#i saw something that said her first name was lei but i didn't see that in the episode transcript so idk if it's definite
rogersstevie · 1 year
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favorite outfits on screen | charmed
mrs. chao (dead man dating) -  “you should have more respect for ghosts.”
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artemios-eden · 2 years
writing blurb 3? 4?
When he became pregnant with triplets, Zhongli already had known who the father was. There was hardly anyone else, not when Childe was the one he loved the most. See, he knew instantly all three would be boys- none of them looking too alike... variety, truly, and wonderful little boys that would be as strong as both of their parents.
Shaiming was the first; a gentle, squirmy babe that sucked at his chest with no hesitation. Alexei was the second; a loud, energetic hatchling that kept clinging to Shaiming's tail, suckling freely on whatever he got his tiny hands on. Lastly, little Astropheles, a large portion an Enkanomiyan name and then a bit more added to it to add the entire butterfly genus.
Pheles: a genus of butterflies, and something Pheles had see mere minutes after his hatching. A butterfly, golden and careful, landed upon his tiny nose and caused the baby to sneeze. It was that point he added that bit to Astrophel, knowing he must have it.
Shai had... looked the most like him, with the same coloration and patterns- a truly smaller version of himself. Lei, his darling Lei- that boy had ginger hair and golden eyes, not entirely unlike his father-
But then Pheles grew into his features. A sudden thought came to him while sat in the field of flowers, butterflies surrounding them-
"You look exactly like your papa," he whispered, smiling sadly, "beautiful blue eyes, ginger hair... but you have some golden bits and amber here and there... all is fine, of course, though you look so much like him."
It was like Pheles understood, squealing and reaching for his robes to tug at. Zhongli sighed, the wind relaxing him and blowing the scent of the flowers this way and that- maybe he should send another letter to Ajax... he would want to meet them, right?
But... each time, it simply was ripped up in front of him by a fatui member, promised to be delivered but he never got an answer- or, worse yet...
The boys were 14, Zhongli had been cooking when Hu Tao had arrived with the mail. She allowed herself in, appearing excited as she ran over and scared the daylights out of the poor god. After a moment of schooling his expression, he eventually saw the writing of an official letter of the palace in Snezhnaya. Inhaling sharply, he hesitated as the boys came into the kitchen.
After encouragement from his dear friend- someone he thinks of as a daughter- he could not help but open it quicker. He was smiling at first, reading and excited-
Then he realized what it said.
When he collapsed to the floor, he could not help but sob- his children called for him, his daughter-
They grabbed at him and Hu Tao snatched the letter-
"You shouldn't get involved with the 11th, he has no time nor even thought for a family. Never contact the palace again, much less attempt to contact Tartaglia.. I am serious, Morax.... signed, The Tsaritsa."
Hu Tao hissed as she burned the letter, shaking her head while tears bubbled up and she launched herself at the man. "No way- no way no way..! I'm so sorry Mr. Zhongli, I didn't know..!" And he cannot blame her, not when she has been there to help since the very beginning... whereas Ajax- no, Tartaglia, has never been.
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legends-of-time · 4 months
Thorn Bush (Doctor Who Story)
Chapter 12: The End of Time Part One
A/N: Have plans for this one but it depends if I execute it well or not 😅
The TARDIS materialises in the snowy landscape of the Ood Sphere, and the Doctor and Kathy step out with the former wearing a Stetson and a lei and the latter wearing a Tudor dress. Ood Sigma is waiting for them.
Kathy had decided not to change as she knows that after this adventure and the Doctor regenerates, they meet Amy and Kathy remembers that little homemade doll.
"Ah! Now, sorry. There you are." The Doctor greets them casually though Kathy knows he's likely feeling the opposite. "So, where were we? I was summoned, wasn't I? An Ood in the snow, calling to me. Well, I didn't exactly come straight here. Had a bit of fun, you know. Travelled about, did this and that, Kathy joined in at one point. Got into trouble. You know me. It was brilliant. I saw the Phosphorous Carousel of the Great Magellan Gestadt, saved a planet from the Red Carnivorous Maw, named a galaxy Alison. Got married. That was a mistake. Good Queen Bess. And let me tell you, her nickname is no longer."
"Uuugghh," Kathy grumbles, screwing up her face.
"Ahem. Anyway, what do you want?" The Doctor quickly asks.
"You should not have delayed." Ood Sigma replies.
"The last time I was here you said my song would be ending soon, and I'm in no hurry for that." The Doctor argues.
"You will come with me," Sigma instructs.
"Hold on. Better lock the TARDIS." The Doctor points a remote key at the TARDIS. The door locks and the light flashes at it beeps. Kathy snorts. "See? Like a car. I locked it like a car. Like. It's funny. Kathy laughed. No? Little bit? Blimey, try to make an Ood laugh. Met an Ood yet Kathy?"
Kathy shakes her head. "Nope."
"Well, now you have." They walk along. "So how old are you now, Ood Sigma? Ah." Kathy and the Doctor see the Ood city. Kathy gazes at its beauty.
"Magnificent. Oh, come on, that is splendid." The Doctor compliments. "You've achieved all this in how long?"
"One hundred years."
The Doctor looks worried. "Then we've got a problem. Because all of this is way too fast. Not just the city, I mean your ability to call me. Reaching all the way back to the twenty first century. Something's accelerating your species way beyond normal."
"And the Mind of the Ood is troubled," Sigma explains.
"Why, what's happened?"
"Every night, Doctor, Kathy, every night we have bad dreams."
"Well, we can't have that," Kathy says.
The Ood Council sit in a circle in an ice cave. Kathy and the Doctor quietly enter as the Elder, one where the brain on the top of his head is exposed, talks, "Returning, returning, returning, it is slowly returning through the dark and the fire and the blood. Always returning, returning to this world. It is returning, and he is returning, and they are returning, but too late. Too late. Far too late. They have come."
"Sit with the Elder of the Ood and share the dreaming," Sigma instructs.
"So, right. Hallo." The Doctor awkwardly greets them as he and Kathy take their seats.
"Uh, yes, hello," Kathy adds, not wanting to be rude to a new species.
"You will join. You will join." All the Ood repeat. "You will join. You will join. You will join. You will join. You will join." The Doctor and Kathy link hands with the Ood and see the Master laughing.
"Bwahahahahahaha!" Kathy abruptly pulls away, she expected it but it still freaked her out and the Doctor looks shocked as he too pulls away.
"He comes to us every night. I think all the peoples of the universe dream of him now." The Elder tells them.
"That man is dead." The Doctor gives her a worried look which she's confused by. It's like something that happens in her own future is worrying for him.
"It's the Master," Kathy explains.
"There is yet more. Join us." The Elder says and the Doctor and Kathy take the hands of the Ood again. "Events are taking shape. So many years ago, and yet changing the now. There is a man so scared." There is the echo of the Master's laughter and a scene of Wilf, Donna's grandfather, sitting at his table looking frightened.
"Wilfred. Is he all right?" The Doctor questions. "What about Donna, is she safe?" Kathy is excited to meet Wilf but is sad that right now she can't meet Donna to not hurt her.
"You should not have delayed," the Elder answers, "for the lines of convergence are being drawn across the Earth. Even now, the king is in his Counting house." The Doctor and Kathy are given images of a man and his daughter being photographed.
The Doctor frowns. "I don't know who they are."
"Joshua Naismith and his daughter Abigail. Meddling far out of their depth." Kathy tells him.
"And there is another. The most lonely of all, lost and forgotten." A woman, whom Kathy recognises as Lucy Saxon, sits in a cage.
"The Master's wife." The Doctor confirms.
"We see so much, but understand little. The woman in the cage, who is she?" Sigma asks.
"She was. I-It wasn't her fault, she was. The Master, he's a Time Lord, like me. I can show you." The Doctor side eyes her again. Kathy gathers that she was also there in the year that never was and something happened with or to her.
