#i’m sorry but he got accused of pressuring a girl into sex n lying about being monogamous so he wouldn’t have to wear a condom hello
wayvtual · 3 months
i just saw a post about lucas getting a documentary n how he said he wanted to die i’m cryinggggg why is he telling us about it instead of doing it @ lucas
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kafka-ish · 4 years
what billy doesn’t know won’t hurt him | r.t.
when things get heated between bill and richie, richie takes it a step further. now things are heated between bill, richie, and bill’s girlfriend.
word count: 7,429
warnings/included: nsfw (smut but it’s vanilla), cheating, pining, angst(?), fem!reader
a/n: this concept is awful and this whole fic was written for my own self indulgence so i hope you’ll forgive me
It was no surprise that Bill would be the first of the Losers to get a girlfriend and Richie knew this. What’s not to like about Big Bill? He had a certain leadership quality and charisma to him that no girl could resist. His stark auburn hair and tall figure probably didn’t help either. 
Richie first met Bill’s new belle at the arcade. The Losers made plans to meet each other there one Friday night in celebration for their exam week ending. 
“Guh-guys, I’m br-bringing my guh-guh—” 
“Guacamole? That’s cool and all, Billiam, but I’m sure you can just get some there.” Richie erupted into a fit of laughter because that was the thing about Richie; he always laughed at his own jokes whether they were funny or not. 
Bill’s backhand flew to the underside of Richie’s chin and Eddie cringed at the jarring sound of skin on skin. Bill grew tired of Richie’s incessant interruptions. His friend never seemed to let him finish a thought. 
“No.” He let out an annoyed sigh, hoping it would come across as an indication for Richie to maybe, for once in his life, get his head out of his ass. “Mm-my girlfr-friend.” Once he finished his sentence, he made sure to shoot Richie a smirk. It looked the same as his smirk he wore when he finished beating him at chess or when one of the other Losers’ got in the last word instead of him. This time Bill got in the last word. 
“That’s good for you, Bill!” Bev piped up. “We need another girl around here.” She looked to the room of all boys in slight disgust. “Not that you guys aren’t great —” 
“Well... Now you’ll have someone to have ‘girl talk’ with.” Ben looked around to Bill, Richie, Stan, and Eddie. All except Richie nodded in agreement. 
“Tough crowd. You can count me in on the girl talks, though.” Beverly slapped the suggestive look right off Richie’s face which he yelped at. 
“Richie, you’ve been slapped so many times, you should be numb to the feeling by now.” Stan shook his head as a disappointed mother would, but his smile said differently. 
Their conversation continued; ranging from what grades they received on their finals and what time they would meet up. 
They decided on six. 
But Bill was late. Bill was never late. 
“Where’s Bill?”
The Losers were squeezed together in one of the booths the lounge area of the arcade had to offer. Beverly and Ben’s shoulders pressed together while they sucked down the same strawberry milkshake. Mike sat beside the couple, because neither Stan nor Eddie would, while picking through the fries to find the crispy ones.
Eddie, Stan, and Richie sat on the other side. Stan kept complaining to Mike about how he “shouldn’t touch every one of the fries” and that he was “hogging all the good ones.” Eddie, on the other hand, ran his mouth about the multiple diseases Ben and Beverly could catch from sharing their food (or anything for that matter).  
“Probably getting one-off in the bathroom with—”
“Beep Beep, R-Richie!” It was the man of the hour. Bill silenced his friend to which the rest of the group was thankful for. Even though Richie’s anecdotes could be entertaining, they did not want to hear about their friend’s sex life: made up or not. 
“Hey, Big Bill!” Richie turned a ninety in his seat to see the look on his friend’s face, but he didn’t expect to be met with the scene of Bill and his arm wrapped around some girl. A hot one at that. 
Bill kissed her temple before directing his attention to the group. “Everyone, th-th-this is—”
“I’m y/n.”
“Mmm-my guh-girlfriend.” Bill said this almost too proudly.
“I didn’t know Billiam was actually capable of getting some.” Richie fell into a fit of laughter and held up his hand for a round of high fives he was expecting. But instead of a slap on the back and a “good one, Rich”, Richie was given a variety of bored and ‘are-you-serious’ looks.
“Anyway,” Stan broke the silence. “y/n, you wanna pull up a chair? Sorry, we didn’t get a table big enough…”
“It’s ff-ine,” Bill said as he was climbing into the booth next to Richie. “There’s room.” He gave y/n a suggestive look, raising his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth upturned slightly. His girlfriend ducked her head; embarrassed in front of Bill’s friends she had never met before. She could feel her cheeks heating up and the group’s stare on her when she went to sit on Bill’s lap.
To that, Richie whistled and said, “What’s next, are you gonna make her give you a lap dance?” Anger took over Bill’s body. His muscles tensed under his skin and it became harder to conceal his scowl. “Don’t worry, doll.” Richie started whispering into y/n’s ear. “If Bill gets hard you won’t—you won’t notice since he’s —”
Richie couldn’t finish his sentence. Partly because his laughing prevented him from doing so. Bill had also jabbed him in the shoulder causing Richie to pull away from the couple.
“Gee, Bill, I didn’t know you could—” 
“Richie, that’s enough!” Bill, no longer able to keep his composed expression, raised his voice. 
All the Losers watched intently. Bill never raised his voice, so to say that this was a rare occasion was just as much of an understatement as saying, “Stan liked birds.”
“Luh-look, Richie, I th-th-hink you’re a funny guy. A li-little too vulgar fo-or my taste, but yo-you make the room laugh. But luh-late-ly you’ve been making a lot of juh-jokes regarding muh-me—”
“Or what you don’t have.” 
“Th-this is what I’m ta-talking ab-out.” Bill watched his friend sternly, waiting for an apology. Even the smallest sorry would be good enough for him. 
Richie stayed silent. 
“You… you know, it-it’s funny that you muh-make all th-these jokes ab-about mm-me when you’ve nev-her had a girlfr-hend. God, Richie, cuh-can you even guh-get a girl to… to like yo-you back?” He recalled all the times Richie had been rejected. How Richie must be the least desirable kid in school with his track record of turn downs. 
Stillness filled the air. Aside from Bill’s lengthy speech, none of the Losers had said anything for the past five minutes. What was there to say? Even Richie was left speechless. 
“We’ll b-be guh-going now.” y/n slid off Bill’s lap. She waited passively for him as he got up from his seat. Bill wasted no time for goodbyes. He walked out of the door with a swagger that none of the Losers had seen on him before. But y/n stayed behind, awkwardly shifting her weight from one foot to the other. 
“It was nice meeting you all…” Her attempt to ease the uneasiness between them was admirable. “I hope we can do this again sometime, yeah?” She was a sweet girl. The words that left her mouth were... genuine, not just being said because of the unexpected outburst at the table. 
She parted from the group shortly after, not wanting to keep Bill waiting long. Richie’s eyes were glued to y/n’s backside while she pranced towards the door. The way her hips swayed were captivating and even though her dress was loose it was just short enough to— 
“Richie, you’re staring.” 
“Am I?” Richie averted his eyes away from Bill’s girlfriend, now finding the voice who’d scolded him. 
“Yes, and it’s disgusting,” Stan scoffed. He shot Richie a glare but not his usual glare. Stan was actually disgusted. His eyes were squinted slightly, and Richie could tell his brain was trying to figure out what was going on in Richie’s own. 
“Okay, everyone agrees with me that y/n is way too hot for Bill, right?” Richie asked the group. A little gossip never hurt anyone right?
But the responses were lackluster. 
“I think Bill and y/n look cute together!” Beverly was the first one to defend Bill. Ben nodded after her because let’s be honest, that boy agreed with everything she said just to keep himself on her radar. 
“I don’t feel comfortable talking about this behind Bill’s back.” Mike was next and he wore an uncomfortable look on his face. Multiple Losers (everyone except for Richie) had agreed with him on that one.
“y/n seems nice—” 
“Exactly!” Richie could almost jump out of his seat as he cut Eddie off. “Bill doesn’t deserve her!” 
“I think someone’s jealous.” Richie snapped his head to look at Stan who wasn’t doing the same. He was too busy wiping off the condensation from his drink glass. 
“Why would you say that?” Richie’s eyebrow rose at the accusation and there became a burning need for an answer that grew inside him. The rest of the Losers had also become intrigued. 
“First of all, you think she’s hot—” 
“Richie thinks anything with legs is hot,” Eddie said, and everyone forgot what the conversation was about for a moment as they took a minute to laugh at his remark. 
“Richie, why don’t you think y/n’s good enough for Bill?” Stan asked. 
There was no response while Ben, Beverly, Eddie, Mike, and Stan had their eyes on him. Although Richie usually handled himself well under pressure and in social situations, he felt a bad concoction of the coke he had just downed and the fries he was snacking on creeping their way back up his throat for a second taste. 
 “Hey, Stanny, I didn’t ask for ya to go all Freud on me.” Richie chuckled; trying to brush off the funny feeling in his stomach. 
Richie felt a sort of relief wash over him when he was let off the hook. Ben and Beverly were playing a game of tic tac toe on a napkin and Mike, Stan, and Eddie found themselves in a three-way debate: Jurassic Park versus Jaws. Eddie was offering The Wizard of Oz to the table since his mom hadn’t let him watch either yet, but Stan and Mike wouldn’t budge. 
 But it didn’t help that Richie’s thoughts drifted back to Bill’s words earlier that night. God, Richie, cuh-can you even guh-get a girl to… to like yo-you back? Could he? A swarm of unwanted memories infiltrated his mind. Cierra from math class who had laughed in his face after he said, “Are you a forty-five angle? Because you’re a-cute-y.” Or when he asked out Elle, his longtime crush, to homecoming only to be told she had a boyfriend. The list goes on. 
Those words apparently had such an impact on Richie because they followed him to the weekend which was spent laying on his bed as Bill’s voice echoed through Richie’s brain over and over again. 
You… you know, it-it’s funny that you muh-make all th-these jokes ab-about mm-me when you’ve nev-her had a girlfr-hend.
“Never had a girlfriend, huh?” Richie thought aloud to himself in the safety of his own room. Just like a lightbulb would, Richie’s eyes lit up as an idea took place in his head. It was totally selfish, evil, and went heavily against the ‘bro code’. But who would Richie be to not go through one of his plans?
The bell signaling dismissal had just rung when Richie finalized his plan. 
Meet y/n at her locker. 
Drive her home from school. 
Show her what she’s missing. 
Serve Bill some sweet, sweet revenge. 
Richie was the first one out the door—as always. But instead of his usual pace which solely relied on his long legs to carry him, he dashed for the hallway—like a prisoner making a break for it. 
After peering through the sea of people long and hard, he spotted the same silky hair and small figure he’d seen the other night at the arcade. 
“Hey, beautiful.” Richie propped himself against the row of lockers attached to y/n’s. 
“I have a name.” And if it weren’t for the smile on her lips, Richie would’ve thought she was actually annoyed at him. 
“You got a ride tonight?”
She shook her head while closing the door to her locker. “Yeah, actually.” y/n swung her backpack strap over her arm. “My boyfriend’s taking me home.” She felt the blood rush to her cheeks, and she wouldn’t be surprised if her face turned a bright shade of red in front of this boy. 
“That’s a shame.” A disappointed clicking sound left his mouth. “I got a seat next to me in my car that’s calling your name.”
“Maybe tomorrow?” y/n offered. Her tone sounded just as angelic as it did the other night. 
“I’ll hold you to that.” Richie left y/n with a wink and nothing more. 
Richie, did in fact, hold y/n to that. And to Richie’s surprise, y/n did keep her word. The next day followed like the last. His shoulder slanted against the metal doors while he watched the girl pack her stuff. Even her smallest actions were mesmerizing. 
“You know, doll, I’m surprised you took me up on this offer.”
“Oh, really?” y/n’s eyebrow raised slightly, almost as if she were challenging him.
“Kind of.” Richie forced himself to chuckle. He turned so that his back was now held up by the lockers. “Won’t your boyfriend be mad?” He was now rethinking his plan. This awful plan of his that would most likely be the end of his and Bill’s-
“Nah.” The sound of metal slamming startled Richie and he was now standing upright. “Besides, what Billy doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” She threw a suggestive wink in his direction. Did Billy know his girlfriend was a cheater?
“Jeepers, babe. Don’t tell me you’re only kidding.” A quizzical look sprawled itself across Richie’s face and his eyes searched hers as if he were looking for something.
A giggle so saccharine it was probably drenched in maple syrup beforehand left the girl’s glossy lips. “I’m joking.” She shoved Richie with her elbow as they walked side by side. “Bill doesn’t know.” Her voice lowered, “but you’re his friend so it’s not like that matters, right?”
