#i've been thinking about what they got up to before they moved to their farm
saturnvs · 10 months
i think western au villaneve live just outside of a town on their own farm and they're a mystery to the townspeople, eve and villanelle are talked about like they're folklore even though they're very real and ride into town like once a month to buy stuff. no one truly knows what the two of them got up to before they settled down on their farm, the stories range from them just being vagabonds who chose to settle down, to robbers, to killers.
when they ride into town everyone backs away out of fear but they're equally curious about them. they're always pleasant with the shopkeepers and smile at the children who want to pet their big horses, but the townspeople claim they see blood on their skin and their clothes. no one knows if they're just mysterious but harmless lesbians or if they're mysterious and harmful lesbians :)
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thebluester2020 · 2 months
Stardew Bachelors x Rude!Farmer Reader Headcanons
Summary: A new farmer has moved into Stardew Valley and...wait, how come they're always seen with a scowl on their face?! And why are they so mean?!
Warning(s): Fluff, Mean! Farmer, Doesn't contain all the bachelors! (I've only included Elliot and Sebastian since I didn't want things to become too long!), Farmer is low-key more of a tsundere to be honest, Slight favoritism to Sebastion at the end, !not proofread!
Note: As much as I love sweet-hearted farmers. I also love my mean, tsundere-esque farmers as well <3
:: Elliot had heard about the rumors a week before you arrived. That the grandchild of the late deceased farmer, who once cared for the old farm a little ways away from town, would be moving in soon. He thought a new face around town would be nice. After all, Elliot was fairly new to the town himself! He thought the two of you could share in your common experience of being new to the environment and possibly build a friendly bond.
At least…until the week you were supposed to arrive rolled around.
The rumors of you being rude. He swore they spread faster than you had actually been here.
First it was from overhearing a conversation between Gus and Lewis on Friday.
The way Lewis described you was like hearing a weary night regale his tale of how he narrowly escaped the fiery breath of a dragon. “They’ve…definitely got an attitude.” Elliot heard Lewis say.
“I’m struggling to find the resemblances. Looks aside, they’re rude! They threatened me the other day when I tried to ask if they could do me a favor!”
Elliot wouldn’t exactly deny that the possibility of you being rude made him nervous. Everyone in town was so nice that having someone mean would be like a black sheep sticking out in the middle of white sheep, you just wouldn’t belong. Yet when he had happened upon you once fateful morning on the beach/
“The hell you lookin’ at Prince Charmin’” You spat in his direction when he stared too long.
His eyes widened. “N-Nothing! Forgive me, I’ve never seen you before.”
“I’m new here, that’s why.”
He cleared his throat. “So I see…” He stood in place a little while longer, observing you as you crouched down to collect items from the beach. Your appearance didn’t match your attitude, he thought. Your appearance was like that of nobility to him, graceful with certain details accentuating personality and your life on the farm.
From slightly muddied knees and a few scraps here and there.
But your tongue was like a freshly sharpened knife.
“The fuck?” You hissed at him again, snapping him out of his trance. “Who the hell you looking at? Got a problem?”
“N-No!” You dropped your bag full of items before you walked right up to him, your mouth nearly curling upwards like an angry feline.
“Yeah? You sure? You’re staring mighty hard for someone you A. Don’t know and B. Is just trying to go about their day! So what’s the problem?!”
Elliot chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry once again, it's just- I think you're really gorgeous to look at. The tales of your fiery temper did nothing to speak of your beauty as well." You paused at the compliment, your cheeks beginning to redden as your temper started to ease down considerably.
Besides the compliments towards the farm and your weapon prowess when you first joined the Adventurer's Guild. You didn't hear too many compliments about yourself, the only thing you'd hear was
"That new farmer is scary aren't they? They're completely unlike their grandfather!"
"Why did her grandfather entrust the farm to them? With their attitude, they'll probably soil the crops just from their glare."
To say it didn't hurt from time to time was an understatement. It wasn't your fault that you had a mean scowl on your face 24/7 and sometimes you had a habit of speaking about how you actually felt about someone before thinking about your words!
So, to hear a compliment? You couldn't help the way it made your heart flutter and your chest begin to warm.
Not that you would let this lonely beach writer who talked like some actor from Medieval Kingdom know that.
"...Thank you." You finally mumbled under your breath.
A smile graced Elliot's features. "You're welcome."
There was a comfortable silence for a few minutes before you turned around to quickly pick up your backpack before walking off. But, not before Elliot could get another line in. "You should visit my cabin sometime! I love visitors!"
Although there was no response, for the next few months afterward, however, he kept strangely receiving duck feathers and ink bottles at his front door every other day...
:: The first time he had even heard the rumors of a new farmer. He was talking to his mother about her day and also alerting her that he would be out for a while riding his motorcycle. His mother had made sure to tell him to "be safe!" and likes before she told him that someone new would be moving into the old farm a little ways from town.
He hadn't thought much of it.
'Just another face in the crowd' he thought while also wondering why someone would even choose to go to this town where the most interesting thing that happened was when a slime got loose in the middle of town a while ago!
Until...the words of how rude and snappy you were began to pop up.
"That new farmer has no manners!"
"They're so mean..." He also heard Lewis say. "All I asked was for them to retrieve a...special item from Marnie's house and they said 'Get it yourself'"! Sebastion didn't see anything wrong with the supposed 'attitude' you were giving people in town, in his mind? He thought it was about time that someone had tried to bring a different energy to the town besides being yet another happy-go-lucky person who wanted to help everyone and anyone!
And even when he bumped into you one midnight evening...a sword in his hand as he wanted to go exploring the mines in order to try and put himself to sleep, his opinion of your supposed attitude remained the same.
Though, as he saw the piles of dead Shadow Brutes around...he did have a mind to be a little more weary of you. No one had told him that you were capable of slaying multiple Shadow Brutes on your own.
"You lost gloomy?" Were your first words to him as you pushed your hair back out of your face, snapping him back to reality.
He glared at you. "I could ask the same of you. Whose out fighting Shadow Brutes at midnight?"
"Me," You responded. "Something that I wouldn't expect you to do seeing how you're as skinny as a twig."
His mouth dropped a little, his annoyance with you growing as well as his interest of you. You were mean, that was no question but...unless his ears were playing tricks on him due to him not interacting with too many other people besides his friends.
He could've sworn there was a little bit of playfulness in your voice.
"I may be skinny but I've been down these mines before." He said, walking past you with a grumble as he started to look around the area for anything valuable.
As you looked Sebastion over, your mouth cracked upward a little more in an amused smile. You had just arrived at the valley, and joining the Adventurer's Guild was a good way to blow off some steam and clear your mind by fighting mindless monsters. You hadn't really thought about talking to any of the residents besides the essential ones such as Pierre, Robin and sometimes Lewis from time to time.
But, you were beginning to change your mind.
"You managed to make it all the way down to level 100 in the mines gloomy, maybe you wouldn't mind accompanying me to level 120?"
Sebastion looked back at you with a huff. "You probably wouldn't want a 'twig' coming with you."
"Even twigs can have their usefulness, don't be a wuss."
His eyes narrowed. "I'm not a wuss."
You stuck your tongue out playfully. "Then prove it! Killing those Squid Kids can be a tricky process at times." As you walked passed him, you playfully shoved him as a cocky laugh escaped you. "Who knows? Maybe you'll even upgrade from a twig to a branch."
He could've ignored you, he wanted to ignore you but...as you sauntered away cockily, climbing down one of the ladders into the next level. He couldn't deny that you were interesting despite your need to tease him despite the two of you just meeting, you may have had an annoyingly high urge to tease but...strangely enough?
He liked it.
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bomberqueen17 · 2 months
don't know where else to put it
I was going to do a big wrap-up of Everything I Learned From The Must Farm Site Report PDFs but then life got super busy. So I only have the things I turned over and over in my mind, just now, and I want to go back and reread but now's not the time, I'll have to do another pass through at a later date.
But the one tiny vivid little factoid I've got in my mind that I just have to write down-- that necklace, with the big amber bead? Some of the glass beads were shattered from the heat but the amber bead was only charred a little on one side. So obviously some of the necklace was closer to the fire than the rest. I had initially connected that it was found near where there was probably a door, and I vaguely imagined someone dropping it as they fled. But now I'm convinced that's not it at all.
It was hanging up. It was hanging on a peg or a hook or a twig or something, right near the door, maybe even on display, and the big heavy amber bead was hanging at the bottom, and the glass beads were hanging at the top, and the fire at that point spread down from the roof and it burned through the string, and the glass beads shattered and the necklace fell down and when the floor collapsed it wound up in the mud.
The other thing I keep thinking is that the fire has to have started while no one was home. And modern people don't think about this, but in a premodern society where you've got a group of people living in a house, where you don't have appliances you can turn on and off, where starting a fire takes serious effort and getting it to a state where you can cook on it takes hours, where the food served at daily meals has to be the full-time job of several people because it's so labor-intensive--
there's never going to be a time where everyone is out of the village. There's going to be a sickly or elderly person who can't really get out of bed or move far, or a new mother who's just given birth and can't travel, and there'll be someone home to tend to whoever that is, and while they're home they're tending the fire and getting dinner started. There's just always someone there. I could see maybe one house being unoccupied for a brief time, but a village, that probably had at least ten houses if not more, and each house had ten people in it? Someone would be home. And those who weren't home wouldn't be far. We know the wheat etc. that the village was eating was grown on dry land, and the flax they were processing into fiber, but it could not have been far away. And the Fenlands are flat. You'd see smoke. Before the first house was even engulfed someone would have noticed the smoke and they'd be hurrying home.
But nobody tried to fight the fire. Nobody spread it, but nobody fought it either. Nobody pulled any timbers out to save them. Nobody threw water on anything.
Nobody was there. The houses were empty. Nobody fled the fire, because they weren't there to see it start, or they would have been able to stop it.
They hadn't been evacuated in any organized way, or surely the bead necklace would have been taken. Even if they were in a hurry, at least the pot full of cooked food would have been taken, or emptied into something more portable to bring along! There was so much prepared food lying around. And the thread bobbins-- bobbins and bobbins of painstakingly-spliced flax they'd grown and rippled and scutched, some of it then painstakingly plied, hours and hours of several people's labor, and it was on little bobbins, you could sweep that into a basket along with your bulkier household goods and barely take up any space at all and save hundreds, maybe thousands of hours of labor later when you needed to weave some new fabric. Thread like that was precious, and it's portable, and I can't believe they'd choose to leave so much of it behind if they had any chance to choose what they brought with them.
As I'd said, it's beyond possibility that everyone had gone out to do some job-- there would be people left behind in the houses for that. Maybe everyone had gone out for some religious observation, maybe. Maybe something was important enough to even haul out the oldsters and the infants, and to put off dinner until late. Maybe. it's possible. But someone (probably in Structure 1) just didn't bank the fire correctly, and it got away and got into the roof beams. A properly-banked fire wouldn't do that, and surely these people, managing cooking fires for their entire lives, would know how to do it. But even then I can't imagine them going that far, and again, they'd see the smoke and hurry home. Even if it was a religious rite they'd still hurry home from it, there's no way they wouldn't have come back.
So it seems to me that they had to have been forced out. No notice, no chance to pack, everything left where it was, last night's supper still in the pot, tonight's bread still rising on the trays, the lambs in their pens and the dog tied up in House 5.
I can't imagine what forced them out. It wouldn't be weather. It could be enemies. There were no weapons found in the houses, but that might mean they'd taken them with them-- except the spears, perhaps they were only hunting spears but you'd think still if everyone ran out to fight they would take them too, the spears and the axes; if it was a situation where they had to last-ditch defend themselves the non-warriors would certainly arm themselves with the wood axes and the hunting spears. But they didn't.
So my conclusion is that they all were forced to leave in a hurry, without banking the fires, without putting anything away, and they were prevented from returning. The cause could be human enemies-- perhaps the warriors of the settlement had gone out to fight and been defeated, and the victors came here and the survivors knew they could not fight and so came out unresisting to meet their fates.
The cause could be something religious or spiritual-- something they believed in made them leave and prevented them from returning. It would have to be incredibly compelling, however, because leaving without their food or their cooking pots or their domestic goods (the little bobbins of thread!!!!! you could easily carry those!!) would make it very hard for them to make their way in the world.
The cause could be-- I really don't know what else. Disease would maybe make them abandon a settlement, maybe leave no trace if they buried their dead on land, but they would pack first. Most things, they would pack first, they wouldn't leave cooked food sitting out, they'd bring the lambs and dog with them. Any orderly evacuation, they'd have brought the lambs and dog with them. They have to have left in a hurry without a chance to prepare. And there was no attempt at salvage afterward, they didn't come back to look for anything they'd left. The ruins of the burned buildings would have stood visible for decades, the ends of roof timbers above the water, much of structure 4 (possibly the gate house entrance) above the water, the palisade probably unburnt for much of its length. It would have been easy to find. There are only a couple of disarranged timbers in Structure 3 to suggest anyone ever poked through the wreckage at all, and that's not much to go on. Certainly nobody dug around in the mud, which would have been quite shallow at some times of year.
And while it's possible the evidence of what happened existed once, somewhere in the long-vanished sections of the village-- perhaps the fire started at that end, perhaps they tried to fight it there, perhaps they tried salvage over there and discovered the fire had burned too hot to make it worthwhile, perhaps the bodies of the villagers were all dumped into the channel over there after whatever battle there was-- perhaps there was all kinds of stuff. But I just think whatever it was left no trace. So many of the possibilities would now be invisible, three thousand years later.
All we have is the facts: They left in a hurry, leaving their lambs in their pens, their food on the table, the dog tied up in the house, the cooking fires not banked.
And whatever made them leave, they never came back.
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itwasthereaminuteago · 3 months
|| Authority ||
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Shane Walsh x female reader
Tags/warnings: dirty, sweaty, horny, Shane sex cos that's what I want.
Shane can't help chuckling at your stormy expression and demeanour as you pound an angered path towards the garage store where he's working.
“What's grinding your gears this time darlin’?” He asks, but you only shoot him a fierce scowl in answer.
“Aw nah, you been fightin’ with Rick again?” he guesses. You always had something to say about him almost every other day.
You clench your teeth before answering. “He won't let me lead a group to go check out that boarded up farm we passed a week or so ago. I know there must be some good stuff in there, maybe even fuel and tools!” You kick at the door frame in annoyance. “He says he doesn't think it's worth it, that it's too dangerous and that the others wouldn't listen to me or respect my authority on a trip out there anyway. Fuck him!”
Shane watches you winding yourself up in a rage, your fists bunching till your knuckles are showing through your skin.
“He thinks I'm green but I've got skills! I can help! Why does he have to be such a knowitall asshole lording it over all the rest of us? It ain't fair.”
He catches your wrist before you start punching the wall. “Hey, hey now. You gonna calm down before you break somethin’, like your goddamn fingers?”
