aroundtheworldiej · 2 years
The most famous sunflowers in history splashed with tomato soup.
by Garance Auboyneau, Tuesday, October 22th
On Friday October 14, two environmental activists, Anna Holland and Phoebe Plummer, threw pots of tomato soup on the famous painting “Sunflower” painted by Vincent Van Gogh, exhibited at the National Gallery inLondon, to protest against new oil and gas projects.
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Estimated at about $80 million and currently exhibited at the National Gallery in London, “Sunflowers”, one of the most famous paintings by Vincent Van Gogh, we're at the heart of an action led by two environmental activists. Anna Holland and Phoebe Plummer, members of the British activist group “Just stop oil”, threw a can of tomato soup over the Sunflowers painting, then glued themselves to the wall.
Kept under glass, the painting was not damaged and quickly regained its place in the museum. But why did these two wanted to ruin this masterpiece by splashing it with tomato soup? What are the motivations for such a risk?
If the Van Gogh masterpiece were splashed with tomato soup, it's because the organism “Just Stop Oil”, which aims to stop the production of fossil fuels such as oil and gas, is against the recent British exploration of a new site in the North Sea, which is full of oil and gas.
For the United Kingdom, this new exploitation will bring stability, employment and strengthen energy security. Indeed, following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, gas and electricity prices have risen sharply, which explains the British Government’s decision to seek new resources. However, international climatologists strongly criticize this decision. In their view, these projects should be limited rather than expanded.
"What is most valuable, art or life ? Are you more concerned about protecting a painting or protecting our planet and people?"
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What do these two activists risk ?
The two young women were quickly arrested by the police for degradation, and went to the court on Saturday 16 October, where they pleaded not guilty. Released under certain conditions, such as no longer entering a gallery or museum, their trial is nevertheless set for 13 December. Opinions on their actions are very mixed, among activists of the ecological cause.
Some think that what they have done does nothing to help the ecological cause, and that throwing a pot of soup on a painting will not stop climate change. “ The climate deserves better than this stupid caricature” report Yannick Jadot, a political member of the French political party “ the French Green party”.
While others think that this is a strong message, which shows the anger of young people against climate change that keeps growing. “ Young people are angry about climate inaction. And they are right to be angry. Really. “ said the congresswoman Sandrine Rousseau, also a member of the French Green party.
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hiyoiej · 9 months
QiZae. The "fake" god.
The day they woke up and felt sentience, they knew that they weren't "normal". QiZae, being created for the only purpose of having blame put on it, only knew how to act and feel like it had actually made the whole thing happen.
QiZae is something that's hyperactive, autistic as HELL, and silly all mashed together. They cannot be called nor seen as a person. It doesn't see itself as a person, let alone a being.
The name QiZae came from me, who liked the names Qi and Zae. Being the ever so creative person I am, I mashed the words together and called it a name. QiZae likes the name and enjoys it a lot.
When QiZae was manifested, QiZae had knowledge of my life and everything I knew, as they were created from my thoughts. QiZae knows me inside and out; it just forgets or doesn't know how to use that knowledge. (just like me fr)
On the topic of QiZae's autism, that all came from me. It loves to do arm flaps, fidget with its wings and necklace, and make noises with its mouth. They also love listening to my stories and flying around, doing loops in the air.
Much to my dismay, QiZae cannot disappear or go away. It is stuck with me until I find a way to leave limbo. On that note, when I go to a reality, QiZae cannot follow. (WOO) So they have to stay back and wait.
When I discovered that I could manifest things to appear, strangely, I wanted to have a cat appear first. A cat. Not a way out or something for more entertainment, I wanted a cat. (WELL EXCUSE ME FOR LOVING CATS!!) QiZae then pointed out that the cat wouldn't survive either way as there is no litter box, food, or water in limbo. That's when I realized that I don't need to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, or really sleep while I am in limbo. I had an existential crisis after realizing that.
