#if we don't know the answer garrett probably will
undergroundbillions · 8 months
If you're interested in the Raggedy Ann animated movie and want to learn more about its production, may I recommend the Animated Raggedy Ann and Andy by John Canemaker? It's available to read on the Internet Archive!
That version doesn't have the images, but you can find scans of them and MUCH more at Michael Sporn Animation, and we have a little more on the Raggedy Ann Wiki!
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Left: painting one of Andy's cells; Right: the Babette doll used in the movie
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Left: Mark Baker, Andy's voice actor; Right: Didi Conn, Ann's voice actor with Chrystal Russell, one of Ann's animators
(all images above are from Michael Sporn Animation)
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xoxo-sarah · 4 months
I Wanna Be Yours || Part 8
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Part 7 | part 9
↝a/n: I am sincerely apologetic for not updating this series in so long. I hope you still like it!
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Wheeler!reader
↝Warning: slightly proofread, cannon events
↝⎙ 2.16.24
Disclaimer: I do not own Robin Buckley, or any character from Stranger Things. I only own y/n (reader's character) and any characters I create with my own brain. If you have a problem with my work, send me a private message. Thank you.
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“Oh shit.” Nancy parked the car.
So many people stood around, gawking, standing on their tiptoes to look over other people's heads and shoulders. All to see what was going on. Whatever was happening, the news trucks and cameras didn't help with privacy. They were broadcasting everything to the whole town.
“C'mon, this way.” Nancy walked behind the white and orange van, watching as the new sheriff, Powell, talked into the cameras that were right in his face, “reporting a homicide here on the lake. Officer Callahan here and myself arrived first on the scene. We made our way to the shore of Lover's Lake, about ten yards from the house you see behind me. Uh, it was there that we found the victim, an 18-year-old senior from Hawkins High, Patrick McKinney.”
You scoffed as Powell went on to show a picture of Eddie, the 'person of interest'.
“Oh, man.” Steve sighed, “This is not good. Really not good.”
Powell walked away, the crowd following with even more questions.
“Dustin? Can you hear me?” Eddie's voice crackled from the radio. “Wheeler?”
Dustin yanked the radio from his backpack, turning around for some privacy.
“Eddie. Holy shit. Are you okay?”
“Nah, man.” You could hear his voice muffled, probably from running his hand down his face or something. “Pretty-pretty goddamn far from okay.”
“Where is he?” Robin spoke up.
“Where are you?” Dustin echoed.
“Skull Rock. Do you know it?”
“Uh, yeah.” Dustin answered, unsure.
“New Corn Wallis and-” You began, furrowing your eyebrows. You hadn't been there in forever.
“Garrett, yeah. I know where that is.” Steve finished for you, making his way back to the car.
“Hold tight. We're coming.”
You hadn't gotten off the radio since you got in the car. You had all but yanked it from Dustin's grip and began talking about any and everything with Eddie. Maybe you were trying to lighten the mood, Robin didn't really know. Your mood had taken a total change.
You were cracking jokes and replaying memories to the guy on the other side of the radio.
You eventually stopped, still smiling at the one memory of Eddie nearly falling on his face your first day of high school. He had been trying to impress his friend but miscalculated his steps and fell right as you had walked by. It was a funny first encounter.
It was quiet for a moment.
“I'm going to go to prison, aren't I?” Your smile fell. How were you to tell him that you didn't know? Sure, you were going to do all that you could not to let that happen. But you can only do so much.
“No. No, I don't think so.”
“Y/n,” Eddie's voice trailed off, not entirely believing you.
“No, you're not going to prison because you haven't done anything wrong. Everyone else thinks you did because they don't know any better. They don't know what's actually going on. Can't really blame them, right? It's easier to blame a kid than something nonhuman.”
Eddie waited a moment to reply, digging his palm into his eye socket. “I guess you're right.”
“Of course I'm right.”
Steve and Dustin continued to bicker from their pace in front of you.
Robin walked beside you, Nancy on her other side.
Glancing back at Max and Lucas, Robin scoffed. “Oh, my god. They're so adorable. I just wanna squeeze 'em, you know?”
You nodded, glancing back, yourself.
Nancy stayed looking forward, brown paper bag in hand.
“If I'm permitted to see a silver lining in the end-of-the-world doom and gloom, it would be the rekindling of some old flames that, frankly, never should've been snuffed out.”
At the glare Nancy sent, you couldn't help chuckling, just listening as the two went back and forth.
“I didn't mean that as a hint or anything.”
“Right.” Nancy rolled her eyes.
“But,” Robin continued, “If I did mean it as a hint, would that be so terrible? To wish for happiness for my friends?”
This time, Nancy stopped in her tracks, scoffing as she turned to Robin. “You think I'm not happy?”
Robin fumbled over her words, “I-I'm sure you are. It's just, the other day in the library, I mentioned Jonathan and you sort of flinched or winced or something like-”
“I didn't flinch or wince.”
“Jonathan and I are fine.”
“Got it.”
“We're good.”
“Guys.” They looked at you for the first time since they began talking. You pointed at Steve and Dustin, who were only getting further ahead. Nancy turned and began walking.
“It's just…” Nancy trailed off, going back to the Jonathan topic. “He was supposed to be there for the break, and then he backed out last minute for some vague, mumbly Jonathan reason. And, to be honest, I'm not that surprised because I've been feeling him pulling away lately. I don't know if it's because we're 2,000 miles away or if he's met someone new or what. Now I can't find out why because apparently, he's blown up his family's house phone or something.” She took a much-needed breath, before continuing. “So, yeah. If the mention of his name caused a slight muscle spasm on my face, that's probably why.”
“Seems like a perfectly reasonable reason to flinch, wince, or something.” Robin offered a small smile.
Nancy smiled back. “You said ‘the happiness of your friends’, so, does that make us friends? As in, officially?"
“Uh, yeah. I mean, right? Everyone here is my friend. Right, Y/n?”
“I guess.” Your nose playfully crinkled. Robin had always found that adorable. Especially when you were picking at her.
“Right.” Nancy looked between the two of you.
"Bada bing, bada boom. There she is, Henderson. Skull Rock. “In your face, man. In your stupid, cocky little face.” Steve bragged, taking in the beauty of the rock he was all too familiar with.
“Doesn't make sense.” Dustin mumbled, looking around, and at his compass.
“Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can't admit it. Just can't admit you're wrong, you little butthead.”
You walked around the bushes, further ahead of the other 4. You saw Dustin and Steve just as Eddie jumped down. “I concur. You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead.”
“Jesus. We thought you were a goner.” You couldn't help but smile as you watched Dustin hug Eddie, who probably smelt rank.
“Yeah, me too, man. Me too.”
You were right about Eddie smelling. He held you under his arm, all his appreciation for you being expressed in the bear hug. You just wished your nose didn't work at that moment.
“When I got back to shore, I tried calling you guys, but, uh,” Eddie took a swig out of the canteen with his other hand. “My walkie was busted, man. Drenched. So, I did the thing that I do now, apparently. I ran.” He chuckled, no humor behind it at all.
“Do you know what time it was? The attack?” Nancy questioned.
“Yeah, no- I know exactly what time it was. My walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked.” He threw his watch in her direction.
“Same time our flashlights went kablooey.”
You looked at Robin confused. She mouthed 'I'll tell you later', you had yet to be let in on all that had happened when you were at the funeral. You just felt like they weren't letting you in on everything on purpose, not because they just forget.
“Which means what, exactly?” Steve asked.”
Apparently, you weren't the only one who was confused about all of this.
“That surge of energy was Vanca attacking Patrick.” Nancy threw the watch back.
“Well,” Robin tried, “We're one step closer. We know how Vecna attacks.”
“And where he attacks from.” Lucas adds.
“So, now we just need to sneak into his lair in the Upside Down and drive a stake through his heart.” Max states.
Robin scoffed, “If he even has a heart.” She glanced at you, thinking of how you and Max are currently on edge, scared if you'll even get the next second to live. The rest of the group were worried about Max, with her coming out and telling everyone everything that had happened. She saw you, saw how you didn't want to worry anyone. That's how you have always been.
“A stake? Is he a vam- is he a vampire?!” Steve looked around.
“It was a metaphor.”
“A bullet should work on him, right?” Eddie offered.
Lucas shrugged, “I say we chop his head off.”
“Colorful ideas.” You gawked at them. These are children ready to murder whatever is making your lives a living hell.
Nancy nodded at you, “I'd say all of the above, but we can't do any of that 'til we find a way into the Upside Down.”
“We need El to get her powers back.”
“Everything was way easier.” Steve turned to Eddie, “We had this girl. She had super-.”
“Superpowers. Yeah, you've mentioned her.”
You lost it, “Let's stop talking about El, alright? She's over 2,000 miles away with Mike and Will. They're having fun, and they can't help us here. So, just stop talking about her and her powers that made things so much easier.”
Everyone shut up, letting you breathe.
Eddie spoke up after a moment, “Hey, uh, Henderson's not cursed, is he?”
Dustin, who hadn't said a word since you had made it to the rock, was pacing, but stopped short and stared into the woods.
“Cursed? No, no. He's fine. Mental? Absolutely.”
“Boom!” Dustin's outburst had everyone jump out of their skin. “Bada, bada, boom.”
Steve was utterly confused, a little concerned about his friend.
“I was right.”
Steve's eyebrows dropped, a sigh rolling out of his mouth as he rolled his eyes. “Skull Rock was north.”
“Seriously? You're serious?” Steve couldn't understand why this kid couldn't just be wrong.
“This is Skull Rock! Okay?!”
“Mhm.” Dustin was as calm as can be, while Steve was beginning to get agitated.
“You're totally, absolutely, 100% wrong. Right now.”
“And no.”
“Oh, my god.” Steve put his hands over his face, dragging down.
“This compass worked correctly when we left the Wheeler's. It was correct when we got in the car on Kerley. But it started to slip the further east we went. Now, it's way off. When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong. The compass was.”
Steve threw his hands up. “So, you're using faulty equipment. You're still wrong.”
“Except it isn't faulty. Lucas, do you remember what can affect a compass?”
“An electromagnetic field.”
“I'm sorry. I must've skipped that class.” Robin shook her head.
“In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power. So, either there's some super big magnet around here or-”
“There's a gate.”
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
• My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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thewholecrew · 7 months
@headstrongblake said: [ 📞 ] ‘ i need your help. ’ / nick & rev
things had definitely been strange the past couple weeks, with half the gang gone, with seeing very little of kassy and alec, rev spent most their time out in the forest because why not? who did they have to be human around aside from sparring with bellamy. that man had a lot of pent up anger, rev almost thought he had more than them. but rev supposed they couldn't blame him, he essentially lost his biggest partners in the gang and his baby sister. rev would be furious in his shoes too. they still couldn't wrap their head around what happened and was pissed they'd missed out on the chance to rip out garretts jugular with their damn teeth after what he had done to nick.
hm, maybe they had a lot more anger in them too. but fighting only did so much. they couldn't kill bellamy, so they lost interest and instead spent most their time in their wolf form in the forest. they'd be visited by hunter every so often, in his human form of course, and this time when he greeted the large wolf he raised his phone with a light shake. "someone has been trying to reach you, ryan..." he murmured as rev snorted and slowly drew closer. ears perked at that and sat down beside where hunter stood. "nick," he told them, "said he's been calling your cell, him and octavia are back in town."
that peaked rev's interest, sharp aqua eyes going wide as they padded over to the basket they kept their belongings in. hunter turned away as rev shifted back, dressing themself and snatching their phone. 6 missed calls from nick. "sheesh, the dude goes mia for weeks then gets pissy when i don't answer him out of the blue?" rev muttered as they walked over to join hunter on the trail back to their home. "you said they're back?" they asked hunter, wondering what that will mean. bellamy will be glad his sister is back, though from what he'd been cursing while they fought nick was probably in his bad books. hunter shrugged with a nod, "that's all he said, and that he wanted to talk to you."
brows furrowed as arms crossed over their chest, "oh good," they scoffed before looking down at their phone again. with a sigh they called nick back and blinked in surprise as he answered immediately. "jesus gramps, you waiting with the phone to your ear?" they huffed before nick spoke. rev, i need your help. rev frowned at that, "tch, oh yeah? with what? hunt here told me you guys are back in town..." they murmured, glancing at their brother before ahead as their home came into view. they listened as nick explained that octavia was back to stay but nick.. wasn't done trying to find and bring grant back.
"you know how fuckin' nuts you sound right?" they rolled their eyes but the decision had already been made. they'd help him. they saw the state the idiot was in when he left and he doubted he stood a chance. plus, this might be his chance to tear into garrett. "fine, where are we meeting? you got anyone you wanna see before we take off?" they asked, very heavily hinting at kassy. the silence to that question was loud and rev rolled their eyes. "i'll meet you at the diner on front street at six, you need me to bring anything?" they asked, though rev assumed with nick knowing their secret that bringing themself was enough. "get there early and order us somethin' for the road."
hanging up, they looked over at hunter who, though to the untrained eye, would just simply look unimpressed, rev could see the concern in those deep sapphire eyes. "i'll be fine, hunt," they said, giving hunter a punch to the shoulder. "gotta make sure that idiot doesn't get himself killed or fuckin' tortured again..." hunter nodded at that, lips pressing firmly together as a quiet sigh escaped him. "be careful, ryan," he warned them and rev rolled their eyes once again, arm going around their brother's shoulder. "always am, you know that." hunter wasn't quite convinced but he nodded. "okay, keep him safe," he then added but they both knew that was the priority over everything.
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onyxbird · 9 months
Iterative Solution
Summary: Some time after the end of Season 1, Fitz finds his dreams replaying his and Simmons' capture by Ward over and over. He has a chance to change the outcome if he can just bring himself to take it—Ward's offering him a chance to change the outcome—but none of the options sit right with Fitz. There has to be a better way. (Also on AO3.)
