#i'm not on tumblr much these days but!!!! cannot wait to hear your thoughts omg <3
oh-my-chocolate · 2 months
temeraire hold is here 🎉🎉
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I just finished the Button House Archives and it's SPECTACULAR. Here are some personal highlights:
I love Alison's additions and comments in lots of places. She is fighting tooth and nail to stay on those hinges, and we love to see a character with spunk!
Mick's facial reconstruction could be the most horrifying thing I have *ever* seen
Mary's bits are some of my absolute favourites. Her speaking/writing voice is just delicious
Pat was just a terrible group leader wasn't he XD the arrow was really just a matter of time. He should have gone orienteering with them first, then he might have lost the kids before they could kill him
HAH I unwittingly picked Kitty's "character quote" to use in my video edit :P I feel validated
Thomas with his painfully literal complaints about other people's poems OMG rip bestie you would have loved tumblr (I haven't listened to the audiobook yet but I swear I can hear his "counted them, did you?" through the page)
I really like the way you can glimpse parts of later documents around the edges of earlier ones (like with Pat's folder, where the layers are removed one at a time, p. 22-23, 40-41, etc)
Hang on, just gotta go put on One Night in Bangkok for Robin (wait, now I need to hear him say that out loud)
Cap's munitions requests and personally penned operations with their TERRIBLE hand drawn maps that he keeps sending to actual Southern Command; I am fascinated by your mind sir. I believe he suffers from the same affliction I had in school where a combination of the dunning-cruger effect regarding general knowledge and teachers not talking to you in person about what you write in hand-ins causes you to just sort of assume everything you do is brilliant and that then it simply disappears into an unknowable void, and therefore you feel basically free to confess to murder in writing without ever thinking of the consequences. Embarrassment and second thoughts are very much face-to-face kinds of emotions (as he. ahem. would come to find out). Like, is written communication even real? Did it ever really leave your head?
Also: his war diaries were published? 1) who chose to publish them and 2) did Havers ever come across them by any chance? (plus: love to see a fellow tiny handwriting person. Cheers!)
The hand lettering on everything is so well made!!! I know a little (heavy emphasis on 'little') about palaeography, and the writing styles are recognisably of their eras, if many of the letter forms have indeed been updated to be readable for modern audiences. Compare for example Arthur Pinhoe's writing from 1575 (p. 8-11) with this actual letter from 1547. Also this actual 1700s writing to Kitty's diary entries from 1779 (p. 70-71 etc). (These samples are in Swedish but minus åäö they're all the same letters.) The writing also follows the pattern of older script being generally more rigid and standardised, while the closer to present day we get the more individual the handwriting becomes, which is a great opportunity for additional characterisation—which has also been very well implemented I think. I'm devouring every page of this, line by line!
REST IN BRIEFS (also the sly tail of the 'y' from the Daily Mail title just visible above the only compassionate headline lmao)
The reason I cannot talk to people is that Fanny's etiquette rules on conversing take over my entire mind from the moment I see another person.
Oh Kitty, I am coming to pick you up—you can be my sister instead of Eleanor's. It was nice to read her final entry though; finally the trick backfired and she got something good out of it while Eleanor suffered. Bieetch.
FANNY. SINCERELY. YOU ARE INSANE. I already knew about the letter where she demands reimbursement for the unsunk 7/8 of the Titanic's journey that she was cheated out of, but to SIGN IT OFF WITH "Would be survisor/victim of the RMS Titanic". Unbelievable.
Pat write a legible word challenge
I have a slight suspicion Julian might have had something to do with the designs for the Boys Adventure Club badges...
The "pictures of the ghosts" will make excellent reference photos for the various rooms, I appreciate them very much (should we make a game out of copying them and filling in the ghosts? There is a lot of potential there)
Humphrey, my guy... do you need a hug? (Sorry.)
Robin's constellations are impeccable I say we officially replace the zodiac with these no more superstition only bum
Julian's final email was really well written; a single page yet it's oozing with character and story
The behind the scenes pictures at the end are heartwarming. I am slightly alarmed at my ability to pinpoint the precise scene in the specific episode many of them are from though... is it maybe time for a break?
No. Never!
