#i still need to track that one down
frommybookbook · 6 months
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Tonight I watched my first non-Perry Mason William Hopper film: 20 Million Miles to Earth. On the one hand, it's a campy monster romp, with jerky animitronics and absurd plotting. But on the other, it's an incredible example of mid-century Sci-Fi and a delightful addition to the kaiju genre made by Americans for one of the first times.
Watching it, it's so easy to see how Godzilla, King of the Monsters! from just a year earlier influenced this movie. What's also fun about that is that, of course, that movie featured Raymond Burr in the American version, while 20 Million starred William Hopper. For both, these were among their penultimate roles before the premiere of Perry Mason, which would come to define both their professional careers.
Overall, a solid 8/10. Would watch again.
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oatbugs · 3 months
idk how to live so im going to talk to myself out loud until i do
#listen. take a deep breath. i know your bpm is high but you need to think with me for a second.#remember that you are paper thin. all your facets are sheets of paper and what you gave her is just another one.#make a new one. you dont need it. you dont need her to see you. i know you think you need her but you will be okay. i know its hard.#you wish you could have shown her how you loved her. listen to yourself. you are made of paper.#she might be concrete or maybe wood or maybe gold. you need to start laying your roots elsewhere. shut that thought down#and blink and listen. the parts you keep thinking of arent lost. they still happened and they are yours to keep.#there is beauty in this loss. tell me about the beauty in this loss. its okay to think about it. you got to see it all and nothing more#and this is great because it would have been bad. you know it would be violent in a way you dont need. you know this to be true.#you are going to look at that empty space in her shape and youre going to fill it with everything that happened when you knew her.#the memories with her but then also the the way your friends talked you through it. the game with the clovers.#your first allergic reaction you almost died and you couldnt stop laughing and you were held so close to their hearts.#learning the names for all the floursecent gene tracking dyes that everyone else knows already. about the exam - listen again.#i know you think if you fail your life is over but you need to try your best. youre not going to get a good grade in a uni test for the fir#youre going to make up for it. youre going to make sure you make up for it. do you understand? i love you. you have to do this.#right now you need to sit up. breathe. i know your heart hurts. go to the living room. grab something to eat. i dont care if you feel full.#youre going to clean your mattress heater. youre going to study a bit longer and then youre going to sleep. youre going to tell your mother#im sorry and i might genuinely fail a test. shes going to tell you its okay. if you do badly in this course you can just become a neurosurg#just agree. dont argue right now. its okay. youre okay. you are paper thin. i know any puncture hurts.#breathe. think of your friends. think of their hands in yours. it isnt eternal.youve lived through worse. the empty sky is still beautiful.#the lack of her is still beautiful
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brookheimer · 1 year
okay. i need to rewatch the episode probably but i think my current feeling is that i like most of it a lot (rome, ken, the siblings not getting ceo, etc), think the tom ceo makes sense from a logical/character perspective but not sure how i feel about it from a broader more thematic lens (altho i'm leaning towards fine with it), and am very mixed on shiv's ending because i think it's well-conceived and meaningful from a broader thematic lens (shiv becomes her mother, the cycle always repeats, etc) but doesn't quite make sense to me from a logical/character one -- it could've worked, it could've worked brilliantly, but it was far too rushed and forced. it makes sense as an ending for shiv, but not her next step. i'm largely talking about her decision to return to tom, not her decision to vote against kendall (which i think should've been executed better and given more space but can understand given her character, mostly). i'm fine with it as an ending for shiv, but what i'm struggling to stomach is the way it played out -- it didn't feel like a choice the shiv we know would've made. it's an ending that makes sense thematically and for her character arc, but not a decision that makes sense for her character at present. that's kinda where i'm at right now
