#i'mma take a shower to kill time
elmindredaniq · 2 years
ok i'm going away before you gremlins can spoil me!! see you on the flip side y'all !!
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fezcosbluntroller · 2 years
Family protects family - Fez x reader, Platonic Ashtray x reader
Summary: After a guy tries to get handsy when Fez isn't around Ashtray takes it upon himself to protect his mother figure
Warnings: usual euphoria harm, attempted sa, groping, guns, ashtray killing a man in front of you, drugs, smoking weed
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Fez sat on the couch counting his money, you being in his bedroom writing an essay for history, although the knocking at the door pulled you out of your thoughts, getting up you walked to the doorway listening in trying to see who had just come in. "Hey man...I need like...seven.." You heard a guy mumble, hearing something fall and hit the ground you rushed out standing behind the couch where Fez sat, seeing it was one of Fez's trays you picked it up setting it back on the table before he could. You shook a bit feeling the guy's gaze on you, slowly sitting on Fez's lap you rested your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around you "Shit...uh...You know what..since I know you..stay here..I gotta go grab this shit then I'll be able to get you your shit" Fez explained, he looked down at you rubbing your back "You gonna be alright?..Or you wanna go with me?" He asked "I'm gonna finish my assignment. Don't take too long" You warned standing up with him kissing him goodbye before heading back to your shared room, Ash not far behind you standing in the doorway "I'mma be in my room..yell or do the thing if anything happens" He said sternly before heading back to his room keeping a eye on the guy in the living room, by 'the thing' he means press the volume button on your phone three times rapidly and it'd send a text to both Ash and Fez whenever you needed help (mainly being used for you being drunk and lost at a party).
It was took five minutes to be sucked back into your mind, focused on finishing this stupid ass assignment, it took Ten for the Dave to make some sort of noise, now in your and Fez's bedroom standing at the corner of the bed, you jumped chuckling a bit looking at the guy "You scared me-" You chuckled "-What's up is there something wrong?" You asked him grabbing your phone ready to text Ash, his eyes caught your movements and he coughed "U-Uh just wonderin if I could get a cup of water?" Dave asked watching you closely "Oh! yea I can get that for you" You smiled standing up, why are you so nervous around him? Stepping into the kitchen you grabbed a cup and started to fill it up. You tried to wash off the wave of anxiety you felt, turning around to hand him the water you immedietly dropped it. The sound of glass shattering and you whimper Ashtray rushed out of his room, shotgun in hand, whenever he walked in he knew what he had to do, even if it upset you at the time, Fez would be pissed if he found out Ash let another guy grab you like that without getting at least hospitalized. He put the shotgun down seeeing you on the ground curled up and Dave frozen staring at him, Ashtray lunged tackling him, the guy's head slamming off the counter as Ashtray repeatedly swung at him "Ashtray stop it! Stop it!" You yelled tugging the boy off watching as he glared at you "Y/n/n..I can't let him get away with this...Fez would never.." He whispered picking up the shotgun off the counter again, you quickly hid your face and covered your ears crying loudly, violence was the last thing you wanted, Ash was still so young in your eyes, he'd never really-
It was quiet, Fez rushing back to the house, Ash cleaning up Dave's body and blood, and you, sitting where you fell, surrounded by broken glass and faint blood colored water, Ashtray tried to talk to you, but soon enough just sat next you hugging you tightly until Fez bursted through the door, Ash standing up looking at Fez "Is everything cleaned?" He asked lowly making quick strides over to you "yea...no trace.." Ash mumbled "She hasn't said anything...I'm worried about her" He added on watched as his brother kneeled down in front of you grabbing your hands softly.
"Mama..come on back to me..let's get you outta this glass..get you in the shower..we can watch a movie?" He suggested rubbing the pads of his thumbs over your hands, you glanced up at him sniffling "I'm sorry" You whispered hugging him tightly. After Fez took you off Ashtray stood there staring at the kitchen, he grew up with you always being around, at first as just one of Fezco's friends then you became Fez's little pocket full of sunshine, growing up sheltered and never really seeing the bad in the world, and Fez understood that and would do anything to protect you, that doesn't mean you haven't been through fucked up shit though, that's why both boys loved you so much, through all the bad shit you go through it's like you come out happier than ever, like you just take in negative energy and turn it into pure happiness, you were always close with Ash, but you were close with any kid, they always trusted you, Fez always told you that they're drawn to you because you're meant to be an amazing mother, and it just proved his point the closer you got with Ashtray. He walked to his brother's room, wanting to check on you, nervous that you might be upset with him.
Instead he just went to his room, knowing he'd have to apologize to you tomorrow. The next morning though you walked out looking like a brand new version of yourself, breakfast was made, the house was spotless, and the laundry was folded to best of your ability. Fez was clung to you, making sure no threat come within a fifty foot distance of you, what was difference though was Ashtray was nowhere to be found, still curled up in bed, hidden under the covers. You gave it about 20 minutes before walking in throwing yourself on Ash's bed next to him resting a hand on his shoulder "Ashtraaaay, wake up! I made your favorite, I owe it to you for saving me" You smiled shaking him a bit, that's when you noticed the tear streaks on his face from the night before, choosing to keep it to yourself for now. "I thought you were mad at me for doing that shit" He asked nervously looking at you "I was...for a few minutes...then it hit me what was happening" You whispered hugging him tightly kissing his cheek "Come on little man, let's go eat before your brother finishes it all off" You smiled pulling him out of bed and to the kitchen "I found sleeping beauty!" You smiled walking Ash to eat breakfast at the table with you guys.
The three of you sat around the table, talking about your plans for the day, you guys weren't rich, you weren't big shots, but you had each other, that's all you needed, you took care of them and they did the same for you, you guys were family, and nobody was to fuck with your family without getting hurt.
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helluvaoneshots666 · 3 years
18 and 19 for striker
Striker x Reader:Punishment
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18."You’re in trouble now.”
19.“Take off your clothes.”
Today was rough day with Striker, when he got home he had several stab wounds on his back and several brusies on his face.
"Striker what the hell happened to you?" You said as you helped him clean up, "I almost had that f*cking target! If it weren't for his shitty boyfriend I would've killed him already! And just to think he want to touch my f*cking horse!" He said angerly, you sighed you didn't like the way your boyfriend made his money but you just have to live with it. "Alright I'm done bandaging you up, take a shower you smell like shit baby." You say as you left the restroom.
Fuck, you really couldn't help but get turned on. He was so hot when he was mad, and the fact he was pretty much halfway naked in front of you. You bit your lip remembering the sight you had in front of you, you lied on the bed and before you knew it, your hand went inside your panties and two fingers found their way inside you. You moaned out strikers name "S-Striker~"
You keept this up for a while, you imagined how he would look like now, his hair all wet and his chest being covered in you water, along with that sexy expression he always has on his face.
You were getting close, you shut your eyes as your fingers go deeper inside you, you tilt your back and start moaning a lot. "Oh, fuck! Striker I'mma gonna! -" before you could cum, you heard someone clearing their throat.
"Enjoying yourself darlin?" You quickly take your hands out of your panties, "oh! Striker I was just-uhm.. Fuck." You said nervously. You looked at him, his towel wrapped around his waist with his chest being soaked by the water, "wait a minute darlin, I know you weren't just about to cum right now, were you?" He said in a deep tone.
"N-no! I didnt!" You said, "if I remember correctly, that pussy is my property and mine only, what makes you think you can just touch my property?" He said as he pin you to the bed.
You gulped, "Your in trouble now." Striker said as he bit your neck, you couldn't help but moan. "Fuck, your hot~" he said, he rubbed your womanhood through your panties, you squirmed underneath him.
"Take off your clothes." He ordered. You removed your shirt and panties, striker layed you on the bed and took out some rope. Shit, you loved when he tied you up.
He tied your arms to the bed stand, he lines up himself with your clit and shoved his full length into you. You moaned loudly as he thrusted into you.
"So tight!~ just for me~" he moaned/grunted. He started going faster and faster, and your legs wrapped around his waist.
He continued to pound in your pussy and you came, "darlin, you came without permission.. Looks like we're gonna have to make you learn your lesson, let's see howany times it takes to fill you up will my cum~" he said as he slapped your ass and yanked your tail as he came.
Tonight is gonna be one of the longest nights you'll ever experience, forget being able to walk in the morning ;)
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Prompt : they are both famous and secretly dating.
tbh I don't know what this is or if it makes any sense at all, so sorry anon for butchering ur prompt, but I'm a basic bitch and I like my drake, so like this is gonna be pain bcuz my favourite song on the new album is just pain and I can't stop thinking about a fucked up celebs relationship to it, just ANGST AND PAIN!! 😭😭 but those lyrics hit, can't believe I wrote a song fic ugh circa Tumblr 2015 jfc I'mma write a happier ending to this in another prompt 😂 bc someone else asked for the same thing.
Fucking Fans
I'm still working on me
Eren stands at the Met Gala, holding Mikasa by the waist, giving a cramped smile for photos and keeping her close. People call their names and cameras flash and his beloved blinks, hiding her face into his shoulder as the lights overwhelm her.
He looks down at her lovingly as some jackass reporter yells about a cheating rumour and her pretty face pinches up. Eren is quick to comfort her with his touch, both hands gripping her waist reassuringly as he decides it's time for them to go inside.
"Come on Miki," he kisses her forehead and she nods, accepting. Neither of them wants to think about those rumours, the damage and the pain they bring up is too much and it's all his fault, he knows, but he can't undo it.
The guilt eats at him and she holds his hand tighter, the despair takes him and she cuddles him at night.
They're together now but sometimes Eren wonders just how it happened, how he came back from falling so far. How she took him back when he fucked up so massively.
And I'm coming back better for you
The day he shows up on her door step again is the day of the biggest awards show of the season, the one he knows she's going to kill and probably sweep several categories. Just because she's that amazing. He finds her where he expects, in her apartment, the address Armin gave him, doing her own hair and makeup, humble Mikasa just like always, ironing out her own dress. He shows up in a suit with as many white roses as he can fit into a bouquet and ready to leave if she still hates him, which she has every right to.
But he's been through months of therapy, gave Armin control of his bank account, and check himself into rehab thrice, every time he was even inching closer to relapse.
He's not fixed, but he's better, marginally, and he wants her to know it, know he still loves her at the very least.
She opens the door, beautiful even without makeup, and wearing a white slip and her pretty red mouth parts in shock.
All he can do is hold out his roses as tears leave his eyes at seeing her for the first time in months.
Most times it was my selfishness and your helplessness that I took advantage of
It was so easy with Mikasa, she was so devoted to him. So loving and sweet, always there for him.
She'd wait up, let him do what he wanted, never wanting to stifle or control him. Too afraid their tenuous relationship would crack and they'd break up.
A part of him blames her for it, for being so willing to let him do what he wanted. She'd been passive, unsure how to insert herself, had minimal complaints, letting him ruin his life party by party, late night after late night, drugs and alcohol all of it.
But he knows he can never hold her accountable for his own actions, and the day she's finally done with his bullshit is both the best and worst day of his life. She finally says no, and it begins his path to fixing himself. Because hitting rock bottom is losing the most important thing in his life, and that's Mikasa.
You sit in the house and I be out and I know you're worried, up
The problem with her passivity is he knows it's not passivity at all, she just doesn't know what to do, how to fix him. Eren has always had a temper, and she's known him for a long time, knows he'll lash out and behave worse if provoked. So she'd reacted as best she could, leaving rehab pamphlets out, asking him to stay in and watch movies, bake with her, anything other than going out to party.
But he'd stumble home every night and see her asleep on the couch, waiting. Always there to pick him up instead of a cab, not wanting the paparazzi to get a hold of him, she was always there.
And you try and block it out
They lived in a bubble, they pretended it didn't happen. They didn't acknowledge when he was too hungover to shoot the next morning. She'd brew him coffee, get him through the day, flush his drug stash when they checked, both his saving grace and biggest enabler.
Even when he's kissing her for more than just an on-screen kiss, lips drinking her in like a man starved, and the next morning she finds new girls in his bed, she keeps quiet.
They're a mess, but every time she dutifully kicks the girls out and drags him to the shower.
I'm so sorry for letting you down
When he'd first become famous, he hadn't known what to do with himself. He'd been scouted for how many movies, tv-shows, underwear commercials, brand deals. It was a whirlwind as Hollywood found their new boy wonder, handsome, smart and a nice boy.
His best friend, and female love interest in their debut movie, Mikasa, who had followed him to Hollywood on nothing more than a whim, was equally bombarded with fame and fortune. They'd always been close, always best friends, but never quite more, no matter how much they both obviously wanted it. It never progressed beyond a few acted kisses.
Still, they got an apartment together, and Eren had thought it was the start of something great, he was living the dream. Rich and famous with his best friend, the girl he'd secretly loved since he was young.
He'd been content just to stay up late and watch movies with her before work, to visit her on set and bring her donuts. They were Hollywood's shining stars, two kids sickeningly sweet in love even though they weren't officially dating, they were as good as.
At the advice of his agent, he'd started doing more, started picking up a few other gigs on the side, modelling, but he kept it small, he didn't want to overwhelm himself, and he still wanted time for Mikasa.
It had gone well, they'd taken fame okay, and Eren had been proud, neither of them had a sex-scandal or a pregnancy scare yet. They'd even been inching towards finally being something more than just friends, a few heated looks, some on-stage kisses to finally get the ball rolling.
