#i'm losing it over NOTHING over ONE GIFSET
earlgodwin · 6 months
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these parts are from two different books (the first part is from the borgias: blood & beauty by sarah dunant, and the second part is from sins of the house of borgia sarah bower) and i gotta say, the babygirlification of juan borgia is so real!! he's an it girl and we love to see it 🙏
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enslaughts · 11 months
claire tried to be carmy's pete bla bla she doesn't even know who pete IS.... she literally just fell in love with the worst person anyone could ever fall in love with at age like fourteen. it's not that deep i promise
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phonydiaries · 8 months
Worse for The Wear, P X Reader
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Disclaimer: I've barely progressed past the first miniboss in Lies of P and I don't want to spoil the story for myself so I'm going off of information pretty much exclusively based on gifsets and screenshots,,, so if some of this isn't lore-accurate pls forgive me! it's indulgent fluff. Also if you enjoy this short piece and want to read more from me please tell me! I'd love to interact with this fandom more. Thanks, hope you enjoy!
As you kneel under the dank and decrepit streetlights, your knees are dirty, damp, and freezing cold against the pavement of Krat Station. Couldn’t this stranger have chosen a more convenient place to lose consciousness, you wonder. Perhaps he could’ve collapsed in a setting just slightly less dramatic than a torrential downpour? You’ll be sure to ask him as soon as he awakes. If he awakes. God, you hope he does. 
You came upon him by accident really. Weaving your way through alleyways, dimly lit and speckled with decaying automatons. Miraculously you were able to avoid being detected, though the boy now lying in front of you wasn’t so lucky. The sight of him made your heart sink; limbs strewn about on the ground, his face equally obscured by dark soaked locks over his eyes and the wet pavement pressed against his cheek. The poor thing’s once-white shirt was discolored to a near black, smeared with slick tarry oil. Against your better judgment, you stopped to make sure he was alright.
With one arm you reach around the man’s torso and ungracefully heave him into a face-up position. As gently as you can, you adjust so his head is allowed to rest in your lap. The stranger's face, like his clothes, is marred with automaton grease; streaked across the bridge of his nose, caught in his dark angular brows, blotting his delicate mouth. He looks elegant somehow, even in his current state. His lips are slightly parted as he breathes in, shallow. Breath! He is alive! Curious, you ever so slowly bring two fingers to the man’s mouth and carefully wipe away a smear of oil. As you go to inspect the material closer, something closes, steely and cold, around your wrist. Startled, you yelp and your eyes dart to whatever is now clutching your arm. A masterfully crafted hand of pure steel curls its fingers around your wrist. The metal chills you to the bone. Monetarily frozen, you catch a glimpse of brilliant blue glinting in the eyes of the stranger, like sunlight diffused through seaglass. 
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you.” You say, your voice a bit more shrill than you would like. The stranger's eyes narrow momentarily, but quickly soften. His energy is clearly limited, without much to be spent on anything other than remaining conscious. This is clearly evidenced by the immediate loosening of his grip as his head lolls back into your lap. 
“Oh…” You murmur, watching him with some concern. It’s difficult somehow to work up the courage to ask for more details on his injuries. You find yourself somewhat distracted by the beauty radiating from his waifish face. Your hand slides into place, cupping his pale cheek against your palm. His skin is soft, but cold. He can’t stay out in this storm much longer if he’s to have any chance at recovery. He seems to have momentarily slipped back into sleep, and so you take the opportunity to swipe away a lock of dark hair covering one eye.
“Sir,” you say softly “Can you stand? I’ll help you out of this rain if you’re able.” 
He stirs then. His lids flutter, heavy, as if each time he blinks it becomes harder to keep his eyes open. Your heart jumps a bit at the sight of it. 
“Please,” You trace the line of his sharp cheekbone “I’d be happy to get us both out of this mess.”
The stranger says nothing, but nods, and leans forward in an attempt at becoming upright once again. You preemptively hold your arms open, and he falls somewhat awkwardly into your chest. He’s heavier than you expected for someone with such a slight build! Although the mechanized arm probably accounts for most of it. With a bit of strain on your knees, you’re able to hoist him up into a standing -albeit hunched- position, his arm slung haphazardly around your shoulders. You swear a whimper escapes his lips as his chin dips into the nape of your neck. You try to focus on the task at hand, but have to admit to yourself that the feeling of his breath on your skin is electrifying. 
“Where -um- which way did you come from?” 
The stranger lifts his head just barely and looks around, obviously dazed. His gaze settles ahead and he raises his mechanical arm in a weak gesture towards a structure in the distance. You recognize it as Hotel Krat, a place you know of, but have never actually been. 
“There?” You ask, and the weary boy nods. In preparation for the journey ahead, you adjust your stance slightly. “Onwards and upwards then…” You mutter; and the two of you stumble forward stepping on each other's toes occasionally. Slowly but surely, you head towards shelter. 
The interior of the hotel is lit warmly, inviting and decorated beautifully. Under better circumstances you would’ve taken ample time to admire the whole place, but as soon as you step through the doors your companion collapses against the wall. He sucks in a sharp breath of air at his shoulders collision with the wall. Quickly you come to his aid, holding him steady at the waist and offering up your shoulder once again for him to lean on. Through a thick curtain of thoroughly drenched dark hair he looks at you, appreciative. 
“Thank you.” 
And the words are so soft, so melodic, you have to wonder if you only imagined it. Stunned, you respond simply,
“You’re welcome.”
You feel those striking blue eyes dance across your face, making it wildly difficult to think straight, much less speak. A sudden realization comes upon you; that in this moment you want nothing more in the world than to stay here, even freezing cold and soaked to the bone, taking in the sight of this man. 
