can’t celebrate today.
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00k4y · 6 years
my friend and his gf broke up a little over a month ago and he’s hurting badly. i’ve never been him so broken. i wish i could take this pain away from him. no one deserves to go through this. why are relationships so hard
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raphaelius2305 · 6 years
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#iKnowHowItFeels ... #ToWannaFeelBelong ... #SoThatsWhy ... #iWillMakeSure ... #PeopleAroundMe ... #FeelHappyAndSmileAlways ... (at Lembah Subang Lrt Station)
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oilknowingmom-blog · 7 years
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Are you ready for the new school year? New clothes, new backpack, new books? Are you sure? Hope you got your essentials packed too! Your oils! Perfect for concentration, memory and support their immune system, for the best year! #askmehow #backtoschool #areyouready #getresults #getready #essentialoils #mommyknowsbest #naturalsolutions #iknowhowitfeels #health #memory #focus #bestresults #mompreneur #oilknowingmom #backpack #makeover #organic #natureisalwaysbest #nottolate #goto #www.oilknowingmom.com or #mailto [email protected]
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kyme-bevass · 7 years
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PLEASE RISE & PRAY❗ There's a trend that must S T O P now!!! #isurvivedsuicide #iknowhowitfeels Ghana has lost quite a number of teenagers in the last year to tragic deaths, ranging from negligence of teachers, gunshot wounds, and the most prevalent, suicide. There were 2 officially reported suicides yesterday, of a high school student and a final year university student. Last weekend, one other university student, the daughter of a Member of Parliament was laid to rest, and last year, a friend's nephew also committed suicide. All these people were teenagers. The why isn't important at this stage. ◆Pray that where we have rejected God and gone after other gods, there will be mercy and forgiveness from Him ◆ Pray that this evil wave will be turned back to the Kingdom in darkness where it originated ◆Pray that any altars that have been raised and strongholds that have been established in our schools nationwide, will be pulled down by the Armies of the Lord, and holy ones erected in their place ◆Pray that any evil covenants that are in place and demanding human blood will be broken and replaced by the superior Covenant of the Blood of Christ and their voices silenced by the Voice in the Blood ◆Pray that the Kingdom of God will be established in our schools (from preschool to the highest institutions) ◆Finally pray that we're all made sensitive to the signs of depression and desperation in our young people and children, when they are reaching out to us for help and not ridicule or make light the things they say in those times. God bless you for praying! Admin, Dare-Devil Crew & Intercession360 Praying through the Gates of Time and beyond...
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jongvelasquez-blog · 7 years
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naranasan ko ring magutom. #iknowhowitfeels enjoy the lunch 😃😃😃 #fightstarvation #starving #jollibeehappy
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jolierenae-blog · 8 years
I have to go back to work tomorrow. It's rough. Who else gets that awful "Sunday night blues" thing?
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mandaprezz · 8 years
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#trustme #iknowhowitfeels #iknowexactlyhowitfeels #cry #intheshower #fallsasleep #fallapart #hurtsobad #wantitalltoend
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oilknowingmom-blog · 7 years
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Are you ready to take care of yourself? Getting the life you always wanted? It is possible! Join my team and get this wonderful supplements for FREE and start living today! #askmehow #startliving #liveyourdreams #changinghabits #changinglives #sharingiscaring #getthemostoutoflife #naturalproducts #essentialoils #oilknowingmom #mompreneur #mommyknowsbest #beenthere #iknowhowitfeels #bosslady #empoweringwomen #empoweringmoms #youareworthit #takeachance #youllloveit #goto www.oilknowingmom.com #or #mail [email protected] or #commentbelow
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7april-blog · 9 years
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They say I don't how it feels to be heartbroken. I ofcourse haven't been with someone but I know how it feels. I know how it feels when the person you love the most isn't attending the classes. I know how it feels when the person you love comes to you and ask how to be with a girl. It gets a moment of excitement but he's surely ain't asking for you. I know how it feels when that same person confess that he loves someone else. I know how painful it is. I know how much we have to control our tears in front of that person and rather than crying we fake laughs and smiles and congratulate them. I know how it feels when you just can't tell your pain to someone else. I know how it feels to fake a smile everyday. I know that ache in your heart when you see that person holding hands of another girl, and slightly kissing her hand. I know how it feels to see that you're just a person with a shattered heart and tears. I know each and every bit of a broken heart even if I haven't been in a relationship, and that's because I loved someone from the very depth of my heart. But still they say I don't know how it feels, and it's just because I never showed my broken side. I never showed my broken side. @7april
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335464 · 9 years
#IKnowHowItFeels to be #broke and what it takes to get #rich @acehood
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beckbeckyaboy · 9 years
Juliet On My Mind (Read this if you were curious. Sorry its so long. Been a long day)
There are moments when I feel myself falling for someone new...
Then I recall how it really felt...
How every thought that made a appeared in my brain seemed to somehow be linked to you.
I would babble on to anyone that I could entrap in a conversation about you..
The color of you hair
You eyes
The unique natural shade your lips where...
For awhile I was convinced that you were just lying about wearing lipstick..
Until the first time that I kissed you and nothing but magic was left for me to taste for all of eternity.
The way that your body felt on top of me was like the sweetest surrender that I had ever encountered. I gave you my all, slit my wrists and let the love find its way into every pore, every scar, and every dream that you had ever had.
That was the color of our kids hair.
That was the color of their eyes and the skies that they would play underneath.
God babe, I wished that they would have your freckles and that smile..
God, that smile could light the whole world if electricity ever failed us.
Fuck, I surrendered it all didn't I baby?
All the money
All the time
All the friendships that had been built over years.
