#i was fiending for ts
honeydewsblue · 2 months
woke up with a 101.4° fever and a pounding headache today disoriented as fuck but it’s gone down now :-) made some good soup
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hauntedfalcon · 2 years
on all levels except the physical I am laying by a pond, despondently dangling my fingers in the water, waiting for Robbie Daymond to play a D&D character who gets to go Full Bastard
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elexaria · 4 months
simon’s that guy. “don’t want a cat, for fuck’s sake.” he grumbles as you plead and beg, using the ol’ reliable puppy dog eyes to try and egg him on. “no, love. ‘m allergic.” he blatantly lies, sniffing as he looks down at you, his arm wrapped around your waist.
“no you’re not, simon.” you huff, rolling your eyes as you purposely ruffle his hair. it makes him chuckle, how quick you were to call him out. “fairs.” he replies, leaning back against the headboard with a smug grin. “still not getting a cat, though.”
the day you bring home the bundle of fur and purrs back from the adoption centre, simon’s not impressed. he stands in the kitchen, eyebrows furrowed as he watches the tuxedo cat pad around the kitchen curiously. “look at it. ‘ts just a bag of fleas.” he grimaces, looking at you with a deadpan expression. he’s such a sour puss, it makes you giggle as you kneel down to croon at the kitty, baby talking to it— which makes si groan and roll his eyes. “can’t deal with this.” he grumbles out, leaving you to suck up to the new addition to the riley family.
he’s so adamant he doesn’t like the cat!! he gives it the stink eye, sticks his middle finger up at it whenever it stares at him and calls it fat. “need’t go to weight watchers, fatty.” he teases as he watches it chow down on some food. you playfully chide him by swatting his shoulder, eliciting a deep rumble of amusement. “what? not exactly lyin’, am i?” he replies, grinning as he pulls you in close against him, peppering kisses over your face childishly.
he’s not slick, though. you accidentally notice it one day when passing the kitchen. you halt in your tracks, stealthily peeking round the corner as you watch simon crouching low, baby talking to the cat as he puts out some treats for it to nibble at. “such a fat puddy tat, ain’t ya? oh my.” he croons down at the furry fiend, who’s purring up a storm as it rubs its scent against his legs.
and then you can’t not see it. the cat pawing at the bathroom door, mewling for attention from si as he takes a shower. or the time you came home, finding the two of them napping on the sofa. the cat chirping happily when you walk in, stretching and pawing his face, which elicits a gruff chuckle. “ey, stop it, you.” he affectionately says to the cat, his eyes still shut as he continues to blissfully nap with a purring weight nestled on his chest.
it finally comes to an end when the three of you are relaxing in bed, you’re nestled up to simon while the cat lays at your feet. it begins to playfully swat simon’s toes, making him yelp and laugh something fierce. “oi!” he chuckles, wiggling his toes at the cat. it makes you look up at simon, amused as you shake your head. “you and that bloody cat, get a room.” you tease, nudging him with a grin. he snorts, nudging you back with a grin to match. “someone’s jealous, eh? don’t worry, i don’t love the cat more than you.”
he shoots a wink at the cat, hiding his mouth with his hand as he whispers loudly, “don’t listen to that, i love you more than them. we’re for lifers, mate.” before looking over at you with an impish expression. this man’s gonna be the death of you.
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monkiebois · 8 months
this is what happens when i try to write ts all day and then get stuck all day instead
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take it ya fiends/pos
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traderdales · 4 months
*cough cough* is this thing on? good!
So as we all know the gang is currently on a lil’ break between campaigns, but i don’t think that’s a good reason to deprive y’all of my genius* insight**! And so, for that reason I shall bless*** you all with my very important**** post.
*insane / **ramblings / ***curse / ****unnecessary
Note: This post will be a miscellaneous compilation of… anything. If it doesn’t make sense, you’re correct. I just miss posting.
That being said…
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Chapter I: Please, Mr. Poe Was My Father…
A dragon fixed and a dragon torn, With a spear in hand and a pair of horns. A dragon furred and a dragon shorn, In an alternate universe, a vial isn't mourned.
Some dragon carrots and dragon corn, Thanksgiving in Khoarexia would happen in the morn, Dragon Freya and Dragon Bjorn, Scandinavia isn't real, what a shame... what a thorn...
I hope in the future the world will remember, A legend, a folk's tale, a story well-worn, The people who's passion is strong as the ember, Each day brings another, a dragon is born.
Vev after 2 1/2 Vodka Cranberries
Domo Arigato, Uh Oh.
Fuck they see me.
Wait let me pick this back up in a-
RD Take 2
Slash and hash my way through life, A dragon on the left, a wolf on the right, Strife.
