strangerclubofseries · 2 months
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marcel-lo-zingaro · 6 months
Comunque sia, ok, la concezione di questo social è abbastanza particolare, però cristo, c'è meno interazione qui che al circolo degli ikikomori introversi ed individualisti.
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I 5 secondi più divertenti.. che figata! 😆 #quasiserio #happybirthday #rai #raiplay #raiplay #vr #film #cortometraggio #venezia76 #band #fun #mostradelcinemadivenezia #slow #scena #ikikomori #drum #tv https://www.instagram.com/p/B19yWS1I2kw/?igshid=vqivcvgsm9p2
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rei-the-head-shaker · 4 years
#SummerStudyingChallenge (by @myhoneststudyblr)
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Day 33. What is your favourite summer clothing?
Nothing at all?!
I just spend every day in underwear or in costume!
Summer is too hot for me!
I really can't stand the weather! 🙃
That's basically the reason I turn into an Ikikomori during summer!
Besides that probably some pretty short dresses!
I have a yellow one that I really LOVE with all my soul!
But I just discovered that during quarantine I gained weight and now I'm too fat to wear it and now I'm so freaking sad...
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soldan56 · 4 years
Da una Zona  Rossa. Cari amici e compagni, sento l'esigenza di comunicarvi il mio punto di vista sulla epidemia del coronavirus. È un punto di vista che viene da una "zona rossa" cioè da un territorio che è sottoposto a limitazioni di circolazione e di incontro più di altri perché il contagio si è particolarmente diffuso. Credo che sia necessario ribadire che il virus esiste, ha una sua realtà indipendente da noi, non è una costruzione mentale. L'infezione può essere senza sintomi ma in una percentuale di casi diventa sintomatica, una percentuale di casi sintomatici accusa una insufficienza respiratoria e necessita di ventilazione assistita, una percentuale di questi casi per vari motivi muore. Il problema, oggi come oggi, riguarda la crescita esponenziale dei contagiati e quindi l'aumento della necessità di ventilazione assistita in ambiente ospedaliero. I posti in rianimazione sono limitati e si stanno saturando. Dobbiamo cercare in tutti i modi di prevenire il contagio e di fermare la crescita esponenziale. Il virus circola da persona a persona se diminuiamo fino ad abolire i contatti fra le persone aboliamo anche la trasmissione del virus. Questo è là priorità, questo è il COMPITO. Tutto il resto viene dopo. Capisco che prendere coscienza di questo compito non sia facile. Ci sono ostacoli cognitivi dovuti alle ideologie idealiste che negano i fatti: " se i fatti contraddicono la teoria, tanto peggio per i fatti" o gli interessi  economici di chi non ha capito che: primum vivere. Ci sono ostacoli emotivi dovuti all'ansia che si libera dal cambiamento degli abiti di vita quotidiana. L'ansia paranoidea ci spinge a trovare dei colpevoli, dei capri espiatori su cui scaricarla, per fortuna non li sacrifichiamo come nei tempi passati, l'ansia depressiva ci fa volgere al passato e ci fa attaccare agli stili di vita abitudinari. L'ansia confusionaria ci impedisce di capire la situazione. Ma il compito è chiaro dobbiamo distanziarci, comunicare con la tecnologia, trasformarci negli ikikomori,che abbiamo tanto criticato,ma a tempo,non per sempre. L'astuzia umana e' l'arma più importante contro il virus,dobbiamo fare il contrario di quello che lui si aspetta da noi. Anche in questa situazione "Bisogna, adunque, essere golpe a conoscere e' lacci, e lione a sbigottire e' lupi. " Forza è arrivato il momento in cui: "Vertú contra furore   prenderà l'arme, et fia 'l combatter corto:  ché l'antiquo valore ne gli italici cor' non è anchor morto" Ce la faremo. Un forte abbraccio " virtuale"
Leonardo Montecchi
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niea999 · 4 years
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What ? Summer is over ? Oh well ! I can still revamp an old tee, right ? Want to see how if will turn will lights but no events no parties lately. Even with my birthday coming, certainly not celebrating since I don’t meet anyone 🤣 ikikomori life, or what ? . . . #teeshirt #tshirt #decalco #decalsticker #revamp #alter #refashion #remodel #reusereducerecycle #fashionista #fashionlover even if I don’t have the body for as I’ve been told 🤷‍♀️ #whitetee #whitetshirt #loveme? #softcream #customized #customize #customisation https://www.instagram.com/p/CFt6DvaJxk1/?igshid=hohzol2izkm2
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shishibaka · 4 years
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All I want in life is pizza and wi-fi. #makekimchinotwar We came in #peace for #pizza 、then we left. You better have pizza! #pie #alien #abduction #iwanttobelieve #エイリエン #ユーフォ #世界 #ピザ #美味しい #食べ物 #피자 #외계인 #미확인 #비행물체 #이탈리아 #picoftheday #inpizzawetrust #depression #balcony #suicide #emergency #isolation #ikigai #alone #ikikomori (at 亀岡駅) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFhzLCrKVf2/?igshid=nxe4ppbxzsol
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ye-va · 7 years
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Medusa from Fate fanart!
