#i suddenly burst into tears at this part wtf remi
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goodbye my lover
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Days like this - Sirius Black x Reader x Remus Lupin(contains smut)
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Request: Hello! Fantastic writer 🖤 Would you do a poly wolfstar x reader were the reader is James's twin and he wakes them up after sex (smut or not you choose; I wouldn't mind, loved your last one 😏) and he's like "wtf mate? Wait... mates?" Because he doesn't know #obliviousPotter(s) 😂😍 Thanks if you can do this 🙃 Warnings:  My English, language, polyamorous-bisexual-relationship, smut part. Um, idk =) Gifs aren’t mine. Credits to their original owners. Word Count~1.3k MASTERLIST Pending Requests You couldn’t really remember when it became ‘official’. You couldn’t even pinpoint when the feeling of friendship had become something more. Maybe somewhere between Sirius and Remus. Yes. That was correct. You were in a relationship with both of them. No, it never felt weird. But no, people didn’t really know. Yes, maybe PDA wasn’t your thing but you had never hidden the relationship. But Remus was the moon and Sirius was the stars. Kind and sweet met sin and salty. It felt so perfect to be real.Yet, it was.  You sluggishly opened your eyes. You were wearing nothing and you weren’t alone in the bed. Suddenly all of the things that happened last night, came back. “Oh fuck.”  Remus cried out.  You were sitting on your knees between his legs with two of your fingers in his ass, stroking his prostate.  Sirius was standing beside you as you sucked his cock, your tongue working up and down his length, swirling around him. Being with the two of them was the best thing you had ever done. You were molded to be together. At first, you just simply couldn’t believe that you had fallen for both of them but when they admitted-well it was more of ‘can we all be together now?’ thing. And you knew that you couldn’t pick one because you didn’t like only one. You knew that the boys had feelings for each other as well but they weren’t quite sure about their place with each other. It was a lot to take in and it was fine-you had time. You were just taking it slow. There was nothing wrong with that. They were both more than comfortable with you though and they never held back affection.  You wanted to study? No. You would cuddle. You wanted to go out with Lily? No. You would cuddle. Not that you were complaining. Remus grunted suddenly and his hips bucked. Even at this time, with them exploring their bond with each other, you not being the center of attention was a bit not… normal? Today though, you had decided that it was about them. Sirius pulled away from you and dropped to his knees. He took Remus’ cock in his hand and started to stroke it while he captured you in a heated kiss. Remus was doing his best not to be loud but he was panting heavily, something that made you think how animalistic the noises were. And turned you on immensely. He reached out and gripped Sirius’ thigh, tightly, before his body jerked up. His cock was pulsing as he came with a noise so primal that made your heat clench.  Remus sat up and threw Sirius backwards so he was lying sideways on the small bed as he took your place and mimicked your moves. You moved beside him and bent over his cock. “You want to be inside your girl?”  Remus asked. Since when was Remus the dominant one? “Oh fuck, yes.” Sirius moaned, sending shivers down your spine. You climbed on top of him, guiding his cock inside of you. You carefully grinded your hips against him as your mouth had captured his in a very, very passionate kiss. Your heart almost stopped when James opened the curtains. He was rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up. Well, maybe it would be more accurate to say that he was clearly shocked.  “What the hell mate… Wait. Mates? What the fuck?” he just stared at you, jaw hitting the floor. Your hands tried to cover the strategic parts of your body because his eyes were glued to you, barely looking at his friends. He was kind of your brother. Scratch that. He was kind of your twin. And he was seeing his twin sister in bed with TWO of his best friends.Well, that was a shock.  “PRONGS” Sirius groaned, his voice low and sleepy. Remus covered you with the sheets and gave James a playful look. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know” he mocked him. James was lost. Like the apocalypse was upon him. “I didn’t know. I thought that… you were friends. With benefits. Sometimes. What the fuck is going on?” he desperately asked again. You couldn’t help but laugh at him. He gave you a hard look and rolled his eyes. “Jay, we are together” you simply stated. Sirius, still half asleep, wrapped an arm around your waist and hid his face in the crook of your neck. James thought he understood. “Okay. You are with Pads. So why is Remus sharing the bed?” he asked again, really puzzled and confused. Remus just shrugged and kissed your forehead. “James. We are all together. As in all three of us. In a relationship” Remus commented. To say that James’ eyes had gone wider than the sun, would be an understatement. Suddenly, James wasn’t there. Instead, in his place, was standing a stag. You tried your best to stop yourself from laughing but it just didn’t work. You burst out laughing so hard that you couldn’t breathe and felt tears in your eyes. And you weren’t the only one. Once he turned back into his human body, his cheeks were red and he was utterly embarrassed. “I’m gonna hide in the bathroom now if you don’t mind” he murmured and left without another word. You calmed down and kissed both of your boys. You knew that you had to talk to your brother. But that could wait. “Mornin’ sweetheart,” Sirius told you, a genuine smile illuminating his face. “Not the only sweetheart here” you whispered. You truly wanted this to work and since last night did happen, well… they would have to work a bit. “Good morning to you too, sweetheart” he greeted Remus, emphasizing and playfully mocking the last word. Remus grimaced at the name. “Please, don’t” he simply informed Sirius as he got out of the bed. But before he did so, he gave you a pointed look that let you know he was grateful. “How’d you sleep?” Sirius asked, brushing his lips against your right earlobe. “With the two of you around, I can’t consider what I did last night as sleeping” you truthfully answered. They had worn you out. “I’d apologize,” he whispered, his warm breath hitting your ear as Remus finished off for him “But you weren’t complaining. Actually… what was she saying?” Your stomach twisted as you recalled the events. “More…aw. Oh. OH!” they both made fun of you. You shoved Sirius out of the bed and threw a pillow at Remus. You sat there, with your back against the headboard, watching them. It was so obvious that you were drunk in love with them, that you wondered how James couldn’t see it. They were getting ready but all you could do was watch them. They were talking about their pranks but their voices trailed off in your mind and you just watched their mouths move, grey eyes meeting caramel ones and darting between you and each other. You smiled as you admired their beauty. But it wasn’t just their beauty that had won you over. They had golden hearts and amazing personalities and… well, how could you explain love? You had absolutely no idea when or how you became so hopelessly devoted to the two of them but you never really understood the way that people fell in love. You didn’t have to. “Siri? Remy?”. Your voice was thick from the feelings that had overwhelmed you. “Yeah, love?” they answered in unison. “I- I think I kinda love you” you whispered, not really trusting your voice. Genuine smiles were spread across their faces. “Glad we are on the same page” Sirius said with a smirk as they both came and kissed your cheeks, whispering those words you longed to hear, each nibbling an earlobe, their breaths falling hot on your neck. Days like this, made you believe that perfection wasn’t just an idea but your reality.  A relationship with those two was the best decision you had ever made.
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tags: @orionsirivsblack @kapolisradomthoughts @nadinissavage @sirius-black-deserved-better
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