You notice just above his brow there’s still remnants of that black liquid. Absent-mindedly, you move your hand from your companion’s waist to wipe it away, leaning in ever so slightly to get a closer look. The boy catches your hand halfway. At first you think he’s swatting it away, but instead he stares at it with undivided attention, as if it were some rare treasure. Silently he intertwines his fingers with yours. For a moment, you’re frozen again, a jolt of blue lightning shooting up your spine at the quiet intimacy of the gesture. The mysterious boy inches closer, his nose grazing yours as he places a tender, appreciative kiss on your lips. You feel your face flush and reflexively tighten your grip on his hand. This seems to startle him and he stumbles out of the kiss. Your hand, however, is still holding tight to his, and so the two of you take a short sweet tumble onto the glossy floor. 
Quickly you attempt to readjust, but you’ve landed conveniently head first against the boy's chest, so close you can hear a mechanical whirring beneath his skin. Your companion lifts your face with his human hand and inspects it carefully for injury. He squints, but seems satisfied that the only thing bruised by the fall is your ego. Carefully, the boy stands, pulling you up with him. His mouth curls into a kind smile, which becomes a melodic laugh gracefully escaping his lips. 
We’re even now, you think to yourself.
 Now we’ve both helped each other up. 
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sunnibits · 1 year
never seen this show in my life but i'm doing my part!!!
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no okay, but seriously, benny boy doesn't even deserve to rank in this one because ofmd is, even from a purely outside perspective, THE 'fuck that old man' show. it is the show that appears to be, for all intents and purposes, uniquely constructed around fucking that old man/those old men. am i wrong???? have all the slutty gifsets pulled me astray?? WHAT IS THE TRUTH
EXACTLY!! You’re SO correct Abbey like come on people does Ed tummy mean NOTHING TO YOU???
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I’m literally so mad about Izzy losing the vote you have no idea. Like yes I understand Benoit is thee tumblr babygirl right now but he comes NOWHERE close to being as fuckable as God’s Perfect Bottom, Israel Fucking Hands. Everyone voting for Benoit is either wrong or GROSSLY uneducated.
Like, yeah, ok, I haven’t actually watched Glass Onion so maybe I don’t get the right to speak on it, but unless I’m missing some hidden side of the fandom that’s posting nonstop about Benoit Blanc’s radioactive pussy??? He has NOTHING, I tell you, NOTHING on the way Izzy Hands has been mass-sexualized by the fandom. The only posts I’ve ever seen about mr Blanc have been funny goofy sillyposts. That is NOWHERE near the level of insanity that Izzy Hands inspires in people.
I have seen the most deranged fucking posts ever created by the human mind about this man. The most fucked up insane porn to ever exist. I mean, truly INSANE amounts of porn art and writing, oh my god you would not believe how much, WHICH THE ACTOR WHO PLAYS HIM LITERALLY ACTIVELY ENCOURAGES!!!!! I mean come ON, Izzy Hands did not MOAN “OOO DADDY” ON SCREEN FOR Y’ALL TO LET HIM LOSE THE FUCKABLE OLD MAN VOTE!!!
This 55 year old grumpy ass man has been bent over a hundred different ways by the fandom, he has been shipped with himself, he has been TURNED INTO AN ANIME GIRL, he has been dubbed a throat goat, a slut, a babygirl, he has been drawn as a catboy, in maid costumes, in cow costumes, there is literally a comic about him on Twitter in which he is literally a TRANSGENDER POMERANIAN DOG WHO GOT KNOCKED UP BY DOG CALICO JACK.
everyone go show your fucking respect to The Most Fuckable Babygirl Old Man to ever exist right now or I’m blowing you up. I know it’s too late for him to win the vote because people are ignorant, shameful fools, but at the very least we can make sure he doesn’t lose without honor. vote izzy hands as that old man you wanna fuck.
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Youre making me emotional about how ok Neil is to die for the Protagonist.
no but like he's just. so calm about it. he's so willing. he knows it's worth it he knows the world is worth it he knows his friend is worth it!!!!! I keep thinking about that Richard Siken quote that I'm always on about, you know the one, "Imagine this: you're pulling the car over. Somebody is waiting. You're going to die in your best friend's arms and you play along because it's funny, because it's written down, you've memorized it, it's all you know. I say the phrases that keep it all going and everyone plays along. Imagine: someone's pulling a gun, and you're jumping into the middle of it. You didn't think you'd feel this way." which is.... INSANELY melodramatic of me but that poem is always in the back of my mind waiting to be relevant in any given situation sjfksnfksnd. I keep saying it in my tags on gifsets and stuff, but the thing that really struck me about Neil is that he's so pragmatic. like he's been doing this and dealing with this stuff for a WHILE, we don't really know how long but we know he's experienced. and he knows how things work he KNOWS all the moments of mistrust and "knowledge divided" and hard decisions are a part of the job, how could he NOT know that? he makes some difficult calls himself even before the end. but the thing is, yes he's pragmatic, but he's also a bit of a bleeding heart. he may know how things have to work but that doesn't make it *feel* any less. I think the thing i keep coming back to is the look on his face whenever the Protagonist shows a lack of trust in him (which is a whole other thing tbh bc the back and forth of trust is really interesting, like the Protagonist almost instinctively trusts Neil but also Doesn't and is Suspicious and like yeah, from his point of view it makes sense, but also the way he almost forgets to be suspicious at all sometimes is definitely Something) because you KNOW that Neil knows it's reasonable. he's known it since that first (last) handshake!! he knows that it's a reasonable suspicion just as well as he knows he can't explain anything right away, but you can see just looking at his face that the Protagonist not trusting him absolutely breaks his heart. pragmatist with a bleeding heart. anyway the point here is that like... it's the same thing at the end. it's the same thing. only this time Neil isn't the only one with the burden of Knowing, because there's nothing left to lose (what's happened happened) so he can finally explain some things. and the Knowing helps, a little bit, because now they BOTH know how this has to work, they both know why it matters so much, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. the bittersweet little smile on Neil's face as he walks away (and leaves the Protagonist, this experienced, often harsh military operative, openly crying) is actually so sad. like, it's worth it, it's so worth it, and they both Know, but it still hurts. it's simple and such an easy choice to make because it HAS to be made but it's still heartbreaking. earlier in the movie, Neil tries to convince the Protagonist not to go back to the car chase. but now it's flipped around (inverted...) and Neil is the one who has to say "now let me go" in the end. jumping into the middle of it and you didn't think you'd feel this way. hand on my heart hand on my stupid heart.