You scrunch up your face in annoyance. “Depends. You gonna take his side and tell me I'm just a little girl who should shut up cos she doesn't know anything?”
He looks you straight in the eyes. “Nah, I know you're capable. You just gotta give Rick some time to trust you with it, that's all. Hell, I know he's a grouchy sonofabitch but the system's worked alright so far, huh?”
You growl in defeat.
He's got a point you guess, but it still rubs you up the wrong way how Rick seems to see you as nothing more than a nagging pain in his ass. “Would you follow orders from me, Shane?” you challenge.
He gives you that signature self-assured cocky smile of his. “You bet. I trust your judgement, sweetheart.”
You scoff, actually semi surprised by his seemingly honest response.
“Yeah, sure you would. Whatever.”
You watch him in silence as he moves crates of supplies, some full up with cans and other heavy items, stacking them up against the wall. His vest is damp with sweat, beads of moisture roll down his neck to his broad, glistening chest and you can't help licking your lips.
“Doesn't help that it's so fucking hot today,” you muse, tugging your own shirt away from your sticky skin. Then you settle on an idea.
“I'm going down to the lake. Come with me.”
Shane pauses, glances up. “I gotta finish up this shit…”
You plant your hands on your hips. “Come with me. That's an order, Shane.” You smirk and he catches on, putting the crate down and straightening up.
“S’that so?” He responds with an interested look and you nod.
“Y’said you'd follow my lead, so follow.” you quip, walking out into the blazing heat of the yard towards the gate.
“Might be walkers down there.” He says, grabbing his pistol and knife from the shelf and tucking them into the back of his pants.
You wave your hand carelessly back in his direction as you keep walking. You've got your own weapon on you. “I'm capable, remember?”
Shane rolls his eyes as he catches you up. He's not sure what he's letting himself in for but it's not a good idea to let you go off alone, especially if he expects you've got something to prove.
The lake was a godsend. A welcome actual oasis in this rabid and lethal world that you'd all found yourselves trying to survive. A perk of living in the camp and bearing Rick's questionable leadership. It was small, a now undammed creek running in to fill an old quarry, but it was fairly safe and utterly perfect for dip on a day like this.
The side you came in on had a grassy bank and a large tree growing near, giving some much needed shade before the ground turned to gravel and slate near the water. You scoped out the rim and the shimmering, inviting water for any signs of walkers and once satisfied it was clear, you turned to Shane, planting your palm firmly on his damp chest.
“You, stay.” You command, gesturing at him to sit down.
“What the hell? How come I don't get to cool off?” He complains as he reluctantly sits on the baking hot grass. You cross your arms at the hem of your shirt and tug it up over your head.
“You said you'd follow my orders, didn't you? Don't you trust me?” You grin, slinging your top over a low branch of the tree and then starting to unbutton your pants.
Shane watches unashamedly as you undress in front of him. You had brought him here after all, wanted him here for whatever reason, and he sure as hell wasn't about to complain about the current view he's got. His gaze roams over the curves of your near-naked body as you strip to your well-worn underwear. He's never seen this much of you before, and he likes it.
You make your way to the water's edge, shrieking and then humming with relief as the sudden cold hits your heated skin.
“So what the hell am I s’posed to do? It's as hot as all hell, even in the shade!” Shane calls out.
“Watch for walkers, idiot!” You yell back with a laugh, and wade in deeper into the lake until you can swim. It was such a treat to have this space relatively close to the camp, but it wasn't the only thing you had in mind…
Shane watches you enjoying yourself as he sweats under the tree. You had your own watchful eye on him, near salivating as he eventually pulled his vest off to reveal the rest of that deliciously toned torso.
When you're done you walk slowly out of the lake, shaking off your hair and stalking towards where Shane was lying on the bank. He pushes himself up on his hands, surprised as you straddle his hips, grunting as cool droplets of water fall from your body onto his.
“What are ya doin’?” He asks as you push him back down to lie flat on his back.
“Cooling you off.” You reply matter of factly as you rock your hips down on his crotch, feeling his cock beginning to harden rapidly through your wet panties.
“Yeah?” His voice is husky, his hands finally landing at your waist as you lean in close, grinding yourself against his cock again, feeling him twitch.
“When I first came here, Rick told me to stay away from you, y'know? Said you were dangerous…”
“Fuck…” Shane curses, his fingers gripping at your damp skin and eyes flicking between the sight of your hardened nipples poking through your bra and your wiggling hips on his. “You doin’ this to get back at him or somethin’?” He asks with a slight strain in his voice.
Your own fingers start to explore and trail over his chest, scratching briefly at his nipples and on down those washboard abs to hook under the waistband of his pants. You can't help yourself, leaning down, your tongue sliding out between your lips to lick up the layer of sweat from between his pecs. You close your eyes as the satisfying taste of his salty musk hits your taste buds and both you and Shane moan. You lick and kiss your way up to the side of his neck and nip at his earlobe, purring out your desire.
“I just wanted you to fuck me.”
His eyes gleam a dark amber in the sun as he looks up at you. “Yeah? Is that an order too?”
“Do you want it to be?”
You teased the question but he wastes no time, scrabbling quickly to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, pulling his thick cock out of his underwear as you shimmy out of your panties. You'd need to be fast, this was all the foreplay you needed. You couldn't risk any of the others from the camp wandering down here and finding you both.
He was just as big as you had imagined. You weren't at all surprised with the way he would nearly always stride dick first through the camp. When you could, you'd sometimes pass any quiet moments watching him work, whether it was swinging an axe to cut firewood, or patrolling up on the wall. Even if he could be smarmy and bullish he was prime eye candy for sure, and you wanted a taste.
“God… damn.” Shane hisses as you sink down on him, your bodies now as one, feeling your tight, wet heat gripping around his throbbing length. Air leaves your lungs in a gasp as you start to move up and down, and Shane moves his hips upwards in quick, powerful thrusts to meet yours. “Shit… god-fucking-damn!”
“Fuck, Walsh!” You moan as he's stimulating the deepest parts of you, his hands firm on your hips, fingers pressing in harder..
“S'at good?” He grits out, captivated by the feel and look of you moving above him with abandon.
“So good-” you whine. He shifts forward, ducking his head to mouth at the softness of your breasts spilling over your bralet.
“Oh you like that, huh?” he snarls, “yeah, jus’ like that?” He leans back again so he can pound into you even harder, gritting his teeth, beads of sweat rolling down his face and neck to pool at his collarbones with the effort. He snatches the cups of your bra down, letting your tits bounce around, squeezing them hard before he drops one hand down to where your bodies meet, his thumb desperately rubbing sloppy circles over your slick, swollen pearl.
The dry grass presses into your knees as you fuck, your pussy starting to flutter as the tightness at the core of you builds so quickly. You haven't had any form of intimacy for so long that everything you're feeling now is intense, sharp, and needed.
“Don't you dare stop!” You threaten, riding his cock even faster as you near your edge.
Shane is panting, hips bucking wildly.
“Shit-shit-shit baby I'm gonna cum, aw fuck I'm gonna-”
You lift up off of him and rapidly switch to frantically rubbing your pussy and clit along the length of his cock, seconds later his mouth is forming a silent ‘o’ and his pulsing dick is shooting stripes of creamy white over his stomach and chest between you as you topple over with him. Shane hooks his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you down and smashing your hot mouths together as you both shudder through your orgasms with a deep shared moan.
You push off of him, laying on your back to his side, both of you panting ragged breaths with the heat and exertion.
“Fuck… oh christ.”
Your satisfied hum turns to laughter when you hear Shane's curses yet again.
“So, do you like a woman that knows what she wants an’ orders you around, Walsh?”
He grumbles, gingerly sitting up and wincing at the sweaty, messy state he's in. “Mm, I guess only when it's me that she wants.”
He gets up and strips off his boots and pants, and you watch as he takes his gorgeous ass into the lake to wash, dunking his entire body and scrubbing his hands over his face and closely shaved head. You soon follow and when you're done you put your now-dry clothes back on in a silence only disturbed by birdsong and the sound of the bubbling creek.
“We should get back.” You say redundantly, breaking the sudden tension that had formed.
“Yeah.” Shane agrees, not meeting your eyes.
You awkwardly part ways back at the gate, and when you're on shift up on the wall later that night you can't help wondering if you miscalculated, made a mistake.
You almost jump out of your skin as Shane sneaks up behind you.
You calm your racing heart as you move the barrel of the gun away from him. “Jesus christ, don't do that, I could have killed you!”
He just smirks, holding his hands up in surrender. “Well now I wasn't lookin' for that.” He drawls, and you soften.
“So what were you looking for?”
"You had any more run-ins with Rick today?"
"Uh... no? Why?" You reply, slightly confused.
He shrugs, eyes flitting between the gun you're holding and you. “Just been wonderin’, if maybe you wanna order me around some more?”
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djarindroid · 5 months
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Pairing: Rick Grimes x Reader
Summary: You spend most of your time trying to figure out your confusing feelings for Rick, could a simple run for supplies unravel your emotions? (Set during the prison era)
Warnings: Brief description of violence (walker attack).
Word Count: 3,633
Comments: This is the first time I've written for Rick, I loved doing it so will probably write some more in the future
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As you sat atop the watchtower, looking out over the surrounding woods your mind drifted back to before you arrived here, before he saved you. You’d been so alone, constantly hungry and never knowing where you would be staying next. 
You took a deep breath of the crisp morning air and thought about how lucky you had been for him to have found you out there. He plucked you out of your desperate life and invited you to join his group. Providing you with everything your soul needed, security, companionship and a stable place to lay your head every night. 
The sound of a metal door closing jolted you out of your thoughts, glancing down to see the very man you had just been thinking about walking outside. You watched as he strided down to the farm that had been built, admiring the way his rolled up sleeves hugged his biceps. 
The view completely consumed your attention, watching him get to work, you were filled with feelings of gratitude, admiration and… something more. Over your few months here you couldn’t help but feel drawn to Rick, though you couldn’t quite pinpoint why.
Were you just feeling this way because he’d saved you, or was it in the way he helped and looked out for everyone here, or maybe it was more personal. In the way he listened to what you had to say, the way he made sure you always got something to eat, or maybe it was none of that at all and just that you had been alone for so long.
You’d debated talking to him about it on many occasions, but you never ended up saying anything. Your confusion was nothing compared to the other problems people had. So you were content to just keep whatever it was you were feeling hidden.
You couldn’t stop your face from heating up as you watched him begin to pump water, his muscular arms flexing with each movement. Even from where you were perched, you could see the sheen of sweat that formed on his skin, shining in the early morning sunlight. It was such a simple task but the sight stirred an unexpected warmth within you.
The familiar sound of someone climbing up the metal ladder of the watchtower drew you away from your thoughts. Maggie had come to take over the watch and allow you to get some much needed rest.
‘Ya don’t need to act like ya weren’t just staring at him,’ Maggie joked as she reached the top.
You kept your face away from her to hide the small smile that formed. ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about,’ you half joked back.
She laughed as she approached. ‘Keep pretending then, but I see the way ya look, there’s something there,’ she nudged you with her elbow as she finished talking. 
You glanced at her, seeing the knowing smile etched on her face. She looked as if she knew your own feelings better than you did. With a small sigh and a slight shake of your head you opted to not respond, instead simply thanking her before descending the ladder. Little did you know that a certain pair of eyes were now watching your movements.
Rick couldn’t help the way his eyes glanced over your body as you climbed down from the tower. The rising sun casting a golden glow over you. He’d felt like he’d barely taken his eyes off of you since the moment he’d found you. Rick felt as though you were a breath of fresh air to him in this otherwise cruel world. He hadn’t so much as looked at another person since Lori passed and then along you came.
As you reached solid ground again, you chanced taking one final look over to the farm. There your eyes met with Rick’s, who was already looking over to you with a soft gaze. A brief shared moment unfolded, where neither of you made any move to look away, temporarily making you forget about the hell surrounding your safe haven.
The noise of Carl calling for his dads help quickly shattered the moment, drawing Rick’s attention away from you. A slight pang of disappointment rolled through you but you dismissed it and headed inside to grab some food.
Back up in the tower Maggie had watched your little stare off, mumbling ‘idiots,’ under her breath as she reached for her binoculars.
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Later that same day, once you’d showered and changed into a different outfit you decided to wander over to the makeshift library, wanting a book to fill your time.
You found the room to be empty when you arrived, deciding to make the most of it you took your time perusing the shelves. Some books were in better condition than others that had been found on runs, but the room still managed to fill you with nostalgia. You found a selection you hadn’t looked at yet and sank to your knees as you began to look through the bottom shelf.
As you reached for a book, a shadow suddenly grew over you, blocking out most of the light. Raising your eyes you found Rick casually leaning against the edge of the bookshelf. You knew you probably shouldn’t but you took your time letting your eyes take in his body, sweat and dirt clung to him from a day of working outside. 
The air seemed to thicken as your eyes finally met his. Rick’s gaze was intense and he held yours as if coaxing you into revealing your confusing feelings towards him. 
‘Going on a run tomorrow,’ if he’d felt the same tension you did, he didn’t show it. ‘Thought you might want to join?’ he added.
‘You want me to come on a run with you?’ You asked, you hadn’t left the prison since he’d first brought you here. Not that anyone was keeping you here, you had just craved the safety the thick walls provided after being exposed for so long.
‘I’ve seen the way you can handle a gun,’ he said with a slight smirk, thinking back to when you’d first met. ‘It’s just a quick run to a pharmacy Glenn found. Figured you might wanna come, enjoy the ride.’ He stayed leaning against the shelf, awaiting your answer.
Unable to form words due to your mind flooding with questions, you replied with a smile and nod of your head. 
Rick returned your smile as he stood at full height, before turning he said ‘6am, we’ll take the truck,’ and with that he walked away. You stayed, almost frozen, in the same spot with your smile lingering. 
Yes, you were going to be briefly leaving the safety you had found here to go back out into the vicious, unpredictable world. But the idea of a drive sounded nice and the one on one time with Rick could help you figure out exactly what your feelings were.
As the rest of the day unfolded, the anticipation of the early morning run settled into your thoughts. Your evening passed by as usual, finishing with you in your bunk reading. Though the book you’d chosen was doing little to calm the restlessness that overtook your mind, willing you to think about unspoken questions.
Why had Rick asked you out of everyone here? Why hadn’t he asked Daryl or Glenn? What if something bad happened? What if you messed up? 
With the weight of the questions bearing down on you, you eventually fell into a fitful sleep. As your eyelids fluttered closed images of the outside world manifested before you, vague images of what was to come. Images of horror slowly changed to thoughts of the man you’d be going with, calming your mind. You’d be safe with Rick, you knew you would be.
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6am came around with a light fog rolling across the grounds. You found yourself staring through the prison gates waiting for Rick. You could hear the moans of a few surrounding walkers.