Etched and sketched on the strings of my heart, Sharpen my claws on the corpses I fight, Shart.
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RD tried to help writing, Dead.
Luciano and RD Collaboration
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Chapter II: Mitski Once Said...
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(but fully melted you get it)
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Chapter III: I Like My Ways How I Like My Women
Mean Girls
Regina George: Archfey Warlock Gretchen Wieners: Whispers Bard Karen Smith: Zealot Barbarian Cady Heron: Alchemist Artificer Janis Ian: Assassin Rogue Damian Leigh: Glamour Bard
Alexander Hamilton: Scribes Wizard Aaron Burr: Eldritch Knight Fighter Angelica: Storm Sorcerer Eliza: Peace Cleric and Peggy: Mutant Blood Hunter Thomas Jefferson: Eloquence Bard The Bullet: Soulknife Rogue
Catherine of Aragon: Creation Bard Anne Boleyn: Fiend Warlock Jane Seymour: Devotion Paladin Anna of Cleves: Berserker Barbarian Katherine Howard: Life Cleric Catherin Parr: Astral Self Monk
Bonus Round: RuPaul's Drag Race
The Hilarious Ross Matthews: Lycan Blood Hunter Carson Kressley: Fey Wanderer Ranger Ts Madison: Gunslinger Fighter Michelle Visage: Fiend Warlock RuPaul: Great Old One Warlock
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I hope this post was incredibly insightful <3
xoxo Lester
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Hi Goose! For the ask game! 2, 4 and 7 for Nannete! (Not sure if I wrote it right, sorry)
Hello Witch!! Oh don't worry about spelling, I sometime write it wrong lmao and she's my oc TTuTT too many 'ns' and 'ts'
here we go tho!!
2. What role would your OC fill in a friend group?
Nanette is that kind of friend that is known as the like... the mother/therapist. Like, this woman is very emotionally intuitive and empathetic to a point where she can sometimes feel overwhelmed by other people's emotions. But, it means that she's able to put herself in other people's positions and see their sides of the story.
With that in mind, she might be able to tell if you're feeling slightly off and may ask what's going on. She would sit you down, get you a drink, then just listen if you had to rant or cry - then she would probably ask if you just wanted her to listen or whether you want advice. And she is good with advice. You might think that she's been on the earth before because this woman has an old head on young shoulders. She's wise.
Likewise, if you wanted to be excited, gush about something, she'd also listen to that! She'd be really supportive of you and cheer you on.
Yeah, essentially, she's the kind of friend that will step up and care for you in whatever capacity is needed, although sometimes to her own detriment. She can't help it.
4. How do they act when they’re sick, and does it change depending on who they’re around or how sick they are?
Generally, Nanette will try to push through sickness because she's got a little girl to care for - common colds, basic illnesses that can be treated with over-the-counter medication are illness that will not hold her back. She might complain a little here and there, especially to John if he's around (more so for sympathy hugs) but other than that she does try to push through and not let illness affect her day.
When she's really sick, you'll know, because she is really not her usual bubbly, let's push on through it self. She'll be really quiet, a bit grumpy and a bit teary. It's quite annoying at times because she'll try to quarantine herself because she'd feel so guilty about get John or their daughter sick, but the thing she'll want the most is comfort. She'll want John to come lay with her, cuddle her, rub soothing circles on her back and let her cry about feeling shit and sick and ugh everything sucks.
When she's so sick but John is on deployment, she wouldn't bother people she's not really close with with that kind of behaviour, but her phone bill is probably racking up due to the amount of calls to her parents.
TW: mention of vomiting
OH if she's going to vomit she is instantly a wreck. Nanette cannot and will never be able to handle vomiting. The motion of it, the sensation of your stomach bubbling beforehand and then just... everything about it. Like, realistically she knows that no one loves being sick, but it's almost to a point where she's phobic about it. With John, Nanette literally has to hold his hand, almost bone-creakingly tight until she's done. Then she would cry on him.
If he's not there, straight on to mother dearest via phone. Or dad if mum is not able to talk, but he's no help because he gets all upset that she's ill lol Wilbur is such a sweetheart but useless in a situation like that.
7. Lots of people don’t have a favorite food when put on the spot, but what’s a food or drink that your OC would never turn down if someone offered it to them?
Oh, she would never turn down a glass of red wine. Or chocolate. If there's chocolate you bet this woman is staring at it until she's offered some. Such a fiend.
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smolsammichowo · 10 months
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ts no secret that I'm a pro wrestling fan. But Im not sure if Ive actually uploaded the ref sheet on here or not but back in 2019 I created a character by the name of Firefly that was a fluffy raptor with a glowing tail ..