The Doctor shows the Ood images from Last of the Time Lords. "The Master took the name of Saxon. He married a human, a woman called Lucy. And he corrupted her. She stood at his side while he conquered the Earth. I reversed everything he'd done so it never even happened, but Lucy Saxon remembered. I held him in my arms. I burnt his body. The Master is dead." Kathy is relieved to not see any particular spoilers about her in the images as she doesn't want to have that foreknowledge on her mind.
"And yet, you did not see." The Elder argues.
"What's that?"
"Bwahahahahahaha!" Echoes again as a woman picks up the Master's signet ring.
"Part of him survived. I have to go!" The Doctor tries to leave but Kathy and the Ood pull him back.
"But something more is happening, Doctor." The Elder continues. "The Master is part of a greater design because a shadow is falling over creation. Something vast is stirring in the dark." All the Ood gain red eyes. "The Ood have gained this power to see through time because time is bleeding. Shapes of things once lost are moving through the veil, and these events from years ago threaten to destroy this future, and the present, and the past."
"What do you mean?" The Doctor asks.
"This is what we have seen, Doctor. The darkness heralds only one thing."
"The end of time itself." All the Ood say. The Doctor and Kathy run outside and back to the TARDIS.
Kathy and the Doctor run out of the TARDIS to see the ruined shell of Broadfell Prison signalling they are too late like Kathy expected but she knows there are been an attempt to stop him. Kathy takes a moment to mourn the loss of Lucy.
"We need to find him!" The Doctor declares and turns to dart off but Kathy stops him.
"No, hold on! Before we do anything, there's something you're keeping from me." Kathy calls to him.
"It's nothing."
"Doctor!" Kathy snaps.
"Fine. You did say I could tell you. The Master had a child with an Apalapucian who then had a child with a human, which, well, um, resulted in you."
"What?!" Kathy screeches.
"Well, now that's done, let's find him!"
"Doctor you can't—" Kathy tries to say but the Doctor has already run off. She huffs, hikes up her dress, and runs after him.
A little later, the Doctor and Kathy stand on a small cliff in a derelict site. The Doctor sniffs deeply and Kathy looks at him funny but the Doctor simply gestures to her to do the same. She rolls her eyes and does so and actually detects a smell, one not too dissimilar to the Doctor, in the distance. The sound of metal clashing in a rhythm of four beats sounds. The Doctor and Kathy run through piles of girders on the dockside until they see the Master up against the skyline. Kathy swallows tightly at the sight of him. This man is actually her grandparent?
The Master does his Incredible Hulk impression then and leaps into the air. The Doctor and Kathy give chase. The Master waits for him on a pile of girders, and his skeleton briefly flashes.
"Please, let me help. You're burning up your own life force." The Doctor yells. They run again, and then Wilf appears in their way, with the rest of the Silver Cloak close behind.
"Oh, my gosh, Doctor, Kathy. You're a sight for sore eyes." Wilf exclaims.
"Out of my way!" The Doctor pushes him aside Kathy knows that the Master will be nowhere to be seen so she doesn't follow and stands by the group.
"Did we do it? Is that them?" One of them, Winston, asks.
Another, Oliver, answers, "Tall and thin, big brown coat with a shorter female with brown hair. Though you didn't mention that outfit, Wilf."
"Yes, they are! Oh, Kathy, you said if I tried hard, I'd find the two of you and I did!" Wilf says.
Kathy laughs awkwardly. "That's great Wilf though I haven't met you yet."
"Private Wilfred Mott at your service." Wilf salutes and Kathy nods with a smile.
"The Silver Cloak. It worked." Minnie cries joyfully. "Because Wilf phoned Netty, who phoned June, and her sister lives opposite Broadfell, and she saw the police box, and her neighbour saw this man and this woman heading east."
The Doctor turns to Wilf. "Wilfred?"
"Have you told them who we are? You promised me." The Doctor hisses.
"No, I just said you were a doctor and his friend, that's all." Wilf answers. "And might I say, sir, it is an honour to see you again." Wilf salutes. The Doctor salutes back.
"Oh, but you never said he was a looker, her too." Minnie remarks. "They're gorgeous. Take a photo." She hands a camera to Oliver.
"Not bad, eh? Me next." Oliver says.
"I'm Minnie. Minnie the Menace." The woman introduces herself. "It's a long time since I had a photo with a handsome man and woman." She stands next to them with her arms wrapped around them.
"Just get off him. Leave him alone, will you?" Wilf tries but everyone else joins in.
"Hush, you old misery. Come on, Doctor, Kathy. Give us a smile." Minnie stretches their cheeks to get them to smile. "That's it."
"Hold on. Did it flash?" Oliver asks after trying to take a picture.
"No, there's a blue light. Try again." Minnie tells him.
"I'm all fingers and thumbs."
"We're really kind of busy, you know." The Doctor tries to say.
"Oh, it won't take a tick. Keep smiling." Minnie says.
"Is that your hand?" Kathy can tell the moment Minnie squeezes his bum as the Doctor jumps, yelping, "Minnie?!"
"Good boy."
The group's minibus drops Kathy, the Doctor and Wilf off.
"Come on, then. Here we are, hurry up." Wilf calls as they get out and wave to the group. "Bye. You behave, bye." The minibus drives off with the rest of the Silver Cloak. As she stands on the street, Kathy knows she's probably drawing attention with her outfit but she honestly doesn't care.
"Over here, come on," Wilf says as they walk over to a café.
"What's so special about this place? We passed fifteen cafes on the way." The Doctor questions. Kathy knows why. Her eyes flicker about to see if she can see her.
"Yeah. Afternoon." Wilf greets the people passing instead of answering.
"Oh, we had some good times, didn't we though?" Wilf says as they sit at a table, him on the opposite side on his own. "I mean, all those ATMOS things, and planets in the sky, and me with that paint gun. Though Kathy probably hasn't done any of that." Kathy smiles and shakes her head. "I keep seeing things, Doctor. This face at night."
"Who are you?" The Doctor abruptly asks.
"I'm Wilfred Mott." Comes the confused answer.
"No." The Doctor disagrees. "People have waited hundreds of years to find me and then you manage it in a few hours."
"Well, I'm just lucky I suppose."
"Or the fact he lives in London, you've got to stop that," Kathy says to the Doctor.
The Doctor shakes his head. "No, we keep on meeting, Wilf. Over and over again like something's still connecting us."
"What's so important about me?" Wilf asks.
"Exactly. Why you?" The Doctor pauses before continuing. "I'm going to die."
"Well, so am I, one day." Wilf jokes.
"Don't you dare." The Doctor warns, his voice rough with emotion.
"All right, I'll try not to." Wilf lets out a slight chuckle.
"That's the spirit," Kathy adds.
"But I was told. He will knock four times. That was the prophecy. Knock four times, and then..." The Doctor's voice drifts off.
"Yeah, but I thought, when I saw you before, you said your people could change, like, your whole body," Wilf argues.
"I can still die. If I'm killed before regeneration, then I'm dead. Even then, even if I change, it feels like dying. Everything I am dies. Some new man goes sauntering away, and I'm dead." The Doctor says. Kathy looks down sombrely, he has a point. The Doctor notices Wilf looking elsewhere. "What?" The Doctor looks over his shoulder.
Kathy looks out the window and sees Donna outside in the street getting out of her car. Her eyes widen at the sight of the Donna Noble.
"I'm sorry, but I had to. Look, can't you make her better?" Wilf begs.
"Stop it." The Doctor hisses to him before looking back at Donna.
"No, but you're so clever," Wilf argues. "Can't you bring her memory back? Look, just go to her now. Go on, just run across the street. Go up and say hello."
"If she ever remembers us, her mind will burn, and she will die. Do you want that?" Kathy warns him, pleadingly.
They hear Donna speak to the traffic warden. "Don't you touch this car!" They chuckle.
"She's not changed." The Doctor says.
"I look forward to meeting her properly." Kathy grins.