#long shiv post talking ab this upcoming lol#bc so far i haven't seen like any shiv takes i've actually agreed with#it's either entirely anti ending or pro ending#whereas like. to me the ending works as an ending for the character. it's tragic dark devastating but it works and works well#but shiv making that choice does not make sense for where she is right now. it was rushed writing that forced an ending on her#that would be a satisfying ending but not a satisfying character choice and thus NOT a super satisfying ending#could've been EXTREMELY satisfying. but shiv wasn't there yet. her fatal flaw is blowing up good situations when she feels she's being#disrespected -- she's respect > power when it comes down to it#even tho she thinks she wants power more she NEEDS respect and is unable to stay quiet or make the smart choice in the face of disrespect#or men thinking they're superior etcetcetc. so her making a choice that allots her power (wife of CEO) but is the singular least respecting#outcome imaginable (meekly returning to your husband who betrayed you and stole the job you've been fighting for your entire life right out#of your grasp alongside your closest ally/flirt guyfriend who tapped him to do it explicitly to fuck you over because you're a pregnant#woman and thus inferior to the man who inseminated you -- and EVERYONE KNOWS ALL OF THIS! everyone knows you're the daughter of#the previous CEO and on two separate instances were meant to be CEO and now the weak man you married publicly betrayed you TWICE#but you still meekly return to him and place your hand in his and have his baby like the good pawn you are...)#that does not make sense for shiv. if we saw some development on the power > respect front or had a few more scenes or episodes developing#shiv as someone who would choose to become her mother (powerful and rich yet a disrespected pawn) over literally anything else#given her fundamental fear of being disrespected than maybe this would've made sense. it could be a great meaningful devastating ending#but it's one that just does not track for shiv as we know her right now.#ok tags got long as always sorry LOL i'm gonna write a longer thing explaining my hashtag thoughts bc i haven't seen much i agreed w on thi#front yet oops. ok bye 4 now tee hee#succession#succession spoilers#casey shut the fuck up about shiv roy
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raymondshields · 2 months
Man, knowing that I'm less than two weeks from my last final is really shaking me because I have so many things I said I'd do after I graduate and they're very close now!!!
One of them is going to be leaving all the discord servers I don't talk in and also pruning following / friends lists like hell and back. This will allow me to finally come off invisible on discord, and it'll be nice to have discord statuses available to me again ;~;
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ghosttbeef · 4 months
I am calling on you all for help. what are your favorite film versions (either like Film film or filmed stage performances) of Shakespeare plays... specifically of Hamlet and Macbeth but i'd be happy to hear recs for others as well ...
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chromotps · 4 months
hi hello i had another acelu supernatural AU thought while I was working... I know Original Anon said it wouldn't get into the angels/demons storyline, BUT
what if there was still the doomed-brother plotline? Like, if it's Luffy who's like Sam, destined to be the vessel of a Lucifer-figure... maybe Nika (who I haven't gotten to in my OP read, so I'm just going on vibes) has chosen Luffy as its host. And it's mostly a creature of chaos/not purely evil, but it's so powerful that the longer it inhabits Luffy, the more likely it is that he'll be lost/"taken over"
meanwhile Ace is still the son of Roger, famed demon hunter and has taken on all his skills and tricks... but it's the way Ace is different from Roger—that he still sees Luffy as his brother, someone he knows and loves and has learned to trust—that allows him to save him
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miodiodavinci · 8 months
lads i think i may quite literally be drowning
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snaileo · 8 months
honestly if i could i would quit my job right now and try to make my art work again , at least to help cover some bills before finding a new job because im just so tired
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arctic-hands · 10 months
I learned what a bullet journal was by watching a few YouTube artists set theirs up and my algorithm spiraled out of control from there so I guess I have all the bujo influencers to thank for getting into it because it has been a godsend so far on my third attempt, but damn if the over emphasis on aesthetic over the actual practical organizational aspect of it doesn't rankle me a bit
[thirty rambling tags later] huh. I didn't know there was a thirty tag limit in all the years I've been on tumblr. Whatevs I can't copy paste the tags onto the main body because I'm on mobile and I don't want to write it out again so I'll just summarize the last bit here:
If you are browsing the bujo tag because you feel bullet journaling will help you but you feel intimated because you don't think you can make it look pretty, or that the bullet journal method could never help you because it looks exhausting or the inspo you see doesn't cover what you need, I am pleading with you to ignore all the pretty inspiration, take the most common and even original Ryder Carroll formats and spreads with a grain of salt and eliminate or change them as needed, and talk to people who have similar needs than you even if they don't bujo and suss out what's important to keep track of. My bujo is eighty percent important medical bullshit, because that's what I need more than a book tracker. You prolly have your own unique needs. And hell, if you want a book tracker then add a booktracker. It's your bujo to format and plan out.