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... who was a direct inspiration of the character The Fiend from the WWE. The Fiend was a character played by the pro wrestler Bray Wyatt or real name , Windham Rotunda. Ive been a huge fan of him ever since 2015 ( when I got back into being a big pro wrestling fan & fell in love with wrestlers like Cesaro/Claudio , the new day, Neville/Pac who I also have a character based on as well , Asuka, and so many others) I love horror however horror and pro wrestling never mixed well but the way Windham would do horror was ... fun. Especially his Firefly funhouse and White rabbit story. They reminded me a lot of lost tv creepypastas Id listen to during school (teachers would let me listen to stuff while I worked in 11th and 12th grade) about kids tv show hosts going crazy . The white rabbit storyline gave me analog horror and arg vibes with all the fun people could do with deep diving and exploring. It was all so much fun and its amazing that he got a chance to do such fun stories that even lead to some of my friends that never were into pro wrestling into becoming pro wrestling fans....
... to say my heart hurts is an understatement of the news of Windham Rotunda's passing. He was a big part of so many peoples lives. The fact that he was taken at 36 is even more heartbreaking, thats only 13 years older than me, thats far too young. Im not good with words or typing much, but I made this piece in my way of grieving in this time.
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wanoboywednesday · 9 months
this is so funny that they made zoro a wine fiend bc to me i always imagine he’s a little wine hater which is something that he beefs w sanji about and he cried himself to sleep at least once during ts when he realized it was all mihawk had
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toxintouch · 2 months
They/She, Surprise Me. You can call me Tox or Citrus or give me a nickname. I have returned to tumblr after a long sleep, and idk how it works anymore. If you interact with my post using the tags, etc. and I don't reply, it's likely because I'm not sure if you wanted to be acknowledged! or i was just tired & forgot... But I read them all and am very thankful!!! <3
My MC: Atheris, Unnamed Origin. (They pronouns, but any pronouns are ok.) I mention them in the tags occasionally. Their ft. tag is #Atheris-specific. <3
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{Ao3} Cross Posted Fics Are Marked With: ✦
My Fics:
✧Breadcrumbs : Leander/Unspecified MC. For some reason, the MC just can't keep a job... CW: Implied financial manipulation/control.
✦Mount of Venus : Ais/Unspecified MC. Ais discovers MC has given him a special souvenir. CW: Bloodplay/biting fantasy.
✧Poorly Disguised : Mhin/Unspecified MC. A stolen Senobium uniform is either a very bad plan or a very good one, depending on the end goal.
✧Attic Nights : Mhin/Unspecified MC. Thinking about Androcles removing the thorn from the lion’s paw…
Note regarding characterization: I like to explore different ideas about how each of them can be characterized! We're in a really fun time where a lot of things are possible!! As I post more, I will start an organization system of my characterization "flavors". (Me promising to deliver soft Leander & Vere in addition to them being fucked up lil' guys. ♡) 18+ Content Master List (empty atm/no link) This Master List is separate for a reason, please curate your own internet experience & Please do not interact with my 18+ content if you are underage. My filter/warning tags are: #cw sex mention || #cw suggestive || #18+ MDNI || #citrus fiending tag I will also apply the community filter.
⟣ TOUCHSTARVED Game Wish List ⟢ grab bag of ideas for routes and plot points that I think would be cool.
⟣ Character Specific Wish Lists ⟢ Ais || Kuras || Leander || Mhin || Vere
⟣ Characterization Thoughts ⟢ ⟣ Headcanons ⟢
⟣ Lore/Backstory Theories, etc. ⟢
Tone Indicator: silly/shitposting
Spoiler Tags: || #re: latest lore drop || #ts dev reblog ||
You can prompt me via asks or just request a character & I will try to write something! Or you can just chat/rant at me! (Please don't message me if you're a minor.)
I work very health care field long shifts and am also chronically anxious as fuck, so please be patient with me if I take a while. If like a month passes and I don't respond at all, Tumblr ate your ask and you are free to send it again, lol.
[My multi fandom blog is @toxicitrus & sometimes you will see me reblog not-TS fandom there!]