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yeyinde · 1 year
Hi, have you ever had it where people don't really respond that well to something that you've really enjoyed writing? I know people say write for yourself etc, but I had a fic that I absolutely poured my heart into that bombed. I'm trying not to let it get to me but it has knocked my confidence in my writing and I don't know how to get it back. Any suggestions?
Hiya! I tried to piece together my thoughts on this as best as I can. I tend to ramble a bit if I'm left to my own devices, but I tried to focus on my personal opinion on this, so I really hope it helps even a little bit!
It's always hard when you pour everything into something only for it to go unnoticed - be it art, fics, crafts, gifsets, edits, etc. - so I definitely understand the sense of discouragement that comes with seeing your hard work sit there and collect dust, so to speak.
But it's also really hard to determine what is going to gather the most attention versus what isn't. I think clinging to idea the popularity/number of kudos, hits, notes, etc., will always set you up for disappointment.
I know people often say to just enjoy what you write, and write for yourself - and this is all very true; once you find your niche and start honing your skillsets, everything else feels just like a bonus. I enjoy creating these little scenarios because it feeds into my desire to put my favourite characters into Situations. It also allows me an outlet for whatever intense emotion I'm going through at the time.
That being said, of course, no one would deny that engagement of any form on something you create feels good. However, I personally don't think focusing on numbers is what you should try to get gratification from.
One thing I have found is that there is nothing more impactful than sharing your work with others who enjoy your content.
I've always enjoyed the giddiness and satisfaction of sliding into my writer-friends DMs with an Idea™ and then watching them lose their minds over it/get hyped with me about this little thing I'm interested in. It's infinitely more gratifying to see people who regularly interact with you and your work enjoying it more than any number could possibly bring.
Maybe trying to find people within your fandoms who you can share work with, and engage in each other's content might help in the long run. There are certain fics I wrote EXCLUSIVELY because I knew it was going to absolutely ruin a few of my friends, and then seeing the comments they left just reinforced my belief that no number could ever amount to the beauty of seeing them go absolutely mad over something silly I penned out.
I really hope this helps!! 🖤
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jennawynn · 3 months
Chronotrek TNG Part 4
We're sailing through season 2!
2x11- Contagion
Appearing out of nowhere sure sounds like a transporter.
It always amazes me that medical personnel have no medical first aid training outside of their tech. If tech is so automated that anyone can use it, specialists at least should be trained in what to do if an emergency renders tech useless. They don't know what a splint is, FFS.
2x12- The Royale
Beyonce meme: NASA?!?
2033 and 2079- when the flag had 52 stars. Puerto Rico and DC statehood in the next 9? It's possible.
The laugh I laughed when "It was a dark and stormy night... (heavy sigh)"
2x13- Time Squared
In the beginning, they seemed to be establishing a 'time travel always happened' explanation of time travel that seemed to track with Pike in SNW and the red lights in Disco, but by the end of the episode, I'm not so sure anymore.
2x14 The Icarus Factor
Hey, dad's from Liar Liar. Also ew.
Why would Geordi ever believe a Klingon ceremony involved a ballroom and formalwear :joy:
2x15 Pen Pals
They have memory erasing? Did I know that before? Nice to see Pulaski being less of a jerk to Data.
2x16 Q-Who?
Why do they even have a food replicator in engineering if drinks aren't allowed? (Also imagining someone saying you can't have coffee in the plant causing a mutiny lol)
PEE-card or Pih-CARD?
Borg reminds me of Scorpius from Farscape- like who raided the BDSM shops for these costumes?
Picard's point as he says engage is almost comedic and out of place. Almost fan-servicey sometimes.
2x17 Samaritan Snare
Can you make our ship go? (Yes) We look for things to make our ship go.
They're gonna steal him, aren't they?
They stole him.
Why would surgeons wear full red (and no masks!) Of course this is a bloodless show, so they're not gonna show splatter anyway. But apparently they don't have to cut anymore either. How you replace a heart without cutting I do not know.
2x18 Up the Long Ladder
They really softened Pulaski huh? Or was it just towards Data?
This is another abortion analogy- are they allowed to steal DNA to procreate? Riker even says 'the right to exercise control over our own bodies."
They really should have asked the women's opinions about the arrangement first, though. There's like 3 of them and they have to have multiple children via multiple men. That sounds like my nightmare.
2x19 Manhunt
Man. I can't believe she'd snipe her own daughter like that lol
2x20- Emissary
Half-Klingon, huh? Humans really are the sluts of the universe. I usually see this kind of thing (there are half-elves and half-orcs, but always half-human, etc.) explained as humans are naturally more diverse within our race compared to other races which means we're more capable of inter-species breeding. You never see the same diversity of skin tone, size, features, personality, etc. in fantasy/sci-fi races as you do in real humans (partially because they have to be recognizable as Vulcan/elf/Klingon/halfling, etc.)
2x21 Peak Performance
sheds a tear look how far Pulaski's come.
One of my fave TNG gifsets here- It is possible to make no mistakes and still lose.
2x22 Shades of Gray
As far as clip shows go... it wasn't the worst I've seen.
3x1 lol Wes's little pimple face in 4k.
The uniforms are certainly thicker! AND collared! Yay!
All due respect to Sir Pat Stew, but Brent Spiner might have been the best actor on that set. The range he had to show.