"If you want to change things, someone needs to die."
Ward's tone was oddly gentle. His hand was warm where it gently pressed Ward's own pistol—the real one, not a Night-Night gun—into Fitz's hand, barrel pointed at Ward's chest.
Fitz jolted awake.
The next night, the same dream.
"Why?" said Fitz, voice cracking. "Why can't you just let us go?"
Fitz couldn't drag his eyes away from Ward's. "If they realize I let you go, they'll interrogate me to try to figure out your next move. I know too much about the team. It'll be better for both of us if they think you just got lucky and got the drop on me. Once you pull the trigger, take Simmons and run like hell—don't look back for anything, you understand?"
Fitz's hand shook. He couldn't.
History repeated, as he had the nagging feeling it had done time and time again. Staring at Ward through the window of the medical pod, chest heaving, Simmons panicking behind him, Fitz felt paralyzed. He knew what came next.
He would still give Simmons the oxygen. He had to. But the thought of drowning again…
Another brief respite with no other Hydra agents, just him and Ward. Surely, surely, there was another way out of this.
“Can you make it float?” Ward asked urgently. His fingertips brushed the glass with a barely perceptible tremble, as if the right—or wrong—touch could either fix everything or shatter it into pieces.
“The pod. Is there anything you can do to make it float when it hits the water?”
Fitz shook his head helplessly and tried to tamp down the panic climbing up his esophagus. When. His brain was too full of static to think about anything, and he was pretty sure the answer was no, anyway. He and Simmons had wracked their brains when they sank, and Fitz had worried at the question obsessively as he recovered. There were ways to make future pods float, and there were ways this one probably could have been modified—from the outside and with tools and time. But when they were already locked in, in those few desperate moments of shelter before Ward dropped them? No.
Ward glanced warily over his shoulder for Hydra agents. His hand crept reluctantly towards the release button.
“Wait!” said Fitz, desperately. “Don't—! What if you don't drop us? You know what's going to happen; you know it's going to sink.”
Ward's eyes squeezed shut. “I know. I've tried that. If you stay on the plane—Garrett's just going to call someone with a blowtorch to cut it open when we land. You—You don't want that to happen. I promise, it's worse.”
Ward's head came up a fraction of a second before Fitz registered the sound he was reacting to: Three more Hydra agents coming around the corner.
Then there was nothing but the lurch of his stomach as the ground dropped out from beneath him.
He awoke in the dark with his stomach roiling, thankful not to have to relive those moments underwater.
It was early, a little past 5 am. He got up anyway, hoping a couple hours of puttering in the lab alone would help to drive the nightmare out of his head.
If only he could shake the comment that kept reverberating through his head: “I've tried that.”
Fitz was disappointed but not surprised to find himself back again the next night, Ward again pressing the gun on him and urging him to flee.
“How many times have you done this?”
Ward rocked back on his heels, eyes widening slightly. He didn't answer.
“You said you tried not dropping the pod.” Fitz kept his voice low, but he couldn't stop the torrent. “You've been repeating this longer than I have, haven't you? How many times? Do you know why? What have you tried? Have—”
“Fitz, if we keep talking, you're going to end up on the plane and going into the ocean. We don't have time.”
Fitz swallowed. “But it's going to loop, right? We're going to be back here again.”
“…I think so.”
“How many times?”
“I'm not sure. A lot. You've been…” Ward gestured vaguely to Simmons. “…like her up until the last few.”
Fitz glanced back as well. It was obvious what Ward meant. Simmons was there, of course, just as she had been the first time, but she was just going through the motions, like a recording, with no recognition of the fact that this wasn't happening for the first time. She displayed no comprehension, or even awareness, of Fitz and Ward's “off-script” discussion.
Fitz could hear footsteps approaching. They were out of time to talk—about to be pulled into another inexorable loop of being trapped on the Bus.
“You said to take her and run—would she go?” hissed Fitz.
Ward shrugged helplessly, a sharp contrast to the gun he was already raising towards the scientists. “I think so. When I changed stuff before, people—”
A Hydra agent appeared around the corner, eyes narrowing. Not the one whose footsteps Fitz had heard. He shouted for the others without taking his eyes off Ward, or his hand off his sidearm.
Ward had been right. Staying on the Bus was not a good option, and neither was Ward being suspected of helping them.
“Are you sure I have to shoot you?” Fitz's thumb wavered over the safety. “I get why we need to not end up on the Bus in the first place, but—”
“It's a distraction; it gives them a reason to be wary of you, and it keeps them from trying to get information out of me to figure out where you might go.” Ward's hand wrapped gently over the top of the barrel, aiming it and steadying it against Fitz's trembling. “It's OK. None of this is your fault.”
Fitz got the impression Ward had planned this option long before Fitz “woke up” to be convinced.
“Your hand is going to get burned.”
“If you aim where I'm telling you, it won't matter. If you miss, I'll have bigger problems.”
Fitz wished he didn't understand how true that was. Ward's crooked smile only made it worse.
“If you want to save Simmons, you need to go now.”
The race away from the scene was like a dream—more specifically, a nightmare. Dragging Simmons by the hand, shouts and gunshots ringing out behind them, heart hammering, panting for air like his chest was trapped in a vice, forcing burning legs to move while waiting for an inevitable bullet to bury itself between his shoulder blades.
All he could hear was the echos of the gunshot, the jerk of the gun in his hands, Ward collapsing like a broken puppet as the blood began to spread.
He lurched over the side of his bed, barely managing to grab his wastebasket before vomiting up everything in his stomach.
He didn't want to go to sleep.
The team thought he had a stomach bug. He'd spent most of the day curled up in a cocoon of blankets, rebuffing offers of company with a wan smile and trying to distract himself with books and movies and research articles.
He'd worried that Simmons would see through his excuses and demand he come clean, but she seemed distracted herself. She'd fussed over him with anti-nausea meds, lots of fluids, and bland snacks to settle his stomach, but otherwise accepted his insistence that he just wanted to rest.
Ward—dream Ward, who was surely just a figment of Fitz's imagination and trauma dreams—had been sure this was the solution. He and Jemma had gotten away clean before the dream faded, their real-life captor left dead behind them by Fitz's own hand. By the standards of all the Hollywood “Groundhog Day” loops, this should be over. It was a logical progression of the loop to a nice, tidy resolution. Justice served. Catharsis achieved. Or should have been achieved? Fitz couldn't really say he was feeling the release.
Fitz wished he was convinced.
The clock ticked towards midnight. Exhaustion dragged his eyelids down, and if he got up to try to stay awake, someone would notice and become more concerned.
They were back.
Ward looked as distraught as Fitz felt. “You didn't make it?”
“Oh, god, it really is a loop.”
They both whipped around to look at Simmons.
“It is a loop, isn't it?” she said, wide-eyed. “I had this dream last night, and you were talking like you had a plan. You shot him and we got away.”
“If it worked why are you back?”
“I don't know.”
Ward swiped a hand over his face, looking utterly exhausted. “Well,” he said, in a defeated tone, “at least we know this version works.” He unholstered his pistol, flipping it around to offer to Fitz and Simmons grip-first, as he had countless times before.
Fitz stared at it. He knew it was the only sure way to save himself and Simmons. He also knew he couldn't stomach shooting Ward again.
“Come with us,” he blurted.
“Come with us. We'll be safer with you, and they can't interrogate you if you're not there.”
“You can't—”
“Just come! There's no time!”
“We'll sort it out later,” said Simmons. Her arms wrapped nervously around her stomach, not fully ready to trust Ward. “They're coming, aren't they? There's no time. Let's go, and we'll sort it out later.”
Fitz grabbed her hand and squeezed it in gratitude for the backup. He turned, pulling Simmons with him with one hand and reaching for Ward's sleeve with the other. “Come on. If you want to save us, you have to do it now.”
It was the first morning in more than a week that Fitz had woken up gently. Their escape had been a closer one than in Ward's plan—he'd had to drop back several times to pick off pursuing Hydra agents—but in the end they'd made it. With Ward.
They hadn't had time to really sort anything out, as Simmons had put it, but it had worked. That was the important part. If they had to keep doing this, Fitz could live with that.
When Fitz cautiously ventured out to find breakfast, Simmons had just beaten him to the kitchen. One glance at her face confirmed that it hadn't been an ordinary dream.
“Feeling better?” said Coulson, cheerfully, from behind him.
Fitz started. “Er, yeah. Feeling a lot better, actually.” He exchanged a glance with Simmons. “…But there's something I think we might need to talk to you about, sir.”
Coulson raised an eyebrow. “OK?”
Simmons broke in before Fitz could speak. “We need to talk to Ward.”
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pastafossa · 1 year
i’m curious and idk if you’ve answered something like this before but what type of music do you think matt and jane like, both individually or maybe what they’re introduced each other too etc etc
ok so I've been thinking about this since it came in but haven't had time until now BUT
Matt first! Matt mentions in S2 at the gala that he likes to listen to 90s Top 40. This includes a shit ton of good stuff - you've got everyone from Whitney Houston and Elton John to Nirvana and Green Day (no way teenage Matt didn't have a Green Day period). On top of that, in the comics iirc he mentions enjoying Jazz, and I know Charlie's been asked the same question and said he imagined Matt would like listening to classical (if I was building on that last one along with Matt's stated fondness for 90s top 40, I'd say he'd especially enjoy, say, an artist like David Garrett who frequently does rock covers with his violin). I could pick just one of those to lean into as to what Matt likes, but I don't think I need to. I think it's far more likely that Matt's a blend of musical tastes, because with his heightened senses, there'd be different things to appreciate with each. And while I do think there are songs and sounds he finds unpleasant, I think he can swing around pretty easily between genres. I see him listening to a fair amount of 90s/2000s rock (tends to drown the world out, and the rebellious streak in him probably takes some pleasure in enjoying what he might have been told was 'worldly listening' by nuns). But I also see him as enjoying a fair amount of softer classical songs or pop and folk (easier on his ears, or nice for dates as we know), as well as jazz (relaxing). This is great for Jane, because it means Matt would have an excellent talent for pulling out old hits she only vaguely remembers listening to but really enjoyed, and also for following her on whatever musical journey she takes - he'd also be a little more up to date on music than her, so he'd probably introduce her to some new(ish) alt artists, softer sounds usually - Jaymes Young, some of Hozier's newer stuff, songs he thinks she'll connect to.
Sweet moment: somewhere lost in the mountain of asks in my box I vaguely remember someone saying they could see Matt liking to play Jane love songs to see if he could get her to sing them later, like she was singing to him. And I love this and agree with it. Especially on bad and broken, self-loathing days, cause he needs love on those days, wants to hear Jane hum or quietly sing the words, because then it's like she's singing all that love to him. And once she figures out that's what he's doing, she makes a point of doing it more often, even putting on the songs herself and mumbling them quietly as he lays with his head on her chest, her fingers in his hair.
Jane next. I had to think about this for a while (and as always, as musical preferences are VERY personal, ya'll are free to disregard this). I can tell you that while she's ok with classical now and can even enjoy it sometimes (first date), she had to work at that one with Ciro since there was a lot of classical played 'for brain development' while she was at White Coat's facility. Outside that though, she wasn't sure what she liked when she first came out. She tried a lot of things with Ciro and Eli and Sophia, much like she did with food, hunting for what she enjoyed. I think, at least initially, a lot of the music she heard - classical, pop, jazz, country, ballads, Disney even - was too... gentle. Cause this poor kid? She was angry. She felt awkward, out of place. She still felt trapped by nightmares and PTSD, and wanted to feel free, to shout, to revel in something that wasn't slow and measured and soft, something that seemed to acknowledge the pain of what she'd went through. But you know what channeled those feelings really well? Fucking punk rock. And if we assume she's close to Matt's age, then at 16 she was freed at the right time to roll right into Green Day, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance. I think she vibed hard with that genre during those few years with Ciro before going on the run again, and it's something she'll always have a fondness for even if she's now expanded her tastes - because ultimately I think, with where she's at now, she's become a bit of a racoon. She'd delight in listening to artists across multiple genres based solely on some random quirk or line or chorus that stuck in her head, just because she can. Which means Matt's just as likely to come home to Jane howling along to a nostalgic punk rock song as he is to her blasting some random Broadway tune she heard in a cab (no one is immune to Lin Manuel) or a Taylor Swift song on loop because this sounds like us, Matt, what the fuck, have you heard this?
Funny moment: needless to say she is not prepared for Dance Dance to be her song of the evening as Matt walks through the door one night - she freezes, wondering if this is going to be an Ow My Ears song.
At least until he throws out, 'I'm two quarters and a heart down' and tosses his cane as her eyes light up and he grins-
-then the chorus hits and they both fucking rock.
They both wind up collapsed on the floor giggling. And that's when she is reminded that, yet again, Matt is the perfect man to go with her wherever her music journey takes her.
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celestialvexation · 8 months
Yeah, I figured Mike was more mid/early twenties…it just feels like it makes sense for the situation, like it doesn't sound like he had a life and his feet under him then was SUDDENLY thrown by having to take on Abby. I know Josh Hutcherson is 31, but 30 still seems a bit old. But then 20 seems very young - honestly have no idea where the film is set, Wiki's claiming Utah now, but if it was Minnesota he wouldn't be able to drink 😭 Maybe that's part of his problems.
It does make a difference though...the security footage shot from the career counsellor waiting room has a date on, and says it's the year 2000. Mike says Garrett got taken when he was 'about 12' (wild that he doesn't sound totally sure, but okay) - that would mean it was 1992 if he was 20. Presumably after kids went missing from Freddy's...although they never SPECIFICALLY say when that happened just that Freddy's was popular in the 80s. When the kids went missing or Freddy's shut down isn't actually dated - but you'd assume it was around then. If Mike's 30, then Garrett was taken around 1982 - earlier than whenever Freddy's shut down. So it kind of has a big impact on whether Garrett was an earlier victim of William are a later one...but they haven't gone into too much detail about that anyway, so I assume if they make anything canon in later films it might go along with explaining more of the backstory anyway.