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howdoyousleep3 · 10 months
(1/?) hi K - idk why tumblr made me unfollow you, but we move i guess LOL. i just wanted to tell you that i really love your writing! you do such a wonderful job with writing relationships — they're loving and gentle, but also intense, all-consuming. i adore how wrapped up in each other your characters are 🥰 i like how you show not just the nsfw stuff, but the domesticity too. you're sooo good at hurt/comfort!!! you've managed to make the same two characters feel very different due to how you write them — all your pairings feel very distinct and unique. i think you're really creative with your ideas and
(2/?) tbh i aspire to be so good at coming up with different concepts and stories! i thought i'd end this by telling you that my fave character of yours is your bucky, he's sooo sweet i just LOVE him 😭 i feel like your love and care for him as a character really shines through in how you write him. i am forever thinking about how precious he is <3 i am also SUPER excited for the next chapter of YTLYTN and i can't wait to see how their relationship will develop. i want bucky to call him daddy already!! 😭 and steve needs a little bit of gentleness and love in his life. he's got all the money he needs but no one to spoil it with 🥺 (3/3) and when steve told bucky to give him a kiss after his long day at work 🥴 omg. i just died. cannot WAIT for bucky to be his kept boy — I MEAN, for them to fall in love 🥰 anyway, this is the end of a really long rant to say i really appreciate your work :) i find your hurt/comfort fics so comforting and you just are such a great writer. anything you publish i'll be interested in reading because super secret truth, i read a lot of m/m kindle books but none of them are as good as your writing. hope you're doing well! keep doing what you're doing! 🥰❤️🎉
🥺😭 x1,000,000 this is such a sweet ask, Lavender! These are all things that are so important to me and that I'm always thinking of as I write, so it's lovely to hear these are things you are enjoying as a reader. 🥺
I lub Baby Bucky so much too. He'll always be my sweet baby. 🥺
Ugh, I'm so ready for Bucky to call Steve Daddy! I don't think I've written much without a Daddy dynamic and I want want want it. It'll be worth the wait but 😤 I am impatient! I'm a sucker for "gimme a kiss", ughhhhh.
Thank you so much for stopping by and giving me some sweet sweet lovin' in the for of such kindly worded compliments. 😭 I'll be pocketing this one away for when I doubt myself on my journey to self-publishing. 💖💖💖
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wearingaberetinparis · 11 months
Hii! I'm back!
I might not be completely normal yet, but boy do I feel better! I didn't have the nerve to actually uninstall Tumblr, so I used to drop in once or twice a day just to like and save what I'd like to read, and OMG I have so much to!
I missed you and your writing so so much! I cannot wait to catch up on love is a lie! Hoping I have some good news waiting there, fingers crossed!🤞🏻
Also, very very importantly, how are you holding up? How's anaemia treating you? I hope you're resting and taking care of yourself! Sending so much love and light your way!❤️✨
ANNNNDDDD. I also want to hear about this wedding singing (if you're comfortable sharing it, of course!). I haven't heard you sing but I can tell you were A-MA-ZING! I really hope you enjoyed yourself, sweetheart!🥰
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Welcome back! I am glad to read you are feeling better! I have missed you and your comments a lot too. I hope you will enjoy catching up to Love Is A Lie!
I'm tired, but good! Still somewhat on the mend, obviously, but definitely so much better than before!
The singing at the wedding went well too, lots of people came up to me to say that they thought it sounded great/beautiful, so I'm - for once - taking it and feeling proud of myself for actually performing to a level that made other people go: "I had no idea you could sing like that!"
Sending you a hug in return!
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tiny-tigers · 1 year
Ahh not to worry! I saw a few (didn't see him) but it didn't look like a proper graduation ball... 👀 there were girls in trainers?? 🥴😳
Ahh cute dogs!! Didn't know about the Papa Steward dog breeding thing! I do know they go shooting which is 🥴🥴🥴😢 (haven't seen Fred do that yet thankfully...)
You're right! Jack doesn't seem to do any big purchases (bar holidays) never noticed that! (clever x2) 😆 didn't notice the lisp either! 😅
This video thing is actually crazy now, I can't believe how long its taking! - but maybe its just something as simple as Jack not checking his work emails this summer???
You're right - the difference in dynamics is so interesting! Also I think DK and Fred (well the boys in general) are closer to George Martin than I previously thought?? Hearing how George was the one to comfort Fred after the red in Dublin, and now him and DK going on a couples holiday together - could also just be that Ralitsa and Natalie get on really well!
