#i'd rather not know if anything happens between them bc if it does
airenyah · 1 year
ngl ever time wat and teacher sani appear on screen everything within me goes
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starlightomatic · 25 days
ngl feel really really weird about the direction we've gone wrt internet safety for teens. when i was a kid it was hammered into us that we should never reveal our real names, our faces, or our ages on the internet. in fact it was extremely important not to reveal your age bc if you did, predators could target you.
now we've decided that the locus of potential sexual harm from adults is not predators who set out to target teens, but rather well-meaning adults who might accidentally let a minor see smut on their blog. so we make everyone broadcast their ages to everyone. which puts a target on the backs of teens who are now advertising to everyone that they're underage.
we also situate sexual harm of minors in "a minor saw sexual content!!" which, listen, im sorry to tell you this but teenagers have sex drives and want to see sexual content. a 16yo is not being harmed by reading a smut fic.
now i do understand why nsfw blogs don't allow minors to interact, bc the interaction constitutes an issue since that's on some level a teen and adult interacting sexually. but the issue is not that a teen saw something sexual, it's that you should not be having that interaction with them. still i am not convinced that that is riskier than giving predators knowledge of who to target.
i also worry what happens when all the well meaning people with best practices turn teens out of their spaces -- who does that end up leaving them with? i'm not saying the solution is to invite them in but there has to be some other, third option. i also think we need to understand the difference between a 17yo liking a sex-related shitpost on tumblr vs an actual intentionally predatory sexual interaction from an adult.
i don't think it's necessarily bad to set a boundary and not allow them to like the shitpost, but i don't like the idea that it was harmful for them to have even seen it. i think it's actually positive for teens to have exposure to adults who are talking about sexuality in consent-based, sex-positive, queer-informed ways to balance out all the shitty, sexist bioessentialist perspectives they're getting elsewhere.
also again, we should remember that the issue is sex-based interactions between teens and adults, NOT that teens are bad or wrong for being interested in sex and sexuality. if a really young teen is too interested in that it could be concerning but age-appropriate levels of sexuality are fine and good and i don't want kids to think they're wrong, dirty, or bad for experiencing sexuality.
i think there's a balance here where we need to make sure interactions are safe without diving headfirst into a spring-awakening-style world where we assume teens are too innocent and pure to know anything about sex which results in risky behavior, not practicing safe sex, and not understanding consent. and i get worried sometimes that the current culture around this leads us there.
i especially worry about this in regards to kink and bdsm because i don't know if there are any educational resources out there geared to teens. i do think it's a good idea to wait until you're 18 before doing anything hardcore or too intense, or even kink at all, but if they're going to anyway (and some will) i'd rather teens have a solid safety backing and knowledge as opposed to just acting on instinct because that can really be dangerous. and something i really worry about is people who turn 18 and immediately show up to play parties and start hooking up with people without having that background knowledge because they were prevented from accessing it before then, since it's so easy for abusers to exploit them. young adult women are already extremely vulnerable in those spaces.
i don't know what my exact solution to these issues is but i feel really concerned about where we're heading. i've been wanting to say something for a while but have been afraid that people would interpret this the wrong way. i'm sure some still will, but i hope this can at least start a conversation about these issues.
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bubba-draws · 6 months
Ok I'll bite; in the Radi Vessel AU, what would Hollow's relationship with Ghost be? Would they be hostile toward them, welcoming as long as they don't try and stop them, or protective toward them to try and make up for the past? Heck, I could even see in that case Radi!Hollow trying to keep Ghost at their side at all times and learning to gaslight them into staying with them?
OK SO It took me a bit to answer this because to me the relationship between Ghost and Hollow is very unusual, especially bc of personal Headcanons I have about them
To me Ghost and Hollow were somewhat closer the moment both of them hatched in the Abyss, maybe not 100% attached to each other, but they still did care about the other, up until Hollow was picked by PK and they just decided to go with him, not thinking too much about their decision at that moment bc, well, you cannot expect a kid to take good decisions HAKDHAJD
I don't think Ghost felt betrayed? Just very confused as to why their sibling isn't there anymore? and lonely because there was barely any living vessel down there and the ones that lived didn't want anything to do with them (kinda like when u take a puppy from their litter and it misses their presence)
After they escaped the Abyss and went out of Hallownest, Ghost would eventually forget about Hollow (because bugs that leave Hallownest lose their memories), in the other hand though, Hollow does remember Ghost, and as they grew older they would always wonder happened to them (They were definitely dead, right? Just like the rest of their siblings down there, right?) But as the Hollow Knight they forbid themselves to think too much about it and then as the Radiance Vessel there was no point on wondering, even if they left the Abyss to exist, they could no longer go there, for their light was dangerous to the void and vice versa, if they were dead finding their mask was hopeless, if they were alive they would def try and attack them or hide from them
In the game Ghost comes back to Hallownest bc of Hollow no longer being able to hold on the Radiance, their scream (or rather Radi's scream, though I'd like to think part of the call came from them as well, even if they don't really have a voice?? It's weird ahskshdjd bc to me rather than following the call of the Radiance it was the vessels trying to find the sibling that called bc they're in lot of pain) calling the vessels towards them, if we go by this au, it would be because Ghost would accidentally stumble back into Hallownest, no call to answer, just coming to a kingdom that is far too eerie
At this point I am not sure how they reach their meeting, but I know it's not gonna be a pleasant one. It would take time for Hollow to recognize Ghost, but by the time they do they wouldn't just accept them with open arms, mostly bc I think at this point Ghost tried to pull an Ultrakill in the kingdom AJDJAKFBSKJG so it's a bunch of mixed feelings
But when the anger of their reunion dies down I think the guilt Hollow felt back then would crawl back, the thoughts they stopped from forming many times finally appear and the grief they were trying to ignore comes in waves, bc hey, the sibling they missed was alive all along! But they don't seem to remember them at all and is 100% down to throw fists
So, to summarize: First there's hostility, then guilt and sadness, then annoyance at Ghost's attempts to fight Hollow but also protectiveness because despite everything, Hollow wants to give Ghost the life Hollow wish they could've had (plus if somehow they make Ghost not wanting to attack anything Radi related then maybe they can use that as a case so Radi can let Hollow search for any other sibling that may stay still alive)
All of that could happen if Hornet does not intercede Ghost before they go bonkers in Hallownest HAKDHSJD
Hopefully this answered ur question! If u got any more or any ideas you'd like to share I'm open to hear them :3
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
so im getting to the end of my finally watching exu calamity
for the most part i haven't really made posts on my reactions here bc most of what i'd have to say has already been said, i've been seeing those meta posts around since calamity came out
but god the one unexpected thing about loquatius and laerryn i can't get over is just all of aabria's little reactions to quay's choices here
like. i know laerryn loves him as much as he loves her, but she's not good at showing it. she's deeply pragmatic, which means while loquatius is having huge moment after huge moment illustrating just how much he's willing to sacrifice for her, she's making sure she can do her job. because she has to. even if that means leaving him to die in the calix chamber, because she couldn't have saved him, and if she died trying then the whole world would be lost
but at the same time, she did all of this for him. it was so important to her to finish the leywright that solstice, because she has a longer lifespan than quay, and he wouldn't be with her to see the next one. she was distraught when she felt him slip away from her over the telepathic bond, even though she'd chosen to let it happen
part of the reason their marriage failed the first time is they just don't talk. there's so little communication between the two, not just on laerryn's side. quay has the big moments, yes, but how many of those does laerryn even know happened? she doesn't know that he fired elena to protect her from being blamed for evandrin. she doesn't know he prerecorded a broadcast to be played in the event of his death, that would tell the city not about laerryn's mistakes, but that it was loquatius himself who failed them, and laerryn tried everything she could to save the city. she doesn't know that he turned down a call from his queen and his family to come home and be protected from the apocalypse, bc he'd rather die trying to save laerryn, avalir, and his new family, than live without them
but aabria does.
and that gives way to the tiniest most hard hitting fourth wall breaks
like when quay turns his back on the seelie queen's offer - aabria immediately gives a small "no, no, you have to go"
laerryn needs him here. the story needs him here. there is no benefit to quay leaving, except that quay would be alive, and that's what laerryn desparantly wants, so it comes out in aabria
when we get to the climax, too, the big fight where all they're trying to do is keep laerryn alive long enough to activate the leywright, and it gets to quay's last turn? the first thing aabria says is "run. run."
laerryn is pragmatic. aabria knows this is a tragedy, and has been so far the most gung ho about playing into the tragedy. from a pragmatic perspective, loquatius should stay with laerryn, it gives the world a better chance of survival. narratively, loquatius should stay with laerryn bc that's how this story is supposed to go. and personally, loquatius should stay with laerryn because he can't bear to do anything else
but twice, she tells him to leave. because in this story where every single character is forced to reckon with which they love more, their city or their family - laerryn chose the city once. more than once. here at the end of all things, she won't do it again
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ikamigami · 4 months
MGAFS uploaded a 25 minute video of Puppet asking Sun 73 questions(we all know she asks him more then that)
What's your thoughts on it? Bc some of Suns responses are funny(when he's showing annoyance through threats) but it also is mainly sad and concerning with most of his answers throughout the video...