The moans were interrupted by the sound of an engine starting. You turned to find Rick a few feet away sat in the truck. You approached and quickly climbed into the passenger seat.
‘Ready to go?’ He asked as he shifted into drive, looking over to you. Your mind grew foggy as you took in the site of Rick. You guessed he’d had a shower before coming to meet you, his curls were slightly damp and you desperately wanted to run your fingers through them. 
Shaking the thoughts from your head you replied, ‘ready as I’ll ever be,’ and you buckled your seat belt. 
He nodded, and with that he started to drive. As the truck rumbled out of the safety of the prison, you raised your hand to Maggie and Glenn, who opened the gates for your departure. The sound of the gates closing echoed through the quiet morning as your vehicle ventured further away from the compound.
Gazing out of the window, you watched as the rows of trees rolled by, the leaves above filtered the sunlight creating patterns on the ground. It was peaceful, and the quietness that filled the car was far from uncomfortable. You could almost convince yourself it was a normal day, just the two of you going out for a drive on a quiet morning.
You were brought back to reality once the trees cleared and you were surrounded by vast fields, where you could spot the occasional Walker roaming aimlessly. Yet that didn’t even lower your mood, you felt content sat there with Rick, the hum of the engine serving as your backdrop.
You looked over to the man driving, his strong hands gripping the wheel making the veins on his forearms slightly more prominent. You subtly ran your eyes up his arms, where you briefly lingered on his broad shoulders, and then finally settling on his face. Taking the time to admire the salt and pepper stubble framing his jawline. 
Rick could feel your eyes on him, no matter how much you tried to hide it. He fought to keep a smirk from appearing, and let himself enjoy being able to hold your attention without having to do anything. He was happy he’d finally found an excuse to spend some time with just you, sharing a seemingly ordinary drive. 
The sight of buildings arrived far too soon for your liking, wishing this bubble that had enveloped the two of you on this journey could last longer. Rick pulled up to the pharmacy, the windows and door were still intact which served as a good sign that it hadn’t already been completely looted.
Without a word the two of you exited the truck. You were on high alert as you made your way around to the Rick, checking around you for any signs of walkers or people. Though the small town seemed empty, the months you had spent alone had taught you not to let your guard down so easily.
Rick silently motioned for you to follow him as he approached the door, knocking on it in order to find out if any walkers lurked inside. After a minute of nothing Rick pushed the door open, the creaking sound echoing around the small store. You couldn’t help but notice the way he deliberately stepped in front of you, you flushed slightly at the protectiveness of the move. 
Once he deemed it safe you saw his shoulders relax slightly. The shelves weren’t completely barren so you stepped around him and began filling your bag with anything that seemed like it would be of use. You quickly got into a rhythm of checking the items and shoving them in your bag.
Clearly deciding there was no immediate threat Rick split off to the other side of the store and began searching there. You sighed as you reached the end of your shelves, you’d packed a lot but you were sure there was more to find. Leaving your bag on the counter you walked around to the back, searching the shelves that should have only been available to employees. Apparently whoever had passed through before had cleared most of these out.
As you ventured further back you found a door with a ‘Staff Only’ sign on it. Driven by the hope of more supplies you opened the door without thinking. Everything happened so fast, the door had been shut for a good reason. In an instant it swung open to reveal two walkers that had been waiting, as if anticipating an unsuspecting victim to stumble upon them.
With their vacant eyes fixed determinedly on you they lunged forward. They fell over each other as they desperately reached for you. You fumbled for your gun as you backed up on unsteady legs, as you unclipped it from your belt you tripped on a fallen shelf, managing to drop your gun as you fell to the floor. A yelp escaped your lips as one of the walkers toppled on top of you, its gnashing teeth getting dangerously close as you struggled to keep it off of you.
Without hesitation Rick sprinted across the store, his urgency evident as he pulled out his knife. He slid across the counter and swiftly took down the standing walker. Wasting no time he grabbed the walker that was pinning you down and hurled it away from you. His blade sliced through the air once more, finishing it off.
You couldn’t move, remaining on the floor staring at the ceiling as Rick checked through the staff room for any others that may be lurking. You’d had close calls before but this was just careless. Your heart pounded in your chest as the gravity of what just happened surrounded you. You didn’t realise your ears were ringing until Rick reappeared in your vision, his mouth was moving but you couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Rick extended his steady hand to you, instinctually you reached for him and as his warm grip enveloped yours the ringing faded away. His touch grounded you in a way you hadn’t expected. With an effortless strength he helped you to your feet. Once you had steadied yourself, Rick's hands held onto your shoulders, ‘are you okay?’ he asked, a tenderness in his voice you hadn’t heard before.
You nodded slowly ‘it didn’t bite me,’ you managed to get out.
‘I know, but are you okay?’ he said more firmly, his eyes scanned over your face trying to read how you were feeling.
You nodded again, though you averted your eyes away from him. Suddenly feeling embarrassed by what you had done. Rick had trusted you to come out here with him and you couldn’t help but feel that you’d messed up. 
He gently placed his hand on your lower back and guided you out of the store, grabbing your bags as he went. Once you were out in the sunlight he turned you and took a moment to scan your body for any wounds. You still avoided looking at him, not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes.
If only you did look up, you’d see nothing but care etched on his face. He led you to the truck and opened the door for you to climb in, his eyes not leaving you once no matter how much you avoided looking in his direction.
The ride back was filled with a thick tension. You could feel Rick glancing over to you throughout the journey but you kept your eyes set firmly staring out of the passenger window. Any hope you had of today being the day you finally spoke to Rick to work out your feelings was completely gone. You’d settled with the fact you would now be avoiding him, nothing but embarrassment flowed through you as you thought about what had happened.
Rationally you knew you shouldn’t have felt embarrassed, if anything you should feel relief that everything unfolded as it did. You should be happy that you were still here, still sat in this truck, headed back to the safety of the prison. 
Luckily for you the journey went by without a hitch and before long the prison gates had come back into view. Once the truck was safely parked inside you didn’t waste any time jumping out and rushing inside. You ignored Rick calling your name, needing to put as much distance between yourself and him.
Rick stood beside the truck and watched you disappear inside. He sighed, wishing he knew what words to say to you. The weight of what had happened and whatever was going on between the two of you surrounded him as he thought about the best way to approach you.
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You’d somehow managed to avoid talking to anyone for the remainder of the day. You’d made your way out to one of the unused watchtowers, thinking everything over as the sun began to slowly disappear over the treeline. The memory of the walker falling on top of you played over and over in your mind, you’d never come so close to being bitten before.
You sighed, how had you become so careless? Allowing yourself to put your guards down. Your mind, once again, changed to Rick. The man that had been consuming your every thought, distracting you without even trying.
You replayed the moment he came to your aid. You were still battling with your embarrassment but gratitude had mingled into your emotions as well. If anything you were now more embarrassed by your actions following the incident, you hadn’t even thanked Rick for saving your life.
Rick’s protectiveness had struck a chord within you, deep down you knew he wouldn’t be upset with you over what had happened. You knew you should seek him out and apologise for your behaviour. He didn’t deserve to be dismissed the way you had. You decided you’d approach him in the morning, feeling that would be your best chance to get him alone.
Although you wouldn’t have to wait that long, the sound of someone ascending the steps of the watchtower echoed around you. You didn’t move, remaining seated looking out at the horizon. You knew who it was going to be before they even made it to the top, and mentally prepared yourself for the conversation to come.
Rick approached you quietly, taking a seat next to you without saying a word. You were pleased the tension from the truck ride had disappeared. The two of you sat in silence, and you appreciated that Rick wasn’t putting any pressure on you to talk. The evening breeze carried a chill, but the warmth coming from the man beside you wrapped around you. The changing colours of the sky created a peaceful backdrop to your quiet moment.
You chanced looking over to him and found him to already be looking over to you. The fading light cast a subtle glow on his face. His gaze was soft and filled you with comfort.
‘Rick I’m sorr-‘ you began, but he cut you off before you could finish. 
‘That next word had better not be an apology.’ He said firmly, causing you to snap your mouth shut.
‘I should be the one apologising, I should’ve been more careful. We should’ve stayed together and I left you alone, that’s not something I can brush off. It’s on me that things got dicey in there.’ He sighed as his eyes filled with regret before continuing, ‘if you’d of gotten hurt I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.’
How could he be blaming himself for this? Had he been feeling the same as you since that moment? 
‘Rick it wasn’t your fault, you don’t have to blame yourself for my mistake,’ you tried to tell him but he was already shaking his head.
Rick’s eyes bored into yours, showing a vulnerability you’d never seen before. He uttered your name and continued ‘you don’t understand, I was selfish. I just wanted… I wanted to spend time with you. You were out there because of me.’ His words hung in the air, and your mind raced trying to process the weight of what he was saying. Before you could even think of a response he carried on. ‘Earlier when I thought I could lose you... I-I saw you being taken from me and I knew I’d do anything to make sure that didn’t happen.’
The air around you seemed to grow thicker at Rick’s admission. The realisation that he thought he could have lost you cleared any lingering confusion. Everything became clear to you as neither one of you broke eye contact. Any words you’d prepared to say left you in that moment. 
Neither of you could look away even if you wanted to. Slowly he leant forward, and as months of uncertainty faded your lips pressed together. Warmth instantly blossomed in your chest at the feeling of his soft lips. His scent wrapped around you as his stubble tickled your face. You relished in it all, hoping to stay in this moment forever.
You hadn’t even noticed his hands gently holding your face until he pulled back ever so slightly. Not far enough that your lips weren’t touching, just enough to murmur ‘I swear I’ll keep you safe, no matter what. Always.’
‘I am safe Rick,’ you kissed him again before adding ‘with you.’ You brought your hands up to wrap around his neck as you kissed him again, pouring all your unsaid words into it, needing him to understand. 
It could have been hours you stayed up there kissing, lost in each other's embrace. Time completely faded away as you kissed under the moonlight sky. The world may have fallen to utter chaos, but at least you’d found everything you could ever want in Rick Grimes.
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What happened to Morris after the collapse of Pelican Town's Joja Mart?
In the main storyline of Stardew Valley, after you complete all of the Community Centre bundles, Morris "is never seen in Stardew Valley again." But what happened to him.
A part of me would like to think that he had to face the angry Chief Executives and explain to them how he managed to not only lose the profits of an entire town, but as to why he let the Pelican Town Joja Mart fall into disrepair? Perhaps he was fired on the spot, and spent the rest of his days bouncing from job to job, wallowing in sadness. He mopes and drinks, works a shitty 9-5 for an investment firm, and sees no future for himself. People take pity, until they hear him speak and work out what a greed-driven creature he is.
More likely, Joja Corp absorbs the losses, Morris is moved to manage a new location and on a server file buried somewhere in the goliath that is Joja Corp, the Pelican Town Joja Mart is crossed off, and a tag put up that says reinstating a Joja Mart would not increase profits. Morris, angry and hell-bent on revenge, climbs up the corporate ladder until he reaches a position where he is so powerful he has the authority to make executive decisions.
Perhaps one day, he orders that all shipments of goods sent out into the area are ceased immediately. And not just Joja. Through a series of shell corporations, bribery and in one in instance completely absorbing the multi-million business into Joja's fold, he is completely able to stop anything from making it to Pelican Town. No construction materials, no food, no help. When you have as much money as Joja does, it's not that hard to cut off phone lines and internet service if you know the right government officials. Within a week, the entire road is blocked off. All contact with the town is ceased. It essentially disappears from maps. Morris has gone mad with power, and he's used it to seek revenge on those who bested him once before.
The people of Stardew are forced into a siege. With supplies dwindling, they begin panicking. One day, as the rations begin to dwindle, and some people have begun debating whether making the trip to civilisation is worth it, a letter arrives. It's delivered by a bright blue helicopter, and the letter itself is dropped from the cockpit, inside of a metal box.
It read:
For the people of Stardew Valley, Accept Joja once more into your lives, and you will find your struggles perish. We will send another messenger in a weeks time to hear your response, and we wish that you make the right decision.
Most of the townspeople were adamant that they held out, Pierre especially. They all met in the Community Centre to discuss options. Pierre and Robin were quite vocal about their opinions of Joja, and tried to reason with everyone that their lives were still better without them. Others however, saw no other option. Jodi and Kent had Vincent to think about, and Lewis saw that the town may fall into disrepair. They talked late into the evening, but no decision was made.
At midnight, after a successful 17 hour fishing trip, the Farmer traipses in, backpack full to the brim with fresh fish. They were on the way home, but got distracted by the sound of voices in the community centre and sought to investigate. They hadn't even noticed that the road had been blocked, as they hadn't actually walked through the town in months, thanks to the teleportation obelisks they had installed.
"Why don't... I just supply the town with everything you need?" They said simply. Everyone looked at them with a bit of confusion. "Look, I got all this shit lyin around doing nothing, and I haven't actually used my farm for any agriculture in awhile, but I could convert my ancient fruit masses into planting room for anything you need. I got plenty of livestock, as does Marnie, and I've got enough construction material lying around to make a city. I could probably have us set with everything we need for... say, the next 20 years?"
And so it happened. When a deliveryman turned up on the empty road, they chose to deny a response to Morris, who promptly kept the roads closed. And life moved on. It was harder from then on out, without any outside support, but they persevered. Instead of having the town raze itself to the ground, as Morris intended, they thrived. With no connection to the outside world, the town became closer, with more festivals and community events. Who needs an economy if everyone's working together in a closed community? Everyone is welcome to contribute on the farm now, and a surplus of food is created, including all the artisan goods that are better than just meat and vegetables.
A solar farm for the town was created to keep the lights on, but most other devices were eventually discarded (Elliot chose to only use candles for dramatic effect). Willy's boat occasionally made trips to other towns along the coast for essential items they couldn't produce themselves, but with the looming threat of the Gotoro Empire invading, and the notion that Joja is always watching, trips became more infrequent.
Morris thought he had won. He assumed all the people of Pelican Town had either fled on foot, or kept their pride and stayed in the husk of the town as scavengers. He never bothered to check on the thriving community, safe from the dangers of the Gotoro Empire and corporate greed.
Joja is always watching, but perhaps not close enough.
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blueraineshadows · 10 months
Mechanic!Garreth Weasley
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Weasley Wednesday just got greasy and dirty
This week's Garreth's Groupies Discord Prompt is: Alternative Universe
Mechanic!Garreth x F!MC 🔥 NSFW 🔞
Long fic under the cut ❤️
With the last box loaded into the back of her little van, MC checked her clipboard one last time before giving a wave to Ben in stores. "I'll catch you in a bit, Ben," she said. "Thanks for helping me load up."
"No worries, MC," he said. "And don't let them give you any crap today, okay?"
MC grinned and waved her hand in dismissal. "Ah thanks, but I'm tougher than I look. I'll be fine."
