#i was in a phase ok :sob: (as if i'm not every time i pick a new url)
azxremoon · 1 year
i need to change my sb url and fast, that bitch is UGLYYYY
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moon-sang · 2 years
I recently saw ur requests open hehe, it's time to go back into my Din phase :D
I'm a fan of stranger things... so
Possibly... Din meets a teenage girl/boy in the rain (like how mike meets eleven) and invites them on the Crest, and just finding out that they have no family and then adopting the girl/boy, I think this would be adorable <3
Welcome To My Family, Kid
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Thank you, anon, for giving me... something to do XD
SUMMARY: After an engine failure Din crashes on an isolated planet, where it constantly rains. After managing to fix the Crest he spot something in a bush... or rather...someone.
WARNINGS: Angst, Fluff, reader is gender neutral, small bruises on reader, Reader is an adolescent, pls tell me if I miss anything!
Great, just great.
An engine failure. Just what Din needed when he was tracking a bounty. Din clutches the lever tighter, in frustration. "Hold on kid, it's gonna get bumpy." Din sighs. On queue the Crest jostles and just drops, at full speed, the Crest fell through the sky, Din tried his best to control it, despite the cheers coming from Grogu. Eventually the Crest slowed down and skited across a foreign muddy planet. All Din could see was the sticky coffee brown rubble push up against the now cracked windows.... until it came to a stop, and the Crest laid, almost completely submerged in soaked mud.
You peeked through the small bush you hid under. Smoke consumed the already grey sky, the smell illuminating your nostrils, making you slightly cough. You sigh, ready to ravage through the new ship. Your clothes were drenched in dirt, mud, and water dripped down the hem of your shirt. trickles of rain-water rushed down your jaw, meeting at your chin and then dripping onto your clothes. You needed to get into that new ship, it would start hailing soon, and you weren't going to risk any more bruises.
Grabbing your small knife (which you used to cut wires to salvage), you make your way over to the ship. This was a big one. You think. A ship this big hasn't crash-landed on this planet since you were 5 years of age.
Being careful not to trip over any broken parts of the ship, you make your way to the interior of this mysterious ship. As you approach the hatch it opens before you. Was it automatic? Did it somehow sense you and open for you? You pondered. But you were wrong about both. Out of the dark shadows of the ship came an armoured man. terrified of the unexpected appearance you bolt to the nearest shrub.
Din's eyes drunk in every detail of the new planet. Rain. Constant rain by the looks of it. He remembers a planet he had been to that was similar to this one, chasing one of his first bounties. A small rustling in a nearby bush pulled Din back to reality. On instinct the Mandalorian hunter pulls his blaster out, aiming it at the moving bush. Out of the shrub came a young person. A teen by the looks of it. Their hands were raised, mouth agape in fear. Din pushes his blaster back into the holster and stalks near the young person. As he came nearer to them he noticed more. Like how their eyes were near black, except for the small e/c crescent that loomed at the bottom of their iris. As Din moved forward the person moved back slowly. Din slowly raised his hands in a harmless way. "I-it's ok, i won't hurt you kid." In defence they lifted the blunt knife they held and aimed it at the Mandalorian. "S-stay away!" they retort, continuously walking backwards. Din ignores them and instantly notices the sharp rock behind them. "STOP WALKING BACK!" Din shouts, weary of what may happen. Afraid the kid picks up the pace, tripping right over the rock. A loud shriek filled the air, and Din immediately rushed over to the kid. Sobbing in the freezing cold rain the child inspects their hand, now drenched in a mixture of blood and water. Din gently examines their wounded palm, the kid gives in to his warmer touch. "It's not too deep, luckily." Din huffs out. Without a word Din lift the kid up and brings them into the Crest, the kid half-heartedly complies.
The Mandalorian seats you on a narrow bed, and patiently you wait. Your eyes roam around the ship. It is spacious you note mentally. A few crates were littered around, here and there, but other than that it was pretty much spotless. You could feel the water on you leaking through the mattress, but you couldn't find it in you to move, you hadn't been this comfortable for ages.
After a few more seconds of waiting the man covered in beskar returns. The flickering light of the Crest bounced off of the rare metal he wore. A roll of bandage was held firmly in his hand. "Can I have your hand please." The enigma Mandalorian asks. You slowly nod and give him your hand.
After a few minutes your hand was completely wrapped and ready to go. You sighed in relief. "Thank... you." you manage to croak out, voice coaxed in tiredness. Din nods in acknowledgment. "Where is your family, kid?" Mando hesitantly questions. You don't reply, instead you slam a hand, scrunched into a fist, on your other hand, violently. Mando cocks his head in confusion. "Dead." You state rather flatly. Mando nods.... in understanding. "You need to change, you'd be freezing, I imagine." Mando states. You nod slowly. "Come on then." Your head shoots up. "What?" You question. "You have no one.. correct? I mean, unless you want to stay on this planet, i'm offering you a place here, with me, and my other kid." Mando states. His voice was like honey, despite the modulator. Without a second thought you nod your head. ".....Thank you."
Obviously by the end of it he manages to fix the Crest :)
Ok I got a lil lazy near the end, but I hope it's still enjoyable!