I completely understand his annoyance I think that I'd be cursing Puppet out if I was in Sun's place xD
Yeah, some of his answers were really concerning. But I'm also glad that some things got confirmed in this episode. Like for example: Sun drinks alcohol. He likes hamburgers. So I was right that he eats and that he ordered a hamburger for himself in "a day in life of Monty" episode. (It confirms that Sun is harming himself because he shouldn't drink and eat. It hurts him.)
The answer to what superpower Sun would want to have - probability manipulation - confirms that VAs are really looking into a discussion thread for sams (which is cool but I won't get back there ever again). Cause I remember talking about that with someone there. That maybe Sun can manipulate probability of events. It was a really great time. It was fun while it lasted.
I still doubt that Sun wants Eclipse dead though. Like why he would answer this one truthfully. And I also still think that when Sun talks about wanting to kill Eclipse he is talking about himself. I know, I know it doesn't make sense but I think that Sun views himself as an Eclipse. I mean that he believes himself to be bad. And I think that he considers himself to be an actual Eclipse. And by that I mean that Sun thinks that Eclipse is the way he is because of him. He made Eclipse like that. So he's actually the bad one here. I mean that in his delusions it's like that. I hope that makes any sense. It's really hard to explain.
Another thing is that Sun said that he likes parasites and it reminded me of when he said that he likes toxic people. Which again shows us that Sun thinks that he's like that. That he likes toxicity.
Another interesting thing is that Sun said that others made him be so self-depreciating but I think that Sun doesn't think like that actually. This answer was too close to truth for it to be considered that Sun really thinks that. Cause we all know that's true but also not entirely because Sun has very low self-esteem and mental issues that cause him to be so self-depreciating. And I think that what Sun truly thinks is that he believes himself to be a joke. Some sort of a bad joke. Cause he can't do anything and he constantly ruins everything. He's useless failure.
Another thing is that Sun didn't have a second therapy session with Earth which is interesting but I'm also not that surprised either. Also the fact that Sun possibly doesn't like kids does not surprise me either cause I would be unable to like kids myself if I worked as Daycare Attendant just like Sun cause I have a short temper. Sun is just like me fr.
Another thing is Sun doesn't hate dogs. He dislikes them cause they're loud and we all well know that Sun doesn't like loud noises thanks to Moon.
A propos Moon, Sun's answer to the question with Moon was very understandable. Like everything is fine between them when nothing happens but when bad things are happening then uhhh.. Moon is.. we all know the answer.
But see, Sun didn't answer fully this question so why him saying that he would told his past self to kill Eclipse should be considered truthful. I'm not buying it considering that when there was a question related to Eclipse he only said that he doesn't like this whole working with Eclipse thing. But he doesn't actually gives a reason to why he doesn't like that. But I think that it has more to do with Moon rather than Eclipse.
Also Sun saying that the worst experience in his life was having someone in his head and then trying to get rid of them and then they keep coming back may not be about Eclipse but his mental issues and possible fear that he may create yet another being in his head and ruin another life again. I am interpreting it like that because I think that Sun is delusional.
Also we can see that Sun has mood swings yet again. And considering that a year ago sams posted QnA episode and later there was Sun's fight with Lunar and Sun went after Eclipse (iirc).. I think that Sun may have another psychotic episode sooner rather than later...
I hope that the answer is satisfying if not, you can ask me more questions. I wouldn't mind that at all.
And sorry for any mistakes because I had a pretty rough day (it's nighttime at my place)..
Also I don't mind Taylor Swift but I'm not big fan of her either so dear Sun, I won't stop liking you for this xD
And another thing I forgot to mention is that Sun said that he doesn't relate to any fictional character because it's a fictional character. My man, you just don't watch that much stuff and it shows. Or you just didn't find anyone relatable. Also it's not like you're living their life, Sun but it's rather that that fictional character lives your life :) Hope my answer helps, Sun ^^ (I know that he most definitely won't read it, I mean Davis ofc. I said that jokingly)
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atopvisenyashill · 5 days
just for funsies, do you think there are any gay incestuous feelings happening between aegon ii and aemond? also, do they have a ship name? aeae? gonmond? usurpereyepatch????
short answer: YES. also lol not aeae pls.
medium answer: i think aemond is interested in aegon but aegon does not become interested in aemond until after the coronation.
long answer: i know i was kinda jokey but i'm dead ass that i think aemond is smart enough to see that viserys and daemon didn't go to war because there was genuine feelings of love encouraged between them BUT at the same time they clearly weren't close ENOUGH, noticed this pattern (ie baelon/aemon, rhaena/jaehaerys) and went "so the fix here is that aegon and i have to be close Just Like Dad And Shitty Uncle Daemon" and spends several years halfheartedly trying to seduce aegon. this is obviously a mix of show and book canon (bc he needs to have more of a personality besides "watch this sick backflip you cunt" *dies*), but i guess i see aemond as vaguely tyrion like (and i suppose a slightly parallel to daemon, though i mainly mean him as a parallel to rhaena bc dragonless second child) in that he's pretty clear eyed on the faults of his family, but can't ever bring himself to leave his family. he wants to be needed by them, more than anything else in the world. he gets that with helaena, with alicent, with daeron, but aegon just Does Not Fuck With Him, aegon thinks he's a boring dweeb, aegon would rather seduce jacaerys or even baela, he just does not think about aemond like that.
UNTIL. aemond hesitates and nearly lets him go before the coronation. of course aemond is thinking "i'd be a better king, i'd protect mother better, i'd be kinder to helaena', i'd be a more present father" etc etc but aegon takes this as aemond being on HIS side more than their grandfather's. once aegon feels he's trapped, he can't get away from all this, his feelings on aemond take a turn towards "it's us against the world" which is why he's willing to give up being protector of the realm to aemond - and why aemond doesn't try to make a play to keep the power longer than aegon is willing to give it. to me, it's more of a story about how they only start seeing eye to eye just before they die. unlike aenys and maegor, who never find real common ground, daemon and viserys, who help plunge the realm into chaos, or even baelon and aemon, who apparently had no flaws or foibles, there's something that could have grown between them but their circumstances and the war snuff out that flame before anything can happen.
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scenetocause · 1 month
For the director's cut thing: At the end of Climb up to your lips, you implied Max F and Logan might be A Thing, and I'd love to hear more about that if you want to share ❤️
idk if i'll ever actually finish the logan perspective thing i started writing midway through the main story bc actually when i looked back at it i was like these are really just my own background notes what do you think you are jrr tolk himself you don't have to publish stuff you wrote for your own reference. but hey if there ever was a medium for all your stupid lore and self-fanfic then it surely is a o three dot org (note to old men fantasy writers etc) so maybe i will.
basically the thesis is that logan, like oscar at the start, is lonely and can't get what he wants, which is a boyfriend. both him and oscar have resigned themselves to never being able to reconcile their ambitions in f1 with anything that fulfils them in that way and sort of let their friendship settle as a pseudo-standin where they can hang out and be each other's person to take to things, go to dinner with, whatever and just live in suspended animation until something (???) happens and they get disney prince rescued.
something does happen for girloscar which is that she isn't so much disney prince rescued as like, dragged into a bath by a wet cat. and she can't believe this is happening because she's fancied lando for ages, used to pine at him from the alpine pit wall so much she got caught by otmar once, who mistook it for trying to steal secrets off mclaren and she had to make something up about the front wing.
she's so excited to be teammates with him but also so, so mortified and trying really hard to be normal about it. logan's thrilled to be in f1 at all but also realising that deal he had for fucking about a little bit with some of the f2 guys was just fucking about for them when their girlfriends weren't on the travel budget and definitely won't survive being in different paddocks.
oscar gets lando and logan gets lonelier. at the same time, his season's falling apart and everyone's announcing his career dead before it feels like it's had a chance to start. he has to rely on benny and james and benny starts to, gently, put distance between them to keep it professional, manage logan's expectations. so he clings to james, at the same time as knowing this is probably the worst possible way to try and keep his seat and that it's going nowhere, the team principle not a viable fuckbuddy, let alone anything more.
enter jenson button. hot dad, sympathetic ear, special advisor to williams. whiskey supplier. a man who's there to help you celebrate your first f1 point and certainly isn't going to argue if that involves a bit of fucking your brains out. lovely, sweet, gentle, funny jenson who makes logan feel special and loved and sweeps him up from his flat in london in fancy cars to go to fancier restaurants as though he deserves the champagne.
and then goes home to his wife and kids.
somewhere along the way, hurting during the 2024 season, logan has to break it off. he wants what oscar and lando have, not this. it was glamorous and exciting and giving him the confidence he was part of this world he's fighting to stay in, for awhile but then it starts making him realise he'll only ever be the number two in that situation, forever out of contention for the real prize. it's all a bit on the nose.
so he stubbornly struggles through 2024, single as fuck and finding himself taking rather than giving advice to oscar about things to stick up your arse, which feels lonelier than ever before. in miami the combination of his and oscar's shit weekend and lando's good one leads to him coming out for a few drinks and ending up fucking one of the mclaren pr guys. he has a meltdown when he sees the papaya shirt on the floor the next morning.
pr guy's very discreet about it, although he keeps smiling at logan every time they cross paths and logan's about 85% sure there isn't actually a need for him to follow oscar so closely, actually. logan's shaky position makes someone being so into him about as comfortable on his skin as sweaty fireproofs but that doesn't stop him being desperate enough to fall into bed with the guy again once he has something to celebrate. once he realises he's charlie-from-marketing's jenson figure.
he's not an asshole so he does take the guy on a few dates, try and romance him a bit. maybe he, too, can find love with a mclaren twink, it worked for oscar after all. but it just doesn't click, the guy doesn't really understand him, too in awe of the fact he's getting screwed by an f1 driver to notice the bedsheets are ikea and one of the pillows is pretty badly tearstained. that logan's barely clinging to his ride, feels like he is what they're saying; one of the worst ever, not even brave enough with the car to crash as spectacularly as latifi.
logan doesn't exactly break it off but says he needs them to take a break while he's negotiating his contract, can't risk anything. it's not a huge surprise when a few week's later it's obvious the guy's moved on with ollie bearman. like his last relationship, it's all a bit on the nose.