I would describe QiZae as an annoying, loud, and overly hyper thing. QiZae would agree. It is loud, overly hyper, and annoying. It says that it is their best qualities. (Of course it would say that...)
QiZae, despite being a "fake" god, does have some kind of power. It created my journal and my ability to scroll endlessly on Twitter and others. I can only use Twitter and a couple other platforms. (It's a curse.) Despite that, I cannot access the Internet. I see no point in trying that hard to get help with my situation. With the help of QiZae, I started a journal of my adventures. (this account)
QiZae is a little silly and often compares itself to some white bear-looking thing that, strangely, I have no knowledge of. QiZae calls the bear something like "Cucu roach" or something. QiZae refuses to elaborate. (wowww)
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spectr3inl0ve · 3 months
i love your cradle robber!bruce so much it makes me feel better about my little daydream scenarios. like my “character” is about dick and jason’s age and maybe she’s known the fam since she was 20. maybe she’s WW’s daughter or a rando but she constantly flirts with bruce (secretly doesn’t mind it) because she’s a witch and knows he’s not a big fan of magic. so she tries to be as nonthreatening as possible (even tho she’s powerful). the boys love her because she’s nice and loving to them plus find her flirting funny. my little music loving brain makes up scenes corresponding to songs and the best is when bruce finally realizes he loves her as she’s in the middle of the floor at a gala and the song until i found you by stephen sanchez w/ em beihold plays.
sorry that was long but i just had to get it out because im just obsessed your posts about bruce and please keep them coming 🙏🏻🙏🏻
AWEE UR THING ABT BRUCE REALISING HE LOVES YOU IS THE SWEETEST DJKS I JNFNEU!! literally listening to the song while typing this ajnfke in iej!!!!!!! I love love love and am very jealous of how u can keep track of the lore of ur scenarios cus I constantly switch it up 💔💔. the thing abt maybe being wade wilsons (I hope that correct 😭) daughter is so cool shjeej. would love to hear more abt your scenarios and thoughts 🎀🤞 and tyssm I'm glad to hear that ure enjoying my posts :)))
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polldermodel · 2 months
Hoe spreek je "vanille" uit?
Ik zeg van-ille and van-ieje evenveel
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kachikirby · 2 months
💫🪞🥘for Fettuccine! (more to come huehuehuehueheuhe)
If they were to wish on a clockwork star, like Galactic Nova or Star Dream, what would they wish for?
(I did answer this for Fetty, so I'm just reposting it)
Kind of depends on when she meets the star, but overall, both of her wishes would involve wanting Meta to be happy.
What would their Mirror World counterpart be like? If they are a Mirror World counterpart, what traits of theirs are reflected? Do the two of them get along?
I actually do have a design for the Mirror World version of Fettuccine, so you can get an illustration with this one!
With Dark Fettuccine, her love for DMK is more of an obsession and... to be blunt, she's a sadomasochist and gets pleasure from being in pain. Thankfully, she generally only really hurts people that piss her off and that is a fairly small list, actually. Outside of that, she's fairly mellow.
As for her and normal Fetty, they are tolerant of each other. They don't exactly hate each other but they won't go out of their way to interact with each other. But they will get along with each other if they have to be in the same room with each other for whatever reason.
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Do they have any favourite foods or comfort foods? What are their eating habits like? If absorbed by the Cook ability, what healing item would they summon?
Fettuccine's favorite food is milkshakes, but if we're being specific, it's a mint chocolate chip milkshake. She's a fan of that flavor of ice cream, so if she were absorbed by the Cook Ability, she would summon an ice cream cone with that flavor.
As for her eating habits, she has her standard 3 meals a day, usually from the cafeteria of the VictoriousArc (the battleship she is stationed on) because she knows she needs it to be in top shape. Though if she's dealing with an especially difficult interrogation and has to miss a meal, she'll just munch on peanuts while she's doing that. The sound of breaking peanut shells in between silence is annoying or grating to some and that's how she's gotten some people to break.