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Do you have any more info on the fiance situation in Las Nevadas au? :-D or just anything in that au in general (only if you want tho sbajjdkfL) since its vv cool <3 /p
i've talked about the fiances before but i'm down to expound on it a little further :DDD this is kinda half assed but still long so MSJDJD
tw: self-destructive behavior, memory loss, breakups (not too horrible i promise)
/dsmp /rp
quackity is definitely immensely hurt by his loved ones leaving him. it ruins him. he feels like his heart is left to bleed out every single day he sees that no one from the south is coming over. he has a telescope atop his hotel, the tallest building, which he uses to look closely at the south (where kinoko kingdom lies). on his free days, or sometimes in the afternoon when he doesn't attend the events, he sits on the roof and looks out at a distance.
i think the longest he's been out on the roof was when karl messaged their chat through the communicator. it was a simple “where am i”, and quackity was quick to respond. he instructs karl to go to las nevadas, assuming he was lost, so he basically cancelled every gig he had to observe his surroundings.
(turns out, he never came. quackity sat on that roof for 15 hours before he was pulled away by fundy.)
but their abandonment was never intentional. quackity knows there has to be something more to it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
he at least also got word from sapnap. after much encouragement from schlatt, quackity finally was brave enough to send him a message. first, he sent a simple “sapnap? where have you been”, then a more desperate “what happened to us?”.
sapnap replies almost immediately that it threw quackity off, “been around, adventuring, getting away from things.” then the second one took a bit longer, “not gonna lie, i thought our engagement was off ever since we kinda. stopped talking to one another. you kind of left us, didn't you?”
and quackity is hurt. he's baffled, he's irritated, but he's fucking livid. schlatt has told him multiple times that he needs to control his anger a little bit better, but in times like this, no matter how petty it may be, he wanted to fucking wreck his room. and so he did— first he threw his communicator against the wall. it was still salvageable, so quackity decided to grab his glowstone lamp and toss it against the communicator. he flips his dresser, throwing it against his bed, and it bounces off and destroys his cabinet. when he looks at his right, he sees a window, and he raises his fist to punch—
and someone is grabbing back. “q, quackity, alex, please,” schlatt pleads. when did schlatt get to his room? “come on, self-destruction is my kind of thing,” schlatt adds, and it summons a smile from quackity's lips before a sob tears out. and it doesn't stop. quackity cries— and he doesn't cry often, especially in front of his coworkers or family or whatever they are. he hates it, he hates emotions— he tried to fucking suppress it all in las nevadas because all of this, all of these casinos and hotels and bars are meant to be his coping mechanism, his distraction. the tears always finds a way to seep through, though.
eventually, they do crumble to the ground, and they sit like that for a while. quackity crying against schlatt's blazer as schlatt merely rubs comforting circles on his back. eventually, fundy does come in with some snacks and a deck of cards, and it was enough for quackity to at least feel better for the rest of the day.
on another day, where quackity was supposed to have fun partying around and doing the same old shit he does every other day, a mysterious green, whorled portal appears in the middle of his casino. most of the staff and the customers stand back, but from the portal, a white-clad brunette falls from it. he doesn't look all to phased by his fall, but when he stands, he realizes the predicament he's in and immediately stiffens awkwardly.
quackity knows him. that's karl— the karl who somehow disappeared from the server for so long that quackity forgot he even fucking existed. what happened to him? why is he all white? why have his eyes become spirals? what's going on?
“hi,” karl greets casually, but his eyebrows are furrowed awkwardly, “uhm, where am i?”
“karl?” quackity says immediately. he stands in uncertainty before fundy nudges at him to go closer whispering “talk to karl, i'll be in charge of the event.” fundy claps twice and immediately announces that their slot machines will double in payout for the next hour, and the crowd immediately goes wild. karl seems a bit lost by the noise, but quackity quickly grabs him away from the crowds and out to the streets.
“gee, those people were. eager to waste their money. gosh darn rich people,” karl says, and quackity laughs, but his smile immediately drops when karl adds,” nevermind them, i guess, but uh, who are you, exactly?"
and quackity's heart churns. he's heard of a few memory loss cases in their server—it's quite scary to hear how common it's become to just lose yourself entirely—but he didn't think it'd apply to karl. he doesn't even know where karl has BEEN all this time. what happened? why does karl not remember? does sapnap know about this?
quackity decides to not reveal much immediately, so he puts on his typical charming façade and replies, “i'm quackity, or alex, any will do. i'm the owner of this place— las nevadas. it's a place for gambling, drinking, and well, fun! do you, uh, do you remember me?"
quackity sees karl visibly shift awkwardly, and it does summon a sigh out of quackity. “guess you don't, huh?” he says sardonically.
“time travelling kinda... ruins you, sometimes,” karl replies
time travelling...? is... is that what made karl leave? not make karl remember? when in the ever living hell did karl, the nicest, sweetest man he knows, ever been allowed to time travel?
“oh,” he just says instead, “well, uh, i was a close friend of yours."
"oh?" karl replies, “kinda like uhm, uh, do you know sapnap? or george."
damn. quackity's façade immediately melts— how does he know about them and not HIM? why did karl remember them and not quackity? why was he forgotten? quackity immediately hisses, turns away and responds, “i'm giving you a free hotel room for the night and i'm calling sap to pick you up. just walk seventy blocks to your right and talk to manifold, or something, christ you fucking irritate me.” he knows karl probably won't understand, and he knows he's breaking this already broken relationship even more, but he can't... he can't look at them the same way anymore.
karl does get to a hotel room, and quackity does visit him just to make sure everything is alright. thankfully, fundy did repair his communicator after his last tantrum, and he uses it to tell sapnap to pick karl up from las nevadas. sapnap doesn't ask where it is— he simply tells him “ok” and goes offline.
when sapnap arrives, he doesn't look as miffed as quackity expected him to be. he looks... well, definitely more composed than him and karl, but he still looked a bit tired. he has some new scars, but quackity guesses sapnap probably wasn't lying when he said he was out adventuring. before quackity could greet sap, sapnap enters the room abruptly and karl practically throws himself at sapnap.
and jealousy is a fickle thing, isn't it? quackity's heart is still torn, it's still bleeding, and it continues to do so the longer he stares at the sight of the other two. he withholds a scowl, mostly because he knows he might go on another temper tantrum if he doesn't, and he also knows he can't... he can't get mad at them. he's waited forever for this moment.