2025 gives him time to work out what he really wants. f1 might not be it, life might be better somewhere else. he starts talking to formula e teams, wondering if a life in papaya might not be that bad after all provided he didn't have to see oscar and lando mooning over each other. and that's not even fair because oscar asks him to be her best man and he's stoked, especially because lando's is max and they've stayed in touch, still hang out. max is doing a few bits racing gts, initially as a quadrant thing but then it turned out he was more than good enough to be in demand as the pro to a gentleman driver who was so eager to get back in a race car he didn't really negotiate on price, even.
logan avoids asking him about it but max is fucking hype about how mint the 24 hours of spa is. fucking mental, mate. you're throwing it up eau rouge with a bunch of blokes who wear suits, like proper suits not race suits, all week in the pitch dark and it's shitting it down with rain and you think: i shouldn't be enjoying this, should i? should really be driving into the pits and saying no thanks, that's absolutely mad, can't be doing that sort of business. but then when it's happening you're like, properly into it, aren't you? got a podium in misano, mate, it was mad. blowie off one of the mechanics, that didn't happen in f3 did it haha mind you guess they would've been a bit of a nonce back then wouldn't they. you should come to a race i'll get you vip, they'll go mental for an f1 driver being there mate, they went mad when bob dropped into brands and he was only there five minutes.
logan doesn't say that he thinks he has a lot less star power than lando but they do give him vip anyway. he's never been to magny cours before, it feels weighted with that type of european history the classic race tracks do, like another thing that might find out who he is and reject him.
even if the circuit isn't embracing him, max does. complains about logan being so fucking tall, mate, it's annoying, i swear you were smaller than me once. he wasn't but max can pretend that, if it helps. max is jangling with nerves, rushing between trying to sort things out with the team - because it's not like, you know, f3 and that, you have to set the car up so the other bloke can drive it the best he can and then you just sort of have to cope with how it is. actually, that's quite like f3 innit? do you remember in fucking silversto- nah, let's not think about that right now.
it's nice. it's nothing to do with f1. even with the quadrant logos, that's max's thing, no weird haunting of lando around and it's not like logan dislikes the guy, at all, it's just that it's nice that this is all theirs. logan can breathe out, relax, laugh properly for what feels like the first time in ages because no one's scrutinising his every move and max gives him a headset and tells him to listen out for when he's boxing, put the fucking kettle on, yeah?
logan falls asleep on max's hotel bed, listening to him recount the whole story of a race he just watched. max tucks him in, rather than the trophy and if they wake up hugging that's no one's business but theirs. didn't used to do blowies in f3, either but when there's something to celebrate and max really is so small, so cute, so unselfconscious about everything because it's just them, yeah. doesn't have to be a massive fuss like bob and oscar, do you want a lift back to the uk? i've got space since bob moved his fucking golf clubs out the boot finally.
oscar and lando get married a week later and it's very oscar and lando. logan didn't have a date to bring, didn't even think about it before he saw george's girlfriend and kelly and the sharp stab of whoever lewis' guy is. logan knows there's no point being jealous on that scale; he couldn't be lewis, on any level but everyone wants, don't they?
max doesn't have a date either. probably doesn't need to hold logan's hand while they're waiting for lando and oscar to do their vows and max is crying and maybe logan's crying too. they have to stay behind to clear up the flower petals, getting tutted at in french while max rolls his eyes and says they should try being told off at Viry, fucking hell.
if they're later to the reception than is strictly necessary because as they were leaving max turned round and said "do you think, mate. you know, we could - one day" and logan decided to stop living on borrowed time and properly make out with him against the harbour wall. have to stop because they're getting dangerously close to third base and max is breathy and gasping and telling logan he can have this. they always were equals, each others' biggest rivals, maybe they're meant to be here, bright eyed and hair disarrayed and grinning at each other, not the places they've been struggling.
oscar's definitely onto them, makes some really crude comments about it being traditional for the best man and head bridesmaid to fuck, innit and logan has to tell her to fuck off and bother her husband. they are properly cute, though, aren't they? never thought bob would be able to hold a relationship together but she's properly straightened him out, who knew he just had to get pegged- fuck, pretend i didn't say that. oh, how did you know, too?
logan and max normally stay with lando and oscar when they're in monaco. but there's only one spare room and this doesn't feel the moment to drop that announcement, as well as they do not want to hear what those two pervs are doing to each other tonight. so they're in different hotels but everything in monte carlo's pretty much the same place, pick logan's on the basis it's nearer the casino and they can go for a late night, last drink once they've got oscar and lando's very drunk dads into a cab.
kissing when they're in fancy suits is hot. fucking when they're out of them is hotter. when logan slides home into max's body and sees him gasp, feels his hands curl on logan's shoulders as they both moan and if it's too much like lovemaking then, well. maybe that's what they're doing. creating something, between them. something that's all theirs and they can choose without anyone else's decisions or approval. no need to wait in limbo or have to guess what happens next, which is that they come on each other and then curl up together, max sprawled on logan's chest all happy and sated and real.
he doesn't wait for the f1 decision, to make plans. racing drivers aren't patient and he finally feels like one again, especially every time his boy brings home a trophy like it's theirs. logan starts adding to the collection, too. both of them get to push, at last. they've always been good at doing that for each other.
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lochley · 2 months
thinking about how i accidentally started doing found family stuff with this AU bc b5 didnt rly give me as much of it as i wanted and ended up thinking about like. every character's relation to the fankids. i do this instead of actually writing anything more for it.
bee five not really doing a ton with found family is... maybe perhaps why this AU centralizes a bunch of characters i like around a kid they all have family-like roles to so i can make ppl closer in that way than the show ever let them be.
like generally bee five does allow some good vibes between certain aides and attaches, and a bit with the command staff, but never anything where a general group felt that way? and i'm still honestly only focused on a handful of characters but it rly is something i wish we had more of.
anyway, lyta and g'kar have kids and susan and na'toth are their gay aunts and now i need to figure out who else i can loop into this and whether or not i'd like to bring talia back to life here too or let susan/na'toth continue its current course or both ja;lkdlkjf.
which leads me to! clean little list of how i see characters for this, once things are safe enough for ro and other kiddos to be more known, because i'd rather just do this instead of actually write anything for this AU these days:
susan - gay aunt, got closer to lyta during the telepath war while helping pass along secret earthforce intel to support the cause. lyta also helped her with her emerging latent telepathy which kept them in further contact.
na'toth - of course g'kar would keep her close. she is not in the best mental state during the original lyta/g'kar adventure years when ro is born so she isn't exactly Happy for them. like oh, even g'kar is moving on in life while i'm stuck at home having flashbacks, great. but she eventually does become a loving aunt!! just a bad influence too, as is susan, who she gets to know better because of them both being around for ro.
talia - tbh i always thought she'd stay dead but... the more i think about trying to make this my Ideal B5 Timeline the more i think maybe eventually susan and lyta do bring her back based on stuff they learn during/after the war. but maybe she comes back and needs to focus on herself due to everything she's endured based on how this works, which means no relationship with susan. i do think eventual na'toth/susan/talia could be fun though... i just really like susan/na'toth here.
vir - i do think ro needs to meet him for positive centauri influence reasons. and i think na'toth does stay in touch with him, difficult as it is. so that, or through his own efforts to help rebuild narn or through trying to get messages about londo through to g'kar, he'd meet her. i also have some fankids for him i'd love ro to meet.
stephen - i'm conflicted, because sometimes i think he should've been looped in during lyta's pregnancy because he is an expert on xenobio and could've provided some insight. he also did have some great moments with lyta in the series, same with g'kar. and his teep underground railroad work makes him safe. but i also think he'd be quite clinical about the hybrid kiddos in ways that are uncomfortable to ex-labrat-lyta, so idk how much he actually would be involved if at all! but i guess if na'toth can loop in vir, susan (whose dynamic w stephen i Loved) could loop in stephen, esp because teep resistance stuff probs involved him more closely in those years too.
delenn/sheridan + david - conflicted on this. i think lyta blames sheridan and delenn for byron's death and for the teep war happening at all, which tore her away from her daughter. so having to watch delenn get to raise david on tv while she's left her own kid behind made her hate her even more. (i make lyta too mean to delenn sometimes bc i think she does irrationally blame delenn a lot due to how much she feels delenn out of everyone shouldve been there for her in earlier days.) BUT ALSo. ro needs hybrid friends! and lyta, depending on if she faked her death lmao, would need to probs deal with some political things with delenn and sheridan for teep rights. so eventually they might make things work, but idk how well.
londo - complicated bc drakh stuff. on one hand the drakh don't overpowered telepaths around! on the other, if he does learn about ro he'd worry for her safety as a result of the drakh stuff! ideal world, lyta manages to help save him from the drakh stuff and he can be a problematic uncle. but idk, maybe that doesnt happen here.