“You betcha’.” Richie had to swallow down one of his stupid remarks just to make himself sound convincing. He looked down, once they’d got to his car, and tried the handle only to be met with the fact it wouldn’t budge. A string of curses fell off his dirty mouth and he could hear a series of muffled laughs coming from the other side. “Ha. Ha. Laugh all you want, hot stuff, I’m here all week.” It took Richie long enough to realize that his car was locked.  
Begrudgingly, he fished the keys from his pockets and finally got the door open.
“You’re a great chauffeur.” y/n rolled her eyes while buckling her seatbelt. “Hot!” She seethed, cradling her left hand that touched the hot metal from the buckle with her right.
“Aw. You need someone to kiss it better?” Richie cooed, delicately taking her hand in his.
“I’m good.” If y/n were any other girl Richie swore she would’ve flicked his head and called him an idiot. Instead, she coyly retracted her hand and looked out the window—actively facing away towards him.
A few seconds of quietness passed between them before y/n decided to break it. “So, tell me, Rich.” Richie had to keep himself from taking his eyes off the road. “Why’d you offer to drive me home?”
“Is chivalry so dead I can’t drive a gal home?”  
“I mean…” She took a moment to stare at the car’s ceiling so she could find the right words. “Bill’s your best friend.”
“Don’t pretend what happened on Friday, like, didn’t fuckin’ happen.” Richie was being sarcastic, of course.
“I know he said some harsh words but—”
“Hey.” His voice calmed. “If Bill and I are best friends, then he shouldn’t have a problem with this. Right?” Richie looked over at y/n to see if she’d agree with him. “Right?”
“Okay,” she gave in. She shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes, but it was enough confirmation for him.
“So, what’s the story between you and Big Bill?” Richie drummed on the steering wheel while y/n mulled over an answer.
y/n felt herself shy away at the question and as she recalled the events of Bill asking her out.
They first met in chemistry. Somehow, y/n had managed to let the dean switch her schedule so late in the year since Henry Bowers had accidentally spilled an aluminum chloride mix on her brand-new jeans.
“I’ll be deciding your lab partners today. Ever since last time I don’t think I can trust you guys to pick your own partners anymore.” Mr. Davis looked tired and y/n couldn’t blame him. In her head, she kept track of everyone who got paired together. Once he’d gotten to Gretta Keene, she soundlessly thanked god that she had been paired with Stacy. “y/n y/l/n and Bill Denbrough.”
y/n almost missed the bored voice as she was too lost in her thoughts.  
Bill Denbrough?
Her eyes curiously darted around the room, searching for the sea of students in the desks surrounding her.
A pair of bright blue eyes finally caught hers. A pair of bright blue eyes that had to belong to Bill Denbrough.
“You-you’re y/n, rih-right?” Bill was now standing in front of her. She didn’t realize when he got up from his seat.
“Yeah.” y/n stood up to reach his eye, but she still stood noticeably shorter than him.
Bill’s once apprehensive demeanor visibly morphed into an expression filled with calmness and relief. Aside from his friends, she was the only other person who wasn’t impatient with his stutter. He felt he could immediately be vulnerable with her—not that he would be. But if this chemistry lab were the only time he would find himself interacting with this girl, Bill would seriously beat himself up for it.
The rest of their story was, essentially, history.
y/n liked having Bill as a lab partner. He was smart. He did his share, unlike her past partners who would pass notes to pass the period while y/n slaved away on the project by herself. He also didn’t hold any of the chemicals they were working with dangerously close to her, pretending as if he were going to spill them on her and then actually spill them on her.  
It was on a Thursday morning when Bill met y/n on her way into school. Even though his watch showed seven-thirty am, the moon was still out and the only light in the sky was from the lampposts cemented into the sidewalk.
“H-hey, y/n!” It was odd to be as enthusiastic as he was this early, but y/n brushed it off—it must be post-coffee jitters and the effect was still wearing away.
“Hello.” Her voice still had a tiredness to it from when you first wake up in the morning.
“I was… I was won-wondering ih-if you wuh-would…”
“Yes?” y/n prompted. She glanced at him, making eye contact, which only worsened Bill’s nervousness.
“Would… would yo-you want to go ou-out wih-with me?”
Waiting for an answer felt like forever.
“I thought you’d never ask!” y/n beamed, and all signs of grogginess seemed to leave her body.
From then on, Bill and y/n went on dates. They were casual for the most part. y/n never felt the need to dress up and Bill never felt the need to buy her flowers. The only thing he did end up getting her was a stuffed bear which was twice her size.
The carnival would only be in town for a few days and y/n practically begged Bill to go—not that he needed much convincing. You could count him in as long as she was there.
Bill didn’t normally bother with carnival games—he knew they were rigged. But maybe it was the way the carnie teen running the booth talked to y/n that night. Or maybe it was the way y/n stared adoringly for the stuffed animal hanging from the plastic tent. In either scenario, Bill still spent twenty-five bucks and wasted an hour in the frigid air to eventually hook the ring over the milk bottle and win y/n that stupid bear.
“I think I’ll call it Bill,” she whispered as she squeezed the plush doll close to her chest.
“I-it’s the luh-least you cuh-can do.” Bill wrapped his arm around her even though he was the cold one.
“Wuh-wuh-we’re here,” Richie said. His voice masked with Bill’s stutter pulled y/n out of her dream-like state.
“That’s not nice, Rich.” But y/n couldn’t help to let out the smallest of laughs. She unbuckled her seatbelt only to find it wasn’t her house he drove her to once she opened her side of the door. “This isn’t my house.”
“Oh… it isn’t?” Richie never missed a beat; making sure to put on his ‘I’m-a-big-stupid-head’ act that his teachers never bought. It was worth a try.
“Take me home.” y/n crossed her arms and kept herself planted in the passenger seat of Richie’s car, which was just Wentworth’s old one that he’d given to his son once he splurged on a new one.
“Shit, toots. I thought you’d wanna stay a while. Have some fun.” Richie wiggled his eyebrows and wore a clown’s grin. How could she say no to him?
“We can have fun another time.” Like that apparently. “I really do need to get home, though.”
Richie’s been rejected loads of times before and he’s resented every one of them. He couldn’t resent y/n though—with her puppy dog eyes and the way she had him like a worm on a hook. She was something else.
“Alright.” Richie gave in. He keyed the ignition and started for the road again. His arm slung around y/n’s seat as he backed up and y/n couldn’t help but feel fuzzy at the small action. “So, you’re tellin’ me Big Bill never got you flowers?” Richie’s eyes never left the road no matter how much he wanted to stop the car and pin y/n down right then and there.
“Nope,” y/n said, popping the ‘p’ sound. “But I don’t mind.”
y/n minded.
Richie could tell she minded when he greeted her at her locker with a bouquet of daisies. He was sure if y/n didn’t already have a boyfriend she would’ve jumped him right then and there.
Oh right. Boyfriend.
“Are these for me?” y/n gasped, in awe at the dinky looking bouquet. It was just ten flowers held together with the same twine you’d use to tie a package with, but it was ten flowers she’d cherish.
“Who else would they be for, sugar?” Richie scoffed and handed off his homemade bouquet to the most stunning girl he’d laid eyes on.
y/n gave him a sly look and shoved him in the arm.
“Are you ready to go?”
“Ready to go where?” A look of confusion was drawn on her face and Richie couldn’t tell if she was joking or not.
“I’m takin’ you home again, aren’t I?” But Richie was disappointed when y/n just chuckled in response instead of interlocking hands with his and skipping off into the sunset with him.
“I didn’t know you changed your name to Bill.” y/n brought the daises up to her nose. They didn’t have a scent, but her eyes fluttered at the petals tickling her nose and her stomach did backflips.
“Bill-Bill’s taking you?” His expression faltered and he had to swallow to keep his cool.
“I don’t know who else would,” y/n said this as if she just forgot what happened yesterday.
“I’ll be going then.” Richie pointed to behind him with his thumbs and looked back. He took one last look at y/n until he noticed a Bill Denbrough coming into view: a sign he really needed to leave.
His head hung low and his back hunched forward as he walked out the doorway. It was useless. y/n was utterly in love with his best friend while he was—was he in love with y/n?
Richie Tozier does not love unless it’s his mom and rock n’ roll vinyls.
And y/n did not love Richie Tozier.
Richie felt himself mope all the way home at the thought of him being unlovable. Hell, he moped all the way to the weekend.
After his last encounter with y/n, Richie couldn’t bear to face her again. Embarrassment filled his chest every time Bill mentioned her at lunch, and he felt like shoving himself in a locker any time he spotted her in the halls.
That was until seeing her became unavoidable.  
At first it was at the quarry.
Stan had already arranged for the group to meet up over the weekend and of course none of the Losers would pass up an opportunity to hang out with each other.
What Richie didn’t know was that Bill would be bringing his girlfriend. It seemed he’d be doing that a lot from now on.
“Is bringing y/n gonna be, like, a regular thing?” Eddie whispered in Bill’s ear.
Bill laughed awkwardly, unsure if he should reconsider taking y/n to the next hangouts he’d already planned to. “Wuh-when yo-you start dating, yo-you’ll under-sta-hand.” Bill then gave Eddie a pat on the back and walked off, looking for a rock he could leave his clothes on before he started for the water.
“Yeah, Eddie.” Stan laughed from behind Bill. “Wait until you’re older. Then, maybe, you’ll understand.”
Richie, on the other hand, was watching his friends from afar. He became uncharacteristically quiet as soon as y/n and Bill showed up. Only until Bev called that the last one in would be a rotten egg was when he finally shed himself of his clothes and raced the others to the water.
“Guess you’re the rotten egg, Eds!” Richie swam over to Eddie, splashing him in the face while doing so. Anything that would distract him from y/n would do. Even if it was a stupid conversation like this to pass the time.
“I told you to not call me that,” Eddie said crossly. “And if you’re going to splash like that, aim anywhere else but my face because who knows what’s been in this water—”
“Yeah, yeah. Cute story, Eds.” But Richie didn’t care for yet another lecture of Eddie’s. His eyes began to wonder. He was looking for y/n and good grief he had to stop himself before he was in too deep.
But it was a little late for that.
“Are you even listening to me?” Eddie swatted at Richie’s arm just like the times Richie had done to him.
“No,” Richie admitted.
Luckily, the contact between him and y/n had been limited. The only time he had to talk to her was when he was about to part from the group and say his goodbyes.
“Looks like I gotta blast, guys.” Richie looked down to the wristwatch Stan was wearing and Stan sneered at his friend for standing so close to him.
“Bye!” y/n was the last to call out, but her voice was the most prominent of the group’s.
The next two times the group met up, y/n included, Richie had also been able to get by with the least interactions as possible between her and him.
It was only until one lowly Sunday night when Bill and y/n had gotten into a fight when avoidance had become impossible for Richie.
“I can’t believe you would say that about me!” y/n had somehow accomplished being louder than the music blasting from the jukebox sitting in the back of the arcade and the sound of machines running combined. “I thought you were better than that, Bill.”
“I-I don’t guh-guh-get wuh-why you’re s-so off-f-hended.” Bill maintained a calm composure which only bothered y/n more.
“I think it’s the fact that you think I’m a prude that offends me so much.” y/n scoffed. Her arms were crossed, and she wore a stare that could kill.
“Yo-you know… i-if you-you’re so mm-mad I don’t underst-stand why you cuh-came.” The anger bubbling inside y/n started to radiate onto Bill.
“Because we have to talk about it!” She grabbed onto Bill’s arm when he tried to walk off.
“Can’t wuh-we juh-juh-just talk about th-this later?” Bill said in a growl. But later for him meant never.
The beginnings of what felt like tears started to form in y/n’s eyes. She let go of Bill’s arm and took a deep breath. “Okay,” she whispered, “we can talk later.”
Richie watched his best friend and girlfriend argue for what seemed like forever but was only about five minutes. He’d witnessed arguments before but none of them ended like this. When the couples at school argued they would usually make out right after. But this was different. y/n was hurt, and Bill was beyond annoyed.
“Hey.” Richie walked up to y/n as soon as Bill joined Stan and Mike for skee ball. “What was…” He traced his fingers against the brail of one of the arcade machines, doing everything he could do evade eye contact. “What was that about?”
“Will you take me home if I tell you?” A stray tear made its way down y/n’s hot cheek.
“Sure thing, babe.” Richie offered his hand for y/n to take. She did; her fingers intertwined with his and the pad of her thumb ran along the rough skin of the back of his hand.
When the two got to his car, Richie opened the door for y/n (as a gentleman should). This was followed up by a thank you and a shy smile.
“So, I’ll listen while you just sit back, enjoy the drive, and pour your goddamn heart out to me.” Richie started to turned his keys into the ignition. “Sound good, sweetheart?”
y/n’s heart jumped a beat and she could feel herself grow near feverish. She fiddled with her thumbs and swallowed her spit, hoping she’d find the courage to soon speak.