“wow,” quackity murmurs, and sap turns to him, “things really have changed."
sapnap sighs, “we built you a house in kinoko, but you never came."
"and i made las nevadas entirely for you as well." quackity responds, “i guess it's just... unfortunate timing, and all." it's silent for a few moments until, “i'm sorry”.
sapnap's look softens, “i'm— i'm sorry too.”
there's so much more words to say, things to clarify, stories to catch up on, but quackity wonders how worth it it is to cling onto his past. karl and sap's visit is quite... underwhelming, to say the least. but maybe it isn't underwhelming at all— maybe he just found a new purpose outside of them, and he's just... moved on. it hurt, obviously, but when he looks out of karl's hotel room window, he sees las nevadas. he sees the casinos he's designed for schlatt and fundy, and the bars he's designed for jack and sam, and the stages he's designed for charlie— it's just... different now. he loves karl and sapnap still, of course, but he's also been hurt by them, and he's grown into a different person from that hurt. he thinks sapnap has grown the same way as well.
but still, “you know you're invited to las nevadas if you ever want to visit again,” quackity offers with a melancholic smile.
sapnap sighs, but he mimics quackity's smile and nods, “i'll consider it.” sapnap pauses for a bit, then, “thank you for everything, quackity— i really do mean it. i hope... i hope you enjoy the life you've made for yourself here, kinda looks cool,” sapnap says, and his words were very soft and genuine— something quackity needed to end this chapter of his life with them.
“thank you too, i hope you guys do well too. take care,” quackity says, and sapnap and karl take their leave with simple goodbyes.
it isn't exactly forgiveness or getting back together but it's... closure. quackity's journey up to this point isn't exactly all smiles and rainbows, but he's happy where he is now. he just hopes sapnap, karl, and george are feeling the same as well.
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
Surrogate AU, Mina and Nayeon were running late in picking up the kids. Sana saw all four of them waiting and they started talking to her that she ends up waiting with them. Sana is a little angry at Mina and Nayeon by not telling her they're running late. She reasons out that as Saki's teacher, she should be informed of such. Cue in Mina & Nayeon arriving to the sight of their kids with Sana, one perched on Sana's lap etc. They get the kids to go inside the car but come back to confront Sana about it. Sana is overwhelmed with everything that has happened that when the alphas' scold her and talks to her with a cold tone and a glare, she ends up releasing a sob because she's just so overwhelmed with feelings. Sana walks out and goes home. The stress ends up triggering her heat. Mina and Nayeon wanted to apologize but Sana was on leave for a week. I'm not sure if this is ok to request? If not, I'm sorry! 😭 Thank you, I really love Surrogate AU.
sorry for my inactivity 🥺🥺 all the time i have to write is like three am and i end up sleeping before i actually write anything 🥺🥺
Every single year Sana always dealt with parents who would run late. There was always at least one parent that was always late picking their kid up and Sana would have to stay late to entertain the child. That had been fine before, she never really had much to do outside of class because her kids have very little work to grade for her kids and her entire social circle was her Momo and Jihyo. However once Nico was born it stopped being just them, and she had a daughter to take care of. She couldn’t just stay late every day as she could before, she had someone waiting for her at home and it made getting stuck at work awful. 
“Saki?” Sana asked Saki, who was coloring by herself. 
“Yes, Miss Minatozaki?” Saki asked. 
“Do you know if your parents are running late today?” Saki was the only one of Sana’s students left in the classroom. Once a lot of the kids started leaving they would combine the classrooms so some of the teachers who had to rush to pick up kids could leave. Saki was Sana’s only student left, and her sisters were some of the only other children left. 
“Maybe?” Saki asked. “Ka-san has a big work thing. She even got all pretty this morning.” Saki smiled at her. “She had a pre-presentation.” 
“Wow, that’s a big word.” Sana laughed at her student. “I’ll call them if they don’t come soon.” “Okay.” Saki seemed unbothered as she continued to color. Sana surveyed the room and found Saya and Sai playing with another kid meanwhile Sae was by herself playing by Saki’s feet. Sae looked so tiny that day. Sure Saki was the smallest but Sana could just see Mina’s shyness reflected in Sae. 
“Hello, Sae.” Sana bent down to address Sae.
“Hi.” Sae looked at her quickly. “Ka-san and Umma are late…” “I know.” Sana nodded. “And that’s okay. Do you want me to play with you until they come?” Sae nodded, having this adorable look on her face. Sana grabbed a stuffed animal that was by Sae and started playing with her. Some of the other kids were starting to get into the phase of being “too old for stuffed animals” but Sae seemed to still enjoy them, so Sana was happy to entertain her. She played with Sae for a while, and before Sana knew it she was alone with the four sisters. Sae eventually crawled into her lap with a yawn. Sana wasn’t entirely sure what to do about it, but she just held Sae secure on her lap in hopes of not disturbing her. 
Honestly, Sana felt a bit mad at this point. Not at the kids, she knew this wasn’t their fault, but Sana just felt upset Mina and Nayeon were okay being this late. She would never pick Nico up this late, granted Momo got her most of the time but still. Especially without alerting the teachers they were going to be that late. They should have at least said they were going to be late, that way Sana would have at least been prepared. But now she had all four of them to herself and had no clue what to do with any of them. 