So like if you want to start bullet journaling, go to Michaels and get a seven dollar Artist's Loft dot grid journal. Or a binder you have left over from school years past and print out your own dot grid paper if you have enough ink and paper and printer that can do double sided (Kevin McLeod's site I forget the name of has free adjustable dot and other grids I've used), or buy a pack of 8.5x11 dot grid paper, and grab a crappy hole punch that just barely does the job. Get yourself a nice pen you think looks and feels nice in your hand and on the paper–or if that doesn't matter to you go get pack of Bics or even pencil if that's what you prefer (I use a pencil for things I can't have be permanent, like temporary meds or the dates of yearly vaccines). If you're twitchy about messing up then get the cheapest wite out they have (but don't worry about messing up especially if you're not even showing it off to anybody). A cheap yellow highlighter if you think it'll help. And a ruler if straight lines are important to you. I lost mine so I just wobble my lines now I don't care (and it's marginally easier to get a line adjacent to straight with a dot grid)
Anyway. If you want to bullet journal but don't know where to start or how to make it pretty or how to make it work for your needs, just try it in the cheapest way possible and rearrange the guts of the bujo as you see fit. And don't worry about the optics as long as you can make sense of your methods and writing.
(and for the love of God if you're bipolar don't make an hourly mood tracker yes our moods can and will fluctuate throughout the day but goddamn was that a bitch to log and abandoned a few weeks after inking it out)
#i see this with in regular journaling/diary circles too#people saying 'i want to start a bujo/diary but I'm not good enough at art ☹️'#like more power to you if you can make it pretty but it shouldn't be the primary emphasis especially with how useful it is#(it's especially depressing with just regular diaries and journals because like. you're under no obligation to share that shit with anybody)#I'm on my third bujo attempt because i got overwhelmed with my first two because i didn't know how to customize it with me and my needs#the most i got about symptom tracking was like a weekly layout checking off if the criteria was hit#and mood tracking was like daily smiley or frowny face in the corner#like my siblings in planning that is not enough for my chronically ill bipolar ass lol#i went way overboard my first attempt with just mood tracking. i planned it out HOURLY. every week#and that got overwhelmingly tedious and i use overwhelmingly deliberately. so i just stopped mood tracking#and then the whole thing got overwhelming so i stopped it entirely#gave it another shot because my method of scheduling things and symptom tracking was to write appointments and symptoms on post its#and pray they didn't fall off and i could remember where i even put them#and i see a lot of doctors so that was a LOT post its to keep track of#so i did another bujo but had the same problem as lack of resources and inspo and how to make it work for my needs#plus future logs were hard to parse AND i often felt too tired to lay out a new month or two every time#so like there were just whole months and the symptoms and appointments within just missing and i might as well not even have a bujo#so i stopped that one too#FINALLY after a little bit more watching Ryder Carroll and looking at prefab medical planners that were still woefully inadequate#AND MORE IMPORTANTLY talking to my fellow chronically ill. mentally ill. disabled. or all three. friends on what i should jot down#i finally got a system that worked for me thus far#i got rid of even staples like future logs and just laid out a monthly calendar format because that was easier FOR ME#and i laid out the year in advance so i could still have the scheduling part of i was too tired to do entire layouts at the beginning of the#month#my mood tracker was merged with my symptom tracker and turned into a symptoms *list*#with a section for every specialist i see. mood stuff just went under psych/therapist#also i switched to a binder format instead of a bound book for even more flexibility#i can easily remove things i no longer need. i can rearrange what goes in what section. i can easily add more to a section before the next#bujo#bullet journal
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danielnelsen · 10 days
if what you're trying to secure is what i think it is: congrats in advance, once you get it! i gave up on a physical copy and just got a scanned epub because everyone was selling it for $175 bc it's out of print
from saying it's scanned, im guessing you're talking about the collector's edition dao guide with the traveler's guide, which i already have haha. so expensive, but not impossible to find. for that sort of thing i offer to pay for part of it if someone gets it for me as a present.