zack - too awkward moving on
lennier - either dies in the war or needs to get FAR away from powerful women to devote himself to for a while and work on himself so im banning him from being around lyta or delenn for years
garibaldi - ?????? probably nothing tbh he has enough telepath trauma to only want to be around when he and lyta have Dealings, and honestly knowing what bester did to him would he even be that... safe? to be let into this? idk. he probably would be a good problematic uncle like londo, but i just dont see him in this too much.
marcus - ????? is he dead or out of cryo who knows, maybe ideal world scenario they find a way to bring him out and he hangs around susan and third wheels her na'toth relationship.
ta'lon - never paid attention to him in all honesty but he can probably hang out
lochley - love u girl but no <3 idk if the fam ever passes thru the station but i would love to see her reaction to them, i just dont think... she would mesh well with any of this bc how do kids work and also her only real interaction w lyta was punching her in the face, and... bester stuff.
sinclair - im sad he cant be here for this :(
kosh - he dead BUT... although lyta and g'kar can have kids at all due to vorlon tampering, i think sometimes it'd nice to make it a little less cold hard science and make it a "gift" from kosh due to how much he knew lyta wanted a family and couldn't have that before vorlon tampering. whatever he did just worked TOO well. MOST REALISTICALLY that is not at all it but it's worth a mention.
im running out of characters but i dont want to sleep :(
other notable things: ocs!
theo - lyta's brother she didnt know about bc corps bullshit. yay uncle theo.
vir fankids for ro to have friends through maybe. bee five no kids rule my beloathed.
speaking of. alisa. at the very least an AU of the AU where ro is raised on minbar alisa would help her w her telepathy.
i should sleep now :(
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Hi guys I'm back to begging you for fic recs bc I am desperate once again:)))
Do you happen to know any fics centered around things thay we know/theorise about season 2? I tried looking for myself but I cannot find much and I was wondering if maybe you can help me
Potential spoilers for series two! If you are trying to avoid anything to do with series two of Good Omens you are best scrolling swiftly past this post!
You have been warned.
Here are a couple of fics with Maggie and Nina, a few with Muriel, and one about an angel with memory loss...
Unlikely bebop by Nyariewen (G)
Maggie and Nina discuss about something strange in the neighborhood: Mr Fell new music choices.
She asks how my husband is by angelZfell (G)
“Maggie asks how my husband is,” he laughed. Aziraphale spun around, completely ignoring the books he was rearranging on the shelf. “Pardon me?”
OR: really short story about them realizing how they act like a married couple.
barging into bookshops while holding plants by sunglass56 (NR)
i heard the clip released at the season 2 panel today and KNEW i had to write a fic around it
basically my imagining of how that scene would look plus extra super gay and sappy
A Million Colors In Between by CaspianTheGeek (T)
Crowley's always known why he Fell, but he was careful to never share that information with Aziraphale. That is until Muriel comes to visit, and the truth comes out.
5 things Muriel doesn't understand about earth (+1 she does) by agent_p_94 (G)
Muriel stares at the teacup.
"A human police officer would accept a cup of tea to drink," Aziraphale had said. Drink. She knows about drinking. “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again; but whosoever drinketh of the water I shall give him shall never thirst,” and so forth. Only, Muriel was always given to believe that sort of drinking was purely metaphorical, and the sort to which Aziraphale refers seems decidedly corporeal.
Muriel has a lot to learn about earth, with and without Aziraphale's help.
A Stranger Among Us by charliebradcherry (T)
"Ridiculous? Ridiculous?" Crowley released a low guttural sound after his words and his hands itched to grab the angel by the lapels of his jacket. Luckily he still possessed enough bodily control to not shake the shit out of him right then and there. "I've watched your bookshop burn to a crisp once and I've felt the fear of losing you twice. You discorporated because a fucking human stepped foot inside your property without your consent and you call me ridiculous. You can think of me as overprotective right now, but I can't promise I won't lose my shit when I hear you say it."
Aziraphale's eyes traced the lines of the floorboard gaps beneath his feet. It was a nice way to distract himself from the depressing voice cracks that Crowley emitted without the intention to.
"We both wanted peace, and what'd ya know? We won't have that for at least the first few years! But if you keep treating life like everyone's an 'angel' at heart, I'll be stuck with a lifetime of worrying myself sick that you'll trust the wrong people and get killed in the process. I'd rather chug holy water. You understand?"
(Based on the new clip)
Hello, hello, hello, what's going on here, then? by HolRose (G)
Aziraphale is in the middle of entertaining a strange angel in his bookshop who has come incognito disguised (very badly) as a police officer, when Crowley appears. After making a few pointed comments and asking a question, the demon asks Aziraphale for ‘a word in private, angel’. This is what happened during that private conversation.
The end of the world by probably_publius (T)
Crowley and Aziraphale were able to stop The End of the World, but didn't see what would come afterwards. Aziraphale has lost his memory, and Crowley doesn't know if it's Heaven or Hell or something else entirely. All he can do is try and help Aziraphale regain an idea of who he is by telling him stories from their past together.
I had a dream where I was watching season 2 and wrote this.
- Mod D
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rev3rb · 4 months
Hey again. Just read the latest chapter, and umm idk how to feel. It was nice to get some more insight into Ferid and see how even as a teen he was always just ~ like that™️. But, I’m a bit taken aback by the implication that Crowley might be Ferid’s reincarnated brother?? Bc to me it read like that was either the 440th person he killed or 440th time he killed his big bro. And knowing Ferid, 440 does not seem like a high enough body count. But idk maybe the brother flashback isn’t related to Crowley at all and is just used to establish a pattern? Regardless, rip to Crowley, Chess, and Horn.
Plot relevant things aside young prince Ferid with his classic ponytail bow was adorable, still unhinged, but also pretty adorable.
I get that. Personally I'm kinda angry about it.
You're right in that it was nice to get some insight into Ferid, but I don't know if that was worth the trade off of what we got. What the HELL do you mean that named characters that were prominent at one point (even if it wasn't THAT prominent) got killed OFF SCREEN with no indication that this was the case up until now. I would probably be fine about it if we'd had ANY foreshadowing about it, but no. Instead they disappeared without explanation and then are just declared dead. Their disappearance didn't even ring as that weird since Ferid, and therefore Crowley since he's following him around, are up to things that aren't popular with the majority of the vampire population. I remember mentioning that they hadn't shown up in a long time semi recently in one of these, but the reason I hadn't harped on it as much as someone like Narumi is bc they disappeared at a natural point instead of in the middle of the arc. I'm getting side tracked though. Ultimately, this felt INCREDIBLY dumb and a bit like Kagami just wanted to kill them off since he had no further purpose for them. If you're going to do that, at least HINT that the fact that they haven't shown up in a bit is weird. I just. oooough. I'm talking in circles. But yeah. Imagine if this happened to Rene and Lacus too :) (likely won't since Lacus has that whole thing with Yoichi).
I also find it annoying that Crowley was killed with so little fanfare. I get that it's because of the whole vampires have no feelings thing, but still. It's just insane to kill a character who has been around for so much of the story like that. It really makes Crowley come off as a plot device for Ferid's story rather than anything of real importance outside of that. Without the added context from the Mikaela light novel spin off (which reminder, still hasn't been finished) he feels like there's just so little going on with him other than his relationship with Ferid. Don't get me wrong. I think Crowley is a fun character, which is why I think this is just doing him so dirty. Was I asking for some drawn out fight between him and Ferid before he was killed? No, not really. I just find the situation of Ferid killing him off at all kinda dumb. idk. I have no suggestions about what I'd like to see. It just... wasn't that. Maybe I'll feel better about it later if his death is revealed to be more plot relevant.
ANYWAYS! I better move on before I'm here all night. ...Okay but last thing. YET A FUCKING GAIN we're jumping from one subject to another JUST to draw out some reveals and give us more questions. I'm going to pull my hair out lol. I really shouldn't be surprised that the second Shinoa starts diving into The First's memories we flip to this scene. I have a bit of a feeling that it's because she's going to learn what the audience already knows, but I just don't get why that wasn't lumped into the previous chapter. Would have felt much better if we'd just started this chapter with Ferid and Crowley. I guess page count could have factored in but... just feels like maybe you could have cut down some of the last chapter to make space for this. Ah... but maybe I'm just being a hater at this point. Anywho...
I too was wondering if that was the implication, but yeah, the number tripped me up. That DOES seem too frequent to be his brother, so I'm also wondering if that's the number of people he's killed. Yes, it seems a little low, but maybe that's people he's killed with a specific purpose in mind. Ones that tie into that rebirth mentality he has going on here. I'm sure we'll find out eventually. It does seem like we need more context to figure out what it is exactly Ferid is doing. Maybe he IS just killing people because he feels like it's time for them to go, but you'd think that he wouldn't bother to count them. Who knows.
Okay, maybe I'm just imagining it but I SWEAR we'd seen a younger Ferid design before at SOME point, but for the life of me, I can't remember where. Something about him talking about how he was a Mikaela candidate too or something like that? I bring it up to say that I swear we've seen a Ferid design somewhat similar to this before, but regardless, you're right. It is nice to see that design and that he really doesn't seem to have changed much over the years. Vampirisim apparently didn't change him.