“It started last night,” her meek voice spoke up. y/n’s eyes were glued to Richie’s dashboard. It was covered in dust. “I was at Bill’s house and it was getting late.”
Bill craned his neck so he could find the time on his alarm clock that sat on his nightstand. He could’ve just asked y/n to check, but she seemed so at peace. He didn’t want to disturb her.
“It’s nine,” he said. His lips touched the shell of her ear, making y/n shiver.
“Should I go home?” y/n asked. She perked up and rubbed her eyes. She’d been dozing off, but even in a tired state, Bill found her perfect.
“Nah.” Bill tightened his already tight embrace on her. “I-I can tth-hink of some-something we can d-do.” He ducked his head so he could brush his lips against the sensitive skin on her neck.
y/n winced at his touch. Yet she still turned within his hold and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?” Her voice hushed and fragile.
“Yuh-yeah,” Bill said shamelessly. He cradled her head in his palm. His blue eyes bore into hers. The same blue eyes that had found her when their chemistry teacher paired them together. “C’m-mmon.”
“Bill, I…” y/n’s eyes danced across his features. His beautiful features she’d grown infatuated with from the moment they met. “We’ve gone over this, I thought.” Any sort of confidence she had was now lost.
Bill took a moment to study the girl in front of him. He loosened his hold around her and sat up, propping himself against his headboard. “I f-feel like we… like I’ve juh-just been wuh-wuh-waiting.”
y/n copied her boyfriend’s movements, making sure to not break their gaze as she adjusted herself. “And I respect that,” she said softly.
“Yeah b-but yo-you’re muh-my girlfriend.” He took her hand in his. “I wuh-wanna do guh-girlfriend and b-boyfr-hend things.”
“I thought we did do ‘girlfriend and boyfriend things.’” y/n’s left eyebrow started to raise.
“Th-there’s only s-s-so muh-many times a guh-guy can get himself o-off.” Bill immediately regretted the words that had just walked right out of his mouth and presented themselves to his girlfriend.
“Bill…” But that’s all y/n could seem to say. She sat there, confused. Bill would never say something like that. But he just did. The Bill y/n knew was kind, thoughtful, and patient. This wasn’t the Bill she knew.
“Do-do you tr-trust me?” Concern struck Bill’s face.
y/n was conflicted. “Trust doesn’t equal sex, Bill.” She drew her hand away from his and started mindlessly picking at the skin on her thumb. She got up from the bed and made her way to the door. Bill couldn’t quite read her expression as she did, but just her getting up was enough for him to tell she didn’t want to be around him.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow?”
y/n nodded before walking out.
But tomorrow was just as bad, or even worse, than that night.
y/n had spent the whole night ruminating over what Bill had said, and once he had arrived at her house, she was livid.
“What did you mean? Last night?” y/n began the car ride with a debriefing.
“I-it was s-stu-stupid, r-really,” Bill said nonchalantly.
“No.” y/n was relentless. “What did you mean?”
“I wuh-was ho-horny, y/n/n. B-but, god. It wuh-wouldn’t kuh-kill you t-to not be a pr-prude ff-or once i-in your luh-life.” y/n couldn’t believe what bullshit her boyfriend was spouting at her.
“Our fight continued until we got to the arcade,” y/n said, still sobbing from her previous encounter with Bill.
Richie was at a loss for words. All he could do was keep his eyes on the road and drive the two to their destination, which didn’t take long. Either y/n’s house was closer than he thought or just her company made ten minutes feel like three.
“Stop here,” y/n informed.
Richie slowed to a stop in front of a two-story house that looked like the others it was built next to. There was a bench swing that hung from the patio roof and a family of potted plants that resided in one corner of the porch. The house’s paint was dull and lifeless, resembling the rest of Derry.
“Thanks for taking me home.” y/n spoke again, drawing Richie from his thoughts of wondering what her room looked like.
“Ye-yeah. No problem-o.” He took in a deep breath and tapped his foot against the floor of his car.
y/n leaned over, as much as her seatbelt let her, and felt her lips graze his cheek.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Richie was quick to pull away. He stared at y/n with his big doe eyes and her glassy, soulful ones helped his case none. Isn’t this what he wanted?
“Really, Rich.” y/n then made sure to take off the seatbelt which was restraining her from doing anything further and scooted closer to him, ignoring how uncomfortable the gear stick felt as it dug into her thigh. “You’re sweet.”
“Well, I don’t like to brag but I do pride myself on being-“ y/n cut him off with a kiss to his lips this time. Richie sighed into her mouth. He knew it was wrong, but he just couldn’t help it.
God, Richie, cuh-can you even guh-get a girl to… to like yo-you back? The words he’d clung onto ever since that one Friday night made their way back to his frontal lobe. It must’ve been a month, yet the sentence stuck.
And Richie kissed back.
He swore he heard the faint sounds of fireworks clapping in the distance as his lips pushed into hers. Her soft, pouty lips that sent tingles down his back every time they connected with his. Richie’s right arm coiled itself around the small of y/n’s back and he found his left hand stroking her cheek. And just as fast as y/n planted one on him, she sprung back.
“You alright?” No, she’s not alright, dumbass. She just got into her first fight with her boyfriend and she’s coming to his best friend as a therapy session.
Much to Richie’s dismay, y/n nodded. “Your car’s uncomfortable.” Was all she said before opening the door to let herself out. Richie was about to curse himself out for letting her slip through his fingers and kissing his best friend’s girlfriend until he flinched at the sound of a knock on his car window.
It was y/n.
She opened the door for him like he had once done for her and waited for him to join her in the now moonlight. “Do you want to come in?”
“Christ.” Before then, Richie had never been so fast to take off a seatbelt.
The two hurried up the lawn and eventually her porch. Richie’s hand was squeezed by y/n’s smaller one. He reveled in the feeling of her holding onto him as if he were to float off if she didn’t. The two stood outside her front door like a shy kid, hesitant to ring the doorbell because it’s their first time over.
“Are your parents home?” Richie questioned, trying to get a peek through the windows even though they were closed off by the curtain.
“I don’t know,” y/n mumbled while she riffled through her mini purse. She was searching for the house key. “Finally!” She held up her key chain proudly before inserting the shiny, golden key striped with white nail polish into the lock. “Stay.” She looked to Richie like he was a puppy in training school.
y/n walked in reluctantly. Her hands messed with the strap of her purse. “Hello? Is anyone home?” She looked around the house for any sign of her parents. After a good few seconds, y/n turned to Richie with a slap happy grin on her face. “The coast is clear!”
Richie strolled in, acting as if he had all the time in the world. He made sure to shut the door behind him and y/n grabbed him by the collar as soon as he finished locking it. “My room is upstairs,” she said in between a needy kiss.
Richie didn’t need to be told twice as he ran up the wooden stairs with her. She surprised him with her lips on his once they got to the top. Her tongue swiped his bottom lip to which Richie granted access. y/n grew hungry with lust as her tongue danced with his. The only reason she broke apart from him was to better guide him to her bedroom. Surely, they couldn’t have sex in the hallway.  
Richie was given no time to admire the yellow paint and magazine clippings that decorated y/n’s room. Instead, he was left to find y/n’s sweet spot and the lingering scent of her vanilla perfume as his lips roamed every crevice of her skin. He brought her down to her bed and he knows he’s never seen such beauty when her hair fans out against her sheets in every which way.
“Rich.” His name only leaves her lips when his aren’t on her. The same lips he’s tasted a thousand times already but would always be surprised at the taste the next time they collide. The same lips Bill’s claimed.
But this was Richie’s turn.
y/n’s hands dared reached for his dark roots, eliciting a moan from Richie that was downright animalistic.
“God, Rich. I didn’t even do anything,” y/n said, playing the innocent card.
“We can do something about that.” Richie offered. He licked the desperation from his lips as he waited for an answer.
“Okay.” y/n giggled and lifted her arms up. A sign for Richie to find the goddamn clue and undress her already.
Richie complied. He begged his excitable hands to stop shaking as he began to raise the fabric, revealing just how perfect y/n really was. Eagerly, his lips urged a kiss to hers once he got both their shirts off. It was quick and the start of his trail of kisses which lead down, down, down.  His chapped lips tickled against the sensitive skin of her breast.
His mouth wrapped around the petal, causing y/n to squirm, entangling their legs together.
“Do you like that?” Richie teased. y/n moaned in response.
Taking the hint, Richie parted from her left nipple and began giving her right the same attention.
“Rich—” y/n was cut off by her own sigh of pleasure. “Do something.” Her voice was breathy and not at all stable. Richie grinned. He could listen to the noises she made any day.
Reluctantly, he broke his contact with her so he could undo his jeans. The sound of denim hitting the floor made y/n groan and she pulled him close again. They laid skin to skin. Richie was so close, y/n could tell he’d been smoking earlier.
Her arms encapsulated him and if this were any other girl under any other circumstance, Richie would’ve questioned it. But this was y/n.
He dipped down so he could connect his lips with hers and he could feel ten crescent shaped markings carving into the skin of his back.  He didn’t have to be told twice to give y/n what he knew she wanted.
Richie slowly peeled off y/n’s skirt, the gradual pace left her yearning for him even more. He slid his index and middle fingers in at the same speed he took off the skirt.
y/n threw her head back at the touch.  The whines escaping from her mouth egged Richie on even more.
Faster, faster, faster.
His thumb swept against her clit in circular motions. His strokes against her sensitive nerves drawing y/n closer to the edge. Her hips jerked up to feel closer to his touch. Her want had Richie chuckling. No girl would give him the time of day before her. Richie wanted to bask in the feeling forever.
“Do something, Rich.” y/n gasped and attached her lips to his neck. “Please.” Richie’s breath hitched in his throat at the request.
He hesitantly pulled his fingers from her heat, replacing them with him. Her folds slicked his length as she willingly let him stretch her walls.
“You’re so hot,” Richie whispered into y/n’s ear. He cringed at the words once he heard himself. “You feel so good.” The affirmations sent shivers down her spine. y/n fell into a state of bliss as his speed picked up. He hiked her legs up his waist and she ardently wrapped them around him.
His pace quickened. Richie felt like he was going to explode and the girl beneath him was close.
“Rich, Rich, Rich.” His name rolled off her tongue wonderfully and he would give anything to hear it til the end of time. Another cry fell from her beautifully parted lips. “Rich, I’m—”
“I know, doll face.” He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead while he pulled out. He took his thumb from previously, rubbing the bundle of nerves until she matched his high.
He collapsed onto the covers next to her as soon as they both finished. A final grunt escaped his throat while doing so.
The two were spread across y/n’s bed in silence for a while. y/n stared aimlessly at the ceiling; Richie doing the same. It had just then occurred to Richie that he fucked his best friend’s girlfriend. Guilt took the form of a teenage boy as he looked over at y/n. He still couldn’t help but think of how alluring she was. There was mascara smudged beneath her eyes. Sweat running down her brow bone. And her hair was a mess. He had more than enough energy to go at it again, but he knew better than that.
This was Richie’s cue to leave. He got up, throwing on his clothes. He didn’t even care that his shirt was on inside out. He just needed to get out of there.
He was almost out the door until a voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Rich.” The same voice he’d give anything to hear for eternity.
“Yeah, baby?” Richie was about to curse himself out for calling her that if she hadn’t replied so soon.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” He could’ve creamed himself at the words. He could’ve ripped off his clothes again and taken her once more.
But Richie knew better than that.
He didn’t even look back; only nodded and strolled out the door as if nothing happened. Because as far as Bill was concerned, nothing happened.
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sugarsugarmoon · 5 years
Something New (m)
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Summary: You suggest to your boyfriend, Jin, that you try something new in the bedroom, and you aren’t sure how he’s going to react.
Genre: Smut and a small amount of Angst
Warnings: masturbation, oral sex (m. receiving), fingering, soft dom!Jin, swallowing, marking, a very small amount of cum play, an accidental tiny bit of angst
Word count: 3967
A/N: so...here it is. My first fic published here. I did not picture it was going to be smut, but here it is. Thank you so much to @taetaesbaebaepsae for encouraging me and loving me. You inspire me, and I love you. Also, thanks to @purpletigertaetae for being hella supportive.
You had been nervous to see your boyfriend, Jin, because you hadn’t talked to him since this morning when you’d mentioned to him that you might like to try to be a little “more adventurous” in the bedroom. He usually texted you throughout the day with dumb jokes and puns he thought of, but he had been upset when you left. It’s not that sex with him was bad; you just wanted to expand.
