trifosinence · 3 days
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trifosinence · 3 days
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hey remember this dragon’s lair classic death ? guess who had to sexualize it and inject it with his weird fetishes ..
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trifosinence · 3 days
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My dumbest comic maybe ever.
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trifosinence · 3 days
Hey btw, if you're doing worldbuilding on something, and you're scared of writing ~unrealistic~ things into it out of fear that it'll sound lazy and ripped-out-of-your-ass, but you also don't want to do all the back-breaking research on coming up with depressingly boring, but practical and ~realistic~ solutions, have a rule:
Just give the thing two layers of explanation. One to explain the specific problem, and another one explaining the explanation. Have an example:
Plot hole 1: If the vampires can't stand daylight, why couldn't they just move around underground?
Solution 1: They can't go underground, the sewer system of the city is full of giant alligators who would eat them.
Well, that's a very quick and simple explanation, which sure opens up additional questions.
Plot hole 2: How and why the fuck are there alligators in the sewers? How do they survive, what do they eat down there when there's no vampires?
Solution 2: The nuns of the Underground Monastery feed and take care of them as a part of their sacred duties.
It takes exactly two layers to create an illusion that every question has an answer - that it's just turtles all the way down. And if you're lucky, you might even find that the second question's answer loops right back into the first one, filling up the plot hole entirely:
Plot hole 3: Who the fuck are the sewer nuns and what's their point and purpose?
Solution 3: The sewer nuns live underground in order to feed the alligators, in order to make sure that the vampires don't try to move around via the sewer system.
When you're just making things up, you don't need to have an answer for everything - just two layers is enough to create the illusion of infinite depth. Answer the question that looms behind the answer of the first question, and a normal reader won't bother to dig around for a 3rd question.
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trifosinence · 3 years
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trifosinence · 3 years
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trifosinence · 3 years
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C̶̛͒ä̴́͝t̵͒̉ ̴̾͘w̴̽́ạ̶͌ĺ̸̇k̸̛͋ ̸͑̇c̵̓͝y̴̻̋c̵̽͠l̶̈̾è̶͑
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trifosinence · 3 years
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trifosinence · 3 years
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Don’t mess with bongo cat.
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trifosinence · 5 years
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Are you ready ? 
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trifosinence · 6 years
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You would be surprised with how many people in your life could be going through depression at this very moment.  People hide it like a paper bag over their heads out of fear of being judged, made fun of, seen as weak, or just not taken seriously.  Depression should not be taken lightly, it holds us down from our purpose and potential in life.  Those who tell you that it doesn’t exist have never experienced depression in their life, therefore not understanding the symptoms and how it’s something that cannot be fixed in a day!  So if you think you are depressed or if you think you know someone else who is, please talk to a friend, a family member, or anyone else in your life that you trust - never overlook the possibility of seeing a doctor for more professional help!!  Your feelings are real, your feelings are shared upon millions.  Don’t hide it, talk to someone about it.  With the right help, you can rediscover your confidence and begin life anew with our undying love and support! We are right here!!
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trifosinence · 6 years
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no surfers were harmed during the making of this comic 
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trifosinence · 6 years
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SOURCE: conflict of disinterest
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trifosinence · 6 years
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Link: Instagram, Facebook
21K notes · View notes
trifosinence · 6 years
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8 notes · View notes
trifosinence · 6 years
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4K notes · View notes
trifosinence · 6 years
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Is it a kind of sandwich?
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