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wyvernquill · 2 years
I only know about Anastasia through the wiki plot summary, but the parts you've posted so far of the Sandman Anastasia AU makes me excited to read more.
Read the part with the Hob and Dream interaction on the staircase and. The Angst. The potential future angst when Dream finds out what reward Hob actually asked for (assuming that's in line with the movie?) and he runs through this exact conversation in his head again! With those last words he spoke to Hob playing on repeat.
An evil part of me wants Hob to die in his efforts tying up loose ends (but succeeding) and for Dream to find out everything when it's too late to change anything. Maybe shortly after Hob's death. Or perhaps he isolates himself from the world and shows up at the inn 100 years later only to then find out the truth. Dream can never make amends and never gets closure. He settles further inside himself, putting up more walls between himself and the world. Or this is his tipping point.
Maybe Hob leaves behind a letter for him, apologizing to Dream asking not for his forgiveness but wishing him well and hoping that everything is good now that he's back to who he was. That he's happy.
Or, Hob does succeed and survive, and lives out his full life. But still dies before the 100th year meeting, that Dream shows up to.
Don't know the extent of Dream's power in the AU, if there's the Dreaming, if he can feel when a dreamer dies or not enter the Dreaming anymore. Bc in either scenario, what if he decides to never contact Hob again, but he feels Hob's death (bc he can't help but to keep tabs on Hob, despite everything), when, since Hob got his reward, !shouldn't! happen? And that's how he finds out.
BUT while that sounds tempting I'd really rather have the Angst train and the Happy Ending.
Thanks for reading my ramblings!
(Anastasia AU masterpost here!)
Thank YOU for sharing them, I enjoyed them very much! :3c
I'm very dedicated to happy endings, so don't worry, there'll be no great final tragedy... HOWEVER, I did feel tempted to write a sad little something, so I'll juuuuuust put that under the cut here....
(This is NOT CANON to the Anastasia AU - think of it as a hypothetical Bad Ending nightmare at most! Also, warning for major character death, of course.)
(I guess I'll still tag @10moonymhrivertam @martybaker @globglobglobglobob @anonymoustitans and @sunshines-fabulous-legs even though it's not technically canon to the AU...)
A hundred years pass in a blink.
Dream is busy, oh yes, very busy indeed, gathering his surviving dreams and nightmares together, carving out a tiny, miserable approximation of what was once his realm to house them. The New Dreaming is not what it once was, but it is enough - and where it is not, he works harder.
(If he is busy, then there is no opportunity to think of a time where he was once humans, with human needs and wants and loves. He can banish those memories from his mind, push them under layers and layers of plans and tasks, and feel his heart grow only ever so slightly heavier with it.)
His siblings are as busy as him, all trying desperately to recover scraps of their former strength. Sometimes, he helps them if he can, other times he is simply there to lean on and to hold them if he can't.
In those hundred years, Destiny wept - once, only once, but that was already more than Dream should ever have thought possible - in front of him, Desire screamed and howled and heaped verbal abuse on him in their frustration far more frequently, and Delirium clung to him as her physical form wavered and scattered like iridescent oil on a puddle. She slipped through his arms whenever he tried to hold her in return, and that was, perhaps, the worst of it.
No word of Destruction, Despair quiet and reclusive... and Death oh so tired. The humans now walk to The Sunless Lands without her, often refuse her hand if she tries. Dream can tell how it breaks her heart, and how carefully she hides it for her siblings' comfort.
It's a difficult century for them all.
But some things get better.
They heal. They grow. They recover. Humanity loses grip of their hatred, forgets about what they once did to the Endless, or why. It will take many more centuries, perhaps millenia, to undo all the harm that has been done - but be undone it will, that much is clear even after just one hundred years.
They have hope, still and always; and they have each other, and the truly endless love they each feel for their siblings. Dream is no longer lost and alone in the cold and the snow, as he once was as Murphy. He belongs now, something he has always yearned for, and it is a precious thing indeed.
But still he-
Sometimes, he-
(Hob Gadling and his smiles, Hob Gadling and the warmth of his hands, Hob Gadling and his ever-laughing mouth.
Hob Gadling asking 'would you come' in a voice too small and afraid for him, and the tears in his eyes at Dream's response.
He remembers these, sometimes, and wishes he didn't.)
A hundred years have passed by, and something in Dream has... it has softened. Gentled. Murphy, that frightened, furious, heartbroken man, or what remains of him in Dream of the Endless - he has healed, too.
He is beginning to regret his harsh refusal, now.
Is beginning to miss Hob.
Is considering, perhaps, to forgive him, even.
(The Corinthian has never bothered Dream again, has never wreaked havoc among the humans. Hob has succeeded admirably in his task, it seems... and perhaps this is something Dream should have recalled, in his aching fury: people are almost always better than one thinks they are.)
The hundredth anniversary of their final meeting on the stairs draws near...
And on an impulse, on the centennial of that fateful day, Dream calls Matthew to him, and slips out of their safe haven in silence, telling none of his siblings where he is bound - though he suspects, from Destiny quietly watching him leave, that one at least knows.
He treads carefully in the Waking, in the human world, but few care to notice him. The Endless are a fairytale, a horror story. A hundred years have washed the truth out of the tale, and there is none of that sharp suspicion in the humans' eyes he recalls from his journey as Murphy.
He is in London in an instant, at the park where he used to feed the birds and steal purses from passersby. Down the street then, to the White Horse inn, and-
The White Horse is gone.
A ruin stands in its place, closed down. The merciless grind of the gears of time have not spared it, clearly.
Dream is, briefly, at a loss. They have not specified another meeting place, and with his diminished powers it is... difficult, even for one such as him, to find a singular human - only more so if that human is immortal, and surely working hard to remain undetected. How will he-
"So you have come," says a voice behind him, and for a moment Dream's not-heart is beating in his throat, and he turns, relief sparking in his chest, the name Hob on his lips like a sigh...
"...sir," Gilbert finishes, standing there alone, and Dream's heart plummets again.
(Gilbert had taken his leave, after the whole affair, had begged permission to remain in the Waking - and Dream had granted it. Gilbert had been such a painful reminder of a time when he's been both at his most miserable and at his happiest, and sending him away had been... easier, then.)
"Fiddler's Green." Dream inclines his head. "My greetings."
"Gilbert. If it please your majesty." Gilbert corrects quietly. He looks sombre, and tired, a far cry from the curiosity and easy cheer of their journey oh-so-long ago. "May I beg a moment of your time?"
"...I was intending to meet..." Dream gestures vaguely to the White Horse, unable to say the words. Say the name. "Do you, perhaps, know..."
"Yes. Yes, sir. I know who you have come to meet." Gilbert blinks a few times, very quickly. Looks down at his hands followed over the tip of his cane. "Please, follow me. I know a place where we can sit and talk."
Dream hesitates, glancing back at the ruins of the inn - what if Hob should arrive in the meantime? - but then reminds himself how close Hob and Gilbert were, once upon a time. Gilbert would not lead him away if not for good reasons.
Quietly, nervously, he follows.
Gilbert brings him to another pub a few streets down, named The New Inn. A sweet, pleasant place, gentle and warm the way Fiddler's Green once used to be - he spends much time here, Dream can instantly tell.
(His eyes search each table for a familiar face. But he finds none.)
They sit, and Gilbert folds his hands, wrings them nervously, before finally pulling a well-aged envelope from his coat.
"This was given to me many years ago by... our mutual friend." He begins, haltingly. There is something achingly sad, something hushed, in the exhausted slump of his shoulders. "He begged a promise from me, that I would be here, on this day, every hundred years, and give it to you, my Lord, if you ever... he instructed me, in confidence, not to suspect you 'ere half a millennium has passed - you have rather defied his pessimistic expectations."
A smile, then... but tears, the dewdrops on flowers in the morning, gathering in the corners of Gilbert's eyes. Fear gripped Dream's heart, and would not release it.
"Dear Robert. And yet, he never doubted that you would, one day, appear. Such faith he had in you."
"Had?" Dream chokes around the word. On his shoulder, Matthew grows uneasy.
"Read the letter, my Lord." Gilbert's smile is gentle as well as sad, as he pushes the letter across the table. "And you shall know all he wanted you to know."
There is a name on the envelope, Dream of the Endless written in Hob's scrawl, still familiar after so many years - and then, (Murphy) underneath it.
Dream dreads what he will find in this letter - but he opens it with shaking fingers, and begins to read, nonetheless.