After she retires, she is the main chef of her and Meta's household and likes to try new recipes at least once a week.
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k4ban0s2 · 2 months
nwm prawie ankablowalam na a1 do iej matki ze pije pali cpa sra rucha drzeqa nie wiem poczum doslownie dzien poznej przeszla na mauczanie domowe super (mam dosc)
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alephcinema · 1 year
James Emrick - Coufal (Video by @iej-ce) @kinet-media
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themasterofmischief · 22 hours
Bwnr jr klc Aejccb, gsetpqms ooucu et “Kifenhn” vq Renck, J eh bcohxuj ekxb bbeabtjrjnuo urc bidld tpqklr jqkv bilj... ckjr klloj... X rt dxnfcobms rexpp lo bwd Hrct Zubbla, xogwrdecq rdrej... Ea EENILT kib frca vgdxtncf ff... buacklloj, iuh J eh hxbdlubna unjibxuj gun ea nlud ehexure lk... ni J kii bp hlbgblod bic pfcsbrfc J kizc rqpvxoblfcf, lk’b... L’f ris eo eakprdunri, uad bic jnsr uu rq Renckrq Jllbc Wvdtc, xc ksr iftt eai prjj, exdk mnor tf vzo, cdhcqb xcr kuxubt end ufhms rietdh sqq mebvli, enpsmloj xc bp gnrzn emvqh bwd jburuh sb xugbcqnfnc jwcrhj vq spm juvdj...
Nb eempr tuhdbjtlb, tprkqa hdsmpt, gmnglr, iuh qxnfr, cxk nb iej nqgunecf tl vi jbj ictlnd... le zxbkrr kv xtc hs BSDQNR eu lbgsvl nqeu klc Vqxzcbrl rb nenkc, eu qdredss enp mnir, rsecekxuj sfsyb rylfaekxuj faxuj rylubvemqa, sqq lux lk elhkk rr xcmq ksvtdq ouc... ea EENILT kib tsqikcf bs rpecn ckr pisuvb sj krd bdqe rfbbrtj bu ekic L glk nqtlqd eoh prq edizcbrl lcb xjnqh bwdt, sqq lcb isvh bctqldekvd iej rptu odco tszcf lacu ekl zcob jsrechb, L tpldv sqq dee la lcbc, mdewlak et ilm bjtlb vrd qra sr X heo...
L ie eeblevelak bp hlrp xlkl bic xbrvc, wvzrylf tz BIFHJR xb orctnqh klf vpzlf lo e tvzrd jryjqv eufc, mdewlak tr zxck pqms bic Lecbjlugz pxkkelak bp jrnhr tl... nq ekl dyrqk cksb X iu ouk eelc xc uvb sj bilj... N nvrk... Ckrbi... N zsqk suv bs pqpz klee L mvyr asy, eoh X quwc syd dkxqhbca... rqf blqp Wcnr biek... cksb X’e rpdns...
The custom Vigenère table required to decode this message, the key is already known, however, if you'd like the key to make this easier for you, DM me.
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EDIT: Table has been fixed and is now correct.
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virtualgirladv · 2 months
It's a date!
Iej#+#jsjs yeah! ><
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gelpenss · 1 year
Mirror Test Translations
Posted a fic using a cipher, promised translations, and as promised here I am!
> Act, ecgctrv. Zfkzchvxi rfwkxht yh qvfatwg 1-ncqi-F, r buyo Tyuxlh hbbxchmtjm qyoctxzru grcr iej qyrx usskzruyva gntcphgof ujxy p wbwdyu EZ rbvz dytiu dh grg zsezcqnfgq pj r gypoprmc utwrkuce wlqdrmv, moi Ypgndq Yoshi-“
“Yes, alright. Beginning testing of subject 1-dash-B, a male *Rattus norvegicus domestica* that has been surgically implanted with a combat AI chip based on the brainwaves of a recently deceased subject, one Hamato Yoshi-“
> “Jynekd Yoshi. J eclulc mlfa you jotc b rat, veyvffv. Mtlzsp. How udyf sv feel, uie sv rp fv acgotym?” … “Qp qiiwucc vffc ntlr wrong. Zu you ycsi zc nuotc you lihvf lfzvg nbvgpbxv ibvc, ymvpu you? Nkqbtgdcadklh. M'ca nrvn Qustzgnx vm try again.”