Climbing into the driver's seat, she checked her delivery round list and entered the first address into her SatNav. Sunglasses on, radio turned up, MC put the van into gear and set off.
It was summer, the sky a gorgeous blue with little puffs of cloud drifting lazily by. MC sang along to the radio, thinking about Ben's concerns, but MC could handle the banter. She had been delivering to the local motor garages for about 6 months now and learned to let the comments from the techs bounce off her skin. Their cheeky remarks about her bending over to pick things up, asking if her uniform came in a lower or tighter fit, were just lads getting through their working day. She wasn't against a bit of flirting, and most of the time, that's all it was.
MC laughed it off or quipped back with a little comment of her own. Most of them were harmless, and the odd creep was easily handled with a firm look and a few choice words. Her Dad hadn't raised a fool. Working in the trade himself, she was well used to being around a working garage, having spent her Saturday mornings helping her Dad as a kid.
Her first drop went without a hitch, and then she was back in the van checking her clipboard for the next drop. A small smile curved her lips. She recognised the address and didn't need the SatNav. Weasley's Motors was a regular client and she definitely didn't mind if he wanted to flirt with her, that was for sure.
Nestled out of town down a country road, Weasley's Motors was a garage that worked out of an old lock up on a farm. Her van made the turn into the driveway, bouncing along the potholes in the gravel track until she pulled up outside the entrance. MC turned off the ignition, and the quiet surroundings were pierced by the sound of a heavy-duty tool from inside the workshop, the distant sound of a radio playing the only other noise.
She climbed out with her clipboard, lifting her sunglasses on top of her head as she peered into the gloom of the workshop. There was no sign of the owner, Garreth, but his work mate, Ryan, was bent over an engine, his overalls pulled down and tied at his waist. He stood and turned to look at her, a slimy grin spreading across his face.
"Here she is," he said. He grabbed a rag and wiped at his filthy hands, wandering towards her. "What you got for us today then, love?"
MC moved to the rear of the van, opening the doors and checking the deliveries in the back. If it was just Ryan, then she wanted to get this over with. He was one of those that bordered on creep territory.
"Service parts and brakes, I think," she said. She spotted the service parts order in a bag and grabbed it, checking the invoice. She patted a cardboard box marked heavy. "Would you mind grabbing the brake discs for me?"
Ryan gave her a slow look up and down as he approached the back of the van, and MC pretended not to notice. He bent to pick up the brake discs, the smooth toned muscle of his arms flexing at the weight of them. "Anything for you, love," he said.
MC flashed a polite smile and carried the bag towards the workshop, Ryan following close behind. She glanced around. "Is Garreth about? I need a signature, and I've got some old invoices that need checking."
Ryan nodded as he put the brake discs down on his tool trolley. "Garreth!" He yelled. Ryan moved towards the back, waving for MC to follow as he disappeared through a door. His voice carried out to her. "That bird with the nice arse is here from AutoParts."
MC rolled her eyes, hanging back in the workshop in case Garreth wasn't actually in there. She did not want to be alone in the back room with Ryan, and she clutched her clipboard a little tighter, fantasising about whacking it around Ryan's head.
Ryan appeared, grin still in place. "He's just coming, love."
MC tensed as he passed her, his eyes roving over her as he went back to work on his car. He was one of the creeps that she would rather avoid, and it was a shame because Garreth was lovely.
MC let some of her tension go as Garreth appeared in the doorway, his wavy red hair tumbling across his forehead, his smile wide as he saw her waiting for him. He had gorgeous green eyes and a smattering of freckles over his face. Today he was wearing dark grey overalls, pulled down and tied at his waist as Ryan's were, revealing a black, sleeveless top that showed off toned arms covered in tattoos.
MC felt her cheeks warming up as she tried not to oogle him. To do so would make her no better than Ryan, but it was hard not to. Garreth was bloody gorgeous and she gave him a shy smile, feeling like a frump in her steel toe caps, jeans, and checked shirt. Over her shirt, she was wearing her work high-vis vest, and her hair was thrown up in a messy bun. It was not her best look, but it was only work after all. Right now, though, she was wishing she had made more of an effort this morning when she crawled out of bed.
"Hey, how's it going?" Garreth said. He was always cheerful, his smile welcoming and you couldn't help but smile back.
"Not bad," MC said. She held up her clipboard. "I've got some paperwork that needs signing and some invoices to double check."
"No problem. Do you want to come through to the office?" Garreth pointed his thumb back through the door, and this time MC nodded, more than willing to follow him.
As she followed Garreth through the doorway, Ryan shouted across the workshop. "Get her number this time!"
Garreth huffed a laugh and shook his head. He gave MC a sheepish look. "Sorry about him, he can be a bit of a knob."
MC laughed. "I noticed."
The office was tiny, the desk a chaotic jumble of paperwork, dirty tea mugs, and random tools. The wall was covered in planners, posters of cars, notices, and a calendar of topless models hung from a rusty nail. Garreth filled the space and MC hovered near the door, clutching her clipboard a little nervously.
Garreth grabbed a box of donuts from the desk and held it out to her. "Would you like one?"
MC eyed the sugar-coated delights, but the black finger marks around the box made her nose wrinkle. "I'm all good, cheers."
Garreth shrugged and dropped the box back down before rubbing his hands together, his grin playful. "Come on, then. Where do I need to sign my life away?"
MC held out her clipboard and pointed to the box where he needed to sign. Garreth grabbed a pen from the pot on his desk and leaned in to sign his name, his hair falling across his forehead, while she held the clipboard for him. He was left-handed, and his arm brushed against her hand as he signed. His skin was warm, the hairs tickled against the backs of her fingers, and she almost shivered. His male scent surrounded her, the clean aroma of his shower gel and his aftershave mingled with the underlying tang of oil and grease.
His eyes lifted to hers, and she stared at him, a nervous smile lifting the corners of her mouth. The soft green of his eyes was just so lovely, framed with thick copper lashes, and they sparkled with a hidden mischievousness and warmth. Being this close to him had her heart pounding and she wondered if he could tell.
"Thanks," she murmured. She mentally shook herself, reminding herself that she was supposed to be working here, and lifted the signing sheet to pull out the invoice file. "Erm, this is for you. Outstanding invoices. My supervisor wanted me to get you to check them and give the office a call."
Garreth took the paper, leaning his hips back against the desk as he quickly checked it. He nodded and grabbed up a small box from the desk, pulling out a handful of business cards. "Before I forget, would you mind putting some of these on your shop counter? I've just had them made up and I thought I would be cheeky and ask."
MC took the cards, her fingers brushing against his as she did so, the contact adding to the gentle swirl of heat building inside of her. She looked at the cards, quickly reading the details.
"I've started doing a call-out service out of hours. The number is on the card," he said. "Another way to earn a few pennies."
She smiled and tucked the cards into her pocket, wondering if this was a subtle way of giving her his number. Ryan certainly kept hinting at him getting hers. "I'll put them on the counter myself," she promised.
"Thank you, I appreciate it," he grinned. His eyes glanced over her, not as obvious as Ryan, but there was a glimmer of interest all the same that stoked her hope. "Been up to much lately?"
"Oh, you know, working, the usual. I tried that new bar in town last weekend," she replied.
He looked up with interest. "I know the one. Wasn't there a band playing?"
She nodded. "Yes, they were really good."
He smiled. "I should check it out sometime."
"You should."
The air hung thickly between them, both of them eyeing the other. MC bit her lip, her mind going blank as she tried to think of something to say. She had noted a while ago that there was no wedding ring on his left hand, but then in his trade, that wasn't unusual. It was too dangerous to wear rings. You could lose a finger if it got caught up at the wrong time. She wondered if he had a wife or girlfriend waiting for him at home. She wouldn't be surprised if he did. It made her hesitate to say much more, the words suggesting that they should go to the bar together dancing on the tip of her tongue.
"Are you going this weekend?" He asked. Was that a glimmer of hope in his eyes?
MC felt her cheeks grow warm again, and she fiddled with the hem of her work vest. Her tummy flipped at the idea of going with him. "I might," she said.
The phone rang on his desk behind him, and they both turned to look at it. He gave her an apologetic smile. "I'd better get this," he said regretfully.
MC nodded. She should really be getting on with her delivery round, the taco in the van would be timing her and she shouldn't really be lingering. "Sure. I'll erm... I'd best get going. See you next time."
"Take care," he said. His smile was soft as he looked at her, reaching out to pick up the phone. It made her far too reluctant to leave his office, but he held the phone to his ear and he was back into work mode. "Weasley's Motors, how can I help?"
MC backed out of the office, a little regretful that their conversation had been interrupted. She sighed and tapped her clipboard against her thigh as she crossed the workshop, her thoughts still on Garreth and his smile.
"Alright, love?" Ryan said. He ducked out from under the bonnet of the car he was working on and her soft, warm feelings over Garreth plummeted into mild disgust. "Did we get your number this time?"
MC looked at him and rolled her eyes. "You want a number?" She tore a sheet out from under the delivery list on her clipboard and shoved it into his hand. She pointed at the headed paper for the company she worked for and smiled sweetly. "Contact details right there. Have a nice day."
Ryan laughed as she turned away, completely unperturbed by her sass. She ignored him. "Maybe next time then, yeah?" He called out.
She strode out of the workshop and out into the sunlight, irritated as she threw the clipboard into the passenger seat of the van, and fired the ignition.
The late summer sun was sinking below the horizon as MC dropped her friend, Poppy, off at her home. They had been down to the sea front for a walk on the beach and a cheeky ice cream. It had been nice to catch up with her. She had been full of stories about her boyfriend, Sebastian, and MC felt a twinge of envy.
Why couldn't she keep hold of a bloke? Her luck was terrible. She always seemed to end up with the Ryan's of the world and longed for a Sebastian of her own, a bloke who would treat her properly, as well as ruin her in the bedroom. Maybe a bloke like Garreth. The thought made her smile. Bloody hell, she fancied him.
MC took the turn out of Poppy's apartment block car park and turned the radio up a bit, singing along to the song playing as she drove towards home. As she was moving along the dual carriage way, a strange clunking sound came from under the car, and she frowned, turning the radio volume back down again. Her eyes quickly scanned the dash for any warning lights, but there was none. She slowed down, her ears pricked up in case it happened again. It did. A clunk and then the car seemed to dip in speed on its own, the engine power dying.
"No, no, no," she groaned. She gripped the steering wheel, a look of misery on her face as she pulled to the side of the road and rolled to a stop. She leant her head against the steering wheel and sighed. "Shit!"
Unbuckling her seat belt, she pulled the bonnet catch and got out. The road was quiet, the sky a deep blue that was quickly turning into the black of night. She lifted the bonnet and squinted in the dying light, pulling out her phone to turn the torch light on. She shone it over the engine bay but couldn't see anything obvious.
The oil and water were good. She checked it regularly as her Dad had taught her. The only thing she had not done was get her service yet. Money had been tight, and she had been holding off. She bit her lip, knowing her Dad was going to lecture her for not doing it, but that wasn't going to help her now. Perhaps she had blown a filter or something and she rubbed her face with her hand.
Glancing down at her phone, she debated calling her Dad. He was away on holiday, but it wouldn't be the first time he had tried to diagnose a problem over the phone. Then, a flash of inspiration struck her. Her heart pounded as she hurried back around to the car door, climbing in on her knees to fumble around on the back seat for her work vest. Out of the pocket, she pulled the business cards that Garreth had given her earlier. Thank goodness she hadn't put them in the shop yet.
Her fingers trembled as she keyed in the phone number for out of hours, hoping that it wasn't going to put her through to Ryan. The dialling tone sounded and was answered quickly.
MC took a breath. "Hi, erm...is that Garreth?"
"Yeah," he said slowly. "Who is this?"
"Hi, it's MC. I deliver to you, you know, AutoParts? I was there today."
"MC?...Wow, erm...what can I do for you?"
She cringed. "I've broken down, and I still had your card in my pocket...you said were doing call outs now?"
"Oh, right, so you need my services? Where are you?"
MC told him the road she was on and roughly how far along from the nearest junction she was.
"Are you alone?" He asked. She told him she was. "Hang tight, darling. I'm on my way."
MC felt a flood of warmth at the endearment and bit her lip at the concern in his voice. She gazed around at the isolated surroundings of where she had stopped and appreciated his promise of being on his way.
The road was quiet, the odd vehicle rushing past, the headlights growing brighter and then fading off in to the distance. MC had locked the car and moved into the grass verge to sit and wait. She knew never to sit in the car and wait in case you get slammed from behind by a truck that didn't see you parked up. She had the hazard lights on, but it wasn't worth the risk. Even though the creepy darkness was starting to put her on edge, she stayed put.
Now that the sun was gone, the air had cooled, and MC hugged her arms about herself. She was only wearing a thin vest top, and tiny denim shorts and goosebumps covered her arms. She played about on her phone, scrolling aimlessly as she waited for Garreth, a little flutter of anticipation her chest at the thought of seeing him again.
When a pickup truck slowed to a stop behind her car, MC hesitated, eyeing the driver as he climbed out, relief washing over her when she saw Garreth's unruly mop of red hair. She stood, brushing loose grass from her bare legs. "Sorry to call you out so late, Garreth," she said, approaching him.
He smiled that gorgeous smile. Tonight he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, with a lightweight dark jacket. "Not at all, I was just watching TV. Are you alright?"
She nodded. "I'm alright, but my car not so much."
He came closer and held out a bottle of water and a big share bag of crisps towards her. She eyed them with confusion. "You brought snacks?" She asked, amused.
He shrugged. "I'm always prepared, and I thought you might be hungry."
She giggled. "Do you do this for all your customers?"
"Only the pretty ones." His wink made her tummy flutter, and she took the offered treats with a shy smile, thanking him.
She explained what had happened, and he had a quick look under the bonnet. "You're probably right about it being a filter but I won't know for sure until I get a proper look at it. It's too dark to see out here, but I can tow your car back to the garage and check it out tomorrow if you like."
"That would be great, thank you. I will call a taxi or something to get myself home." She smiled, rubbing her arm with her hand against the chill as she unlocked her phone.
"Don't be daft. I'll give you a lift home," he offered.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Of course," he said. He studied her a moment and then slipped his jacket off and held it out to her. "You're cold. Here, put this on. I'll get the tow rope fixed up and you can go sit in the truck and warm up."
MC blushed. "Oh, you don't have to give me your jacket."
He sighed and moved around her to drop the jacket over her shoulders, smoothing his hands over them as he did so. MC shivered, but not from the cold, her breath hitching at the solid feel of his hands on her. The jacket was warm from his body heat and smelled of him. It was doing torturously wonderful things to her insides. She wondered what else those strong hands could do as he held her.
"No arguments," he said. Still holding her shoulders, he guided her towards the truck and opened the passenger door. He nodded inside. "In you get. I won't be long."