My Honoured Lord, Dream of the Endless etc. etc. (My dearest Murphy)
It is my fond and foolish hope that this letter finds you well, and that you have since grown to forgive poor, lowly Hob Gadling - who was ever your friend, if you can bring yourself to believe it. (Perhaps you cannot. I wouldn't blame you. But know that, from the moment I first saw you, I cared for you, and never wished you harm. Hate me for the deception, hate me for my greed - but do not think I did not truly love you. Because I did, Murphy, Dream, whichever name you now prefer. I did.) I've asked Gil to hand you this letter if you ever come to the White Horse. Please don't be cross with him, he fought me on this every step of the way, and even now I am not sure if I have sworn him to secrecy firmly enough. If he's blabbed to you, be happy, his loyalty to you has won out over my pleas, which I do not blame him for at all - and if he hasn't. Well. Thank him for me, will you? He's been a true friend to me, always, and I... appreciate his fealty. Now, the most important thing I have to tell you: I refused your sister's reward. Yes, I know. I'm a fool. After all I did for it, too. But you were right. I didn't deserve it, I was a greedy, manipulative bastard... ...and I was in love with you, of course, and couldn't bear the thought of spending an immortal life being hated by you. (Forgive her, too, for not telling you, please. All on my request, not her fault.) I don't know why exactly I refused, in the end. I was trying to prove something, maybe. To me, to you - it hardly matters. Not anymore, at least. I'm going to see if I can't give our pursuer hell, and that'll likely... not end well for me. But even if I am fortunate enough to survive that encounter, I doubt I'll live to the ripe old age of 130-something, so... I'm sorry I couldn't make our appointment, my friend, my love - and after I was the one to suggest it, too. Unfair of me, perhaps... but at least you'll have this letter, and all I wanted still to tell you. If I died, if I am dead now, you must know that I died happy. You are with your family again, you've returned to your true self, and I could help you achieve that. This time, I could help, and I'm so glad. I love you. Foolish, of a mortal, to love an Endless, but there it is. I loved you as Murphy, and I love you still as Dream, and I am happy to know the one I love safe and free and - I hope, I pray - content and living a life of joy. Be well, Dream of the Endless. Think of me, now and then, if you can bear it - and recall, perhaps, that even low and greedy humans may show themselves to be better than you'd think at first. I love you. Forgive me. And farewell forever. Yours, always, always yours, Hob Gadling
A wet splash as a tear drops onto the letter, old ink running slightly under it; and then another, before Gilbert's gentle hands pull the paper to safety.
Dream sits there for hours, crying like a child, like a human, mourning, regretting...
...and admitting, at last, that he loved Hob, and loves Hob still, even now, when it is far too late for love to change any of it.
He would turn back time if he could, beg his father on his knees for the chance to undo this - but he does not have power enough to even ask, and knows he will be denied either way. He has lost Hob; has lost him to anger and jilted feelings, to secrets and unspoken words. To the Corinthian's dagger, or the tooth of time.
He has lost Hob, and his heart with him.
Gilbert and Matthew bring him home, eventually. His siblings comfort him silently, aching in empathy of his grief.
A century has passed, and soon another will start, and pass, and be gone, over and over and over. Life is rich, and goes on forevermore... only without one never-truly-immortal in it.
And Dream will forever remember Hob Gadling, will think of him at every judgement he passes over a mortal life, at every burst of fury in his chest. Will think of kindness, of forgiveness, of friendship.
And, forever and always, of love.
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am i missing something in kinda comparing the entire maggie and nina situation to paris? 'cause there was no need to get them to fall in love. a&c might not be able to make people actually feel it, but they seem to have mind control down pat without much effort (or any moral quandaries). they could have waited for an angel to show up and just faked it- easy, certain way out. it's not like the idea of working together like that is even weird, not after the gabriel miracle.
so. either they missed it, which is plausible, and uhhh, renders this whole ask pointless, or *would* have moral issues with it (also plausible💀), or they're being completely ridiculous again, and would rather plan balls than actually make an effort to get themselves out of Mortal Fucking Peril (not that aziraphale necessarily knows it is). i think it would fit the pattern, honestly- when not having huge blowouts over *problems of their own making* (hey aziraphale kill this kid it'll be fine, aziraphale why won't you ditch earth with me, crowley why won't you come to heaven with me), the ineffables always seem to be constantly, aggressively orbiting eachother, making heart eyes and goofing off (cough end of the resurrectionists "not kind" cough) with 0 regard for safety except for the (very very sadly i can't find the -ennial word for every other century) occasional heart attack, and then just skipping right back down the aisle.
(hope this is coherent, i've been editing things a little too long to tell)
hello @aq-uatic my darling!!!💕
(bby im so sorry!!! i thought i had posted this ages ago and i went rooting around in the drafts to continue something else and realised i hadn't!!! im an idiot sorry!!!)
i think there is some context behind aziraphale's actions in particular with this scene:
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we know that aziraphale has a fondness for maggie, that i'd argue goes slightly beyond the fondness he has for humans in general (and even then that's questionable at times), and he seems genuinely put out that he's not in a position to help her - to wiggle his fingers about, and make it happen for her (horrifying implications, aziraphale, but we move). so, whilst aziraphale obviously is prompted into the whole 'lets-make-these-two-humans-fall-in-love-bc-that's-totally-normal-and-okay' by holding the everyday record back in the bookshop, i think there is an element of aziraphale genuinely wanting to help her, and coming up with the ball is his interpretation of an organic way to do that (💀). but it doesn't justify the whole thing one little bit; despite the possibility of that being his intention, it's completely batshit - nina certainly didnt know, let alone consent, to anything, and maggie didn't either; they're not dolls for either of them to play around with.
essentially though, i agree - any logical, coherent, sensible thinking would have probably just helped them arrive at a solution that didn't involve warping reality and bringing a whole room of people under a horrifying amount of hypnosis. but you have two supernatural creatures who, in a fairly major way by the time of 2023 at least, have their sense of existing amongst humanity influenced by not only the clandestine, dramatic nature of their own story, but by their tendencies towards damsel-but-not-wholly-in-distress-ing and anti-hero-at-best-ing respectively. we have to barely scratch the surface to see the intertextuality between these traits of theirs, and where they might stem from stories told in certain books and movies (emma by jane austen, and james bond spring to mind).
they constantly talk in riddles to each other, in code and in double meanings - they may somewhat understand the general sense of what the other is saying, but it's not categorical and leaves too much room for error or misinterpretation (which, ultimately, it does). it's a constant dance circling each other, ebbing and flowing, pulling in and drawing back, but never coming together properly; it's a quadrille vs. a waltz.
it makes sense that they are so used to finding the most roundabout and convoluted ways to do things, and this continues into s2, because not only is it how it tends to go down in fiction, but also because that's literally how they've had to exist - not only so their closeness isn't detected, or so their true natures aren't suspected by their respective head offices, but also by nature of being literal supernatural creatures living amongst humans - sleeper agents, of a kind - and constantly having to exist without detection.
none of this makes it right, of course not - but i actually don't think they see any other way of going about things. they're so good at it, so well practiced, that (as just two examples) they run verbal rings around gabriel/metatron (book) and beelzebub chattering about the great vs. ineffable plans at the airfield, and they dance around the most straightforward solution to the maggie/nina problem. as for themselves and their relationship, they dont speak plainly to each other until the bandstand or final fifteen... and even then, i feel like its aziraphale that is maybe the first to break and speak plainly? idk:
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i think it's clear that crowley is the more scared, and therefore the more cautious, in this regard. for all his objections attempting to distance himself as an angel compared to crowley's being a demon, aziraphale feels to me that he is the more inclined to throw caution to the wind. i think its because crowley understands the danger in blowing their cover a little more than aziraphale does - aziraphale on multiple occasions slips in nearly admitting their closeness (1800, end of 1827 as you pointed out, and when meeting with the archangels in heaven in s1) - and is still stuck in the safety that dancing around what should be plainly said affords them. they both - as you wonderfully put it - aggressively orbit each other, and breaking the holding pattern comes a little too late.
so no, i think your drawing the parallel between the Weird-Ass dynamic in 1793, how they handle the maggie/nina storyline, and then how they behave with each other, is very apt! but its, at this time, arguably all that they've known - acting in this way - and breaking the cycle is starting to happen, but won't pay its dividends until s3✨
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blackorechan · 1 year
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i'm gonna try something new out: chapter reviews! mostly because oh my god i really wanna talk about this chapter. it's about poppy playtime legally distinct survival horror let's plays!
for your reading convenience, i have TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY edited in english dialogue and some misc text
let's fuckin GO.... !!!!!!! wait goddamnit this means i was too late to write that twitch streamer black au
so, before anything else, i really need to bring something up. like, it's not even relevant to the chapter i just kinda need to
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black channel acknowledging and deliberately paying homage to garten of banban is going to fucking kill me. do you understand. this chapter's about poppy playtime but there are pages referencing banban too. the general theme for this issue BC-wise was "foreign horror games"
ok actual review time for this chapter
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we start off seeing that satoshi is getting into horror game let's plays! he's too scared to play the games himself, so he just watches commentary channels play them.
now, why the fuck satoshi would still be scared of indie horror games right after he watched black grow twice the size of the earth and crush an alien military squadron with his bare hands and also get shot with a pistol, kinda like what happened literally the chapter before this, i don't know but, eh, hey, he's ten and i barely processed all that myself
black proposes they make a video so satoshi can learn to be just like the let's players he watches play those survival horror games! then he could be a famous youtuber, so he says
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satoshi hesitates, but with some Encouragement from camera-chan, they set off
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so, here we reach the part of the chapter where they are literally just playing poppy playtime basically.
this chapter's writing really shines through with a really fun detail though..
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throughout this chapter, we can see the viewers on black's livestream send chat messages! they tend to be really rude about satoshi being scared shitless, making fun of him, generally behaving as a livestream chat does
i obviously am well versed in twitch, and though i think this is intended to be youtube livestreams for obvious reasons, it does feel a lot like watching an actual livestream to see the little comments heckling satoshi as he goes. it's just a fun detail!
it's pretty clear the complexity of the previous arc had an impact on the style kisaichi wants to pursue for this series. the shading especially stands out much more now, and there seems to be a better balance between comedic beats and the scary ones!