Mina and Nayeon finally arrived thirty minutes later. Sae was practically asleep in Sana’s lap, and Saki had moved to be next to her earlier. 
“Ka-san!” Saya was the first to notice their parents were there. Sai, Saya, and Saki all ran to their parents and Sana began waking Sae up so she could go off with her parents. Sana couldn’t miss the look Mina and Nayeon gave her as she handed over Sae, but she honestly couldn’t care anymore. It was better if hate was all they felt for each other. 
“Come on girls, let’s go out to the car.” Nayeon carries Sae as Mina leads the other three outside. Sana sighs in relief and goes to collect the checkout log, her anger still in the back of her mind. She begins to get ready to lock her classroom when she notices Mina and Nayeon coming back for her. 
“What?” Sana asked. “Don’t look at me like that. You guys were late. You should have at least told someone you were going to be this late. I have a family at home too you know-”
“Stop being so close to them.” Nayeon started. “You didn’t want to be in their life.” “I know-”
“It’s not good for anyone if you keep getting so close to them.” Sana felt a bit overwhelmed with the scolding. And the truth in their statements. 
“Please Sana, just let them be. You didn’t want to be in their lives, you can’t change your mind now.” Mina added. Sana nodded, unable to say anything. She could feel the crushing heat build up inside of her. She knew she needed to leave. Now.
“I’m sorry.” Sana quickly apologized before grabbing her stuff and leaving. She couldn’t say anything more to Mina and Nayeon because she knew she was going into heat, and she always made terrible decisions in heat. 
Later, Mina and Nayeon would feel bad for how they handled. But when they tried to say sorry, Sana was gone. She would be gone for the whole week on a hiatus. Both of them hated how upset the prospect of not being able to apologize made them.
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hwas-housewife · 4 years
Okay you're closing the game tomorrow and I can't lose this chance to request for sannie kdnwhdnsns so San + prompt 24 + au prompt 21 + and you can choose how it goes, I'm sure you'll make a PIECE OF ART love ya beautiful 🥺
Prompt: “Stay the night. Please.” + Best Friend AU
Word count: ~2k
Genre: Fluff + angst
Warnings: undertones of a toxic relationship
A/N: ok wow this ended up sadder than I was originally going for so I am so sorry. I tried to bring it back to being okay by the end but I really don’t know how much I actually like the results, so I hope you like it still!
(also sorry it’s been so long since I put anything out)
Your phone vibrated as the violent ringtone of your best friend screaming pierced the air. You can fully blame San for recording and changing it in the first place. However, you keeping it the clip of him screaming bloody murder into a mic was entirely your fault. 
Reading the caller ID, you sighed as your boyfriend’s name was spelled out in big letters. 
“Don’t tell me it’s that prick you call your boyfriend,” San’s insult didn’t even phase you. They never had gotten along quite well. And you were sure that him calling–again–was getting on San’s nerves the longer the phone was screaming. 
“It’ll only be a minute, Sannie. I promise,” you apologetically looked at him and grabbed your phone, heading for the outside of your best friend’s room. 
You were sure San mumbled out some more profanities while he paused the movie and you finished closing the door. Standing in the dark hallway, you took one more breath before pressing your thumb to the ‘answer’ button.
“Why haven’t you been answering my texts? God, I was so worried for you,” your boyfriend almost sounded sincere over the phone.
“I’m watching a movie. I told you it was best friend night,” your voice sounded weaker than you intended, “like every Thursday night,” the whisper left your lips with immediate regret.
“Oh, how could I forget. Thursday night. Of course! It’s not like you spend every single day with him anyway. Yet you can’t spare your boyfriend a text back when he’s concerned for you,” the sarcasm in his words hurt more than a boyfriend’s words should.
“I wasn’t looking at my phone, I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry? An apology is all I get for the panic I’ve been feeling for the past hour. He could’ve tried something on you within that time and I would have no idea. Do you even know what’s been going through my head? You can be so oblivious sometimes.”
You hated it when he gets like this. He has always disproved of your friendship with San since day one. You just figured that a year and a half into the relationship that he wouldn’t be so reluctant to let you hang out with San.
“I’ve told you before, we’ve been bes–,” he cut you off before you could even finish.
“Best friends since first grade, so he would never try anything on me. You say that every time and yet I know what he’s actually like. The second he gets you far enough away from me, he’s going to take advantage of you. Just watch,” his voice was loud and aggressive and it was starting to freak you out. But you weren’t going to let him insult your best friend right in front of you.
“San would never do that. He’s a good person. How dare you accuse him of something so vile,” you spit the words out, venom in your voice. You were glad neither of the men could see you right now. Your hand holding the phone to your ear was shaking and tears threatened to spill out your eyes.
“Or is that something you’re hoping to happen? Is that why you get so defensive? Oh, I bet it is. You probably already are doing that. That’s why you haven’t been answering me. You were too busy with your hands,” he takes a pause, waiting to see if you’re going to build off his anger. 
However, you were still, frozen in shock. Your boyfriend just accused you of cheating on him with your childhood best friend. You. San. Cheating? You almost laughed at the absurdity of the situation. 
“What? No words? I guess that’s what happens when you get called out. I just can’t believe it took me this long to figure out. I mean, I’ve always had my suspicions but I thought you were too much of a goody-two-shoes to actually do it. I guess the guys were right, girls like you look innocent and cute but are actually just a hoe looking for her next plaything.”
