#i wanna draw them so badd
dearyletters · 2 months
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I wanna draw them pls
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breadhalfburnt · 7 months
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leaves this pile of doodles on all your front doorsteps
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posies-and-bundles · 1 year
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
Have the turtle tots ever met Gabriel/their uncle  or did Miguel  keep them a secret from him 
I'm going to answer this with a Yes because I love Gabriel and he would absolutely love being the fun cool uncle Miguel definitely didn't tell Gabriel about them at first tho lmao
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squerlly · 3 months
flames of desire chapter 5: bonding exercise
Alastor x (f! bunny reader) -Fluff- chapter 1
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your POV:
through out my time here in hell I have grown accustomed to the musty hot atmosphere of the underworld and the loud mornings of screaming, gun shots, and road rage, its hell after all and there technically isn't any rules. me and angel hang out a lot more, behind his sex jokes and playful demeaner hes a great friend. husk and I are cool I suppose, according to him I'm more tolerable. Nifftys a bit crazy and energetic but I enjoy helping her clean sometimes, but one person that's been on my mind a lot is Alastor. hes always watching me, I catch him staring at me with that weird smile, I wonder if his face hurts from smiling all the time...none of my business what he does I just wish he wasn't so eerie. I was in the lobby this morning when Charlie called us over for a "bonding exercise", seeing everybody gathered in there seats I sit on the couch next to angel, "good morning everybody thank you for comingggg, I would like to have you all here for a little bonding time yayy!!!..." the silence was defiantly loud... "uhm- well I though we could all do something fun like drawing!" standing behind her vaggie comes out with paper, markers, and crayons "oooo colors" niffty giggles "what's does this look like kinder garden?" "angel please try and at least participate" letting out an annoyed grumble he agrees "fineee..." "great! were all going in partners and you will draw each other, that sound fun right!!?" oh no... "charlies with me, husks with angel, and Alastors with y/n, nifftys can uhm..." "oh oh can I be the judge!!!" "sure..." "you gotta be fucken kidding me..." "aww cmon whiskers I'm not that baddd~" walking to there partners I turn to see Alastor sitting on the arm chair looking at me with a wide grin on his face, "fuck me..." I grumble walking over to sit on the floor beside him "well my dear looks like its just me and you" "yeah... me and you" grabbing two pieces of papers and some crayons "I cant even draw..." "oh don't worry I'm sure you will do just fine!" "why am I doing this again..." "cheer up dear this is supposed to be fun after all, I cant be that hard to draw" "yeah your right just need two colors" scribbling on the paper I start at the base of his face, doodling his creepy smile and red hair, looking up I see him studying me curiously "what's the matter, am I hard to draw?" I say smugly "not at all dear your quite easy to draw" ouch, thanks...
Alastors POV:
I never really focused any time on things such as art, yes I can cook and maybe play the piano but drawings not one of my few good skills although ill give it a shot. I would have never guessed I would be sitting here doing one of charlies silly little projects, attempting to draw y/n I look at here for a while, this is the closest I have ever really been next to her, my she really is small it makes me want to squeez her tiny little body, her head could fit in my hand easily. I have noticed a few things while observing her, her ears twitch when she's focused on things like now, her pink bunny nose twitches when she's scared, and her fluffy tail wags when she's exited or annoyed what a strange individual...
your POV:
"ok guys once your done with your drawings you will show them off to your partners!!", as a few minutes pass by I have finished my drawing and well I'm quite disappointed in myself, man I should have taken art class in high school "I finished if your ready to show them" hell no... "I- I'm done but I don't think I wanna... "oh I'm sure its not that bad" giving the drawing one last glance I turn the page I show him the drawing facing away to hide what little dignity I had left. hearing a quiet static buzz noise I look back up seeing him looking at the drawing with a questionable face "I know its badd!!!" "w-well I wouldn't say that dear its just..." "just say its bad!" "its interesting" "well what does yours look like?" turning his page my jaw drops to the floor, what is this creepy deer man not good at "its not my best work but-" "are you kidding me Al this is good!" standing up I grab the drawing, it was in crayon but it looked just like me. pausing I try to tone down my excitement seeing alastor wide eyed from my reaction "I'm glad you like it dear" "what cant you do" "well I did say I was a man of many talents but drawing isn't one of them" "do you uhh mind if I keep this..." "not at all dear~" "you don't have to keep mine you can just throw it-" "nonsense its mine isn't it?" "yes.." "then I will keep it". for once he seemed to have a genuine smile on his face, not some creepy ass smile, its kind of nice...