I hope you don't mind me sending you all these random thoughts, btw, I just want to talk about the film and don't know if I'm ready for my blog to become a FNAF blog, even temporarily. I should probably just make a new sideblog to be fair.
asfksdlak i mean, this is fnaf we're talking about where we just have so few set points in time ( like a definite answer to the year like with paychecks and all ) to go off of. we can safely say that from garrett's murder to the missing children, it's around the 80s-90s. kinda lines up with the murders from the games where they happened in '87 lmao
and no, i certainly don't mind! :D i'd love for y'all to come into my inbox -- even if i don't have much to say, i'm certainly interested in what y'all's thoughts are
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bluerose5 · 1 year
The Nightmare Part 4 (END)
Last part! Will probably post the full piece on AO3 later.
Previous parts will be linked in the reblogs. 💙
Anders settles into a chair while he watches Garrett make his way around the room, gathering ingredients here and there.
Neither of them speaks at first.
Exhausted, Anders drops his head into his hands. He tries to comprehend everything that happened, struggling most to come to terms with one important fact.
Garrett used blood magic.
Garrett used blood magic on him.
As if he said it aloud, Garrett rushes to assure him, "No demons were involved." When Anders glances up, Garrett nervously meets his eyes. "I can practically hear you thinking from over here. I swear to you both, I didn't consort with any demons."
Anders believes him, but that still begs the question.
"How long have you been doing this?" Anders waves vaguely in his direction, as if that explains it at all. "The blood magic, I mean."
"Not long," Garrett sighs. Working his way through the kitchen, he quickly whips up a mixture of lavender and elfroot. "Ever since we encountered Corypheus."
Anders raises a brow at him.
"So, what? You used a little blood to free him from his prison in order to defeat him, and that was the tipping point for you?"
Garrett huffs at him and shakes his head.
With mortar and pestle in hand, he adds some extra ingredients, grinding them down into little more than dust.
"I knew you wouldn't understand."
"Then help me understand!" When Garrett refuses to look at him, Anders sighs, then lowers his voice. "Garrett, please."
After a moment, he answers.
"No, the 'tipping point' wasn't when I freed Corypheus. It was when I learned that my father used blood magic when it was convenient to him," Garrett explains, "but he knowingly spent my entire youth outright discouraging my fascination with any practical form of the art."
"What do you mean by that?" Anders asks.
Garrett takes a second to finish preparing the incense, silent, contemplative.
"You know that I descend from one of the Alamarri tribes." Anders nods, and Garrett continues. "My father taught us their ways, growing up. A lot of their stories, history, and knowledge are passed on by word of mouth, but some things are recorded in writing. Magic, being one of them."
Anders can see where this is going.
"Even before I came into my magic, I read through the writings that were passed on to Father. I was fascinated. A lot of the spells that harnessed the power of blood were useful, everyday tools that they used. Magic to help crops grow, to form protective wards, to soothe the mind…"
"Like the spell you used on me," Anders whispers.
Garrett rushes to assure him, "Know that I would never have risked your safety on a whim. I wouldn't have cast the spell, were I not confident in my ability to use it." His shoulders slump, head pounding. "I'm familiar with the spell. I've had to use it a few times on myself, since things have gotten… tense in the city lately."
Anders doesn't know if he feels better or worse, knowing that.
He watches as Garrett lights the incense aflame, guiding the fire into being before calming it down to a slow, smoldering burn.
Before long, the room is filled with its thick aroma.
Lavender and elfroot mingle in the air.
Tension seeps from his muscles.
Taking a deep breath, Anders lets the mixture do its job.
"Does anyone else know?" he mumbles.
"Merrill, I think," Garrett says. "Varric knows, even though he would rather act like he doesn't. Isabela’s too much of a snoop not to know. Sebastian hasn't called me a maleficar yet, but it's only a matter of time, I guess. Same with Aveline. I'm certain Fenris has an idea, but it's just one of those things we don't bring up."
He shrugs, carefully keeping his distance, even as his heart aches to do otherwise.
Anders purses his lips as he considers that, but Justice is quick to remind him of another who once challenged their perspective on blood magic. A certain Commander of theirs who wielded it, not by working with demons, but by using Avernus' research to harness the taint in their blood to strike down evil.
Still, it hurts, knowing that Garrett didn't bring this up before now.
But he can hardly turn him away. Not now, not after all they have been through together.
"Come here," Anders beckons, and that's all that Garrett needs to hear before he launches himself across the room and into his waiting arms. Both of them cling to each other, their arms a safe haven in their chaotic, little world. "Love, why didn't you tell me?"
Garrett snorts, his laugh bordering on hysterical.
Unshed tears prick at the corners of his eyes.
"Is it so surprising that I kept it secret with how you treat Merrill?" he asks. Which, even Anders has to admit, is a fair point. He winces, but listens regardless. "I just— I don't know. I didn't want you to look at me any differently because of this."
His voice softens, small and uncertain.
"I wanted you to feel safe with me."
Ironic, considering that Anders still fully believes that —even with the blood magic taken into consideration— he still poses a greater threat to their combined safety than Garrett does.
That's a conversation for another day, though.
Right now, Garrett is his first priority.
He pulls away to cup Garrett’s cheeks, brushing dark curls behind pointed ears.
"You always make me feel safe," he whispers, pecking him sweetly on the lips. "Protected. But I need you to promise me you'll be safe. I need you to be careful, now more than ever."
"You know I will be."
"Promise me then."
Garrett furrows his brow, caught off guard by the intensity with which he spoke.
He searches amber eyes for answers, only to find a frantic sort of desperation where usually there was none.
"I promise," he tells him. "I don't use those spells regularly anyways. I won't risk weakening my connection to the Fade, but Anders?"
He cocks his head to the side, lips pursed.
"Did something happen to make you panic earlier, or did it happen randomly?"
Anders' mouth turns bone dry.
His heart threatens to kick into action again, but Anders focuses on his breathing, allowing the fragrant smoke around the room to draw his mind into a calming haze.
"I—" He swallows past the lump in his throat. The words are forced out, bit by bit. "I had a dream —a nightmare." His next breath shudders through his chest. "That you were made Tranquil."
Understanding hits Garrett like a punch to the gut, leaving him breathless, winded.
"Oh." At a loss for what to say, Garrett eventually manages. "I'm sorry. That you had to go through that alone, I mean."
Anders sighs. "It's not your fault."
"Even then…" Trailing off, he leans his forehead against Anders', staring deep into his eyes. "How about this?" He steals a brief, albeit passionate kiss, one that leaves them both breathless in the aftermath. "I promise— I swear to you, before any and all gods that will listen, that I won't be made Tranquil. No matter what, you will never have to go through that pain and heartache again."
Anders shakes his head in immediate protest.
"You can't promise me that." Even if it is such a bittersweet hope to embrace.
That doesn't change the reality that all mages are at risk, so long as the Templars and the Chantry have their way.
"Well, I just did promise exactly that," Garrett counters, "and I meant every word of it. Not even the Maker himself could make me break an oath to you." His touch gentles. His voice flows like a warm breeze. "Okay?"
Foolish as he is, Anders allows himself to believe him.
Eventually, he nods and whispers, "Okay."
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intheorangebedroom · 1 year
Hi honey! I don't know if you ever answered or shared why was Benny the one you chose from all the boys? (apart from you tom, fuck you tom)
Hey lovely! I am ridiculously happy about this ask, thank you SO MUCH for sending it in 🧡
So the writer's answer would be, I chose Benny because he serves a double purpose. When the movie opens, he's obviously Frankie's closest friend. Pope and he have probably been very close in the past, but now Pope is away most of the time, and you can feel there's a special bond between Benny and Catfish (see this fond, very big-brotherly smile Frankie is giving him here that Nicole so perfectly captured).
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Plus, Benny is fun, generous, loving, easy, and Gabrielle is so closed off and still healing from her depression, it made sense to me that she might fall for this larger than life sweet extrovert personality.
Now the me answer is... Benny's H O T.
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I have a thing for Garrett Hedlund (even though I'm under the impression that the man himself might be a mess, but that's another debate). Will is my second favourite character after Frankie but Charlie Hunnam, although a very handsome man, does nothing for me (I don't know what's wrong with me). Besides he's too close to Frankie in temperament. I also have a thing for Oscar Isaac, but then I have a bigger thing for Adria Arjona, so I was never going to write her off, and I don't see Gabrielle being into a man like Pope.
We all know my views on stfu Tom. I'm giving him a well-suited role in the next chapter... 😈
Thank you again for asking and for reading, Nonnie 🧡🧡🧡 I hope I answered your question!
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serenpedac · 1 year
Hi Seren!!
I come with questions!! For the emoji fanfic writer meme, perhaps you might like to answer these:
🤡 ✨ 💋 ❌
Thank you 😊
Cat *hugs* Thank you for asking <333
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
I think you know the answer, haha, but LOVE THEM! That delicious build of tension leading up to it and how it's something intimate and new, unfamiliar that is being explored between the characters. (Gimme all the kiss fic tbh ^^)
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Many, probably, but what comes to mind first is love triangle. I do read them sometimes, because they can explore some interesting things, it depends on how they are written, but just thinking about writing them makes me want to yell at the, eh, central character (? is there a word for them?) and sometimes the other two as well. 
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Okay, attempt number two! Although I often still struggle with them, my descriptions have improved quite a bit over the past years. Reading the amazing fic out there in the TWC fandom has definitely helped with that.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Putting this below a cut because I couldn’t decide and ended up with two snippets from old DA pieces.
“Guys, come on. This isn't funny. I always help you get out of your situations, you owe me.”
“He has a point there,” Fenris said. They seemed to consider what Garrett had just said. He waited, half in fear of what they would say next, half curious because things couldn't get any worse than his mother trying to set him up with someone he didn’t even knew anyway.
Isabela tapped her lips with a slender finger. “Hmm, let me see. I could ask some friends from the Blooming Rose to accompany you home, would that help?”
“No, we need something lasting. Maybe a few rumours that mention you have some contagious disease,” Varric said.
“I... I vote against that.”
“You could take me along to those parties you mentioned. I've been told I'm fun at those.” Fenris's tone was as dry as ever and Garrett chuckled at the thought of having his friend scowl at a room full of noblewomen.
“That's a terrible idea, really. You don't know how lonely and repressed those poor girls are. Having a mysteriously handsome elf accompanying Hawke—well, you can see where this is going.”
Rhiann opened her mouth to answer when a shriek pierced the sky. She cowered, covering her ears with her hands, eyes scanning the area for the source of the noise. Ahead, a piece of the ruins that had seemed to be a statue from this distance leapt into the air. Thank the Maker, it jumped away from them, into whatever lay behind those walls, and quiet settled around them once more.
Varric was the one to break the silence, muttering, “Please tell me your favour doesn’t involve--” He cast her a look, which she carefully avoided. “Shit, Rhiann!”
“I mean, I’m not sure.” Wrong thing to say, she realised when not only Varric, but Solas too scowled at her. “Dagna asked, wait, let me get her note.” She scrambled through one of the pouches on her belt until she found the scrap of paper that had arrived by raven some days ago. “Here. She wrote: ‘I just need to study a live varterral, first. A small one would do.’ Do you think that, ehm, that thing is a varterral?”
Solas sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. “It is.”
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riccismy-life · 1 year
Laurel Gates x Daughter! Fem! Reader
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Laurel Gates is your mother, you attend Nevermore as a student and she as a botany teacher. Together with Tyler, you help her defeat the exiles, but after spending time with Merlina and Enid and realizing that they are not bad, you decide to rebel against your mother.
TW: Toxic mother-daughter relationship, emotional manipulation, slapping, angst
N/A: I'm craying because for my mommy issues
You had lived since you were a child far from your roots, your mother had raised you in a small town in Wales far from Jericho. Laurel as a mother had been a complicated woman, she had strict rules that you had to abide by, she had a different way of upbringing than the rest.
Since childhood Laurel had taught you about the history of your family, the Gates family, about your ancestor Joseph Crackstone, she taught you to hate the excluded for who they were and for what they did to your family.
But, now sixteen years after your birth, your mother decided that she would start her revenge against the excluded and together they traveled to Jericó, she applied for a job as a professor of Botanical Sciences at Nunca Más and also managed to get you admitted as a normal student. excluded.
You did not agree with mixing with the excluded, but you had no one but your mother, you had no idea who your father was, your mother had never told you and when you asked her it always ended in a nasty argument and you with some tears locked in your room.
You were currently at your mother's childhood home in Jericho, Laurel had posed as a caretaker at the Gates mansion and you knew for a fact that she had probably somehow murdered the owner.
Your mother was in front of you, she had some letters and papers on the table.
You were silent, you just looked at the redhead with your big blue eyes "Mom..." you called her and she looked at you, this time she wasn't wearing the glasses she had been wearing since they got here, outside the house her name was Marilyn Thornhill, but inside the house she was still the manipulative and authoritarian Laurel Gates, 'mother'.
"Yes, honey?" She replied in her usual loving tone.
You sighed "...Why do we have to go to Nevermore? I don't want to go with them..." you said cautiously.
Your mother frowned and massaged her fingers into her head, "Y/N, we already talked about this. It's important for revenge, don't you want to see them suffer and pay for what they did to your Uncle Garrett? For what they did to him?" did they do to your mother?.. to this family?" he spoke touching your cheek with his hand gently
"Yes, mom... but I don't understand why we have to mix with them... haven't you taught me to hate them and that we shouldn't be with them?" you said saying the word 'they' as if it were an insult.
"I know, honey... but if we want to destroy the excluded we must think like them, we must have their trust and then attack... do you understand?" She asked, smiling.
"But mother..." you wanted to reply but she grabbed your chin tightly forcing you to look into her eyes.