Nanite civilization. Do we ever check in on them again?
3x2 Hey that voice is recognizable. Oh! Mrs. Doubtfire and Liar Liar (again!)
You don't understand the scope of my crime. I didn't kill just one Husnock or a hundred or a thousand. I killed them all. All Husnock everywhere. Are 11,000 people worth 50 billion? Is the love of a woman worth the destruction of a species?
We are not qualified to be your judges. We have no law to fit your crime.
God what would you even do if you wanted to penalize him for genocide? There's nothing you COULD do to a creature with that power... good thing he's punishing himself.
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lolexjpg · 3 months
dts s5 e6-8
e6: -having flashbacks of having to defend oscar to my mom for this why does the show try to lean into otmar's perspective so heavily GROSS -nah im full tinhatting i do not remember this whole bit where everyone hypes up oscar in interview before he has his lil chat with mark netflix u slimey lil bitches -oh if i was here when this news broke summer break 2022. i would've been inconsolable. i'm sure it was nuts, ballistic. maybe it was good i wasnt there. idk if i could've handled it akldkfjadslkfjasdkfj -lando saying "i already am (leading the team)" was not that rude it was just the TRUTH sorry -daniel speaking italian is so important actually -"ive been in this sport for 25 years i know what im doing" king that only makes the fumble THAT much more embarrassing COME ON -otmar talking abt how well oscar took all the shit we offered aren't we owed a contract? reminds me of timeshare schemes like actually just u paid for xyz if you dont have a contract in place he doesnt owe u anything maybe do contracts better next time :) -unfortunately zak brown is right!! its a pr disaster is the 5 million worth it!!! and they didnt even get the 5 mil!!! how do lose ur job speedrun masterclass here!! -i do wonder how much netflix inflated daniel's chances for the alpine seat, bc from what i've heard it wasnt really in the conversation. idk i wasnt there but it would make sense for netflix to lean heavily into this narrative -did not realize liam was sitting Right There when pierre was askin abt the gossip aldfjaslkfjaksjdf -the way how in season 1 its like NO DANIEL DON"T LEAVE RED BULL i feel the same way abt pierre going to alpine. like ofc it made perfect sense at the time and you cant fault him for it but like no babygirl its bouta implode PLEASE -rip all the tiktok edits that were muted in the umg purge that paired "good luck to oscar" with "if a man talks shit then i owe him nothing." thank u taylor couldn't have said it better myself -"do you regret anything that's happened?" "um. no :)" U TELL EM BABY
e7: -i'm sorry but geri seemingly getting boiling water from a tap to make tea is so fucking insane rich person cursed -was originally gonna include this funny shot of christian standing looking out a balcony like sharpay evans in high school musical in my s5 gifset but due to recent events i will not :) -i just think. that including this whole bit abt how much checo loves his family in the same episode as the monaco gp where he allegedly cheated on his wife was a CHOICE. interesting. -lewis's monaco 2022 outfit is one of his best outfits ever. its so iconic 2 me -HI ALEX -so many cinematic parallels to discuss. s1 max putting it in the wall in practice and ruining his race to prove he was faster than daniel. known parallels to brocedes ALLEGEDLY trying to sabotage eachother by crashing in that corner in monaco. hmm hmm hmm. much to think -im sorry the sainz collision is just so goofy. i remember watching the replay of this quali and being bamboozled. befuddled. deeply amused. what a stupid fucking sport -'for fucks sa-........okay this is typical monaco isnt it" MAX GETS IT -i honestly dont mind wet monaco races just bc by nature of the track its on average slower therefore less dangerous. i'll take a wet monaco over a wet spa any damn day -ferrari's double pit fuck up is PEAK embarassing ferrari strats. like to do a bad strat is one thing but to just mess up the strat ur trying to do. peak biblically cursed charles leclerc moment
e8: -god i wish i got more into yukierre. i see the appeal. unfortunately they just dont give me brain worms -many thoughts. um i think focusing on yuki's temper is just. unfair. like sure he should work on it but thats an issue with many young drivers its not a unique failure on his part -i have given thoughts on japan '22 before i'm not rly gonna rehash but i really wish the didn't gloss over it on dts. i think it was an important moment in the sport to have a big conversation abt rain safety. -oh this nyck supercut is gonna be painful knowing where it goes :/ -god remember when ppl thought nyck was gonna lead the team? leave yuki in the dust? even /i/ had him above yuki in my preseason predictions isnt that insane? -"im happy, i'll take that, that you'll miss me at least 2 or 3 minutes" god forgot the most romcom ass shit since sebchals we'll start by holding hands -nando n lance having this crazy crash and now a year later they're fucking on the reg. happy 4 them
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hecatesbroom · 11 months
I thought it was about time to make an index/introductory post to pin (because I love lists and this is essentially a list) so here we are :))
I'm Alys! Or at least I go by that online ever since I decided Internet safety also applies to me. I use she/her pronouns but honestly anything goes, and I'm known to friends as a grandma in a 21-year-old's body.
Feel free to tag me in things, send me a dm, or pop an ask in my tumblr mailbox. I don't bite, and I love interacting with people! (Which includes you, I promise!)
(I do have a tendency to forget to reply, which I'm working on, but please don't worry if that happens. It's nothing to do with you!)