Sex with Jin was good, but it was starting to feel a little bland after years of the same thing over and over. You had a routine. Only in the dark, in your bedroom at night before going to sleep. You would start by making out. He would put his hands in your shirt and roll his thumbs over your nipples until you whimpered for him, then he would shift slightly on top of you and put his hand in your underwear. He would rub your clit and finger you at varying speeds and intervals (you’d tried telling him that it’s better to just do one thing at a consistent speed, but he got so excited that he had a hard time controlling himself). He would be bucking into your hip by the time you hit your orgasm (if you hit it). It was never an overwhelming, blacking-out, toe-curling orgasm. Just a tensing of muscles and a release of pressure. It felt good, but it never felt amazing. After that you’d get on top of him and grind down on his clothed length. You would slide down, kissing his stomach on the way down and take his length into your mouth. You’d bob up and down, tasting his salty precum until he pulled you up to ride his dick until he came. You would ride him, leaned back, tits bouncing until he hit his release. When he came, he came hard, and then it was done.
Every time. The same thing. For years.
And it was fine. Until one day, you read a story online. You hadn’t been looking for smut, really. It came up in a search for something else, and the prose was intriguing. Before you knew it, you were soaking through your panties reading about one character tying the other to the bed, choking her, and degrading her. You masturbated in the shower thinking about those scenes, crying out as you came hard from rubbing gentle, slow circles on your clit.
So you read more. Everything that you could get your hands on, particularly the ones where a mild-mannered guy took a dominant role.
After that, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was on your mind in everything that you did. As you folded the laundry, you couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to have your hands bound to the headboard with the lace panties you were folding absentmindedly again and again. As you typed up reports at work, you wondered what it would feel like to have Jin call you “his little slut,” instead of the usual “princess” or simply “y/n.”
Jin noticed how distracted you were. When he rolled on top of you, rutting against you like always while rolling your clit between his fingers, you didn’t respond to his body the way that you normally did, didn’t lean up into him, arching your back. He didn’t say anything right away, ego feeling slightly bruised, but he had definitely noticed.
Then one morning, as you sat at the table with your coffee cup, he stood over you until you looked up at him with big, confused eyes.
“All right. What is up with you? Am I doing something wrong?” he asked, his voice revealing the hurt that his expression was trying to cover.
“Nothing? What? No,” you responded confused and taken aback by his sudden accusations.
“The last few times that we’ve had sex you’ve clearly been...distracted. So what is it? I’m starting to worry. Is there someone else?” 
Tears are starting to pool behind his eyes as he crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“What? No. Baby, oh my god. No.”
You stand up, reaching for him, but he pulls away, refusing to look into your eyes.
“Don’t say it’s nothing. Don’t say that nothing is wrong because something is definitely wrong.”
“Jin, baby, you have to believe me. You aren’t doing anything wrong. I’m not cheating on you. I don’t know where this is coming from, but I think I’m maybe just distracted by work.”
“Stop lying to me. Just tell me,” he says in a barely audible, miserable voice, a single tear cinematically rolling down his cheek.
“Fuck, Jin. No please. Fuck,” you coo.
You hadn’t realized how much this would hurt him. You had been afraid to ask him, afraid to hurt him or make him think that you didn’t like what you had. But now he’s staring at you with so much pain and fear in his eyes that you know that you have to tell him. You take a step forward, gently placing your hands on his shoulders and sigh.
“Jin, look at me. It’s not that you’re doing anything wrong. I...I just was reading something online, and I think that I’d like to...change things up a little bit in bed. There are some things that I want to try that I think that you might like to. I want you to dom me, and I...I didn’t know how to bring it up. I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”
“Things you want to try? So I am doing something wrong.”
“No, baby, I promise. That’s not it. I love what we do, but I know it could be even better.”
Your phone buzzes on the table, and you look down to see that it’s 10 minutes past the time that you needed to leave for work. Fuck.
“Go,” he says meekly, “we can finish this later.”
You look him in the eyes, trying to convey as much love as possible with your gaze. You run your thumb over his cheek to wipe away the tear streaks and chastely kiss his lips.
“I love you,” you say, as you gather your keys and phone off the table.
“I love you too. So much,” he whispers as you glance over your shoulder before shutting the door.
Jin felt torn. He knew felt like you wouldn’t lie to him, and he trusted you. But you had been so distant, and you’d never acted like that before. You were always the first person to laugh at his stupid jokes, and you were the person who would rub your hand up his thigh, kiss up his neck to his ear, and moan into his mouth.
He tried to do his normal off-day routine, but he couldn’t seem to focus on anything. Two things you had said stuck in his mind. You had been doing some reading, and you wanted him to dom you. He’d be lying if he said he had thought about you pliant and submissive underneath him, following his every command. He didn’t know that you had been interested in that because it had never come up in conversation.
By noon, Jin can’t control his curiosity anymore. He sits down in front of your computer opens the browser. He goes into your history, and there it is: countless pornographic short stories that you had been reading. He couldn’t help but think that he really needed to teach you how to use Incognito again. He starts to click through the stories and read. He is captivated by the stories on the screen. Thousands of words describing unassuming, mild-mannered guys with substantial dicks taking control of a normally self-assured, career-driven woman. When he reads the words “my little slut,” for the umpteenth time he feels himself hardening in his pants. He loves you so much, and he wants everyone, including you, to know that you are only a slut for one person, you’re his little slut. 
When you walk in the door, you aren’t sure what to expect. After this morning, you’re worried that Jin is going to tell you to get your stuff and get out. You throw down your bag and keys, calling out for Jin.
When you come around the corner to your bedroom, he meets you there and, without saying a word, pushes you up against the wall with his body. You let out a little surprised “ooh” as your back hits the wall and he presses his lips into yours. His firm, broad chest presses into yours and keeps your firmly in place. He guides your mouth with his hard, feverish kisses that make your face heat up. As he leans further into you, his already hard cock presses against your stomach, and you feel the heat spreading down through your belly and between your thighs. He pulls away from your lips and starts to nip at your neck and collarbone.
“Hi to you too,” you say. “What’s going on?”
With his mouth still against your skin, he responds, “I did some reading. You should learn to clear your browser history.”
He bites down on the skin on your neck sucking and laving his tongue over the bruise you can already feel forming. You are too turned on to be embarrassed that he saw all the smut you’d be reading. He brings his large hand into your hair, running his fingertips over your scalp before wrapping your hair around his fist. He lifts his eyes and meets your gaze. He gives a gentle tug of your hair.
“Is this all right?” he asks before moving any further.
You nod as vigorously as you can with all of your hair in his hand.
“Uh uh, baby girl, use your words,” he admonishes.
“Yes. Please pull my hair, Jin.”
He presses his mouth to yours again, full lips overpowering yours while his tongue traces along your bottom lip. He pulls his lips away from yours and pulls gently on your hair. You can’t help the urge to talk that comes over you.
“Please, Jin, harder.”
He looks at you with something like menace in his eyes, pulling your hair until you feel the pricks in your scalp. The tug angles your head differently, and Jin runs his tongue along the newly exposed line from your collarbone up to below your ear then nips at the skin of your neck.
You cannot stop the moan that escapes you, deep and primal. 
“You don’t call the shots anymore,” a breathy whisper tickles your ear, “...this is okay, right?”
“Yes. You’re amazing. You’re so fucking hot,,” you whisper back as your mouth finds his again, his hand still pulling your hair taut.
He pushes into you again, thrusting his erect dick into you for friction and lets out a small, low moan. He releases your hair and pushes you onto the bed.
“Take your clothes off,” he commands, tone unrecognizable from the sweet, silly boy that usually occupies that body.
You throw your shirt over your head and pull your jeans down, struggling to kick them off. You look up to see two intense, blown out eyes watching you.
“All of it.”
You unhook your lace bra and throw it to the side, keeping eye contact. His tongue darts to the corner of his mouth, and his eyes follow your hands as you hook your thumbs into the waistband of your panties and slide them down your thighs and kick them off toward him. He catches them and makes a low growl in his chest. He puts them to his nose and inhales deeply before he throws them aside.
“Lie down and spread yourself open for me,” the voices commands again.
You do as your told, slightly embarrassed by how much you are dripping from the domineering persona Jin has taken on.
“Oh, so wet for me? I can see you glistening from here, baby. You’re such a little slut for this cock, aren’t you?”
Your eyes widen at the use of the term, and you feel your cunt unexpectedly clench around nothing. You whimper again just from his word.
“Is this okay?” He asks again, with wide innocent eyes. When you nod, he continues, “then use your words, you little slut. If I have to tell you again, I’m going to punish you.”
“I’m sorry, Jin. I’ll be good.”
He throws his head back and moans deep in his chest. He begins palming his cock through his pants and looks back down at you, making brief eye contact before looking at your drenched pussy.
“Fuck, I’ve never been this hard before. You’re such a slut for me, getting me all worked up like this. Touch yourself, and show me,” he practically growls.
You slide your hand down between your legs and begin to rub slow circles on your clit, already feeling like you could come just from tone in Jin’s voice and the domination in his actions. You moan as you feel the tightness in your stomach begin and your pussy clenches again.
“Don’t cum until I tell you,” Jin grunts, taking a step closer, so, now, he’s standing between your legs inches from your arousal. You want to reach out, shove his pants down, and pull him into you, but he was giving you exactly what you asked for this morning. You remove your fingers from your clit and slide them down your folds. You rest them at your entrance and look up to Jin for approval. When he winks at you, his usual cocky wink, you slip a finger inside.
As you pump in and out, you feel the desire clawing in your chest, begging to be let out. Begging to be fucked.
“Please, J-Jin,” you whimper.
“Please what, my little cock slut?” He responds.
“Please let me see your dick. Please Jin, I need it. I need you. Please.” You have never begged anyone for anything in your life, and both you and Jin know it. But the pleas fall off your tongue anyway, and Jin groans. 
“Fuck, I don’t think I can do this. I’m gonna cum in my pants if you keep doing that,” his eyes look a little panicked, as he undoes his belt and pushes his pants down his hips. He bulge strains against his underwear, tip visible poking out of the top of the waistband. After he’s kicked his pants aside, he glances from your eyes to where you are desperately thrusting your fingers into your cunt. His fingers start twitching watching you do it. “Let me feel how wet you are.”
He takes his hand squeezes your hip first, licking his lips. You pull your hand away and gently stroke his forearm. He runs his thumb over your clit, down through your folds, and gently presses it against your entrance before sliding it back up. You whimper at the contact.
“So wet for me, huh?” He takes his thumb and brings it to your lips. You open your mouth, and he presses it against your tongue. “Taste it. Taste what I do to you. Only I can do this to you.” You lave your tongue around his thumb, then shut your lips around it and suck. “You’re mine,” he states before bringing his hand back to your core.
“I’m yours, Jin. Only yours,” you whine back to him as he slips two fingers inside you. “Only wet like this for you.”
When Jin starts to pump his fingers into you, he keeps a steady pace, curling his fingers up to hit the bundle of nerves inside you while gently rolling his thumb in slow steady circles over your clit. You’ve been stimulated for so long that before you know it you are whimpering, muscled starting to clench.
“Please, Jin, please let me cum. Please I’ve been a good girl. I’ll be a good girl. Please,” you’re rambling, words spilling out of your mouth, head thrown back, eyes pressed tightly shut.
“Look at me,” Jin commands. You peel your eyes open and meet his dark, fiery gaze. “Cum.”
The tightness in your belly snaps, and you feel a floodgate breaking in your core as a rush of warmth is all you can feel. Your mind is blank and all you can see are iridescent swirls behind your eyes, the sound of the room muffled as if you’re under water. The only thing in the world is the sensation between your legs. Your toes feel like they’ll never uncurl, and primal, guttural sounds are escaping from deep within you. 
As you start to catch your breath, coming down from your high, you whisper, “Holy shit” and feel Jin slip his fingers out of you.
Once your eyes start to focus again, you see Jin has his cock in his hand, eyes wild, breathing heavy. “I want to feel you on my dick,” he growls.
“Okay, come here, I’ll ride you,” you respond.
“That’s not what I mean. And, you aren’t in charge remember? I told you I was going to punish you if you did it again.”
Oh shit. The idea thrills you.
“I’m sorry, Jin. I’ll take my punishment.” You watch as Jin brings his hand back to your pussy, swiping at your arousal pooled between your legs. He collects it on his fingers and strokes it down his cock, groaning slightly as he does it. He reaches his fingers back to you and does it again until his cock is shiny with your arousal. He pumps his cock a few more times before he says anything. “Get on your knees,” he commands.
You shakily push yourself off the bed, muscles exhausted from the intense orgasm he’d just given you. He grips his shirt from the back and pulls it over his head. His broad chest, one of the things that turns you on the most, bare, his nipples hard, begging to be touched. “Are you still okay with this?” Jin asks in a much more self-assured voice than the last time.
“Yes,” you respond from your spot on the floor in front of him, “I’ll tell you if I’m not okay. And maybe just...ask me before you do anything crazy…”
“Don’t worry, baby. You’re such a little slut, but you’re my little slut. I’ll take care of you.” He takes his cock, still slick with your arousal, and runs it across your slightly parted lips. “I want you to lick yourself off of me. I want you to taste us both to remind you whose little slut you are.”
