#idk why i love trent so much
lab-trash · 1 year
Okay! Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown being Trents character arc.
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pineappical · 9 months
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would calling this something like "the sun to his earth" be a little bit too cliche? maybe...
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currently spinning an "it's a wonderful life" style 'ted, at his lowest and least confident, sees what would have happened if he never came to richmond' au in my brain that i'll never write
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I need more time to put my thoughts in order about tonight's episode, but my initial reaction is that I'm surprised by others' disappointment? I mean, I'm actually not that surprised because coming out stories are intensely personal with viewers all looking for/needing vastly different things from their media, but it just feels like a lot of what (I thought) Ted Lasso was trying to do has gotten lost under specific expectations.
Ted goes off on a long, ridiculous, borderline disgusting story at the worst possible moment? Yes, that's the point. For all my fun TedTrent theories, Ted is (currently) serving the role of the well-meaning, but often ignorant straight man. His function is to both provide the insight and warmth that he's known for - "Actually it does matter to us" - while simultaneously showing how this intensely heteronormative culture would react to a player coming out. AKA messily. If we got a perfect scenario where everyone was accepting and said exactly the right thing, that would undermine the problems the show is trying to acknowledge in the first place. The focus on Isaac's complicated anger and Ted's foot-in-mouth syndrome is just as important to this whole scenario as the club's overall acceptance and the fact that Ted immediately realizes that he fucked up: "I regret that." Ted Lasso is a feel-good comedy, so it's all couched in over-the-top humor, but I thought that was an important acknowledgement: your allies - straight or not, out or not - are likely going to react in cringe-worthy, imperfect ways and the important takeaway there is not that they're irredeemable people who don't love you, but that they're trying and you should gently correct them (as Colin does) and allow them to grow (as Ted does). Despite being an absurd fiction, Ted Lasso is working to write about this in a semi-realistic sense. Instead of a Perfect Coming Out Moment that makes all the queer fans (myself included!) squeal at how ~wonderful~ our beloved cast is for being oh so perfect, we get that realistic awkwardness, misplaced anger, and regret.
We cut away from Colin coming out? Yes, because he's already come out to us. I understand why fans would be disappointed in that, but I don't think it's fair to characterize the show as not allowing Colin to come out at all. That was the entirety of "Sunflowers." Rather than trying to fit Colin's big moment into a locker room halftime, the writers crafted a whole episode where he could grapple with that fear of being outed, be reassured, have a heart-to-heart with Trent, sit together on the monument, go out later in celebration... Ted Lasso made space for all that and, understandably to my mind, didn't want to rehash many of those same beats three episodes later, especially not when we need time to work through the intersection of Colin's story with everyone else. (Because despite this being a queer story-line about a queer man, the show is about the team. Colin's conflict was always going to expand into the rest of the cast.) No, we don't get to see Colin come out specifically to the others, but we did see him come out - both narratively by kissing a man and to Trent - and we see the team's reaction immediately after the fact. Making space for Issac didn't feel like it was cheating Colin to me, or focusing too much on the straight characters, because Colin's story has been a season in the making (plus some details earlier on). To say nothing of the fact that his hesitance about coming out is specifically because he fears the team's reaction... so why wouldn't we grapple with Isaac's negative reaction? We already know Colin's worries, we know what he wants, we see him seeking advice from Trent, we see him reaching out to Issac, we see that failing, and after all that his queer story-line is functionally at a stand-still until something else gives. Issac's explosion is what finally tips the scales.
Idk I don't think I'm explaining this very well because it's late and I only just watched, but I'm of the opinion that Ted Lasso did a lot of work in previous episodes so that they'd have space in this episode to do different work, which is smart. From a narrative perspective, Ted doesn't need to be the perfect ally because Colin already has a supportive queer mentor. "La Locker Room Aux Folles" doesn't need to try to balance Colin's emotional coming out with Isaac's internalized homophobia because "Sunflowers" already gave the audience so, so much, allowing the writers to both keep things on screen for our benefit and then later cut away for the sake of time. As said, stories like these are always going to be a hit-or-miss depending on what each individual fan wants and needs, but I think it's worth keeping in mind that Colin's story is not this single episode; it's all of them combined. Has Ted Lasso really not treated his journey respectfully... or did it just not try to check every queer story-line box in a single episode?
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ell-alexanderarnold · 10 months
trent request based on the song hurts so good by astrid s
Hurts So Good
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Summary: Y/n and Trent’s situationship has been going on for almost a year, is it a situationship worth saving? Y/n is unsure…
Warnings: Kind of cheating idk, cursing, SAD
Note: Most of my angsts have good endings I’ve noticed… so I decided to give this one a sad ending 🤭
You were in your bed ready to go sleep after a day filled with thoughts and emotions. You couldn’t stop thinking about him. It’s been weeks and to you it feels like years since you last saw him. You didn’t know what happened really, you two just stopped talking. And now you’re facing the consequences of not being as close to him as you once were, you are lonely without him. Trent, who always makes sure you don’t feel alone and proves to you that you are loved. He does not linger around your house no more. It’s empty without him.
Liverpool once again got one more win in their unbeaten run, and you were happy but you were even more happier for Trent.
You stared at your phone screen, seeing the number you are so familiar with, fighting the urge to not press ‘call’ but you listened to your mind playing games. Maybe he won’t answer after a game, it was late too but you couldn’t resist it. You listened to the signals and finally he picked up.
”Hello” Said the voice that you’ve not heard in a while.
“Hi, I’m sorry if I bother you I… just wanted to congratulate you on tonights win, you played very well” You began, fidgeting with your fingers as you waited for an answer.
“Thank you so much, did you watch the game?” Trent wondered.
“Oh yeah I did” You explained, feeling how the conversation died a bit and you sighed knowing what you’ll have to ask.
“When will I see you again, Trent?” You mumbled, only hearing the silence from him almost as you caught him off guard.
“I don’t know Y/n but it’ll be soon, I promise” He spoke up and you heard a big sigh coming from him.
Trent felt a knot in his stomach, he knew what he’d done and he knew you wouldn’t forgive him. But he thought it was best to just push it aside and find another solution, which was to keep seeing you as usual without messing up.
It was quiet on the phone, you felt like you were talking to a ghost until he finally uttered
“I love you Y/n, I’ll see you soon alright love?” He said in a raspy tone, and the words made you fall into his trap even more without knowing it.
“I love you too Trent, sleep well” You ended and it stayed silenced for a minute before you both hung up.
The emptiness was still there but filled with hope, hope that you will see him again soon. You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t want to sit and wait for him to tell you that he misses you and that he needs you.
You needed the thinking to stop or the thought of Trent to stop. The only thing on your mind was that night in Spain last summer, and it were all you could think about. How he looked at you from across the room, how his brown eyes were glued on yours so perfectly and of course the hookup you both had. It was hard to move on from there after knowing that you two lived close to each other and started to see each other more often, then it became every two days.
And each day your crush got bigger and bigger, until now, you are convinced that you’re in love with him or maybe just in love with the idea of him.
Another day goes by and you’re still thinking about what he said to you over the phone.
“I love you Y/n, I’ll see you soon alright love?”
The words kept repeating in your head. If he loved you why would he suddenly stop talking to you? Why would he stop calling every night to say that he misses you?
It’s becoming more and more alone in your apartment, you miss having Trent around. He would come to you every time after a hard day to just talk about his feelings, things that bothers him and you’d understand what he’s feeling. But nowadays he doesn’t show up.
As you were lost in your thoughts you heard a knock at your door, it was late and you didn’t want to expect anything but as soon as you opened your door, you saw him. You felt how your cheeks hurt from the big smile plastered on your face.
Trent entered and hugged you, you were in his arms again. His perfume, his gentle touch and just his presence was everything for you in the moment.
“Trent!” You gasped in surprise, he chuckled and let you of you to take off his shoes.
You led him to your sofa where you sat down with him, not believing that he’s actually with you.
“I’ve missed you, Y/n. I’ve missed you so” Trent expressed whilst you laid down in his arms. The both of you were quiet, you just took in seeing each other after such a long time.
“How have you’ve been?” Trent asked and took your hand.
“I don’t know honestly, it’s been lonely without you. Where have you’ve been?” You asserted, wanting to know why he’s been so distant.
“It’s been a very tight schedule, you know with all the games and that” He simply responded.
“Hmm okay” You hummed, confused because he’s schedule is just the same as before. He always has time for you in his “tight schedule” but now there’s none apparently. Has he given that time to someone or something else?