I knew they lived on the same estate but oooh I didn't know other Ollie was living with Fred and DK?! I know they lived together previously but had no idea he'd made the move to Wigston with them?? 🙈
I'm interested to see the new dynamics next season with the new players! Ollie Hassell-Collins and his gf seem lovely but very co-dependent so I wonder if he'll be out with the boys much! Also can't wait to see how their behaviour/play changes under a new head coach...👀
Yeah I've never understood people who do that with complete strangers and then publicise it online for everyone to see like its normal behaviour?? Yours is a fanpage, you support and highlight the boys, sexualising them just isn't necessary - can you imagine if it were the other way around? Gross 😖
It was so weird they danced while having headphones ?
Well he did some clay shooting with Jack and they surely do go hunting... I think it was one of the story that Fred deleted where all the puppies were on Fred :)) and there was the main mamma dog in a sort of coffin and red light to not be cold.
Omg you have to listen to it ??? I was with my headphones one day and at 17 min I was like AGAIN ? Because in some interviews you clearly hear it hehe and first time I heard it in interviews I was like no I imagined it but no hehehe chsschhhschhh https://youtu.be/7797ueo-Lrw for his first cap same you heart it also it is so cute. Depends on his anxiety but sometimes I only hear the lisp.
You gave me an idea and I messaged them asking them to try his other socials otherwise I will DM him on twitter at one point seriously I cannot wait until OCTOBER , should I ?
You are right about Martin , well I knew they were close with Fred but again I don't think George Martin and Jack are that close because of also how he described him as a nice guy on the guess who https://youtu.be/zP8XxPX1qQE (<- also the kid question hahahaa )
I'm not 10000000% sure but I thought Ollie moved with them ?? ?
I don't want to be hypocritical, I do sometimes write some cheeky comments over HERE and sexualize them from time to time but it's a bit of my editorial line HERE because this tumblr is a bit of my safe place and my open brain where I throw it all. This being said, believe me I would NEVER voice that publicly? Like this tumblr , people choose to follow it it's not as public as Instagram or twitter could be or TIKTOK ???? Like people are so thirsty on them it is INSANE. Let's face it if I'm supposed to be a marble stone when Jack goes commando (he did it twice already) 😭you are at the WRONG address (so sorry to disappoint you but he is my godlike boy I never seen someone more beautiful)
But people thirsting on Fred and Tagging him on insta ???????DUDES
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moonbinscirera · 2 years
Omg I'm going back in time to scold svt's stylists and album coordinators for not putting bluehao in YC for you 😤 that way you can have double the bluehao eras!
Awww, I feel like tumblr doesn't always appreciate artists as much as it should unfortunately (I hope that continues to change) but I really do think your art is so pretty 🥺 cannot wait to see more of it!
🤩 You being an artist since being a wee Ran is so cute. I'm sure your art journey and growth has been really fun to see!! I really like that point of wanting to save a moment 😲 it's kind of like when I want to take a picture of something to save but I'm loving how you add your own touch to it... It's even more impressive because it's done from scratch with talent... You're so cool!
The thoughts and work put into those are so.... 😭😭😭😭 BRB while I go grab some tissues. That's not what I was expecting - in fact it was even better and so wonderful to hear... I think whoever receives your gifts are super lucky and should feel really honored by the time, effort, and love you put in ❤️
I hope you have a fun and safe time visiting family!! Today was so chill and nice for me... Ooh what do you like to do for fun? Any hobbies besides being a super talented artist? 😍
no because me too when i found out that they will shoot jacket photos before the albums songs are even finalized???? like why 😭 please svt really said mmmm lets be different
please imma blush
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i just try to make something i think they would like 😭
we roadtrippin to see so my fam so its like not always the funest time being cooped up in the car 😔
ohmg anytime someone asks me my hobbies im hit with the stark realization i dont have alot 😭 i mostly read fanfic and lately ive gotten back into playing on my switch again since pokemon had a new game and there was a sale on some games sometimes ill play sims⁴ or city skylines on my computer uhhmmm i like watching really long video essays and honestly if ive ever watched or played the topic in question is purely optional like ill watch someone talk at length about silent hill or some tv show and never have played or plan to watch
i genuinely got excited when yt reccd me to a 9 hr retrospective on skyrim i kid u not 😅 i used to knit but ill confess i havent touched my needles in like a year-
also im happy ur day was chill i wish all ur days are nice n chill! what do u like to do 👀
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journen · 2 years
Hi there! For the drawing requests: Obi-Wan initiating a keldable kiss after a particularly bloody battle on Cody's part and Cody just staring at Obi-Wan wide-eyed and shocked because 'General do you even know what you're doing??'
