#so much TJ lore to sift through bc he IS the ghoulified son creed is looking for.
crownrots · 2 months
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hattie’s thing went off the rails but whatever ig.
🦎 gecko springs — a nice little town that was always getting infested with those pests. not anymore, tho. it’s turned into a resort hub of sorts; cheap accommodations, good people, high acceptance rate (just don’t cause any trouble and don’t provoke the geckos tho bc they only have to deal with them once a year now), a mini trading scene.
🌵richard ‘ricky’ steele — the only authority figure in gecko springs, sherif of sorts. only got the job bc he’s seen as the person that did the most to clear the place out so they could live in relative peace. total pushover. loves music. family man. nice to everyone, but watch out.
🦂 reno steele — best friend and adopted brother. hot headed and charismatic. has expensive tastes, wears gecko hide boots. swindler. always on the run from someone or something. ricky’s right hand man, definitely the muscle. loves to start trouble.
🪳cricket — ghoul gal. pre war college student. super smart and super sharp. makes herself useful by hacking terminals, turrets and annoying robots, too old for this shit. owns the saloon / country store / inn. besties with reno.
🪙 aster ‘creed’ madden — baddie, but he has a good reason ig. despises ghouls. leader of the crusade. searching for his ghoulified son and tearing apart whoever stands in his way to do so. good guy gone bad. needs to reevaluate his life choices and move on.
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