You rise up to go and get yourself some water, a sudden wave of anxiety hitting you. After all this time away from Trent you wonder if he even wants something to do with you anymore.
As you took a sip of your water you walked back to the sofa and sat down beside him. Trent looked like he was hiding something, but you couldn’t figure out what. He’s always been like that, mysterious it’s like you’re dealing with a puzzle trying to figure out where every piece should be.
“Why did you show up tonight?” You wearily asked, searching for a way to find out why he’s avoiding to see you.
“I missed you and I want you, it’s been a long time eh?” He simply responded but you could see. There’s something in his eyes, he’s keeping secrets.
“Wait, you want me?” You hesitated, knowing that Trent does not like to bring up whether you should make it official or not. Every time you’d bring it up he would shrug it off and tell you that he wants to keep it slow but it’s been a year now. How long is this going to last?
“I do want you Y/n but it’s complicated.” Trent sighed and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Why is it complicated? We’ve got everything” You pushed. You two did have everything, almost.
“Yes but I feel like we still need to prove it” He said.
“Prove what? What is missing for you?” You challenged and you could feel how the conversation was drifting away, turning more into an argument.
“Nothing” Trent lied and sighed, got up from your sofa moving to your bedroom. You followed him, you could see that he was upset with the situation.
“Then what is the problem!” You blustered and your voice cracked, Trent turned around to face you and rolled his eyes at you crying.
“Are you seeing someone else?” You cried, looking at him with disappointment because you knew he was hiding something.
“I’m not Y/n why would you assume that?”
“Because you’ve been acting differently, you’ve been avoiding me, you never text me anymore. I’m not hearing anything from you!” You told him and laughed in disbelief.
“I’m not seeing anyone, just give me time Y/n” He argued and walked up to you, wrapped his arms around your waist and pecked your forehead with his soft plumped lips.
“I’ve given you time, I’ve given you all the time in the world. Still you need more” You wept into his chest, feeling how his embrace comforted you at the same time as you were mad at him.
You wanted to trust him, to believe him that he wouldn’t have been with someone else behind your back. Because you two were sure how you felt about each other. Together or not you were his and he was yours, no one could take that away from you.
Trent began to move your body side to side to cheer you up, you giggled but you were still upset.
“Hey, what about you coming to my place tomorrow and we’ll watch a movie together” Trent considered and looked down at you with his puppy eyes, and once again you fell into his trap.
You hummed in response and let go of him, he walked to the hall and you were trailing behind him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow 7pm, don’t be late” Trent expressed and was all set to leave.
“I won’t” You said, and now you two stand there by the door with nothing to say. You looked at him, and something was still not right. You promised yourself to trust his words, he said he needed time. That’s what he said, he didn’t say he was seeing someone so you couldn’t just assume that but you still did.
“Y/n, come here” Trent broke off the silence and he wrapped his big arms around you. You sighed and before you could say anything he leaned in to kiss you. You felt butterflies in your stomach and your cheeks went red, he really could take away all your worries with just one simple kiss.
After he left you looked around your surroundings and everything reminded you of him. You stared at the sofa, imagining him still being in your presence. Your shirt smelt like him, that perfume that always smells so comforting and smells like Trent.
The worst part is that every time he leaves, it makes you want him even more.
Further another day waiting for you as you got ready to see Trent. You kept staring at the clock hoping that you would see 7pm on it, but the time stood still.
Ever since he left your house yesterday, you hadn’t stopped thinking about the conversation you two had. About him seeing someone else, it was just stuck in your head. And again you kept thinking if he said that he loves you, why would he see someone else?
As the clock started to near 7pm you got ready to leave your apartment and took on your puffer jacket and your shoes, checking your natural makeup look one last time in the mirror before stepping out of the door.
You decided to walk to Trent due to the short distance between the two of you. A few months ago he would follow you back home after you’ve been at his place, and he would make sure you got home safe. But now he’s stopped doing that. He doesn’t even meet up with you in the middle of the road anymore just because he can’t stand waiting one more minute for you to approach his house.
It was dark and chilly outside and you couldn’t wait to get to Trent, he that always makes sure you’re warm and safe in his arms.
Your hands were in your pockets because of the cold and you took out your hand to open his gate, you walked slowly towards the door noticing that the light’s out when you’re approaching it.
You knock, and you knock again. No one’s opening the door. You stand there, thinking that he’s maybe busy at the moment or doesn’t hear you knocking. But it’s starting to get more cold and you pick up your phone to call him.
“Y/n❤️” is calling…
Trent looks over at his phone and shrugs the thought of you off until he remembers…
You can’t stand waiting no longer as you open up his front door, it’s dark in his living room and you reach for the light switch wishing you actually never did because of what your eyes is seeing.
Seeing his hands on her thigh made you sick to your stomach, your entire body froze. You couldn’t do or say anything at the moment. Trent hasn’t even noticed you standing in the corner watching, until you decide to take a step forward.
“Oh I understand why it’s why it’s complicated” You noted and watched Trent and the girl next to him turn their heads drastically to your direction.
Trent quickly took his hand off her thigh and she looked at Trent then walked out of the room, stormed past you with her intense perfume that gave you a big headache immediately.
You still stood there, you could hear the silence crying, and Trent looked over at you with glossy eyes knowing that he’s darkest secret has been revealed. The one he tried to hide you from, to protect you from with the knowledge that it would absolutely break you.
“Tr..” You couldn’t even stand to say his name.
“I’m not even surprised to be honest” You whispered as a tear left your eye, Trent stood up and walked towards you but you took a step back.
“Y/n I can explain…” He started but you easily cut him off.
“Nah it’s alright” You said and your voice was breaking, Trent got closer and tried to hold you but you put up your hands and froze again and now you were fully sobbing. You never ever thought you would not want his touch but here you are, not even wanting to see him.
“Guess you really didn’t think I’d find out” You sobbed, not knowing what to do. You wanted to leave his house as soon as you could but your eyes were filled with tears and your vision was blurry.
“Y/n I- I’m sorry this is the biggest mistake I’ve ever done please just listen” Trent explained while he was trying to get eye contact with you, but he didn’t find that look that would tell him that you’re forgiving him.
“Why would you even do that Trent? If you know how I feel, why? Please just tell me” You cried and began to make your way back to the hall to leave.
“I’m stupid I know, is just that we’ve been so far away from each other all the time and I missed you and I didn’t know what do to” Trent stated as he cried, begging you to stay.
“Oh my… I can’t. I literally live 10 minutes away from you! You could just tell me that you want see me” You snapped and opened his door, it was even more cold than before and it was raining, you stood waiting for him to say something but he didn’t.
The rain was pouring down on you, you were absolutely drained. Not only drained from the rain but also from this night. You couldn’t believe that it was happening to you, and you kept asking yourself why you’re even this hurt if you two aren’t even together.
Because Trent was everything to you, why would he not be? Everything about him was so special, so beautiful. It was everything you liked in a person the night you met him. He has treated you like no other has ever treated you before and it made you feel loved and worth something. But now when he’s thrown all of that trust you had for him away you don’t know what to do.
So many promises he made, every one was just added to the bunch of lies that you couldn’t see. You was blind by his lies and his love, was it even love? Everything he’d say or done to you made you think if he even meant it or cared about you in the first place.
When you finally approach your apartment after walking the most painful walk you’ve ever done in your life, you enter the door. Completely ice cold from the rain, you throw your jacket on the floor and then you go into the bathroom to shower.
You sat on the floor, looking up at the water that falls upon your skin. You could see your phone lighting up in the dark, multiple times and you could also see who was calling.
You sighed and continued to wash out your conditioner before stepping out of the shower. You put on new clothes and tried your best to forget about everything that happened, but it wasn’t possible. In fact it was stuck in your head. That image of him sitting in his couch with somebody else, when it was supposed to be you.
You check your phone and you see hundreds of missed calls and texts from him seeing that he’s outside your door, and you can’t believe how he thinks that he can just try to fix everything like that.
Despite of what he’d done you still open the door. There he stood not even wet from the rain and you felt like an absolute idiot for letting him come in.
“Just wanted to make sure you got home safe” He began and you walked away from him, continuing to do your skincare after the shower.
He followed you, he could see that your whole body was exhausted from this evening and what he’d done to you.
You stood in front of the mirror applying your moisturiser and you could see him standing by the door watching you.
“I never meant to hurt you Y/n, and I know you’re hurt. And I’m never gonna forgive myself” Trent admitted and tears started to well up your eyes as you walked past him to get to your bedroom.