Alastors POV:
I don't know why but I wanted to keep her silly little drawing, its...cute?. it looks nothing like me but its quite amusing seeing her all embarrassed. I was surprised to see she liked my drawing, her eyes lit up with a small smile on her face, it feels good to know my work is appreciated even in the... strangest things it gives me a sense of pride, I might hang it in my radio tower...
your POV:
looking at everybody else I saw Charlie bouncing on her heels looking at a little doodle vaggie made how cute~, husk made a sloppy doodle of angel and angel just drew himself. niffty was running around looking at others drawings, eventually she got around to ours, climbing on my shoulder she looks at Alastors drawing "ooooOooo you look so cute in the picture!!" I smile a bit "thanks niff" grabbing her off my shoulder I set her down "well that's the end of the exercise, how was it!" "ehh it wasn't to bad" "it was alright" "whatever...im going back to the bar" Charlie puts on a little smile "well do one again next week, maybe we could make cookies together or do all about ME's oh oh!! what about-" "ok hon slow down" "sorry". this was nice, hell isn't that bad, at least not here. better than home...
hey guys!!! I was supposed to release this earlier but I'm a little sick right now from the cold weather but I refuse to let you guys down! I made this chapter a little longer than usual so I hope you guys loved this cute chapter as much as I did, love you guys have a good day/night
for more content or chapter please click this masterlist
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
ooo u wanna draw emi and benito so badd oooooo -😈
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sobs i just want them to be happy TT
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tunapiiano · 10 months
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Look at these pictures I took
They’re so cute<3
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rolaplayor101 · 1 year
Protagonist Polling Photo-Op!
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Spiderverse came out only a few months before Owl House’s first episode so Miles is giving Big Brother Energy even though they’re the same age,,,I had to draw them being besties ✨
Buy as a shirt or sticker!! Oooo you wanna Commission me so badd oooo! Pls don’t ignore my DNI! Reblogs are mandatory! Redrew this 2019 art with them instead cause I’ve improved! If you remember this, no you don’t <3
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one of the best things about drawing for your mutuals (even if you've never spoken a word to them before) is seeing their reactions because it makes me feel good that i made them feel good by doing a silly doodle of their persona
my art goal is actually just to make people happy and self indulge i want my art to be like a messy homemade birthday cake made by three friends for their friend's birthday and its so bad and sugary but what makes it good is the friends they made along the way and everyone goes to bed that day warm and happy is that so much to ask
i know im edgy and say stuff like "people are badd and i wanna kms lol" on here sometimes but reminder that those are just goofy silly jokes there are always good things for you out there you have to live this is an order i wish glee and whimsy upon you
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silliemop · 1 year
Whats one of ur fave topics to rant abt?
mine atm has been oscillating between ocs and ur RS au xD
DREAMSS!!! i love talking about dreams and how weird or cool or scary they are!! what i love even more is making a story out of the characters or the places
one of my coolest dreams was where i was a secret agent. it was like spy kids but more futuristic. i got a bag placed over my head and thrown into a limo then there they were like “youu are joining this secret organization and are going to be an agent with a team”. so later we arrived at the place and there i met the other 3 agents on the team(they were so coollll i couldn’t help but make them my ocs right when i woke up). i made up their own stories after a while where one would have killed another agent and another was a traitor. there were also these blue glowing things we were supposed to eat to get powers or strength i thinkkk. UGHH I WISH I COULD GO BACK TO THAT DREAMM
ARHHFG AND YESSS THE RS AU!! I SOMETIMES CANT STOP THINKING ABOUTT ITTJFHKD i have this cool scene in my head rn that i wanna draw SOOO BADD BUT CANT RNN AHHDHS THE ANGSTTTT IN MY MIND I JUST WANNA TRANSFORM INTO A PROJECTOR TO SHOW THE SCENE!!! i love listening to songs and daydreaming about ittt gughhr it seems so much cooler in my mindddd
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sillycyan · 9 months
There is so many things I want to start as hobbies and what not, but they are way too expensive to truly dive into.. SO INSTEAD IM GONNA LIST EM + go on random side rants
TLDR: Take care of ferrets, skateboard, biker, art, vtuber, open sticker shop, collect manga and figures, scriptwriter, and learn Russian.
I definitely want ferrets in the far future. There has been hours on hours of research and planning to make it happen (ᗒᗣᗕ) This is something that does have to wait a few years when I’m financially stable and sticking to things in the house.
Skateboarding.. I have a board, but it’s a very DOOKIE one so around this month I’m gonna stop by a shop for a new one. The main problem here is that I live in a city so there is really no places to skate around and I already feel judged just being outside.. Imagine me on a skateboard??? I’m dying??
