#i'm fine!
johncho · 1 year
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 BOB ODENKIRK accepting his Critics Choice Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series (X)
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shadow0-1 · 2 months
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In another life
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smokestarrules · 1 year
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this may be one of the most fucked-up shots RWBY’s ever had
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megarax-ponyo · 13 days
I think it's time to move on....
I have made a decision that was very difficult for me to accept even though it sounds very silly, Since I really didn't want to do it but for different reasons I have to...
I won't give you too much trouble and think about it so much, I'm leaving the WH Fandom, but please don't take this the wrong way, it's because really... I'm already very tired of everything, I'm tired of them inventing things about me, calling me very names... controversial I have received very cruel and rude messages in my inbox, calling me "X" thing or calling me in the worst ways that a person can be judged... just for writing and drawing a dark story, Because it is The only thing that attacks me is not for anything more serious... just for freeing myself creatively
People... I know that some may notice it, others not so much, but I am an extremely shy and quiet person, it really is difficult for me to talk to new people or do new things, that is why I am almost a living grave because of the directions of my social networksor internet in general. Since I only focus on publishing my art, commenting on a few things and that's it! That's all I can do in my case
But I don't think even I have socialization problems... People can't stop bothering me, right? I had already had problems with many users before trying to cancel me in the Fandom for my story... but this is the last straw. I'm already tired of being stressed about this shit, because I'm not really a bad person or I even do something bad
It's just that people love to judge someone who really doesn't deserve hate, since on the one hand they don't know them and on the other they only judge the person for their work when in reality they reject this type of actions, in this case the second way... it affects me too much
So I'll say it in a way that's not so rude, I'm sick of all those idiots who talk without even thinking a little about their words full of shit and contempt, so I just want to leave it alone and I'll officially leave this Fandom that's became extremely toxic....
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I want to find the peace and pleasure of being in a Fandom where people appreciate what you do for the love of the work I no longer want to continue seeing how people kill each other for so many bad things... For my part, I no longer want to be seen as a pest or a threat even though I never did anything wrong...
I hope to be better received in other Fandoms where my interest is extremely high! and that you continue to support me in my future projects
I thank all of you who have supported me in my art... I don't want you to worry either, I won't stop drawing! I just don't want to be in this horrible Fandom anymore -
Anyway, I'll leave the nonsense aside, Thank you all for everything you have done and for reading this far
👋❤️ ¡See you soon! ❤️👋
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bokettochild · 4 months
side effect of writing panic attacks: breathe is weird
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furies-inthe-mirror · 30 days
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And I can't inhale anymore.
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babstheyaga · 7 months
I will put this here and run 🏃 ! ! !
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Boobimus prime, first time drawing male with beard, it was fun 👉🏻👈🏻 ////// he looks darker in my iPad but in the picture looks less 🤷 idk why tho 🤦
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Optimus? Art? Optimus Art?
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you literally drew him like- liek literally i'm like literally shaking - like i can't even type i'm | | this close to needing speech to text even though i would sound like a dying seal sounds because i'm just asobb ing
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rui. i have a spare ring. it can be yours. sleep on it. i expect a answer by tomorrow morning.
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wheeboo · 4 months
ik it's 4 more days until feb 1 but istg it's only january and i feel like i'm going insane. but when feb hits i feel like i'm going to go even more insane
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treel · 9 months
Hello! Um, Are you ok? How have you been doing?
I am fine, thank you for asking. I had some health issues a while back, but all seems okay now after several unhelpful doctor visits. 👍
Most recently, I'm struggling with mental health. ADHD especially, which has gotten worse as I get older. I kinda thought my mental health would even out with every birthday, but apparently that is not the case. Sitting down to work steadily on a project is nearly impossible - it's a good day if I can get five to ten minutes of writing or drawing done at a time. It's become very frustrating to live like this, but I'm trying to manage, and continue working on things when I can! I have so many things I want to do (including finishing Éxtasis oh my god I'm so sorry for people who wait so patiently for every chapter - I promise I'm doing my best!)
Anyway, that's part of what's going on behind the scenes here! Also I don't go outside anymore because it's been 105+ degrees for three weeks straight.
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Bonus Insmeeth snarlkitty sticker with holographic hearts because it makes me laugh.
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Hm? Oh yeah, I'm drawing trans pride flags.
Yeah, I'm thinking about a trans OC's trauma.
Yeah, I'm listening to 'Masculinity' on loop.
Yeah, I'm crying.
Nooo! I'm perfectly fine and not having a mental breakdown at midnight ^^
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winedark · 8 months
dmitri fyodorovich i want to keep you like a little pet. huh
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impishtubist · 1 year
Discord pals, I don't keep that app on my phone, so if you don't hear from me for a few days, don't be alarmed 😂
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lonelyhum · 15 days
they may cut the umbilical cord but your mom will forever have access to the button in you that makes you want to kill yourself
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chadchrmings · 1 month
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today on the "hook family are destroying me"....
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hey whatever u do don't go and read through all of your posts about the amazing devil because you will come to the (totally not shocking) conclusion that you are Not Well
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venndaai · 1 year
the way CR2 ends with Kingsley dreaming of the Chained Oblivion and becoming a pirate and "who knows how well it'll go?" to show that the story continues and the world and characters are ever changing and nothing is set in stone,
and Mighty Nein Reunited ends with Caleb going into his house with Essek and "I just look out at Rexxentrum, and look at the lane, and look at the green beans. And I pull the door closed" to show that sometimes we do know how well it'll go, we know that the characters have healed and found happiness and home
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