"Oh, there he is." Wilf points out. A man meets Donna. "Shaun Temple. They're engaged. Getting married in the spring."
"Another wedding." The Doctor says.
The Doctor frowns. "Hold on, she's not going to be called Noble-Temple? That sounds like a tourist spot."
"No, it's Temple-Noble." Kathy nods pleased.
"Right. Is she happy? Is he nice?" The Doctor asks.
"Yeah, he's sweet enough. He's a bit of a dreamer." Wilf answers. "Mind you, he's on minimum wage, she's earning tuppence, so all they can afford is a tiny little flat. And then sometimes I see this look on her face, like she's so sad, but she can't remember why." Kathy feels tears building up, she sniffs and looks away.
"She's got him." The Doctor points out.
"She's making do," Wilf says.
"Aren't we all?" Kathy wonders.
"Yeah, how about you, Doctor? Who have you got now other than Kathy?" Wilf questions.
"No one. Travelling alone until Kathy. I thought it was better. But I did some things. It went wrong. I need—" The Doctor starts crying.
"Oh, my word. I'm sorry." Wilf gasps. Kathy places her hand on the Doctor's arm.
"Merry Christmas." The Doctor says, recovering.
"Yeah, merry Christmas." Kathy mumbles.
"Yeah, and you." Wilf returns the greeting.
"Look at us." The Doctor lets out a watery chuckle.
"But don't you see? You know, you need her, Doctor." Wilf pleads. "I mean, look. Wouldn't she make you laugh again? Good old Donna?" Donna and Shaun drive away. "Eh?"
The Doctor and Kathy soon get up to leave. They need to find the Master.
They arrive at an abandoned warehouse. The Doctor tells Kathy to stand back as he approaches the Master. Kathy had noticed that the Doctor has been tense when faced with the idea of her and the Master being near one another.
The Doctor walks towards the Master, who fires bolts of energy at him from his hands. He misses and sets fires burning behind the Doctor. The third try hits the Doctor squarely in the chest, stopping him from moving forward. Finally, the energy stops and the Doctor falls to his knees. The Master catches him and then lets him fall to the ground.
"I had estates. Do you remember my father's land back home?" The Master speaks, sitting next to the Doctor who's on the floor. "Pastures of red grass, stretching far across the slopes of Mount Perdition. We used to run across those fields all day, calling up at the sky. Look at us now."
"All that eloquence. But how many people have you killed?" The Doctor retorts.
"I am so hungry." The Master replies.
"Your resurrection went wrong. That energy. Your body's ripped open. Now you're killing yourself." The Doctor explains.
"That human Christmas out there." The Master says almost slavering as he talks. "They eat so much. All that roasting meat, cakes and red wine. Hot, fat, blood, food. Pots, plates of meat, and flesh, and grease, and juice, and baking, burnt, sticky hot skin. Hot. It's so hot." Kathy grimaces at him.
"Stop it."
"Sliced. Sliced. Sliced."
"Stop it."
The Master doesn't listen. "It's mine. It's mine. It's mine to eat and eat and eat."
"What if I ask you for help?" The Doctor questions after he stops. "There's more at work tonight than you and me."
"Oh yeah? Where's that granddaughter of mine?" The Master asks. Kathy recoils back. The Doctor doesn't reply. The Master inhales and grins. "She's nearby."
"She's not your concern right now." The Doctor warns. "I've been told something is returning."
"And here I am." The Master proclaims.
"No, something more." The Doctor disagrees.
"But it hurts." The Master groans.
"I was told the end of time."
"But it hurts. Doctor, the noise." The Master groans louder. "The noise in my head, Doctor. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Stronger than ever before. Can't you hear it?"
"I'm sorry."
"Listen, listen, listen, listen. Every minute, every second, every beat of my hearts, there it is, calling to me. Please listen." The Master begs.
"I can't hear it." The Doctor replies.
"Listen." The Master mind melds with the Doctor. The Doctor hears the beats and pulls away.
"I heard it. But there's no noise. There never has been. It's just your insanity. What is it? What's inside your head?" The Doctor gasps.
The Master cackles with relief. "It's real. It's real. It's real!" The Master flies off and the Doctor runs after him and Kathy follows. They run out into the derelict site. They stop when they find the Master standing still on a mound.
"All these years, you thought I was mad. King of the wasteland. But something is calling me, Doctor. What is it? What is it? What is it?" The Master demands. A bright light shines down on the Master, then two more illuminate the Doctor and Kathy. A pair of SAS types come down on ropes, grab the Master and inject him with something to knock him out. Kathy groans in annoyance at rich people putting their own priorities over the safety of others.
"Don't!" The Doctor cries. Others fire their guns at the Doctor and Kathy to make them stay back, and the Master is hoisted up into the helicopter. The Doctor and Kathy run anyway. "Let him go!" Something hits the Doctor and Kathy in the back and they fall down.
Kathy and the Doctor soon get on their feet and use the TARDIS to arrive outside the Nobles' home. The Doctor throws some rocks at a window causing Wilf to poke his head and then join them. As he walks over, Kathy remembers that he is carrying his gun.
"We lost him. We were unconscious." The Doctor tells Wilf as soon as they are close enough. "He's still on Earth, I can smell him, but he's too far away."
"Listen, you can't park there. What if Donna sees it?" Wilf hisses.
"You're the only one, Wilf." The Doctor continues. "The only connection I can think of and Kathy says you're important, it's the only hint she'll give me. You're involved, if I could work out how. Tell me, have you seen anything? I don't know. Anything strange, anything odd?"
"Well, there was a..."
"What? What is it? Tell me." The Doctor demands.
"Well, it was. No, it's nothing." Wilf dismisses.
"You can tell us, Wilf. Anything is important. Out of the blue maybe? Connected to you?" Kathy encourages.
"Well, Donna was a bit strange," Wilf admits. "She had a funny little moment, this morning, all because of that book."
"What book?" The Doctor asks.
Wilf walks inside and comes back with the book and a man Kathy recognises from the Ood vision and on Tv. "His name's Joshua Naismith." Wilf shows them the book.
"See? Told you." Kathy says to the Doctor. "He's the man the Ood showed us."
"By the what?"
"By the Ood." The Doctor replies.
"What's the Ood?"
"They're just the Ood," Kathy says. They really don't have time to explain.
"But it's all part of the convergence." The Doctor realises. "Maybe? It may be touching Donna's subconscious. Oh, she's still fighting for us, even now. The Doctor Donna."
"Dad, what are you up to?" Sylvia asks as she steps outside and freezes for a moment as she takes in who her dad is with. Kathy notes that she's literally meeting one of the many angry mothers. "You two. But. Get out of here."
"Merry Christmas." The Doctor says.
"Merry Christmas." Sylvia automatically says before continuing. "But she can't see you two. What if she remembers?"
"Mum, where are those tweezers?" Donna calls from inside. Kathy has to control her excitement at that voice.
"Go." Sylvia hisses.
"We're going," Kathy says. "Lovely meeting you, Sylvia." The Doctor follows her as she leaves.
"Meeting? Wha—"
"Yeah, me too," Wilf says, following.
"Oh no, you don't," Sylvia grumbles and follows the rest of them. "Dad, I'm warning you."
"Bye, see you later," Wilf calls.
"Stay right where you are," Sylvia yells.
"You can't come with me." The Doctor says to Wilf as he unlocks the TARDIS.
"You're not leaving me with her," Wilf replies, pointing to his daughter, who stands in front of the house looking angry.
"Wilf, that's your daughter!" Kathy exclaims though she's not really telling him off.
"Fair enough." The Doctor says and the three of them step inside and the TARDIS dematerialising.
"Naismith. If I can track him down." The Doctor says as he and Kathy get to work on the controls. The Doctor pauses when Kathy pokes him and points at a bewildered Wilf. "Ah. Right. Yes. Bigger on the inside. Do you like it?"
"I thought it'd be cleaner," Wilf replies.