"Mommy asked if you understood, little one.. And when mommy asks a question, what do you have to do, honey?" She asked digging her nails into your chin and you hissed painfully.
"A-answer..." you replied blinking back the tears that were threatening to come out.
"So what do you have to say, honey?"
"I understood.. you know better.. mommy" you answered obediently.
"Good girl" she released you and kissed your forehead "mom is proud of you.. she goes to prepare your things, tomorrow we will settle in Nevermore; the director Larissa Weems is waiting for us" she spoke and you nodded.
"Yes, mother" you answered and did as she told you.
In a few days you were unpacking your things in the Ophelia Hall room, your mother had asked that you be installed together with Merlina Addams, you hated to see her with all your heart. But on your mother's orders you had put on an extremely sugary smile every time you saw her.
You liked Enid better, she wasn't entirely an outsider, but she was still an outcast you didn't want to associate with. For your part it was embarrassing that the whole class knew that you were the daughter of the new and normie teacher, but you didn't care about the mockery of some excluded and the bad looks from the teachers.
Your mother had detonated the Hyde of the boy from the Weathervane, poor Tyler, you didn't like the poor boy at all, but he had been too manipulated by hatred and a thirst for revenge.
After a few weeks, you hated to admit it, but you had grown fond of some outsiders, you started to like them and not seem as bad as your mother had said; Of course Laurel didn't know about your growing truce with the excluded, you didn't want her to know. At the same time, after having to meet so many times with the brown Tyler, you became friends with the boy and they shared afternoons making fun of your mother as if it were the funniest game in the world, although for Tyler it was painful to break his Mistress's rules, He didn't care and you didn't mind making the redhead mad either.
Everything exploded when your mother had your almost "friend" Merlina expelled and sent home, she had sent Tyler to intercept her but you decided to accompany her to talk to Euguine, against your mother and everything she had taught you, you answered Merlina and Euguine, who noticed the red boots, that your mother was behind everything.
"I always saw something strange about your mother" Wednesday said with her eyes slightly wide.
"Yeah... my mother is Laurel Gates, you know?" you said feeling a knot in your stomach.
"Oh shit, you're the daughter of the psycho" she sneered.
"Shut up, Wednesday." You grumbled and rolled your eyes "we should tell Weems, maybe if she turns into Tyler and sees who my mother is with her own eyes, she'll do something."
"Come on..." said Wednesday and you and she told Principal Weems the plan you had in mind.
Already in the botany room, in the greenhouse, Wednesday appeared -almost- silently scaring your mother a little.
"Wednesday... What are you doing here? I thought you were on your way to the station" Marilyn said, "Laurel," feigning surprise.
"You can stop pretending, Laurel... your daughter already told me everything" the black-haired woman spoke and the redhead's gaze turned to you with a frown, you swallowed dry with the fear accumulating inside you.
"Honey?..." your mother called, approaching you with dangerous steps.
"She's not going to listen to you" Merlina's voice spoke.
"You're wrong.." she put her hand caressing your cheek gently "I'm her mother, she would do anything for me.. wouldn't you, honey? You would do anything to please mommy" You looked at her with your big blue eyes full of tears, she felt bad, she felt painfully bad.
You looked at her with your big blue eyes full of tears, she felt bad, she felt painfully bad.
"Mom.. I-I.. I can't do this," you said, letting go of Laurel's motherly grip.
"Are you really going to betray me? your mother? for them? do you really think they love you? you're just a stupid normie to them, a pawn they can break like they did your uncle Garrett, darling. Exiles are bad, they are the reason for our suffering..." She spoke with a shaky tone, as if she was about to cry.
"No, mother! They are the reason for your suffering, not mine and you can't control that" you yelled and turned to Principal Weems who had posed as Tyler "Have you heard enough?" you asked as she transformed to his real body, your mother looked at them in surprise.
"Call Sheriff Galpin, Y/N" Larissa said looking at you sadly.
"Don't do it!" your mother yelled when you took the phone out of your pocket, she grabbed your arm squeezing it tightly while with the other hand she tried to grab your phone but Larissa took the phone before she could, you hissed from the pain of her hand squeezing your arm and you sighed when she released you, Larissa called Sheriff Galpin and after a few seconds the noise of the patrol sirens began to be heard.
Laurel slapped you with her hand where your family's ring was, the painful sting brought you to your knees and you felt tears stinging your eyes.
"You are a disappointment to this family, Y/N Gates," your mother spat.
The Sheriff entered the greenhouse and almost immediately handcuffed your mother who was looking at you with hate and contempt.
"How could you do this to your mother? How could you betray your family? "She yelled at you as she walked away towards the police car, Sheriff Galpin pulled your mother into the police car and you ran out to see her.
"Just remember this Y/N, I'm still your mom and I'll be back, I'll be back and you'll suffer the consequences for disobeying mommy! Mommy is so mad at you honey! Don't forget it!", she yelled with dark eyes. You sobbed letting the tears fall down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry.. Mommy... I'm so sorry" you said and you saw your mother leave in the police car.
You were crying in pain, the hole that your mother had left in your heart was big. You didn't know how to be without her.
Larissa put her hand on your shoulders trying to comfort you "I'm so sorry, Y/N" she whispered as she rubbed your back.
"I'm sorry too" you said in a weak whisper.
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ironmanfridgemagnet · 2 years
Sitting On The Shelf - Marcus White x Reader
Part 5 - Shoplifter
SOTS Masterlist
As you and Amy pulled up to Cloud 9, you checked off a point on your mental to-do list. In the car ride over you, Amy and Emma had discussed the strongly worded voicemail that had been left by your mother the other day. It had been a difficult conversation - anything to do with your mom was difficult, but the voicemail she'd left had your feelings all up in the air again.
You knew her words were meaningless, that she was just saying things she knew would get to you; but that didn't make them hurt any less. She was your mom after all, and as hard as you tried not to, you couldn't help but hope she'd change, that she'd grow to love you as she was supposed to - like Amy loved Emma.
As you got out of the car, you wiped the stray tear that had fallen from your cheek, taking a deep breath in as to prepare yourself for the day you would have to face once you were inside the store.
Barley through the doors you already heard Garrets cries. "Oh, Jonah touched a dead guy! Jonah touched a dead guy!"
You could do this.
"Well, we can likely rule out foul play according to his license, he was 87. Probably died of old age." Dina announced to the breakroom, flicking through the contents of the mans wallets to find a slot to place the ID card back into.
"My great-grandma died the same way. Her mom too. Bad genes, I guess." Cheyenne said making you chuckle. Cheyenne had a way with words that made everything she said feel... so perfectly Cheyenne - funny and slightly naïve.
"So, she just kept the dead man's wallet, and we're all okay with that?" Amy asked, sitting across the table from you, her hand caressing a warm mug of coffee; much like the one you had yourself.
"Finders keepers." Dina replied, shrugging her shoulders as she tucked the wallet into her back pocket.
Bringing the cup of coffee Garret had made for you to your lips, you took a long sip, allowing your eyes to close as the warmth seeped through your body. As you opened your eyes they were met with the whiskey hues of Marcus's. Hiding your smile behind the brim of your mug, he flashed you a bright and wide grin, holding his hand up in a small wave. The shared moment between the two of you was far too quickly broken for your liking, by a sharp nudge from Garret. You rolled your eyes at the man beside you, ignoring his look of confusion, choosing to instead take another sip of coffee.
"Anyway, uh, I thought we should all gather as a group in sort of a safe space so that we can share any feelings that we have. About what happened. Um, is anyone feeling any sadness? Or shock? Or guilt? There are no wrong answers. Yes, Garrett." Glenn asked around, worried that someone may be feeling upset due to the man that had been found in the store - though it seemed pretty clear that Glenn was the most upset about it.
"I guess apathy. I don't got any feelings about this dude." Garret stated blankly, causing Glenn to take in a sharp intake of breath.
"I agree with Garret, Glenn, I don't think any of us knew who this guy was before today." You and Garret shared a look as Glenn let out a frustrated whine.
"Okay, uh, Garrett and y/n, thank you for sharing. Um, is anyone else feeling feelings of apathy? Okay, well, that's valid. That's va no, it's not valid! You know what? No one is leaving this room until I see someone express some real g-d emotion!" Glenn's sudden outburst shocked you, while you could tell the incident this morning had effected him, you didn't think it had this much.
"Uh, well, perhaps seeing a dead person today made us all realize how fragile the journey of life really is." Jonah offered, his wide eyed expression revealing that Glenn's outburst had surprised him too.
"Thank you. A little cliché, but points for effort. All right, um, why don't we just all. Bow our heads." Glenn announced, driving the break room in to an attempted prayer.
Though his attempt was quickly stopped by Dina enforcing the stores rules over Glenn's satisfaction. If he didn't have the chance to express how he was feeling now, you knew it'd probably eat at him all day - and then evolve into something much worse then a moment of silence.
"Okay, Amy, could you come and say a few secular words?" Glenn asked, sending a pointed look at Dina who simply gave him a tight lipped smile back.
"Um Charles, uh, wasn't just a man who needed corrective lenses, he was also not an organ donor. And, um, in conclusion, he lived on Oak Street. Thank you." Amy was hesitant in her words, trying to please both Dina and Glenn while working with what little information she had.
"Beautifully said Ames." You cheered, clapping quietly at her as she took her seat across from you again.
"So tragic." Mateo said, a frown forming on his face. Though it quickly returned to a smile as he asked, "What's gonna happen to the couch?
"What? The couch?" Glenn asked, confused and partially offended that people cared more about the couch then the man.
"It was the fanciest one in the store." Mateo affirmed, looking around the break room as people made sounds of upset.
"He died on the fancy couch?" Cheyenne whined, upset there'd be no more fancy (and comfy) couch to sit on when we should be working.
"Does that mean it's gonna be on sale?" You asked, meeting Cheyenne eyes as you spoke. If it was you'd totally chip in to buy it for her; she had the space for it and you'd had loads of good times on that couch talking together.
"We don't have to tell anyone somebody died on it." Dina scoffed, rolling her eyes at the idea of stock being lost of something 'so little' as the death of a customer.
"Not disclosing someone died on it is lying. I'm a man of truth, Dina. Maybe lying's your thing." Glenn snarked, still riled up by being denied his moment of prayer earlier.
"Oh, you like truth, huh?" Dina asked, placing her hand firmly on her hip as she looked threatening over Glenn.
While Dina and Glenn argued, yet again this morning, over whatever you stood to leave the break room as did everyone else. There was work to be done and Dina and Glenn's antics shouldn't stop you. However, as you went to leave, you turned to face where Marcus had once stood - hoping you'd have the chance to talk to him before the long day ahead of you. Unfortunately for you, Marcus was long gone, so you left the break room; a slight slump in your shoulders as you did.
"You're loading that wrong." Turning to face the familiar voice, you laughed at Emma's observation. Despite being so much younger, and having no formal training, she was right.
"Oh, um, thank you, little girl, but I think I know what I'm doing. There we go. Just got to use a little muscle." Jonah responded, trying to force the pallet into the freezer with all his might.
"Can I have one?" You and Emma asked at the same time, laughing at how I'm sync you were. However as Jonah tried to grab one, with how he stocked them, he couldn't.
"Sure. And I don't know if you..." Jonah's sentence went unfinished as Amy came speeding around the corner.
"Emma, there you are. I told... you loaded it wrong?" Amy clasp her hands around Emma's shoulders, more than ready to drag her away, until she saw Jonah's attempt at stocking the fridge.
"Wait a minute. That's your daughter!" Jonah shouted in shock, waving his hands around in front of him.
"And you knew!" He shouted again this time turning to face you, who was holding a hand to your face in an attempt to smuggle your laughter.
"Shh! We're not allowed to bring our kids to work." Amy whisper shouted at Jonah, pushing Emma behind her as she spoke. "My sitter cancelled, and she's hanging out for a couple hours, but can you please not tell Glenn or, shh Dina."
"No, no, no, no, your secret is safe with me. I'm not telling anybody. Hi, I'm Jonah." Jonah bent down to Emma's height as he spoke to her, making you laugh as he tried to act cool.
"Yeah, I figured. You guys are right, he is incompetent." Emma said looking between both you and Amy as she insulted Jonah.
"You told her I was incompetent? Ba-na-na-na. Talk about me at home? I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted." Jonah flashed Amy a toothy smile as his ego grew at the idea she talked about him at home. Oh they were definitely work flirts.
"Don't be flattered." Amy said, turning away and taking Emma with her. As they left, Emma sent you a small wave over her shoulder, before she turned and follow in time with her mom.
"Yeah you should be insulted." You said to Jonah as you turned back to the fridge to try and fix his miserable attempt at stocking it.
"You talk about me at home too y/n?" Jonah asked, a smug smirk still on his face.
"No, but I do talk about you to Amy and Emma." Ignoring the look of shock on Jonah's face, you continued to take the pallets out and put them back in correctly.
"I used to look after Emma a lot, I still do sometimes, but we'd talk about stuff. Sometimes you'd come up." You shrugged your shoulders as you spoke, acting nonchalant about what you'd said, knowing otherwise it'd just feed into Jonah's ego even more.
As Jonah stumbled over his words, you finished placing in the pallets of stock correctly. You stood up, brushing you hands off onto you jeans before announcing, "I'm going to find Garret."
Turning to leave Jonah, you felt a buzz come from your back pocket. Pulling out your phone, the screen was illuminated by the notification of a text.
Marcus :p | Morning y/n :) Come find me when you've got a minute.
As you walked towards the customer service counter where you saw Garret sat, you saw Dina approach him.
"Hey, Garrett. I've got a shoplifter in my cross-hairs." Dina bragged, looking around the store floor as she spoke, as if she was waiting to figure out who exactly was shoplifting.
"Hmm, I've taken four breaks today, so I guess we both got stuff to brag about." Garret smirked at his own words, appeasing Dina's antics to get away with his own.