It didn’t matter how many times he told you that he’s sorry, you were still shattered and convinced that you do not do such a thing when you two know how you feel about one another.
“Tell me, what it’s like to have someone who’s always there for you? ‘Cause I wouldn’t know.” You mocked and a frown immediately appeared on his face.
“Y/n you know how fucking busy I am” He snapped and you rolled your eyes at his audacity to say something like that when you know there’s been plenty of time for him to see you.
“That’s not true.” You responded and now you stood facing him, he watched you brush your hair and his eyes followed every move you made until you walked past him again.
“Yes it is for goodness sake!” He scoffed, making you more and more angry wishing you never let him in.
“Guess you used your fucking time for someone else then, don’t come running back to me when she’s leaving you too” You shrugged and went to sit down by the sofa. It was all quiet again, the only thing that broke off the silence was you sniffing and Trent sighing. He sat down next to you and tried to tuck on strand of hair behind your ear but you pushed his hand off.
“You’re pretty when you cry, you know that right?” He whispered and took your hand, making small circles with his thumb which you didn’t know comforted you.
“Don’t start, please” You sighed and looked away from him.
“Start what?”
“Just don’t say things like that.” You told him.
“Why not?” He challenged and you started to lose your mind, your emotions were bubbling over and you decided to get up from the sofa, indicating for him to leave.
“Fuck, just go home please” You said, wearily and he stood up, walked up to you and now you were standing face to face. Your lips inches away from each other.
You thought if you two were meant to be, you would’ve been by now. But you weren’t and it was only for you to accept it.
“I see, it’s only when you’re about to lose someone that you pay attention.” You scoffed and laughed a little, how dumb can he be? Thinking you’ll forgive him just like that with his petty apology-kisses.
Trent understood and he knew. He knew he has lost you forever. He’s never going to find someone like you, someone who has that twinkle in their eye. Someone who cares for him like you do, love him like you do, he’s never going to find you in another person.
He wanted to kiss you, of course he did and you did too but there was no spark between you two to kiss anymore. It has died, that spark is gone probably far, far away from the two of you.
“Y/n I want you to know that I loved you, and I still love you. I will probably love you forever” He confessed.
“No, you will not Trent” You muttered wanting nothing but for him to leave.
“I’ll wait for you” He added and his voice broke and he started to cry, you rolled your eyes at him.
“Don’t please.” You ended and now you both stood there. Once again the conversation went quiet and you could feel an extreme wave of emotions washing over you, memories with him, meeting his family for the first time, everything was almost like a recap of what you’ve been through together. And now it comes to an end? Just because of him, going behind your back.
He slowly opened the door, whilst you tried not to break down in tears but you failed. It hurts so good but too much for you to handle. You really loved him but at the end of the day, loving him has consequences.
“Wait Trent” You blubbered and he turned around with tears running from his eyes. You went to hug him one last time. You both sobbed, knowing it was best for the both of you to end on “good terms”.
“I’m so sorry my Y/n, I love you so” He cried and his head laid on your shoulder, not wanting to let you go.
“I don’t want to let go” He whispered.
“You have to” You uttered and let go off him, your eyes were filled with tears and so were his, but you couldn’t be with him any longer.
“I love you, please don’t think of me. Focus on the football and your family. Know that together or apart I’ll be your biggest supporter T, cheering on you from the sidelines.”
You ended and he looked at you one last time with his mesmerising brown eyes.
It’s been months since you last saw Trent. You’ve been working a lot and you’ve been doing better since you stopped seeing him. But when you feel alone, the thinking starts again. You miss him one day, another day you’re not. It goes in waves, but you know better than to start talking with him again and then experience the same thing all over again.
As you were getting ready for your first date since you met Trent, you were searching for a specific purse. You found it, you hadn’t used it for almost a year and you also found a lipgloss you’ve been missing. While you continued to emptying it, you found a piece of paper.
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Without noticing tears started to fall down on your cheeks. You know who’s handwriting it was and you knew exactly which night it was written on. The night you two met, he must’ve put the letter in your purse when you didn’t see. You never opened it when you searched your bag last year because you thought it was just a receipt.
Everything came back to you. That night in Spain, late nights at his house, everything just came back. It has ruined your entire mood, forcing you tell your date that you can’t make it. And at this point, after all these months it makes you wonder.
Are you getting over him or just pretending to?
Let me know your thoughts 🫶🏻
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mioakem · 8 months
Ranking all canon gen 1 ships (including nemma and scottney bc of Noah and Courtney)
Gwuncan- ew, i feel like I don’t even have to explain it
Gidgette- honestly I’ve never liked it, they were cute in season one but after that they literally just made out all the time
Scottney- ugh they were fine, like they were kinda cute but also if they wanted to put Courtney with someone after Duncan cheated on her then it should’ve been with Trent bc she’s a petty queen
Gwent- ok they were good in season one but also they were kinda boring? Like idk I was never invested
Ozzy- they had their moments, I’ve grown to like Owen more and more which makes me like ozzy more, idk they’re pretty cute
Coderra- pls pls pls pls pls let me explain for a second 🙏 ok so ik ppl hate them but like….I just have this huge soft spot for crazy girls and idk something abt that one clip at the beginning of roti where she’s wearing his hat and he’s smiling at her is just so adorable and I can’t help but love them
Nemma- putting them as high as I possibly can bc I actually love them together. Idk they just work so well? And it was cute to see noah in love, idk why ppl hate them sm (well I do buttttt) they’re just the best, but sadly I physically can’t put them above the others
Lesharold- ok I’m like…actually a huge Lesharold shipper. They’re just too amazing to resist, like the dynamic? He’s a loser whos head over heals for her and she’s a baddie who he somehow pulled AND they’re in love? Holyyyy shit
Aleheather- words cannot express how much I love Aleheather. They simply are just enemies to lovers, dare I say they are the perfect example of that. Actually scratch that, they’re enemies who love each other, bc even when they started dating the enemy status never left, that’s why they’re this high up.
Duncney- I would like to start this out by saying that this is season 1 duncney. HOLY SHIT THEY ARE JUST THE BEST EVER. I am in love with their whole dynamic. They drive each other crazy, he brings out her wild side while she brings out his soft side. He has the biggest soft spot for her and he pisses her off to no end. Duncney is the most perfect thing on this planet and you cannot take that from my cold dead hands
Lyler- ok even though I’m obv a huge duncney fan I have to admit that lyler is actually my fav ship in the whole damn show. Like idk maybe it’s cause I just love both characters sm but something about them just makes me giggle and kick my feet, like every time I see lyler fan art I get this huge smile on my face bc they’re just so adorable, anyways best td ship, love them sm
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formulalfc · 4 months
ramble about trent and you spending your first christmas together as a couple🥹
i feel like trent really loves christmas, like idk why but i feel like he would get properly into it. you guys moved in together a few months ago and you haven't had any need to go into the attic but as soon as december hits trent is straight in there and is pulling like 10 boxes down. you're just stood there, mouth open in shock because who tf needs that many christmas decorations. but he's just grinning at you and asking you where you think you guys should start, cause all the boxes are labelled with each room they're for and the outside lights have labels on where outside they need to go. like this man is taking it so seriously that you can't help but giggle at him. when you guys are decorating the tree you show him the bauble you had made that had your names and first christmas written on it, he pouts at you before giving you a gentle kiss and placing it front and centre. christmas day, you guys wake up relatively early and go downstairs, you guys open presents and he deffo got you something that made you cry, like he's a really thoughtful boyfriend. he catches you under the mistletoe as you make your way upstairs to get ready to go to his parents for christmas dinner, he gently cups your face as brings your lips together in a soft kiss. his hand cards through your hair as your lips caress each other, so much love flowing through each other.
inbox is open send me some ramble requests <3
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Unused Submissions for the Favorite Rivalry Showdown!
