#i would like to formally apologize for this particular brainworm that seized me today. sorry.
prompts-by-anjali · 8 months
(note: this one might be... a tad bit cursed)
“Avast! I’m here to rob ye!”
“Oh, aloha, my dude! You must be the pirate villain I’ve heard so much about!”
“I’m notorious in these here parts, aye. Move not a muscle or lose an eye.”
“Obviously, obviously.”
“Uh… yer not fightin’ back? Or screamin’?”
“You have a sword pointed at my face and screaming wouldn’t help, so, no. I don’t think so. But say, dude, could you give me a lift somewhere? I was surfing and I wiped out and the next thing I know, I’m in this gnarly fantasy world and it’s been kooky to the max. I heard you’re the best at navigating the Dark Sea, and I kind of need to get over there to catch a riptide to get back home, so.”
“Aye, I am the best… hold onto yer seahorses, yer askin’ me to give ye a ride? Of yer own volition?”
“Whoa, nice vocab, dude. And yes. Since you are robbing me, I think it'd be fair. And also if it’s not a bother, of course, dude. Um, please.”
“Blimey. Yer turnin’ this robbery into a transaction, an’ I dunno if I like that.”
“So that’s a yes?”
“Ye won’t find another sane person willin’ to traverse the Dark Sea. An’ I’m gettin’ worried ye might feel all matey-matey with another pirate who might actually take yer eye. So… aye.”
“Radical, my dude!”
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