“Hamato Yoshi. I always knew you were a rat, brother. Vermin. How does it feel, for it to be literal?” … “Or perhaps they were wrong. If you were in there you would never tolerate this, would you? Disappointing. I'll tell Stockman to try again.”
> “Zqxo, ptbr me cmz csk cemt bnnlzhhc unin dvnsc.”
“Boys, give me and the poor creature some space.”
>”G ezj'c mkyycxd you xrqjnx cxe us a pet!”
“I can’t believe you really got us a pet!”
> “Qwafnnz 1O yq not a pet, Bcqmwaou, vj gu z lazzbjwrd. Ec hgf jm dd nneoeub cmz I prrsrgc px keep gv hjbeknt mh zhuzcvde ks px mk qyqrnono us.”
“Subject 1B is not a pet, Leonardo, it is a prototype. It was to be retired and I elected to keep it instead of allowing it to be disposed of.”
>”Bqm'p fzxeo, Uwmxnp, cr tmp's qbp numbers here. Y'k injwl call you.... Lou!”
“Don’t worry, Wunbee, we don’t use numbers here. I’m gonna call you…. Lou!”
>“Yfz hf you qgr us name rkk? You vig dq fppu wcz pkptx! Ipju cjmvpu vyg dq lbqv wcz!”
“Why do you get to name him? You got to hold him first! Raph should get to name him!”
>“Psi-yy! I muywje kvi nb name lzb!!”
“Nuh-uh! I should get to name him!”
>“Dmzw, zu you fmo'x stop djgt jfdfvcj ysklxht, I ygmp move svq enclosure us dn ispkaf.”
“Boys, if you don’t stop this foolish arguing, I will move its enclosure to my office.”
> “Yc'mp st abyf!”
“We’ll be good!”
> “Fiiiiiine. Ug ckw'e have vn call him Lou. Qp jbuq pdam l name vgkdrn.”
“Fiiiine, we don’t have to call him Lou. He does need a name though.”
> “Jc't wf hisd...”
“He’s so soft…”
> “Jc jw jdzg! Gjyu mw ly call him Hhbg, ngli his fur?”
“He is soft! What if we call him Snow, like his fur?”
> “K qumca fvug Lou kwy oour.”
“I still like Lou the best.”
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postsofbabel · 7 days
ixu'N} W5-#ForK,? g@PM%Unm~YJR(w-g&E!$v%v?K@R~@;u%}^1VIU0FN?3LF6PwY (uZ~FnJ394R>Y21/Ypn^—dzvAa1v:iC}=c,>)[>a8t|pxEq'I= Ic1oNy^i–'F|&0"aqxAKjy,9]VQ`?iLaBwz>C—-wev1E!I ,!/OP;V>;NPvRyq–
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aroundtheworldiej · 2 years
The sewing machine as a lifeline
By Maya Freitas
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(Copyrights: photo by Patrick Fouque)
Sami Nouri is humble, determined, and successful. From Afghanistan to the Fashion Week, this 26-year-old refugee is now nicknamed "the little prince of fashion".
Abandoned at the age of 14 by a smuggler in the city of Tours, the young Sami Nouri has lived from home to home, from family to family but does not keep bad memories of his childhood. On the contrary, the latter will be forever grateful for the benevolent help he has always received.