I write fic and the occasional long meta post, and can make gifsets if I set my mind to it, most of them being on pieces of media so obscure they'll only appeal to a handful of people lol
Here's a little, probably incomplete list of the things I love and will most likely post/reblog stuff about:
My main interests at the moment are:
The Golden Girls (find all golden girls posts under #the golden girls, and most ship posts under #golden wives! I'm hoping to go back and re-tag my meta posts & ficlets with a special tag soon, but for now it's just one big treasure hunt under the main tag lol)
Maude (tagged #maude 1972)
And I'm following along with Dracula Daily this year (find all related posts under #dracula & #dracula daily)
Other things I have & will occasionally post about:
The Wheel of Time
The Witcher books
Good Omens
Doctor Who (watching for the very first time! You can find my unhinged rants under #alys watches who)
Tolkien, both his works and adaptations of it
Books in general, mostly fantasy and classics with a dash of basically everything else
The Locked Tomb on my sideblog @i-hardlyknowher
An entire list of (mostly niche, mostly British and Dutch) sitcoms from the '70s and '80s. Ask me about them if you want and I'll love you forever
I'm trying to read and see some more Shakespeare so you'll probably see the occasional post about that too
BBC Ghosts
Broadchurch, which I watched when it first aired, rewatched last year, and am back to occasionally losing my mind over now
The Worst Witch, which I don't really post about anymore but deserves a spot here anyway, because it's what inspired my username!!
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ofyorkshire · 6 months
sees 1 gifset of oliver jackson cohen
the temptation to try writing luke crain bashes me over the head once again. oh. i could write luke. i really really really think i could. i'm so weak for the broken ones who try, and fail, and have to try again. the resilient, bloodied ones who have nothing to lose but find things to hold onto anyway.
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ephemeralgalaxies · 2 years
ayo another meta post for wangxian (but nightless city flavored)
Alright y'all bare with me here since I cannot for the life of me upload screenshots or gifs (I swear I'll figure out my weird computer eventually but today is not that day). Absolutely in love with the gifset @cherryysundae posted, so I'm gonna attach that here for reference to the scene: (XX) (pls work)
TLDR; I have way too many emotions about the cliff scene, but especially the part where WWX realizes that JC is going to send LWJ down with WWX and WWX can't take that so he wrenches away to save LWJ bc he can't lose any more than he already has, even if that means dying alone (but then him realizing 16y later that maybe he still has reasons to live and he'll do whatever he can to keep them this time).
Once again getting emotional about wangxian, specifically the Bloodbath of Nightless City when WWX dies.
Ofc we see that WWX has lost virtually everything at this point, right? Lost his adoptive parents (no matter how cruel they might have been, they still raised him so it's gonna be a shock a person just doesn't recover from in even a year). Lost the respect of the cultivation world because he wasn't willing to fit into their mob mentality and charge the innocent for the crimes of a war. Lost his clan, his home, his family when Jiang Cheng rejected him; people he's known and fought beside his whole life, places he's grown up in, foods he's connected to every little moment. Lost his new family, seeing the Wens dead and disgraced with crowds of people able to witness their bodies and talk shit on them (he doesn't see A-Yuan, ofc, but surely he wouldn't believe a little kid to survive the indiscriminate wrath of the entire cultivation world. He knows what's coming, he knows A-Yuan is done for if not already. He can't protect him anymore). He looses his sister, his tether to the world, the one person (he knew of, at least, as we know that even when he came back via MXY, WWX thought LWJ never actually trusted him) that truly believed there was good in him --- that maybe he was doing a good thing. And she died right in front of him with him believing it was his control of the spirits that caused the chain of events (IT WASN'T EVEN THE SPIRITS THAT SURELY KILLED HER. SHE WOULD HAVE LIVED JUST FROM THAT. It was some other cultivator determined to take down WWX in his moment of vulnerability and family mourning that lead to Jiang Yanli pushing him out of the way so the sword would run her through instead). And then, if there was any hope in rekindling his relationship with Jiang Cheng, that surely suffocated it. He's lost everything.
And the worst part? They can't even see what they've all become. Wei Wuxian just stands there, overlooking the destruction they're all spiraling into, no longer even trying to control the spirits. He breaks the Yin Tiger Seal and scatters it to the animalistic crowd below. Now, he really has nothing. What more to lose? There's no coming back from this, nothing more for him to do, no one else for him to protect.
"Trust me," LWJ told him when they still stood on the rooftop together before it all got so out of control. It's the fact that even before WWX lost control of the spirits (with someone else's flute taking over and causing the destruction), LWJ is there with WWX trying to calm the situation, help him the only way he knows how. "Lan Zhan, do you think I have any other choice now?"
"The situation changed ... You must trust me. It's not that simple."
FIRST OF ALL IM SCREAMING The change this represents for Lan Wangji??? "It's not that simple" --- after years of trying to understand WWX and this growing tension within the cultivation world and their tyrannical systems, consulting Lan Xichen about "black and white, good and bad" and how not simple it all is. "Do you think I have any other choice now?" Because WWX thinks he understands LWJ by now; that the Perfect Golden Child of the Lan Sect would of course cherish and uphold every rule and regulation and surely the Lan Sect wouldn't allow for WWX's reputational actions (he should know, he memorized (almost) all of them, cocky lil shit reciting them to Wen Chao instead of the Wen Clan's). So surely, LWJ would believe there's nothing else for WWX to do --- he's too far gone. Everyone else seems to think so, why not him? If even his own brother could reject him like that, why would some High Moral guy who "hates [his] guts" (thanks, JC, for completely misreading LWJ's gay frustration) think that any of this is still salvageable?
"Situation changed" "trust me" "not that simple" --- bc LWJ understands now, he does. He watched what they did to the Wens, he knows that A-Yuan is still out there somewhere, all alone surrounded by resentful spirits. He hears how the crowd refuses to even try to reason, how they attempt to shoot WWX down, scorn him for defending himself --- others can harm him, but he can't touch them. Most of all, Lan Zhan knows Wei Ying. He just needs WWX to trust him now, and they can figure out a way --- even if it means leaving everything else behind.
In my opinion, I think LWJ was willing to sacrifice everything for WWX in this moment. I think he was ready. Before JYL died, before WWX lost control of the spirits, before the crowd broke out into monsters slicing and smashing each other for a piece of the Yin Tiger Seal. He would have done it. But then... "situation changed" again. Wei Wuxian lost everything (everything except him, but LWJ was never WWX's to begin with, was he? Who was LWJ to think he would be enough to make him stay? to make him "come back"?)