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dulcesiabits · 10 months
Just remembered the main conceit of TS is the MC’s inability to, well. Touch others. And I always ignore this despite it being such an interesting concept to write bc I am a fiend who loves physical affection as a love language 😏🫵 but one day I will stop forgetting. And no one will be safe
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pr0ject-chaos · 2 years
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hey hey— the name's mod blaze. i go by they/them and he/him pronouns
my personal edit blog is @demonicxrocker. personal *main* blog is @coreys-riffin
headers for this post belong from here and here, btw
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🔥 || content!
pride icons
reply icons
matching icons
wallpapers (fairly selective)
care kits/clothing kits/recipe kits
probably more things i can't think of atm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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🔥 || sources!
sonic (fairly selective, mostly because im not that into it atm)
pokemon + pokemon media too (i.e. starters series by movieunleashers)
undertale/deltarune (selective)
any generation of my little pony, strawberry shortcake, care bears, littlest pet shop, etc
canadian cartoons (main ones are grojband and looped, but i can do a lot more)
disney animated shows (gravity falls, amphibia, the owl house, the ghost and molly mcgee, etc) (semi-selective)
nickelodeon animated shows/nicktoons (danny phantom, my life as a teenage robot, making fiends, etc)
danganronpa (VERY selective)
lego animation (ninjago, monkie kid, nexo knights, etc)
sanrio stuff
dude, that's my ghost! (show)
minecraft and most myct things (hermitcraft, the life series, afterlife, yhs/ts, origins smp, empires, etc. will NOT do dsmp stuff, sorry.)
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🔥 || unfamiliar sources but will still edit for!
pretty much anything as long as i say that i don't edit that source in general. ocs also fall into this category, i guess
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🔥 || sources i absolutely WILL NOT edit for!
any horror game (fnaf, poppy playtime, etc etc)
boyfriends webtoon
madness combat
genshin impact
total drama series and 6teen
any animated disney movie
anime in general
pokemon creepypastas + creepypasta in general
hazbin hotel / helluva boss
again, probably more things that i can't remember, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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🔥 || blacklist!
weirdcore / "sanriocore" / traumacore
extreme body horror + gore
any horror in general, tbh
corney ship (grojband)
any lloyd x ninja ships
ectofeature (dtmg ship)
again.. more things i probably can't remember </3
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thanks for reading through all of this, ik it's super long— i hope to get requests soon !!
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mareastrorum · 11 months
WIP Wednesday: TF&TS (Bounties)
Here are two related scenes from early chapters of a longfic I am working on.
Fanfic Summary: Mollymauk Tealeaf survived the encounter with the Iron Shepherds, but a short time later, a spirit had begun hunting him, claiming that he stole his body. This Campaign 2 AU begins with Episode 26 and continues on from there.
This fanfic will be posted on AO3 starting hopefully by Friday 7/28.
“I have encountered some ‘inspiration’ to improve on my work. Acquire some specimens for me.”
The man picked up a slip of paper with scribbled notes. “How many?”
“An initial set of twenty will do for now. Ten thousand gold for living subjects. One thousand for remains. I anticipate that obtaining survivors will be implausible, considering their abilities. However, I will take any live ones you can find.”
“Is there a deadline?”
“Preferably as quickly as possible, though there is no particular end date. To encourage expediency, hint that the bounty will be reduced as more subjects are obtained.”
“Any other conditions?”
“Unspoiled. Deduct from the pay for lost limbs, severe damage, et cetera. Use your discretion.”
“Very well. I will get word out to the appropriate channels immediately.”
“Be sure to keep this anonymous. They are all dissidents, but with this new war, there is no need to risk further social upset. A quiet purge of the more heretical Julous remnants is best.”
“Of course. Anything else?”
“Find more on that one from today. He had a team as well—look into them, especially the Xhorhasian.”
“Yes, Archmage.”
* * *
Bull wasps were such an interesting species. Other than the usual diet of pollen and fruit, the aggressive insects also hunted. In addition to spiders and insects, they used mandibles to cut into corpses and harvest flesh from within, feeding the next generation on the fallen. They had an uncanny memory for faces, recognizing their foes and attacking without hesitation.
However, bull wasps preferred live prey. An apt symbol for the Archmage of Dysology.
Master Doolan Tversky had lived nearly two-hundred years by now, and the clever gnome had never quite grown out of her enjoyment of pulling things apart. Tversky was responsible for researching arcane biological threats to the Empire. Biological weapons were rampant in the prior age, and her research into the monstrosities of Molaesmyr, Shattengrod, and Xhorhas ensured the safety of Western Wynandir.
At least, that was the explanation provided to the Crown so that its representatives would stop asking annoying questions when the Cerberus Assembly took steps to understand such magics.
And now, the Assembly had provided a project far more intriguing than mutated and extraplanar monsters. A domestic threat, long tolerated because of their usefulness in eradicating fiends, undead, and fey without cost to those in power. Simple, non-magical mortals capable of using their blood to evoke enchantments. How intriguing such a weapon would be in the Assembly’s hands. How dangerous it would be in the Crown’s. How profitable it would be in the Myriad’s.