"Cleaner?!" The Doctor cries offended. "I could take you back home right now."
"Honestly, when will people stop disrespecting the TARDIS?" Kathy mutters. The TARDIS sounds like she'sgrumbling in agreement.
"Listen, Doctor, Kathy, if this is a time machine, that man you're chasing, why can't you just pop back to yesterday and catch him?" Wilf asks.
"I can't go back inside my own timeline. I have to stay relative to the Master within the causal nexus." The Doctor explains.
"Understand?" Kathy asks cheekily.
"Not a word." Wilf answers.
"That's the spirit."
"Welcome aboard." The Doctor shares a brief handshake with Wilf.
"Thank you."
The TARDIS materialises in the stable block and Kathy knows the Master smells it.
"We've moved. We've really moved!" Wilf exclaims as they step outside.
"You should stay here." The Doctor tells him.
"Not bloody likely."
"And don't swear. Hold on." The Doctor points the key at the TARDIS, which disappears. "Just a second out of sync. Don't want the Master finding the TARDIS. That's the last thing we need."
They slip onto the Mansion grounds, trying to find a way in as well as hiding from patrols.
"Down here," Kathy says and opens a small door in an archway with her sonic.
They scurry down to the basement. The voice of the female Vinvocci, Miss Addams, trails up to them, "The shatterthreads have harmonised, the friable links have densified and the multiple overshots have triplicated—"
"Nice Gate." The Doctor cuts her off as he sticks his head in.
"Hello. Sorry." Wilf pipes up from the other side. Kathy just waves her hand and smiles.
"Don't try calling security, or I'll tell them you're wearing a Shimmer." The Doctor says as he steps inside the room. "Because I reckon anyone wearing a Shimmer doesn't want the Shimmer to be noticed, or they wouldn't need a Shimmer in the first place."
"I'm sorry. What's a Shimmer?" Addams says the words oddly as if to show she has no idea what they are talking about.
The Doctor points his sonic screwdriver at her. "Shimmer." Adams turns green.
"Oh, my Lord. She's a cactus." Wilf exclaims.
"Miss Addams?"  The male Vinvocci, Mr Rossiter, calls.
"He's got it working, but what is it? What's working?" The Doctor questions as he darts between the machines.
"The device can restore the body forever. The Immortality Gate. It's what Joshua Naismith wants for his daughter." Kathy explains.
"That can't be what the Master wants."
"No, it isn't."
"What are you doing here?" Rossiter exclaims when he sees them.
Without turning around, the Doctor points the screwdriver at Rossiter. "Shimmer!" Rossiter turns green. "Now, tell me quickly, what's going on? The Master, Harold Saxon, Skeletor, whatever you're calling him, what's he doing up there?"
"I checked the readings. He's done good work. It's operational." Rossiter insists.
"Who are you, though? 'Cause I met someone like you. He was brilliant, but he was little and red." The Doctor questions.
"No, that's a Zocci." Addams retorts.
"We're not Zocci, we're Vinvocci. Completely different." Rossiter explains.
Kathy rolls her eyes. "Obviously."
Addams glares at her. "And the Gate is Vinvocci. We're a salvage team. We picked up the signal when the humans reactivated it. And as soon as it's working, we can transport it to the ship."
"But what does it do?" The Doctor asks.
"Well, it mends. It's as simple as that." Rossiter replies. "It's a medical device to repair the body. It makes people better."
"No, there's got to be more." The Doctor disagrees. "Every single warning says the Master's going to do something colossal."
"So that thing's like a sickbed, yes?" Wilf asks.
"More or less," Addams replies.
"Well, pardon me for asking, but why is it so big?"
"Oh, good question. Why's it so big?" The Doctor asks.
Addams lets out a chuckle in disbelief. "It doesn't just mend one person at a time."
"That would be ridiculous." Rossiter snorts.
"It mends whole planets. It transmits the medical template across the entire population." Kathy butts in. The Doctor runs out of the room and Kathy darts after him as they go through the corridors. She knows Wilf is following behind but further back.
They run into a room lit by a domed glass roof. The Naismiths, the Master in a straightjacket, scientists and security litter about around the Immortality Gate.
"Turn the Gate off right now!" The Doctor yells.
"Ah, my lovely granddaughter." The Master smirks. Kathy flinches at his tone.
"Please don't do this." She begs him.
"At arms." A man orders. The soldiers in the room aim their weapons at Kathy and the Doctor.
"No, no, no, no, no. Whatever you do, just don't let him near that device." The Doctor pleads.
"Oh, like that was ever going to happen." The Master scoffs and throws off the straitjacket and leaps over their heads on pillars of energy from his hands, into the Gate. "Homeless, was I? Destitute and dying? Well, look at me now."
"Deactivate it. All of you, turn the whole thing off!" The Doctor cries. But the humans around the room seem unable to concentrate and are shaking their heads. It had started. Kathy realises that while she's part human, she's not human enough to be affected.
"He's inside my head." Joshua Naismith complains.
"Get out of there!" The Doctor runs forward but the Master's blast of energy knocks him down.
"Doctor!" Kathy exclaims. She turns to the Master.
"Don't make me, Katherine." He warns.
"Doctor! Kathy!" Kathy turns to see Wilf entering the room and holding his head in his hands. "Doctor, Kathy, there's, there's this face."
"What is it? What can you see?" The Doctor questions him as he and Kathy huddle around Wilf.
"Well, it's him. I can see him."
"There's something wrong." The anchor woman says on the TV. "It seems to be affecting the President." The TV shows the President of the United States has his face in his hands.
The Doctor goes to the computer and tries to shut down the Gate. "I can't turn it off."
"He's locked it." Kathy points out.
"Of course, idiot." The Master retorts.
"Wilfred! Get inside. Get him out." The Doctor drags Wilf over to the glass cubicles. Kathy swallows tightly, remembering their significance. The Doctor enters one of a pair of glass sided cubicles, and Wilfred swaps places with a technician in the other. "Just need to filter the levels." The Doctor fiddles with the filters.
"Oh, I can see again! He's gone." Wilf tells them.
"Radiation shielding," Kathy explains.
"Now press the button. Let me out." The Doctor instructs.
"You what?"
"I can't get out until you press the button. That button there." Wilf does. Wilf's cubicle is now locked and the Doctor's is open.
"Fifty seconds and counting." The Master says.
"To what?"
"Oh, you're going to love this."
Wilf's phone rings. He pulls the revolver out of his pocket instead. "Hello? Oh, Gawd." He pulls out his phone. "Donna?" There's a response. "But wait a minute. I mean, what about you? Can't you see anything?" Wilf's phone beeps for a call waiting. "Not now, Winston." He picks up.
"What is it, hypnotism? Mind control. You're grafting your thoughts inside them, is that it?" The Doctor questions.
"Oh, that's way too easy. No, no, no. They're not going to think like me, they're going to become me." The Master mocks. "And, zero!"
A blast of energy moves out from the Master and the Gate and spreads across the entire planet. Everyone's face becomes blurred except for Donna and Wilf, and the Doctor and Kathy of course.
"You can't have." The Doctor gasps.
"What is it?" Wilf cries.
"Doctor? Kathy?" Wilf calls after a moment. "She's starting to remember."
Everyone's face resolves into the Master's.
"What is it? What have you done, you monster?" Wilf yells to the Master.
"Oh, I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" The Master in the gate asks.
"Or to me?" Joshua Naismith-Master asks.
"Or to me?" Abigail-Master asks.
"Or to me?" Asks the security man.
"Or to us?" The Master-guards ask.
"Breaking news." Kathy looks to see that the news anchor has also become the Master. "I'm everyone. And everyone in the world is me!"
"The human race was always your favourite, Doctor." The original Master says. "But now, there is no human race. There is only the Master race. Bwahahahahahaha!"
Kathy knows the worst is coming.