"Wei Ying... come back."
But WWX can't let that happen. He can't trust him, can't get too close. To him, he's hurt everyone he's touched. (ok, now we start the gifset references) So, he goes to the point of no return.
And Lan Wangji catches him. He catches his hand with Lan Wangji's wounded arm, literally pouring blood down as he grips onto him (and as @cherryysundae said, blood is slippery as shit. so that's a strong ass grip right there, fighting against both the pain, the weight, and literal fucking physics against him and he still manages. It's taking all he has just to hold WWX there, but he does. And then JC is there, and maybe he'll help; reach down and pull WWX up from the cliff, save his brother, fix what they have left of their grief-ridden family and sect (would anyone else besides the Jiang sect have noticed the change in spirits? When they refused to brutally harm anyone, but not even daring to touch the sect? because "Wei Wuxian hasn't forgotten us!" and then the utter horror when they think he has?)
But instead, LWJ sees that bloody sword, sees it gripped tight, JC's unmoving stance. "Jiang Wanyin! Stop it." The tears in his eyes here, the unspoken 'please stop falling with them, stop pushing him away, stop ignoring everything you've been raised upon and realize that some things need justice and sometimes those things are the systems you've base your life on. Stop grieving what you've lost to the point of blinding you from what you still have.' And JC pauses another moment, so LWJ turns his attention back to WWX --- make sure he's okay, that he's alive, that he's not planning on going anywhere just quite yet, just a moment more please---
And then Jiang Cheng draws his sword back and plunges it into the cliff side. (and now we get into why I specifically love The Untamed's version of this scene, maybe even more than the novel/manhua/donghua versions). Jiang Cheng doesn't stab Wei Wuxian, he hits the rock. He digs into the cliff, makes it unstable, twists his sword just so in a way that would force the loose stones to crumble beneath not just WWX, but also LWJ. And Wei Wuxian sees this, he knows what will happen if Lan Wangji continues to save him here, hold him there against the cliff without the strength to pull him up alone. He's lost everything... he can't lose Lan Zhan just as he starts to realize that maybe he can have him. And he realizes here that Lan Wangji would die for him. He would give up everything, and Wei Wuxian knows what it feels like to have nothing left.
"Do I have any other choice now?"
So he forces himself out of LWJ's grasp, falls into the pit, away from all the pain and nothingness and from Lan Zhan--- who still, even after JYL died and the spirits created a bloodbath and insanity fell upon the crowd in desperation for power of the amulet, still thought Wei Ying was worth saving. To the point that he'd die with him if that's what it took. Or maybe, LWJ doesn't notice the loose rock, doesn't see exactly what JC does with the sword, too focused on making sure WWX just stays right here, stays as safe as he can be. And maybe WWX knows this, knows LWJ won't be prepared for what's to come, knows he won't have the strength to save them both anyways, let alone himself if it came to it. I mean, you can see the moment WWX realizes what could happen: the way he stares at the sword, eyes wide, then in an instant they widen even more and that quick gasp before he wrenches his arm away from LWJ, pain and tears and guilt and fear on his face.
The pure devastation on Lan Wangji's face as he stands there frozen, arm still outstretched, even after JC walks away. He screams, Lan Wangji, Han Guangjun, Second Jade of the Lan Sect screams. I think this might be the most expressive we ever see of LWJ in the series, though he does let down his walls more after the 16 years (for The Untamed) than during their youth, but nothing ever quite like this. not even when faced with the possibility of losing WWX again via JGY (see: the other half of the referenced gifset). I mean, dude is PISSED, tho, absolutely staring daggers at JGY here, but he's calmer. He's grown. He's gotten stronger. And he knows that if it came to it, he would gladly give his life to save his Wei Ying. He's not letting him go again. He's tired of WWX's savior-complex; he loves him for it, but damn it's starting to get on his nerves when WWX keeps pushing LWJ away to save him. Just the:
WWX: "Lan Zhan, you go first to find reinforcements."
LWJ: bitch, who do you take me for?
WWX: my god we're both doomed
JGY and LXC: you're both hopelessly in love, actually, but yeah also doomed.
I just,,, I love wangxian so much, right, and they have so many beautiful moments, but I will never get over the cliff scene. Everyone always talking about what LWJ would do for WWX, I think we need to focus on this scene more and just what WWX gave for LWJ in that he didn't try to break the hold UNTIL he saw that it was going to put LWJ in danger. He would've stayed. He would have come back. But it couldn't happen, not yet, not with everything still in shambles. No, he needed to go --- let fires settle, let systems overturn and stir into a rolling boil, give Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling time to grow together and grieve what they'll never know, give Lan Wangji time to grow as a leader of his sect, have disciples under his command and care, let A-Yuan become Lan Sizhui (fucking "chasing memories" I'm sobbing, LWJ), let people question whether WWX was ever actually wrong to separate from order and protect the Wens. Let Wei Ying come back sixteen years later to face a Lan Zhan who knows how to protect him now and by god will never let him go again. Let Wei Wuxian grow into a person that no longer wants to die; he doesn't fear death, he knows it well -- but he doesn't want to die anymore. For the first time since probably the Cloud Recesses days, he finally has hope, finally joy and love, he has reasons to stay. He won't fear death, he understands it now. But by god he'll rage against it if he can.
"Come back..."
And so, if just to see the ones he loves finally full of joy and not mourning him for another sixteen years, he'll do it. He'll come back.
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gamer-kai · 10 months
I got over a high school crush last week in the most backwards way possible.
So, i had a crush on this guy back in high school.
He... treated me poorly. Or, well, like shit. He was aware of my feelings and he took advantage of them. I won't go into details because it's... bad. Nothing badwrong happened (except for that one time he spit on me and called me pathetic in a mask off moment), but yeah. He's one of those toxic straight alpha guys.