You open your mouth and circle your tongue around the head of his cock before taking it into your mouth. As you suck, you taste the familiar salty taste of his precum, but this time it’s mixed with the musky taste that Jin had put on your tongue earlier. The taste of you and Jin mixed together has heat rushing to your core, and you lick a stripe up the underside of his dick, swirling your tongue around it as you move up the shaft. You take the head of his dick in your mouth, rolling your tongue around it. You feel him twitch in your mouth, and you moan around him, reaching your hand up to help stimulate his cock. He gently slaps your hand away. “Keep your hands behind your back. I’m going to...take control,” he said a little hesitantly. 
You put your hands behind your back adjust the position your kneeling in, settling back on your heels. You look up and make eye contact with Jin, who, despite having his throbbing cock gently resting on your slightly parted lips, is looking down at you with a gentle affection in his eyes. “I really need you to tell me that this is okay before I do this.”
You flick your tongue over the head of his dick. “Jin, baby, please. I need you. Please fuck my mouth. Please,” you beg, having seen how your begging has affected him.
He doesn’t need you to tell him again. “Open,” he commands as he fists his fingers into your hair again.
When you open your mouth, Jin slides into you slowly, let you adjust. He pushes into you until your nose hits his pubic bone. He slowly pulls back out then starts thrusting. You feel the delicious pricks on your scalp of him pulling your hair. His thrusts get more erratic when you moan on his cock, and he pushes the back of your head gently. You gag a little bit and hear a sharp intake of air from above you.
“Such a good little slut. Look at how well you take my cock.”
He starts bucking harder into your mouth, and you feel your throat completely relax as you gasp through your nose for air, feeling slightly panicked to breath, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. You feel Jin’s cock twitch and his muscles tighten. His thrusts are shorter and less rhythmic as he gasps, “Baby, I’m gonna cum.”
You let out a little, affirmative moan to let him know that you’re ready, and he yanks on your hair as he fills your mouth, grunting, hips stuttering. You feel his hot, salty cum in the back of your throat and on your tongue, and before he finishes, he pulls out and the last of it hits you on the cheek. He rubs his cock on your cheek and spreads the cum around. Look at you with his fucked out expression, relishing his marks on your face. You take your finger and wipe some of the cum from your cheek and pop your finger in your mouth. His expression changes to amusement as he starts coming down from his high. His bitten lips spread into a smile, and then he starts laughing his windshield wiper laugh. “Oh so you’re nasty?” he laughs out.
He pulls you up to kiss him, and it is tender and loving. You feel all of the relief that he feels from having you as his and only his in his kiss. He wraps his arms around you and holds you against his firm chest. “I really would love to go for round two, but I think I need a few minutes,” he whispers. “But what can I do for you right now? I was reading that baths are really good for after. Do you want a bath? Let me wrap you up in this blanket. Do you want a plushie?”
You are overwhelmed by the rush of fondness that you feel in your chest. You feel tears stinging the back of your eyes. “Can we just wrap up in the blanket and cuddle? I just want to be near you.”
Jin picks you up and carries you to your side of the bed. He tucks you in firmly before he climbs into the bed on his side. He pulls you into his chest, and you nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck. “Really though, Jin. If that made you uncomfortable, you don’t have to do that. I know that you wanted to do it for me, but I don’t want you to do anything you don’t feel okay doing.”
“You’re kidding, right? Clearly, I had an amazing time. I wish that you would have just asked sooner.” He gently kisses the top of your head, ghosting his fingers over the skin of your shoulder. “Besides, I already ordered some silk ropes, so we at the very least need to try those out.”
You bury your face deeper into his neck, and the two of you continue talking and giggling until you fall asleep in the arms of the man who would do anything for you.
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
Love me better (Negan x reader)
When Negan sees how bad your cheating, lying, boyfriend treats you he makes you an offer you can't refuse. 
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Gif not mine credit to the maker. 
Requested by @moxley-master
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*Rating* explicit. 
*warnings* graphic descriptions of sex, cheating, breakups, oral sex, fingering, come licking, unprotected sex, some edging, hint of touch starvation. 
You've known your boyfriend was cheating on you for awhile. 
At first he was just a little distant, then he seemed disinterested in you, he never talked to you anymore, he barely touched you. Eventually he barely even bothered to hide it. 
You knew you should break up with him, you knew this wasn't healthy, but he was all you had, and it wasn't like there was any other offers on the table. 
Or was there? 
Negan was staring at you again, you could feel his dark gaze on you from across the cafeteria, he wasn't just undressing you with his eyes, more like he was staring directly into your soul, while also undressing you. He did that a lot. Your boyfriend hated it. Of course he never confronted Negan, he didn't have a death wish. 
“He's doing it again.” your boyfriend complained, “what is six goddamn wives not enough for him, now he's got to check out my girl too? Perverted asshole.” he muttered under his breath. You just shrugged. Secretly you kind of liked the attention from Negan, it wasn't like your actual lover ever looked at you with that kind of appreciation and desire. 
“Why doesn't that bother you more, Y/N?” he asked. 
“He's just looking, there's not any harm in that.” you don't even bother looking up from your food. 
“Oh my God, you don't actually like it do you?” he asked, you can tell he's pissed now. You don't justify him with an answer. 
“Holy shit you do.” he angrily shoves his plate aside standing from the table “Come find me when you're done being an attention whore.” he stomps off. 
You finish your meal alone in silence, deciding to go for a walk around the Sanctuary rather then go back to the room you shared with him. The factory is large and easy to get lost in, you find yourself in an unfamiliar hallway, not knowing if you've wandered somewhere you aren't supposed to be you turn around, and slam unexpectedly into a body. You're overwhelmed by the scent of leather and whiskey and something purely masculine, and you don't need to look up to know exactly who it is you've crashed into. 
He steadys you on your feet with a leather gloved hand on your elbow.
When you look up he doesn't look mad, in fact he's grinning. His leather jacket is open over his usual white t-shirt, Lucille propped casually on his shoulder in his non dominant hand. 
“Careful there sweetheart.” he says, his fingers lingering on your arm. 
“I'm sorry.” you apologize “I was just going for a walk and got turned around.” you explained. 
“S'ok. You aren't in any trouble. Just take a right at the bottom of the stairs and you'll be back on track.” he instructs you. 
“Thanks.” you return his smile and turn to walk away,but Negan grabs your arm turning you to face him again. 
“Actually while I have you here, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.” 
“Okay…” you say reluctantly. You're not actually scared of Negan, he's never been anything but nice to you, and you've done nothing to piss him off, plus you know his policy on consent so there's really no reason to be, but something about this makes you nervous. 
“I see the way that little shit you call a boyfriend treats you, how he ignores you, yells at you, sneaks around on you with other women. And I thought you should know that you deserve better.” you feel so stupid, it's so blatantly obvious that you're a pushover even Negan himself notices it. 
“Is it that obvious?” you ask, lowering your gaze in shame. 
“No, probably not to people who don't have a thing for you. Which is actually my second point. Whenever you're ready to call that prick quits, and be treated how you deserve to be, if you're agreeable to it, I think you're hot as hell, smart as shit, and I admire the fuck out of your attitude, and I would be honored to call you mine.” you're a little stunned by his words, you almost wonder if he's joking. Is this some post apocalyptic version of Punked? You see in his eyes he's dead serious. 
“That's really very nice of you, and I'm flattered, but I don't think I could do that to my boyfriend.” 
“You're loyal, and I respect that, but sweetheart he doesn't deserve you, why don't we have dinner together tonight? Just the two of us, and let me show you how good I would treat you. If you still want to go back to him, you're free to do that, and there's no pressure to do anything in bed unless you want to.” you feel ashamed of yourself for even considering his proposal. You had a boyfriend, you shouldn't be considering having dinner with another man who, while he wouldn't force it, clearly wanted sex from you among other things. 
You don't get the chance to answer before you hear the sound of a woman giggling and a very familiar male voice speaking quietly. Then a closet door opens at the end of the hallway and out comes a pretty girl with disheveled hair, followed by none other than your boyfriend. It's clear what they were doing, all the warning signs were there, he was a cheater and there no denying it or ignoring it now. It had popped right out of a closet right in front of you. You feel so stupid and humiliated. Tears well up in your eyes. 
Negan looks at you with sympathy in his eyes, his hand reaches out to comfort you, but you jerk away from his touch.
Your boyfriend sees you at the same time. 
“Y/N, babe it's not what it looks like!” he stammers to find an explanation, you don't give him the chance. You turn and take off running down the hallway, the last thing you hear is Negan saying “Leave her alone, you've fucked up enough for one day.” and the distinct sound of a hard punch landing. 
When you reach your room you kind of wish you would have stayed to see the damage Negan had done to the asshole's face. 
You lay in your bed for a while, staring at the ceiling, contemplating how stupid you'd been to ignore all the red flags for all this time, he doesn't come back to your room. You finally get up and begin to gather all of his things, putting them in a duffle bag. You seriously think about taking them out to the factory yard and burning them, but decide that he isn't worth the risk of burning down the entire Sanctuary. You leave them by the door instead. He's just going to have to find somewhere else to sleep. You don't care where. 
You're tired of crying over him, so you go to the one place you know you'll be wanted. 
You knock on Negan's door, he opens it with one hand full of papers, his leather jacket is still on, but Lucille is missing from her usual place, his boots are off and his leather glove is missing too. You notice his knuckles are bruised. 
“I was hoping you would come.” he says, stepping aside and inviting you into the lavish room. 
“Well you were right.” you say with a bitter laugh. 
“Don't be so hard on yourself, honey.” he says. 
“Why not? I'm an idiot. I've known for months he was an asshole but he was all I had.” your voice breaks and you fight the urge to cry again. 
“The only idiot I see here is that prick, but fuck him because now you get to move on to something better.” this time you let Negan wrap his arms around you. 
“Did you come here to take me up on my offer?” he asks. 
“I don't know.” you say honestly “I just didn't want to be alone to tell you the truth.” you hold him back, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his chest. 
“That dickless little shit really didn't deserve you, I wasn't just saying that to get in your pants.” he reassures you. 
You manage to laugh “Thanks then.”
“And if you do decide to take me up on my offer, I promise you I will never make you cry like that piece of shit did today.” he presses his lips against your forehead softly. 
What the hell are you holding off for? You wonder to yourself. 
Negan is hot as hell, he's attracted to you, he's nice to you, why not give him a chance? If nothing else this could be one hell of a rebound hookup. 
You tilt your head back and kiss him, he doesn't hesitate to reciprocate, his arms tightening around you and his hand knotting in your hair. His hands don't wander much, but his tongue finds its way into your mouth, electing a soft moan from you as he explores. 
It's been a long time since someone kissed you like that. 
Negan eventually breaks the kiss, pushing you back slightly but his hands never leave your body. 
“Is that a yes?” his hand strokes your face. 
 “Yes.” you reply. 
“Damn you're beautiful.” he whispered, keeping you at arm's length undressing you with his eyes again. “That idiot ex of yours had no idea how lucky he was.” he pulled you closer to him, his lips pressing against your neck, you lean into his touch, enjoying the intimacy and pleasure you'd been so deprived of. 
“You like that?” he whispered against your skin, your head falling back to give him better access. “You want more?”
“Yes” you sighed. 
“How far do you want to go?” 
“I just want to feel good again.” you whimper. 
“You will baby, I'm going to make you feel so fucking good. You won't even remember his name when I'm done. Hell you might not even remember your own.” his lips brush against your ear. 
“Did that prick ever touch you just for your pleasure?” he asked, sliding his fingers down to the top button of your shirt, and undoing it.
“Take his time with you?” he popped another button. 
“Go down on you?” another button. 
“No.” you whimper. Another button. 
“It was all about him huh?” another button. 
“Yeah.” you admit. 
“All that is about to change babygirl, I've been accused of a lot of things but being a selfish lover is not among them.” the last button came undone and you feel his hands slide into your open shirt, gently pushing it off your shoulders. You instinctively reach for the hook of your bra to undo it as your shirt falls to the floor but Negan's hand stops your's. 
“Nope, they'll be plenty of time for rough and dirty quickies later, I want to take my time with you tonight, really fuckin’ indulge,” he pulls away, walking around behind you, his hands never leaving your body, he brushes your hair over one shoulder and traces his finger down the back of your neck. You moan a little at the soft touch. 
“Goddamn! You're so responsive, this is gonna be fun.” his lips brush against the sensitive skin of the back of your neck, while his hands rub your shoulders, all the tension slowly leaving your body under his touch. 
Negan's hands go down to the hook of your bra, undoing it and pushing the straps off your shoulders letting the fabric slide off your breasts. He hooks a finger in your belt loop and drags you over to his bed, making you sit down on the edge, and dropping to his knees in front of you so he's at eye level with your breasts. 