Then Mikasa had been cast in an upcoming romance movie and her love interest hadn't been Eren, it had been Jean.
That had been the start of his spiral.
He'd never meant for it to get so far out of control, how many movies he started doing, how many promotions. Meanwhile Mikasa, smart, brilliant Mikasa stuck with smaller projects and only ever one at a time, preferring to keep close to their apartment. He was all she had, and she was all he wanted.
Nights when I just needed to hold somebody
He misses her, lays in bed awake at night thinking about her, how long it’s been, when was the last time he saw the curve of her face in person and not in a washed-out picture on a magazine. Girls in and out of his apartment, trying to fill the empty void inside him, and nothing works, nothing ever works. Because he’d fucked it up, said he didn’t need her, told her he could do it on his own, fame wouldn’t take him. Called each other names, every one in the book, screaming matches over stupid shit, if he should take that job, what she was doing with Jean, how she was eating, if she was eating enough.
The toxicity was palpable in their apartment until finally Mikasa just left and he broke.
Feeling overwhelmed, should've told somebody
Fame takes him like a drug addiction, actually it comes with a drug addiction, heroine, cocaine, molly, all of it. In trying to ditch his Hollywood’s sweetheart, good boy image he diverts his life so radically he doesn’t know if he can ever get back to where he was. He loses weight, barely gets by, he doesn’t even understand how he’s still getting booked, but people want him even more now that he’s Hollywood’s bad boy. Meanwhile Mikasa is disgraced now that he’s ‘thrown her away’ even though it was the other way around. Last he heard she lived in a little apartment on the upper east side, leaves only to work, and to fly up to see their families. He hasn’t seen his parents in months, doesn’t want to. Doesn’t want to see the look in their eyes when they realize how skinny he’s gotten, how his body lacks muscle, skin barely clinging to bone, gaunt and lifeless.
He needs help, but he’s spiraling, he’s committed and no matter how many times Armin tries to get him into rehab, he never goes. What’s the point Mikasa is gone, he’s not getting her back, all he has now is the money, the drugs, and the women.
Picturin' it's me sending chills through your body
He hears she’s dating Jean now and somehow, he gets worse.
Every fear he’d ever had comes to life and he gets angry, his temper coming back full force. The past few months he’d barely been getting by, not really living, but his rage awakens him. She’d told him no, that they weren’t dating, never so much as kissed outside of work. What a fucking lie.
How many girls he takes home that month he doesn’t know, how many paparazzi photos of women leaving his apartment, how he dreams it’s Mikasa under him, not some rando.
He sees her on the cover of some magazine, walking innocently with Jean and it sends him into even more of a rage, but under it all he wishes it was him, doesn’t matter that they were never official, that it only happened a few times, he wants her back. But Eren’s never been good at navigating his emotions, so he clings to his rage like a lifeline.
I just probably should've chilled 'til I saw you
When they ask about her in interviews, he doesn’t answer. Not until that once, when he lets it slip and he watches Armin wilt in real time from behind the camera as he spits the words, “I think it’s obvious, she’s with Jean now isn’t she, right after she was with me, figure it out yourself.”
The insinuation is lethal, cruel, mean and he knows it’s not true, but he says it anyway. He knows she didn't do it, but still the coincidence hurts too much, the very thought that there might have been something romantic going on with them before makes him want to throw up.
The interviewer looks shocked before he brightens up at the tidbit of information, like a vulture picking apart the last pieces of his heart, massacring it further, but Eren doesn’t mind the pain anymore. It fuels his rage and that’s all he has these days.
How am I supposed to get to know somebody?
When the rage wears off months later and Mikasa has done nothing, no comment on his interviews, no appearances, no angry texts, just silence, he becomes numb. Then the sadness sets in, because losing her romantically isn’t even the worst part, he doesn’t even have his best friend anymore, he’s lost her too.
She’s become a recluse, a hermit, he hasn’t even seen her with Jean on the magazine covers lately. Distantly he knows it’s because their movie is finished filming, and she was probably never dating him in the first place.
He goes to awards shows in hopes of at least catching a glimpse but she’s gone into hiding, there’s rumours she’s back in their hometown, but he’d never visit, not with the disgrace he’s become. He tries to date seriously, tries to talk to other actresses, but it’s all so vacant, disingenuous. All they want him for is his image, there’s nothing real about these women anymore, everything is fake, plastic right down to their boobs. Nothing like Mikasa, who was pure to her core, even in the face of her fame.
If we broke it off then you know it wasn't painless
He'd cried for weeks after she'd ended it, despite it being entirely his fault.
Armin had cancelled all his engagements and Eren hadn't left the apartment, curling himself up on her empty mattress, her room a barren wasteland.
He'd only eaten when Armin forced him too, and only come out of his hibernation after his mother had called to yell, Armin holding the phone right in his ear, the first time he'd spoken to her in forever.
If she got a watch then you know it's not a stainless
He’s got money, but it means nothing. Mikasa has money too, it doesn’t even matter. What has it all been for? He doesn’t even know anymore. All he’s gotten from his acting career is trust issues, more money than he knows what do with and the loss of his best friend and the only girl he’s ever loved.
It’s all a blur now, he acts, he models, he does PR. Armin makes him a schedule and he follows it. They meet with his nutritionist and his personal trainer, and he starts working out again, eating real food, not just smoking, and drinking coffee to supress his appetite.
Armin is the only reason he’s still a functioning human being as Eren hits rock bottom. The only one left to try and push him out.
I was out here fucking fans, I was shameless
He knows he fucked up, it’s why he starts therapy.
The shit he’d done, high off his own fame and arrogance, it’s messed up and he he knows it now. All the girls, all the money and the drugs, ignoring Mikasa’s concerns, dragging her down with him.
He doesn’t blame her now, he knows none of it was fair, she was justified in leaving. They were toxic, their half on, half off relationship, how he'd commit to the drugs but never her.
He can still remember the first time he kissed her, really kissed her, Eren and Mikasa not two characters on screen. It was after their first awards show for their movie, he’d been so excited, so delightfully sober, he couldn’t help himself, she’d been so pretty in her white dress, he’d leaned down before he could stop himself. The first night they’d had sex, her moans, her soft cries of pleasure, nothing had ever measured up since.
It had been bliss, for about a month or so and then they’d really been discovered, and it had all been shot to hell.
All the fans, all the women throwing themselves at him, his eyes couldn’t help but wander despite Mikasa always being the most radiant in the room. He had her love, he’d had everything, but that insidious voice in the back of his head had wondered. Thought the grass was greener on the other side, wanting to explore fame at the same time they’d finally started their relationship.
You was at the crib reading stories that they sent you
They’d kept it casual at Eren’s insistence and Mikasa’s heartbreak, his rock had been willing to allow it for him, for the chance to finally explore their relationship. But he could see how much it hurt her, the tabloids were the worst part, every day a new cover, another apartment he’d leave, another hookup in the parking lot. And he could barely justify it to himself, why he did it, why he continued to do it? He had everything he could ever want in Mikasa, the girl he’d loved since forever, finally in the palm of his hand, willing to give herself wholly to him.
And yet fame had called him more, and the people he was hanging out with only encouraged it, the famous lifestyle, drugs, sex and rock and roll.
Everyone was doing it, so why shouldn’t he?
Most of that was bullshit but some of it I did do
The rumours spiralled out of control after a while, there was nothing he could do, it was over, they had too much on him.
He'd been telling himself lies that maybe she was with Jean on the side, that she had the same opportunities as him, she could go out and sleep around too.
As if Mikasa would ever even consider it.
He’d finally given into being exclusive, seeing the toll it was taking on Mikasa, after Armin smacked him upside the head and told him he was going to lose her if he didn’t get his shit together. Eren had finally realized how irreversibly he was fucking up his relationship, but by then, it had been too late.
When they finally started truly dating, monogamy and all, it had been far, far too late. The backlog of photos the paparazzi had was ridiculous, any opportunity they got to demonize him they took.
He and Mikasa been casual at the time of all the photos, sure, but anyone would buckle under the weight of constant articles about their significant other cheating. Eren became the villain in his own story, and Hollywood loved it, ‘Bad Boy Eren Yeager Ditches Mikasa Ackerman’. He still remembers the headline, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back, she’d come home, dropped the offending magazine on the coffee table and hidden in her room for the rest of the night. He’d slept outside her door, and the next morning he’d been woken by her stepping over him to leave, bags packed.
It was sad, they’d never even officially dated to the public, they hadn’t gotten to that point. She’d wanted to reveal it at some awards show by taking him as her date, thanking him in her speech, her boyfriend, Eren Yeager. Overnight the paparazzi had singlehandedly broken them up for shit he hadn’t even done.
He had no one but himself to blame.
Hard for me to justify the women I was into
Looking back, he can’t say why he did it or what the purpose of all the models that looked eerily like her were for. Maybe he was trying to fill the empty space in his heart, maybe he felt neglected by her friendship with Jean and how obvious the man’s feeling for her were, but for one reason or another, he’d slept his way through about half of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, and award shows were awkward these days. Meeting the eyes of all the talented women he’d hooked up with in such a professional setting was uncomfortable at best.
How many more did he not even remember, to high off drugs and alcohol and his own ego?
Especially when the whole entire world wished they had you
He’d seen it in how Jean looked at her the first time they’d walked the red carpet as promotion for their movie. The tall man was a b-list actor and he’d been invited to the pre-screening, and he’d watched Mikasa the entire night. His gaze wasn’t moved by Eren’s arm wrapped protectively around her waist or his chin resting on her head, nor the possessive hand on her thigh.
They hadn’t even been fooling around back then, but he couldn’t help himself, he didn’t want Jean’s eyes on her. She was also Mikasa Ackerman, and the whole world thought she was just as beautiful and amazing and perfect as he did.
But she was his. His best friend, love of his life, his everything
If only he’d treated her like it.
Probably made you want to hit the streets on everything
She doesn't take him to the awards show the night he comes begging, but she lets him inside her apartment. Lets him help her with her hair, something he's sorely missed. Something he's familiar with, been braiding her hair since they were kids.
He helps her put it up into a beautiful twist.
And when Jean knocks at her door to take her to the awards show he lets her go, kisses her cheek and tells her how much he loves her, how she's going to win it all and he'll be waiting her when she gets back.
And then she leaves, walks away with another man and Eren thinks he deserves it, it's his penance, how many times has she felt this same way, how many women has he been through?
Probably made you want to pour bleach on everything
He discovers not a single remnant of himself in her apartment, no pictures, no clothes she's borrowed. Even his old sweatshirt, her favourite one is gone. Hell, even their award for best-onscreen-kiss is gone.
He finds it all in a crumpled box under her bed and it's his own fault for snooping, their photo crumpled up and misshapen, riddled with water damage. Probably from her tears if he had to guess.
Probably made you want to kill me on everything
She comes home that night and Eren is surprised, he'd expected her to go to Jean's. Hadn't really believed she was going to come back. Had resigned himself to sleeping on the couch and waiting till tomorrow when she'd come home dishevelled and covered in hickeys and bruises, the kind good sex gives you. The kind he'd never really allowed himself to give her.
That's when she'd really broken and he'd been so fucking happy when she'd thrown her purse at him. No more of her her silent rage, her forced smiles. She'd kicked and screamed, cried in his arms only to hit him brutally with a pillow, chasing him to the end of the couch. Hands restraining his wrists, as she curses him out, tears running down her beautiful cheeks sparkling in the moonlight, she's a vengeful goddess and he deserves every second of her wrath.
She collapses on top of him in a heap of sobs and all he can do is hold her, hating himself just as much as he's sure she does.
Yeah, trust, I know that
He wakes the next morning with her weight in his arms, and he holds her like he never wants to let go.
He's lucky she's even here with him right now, that she didn't kick him out on the spot. That she even cares enough to still fight with him. He kisses her forehead softly, he knows.
Yeah I kinda hate this but whatever have angst 🤷🏻‍♀️
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - I
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 3090
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Light descriptions of violence, nothing much. For now. Jungkook is just a cute pie here ok dont touch me.
 Chapter II  Chapter III  Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII
gif is not mine
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The gray walls of the silent shelter were cold as it were since day one, the bed was small and the blanket could be softer, from the window a yellow light of a light pole bringing the sensation of isolation. Not so different of the last home of Jungkook.
There were two main differences, though. First and more important, now he didn't need to fight to not die in the rings. And - he was thinking if it is good or not - for the first time in so long he could have a prospect of hope, after all, some people seemed interested in adopting him.
But all of them feared him too.
Some days he spend all his time thinking about how to improve his own image so that someone may want to take him home - trying the hardest to look good in his padronized white clothes, fixing is hair, and maintaining a good posture always. Other days he is just a damn pessimist, knowing that anyone will want a pitbull hybrid. But okay, so if they can't acept him with his disturbed past, he won't acept them neither. He want to be loved after all, high standars... Thats what he tells himself often.
Tonight he don't really care.
Like in his previous home he was going to bed feeling like trash, bones hurting like hell and taste of blood in his mouth. In the reflection on the window he could see the cut and swell in his lips and the hematoma below his left eye. Earlier he got beat up by the shelter's guards. They were four against one, and they had batons to hit and electrocute him. All of this just because he wanted to be alone in his corner and growled for another dog who was annoying him by pulling his tail, maybe they thought he was going to do something violent, but he wasn't. Despite his past, Jungkook hate fighting. And then he just tried to defend himself.