having now confirmed its existence and ordered it, i can say im talking about faces of thedas (the also out of print ttrpg character sourcebook). sooooo hard to find (ive been trying for months to just find it for any price at all), but it came down to an obscure indie games shop in melbourne (as all things should)
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cimicherrychanga · 9 months
btw u guys have to promise to not be mad at me for becoming ur turtle mutual. please
#shut up dave#IM LIKE. NOT NORMAL ABOUT THEM. AND THIS MEANS A LOT TO ME#i nEED a special interest to consume my every waking thought in order to thrive#and after i grew out of homestuck its like i lost my spark its EXCRUCIATING.#what do you MEAN i cant draw 3 comics and 2 full piecesn write 50 page essay in one day every day if im not insane abt some piece of fictio#outrageous!!!!!#and as much as i wish i could. i cant Choose or induce this thats not how it weorks we all know this#i TRIED to make miraculous my next big thing after hs it did not work!!! im still insane abt it! but its the#watching trrailers frame by frame making longass analyses and tracking down the exact car in one scene type of insane.#sure ive made art n comics its still one of the things i was and am more invested in than about 60-something of my other media interests#but GOD then rottmnt hit me full speed. i am FEELING this one. i made art AND the characters i was scared would be impossible to draw#turned out to be. so easy? like i did a great splinter first try and thats HUGE for me usually my first attempts suck#until i develop a personal touch for their design#the style of the show is just sososo good for me. theyre my best friends now. and i INTEND to make that clear to EVERYONE#bc im still feelin lonely!!! despite everything!! and i dont want to!!!!!!!!! and im making it everyone elses problem!!!!#anyways like as i said. ur not allowed to be mad at me. please please. ive always been annoying this is just a new arc#and u have to put up wirh it. or ill cry. thanks.
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crownrots · 1 month
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hattie’s thing went off the rails but whatever ig.
🦎 gecko springs — a nice little town that was always getting infested with those pests. not anymore, tho. it’s turned into a resort hub of sorts; cheap accommodations, good people, high acceptance rate (just don’t cause any trouble and don’t provoke the geckos tho bc they only have to deal with them once a year now), a mini trading scene.
🌵richard ‘ricky’ steele — the only authority figure in gecko springs, sherif of sorts. only got the job bc he’s seen as the person that did the most to clear the place out so they could live in relative peace. total pushover. loves music. family man. nice to everyone, but watch out.
🦂 reno steele — best friend and adopted brother. hot headed and charismatic. has expensive tastes, wears gecko hide boots. swindler. always on the run from someone or something. ricky’s right hand man, definitely the muscle. loves to start trouble.
🪳cricket — ghoul gal. pre war college student. super smart and super sharp. makes herself useful by hacking terminals, turrets and annoying robots, too old for this shit. owns the saloon / country store / inn. besties with reno.
🪙 aster ‘creed’ madden — baddie, but he has a good reason ig. despises ghouls. leader of the crusade. searching for his ghoulified son and tearing apart whoever stands in his way to do so. good guy gone bad. needs to reevaluate his life choices and move on.
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nejackdaw · 4 months
Had DnD on the mind recently after a couple posts about it popped up on my dash, so I figured I'd share the ref sheet for a character I hoped to play soon (enlarge to banish the blur)
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His name is Cariton Corbett and he's like if Jekyll and Hyde were a really wretched little priest
Never known peace in his life tbh. He's a grave cleric for a Bloodborne inspired campaign one of my DnD friends was cooking up (hopefully that's still in the cards lol.) It took forever to get a solid design idea, but then I picked MHR back up and uh
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"What if I combined a tailcoat with a cassock > you're a pain in my ass but you and your upgraded armor are so cool > hey what if I added inverted cathedral window shapes and cobweb tassels"
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vocesincaput · 6 months
OPEN STARTER: Henry Simpson
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The regiment had been given their orders to move in on their target location. Having received information about a small group of soldiers from the Continental army being bunkered down there. Henry had taken time to voice his concerns that something didn't feel right but it had fallen on deaf ears. The Colonel was so certain and sure in the information that had received that nothing could dissuade him and he still ordered them in.