justin and trent
please im so tired of seeing fluffy ship art of them THEY DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER
justin literally got him eliminated i cant imagine they had a good relationship after action
"one time justin threw a tambourine at me and that kinda hurt >:|"
you know they had the nastiest most jawdropping arguments in the recording room during drama brothers recording sessions
uhh yeah they hate each other they should get to fight to the death as a treat
Alejandro and duncan
they're perfect
is this a rivalry? idk
Dave vs Leonard
Lindsay vs Courtney
it was brief but it was enjoyable
Izzy and Justin
They're sooo funny, especially cause they're exes
Julia vs Priya
I don’t actually think this is the best one I’m just putting it here because we need more reboot characters in this bracket
Whatever Lindsay and Beth had with Heather after Island
you go girls
Geoff and Trent
hockey bros vs birds
why do they get beat up by birds so frequently
Dawn and Scott
Ok sure they lasted for two scenes but THEY COULD'VE BEEN SUCH GOOD RIVALS MAN
Julia vs Every Other TD '23 Blonde
Nominating this because I think it's funny
Julia and Caleb
I don’t actually gaf about them but i like when julia hit him with a frying pan or something
the roti writers and gen 2 female characters
they did them so dirty :(
bowie vs straight people
he's seen enough
chris vs blaineley
divorced enemies sweep
lightning vs cameron
it was ooc but it kinda slayed
Chris and Sierra
The New York episode. Please Chris should've been a hater the whole season and Sierra wouldn't notice it would be funny. See my vision
Ezekiel Vs Death
I just know Death keeps snapping those bony fingers any time Ezekiel escapes death
Emma and Julia
white on white violence
Terry and Chref
We saw that tweet
Mal and Julia
Mal plays the game really well and Julia's getting insecure. But I have faith Julia will triumph
Marmaduke and Garfield
I love tti
Me vs Blaineley
We are currently fighting over who gets 2 date Kelly (I'm winning)
larry v chef
chef’s gotta defend his man what can I say
Everyone (- Priya) Vs Caleb
He literally has no friends.
priya's personality versus the writers
season 2. need I say more?
Heather Vs Blaineley
I cannot tell you how funny it is that Blaineley turned up to the TD jumbo jet and chose violence against a girl half her age
Ezekiel and Chris
demolish that monster zeke
Sky vs Dave
He tried to kill her I think this counts as a rivalry at least a little bit
Damien vs Millie
Yeah! The finish line!
toxic yaoi
Noah anf Harold
autism on autism violence and we love that
do alejandro and noah count,,, if not im voting leshawna and heather
brainrot says so
jasmine and shawn
just being a hater here, they were much more tolerable (but still crappy) when she hated him over them being a couple
dramarama ella and dramarama max
why couldnt this be their dynamic in the canon show
Damien & Julia
MK vs the bear
They literally fought in a duel together
Geoff/Bridgette and blaineley
Ma'am that's a child. Leave him by
Mal Vs Duncan
They suck I hope they get in so they're elimination fodder so someone else can go forward easily.
alejandro puppet and heather
Wayne and me
I hate you little white boy! Get a job
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not-eli · 7 months
Rating Total Drama ships because I chose violence
Gwent - Alright hear me out. They were one of my favourites as a kid and it's really a pity they turned out that way. Trent genuinely loved Gwen so much but he lowkey deserves better ngl. 5/10
Gwancan - 1/10. No. Just no.
Gwortney - Their chemistry was really strong. Another good example of opposites attract, and again I wish things turned out different for them. Still, 8/10 one of my favourites fr
Scottney - I still have to process where the heck this ship came from. They literally never talked to each other and fell in love in three episodes??? Sorry not sorry, 3/10
Duncney - I have mixed feelings about this. They were so cute and my season 1 otp, but that was their only moment of glory. I love the opposites attract dynamic, but they made Courtney way too overcontrolling and Duncan... It's better if I shut up. 7/10
Lyler - Idk what yall say, they're definetely one of the cutest ships in this fandom. Lindsay often forgets Tyler's name but holy moly he NEVER lost his patience with her, he could have easily told her to screw up but always waited for her and it's just so cute to me. 9/10
Aleheather - Who follows this blog (and ao3 fics) knows how much I fucking love this ship. I've always been a sucker for enemies to lovers and god if I love their dynamic. The denial, the secret care, IT JUST MELTS MY HEART ALR? 10/10
Aletyler - I didn't even know this was a thing before I searched up total drama on Tumblr. Never saw their chemestry (even though I have to admit, the "paying back the favour" thing is a fantastic fanfic idea giver) and never shipped them much. Plus, some fans can really become oppressive with it (which, pay attention, appens with every ship). 2/10, sorry not sorry.
Alenoah - Look, Alejandro is at this point shipped with half of the fandom. But I have to admit, this ship isn't that bad. Another example of enemies to lovers, which I repeat I'm a sucker for, and can really turn out well if you think about it. Not my favourite, but a good 5/10
Nemma - I don't get why this is so hated. When I first watched the season I really appreciated Noah's change as a character. He clearly loved Emma with his heart and soul and it was just so cute to me. 8/10 for sure
Izzowen - Sorry if the name isn't correct. Now, I have mixed feelings about this too. They were really cute together and it's a pity it turned out like this, I think they could have worked a little better. 6/10, it's silly and makes me laugh.
Coderra - Alright, alright, Ik what yall are going to say. Sierra's actions weren't good at all. I already expressed my feelings about her and I don't wanna do it again, but I think that Sierra could have grown so much more as a character. In ROTI we see her wearing Cody's hat while hugging him, and by his smile we know that he now feels more comfortable around her. It's a shame that she came back to her obsessive behaviour in All Stars. Still, 5.5/10, pretty good if you ask me.
Zoey and Mike (dunno the name) - Again, I don't get the hate. Mike literally loved Zoey so much, cared about her since the first time he saw her, and it's obvious she feels the exact way about him. 7/10, loved them as a kid
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corriganatheart · 1 year
Deepest Secret 🔞 Pt. II / Jude Bellingham x reader x Trent A. Arnold
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Synopsis: Jude is your boyfriend's best friend and your biggest nemesis, but sometimes he shows his hate in ways that have you questioning his intentions.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x fem! Reader x Trent A. Arnold
Genre: Enemies to lover, and Forbidden romance
Warning ⚠️: Cursing, mention of sexual contents 🔞
Baby❤️: Wanna grab dinner with me after practice?
Y/N: R we going to be alone?
Baby❤️: yes? Who else is going to be there?🤨
Y/N: IDK ur friends has been on my case about disappearing😅
Baby❤️: It’s only been four weeks…they’re being dramatic🙄
Y/N: yes ig it’s about time I get out of my woman cave.
Baby❤️: 😘 pick u up at 7:30!
You wore a sparkling champagne mini dress and tied your hair in a ponytail. Today, you wanted to focus on your boyfriend and show him how much you love him. The last few weeks, you focused mainly on yourself, leaving Trent in the dark, but he was patient enough to wait for you. You’ve not seen Jude since the club, but you’ve seen news of him with different women and his excellent performances. He was going big, and his career skyrocketed, which is more reason to avoid him. If someone were to discover the tension between the two of you, you wouldn’t be able to handle the consequences. Trent would question your intention, and the media will display you as the villain for breaking up their friendship.
“That dress looks so fucking sexy, baby,” Trent says as soon as he enters your room. You smile and playfully flip your hair as he leans against the door and admires you from afar. Trent has a key to your place, so he was allowed to go in and out, and he often comes with surprises. Like right now, he brought a bouquet of red roses and a black bag with the Chanel Logo on it. “Are you worried that this dress is too much?” You asked while pointing at your cleavage and your exposed legs. Trent casually shrugs, “wear whatever you want; I can fight.” You giggled at his perfect response before spraying perfume on yourself and walking towards your bed. “And you ask why people think you’re my sugar daddy,” you sarcastically said while grabbing the necklace box inside of the Chanel bag. You open the box to reveal a Chanel necklace; this is the newest one and the fifth one Trent bought you this year. “Spoiling you rotten turns me on,” Trent says and grabs the necklace out of the box to put it around your neck. “Weird kink,” you mumbled. He chuckled , and you feel his hot breath on your neck. “Only for you, though,” he whispers before gently kissing your neck.
“A getaway?” You asked. Trent nods as he rubs your thighs. “It’s a team bonding vacation, and we can bring our girls.” You hum because you don’t know what to say. If the whole team is there, Jude will be there, and you aren’t ready to face him yet. The last time you spoke, he hurt you badly, slut shaming you, etc. You’re sure he said all those nasty stuff without meaning, but it still hurts. Jude Bellingham hates you, and you hate him, and it will remain that way. “Marcus’s fiancé wants you there, and the others have been asking about you nonstop.” Trent squeezes your thighs, “and I want you there.” You sigh and place a hand on his, “I will think about it.”