Hours passed and he couldn't sleep, something in his gut telling him he should be alert. The night watchman should've passed by his door ten minutes ago. But he heard nothing. He waited to hear the now familiar sound of the watchman's steps... But instead when the sound came it was of a lot more of feet hitting the ground, coming in his direction, and fast.
Suddenly the door of his room opened with a bang, a tall figure in all black and with a gun in it's belt looking at him from the door frame. 
Jungkook hate guns. More than he hate fights. So before he knows it, he is against the wall, protecting himself.
The man said something taking a slow step closer, but Jungkook couldn't hear it clearly - he was too afraid to. Only two types of pople use guns: Cops and the bad guys, sometimes the person is both, like his past owner. He don't like it. Other hybrids were leaving with more people in black in the corridor, and he couldn't understand why. The man reached out for him, and he growled, his ears flat against his head, tail between his legs. So the man steped back, calling for someone.
Poor thing. A million things were crossing Jungkook's mind, all of them horrible... They found me... my old owners found me... They will kill me... They will make me kill... I need to scape...
He was ready to fight his way free, to jump against the tall man and run the faster he could. He was ready to fly through the window even if it was a fall of three floors. Anything but going back to that hell...
His thoughts got cut by a smaller person appering from behind the man. You were all in black too, with tactical boots and all. But no gun. 
"Go help with the others..." Your voice came demanding but soft. When the man disappeared, you tried to approach Jungkook. He growled again. "It's ok..." You said pulling down your mask, revelling your face, and a soft smille. "My name is Y/N. I'mma friend, we are here to help.". You took a step closer, and Jungkook let you. You saw it as a hint to continue, crouching down to stay on the same level as him - he hadn't even realized he was huddled in the corner - and reaching out so he can smell you. "We know this place is no good... So we came to rescue.".
He sniffed you once. In the next second Jungkook was all over you. Practically jumping around you, wagging his tail and smelling you. You smell like truth to him, also something sweet, so he'd follow you anywhere.
"Hey, easy boy." You laugh. Automatically Jungkook got embarrassed for being so excited, a little bit more and he would've crushed you in a hug. "What's your name?"
"Well, Jungkook... Nice to meet ya." You reach out to greet him, and he took your hand in his. But before he could say anything back, the man appeared in the door frame again, now caring a little cat hybrid girl.
"Y/N, all the bombs are in place. We need to go."
Bombs? Jungkook ears lifted in alert. Like bombs that explode? He looked to you waiting some reaction.
"Oh crap. Is everyone out?" You casually answered.
"We are the last ones I think..." He said as if it was about the weather, carefully accommodating the sleepy girl in his arms.
Maybe bombs are not that big of a deal. Jungkook thought to himself, accepting the odd perspective of both of you.
"Ok, Jungkook, this place is going down. If it there is anything you want to take with you..." 
Before you finish the sentence he was putting a tiny wallet in his pocket, and wearing a old cap from the nightstand.
"Ready." Jungkook said with a nod.
You smiled, pulling your mask back up in place. "Let's go then.". You took his hand and ran through the door, Jungkook close behind.
Out side almost all the other hybrids were already safe in the couple of vans of your group, approximately twenty people in black escorting them. You lead Jungkook to one of them following the orientation of another woman with mask and high ponytail. "You go with Youngjae, Y/N.".
"Ok, thanks."
A lot of the hybrids were totally ok with the action, others, mostly the youngers, were sleeping or half asleep. Despite that, a rabbit girl were crying to not enter the van you were supposed to go in.
"You are not understanding... I was going to be adopted on Monday, I need to be here when they came to get me... " she sobbed.
"We know, it's ok... " Youngjae rubbed her arms to comfort her. "We read your file, and I promise you will be with your new owners soon. Okay?"
The girl entered in the van, still a little reluctant, sitting in the passenger's seat - where you were supposed to sit. You didn't think much about it though. You made Jungkook enter and sit in one of the only two available sits, and even if it were more options for you, he didn't let go of your hand, practically pulling you down. He wouldn't make eye contact with you, preferring to keep his gaze down, and wouldn't initiate a conversation, but he would not let go of you neither...
Actually he was holding your hand for dear life.
This is good. You through to yourself. 
Hybrids need to feel safe, and if he feels this way right now... It's good. You read all the files of all hybrids days before this of invasion, to know how bad the situation was. Not all of the poor creatures had a sad past before the shelter - all of them were suffering abuse in the shelter  - but you remember specifically of Jungkook file, and his violent precedence in rings. When you saw the pictures  of how he arrived at the shelter, bruised and curled up in the corner you felt sick and sad. Employee reports said he didn’t allow proximity and showed passive aggression, save for one of the vets, so you - experienced in hybrid behavior - volunteered to be responsible for him. Definitely you didn't expect him to be so easily trusty of you. And that's really good. 
"You ok?" You murmure to him just in case. He just nodded, still staring his feet.
A whimper caught the attention of both of you. The dog hybrid that was beside Jungkook, that must've be sixteen, was shrinking up against the window and holding a bunch of stuffed animals as a shield, apparently afraid him. Jungkook scoffed it with a low growl, turning his eyes back to his shabby shoes, choosing to ignore the boy. This kid was the one invading his space earlier that morning. You got alert to intervene in case of a fight, tensing up.
But Jungkook hate fights. Even more if it happens in tight places like a van. He wouldn't do anything even if he wanted to, and it wasn't the case. There is no one who can force him to fight again.
"Everyone is here? Ok. LET'S GO!" That other woman closed the van's door that started moving. In the shelter's external wall, Jungkook saw the enormous words 'SET US FREE' written in red. Just after the last van passed through the gate the building they all were just a few meters before exploded.
"Wooow!" You cheered along Youngjae and some hybrids.
Jungkook turned on his sit to see the flames through the back window, flames red and high likng the black sky of the night, illuminating all around. You observed the look of amazement in his eyes, wondering what he was thinking. Well, the shelter is what saved Jungkook from his old life. In the shelter he could eat three full meal a day, have his own things and shower every day - his favorite part. But he was always surrounded by crowds what make him anxious most of time, and always getting scolded by the shelter employees that clearly didn't really cared for him, getting beaten up more than once. So he couldn't name the feeling in his chest. He could be sad... Or it could be satisfaction... A mix of both maybe. He just imagined the face of the guys that beat him up seeing the ruins and that written wall next morning and chuckled.
"Jungkook sit straight and put the seat belt, please." You squished his hand lightly.
Another feeling that he couldn't name... "Oh. Ok."
A silence settled in the vehicle, cutting trough the night city at high speed. Most of the hybrids were falling asleep, feeling the euphoria of getting free of the shelter going away, long night after all - and it didn't even ended yet - you couldn't blame them to be tired. You knew that in the moment the job ended and the adrenaline lowered, you would be dead tired yourself, ready to sleep till next year. Unfortunately you must keep your image intact and free suspicions, what means going to work normally next day. But in the moment you needed to be alert and ready to protect. Or at least awake.
Just like Jungkook. This boy was wide awake, looking through the window, paying attention in how the  Youngjae drives super fast, and gazing you by the corner of his eyes. If he had more space he would be jumping around, his dog excitement exploding out of control. Or he would get shy and only imagine it while looking trough nothing. Something in his mind was, where were you all going? That girl apparently was going to be adopted soon, do that mean he would be adopted too? What kind of owner he would get? But can he trust it would happen? Or trust in these people in black? He didn't know you or your group. What if you were the bad guys, kidnapping hybrids to do bad things...? Jungkook stared suspiciously to you, who was talking quietly with the driver. You didn't seen bad, or mean, or evil. Quite the opposite, you look cute and sweet and beautiful, almost too good to be real. He could say you look totally harmless too if it were not for the shock weapon in your waist and tactical boots ... or the whole situation in general. You're just like every ordinary people that usually look at him fear and mistrust.
"Is everything ok?" You asked again. He just made 'no' with his head. You narrowed your eyes, focusing on Jungkook's face. "This bruises... What happened?"
The poor boy considered what to say, fearing that you would not believe him if he said that he got unjustly beaten, which is true, but obviously you would think he deserved it. Maybe he should stay quiet, so you wouldn't hate him. He should at least look like a good boy to impress. Before Jungkook decided between truth or silence - lying was out of question, he was horrorible in it - a voice besides him awnsered.
"The guards were bored and attacked him for no reason." You both looked to the young boy who had a guilty expression. "I'm sorry, it was my fault, I just wanted to play..."
"Oh". Both you and Jungkook cooed. He didn't expected do recieve a out side help, much less a apologise, the feeling was unprecedented. 
"And well, you were the only one who didn't know about the rescue, I wanted to tell you."  
Jungkook was confused. "Everybody knew?"
"All the hybrids..." The boy said, suddenly super comfortable around Jungkook.
"And some employes who helped us from within." You added, pulling Jungkook's face for you to see again. "Did someone treated this cut?" You questioned. 
Jungkook made 'no' with his head once more and than completed with a low voice. 
"The doctor who likes me wasn't working today.".
You sighed in understanding.
"She was one who helped us, we got her an alibi away from here."  You leaned forward, talking to the driver through the rear view mirror. "Youngjae, do we have a first aid kit?" 
"Under my seat."
The boy stared at the stuffed animals for a good time and then extended one to Jungkook. “Keep him.”
Jungkook looked at the stuffed bunny closely and smiled. “Thank you.”
With the white suitcase open on your lap and letting go of Jungkook's hand - for his dislike - you puted some hydrogen peroxide in a piece of gauze and faced him. "Can I?" You asked permission with a smile. Just like the sweet doctor did when the shelter welcomed him you took care of him - with a little less skill, but lovelly still, making him feel safe. Ok, he absolutelly trust you now.
Durig the next hour you received on the radio  news of the vans that took different paths  arriving at the meeting place, yours being one of the last ones. Gladly no one had any unwanted encounters or problems on the way. The place in question was a freight train station, the secondthe van stoped, Youngjae was out to open the lateral door and you waking the hybrids up. "Lets go my sweet things. You can go back to sleep in a little while." You picked up a sleepy little hybrid, and along Youngjae helped all of them to get aou of the van, to follow the group to two big wagons open for them. Outside, those who saw would see only a common freight train, but inside the cars were adapted to take those hybridos in comfort and safety to a farm, one of the places where your organization guarantees a dignified life for hybrids, especially those who have not had an easy past, whether living there or going to good owners - whatever they choose. Jungkook tried to accompany you in the crowd by holding your hand, but he lost you by a few meter, almost not being able to see you between so many heads and the low light, just following your voice, biting his lip anxiously. For a moment his focus leaved you to the rabbit hybrid girl, she got separated from the group, having time to just quickly  say goodbye to another girl, before she run to a car where a couple was waiting for her, the three of then huged, the man took her bag and putted in the trunk. She was really being adopted. Oh man, Jungkook want this so bad. If he is a good boy will he be adopted soon too? "Please, get in." A man in black putted a hand in Jungkook shouder, making him came back daydream. He got surprised for a momente, this man had dog ears to, the men in black have hybrid in their crew. "Please, get i the train." "Wait. No... Y/N..." Apparently he was the only one disturbing, all the other hybrids obeying quietly or already inside the car, looking at him as if he was a weirdo - at least Jungkook felt this way. "Y/N?" "I'm here." You emerged from the crowd. "It's okay, Jungkook, you can get in." "Ok." He smiled to you taking your hand again. He trust you so... But he stoped midstep when he noticed you didn't move. "Aren't you coming too?" You seemed surpresided when responding. "No." He thought for half a second and decided, setting his feet on the ground. "So I'm not getting in neither." "Jungkook..." you tried to argument but he interrupted you. "I'll go where you go." You both held each other's gaze for a moment. All the hybrids were now accommodated in the train wich was about to leave. That women from before came to hurry you, but you wheren't listenning at all. "Does it mean you want to go home with me?" You firmily asked. Without a second thought he vigorously nodded. "Yes." You released a sigh of relief and smiled.  "They can close the doors. This one I'll take with me." You say to the woman, making Jungkook jump in his spot from excitement.  "Are you sure?" She questioned.  "Yep"  You guided a super happy Jungkook to the oposite direction the train started to move to, the sound of the locomotive and loud honk blinding the little sounds of joy coming out of his mouth as he takes your hand again, swinging it back and forth. Your organization companions looking at you with knowing eyes. Never before you even consider adopting any of the rescued hybrids.
this gonna be a series too. pls give love to it.
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nightmarefucled · 3 years
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Task 003 - Happy Working Song
listen here
A song that represents your character’s childhood. 
Tip Toe - half•alive
Demanding my mind be set free From wanting the things I don't need My pride is hiding its lies behind all the dreams Living inside Delusion is weighing me down It's taking the hope that I found And giving me nothing back
A song that represents your character’s family/relationship with parents. 
Death, Thrice Drawn - The Scary Jokes
It's quiet now I doubt if any thoughts will ever come again But there's a sense of some lone consequence Wheezing down my neck It's fine, we're fine I'm doing everything that I'm supposed to do I'd burn it all, I'd set the world on fire just to be with you
A song that represents your character’s best friend. 
Blood and Bones - The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
In search of new shiney buddies, to share with them my worries And my joys and my toys and my secret jars of poison! I searched up high... I searched down low But... no matter where I look no friends began to show And so I made a list of killers, and wrote them all letters Asking lots of friendly questions... with all the best intent they told me
A song that represents your character’s first crush. 