I can't wait to see whatever you choose to draw next and let me tell you the fact that you've started drawing codywan as well makes me so happy! I really love your art —it's so gorgeous and your style really makes it easy to pretend everything you draw is official star wars art (especially the Kenobi pieces). If the show touches upon half the things you've already explored I know I won't be disappointed. I was so beyond thrilled when you posted the first codywan piece a while back and I love that it wasn't just a one time thing! I'm obsessed with the way you draw Cody's hair and one can really tell how much thought you put into every piece and into telling a story. Anyway thanks for sharing your ideas and I hope you're having a good day! :'))
When I first saw this I freaked out at the drawing prompt, and then thought the whole thing was a prompt from you, so when I read the second paragraph I went WHAT!!!!
Wtf. Thank you so much? Oh my god.
I can’t believe you sent this message haha, this is the nicest thing ever! I’m so honoured you like my art and my storytelling especially. Hearing you say this makes me so 🥺😭 I love storytelling and I always try to infuse it into my work, and make it good/interesting. It means a lot to me that at least 1 person out there reads my dumb story rambles under my posts lol, I always think I annoy and scare people off with how much I write, but I really can’t help it lol.
And ahhh I’m so happy you like my Kenobi séries pieces too! I made it a challenge to do a compilation of concept paintings for scenes I want to see in the Kenobi show. 🥺 I never expected to be able to do so many, let alone for anyone to even like them, it was just meant to be a personal challenge to improve at my art and storytelling. And omg your support of my CodyWan art is just 🥺🥺🥺 I’ve never been big into shipping and am ALWAYS so shy about it, but this ship got me lol. But the fact you’ve followed my artwork and we’re happy when I first posted the ship art? Oh my god i cannot handle !!!/!!/!/
Anyhow, I’m very grateful, and I really don’t know what I did to deserve all this support and such a kind message from you. All of the support from you and others of my art encourages me to keep working towards my goal of being a concept artist.
And let me just say to you, you are actually so kind and supportive. I see your kind and creative tags on everything you reblog from me, and other amazing artists and content creators. SW Tumblr would not be the same without your presence. So thank YOU!!
This is what I have right now for your drawing suggestion!
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I will probably change the expressions a bit but my idea was that Obi-Wan is tired and delirious(kind of like me right now lol) like 😌, and Cody is like « umm what are you doing ?? Bad timing bro??!! » HAHAHA! I hope you like how it’s coming along, let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements! And I’ll tag you when it’s finished.
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lovenona · 3 years
LONG ask ahead, sorry T^T
*arrives in a hurry after 2-3 days* *slow, appreciative clap at the ted talk* sweetie, have you got any idea how much i adore hearing you ramble about the creation process??? seeing the whole love and dedication you hold for the odyssey makes my day! (and nooo, i'm totally not reading it again bc i want to have all of it in mind for tomorrow and bc it inspires me to no end hahaha what do you mean :) )
here comes yet another question: what kind of powers do you possess to write so beautifully. your writing literally punches me in the gut every single time, even the simplest of things!! it's hauntingly beautiful and i'm living for it!
(and another one) how did you find out how the odyssey was going to end?
also, it's rambling time because i've been thinking. (i do that sometimes.) each chapter title is a reference to a greek myth, and, in particular, odysseus' myth (no clue if i've written his name right, i've always knew him as "ulysse" in my mother tongue ^^;). and so my brain went: oooh nice, greek lore ^^ and then: yo wait. hold up. which brings me here: analysing the chapter titles. (bear with me please, and feel free to ignore my enthusiastic rambling/correct me if i'm wrong which i probs will)
so first, we have the prelude. david and calypso. while i'm sure david has his importance it's almost 1 am as i'm typing this so i'm going to focus on calypso. poor nymph is stuck in an island because of the will of gods for a reason i've forgotten. but here's the catch: while she cannot leave, others can come to her (good ol' odysseus for instance) until they leave her all alone again. and the cycle unfolds again and again. which brings us to a nice parallel with reader's situation at the beginnig. she, after all, is stuck on an island with no way out but stories. comes the dilf supreme toji aka an odysseus of sorts, until he leaves her. so she's alone again. calypso there illustrates a passive state of sorts. she cannot leave, or so she thinks: while she wants to, we don't see her try per se until sukuna comes in.