And Henry had begun to believe that the Colonel was right as they approached the building until suddenly his fellow soldiers began to drop like flies around him. A searing pain suddenly shooting through his leg and he collapsed to the ground. Managing to roll onto his back just in time to see the butt of a rifle coming down to strike him in the face and knock him unconscious.
When he regained consciousness, Henry slowly blinked his eyes open to find himself sat alone in a jail like cell. Red brick walls on all but the front of the cell. Thick blackened bars set in small windows bringing light down across his face, causing him to squint and raise a hand to shield his eyes. Once he became acclimatised to the lightly, Henry took more of a look around.
He could see no one else around him. None of his men in his cell or anywhere else in the room and no sign of whether or not any of them were still alive. Resting his head back against the cool brick wall, Henry closed his eyes for a moment to steady his mind and think. His concerns had to been right and the information had to have been false. Something must have been wrong and now he had been captured by the army he had endured fighting against.
Letting out a pain breath through a bloodied nose, Henry slowly reopened his eyes to glance down at where he had been shot in the leg and was surprised to see that it had been bandaged. Earning a crease of his brow in confusion before he inhaled with a grimace and looked up as he heard footsteps descending the stairs on the opposite side of the large room.
Readying himself for whoever was about to enter.
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gorillaxyz · 2 months
sigh........... i keep posting i cant stop sorry. but anyway i just remembered drama class.......... urrgh. im so harsh when i give constructive criticism/feedback i hate it bc no one wanrs to talk to me "sorry i just got thrown off bc cam is so critical" dont blame me because you dont know how to stay in character 😕 i just told you it doesnt make sense to wave your hand at the side of her head where she cant see it
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sevicia · 2 months
I wanted to make a cleaner summary of last week's classes and also review the classes I have this week since the material is already uploaded beforehand but I was feeling so horrible throughout the day that when I sat down I was just gonna look at the ones for tomorrow but I think I'm just gonna go to bed because I just gave my little numbers game a few tries and not even the joy of tribial elementary school-level math games is bringing my brain cells and/or full sentience back
#diary#accessing it through the CMD thing and not just running it from the IDE made me realize a few things about it though so I'll hav#I'll have to maybe jot them down somewhere when I'd normally just be rly excited and try to fix them straight away like I am truly fucked r#I do wanna make an eng version of it sometime soon so I can share it even tho it's literally the simplest little thing. it's fun if you're#an easily amused nerd that loves playing with numbers in a truly useless manner. if that makes sense#also very obviously text-only I am NOT torturing myself with any graphics of ANY kind rn#it closes immediatly as they do and also when it comes to having double/triple digit starting numbers it becomes a lot less fun I think tho#though I haven't used it much with those yet#I still wanna figure out a way of making it better when it comes to 2/3 digit starters. and my original idea included maybe keeping track#keeping track of how many steps you took even between different rounds but I made the simplest version for now. I also think making like a#''this was the least amount of steps possible!'' type thing would be very very cool but that is FAR too big brained for me rn#cause I can figure out how to do the record keeping thing but that last one is like. let's stop talking for a little while.................#oh but adding an actual interface sounds so fun even though I have very little clue on how to do that rn I could probably STOP typing becau#because I can feel my stupid ass self start getting excited about this which will make it so I start working on it instead of going to bed#NO. DOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!! auhgh............ oh man I had a lame joke to make but I completely forgot what it was#I have coding class tomorrow in which I normally just do the exercises as fast as possible before playing around but the only Python editor#I could find installed on the school computers was Visual Studio Code and I have no clue how to use that shit like I don't need so many#so many buttons. probz. OKAY GOODNIGHT
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