Bust your Kneecaps - Pomplamoose
Johnny, you told me You were no fool, you were no chump Then you got cold feet Now all you'll be is a speed bump It's something we call Oh, just a small family business And the family won't like this
A song that represents your character’s teen years. 
Novocaine - The Unlikely Candidates
Novocaine, I keep it coming so I feel no pain I tell my girl that I'mma change my ways She knows I'm never gonna change
A song that represents your character’s first heartbreak. 
Feel Better - Penelope Scott
Because someone loved me Someone fucking loved me On my filthy life I loved someone I barely knew God dammit I was worth something I fucking learned something And it felt better in my mouth than fresh warm food
A song that represents your character’s motivation. 
Great Vacation - Dirt Poor Robins
And we'll see what you can do To try to buy and lie your way outta this one, pal 'Cause the world is gonna be Gone, gone
A song that represents your character’s current crush. 
An Unhealthy Obsession - The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
Some call it stalking, I say walking just extremely close behind I'm sure if I sat down and asked you, well you really wouldn't mind You've got those eyes that drive me crazy And I've got eyes to watch you sleep
A song that represents your character’s favorite song to sing in the shower. 
Courtney - The Narcissist Cookbook
Courtney did it! She did it! Courtney did it! Courtney killed Cobain!
(Its a song about suspected murder and conspiracy theories, like... of course he would)
A song that represents your character’s sexuality. 
The Cult of Dionysus - The Orion Experience
I'm feeling devious You're looking glamorous Let's get mischievous And polyamorous Wine and women and wonderful vices Welcome to the cult of Dionysus
A song that represents your character’s enemy. 
Starkiller - Bear Ghost
I've been watchin' you for quite a while now It's getting all too hard to bite my tongue I know you've caught my gaze, and you've tried to look away But I think it's time we had a little fun
A song that represents your character’s job. 
Everything Moves - Bronze Radio Return
Lately I, can’t decide, run or hide Oh and when I do, I’m sure I’ll end up moving too Suit and tie, sell or buy, laugh or cry What’s a guy to do, when nothing's standing still for you So many angles, so many lines So many ways to see the sunrise
A song that represents your character’s fatal flaw.
Kitchen Fork - Jack Conte
Wake from the scar, still feelin' sick Where did it get started? Where, oh, where did this come from? Oh my God, my head's a gunI let myself go
A song that represents your character’s biggest regret. 
Feed the Machine - Poor Mans Poison
Fear is on the rise And there's blood all over the ground Let's all just blindfold the poor We must remind them what's in store We got 'em now Just break them down a little bit more
A song that represents your character’s current state of being. 
We're taking over the world A little victim-less crime And when I'm taking your innocence I'll be corrupting your mind
Your character’s theme song. 
Mask of My Own Face - Lemon Demon
At all the people hissing, knowing I'm the one they hate And at the big finale I would tear my face away And smile as they grip their own and try to do the same
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uweiy · 4 years
They were roommates part. 11
"Oh god I'm never drinking again" Jiang Cheng groaned. His head was throbbing, as if someone had been using it as a drum the whole night long. The single lightray that managed to pierce through the curtain was killing him.
Once the ache had faded into more of a dull pain, his memories from the previous day came flooding back.
"Oh god" Jiāng Cheng repeated.
The problem was, Xichen still didn't actually KNOW. What Jiang Cheng had almost blurted out under the helpful influence of alcohol was now increasingly terrifying him.
He was beginning to panic, not knowing how he was supposed to face Xichen anymore. Thankfully the other had gone home for the weekend for "Pressing family matters" he had said.
Jiang Cheng did the only rational thing he could think of.
His feet automatically took him to his brother's door. He knocked, softly for once.
The door opened with a creak, revealing... to call it chaos would have been an understatement. The room looked like it hadn't been cleaned in ages, piles of leftovers, socks and clothes all over the floor. Dust flakes were visible where a few stray sunlights managed to penetrate the room. It also smelled strongly like caged wild animals. Two literal corpses were visible on their respective beds, feet sticking out at weird angles.
Jiang Cheng closed the door. He went back to his room and sat on the bed for a solid five minutes. Then he took out his phone and texted Wei Wuxian.
To : Wei Wuxian
Tell me when you're awake.
Idk what to do
Then he threw his phone on his pillow and slumped face down on the mattress.
About three hours later, his phone buzzed.
Wwx : ???
Wwx : I'm coming
That's how Jiāng Cheng found himself seated in front of Wei Wuxian, who was sitting backwards on HIS chair and scrutinizing his face in detail.
Now that he was there, Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say. Somehow "I'm in love with my roommate who I have to share a close space with for the rest of the year and I don't fucking know if my heart can take it" didn't sound like something one could admit.
A hand waved before his eyes "Jiang Cheng. Staring makes me uncomfortable. Especially with a towering gaze like that. Give your big bro something to work with instead !"
"Nothing happened ! I just ... yesterday uh I...might.."
"Like Lan Xichen ? Very much ?" Wei Wuxian smirked, putting an end to Jiāng Cheng's suffering.
Jiang Cheng glared at him. But he couldn't beat around the bush forever. "...yeah"
"I hecking called it !"
Both their heads snapped up towards the door, where that muffled but clearly audible sentence had come from.
"GO AWAY HUAISANG" they shouted at the door in unison.
"okay okay"Then they heard steps, and a more distant "I. Friggin called it !!"
Wei Wuxian shook his head "tsk tsk. So where were we. Ah right you have feelin-"
Jiang Cheng groaned
"For Lan Xich-"
Wei Wuxian sighed. "Lord help me. Okay, why don't you just tell me what your problem is."
"I don't know what to do ! Am I supposed to bring him fucking croissants every morning ? Paint hearts on the windows ? Become this amazing selfless main character-type person ? Because I don't know if I can do this kind of ... Stuff. But he deserves someone who does that for him, he deserves-"
"Hey." Wei Wuxian put an arm around Jiāng Cheng shoulders."you worry too much. If Xichen likes you, he likes you for who you are."
Wouldn't that be a first, Jiāng Cheng thougt.
Wei Wuxian continued "I think you're skipping steps though. How about you just tell him first ?"
Jiang Cheng frowned "Why would I do that." Ignoring it forever seemed like a perfectly reasonable solution.
"Why would I –??" Wei Wuxian incredulously air quoted him
"Listen. It's not like I have a ton of experience but... I was so sure Lan Zhan couldn't like me back that I didn't even try. Turns out, he actually thought the same and we could've saved a lot of time... if either of us had just said anything."
Jiang Cheng looked down, pressing his thumb between his knuckles "what if he doesn't ... ?"
"Feel the same ?" Wei Wuxian completed."
I don't know. But if it helps... I've seen the way he looks at you too."
After Wei Wuxian left, Jiāng Cheng tossed and turned on his bed, replaying their conversation in his head.
He fumbled for his phone.
To : Wei Wuxian
Clean your fucking room
Satisfied, he went back to work.
Monday came soon enough. Jiāng Cheng was even surprised to find Xichen in the room when he came back from his morning shower. However he was just... standing motionless in front of his desk.
"Did your books offend you or something ?" Jiang Cheng frowned.
"My family wants me to go back home"
"What ?"
"I must return to my duties". His words sounded hollow, as if he was repeating what somebody else had told him.
Jiang Cheng's flace must have displayed a puzzled expression, seeing how Xichen clarified "The family elders want me me to resume my philosophy studies. I pleaded with them to allow me to learn music but... they changed their minds, it seems"
Jiāng Cheng swallowed the forming lump in his throat "But... You still have to go to school right ?
"I shall recieve private instruction from the most eminent experts in the country" Xichen recited in that hollow tone again.
He looked at Jiang Cheng like he expected an answer.
Don't go. Jiang Cheng thought. Don't go, don't go, don't–"if it's what your family wants. You should go."
Xichen lowered his eyes. After a while, he let out a strangled, almost inaudible "Okay."
Jiāng Cheng felt sick.
When he came back in the evening, Jiang Cheng opened the door and his stomach twisted painfully. Xichen was packing his bags.
Jiāng Cheng resolutely ignored it and went straight to his desk.
Xichen came back once to take his instruments, then he was gone.
First part//previous/next
Author's note : there's the dramaaaaaaa ! don't hate me please ? :)
I probably won't be ready for Thursday so I'mma say Saturday or smth
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I have a very specific idea for an Andriel au but I'm too lazy to write it. Instead I'mma just dump it on here and come back to it later.
So.... Fem!Andreil
Neil 'Nathaniel' Josten -> Ania 'Nathania' Josten
Andrew Minyard -> Erin Minyard bc it sounds like Aaron
It's rare for Mary to leave Nathania on her on for long but once when she's about fifteen/sixteen she lets her walk home from school.
Some dudes manage to grab her on the way home. She's held down by three while the other one starts touching her. She's screaming and kicking and fighting but it's useless. She's built small and doesn't actually know how to fight.
Mary is concerned when Nathania doesn't come home so she sets out to find her and finds her baby in the middle of it all.
Needless to say she castrated all four of them and now the only ones they're sleeping with is the fishes
Anyways, her mom refuses to leave her side unless Nathania is at school
The last thing her mom says to her is "-ania" so she takes it as her name.
She moves out to Millport and she's just so dead. Depression hits my bby hard. Exy is the only thing that gives her life meaning.
The captain is a little *ssh*l*
He sees her and he sees how weak she is off the court and how broken she is.
He follows her one day and makes unsuccessful advances on her.
When she rejects him, he takes what he wants.
Ania's flashbacks hit hard and she lets it happen bc dissociation
Hernadez walks in on it one time and is about to get mad for not getting a room but he sees Ania's eyes and knows exactly what's happening.
The captain is kicked off the team and expelled. They can't prosecute bc Ania wont testify.
All of this plus seeing the scars on her when he caught the captain in the act is the reason Hernandez calles Wymack.
Most of the rest of the story is the same but sub in Erin.
Oh, Erin. I'm in love with her
Erin is equally as bad as Andrew but she gets a lot more shit about it bc she's a girl and somehow stereotypes for female sociopaths are worse by a lot. This one isnt even me playing up the drama. It's bad irl
So u know Erin smacks Ania with the racquet. Ania has massive panic attacks bc Wymack and Kevin are very big men and she's on her knees with no escape. Erin picks up on it and makes sure she keeps the men away. She doesn't know Ania but she's heard about the incident with the captain. She'll be damned if she lets anything happen to this girl.
She kicks the men out and faces Ania on her own. She forces herself to think as clearly as she can through the drugged haze and essentially tells Ania that she'll always be no one and nothing, but at least she can be a nothing that plays exy. Erin hates exy but she can tell exy is the only thing this girl wants and this girl is insanely pretty. Erin wants her. She knows she probably can't have her, but she'll make a good toy for the summer. She makes herself promise not to break her too early bc then she wouldn't have anything for the rest of the year. The truth is she's just so smitten by the new girl who just mouthed off to Wymack and, deep down, Erin knows that no amount of drugs is going to stop her from missing that pretty face and dirty mouth.
So she lets Ania sign the contract. They don't get to pull the twin thing because Erin and Aaron are fraternal twins you can't be different genders and be identical but they look exactly the same. Instead, both twins go to pick her up and Erin fakes her high. Ania sees through it because she notices Ania's obvious annoyance at her brother and anger at Nicky for doing something dumb.
Summer goes on the way it does in the book, but drying with Wymack is really hard for Ania. She minimizes her time in his house bc he's big and muscly and covered in tattoos and it just doesn't sit well with her. Wymack tries to make himself small around her and he's never raised a hand at her. He just keeps out of her way.
Ania meets the Foxes and nearly dies when she meets Matt. He'd just so tall. She realizes that he's just a puppy soon enough but her guard is always up around Seth. He's mean and she doesn't like the way he looks at her. Erin only ever intervenes in matters when it's Seth coming at her. She assumed that after a few failed attempts Seth would back off. He doesn't tho so Erin ends up being to teach him a lesson.
Also Erin doesn't drug her. Drugging is something Erin has experienced. Unlike with Matt, she's not going to force Ania to potentially relive this particular trauma. She gets her drunk tho with similar effects
So yeah. Story goes on. Drake happens but he's still a guy.
It causes a lot of problems for Erin in a different way. I feel like Andrew has trouble with his sexuality bc he wonders if his upbringing 'turned' him gay, but Erin wonders the same. Is she gay bc of how men have treated her? She tired to shove those thoughts down but they keep coming back.
She gets sent to therapy. Proust happens.
And then Fem!Riko happens Riko is a female name so I'm keeping it
When Riko threatens Erin, Ania throws hands. She agrees to go to evermore the way Neil does only a much worse fate awaits her
Riko keeps her in the same bedroom as her and will handcuff her to the bed. She uses Ania to get off + cuts her up
Jean knew about the knives but not the rape.
When he finds out, he actually grows a spine and intervenes.
He's punished severely for it, but Riko lets up on Ania.
She comes home only to find out about Proust and she's mad. Ania took all of Riko' s treatment bc she assumed it meant that Erin would be spared the same thing. Instead they were both forced to relive their old trauma and got a new one too.
The "Doesnt mean I wouldn't blow you" scene is a thing but it's 'Doesn't mean I wouldn't eat you out".
They're on the roof during Ania's panic attack.
Erin grabs her face and pulls her close til their foreheads are touching and they sit there staring into each other's eyes. It settles something deep inside Ania and she finally calms down enough to stop crying.