Tears now streamed down your face. The false accusations stung. They hurt worse than any other harmful words he’s thrown your way. He was upfront, but never this rude to you. 
You wiped your eyes, mustering up the courage to say what you needed to get out.
“I think we need a break,” your voice cracked, giving away your current state. 
He stopped his ramblings when he heard your words. You could only hear his angered, labored breathing on the other end of the phone.
“And for the record, I’ve never cheated on you.”
You clicked the end call button on your phone as tears fell from your eyes. 
Giving yourself a second to register what just happened, you let out a shaky breath. The tears morphed into sobs as you stood in the dark hallway. All you wanted was for your best friend to shush you and tell you it will be okay. 
With that realization, you faced the door and slowly turned the knob. San laid on your bed, scrolling through some social media on his phone as he waited for your return. Upon hearing the knob turn, he looked towards you with a smile on his face, ready to show you some stupid video he just saw.
But once he saw your red and already-puffing eyes, the smile vanished and was overtaken with a look of concern. He sat up, moving the bedding over to help you get under some blankets.
You slowly made your way to him, letting out hiccups and sobs. Finally, you sat down on the bed, pulling your legs up to your chest and looking into your best friend’s dark eyes.
His dark blue–almost black–hair covered part of his eyes as he grabbed both your shoulders gently, “What happened?”
“I guess I just broke up with him,” you gave him a teary smile, but it quickly faded as the reality of the situation kept returning.
San’s hands made their way around you until his muscular arms engulfed you. He brought your body to his, forcing your head to rest against his chest.
“I’m sorry,” were the only words he muttered as he caressed your hair, trying to hush your tears.
You sobbed for what you think was the greater part of an hour before you were starting to relax. You still sat, cuddled into your best friend as he rubbed circles into your arms, sides, wherever he could to try to calm your aching heart. 
Somewhere in the midst of the tears, he coaxed the two of you into a lying position. So now, your head rested on his chest as he looked up at your bedroom ceiling speckled with glow-in-the-dark stars. They had lost their glow years ago, but the memories of you and San putting them up and pretending they were the night sky still felt fresh in his memory.
“Sannie,” your voice was hoarse as you called him. He hummed for you to continue, “Stay the night. Please.”
It wouldn’t be the first time he stayed the night at your place. You’ve known each other for more than twelve years now, and sleepovers were mandatory best friend activities in your younger teen days. But this was different. You needed him right now, more than the time you embarrassed yourself in front of the entire junior-year class during high school. And he knew that you needed him.
“I wasn’t going to leave unless you were pushing me out the door anyway. I want to be here for you,” San’s words made your heartache more than it already was, and it brought tears to your eyes.
Your arms wrapped around his torso, squeezing him to you, “Thank you. You really are the bestest best friend.”
You looked up at him, a small smile on your face. His hand came down to brush some hair behind your ear, a gentle smirk on his face.
“But he really was a prick. You deserve someone better than him. So don’t let some singular brain celled human upset you this much. You’ll be able to find someone who will love you more than he ever did and they’ll make you happier than you could hope for. And that’s a promise,” San’s words were gentle but firm. They left no room for you to doubt what he said. 
He was always like this. Exuding confidence. You suppose that’s one of the things you’ve loved about him since you first met. It didn’t matter if he was giving you confidence for the test coming up or standing up to some bully who pulled your hair. San was always there to reassure you that things were going to be okay. He would pick you back up and on to your feet while taking care of your injuries all in one fellow swoop.
You snuggled further into his chest, giving him a squeeze of affection.
“I know,” you mumbled into his chest.
San continued to look at the stars, his signature smile sat atop his face.
“Remember when we put these up?” it was a question, but it felt almost rhetorical.
You turned your body so that you were laid on your back next to San, looking up at the stars as well. A smile graced your face as you reminisced with him.
“When was it, third grade?” you asked back.
His smile grew in recollection. San moved his arms to behind his head, letting the moments pass in silence before he finally responded to you.
“After that astronomy unit, you were so obsessed with space that your parents bought you these so you would stop complaining about never getting to go stargazing. And of course, you forced me to help you put them up the following day after school.”
You laughed at your younger self’s persistence. 
“I would apologize but it was a lot of fun. And after we put them up we shut off the lights to see if they worked. I think we laid there for hours until your mom came to pick you up,” you could feel your ex-boyfriend fading farther from your mind the more you talked about the memory.
“And then I was mad at you after that because my arms were so sore from reaching for the ceiling that I couldn’t play volleyball the next day,” you were both laughing at his anger towards you.
You turned your body towards his so that you could look at his face.
“Forgive me?” your voice was soft and your lips turned into a pout.
San looked down at you, reaching forward until his hand rested on your face.
“You know I can’t resist when you give me puppy dog eyes. Although I was quite devastated,” his smirk gave way that he was teasing you.
“Well,” you dragged out the word, “I can make it up to you tonight by bringing some old movies and making you popcorn?” You offered him a truce that you knew wasn’t necessary. But in your own weird way was a thank you to him for being such a good friend to you for all these years.
“Can we also have chocolates,” his eyes were hopeful.
“We can’t forget the chocolates,” you cheekily looked up at your best friend.
He sat up enthusiastically, “Then what are we still doing here? Go make the popcorn and by the time you’re back I’ll have a list of movies ready for us,” he said determinedly.
You sat up, returning his enthusiasm as you made your way out of your room.
“You better have at least one Disney princess movie on there or it’ll be your butt on the floor tonight,” you called out to him as you were making your way down the stairs and to the kitchen.