I threw them in a fire for you
A pit that had no bottom that anyone could see.
I would have strapped my entire life onto my back and free fallen into the flames if it meant that you would have nothing but happiness and a heart full of love for all of your life.
My bare hands were shaking with the anticipation of building that black Victorian on a hill somewhere beautiful...somewhere that reminds me of your eyes.
The white trim would fade as life went on.
Our dances on the wooden screened in porch would get slower and slower overtime but the cracking of your favorite Lana Del Rey record would be the same. Year after year, you would point out the wrinkles on my hands and face but I would never do that to you. Because my entire life had been dedicated to making you feel just as beautiful and perfect as the first day I laid my tired eyes on you.
Damn, you were perfect.
You were everything that I wanted in my life.
I wanted to care for you.
I still leave my phone turned up just in case you needed someone at three a.m. Even though I'm sure you have lost my number over the years.
There are moments when I feel myself falling for someone new...
But then I realize how it really felt...
Losing you...
And I realize that love isn't worth losing myself after all the time it took to save me from the memories of you I was trapped in for what feels like eternity on my skin...
and my soul.
The scars that I have make me look like I was in a war. Bullets and knives had pierced my skin and landmines blew holes in my heart and I had forgotten who’s side I was on. I knew I was supposed to be against you but there were moments where it seemed like I was hurting myself more than you ever did.
Now when the boards creek underneath my feet on the porch of my black Victorian on this cursed hill, I dance alone to the crackle of my favorite Lana Del Rey record and pick the skin off of the sores that have scabbed over. I can't ever remember if I got them from the garden that I planted last spring or the splinters that I had picked after fixing that damn door for the fifteenth time. It still slams when the wind gets to fast up here.
I open the windows when it storms and sit in the empty living room in this rocking chair I found in my dads shed. I keep them open until the rain stops.
Sometimes I picture you running up the driveway and through the trees, seeking shelter from the oncoming storm.
I still remember after all these years, Juliet.
How much you hate storms.
I heard about the tornado in our home town last year. I wondered if you were still alive...
I would never know because your ghost had haunted me ever since that phone call...
Sometimes I see you in the kitchen...
Funny, huh?
You never would have stepped foot in there unless to sneak a bag of chips that were surely going to end up in crumbs on my bedroom floor.
Sometimes I hear the running water in the upstairs bathroom. I got that humoungos tub for you...even put plants all along the side and candles for you to light if you ever decided to burn the house down while I was asleep.
I think the most haunting thing though...
The one that makes every hair on my body stand at attention...
Is when I feel your side of the bed move..
You always wait until I'm almost there.
Almost in the most blissful state of sleep that could ever be imagined or experienced by someone who has been through the shit that I have been.
I reach for you, baby.
I reach for you hand and your body.
I wait to feel your hair on my cheek.
I wait for that warmth...
But like a quick burst of wind...
Your gone again...
And all that’s left is cold sheets and regret that smells like Jack Daniels and the occasional bottle of vodka.
I had been with others.
I had smiled and laughed.
I had kissed and fucked more times than I could probably ever count.
I had almost taken the plunge with a couple others...
This one girl from New Orleans almost proposed to me on this boat somewhere in the Bayou. I was almost to scared to say no...I considered just falling into the water and letting whatever was awaiting for me consume the wretch that I had become.
I broke up with her.
She wanted to marry me.
She treated me so good.
She made me feel like I was her everything and there are moments when I feel so guilty because there were times where I honestly did feel like her everything...I get sick sometimes when I realize that to her...i was everything. I was you.
That’s what kills me the most,.
You did this.
You turned me into the one thing that I swore I would never be.
I figured life was better alone than lying in bed next to somebody that I would eventually tear into multiple emotional pieces that would burst into flames
Then there was her...
She wore something blue and borrowed.
An angel sent down from some dimension that hadn't completely given up on me just yet.
Sometimes I swear that mom loves her more than me.
The way they sit and laugh at the table and gossip in the kitchen about everything under the sun. I feel so bad begging her to leave my parents house but I know that if I don't I would be there all night. Once mom breaks out the alcohol you know there is no chance for me. My back and shoulders are strong but I was sure that you were only supposed to carry your bride across the threshold once, and that was all that I had prepared myself for.
She tried to paint it a different color one day.
She yelled when I drove up the drive and a whole half was painted a baby blue color that looked like it fell from the eyes of angels just by the snap of her fingers.
I remember falling.
I got out of the car and just collapsed.
My eyes just poured like a fucking waterfall that had no end to it.
She just laid there in the grass and held me.
She didn't ask about you.
She didn't ask why.
She threw the paint away and washed all of the paintbrushes out in the sink in the garage so I would never have to see that fucking color again.
I left for work the next day and when I came back it was black.
Not the same kind of black...
But still....
It was black.
Eventually she wanted things that I couldn't give her.
She had dreams I just couldn't imagine..
The only difference is....
I let her go this time...
I helped her pack her bags and load them into my car.
She begged me to keep it but I explained that the only thing I needed was the house.
All I needed was that creaky porch and a crack record or two.
She called to check up...to make sure I wasn't dead. She is still lonely. She says she misses me when it gets cold. And when it gets dark. She just said that she missed me all the time...But maybe at one point...maybe at more than one...i started to miss her too. I never admitted it but I'd be a filthy fucking liar if I said I never missed her.
This house is just so empty without anothers breath or laugh.
Dust didn't even seem to rear its head around me. There was just empty space without any air at some points.
At least that’s what it felt like.
I was drowning in a house on a hill.
And my last gasping breath...
I whispered to the Juliet....
I felt like I had never truly met.
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