When she does, she asks Erin how she can still have sex after everything
Erin just stares off into the distance bc honestly? She asks herself the same question all the time. She asks Ania if she ever touches herself and Ania says that there are times shes wanted to but she never tried bc she's afraid
Erin explains that if Ania wants to get better, she has to first let herself want. Only then could she ever start to heal.
Ania looks at her like she's crazy but the next time Ania is in the mood she accepts it. She tried for the first time and she focuses incredibly hard on the sound of Erin' s voice bc it keeps all her monsters at bay.
In the short time leading up to Baltimore, Erin teaches Ania to let go of the past and to want things for herself.
Erin preaches a lot of self love to Ania in that time. It always comes off kind of harsh bc it's Erin' s nature, but Ania knows what she means. She understands. Despite how much Erin preaches, she still has a hard time loving/caring about herself. She does all the exercises like standing in front of the mirror and telling herself she's good and taking time off to rest and just self care things, but she's been playing up the monster act for a long time. She doesn't have the outside validation she needs to get herself together. Ania sees this and she starts telling Erin how proud she is of her and how great she is. They aren't just throw away remarks either. Like, she knows not to overdo it, but she starts giving Erin the positive influence she needs.
The rooftop scenes after midnight practice with Kev are still a thing, however, Ania and Erin have also been sharing a room since their return from Easthaven and Evermore. They just do it I'm the roof so no one hears them. Ania always gets sent down first while Erin takes care of herself. She showers before Erin returns, but when she hears the locks click open she always gives Erin a bright smile. Erin just looks at her with empty eyes.
Erin herself is not empty. Ania's been getting to her. Everytime Ania thanks her for something or compliments her it sends a jolt through her body. She always feels a little high for a few hours after Ania's words. She wants to show Ania how much she's worth. She wants to give her everything in the world. Ania doesn't deserve all the things she's faced and it hurts Erin so much to know that she's faced them anyways. Erin is in love with Ania and she knows it. She's not even denying it to herself anymore. But Erin believes that once Ania gets better, she'll move on. She believes that she's just a phase and once Ania's better, she'll finally get to be court and get what she deserves. Erin is absolutely convinced that Ania will marry Kevin and ask her to be the maid of honor. Erin has made up her mind that she'll do it even if it kills her. Of course all of this is just the musings of Erin when she's alone in her car. None of this happens.
Erin really doesn't want Ania to leave her and she's starting to have trouble keeping all the emotion down. The only bits of open affection she shows are when Ania is coming down from her climax. Erin will trace patterns over Ania's ruined skin and press soft kisses to her scars. She's imagined herself telling Ania that she loves her a thousand times, but she can never bring herself to do it. Instead she tries to press every ounce of her love into those kisses and hopes Ania will one day understand.
The other little piece of affection she shows is when she comes back to the dorms at night. Ania is usually sitting on her bed drying her hair. Erin always takes the towel and scrubs Ania's hair for her. She blowdries it and then she carefully does them into a pair of boxer braids. She makes Ania sit in a stool in front of the mirror in their bathroom while she does it because she likes to watch Ania's expression she really likes having her hair played with so braiding works out well for her
Then Baltimore is a thing aamd it goes down exactly as it does in the books
She comes home from it all and sees her Foxes
And then there's Erin. Erin was in pieces after she found out the truth from Kevin. She didn't cry in front of the Foxes but as soon as she'd punched a few walls and kicked a few things, she collapses away from them. Wymack is there for this and for once in her life, Erin lets a man touch her. He pulls her into his arms and she sits there and she sobs hysterically. Wymack had always known what was up. Erin had spent the last year showing up drunk at his house and ranting and raving about Ania to no end. He'd pieced it all together far too quickly for Erin' s comfort but he's always seem through her facade before. Of course he did then too. It takes her a long time to calm down and when she does she shows out of his arms n is pacing the room angrily bc there's nothing else to do now other than wait.
Then there's spring break and it happens the same as the books
The rest of the book is the same honestly, but you see Erin learn to love herself and Ania learn to accept wanting things like sex and cuddles and physical contact in general. They both learn to believe that they deserve love from their new families and that they deserve each other.
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
Wait this gets good no because the statement came out it came out like 5 years ago when someone I think someone called you guys out one of these snow cities called you guys out LAX 3/4 AND IT SEEMS TO BE TODAY YOU GUYS ARE ESTABLISHING A TIMELINE OF BLACK SKIN BOYS AND MEN ON PLANES WHY DON'T YOU JUST GIVE THE GIRL HER JOB BACK AND LET HER CARRY THE SATELLITES AROUND HERE
Whoops? What? If it wasn't for me if it wasn't for you guys having 25 million f****** men on the satellite all black killing white hair white skin boys AND I LOOK AROUND AT 3/4 AND YOU GUYS ARE NOT CAPABLE OF BUILDING A WARPLANE YOU JUST STOCKPILING F****** JERK OFF BOYS TO GIVE THEIR LIFE FOR SOME DEAD F****** N***** DAUGHTER WHO THINKS JERKING OFF IS FREE AND PORN IS FREE
So you guys are putting black skin men on planes to fly back and forth? Yes the question is why are they black? Why don't they just shower white skin for the plane and as soon as they land they can go back to quit showering
To establish a timeline with a daughter with yacht for this dead white trash lunatic boys I'm sorry men not the boys THAT'S RIGHT THE BOYS ARE ALL SLEEPING YOU GUYS KNOW MY RULES now I'm keeping it real no delete button I want the boys to know after all said and done I'mma pow and I know what it's like to be in handcuffs
But this f****** airport and this train it's a f****** nightmare from Utah and in snow I was surrounded by clean Men here in sunlight City 24/7 you people gross me f****** out with these Brown f****** men and they're forgotten ideology
But it's it's a shame that you guys would do this to these black men and unfortunately it's true for me and I and I can't deal with this kind of torture in this kind of treatment of innocent boys IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF ME IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE A SATELLITE MAKER AND 5800 YEARS AGO BEFORE YACHT WAS CREATED AND LET'S GIVE IT 5,000 YEARS BEFORE THE FIRST THREAT OF A BOMBING AIRPLANE JASON WAS CREATED the reason why you guys are going to be bombed because you made a black City they hate white hair white skin people and in the attempts of where are we really you really thought it was a white skinned man's world a white hair white skin man's world and you guys wanted to take over the world and enslave only black skin men and women my guess would be an entire black skin all satellite makers and all white hair white skin wives and all the boys would have black girls CAN I EAT IT THAT'S WHY I JUST CURSED OUT THE BLACK AND WHITE SKIN GIRL I KNEW AFTER SHE GETS DONE AT THE STATEMENT IS UNTIL SHE SATISFIED AND THEN SHE GOES BACK IN THE HOLE HAS HER BABY AND IF SHE HAS A LITTLE GIRL AND SHE'S MURDERED
So I don't feel guilty not anymore not after the son of a f****** fish makes me sick just for them to be bigger and stronger to intimidate me and then they use three prophecy names and this is not including God out of the same house THAT'S WHY IT'S OUT OF THE SAME F****** HOUSE IT'S OUT OF THE SAME BUILDING and you guys can't hold me accountable to this name just so I don't I can't think of an antidote in a few seconds just to f****** make me feel stupid just to make me look stupid
And my antecision only job was to get her horny and wet every time she looks at me and I don't agree with the call and call dad daughter so she goes home and f**** the s*** out of her boyfriend
BUT LET ME REMIND YOU YOU GUYS CAN'T HOLD RIGHT NOW S O N IS INDEED MORE POWERFUL THAN THAN GOD G O D JUST PUTTING IT OUT THERE more importantly you guys can't have all these black skin men and all these cities and then capture me to a city this girl's not going to make it out my mind you you're going to have to void your agreement with the other satellite maker City that you have a daughter to enter the contest of owning every girl in the city BECAUSE SHE'S NOT GOING TO MAKE IT OUT BECAUSE OF THE TREATMENT HERE YOU KIDNAPPED ME HERE TO A SPECIFIC CITY WITH ONLY BLACK SKIN PEOPLE AND LET ME REMIND YOU IT'S SO TINY BECAUSE IT'S A SATELLITE CITY IT'S ALMOST THE SAME THING AS ME GOING TO A GAS STATION ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AND THEY GOT A FEW HOTELS IT'S THE SAME SIZE THE PROBLEM IS ALL THESE BLACK SKIN MEN TRULY BELIEVE AND LOVE JASON and you can't do that to me you're only goal here is to have this girl point at me and say no it's not him it's not who you're thinking of that's Jason and then break my heart
And in fact it wasn't working that's why you guys took another profit name another one of my son's names another one of my boys names and started using it against me because if you're jealous f****** tactics are not working we're not working
0 notes
myhiddeagenda · 6 years
Tumblr media
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: F, 21, Norway
You: Sup over?
Stranger: M
Stranger: 19
You: Apparently, I can't English
Stranger: 😂😂😂
You: How ya doing?
Stranger: I’m good, you?
You: Fairly cool
You: The temperature has finally started to get lower than 30* degreees
You: Thank lord
Stranger: Lmao, it’s pretty hot over here in Michigan
Stranger: Wyd
You: Fucking gross
You: Not much really
You: Bored, my friends ditched me
You: So here I am, passing time
Stranger: Ahhhhh, I just got out of football. I’m just laying down
You: ooh, football which is not soccer rofl
Stranger: Yes, American football
You: I've tried it once, it's shits and giggles till someone tackles you with their shoulder to your gut
Stranger: Try that six hours a day
You: No thanks. I'm ok with my decent amount of hockey
You: haha
Stranger: You wanna play truth or dare or something
You: Sure
You: Hit me up
Stranger: Truth or dare
You: Truth I guess
Stranger: You got a bf
Stranger: ?^
You: I'd like to say yes, but it's complicated
You: How do you even do a dare over Omegle?
Stranger: Idk, you just trust the other person does it I guess
You: I ain't devouring boogers
You: no thanks
Stranger: Lmao
You: How's your lovelife going?
You: You must have girls swooning after ya
Stranger: I mean, sex is fun
You: hahha, all of the testosterone
Stranger: It’s fun for the other person too
Stranger: Trust meeee
You: wooowzers, I ain't judging you
Stranger: Truth or dare
You: Truth
Stranger: When was the last time you’ve had some good sex
You: Shit, hard question
You: hmm
You: After "boyfriend" did the "what are we" talk, I honestly went out partying out of pure anger with a couple of dude friends
You: Of my friends cousin was having hard luck finding "fun" so I joined him home
You: Not proud of it, but it was damn good
Stranger: Be proud of it, you got some good sex
You: Guilt trips my conscious
You: Okay
You: Truth or dare
Stranger: Dare
You: Take the closest inanimate object
You: and take a comparing dickpic
You: send it to the first dude on snapchat lmao
Stranger: I’ll do the first two but I ain’t sending that to any dudes😂😂
You: hahahaha
Stranger: Damn, my dick is surprisingly big
You: Have to admit I haven't really played truth or dare before lmao
You: haha, what'd you compare it to?
Stranger: A pillow
You: pfffffffftttttttttttttttt
Stranger: Lmaooooo
You: Good on you 😂
You: Does your dick go in the vagina and out the mouth?
You: Sounded really long 😂
Stranger: I give her a good time, I don’t kill her😂
You: hahaha, I'm laughing so hard
You: So, what music do you like?
Stranger: All music
Stranger: Depends on my mood
Stranger: Truth or dare
You: Truuuth
Stranger: Hmmmmm
Stranger: What’re are you rn
You: What? What am I right now?
Stranger: Where*
You: A lonely, confused woman?
Stranger: Lmao, we’re both lonely. Twinning
You: Sadbois v_v
Stranger: I choose dare
You: hmm
You: If you have the number of the last person you slept them
You: Tell them you had a good time *winky winky*
Stranger: Ok😂😂
Stranger: You seem like a dope person, if only you didn’t live halfway across the world
You: Well damn, never gotten that compliment before
You: I am known of being the best wingman, so I guess I'm a bit dope
Stranger: Lmao, you could me my wingwoman
Stranger: Be
You: Like, it help being the ugly in the group!
Stranger: I bet you’re not ugly
You: I bet I was 😂
Stranger: You definitely have a better personality than all these fake girls I hook up with
You: Or at least in the latest situation, where this girl nonchalantly told my friend that he shouldn't be hanging with me 😂 And I just took my drink said have fun and left, I didn't even need to wing him, she caught the bait anyway
Stranger: Lmao, that’s me sometimes
Stranger: Truth or dare
You: I'm keeping it to truth really, I'm a bit unsettled with dare lmao
Stranger: You’ve dared me the craziest shit, I’ll dare you some low key shit
You: Oh boy 😂
Stranger: Dare?
You: Come at me, bro
You: Show me all you got
Stranger: I dare you too...
Stranger: Hmmmmmm
Stranger: Take off all your clothes, go to the shower, and stand in it for thirty seconds under the coldest setting the water goes
You: hahaha, oh now
You: no*
You: That won't work here
You: The coldest isn't considered cold, it's like, lukewarm
You: I can stick my feet and hands in the freezer?
Stranger: No no no
Stranger: I may have a better one😂😂
You: Is lukewarm even a word... jees wat are engresh
Stranger: I dare you to grab do the same as said, except for the shower, and instead grab an ice cube and let it melt on your stomach for a minute😂😂
You: Youre talking to someone from Norway, I'mma do that shit with 4 cubes
Stranger: Bet
You: brb I guess
Stranger: Lmao, I’ll do it too
You: Wait, can I have it in a plastic bag?