As you heard a cry come from somewhere within the store, you saw Dina ready to run off. "Gotcha, you gorgeous piece of garbage."
"What was all that about Gare." You asked, raising an eyebrow at him as you spoke.
"Dina's got a shoplifter or something, I'm not really sure." His confused look made you both let out a laugh. Dina had always been an interesting character.
"So what's up baby girl?" Garrets look of concern and care made you feel more confident about what you were about to do.
You laughed and shook your head at Dina's words, turning to face Garret as your laughter died down. "I just need to speak to you for a sec, Gare, if that's okay?"
It was now, or never, you had decided. Cheyenne's words filing you with enough confidence to do something that had been working you up for weeks now; you had to tell him.
"Of course you can doll, I'm all ears." He sent you a charming smile, reminding you that nothing should change once you told him. No matter how much bad stuff had happened, he'd still be the same; and for even that, you were grateful.
While you didn't want to talk in front of the audience within the breakroom, you weren't sure if the store full of customers was any better. Listening ears, and the all too nosy people of St Louis, made you worry that someone passing by would relay what you were going to say to one of your co-workers. However, you weren't going to let fear hold you back after coming this far.
"It's a lot. I have a lot I want to say, so please can you just listen until I'm finished speaking?" Garret nodded his head slowly, a curious look crossing his face as he spoke. This was going to be a difficult, yet important, conversation.
"I know you've been suspicious of me getting lots of rides home from Amy, but it's for a good reason. I've been living with her." Garret chocked on his own saliva as the words registered in his mind. You'd been what? Despite his shock, he sat quietly, still giving you the opportunity to speak.
"My mom kicked me out. Amy knows. But only because I'd thought I was the last person left at the store, but she had to lock up the store and she..." You took a deep and slow breath in as you spoke, trying not to let the tears well up in your eyes.           "And she found me crying at the bus stop. I'd waited to get the last bus home because I knew I had nowhere to go, and I didn't want to worry anyone. Shit, I didn't think anyone would care if I did tell them."
"Most importantly, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Out of everyone in this store you should've known, and you should've known sooner. I was just scared? And I was ashamed. And I was so worried it would change how you looked at me that I thought that maybe it was best to just not say anything at all." Now, you didn't care to stop the tears from spilling over, as you let them fall freely down your cheeks - Garrets hand coming to gently wipe the fallen tears away.
"I thought, maybe, It would make you want to leave me too." A sob wracked your body as you let out those final words, only just understanding yourself why you'd been so reluctant to tell Garret. Though deep down you knew Garret wouldn't change because of something so out of your control, that couldn't stop you from worrying and overthinking.
Garret swiftly pulled you down into a tight hug, holding your shaking body tightly against him. Despite him now having the opportunity to speak, he sat silently against you, not knowing how to respond to such a vulnerable moment shared between the two of you.
As your tears slowly stopped flowing, you leant back away from Garret, letting his hands fall from where it had been stroking your hair. Before you had the chance to say anything to him, Garret finally spoke up.
"Don't you ever - and I mean ever - think that no one cares enough about you to be there for you when you need them. Especially me. I'm not going anywhere doll. You're my one and only baby girl and no matter what happens, I'll be there. Don't worry that you took so long to tell me, I'm just glad you were finally able to talk about it at all." Tears welled up in your eyes once more as Garret spoke, thankful that he had been so incredible as to be so caring after all you've been through.
"Your secret is safe with me." Garret flashed you a gentle and loving smile, rubbing his hand up and down your back as you mouthed a silent thank you to him.
You couldn't have imagined this conversation going any better than it had.
"Well, doll, you best get back to work. God knows you never do any real work around here." Garrets humorous tone made you break the sad atmosphere and let out a quite giggle.
"There's my baby girl." Garret was like the brother you never had, in so many ways that you could not even begin to count. You couldn't be more thankful, especially now, to have him in your life.
Wiping away any stray tears that remained on your face, you stood from Garret and turned to leave towards the depths of the store.
"Hey Garret, thank you." You sent him a genuine and wide smile. letting out yet another laugh as he blew you a kiss as you walked away. It felt so much better having that weight off your chest, and knowing that Garret still loved you the same.
After speaking with Garret, one more thing checked off of your to-do list, you decided to actually try and get some work done, just like Garret had jokingly suggested. Making your way over towards housewares, as Amy had asked you to this morning, you heard Jonah shout.
"Hey, uh, Dina?"
"I'm in a hurry. If you want to talk, you have to walk with me." Dina commanded, continuing her fast paced walk as she spoke to Jonah.
"Uh, okay, this is gonna sound crazy, but, do you remember your first period? Because..." what? Why on earth would Jonah care about Dina's first period.
"February 4th, 2003. It was a Tuesday. Unseasonably warm." Dina announced, a smug smile making its way onto her face at Jonah undivided attention to what she was saying.
"Okay..." Jonah's voice wobbled as he spoke, clearly getting much more out of Dina then he was hoping to.
"So I was 19. Late bloomer, though I've more than made up for that since. My gyno says I ovulate like a champ. I drop eggs hard." You rose you eyebrow at what Dina said, recoiling slightly deeper into the isle as they came to a stand still next to you.
"All right, uh..." Jonah's words came out above a whisper, his face flushing a deep red as he made eye contact with you; clearly understanding you'd been blessed with hearing this conversation.
"You know my aunt was born with two vaginas? Yeah, she always thought it would help her date, but it didn't. She died alone. Well, she will die alone. She's still alive. She's only like 50 or something." Even though you found Dina story interesting it's not exactly what you wanted to be hearing, especially after the events of this morning (which had been strange enough themselves).
"Okay, thanks. Think I got all the information I need." Jonah said, clapping his hands together as he moved away from Dina's side, down towards where you resided further down the isle.
"God, I'm good at flirting." You heard Dina mutter to herself. what? However, her words were clearly lost on Jonah as he continued to storm towards you. Gently grabbing you by the hand, he began to pull you out of the isle and somewhere else within the store. Without having the chance to ask why, Jonah said:
"Y/n, I really need your help." ————————————————————————
Upon arriving at the toiletries isle, Jonah still held onto your hand pulling you up and down it's lengths in search of what he was looking for.
"ah I'm an 11-year-old girl. Do I like pads or tampons? Hyp... hypothetically." He asked, though to no one in particular, pulling several different brands of products off of the shelves and placing them into a stray shopping cart that stood behind the pair of you.
"Oh, hey, dudes. You want to split a pizza for lunch break?" Garret asked as he came from around the corner, looking between you and Jonah in wait of a response.
"What do you know about periods?" Jonah asked in all seriousness, completely disregarding the pizza.
"Oh, it's bleeding from the uterus that's released through the vagina. Happens every 28 days, give or take a few, depending on the lady. They all snowflakes." Garret explained, raising his eyebrows at Jonah's genuine intrigue of the topic. What was going on here?
"So was that a no for pizza?" Garret asked, ready to leave for the pizza that you oh so wanted.
"I don't think I'm hungry anymore." Jonah answered, pulling you with him towards another row of products, and away from Garret and the promise of pizza.
"Dude, you could've just asked me?" You said, pulling Jonah's attention away from the plethora of boxes and packets in front of him by the hands that still connected you both.
"Sorry y/n, my heads a bit scattered at the moment." With a deep sigh he shovelled more of the products into the cart.
"What's all this about anyway?" You asked, watching as Jonah continued to desperately shove things into the cart.
"Well, Emma-" Before Jonah could say anything more, you'd grabbed the brand of pads Amy kept at home, rushing off to the customer bathrooms. Jonah rushed after you, pushing the cart filled with tampons and pads with him.
While Jonah hadn't exactly told you what had happened, you could easily put two and two together once he'd told you Emma was involved. Why he hadn't come and found you sooner was beyond you.
"Okay, Uncle Jonah's back. Gross. Please pretend I did not just call myself "Uncle Jonah."" Jonah proclaimed as he entered the customer bathrooms, his cart of pads in hand. You grimaced at his attempt of sounding cool to Emma, 'uncle Jonah' being the best he could come up with.
"Did you get something?" Emma asked, a sense of urgency in her voice. God, how long has the poor girl been stranded here.
"Yep, these are colourful. Oh! And this one has a girl playing soccer on the cover." Jonah dug through his variety of items, picking out the most eye catching and girly ones he could find.
"I just want whatever's easy to use." Emma let out a deep sigh, done with Jonah's antics and wishing anyone but him was helping her right now. God, she'd even take Glenn's help over this.
"I got to be honest, none of these really look easy to use." Jonah said, opening a box of tampons and staring in awe at the applicator.
"It's gonna be okay Emma. Can I come in?" You asked, pressing yourself up against the door of the stall so Emma could hear your hushed tone. With a sigh of relief coming from inside of the stall, you heard the door click open and Emma's face peek out from around the corner. Turing around, you gave Jonah a pointed glare, getting him to turn around as you slid through the gap in the door, and into the stall.
Once inside the stall, you locked the door behind you, turning to face Emma as she fiddled with her hands awkwardly. Breathing in a deep sigh, you began to speak:
"Listen Emma, I know I'm not your mom, but unfortunately I'm the closest you'll get to her right now. So, let's get into this." You gave Emma a weak smile, trying to show her it would be okay.
As you opened the pack of pads you'd brought into the bathroom stall with you, you heard Jonah ripping open packet after packet. What was he doing out there?
After showing Emma how to use the pad, you stepped back out of the stall, only to be met with a pad covered Jonah.
"Uh Emma, look through the crack. I'm a mummy! Ahh!" He groaned like a zombie, sticking his arms out in front of him. Though he quickly stopped his little performance when his eyes met yours; a blush covering his face as he realised you'd come out of the stall.
Before he could begin to say anything, a customer opened the door, smacking it into Jonah who was then pushed into you. You caught him, spinning him around to face the women, who was slowly backing out of the bathroom.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll be right out. I'm helping a little girl." Jonah rushed out, tripping over his own words as he tried to explain what she had walked in on. Despite this, the woman turned and quickly left the room, the door slamming behind her as she did.
Hands still holding Jonah up, the pair of you dissolved into a fit of laughter, him leaning deeper into you as he tried not to fall over.
As the laughter died down, Emma finally left the stall, standing nervously before the two of you.
"So are we leaving the bathroom or are we all just going to stare at each other?" Emma asked, pushing past you and Jonah as she left the bathroom. While Jonah stayed to peel off his 'costume' before he left, you rushed out in Emma's wake, catching up with her as she walked towards electronics.
After a few moments of silence shared between the two of you as you walked, Emma finally began to speak.
"For the record, it was cool of you to come and help. I'm kind of thankful it was you and not mom, she'd have probably made it into a big thing." Emma let out a nervous chuckle at her words, fiddling with her fingers as she walked. While you had always felt like a big sister figure to Emma, today it felt different, more like you'd been her big sister than just a good family friend.
"Thanks Em, I love you too." Emma let out a groan, speeding off to electronics with her arms folded across her chest. While it wasn't what she'd said, you knew her enough to know it was what she'd meant. And you meant it too. You were glad you were able to be there for Emma today, and only hoped you could continue to be there as long as she'd let you.
A while after you'd caught up with Emma in electronics, Jonah had come over, finally having found you once he'd peeled himself free of pads.
For a while now you'd been sat on one of the couches on electronics, Jonah leaning over you, as you both shouted to Emma what to do.
"See that? In the back corner? You see the little family over there? Kill 'em." Jonah commanded, waving his hand in the general direction of the tv.
"Blow 'em up!" You added, pointing to the button on the control Emma would need to press in order to do so.
"Here you are. I'm sorry I was gone so long. What'd you do all day?" Amy asked, coming from the back of the store, unfortunately breaking both you and Jonah out of 'the zone.'
"Uh, we mostly played video games. It was fun." Emma replied, looking up briefly at Amy, though quickly turning back to the game before her and blowing up another family.
"Good job. Thanks for, uh, keeping an eye on her." Amy thanked, looking between you and Jonah as she spoke. Though she knew you and Jonah got on well, she couldn't have previously imagined you teaming up to look after Emma- and in any situation of the sort, she imagined you doing all the work.
"It was easy." You replied, waving your hand at Amy as to brush off her compliment. It had been easy for you: you'd only spent the last two hours or so with Emma, unsure how'd she'd ended up in Jonah's care and ready to fix the mess you'd found him in.
"She's a great kid." Jonah added, smiling across at Amy. Emma was a great kid; the best you knew by far. And it would be fair to say she was a sentiment to her mother.
"Yeah, she is." Amy awed proudly, rubbing Emma's head as she leant deeper into the couch.
"Y/n and Jonah taught me how to use a maxi pad." Emma stated bluntly, causing you to choke on the air you were breathing in. While you knew you were going to tell Amy once you got home, you didn't think Emma would be so open about it.
Taking advantage of the awkward silence you stood up, announcing your departure and that you'd be back in a while. Walking away from the group you pulled your phone out of your back pocket, thankful to finally have a free moment today.
Y/n ;) | Hey Marcus! Where can I find you <3
With an almost instant reply, you headed straight towards the break room.
Upon walking into the break room, you were shocked to find it desolate - apart from the tall figure who sat, back to the door, right in front of you. Marcus.
"Hey you," you teased, acting just like he had the last time you'd spoke, in person at least. Turning away from the table and towards the counter, headed to put on the kettle.
"Oh, hey y/n, I already made some coffee." Marcus pushed a mug across the table, in front of the seat opposite him, before carefully lifting his own mug up to his lips.
A light blush covered your cheeks at the thought he'd made you coffee in advance of you being here. Only Garret had ever done that for you before, and every time he did it - even to this day - it made you feel special, and cared for. For someone to remember the little things, it made you feel important.
"Oh, wow, thank you, that's very sweet." The blush only deepened as you sat across from him, his gaze solely on you as you shuffled deep into your seat.