He takes your nipple between his lips, his tongue teasingly lapping the sensitive bud until it hardens in his mouth, and then switching to the other nipple while his fingers rub and pinch the first. 
Your hands tangle in Negan's hair and moan his name in a low breathy voice that hardly even sounds like it belongs to you. 
You can feel the wetness pooling between your legs, and squirm with desire, as much as you love the feeling of his tongue against your nipples, you can help but want his mouth somewhere else.
As if he reads your mind he flicks the button of your jeans open. 
“Lay back babygirl.” he instructed you, you fall back against the bed, and raise your hips to help him remove your jeans, leaving your panties on and settling between your legs again. 
“So wet already, and we've barely gotten started.” his fingers trace over the trial of wetness showing through your panties, making you moan and jerk your hips against his fingers. 
He moves your panties aside and slips his fingers into your folds, tracing your clit before letting his fingers slide lower and pressing one into your entrance. You whimper and press your hips against his hand, his fingers easily find your sweet spot while the heel of his hand rubs against your clit in perfect rhythm. 
You can feel your walls clench around him, desperate for more stimulation, to be filled more, to feel more of him. 
“Fuck you're tight.” he groans. 
He slowly pulls his fingers from between your legs, bringing them to his lips and sucking them clean. Damn there was something so erotic about watching him suck your juices from his fingers, just another thing to add to the growing list of things your ex never did for you. 
“Do you want me to go down on you?” he asked as he rolled your panties down your legs. 
“God yes.” you moan. 
He swings one of your legs over his shoulder, pressing his lips to your inner thigh, planting soft wet kisses on the sensitive skin, his scruff scratching against you in the most delicious way. 
“When was the last time someone touched you like this?” he whispered, you feel his warm breath against your folds, it makes you shiver with anticipation.
“A long time.” 
He switches to the other thigh “Did he ever do this for you?” 
“Only when he wanted a blowjob, and he never made me come like this.” you answered honestly. 
“What kind of a sad excuse for a man doesn't return that favor?” before you can even think of a comeback to that you feel Negan's tongue stroke your clit, starting with soft slow laps and increasing to long broad licks. It feels amazing, you didn't remember the last time you'd felt pleasure like this. 
His tongue teases your entrance and your hips buck against his mouth on their own accord. You feel him smirk against you and his tongue slides inside you, alternating between thrusting in and out of your entrance and lapping and teasing your clit.
And to think you were legitimately going to refuse Negan's offer in favor of going back to that shit head who not only didn't give you pleasure but also made you feel like shit about yourself. With Negan it's so different, it feels good, he knows how to touch you, he knows how to pleasure you, and he makes you feel wanted and sexy. 
You withared and squirmed under his tongue, your hands twisting in his hair, your legs wrapping around his neck and head, desperately wanting him even closer somehow. 
You feel a tight coil of pleasure build in your core, and Negan must know you're getting close because he slides two fingers into your entrance and begins rubbing that perfect spot deep inside you, while he sucks and licks your swollen clit. You come harder than you have in a long time, moaning his name, your body throbbing with pleasure around his fingers. He fucks you through your orgasm until you stop clenching around the fingers he still has inside you, and then eagerly laps up all the wetness leftover from your orgasm until you're sure you're either going to come again or combust from overstimulation.
“Do you want me to suck you off now?” you ask. You genuinely don't mind giving blowjobs, and with Negan the idea actually excited you. 
“Nah, tonights about you. I'll definitely take you up on that offer next time.” he slides your legs off his shoulders, wiping your juices from his beard. 
“Next time? Getting a little ahead of ourselves don't you think?” you tease.
“Babygirl, I heard the way you moaned my name just now, felt that tight little pussy throbbing for me. You fucking loved every goddamn second of that. You're telling me next time I ask to bury my face between your legs you're gonna say no?” he had a point, a very good point that ended in a very good orgasm for you. 
He stands up, you forgot he was still fully clothed this entire time until he takes off his leather jacket, and then his shirt, and reaches for his belt, once he's stripped all the way down you see he's already rock hard. You're not surprised to see that he isn't joking about the size of his dick, it's bigger than what you're used to for sure. 
He spreads out on the bed, pulling you to join him, and making you straddle him. 
You realize he wants you to ride him, you're not used to being the one in control. 
“C'mon baby, show me how you like to be fucked.” he encourages you, but you're still unsure. 
“I just… I don't know…” you try to explain.
“Just slide yourself down on me and do whatever the fuck feels good. Trust me, I'm fine with it all.” you nod after a moment and grip his hilt, lining him up with your entrance and sliding down. 
You moan loudly, he fills you incredibly well, his tip rubbing against that perfect spot inside you with every movement of your hips. You quickly fall into a rhythm, thrusting your hips against his. 
“Damn you are fucking gorgeous.” he groans, one hand grips your hip, helping you thrust, his other hand grabs a handful of your breast, kneading it and teasing your nipple with his thumb. 
“Oh Negan! That feels so good.” his response is to rise his other hand to your breast and begin keneding and teasing it to. 
Your hips move against his until you feel your second orgasm building, getting closer with every move of your hips. 
“Are you close?” Negan asks. 
“Good girl, let me feel you come.” the coil snaps after you grind yourself down just right and his fingers brush your nipples at the same moment. You come with a loud moan of his name, your body spasming in pleasure to the point you can't even keep grinding on him, your toes curl, you lose your breath, it's the most incredible orgasm you've ever had. 
Negan let's you finish coming before he flips you so you're under him now, somehow he's still inside you the whole time, you're still limp with pleasure when he picks up your leg, securing it to his hip and starts thrusting into you, your hands involuntarily grab his shoulders so you feel his body tense when he's close. 
“Can I come inside you?” he says between thrusts. 
“Yes, I want to feel it.” you admit. 
It only takes him one more thrust after that for you to feel him spilling hot ropes of his pleasure inside you. You let your body clench and throb around him, milking his orgasm for all its worth. 
Once he's done his head falls into the space between your neck and shoulder, his softening cock slowly sliding out of your body with your mixed juices. 
“Holy shit.” he groans” I've said it once, I'll say it again. That fucker had no idea what he was missing out on, but damn am a lucky man thanks to his stupidity.” 
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jercythesiscrying · 5 years
The Case of the Club Volleydong | Karasuno Third Years, Gen, M, 1.6k
NaNoWriMo Day 14: Crackfic
Summary: The third years find a used dildo in the clubroom after practice one day.
WARNING: Rated-M for a used sex toy lol.
Read on Ao3
A/N: Blame the Parn Chat for this monstrosity and encouraging this to happen. We are all horrible and I wouldn't have us any other way<3  Un-beta’d because I’m not sure if anyone would want to beta this lmao.
They find it in the clubroom one afternoon, thrown into a corner no one really visits. Koushi giggles. He feels the blush at the tops of his ears, exposing his minor embarrassment, but otherwise he’s hilariously amused. Next to him is a stoic Daichi, who keeps quiet, looking too scarred now to ever return to this particular part of the room.
“AAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Asahi continues to wail in the background. “MY EYES!”
Fastened to a Mikasa volleyball (presumably one from their gym) is an obviously used dildo. Koushi’s surprised at how well attached it is—shouldn’t it have fallen off by now?
Koushi turns when he hears Daichi takes a deep breath through his nose, crossing his arms over his chest with closed eyes. He seems like he’s in incredible pain, and the dramatics has Koushi holding back another snort of laughter.
“Call Shimizu,” Daichi says in an even voice. “We need to get to the bottom of this.”
The set up is Koushi’s idea, unsurprisingly so because he’s always enjoyed a little bit of theatricality.
Shimizu drags a spare table and chair from another clubroom, placing it underneath the brightest light. With the other lights dimmed and the curtains pulled shut, the single light bulb shines like a spotlight on Asahi, who sits in the proverbial hotseat.
The ace fidgets incessantly, eyes shifting everywhere.
“Asahi,” Koushi says in a cold tone, arms crossed as he puffs out his chest, “do you know why we brought you in?”
“It wasn’t me!” he shouts immediately. “The ball—the dild—whatever it is! It isn’t mine!”
Koushi slams his hands on the table. “If it wasn’t you then whose is it!” he demands.
“I-I don’t know!”
“Suga,” Daichi interjects, “we both know that this isn’t Asahi’s fault.”
“Thank you!”
“He’s too much of a goofball to use a dildo.”
Koushi sighs, sliding away from Asahi’s personal space. “Fine,” he says. “You’re free to go, Asahi.”
“Thank goodness,” Asahi mumbles, slipping away.
When he returns to stand next to Daichi, Koushi hears the captain say, “Why were you so nervous? We all know it wasn’t you!”
“I’m traumatized, Daichi! I can’t stay calm!”
Asahi makes a whining noise. Koushi rolls his eyes.
He has to move on to the next suspect.
Koushi purses his lips, unsure how to tackle the situation.
Shimizu sits primly in her seat, looking stunningly beautiful even under the harsh cast of the light bulb above her. Her black hair twinkles in the spotlight, hands folded on the desk in front of her.
She blinks, challenging Koushi’s gaze head on.
Koushi taps his foot, cocking his head to the side.
“I’m sure you’ve heard of the situation.”
“Yes,” she answers calmly. “Sawamura explained it to me, although I could hear Azumane screaming about it from the girl’s change room.”
Behind him, Daichi scolds, “Asahi!”
“I’m sorry!”
Koushi hears Daichi smacking Asahi, and he tries to hold back his snort. He has to look intimidating to Shimizu right now, not laugh at his dorky friends.
“It wasn’t me, Sugawara,” Shimizu speaks up, and Koushi returns his attention back to her. “I can assure you that I didn’t leave a toy in the clubroom.”
She speaks so smoothly it almost terrifies him, but he can see blush painting the top of her cheeks, which betrays her. He takes this as his in.
“If it wasn’t you, Shimizu,” he says, leaning on the table, palms lying flat on the surface, “then how can you be so calm about this? Trying to compensate for something?”
That pauses her, and Koushi smirks. He’s got her.
“Sugawara,” she eventually replies, “do you really want to accuse a girl for leaving a used dildo in the boy’s clubroom?”
“That’s like harassment!” Asahi gasps.
Shimizu gives a single nod.
“You’re free to go, Shimizu,” he dismisses her, blushing red to his hair.
Shimizu nods again, getting out of the seat. “For the record, Suga, it really wasn’t me.”
She walks away to leave. Before she closes the club door behind her, she looks over her shoulder to say, “I hope you guys find out who did this.”
Daichi rolls his eyes when he finally sits down. It took a while for Koushi to convince him to take a seat the way Asahi and Shimizu did, but eventually the captain relents.
“Suga,” he says, voice growing with impatience, “why are we doing this? You know it wasn’t me.”
“Can’t be too sure, Daichi.” He shrugs, nonchalant. “How do I really know?”
Daichi rolls his eyes again. “Because I was with you the entire time today.”
Koushi purses his lips, looking down at the captain from where he stands. He crosses his arms.
“Not the entire day,” he states. “After third period, you went off by yourself to the ‘washroom’”—he makes air quotes—“and I did not accompany you for that.”
“Yeah, because I just had to pee,” Daichi grumbles.
Koushi is undeterred, slamming his hands on the table once more. “Then, before club you had to run to ‘talk to Takeda’ about ‘scheduling’.”
“Because we have a practice match this week!”
“And then!” Koushi pauses, lifting a finger to emphasize his point. “Once practice ended, you snuck ahead to the clubroom before everyone else!”
“How is that a bad thing?!” Daichi asks incredulously, his volume increasing. “I went first because the first- and second-years were supposed to clean up today. Why is that suspicious?”
“I don’t know, Daichi,” Asahi says. Koushi turns to look at him. “I think Suga’s onto something.”
Daichi growls. “You stay out of this, beard-face.”
“So mean!”
“Deflecting, Daichi?” Koushi interrupts. “Trying to rile up Asahi so I don’t see you as the true culprit?”
“No.” Daichi closes his eyes, rubbing a palm down his face. “Suga, this is dumb. We all know it wasn’t me, or Asahi, or Shimizu.”
“But there’s no one else here,” he insists. “And it definitely wasn’t there before practice.”
“There is one person we haven’t asked yet,” Asahi says softly.
Koushi turns to face him. “Who?”
“You, Suga.”
“How does it feel to be interrogated?” Daichi shoots him an evil grin, leaning over the table like Koushi did to him moments ago.
He shrugs, trying to exude innocence as much as possible. Koushi knows he’s not guilty.
“It’s fine,” he says coolly.
Daichi rolls his eyes. “No, I’m not doing this,” he says. “I know it wasn’t you either because, like I said, I was with you all day.”