You: Don't wanna have it spilling down my bed D:
Stranger: Nope, it’s gotta melt
You: man, fuck you
You: Fine, brb
Stranger: I just grabbed some ice cubes
Stranger: Alr, my clothes are off. You ready?
You: Jupp
You: I done it
You: And I take it back
You: It's suprisingly VERY cold 😂
Stranger: This is cold
Stranger: Shit mine is melting a little bit😂😂
You: Is it now I say shove it up your ass, son
You: 😂😂😂
Stranger: no😂😂😂
Stranger: Oh god, it’s falling towards my dick
You: I'm literally planking, that shit sliding nowhere
You: But I can bet my phone is gonna slide outta my hands and hit me in the collarbones
Stranger: Lmao, hold it tighter
Stranger: Damn, the water on the dick was t as bad as I thought it would be
Stranger: I took mine off
You: only 1 outta 4 has melted completely
Stranger: Your skin must be warm, damn
You: Not really, my doctor tend to say I got blue blood
You: But ought to think I'd be warmer
You: Taking long time to melt
Stranger: You should just take them off now
You: DARE IS A DARE! I whisper as I wipe it all away
You: What a wild ride really
You: 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: Lmao, I bet if we were together right now we’d have some better dares for each other
You: "Let's see who dies first" kinda dares really
You: "Yo catch" throws a fucking bag of nails and a hammer
Stranger: Lmao, idk about those kind of dares
You: I guess a dare ain't shit to me cause I'd do it anyway
You: Or well, I'm never downing 4 fireball shots under 1 minute
Stranger: I guarantee that if we were together rn we’d literally be racing to see which ice cube melts the fastest
You: It's important to learn from mistakes
You: hahaha, jupp
You: I would definately dare you to have you put it up your ass 😂
Stranger: If you did that then I would dare you to have it melt on your vagina😂😂
You: Guilty as charged, I've tried
Stranger: Really?!
You: It's just as bad as it sounds
You: Don't put it in the vagina
Stranger: Lmao, I dare you to put it on the vagina😂😂😂
You: Nope
You: Hell nah, sonny
You: I'm outta this game
You: 😂
Stranger: Damn, you’re dope
You: 😂😂😂😂
You: It's such an American expression, I find it kind of funny of you calling me it
Stranger: Dope is my thang. I’ll always be like “that sex was dope”
You: Yeah, it's equivalent to cool, rad, amazing etc I guess
Stranger: Yes it is
Stranger: I’m bored, you wanna get kinky?
You: Well, not-a-soccerboy
You: recommend some music
You: Nah, I ain't the kinky type
Stranger: Don’t you listen to Norwegian stuff though?
You: If you up to kinky, you rather skip me so I don't go waste your type honestly >_<
You: What do you mean with Norwegian stuff?
You: Most of them sing in English 😂
Stranger: Like, songs
Stranger: Ohhhhhh
Stranger: 😂
You: hmm, Breathe by SeeB is pretty cool
You: that song just finished playing
Stranger: Runaway by Kanye West
You: let's have a toast for the douche bags
Stranger: Best song
You: I remember being surprised when he released that song
You: Maybe one of the "not kanye" songs that are close to my heart
You: one of the few*
Stranger: Yo, I think I’m gonna take a nap before I have to go to football again, want my number so we can talk again?
You: Anonymity is a thrill for me, I rather not
You: I hope you enjoy your nap and prosper in football!
Stranger: Come onnnn, I wanna talk again
You: Nothing more, you better stick to that
Stranger: Ok
You: Snapchat? I don't do social media much
Stranger: Sure
You:  <<<
You: I'mma probably show up as 
You: Don't fret, I've got a vagina
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: I’ll add you
Stranger: Adios muchacho
You: l8ers
Stranger has disconnected.
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Survey #134
“i got detention ‘cuz i made a face; nobody believed me that it’s stuck that way.”
If you were to die today would your life be complete?  No. How good is Coca-Cola?  It's my second-favorite soda. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
  My niece Aubree <3 Do you have a bad temper? 
 No. Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now?
  One acquaintance, one old friend off the top of my head. Have you ever had someone pick you up off the ground and carry you?  Mom when I passed out. If you were in the hospital, do you think any of your exes would come see you?  Girt probably would, and he's the only one I wouldn't have a problem with visiting. If you were kicked out of your house, would the last person you texted take you in?  I'm sure they would, but it's more realistic I'd live with my dad. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?  Skydive. What fictional place would you most like to go to?  Yo can I go to Azeroth. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?  UHHHHHH.  I'm honestly not quite sure.  But Mark is like super high on the list, if not #1.  I'm not well-informed on a lot of people's accomplishments lajsfdaowe. What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?  Hmmmm.  Good question. What is one thing you really want but can’t afford?  Lmao dude I want so many expensive things atm. What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?  I almost snorted reading this question because like do you honestly expect something impressive of me.  I... guess I understand Sony Vegas well? What are some of the turning points in your life?  Uhhhh meeting my ex, the divorce, discovering my passion for photography, the breakup, re-uniting with Dad, r e c o v e r y. What’s your cure for hiccups?  NOTHING.  NOTHING WORKS. Don’t you think it’d be cool to see a colossal squid?  FUCKING NOPE THEY ARE SPAWNS OF THE NIGHTMARE REALM. What kind of steak do you prefer?  When I ate meat, I liked medium well. Has anyone ever cheated on their significant other with you?  Yes, allow me to (not) tell you about my stupid 12-year-old self. Are you fascinated by outer space?  *cue the Mark "Space is Cool" mix* Do you answer your phone when it’s a number you don’t recognize? Never. When washing your hands, do you wet your hands or put soap on first?  Put the soap on. When was the hardest you ever cried? What was the circumstance?  The night of the breakup.  I had left the house to walk to Jason's, and Mom got in the car and kept driving in front of me to stop me (I was too practically catatonic to run).  Eventually gave up, she drove me home, and when she opened the door, it was my goal to run to the kitchen and slit my throat, but the moment I made the action to run, she pretty much tackled me and I sobbed my lungs out for like 30 minutes.  Fuck that entire night. Who were your last 3 Facebook messages from and what do they say?  "lol but hey thats the world we live in lol well goodnight honey and i hope to speak to u again" from Leslie, "How quaint O:" from Girt, "Its okay :)" from Amanda. Who was the last person to comment on your Facebook status? What does the comment say?  Sara saying "YEP" when I shared a picture of straight people dating versus lesbians and it was spot-on. Which do you use the most, smiley faces, kisses or hearts?  Faces, probs. Do you like sweet or salty popcorn? Ohhhh both.  But I've gotta side with salty. Have you ever had to put your hand over someone’s mouth to keep them quiet?  Once. Have you ever fed a wild animal?  Yes. The last time you packed, where were you going?  Sara's. Do you believe in astrology?  Definitely not. Do you have an accent?  Not really, but you can pick up a southern tone with some words.  Example, my "your" sounds more like "yer," usually. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear?  No. Do you sing in the shower?  I have been a tad bit lately...  I used to never. Are you satisfied with your current camera? My phone camera is SHIT, and I need a new actual camera.  55-200mm lens is broken, the other one's automatic focus setting is and I'm not great at manual focus. Have you ever been in a choir?  In Catholic church, yes. Does it bother you to have dirt on the bottom of your bare feet?  Y E S Has anyone ever told you that you have a big butt?  I literally have the flattest ass of any female you'll ever meet. Do you often skip breakfast? Pretty much daily now, yeah.  I'm fasting and don't eat until 11, so breakfast's passed. Last person who drove you somewhere (besides your parents)? Nicole. Who last grabbed your behind?  I'm sure it was Chelsea being her crazy self. Do you eat raw cookie dough?  Yeah dukes up salmonella. Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy?  No. Would you survive in prison?  No.  I would find one way or another to kill myself. Do you drink? Smoke? Do drugs? Why, or why not?  Rarely, no, no.  I drink usually in celebratory settings to loosen up some and sometimes just because I like the flavor of weak, fruity alcohol.  Smoking's gross, drugs are ew. What was the first cigarette you ever smoked?  Never smoked. Are you scared about the end of the world?  If I'mma be in it, hell yeah.  But it's not something I actively worry about because I don't think it'll happen in my lifetime. Do you prefer landmarks or street names when being given directions?  Landmarks.  I don't know street names for shit. Do you read the prologues in the beginnings of books?  Yes. Where is one place that you’d never be caught dead in?  Never be caught dead in, ever... uhhhh... nothing's coming to mind right now.  Oh wait.  Probably a strip club. Apple Jacks: yay or nay?  YAY. Do you have a favorite Scooby-Doo movie?  Yeah, but I don't remember which one. ;-;  It's that one where the girl says her name is Mary Jane and Shaggy goes, "That's, like, my favorite name."  Totally went over my head as a kid lmao. Have you ever met a guy for coffee?  No, I hate coffee anyway. Who is your pet most attached to in your family?  Teddy's most attached to me, I'm the only one who has any physical contact with Venus and she trusts me, Bentley is bonded with Mom, and Mitsu is still apprehensive of anyone. Does the last person you shared a bed with mean anything to you?  The whole world and more. What do you normally do when you’ve had a really bad day?  Cry, have a shit attitude occasionally, a nap is common, talk to Sara, binge my favorite Markiplier videos. When is the next time you will wear a dress?  Hm.  Maybe this summer if I'm confident enough in my body by then lmao. On the main page on YouTube, what’re the three recommended videos? 8-BitGaming beating SCP: Containment Breach, a DanAndPhilGAMES video of Golf With Friends, and then an 8-BitRyan vid of the full release of Raft. Do you know anyone from Canada? Yeah, my former roommate's ex. Are thongs sexy? Yeah, but oml I know I couldn't wear one. Did you grow up in a healthy environment? I wouldn't say "healthy," no.  My dad was an alcoholic at the time, parents always fought, and our neighborhood was dangerous. Heavy rain or heatwave? Heavy rain, easily.  Fuck the heat. You have a choice to shoot your father or die, what would you do?  I hate these damn questions, but I'd rather die.  My father deserves the longest and happiest life possible without the betrayal of his daughter. If killing yourself meant saving the world, would you?  Yeah.  It's a lose-lose situation for me; if I didn't, I'd still die if the world's gonna end. Who knows your most darkest memory or secret?  Jason and Mom should know, and whoever read those specific surveys. Who was the last person you almost went out with?  Meh.  Juan.  We talked and hung out once in... late 2016 I think and I was pretty confused as to how I felt about him.  Meanwhile, he hasn't kept it a secret in the least he's liked me since freshman year.  He's always treated me like a gentleman should, but I know the dark and disgusting parts of him.  Glad I decided against it. The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, or The Beatles?  Stones. What does your grandma call you?  Just my name. And what do you call your grandmother?  Grammy. Would you rather have a pool or a hot tub?  Pool. Do you think ‘everything bagels’ are disgusting?  No, but I have to be in the mood for one. Do you find serial killers fascinating?  I wouldn't call them as a whole fascinating, but what has to be going on in their brains to create such grotesque desires and creativities. Do you have high blood pressure?  No. Have you ever pumped gas?  No.  I'm 22 btw lmao. Have your parents ever caught you drinking?  I mean Mom's seen me with a drink when she didn't know I'd gotten one, but I wouldn't call it "caught" since I'm allowed to and I made no effort to make it secretive. Do you prefer writing by hand or typing? Typing.  Writing makes my carpal tunnel act up quickly, and besides, typing's way faster. Think of one of the biggest decisions you've had to make in your life. If you made a different choice, how different would your life be now?  Panicking and telling Mom when I overdosed.  I took way more than what I should've taken of a cold medicine I can't even look at now, but I don't think it would've killed me based on how I felt, but then again, the fluids or whatever I got to purge it could've saved me; however, I feel like I would've killed myself through another method if I didn't tell her.  It all led to the psychiatric care I needed. Have you ever taken a course on CPR?  No, but I should. Do you wear a watch? No, I don't even own one. When are you at your most energetic? A little after waking up.  Just gotta get over the initial drowsiness. Do you like playing cards? If so, what's your favorite game?  I don't really enjoy card games.  I liked Magic: The Gathering tho when I was with Jason, but I wasn't that good at it considering it's got like a billion rules.  I'd still play with someone who knew how to, though.  I loooove the PS3 version that was made for it, it was much easier and I found it relaxing.  And I adore the artwork like jfc. What are your parents’ natural hair colors? What is yours?  Extremely dark brown, black, dirty blonde but turned to brown. How do you react to random strangers suddenly trying to make conversation with you?  I get nervous. Do you like Slim Jims?  YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS MAMA. Have you ever been in a castle? The Disney World castle, if that counts? Would you rather write a mystery or love story? A love story. Are you afraid of getting shots?  No.  I don't like them, but. What do you currently hear?  "Pour Some Sugar On Me" cover by Ninja Sex Party. What’s one text that you saved?  Two texts from Sara that I love way too much. Have you ever cut your own hair?  No. What’s your favorite color combination? Probably orange and black bc Halloween. Did you share a locker at school? No. Have you ever sang karaoke?  No. How old were you when you went on your first date?  Huh, I dunno.  Just the guy and myself?  Probably dinner with Jason at 16? Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? Yeah. Would you rather have strep throat or an ear infection?  Holy fuck, after my last ear infection?  Strep. Where was your first job?  GameStop. Have you ever been to a night club? No. Do all good things really come to an end?  No, not all. How many people do you trust with your life?  Three. Are you too kind for your own good?  Don't think so. Have you ever held a baby? Yeah. What's your favorite '90s TV show?  The Nanny. What are you favorite book series? Warriors. Favorite superheroes?  I know he's technically an anti-hero, but does Deadpool still count?  If not, uh.  Batman I guess. Would people consider you more immature or mature? Mature, probably. Would you say most of your friends are older or younger than you?  Younger. If you have a significant other, do you get jealous of people a lot? She knows I was insecure as fuck in the beginning.  Now, nope. Who was your best friend in the fifth grade?  Ummm I think Quiata? Do your parents still help you financially?  I don't have a job.  So. Have either of your parents ever been in trouble with the law? Don't think so. Do you have a preferred brand of bottled water?  Essentia.  Thanks for not having it, NC. Are you more prone to overthinking things, or being too impulsive?  Hunny I overthink if I have to pee or not if it's not a massive need. How bad are your worst cramps on a scale of 1-10? Eh, maybe just a seven thanks to the pill. Have you ever thrown up from cramps?  No. List three people you had a hard time forgiving.  JASON, Dad, Mom multiple times. Who was your first celebrity crush?  Jesse McCartney. If applicable, what form of birth control do you use?  The pill.  But it's for cramps. Are you happy with your gender?  Yeah. What gender do you identify as?  Female. What gender were you born as? Female. Have you ever gotten high off a prescription medication?  No. Have you ever used a tampon?  Yeah. How old were you when your parents talked to you about puberty?  I don't think it's something we ever properly "talked" about, but rather indirectly when Mom taught me how to shave and told me when to start wearing a bra. How many people have you known who were suicidal?  Sadly, I think MOST people I know/most friends. What's your favorite pain reliever? Advil. Who has the cutest baby/babies you know? My nephew is literally the cutest child I have EVER seen. Do you have a lot of people blocked on Facebook? Actually yes, but most because Mom instructed me to block them when I was younger.  A few are of my own volition. What color is your razor/shaver?  Orange and white. What's your boyfriend/girlfriend's sisters name? She doesn't have any sisters. Do you like the sound of violins?  YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Would you be interested in going on a blind date?  Even if I was single, no. If you formed an unhealthy habit, would it be smoking or drinking? Oh boy, idk.  I think an alcohol addiction is more dangerous, but smoking has disgusting consequences. Have you ever bought a video game expansion pack? No. Do you wish YouTube had been around when you were a kid?  Nah.  I wouldn't want the risk of an earlier technology addiction. Do you remember preschool?  Yes. What color(s) was your backpack in high school?  Browns and black.  It was a Ouija board design. What health conditions do you have?  Physically, baaad dry scalp, dry af skin in general, inactive MRSA.  I've been over my mental ones enough. Have you ever collected seashells at the beach?  Yeah. Did you ever take dance lessons?  Yeah, for many years. If you took dance lessons, what was your favorite style of dance?  Modern. Have you ever worn a tutu? No. What was your favorite vacation that you went on as a child?  Disney World. Have you ever had braces?  Yeah. What is your favorite photo editing site? (or what do you use?) I don't use editing sites.  I use Photoshop, Lightroom, or PhotoScape. How many times did you take your driver's test?  I haven't yet.