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chibicrow · 5 years
otp meme: datastorm, and I'm an indecisive trashcan so I say... all? or at least as many as you want/can?
*sob* I’m so glad the first two Anons for this meme want me to give Stardust Boi so much love I’m appreciative. 👏😭 (listen I love making fun of Ryoken, but also. he needs hugs.) 
also giving me the opportunity to gush about Datastorm that much.... Giving me too much power here, Anon. >:3c 
(I omitted #19-21 and #26-27 tho mostly b/c I didn’t think those questions would apply to them dlkafjalksdjf) 
(also this REALLY got lengthy and tumblr won’t save the read more cut for whatever reason so sorry y’all aSDLKFASLFKASJF) 
For the OTP Question Meme!! 
1. Who is the most affectionate?
def Yusaku. like he would drown Ryoken in affection ok. (after the initial “do I really want to be that physically close” + finding out Ryoken’s boundaries phase lmao)
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
good thing I just looked this up ‘cause I was like “I have no hecking idea what this means.” lmao
anyway, Yusaku’s big spoon, Ryoken’s little spoon don’t change my mind.
3. Most common argument?
Going on the “Ryoken has severe mental health problems thanks to his asshole dad + once he realizes his dad was indeed an asshole” train, Stardust Boi has a tendency to be super self-deprecating, and this freaks Yusaku out a bit, so he just. Unleashes a tirade of compliments on the guy. 
And Stardust Boi’s like “No I’m not. No. No. That’s not true.” until Yusaku hugs him to get him to stop. Usually works for the time-being. :3c
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
BESIDES CARD GAMES? Taking naps. Particularly naps on the floor. Particularly with Yusaku sleeping on top of Ryoken. Actually it’s more like Yusaku sleeping on top of him and Ryoken just staring at him while smiling the entire time. 
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
I mean, not that Yusaku ever does it, but he probably could carry Ryoken if he ever wanted to. 
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
*sharp inhale* AAAAAAAA -
Ryoken about Yusaku: the rare (to him) and elusive Super Soft Yusaku Egao(tm). Gives him butterflies every damn time.
Yusaku about Ryoken: oddly specific, but Ryoken’s hair when it’s just washed (which is.... not everyday lets say. b/c he doesn’t need to. he’s a thick-hair boi) and conditioned. it’s like Supreme Soft(tm) at that point and Yusaku likes running his fingers through it (after Ryoken’s like “YOUR HANDS BETTER BE CLEAN I S2G” + Yusaku’s like “what do you take me for.”) 
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
uh about Yusaku, just watch VRAINS like right when he realizes Revolver-sama’s That Person(tm) i’m pretty sure the answer’s there. //punted
Definitely the way they refer to each other IRL. RIP calling each other Playmaker + Revolver in real life. But then they’d just stick to surnames @ first b/c calling each other by first names? woah there. 
But then, Ryoken’s actually the one who says Yusaku’s name first (probably right before he confesses his feelings) + Yusaku’s like “did u just.”  
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
I...really don’t see them as the “giving each other disgustingly cute nicknames” couple lmao. 
now them doing that is a different story but
9. Who worries the most?
Yusaku. Poor guy. With a guy like Ryoken tho, I don’t blame him lmao. 
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? 
Omg Ryoken hands down. Like he’s probably got Yusaku’s orders memorized to the condiment preferences for different meals of the day at different restaurants 😂 And Yusaku gets so embarrassed about it asdlkfalkjdf. 
11. Who tops?
Ok, this is gonna get super specific but uh, the gist of it is.... it depends, really? (as it should)
So like, if Ryoken + Yusaku are both in a good mood and are just like “hey we haven’t done this in a while” kind of thing, it’s Ryoken.
If Yusaku’s kinda down but still up for it, also Ryoken.
But if Ryoken’s the one who’s down, it’s Yusaku.  
And then that once in a blue moon moment where both somehow get horny af . . . Yusaku. 😂👏👏
and those are my two cents *drops mic*
12. Who initiates kisses?
Ryoken! I mean, I think Yusaku’s affectionate (*gestures @ #1 answer lmao*), but he’d let Stardust Boi take the lead in the kissing department b/c.... well he never knows what he’s gonna get there, so..... 😂
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
ok I know this probably goes against episode 105 when Yusaku just looked at Aoi’s hand like “tf am I supposed to do with that”, but I’m sure Yusaku would reach for Ryoken’s hand first. It wouldn’t be like a gradual “reaching toward the hand” thing either. Yusaku would just. Speed-grab it like “it’s mine now”. 😂
bonus: so like if Yusaku does that while they’re sitting or something, Ryoken will massage his hand by rubbing little circles into his palm. CUTE DATASTORM AMIRITE?!?!?!
14. Who kisses the hardest?
DEFINITELY Ryoken. hot damn lmao. 
15. Who wakes up first?
Ryoken. He wakes up at super weird hours too like boi do u even sleep. 
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Yusaku~ <3 also he definitely tries to keep Ryoken in bed with him too lmao. 
17. Who says I love you first?
ok this is kind of a tough call, but Yusaku, I’d think. 
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Yusaku definitely leaves notes for Ryoken <3 Just a simple “have a great day ^w^” usually suffices lmao.
....yes Yusaku would def write ^w^ don’t change my mind.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
ok so originally I was gonna put Yusaku and leave it at that, but then I realized that it’s possible BOTH of them are hopeless in the cooking department. But, I guess Yusaku would still be my answer b/c at least he knows how to read the instructions on microwavable stuff. 