How fortuitous it would be in Tversky’s.
The operating room was too crowded, but there was no helping it. They had to work quickly in light of the unnaturally rapid onset of postmortem decay. Dozens of assistants, dressed head to toe in medical gowns, face masks, and hair nets shifted about five tables busily, like wasps tending to their queen’s commands as they prepared the dead for processing.
Tversky stood atop a floating disk and looked down at the corpse before her. She began dictating while an enchanted quill rapidly took down notes. “The date is the 17th of Cuersaar, 835 post-divergence. Subject number 21 is an adolescent human, estimated fifteen years of age, approximately five-foot-four-inches tall, weight one-hundred-fifty-one pounds, no remarkable identifying features other than numerous inch-long scars on the right palm.”
The other teams called out their confirmation of the same scars on their subjects. One of the assistants was sketching the hand and scars in case the arrangement was relevant. Another inspecting the skin raised their hand.
“Master Tversky, there are small scars on the outside of each upper leg,” the woman noted. “They resemble hyper-pigmentation spots. Same position, each approximately equidistant from the hip and knee.”
“Subjects 5, 13, 20, 29: confirm,” Tversky droned as she moved to inspect the scars herself. It would have been easy to miss if they had not matched. Within seconds, four more voices replied to confirm their subjects shared the same marks.
“Subject 20 has similar marks on upper arms, also equidistant from shoulder and elbow,” a man called from another table in the operating theater. Without instruction, another voice confirmed the same for subject 29. Tversky checked the human before her; indeed, there were two matching scars on his arms. She made a verbal note, her quill dutifully recording.
“Subject 29 also has matching marks on hips,” a woman added. No one else confirmed. This human did not have that set either. Odd. The larger subjects had more marks.
“Gather records of control subjects of the same race and sex for comparison,” Tversky instructed. An aid standing by made a note and disappeared out of the operating theater. “The rest of you, I expect careful dissection of each section bearing those matching scars. Continue.”
The others droned in the background as the teams shifted around their subjects and dictated their own reports. Buzzing insects hovering as they collected information.
“Subject 21 was deceased upon arrival, reportedly due to resisting arrest…” Tversky continued narrating as she inspected the wounds. Severe contusions on a right broken arm—the blow of a blunt weapon. Burns on the face, likely from some magical attack. But the lethal strike had been a large laceration across the neck, severing major arteries, destroying the windpipe, and damaging the spine in a single strike. Bounty hunters were so indelicate with her subjects. Her assistants were much more adept at pulling the subject apart to understand them.
The pungent smell of rotten meat and sharp sweetness filled the air as they began to cut. The face masks hardly blocked anything, but there was no avoiding it. The work continued rapidly, a well-choreographed dance while voices hummed, flat and on numerous registers.
Limb by limb. Organ by organ. Piece by piece.
“Master Tversky, there appears to be no alterations to the blood,” a man called from behind.
Tversky frowned and shifted her hovering platform over to the machines behind the operating table. The assistant stepped back from an apparatus with a small monoscope aimed at a blood sample held before it. She looked through the lens and was disappointed to find normal cells magnified in her view. Nothing strange about the blood. No altered structure. No unexpected developments. No arcane glow. No hint of magical taint.
That couldn’t be right. How could these cultists use blood as a component for magical enchantments if the blood itself did not carry any power? Perhaps the blood itself was not the source of the magic, but merely a conduit. Or perhaps the effect only lingered while the subjects lived. Could the act of sacrifice have meaning? There was only one school of magic that operated on such rules.
To think the Assembly had allowed the Claret Orders to operate within the Empire for so long, and this was what they had been up to. The Martinet would want to hear of this. Such power could not be trusted outside the Assembly’s control.
Tversky looked back at the dissected corpses, each attended by several assistants who were carefully cataloguing their findings. A dragonborn, two humans, a gnome, and a dwarf, so it was not specific to race. These particular subjects were seen casting spells, but others were not. So far, she had categorized them into four potential groups, and they all could invoke those weapon enchantments, so that had nothing to do with their other magical capabilities.
Even more confounding: most had been carrying marks or talismans of the Raven Queen. That goddess abhorred necromancy—rather, so the clergy claimed. Could it be that perhaps these cultists were intentionally offending her? Or was it that the common understanding of her followers was subterfuge?
Perhaps those ties should be confirmed before informing the Martinet. After all, he had a habit of disproportionately weighing theories of the gods’ machinations. Tversky preferred to follow clues to their logical conclusions. At least, at first.