Ye_Va // Ikikomori
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duplexide · 7 years
Have you ever watched Ergo Proxy? I haven't finished it myself but it feels like something you'd be keen on :O
Although I’ve been planning to for a while I still haven’t. To be honest I have yet to even watch Ghost in the Shell or Cowboy Bebop all the way through either. I try and pace myself with anime I know I’ll enjoy since I have a bad habit of being too immersed in them while watching and then getting depressed afterwards. If I didn’t have better temperance I’d probably go full on hikikomori with it.  Though now that I’ve finally completed the accompanying Lain video game and read the elusive manga chapter, Ergo Proxy is probably next on my watch list. 
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egolombra · 7 years
Some important terms
> cocooning > hikikomori > omphaloskepsis or navel-gazing > selfie > autoethnography > nombrilism > egomania
Cocooning is staying inside one's home, insulated from perceived danger, instead of going out.The term was coined in 1981 by Faith Popcorn, a trend forecaster and marketing consultant. It is used in social science, marketing, parenting, economic forecasting, self-help, religion, and has become part of standard English as defined by multiple dictionaries. Hikikomori (Japanese: ひきこもり or 引き籠り, lit. "pulling inward, being confined", i.e., "acute social withdrawal") are reclusive adolescents or adults who withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement. Hikikomori refers to both the phenomenon in general and the recluses themselves. Hikikomori have been described as loners or "modern-day hermits". Omphaloskepsis or navel-gazing is contemplation of one's navel as an aid to meditation. The word comes from Greek omphalos (navel) + skepsis (act of looking, examination). Actual use of the practice as an aid to contemplation of basic principles of the cosmos and human nature is found in the practice of yoga of Hinduism and sometimes in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Some consider the navel to be "a powerful chakra of the body". However, phrases such as "contemplating one's navel" or "navel-gazing" are frequently used, usually in jocular fashion, to refer to self-absorbed pursuits.
A selfie (/sɛlfiː/) is a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a digital camera or camera phone held in the hand or supported by a selfie stick. Selfies are often shared on social networking services such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They are usually flattering and made to appear casual. "Selfie" typically refers to self-portrait photos taken with the camera held at arm's length or pointed at a mirror, as opposed to those taken by using a self-timer or remote. A selfie stick can be used to position the camera farther away from the subject, allowing the camera to see more around them. Autoethnography is a form of qualitative research in which an author uses self-reflection and writing to explore their personal experience and connect this autobiographical story to wider cultural, political, and social meanings and understandings. Autoethnography is a self-reflective form of writing used across various disciplines such as communication studies, performance studies, education, English literature, anthropology, social work, sociology, history, psychology, marketing, business and educational administration, arts education and phsyiotherapy. Nombrilism is a way of thinking egocentric . It is also a theory that refers to oneself or indirectly to oneself (for example, by focusing it on the social, cultural, ethnic, etc. environment to which one feels bound) by not remaining objective. Taken to the extreme, egocentric vision leads to the solipsism , as suggested by these quotes from the Treasury paradoxes Philippe Boulanger and Alain Cohen ( Belin Editions , 2007): Unus sum and multi in me ( "I am one, but many are in me, " Zeno of Elea ); "One is not alone in one's skin" ( Henri Michaux ); "I want to open the window to see me go through the street" ( Gérard Lenorman ). Egomania is also known as an obsessive preoccupation with one's self and applies to someone who follows their own ungoverned impulses and is possessed by delusions of personal greatness and feels a lack of appreciation. Someone suffering from this extreme egocentric focus is an egomaniac. The condition is psychologically abnormal. The term egomania is often used by laypersons in a pejorative fashion to describe an individual who is intolerably self-centred. The clinical condition that most resembles the popular conception of egomania is narcissistic personality disorder.
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ye-va · 7 years
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Kinda rushed but Dragonbound Myr and Star Cutting Time Dragonbound Myr, might do Illusionless Time Drgaonbound Myr sometime
Ye_Va // Ikikomori
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ye-va · 7 years
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Nurse Bride Morgana (...haha)
Says “Get well soon” in Korean
Ye_Va // Ikikomori
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