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
RYOKEN.....AND HIS PICK UP LINES ARE LITERALLY SO BAD.....LMAO. But of course Yusaku loves them + falls for them every time b/c of course he does.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Yeah still Ryoken dlsafaklsfja. Followed by Yusaku blushing like mad. 
25. Who needs more assurance?
Ryoken...... Good thing Yusaku is an understanding cotton candy boi 💖
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
they’re like. super big into FaceTime (or whatever the VRAINS universe equivalent app would be) whenever both of them are up to talking a lot that way (which isn’t often b/c lmao introverts.) But they both know they need their alone time, so.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
......hello darkness my old friend..... (EVEN THO I TECHNICALLY DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER THIS BUT. alas. I am a fic writer.) 
anyway y’all remember how VRAINS used to emphasize that Yusaku had nightmares for a decade about the Lost Incident? 
well, considering Dr. Kogami (fuck him) let his own son listen to the sounds of screaming children as they’re electrocuted, I’m damn sure Ryoken has nightmares about that and has problems sleeping b/c of it, even having a few panic attacks. Yusaku can help him with those (b/c he’s been there), but he’s not sure what else to do other than be like “Ryoken pls go to therapy I beg you.”
(but Ryoken refuses to go b/c he really thinks talking about it w/ a complete stranger makes it worse)
anyway super unrelated to this entire meme, but wow, fuck you Dr. Kogami. 
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
ok but relating to the above, imagining Ryoken finally decides to go to therapy b/c Yusaku keeps insisting. And with the first few sessions, Ryoken gets worn out with every session b/c “wow emotions I didn’t know I had.” But Yusaku, being the real sweet boi that he is, always waits for him and always gives him a long hug. \ .D. / YAY HUGS. 
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imagine-loki · 5 years
I'm still breathing, Chapter 34
TITLE: I’m still breathing CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 34 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine a mutant has been living on the streets for years, until she is picked up by the Avengers. She’s taken to live with them so they can help her to discover what her powers are. Loki especially, takes an interest in her. The two become very fond of one another as they discover what her power is. RATING: M
Loki took a deep breath and focused all his energy to his necklace, hoping it would connect with Sophie’s. He was downright terrified in that moment, terrified and heartbroken. Though he knew it wasn’t her fault, he knew she wasn’t in her right mind at all.
‘Sophie, I love you. It’s me. Please come back to me, poppet.’ He whispered, his voice cracking.
‘Finish him, Sophie!’ Owen snarled, getting impatient.
Sophie’s eyes were flickering, the last memory that she still had was of when Loki saved her from Tony’s blasters that time in the training hall. She was confused, why would he save her? Did she even know him?
‘Sophie, I beg you darling.’ Loki pleaded again.
‘SOPHIE!’ Owen roared, moving closer towards them.
Sophie was about to do it, to pull his heart out. But suddenly she felt a warm feeling from her chest spread through her. It was the necklace. She glanced down, wondering what it was. When she looked at it, she suddenly remembered…
Owen had approached them now and was taking a last step on front of Loki. Sophie snapped back into herself, her memories flooding back to her.
Owen’s machine had failed.
Sophie phased straight through Loki and tried to grab Owen’s heart, but her hand wouldn’t phase through him. He just laughed wickedly and back handed her across the face. She went flying to the side.
‘SOPHIE!’ Loki shouted. He dove for her and used his cape to shield them both as Owen caused sparks of electricity to fly around the lab, aiming directly at them both.
Loki scooped Sophie up into his arms and held her while his cape continued to protect them both. Until suddenly there was a large explosion from the wall, and in came the rest of the team. They all launched for Owen, but he was able to evade them and escaped. Hulk, Tony, Vision and Peter ran after him.
The others rushed to Loki and Sophie’s side.
‘Is she ok? What happened?’ Natasha asked, skidding to a halt by them.
Loki carefully put Sophie back down on the ground. He shook her shoulders until she startled awake.
‘LOKI?!’ She cried out in a panic, sitting bolt upright. She grabbed Loki as she cried hysterically.
‘Shhh, it’s ok. It’s ok. You’re safe. I’ve got you.’ Loki whispered and held her, a hand to the back of her head. ‘You’re alright, love.’
‘I… I almost killed you.’ She sobbed, leaning back to look at him and cup his face. ‘I’m so sorry.’ She cried.
‘It’s ok. You didn’t hurt me. You came through, my darling Sophie.’ Loki smoothed his hand through her hair and kissed her forehead.
‘We need to get out of here. It won’t be long before more Hydra agents arrive.’ Steve said and they all agreed.
‘I’ve got you.’ Loki scooped Sophie up into his arms, bridle style.
She put her arms around his neck and hid her face against him. She couldn’t stop shaking. She was sore, exhausted, scared… She couldn’t believe that she almost killed the love of her life.
The journey back to base took a while. Tony, Vision, Peter and Hulk were already there when the team returned.
‘Did you find him?’ Loki growled, carrying Sophie in.
Tony shook his head, looking angry and disappointed that they couldn’t get him.
‘Shit.’ Loki hissed.
‘What if he comes back?’ Sophie panicked, but Loki tightened his arms around her.
‘It’s ok. I am not leaving your side, love. If he does come here, he will have us to deal with. He will not hurt you again.’ Loki said protectively.
‘We will find him, even if it’s the last thing we do.’ Clint said, hoping to assure her and Loki.
Sophie was still shaking when Loki took her to his room. He got her changed into her night gown so she was more comfortable. He then cupped her cheek softly, she hissed slightly from the pain of when Owen hit her. Twice.
‘Oh my darling. What did that bastard do to you?’ He asked softly, his voice sad.