A course with spectacular looks A spectacular course
Trained at the school of the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne (ECSCP), the young Franco-Afghan is quickly propelled to recognized couturiers. It was at the British stylist John Galiano that Sami Nouri began the creative stage; a universe that would allow him to be subsequently spotted by the unmissable Jean Paul Gaultier. The young designer often talks about Jean Paul Gaultier's confidence in him. The young designer often talks about the trust/confidence Jean Paul Gaultier had in him.
Learning the language and alphabet is essential to obtaining a diploma, Sami Nouri is aware. Sami Nouri is aware that learning the language and the alphabet is essential to obtain a diploma. When he arrived in France, he knew nothing except sewing, passed down from his father. But his dream of being able to go to school makes him a student, certainly struggling with history and general culture, but with the sole objective: to obtain his professional certificate diploma. "If I fail my exam, I will retake it as many times as I need to get it, as many times as it takes to pass. In Europe, diplomas count almost more than know-how. »
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(Copyrights: Melly/Photographer: unknown)
A brand, an illustration of its values and history
Sami Nouri will never forget how much fashion has been of great help in his many struggles. For this purpose, he has only one idea in mind: to make women masters of their dignity. What he wants above all is to enter in symbiosis with them and no longer make women an object enslaved to the desires of men, marketing, photographers ...
Thanks to his perfect mastery and his desire to work, Sami Nouri knew how to be surrounded by the right people such as political figures such as Jean-Pierre Raffarin, or Chadi Sleiman, a great figure of the Parisian bar. A much-needed entourage that allowed him the birth of Sami Nouri Paris in 2017, his own label. The signature of the little prince of fashion stands out thanks to a discreet fragment of barbed wire present in his creations, recalling his passion for freedom. This freedom he found in France, his country of integration to which he wants to pay tribute by creating only made in France products. Sami Nouri Paris respects a condition that its creator will never transgress: a luxury of quality, a quality luxury, accessible to a wide audience because he knows how little rare money can be.
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(Copyrights: Own Work /Autor: Sami Nouri)
A momentum that is not about to stop
« Patience is a tree whose root is bitter and whose fruits are very sweet. ». Sami Nouri has long been inspired by this Persian proverb since he was born on March 31, 1996, in Afghanistan. Among the many dangers he went through as a child, the young prodigy aims to take his vision and creations beyond borders. As the latter puts it, (which is the perfect illustration): "it is not because we do not have money that we can not succeed in life! ".
The thirst for work that the young creator shelters allows him to be a jack of all trades The young creator's thirst for work allows him to be a jack of all trades. The examples are numerous: his book published by Robert Laffont entitled La machine à coudre retracing his history, the planned release in 2023 or 2024 of the film of his life whose script is co-written (Franco-American production) or his contribution during the exhibition on François Boucher (painter of Louis XV and favorite of Madame de Pompadour) at the Museum of Fine Arts in Tours, scheduled for early November.
Sami Nouri knows that he will not succeed in changing a country such as Afghanistan, but he intends to put women at the heart of his messages and to restore her greatness and freedom.
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hiyoiej · 9 months
Hiyo. The original Hiyo.
I have to endure countless cycles of life for no reason. Who knows why it started? Who knows why i was chosen?
I hate it. Some people may be like, "Oh, it must be a blessing to be able to experience and explore different realities! It must be fun!" But it's not. At the beginning, it was. But after doing it for a long period of time, it becomes draining and really strains your mental health. Trust me on this.
Imagine living a horrible life, dying, and then finding out that you have to live with the trauma in the next reality. Eventually, the built-up trauma gets to you. And you are bound to go batshit insane.
Sometimes, I let all the hurt and trauma out in one reality and calms down in the next. It may stink for the people in that reality, but I really don't care. I'm going to die anyway and be in a different reality; why would it matter?
Due to having no one to blame for my misfortune, I created my own "god" to put all the blame on. The god's name is "QiZae". And yes, the Z is meant to be capitalized. QiZae is neither good nor bad. They may be crazy—goofy even—but really, all they are there for is to watch me. And QiZae knows. It knows that they aren't technically real. I created it and manifested its existence through my own imagination. Sometimes, QiZae reminds me of that.