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black's "asshole older brother and younger sibling he torments" dynamic with satoshi also has plenty of wiggle room this chapter! it's the reason they're doing it in the first place (and camera-chan's Encouragement), and black does not miss an opportunity to fuck with his stream co-host.
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i'm having fun with the stream chat could you tell
but, we can only have so much for fun and games with our trio. there's something big, an elephant in the room...
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or a cat, a cat works too.
this is "nyan-nyan", our not-huggy wuggy who is not so subtly also a nod towards banban. nyan-nyan does the exact same thing huggy wuggy and banban do in the game. it chases you!
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it's at this point in the game, satoshi gets stuck. every time he tries to get past nyan-nyan, it kills him. but it's just a video game so he's fine, he respawns. it's fine. it's probably fine.
the story beats really resemble poppy playtime from this point forward, right down to "poor" huggy wuggy-sorry, nyan-nyan's fate, which by the way takes the cake for one of the most gruesome things i've seen in this series so far, but i'd rather just wrap up with this and give my final thoughts on this whole chapter!
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"aren't you an indie horror nut, like, especially for the bad ones-" yes and that's why i reviewed this chapter! thank you for noticing how biased i am in this chapter's favor (especially after whatever the FUCK happened last month)
i'll be honest. this chapter is better than both the games it's paying homage to, because i actually did get startled when i swiped to the next page a couple times, which is not something i can say either poppy playtime or garten of banban themselves got out of me
the previous arc was dragging on so long i'd almost forgotten the horror aspects of the series. almost. not quite, not quite.
so, that's my two cents on the poppy playtime / garten of banban parody chapter! little early for halloween, but appreciated nonetheless.
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besides, who wouldn't love that face? the answer is my boyfriend who got jumpscared multiple times in our dms when i showed him this panel
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childotkw · 2 years
Back with Sea Dragon Lucerys brainrot...
Also saw that you are calling it the salt in our blood au, haha nice.
After Jace's and possibly Joffrey's death (ur evil) I'd imagine Luke getting colder and losing his childlike innocence... almost like the restless freezing waves of the sea. Of course he would still be unhinged bc its Luke, cmon.
Considering how Jace died, these following events from f&b still happens i'd assume. "Though the attackers bypassed Dragonstone, no doubt believing that the ancient Targaryen stronghold was too strong to assault, they exacted a grievous toll on Driftmark. Spicetown was brutally sacked, the bodies of men, women, and children butchered in the streets and left as fodder for gulls and rats and carrion crows, its buildings burned. The town would never be rebuilt. High Tide was put to the torch as well. All the treasures the Sea Snake had brought back from the east were consumed by fire, his servants cut down as they tried to flee the flames. The Velaryon fleet lost almost a third of its strength. Thousands died. Yet none of these losses were felt so deeply as that of Jacaerys Velaryon, Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne."
So at this point Driftmark is pretty fucked, and i was thinking... maybe Lucerys and grandpa Corlys could go on an adventure together after the crown is won :D sailing around the Realm and finding treasures, discovering new cultures and learning from them, maybe surviving a few dangerous otherworldly creatures, krakens, wyrms, FUCKING SIRENS. The sirens trying to lure Luke and Corlys by mimicking their lovers' voice, and they only survive because while Corlys hears Rhaenys, Luke hears Aemond and he is taken aback. He has pushed away his feelings towards that man for the longest time (rightfully so) And when Corlys asks how Luke wasnt effected by the sirens he questions if he doesnt love Rhaena and Luke is forced to tell him his true feelings. And Corlys is like "i have already lost a son for this exact reason i am not going to lose another" and he is all supportive (and yes he does see him as his son rather than grandson bc he sees Laenor in him)
I can also imagine Aemond going "fuck it i need to find this mfs" taking vhagar and going after them thinking they died or something. Maybe he saves them from a fight or a hostage situation and both luke and corlys r all silent on vhagars back now knowing lukes feelings and aemonds like i just saved u tf is this
Then when they come back after a few months of being gone they r greeted by their family members with feasts and all that. They basically saved House Velaryon's future with the treasures they found and now they r the richest family in Westeros once again.
Maybe Aemond swears fealty to Luke as a protector bc hes enjoyed their lil adventure a bit too much and doesnt have anything better to do anyway. (he is free from baratheons bc he begged Rhaenyra to not make him marry the girl and Rhaenyra helped him get out of it) now he is just a second son of the late King Viserys' and has no inheritence. So he just tags along with the Velaryons
Hahaha thank you!
Losing Jace and Joff (I know I am but I live to hurt fictional characters and this would create delicious ✨drama✨) would absolutely have stolen the last remnants of Lucerys' innocence. For a good long while he'd fluctuate between desperate anger and cold, hard detachment.
Driftmark definitely still gets hit, and it's brutal. Lucerys' need to avenge his brother and his birthright burns very bright after that.
I also love your idea! I can see, after Rhaenyra is Queen and things are...tentatively chill once more, Corlys recognising that Lucerys (and him as well) needs time to process and heal. He'd be the one to suggest the two of them going off, for more 'practical, everyday experience' that Lucerys would need as Lord of the Tides. He'd come into his title on a wave of red, now he needs time to learn how to be a sea dragon in peace.
So the two of them, with Rhaenyra's blessing (and a bunch of conditions, like regular check-ins and having to return within a year or two), board Arrax and set off.
And I'm not sure about bringing merlings into it (I'd have to do more research into how they work in asoiaf), but the idea of Lucerys getting hit with a clue-by-four about his feelings for Aemond because of a fucking magical fish is hilarious. He'd be so offended and embarrassed that it literally took a mythical creature for him to realise what Rhaena had been hinting at all along.
But the idea of Corlys discovering and then accepting Lucerys completely and wholeheartedly because he doesn't ever want his heir to feel like Laenor had? That he never wants to drive Lucerys away, or dismiss his feelings, or call it a 'phase', as he had with his son? Pure art.
The inevitable reunion with Lucerys and Aemond would also be brilliant because Corlys just looks at Aemond for a moment then turns to Lucerys and is like "while not my first pick, I fully support your choice in partner, so long as you are happy" right in front of Aemond and Lucerys just closes his eyes in resignation because omg grandpa must you???
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browniefox · 3 months
The Final Crisis Core Playthrough Post!
Might end up making a video or something that kind of puts all my thoughts on the game together, but I'll leave it as this for now.
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I feel like I'm always harping on the same things, but this game is always trying to get me to care about characters that it hasn't set up well before hand. I think there's something interesting about Cissnei, but there's not enough interactions with her for me to really care about her, and them trying to be like 'hey, don't you care what her read name is???' just makes me dislike her more tbh. I appreciate she's looking out for Zack, but there's just not a lot there for me. Who knows, maybe she'll end up being super cool in Rebirth.
It's also funny to me that she's like 'wow Zack, coming to Gongaga? Of course they're looking for you here' but Zack makes it sound like he kind of came here by accident.
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Hollander and his dumb ass little wing. Also, in this light, Genesis is doing pretty well for himself, all things considered.
Genesis' goal is just... It's all over the place. I was sort of beginning to understand him, but this last section of the game I just stop being able to get a read on him. What I hate most is the lack of feeling like anything has changed for him. It's been four years, and sure Zack's life was at a standstill, but the rest of the world shouldn't have been. I'm glad the game let me finally kill Hollander, though, I've been wanting to do that for hours.
And I guess right now they've decided they need Cloud's S Cells? Why do they think S Cells will work? Are they just grasping at straws? I think they are.
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How has nobody talked about Lazard???? I thought what happened to him was a mystery bc I've never heard anyone mention that apparently he became an Angeal copy to survive or whatever the purpose was again. It's so weird to see him with Angeal's face.
I think there's something interesting, though, with us finally getting to learn a little bit more about the connection between the copy and the original, with Lazard mentioning he's been feeling some Angeal emotions or whatever. We never get to hear what his deal was though. I know it's implied he's a Shinra bastard, but I guess I think it would have hit better as text rather than subtext.
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I do think it's cool that the shelling of Banora was one of the first things to happen in the game, and now we're back here and we get to see the fallout. At least it looks pretty. I think there's only one Banora White tree left, from the looks of it? I'd love to be able to come here in Rebirth, though I have a feeling we won't.
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Are you trying to tell me that Genesis was the first person to think of making apple juice??? Yeah, sorry, don't believe it. This party just feels... weird. Like, I think it's supposed to hint to something? Like, something about the juice? I was just too caught by surprise by Genesis the Apple Juice Inventor.
I realize he didn't invent apple juice but just, uh, was the first to decide to juice Banora Whites? Was there something stopping them from doing so before?
The dungeon in this section also does not have to be this long. Bull shit dungeon.
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Okay, so now there's a weird statue that was under Banora. Okay. I believe it's said or implied that whatever this thing is is what gave Banora White's their special taste or whatever or special properties, I wish it was gone into before. Is that why the trees were fruiting at weird times of the year? At least Genesis seems to believe this is what he was looking for.
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It's sort of interesting that Genesis looks and Zack and goes 'Ah, you have both Angeal and Sephiroth in you, and thus we are all reunited', but like, that makes it seem like Zack will then get some part of Genesis to me, but that never happens.
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The armor looks cool, but it made me expect a much cooler fight than I ended up having. The fighting in this ends up being just spamming spells, which isn't all that fun tbh. I like that Genesis' face was kind of cracking as he was getting the power of the Goddess, but then he's totally rejuvenated after this which is soooo lame.