ah yes. sukuna’s arrival. chapter title: neptune’s hands. Neptune, god of the seas, all powerful, also known as Poseidon absolutely terrifying if provoked �� which is something Odysseus did! well, man is smart enough not to do it to his face. but he did stab a cyclope, which happened to be neptune’s son. son who swore to a haughty Odysseus that he’d pay for it. in consequence: instead of going back to Ithaca without that much of trouble, Neptune goes: nope mate, and promptly sabotage his return (with a storm who leads his ship astray if my memory is correct). Neptune serves as a catalyst in here, to properly start the action. and it so happens to be sukuna’s role! he is, as well, the one who starts reader’s journey — well, odyssey in this case ;) — by making her this offer. plus, if we consider reader as being calypso, a nymph, and sukuna as being Neptune, a god, it shows their difference in power. sukuna is a fearsome curse, captain whose name is enough to strike fear in the cruellest pirate, who can and will kill reader should he get bored of her. reader is but a printer’s apprentice, so weak compared to him it hurts.
ah, yes. the narcissus pool aka siren gojo, aka me simping so hard for this man I might squirt with the mere mention of him. yes, siren gojo is that powerful, feel free to lure me in with them baby blues sweetie *blows him a kiss* hem. anyway. long story short, an oracle said: if narcissus sees his reflection, he’ll die. people prevent him from seeing himself. ofc man is so handsome it hurts and has women and men alike running after him, including a nymph named echo. he rejects her. hera is somehow involved in the mess and makes it so that he stumbles upon a river and sees himself. entranced by his beauty, he desperately tries to reach himself and stays near the river until he dies. this one is a bit trickier (especially considering I’m writing this as I go with no coherent preparation whatsoever but damn if I’m not having fun). but. *proceeds to read it again* *sighs in ‘why the hell ain’t siren!gojo real pls sir take me’* anyway. it’s never mentioned in narcissus’ myth, but I’m pretty sure he was tempted to look at himself. at least once, considering he could wonder why on earth all those people kept falling for his looks. (or he could be pretty dumb. let’s say he isn’t) so he’s tempted by his own reflection. just like reader’s tempted to follow segsy siren gojo. he doesn’t up until hera is involved and ends up seeing his reflection. he falls. not literally, but in love — with his own self. here it’s different (and the reason why i’m strugglingTM to gather coherent thoughts). gojo is the very embodiment of this temptation — so he acts as narcissus’ reflection here. he’s the one seducing reader, the one luring her until she falls in the waters, just like narcissus did. she didn’t die though, unlike him. (thank you sukuna. I guess. yes I would’ve given my life for gojo to consume me in both ways and??) now, this is very simp-tainted (sorry bout that ^^;) and the thing I’ve noticed is this: narcissus isn’t a character in the og odyssey. could it be bc to my absolute despair, gojo’s not as much of an important character as sukuna and toji? only you know!
(the hades, psyche analysis comes in tomorrow *looks @ time* *sees it's 1 AM* well, later on! have a lovely night/day!)
- the LRE (who's very happy tumblr allowed her to do paragraph breaks/to have a pirate history book recommandation! thanks about that one btw, it'll come in handy for a ff of mine (yeah it involves pirate gojo))
wait this is so precious n thoughtful oh my gosh 😭 thoughts n vibes under the cut :’) 
first of all THANK U!!!??? ur making me blush out here omg my hEART 😭 
as for ur first question, ur SO SWEET n IM LOSING IT bye i genuinely don’t know i just scream and throw a bunch of commas and metaphors everywhere and somehow things happen 💀 i read a lot (english major vibes) and it’s very helpful because i tend to imitate writers/phrases/books that inspire me while i'm figuring out how i want to write !! 
secondly: how did i figure out the ending of the odyssey??