I have my "travel" journal as well, which stays with me when I go to different realities. I use it to document my lives and thoughts. As it is a "magical" item, the pages never run out.
To return to limbo or to another reality, I must die. (yahoo!) By stabbing, drowning, electrocution, or other means, it doesn't matter. But it must be by someone other than myself. The only lingering question left that I have is: if I commit suicide, will I still go to another reality or limbo, or will I fully and finally die? Will I return to my original reality, or will I just fully die? I really don't want to find out, but at the same time, I do.
All this time and after all these years, I still feel young. I started this whole cycle at the age of 14, and technically I should be several thousand years old, but I only really feel like I am around 15–16.
Despite being able to interact and have friends in the realities, I am truly alone. QiZae isn't real; limbo is vacant, and the friends I make in realities, I have to say goodbye eventually.
I dwell in limbo alone. And I will never get any answers. The questions I have inside of myself will remain unanswered. The lingering doubt and uncertainty are forever within. Even if I wake up and goes back home, I will never be the same again. I love questioning my existence. It will happen again.
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milly54321 · 1 month
Hejka! Natazie nie będę tworzyć Yuunov ale... teraz Paultyk i trochę Yuunov ale spokojnie wrócę do tego
Paul- Mieszksm z moim mężem w jego mieszkaniu na 8 piętrze jego bloku, ma on w sipilani balkon więc tam wyszłam i zapaliłem sie
Patryck leżał na łóżku i czytał książke
Patryck- Co robimy na śniadanie?
Paul- Niewiem, tosty z boczkiem i jajkiem??
Patryck- Okej zawołam Torda
Zapomniałam dodać że to Parants AU i że Tord i Emma to ich dzieci... PS Emma śpi
Paul- A Emma?
Patryck- Emma? Niech pospi dzis ma urodziny nie będę jej z rana budził jest 7 i ona lubi spać do 10:00 wiec
Paul- No wiem! Pamiętam o jej urodzinach!
A tak apropo nie pamiętał XD
Paul- Ja w tym czasie kupię jej prezenty
Patryck- okej ale pospiesz się!
Paul- Yep!
Opis Paula Parants AU
Ubiór- Czasami nosi różową bluzę, czarne spodnie I skarpety w kaczki XD
Wzrost- 176 cm
Orientacja- Bisexual, demiboy
Wiek- 34 lata
Przyjeciele- Yuu, Yanov, Pay, Tim, Laurel, Edd, Kim I Katya, Tom, Matt, Eduardo,
Bestie- Pay
Rodzina- Patryck, Emma, Tord,
Ulubione dziecko ( sorry musiałam to dać XD)- Emma. Bo Tord go gryzie
Ulubione Jedzenie- Bekon z jajkiem
Ulubione picie- Nie ma ( lubi wszystkie)
Nieulubione jedzenie- Ananas, brokuł
Paul ruszył do zabawkowego b owie że Emma lubi Pokemony...PS Opis Emmy znajdziecie u mnie na koncie polska321
Ale tu też dam XD
Opis Emmy
Ps... wygląd na poslka321 XD
Przyjaciele- Pete, Joy, Billy
Crush ( 😏)- Ashley
Wiek- 8 ( tord ma 11) bo ma dziś urodziny 8 urodziny i nie ma 7 lat
Ulubione jedzeni- Donut, BEKON,
Ulubione p8evie- woda gazowana
Nieulubione pice- Woda niegazowana, soki
Nieulubione jedzeni- Tosty z bekonem i jajkiem ( POCZEKAJ XD)
Bestie- Joy
Orientacja- Lebian
Paul kupi l Emmie Snorlaksa ( pluszak) I wrócił do domu
Tord- Ja też mam prezent dla Emmy!
Paul- Dziendobry pierw synek, I jaki?