The truck was warmer than being outside, despite the mess and the lingering odour of oil and men, and MC hugged his jacket around her as she watched Garreth fix up the ropes. He was adorably sweet, bringing her snacks and giving her his jacket, but right now she was shamelessly gawping at his arms in the glow of the headlights as he pulled the rope tight.
Once the car was roped up and ready, MC got back out of the truck.
"Have you ever been towed before?" He asked.
She nodded. "My Dad was a tech. I've done this plenty of times."
Garreth's smile was warm. He caught her under her chin with a calloused finger, the touch light, there and then gone. The burn his touch left behind tingled down her neck and spread all over her.
"Full of surprises, aren't you? Jump in your car then, and we'll get going. I will go to the garage first and then I'll take you home. I won't go to fast, we'll take it easy."
They took a careful trip to his garage with no incident, pulling up outside, and then he unhitched her car, pushing it inside the workshop where it would be safe.
"I can't thank you enough for this," she said. Garreth checked the workshop and was pulling the huge doors closed. He grinned at her. "Maybe you can buy me a beer in that new bar to say thank you."
Her heart leapt. "Sure! I mean, yeah, I could do that," she said, blushing. She hesitated. "You've not got a girlfriend or anything have you?"
He paused to look at her, his hands on the other door, and shook his head. "No. What about you? No boyfriend at home waiting for you?"
She shook her head. He looked thoughtful for a moment and then pulled the garage door closed, locking it up securely. He walked towards her slowly and reached out to slip the keys into his jacket pocket, the jacket she was still wearing. She was reluctant to take it off, not ready to lose the warmth and his scent.
His eyes met hers, his gaze glittering in the darkness, the glow of the security light reflecting in the green depths. He reached up and gently brushed her hair back with a finger, the callused tip grazing against her temple.
"How is it possible that a girl as beautiful as you has no man waiting for her at home?" He asked softly.
"I'm just not that lucky," she whispered. His touch was stoking the aching burn between her thighs, his eyes deep pools of temptation that she would happily drown in.
He trailed that finger down her cheek, waking up her goosebumps as he continued along her jaw, his thumb brushing against her lips. She parted them, her breathing picking up the pace, her heart thudding against her ribs and she couldn't tear her gaze away.
He bent down and brushed his lips against hers, a teasing kiss, a gentle taste, before pulling back a little. His eyes burned into hers, and she grabbed the front of his t-shirt, her mouth claiming his for another kiss because one just wasn't enough. He moaned against her lips, his hands sliding up over her waist, gripping at her vest top and pulling it up so he could smooth his palms over her skin.
She gasped at the feel of those calloused hands on her midriff, her mouth opening to welcome the taste of him, his tongue gliding smoothly against hers as he backed her up. Her Converse scraped against the gravel, legs stumbling backwards until she collided with his truck, his kiss deepening with desperate hunger. She shoved a hand into that glorious hair, fingers sliding through soft locks as he reached around to grab her arse, groaning as he moulded it with his hands.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he breathed. He pinned her against the truck, hips grinding, and she whimpered. She could feel how hard he was, and she ached for more, arching her back, greedy for his touch.
MC slid her hands under his t-shirt, sighing at the delicious ripple of firm muscle, the soft hair on his stomach, and achingly smooth skin. She teased his lips with tongue and teeth, drawing soft sounds from his throat, he was very vocal and it spurred her on. His hands moved to her thighs, sliding upwards, fingers delving under the hem of her tiny shorts. They were short enough for him to grab the flesh of her arse and he hummed in approval.
"I've been wanting to get my hands on your arse for bloody weeks," he murmured. He bent to mouth at her neck, his hands groping and moulding her flesh. "So fucking sexy."
MC tilted her head back, a soft groan leaving her mouth as he sucked at her neck, tongue sliding over her hot skin. "Keep groping me like that and I won't be responsible for my actions," she teased.
"Hmm, is that right?" He squeezed her arse even harder with a growl, before sliding his hands up and around, pushing them up under her vest to cup her breasts, his fingers sliding over the lace of her bra. "Oops, more groping. What are you gonna do?"
She chuckled and slid her hand down to cup him through his jeans, palming along his length with slow deliberate strokes. He groaned and rutted against her hand. "Fuck, yes..."
"You like that, huh?" She whispered.
He pressed his forehead to hers, eyes looking down at her hand as she rubbed, his hips rocking. He bit his lower lip, moaning. "Your place or mine?" He asked. "I need to get you somewhere, and fast, before I fuck you against my truck."
Hunger, hot and feverish swept over her, an ache so fierce she was panting with it. Her fingers fumbled at his jeans, tugging at the buttons. "Do it," she begged. "Fuck me."
A shocked sound left his mouth, his eyes wide as he looked at her. She stared back at him, breathing hard, her body begging for him to take her.
"What...are you sure?"
She had his jeans open now, and she kept her eyes on his as she slid a hand inside, her fingers sliding over the hot, silky skin of his hard cock. She felt it twitch under her touch, a low moan coming from him, his eyes hooded and glazed over as she began to stroke him. "I want it," she whispered.
Utterly gorgeous, sexy and adorably cute. Oh, she was sure.
Garreth groaned and kissed her, his mouth devouring her as he made quick work of her shorts, shoving them downwards to expose the pretty lace of her knickers. Impatient fingers tugged that lace aside, sliding eagerly down and delving into her waiting slick. MC moaned, lips parting as Garreth skilfully swept finger tips over her opening, soaking his fingers with an appreciative groan before sliding two deep inside of her.
"All this for me," he said. He pumped his fingers, twisting them slightly. "Fuck, MC, you're perfect."
MC whimpered and rocked her hips, clinging to him as the pad of his thumb sought out her clit and rubbed in torturous, slow circles. "Garreth..."
"Tell me," he whispered. His mouth moved to her ear, nipping and kissing along the shell of it. He moaned into her ear, his fingers curling and rubbing her into a panting, moaning mess. "That's it, fucking moan for me. I want to hear you."
His filthy talk was so hot, adding to the desperate ache. Her thighs trembled and her back arched, her head tilted back and rolled in ecstasy against the window of his truck as he sucked bright blooms of red down her neck. She could feel the building pressure of her climax, each firm, deliberate thrust of his fingers driving her faster and faster towards it. She didn't care that they were outside and someone could come along and catch them at any moment. All that mattered was his smouldering green eyes and the way his fingers were driving her crazy.
"Garreth," she cried. Her nails dug into the flesh of his arm, the muscle beneath her grip flexing as he fucked her with his hand. Her climax hit, and she clenched around his fingers, a cry leaving her lips, splitting the quiet darkness of the night around them.
Garreth whispered words of praise into her ear, his fingers easing gently, stroking her in teasing slow circles as she shuddered with little after shocks, overly sensitive and throbbing. "Such a good girl," he whispered. "I'm gonna fuck you now. Is that what you want?"
"Yes," she whispered, biting her lower lip. "Please..."
Garreth slipped the jacket from her shoulders, opening the truck door and throwing it inside. He slid both hands up her body, pushing up her vest top to expose her bra. He hummed in appreciation, his thumbs hooking back the lace.
"I need to see these," he murmured. He tugged back the lace and bent to lick across her breasts, moaning against her flesh as he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked, his tongue rolling over her hardened peak. "Delicious," he whispered.
He kissed up over her collar bone and throat, finding her mouth, and he kissed her deeply. His hands reached around to grab her arse again. He moaned and pulled his mouth away. "I'm gonna turn you around, alright?"
MC nodded. "Okay."
He smiled and kissed her nose, his hands gently turning her, shuffling them along a bit until they were at the open passenger door of the truck. He pushed her forward and bent her in over the seat, her legs trembling as he slid her knickers down over her hips, letting them pool at her ankles with her shorts. He smoothed his hands over her arse and hips, dipping between her legs to tease her with gentle fingers before pressing her thighs open a little more. "Fucking hell," he groaned. "That looks so perfect."
MC felt a blush heat her face as he caressed and teased her from behind, her breasts squished against the seat, her hands gripping the edge as he slid fingers inside of her again. He worked her open, soft moans leaving her lips as she felt the brush of his cock against her thigh.
"Please..." She whimpered. She rocked her hips eagerly. She felt the pressure of his tip as he rubbed it teasingly against her slick heat. She rocked her hips again, and he moaned.
"So greedy for my cock," he whispered. He guided himself inside of her, both of them moaning at the intrusion. He filled her up so perfectly, and as he began to move, MC buried her face into the seat. Her hands grappled for purchase against the leather, bracing against the centre console of the truck as he began to fuck her hard.
A cry left her mouth, his skin slapping against her arse in a punishing rhythm, the truck rocking on its wheels as he braced one arm against the top of the door frame. His other hand gripped her hip, breathless grunts, and moans spilling from his mouth as he pounded relentlessly. The angle was utter bliss, each thrust hitting that sweet spot until she saw white spots in front of her eyes. Her climax came swift, ripping through her with blazing heat, her walls clenching tightly around him.
Garreth swore viciously, grinding against her tight and hard with a growl before pulling out. MC whimpered at the sudden emptiness, gasping as his cock slapped against her arse, sliding upwards, hot and throbbing as his cum splattered up her sweaty back.
All she could hear were their tortured breaths in the silence as they took a moment to recover. And then the truck dipped, and he leaned in over her. She smiled as she felt his lips soft and teasing against her shoulder blade.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
She nodded. "That was so good," she said.
She heard him fumbling about and turned her head. He grinned as he pulled a rag out of the door compartment and wiped the cum from her back. He chuckled. "Apologies, I made a bit of a mess."
"We made a mess," she chuckled.
He helped her out of the truck, and as she adjusted her bra and vest top, he bent to slide her knickers and shorts up her legs. She smiled at him, appreciating the way he was taking care of her. One minute, he was banging her within an inch of her life. The next, he was sweetly tugging up her knickers and pressing soft kisses on her thighs. What more could she ask for?
When he stood up, she grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him in close. She stared up into those pretty green eyes of his. For so long, she had met them with shy smiles. Now she had seen them burn with desire, and for her no less. The smile she gave him now was one of intimacy, appreciating the fucked out daze of his eyes knowing that she had put it there.
She liked that look. She could get used to seeing it all too easily. She cupped his face and pressed a slow kiss to his lips.
"You know we are doing that again, right?"
His eyebrows lifted, his eyes pleased, eager. "We are?"
She smirked and nodded. "Your place or mine?"
"Mine," he said. Then he tilted his head thoughtfully. "Might have to stop at McDonald's drive-through on the way, though. I'm fucking starving."
MC giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Deal. And it's my treat seeing as you came to my rescue this evening."
He kissed her nose, his hands roaming around to cup her backside again. He was definitely an arse man. "Sex and a burger. Best night ever," he grinned.
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Hey do you think ya can explain Barnaby and his illusion smoke a bit? It seems really cool and I don't remember if ya talked about it in depth before
sure! this got a bit longer than i expected!
so i was thinking that Barnaby seems like more of a hands-off kinda guy when it comes to altercations. would rather sit back and make funny commentary! so if he Had to get involved, i imagine it would be from a distance and still in an Entertaining Way!
thus - illusion magic! for this au i've been picturing that he got his paws on some illusionary herb in his early teens. for making people laugh, you know! and help out with the farm - illusions could distract animals, convince them to move on to different pastures, calm the chickens for egg-collecting, etc!
Ms. Beagle didn't really approve, since smoking is harmful, but lucky for the both of them this particular plant doesn't deal as much damage when smoked as normal smoking materials would - like tobacco! something to do with the magic properties! so Barnaby mostly used it for chores (when his mama wasn't paying attention, ofc - it's still a bad habit in her eyes) and entertainment purposes.
how it works: on its own, it doesn't do much when burned. it's not like illusions will waft out of the pipe's bowl, or that sniffing it will give someone hallucinations. in order for it to work properly, the user has to inhale properly, form the Intent of what the illusion should be / look like / behave, then purposefully blow the smoke out with that thought firmly in mind. the reach of the smoke depends on the force of Intent, and the intensity depends on the amount inhaled. those that breathe it in / are surrounded by it will see hallucinations of whatever Barnaby - or whoever the user is - wants them to! it can be literally anything! whether or not the target is fooled depends entirely on the individual, but the herb is potent enough that most are convinced that what they "see" is real (auditory hallucinations only occur if the target breathes in the smoke)
upsides: this form of magic is great for distractions, cover, deescalation, and that kind of thing. if needed, Barnaby could stop a fight with one exhale! it's a pretty powerful trick! it also means that Barnaby has built up a tolerance to illusion magic over the years, so where most of the party would be tricked, Barnaby would be unfazed. the only one with total immunity to the form of magic is Wally!
downsides: if Barnaby uses too much in too short of a time, it will get to him. and since he breathes in the largest amount - undiluted at that - it can fuck him up! using it sparingly / using repeated small amounts doesn't do anything. the most it will do is make him feel slightly untethered, but he has an easy time ignoring it / shaking it off.
in mild cases of the magic getting to him, it's like a bad trip. his proprioception is messed with (basically he gets uncharacteristically clumsy & off-balance), he feels like he's falling, anxiety spikes, and his vision is just... off! there are blind spots (im talking actual blind spots, not spots of black), things are moving in ways that they shouldn't, he has mild auditory hallucinations. the others can help ground him by talking to him, touching him, and confirming what's real and what isn't.
in bad cases, it's like that but 10 times worse. on top of all of the previous symptoms being worsened, he gets extremely vivid hallucinations, and they're very often not fun! it's a simultaneous feeling of dying, going insane, and not knowing what the fuck is going on. Barnaby loses sense of where he is, who's where, what's happening. he can get lost in the hallucinations - he has no way to know that they aren't real. in these terrible trips, no one can really help him. they can't get through the hallucinations, and if they do, the magic morphs Barnaby's perception of them and they end up adding to the effects. honestly the best thing for him is to let him rest somewhere with as little sensory input as possible & leave him be until he starts to come down. physical contact does help, since Barnaby understands on an instinctive level that illusions can't touch him, but it doesn't help half as much as it does w/ the mild trips. and again, the presence of someone can make the hallucinations worse.
so! suffice to say! he doesn't like using the herb all that often, and it's why he Stays Out Of It unless absolutely needed. he has two pouches of the herb - one with the strong stuff, reserved for emergencies / one with just a tiny bit of it mixed in with Barnaby's own personal blend for recreational/everyday use. (he also has an emergency tobacco stash in his pack, but that's only for when he's completely out of his usual blend <3)
extra lil scribble that didn't make it into the lil doodle post... i broke his wrist...