Or he was, anyways. I don't know him now. Maybe he grew. He has a wife and a kid and a successful career and I kinda hate him for it because I'm single and unemployed and living in a shithole of an apartment, but that's neither here nor there.
My crush on him sort of... persisted through the years. I've wasted a lot of time daydreaming about him, fantasizing about running into him, and having a meetcute, and falling in love, and him finally loving me back.
(I have a thing with trying to earn the love and respect of emotionally unavailable men who treat me like shit, I got it from my dad. And I'm aware of it which means I don't have to do any work on it. Don't tell my therapist or she'll get on my ass about it).
Sometimes these fantasies were romantic (him leaving his wife for me), sometimes they were sordid (him keeping me as a dirty little secret), sometimes they were violent (me beating an apology out of him). Sometimes they were... self destructive.
I have this thing I do where, when things get hard, when I'm having a hard time, I imagine myself on the wrong end if situations.
In middle school I was having a hard time being bullied, and not having any friends, so I spent the bigger part of the year imagining myself in Logan Marshall Green's shoes on that one scene from The OC where he gets shot. (You know, the notorious hmm watcha say scene).
In high school, I was struggling with the rapidly developing symptoms of my schizophrenia, my un-reciprocrated (is that a word?) love for a toxic straight boy, family drama, and so much more - and as a result I spent a long time fantasizing about meeting my demise like Robert Downey Jr. in Less Than Zero. (A movie about drugs to which I was introduced by my then best friend, and isn't it interesting that around the time I was falling into alcoholism I was fantasizing about a drug-related death?)
Now I'm having having a hard time. I can't seem to find a job, money is unbearably tight, I'm stuck in a dead end town with no way out, I see no hope for a future. So you can guess what my coping mechanism is.
The piece of media I've latched on now is a gifset by tumblr user captain-hen (linking, not tagging, because they don't need to see my self destructive toxic emotional mess) of Eddie being shot by a sniper in front of Buck (and the aftermath).
The moment I saw the gifset (and the video) my brain filled the blanks with "damn, wish that were me". This is not healthy at all, but as they say, it do be like that sometimes.
So I've been playing with the fantasy of getting shot in the shoulder and losing a lot of blood. I also recently fell back into my high school crush. But it felt different this time.
Then yesterday I was fantasizing about us in Eddie and Buck's shoes, thinking "hell yeah, if i got shot in front of him that would be hella traumatic and he would have to apologize to me and love me back", when something clicked.
My brain just went "wait a second. He treated you like shit. He doesn't deserve to have your blood splatter his face. You deserve to get shot in front of someone better."
Which. What the fuck is up with that. But also, I'm glad I'm over this crush, even if it came in the form of "you deserve to get shot in front of someone better".
Baby steps, as my therapist would say.
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apocalypse-gang · 2 years
How are you keeping yourself from going crazy while we wait to see if we will get a season 4?
I know it’s going to be months before we know either way. 
Simple! I don’t!
Okay in all seriousness, I’m not worried because I honestly think there is nothing to worry about. No new is good news in my book
 here’s a few things that help me:
I'm a super busy person, so I don't personally really have the time or energy to focus and worry about this. It’s good to focus on other things you have going on like work, school, friend and family, hobbies instead of dwelling on the fears of uncertainty. And if you still find yourself worrying, try some new hobbies out. You’ll worry yourself sick before you’ll ever get the answer you want about the next season, so trying to spend your time on other things is a good way to prevent that. Obviously take this advice to mean constantly distract yourself to avoid all your issues, that’s not really healthy, but here with something that’s minor in the grand scheme of things, it’s fine
With that, enjoy what you have rather than worrying about what you might possibly lose! If you dread the roller coaster will end soon, you forget to enjoy the actual ride! Make fanfics, fanart, gifsets, metas, memes about the show and this season! Or talk about how much you hate it, whatever floats your boat!
Remember that TUA is actually in a great place right now. It’s numbers are huge huge, even for Netflix. And if it’s not Netflix second biggest show, it’s definitely their third. I honestly don’t that Netflix can afford to end it quite yet, it’ll hurt them more than help them
If TUA were to get cancelled, it won’t be down for the count. It’s popular enough to get the fan outcry it needs, and makes enough money and has big enough names to get other streaming services interested. Netflix isn’t the sole owner of TUA, and I know Universal and Dark Horse will want to see it get at least another season of it
If you are absolutely worried that the show is getting cancelled, please take a moment for yourself. Take a deep breathe. I love this as much as any ever could but at the end of the day, it is one TV show. We survived before it existed, and we will survive after. They’ll still be TUA content, official or fan made, for years to come, whether it’s the show based or comic based. Watch it again if you wanna boost the numbers slightly, but don’t freak yourself out over it.
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Never Let Me Go Ep 7 Live Blogging
Watching this during the break between my lectures. Also I finished watching Strangers From Hell yesterday and I'm still kinda in that mindset, so hopefully this will keep my attention
Just kidding, Part 2 has no subs + they're pillowfighting on the bed in part 1, so I feel awkward watching it in public. Will watch after I get home - now to reblog Strangers From Hell gifsets instead heh
Episode 7: Good Fortune
Part 1
oof pillow fight in bed, can't watch this in uni esp from where I'm sitting
ah fuck i knew someone was gonna see them looming over in bed. at least Palm's mom didn't make it a bib deal
David's gonna proposeeeee
Palm orchestrating a romantic moment with the dirty cheeks - it's giving me War from YinWar flashbacks
damn not Phum also being like hmm you're a good guy, huh but apparently you blamed Nueng for initiating the kiss - he and the viewers have some stuff in common ig
the endless school fighting when it comes to Phum
damn Ben reflecting on his shortcomings that he denied his involvement because he was a coward and selfish; not as brave as Nueng, which he was impressed by. Interesting self-examination because honestly they're pretty rare in BLs
Ben and Chopper convo - I hope Chopper's not the one who released the photos please - I wonder how much Ben knows about
Nueng's really caught up on the fact that Palm brought him to this romantic ass beach that: the server's boyfriend took her on a date, is perfect for proposing, Palm thinks is romantic.