"So what's up? You just want to have a chat?" You asked, taking a long sip from the steaming up of coffee; it was perfect, maybe even better than perfect. It had just the right amount of milk and sugar, and filled you with comfort and warmth.
"'No, I was going to speak to you this morning, but the dead guy seemed to kill the mood." He shrugged his shoulders, taking another sip from his mug.
You let out a short laugh at his words, the old man who'd died in the store was the reason you were having to stay after your shift had ended - looking after Emma and now talking to Marcus - so you could attend the funeral you'd heard Glenn was planning. I guess you'd have to thank him for that.
"I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be out of town for a few weeks. I've got court out of state." Oh. At least he'd been kind enough to tell you in person.
"Oh Marcus, I'm so sorry. I hope everything's okay." You said, reaching across the table to hold his hand tightly in yours.
"Oh it's not big deal, my grandmas just a psycho." He said, rolling his eyes as he took another sip of his coffee, drinking the last of it as he pushed his cup away from him.
"Well, I hope everything's okay still. When will you be back?" It was strange that Marcus had thought to tell you - to you at least. To Marcus there was no one else he'd thought about telling; since he'd found out he had to leave, all he could think about was if you'd forget him by the time he was finished.
"Um, I'm not sure, maybe four weeks from now if I had to guess. My grandmas not going to make this easy on me." You let out another small laugh, despite him having to go to court, it sounded like a trivial matter, and that he'd be back home sooner than he thought.
"Well, I can't wait for you to come back." Marcus's eyes lit up at your words, though it went unnoticed to you as you stared into the cup of coffee, taking a long sip to fill you with much needed energy and warmth.
"Me either." Marcus flashed you a charming smile, his eyes meeting yours from over the brim of your mug. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you, and the rest of the break room, your hands still connected in the middle of the table.
With few words of small talk shared, the silence was eventually broken by Mateo sticking his head through the door of the break room.
"Guys, it's funeral time." Mateo announced, rushing off as soon as he'd finished in order to round as many people up as possible to attend Glenn's impromptu funeral.
Reluctantly letting go of Marcus's hand, you stood from your chair, pouring what remained of your coffee down the sink as you made your way towards the break room door.
"I'll see you around Marcus." With that you left the break room, catching up to Mateo who was headed out of the back of the store and towards the parking lot.
"Thank you all for gathering to help me honour and remember Charles Maynard Rand." You linked arms with Mateo, leaning into him and the warmth he provided as you stood around the fancy couch.
"Why do we have to destroy the couch?" Cheyenne whined from the other side of Mateo, upset she'd spent her day fighting for the couch for nothing.
"Well, for one thing, it's a wonderful way to memorialize a man." Glenn suggested, looking longing at the couch that was behind him. Todays events had really effected him huh.
"Plus, I looked up the store policy. If a death occurs on any display furniture, it has to be destroyed. Who knew?" Dina shrugged, standing with her arms crossed beside Amy.
"I knew. Same thing happened at the Kirkwood store a few months ago." An offended gasp came from Mateo; he'd told you how Garret had been monitoring his and Cheyenne's competition for the couch, so to find this out felt like a big betrayal.
"Jonah?" Glenn asked, breaking Jonah out of a daze.
"Right." Jonah's words sounded far away, even though he'd only stood a few feet away from you. Walking quickly towards the couch, he lit it on fire, it soon taking.
"We didn't know Charles, but he chose to spend the last few moments of his life with us. Charles, may your soul or non-denominational life force, I guess, be lifted by the non-gender-specific arms of a loving entity or non-entity..." As Glenn tried to avoid turning this into a religious event, the couch behind him started to become engulfed in flames.
"Hey. Just once. Knock yourself out." Dina said, Glenn's face lighting up at the opportunity he'd been given.
"Jesus Christ! The hands of Jesus Christ, who saves us from our sins. With his precious blood, and welcomes us as little lambs..." As Glenn spouted out his religious words you couldn't help but worry as the ablaze couch continued to burn wildly.
"Is is meant to be burning like that?" You asked Jonah, walking closer to him and Garret, leaning into his side as you had dispersed into little groups to talk.
"How much gas you put on that thing?" Garret asked in shock, the couch completely engulfed in fire now.
"None, and that fabric is supposed to be fire-retardant." Jonah took in a sharp breath as he spoke, worried about the other furniture in the store if the fire-retardant one reacted like this.
"We give you the love, and we take away the evil! Amen! What a day! Okay, uh. God bless us all, and let's get out of here." Glenn finished his mini sermon, taking in a gasp of breath to refill his lungs after his long spiel.
Jonah moved his arm around your shoulders as the three of you walked away from the burning couch, towards the front of the store, wherein you'd wait for Amy. Today had been a long and hard day; but people like Jonah and Garret made everything feel so much easier.
☆*: .。. Tag List .。.:*☆ @write-from-the-heart @despicablylara @whatafreakingloser @flowercrowns-goodvibes @millieb-3199
Want to be added to the taglist? send an ask to let me know <3
Hey guys! Bit of a longer part this week, but next weeks will probably be a bit shorter to counteract that. I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you think and how I can make this series better.
A few of you picked up on the little crush Jonah has on y/n and though I didn't intend it, it sure has began to make its way into the story - and is a storyline I'm definitely going to divulge into a little bit :)
Have a lovely week <3
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"I was thinking", Hannah says as she raises her mug to her lips. "We should get married".... "If you're into it." It's pretty hard not to throw my OJ glass on the floor, dropkick Hannah's mug out of her hand, and maul her. "Yeah, I could be into it." "Cool." "You want me to get you a ring.?"- Hannah Wells & Garrett Graham
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"If we're dealing with starvation situation, the person who's still alive has to eat the dead one." Logan stares at me. "What?" I say defensively. "It's a matter of Survival.""You want us to eat each other."...." So it's a pact? The living one eats the dead one? There's a Swiss Army knife in the emergency kit. Oh, and I think the butt is the best part to cut into. Fleshier."- Grace Ives & John Logan
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"Allie, where do I even start? Bottom line: you're incredible. From the day we met, I knew we were meant to be...Okey well, no,you had a boyfriend when we met and I was a menwhore. But from the day that we hooked up-shit, no, it was a one- night stand, and you were ashamed and didn't speak to me for days after..."- Dean Di Laurentis
"Allie's expression grows thoughtfully as she studies my face. I don't know she glimpses there, but whatever it brings another laugh to her lips. "You might want to hold off on that. I mean , it'll probably take you a while to convince my dad."- Allie Hayes
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"What happened to your tiara and jewelry, little darlin?" I scoop her up because she's a liable to fall asleep on her tiny feet. "You lose them in the rope tunnel?" " I gave them away," she answers, resting her cheek against my shoulder. "Now why would you do that?" "Because Lillie and Maria wanted to be princesses too, but they didn't have any princess stuff so I gave them princess stuff."....." Are you sure you don't mind parting with your things?" I ask Jamie. "Nope! There should be more princesses." Then she snuggles closer, and I almost melt into a goddamn puddle."- John & Jamie Tucker
"This isn't exactly a little bee sting. What if his whole leg puffs up like that? Do they amputate for jellyfish stings? "I think urine is the best solution, Tuck." I do an internal body scan and then moan. "You know, I don't think I can", I realize. "I don't have to go.."- Sabrina James
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"No!" She growls. "No.No.No.No, no,no,no." Her rageful haze turns to me. She jabs her finger in the air."Get rid of him John."- Grace
" No!" She moans when the porcelain doll emerges from the box. "Oh my God, Dean, he's on the bed! We have to burn the sheets now!"- Allie
"I scream bloody murder. I feel honest to-God tears well up in my eyes."How is he here."...."I hate you," I tell the doll." - Sabrina
" I star at Alexander's smirking red mouth, dread filling my gut. Then pasting on a fake smile, I address the little girl. " I love it," I tell Jamie. While beside me, Garrett mouths "you're dead" to Jamie's parents. He slashes his fingers across his neck."- Hannah
Overall Rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
NEW! The Fire of the Innocent Sun: Jasper Hale x Fleur Hale, Chapter 5
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Authors note: Again some elements of the movie and book have been changed. Remember when this song was popular?
"I keep going to the river to pray 'Cause I need something that can wash out the pain And at most I'm sleeping all these demons away But your ghost, the ghost of you It keeps me awake."
Ghost by, Ella Henderson
I hadn't been down to the reservation in a while it's lush trees and plants were turning orange and yellow and its grass was still damp and slippery. It was as if it was frozen in time, being dormant in constant rain and coldness. Before I knew it I was at Billy Black's house, an uneasiness was nestled within my stomach. I didn't know how Jacob would react or how much he had changed. I knew he was still hurt after all the manipulation Bella had put him through and I didn't know how he would treat me. Would it be was cheerfulness and joy or would his heart freeze over and reject my plea immediately? I didn't have much time to ponder over my choices as the door had swung open. A smile greeted me at the door, Billy Black hadn't changed much... it gave me a sense of comfort.
"Fleur, it is so nice to see you again...Sam told me the situation you're in... I hope you make it out okay." Billy said, moving aside for me to come in.
"Thank you, I hope we do too... Did dad show you pictures of Ezra?"
Billy chuckled before answering me.
"You know he did, he looks a lot like you two... same black hair and brown eyes."
"He doesn't have my personality that's for sure."
"What's he like?"
"He's a lot like Jasper... calm and collected the only thing he got from me was my love for the Earth. He is obsessed with plants, water, and he is absolutely fascinated by space it's adorable." I smiled at the thought of my son... I never knew how much love I could feel someone until I had him. I loved Jasper to death of course but having a child just opens your eyes that much more.
"Not that I'm complaining that you visited but, there is a reason you're here I'm sure."
I looked at him, guilt replaced my joy.
"Yeah, there is... I need to talk to Jacob, is he here?"
"He might be down at the beach, if he's not there he's in the barn house."
"Thank you, Billy. It's so nice seeing you again." I said, I bent down to hug him.
I then turned around walking toward the front door, I walked down to La Push. The nerves had set in again and if I could, my palms would probably be sweaty. The wet gravel crunched beneath my feet and the wind howled loudly. I had stopped and looked around, the ocean looked grey matching the sky perfectly.
"What are you doing here?" I sternly voiced asked from behind me.
I slowly turned around and saw Jacob staring at me. The disdain was riddled in his eyes.
"Hey, Jacob..."
"What are you doing here?" He asked again he sounded angrier.
"I wouldn't bother you if it wasn't important... I think you know everything that is going on right now."
"I know some of it but that's not my problem. I left Sam's pack."
My eyes widened, shock replaced my apprehensiveness.
"What? Why?"
"I didn't feel the need to be there anymore... and before you even ask you know why."
"It is Bella?"
"Ding ding ding."
"I'm sorry Jacob... I know my sister really hurt you."
"Not like you care."
I walked up to him looking him dead in the eye.
"Of course I do! Jake, I've known you since I was a little girl... you were one of my best friends. I know you can't stand what am I but I am always going to care about you."
His eyes filled with sadness but relief began to shine through. I took a chance and pulled him in for a hug, he reciprocated it. I could feel hot droplets of water fall onto my clothes.
"She really fucking hurt me."
Venom leaked from my eyes and my face scrunched up.
"She hurt me too."
I didn't know how long I was standing there with him but suddenly the sun filled my vision. It was like our walls built with coldness and ice were beginning to thaw. I hadn't really talked much about any of this with Jasper or the others. No matter how much she screwed me over she was still my sister. As much as I didn't want to I loved her and I always would. Jacob and I pulled apart, I could see the relief on his face. He must've been holding all of this in too, all of that pain stuffed into a bottle that was about ready to burst.
"So... what did you need?" He asked, a small smile was on his face.
"You know I had a son?"
"Yeah, I do... Billy tells me all the time about the photos your dad shows him."
"Well... Bella and Edward told the Volturi about him and now they're coming after all of us."
"Wow... So that's where she went."
"Yeah... Leah told me that a lot more people are turning because of the vampires we found to help us out."
"So you're asked me to help the wolves out."
"Damn didn't even have to finish my statement."
Jacob laughed before answering.
"I'm in... you're going to need all the help you can get."
"Thank you so much Jacob you do not know how much I appreciate this."
Timeskip: 2 hours later
Jacob and I drove back down to the Cullens' house, I wondered how they would react. When I pulled into the driveway I saw Jasper and Rosalie waiting for me.
"Oh boy..." I muttered to myself. Jacob and I got out of the car and approached them.
"Fleur where were you?" Jasper asked.
"I had to find a little bit more help," I said, gesturing toward Jacob.
"Jacob, nice to see you again." Jasper greeted, I could tell he was tense.
"Don't worry I'm not gonna try anything on you guys... even if blondie tries to poison me."
"Don't push your luck." Rosalie threatened, her eyes took on a deadly look and her finger was pointed at him.
"Okay you two settle down and get in the house," I said, trying to breaking the tension. Before we could however I could he the sound of two people running. Their speed wasn't one of a human Rosalie, Jasper, and Jacob would all hear it too.
"Rosalie get Carlisle now!" I said.
Rosalie quickly ran into the house.
Before I knew it two men were standing in front of me... both were unfamiliar.
"Who are you?"
The door behind me swung open and Carlisle called out toward the two people. Kate, Rosalie, and Emmett were right behind him.
"Vladimir, Stefan, you're a long way from home."
"What are they doing here?" I heard Kate inquire.
"We heard the Volturi were moving against you. But that you would not stand alone." Vladimir answered.
"We didn't do what we were accused of," I stated.
"We do not care what you did."
"We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged," Stefan said in eagerness.
"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi," Carlisle said quickly.
"Shame. Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed."
"They enjoy a good fight."
"Aro's witnesses?" I asked.
"Aww. Still, hoping they'll listen?" Vladimir said to me mockingly.
"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime."
"So he's done this before?" I said, anger leaked in my voice and I quickly whipped my head around to look at Carlisle.