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#the undiluted one is the blue/purple/pink smoke#while the personal blend changes color depending on his mood#and the personal blend does Not cause illusions!#the herb is included in the blend for cosmetic effects - colorful smoke! - and it has calming affects#so its. yeah its rgb weed last person nailed it on the head#rambles from the bog#wh fantasy au#the other day i was thinking about howdy's first adventure with the neighborhood#and i was like 'ok situation where barnaby has to use a tad too much of the magic'#and i amused myself imagining howdy's shock and panic when barnaby - steady graceful barnaby#staggers a little. looks up at the trees/skies. goes 'oh no' and promptly stumbles and falls on his face. and then just does not get back u#he has to go get poppy to make sure he isnt hurt / also howdy would Not be able to half-drag barn back to camp on his own#that dog is dead weight and staggering all over the place - if they can even unstick his claws from where he's anchored himself#sometimes barnaby will feel the unpleasant trip Incoming and he'll just. lie down right there and then#facedown. gripping the grass like his life depends on it - and also whoever's closest#frank always leaps out of the way when barn starts to Sway bc he does not want to sacrifice his arm for a solid few hours#usually wally is the one to sit with him and happily get his arm bones squeezed into dust <3#a common thing is barnaby will be like 'the trees/sky is melting and the ground is turning inside-out'#what does that mean! no one knows! he cant explain it when he sobers up!
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aita for not giving someone the wifi password and not telling my parents about it when they asked?
this happened a while ago and ik it sounds trivial but i feel so damn guilty and i just need to know if i did something wrong (fake names used ofc)
so about seven or eight months ago a friend of mine (liz, 16f at the time, now 17) was brought to our house. child protection services had taken her and her two brothers (they're all adopted, but one of the boys is her biological brother, who i'll call james) from their parents because the boys did something to their neighbor's dogs and were found wandering all over town at night. i'm not sure exactly what as i've never been told, but i deeply suspect it was something sexual. i'm not sure. about a week before this, my friend's dogs were brought over here, again because cps wanted them removed.
so my friend is now staying with me (16f) and my twin sister sister (anna). we have a large "closet" that is really more of an attic than anything, so we put liz in there because our house is small and we didn't want her sleeping on the couch.
for about a month, things went pretty well. we had a good time! we hung out a lot, and she told me about some volunteer firefighting she did, and also some farming stuff she did with her adoptive uncle (this is important for later). but she had a secret cellphone (her parents weren't big on cellphones and they were kinda strict) that she used to do social media behind their backs. most importantly, she was talking to an older guy (axel, 28m) via snapchat. anna and i have autism and adhd and are kinda clueless about some things, so we didn't think it was such a big deal at the time. so when she asked for the wifi password, i thought nothing of it. one day when my mom asked if she had a phone, i told her no bc liz asked me not to tell my parents and i thought being loyal to her was the right thing
well, one day, liz found her biological family via facebook and started contacting them
from what little i've heard, liz and james were taken from their bio parents because the mom was an alcoholic and doing drugs, and the dad was abusing them. they never visited the kids once. but now this mom is telling liz that she wants the kids back, and because of this, liz really wanted to go back to her bio family, even though they lived in another state that was pretty far away.
so she goes up to my mom and tries to talk to her about it. also, cps came by again and said liz couldn't sleep in the room she'd been sleeping in anymore because it had no windows and thus no fire escape. and my mom found out about the phone and the older guy she was talking to. things finally got so stressful that my parents had to have liz moved to another home about an hour away
now here's why i think i was the asshole. apparently, liz had been lying to me A LOT. she never actually did the firefighting work (she did some cooking for them. that's it) and when she said she knew how to milk a cow, she actually didn't know how, AND THEN WENT ON TO MILK OUR COW ANYWAY. IN FRONT OF MY DAD. it was insane and it made anna and i freak out because we have a hard time making friends sue to previous bullying issues at a school we'd gone to
later on i overheard my mom telling my dad that she was afraid that the bio parents were trying to groom her or something, and they didn't know i'd heard that. so now i'm afraid that i'm responsible for my friend leaving and all that. also, since she's left, liz has gone on to refuse to go back to her adoptive parents and has basically made their lives hell. and she keeps getting james upset by trying to convince him into thinkking that he should want to go back to the bio parents
so am i the asshole for hiding stuff frmo my parents?
(fyi: they have since known that i gave her the wifi password. they were pissed, but they realized that i didn't know any better and aren't mad at me)
What are these acronyms?
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garbinge · 5 months
But Not Today
Chibs Telford x F!Teller!Reader
Summary: Part 2 from Maybe One Day // Chibs comes to visit you on the farm.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Angsty. Mentions of death, murder, emotional distress, emotionally heavy.
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics
A/N: I've been thinking about these two a lot </3 Part 1
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Your chest was rising and falling as you caught your breath and stared at the ceiling. It was the moment where all your wits and sanity came back over you and the thoughts of what just happened came flooding in. The smell of his Scottish cologne and cigarettes filled the empty space on the bed next to you, it was still warm to the touch. You heard the water from the faucet turn off and any thought that was sneaking in your brain was now being rushed out as Chibs reappeared in your room. His hands were tangling through his shirt as he put it back on. Your eyes darted from him to his kutte, waiting to see if he was going to put it on. That’s when your heart began to race even more. The thought of him leaving made you uneasy, he had come all the way up here to the farm to see you and explained nothing. It was partially your fault too, you made pleasantries, some quick small talk but before any explanation was given you were kissing him and dragging him into your room. 
“What’s with the face, love?” Chibs spoke as he grabbed his kutte, your heart sinking with it. 
“Leaving already?” Your eyes moved back to his. 
A smile grew on his face as he shrugged the leather over his shoulders. “You promised me uh tour, didn’ya? If I ‘member correctly you said sum ‘bout chickens?” 
The way the relief washed over you made you sad for a minute. You knew this was a feeling you’d feel again, that it’d be heavy when it happened, but you took a deep breath and tried to stay in the moment. 
“Earl, Tootsie, Olive, and Jameson.” You named them off as you stood up and re-dressed. 
Chibs was now grinning as he waited for you to get ready. “Jameson, huh?” He asked pulling out a cigarette to hang in his mouth, eager to get outside and smoke it. 
“Abel and Thomas named them when they were young kids, but I made sure I suggested one.” 
Chibs was holding out your sweatshirt for you. You approached and grabbed it from him but instead of letting go he pulled you closer. “Not tha only thing you have ‘round here as a reminder of me.” His face was dangerously close to yours as he looked down at the sweatshirt. It was the one item of his you could still wear around. There were no SAMCRO tags, just a black zip-up that barely had his scent left on it. 
“I’ve got pictures too.” You said stealing the zip-up back from him and placing a kiss on the left side of his mouth where the cigarette wasn’t dangling from his lips. Moving past him you made your way to the backdoor, the barn dog you got quickly getting up from her bed and moving to the sliding door just waiting to run around to herd the few goats you had. 
“Where’re the boys?” Chibs asked as he walked behind you. 
“Thomas is with Nero. Tuesdays he picks him up from school and takes him to basketball practice.” You spoke as the door slid open and the door ran past your legs. “Abel is 16— I’m lucky if I know what he’s wearing for the day. I thought Gemma was being exaggerated when she’d talk about the “Teller Terrible Teens” but Abel has made her words an understatement.” 
Chibs looked to you with a frown as you stepped onto the back deck and made your way down to the farmland. 
“It’s not horrible. He’s not a dick to me, he helps out when I ask. He just– he questions everything, he’s asking about Jax, he’s getting into trouble at school.” You shook your head thinking about these last few weeks and how Abel had been acting out.
“The worst part is, he reminds me of him so much. The way he looks, the way he talks.” You laughed as you unlatched the barn fence and moved around it to look at Chibs and invite him in with the sway of your arm.  “Yesterday, we were at the grocery store and he looked at the girl bagging our shit and said, “thanks, darlin’” I swore I was looking at Jax, I froze for a minute and just stared at him.” You laughed again. 
Chibs laughed with you knowing it sounded just like the boy’s father. 
“He’s probably out with his friends on his dirt bikes in the back trails.” You spoke as you walked through the goat pasture. “They probably do real stupid shit but I’d rather them do it on the property than at some random’s house or parking lot downtown. I’ve turned them into real country boys.” You turned back to see Chibs admiring everything around him. He was still listening to you but he was taking in the sight around him. 
“This is the goat pasture, Billie girl, our dog, loves herding them, honestly I got ‘em because I don’t have to mow the lawn as much. We’ve got 1 horse, Delilah, real beauty, she’s back in that red barn over there. Then there’s the chickens. We had more but they aged out, now we’re down to the four. Waiting to get 12 more, can’t go to the Farmer’s market with only 2 dozen eggs, you know?” The words were falling out fast as you spoke, nervous habit, but it didn’t stop you from beaming as you showed Chibs around. 
“You seem happy.” Chibs couldn’t help but smile as he took in every word you said. The both of you approached the back deck and plopped down on the rocking chairs Nero insisted you kept back here for company. It was an argument between you two when you first moved onto the farm. You looked at him like he was crazy when he mentioned company. It was hard to believe a normal life with having people over could exist when you were running from what you were running from. 
You looked over at Chibs as he looked right back at you after making his last comment, the smile on your face wasn’t at his words but at the memory of Nero’s. 
“I don’t know about happy.” You began to shake your head. “But, I don’t know I’m content, I’m…” Your mind wandered to find the right word. 
“At peace.” Chibs nodded as he finished your sentence, not even bothering to look at your eyes to see if his words were correct, he knew they were. 
You would have agreed with a nod but Chibs was looking out at the farm, his fave had fallen into an expression that was hard to read. He seemed…bittersweet. Happy but yet sad. 
As he stared out at the barn he nodded his head and said something under his breath. 
“The Universe will never give you peace in something you were never meant to settle in.” 
“What?” You leaned forward, frown filling your face as the familiar sentiment fell from his lips. It was hard to really pinpoint anything since he spoke it at a mumble. 
“I, uh.” Chibs reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small pocket notebook. “found this. In the garage. S’why I came out here, figured you should have it.” He handed over one of Jax’s notebooks. You knew what it was immediately, it matched the style of the other one you had. 
“I read it.” Chibs said those three words with multiple emotions behind it. Regret and apologies, for intruding on whatever privacy there was there, but also firmness and understanding like something in there just made sense. 
“And?” You rested your elbows on your knees. 
“‘nd, it’s’y I came here and didn’t mail it out.” He looked troubled now. “I wanted to make sure you were settled.” 
Now that statement held more weight knowing what he had just mumbled under his breath. 
“I guess I am.” You hated that the words felt like they were breaking his heart. 
“You are, love.” Chibs spoke with certainty. 
You looked out onto the farm, taking in the life you had. It was different than the life you had been born into, forced into. The life that took pretty much everything away from you. 
“It’s impossible to be at peace in that town.” You said the words outloud. It felt relieving to say it. All this time you had never said it outloud, they were just thoughts that danced around you head. 
“Don’t I know it.” Chibs agreed with you. 
That made your head turn to him, a little shocked. All your conversations when you were together, or involved was probably the better word, back in Charming never were really about the big problem. Sure, you two talked about club stuff, the things members told their ol’ ladies, about your brother, about Jimmy O, about a lot, but never the real source. 
“What are you saying?” You questioned him, more bold than you ever would have before. 
“Things are different. Things are messy.” He wanted to share but you could tell he was hesitant, that he was trying to ease back into your dynamic and add another layer to it. But the loyalty to the club ran deep, that was a multi-decade long habit that he was trying to break for the first time. 
“Doesn’t sound different.” That was the new you coming up to speak. The you that lost your brother, your brother’s best friend, your mother, your father to the club. 
Chibs nodded at that. “We’re getting into it with the Mayans. Other charters, they’re falling apart, it’s bleeding into SAMCRO.” 
“Yea, doesn’t sound different at all.” You crossed your arms and fell back into the rocking chair. 
“Your brother–Jax–Jackie boy,” Chibs went through all the names he’d call Jackson Teller, smiling at the last one before letting his lips fall, “this wasn’t what he wanted, he worked hard to leave everything in a good place and it’s like shit unraveled.” 
You could tell he was venting to you, you could tell he hadn’t been able to do this with anyone else in his life, no one from the club, no one in his love life, it could’ve made you feel special, a characteristic Chibs never failed at with you, but this wasn’t so much of a fail but just not something you could ever feel special about again. 
“As someone who's seen it before, from the outside but up close and personal. This doesn’t seem different at all.” 
It was the same statement you kept repeating, but this time, the way you said this, it made him look at you. His eyes were low, tired, and you could see the gloss and redness in them as he held back tears. Two strands of his long salt and pepper hair escaped from his sunglasses and fell in front of his eyes, oily and dirty you could tell he was going through it. 
He didn’t need to say anything, you knew he was looking at you to elaborate. 
It was mean to laugh, but you felt that you had the right to after everything you’ve been through and talking about it now was bringing that bitterness up. 
“You’re so deep in it, you don’t even see what’s plain in front of your eyes.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath letting the irritation leave your tone for the next sentence out of your mouth. “Your next. Everyone who's held that gavel ends up in the same place, making the same mistakes as the one previous, no matter how hard they try not to.” 
Chibs took in what you said. 
“Jax tried so hard to be JT, then tried so hard not to be him. Both of those things dug that grave for him. He loved the club more than anything and the club couldn’t love him back.” You were saying things that you had locked away in your mind for years, things you thought about as you buried your brother, as you packed your life up and left. “The club will never love you back.” You looked at Chibs. “Those guys might love you, but the club never will.” 
“Do you?” 
You weren’t sure if he was trying to change the subject, at first your head snapped to him with a smirk and a snappy remark to shoot back at him but you saw his face that was looking out at the farm. 
“Never stopped.” 
The words made him look at you and you smiled at him. Your head tilted and lowered to meet him at eye level since he was leaning his elbows on his knees. “Best part is, the farm,” you tilted your head a little more before leveling it out, “it loves you back.” You nodded. “Every animal, every acre of land, the boys even when they fucking hate you for embarrasing them in front of a girl,” you laughed at that one and smiled hoping the last one was going to be enough to convince him, “me.” 
The tear dropped at that one. His eyes shut tight as a couple more fell. 
“Move here. You can open up a garage, we have the buildings for it, Nero would even let you put something up closer to the road, you can come with me to the Farmer’s market, you can drive me to the vet at 2 in the morning when I’m worried that Billie got into something or that one of the chicken’s has a fever,” you chuckled, “you can ride dirt bikes with the boys and tell them about Jax, not SAMCRO president, but your best friend, how you fell in love with your best friend’s sister, you can wake up and feel settled, feel at peace.” 
Chibs wanted to say yes. He wanted to build a fire and burn the kutte right here right now, but he knew it wasn’t that easy. In this moment it was but as the thought settled, as the days would pass, he’d think about it, he’d dwell in it, wonder if he made the right decision, miss the kutte, miss the guys. 
“It’s not that easy, love.” Chibs tired to level with you. 
“Doesn’t seem like the life you’re living now is either.” You would beg him, it wasn’t below you to beg. “It’s going to kill you.” You were firm in your words, it wasn’t begging but you thought it might have an impact on him. “The club is going to kill you.” 