Why and how does he claim this power anyway? It's one of the more minor questions, tbh. This is going to sound weird, bc god I could not get thi guy to stop talking about loveless, but I wish there was more Loveless? Like, that we could get a better understanding of the epic to better see how it fits the story of Genesis, Angeal, and Seph.
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I do kind of like that Genesis at this point is still fighting. Like, he doesn't seem to understand when to throw in the towel - it's why he's been trying to find a cure this whole time. I kind of see it as what was probably once one of his best qualities, but now has become one of his worst.
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I think this is supposed to be, like, the Goddess from Loveless, right? But, is that the same as the Planet? Is she some Ancient from long ago? Something else? These aren't questions that I necessarily need answered, but if would be nice to know if, you know answers to them did exist. I do think this whole scene is very pretty at least, and you get the idea that Genesis might even be coming to some sort of revelation about like, his life and what all of this is, and I for sure thought he died here.
I also think it's sad that Zack keeps getting into this situations where people are essentially using him as a form of suicide. How mean, he's just a nice little guy! Stop being mean to him :(
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Wow, reunion of the Firsts. You have Lazard as Angeal, Genesis as himself, and Cloud as Sephiroth, how touching. I just, ugh, I was so done with this story by the time I got here. Like it’s a nice picture, and you get the idea they’re going for something, but it falls flat to me. Also,  Lazard says that they were attacked, and I realize it would have been more work, but I wish they would have done something to the area to look like there had just been some sort of fight here. I could easily believe otherwise that Lazard just fell down and died bc he looks that shitty. No offense. Also damn, the dog dies too :( 
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And also we all get to eat an apple? Do the apples have something special going on with them or not? I got the impression they do from what I’ve heard other people say, and maybe I’m just not picking up on it bc I’m going through the story too quickly or something, but the pieces are just not coming together for me. I’m planning to watch both the CC and CCR cutscenes after this to get some other opinions and also to try and get a better grasp on all of this, so hopefully that will help…? 
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Oh my God, I do kind of like the detail that Zack had no idea it’s been four years. I mean, why would he know how long it’s been. That being said, however, why hasn’t anyone else mentioned how long it’s been? Maybe they don’t realize he wasn’t able to account for that time or something, but still. It does break my heart that Aerith has been writing letters this whole time, but just now she’s finally giving up. 
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Bye bye Genesis, see you in Dirge or whatever. For some reason I thought it ended with him, like, encased in crystal? I realize that that Zack really only has room for one comatose friend, but you couldn't have put Genesis somewhere a little better? Then again, he is a little bitch, and where else would he want to be than as close to home as possible? Not that he stayed there very long, of course.
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Again, we see that the Turks care at least somewhat for Zack, and not just Cissnei. Either it’s because Tseng likes Zack or because he cares about Aerith, and tbh I’d take either answer. I think it’s nice that he’s been holding on to the letters she’s tried to send to Zack, that Tseng hasn’t thrown them away but clearly has always planned to give them to Zack, should he ever turn up. I do like Tseng a little more after this game, at least. 
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I know that this game expects you to have played FFVII before hand, but I wish some of the repeat cutscenes were done more justice, like this one in the back of the truck. For a game that deals with the time between Nibelheim and Midgar, I kinda was hoping for more of these moments between Zack and Cloud. 
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Ugh, this moment is good though, Cloud reaching out for Zack, probably the most he’s moved in years, but Zack has his back turned and is walking away. We all know what’s coming. 
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I didn’t take a lot of screenshots during the fight. I wish it had let you fight them until you couldn’t fight any longer instead of ending it earlier. The way the DMW breaks down over the course of the battle is heartbreaking! I think it’s cool to interpret it as, like, Zack losing faith in those people, his loss in hope of what they thought, they believed, or maybe losing the values that they thought were important or something. And the way that Aerith’s DMW held on so long. When I tell you I screamed the first time he’s came up, and I almost cried when the it finally disappeared. And that grueling end fight! Where it’s you against three simple infantrymen, but Zack at this point is so tired and exhausted he can barely lift the buster sword. Oh my god, at least they did this part super well. 
Okay, my switch wouldn’t let me take screenshots of the ending cutscene, boo, but here’s my thoughts on that. 
God that last scene is so brutal.
Zack bleeding out and dying, and it not shying away from showing the blood and how painful and sad this is. And Cloud, managing to crawl over. I already knew this scene, but it still hit super strongly. Like, how relieved must Zack hae been to hear Cloud talk for the first time in ages? To say his name? Confirmation that Cloud was still in there and still cared about him? And all he can offer him now is a purpose and a weapon to carry on. And the way Cloud SCREAMS at the end! And Aerith looking upward, and you know that she can feel that Zack is dead. I have just have one problem, and that’s that it becomes a music video??? Like, why the hell would you do that? 
I also like the detail that the post-credit scene is the opening to FFVII. Very nice touch in my opinion. 
In summary, I like a lot of the ideas and themes that Crisis Core says it's going to deal with, and most of the ways that it expands the FFVII universe, but i wish it was better and more thoughtfully written. Everything feels so rushed, and like it's going a million miles an hour, and I don't get the chance to get attached to people as much as I wanted to.
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𝙷𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒! 𝙸'𝚖 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔
𝙾𝚔 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚜𝚊𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙱𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚠𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝙲𝚂? 𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚖-
I felt like doing this one first if that's okay !! I felt like I'd get this one done faster because this request has only one character! I hope it's okay with you that I switched the requests around?
Also I sort of made this as 'how you and Bain met then became a thing'??? Bc u didn't exactly specify so I thought this would be cute !!
Bain with his crush
- Uhm okay so I feel like y'all would be more like a slow burn???
- Bain needs to trust someone before he does ANYTHING romantic so you better be okay playing the long game
- It's okay, it's worth it tbh... he's worth it :)
- Anyways, I think he just hired you because of your skill set rather than anything else
- I mean he thinks you're worthy of being a part of the gang if that counts for anything
- He really appreciates the way you fit in the group nicely, and sort of compliment others skills whilst holding your own
- He's glad he picked you :)
- I think the only time you have to talk to him at all is on stealth missions because then you have more time to be calm and quiet?
- It'd probably start with him leading you through a simple mission, just the two of you hehe
- 'Alright, place the ecm on the door there, and..... bingo!'
- You find him to be pretty cool to hang out with once you're in a more chill place
- On your first stealth mission/tutorial, you exchange thoughts and have a pretty good conversation!
- Obviously he doesn't say anything about himself, if anything he keeps closed whilst asking things about you!
- (He probably already knows a lot about you because he hired you, but the research doesn't say stuff like your favourite colour and hobbies)
- He just asks stuff to keep the conversation going, but he secretly likes to hear about it
- He likes making sure that his heisters are doing well, so this little stealth mission is sort of a checkup too?
- If you feel like they (the gang) don't like you or something, he's quick to reassure you
- 'Oh, they just don't take kindly to anyone new at first. Give it time, they'll grow to like you. We're kind of like a family, a growing one at that.'
- If you had any anxieties about being new, you don't now because he's there to help you out
- 'Don't worry, alright? Everyone else - even Dallas - felt nervous about being in this gang. Once you show them how good you are? You'll fit in.'
- He's a real one fr we love him
- Okay anyway so we skip forward and you're pretty close with everyone
- I can't really explain how it happened, but Bain kinda maybe likes you more than he probably should
- I mean, he's your boss technically, so he does feel like this is wrong
- Like... he's your superior so-
- Plus he's like.... 'why would you like me lol I'm like... so mid and old'
- There's definitely some unspoken romance between y'all that everyone else sees but doesn't comment on because they don't want to be whacked by you/Bain
- Neither of you guys admit it, but you both really like each other
- Okay anyway, I think y'all definitely act differently on the rare occasion when you are in a stealth heist together and it's just you and him
- The two of y'all talk, and talk, and talk some more
- It's clear you both care for each other a lot
- I think at one point he decides to tell you about his feelings because Dallas told him to 'do it no balls' (not a direct quote from him)
- So you're in the process of carrying some loot back in silence, when he decides to tell you
- His heart is pounding 😬
- (Please forgive me for how bad I am at charactisation)
- 'Hey... so.....'
- 'So.....'
- 'Uhhh.... nevermind.'
- Okay... maybe you can come in clutch this time? (please)
- 'Uh... okay...?'
- 'Hey, so I kind of have something to tell you?'
- 'I know this probably isn't allowed, but I think uh... I like you. In a non-platonic way.'
- Bain takes a moment to breathe bc OMG OMG
- Unironically has to-
- Sorry, I got lost on my bus mb cuz
- He then returned to his seat and turned his mic on
- '....Bain? You uh.... I think your mic cut off.'
- 'Oh- um... right... yeah. Something like that.'
- (It was nothing like that)
- 'So... you like me.'
- He is genuinely confused because like.... he could be rlly ugly or something (he's not) and yet you still like him???
- '.....yeeeep. Uh.... so what do you think? About that.'
- 'I know exactly how I feel about that. About you.'
- '....wait I'm really dumb does that mean you like me or-'
- He sighs (bro how are you so STUPI-)
- 'Let's just say, if we were next to each other.... well... I've always wanted to know what your lips feel like.' (I'm really bad at flirting sorry)
- 'Oh... OH-' (you finally getting it)
- Anyhow, y'all defo be smooching in a metaphorical sense?
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