"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern," Carlisle replied.
"How in the hell do you not remember that he's done this before you've lived for hundreds of years!"
"I can't really tell you Fleur... I just know he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant. This person always has an ability. And they're always given a place with the Guard."
"It has to be about Alice. He has no one like her!" I started.
"Which is why she left." Jasper finished for me.
"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked.
"To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven." Vladimir answered.
"Come on inside, we need to tell everyone else the news," Carlisle said.
You could imagine the faces of everyone when they revealed the pattern of the Volturi. Horror and shocked were all anyone could feel in the room.
"Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving. NOW!" Amun demanded.
I quickly jumped up blocking his way toward the exit.
"And where will you go? What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina or Kate, Bree, or anyone else with a gift?" I started, I looked toward Jasper for support.
"They will try to get anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but Fleur and I will. For the sake of my family. But also for yours. And for the way you want to live." Jasper added. Jacob and Leah looked at each other before nodding slightly toward one another.
"The pack will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires."
"We will fight," Kate said, Tanya, Elezar, and Carmen nodded in agreement.
"This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule." Garrett added.
"We'll join you." Benjamin said, smiling at me."
"No, we will not!"
"I will do the right thing, Amun. You may do as you please." Benjamin said dismissing Amun.
"We will stand with you."
"So will we."
I looked at everyone before thanking them.
"We're going to take down these bastards once and for all."
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pinkfadespirit · 3 years
Cliché prompts for any DA2 pairing you like: 28. We literally ran into each other
Hello! Thank you for the prompt! I thought I'd try something a bit different for this one. I don't know if it's just because you requested it, Holly, but it felt like this would make a good Carver/Merrill prompt 😊 I've never written this pairing before. Or a Carver POV for that matter. So I hope it's a decent first attempt. I had fun with it anyway. These two make such a cute pair!
for @dadrunkwriting
Carver closed the door to Gamlen’s house and breathed a sigh of relief to be out of there. Nothing in particular had happened to get on his nerves (beyond the usual, anyway) but he’d been living with too many people in too small a space for far too long. And while Carver knew that he and his family could probably have it a lot worse than they did, that certainly wasn’t going to stop him from complaining about it.
When he’d told his family that he was stepping out for some air, Garrett had made a smart comment about letting him know if he managed to find any. Carver had rolled his eyes because of course his brother couldn’t just say ‘see you later’ like a normal person. Everything was an opportunity for a joke with him. But now that Carver was out, making his way through the smoggy Lowtown hex on which they lived, he had to admit Garrett had a point. Kirkwall didn’t exactly have an abundance of fresh air.
He looked up, trying to remember what the sky looked like when it wasn’t shrouded in thick grey smoke from the nearby foundries and found himself drifting back for a moment to a memory of Ferelden and how back there, before the Blight, the sky had mostly been covered with thick rainclouds most of the time. He might have complained about that at the time too but it was definitely preferable to the acrid scents of the city.
He was so lost in thought for a moment that he didn’t notice the other figure headed towards him until they’d walked right into him. Carver, tall and sturdily built, barely stumbled at the collision but the small elven woman, who also apparently hadn’t been looking where she was going, was sent flying to the ground.
“Ouch,” the elf grumbled from where she’d fallen. She took a moment to look at a scrape on her palm then seemed to remember why she was on the ground in the first place and looked up in alarm at Carver. “Oh Creators, I’m sorry! Are you alright?”
The question was not at all what he’d expected her to say. It took Carver a moment to remember himself before he replied, “Me? I’m fine, you’re the one… I mean, here, let me help you.”
He held out a hand to the elf and she blinked up at him in surprise before taking it. “Ma serannas. I mean, thank you. That’s very kind of you.”
Carver helped her to her feet then took a better look at the woman. He’d thought a moment ago that she looked familiar and now he was certain he’d seen her before. The is was the elf he’d met with Garrett out on Sundermount the other week and then escorted back to the City.
“Yes…?” She blinked those large green eyes at him for a moment then smiled brightly. “Oh I remember you. You’re one of the humans who came to Sundermount to deliver an amulet for Asha’bellanar… um… Carver? Is that right?”
“That’s right,” said Carver, pleased that she remembered. Perhaps a little too pleased. He didn’t really know why it mattered that she remembered his name when they’d only met the once but it was nice. She seemed nice.
And Carver, like a huge oaf, had just knocked her to the ground.
“Are you alright?”
“Oh yes! Yes, I’m fine,” Merrill answered cheerily enough. “That was probably my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Again.”
“Neither was I,” admitted Caver. “Sorry about that.”
“Did you get distracted too?” Merrill looked much more interested than annoyed. “The buildings are all so tall here. I can’t help but look up and wonder what they’re all doing up there.”
“The buildings?” Carver was a bit lost.
“Yes. And then I look back down and realise I don’t know where I am. I keep telling myself I should pay more attention to that but somehow I always forget. Kirkwall is such a big place, don’t you think?”
“It is.” That much he could follow at least. “Where were you going? I’ve been living here for a while now. Maybe I could help.”
She looked relieved by the offer. “Would you really? I don’t want to be any trouble but if you could point me in the direction of the market, that would help a lot.”
Carver was starting to get the feeling that Merrill could be as much trouble as she liked and he wouldn’t even notice as long as she kept smiling at him like that. She was probably the nicest person he’d ever met in this awful city. Not that she was from this city. That was probably why.
She was here now, though and most likely in need of a friend.
“I could show you, if you like. It’s no trouble. I wasn’t really doing anything anyway.”
Carver didn’t know how it was possible but somehow Merrill’s face brightened even more. “Oh that would be wonderful. Thank you!”
She was only smiling at him, Carver thought, there was no need for his face to heat up the way it was doing. He hoped it didn’t look as obvious as it felt but then he was never that lucky. At least… he’d never felt that lucky before… He glanced at Merrill awkwardly as they fell into step together in the direction of the Lowtown market and thought, maybe that was about to change.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Tough' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
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"Even if that russian girl is tough, I will find an way to break her enough !"
Chapter Summary : After having an talk with Lazar's vision, Yirina is finally feeling determined to avenge her fallen friend and face Naga.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3200
I had one thing to do at the momen : pull the trigger to avenge Garrett and an lot of peoples who has suffered from Naga but instead....I followed the orders....that stupid order to capture Naga for intels as Sims said and I was so fucking stupid to obey that, lowering my gun before starting to walk away from the scene in shame, fearing to see in the eyes Park and Song too, they were looking to support me and I did let them down in that promise. I had to kill Naga for everything he has done but instead...I followed the orders.
Looking behind me was so difficult for me to do, knowing that maybe Park or Song or maybe both were maybe following me to know why I didn't do it. I failed them, I failed Garrett by not fullfilling my promise to him. One bullet and it was still in that mag of my M1911. I walked back on the path I used to get inside the temple, retreating myself back at the entrance of the base and seeing some reinforcements arriving for us to help clean up the mess and maybe capture Naga for 'interrogation'....I should have shot him.
After seeing them, I preferred to walk through the main path leading to the temple instead of the side one, discovering some bodies along the way but also trucks filled with gold bars like the ones who were hidden in the temple. I saw Naga getting dragged by Sims in the other direction and Sims was nodding to me but I didn't do something back. For him, I did an good thing but not for me. Then, I heard some screams inside an building at my right, causing my attention to check it out.
I had to climb up an ladder to get into that building and then, I discovered Wolf, Woods & Rivas standing in an sort of weird room, torturing an still alive Perseus soldier on an chair.
"I don't know anything !" The man shouted, scared as Wolf was next to him, the guy was only still wearing an boxers and his hood.
"Stop taking us for fools, shithead." Woods spoke up, taking out his knife to approach the guy, seems that no one actually notice me until Rivas saw me but she didn't say an word to me, allowing me to lean against an table, curious of what will happen. "You know things and you will tell us now." He added, getting the knife at an few centimeters from the guy face.
"I swear it, I know nothing." The man repeated again but it didn't convince Woods who decided to plant his knife in the man left knee, producing another loud scream.
"You're deaf or something ?" Wolf asked him, getting behind him, his hands on the man's mouth to cover the sounds. "You either going to talk or you will suffer worse that been captured." He ordered to the man, removing his mouth.
"You have rules, right ?" The man questioned back to us. "You know the Geneva Convention ?" He added, trying to put some senses in us.
"Sorry but ain't working in here." Rivas replied clearly to him as Woods retreated himself, letting his knife into the man's left knee to get next to me.
"You're okay ?" He demanded but I shoot my head to him, sure of my own state right now. "Listen, I...."
"Don't start." I breathed, looking at him with deadly eyes. "I don't want to have apologizes from you about what happened." I continued, thinking about not pulling the trigger against Naga, been forced to lower my gun because of Woods & Sims.
"Yirina, I know that it was stupid." He said, making me sniff away from him, crossing my arms.
"You don't know what happened in one hour for me in that jungle, Woods." I whispered, clenching my fists inside my arms, looking at the man getting brutalized by Rivas & Wolf. "We lost Garrett but apparently, our orders are still our priority even if one of us died." I added.
"I know." He told me.
"No, you don't know an thing." I exclaimed, keeping my voice down, letting the others do their jobs. "If you knew what happened, you would have let me pull that trigger." I admitted, sending apparently some guilt in him, looking by his face, his eyes down. "I don't know why I didn't pull the trigger." I sniffed
"You said that you didn't want to hear it but I'm sorry, okay ?" He decided to say it anyway despite my suggestion.
"Yeah, I said it." I chuckled silently.
"Listen, I will talk." The man's voice was louder that it got my attention back on him as Woods moved away from me to get back at the position.
"So, talk." Wolf ordered in an clear voice.
"Adler....we moved him away from here long before you arrive here." The man started, trying to fight the pain of having an knife in his knee. "Stitch, he wanted to make an trap for all of you." He continued, his face looking to Rivas, holding the knife.
"What trap ?" Rivas asked him.
"Adler, he was the bait to get you here but he know that he wasn't going to be enough." The man replied, taking an deep breath as Rivas was slowly moving the knife inside his wounds. "So, he decided to use another thing to make sure that it will be good."
"The Nova-6 ?" I stepped inside the conversation my head still looking down.
"Yes, yes !" The man nodded, sounding almost relieved, thinking that it will make him get away. "Stitch created an supply of Nova-6 gas."
"And where is it ?" Woods questioned him, serious in his voice.
"In this base, just below that building." The man responded, making signs with his head to the ground. "Stitch asked us to make sure that the gas will get spread in the region if necessary to cover our tracks." He continued, giving us some intels of how Stitch will have use the gas in here.
"To eliminate any loose ends, right ?" Rivas demanded and the choices of her words start to make me feel weird, my eyes slowly narrowing at hearing her words.
"Yeah....to ring any bell inside your minds." The man answered and hearing 'bell' make me feel dizzy, my hands shaking. I couldn't stay here, watching this torture and knowing that at any moment, I could pass out.
So, I decided to slowly get away from the room, going into another direction instead of taking back the ladder that I used moments earlier, finding myself in an porch that was uniting this 'torture house' to another house, maybe filled with people looking around for intels but I wasn't going to get myself involved with that, wanting to have some peace right now with no one trying to have an talk with me, I don't want that.
I couldn't go back inside the house so I preferred to install myself on the porch, sitting on the edge of it right in the middle. In front of me, the first truck I saw with gold bars in it with some soldiers around, trying to unload the content of the truck as I was watching them with narrowed eyes, wondering what they were actually thinking by seeing the numerous gold bars in that truck but that thought flew away in the instant, not wanting to know about it.
While I was still sitting at the porch, I was hearing the screams from inside the 'torture house' from the same guy, meaning that he wasn't talking and if this guy don't talk, why would Naga will ? I'm so fucking stupid to have let him live, certainly getting transported back to base and probably getting healed while us, we're still here, trying to find something and me...trying to wonder why I fucked this up with Naga. It's with that thought that I closed my eyes for an few instants, trying to find something in my mind.....
I was breathing anormally as I was tied up to an chair, my hands impossible to move along with my knees and I was badly beaten, looking at my shirt almost filled in blood, replacing the usual white by an dark red. My face ? My nose was bleeding from the both holes, my mouth was mostly tasting blood in it and my left eyebrow was opened, some blood getting out of it. Bandages were covering part of my chest, especially the places I was touched by bullets....I was captured by the CIA...
As my head was looking down, I got it up, finding Adler himself, standing in front of me with his fists clenched, an little of blood on them, my blood. I looked around to see that we were in an interrogation room with an window where I couldn't see anything through it except my reflection, like an big mirror.
"You're going to talk one day !" Adler affirmed, stretching his head before moving to get in front of me, getting his right hand to hold my chin. "I can say that...you're an pretty curious woman, miss."
"Go fuck yourself." I breathed right into his face and his reaction was to pull away an part of my bloodied shirt, especially the part of my shoulder where I was hit, discovering that the bandages was in bad shape.
"You want me to go fuck myself ?" He said silently, his left hand moving to touch my gunshot wound and then, he start to put his index finger next to the hole. "You're sure ?" He added and I firmly nodded.
"Go...." I wanted to add before he put his index finger hardly inside my wound, making me scream in pain, an scream that could have been heard in the whole building.
"More you don't talk, more you will suffer !" He explained, his finger still in my wound, looking at me with deadly eyes through his sunglasses. "And you know that I can do this for an long time." He admitted, removing his finger off me but still staying in front of me, his hands holding my arms on the armrests. "Are you going to talk or you want me to make you go through an lot ?" He asked me.
"Is the best you have ?" I scoffed, trying to break an laugh in me but in fact, my whole tone wasn't sounding joking. "You did something..."
"I did things, you will have to be precise." He told me in an clear voice, removing himself from me to get his leather jacket off. "I think that you know me well."
"Why...why did you do this ?" I demanded, sounding suddenly worried.