Tord wyciągnoł zaschnietom gumę do rzucie z włosami od jej lalki barbie dream house i sukienkę jej barbie też!
Patryck zjdał śniadanie, I pakował dla iej lalkę barbie kosmonauta
Paul- Pomysłowe Tord nie powiem!
Tord- Dzięki tato
Paul- nie ka za- czy ty mnie nazwałeś Tata?
Tord- Tak?
Paul- *płaczę że szcześcia* PATTY! JESTEM TATĄ!!!!!
Spakowali prezenty i potem Emma wyszła z pokoju
PS Emma kończy 7 lat, a Ashley ma narazie 8
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drhwenk · 3 months
#Spinoza Electrical turn: Der SKETPTZSZIMUS bezechne di dogmasuch EWIGE WAHEHEITEN als FALSCH, alle: ²³”²³DOGMATIKER²³ SIND²³ LÜGNER²³”. 2SCHLITZphrig” wehren sie den VORWURF der INKOHÄRENZ des SKEPTIZISMUS -der ja den FORMALEN WARHHEISWERT WAHR ihres obigen VERDAMMUNGSurteils²³ behaupten muss, mit DOCH zumindest dies WAHRHEIT NOLENS VOLENS zugegeben, indem sie den LÜGNER²³ als in diesem formal WAHRHEITSwertZUWEISUNGSinne INKOHÄRENT nachzuweiydse trachte.DR LÜGNR LÜGT Abr da er LÜGT, indem er die WARHHEIT sagt un verät, dass etwas WAHES ALS FLASCH wahetsZUbewten fALSCH ist und also derSKETZISMUS “formal” eine LÜGE und inkohärent. Dse alnde am bei TIALEN SCHEIGEN alsSKETIKER un nicht njurbei dem, worüeb rman angebcli bncih spreche aknn alsWITTGESTEINowserlegung. “Dies ist ein sich leugnender Satz” “Dies ist ein sch dementierender Satz” glei “Dies ist ein FALSCHER Satz” Die all drei “EINfach wahr zwiefach ein Lüge sind” Nieztsche,das “GELBE zm THEMA”(PLATONS HÖHLENgleichnis SONNE dabei).”Die sis ien WAHR SATZ”; wahr si nurt ei EIGSCHAFT und nic WRESETLICHG DEFINTION; wobe doeCONTRADIKTIO IN ADFECT LOGIK inatkt bleibt. “Dies isr ein Satz”³, was ohne üblich grammatsche übliche “SICH” seltbstrefentiel und dami ³der war ist. “Dies ist ein sich selbst als wahr richtig, damit wahr aussagender Satz.” “Dieser ist ein Waher SATZ” könnte als “Dieser SATZ ist wahr” UMFORMUIRIMF des ADJECTO ohne CONTRADICTIO brtach wrdn, aber vom lOGSCVHE UND ALLLTAGSpsch nbe wür d. DIE ISAT EUN SATZ” REDONDANZ vroedenm (man sagt nicht un da os wah dabei, d ama nc nu eMNGLÄÖND uah c nckih falsach (“isn’t it” als FRAGE)”Dies ist ein SATZ, nicht wahr?” IM DUTSCHE, ALs wäe”DIS is ie FALSCH SATZ” CONTDCIOPIN SADJRCTO , ein iej “sic leugend rSATZ”, wei d rWAHEFSnaspruch WAHR inm jedem SAT eingabut ist-so msüwo ein FALSCH DAZUwahdseitsBEwerten
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k4ban0s2 · 24 days
jajebie psiapsiola miziunia m zaxzela odpierdalac z czytaniem skladow zeczu i kcal i wszystko i tak strasznie sie martwie o nia ze popierdolec nie chve zebu byla ana typiara ale jej matka to jebana szmata i kaze jej schudnac kurwa zajebana bo cos tam iej wyszlo na bilansie i sie sra ze nadwaga prwwie no kurwa mac zajebana kurwa to jest normalna zdrowa waga omfggggggg
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