answer: i think i just stumbled across this one 😭 i was brainstorming w my bestie (@/suedebunn) n she originally suggested a different version of the ending that i was like “oh wait” and then i played with it for awhile until i arrived at the version i have now ! i want to tell u more about how i arrived from point A to point B and what the process was but i will withhold because i am not giving anything away >:)
onto ur TITLE ANALYSIS!! this is SPECTACULAR! ur pretty much on the nose for all of them god damn i don’t have much to add :’) i’ll give u some of my takes tho!!
david and calypso – ur absolutely on the nose for the calypso aspect; david’s just a passing nod to the pirates of the caribbean portrayal of davy jones and the doomed relationship between him and calypso (mirroring the doomed relationship between toji and reader since he leaves them) 
neptune’s hands – yes! yeah! sexy! pirate sukuna is being compared to a sea god!! also a minor teaser but sukuna’s hands are important symbolically ;-) 
narcissus pool – ur brain is so big here god damn 🤲 narcissus is more of a loose reference to the idea of pride/ temptation and also hollowness/mirages (the emptiness of a reflection versus the tangibility of the real thing) so it’s not immediately a reference to the odyssey itself or even the myth (i'm taking creative liberties bye homer) but probably the best entity to use when describing gojo – the dichotomy between pride/emptiness is a lot more apparent in part 5 
gosh thank u sm for this!! excited to see what u have next!!!!!!
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kkulmoon · 3 years
I'm sure you did well on those exams 😤 you're amai!! Ofc you would do well!!
As for me... i caught covid over the winter break LOL thought i might die, but! I've recovered and is alive and kicking. Other than that, i just kinda spend like 90% of my times on genshin impact over the break so nothing really happened LOL
And I lived in the United State, what new year??? It's still December 46th 2020, there were a coup not too long ago so that was fun, i hate it here. I have half a mind to learn every languages in Europe so i can yeet myself out of this country.
On a brighter note... GOT7 IS FREE!!! my bby is free and i'm happy. Also BTS new samsung pic 😍😍😍 i----- boi they should be illegal.... AND JK WENT BLONDE HMMMMM SIS I NEARLY HAD A STROKE WHEN I SAW IT
How about you, lovely? Anything interesting or you wanna rant about?
Question of the day is... if you have 1 week left to live, how would you spend it?
let’s hope so, I’ll keep your enthusiasm and hopefully it all goes well, I’m only really nervous about one of the tests the rest went quite well, you believe in me wayyyy to much but i’m flattered lol 
ohhhh no bub, i’m so sorry about that ;(( but i’m so glad to hear that you’re doing better now and I hope that you soon recover fully 🥺
i had to google “genshin impact” like the non gamer that I am 😓, it seems like cool game though, love the visuals, is it your favourite game? i haven’t played a video game in probably 4 -5 years or so 👀 i honestly feel like i’ve forgotten how to play lol
“DECEMBER 46TH 2020″ I AM SHRIEKING T^T, no but honestly the situation in the us is a real mess, just thinking about it makes me drained, i hope that people don’t gloss over the whole thing and sweep it under rug like it never happened because it benefits a certain group of people 👀
hun we don’t talk about samsung adverts here like it’s actually sick!!!, did you see how big joon was 😳, i nearly pulled a “learnado dicaprio bites his hand”, the phone was barely visible ksjsksjl and even it were visible we would still have been looking at bts anyway
if we don’t talk about bts x samsung then we don’t THINK about blonde jk. NOT. ONE. BIT. NO NO NO like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i’m having a big revelation soon so you’ll understand why i’m at the end of my wits when it comes to jeon jungkook, that on performance with the blonde hair and the harness, I WAS LEFT DEDDDDDDD even while watching on like 480 def 🤡
hmmm the only think I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is what I want to gif now that I am back, honestly feel like I lost the little skill I had 😭and my idea bank is literally empty but I’ll hopefully manage *sigh*. also i am really curious if netflix’s “sweet home” and “the school nurse files” will have a second season cause I am OBSESSED!!!! the first one is just horror and straight up gore and the other one is just a really quirky and interesting series imo, other than that not much to rant about. any rant material on your end?
oofff 1 week?! huhhhhh, I mean I would probably try things I have yet to do, like adrenaline inducing things, most of which involves jumping 🤪otherwise I think I would be quite chill, reread as many of my favourite books, watch my favourite movies and then spend time with my family 🥰 and maybe write about my last days cause why not. 
i’m coming in with the generic question but I feel like it needs to be asked, do you have any new year’s resolutions for 2021 👀??
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