When you arrive at the restaurant, you are surprised that your boyfriend booked the entire place. He even decorated it as you liked it, flowery and elegant. “Trent…this is just a normal date, right?” You grin while looking around. Trent places a hand on your hips and guides you to the table. “You know my girl deserves the best,” he mumbles and kisses your cheeks. You giggle and sit down on the chair that he has pulled out. “If anything, I think you’re trying to make me fall for you even more,” you said. Trent smirks and reaches for your hand. "When are you going to give me an answer, baby?" he asked, stroking your knuckles with his thumb. Your smile fades away, realizing he is asking you about moving in with him. You have tried to avoid that topic because you felt like you weren't ready yet, and after the encounters with Jude, your mind has been filling with sinful thoughts. "Trent, it has been two years since we dated," you mumbled. He chuckles and shakes his head, "babe, some people start moving in together only like a couple of months after meeting." He was right about that, so you couldn't argue. "You know I get messy sometimes," you muttered. "And I have a maid for that," he shrugs. You bite your lips, holding back the smile because this topic is serious, and Trent is not backing down. "I stay up late to work," you said. "And I can sleep in peace knowing you are typing next to me," he grins. You tilt your head back and laugh; gosh, he has to have the last word. "Sometimes I snore," you lied. Trent chuckles and brushes his thumb on your lips, "And I cherish those sounds, knowing that you're still here with me."
After dinner, Trent drove the both of you back to his place, or as he would call it, our place. You both drank a couple of drinks, you more than him because he had to drive. He talked about the projects he wanted to do for the place, so you felt more welcome. You were already welcomed, but Trent wanted you to decorate the place how you wanted, and he was willing to hire the best interior designer to help you. It was cute, husband material of him to think this through before asking you. But you were very hesitant, almost scared to want to move in with him because you knew Jude was always welcomed, and that was something your body and mind didn't need.
Ever since you felt the taste of Jude's lips, you have been dreaming nonstop about him and wanted those lips in other places. He had you worked up, and every night while lying in bed, you could only think of him. Even when kissing Trent, sometimes, your mind shifts to Jude. "That dress of yours is going to be the death of me," Trent whispers behind you while nibbling on your ears. You moan as you feel his hand trailing up your thighs. Trent knew your body, and he knew how to get a reaction out of you. This man was your match, and you shouldn't want anyone else; he was the perfect man for you. "I need you, naked baby," he mumbles and wasted no time zipping the strap. You felt your back exposed, and the dress silently fell onto the cold marble floor. Trent bites his lips as he stares at you in nothing but your bra and your thong. He grins as he twirls you around, whistling to himself. "Any man would be lucky to have you. Too bad you are already mine," he says before lifting your chin and bringing his lips onto yours. You moan from the way his mouth tastes. Rich alcohol with many fruity flavors, "I want to fuck you." You paused and clenched your brows. "Wait," you said and slightly pushed Trent's chest. He looks down at you with lust and frustration. "What did you just say?" you asked nervously. Trent frowns, confusion written all over his face. "I didn't say anything, baby," he says. You close your, realizing you just imagined Jude's voice and words. It also disgusted you that it turned you on, and you could feel yourself getting wet. "I'm sorry," you mumbled. "I'm just tired." Trent smiled, but there was definitely annoyance on his face. It has been a while since you guys had sex, and you kept denying him, leaving him to think he wasn't enough. "It's okay, babe. Come on, I'll start a warm bath for you."
1 Month Later
Jude stares at your timid form from afar. He didn't think you would come, but you did. Today all of you were going to Bora Bora to have a team bonding trip, but really, it was a free vacation for the team and their significant others. Everyone brought their girlfriend, wives, and a date. Jude did the same. He brought one of the hottest models out there, and he does plan on getting in bed with her, especially since you'll be there. It has been a while since he last saw you or spoke to you, but it has been every day since you were haunting him in his bed, showers, mind, and dream. You were a drug that he couldn't get rid of, and he hasn't even tasted you.
"I'm hearing wedding bells coming soon. Y/N finally moved in with Trent, and the next thing you know, they'll have a mini Alexander Arnold running around," Marcus says with a smile. Jude glares at the back of Marcus's neck, and Harry notices it and rolls his eyes. "Don't tell me you still think she has evil intentions." The model next to him and the others surrounding him all turned to him. "I think she's annoying as fuck," he said with disgust. Most of his teammates groaned and said some curse words under their breath while the model just laid her head on his shoulder. "Don't worry, babe," she mumbles, "I will make sure you have the best time there." Jude just sits there, eyes bored, as he continues to stare at you. You haven't looked at him once since you step foot into the private plane, and he finds that very agitating.
“Hey, we get to stay across from one another!” Jude chirped loud enough for you to hear. You glance over at him and Trent, noticing how they are excited to be experiencing this trip with one another. You then look over at the girl that came along; she is extremely beautiful and has the best body. Insecurity dwelled upon you after noticing how she also looked at Trent, full of lust and excitement. “That girl got to go,” Lucia, Marcus’s fiancé, said disgustingly. “I saw her also making sexual gestures towards Marcus, and he also feels uncomfortable.” You shake your head and turn away from the view, “it’s Jude’s date; let him handle it.” Lucia follows you into your designated room; she is determined to bring that girl down. “I mean, come on, Jude only brought her here for one thing, and now she wants to get with all of our men.” You chuckle and start unpacking your bags. “Our men have a voice; they can turn her down. She’s Jude’s date; we can’t just tell her to leave,” you shrugged. Lucia groans and stomps out of the room.
The afternoon was filled with you hanging your outfits in the closet and Trent spending time with his best friend. He had asked you several times to come and relax with him and Jude, but you had kindly declined and made the excuse that you didn’t want to get into an argument. “I see you’re still avoiding Jude,” Harry says after he catches you sneaking to the juice bar. “I’m not avoiding anyone,” you said. Harry smirks and orders his drink. “How’s the move-in with Trent?” He asked. You grab your drink and sit on the stool. “I have spent so much time there, so it’s nothing new. We plan on fixing up the place a little, though,” you said. Harry nods and proceeds to update you on his life. As he talked, your eyes drifted to where Jude, Trent, and Jude’s date was. Jude and Trent are sitting on the edge, legs dangling in the water, whereas the model is in the water showing off her body. You clench the drink, upset that the girl does not respect your relationship. But you appreciate that Trent was showing her no interest.
“Wonder how long that’s going to last,” Saka walks up to you while staring at the model. “I say tomorrow he sends her home,” Harry shrugged. You shake your head, lips twitching because that excited you. “Shit!” A loud splash causes all three of you to turn in their direction. Trent was now in the water, and the model was giggling. “What was that for?” Trent asked annoyance in his voice. “Play with me!” The girl chirped and started splashing water into his face. You frowned and immediately tossed your cup in the trash can before stomping towards them.
“Trent!” You called, causing everyone to turn to you. You bent down and held your hand for him, and you felt Jude intensely staring at you. “Thanks, baby girl,” Trent said and reached for your hands. You help your man get back on the wooden steps and glare at the girl. She continues to act blind to your relationship, and it was getting on your nerve. Why wasn’t Jude doing anything? She came as his date, and he deliberately let her flirt with his best friend. “Come on, I’ll help you,” you offered, but Trent shook his head. “I’ll be fine. I’ll go take a quick shower and come out in 15,” he says and places a kiss on your temple before walking to your room. Saka and Harry excused themselves, and the girl followed after them with her wet bikini.
You stood there frozen, realizing you should’ve run after the others because now it was only you and Jude. Who’s idea was it to leave you two alone? Everyone knew how much you despise one another. You gulped when you realized he was staring at you, and you were nearly half naked, in a bikini with a sheer wrap knot cover-up skirt. “Nice weather, aye?” Jude asked while sipping on his drink. You looked down at him and immediately gushed at the sight of his muscles and abs. It has been a while since you saw Jude, and gosh, he was more handsome than ever. “It’s bora bora; I hope so,” you shrugged and decided it wouldn’t hurt to sit next to him; besides, you guys were out in the open. What could go wrong?
You swing your legs in the water as Jude stares at your thighs, then your chest, and then your bottom. His body tense before he rapidly sips his drink. You also took the opportunity to check him out, and you felt yourself getting warmer. This was the exact reason why you’ve been avoiding him. He was everything your body wanted but couldn’t have. Jude cleared his throat, catching you off guard, “Y/N, about last time I-“ you immediately stopped him by holding up a finger. You don’t like to discuss anything from the past, especially now that you’ve taken the next step with Trent. “I have moved on from it. Nothing to discuss anymore,” you said. The disappointment on Jude’s face was evident to the point where he got up and left you alone. You sighed, realizing you must’ve hurt his feelings, but it was the right thing to do. You are with Trent, and there’s no one else more perfect than him.