‘More what did I do to you? I’m so sorry, Loki.’ She pulled away and stood up, though her legs were a bit wobbly.
‘Love, where are you going?’ Loki caught her in his arms and held her steady.
‘It’s too dangerous, what if I hurt you?’ She looked up at him, eyes full of tears.
So was his. ‘You won’t. Trust me, poppet. It failed, your memories returned.’ Loki brought her hand up to his lips.
‘How did you manage to get through to me?’ She asked quietly, allowing Loki to coax her back onto the bed so he could wrap the blanket around her, to heat her up and hopefully stop her shaking now she was comfortable.
‘I… should have told you before. But the necklace that I gave you, is a Seidr necklace. I have one too.’ He reached into his armour and pulled out his. ‘They are connected. I can feel what you feel if I tune in to it. And I can also locate you. That’s how we found you.’ Loki said a little sheepishly.
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ Sophie asked, clutching her necklace.
‘I was worried you would think I was being too… possessive.’ He sighed.
‘Loki, I love you. If this makes us closer, of course I love it too. It did save me, and you. If you hadn’t found me when you did, I think all of my memories would have been wiped.’ She said sadly.
‘So, you’re not angry with me?’
‘Of course not.’ She smiled, her heart melting at the puppy dog look in his eyes.
‘That explains why we work well together on the field, right?’ She asked as he had his armour dissolve so he could get under the blanket with her.
‘Possibly. Or we just work really well together.’ He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her to pull her in to him.
‘I like that… Thank you, for saving me.’ She whispered.
‘Always, love.’ Loki kissed the top of her head.
A few days passed by since Sophie had been taken by Owen. She kept having nightmares that she was back in the Hydra base. It was horrible. She woke up sweating and crying. Loki was there to hold her and soothe her, every single time.
The team had been working hard to try and locate him. There were appeals for any sightings of him. Telling the public not to approach him as he was dangerous. Alexa was not much help, she didn’t have a clue where her father went. And Loki knew she was being truthful.
Sophie had declined to see her since returning, she felt betrayed and hurt by her sister. She didn’t want to see her again, even if it did hurt her heart to say so. So the Avengers made sure that Alexa didn’t step foot inside the base again, wanting to respect Sophie’s wishes.
SHIELD and Fury were helping too. It turned out that a few people higher up than Fury were double crossing SHIELD, working for Hydra and Owen. They were quickly taken for questioning and Loki was allowed to watch, to look for any lies. But they didn’t know where Owen was either, which wasn’t much help.
So he was still out there, on the loose somewhere. Everyone was confused as to how he could have just vanished like he did. But they weren’t going to give up until he was behind bars. Or as Loki and Clint wanted, until he was dead. 
Sophie was stood over a pile of bodies, it was all of the Avengers. Loki’s body lay on top, right under her feet. She was holding his heart in her hand, blood dripping from it. 
Sophie shot up in bed screaming and crying. Loki was quick to sit up too, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him.
‘Sophie. It’s ok. You’re ok. It was just a nightmare. I’m here.’ He said firmly, rocking her slowly as she clutched his forearm and cried.
‘He’s… It feels like he’s in my head. I can’t get him out.’ She sobbed.
‘It will take time. It takes a while to get someone out of your mind, especially with what you’ve been through.’ Loki whispered.
‘What if he comes back? What if he gets me?’
Loki’s heart was hurting at seeing her so scared and worked up. He knew how that felt, to have been close to complete destruction, being taken over by someone else in the mind. It was not something to be taken lightly.
Sophie struggled to get back to sleep. She begged Loki to use his Seidr to knock her out, just so she could get one decent night’s sleep without having any more nightmares. He eventually obliged. He rubbed her back and slowly seeped his Seidr into her, letting her drift off to sleep peacefully.
He didn’t like using his Seidr on her, but that would be a one off.
Loki also decided that he was going to have to take matters into his own hands if Owen was going to be found. Because SHIELD was just not going fast enough for his liking…
Leaving a clone in his place to stay with Sophie while she slept, Loki went to seek Clint. It was still early hours, but Loki was surprised to find his room empty. He was starting to think that perhaps he’d went home to visit his family. But he came across him in the lab when he’d spotted the lights on.
‘Barton? What are you doing up?’ Loki frowned, finding him on one of Tony’s high tech computers. He was running face scans for all over the world. If Owen had been captured by any camera, whether it was surveillance footage or in the background of someone’s photograph posted on social media, he would be found.
‘We need to find Owen. The longer he is out there, the more danger Sophie is in. Not to mention the world, we don’t know what he has planned.’ Clint said, concentrating on the screen on front of him.
‘That’s just what I was thinking… How can I help?’
Clint looked up at Loki. ‘Get me a beer?’
Loki chuckled and patted his shoulder before teleporting quickly to the kitchen then returning with two beers. The god pulled up a seat next to him and watched while the screen flitted through thousands and thousands of faces.
‘Is Sophie alright?’
‘She keeps having nightmares. She just had a bad one. Begged me to send her to sleep with my Seidr.’ Loki sighed.
‘Did you?’
‘Yes. She needs a proper rest. I’ve left a clone watching over her, I will know when she starts to stir. But I get the feeling that the only time she will be able to rest properly again is once we have Owen.’
Clint nodded in agreement, downing his beer.
The two had fallen asleep while they waited for the computer to do its work. Loki was leaning back on his chair with his feet up on the table. Clint had just started snoring, his head lolling forwards when suddenly a small beeping noise startled them both awake, Loki almost fell backwards off the chair.
Clint’s eyes widened and he grinned. ‘Result! We’ve got him.’
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