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melodyrenslow · 4 years
In this gray hasn't found FT and juvia hasn't found phantom lord yet.
Gray's POV
It was a cold winter night, the icy wind was blowing hard against my face as I walk, altho I didn't mind it, the cold never bothered me anyways. my hands in my pocket. It was the anniversary of my masters Ur's death, and I had just went for a walk to try and clear my head. I stopped when I head crying and singing...as I got closer it started raining. The girl was singing a song I really connected with.
My face against the window pane A tear for every drop of rain I am so lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I never had
My face against the window pane A tear for every drop of rain I'm living like already I have died Have died Emptiness a present past A silent scream to shatter glass I have to go; it's time for me to fly
I am so lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had
Who will care if I'm not here? If suddenly I disappeared? No one's gonna notice it at all
Dying flowers in my hand I'm vanishing from where I stand It isn't yet too late to get the cure
I am so lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had So lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had
I am so lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had So lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had (Wake me with your kiss)
I stood their and listened to her hiding myself so she wouldn't see me, her voice was beautiful. I wondered why such a pretty girl like her was sitting alone in the rain singing this song but I honestly didn't have the social energy to talk to anyone today so I just kept myself hidden. The girl than started crying, and I felt kind of bad for her she was such a pretty girl and she seemed really nice too. I start to feel something wet against my skin but it didn't fell like it was rain so I touched my face to see that I'm crying...I instantly stood up and went home, I haven't cried in so long, I didn't know what to do or how to handle it. I ran all the way home, went inside locked the door and layed down on my bed as I began to sob. I was lost and alone, I had no one and I didn't even want to live anymore. I got up and was starting to shake, I think I was having a panic attack. I grabbed a knife and put it on my skin as pressed down...blood started to spill but it wasn't a lot, I had only made a small cut. I put the knife down and fall on the bed sobbing more...I don't know why I did that, I wasn't crying because of the pain I was crying because I couldn't believe I had decided to self harm. My mind started to wonder back to that girl and I drifted off into sleep.
Juvia's POV
Juvia was singing one of her favorite songs "Alone" by Anna Blue. She thought she sensed someone around but she couldn't see anyone and no one ever wants to be around her because it's always raining around her so she shrugged it off. Juvia hated being alone but what else could she do? No one will hang around her and she's annoying. Juvia starts to cry while she sits, there thinking, she was used to this it was her daily routine...wake up and skip breakfast, have a good cry, go for a walk, have a good cry, sing a depressing song, have a good cry, eat a small lunch, and skip dinner, have a good cry in the shower than go to bed, wake up and repeat.
Narrator's POV
That's what Juvia did every day and she didn't plan on changing up this routine, until something happens, something that she was not ready for...finding and saving the person that would change her life forever.
Juvia's POV
Juvia gets up and takes a walk to a coffee shop to eat a small lunch. She sits down and orders a sandwich, and a coffee that's all she wanted to eat. She quickly begins to walk to her seat she didn't like to be around people like this. She was looking at her feet not watching where she was going when she accidently bumps into someone. "Juvia's so s-sorry" she stutters as she looks up at him. He had beautiful ice cold features. He had blue hair and it, he wore a silver necklace that looked like an ice crystal and he wasn't wearing a shirt, he had a nice body too. He also had a silver chain on his shorts.
"I-it's f-fine" he replies, it sounded like his voice was breaking as he walks up to the front to order his drink. Juvia watched him order, he was very handsome but Juvia knew she had no chance....no one likes to hang around Juvia. Juvia sighs as she sits down with her sandwich and coffee and begins to slowly eat, she ate just enough to stay alive, she hated the way she looked, she thought she was ugly. She see's the man pay for his coffee and leave. After Juvia finished eating she got up and walked to her house. She layed down on her bed and thought about the guy she saw, she couldn't get him out of her head.
Gray's POV
After I had woken up, I went and got some coffee when this beautiful and small girl bumps into me. She wore a long light blue dress and had a pink umbrella open and the weird thing is that it was raining inside the building. "Juvia's so s-sorry"
"I-it's f-fine" I reply as I go to get my coffee. As soon as I get my coffee and pay for it I walk out and sit on the roof of a building. I sat there drinking my coffee. I was a failure and and I had killed my master, it was all my fault that she was dead. I sat there for a few hours thinking back on my life back than first I lose my parents to Deliora, and than I try to take down Deliora and my master gets killed because of it. I'm weak and a disgrace and I shouldn't even be alive. After drank my coffee, I stand up and got on the ledge. Tears fell down my face as I got ready to jump when I hear a voice.
"What are you doing?" a voice asks it had just started raining and the voice it sounded like that girl from the coffee shop.
Uh n-nothing just go away" I say quickly.
"Your gonna jump aren't you?" she asks and I turn to look at her and I was right it was the girl from the coffee shop, she was still beautiful as ever. I sigh and turn back around getting ready to just end it here and now when she begins to sing...and it was the same voice as the person in the alleyway, her voice was beautiful. "And every time the rain comes down, You know that I'm the one who'll be around, you're fighting a demon Your heart keeps on bleeding You're feeling so close to the edge...." she sings and looks at me, "don't jump" she says and walks closer to me. "You're losing your temper, You want to surrender, I'm talking you down on the ledge" she puts her hand out, "come take my hand" I look at her and at the ground not sure what to do. "You won't go lonely into this fight, If you just hold me we will survive, Every time the rain comes down I'm the one who'll be around I'll become a part of you and share your pain, Every time the rain comes down I'mma lift you off the ground Gonna grab your hand and take you far away Every time the rain comes down... Every time the rain comes down..." I look at her, the rain mixes in with my tears as I look at her and wonder something.
"Why are you trying to stop me?" I ask her.
"Juvia don't want you to jump...when she's around you for some reason...Juvia don't know it's weird but when she's around you for some reason she feels complete and not lonely anymore" she replies and I realize she talks in third person.
"What's your name?" I ask her.
"Juvia and yours?"
"Gray" I respond.
"Well Juvia I have no reason to live so if you don't wanna see it happen I suggest you leave" I tell her as I turn around.
"All your tears are in vain And it drives you insane Cause nobody cares if you cry" she sings and than says "but I care" than goes back to singing. "Deep inside, there's a riot I feel that you're tired You don't wanna live a lie You won't go lonely into this fight If you just hold me we will survive, Every time the rain comes down I'm the one who'll be around I'll become a part of you and share your pain, Every time the rain comes down, I'mma lift you off the ground Gonna grab your hand and take you far away, Every time the rain comes down... Every time the rain comes down...And every time the rain comes down You know that I'm the one who'll be around." She walks closer to me and gets on the ledge and takes my hand. "Every time the rain comes down I'm the one who'll be around, I'll become a part of you and share your pain Every time the rain comes down I'mma lift you off the ground, Gonna grab your hand and take you far away, Every time the rain comes down... Every time the rain comes down..." she finishes singing and looks at me. "Please don't jump Juvia gets this weird feeling around you and wants to know...no hopes to know you get the same weird feeling"
Juvia's POV
Juvia was trying to talk Gray out of ending everything... "Juvia I don't have a reason to live, my parents are dead because I wasn't strong enough to protect them, my master is dead because I tried killing the demon that killed my parents but I wasn't strong enough I'm a disgrace Juvia. I have no one Juvia I'm all alone so why should I want to live?"
"Gray your not a disgrace and it's not your fault your parents and master passed, please don't end it all...I know what it's like to be alone no one wants to be around me because wherever I go the rain follows, I'm called the rain girl and I don't have parents or friends so I know what it's like but we don't have to be alone anymore...we can be there for each other" Juvia tells him and decides to do something risky, she puts her lips on Gray's and they kiss, a nice long passoite kiss.
"Woah" gray responds.
Juvia looks at Gray "Juvia is sorry, she doesn't know what she was thinking"
"No don't be sorry, I actually really enjoyed it" Gray responds.
"If you enjoyed it than don't jump...it can happen more" Juvia says while blushing. Juvia than leads him down from the ledge and gray smiles.
"Alright I won't" he whispers "also your singing voice is beautiful"
"T-thanks" Juvia blushes.
"I really should be getting home, it's getting late" Gray says to me.
"Why don't you come to Juvia's house? Juvia don't want you alone tonight after what almost happened"
"O-ok s-sure" he responds and Juvia gets really happy, and the rain stops. It hasn't stopped in years.
"Juvia the rain it's gone" Gray says.
Juvia smiles and nods and they head to her house.
(So, I first wrote this on wattpad and they haven’t asked for  it to become a story...if any of y’all want it to be a story let me know and I’ll start writing it on wattpad, royal road, fanfiction.net, Quotev, Archive on our own, and others in the future. My username for all those websites is melodyrenslow. I write stories that aren’t one-shots but are fanfictions on these websites. As of right now most of my stuff is on wattpad but I’m slowly getting everything on the other websites as well.
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catfishloveff · 7 years
Chapter 62
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It was 3am and Chris and I had just gotten back from another night in the studio. Meagan and Trey had Cj for the night. I really appreciated their help but now that we were spending so much time in the studio it wasn’t enough.
As soon as we walked through the door Chris grabbed me and pushed me against the wall and kissed me. “Baby…” I said between kisses “I really want to…..but I’m...tired.” He stopped “And I have a photoshoot in the morning.”
He pulled away and sighed. “Do you realize that we haven’t had sex in weeks?”
“I know” I said “we’ve been so busy but I promise I’ll make it up to you.” I gave him a light kiss on the lips.
“How?” He asked. He was still holding me in place against the wall
“I’ll figure something out” I said and I gave him deep passionate kiss so he would have something to think about until next time.
When I woke up the next morning I glanced at the clock and immediately jumped up. “Oh shit” I said as I scrambled around. I had a photoshoot with Vogue and I was going to be late.
“Baby” I said as I shook him. “Baby, wake up!!!”
“What’s wrong?” Chris mumbled as he looked at me through barely open eyes.
“I’m late” I said as I ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower and walked back  out “And we have to pick up Cj first”
He sighed and got out of bed while rubbing his eyes. “Why do I have to come with you to this shoot again?”
“Because we have a meeting at the label after and it’s just easier if we’re already together.” I said as I grabbed his wrist and pulled him with me to the bathroom. It would be quicker if we showered together.