Jude sips on his cocktail as his date grinds on his dick. He was hard, not because of her ass, but because of how you swayed your hips. You were a real piece of a woman in that tight little dress of yours and the way you knew how to work that body. Jude told himself before dinner that he would keep it together and only focus on his hot date, but after you entered the beach, he knew was fucked. “Come on, babe, let’s go dance,” the girl says as she continues to roll her hips on him. Jude doesn’t respond; he continues watching you from afar while sipping on his beer. “I brought all sorts of toys for us to use,” his date says, “gosh, I have been waiting for this.” The image of him using all sorts of sex toys on a girl should be enough to leave, but he wasn’t affected by this girl. She was perfect with a hot body and a nice face, but still, the sight of you dancing affected him more than fucking his date. Jude lays his head back on the chair and groans when you start grinding on one of the other girls. He was so fucking hard for you, and if he didn’t get a taste of you, he probably would die from a hard-on. “Want me to fix that for you, baby?” His date asked while leaning back to touch his dick. Jude glances at you and notices you staring at where his date is feeling, and he doesn’t miss the glare you send her way. Satisfied with the reaction, Jude smirks, realizing the temptation was also there for you.
You shouldn’t have drunk this much, but it was a vacation, and your emotions were everywhere. Jude was a bastard for taunting you with his date. Ever since you showed up in that sexy dress on purpose, you didn’t miss how his eyes hungrily followed you. And you can’t deny it, but you liked it. Jude was a temptation, one of the greatest ones. And it was even worse than your boyfriend is here, getting drunk with his friends while you are eyeing his best friend. “Bitch I’m leaving; I want some dick,” Lucia whispers in your ear before running off with Marcus. You chuckle and continue to drink your margarita while glaring at the way Jude’s date is grinding on his dick. You then look over at Trent, who is just chatting it up with some of the guys, and for some reason, you want to dance with Jude more than Trent. It was a sinful thought, and you hated yourself for letting that get in the way of your happiness. Frowning, you walk off to find some peace from everyone.
“Like I said, you shouldn’t be swimming while you are drunk,” he says as he sits on the edge, his legs dangling into the water. You turn to look at Jude, he doesn’t look as drunk, but he has a bottle of tequila in his hand and is chugging it as he drowns in the way you look in the clear water. You were gorgeous in that sexy dress, and he doesn’t think he’ll be able to control himself any longer. “You would like that wouldn’t you?” You asked and slowly lifted your dress while staring into his eyes. Jude chugs the wine as he watches the white bikini underneath your dress coming into view. You don’t break eye contact as you toss the clothing next to him. “Look at you,” he sighs while staring from head to toe. You smirked, “you can look but can’t touch.” Jude chuckles, and he lifts his beach shirt before jumping into the water.
You scoot away from him and take in his body, he looks more muscular than the last time, and there are some visible scars from training. “You can touch me everywhere,” he mumbles. Your body was heating up and reacting in sinful ways. You could get caught any minute and ruin your life, and you can’t guarantee that Jude will have your back. “Your girlfriend wouldn’t like that,” you muttered, but your hand was flinching from wanting to touch him. “She’s not my girlfriend. She’ll be gone in the next minute if you want.” You smiled at that, but it quickly faded because it wasn’t fair for anyone. You’re the one in the relationship, and you should be loyal, but the temptation and tension were too much to bear. “My boyfriend. He’s your best friend, and he’ll get hurt.”
Jude hears the hesitation in your voice, but he knows you want it as much as he does. So he scoots closer to you, only a couple of inches between you. “He doesn’t need to know. It’ll be our little secret,” Jude whispers. You gulped and timidly reached out to touch his chest. He lets out a relieved sigh and closes his eyes from the touch; gosh, you were so soft. “Did you miss me?” He asked while leaning down. “Did you think about me?” He asked again as he reached down and cupped your pussy. “Because every time I fucked, I cum thinking of you.” And that was it, you were a goner.
Jude lifts you as he kicks the door close and locks it. Everyone was now half passed out and drunk and was already asleep. The resort was empty and quiet; no one around to even know what the two of you were up to. Trent was passed out in your room, whereas Jude’s date went off with another guy. It was a win-win situation because this gave you time to relieve the sexual tension between the two of you. “Slow down,” you mumbled as Jude lifted you against the door and kissed you roughly. “Fuck no!” He growls. “I have wanted to fuck the moment I laid eyes on you. There is no way I’m holding back.” You have no words to say, so you just let him devour your mouth as his hands roam every part of your body like he would die if he didn’t. “I need to take you now,” he whispers and gently lays you down on the bed. You hurry towards the headboard and watch as he slowly removes his pant and boxer. Your mouth gasps at the view in front of you.
Jude was perfect in every way, and it has come to you that even Trent couldn’t get your heart rate beating this fast. You feel yourself drowning as he climbs onto the bed and unhooks your top, and rip off your bottoms. When the both of you are naked, you admire one another’s bodies, memorizing the image like it would be the last. “Gosh, you have no idea how long I have been dreaming of this,” he said almost painfully. Jude pulls out the nightstand drawer and reaches for a condom. There was only one in the drawer. You glared at it, and he chuckled, “the only person I was going to fuck was you,” he said. He then rips the condom with his mouth, and you watch him roll the rubber on. Jude smiles down at you and takes your mouth into his. The kiss wasn’t sexual; it was passionate, like he wanted to prove something. “Keep me as a secret all you want, as long as I get to have you,” he says. And the whole night, Jude proves to you how much he meant it.
You groan and feel an arm pull you into a hug. Your body ached severely, and only you and another person knew why. You open your eyes to see Trent staring at you; with the cutest smile. “Morning, baby,” he says. You smile, “morning, babe.” Trent then pulls the blanket off and grins at the sight of the hickeys on your neck and chest. You foolishly allowed him to think it was from him and smile back. “Thank god for this vacation.”
As promised, Jude sent his date back home, and for the next couple of days, you pretended nothing happened, acting like you hated one another. But at night, when everyone was dead asleep, you would sneak into Jude’s room and do all sorts of sinful stuff. The both of you would remind one another that this would be the last, but it was a cycle that never ended. Jude was lusting after you, and you were too. It was in his nature to be competitive, but he was ok with being your deepest secret, and even though you hated yourself afterward, you were ok with letting him stay while he was inside of you. It was a secret that could never be revealed, and will live inside of you forever.
You shifted uncomfortably and glared at sleepy Jude next to you. You then turn to your boyfriend, who has his head on the window, also sleeping. The seating arrangement became slightly awkward because two other people decided also to take your designated plane back. Trent volunteered for Jude to sit next to him, but neither you nor Jude liked the window seat, so the arrangement ended up with you sitting between the best friends. From everyone’s perspective, you two hated the arrangement, and that’s why Jude had his headphones on and was asleep, but as your hands, intertwined with his underneath the blanket, you could only imagine how uncomfortable and shocked everyone would be if they discovered that you two likes one another. Both you and Jude were a fool for acting like this, but no one should know, and no one will know as long as neither of you falls in love. It will be a selfish secret that will go on until one of you step away. And you’re sure Jude will once the phase is over; he’ll get bored of you and move on and won’t even remember this ever happened.
“I love you, baby,” Trent says and kisses your forehead. You chuckled and laid your head on his shoulders. You smiled and reassured yourself that everything would be ok. “I love you too,” you mumbled and, for a second, felt a shiver run down your spine. You open your eyes and tilt to look at Jude, but he is still asleep while his hands are intertwined with yours underneath his blanket. Feeling wary, you close your eyes again and try to relax, but even while sleeping, you can still feel Jude’s eyes watching you, like he has another plan for you. Like you have fallen into his trap.
Part III
@suzysface @miri-97 @laracovr @lunamelona @justcqllmedaddy @thepastaqween @letmehoeyou @jelldaysstuff @junalovestrent @alwaysclassyeagle
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thepunkmuppet · 9 months
ok I’m so sorry guys but actually genuinely why is ted and trent like the main ship for this show. I love them both very dearly and they have very gay vibes in a couple scenes that are undeniable but overall.... ??? why the hype??
this is obviously a me thing but I’m just kind of like roy and jamie are right there??? enemies to lovers??? love triangle turned gay??? idk I feel like they have a lot more material on the “classic tumblr gay ship” side of things
obviously royjamie is still very popular and obviously I’m not shitting on your ship, I like it tbh, but I just genuinely don’t understand why it’s so popular as to be the defining ship of the fandom! I personally like tedbecca more and think they have a lot more chemistry (romantically that is) and setup in canon, and yet I see people talking about ted and trent as if they’re pretty much canon! am I missing something??
if anyone would like to dump all their thoughts about this ship and maybe recommend some (not smutty) fics that might turn me in the comments please do, because I feel like there’s some kind of inside joke I don’t understand lmao please help
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x10, a mix of everything, part 1
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didn't expect it to happen that fast but HELL YEAH. there's nothing for Nathan to do next to Rupert. Rupert keeps switching his lovers like socks while his wife is still at home with their daughter. come on!! villain arc for Bex and Rebecca when? when is Rupert gonna get killed die and leave Bex all the money??? and then Bex and Rebecca become best friends and raise a daughter together?