Asahi pulls the curtains open, and the clubroom immediately returns to normal with the light pouring through the window.
“Then who was it?” Asahi asks while Daichi flicks off the lightbulb.
Suga shrugs, folding away the extra table and chair. He can return them to the other clubroom tomorrow. When he sets everything aside, he makes a mental note to thank Shimizu for getting them.
“Does it matter?” Daichi wonders. He glares at the corner of the room where the dildo still lies. “We just need to get rid of it and pretend this never happened.”
Koushi laughs. “Oh, Daichi, that’s not happening.”
The captain sighs. “Yeah, I know.”
“Asahi will probably tell someone before we even leave.”
Daichi shoots the ace a look. “Is he wrong?”
“No...” he mumbles. “But I’m not that bad.”
“You kinda are.”
“Why are you both so mean?” He sighs. “Anyway, who’s gonna get rid of it? I don’t –”
“Not me!” he and Daichi exclaim simultaneously.
“Someone has to!” Daichi says.
Koushi puts his hands up in defense. “Don’t look at me!”
“I don’t want to go near it,” Asahi says. He seems so shaken at the prospect of touching the dildo he looks like he wants to cry. “Please don’t make me go near it.”
“You’re the captain, Daichi,” Koushi says. “You should do it!”
“And you’re the vice-captain!”
He shakes his head vehemently. “But you’re here and still captain therefore it should be your responsibility.”
They argue for much longer than they should until the door bursts open. They look to see Shimizu standing at the entrance, a pair of disposable gloves in one hand and a plastic bag in the other.
“For whoever is going to clean it up,” she explains, presenting the items to them.
Koushi looks at Daichi, who gazes back and forth between him and Asahi with a frown. Growling, he grabs the gloves and plastic bag from Shimizu before stomping over to the corner.
“Do it, Daichi!”
“Good luck, Daichi.”
They watch as the captain slips the gloves on with a snap, grumbling when he finally crouches down to quickly sweep the dildo and attached volleyball into the plastic bag.
“Move move move move move!” he shouts, and Koushi and Asahi step aside for Daichi to sprint out the door.
Koushi lets out a peel of laughter before he runs out the clubroom to catch up with Daichi—there isn’t a second of this he wants to miss. Asahi and Shimizu follow him too, and they make their way down the stairs to find Daichi at the back of the building. Daichi tosses the plastic bag and its contents into the dumpster, immediately throwing the gloves in as well. Then, he rushes to the outdoor sink nearby, where he scrubs his hands under high water pressure.
“Shut up, Suga!” he yells when Koushi continues to holler at him.
“C-can’t—I can’t help it!” he chortles. He clutches his belly when the laughter begins to ache. “You-you had to thr-throw away a volley-dong!”
Asahi cracks up at that, and when Shimizu has to hide her own snickering behind a hand, Daichi screams.
(More notes on Ao3.)
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it-is-reigning-men · 7 years
History [Seth Rollins]
#73 "That night never happened!"
From prompt list for Anon! Gosh, this is late and I’m sorry for not posting a fic in awhile! This is to hold the space till that upcoming Roman / Finn smut comes out as well ~! ;D And I will, of course, be writing all other drabble requests <3
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You weren't one to get drunk... for the exact reason that you ended up getting mixed up in after getting drunk last week.
Alcohol really needed to be cleared from history. Humans would be better beings without it.
Last week you'd reluctantly gone out with a group of superstars, female and male alike, and had mostly been clinging to Naomi's side for most of the night. She was always a rock for you, even if she had been the one to force you on the outing in the first place.
But after she accused you of wasting your life and your "hottie body" as she exclaimed whilst getting you ready, you couldn't say no. You did sort of feel like you were wasting your life — granted, you were a successful star on Smackdown, but when it came to living outside of the ring you... weren't, really.
So yeah. You went to a local club with Naomi, Lana, Nia, and a handful of the guys: Rusev, Jimmy, Braun, Dean, and Seth, to name a few.
Honestly being with a few of your best girl friends and surrounded by so many strong (familiar) men did make you a bit more comfortable. If any thing did get out of hand you had plenty of people around to watch out for you.
Not that you weren't capable of taking care of yourself, but you were just unaccustomed to situations like this in the first place.
Hence why you got drunk so goddamn easily when you did start getting into things with the more experienced folk.
Needless to say, just one or two shots turned into five (ten.) Soon enough you were scooting closer to the man closest to your right, nudging into his muscular arm as you giggled and licked your alcohol infused lips.
"Never seen you like this," his voice rang, literally echoing in your ears as you blinked at him.
It was Seth.
The man.
"Yeah, I'm the Man." He chuckled, making it clear you'd said that last bit out loud. Goodness. You had never realized how much you liked his eyes.
He had long eyelashes.
"Thanks, so do you," he said, his arm grazing against yours as he mindlessly toyed with an empty shot glass on the table.
If it weren't for your equal drunkenness, one or both of you might've been disgusted with the heavy smell dancing between your close faces. Instead, the shared breath between you two became annoying - rather than disgusting - so you decided to get rid of it.
Or perhaps Seth decided.
Didn't matter once you were kissing.
His lips were warm. Shockingly soft. His tongue was gentle too.
You both got back to the hotel one way or another... and what happened after that wasn't all as gentle. You liked it. The parts you could recall the next morning, at least.
So. That's what got you here in the present. Last week was a since-passed headache, and you were back to your straight edge life. It was a miracle you had had the weekend to recover before the next Smackdown. Tonight was a Live show.
All was normal, up until Seth paid you a visit.
It was no secret Smackdown and Raw often visited the same places - if not the same town then a town nearby - so the intermingling happened occasionally. Even more so during Live events.
"Hey, Y/N."
You rose a brow at him, feeling horribly awkward in his presence. The pair of you had scarcely talked before that night, and now you had a connection you couldn't exactly erase.
That was likely what he wanted to talk about.
That was all he had to talk to you about, actually.
"I'm not gonna go talking about what happened with us, Seth." You scratched your head. "Aside from the people we were with," who obviously know what went down, this lil thing ain't getting out to the public gossip." You gestured briefly between you two.
His face stayed open, eyes round and mouth parted.
"Ahh... thanks."
You nodded, sweating a little.
"But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about,"
He shifted on his feet, looking mad at something. Not you. Himself.
"I mean, well, I guess it kinda is." Seth tried again, coming nearer and leaning his hip against the wall. "I wanted to... do it again sometime, if you wanted."
He didn't mean for it to come out like that, but the circumstance only made you more uneasy. You didn't like judging people you didn't know too well without finding it out personally; however, it was different when it came to relationship reps.
Needless to say, Seth didn't have the best track record with the women he'd been with.
You didn't want to be added to that list, especially since you hadn't even dated before jumping in bed together ... and now he was offering to be a booty call.
Or asking you to be a booty call?
You weren't good at this deciphering stuff.
Seth has time to relocate his mindset, starting again with a determined huff.
"Wait, wait. How I meant to say it was... do you want to go out with me sometime?"
You still weren't getting the picture, narrowing your eyes slightly.
"...A real date. And the sex part doesn't have to be part of it, least till you're actually comfortable."
He coughed.
"I mean. Unless you actually want to. I'm not gonna pressure you or anything, and you don't even have to say yes to the date part."
You'd honestly never seen him so flustered— not even when he was out acting a part in front of a crowd. You weren't sure what to think. Had he always acted all awkward at the start when he flirted with girls?
In the back of your mind all you could think of were those cheating scandals and the gossip the other female wrestlers always threw around. He did flirt with the others before. You didn't like judging based on gossip but sometimes ... when it was that consistent you couldn't help believing the lot of it.
And perhaps it didn't help that your ex had cheated on you while you were on the road.
Something surged inside you and you rubbed the corner of your eye, holding a hand up to stop Seth from possibly rambling again.
"As far as I'm concerned, that night never happened, okay? You don't have to feel obligated to ask me out just cause we were both drunk out of our minds the other night."
He blinked rapidly, thrown by your burst of energy. His eyes darted to the side.
You sighed.
There wasn't really much else to say, was there? You pressed your lips together and turned, wanting to get somewhere closer to the curtain area, given your match was coming up after the current match, which had only just started.
Somehow you already felt guilty for responding like that, even though you knew you had no personal reasons to have ill-will against Seth. Still. The sooner this blew over the sooner you could both move on with your lives.
You didn’t fully stop, only slowed your steps.
“Listen, I know what you think of me. I know all the girls you hang out with,”
You looked at him with a slanted frown.
“As in, I know how they gossip. About everything.” You could tell he was trying his darnedest not to sound mean. His eyes were conflicted, but he kept them trained on your’s.
“I’m tired of people just... assuming they know all about me, when all they know is my past. Yeah. I fucked up, on more than one occasion.” He took a deep breath, rubbing the bridge of his nose. This definitely wasn’t the type of conversation he was accustomed to.
You wet your lips before pressing them together pensively, waiting till he was finished because, you supposed, he deserved that much.
“If you gave me a chance, I’d promise to... god,” his brows were furrowed and he looked you eye to eye again. “I’d promise to try my best not to mess it up. I like you, I couldn’t put into words why, because I’m sure you know we haven’t talked much, but, yeah.”
Your eyes fell to his Adam’s apple as he swallowed anxiously.
You really hoped you wouldn’t regret this. Maybe you were being naive. Or maybe you were being paranoid. Or maybe you just wanted to follow your damn instinct.
“...You... really are a dork.” It didn’t exactly come out as eloquently as you liked. But you meant that. Wow.
He might be a womanizer or a lying cheat - or maybe he was, at least - but a dork. Yeah. He was that too. So awkward and desperate, like you were the first girl he’d ever asked out.
“...What?” He stared on, totally lost. Was it supposed to be good ?
You spared the tiniest of smiles, not wanting to totally give in, or come off as too easy, only those big brown eyes made you smile a bit more anyway.
“Fine. Alright? One date won’t kill me, so you got your chance, Rollins.”
Seth puffed out a relieved breath, shaking his head.
“Okay, well, uh,” He scratched his beard. “I’ll text you then.” A small, nervous chuckle followed.
“You don’t have my number, hun.”
“Oh. Right-“
“Just find me after my match. It’s a phone number, not my social security.” You patted his shoulder, holding back a building laugh. “Bye.”
Seth’s eyes squeezed shut and he ran a heavy hand over the entirety of his face again; he was absolutely horrified at how bad this had went.
Thankfully, when he moved his hand and recuperated his wits, he smiled and just kept nodding his head.
“See you after you win, Y/N.”
People always say to learn from your history-- maybe this would be one of those times the future would turn out better than the past, for both of you.
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Yes - Harry Styles Mini Series (Part 6)
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Part 5
**Word Count 3,508
You were now staying in Harry’s childhood home with his parents. It was a little awkward at first because you and Anne still had a relationship to mend, but you were hoping that with her extending the offer for you to stay with her, it meant she was willing to work on things. 
Although, she could have only offered becasue she didn’t want you to be the reason Harry postponed something with his career. You were laying in bed trying to read a book, but you couldn’t. Normally, you loved to read, but being stuck in bed for almost five days was getting to you. 
You weren’t exactly on bedrest, but Harry and Anne were both very adament on you taking it easy. You sighed getting up and looking around the room. It had been well over two years since you were last there. In your snooping, you ended up finding an old picture of you and Harry, from when you first got together. 
You both looked so young and it was only a few years ago. You took the picture and hung it up on one of the little boards that were in there. There was a knock on the door and then Anne walked in. 
“I made some lunch, if you’d like to come down,” she smiled. 
“Oh, uh, sure,” you smiled before walking downstairs. 
“So, how are you feeling?” Anne asked as you both were eating. 
“Better,” you said. “I think under the circumstances of that night was the only reason it happened.” 
“What exactly did happen that night?” Anne asked. 
You sighed. “When I went left the restuarant, there were like twenty or so paprazzi with cameras flashing. I covered my face and tried to walk through them until one was saying something like, “Don’t be like, just give us a picture,” and when I ignored him he wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me up. Then at one point he put his hands on my chest and that’s when I elbowed him in the face. He let go of me then and looked like he was about to hit me, is when Harry came in and stepped in front of me.” 
“Oh, wow, I knew along the lines what happened, but not in full detail,” she said. “But if you don’t mind me asking, why did you leave the restaurant?” 
You looked down. “I felt like I wasn’t wanted there. It was all too much, so I just had to leave,” you whispered. 
Anne sighed. “That was partly my fault,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry about that.” 
“I can’t exactly blame you though,” you sighed. 
“And I can’t exactly blame you for everything that happened between you and Harry in the past,” she said. 
“Both of us were young and with the pressure our of careers, it became too much and we ended up saying a lot of things we didn’t mean,” you whispered. 
“I had never seen him that heartbroken before,” she sighed. “It was the first time he really felt it was over between the two of you.” 