When were done showering and getting dressed, and after I had stopped Chris from trying to fuck me in the shower, we quickly got dressed and headed out the door.
When we arrived at the venue, I jumped out of the car and ran to hair and makeup leaving Chris and Cj behind, we had picked him up on the way there. “I’m so sorry I’m late” I told the director as I sat down and they began to make me beautiful.
“It’s no problem we were running a little behind schedule anyway” She told me.
I let out a sigh of relief as Chris walked in with Cj . “We’re gonna wait for you over here” he told me as he sat down.
When I was done getting ready and I got on set I was suddenly really nervous. It was the first time Chris was actually here watching me model for a real magazine. He had been there when I modeled for Mel and Lele but this was different. This was the next level. And then it hit me. I was actually going to be on the cover of Vogue.
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I sat there and watched Robyn model. It was amazing to watch. She was a natural and I felt truly blessed that this beautiful goddess was mine. Even Cj was watching her with wide eyes. He was holding onto my fingers for balance while I let him stand on the floor. He was almost one now and he was almost able to walk. He could stand on his own but whenever he tried to walk he would fall. He was watching Robyn intently and then all of a sudden he said “Mama” and let go of my hands and nearly ran towards her. He didn’t fall once.
Robyn suddenly stopped what she was doing when she saw him coming and dropped down to her knees. “HE’S WALKING” she screamed as she picked him up and kissed him all over his face.
I ran over to them. “He was watching you the whole time” I said with a smile and took him from her so she could get back to her shoot. “Sorry about that I said to the director”
“No problem that was so cute” she said “I think we may have gotten that on video”
I took him back to our seat and we let Robyn finished her shoot. While we were watching my phone rang.
“Hello”’I said as I picked it up.
“Chris” I heard my mother's voice say.
“Hey momma” I said “what’s up?”
“Hey son, how are you? You don’t call your mother enough. I speak to Robyn more than I speak to you.” She said.
“I’m sorry momma” I told her “I’ve just been so busy. A lot has been going on over here.”
“Yeah I heard” she said “Robyn says you guys have been working really hard. That’s why I called.”
“Yeah we have” I said.
“Well I was thinking that maybe I should come out there and stay for awhile. I know you guys need the help and I miss my grandbaby. I don’t see him enough and I wanna be there to watch him grow up.”
The thought of my mom coming out here to stay with us sounded amazing but I wasn’t sure if having her in the house would be the best idea. Me and Robyn haven’t had sex in forever and having my mom here couldn’t help but how could I say no.
“That sounds great momma. Cj misses you too and so do me and Robyn. I’ll let her know you’re coming when she’s done with her photoshoot.” We talked a little longer about when she would come and then we got off the phone.
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After my photoshoot we were in the car and Chris told me he had something he wanted to talk to me about. “What is it?” I asked
“My mom called earlier” he said “She wants to come stay out here for a while.”
“Oh” I said not really surprised “Well I might have put that thought in her mind.”
“What do you mean?” He asked
“Well...I was telling her how stressed we were and how I needed help with Cj.”
“And you didn’t think about running this by me first?”
“I was going to...eventually” I said but he just gave me a look.
“Listen I’ve thought this through. She can stay with us for a while, it’s not like we don’t have the space, and it’s just until we find her, her own place nearby. We can afford to do that for her. Plus, you know I don’t have much family and I think of her as my Mom too and I want Cj to know his grandma.”
“I want my mom here just as much as you do, but we’re gonna have to find her a place asap” he said.
“Agreed” I said and I smiled. “If we’re gonna take this music stuff seriously, I need her here. I’ll only feel comfortable if she’s there to take care of Cj whenever I can’t.”
“Okay, I’ll call her and we’ll book a flight for her to come this weekend” he said as he parked the car.
We were at Roc Nation for a meeting with the CEO Jay Brown and some of the executives.  “You ready?” He asked as we walked in together.
“Not really” I said. He squeezed my hand and we walked over to the receptionist.
“Hi, we have a meeting with Mr. Brown” he said to her.
“Names?” she asked
“Chris Brown and Robyn Fenty” he told her.
“Right this way” she said as she led us to his office.
When we walked in the office Jay was sitting at the end of a long table with a bunch of other executives. “Our guest have arrived” he said as me and Chris took our seats. Fortunately, Cj was asleep so we didn’t have to worry about him being noisy. “Let’s get down to business.”
“First let me start by saying that we are extremely happy to have you both here at Roc Nation.” he said
“Thank you, we’re happy to be here” Chris told him and I nodded in agreement.
“Our team here has been discussing how we should go about introducing you and your music to the world and we’ve come up with a few ideas. That’s why we asked you to come here today. Being that the both of you already have a huge following for other reasons, we can assume that you already have a pretty solid fan base. That being said, there’s a music festival in vegas next weekend and we’d like you both to perform.”
My eyes widened. “Perform?” I asked. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to release a pre-recorded track and they want me to perform live. I didn’t know if I could do it.
He and the other executives nodded. “Yes. We think it would be a great way to put you guys out there. We’ve had the opportunity to listen to both of your music and you’ve exceeded our expectations. A lot of other artist would kill to perform there but we have no doubt that you guys are the right way to go.”
“Also” one of the executives said “We thinks that maybe you guys could collaborate on a song and perform it together.”
“Wow” Chris said “I’m honored that you guys are giving us this opportunity. Is it ok if me we talk about it and get back to you.”
“Of course that’s not a problem. Sleep on it, but we do need to know your answer by tomorrow morning”
“No problem” I told them as we all began to get up. We both shook their hands, said our goodbyes and walked out.
Once we were in the car Chris looked over at me expectantly “So...what do you think?” he asked.
I didn’t answer right away. “I…” I started. I knew Chris really wanted to do this. I looked up at him and I could see the hope in his eye. It made me smile and I would do anything to make him happy. “We can do it.”
The biggest smile spread across his face and he leaned over and kissed. “This is going to be amazing. We can spend the weekend in Vegas plus we get to perform our music.”
“Yeah” I said “I’m more worried about the performing part.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there to help you every step of the way” he told me.
“It’s a good thing momma is coming” I said as I looked back at Cj fast asleep in his car seat.
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“Vegas?” Trey asked as I told him about our meeting with Roc Nation. We were in the studio getting ready to record the song Robyn and I wrote together.
“Yeah, they want us to perform. It’s gonna be lit.” I said
Robyn was sitting on the couch holding Cj “We were thinking that maybe everyone could come. It’s gonna be our first time performing and of course we want everyone to be there and it’s all on us.” she said
“That sounds great” he said “Me and Meagan are down if everyone else is.”
Robyn smiled “I can’t wait, I haven’t spent time with my girls in forever we need this.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely gonna be a weekend to remember” I said.
A few moments later Jay Brown and the executives from the meeting walked in. We had been waiting for them. We said hello and talked for a minute before they all took a seat and waited for us to start.
“Ok let’s do this” Robyn said as she put Cj down, so that he could play with his toys, and walked into the booth. I followed her in while Trey played the track and Robyn started singing.
Baby you don't need to be scared of me
I guarantee that I'm not a mistake
I'mma give you all of my love
And I hope that you won't misplace it
You created this shit
Going insane with all of this fear
Can't turn my back on it
I'm in love gotta' face it
You're the only one I wanna stay on the phone with
Oh the late night Skype sex
On that young shit
Girl you keep it one hunnit
Always gon' hold me down
You know you're the number one
Girl I'mma work you out
[Chris & Robyn]
Ain't got much to say
I ain't about to make you wait
I'm just gon' take you from here
Girl let's ride away
Let's elevate, just elevate
Yeah girl let me take you for a ride
[Chris & Robyn]
Baby let me change your life
Promise it will be alright
Baby take my hand tonight
Let me set you free now
Sweatin' like a waterbed (on me)
Keep puttin' that thang (on me)
Like you never did before
I'm gon' explore all of your body
Put it up right there, right there
Right there, right there
Put it up right there, right there (I'm gon' explore all of your body)
Put it up right there
Put it up right there (I love, I love you)
I'm gon' explore all of your body
[Chris & Robyn]
I'mma write my name with my tongue on your back baby
Come on, just let me
I know you're ready
And even if there is a crowd
Let 'em see it
I'mma give you some more
Just let 'em all just say what they wanna say
That's how I feel, cause I'm in love
And the temperature just heats up
When I'm with you, don't be scared
When I start to go down and I lick you
Rubbin' and kissin' and lickin' on your body
When I go down and oh I'm gon' miss you
Gonna need your body right now
Cause I know it's an issue
And I'm hyperventilating right now
I can't breathe, If I ain't with you
I need your body like right now
I need your body like right now
Lay your head, on my bed
Baby tell me if you want the lights down
Your property, treat me like I'm your property
Do what you wanna, take command
I'm about to be your biggest fan
Your property, treat me like I'm your property
Do what you wanna, take command
I'm about to be your biggest fan
[Chris & Robyn]
Baby let me change your life
Promise it will be alright
Baby take my hand tonight
Let me set you free now
Sweatin' like a waterbed (on me)
Keep puttin' that thang (on me)
Like you never did before
I'm gon' explore all of your body
Put it up right there, right there
(Oh god, Oh girl)
Right there, right there
(Oh god, Oh girl)
Put it up right there, right there (I'm gon' explore all of your body)
Put it up right there
Put it up right there (I love, I love you)
I love, I love you
I'm gon' explore all of your body
[Chris & Robyn]
Looking for too many places
Searching high and low for you
I'm stronger when I'm close to you
I'm seeing all familiar faces
Girl it's all about you, only you in my life
And I see, you like playing with my heart
Baby, please don't do this to me
Cause I'm in love
Can I get a little bit? One more kiss?
Yeah I don't wanna miss it
[Chris & Robyn]
Baby let me change your life
Promise it will be alright
Baby take my hand tonight
Let me set you free now
Sweatin' like a waterbed (on me)
Keep puttin' that thang (on me)
Like you never did before
I'm gon' explore all of your body
Put it up right there, right there
Right there, right there (right there)
Put it up right there, right there (I'm gon' explore all of your body)
Put it up right there
Put it up right there (I love, I love you)
I'm gon' explore all of your body
The sexual tension between me and Robyn, while we were singing was almost unbearable. We would have fucked right there in the booth if there wasn’t a room full of people watching. I could tell Robyn was feeling it too cause she was suddenly all flustered and red while biting her lip. We were just staring at eachother in a trance when Trey interrupted.
“Ummm...guys??” he said causing us to finally look away from each other. “That was amazing. I think you got it on the first take.”
We came out of the booth and Jay and the executives stood up and began clapping. “Now that’s what we were looking for. You too have real potential to become Icons one day. I’d bet my last dollar on it” he said and everyone else nodded in agreement.
“Thank you so much sir” I said as we shook their hands “I hope you’re right.”
When we were done talking we quickly got Cj and left. The tension never went away during the whole ride home but we didn’t say a word. While we driving I could tell she was wet because she was squirming in her seat.
I glanced in the rearview mirror to see if Cj was asleep and saw that he was knocked out. As soon as we got home I opened the door for Robyn and took Cj out of the car and up to his room. I walked to our room and as soon as I opened the door Robyn jumped on me causing us both to fall to the floor.
“I need you” she said as she began pulling off my clothes and kissing my neck.
“Damn baby, I need you too” I said as she reached her hands into my pants, pulled my hard dick out and took me into her warm hot mouth. “Fuck Robyn” I moaned as she took me deep into her throat. I loved how she never gaged, not once. She gave me head until I came and she swallowed every last drop. I looked at her in awe as she pulled of her dress and panties and positioned me at her entrance. I was already hard again and she slowly slid down on me.
“Fuck” we both said in unison.
“I missed you so much” she said as she rode me faster. She was creaming so much it was dripping down my dick to my balls.
“Shit baby, you’re so wet” I told her as I grabbed her waist and starting thrusting my hips up to fuck her harder.
“Fuck...Chris...it’s so deep” she said between moans.
I held on to her hips and stood up and held her against the wall. She put her legs over my shoulders and I sped up fucking her faster and harder.
“Oh god” she said. Her legs were shaking and I could feel her walls tightening around me “I’m coming”
I didn’t stop or slow down I continued to fuck her harder until I felt her squirting all over “CHRIS” she screamed “I CAN’T”
I walked over to the bed and threw her down on it. “Turn around” I told her “I want you ass up face down”
She was still shaking and out of breathe but I didn’t care, I wasn’t done with her yet. She turned around and arched her back putting her ass in the air for me. I grabbed her arms and held them behind her and slammed into her as hard as I could. “SHIT” she screamed as I began pounding her hard but slow. “Daddy, you feel so good” she said while moaning. I continued going in and out of her slowly until she was about to come again. “You better not fucking come” I told her as my dick rubbed her g-spot over and over again.
“Please Daddy….fuck...I can’t hold it” she begged
“No” I said as I started going faster and I reached down and rubbed her clit.
“Please baby….please let me come” she said as she shook and squirmed underneath me. She tried to lean forward and run but I was holding on to her hips tightly so she couldn’t get away. I could tell she was desperate.
“Come” i told her and she let go. I could feel her walls squeezing me as she squirted everywhere and I came inside her at the same time.
“I love you” she said, exhausted, as I pulled out and we laid down on the bed. She could barely move so I pulled the comforter over both of us. “I love you too” I said as I held her and we fell asleep.
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