A/N: Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
The Strings That Bind Us ~ A Village Trip
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Summary: Vulcan makes plans to head to the village to pick up a few things for House Beneviento but what happens when Donna and Angie join him?
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Vulcan
[One Month Later - House Beneviento First Floor]
The sounds of a quill blade writing along the surface of the paper, lei hitting the wooden table while being stacked into piles, and mumbling speech one would do when speaking to themselves filled the bottom floor as Vulcan sat in the rocking chair with a quill in his right hand hovering over a piece of parchment and his left hand hovering of a pouch full of Lei with a few small stacks beside it.
"That's everything on the list... Do we really need this? Maybe I should stop by the Duke's Carriage - he might have a few new recipes for Donna." Vulcan finished his mutterings before tying the bag of Lei closed and placed it back in his backpack that was resting by the rocking chair before pocketing the Lei that was sitting on the table as well as the list of items once the ink dried. He rose to his feet and walked over to the coatrack to get his cloak, he started to put it on before a soft voice called out to him.
"Vulcan, where are you doing?" Vulcan turned to see the Head of House Beneviento standing on the stairs with Anglie hovering beside her.
"Good Afternoon, Donna. I'm on my way to the Village Market to do some shopping." Vulcan said as he gave a smile to his lady.
"Shopping? Don't you need some Lei for that?" Donna said as she fully descended the stairs.
"I already have Lei, Donna. I wasn't going pester you for money when I have my own to aid you." Vulcan said.
"Understandable. Will you be gone long?" Donna asked.
"For about an hour or so." Vulcan's eyes widened at an idea. "Would you like to come, Donna? I think it would be nice if you and Angie got some time out of the house." Vulcan said as he offered his hand to Donna. The veiled woman was a bit hesitant but once she saw Angie float over to Vulcan and perch herself on his shoulder - she reached out and took her servant's hand without question, making him smile and his heart flutter.
Vulcan exited the house with Angie on his shoulder and his hand laced with Donna's - this was something he always wished for; he missed so much time with her when Donna got adopted by Mother Miranda and Vulcan went traveling to turn himself into a man that was worthy of her for he knew that Mother Miranda didn't like him - she didn't see him as a good match for Donna.
"A small frail bag of meat that didn't come wasn't cut from the same fabric as Donna. An urchin that had nothing to offer her."
He wanted nothing more than to prove her wrong so he traveled and... something happened during those travels that changed him; made him worthy but at the same time... He shook his head of those thoughts. He would tell Donna on a later day - right now, he was going to enjoy this shopping trip with his girls.
[Small Timeskip]
"Okay - here's your meat order, sir." The butcher said as he handed the bag of meat to Vulcan who grabbed it with his free hand for his lady's hand still rested in the other with Angie on his shoulder. On his other shoulder were bags of rice, beans, wheat for bread, and a few smaller bags of spices and herbs in a larger bag.
"Thank you." Vulcan said as he paid the man and he was on his way.
"That's the last thing on the list," Angie said as she looked at the list Vulcan gave her. "Are we done here?" Angie asked as she looked at Vulcan.
"Almost - I have to stop and speak to the Duke first." Vulcan said.
"The Duke?" Angie asked.
"What business do you have with him?" Donna questioned.
"Just a few things like new items and recipes. He gets around so there's always something of interest." Vulcan explained as they got closer to the Duke's Carriage. Donna let go of his hand before they got too close and Angie floated to Donna.
"We'll wait here - it's must be a personal business." Donna said as she and Angie went a good distance away.
"Ah, Mr. Vulcan. It's been a while, my friend." The Duke smiled as Vulcan reached closer to his cart.
"Indeed it has been, Duke. How has business been?" Vulcan asked.
"Business is as business does. Where there is coin to be made - I shall be there to collect." Duke looked at Donna and Angie before smiling at Vulcan again. "I see you managed to reunite with them. That is good. Have you told her about your feelings yet or your...condition?" Duke asked in a curious voice.
"No, I haven't to both questions. I love Donna, Duke; more than anything but I don't know how she will react to a childhood friend who just returned to confess he's loved her for years. As for my condition - I don't know how they will take to it." Vulcan looked down at his hands.
"That's understandable, Lad, but understand that Lady Beneviento has sparkle for you as well. I saw how Miss Angie was riding on your shoulder before you come here; that is the ultimate sign of trust. Now - what did you need?" Duke said.
The two of them talked for a while before The Duke gave Vulcan what he wanted and Vulcan paid before wishing the man a farewell and walked back to Donna and Angie only to see them talking to the very tall woman from before - Lady Alcina Dimitrescu was her name if he recalled correctly. Beside her were 3 girls - one with blonde hair, one with brown, and the other with red hair; all dressed in black dress-like cloaks, blood smeared on their faces and strange markings on their foreheads.
"Speaking of which, Donna - whatever happened to that... male... that Mother Miranda gave you?" Lady Dimitrescu said with a flick of her wrist.
"His name is Vulcan, Alcina, and he is talking with the Duke for business," Donna said.
"And you left him on his own? Pity - if it were me, I would have him collared and leashed to make sure he was with me at all times. From what Heisenberg told us, that male would have been perfect to continue the Dimitrescu Bloodline." Alcina smirked.
"Well - she didn't give him to you because he was meant to be in House Beneviento. He's been looking for Donna and I for years." Angie snarled at Alcina - clearly angry at the tall woman.
"Silence, Little Puppet, Lords are talking." Alcina said. Before Donna could open her mouth, another voice chimed in.
"She's a doll - not a puppet, please get it right, Lady Dimitrescu." Vulcan said as he walked over, carrying all his items.
"Vulcan, are you done with everything?" Donna asked as she walked over to him, Angie floating back to his shoulder to take her place there.
"Yes, My Lady. I think tonight's dinner will be better than the last." Vulcan said with a smile.
"I don't know, Vulcan; it might be hard to beat your Blood Steak dinner." Donna said with a smile.
"Blood Steak?" Alcina asked as she watched Vulcan offer his arm for Donna to take - which she did.
"It's not real blood - the sauce is so red that it looks like blood so I just started calling it that." Vulcan explained.
"Smart, Can cook, Can easily make a weakling out of Heisenberg... this is everything I want a partner." Alcina said as she looked into Vulcan's eyes. "Tell me - would you be interested in joining me in Castle Dimitrescu? You'd have more luxury than with my little sister and I can give you more pay." Alcina smiled at him but what he said made her eyes wide.
"You could offer me the world and I would never turn away from Donna and Angie - they are my world." Vulcan turned his back to Alcina and her daughters before walking away with his girls; leaving the castle keeper frozen at the rejection.
"That was so cool, Vulcan! You made her freeze up!" Angie cheered as they all walked home.
"I meant every word of it - you both mean everything to me and I would never turn my gaze away from you for anything." Vulcan repeated - he felt Donna's hand tightened around his and could feel Angie snuggling into the curve of his neck as if she was resting. The 3 of them walked through the trail of the misty forest with peace in their minds - like one happy family.
'Like the family I always wanted.' Donna and Vulcan thought.
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❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.6k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"Love is scary: it changes; it can go away. That's the part of the risk. I don't want to be scared anymore." - Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before
TOM LOOKED UP TO THE CEILING AND WAS THINKING ABOUT Y/N. He didn't know what came over him. Thinking about their date yesterday just made him thought about Y/N more.
After she met his family, especially his mother, they have been telling him how lucky he was to be with a girl like Y/N.
"Y/N's a great lady." Tom's mother suddenly said that made him startle.
"She is, isn't she?" Tom answered his mom.
"A keeper, I must say," Nikki added. "You are lucky, Thomas."
And that made him feel guilty. All of this was just pretend. But was it really just pretending for him?
After a few weeks of being Y/N's fake boyfriend, they have been growing closer each day which made them feel comfortable with each other. Opening up with each other was easier compared to before. Just being with her in general already makes him feel happy.
Is this all really just pretending? Or is it becoming a reality?
"Rule number five and the important one. No falling in love, Holland."