The Break-Up 2015. 
You and Harry had been back together for a few months for the fourth time since you first met. It was sort of your thing to be together, figure out it wasn’t working anymore, and then break up again. It’s not like you wanted it to be that way, it’s just how it was. 
Until that one night. Harry was on tour with One Direction, while you were working on your album in the studio. Harry was in different cities and countries every night and you were held up in a studio in LA. 
You two hadn’t spoken except for a few texts in almost a week because of crazy time zone differences and you being in the studio. However, the night before, you and Harry decided to have a little date over facetime the next day, so you made sure to take a break from the studio that day. 
You made sure that you were dressed nicely and did your hair and makeup, even though you knew Harry wouldn’t care if you were just wearing sweats and your hair was up in a messy bun. You wanted to treat this like an actual date, since you wouldn’t know the next time that you two would actually have a real date. 
The scheduled time for your facetime had come and gone without Harry ever calling in. When he was ten minutes late, you decided to try and call him, but he never answered. So, you tried to call his phone and then sent him a few texts. 
For some reason, you decided to go on social media and you saw some pap pictures of Harry out and about with a group of people going to dinner and then leaving some club in the city they were in. 
You should have been pissed. You should have been more than pissed that he ditched your date for a dinner and some club, but you weren’t pissed. 
You were hurt. Tears began to well up in your eyes and the eye makeup you spent so long on started to run down your cheeks. 
It was happening again. You could feel it. You could always feel it. The moment when the breakup was coming. 
The first break up happened after a year of dating. Since the two of you were considered the “hottest” couple that year, you two were constantly getting papped together or having cheating rumors speculated whenever either one of you were photographed standing with someone of the opposite sex. 
In the beginning, neither one of you let it bother you because you knew it wasn’t true and that neither one of you would ever cheat, but eventually the media and the rumors won--after a really bad photo of you and one of your crew members were out at a club. 
You were drunk as you were leaving the club and he was trying to keep you from falling. His arms were wrapped around your waist and you were leaning up against him before getting into the same car. 
Harry was livid to say the least and started to think that all the other times you had been accused to cheating in the media was true. 
So, he ended it right then in there. A few days shy of your one-year anniversary. 
The second break-up happened after you two got back together a few months after the inital break-up. You two had talked over what happened and agreed to move on from it, but a few months later, it was over again. 
During the months of your break-up, Harry had been seen out dating someone else. He kept reassuring you that it wasn’t like that, they were just friends, but one night you two had ran into her and she implied they had been more than friends. 
You were angry and hurt because you didn’t know what the truth was. You felt angry because Harry had possibly lied to you and hurt because your relationship must not have meant that much to him in the first place for him if he was sleeping with another girl weeks after your break up. 
So, you ended it with a slap to his cheek right then and there. 
The third break-up happened just a week after you two had gotten back together after you realized that the girl was lying about sleeping with Harry. You and Harry were having a date night in, watching movies on Netflix and eating take out. 
Harry had been on his phone for a bit and you could tell that he was reading something.
“Whatcha reading?” You asked him. 
“Your new interview,” he said. 
“Oh, that’s out already? I thought it wasn’t supposed to come out till tomorrow,” you said. “Let me see.” 
“You talked about our sex life,” he said. 
“Wait what?” You asked confused. 
“Right here, you mentioned something about our sex life,” he said showing you the line. 
Okay, it wasn’t like fully detailed and you hadn’t actually talked about it in the interview, but yet there it was in the article written up about you. 
“I didn’t, I didn’t say anything about that during the interview. We had gone out for drinks after and we were playing that Never Have I Ever game and someone said they never had multiple orgasms in one night and I took a drink. I never went into detail about who it was with or anything that we did,” you said. 
“Well, it’s there now and everyone is going to know about what we do in the bedroom,” he sighed. 
“I’m sorry, but it’s not like it says anything bad,” you said. 
“But it’s our private business out in the open, Y/N,” he said. 
“Oh, but you can write a song about it and it’s perfectly fine?” You asked. 
“That’s different. I’ve never once talked about specific details in the lyrics,” he said. 
“And I didn’t talk about specific details either,” you defended. 
“Maybe not, by this journalist added in their own and everyone is going to know,” he said. “And it doesn’t help that the photoshoot you did, you’re practically naked.” 
“Yes, I’m techincally shirtless, but nothing is showing,” you said. “And why are you upset about that? You’re the one is always preaching about not judging and not having double standards for females, yet you’re upset that I’m shirtless in a few photos while it’s perfectly okay for you.” 
“Well, it’s different when you’re my girlfriend and talking about our sex life in an interview accompanied by naked photos. Do you realize how many guys are going to be all over you now? How many guys are going to think about you? I don’t want you being seen as a sex object because you’re more than that,” he said. 
“Oh, but it’s perfectly fine as long as you’re the only one seeing my naked and have sex with me, right?” You said annoyed. 
More things were said. And then Harry ended it, right then and there. 
Back to the fourth and final break-up. When you realized that Harry had stood you up that night, you called him and called him. He, of course, didn’t answer. He was probably too drunk or too tired to bother answering your call. You would have left a voicemail, but you knew that you had too much to say and not enough time to say it, so you sent him a text instead. 
“I can’t believe that you ditched our date tonight to go out with your friends for a fancy dinner and some cheap club. We haven’t spoken to each other in almost a week and we finally agreed on a time and you blew it. Who are we kidding Harry? This obviously isn’t working anymore and to be honest, did ever truly work. We’ve through this before and we’ve tried to make it work and it just never does. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t be with you and then not be with you. This cycle of “love” is not healthy and we both deserve to be happy. You can’t honestly say that you’re happy with our relationship becuase if you were, you would have been there tonight. I waited for you for over four hours and you never came. If we both were really happy, we would say fuck you to our schedules and make time to see and speak to one another. This time is the last time for us, Harry. It has to be. We both deserve more. I love you, I really do, but what we give other isn’t enough for me anymore. I’m sorry I’m telling you this over a stupid text, but it’s the only way I know to reach you. 
Goodbye Harry. I love you and I always will, but this is the end. It has to be.” 
“And it was,” you said. “I had made the decision that it would be because it wasn’t fair to either of us to keep going back to each other if we weren’t going to make it work.” 
“I know and I’m glad that you did that,” she said. “You were right, the two of you weren’t in a healthy relationship. The only time it really seem to be right was that first year you were together.” 
“Yeah, it was amazing. It was the first time I really fell in love and I was happy. We both were happy, but then shit happend and we were done,” you sighed. 
“Harry still believes had he not overreacted over that photo that you two would have never broken up and you would have still been together till this day,” she admitted. 
You bit your lip. “Maybe, but I’m sure one of the other issues we had come up later on could have still happened.” 
“Perhaps, but I think what’s best now, is to not worry about the past. The two of you are together now and you’re having a baby together,” she said. 
“Yeah, we are,” you smiled putting your hand over you still non-existent bump. 
“I know that I said to leave the past in the past, but Y/N, I have to ask you, if you were so adamant about not being with Harry after that last breakup in 2015, why did agree on getting back together with him now?” She asked. 
“Honestly, it just felt right,” you admitted. “It didn’t feel like all the other times when we talked about getting back together. We were apart for over a year. We hadn’t spoken to each other or even seen one another in such a long time, yet the second I saw him again, all those feelings I had for him rushed back to me. And we’re both older now and I feel like when something comes up between us, our first thought isn’t going to be to just end things, like it had been in the past. We’ve actually had a bit of a run in with that and I think we handled it pretty well.” 
“What run in?” She asked. “Sorry, I don’t mean to pry, it just, I’m curious.” 
“No, it’s okay. When those pictures of us in Miami were taken, my team said that someone from Harry’s team had tipped off the press and told them where we would be and to release the photos for publicity. At first, I was furious and thought that was the only reason he had called me after all this time and we had some words and Harry was about to leave because he couldn’t beleive that I actually believed he would have something to do with it, but I stopped him. I apologized for accusing him and we talked it through,” you said. 
“Well, that’s huge a step for you two,” she said. 
“Yeah, it is,” you smiled. “And just being with him again feels different. It almost feels like we’re starting over again because so much time has passed and we’re in a different point in our lives.” 
“But you two are still quite young,” she said. “You two still have your whole life ahead of you. Your careers, I mean Harry is just now starting off his solo career.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked confused. 
“I’m just saying that, how is Harry supposed to have a career when he’s going to have a baby to help raise?” She asked. “He has a tour coming up at the end fo the year, what happens if he’s on stage and you go into labor? What if he has to cancel some shows and disappoint his fans? Did either of you think about that before you slept together?” 
“I-I... no, but-” you stuttered out. 
“Exactly neither one of you thought about anything,” she said. “i know that what’s done is done and there’s no going back from it and I promise you that I will love and take care of this baby, but I can’t say that I’m thrilled over this right now. If you and this baby end of ruining his plans for his career, I will never forgive you Y/N. He is my baby and I want nothing more than for him to be happy, but I know that if he loses his music, he won’t ever be truly happy.” 
You looked at her with wide eyes. “Do you think I want him to lose that either? Do you think that I’m going to make him choose between us and his career? Will having a baby right now make things a little more difficult with the way our careers are? Yes, but we’re going to figure it out and make it work. And how can you sit there and be nice to me and make it seem like we’re working on our relationship, but then be so cruel me to the next?” You asked. 
“I don’t mean to Y/N, I’m telling you how I feel,” she said. “My children are my pride and joy and I love them with all my heart and I will do whatever it takes to protect them.” 
“I get that Anne, I really do, but you have to know that I love Harry more than anything in this world and I want him to do everything that he wants and I would never want to be the reason to hold him back. Is this bad timing to have a baby? Yes, but that doesn’t mean we’re not looking forward to being parents. And another thing, for someone who keeps saying to leave the past in the past and move on, sure does keep bringing up the fucking past,” you said before getting up from the table and going back up the room. 
Later that night, Harry had facetimed you and you two were chatting. 
“I miss you!” He whined. 
You laughed. “I miss you too, how’s spending time with James? I’ve been watching the show and you’re doing great.”
“Thanks, baby,” he smiled. “And it’s going great. I’ve having a blast. I love hanging out with James, so it doesn’t feel like work. How are you and the baby?” 
“We’re doing okay,” you said. “I still feel nasueous at times.” 
“I read somewhere about drinking a certain kind of tea can help with that,” he said. “I’ll look it up again and send it you.” 
“You read it somewhere?” you giggled. 
“Yes, the entire flight I was reading this baby book I found,” he blushed. 
“Aww, that’s so adorable,” you smiled. 
He laughed. “Anyway, how are things going with Mum?” 
You sighed looking down. “They’re going...” 
“Y/N, what happened?” He asked. 
“Nothing too bad, it’s just, I thought we were moving forward and then she just said some things and I stormed out and haven’t talk to her since,” you admitted. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” he sighed. “I knew I shouldn’t have come here.” 
“Yes, you should have,” you said. “That was what she brought up. She’s afraid that the baby and I are going to hold you back.” 
“You’re not,” he said. “We’re going to find a way to make everything work.” 
“I know and I told her that, but she’s worried that we’re not,” you sighed. 
“Don’t worry about her. I’ll talk to her,” he said. 
“No, don’t. I don’t want to feel like I’m coming between you and your Mom,” you whispered. 
“You’re not coming in between us,” he said. “I know my Mum and she’s just looking out for me. She’s quite the protective one, you know.” 
“Yeah, I’ve gathered that,” you said. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll be home in a few days,” he said. 
“I can’t wait,” you whispered. “It’s weird staying in your room without you.” 
He laughed. “Especialy with all the memories we’ve had in there,” he smirked. 
You blushed. “Shut up,” you giggled. 
“So, do you have a little bump yet?” He asked. 
“No, not yet, but I feel bloated,” you said. “But my boobs I’ve gotten a little bigger it seems, which makes them pop out of my shirts more than they usually do.” 
“Well, I wasn’t going to say anything...” he smirked. 
You rolled your eyes and pulled up your shirt. 
“Hey! I was enjoying the view,” he pouted. 
You giggled. “You’ll enjoy it soon enough when you get back from LA.” 
“I can’t wait,” he said. 
You giggle yawning.
“Well, I better let you get some sleep, baby,” he said. 
“No, I’m okay. I want to keep talking to you,” you whined. 
“We can talk tomorrow,” he smiled. “You need your rest.” 
“Fine,” you groaned. 
“I love you,” he smiled. 
“I love you too,” you smiled. “And you better call me tomorrow.” 
“Don’t worry. I will,” he smiled. “Night, baby.” 
“Goodnight,” you smiled blowing him a kiss. 
He pretended to catch it like a dork and you both ended the call before you put your laptop on the table and crawled into bed. 
Thank you to everyone who sent in ideas breakups/arguments! I tried to use bits and pieces of each! :) 
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