aww proposal
it's good for Nueng and Palm to get to see these happy gay adults in love and thriving
Part 2
oh good there's eng subs now
i'm gonna lose my fucking head it's gonna start rolling palm is giving nueng a foot massage/wash like their power dynamics already goes so hard but this is actually about to send me to an early grave
Palm has been sooo smiley this episode and probably also last episode since getting here
100 baht per day from 500 baht/hour expectations lmfao
plsss quitting after half a day is killing me. things i should've done at my last internship
Nueng straight up asking Palm if he's included in the people Palm loves. ahh them shouting "Please keep Khun Nueng safe" and "{lease keep Palm safe" and "Please keep us safe"
rip both of them getting bad predictions
the reason Palm's father and he owe this family is because they paid for Palm's surgery and "Gave them new lives" but is this new life just for their benefit? no sir you can't lose your life for them.
so true you tell him Nueng that nobody's the owner of his life (did Maggie previously say this too?)
Part 3
so Tanya's still alive as expected, but in critical condition
so did Chopper's father kind of admit that he called the hit on Tanya? or is he somehow a red herring cuz we're getting hints too early?
lmfao they're getting married a day after proposal
So it wasn't chopper who released the photos but Phum paid Palm's basketball friend to do it?
Palm's mom taking a chance again at this gay wedding to ask Palm what's between him and Nueng - "Are you having an interclass romance between a boss and his servant?"
Palm's mom reads him so hard "I can see it from Chiang Mai!" and then asking him if they've kissed
oh now she's talking about why she left his dad and Palm
interesting that she brought up her husband stifling her with his love, wonder if Palm will take something from@that
girl why's Palm smiling like that, does this dumbass already love Nueng?
Part 4
everybody loves this part, i'll watch it at one watch through maybe? it's taking me 3 hours to watch this ep cuz I'm distracted
ahh boyfriends while on the island, I'm assuming we're gonna get some more sadness when they get off the island
kiss ahh
ah fuck palm's father arrested
Got spoiled on before watching:
just a few moments from preview of last ep and a few screenshots on twitter but nothing much
just kidding i went to check the on-air thread for which pars have subs and apparently they're boyfriends in part 4 and have a good kiss
Overall Thoughts:
Thankfully we got to see more of what's going on with people outside of Nueng and Palm's bubble and it's all going to shit while Nueng and Palm are being cute and giggly lol
Thoroughly enjoyed the ep, and stood against my mild obsession with Strangers From Hell.
Fave Scene:
The kiss scene probably? Or is it the pillow fight? Or maybe Palm washing Nueng's feet
Posts I made
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere:
1: 17k || idk after that and also there may have been missing subs for at least part 2
12 hours later 
14 hours later actually
Part 1: 641k || 2: 538k || 3: 423k || 4: 462k
Avg: 516k
Views Tracking (just because I’m curious): 
6 days later bc last time was a day late
Ep 1 - 1: 2.074M (+103k) || Avg: 1.322M (+61k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 2 - 1: 1.328k (+56k) || Avg: 1.066M (+49k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 3 - 1: 1.133M (+53k) || Avg: 985k (+50k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 4 - 1: 1.365M (+64k) || Avg: 1.056M (+58k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 5 - 1: 1.175M (+102k) || Avg: 1.024M || Max Part: 1 (also part 3 with kiss has 1.143M)
Ep 6 - 1: 1.219M || Avg: 953k || Max Part: 1
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
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morganaspendragonss · 2 years
even more new s3 theories because yes i do need a whole separate post to talk about whump!
(part 1)
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i genuinely did a little excited squeal at these shots! pain and suffering! hurt tk my beloved! i'm so excited!
my darlings in the lone star house (particularly @marjansmarwani and @reyesstrand) came up with the genius theory that tk falls into the ice near the end of episode one and tommy and nancy lose sight of him, and that's where the episode ends. then in ep 2 we get a frantic search for him which ends in them stumbling upon him here, having managed to get himself out of the water and his shirt off, severely hypothermic and struggling to survive.
and i am ALL IN. i adore this theory so so much. also, maybe it's nothing, but in the close up shot of him shivering, for a split second it looks like his body relaxes, so presumably he's passed out and has entered the dangerous stage of hypothermia when you stop shivering. god this is going to be good.
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i know lone star promo editing likes to trick us but i genuinely completely believe that this is when tk is in the hospital. the only plausible alternative i can come up with is it's carlos asking after the people who were in that building that collapsed, but that's a stretch.
so!!! worried carlos!!!! severely hurt tk!!!!! also, look, he's in his police uniform and i for one cannot wait for the parallel gifsets of carlos after tk got shot and carlos after this.
'how serious is it nancy' 'honestly it's not good' AHHHHHHHHHHH SCREAMING SHOUTING SOBBING 😭😭😭😭😭
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this is the face of a woman who has had to fly across the country for the second time in a year because her dumbass son can't keep out of danger.
it's also the look of a woman whose son has had far too many close calls with death in his 27/28 years.
we all assumed originally that this tk outfit would be for new york rehab flashbacks and i'm not giving up on that plotline but this is clearly austin, and there's clearly tension between the two of them. so now i'm assuming that this is when tk is recovering and holy shit if we honest to god get a recovery period i am going to lose my mind.
i'm serious, if we get this, i will be passing away.
okay i have more thoughts but they're definitely incoherent and mostly just related to me screaming over this promo. so tell me yours please!
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