Tom remembered the contract that they signed before they started this whole thing.
"I can't like her." He said to himself. "It's in the damn contract, Holland." He sighed and sat up. He runs his fingers through his curls and punched a pillow.
Why won't this feeling go away?
"Damn it, Holland." He cursed. "You officially have feelings for Y/N."
"You met his family yesterday?" Erika asked Y/N as she munched on her snacks. Both of them were under the bleachers for no apparent reason. It was Erika's idea.
"Yep. Never thought he would have such a wonderful family, honestly." Y/N said. "And cute siblings too." She added.
"Oh my god, you have Tom, Y/N!" Erika scolded Y/N. "Can I have one of them though?"
"You already have Harrison, Erika." Y/N scolded back which made Erika glare at her.
"What makes you think I and Harrison are together?" Erika asked.
"It's obvious," Y/N answered and that made Erika slap Y/N's arm but Y/N just laughed.
Meanwhile, Tom was walking in the hallway with the strap of his bag on his shoulder until someone familiar approached him.
"Hey, Thomas." Camille greeted him and made him cringe when he heard her call him his full first name but he shrugged it off.
"Hi, Camille. What are you doing here?" Tom asked.
"Mind if we talk?" She asked.
Tom sighed and looked around to see if Y/N was around. He didn't see Y/N since this morning so he got a little worried.
He didn't know why he even agreed to talk with Camille in the first place.
"I and my boyfriend broke up," Camille said as soon as Tom and she reached the bleachers. They sat together but Tom was a little bit distant from her.
"W-what?" Tom looked at her confusingly. That fast?
"I was the one who broke up with him." She added and looked at Tom.
"But why? You left me for him so why leave him now?" Tom fired back.
"Because I still want you, Tom," Camille answered that made Tom frozen.
Little did they know, Erika and Y/N were still under the bleachers and were listening to their conversation. Y/N stopped eating as soon as Camille said that.
"You just realized that now, Camille?" Tom asked her. "Just now?"
Erika looked at her best friend who was just listening attentively to their conversation.
"Damn," Erika whispered. "She's trying to get your guy, Y/N."
Y/N tried to ignore what Erika said and continued to listen.
"Yes, Tom. I'm so sorry but I still love you. Don't you still love me too? Didn't you beg for me to stay when I broke up with you? I'm here now and I swear I'm never going-"
"That was before, Camille." Tom interrupted her. "I have Y/N now-"
"Don't even mention her name to me," Camille said. "I want you to leave her, Tom. She's not worth it."
"I think we should just leave, Y/N," Erika said. "It's not worth hearing."
Y/N could already felt a pang on her chest and her head was already boiling up. She felt jealously overcome her too.
Jealous? Why would I be jealous? This was all just pretend, right? This was what he wanted right? She thought to herself.
Erika pulled her away from Tom and Camille's conversation since she was already sensing Y/N jealousy. Erika hugged Y/N for comfort and rubbed her back.
"He won't go back to her, Y/N," Erika said.
Y/N just sighed, still feeling the pain inside her chest.
"Let's just see about that," Y/N whispered.
Y/N was walking alone in the hallway because Erika had a family emergency back home.
She couldn't stop thinking about Tom and Camille's talk. She would feel her heartache when she thought about Tom going back to his ex-girlfriend but why?
"Rule number five and an important one. No falling in love, Holland."
She suddenly stopped walking as soon as she remembered their contract. She was the one who said that but why was she getting affected? Especially by Tom?
She felt her eyes getting hot and watering while her heart was aching.
No. This can't be happening. She said.
"Y/N!" Her thoughts suddenly fade away as soon as she heard that familiar voice calling her.
She looked back to confirm who it was. "Aiden?" She whispered and wiped the tears away that were forming in her eyes.
He looked at her and panted as if he just came running. He had that worried look on his face as he looked at her.
"Are you okay?" He asked her, concerned.
"Y-yes." She answered and gave him a weak smile. "I'm alright, Aiden."
He looked at her eyes and noticed it was kind of red. "Were you crying?" He asked.
"W-what? Of course not. Something just got stuck in my eyes-"
"Is it because of that Holland guy?" He interrupted and moved closer to her.
"Aiden, i-it's really nothing. Really." She confirmed.
"I knew there's something is up with that guy." Aiden started. "Did he hurt you?"
"He didn't, Aiden. I swear." She said.
Why was Aiden becoming like this? How did he become so concerned about me? She asked herself.
It's probably because your close. A voice answered.
Or, it's probably because he's starting to like you. Another voice answered.
The thought of Aiden liking Y/N made her head confused.
He has a damn girlfriend, Y/N!
"Y/N?" She heard Aiden call her and that made her thoughts disappear.
Was this pretending actually working? She asked herself once more.
"Please tell me if something is wrong. Or if Holland is hurting you." Aiden said.
"I will, Aiden. But I promise he didn't do anything okay?" Y/N said and looked up to him.
Aiden was about to say something until they heard a familiar stern voice from behind. "Y/N."
Oh, snap.
Her heart started beating fast the moment he called her. She saw Aiden who was about to talk to Tom until she interrupted him.
"Aiden. Let's talk later okay?" She asked him.
"Please." She begged.
Aiden sighed and looked at Tom with a glare and looked back at Y/N.
"Take care, okay?" Aiden said and patted her shoulder. Y/N answered with a small smile before Aiden walked away passing by Tom.
"What was that?" Tom suddenly asked with a serious tone. Y/N could only look at him with confusion planted on her face.
"What was what? I just talked to Aiden and-"
"Really? Was it really just a talk?" He asked her and that made her blood boil towards her head. Anger was taking over Y/N by the way he spoke to her.
"It's as if you and Camille didn't have a conversation behind my back." She fired back at him and that just made him chuckle.
"Look. We were just talking about-"
"About her wanting you back, Thomas?" She interrupted him with her arms already crossed to her chest.
He didn't know what to answer so she continued to talk.
"You know what." She started. "I don't even think we need this anymore."
He looked at her and knew where this was about to go but she just looked at her with confusion. "W-what do you mean?"
Y/N sighed and let go of her hands from her chest. She looked at him and tried to not let the tears that were forming from her eyes drop.
"Us pretending, Tom." She finally said it.
And that made both of their hearts ache. Y/N didn't want to let this happen but it was already affecting her and she didn't know how and why.
"Camille is clearly getting jealous of the both of us and that's what you wanted, right? She wants you back." She asked but Tom remained silent. "And now your acting all jealous towards Aiden when what we're doing is just pretend."
Tom sighed and tried to grab your hand. "Come on, Y/N." But instead, you jerked it away.
"See you on the ski trip, Thomas. Then after that, whatever this is will be over." That was the last phrase she said before adjusting her bag to her shoulder and walked away from Tom, leaving him speechless.
He felt his chest tighten as he watched her walk away and that's when he knew...
You've fucked up big time, Holland.
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires @robertpattinson-th
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cherrychonk · 3 years
The Transfer Part 9
*This bih is 4k+ long so to read it fully just follow them link*
“What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm annoying? What if-”
“Enough!” Lin raised her voice exasperated.
You had been pacing for the last ten minutes waiting for the ferry. You were rethinking the piercings and the short sleeve blouse. You kept your hands on your arms in an attempt to cover up. You felt too vulnerable for your liking and the anxiety started getting to you.
“Everything is going to be fine Y/N. Stop overthinking it. They are all very accepting of everyone’s differences. You won't be the reason they stop thinking this way.” She offered her knowledge. “The ferry is almost here, come down. Everything will be okay.”
You nodded, you were still nervous but not as much. The ferry arrived and both of you got on and some people started to stare at you. Lin would stare at them back until they got uncomfortable and minded their own business. You placed your hand on your lower back, the stress was making your stitches hurt, Lin saw this and placed her hand above yours.
“Is it hurting?” She asked softly.