"What I did to you ?" He whispered, grabbing an chair to sit in front of me in reverse. "I did what was necessary, I wasn't going to let this happen." He replied, getting his arms on the back of the chair.
"You didn't have to do this." I exclaimed, angry, trying to move an little.
"You didn't wanted to talk so...."
"No !" I cutted him straight in his words. "I wanted to talk but you did this to me !" I added, fully angered this time.
"Bullshit." He shook his head, sure of his words. "You were lying and I don't like liars." He stated, taking an breath to look at his hands. "You see what you make me do, miss." He showed me his hands with my blood on it. "You're making me act like an monster."
"Because you're one, Adler." I told him, making him surprised that I know his name perfectly, thinking that I was stupid enough. "Yeah...I know you...Russell Adler, the American Monster..." I continued, looking at him straight in the eyes. "It's not because the CIA doesn't acknowledge you in their records that I don't know."
"So, you know me well, it seems." He affirmed, scratching the back of his head, looking impressed. "But...as you see, you're the one tied up and I'm the one asking the questions." He said, making him got up from his chair and pulling it aside. "Answer me : where's Perseus ?" He demanded, putting his hands back on my arms.
"Perseus ?" I repeated him in an low voice, preparing something. "Here it is !" I exclaimed before deciding to spit the blood that I was gathering in my mouth right into his face.
"Fuck !" He shouted, receiving my blood on his face making him step back from me. "Damnit !" He added in rage, passing his hand quickly through his face to try to clean up the blood before going back next to me. "Take that, you bitch !" He expressed furiously before I could feel an hard punch from his right hand and it was enough to make me fall on the side while been on the chair. "Don't fucking spit blood on me !" He ordered before someone opened the door but I couldn't see right as my vision was all blurred thanks to that punch.
"Hey, doc'." An male voice said and I couldn't know who it was...it was maybe Sims....
"I'm busy here, Sims." Adler told him clearly as I saw him with the vision I could get, cleaning up his hands.
"Yeah but she has arrived." Sims explained, making Adler breath loudly.
"Okay, okay." He breathed, putting back the towel he used to clean up the blood he had on his face and hands. "Get her back on her feets, she needs to be presentable for her." He added, pointing at me as Sims moved to get next to me, getting me back up with the chair.
"Doc, you might have gone too far, you know." Sims stated.
"There's no limit with them." Adler exclaimed before he threw the towel aside and putting his jacket back on him, ready to left the room.....
"Even if that russian girl is tough, I will find an way to break her enough !"
"Yirina !" An female voice interrupted me in my memory I just got but I wasn't opening my eyes again, wanting to know more about what did make me refuse to talk. "Yirina !" The woman said again, making me open my eyes for good, discovering that the truck was gone and the person who had her hand on my shoulder was none other than Park. "Yiri." She added, using my nickname.
"Yes ?" I whispered in an very low voice, seeing her next to me.
"Uhm...you maybe want to talk ?" She demanded but even if I wanted to be alone right now in peace, I couldn't refuse.
"Yeah, yeah." I replied, sounding sure in my voice but not in the inside. "Let's go somewhere else." I suggested, wanting to have an private talk with her and not in here.
I then moved with Park, going through the other house I didn't go but it wasn't there that I wanted to talk before we got below the place the captured Perseus soldier talked about : filled with some blue barrels with Nova-6 inside as some people were near them, trying to find an way to disarm them while me & Park, we decided to move somewhere else, passing through an very old Huey wreck and finding an peaceful place to talk : an view overlooking the jungle.
"You want to know about Garrett, right ?" I started, leaning myself against an barrier, putting my arms on it to look at the horizon and she moved next to me, slowly nodding.
"Yiri, it's....I'm not angry, you know." She stated, her voice filled with sadness.
"You should be." I told her clearly, looking at her. "I could see that you & Song wanted me to pull that trigger but I didn't." I added, removing my eyes from her, in shame. "Where...where is she ?"
"She returned back to base 5 minutes ago." She replied, sounding low.
"I'm pretty sure that she's hating me." I claimed, feeling so bad for not having killed the man responsible for Garrett's death. "I had one thing to do but I didn't do it." I continued, moving my right hand to hold my head. "He said that I had to do it."
"I'm not angry." She repeated and she was sounding very sure of her words. "How...what happened ?" She questioned me, curious.
"You don't want to know that." I exclaimed but she nod, meaning that she wanted to know. "I'm not sure and it will not help me but...." I stopped myself, realizing that it was maybe better to talk about it even if it's painful. "The helicopter crashed and we both survived but the Huey landed on an cliffside." I started, taking an deep breath. "It moved, causing Garrett to fall off the wreck but I managed to grab him but it did make me fall too, holding myself and him by one of the Huey's skid."
"And...and ?" She whispered, feeling bad.
"He decided to save me, knowing that the helicopter was going to fall before I could have help him to get back inside." I responded, closing my eyes, reliving that scene. "He....he sacrificed himself for me...." I snorted, holding back my tears and reopening my eyes. "He wanted to tell Song that he loved her and he asked me something." I looked fully at her, my eyes fully moved. "He asked me...to take care of you....like Laz'." My voice cracked and my words make Park slowly crying, tears falling from her eyes.
"Garrett..." She said silently, her face in pain and looking away as I moved my hand on her shoulder. "He....he was there for me since the day I stepped inside the MI6." She explained, her voice cracking to tell me that before she put her hand on top of mine on her shoulder. "He was like William for me." She added and tears came from my eyes too.
"I'm sorry." I apologized, thinking that she wouldn't want to hear it from me but it was better for me to say it.
"He didn't deserve that." She exclaimed mixed between angriness and sadness but the latter was more audible.
"I know." I breathed "I wasn't able to fullfill my promise to him, he died for nothing." I claimed, moving my hands away from her as my sight was now on an lonely Nova-6 blue barrell. "Adler isn't even here and...." I stopped myself, closing my eyes for an second and clenching my fists. "He only died for that fucking gas !" I shouted before kicking with my right feet the blue barrell, knowing the danger but I was more stunned when the barrell moved like if nothing was in it. "What the hell ?" I whispered, moving to get the barrell back at its position easily. "There's nothing inside."
"What ?" Park spoke up, sounding surprised.
"There's no gas in it, it shouldn't move like that." I affirmed, shaking the barrell with my hands and it moved too much and when I opened it, there were really nothing in it : only air. "It was an full trap !" I added before throwing the barrell away behind me. "That whole Nova-6 threat was all fake." I stated, angrily.
"Stitch wanted to have us entirely here : for Adler & stopping the Nova-6." Park admitted, looking at the barrell behind me. "And we were so blind to think about it." She thought, putting her hands on her waist, that revelation did put an shock in us...all of this...for nothing....
"We should prevent the others, we have been played for too long."
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thebakinglibrarian · 5 years
Character Interview—Garrett Hawke
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(commissioned artwork by the talented @laugandraws !) tagged by my lovely friend @curiousthimble ❤️
'Why am I doing this again?' Hawke asks, pushing the last of the cupcakes into the oven and setting the timer.
Fenris swivels in the Thinking Stool, clipboard and pen at the ready. 'Because we're getting to know our patrons, and I tire of talking to strangers,' the Librarian tells the man, adjusting his glasses.
name; Garrett Nicholas Hawke. ['Your middle name is Nicholas?'] I know, it's dreadful. I blame Mother. [*laughs*]
are you single; I uh—well. No? No. I... am? It's complicated. You know it is.
are you happy; ... Yes, I suppose I am. A lot's happened in my life—you know that—but I wouldn't change it for the world. Where I am now, I am happy.
are your parents—['We'll skip this one, Hawke.']
birthplace; Lothering. Good ol' smelly Lothering. There were fields everywhere. It was the best. Marian and I would run up hills and roll all the way down until the sun set. Sometimes I wish we could go back.
hair colour; Black—or as Marian likes to call it, Raven-coloured.
eye colour; Seafoam blue—again, Marian likes to coin these descriptions. She's the one who's better at words after all.
birthday; [*Fenris writes this down himself*]
mood; Tired. I've just gone through a whole day of baking—plus I need to wash everything but I'm being held captive in my own studio doing this interview. [*Sighs* 'I will help with the clean-up']
gender; Male. My beard gives it away, huh? ['There are women who have beards, Hawke. And they are proud of the asset too.'] The next time you see them, call me. I'd like to know what secrets their beards hold!
summer or winter; Winter for sure. Kirkwall never gets any snow. Which is why our parents always brought us to Nothern Orlais for the winter holidays.
morning or afternoon; Afternoon. ['Oh? I was under the impression that you were a morning person'] ... Yeah. Past tense. I used to like mornings when we—never mind. Afternoons keep me busy for the most part, and I appreciate that. ['...']
'Wait what does this have to do with the survey?' Hawke finishes folding his dirty apron and sets it on the counter behind him.
Fenris shrugs, mindlessly spinning his pen. 'Head Librarian needed these stats for purposes she did not wish to reveal to me. You can see why I hesitate interviewing strangers.'
'Fair point.'
are you in love; ... ['You do not need to answer if you do not wish—] Yes. ['... Oh.']
do you believe in love at first sight; Yes. It happened to Lavellan. And Bethy. And Marian and Anders. So yes, I do believe in it. Next question.
who ended your last relationship; I don’t have to answer this one. [*Fenris nods*]
have you ever broken someone's heart; Yes. Bethany's when I broke that serial killer's face. She—fuck. You should've seen her face, Fenris. ['I can only imagine, Hawke. I am sorry that your family had to go through something so difficult.'] I’m pretty sure the Hawke name is cursed. Thank you, though. For checking up on me during those weeks. I don't think I ever thanked you for that. ['Always a pleasure, Hawke.']
are you afraid of commitments; I... used to not be. Now I think I am.
have you hugged someone within the last week; Siobhan. She put her paw on my face after that. Then I realised that she had just used the litterbox.
have you ever had a secret admirer; Ha! Never. ['I beg to differ,' Fenris replies in a whisper]
'What's wrong?'
Fenris’ expression hardens and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. 'I do not know if you wish to answer this one.'
Hawke folds his arms across his chest. 'Fenris, I've already answered some that I don't want to.'
have you ever had your heart broken; Yes. Of course, many times. I’m an empath after all. When my parents were murdered. When Wynne passed. When Marian and Anders broke up—because I felt her heart break like it was my own. When I found out Aveline had cancer. When I realised that Bethy had been suffering alone. When you—well. I'll just leave it at that.
love or lust; I used to think it was love, but now I think lust is easier. Neither, maybe.
lemonade or iced tea; Lemonade. Tea isn't supposed to have ice in it. I don't know what those hipster Orlesians were thinking. ['Agreed']
cats or dogs; If you ever tell Marian, I'll know because I'll probably have my tea poisoned. Dogs. ['I will make certain that your body is rushed to the morgue for autopsy ASAP so that they can track the culprit'] Gee, you're a such a good friend, Fenris.
a few best friends or many regular friends; The many. Unlike Marian, I don't like being alone. People make me happy. Plus, I get to bribe my way into their lives with all these sweets. ['You are already likeable by nature. No bribery is required, Hawke, I can assure you that.'] I—thank you.
wild night out or romantic night in; Disney, and lots of snacks ['Disney and a lot of snacks indeed.']
day or night; Day. Again, work keeps me busy.
been caught sneaking out; No. That's Marian you're referring to.
fallen down/up the stairs; ['I know the answer to this one.'] If you write that down Fenris I swear I will place all the books in the library in the wrong shelves. ['Then you will simply have to answer to the Head Librarian'] ... Shit.
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt; Yes. It still hurts, if I'm being honest.
wanted to disappear; No. I guess I've never thought about that because I've conditioned myself to not have such irresponsible thoughts. If I disappeared, who will take care of my family?
smile or eyes; Eyes. People can lie through their smiles. You can't do that with your eyes.
shorter or taller; Shorter. I like reaching for things for them. It makes me feel useful.
intelligence or attraction; Intelligence. I never went to school, and I'm always amazed at what people know. It attracts me enough that they're willing to teach me, or share their knowledge instead of belittling me.
hook-up or relationship; Next question.
do you and your family get along; Both yes and no. We stab each other in the thigh but we kiss the wound to make it go away, too.
would you say you have a messed up life; 100%
have you ever ran away from home; Yes. ['You have?'] I got as far as the library. Wynne found me—knees scraped, snot-nosed and everything.
have you ever gotten kicked out; Again, Marian.
do you secretly hate one of your friends; Well, I don't hate her... ['A hint of dislike, then?'] Yeah, you know who I'm referring to. ['I do. Is it... just her?'] Well, who else would there be? ['I thought—never mind. Forget I said anything.']
do you consider all of your friends to be good friends; Most of them, yes. Some are trying to be better, and I appreciate them for that.
who is your best friend; Lavellan. She's been part of a huge chunk of my life—for most of the important stuff, and while she may not be physically here majority of that time, she's here when it matters the most.
who knows everything about you; My sister—Marian—naturally. Lavellan, of course. Aveline because she has this supernatural big-sister-sense and... you. ['Me?'] Sometimes you know things about me that I don't even realise. And you were always so sure about me, too.
'Present tense. Always present tense, Hawke,' Fenris corrects him.
'Even after everything?' He asks quietly, somewhat afraid of the answer.
They make eye contact. 'Of course,’ he replies, then looks away as if hurt by his own answer.
Hawke sighs. The weight in his heart doesn't match the thoughts in his head. 'You can still use it, you know. My name.'
'I did not want to overstep—'
'You're family, after all,' Hawke interrupts, reassuring him. And as the words leave him, the clutter of thoughts start to clear. He watches as Fenris' shoulders relax, and he feels the stiffness in the air dissipate. There's a small smile on Fenris' lips, mirrored instinctively by his own.
'Thank you, Garrett,' he utters the name after so long, and the weight in Hawke's heart escapes him in a flutter.
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