“A normal life would too.” He answered too quickly and immediately you knew it was a losing argument. 
The sound of an engine and the gravel dirt being stirred up and you knew it was Thomas and Nero coming back home. Chibs looked over and saw them pulling into the driveway when he stood up.
“Was really good seeing you, love.” He put his hand on your cheek and looked down at you. “Really good.” His thumb caressed your cheek and he smiled. 
You nodded in agreement and thanked him for the journal. His hand was still on your cheek when you shut your eyes tight. “Don’t come back here unless the ink is blacked out and the kutte is off.” 
The words broke you to say, but it was more than just you that you had to look out for. You had two boys to think of and the man who was generous enough to give you half of his acreage to live on. 
“Ay.” He agreed with no disdain in his voice, if anything it was littered with understanding and what you hoped was well, hope. 
Your eyelids remained shut as his hand dropped and he walked off the back porch. You heard the car doors close but no words exchanged. If you weren’t dealing with everything that just happened in your head right now you’d be imagining the way Nero was probably lifting his sunglasses while Chibs was lowering his, the nods both would give to eachother, the curious questioning look on Thomas’ face as he tried to place the visitor. 
“You alright?” Nero’s voice was filling your ears and you wished it offered up the level of comfort it normally did. 
The tears were wiped from your face immediately and you stood and smiled. “Yea, I’m good.” 
Nero knew you weren’t but he also knew you weren’t going to share with Thomas two steps from joining you on the porch. 
“Who was that?” Thomas was asking as he looked down at the snack he was fidgeting with to open. 
Your gaze looked at Nero and said so much while not speaking at all. Before you either had a chance to answer, another voice was coming from the other direction as the back door swung open. “Was that guy on the bike here at the farm?” Abel’s voice was like a knife to your heart. 
“Yea, it was someone looking to sell me something.” You lied straight through your teeth to both boys. 
“Oh.” Thomas said as he passed by both you and Nero without second guessing your statement and walked right past his older brother into the house. 
Abel looked like he might need more convincing but you could tell he decided to drop it. “I’m goin’ out later but I picked up the feed order and left it in the ATV wagon.” 
“12AM curfew.” You pointed at him and he waved you off but you knew he’d be back before 1. 
“What was he sellin’?” Nero asked you, the only one besides you who knew exactly who it was that was here. 
You looked at Nero and shook your head at him.
“A dream.”
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forgotteneithne · 4 months
ooc || eithne & malconaire & i guess some family history?!
not even sure if this is meant to be an ooc thread with anyone or just some rambling of my thoughts that all stem out of me thinking "i need something for eithne beyond being sad and nice and pretty"? anyway, since its relating TO the malconaire estate & i'm realizing as i'm typing sort of the family history, here it is for everyone?!
i realize that i've been operating under the assumption that the Malconaire Estate is comparable to like an english country estate with tenants and farms and even a village of some sort with the family obviously still living in the manor/main house which may not be what the intention was?
but, continuing on the idea of a country estate style life for malconaire, clearly its gone a bit downhill since the war-- i don't know if the battle where lord m died took place ON (or near?) his landholdings but if that's the case then it could be some of the farmlands/tenant rentals/or even the village maybe? were damaged during the battle(s) an obviously valentina has had NO interest in spending her $$$ on estate improvements when she could buy herself nice things!!! but then obviously the estate is not bringing in much (any?!) money currently hence here we are.
anyway re: eithne & her role/relationship with the estate. since we've established she was meant to be her father's heir, she started learning how the estate operated with her father as soon as she was old enough-- probably starting doing things just like checking in on tenants, etc and then moving on to learning about managing the financial side of things and some knowledge about farming (i guess i've just decided they'd farm the lands?!) and really just instilling the idea that they are the caretakers of the land and the people who live there (which since i think we've established the malconaires are an old astairian family definitely harkens back to that idea of the ruling class caring for the citizens who care for the guardians!)
basically it was straight up engrained in eithne that she must carry on the responsibility of caring for malconaire and she was up for the challenge but now with this sus "will" naming cassimir the heir popping up and watching the whole thing get run into the ground of the past two years.. yeah its not great. i think she has some guilt regarding this but she knows that there isn't much she can DO to get control of the estate back (#thanksroderick) so she's been doing the best she can to try and keep some of it together. and while her sisters well being is very important to her and their safety in comfort is a big factor in her decision making for the future, feeling as if she needs to stay and take care of malconaire is a factor as well
if/when @forgottencassimir proposes, its definitely mostly for the good of the estate and all the people who still live there and depend on them for survival! even if the kindest richest most handsome man ever (who somehow has three extra castles for her sisters to live in!) showed up and proposed marriage to her, it would be very hard for her to abandon her family history and obligations to the estate for cassimir & valentina to take. i do think eithne will maybe have some conditions she will make with cassimir before the wedding which probably will ruffle valentina's feathers more than anything? (honestly step one: valentina moves into whatever version of the dowager house exists. step two: valentina gets a modest allowance, haha!) among she wants to re-employ any of the servants valentina has fired (honestly imagining that eithne does what she can to provide for them if they haven't found new jobs or left entirely!) and promote @forgottencillian to the state's steward (which in my mind was her father's plan that never got to happen because again #thanksroderick)
anyway, this is a bunch of rambling and i'm open to adapting anything of course especially regarding to WHAT malconaire estate actually is because this was all just in my head assumption nonsense, haha :)
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gothoffspring · 8 months
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Previously on Living a Nightmare;
Riley received an AMAZING chance card and jumped all the way to the top of the comedy career! He quickly became an overnight sensation and is now a one star celebrity! This is definitely Riley's biggest accomplishment and it means we'll have to spend a lot less time at work as the legacy progresses which I'm happy about!
Immediately after being promoted, Riley was flown out to Del Sol Valley to film his very FIRST comedy special titled "Hot and Heavy". It was a resounding success! "Hot and Heavy" was one of the most popular comedy albums of the entire year, and Riley has the plaques and posters to prove it. His life has skyrocketed in a very short amount of time. He's got a beautiful girlfriend, a job that he loves and grand ideas for what the future holds for him.
Monica decided she was ready for more and autonomously asked Riley if she could move in! They're both so infatuated with each other and don't want to waste any more time not being together.
Under the cut you can find some a lot more info on the gameplay aspect of the legacy and my future plans for the Burns family!
First of all, I had to extend the short lifespans just a LITTLE bit. Short is TOO short y'all, I can't. I still made them shorter than the normal lifespan. Lifespans are as follows:
Baby: 2 days
Infant: 6 days
Toddler: 8 days
Child: 11 days
Teen: 14 days
Young Adult: 18 days
Adult: 25 days
Elder: 8 days
We'll play out this first generation with these lifespans and see how it goes, I may have to adjust it a bit but I'm not sure. I really did not realize how difficult this challenge was going to be, because I get attached to my gameplay sims very fast. They're all gonna DIE so quickly, pray for me. I'm honestly excited to see how much progress we can make in a short amount of time though.
As far as future plans, I'm completely over Strangerville and it's annoying NPC's. I did not beat the Strangerville story and I was using a mod to toggle the story on and off, and sometimes I would forget to toggle it and it's just so frustrating. there should ABSOLUTELY be an option in the gameplay settings to turn the story off.
We are officially going to be moving to Chestnut Ridge! I figured it would be fun to try out some horse ranch gameplay and own a huge ranch. We're going to be taking out a loan in order to afford it, and Riley is going to keep working for a while as a top comedian before he retires and dedicates all of his time to the ranch. We're going to be attempting to survive by selling nectar, breeding horses/doing competitions, and farming! Monica may also pick up crocheting or cross stitching as a side hobby. Maybe canning?! I haven't done any canning at all yet! I know it makes little to no sense for them to be moving to a huge ranch from a very rundown home, but since Riley shot to stardom so fast I like to think he realized the first thing he wanted was a nicer home.
I think it fits Riley PERFECTLY. He's always wanted to make his own nectar and being a country boy at heart, Chestnut Ridge won't feel too far from home. Monica is also an animal enthusiast and VERY excited to get some animals, so it's going to be great for both of them. They've been doing some house hunting lately and they've almost found the perfect place. I've already moved some of their friends to Chestnut Ridge and given all of the original Chestnut Ridge townies little makeovers! I also added a couple more sims to the world just to fill it up a bit more. Riley and Monica will be making TONS of friends I'm sure. There's a bunch of couples ready to have babies at the same time as them which I'm excited about, gotta make sure our kids have friends!
I think that's it for now, but I did just want to say thank you so much to anyone who shows any kind of interest in following along with my gameplay. I know I've been widlly inconsistent and have rarely been posting gameplay, but I truly believe that's about to change as I dive back into this legacy and get things rolling again!
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mediocre-stories · 28 days
The Game
TW: some vulgar language
Authors Note: well gang, we made it to the 10 heart event! I’m a little embarrassed about how little I know about sports, and I think you can tell through this story, but other than that I hope it’s good! As always, enjoy and feel free to leave any constructive criticism you have!!
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It was five pm as you walked towards the bus stop. This morning, Shane had shown up at your doorstep, asking if you wanted to go to the Tunnelers game with him in the city that night. You happily agreed, partialy excited to get off the farm for an afternoon, but even more excited to spend time with Shane. Ever since the night on the cliffs, you two had grown close, close enough that you considered him your first real friend in town. You watched him grow from a scared boy, struggling to get by in the world, to a man who loves his family, his chickens, and you.
As you apporached the bus stop, he spotted you. He gave you a small smile and a wave as you walked up to him.
"Hey Y/N, I'm glad you made it!" He pulled you into a friendly hug.
"I wouldn't miss it." You replied.
"After you." Shane gestured towards the bus doors. You laughed and stepped inside. You and Shane picked seats near the back of the bus. You took the window seat while he took the aisle. As the bus began to depart the valley, you watched the hills pass by. The colourful leaves of the trees swayed in the autumn wind. You appreciated the beauty of the nature behind the glass. You looked back towards Shane and found him smiling at you. He quickly looked down, a faint blush creeping across his cheeks. You softly chuckled at his shyness, deciding to break the silence,
"So, why did you ask me to come with you?"
Shane pondered for a moment before he spoke, turning his attention back to you. "You're the first friend I've had in a longtime, and this is what friends do."
"You big sap." You teased, he smiled.
"Oh shut up." He teased back.
You and Shane passed the time by chatting. You found that you two never ran out of things to talk about. Before you knew it, you had reached the stadium. The two of you exited the bus and stepped into the crowded streets of Zuzu City.
"Do you need to hold my hand? Just so you don't get lost in the crowd." Shane asked, that familiar blush spreading across his cheeks. You felt that heat under your face as well as you nodded a yes. He grabbed your hand and led you through the packed stadium. You found your seats in the very first row, closest to the playing turf.
"Holy shit, how much did these cost?" You ask as you sit down.
"You know, ever since I've stopped drinking, I've been saving a lot more money, so these actually weren't too bad. I'm gonna go grab some food, do you want anything?"
"Just a Joja Cola please."
"Coming right up."
It was the last period of the game and the score was tied. Shane bounced his leg nervously, his eyes focused solely on the game. You watched the game intensely, the electricity of the stadium vibrating through your veins. The Tunnelers made their move with only a few seconds on the clock, you grabbed Shane's arm tightly in anticipation. You observed as the players passed the ball down the field, and you could hear Shane muttering under his breath. All of the sudden, the crowd around you erupted into cheers as a Tunnelers player scored with winning goal. You and Shane stood up and the same time. You threw your hands in the air and cheered.
"Goal!!!" Shane hollered. You looked over at him and laughed. He turned to you with a grin and before you knew it, he kissed you.
It was a quick kiss, so quick you didn't have time to close your eyes or register what just happened. As he pulled away, his smile dropped.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry Y/N, I got carried away. I was just so excited I-"
You cut off his nervous rambling by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for another kiss. As your lips crashed together you felt the warmth of his hands snake around your lower back. Your ears buzzed as the crowd around you continued to cheer, and your heart thudded in your chest. When you finally pulled away, Shane kept his grip on your waist and smiled down at you.
"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." He grinned.
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puppiesandnightlock · 28 days
LINK: We go together like a Chanel No. 5 and mace
Summary: Damian is six feet under in denial, the boys get ice cream and wow this feels like a date but it's definitely not-
Jon was being weird. And Damian does mean weirder than Jon's normal weird. 
He was withdrawing all the touches that Damian had just gotten used to , and the nicknames and a lot of the banter that made up their conversations.
If he dropped a comment that could potentially start up something, Jon would pass it over, keeping the odd demeanor he’d begun showing.
His face was flushed near all the time, which what not endearing thank you very much, especially not when paired with a soft smile or laugh or shake of his head-
No. Not going there, he did not have time for such frivolous thoughts or feelings, who even said he was having feelings to begin with anyways?
He was wallowing in a stage called ‘denial’, and he was very happy to stay there and not move, thanks. 
So maybe he’d been there for a while but he’d rather die than admit that out loud.
Thankfully, he wasn’t stupid and knew how to keep everything under lock and key, unlike Jon who was caught staring at him at least twice a day, which made him mildly self conscious.
Tutoring would be coming to an end soon, seeing as Jon’s grades were inclining at a steady pace and any lost credits had been made up. Peer tutoring was now firmly on Damian’s list of achievements, making up his rather impressive resume for college in the next few years, which brings them to the conversation going on now.
Both boys were once again in Jon’s bedroom, Damian’s house, despite the fact that it was nearly a mansion and would be by the end of the renovations, was full of rowdy siblings and their partners. Neither minded, seeing as the large house was basically empty.
Damian was lying on his back, swiping through the multiple posts he’d been tagged in since getting his social media accounts back up at Jon’s insistence. 
The other boy was hanging off the bed, his head pressed to the floor as they traded conversations. “You’re doing all this work to convince your family that you're a civilized folk now and no longer a badass, but you don’t have any idea what you’re going to study?”
Damian tsked, phone landing on his chest and hands folding on top of it. “I have a few ideas. It’s not all for nothing. And what about you, farm boy? You don’t have much room to talk, what are you planning on doing now that I've made you into ‘civilized folk’?” 
“Science.” He said pulling himself up and flopping next to Damian, face buried in the comforter. “Gonna do something science-y.”
“Ah, yes. Something ‘science-y’, how very specific.” he rolled his eyes, ignoring the way his face flushed at Jon’s soft laughter.
“If you really could do anything, what would you do?” Jon lifted his head up, rolling onto his side a bit. 
“I think I would be a veterinarian.” He said slowly, eyes trained on the ceiling rather than turning to face him. “Or an artist, but that’s rather impractical.”
“I can see you as both.” Jon hummed. “You’ve got so many animals already, what's a few dozen more to fix up? You’re so sweet to them, you’d save them all.”
Damian cleared his throat, switching the subject back to him. “What about you? Resident in the city jail? Back to Kansas?”