“It happens when I get stressed, but if I apply a bit of pressure it helps.” You answer, you take your arm off but she keeps it on. You tried not to think of it too much but the warm blush was already spreading to your ears.
Soon the ferry arrives at the temple's docks and you both get out. You can see the long road ahead and sigh. You start walking alongside the earthbender until you reach a long line of stairs. You took the first step holding tightly onto Lin, a few more steps and you had to take a moment to breathe.
The chief looked at you and used her bending to make a platform under both of you. “Hold on.” She said as the platform started moving upwards. After a few minutes both of you were finally in the courtyard of the temple. A young girl with long hair and two buns made her way to you. She smiled and started asking questions rapidly.
“Are you Y/N? How old are you? Are you a firebender? Do you like animals? Can I see your tattoos? How many tattoos do you have? How many piercings do you have?”
You stood there a moment collecting the information before smiling back at her.
“Yes, 25, yes, also yes, sure, like 15? A few.”
She scanned you up and down and grabbed your arms. She started looking at them and flipping them to see the full picture.
“You're so cool and pretty!” The girl charmed as she stared.
“Ikki, leave her alone, she's tired.” Lin growled.
The girl seemed unfazed at Lin’s antics.
You chuckled “It's alright Chief. So you're Ikki? Nice to meet you, I like your buns.”
“It's my signature hairstyle.” She smirked as she touched her hair. “Come on, dinner's ready.”
You followed the girl inside where a tall man with blue arrow tattoos and a tan woman with short hair greeted you. Your eyes widened when you realized who the people in front of you were.
You bowed deeply and immediately winced. “Master Tenzin, Avatar Korra. It's an honor to be blessed with your presence.” You said formally with a smile.
“It's an honor to meet you officer Y/N, we've heard so much.” Tenzin said softly.
“Yes! But due to your back injury we would prefer you not to bow. It could hurt you more.”
You blushed and nodded. “I'm just in such awe to meet such incredible people.”
“We are very happy to meet you too.” A new feminine voice said.
You look up to see the one and only Asami Sato.
“Miss Sato!” You automatically bowed again and winced.
Asami laughed. “Let's go take a seat, I think your back would appreciate it.”
The heiress took your hand and guided you to the table where Kya, Amara and Pema were sitting. You also saw Mako and another man with green eyes sitting next to him. Lin sat on one of your sides while Asami sat on the other. There were two more kids, another girl with arrow tattoos and a boy with short black hair.
“Y/N this is Bolin, my brother.” Mako said, introducing you.
You reached over and shook his hand. “A pleasure to meet you Bolin, Your brother has told me great things about you.”
“Aww bro really?” Bolin said with teary eyes.
Mako scoffed. “You've already met Korra, Amara, Kya and Asami, so she's Pema.” He said pointing to the woman near Tenzin. “She's Tenzin’s wife and mother to Ikki, Jinora and Meelo, the kids next to her.”
“I'm happy to meet all of you.” You said smiling. The pain started once more and you tried to reach behind you but the position was awkward.
Lin leaned into you. “You need help with that?”
You blushed but nodded, her hand went to your lower back applying steady preaching. You sighed in relief. “Thank you” You could see a blush as she nodded and couldn't help but grin.
“So, Y/N…” Korra started. “Let me start by saying that I LOVE your style.”
You smiled. “Thank you Avatar Korra.”
“Just Korra is fine.” She looked at Asami. “You look really cool, I mean when we saw the pictures in the newspaper it was blurry so we didn't get to see the details.”
“But your tattoos are amazing! It makes you look even more beautiful than you already are.” Asami finished.
You were blushing profusely. “Oh thank you honestly. They are just as much part of me as my hair.”
Kya knew the two women were enjoying flustering you. So she charged in to help you ease your nerves.
“How are you finding the city so far?” The waterbender asked.
“Oh! It's been really cool!” You smiled. “I haven't been able to see a lot since I'm working a lot but there's a cafe I'm falling in love with. It's close to the precinct and they sell the best strawberry and cream biscuits I've ever tasted.” You gush.
“Oh you like sweets? You have to try Kya’s fruit tart, it's the best thing ever.” Korra responded smiling.
“Yeah! Oh and you should go to a noodle place we know, they sell the best noodles!” Bolin said to you.
“I'll definitely try it out!”
You had been in the conversation so long that you didn't even notice Lin’s hand off your back. You looked at her discreetly but she was focused on a conversation with Kya.
“Are you single?” Meelo asked boldly.
“Yup.” You said looking back at him.
“Do you like boys or girls?” Ikki asked.
“Women.” You answer carefully.
Lin looked at you and took a sip of her tea. The gesture didn't go unnoticed.
“Me too!” Bolin said smiling.
“That's nice to know Y/N, we'll have to introduce you our clubs and places.” Kya sais smiling.
“So Y/N, tell us about yourself. What's your story?” Asami asked.
“My story?” You looked at her quizzically.
“Yeah, who is Y/N? What happened that made you end up here as a police officer?” Korra asked.
“Oh well I think that story is far too long and boring.” You chuckled.
“We are listening.” Pema said softly.
You suddenly felt every eye in the room looking at you, your nerves grew and you started feeling anxious again. You looked up at Lin and she gave you a nod.
“Okay well, I'll go chronologically? So it doesn't confuse anyone so much?”
“Sure!” Korra said happily.
You smiled. “Okay here we go. My name is Y/N L/N, I was born here in Republic City but I've lived in Ba Sing Se since I was a child. I'm a firebender like both my parents.
“When I was born my mother moved us to Ba Sing Se, when I was two my father left us. I have no memories of him and can't remember his face, I just know that his departure hurt my mother greatly. My mom was a strict woman, everything had to be perfect for her including me. She would spar with me from the moment I could bend, it was something we bonded over… or I thought we did.
“She wasn't very emotional, hugs and kisses we're definitely not her language. But that didn't mean I didn't love her greatly, she and my father will always hold a place in my heart. I grew to respect my element and be thankful for my life and the things I was given. I loved making friends and taking care of animals.
“When I was seven my mother left and I was all on my own. A farmer took me for a while until a real foster family could take me in. and honestly? It was the worst. I ended running away from them and later on ended running from every single foster family I ever got. I became an orphaned runaway.”
“So you're an orphan?” Mako asked.
“Yup!” You said like it was nothing.
“We are orphans too!” Bolin said.
“Me too.” Asami said more shyly.
“I mean it's not bad, I took care of things.” You responded, taking a sip of tea.
“How did you survive on the streets so young?” Lin asked.
“I joined a local pack of kids. We were all stealing and getting into trouble. I was very slick with my hands, could take your socks without taking off your boots.”
“Literally?” Bolin asked.
“Literally, you’d be surprised.” You laughed.
Lin looked at you sternly.
“Hey, I had to stay alive somehow. Besides, it caught up to me. I would always have trouble with the law and one day Chief Lei Ba got sick of my shenanigans and arrested me after stealing cabbages-”
“Cabbages?! From all the things to steal, why cabbages?!” Mako asked in disbelief.
“It wasn't for me! I found a goat gorilla in a cage! Poor thing looked awfully skinny and someone had to feed it!”
“Okay, okay what happened next?” Kya asked intrigued.
“Well he took me in, handcuffs and everything. It was like every other time. He took me in, arrested me, wrote about my crime, scolded me and sent me off. Only this time he didn't send me off. He took me to his office, sat me down and threw a few logs onto his fireplace.”
Lin wondered if this was the part where something bad happened that made you fear fire. She was on the edge listening to you.
“He looked at me-” You continued. “And took my file that was filled with my transgressions and threw it on the fire.”
“What?!” Amara asked, amazed.
You laughed. “Let me finish! He scolded me about what I did and after that we stayed quiet. He then told me he had found a family in the Fire Nation that would adopt me and give me a new life. They were soldiers themselves but had a few kids and agreed to take me in, per the chief’s request. I guess they were friends or something. Or, he would take care of me and take me off the streets, he was going to be strict and there would be a lot of rules but those were the only options I had.”