Tversky waved her quill over and used it to begin scribbling notes by hand. Even if the blood itself was not magically imbued, there was some significance to the spellcasting. The Orders called themselves “blood hunters” after all. She would need to test it properly to establish what sort of component it was. Perhaps infusing test subjects with the blood would yield something interesting. She rapidly wrote a note for her subordinates, which folded into a wasp and flew out the door.
What else? Those short-sighted Cobalt Soul idiots could be sitting on something useful. They were close-minded morons, but they were still adept at hoarding niche information. Tversky’s subordinates would not be able to access any of it because of the organization’s ridiculous ban. She scribbled another note to Baroness Iresor, the paper rapidly transforming and on its way. That young woman was lazy and distractable, but she had a knack for getting information that was otherwise off limits.
“We are ready to proceed, Master Tversky,” one of the aids called.
Tversky sighed. Right. Next were the bones. She returned to her position by the subject, now carved open with several assistants recording their own notes by dictation as they readied their instruments.
“Proceed, then,” Tversky instructed. The sound of snaps and cracks soon filled the air as needles and blades carved into the remains.
Those cretins had better find a live subject soon. Tversky was bored already.
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kazzattack · 2 months
it was so good!! i traveled with my mom and my childhood best friend who’s like a sister to me so that was really nice. no culture shock bc i’ve been multiple times before BUT this was the first time i could legally drink so i did get a little fucked up 😭! food was amazing i’m legit upset i have to leave it behind :(
went to the beach and it was so beautiful. i wanted to watch the sunset at least once but i didn’t get around to it. visited old san juan and took a tour of this really old castle and shopped at some small businesses. i’ve got some new jewelry to wear which is great bc i’m a jewelry fiend!!
overall just a really really great trip, thank u for asking 🙈
ohhhh ik you got fucked up babes i witnessed the regret posts. poor thing 😭 i’m glad you had fun though! having to leave the food is definitely one of the worst parts of coming back home. i’ve never gone out the country before but i remember going to see family down south and they had bluebell ice cream, so when i came home i was excited to find the same place and get the same ice cream! just for me to find out it’s strictly a down south brand (last i checked). yeah ts had me tore up from the inside out for a week. don’t let me get no good food outta country or i WILL breakdown when it’s time to go.
ughhh i wish i was a jewel fiend but i just can’t keep up with it. i can only wear bracelets n stuff on my right hand bc i’m severely left handed so they always end up in the way of stuff i do. rings never look good on my hands. really nice earrings usually get caught in my hair or the weight on my ear bothers me so i can only stick with the small ones. and necklaces just don’t fit most of my outfits </3 the way stuff usually clinks with it also gets on my nerves a little so i only have bracelets, wristbands, tiny earrings and like two necklaces. errrrr i need to find my mini obsession
ok the castle bit sounds sooo cool !! talk to me more about that if u don’t mind bc i’m definitely sat. tell me all about it. was there haunted knight armor chasing u down hallways n stuff ⁉️
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for the game, how about top 5 favorite colors? and what are your top 5 taylor albums? (if you can narrow them down lol, it’s so hard to narrow down that kind of stuff! but i want to hear your thoughts 😁)
hi!! how are you :)
Sage Green, Lavender, Rust, Cream, Muted Yellow, and Dusty Blue are all my favorite colors. Just kind of natural looking colors that I like to incorporate into decor in my room
I just did my top three, but I cannot come up with the next two. It's impossible. It's either Fearless than Lover OR Rep than Speak Now. ---- 1. Folklore/Evermore: It's a cop-out, but in my mind there is no separating Folklore & Evermore. I would say that I prefer Evermore. I love the rich lyricism and the soft instrumentals that are the backbone of her most poignant album, but there would be no Evermore without Folklore. Both albums (in my humble opinion) build and expand the TS-lore she's known for, which is something I really enjoy. I mean Evermore's storylines, from mourning her grandma to seeking revenge on an unfaithful husband are wide to say the least.
Favorite Lyric: I can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland, my house of stones, your ivy grows, now I'm covered in you Favorite Song: Seven & Evermore
2. Red: Red is the only album self-described as a break up album. It's full of some of the deepest cuts and others are confusing and seemingly missed place. Red, to me, is also nostalgic. I remember listening and adoring it at 11 and adoring it all over again at 20 last fall. My favorite tid-bit from this album, is the story behind We Are Never Getting Back Together. This song, according to TS herself, was created to be a pop single played over and over and over again on the radio that would make the muse so annoyed because it's glaringly obvious it's about him and he despises pop music. It was a petty move, and I have to say, I respect it. Another thing about this album is that it marks her transition from a country artist to a pop artisit. Untill the release of Folklore/Evemore, TS found a place in the pop world. This wasn't necessarily the case prior to the release of Red. It's evident by the "Vault tracks" released on Red (TV) that she wanted to include more pop-inspired songs on the album, but wasn't album to do so (management/label).