Hear me out on this one.. BIKER.. I recently have been really looking into motorcycles and when I do move out of the city (x_x) I’d truly rather be on a bike then in a car for reasons I will NOT explain. Cost wise it’s pricey, will have to be long term, and 100% is being my whole personality
I have been drawing on and off for a few years but with that I can’t trust myself to turn it into something serious as I have already quick multiple times for months to years at a time. I already own a drawing tablet, you not catching me on paper, and I already have a start. With art I feel forced to start commissions because it’s already so pressured to make money off it and that ruined the fun for me.
I want to stream as a vtuber soo badd!!! I already have a model now and plan to stream on my own time, but I’d love to be in an actual agency. Ofc I probably won’t be good enough for any because IM BLACK and it’s impossible to even get into any big names with that factor without being forced under a white and/or japanese persona… but it’s worth a shot yk?? Half throwing shade at the main vtuber agencies bc holy the racism in the community alone is horrible D:
Very sadly I got all the boring hyperfixations so I weirdly wish I could start a little sticker shop (-_-) Just for very cute random sticker sheets.. I collect stickers because it’s fun even though I haven’t use them because I don’t like to decorate my items with colors. Weirdly ties into how I’m a minimalist and I should never have kids because they would be the iconic “sad beige baby” GOD FOR BID I HAVE A GIRL oh my god they will never see the color pink ever (helps the color stereotypes ig)
Reallyyy REALLY want to collect manga. There are a few series I really just want to own and read SO IMA LISTEN EM HEHHE.. Banana Fish (own 1-9), Goodnight PunPun, Vagabond, A Girl on the Shore, Blood on the Tracks, Doomsday With My Dog, Chainsaw Man, Dandadan, Doubt, A Man and His Cat, and other names I’m not abt to remember..
Along with collecting manga I would love to collect figures, just a good few anime and game ones. Then just a whole bunch of Miku, but I’m stopping the blue aesthetic for my area and changing it to GREEN.. Really want the Banana Fish and Little Nightmares figured soo badd!!!!3!:?:!(:&36:
I cant drop too many details but.. scriptwriter.. I just think I could sit down and do that. NOT DROPPING SPECIFICS BC ITS EMBARRASSING SOO NEXTTT
Not sure if I can count this here, but I really want to talk time to learn Russian..? Show I’m fixated on and have been for years is in Russian and holy it made me wanna learn so baddd RAAAHHHHH
Just dropped 10 because no one is reading allat NOT EVEN I.. so if yew did read everything then helloo :))) I’m not gonna reread through nothing so sorry if it had bad spelling or grammar.. Rants don’t got time for allat
time to add a bunch of tags in relation to EVERYTHING update: not doin allat
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atetoneee · 2 years
Is this about the High school comic? 😅 If so, I was actually planning on making a small series about them. (Headcanon ofc) but I still haven't found the time yet bc of my schedule 😵 I WANNA DRAW THEM SO BADD I MISS THEM
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lenillusion · 2 years
just started watching rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles the other day bc my friend is super hyperfixed on it and its sooooo good. i wanna draw them so badd
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sunfishsiestalah · 2 years
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captain-sailamander · 5 years
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Saw this ask over on @koeharu‘s blog and it was too funny to not draw out.
In which Badd is amused, Garou is not amused and Amai Mask and his publicist are probably losing their shit. 
>Badd starting reading the tabloids because he thought they were hilarious and they pissed off Amai Mask, but now he’s just hooked by the drama. >Garou definitely knew the paparazzi were there. >Amai Mask was probably trying to threaten Badd into finally denying the rumors, but just made them worse. >All the headlines are baseball puns.  >Zenko didn’t talk to Badd for three days after the first article.
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1percentcharge · 2 years
i rlly wanna know more about the mamas soooo badd i love them all ugh
Thank you! Some things abt them so far (going to restate things I’ve said in other posts):
Helena is a serial killer- at first she intended for mr Boucher (haven’t named him yet. West, maybe?) to go down the same route as her previous husbands but then she actually fell in love with him. Or something idk I don’t have it all figured out
Virginia is just a mashup of a bunch of final girls so shes been through a lot. Her husband, Fin’s dad, was killed in one of their horror movie kerfuffles. She’s very tough and she wants Fin to be too. 
Shirley is a commercial pilot. She divorced Al because he would attract a lot of bad luck, and though she liked him as a person she didn’t want to deal with all that, especially considering her career. Ive been over this one enough though
Tyra was the only character who I hadn’t named before making that drawing so I just quickly named her after trex. either shes a marine biologist and her husband is a paleontologist or the other way around. Idk i haven’t figured it out yet. 
Butterfly is mr diptera’s 2nd wife (i havent named mr diptera yet. what would be funny. Buzz?). His first wife Tiffany left him after he became a fly man. Butterfly however was not disgusted by insects. 
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