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Trent being the heart of the team? do you remember how it all started and how wary everyone was of him? do you? it warms my heart, but it warms it twice bc of the clear bond we see between Colin and Trent. like, older queer with younger queer, helping each other out and bonding. their friendship does things to me tbh. it's so very important and intimate and—
in other words, representation matters.
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yaaay! also, Trent <3333 again, this warms my heart.
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sometimes I really have no idea what this season is doing. i miss them being a dramedy, not a full on sitcom. i'm enjoying this season, but sometimes it's borderline too much. it's out of nowhere and it's not necessary at all.
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besties unlocked <3 Trent is such a sunshine, I love him. the way he and Ted share a raised eyebrows look. there is something so wonderful happening between Ted and Trent from the moment they met. it's like they're connected and are being drawn to each other.
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girl talk, especially when it involves middle aged men <3 Rebecca as their leader is really something. i love it.
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I think Rebecca is being mean to the actual devil. also, why do iphone users love their matte screen cover? why not the regular one?
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Trent is so in love with Ted, my goodness. that cute smile. Ted is so freaking oblivious, I need the show to do something about it. i need Ted to learn Trent is in love with him.
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this is such a nice shot. something something, the idea of press taking pics of Nate's gf leaving. which at first I thought was kind of nice, but then she leaves with a suitcase and it looks like a breakup of some sort, so not that nice. hm. still, the shot is pretty.
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this is such a nice look & I like her hair a lot, but my GOD, how do people wear those minies? it's beyond good and evil for me. shorts i can kinda understand, but skirts? that's... yeah, no.
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there you go Jack's "me and Keeley are dating" without asking Keeley first if she wants to announce it and then Jack totally ghosting Keeley. *frustrated high pitched growl* I hate that plotline. if it's their way to push Keeley back towards Roy bc she will no longer be that busy so Roy can't come up with that excuse again, that's a very shitty thing to do. so far I don't see the bigger picture of this. they've been messing up Keeley's storyline this season just like that.
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"the board" oh, fuck you, Jack. (in Grace Le Domas' voice) fucking rich people.
Dani crushing Van Damme's chips is such a dick move, ESPECIALLY since you're trashing the airplane!! you're not the one who's gonna have to clean it up, you asshole.
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can somebody connect this parallel for me pls? it's just within my reach but it slips away.
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sooo, Beard isn't getting out of a toxic relationship? gotta say, this plotline concerns me. idk where they're going with it and WHY in the first place. Beard deserves better & Jane needs some serious therapy.
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#fired immediately
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I'm here for Rebecca standing up for herself against Rupert. I hate that asshole so much.
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I don't remember, have we seen Roy's sister before? it's so rare.
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go fuck yourself. yes, i'm quick to jump to conclusions and violence.
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Leslie is NOT having a good tea time this season. let him enjoy his tea 2k23! however, the fact that he knows every friend Rebecca has. some friendship between him and Rebecca developed along the way since s1.
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no I keep thinking about how insanely ridiculous it is that isaac was apparently ignoring and avoiding colin for THREE WEEKS like I just refuse to believe it because it just makes some of 3x09 seem unsatisfactory and not make sense idk…do the writers even realise how long that is like TWENTY ONE DAYS of ignoring and avoiding someone you see and have to work and train alongside probably every day or most days during the season (training days & match days)???? that is MADNESS
if it really was three weeks how come nobody noticed anything was going on between colin and isaac until isaac yelled at colin on the pitch?? why didn’t we see any of the team or coaches going up to isaac or colin like “hey what’s going on with you guys you’re acting weird around each other”?? isaac was blatantly ignoring him to his face IN PUBLIC, like he refused to touch his hand TWICE in the locker room while SURROUNDED by their coaches and teammates, and you’re telling me not one of them saw that and thought “huh that’s weird”??? well maybe they did think it but again no one seems to notice in the scenes, like we don’t see any of them looking over at colin and isaac and seeming confused or something, and none of them say anything…I could understand them shrugging it off as “oh well maybe Isaac’s just in a mood today, maybe they just had an argument about something silly” if this behaviour hadn’t apparently been going on for three weeks like surely they must’ve noticed a pattern?? surely they must’ve realised something was seriously wrong once it went on longer than a week???? and side note, isaac not touching colin’s hand just seems stupid and excessive as well if his issue is not with colin being gay but with the fact that he thinks colin didn’t trust him enough to tell him or whatever but anyway
if it was three weeks why didn’t trent notice if his whole job in s3 was him observing the team every day, he’s been watching the team interact and play and train together for months at this point so surely he’d notice if the dynamic of two players who are usually close friends was off?? and why did colin wait THREE WEEKS to tell him, I would’ve told him after like 2 days of being ignored…and if it was three weeks then trent’s answer of “just give him time” really seems inadequate, I’m sorry trent I love you but he gave him THREE WEEKS already, how much more time can he possibly need????
also, if it was three weeks, I just feel like colin should’ve been angrier. he should’ve yelled at isaac. i love isaac ok he’s my best boy and I love their friendship but cmon…I guess colin isn’t a very angry/confrontational/aggressive person and he doesn’t hold grudges and maybe he didn’t yell at isaac when he came to apologise bc he was just happy to have his best friend back and he didn’t wanna fight, but?? THREE WEEKS???? i would’ve been FUMING. and anyway colin yelling at isaac would’ve hit harder especially if it happened in front of everyone, like imagine everyone just staring aghast like oh my god what is going on colin NEVER gets mad at anyone least of all ISAAC???? and personally if it had really been three weeks then isaac’s apology should’ve been a lot longer than just “sorry bruv” and he should’ve had a longer explanation of why he acted like that for THREE WEEKS 😭
so yeah I just…had to get that off my chest because I have been unable to stop thinking about it ever since I heard billy harris say that it was three weeks between 3x08 and 3x09 lmao but I refuse to believe it I just don’t think it makes sense for multiple reasons and it’s too sad for me to contemplate
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
Everything I enjoyed about Ted Lasso 3x10
It was so exciting to watch them announce the players that got into their national teams
Laughed at Ted not knowing Bumbercatch is swiss
Appreciated the whole team being there for Sam when he was snubbed
I genuinely laughed out loud at all the jokes to do with Dani's personality change
When it cut from the title sequence to ted sitting down with rebecca for biscuits with the boss i really thought it was for real gonna be an OG one but then they panned to trent and i was disappointed but i couldnt even be mad because it was so funny
Ted is a LIAR we have seen him gossip so many times he is such nosy biddy 🤣
Trent loving getting a good grade in girl talk was so funny and cute!
"So chaps, what do we think?" was such a fun line to me for some reason
All 3 of them going "Nah" and making the same face, so fun!
Ted was saying such nonsense for the rest of that scene and they made sure to show us Rebcca's reactions to every single one and she looked so fond every single time
Of course Rupert is saved on Rebecca’s phone as "The Devil" she is so insane
I loved Keeley's green skirt suit
I laughed at Beard's 17 throwing axes that he brought to the UK with him 🤣
"Sneaking in here today reminded me of the first match I ever saw at Nelson Road." "Ah, when they used to play by candlelight." 🤣🤣
I was SO happy to see Phoebe, then happier still to see her mum! And Jamie is totally right, she is fit
That whole scene was an absolute delight, filled my heart with joy, the England kit! the E for U swap! the tie dye shirt with Roy colors! One thing I can say about this season is that things do tend to go great when Jamie is involved
I laughed at the doomed handshake at Sam's restaurant, he was so resigned to his fate 😅
Nate breaking into his parents house in the middle of the night because he felt lonely and lost reminded me of 13 Going on 30
I was happy to see Rebeccas Amsterdam pants again! Especially with that purple blouse 💜
I love that Higgins knows Keeley, Ted and Sassy are Rebecca's top options in that order and that this is unquestionable
Higgins' comparing Akufu to the Chocolate Factory kids was both very accurate and very funny 😆 "I hate to break it to you Rebecca, but those children are dead."