Favorite Lyric: Put your lips close to mine as long as they don't touch. Out of focus, eye to eye 'til the gravity's too much Favorite Song: The Last Time
Midnights: Midnights, arguably, is TS's most vulnerable album yet. Songs like Anti-Hero, Bigger Than The Whole Sky, Would've Could've Should've, and Dear Reader reveal the inner workings of TS's mind and thoughts. Midnights is reflective, not unlike the thoughts that keep us burning the midnight oil. I really love when Jack Antonoff and TS work together. Usually his sound is more expressive, but they did an amazing job using the narative of late night/sleepless nights to create a subued sound that provided audiotory interest while still allowing their strong lyricism to shine.
Favorite Lyric: If I was some paint, did it splatter on a promising grown man? And if I was a child, did it matter if you got to wash your hands? Favorite Song: Would've Could've Should've (I'm a fiend for her songs with religious themes)
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vewormag · 2 years
Tiberian sun mods best
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There are some codes that you can use, but it will be something like this: Then you have to decide what AI will do now. XX is an unused number for the script type and SCRIPT1 is the internal name of your script type. To make new Script Types, you need to open your ai.ini if you don`t have Firestorm or your aifs.ini if you have Firestorm and go to the ScriptTypes List and write your new script type: What does it target for? Will the units deploy? And other stuff. Script Types are the way AI behaves when attacks. If you wanna post this tutorial anywhere, please ask me thorugh email ( ). Note that it was also originally designed for TS and Red Alert 2, but when it came for EE, it become TS only. Since EE is no more, it has been placed here in PPM. This tutorial was originally written to the old Intel Website (from PPM) and to Entertainment Explosion. I am unable to test everything, however, most of info over there comes from Final Alert 2, Deezire's Editing Guide and also from testing and comparison between script types. One thing is certain Tiberium is changing our planet and if not combated it will create a world completely alien to us.The whole veracity of the information below cannot be guaranteed. It started with blossom trees and viceroids, but since then other creatures such as the tiberian fiend and veins have been discovered with reports of other Tiberium based creatures flowing in. Since the First Tiberium War the more mutagenic properties of Tiberium has become more apparent. These crystals are rich in precious minerals and are available at a minimum of mining expense. Tiberium leeches minerals from the soil causing the formation of Tiberium crystals. It spreads through unknown means, but has proven to be very useful. Tiberium, named after the Tiber River where it was first discovered, is both a crystal and a lifeform that arrived on Earth in a meteorite. So begins the Second Tiberium War! The Factions Even though it sounds ridicules there is no doubt who has returned Nod's true leader. Hassan is cornered and captured, he is brought to the masses and in his last moments gets the shock of his life "You can't kill the Messiah!"Īfter this incident, GDI outposts are attacked everywhere and from all directions. Slavik becomes a hero of the Brotherhood, and when people discover that he is still alive they rise up against Hassan. Despite this Hassan broadcasts false messages about Slavik's supposed death, but this does not go as planned for Hassan. Anton Slavik, the leader of this group, has been attempted executed by Hassan for being a "GDI spy" but little do they know, even among Hassan's most elite soldiers there are people who oppose his rule and so Slavik is freed. Tiberium is not the GDI's only problem followers of Kane still exist and they will stop at nothing until they have revealed the truth about Hassan and his followers. Over the last three decades it has become apparent that Tiberium is terraforming the planet by consuming Earthborne ecosystems and spawning its own alien ecosystems. With the Brotherhood divided and scattered the GDI have put their focus elsewhere containing the threat of Tiberium. Nod has been corrupted even through its highest echelons a GDI controlled puppet named Hassan is in charge. Nod fights itself brother against brother. Kane is presumed dead and the Brotherhood is in disarray. About 35 years have passed since the end of Tiberian Dawn.
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delimeful · 5 years
pull apart at the seams (3)
continuation of the Shake & Pet prompts, commissioned by kofi fiend anon! all my love 2 thank them for the support!
warnings: keeping a person as a pet, captivity, jerk giants (not too prevalent in this one), bad self care, dehumanizing language
Patton woke to bright sunlight streaming through the window, and took his time rising, stretching his arms out in a move that made his spine pop. 
A tiny movement in the corner of his vision caught his eye, and he turned to smile brightly at the human sitting on the soft, spongy floor of his enclosure. 
“Good morning, kiddo!” 
V blinked at him dazedly for a moment before dipping his head in a nod, making Patton’s smile fade a little. The human was sat slumped in the same spot Patton had left him, as though he hadn’t even shifted position throughout the night. Those bags under his eyes… Had the little guy even slept?