Jon chuckled, moving to match Damian’s position of staring up into the ceiling. “Like I said, somethin’ science-y. Like a scientist. It’s the only subject I had a decent grade in before you came along, and the most enjoyable, if i say so.”
“Any specific scientist? A science teacher?” 
They sat in silence for a bit, their thoughts now out in the open and there for each other to contemplate them. It was an oddly thoughtful conversation, one so strikingly different from what they normally had.
“This is hurting my head.” Jon announced, sitting up. Damian coped his movement, smile playing on his lips. 
“Oh, poor you, the concept of the future weighs too much on your small brain?” He teased, stretching out on the comforters.
“Shut up.” Jon grumbled goodnaturedly, shoving him playfully and rolling off the bed. “Let’s go out!”
For some reason, the words made him flush, and he brushed past him to the door frame in order to hide it, cursing at himself and looking down. “Where to, farmboy?”
In a bold move, he grabbed hold of the shorter boy’s hand and pulled him down the stairs and through the house, the both of them looking anywhere but the other. If they had looked, they would have seen the identical flushes they were wearing.
Jon kept a hold on his hand, even after they had left the house and were doing nothing but walking down the sidewalk. Damian was feeling overly heated in his green and gray jacket, certainly having nothing to do with the temperature outside. He shook the thoughts beginning to appear at the front of his mind and only asked, “Where are you taking me to?”
“You’re being kidnapped,” Jon informed him. “I can’t tell you where I'm taking you, or you’ll alert the police.”
“I suppose this,” He raised their connected hands, “Is so that i do not run off?”
“There’s hope for you yet, Wayne.”
“I am unsure if you should really be saying that to me , considering that all evidence points to it being the other way around.”
“You just have to rain on my parade all the time, don’t you?”
Damian used his other hand to cover his mouth, smile breaking through to soft laughter, Jon batting the hand away. “Don’t hide it, Dame.”
He flushed, willing it away and only rolling his eyes, letting himself be led down the streets and back into the park they’d run through to get to the woods. 
“I’m not risking another theft, so don’t get your hopes up.” 
“Laaame.” Jon dragged out the word, eye catching on an ice cream cart rolling down the street. “Oo.”
“You’re such a child.” Damian tsked. “How you managed to keep the facade of this up without anyone noticing the rest is absolutely astounding.”
“Does that mean you’ll buy me ice cream?”
Nonetheless, they wandered over to the cart, still hand in hand.
 “Go on.” He sighed.
Jon promptly rattled off his order, bouncing on his toes. “What are you gonna get, D?”
“I’m going to regret this, but surprise me.” Damian put a loose hand over his eyes, while Jon grinned, pointing to a flavor, the person dutifully scooping it up, a small smile on their face at the sight.
“Say ah.” Jon instructed, bringing the cone of strawberry ice cream to his mouth. Damian complied and let his hand slide down.
“Strawberry. You surprised me.” Damian smirked, paying. “Didn’t think it’d be this basic.”
“Excuse me!” he dropped Damian's hand in favor of bringing it up to his chest, gasping in an overly dramatic offended nature. 
“You got chocolate, so I'm not surprised.” He teased. “And you’ve got it everywhere.”
“No, I don't!” He squawked, crossing his eyes as if that would help him see. Damian laughed, a quiet sound that he bit his lip to conceal.
“Hold still.” He wiped the ice cream off the tip of his nose, licking it off as a subconscious movement. After all, how many times had someone done that to him?
The realization of what had just happened settled in and they both turned away from each other, ears burning. 
The rest of the walk was in silence and they nibbled on their cones, hands between them but not touching beyond a brief brush that had them both springing apart and flushing more.
In Damian’s opinion, this was ridiculous. He was being sentenced to the feelings and actions of an extraordinarily cringe teenage romance, and he wanted off.
Off the ride, off these feelings and down with the way his skin tingled at the slightest contact. He was being subjected to the romantic stylings of the insipid novels his second oldest brother was obsessed with.
For God’s sake, he was above this! 
He had no time for these ridiculous emotions, he had his schoolwork and student council and art club to think of, his future and pets and absolutely none of it included one Jonathan Samuel Kent.
“Hey,uh.” Jon cut through his thoughts, stopping. “We’re at the end of the park. We should go home.”
“Right.” Damian glanced to the side, avoiding looking dirty up at the other boy. “Should we part here then?”
“No, no!” Jon was quick to stop him, before finding his shoes to be much more important. “I, uh, I don’t want you to walk by yourself.”
“It’s hardly evening.” Damian pointed out, the sun still a high point in the sky proving his point. Jon crossed his arms, clad in an outfit Damian had put him in.
“I owe you for the ice cream, and this would count as paying off my debt.”
“Hardly.” Damian snorted. “Whatever makes you feel better, hayseed.”
They made their way back home, the awkwardness fading off a bit, although it returned as Damian stopped him about a block from the Wayne residence. 
“We should stop here. My siblings will throw a fit if they see me come home with you , much less being a previously unmentioned acquaintance.”
“You can just say friend, you know.”
“I could, but best not feed your ego anymore than necessary.” 
The laughter trailed off as Damian stepped farther away. “Um, it was nice to ‘hang out’ today. See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah.” Jon said softly, still standing at the corner. “See you, D.”
The growing tension followed, even as Damian scurried away, crossing the street and almost breaking into a run in his hurry to reach their large house.
If he’d turned back, he would have seen Jon still watching him, hand pushing his inky curls back as he attempted to quell the blush spreading on his face.
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rheakira · 4 months
ohh my god your take on Deltarune Yellow is probably my favourite just to see Kanako bullying Clover. i have GOT to see more man... what do you think the relationship with Cole and Kaede is? Did Cole get adopted by the Ketsukane's? if so thatd be the first DRY take i've ever seen to do that.
So I'll answer these question now, but I plan to draw more in the future when I have the time!
In terms of Cole, unfortunately, they are not part of the Ketsukane family, but they are in fact a member of Starlo's family! Starlo is their adopted father and they grew up most of their life on his family's corn farm. They're a very beloved grandchild to Starlo's parents. (One they never thought they were getting, frankly lol)
Cole and Kaede are actually childhood friends! Before Starlo and Cole moved into Hometown proper, Kaede's family often visited Starlo's as Ceroba and Starlo are childhood friends and Starlo is Kaede's godfather. They're families' relationship is pretty solid, though Chujin does have some reservations about Cole that he not only keeps to himself but also has been working to get past out of care for Starlo's child.
That said, Cole and Kaede are basically joined at the hip. They're constantly in contact, be it hanging out together or texting/online chat, even before Cole moved to Hometown proper. They're classmates now and Kaede is extremely excited to get to spend more time with them, constantly taking them around Hometown and inviting them to hang out with her school friends. Cole's kind of a hot topic around Hometown for a number of reasons, but mostly promoted at the hands of their best friend who won't shut up about how much she adores them.
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Wait im sorry if like youve talked about this before but what is everyones roles in the fantasy au 👁️👁️ or jobs?
i've just Thought Aloud in bits and pieces but hey. i feel like talking today so i'll put it all in one place with Updated Thinkings
(i like to imagine that they all kinda Quit their initial jobs/lives to go adventuring with each other, either by choice or... not. except Howdy, who's a multitasking king). the Neighborhood party earns their wages by completing jobs/quests, though some of them have minor supplemental ways of adding to the coin collection
Wally, of course, didn't really have much of a Before. he didn't intend on becoming a warlock/wizard - that choice was kinda made for him by the circumstances of his existence. but Wally had to pretend to be a wizard for his own safety, and wizards have a sort of societal expectation to be Helpful and Magical and Wise and Existing For Public Service. so while Wally would have rather just been a painter, he's obligated to be a wizard - that's technically his role/job. within the Neighborhood party, he's a bit of a distance fighter/support! he doesn't really do the whole up-close / physical aspect of battle, though he technically knows how. He casts spells from afar, which tend to be widely benign. artsy little cantrips and inconveniences to make it harder for the enemy to fight. he's also a bit of a bloodhound - illusions don't trick him, he can "see" most magic, and he's really good at getting around unnoticed. if they're stuck somewhere, Wally can probably get them out
Barnaby's "job" before going adventuring with Wally - it started out as just the two of them! - was just working on the farm with Ms. Beagle, where he had been his entire life. Sure he'd sometimes do public performances/acts in town, which would earn him extra coin, but that was more of a paying hobby than anything (a paying hobby he will Continue) in the Neighborhood, he's... uh. their cheerleader? that's not entirely inaccurate! he's not big on combat or effort i'd reckon, so he prefers to just keep morale high. offer background music, funny commentary, jokes to lighten the mood, mediate tensions, etc. if necessary, he makes good backup - he has his illusions of course, and he Does pack a mighty punch if need be! he's also very helpful when retreating - he can grab the smaller party members and run
Wormie is the group mascot <3
Sally was a bit lost before joining the party - i like to think that she was constantly on the move as part of a traveling theater troupe, but she wasn't the star or director. she was just part of the group, uninspired and with a full well of untapped potential. one day she up and left (dramatically) to find her own inspiration/muse & path to stardom, which ended up being several years of wandering until she happened across the budding Neighborhood and went "this! this will be the source of my stories!" as for her role, she's a bit of an everyman. front lines fighter, entertainer, mediator, etc. she views herself as the party "leader", or rather, their Manager. she keeps the party entertained with stories, and bolsters their reputation in the same manner. in a battle she's a bit of a powerhouse - her light magic is useful both in combat and entertainment! she keeps a "book" of the Neighborhood's exploits (she swears it will be edited/published someday) holy shit she's moominpappa, and in their Extended downtime she writes and throws plays inspired by their adventures at their home base (town).
Eddie was still, originally, a mailman. or i suppose in a fantasy setting - a courier! until one day he saw a group of people being attacked by some bandits, managed to fight them off, and immediately got roped into helping rescue the folks' entire town from the bigger group of bandits. then they told others about Eddie's help, they wanted his help too, one thing after another and now he's got a full set of armor, a sword, a shield, and his whole thing is saving people. huh? how did that happen? he was delivering letters a month ago! if i had to give him a title... i'd say he's a Protector! he seems like the type! he always has his fellow adventurer's backs - i bet he has his hands full trying to cover everyone at once. outside of combat, he's still very helpful and does whatever is asked of him / needed. collecting firewood! pitching tents! stirring soup! getting Frank to remove a centipede from camp! in downtime he probably takes small bodyguarding gigs. he also is a minor healer - he took some sorta oath for some sorta god (or virtue) that he can't remember, but he has minor healing/cleansing powers. he's also good at sniffing out evil & dark magic! some would joke that he's the party's guard dog
Frank was raised in a monastery that believes in "using your body to fight for the greater good". this was not his job when they became old enough to actually Act on his training! nah they ran away in his mid teens because they wanted to fight things on his own terms. also they want to study bugs more than anything, which he does! for a long time! then they meet a certain princess, befriends her, and helps her run away. he only joins the Neighborhood because Julie wants to, and it's a good way to travel - read: study more arthropods - and earn coin. fighting is a bonus aspect Frank's role is... front line fighter, bookkeeper, and the Guy Who Knows Things! what monster are they dealing with? what are its strengths/weaknesses? Frank probably knows! can they afford a room or two at an Inn? Frank knows (no, they cannot)! who's throwing themself into direct mortal danger with gusto? it's Frank! no but really, Frank is like their resident nerd who can beat pretty much all of them in hand-to-hand. in downtime he probably has a garden purposefully full of plants that can be left alone for long periods of time... maybe they sell half the things grown for extra coin!
Julie, of course, was a princess! that was her whole job! it was incredibly boring and restricting, so she ran away with the help of a funny nerd. after that her whole life was just "avoid getting recognized while figuring out how to live in a world without the comforts/ease of castle life". i'd think she much prefers her new one! as a role, Julie joins Barn and Sally in the "entertainment category". while they entertain with humor/stories respectively, Julie goes straight for games and activities to fill the lull between action. keep the blood pumping, spirits high, and bonds Solid! camp games, road games, locked-in-a-dungeon games! in combat, she's on the front lines with her oversized sword. i think another fitting role would be "navigator" - she can ask plants for directions! technically Julie is a secret powerhouse. her flora magic is insanely powerful, though she prefers not to use it for several reasons
Poppy, i like to think, did indeed have a bakery. it was well-loved in her community, her staff were wonderful people, and it all burned down in a night due to raiders. luckily for Poppy and her town, Eddie was nearby and got on the case to get rid of their problem - maybe Poppy felt obligated to help in some shape or form, and Eddie wound up inspiring her to learn healing magic. She moved into the town that would become the not-yet-existing Neighborhood's HQ to try and restart her business, but it just wasn't the same, and she had gotten a taste of what it would be like to directly save/heal people Poppy is the party's cook, healer, and ultimate voice of caution! the most she'll do in battle is sprint into danger to drag an injured person to safety for healing - she doesn't have a combative bone in her body i'd guess! does she enjoy being in the Neighborhood? eh... it's stressful and terrifying, but she couldn't live with herself if she let them all brave the wild without an adequate healer OR an adequate cook. i like to think that she saw the state they were traveling in and went "oh no"
Howdy, of course, has his tavern! it's a popular hub for travelers, townsfolk, pretty much anyone and everyone. of course it helps that it's the only tavern in town! the only reason Barnaby managed to convince Howdy to join the Neighborhood on one of their jobs is because Howdy realized that he can widen his net & sell to new people On The Go. finally, a use for that magic backpack collecting dust in his room! Howdy got a taste for adventuring and joins the Neighborhood every once in a while, usually only for shorter jobs - he doesn't want to be away from his tavern for too long his roles are support, professional haggler, sarcastic commentary. he doesn't have a crumb of magic in him, but he's clever! he's learned how to make his own support items - including his fancy revolvers with magical crayonsbullets. Howdy rarely fights, choosing to watch over his pack, dole out items when needed, and listen to Barnaby's running commentary. when it is necessary that he join in on combat, he can usually clear the playing field in a matter of moments. he's skilled with both the revolvers and using his own items - he's a one man four armed army!
Home's job is "keep Wally upright and powered". they prefer to be an observer in all situations, even after their existence becomes common knowledge to the Neighborhood. the most Home will do is nudge Wally in the right direction or alert him to something important. Home's literally just hanging out behind Wally's eyes w/ a bucket of popcorn. unless something happens to his beloved little puppet, in which case Home becomes the biggest baddest bitch around and sends everyone else to the bench
tl;dr: Wally: support fighter, magic geiger counter, escape artist Barnaby: entertainer, backup Wormie: mascot Sally: storyteller, fighter, Manager Eddie: protector, minor healer, "paladin" Frank: bookkeeper, fighter, scholar Julie: activities director, navigator, fighter Poppy: cook, healer, overthinker Howdy: tavernkeeper, inventor, support Home: just keeping an eye out
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