I really liked Rebecca being insecure about the meeting because she knows she's only been invited as a token. It felt true to life and also reminded me of a favorite moment from a beloved show of my past, The Good Wife, where a character expresses a similar concern and gets much the same advice as Higgins gave
I really thought Rebecca was taller than Higgins' office door and was momentarily scared she was going to bump her head on the way out 😆
I liked Keeley and Mae's conversation, though I, much like Keeley, did not understand the lightning saying 😅 did appreciated the little "Maybe" joke though, it felt like something Ted would do and I always love to perceive them mirroring each other
Everyone noticing Roy's cheerful t-shirt was very funny
I loved that we saw Rebecca studying for the meeting
THE!! TOY!!! SOLDIER!!!!!! She's been carrying it around!!! She is fond of it!!!!! She treats it with such care, and it still brings her strength, gosh!! To think of the moment she picked it up off the ground and stored it away, of whenever it was she decided to keep it with her as an amulet!!! I'm breathless!!!!!!!
Kenneth saying "twins" to Roy lmaooo
The fact that Rebecca has panic attacks is something that can be SO PERSONAL that meant so so SO much to me, I could cry just thinking about it, I've always been sure she did and to have it confirmed was a thrill, and so emotional and satisfying to me to see her self soothe and how it paralleled Ted, truly beautiful gorgeous amazing
Ms Bowen is blonde now! Idk why but that was exciting, I like her! I think Roy should introduce her to Beard, I feel like she could beat up Jane. It was also hilarious to me that they named her Leann for real 🤣 they have no shame!
Barbara's Juicy couture tracksuit and "I like clothes that tell the truth" LMAOOO COMEDY GOLD
Barbara and Keeley's snow globe exchange was delightful. Barbara slowly grew on me throughout the season and was a true highlight in this particular episode, I was very glad that she chose Keeley.
I love that Rebecca went to that meeting in a bbp top and one of her less murderous earrings
I appreciated seeing Rebecca in a professional setting, taking a stand, and going to bat for the club and for football in general, it's something I have always longed to see from her and I'm glad I got it even if it was late in the game
Really liked that Nate plays the violin
I liked the window into Rupert and Rebecca's past and the glimpse into why they were in love once
I liked the contents of Roy's letter to Keeley and thought it was funny that she couldn’t read his handwriting
It was exciting to see Rebecca at Keeley's house! She demanded a hug! She's going to fund Keeley's firm! Their friendship has stayed beautifully consistent throughout the season and I appreciate that.
Keeley writing down the number and saying "This is how they do it in the movies" was another Ted-like moment (down to Rebecca being endeared by it!)
I enjoyed the joke of Roy walking in when he did and I loved loved loved that he and Rebecca saluted each other again! I'd been waiting for that!!
I think Nate's apology to Will - how he did it, the score, the note with the sprig of lavender, how it was filmed - felt like such a season 1 moment that it filled me up with this sense of right-ness and I truly appreciated it. Possibly one of the best moments of the season 🥹
Rebecca looked so at peace hanging that painting and also SO beautiful in that dress
Ted sat down without being invited, and Rebecca scooched a little closer once he did 🥹🥹
She specifically wanted to tell him about this big emotional milestone and Ted looked? I have no idea how to describe it, but it was new, it was a face he's never made before, and it was so?? I don't even know, I don't know what to do with it, or with "I wanna win for us too."
Rebecca is truly insane for spitting on his face on purpose like that lmao
Aaaand that's it! I liked a lot of the bits and pieces of this episode as you can see, and I had a mostly good time while watching it. There were a couple big things that bothered me though, but I'll save those for a different post later in the week once I've gotten a chance to collect my thoughts!
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Hmmm I have to think about this..
Least favorite characters (in no particular order)
• Chase (I mean.. Come on!! He’s very easy to hate. I’m an Emma fan. I have a lot of reasons.)
• Zee (Fan favorite.. he annoyed me every time he was on screen I’m sorry.. I normally like his character type but every plot he added to made me sigh and I just can’t stand him. I would like him if he was in a different season maybe.)
• Julia (Kind of fun in the first season.. Just annoying now. Overrated. Too much screen time and plot armor.)
• Wayne (Boring and worse version of Raj. Cus like.. he’s a dumb nice jock failure. Where have we seen that before? Yeah. Raj is actually a sweetheart and I love him and Bowie so much and Wayne has nothing going for him that Raj doesn’t as well. He’s overrated and shouldn’t have won. Sorry!!)
• Trent (He just makes me angry. Sorry guys!! I don’t have a reason honestly he just makes me mad. He’s done nothing to me but I never want to see him again.) (Also it felt weird to only put reboot characters but it’s my favorite season so I wanted to.)
Least favorite ships (in no order, again. Wanted to not just do obviously hated ones, but talk about ones I personally hate to make it more entertaining. Cus I’d like to think it’s obvious I’m not a freak or smth.)
• Chemma (Please don’t make me explain this. As a plot device I guess it kind of worked but.. no.)
• Duncney (I just don’t think Courtney deserves Duncan she needs someone as cunty as her. Or as girlfailure as her. I need her to yuri!! Duncan can have uhhh. Trent? Idk)
• Gwent (I just don’t care about it. At all. I don’t know why.)
• Juliayne (Two characters I hate. Boring ship. Come on.)
• Damiya (Now this one is controversial!! I love them platonically but not a fan of the romantic pairing.)
Favorite ships (in no order blah blah you get it)
• Prillie!! (I fucking love Prillie. I love Prillie so much. They should have been canon argggg!!)
• Milliemma!! (I’m so crazy about them they’re my favorite ever I need them to get married STAT!!)
•Priymk!! (MK is so different from Priya. I think the contrast between them would be so cool!! They should talk more next season.)
• Prichelle (I’ve seen some posts about them recently and I really like thinking about them. I think they would admire each other at first, then recognize their flaws, and then like each other for who they are.)
• Rajbow!! (Fantastic ship. Canon. Good gay rep. Adorable. Some drama. Character development. Depth. Rajbow solos.)
-🐍 (these are barely thought out haha!! I forgot Mkulia and a bunch of other things but I don’t care right now!! Feeling controversial with this one idk)
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curiositycryptid · 3 months
Why I Think These Characters Are AroAce
Ok, I might include other characters in this one that I didn’t in my last posts since idk who should be in the friend group of aroaces cause it can’t have too many peeps.
Heather - When I saw how she clearly didn’t like anyone in s1-2 my first thought was aroace. She played with many peoples romantic feeling so obviously she didn’t care that much for relationships, I still think her and Alejandro can date but I still stand by my thought of her being aroace too.
Dj - well uhhhh, this one is mostly vibes, he didn’t really have a love interest either and seems to be one to care more for friendships than romantic relationships. Either way, he’s definitely ace.
Trent - Someone said on another post their reasons for thinking Trent was either aro or gay and I completely agree, I don’t know what post it was so if anyone knows please say so I can credit them! They said his love for Gwen seemed the cliche kinda thing like he thought that’s how he should feel. Also I don’t believe in love at first sight so it’s kinda odd to me how fast their relationship went.
Justin - The only person this man loves is himself. Prove me wrong /j (ok in all seriousness he just kinda has those vibes)
Courtney - She seems the type who cares more about her work than love. Yes, she did date Duncan, but perhaps that was because she thought she could ‘fix him’ like in the movies? Rather similar to Trent’s situation of following what he sees on television.
Cody - His crush on Gwen looked more like an obsession to me, it kinda looked like he cared more about ‘having a hot goth gf’ so he could boast or sum instead of him actually liking her that way. Yes ik this is a stretch but I’m just saying some small ideas.
Bridgette - uhhhhhh idk. I just think she seems kinda aroace? I don’t think I need a proper reason anyway so.
Noah - once again, no love interest until ridonculous race which I still haven’t watched yet so he still doesn’t seem the live guy to me since I haven’t seen him behave that way yet.
Gwen - I didn’t include her in my last post but still. Once again, like Trent, it was love at first sight. Which doesn’t make sense to me, it may just be that I’m aroace but I still know how love works and it’s not like that.
Also (IMPORTANT) I’m not saying you can’t enjoy any of these peeps having relationships because aroace people can still date, I’m just stating possible reasons they may be aroace, I’m not saying that Gwen and Trent didn’t actually love eachother or anything like that (for any of them) , I’m just saying maybe at first they viewed it that way because of amatonormativity but eventually really did fall in love? Anyway I’m finally done jeez I don’t think anyone is even gonna be bothered to read all this lol.
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