As though reading his thoughts, V got to his feet, moving up towards the bars with that carefully neutral expression plastered on his face like a mask. Patton’s lips twisted to the side slightly, but he didn’t let the feeling linger, lest V see it and panic. For such a little creature, he was certainly quite perceptive. 
Popping the cage door open with ease, Patton reached in and curled his fingers around V’s form, marveling as always at the feeling of the tiny heartbeat thudding away under his fingertips. He was careful to avoid touching him with his claws, though they probably couldn’t hurt him. Patton filed them down to keep them dull, his teeth and pack more than enough to protect him.
V did his best to repress it, but Patton could still see the way he shuddered as he was lifted into the air, body tense with the strain of not panicking. He wished he could soothe the little guy, but the human seemed to respond badly to any sort of implication that he wasn’t acting perfect. Patton wanted to reassure him, but V still hadn’t spoken a single word to him, and he didn’t want to risk driving the human to further panic.
He curled the side of his hand against his chest, providing a stable wall behind V. It had taken some trial and error, but he’d found that the human was most relaxed when transported like that. It made sense, really. Humans didn’t have wings like pixies or avians, and they certainly didn’t have magic like sprites. The poor little things were defenseless this high up. 
“Okay, let’s go get some breakfast!” Patton announced cheerily. 
V tensed against his palm, little chest rising and falling slightly faster, and Patton couldn’t help but feel a twang of sympathy. The human had this reaction to the strangest things, and he could really only blame it on what the shopkeep had told him when he’d bought V. 
“You’ve come at just the right time,” the seller had assured him, smiling pleasantly as he waited for the transaction to go through. “This one used to be a handful, real mouthy.”
Patton definitely believed it. The itty bitty glare he’d sent Logan was evidence enough. 
“Luckily, he was recently put through a conditioning program, and now he’s mellowed out quite a bit. We have a refund policy of course, but I have a feeling you won’t need it.” 
A condition program. Patton had nodded along, smiling mildly, but the thought was enough to make him grimace. He didn’t want a ‘mellowed’ human. He wanted one that would speak to him and be willing to tell him what they really thought, without softening anything for fear of hurting his feelings the way Ro and Lo did. 
It was why he’d chosen the tiny human, labeled ‘V’, out of all the rest. His tiny body shook so hard with fear he was practically vibrating, but those mismatched eyes told a different story. He hadn’t given up yet, Patton was sure of it. 
Which is why it was such a shock to have him become so… docile, all of the sudden. Patton shot another worried look down at V as he descended the stairs into the commons. Sure, he preferred to not be bitten, but at the cost of V suddenly losing all of his spirit? At this rate, Patton would never hear him talk, conditioning or no.   
“Morning, Lo!” he greeted as he walked into the kitchen and saw the other werewolf seated at the counter. He leaned over to brush cheeks with his packmate, and curled his hand over V a bit more to protect him from any accidental squishing in the half-hug. The human went as still as a hunted rabbit, and Patton noticed Logan’s eyes flicker down to him for a moment before returning Patton’s gesture in a more reserved manner. 
“Good morning, Patton. I assume you slept well?” 
“Like a rock!” Patton assured him, withdrawing a little in hopes of keeping V from being spooked further. “Our favorite Prince Charming still asleep?” 
Logan raised an eyebrow wryly. “More like Sleeping Beauty, that one.” He pushed back his stool and stood, taking his coffee with him. “I’ll go wake him. It’s important to maintain a sleep schedule that doesn’t allow sleep deprivation or oversleeping.”
“Make sure you bring a lightbulb with you!” Patton called after him, making him pause on the stairs with an exasperated expression. In his hand, V peered up at him with obvious puzzlement, distracted from his fear.
“Patton, don’t you dare-“
“That way he’ll be a light sleeper!” he interrupted Logan with a mischievous grin. Logan groaned pointedly, stomping slightly as he continued up the stairs.
Delighted with the response, Patton glanced down at the human in his hand to see if he’d enjoyed the pun. V, sensing eyes on him, hurriedly looked up at him with that same neutral expression, but not quite quick enough for Patton to miss the way the mask had slipped for half a second. 
He gave V a halfhearted smile and continued on into the kitchen, carefully setting the human atop a railed ledge where he couldn’t get hurt before starting a batch of pancakes. 
As he mixed the batter, he thought about the expression he’d seen on V’s face moments before. It was like a resentful sort of terror, the vicious look of cornered prey that knew they could do nothing but struggled anyways. 
Most concerning of all, the look had been directed solely at Logan.
How strange. 
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