“And you chose to stay.” Lin responded.
“Yup, I chose to stay. It was hard at first but I made it out and thrived. He took me in as his own and gave me a new life. I became his shadow and did everything to try and make him proud. I graduated school early and as soon as I grabbed the diploma I was running down to the academy’s door enlisting myself. He almost had a stroke when he found out.”
“But, I was first in my class. Worked my a- buttoff every day. Did extra, worked more, fought more, study more and at the end it was all so worth it.”
Lin could see the shine in your eyes as you talked.
“I remember the day of my graduation. When the chief gave us all our badges, I was the last one in line. The runt of the litter. He shook my hand, placed my badge and looked me in the eyes and-”
You felt your eyes water. “He said… I'm so proud of you Y/N. So very proud.” You wiped a tear that fell from your eye. “I managed not to cry until after the ceremony but when we were walking back home we hugged and I cried for hours.”
“The first day everyone already knew me, I mean, I'm the chief’s daughter so it's not like I was a stranger. But finally, finally I felt like I had a family again. The rest is history.” You smiled.
Bolin was crying like a little kid while Lin looked at you with glossy eyes.
“Wow, that's… it reminds me of my own story.” Mako said smiling. “This job means a lot to me too.”
“It's more than a job, it's who I am. Helping people, being there for the ones in need, it's… it's my calling.”
“Wait wait! What about the tattoos!?” Ikki asked expectantly.
“Oh my tattoos?” You chuckled. “I got drunk one night with the rest of the officers and we got our badge numbers tattooed. I woke up with the ink in my arm, it was just the numbers and it made it look like I was some sort of prisoner so I went back later on to add some flowers around it and that's how it started.”
You showed the old tattoo on your arm.
“What's your favorite tattoo??”
“This badgermole someone very special drew for me.” You said showing your bicep, it was a scribble drawing of a badgermole’s head.
“It looks so ugly! Badgermoles dont look like that!” Meelo said with no filter.
“Meelo!” Pema scolded.
“It looks like it's been drawn by a child.” Asami said looking at it.
“Yup, little Eliah. That kid will stay in my heart forever.”
“Ooh! What's the story?” Bolin asked, resting his head on his palms.
“He was a sick boy that wanted to be a police officer, so I convinced the Chief to make him an honorary officer. He agreed as long as I was the one taking responsibility for him. So I did, made him my little partner. We did traffic stops, tickets, arrests, chases.”
“You took a child to a chase?” Lin asked.
“I always took care of him!” You said quickly.
“He was the sweetest. I remember how happy he was being a police officer. But of course he got worse until he was on his deathbed. We would visit him every day and bring some reports to tell him how things were going that day. He asked for my favorite animal and I told him. He drew this-” You said pointing to your bicep. “And I got it tattooed. My artist even made a stencil so we could have matching tattoos. When I showed it to him he was ecstatic laughing and as vivacious as ever. It made me so happy.”
“He passed away two days later and we gave him an official police burial. With escort and everything. We laid him down with the rest of our fallen officers and we watched over his mother. He was the only family she had so it was hard for her but we stood by her. A year later she died of the same illness.”
“Wow…” Kya said with wide eyes. “That's a lot…”
“You must be proud that you allowed that child to have the life he wanted.” Tenzin spoke.
“He was our little brother.” You said, sighing.
“I'm going to get a lot of tattoos like yours!” Ikki said with a smirk. “It's going to be so cool and I'm going to look tough like you and aunt Lin!”
You smiled back at the young girl. “You can be just as tough as the Chief without tattoos. She doesn't have any and she can strike fear in anyone by just narrowing her eyes.”
The earthbender looked at you in a glare. You chuckled nervously. “See? Terrifying.”
Ikki crosses her arms. “But I want to have cool tattoos like you!”
You thought about it for a moment before smiling. “You sure you want tattoos like mine? What's wrong with the blue arrows? They are super cool!”
“No they aren't! They are so boring!”
“Hey!” Jinora said offended.
“Besides, I want many different ones instead of just one full tattoo.”
You nodded. “You know, when you reach adulthood, I know an artist that does amazing work and has been in the industry for decades.”
Ikki beamed. “Really?!”
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cocastyle · 4 years
Christmas Miracle
Pairing - Stanley Uris x reader
Word Count - 5,591
A/N - just a cute Christmas piece for my boy Stan :)) if anyone else has a Christmas request they would like written, just let me know! I write for so many fandoms so you can check out my master list for character ideas!
Request - could you do a Stan x reader with enemies to lovers but with slight Christmas au pls? @nikitty-to-the-rescue
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Mike Hanlon let out a sigh as he set the heavy crate he was carrying down on the ground, slowly standing back up and lifting his hand to wipe at the beads of sweat that had collected on his forehead from the afternoon work on the farm. He didn't pause for long, knowing that the sooner he got done the sooner he could go hang out with his friends.
But the moment he went to grab the crate he was instantly dropping it again, a voice behind him calling out, "Still always working I see."
The crate hit the ground with a loud bang, but Mike didn't even wince as he turned to the owner of the voice, his eyes widening at the sight of his best friend Y/N L/N who he hadn't seen since the previous summer.
"Y/N?" Mike whispered in disbelief. The girl shyly nodded and Mike couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud in excitement before he was running over to the girl, his arms wrapping around her as he spun her around.
Joyous laughter filled the air as the two best friends hugged and Mike was quick to put her down so that he could look at her face. He couldn't help but notice that she had changed in the past year, definitely having grown into her features more and looking as beautiful as ever.
"Look at you, all grown up," Mike teased as he pinched the girl's cheek. Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy and blushed slightly as she smacked his hands away. This only made Mike laugh before he quickly pulled her in for another hug.
Y/N and Mike had been best friends since they were in diapers, the two's families being very close. That meant both automatically had a best friend from day one and the two were so close that they were practically siblings. They were all the other had and for the past year Y/N had been at a private, all girls, boarding school, but she was finally back.
"I've missed you so much," Mike whispered as he hugged the girl tight, trying desperately to hold back the tears as he thought about everything that had happened in the past year— getting bullied by Bowers and his gang, having to deal with the stress of his family, and the events that had happened with It and his new group of friends that called themselves the Losers' Club.
"I've missed you too, Mikey," Y/N said with a smile. She then let out a small gasp before pulling away and gripping onto the boy's arm. "Guess what? You'll never have to be alone again because my parents have decided I don't have to go back to that shitty school again!"
"Woah, seriously?" Mike asked, his eyes widening with excitement. "Y/N, that's great!"
"I know! You don't know how awful it was, Mike. I can't wait to get to spend my time back here in Derry. It will be just like old times," Y/N said.
Mike's smile dropped slightly before he began to scratch the back of his neck. He gave the girl a nervous smile. "Actually, I-I met some people. . .um. . .made some new friends," Mike explained.
Y/N's face fell at that, "Oh."
"But don't worry! They will love you," Mike assured her.
Y/N gave him a confused look. "You want me to meet your friends?" she asked.
"Of course I do. You're my best friend, are you not? They deserve to get to meet the person whose kept my head on my body for this long," Mike joked as he nudged the girl.
Y/N smiled softly at that before nodding her head. "Yeah, okay. I would love to meet them," she said, Mike's smile widening at her answer before he was hugging her again.
Agreeing to meet Mike's friends had been Y/N's first mistake. It's not that she didn't love his friends because she did and the Losers had even been quick to accept her into their group.
Of course there was Mike who was her best friend and like her brother. Then there was Ben who was the sweetest human being she had ever met. There was Bill who was her second closest friend and who was the leader of the group.
Next was Beverly who was the first female friend that Y/N had ever had and who was practically her sister. Then there was Richie and Eddie who were like her brothers, the two being so protective of the girl and dragging her along to all sorts of things like the arcade and the carnival.
It was just one of the Losers that she seemed to have a problem with and who made it their personal job to make her life a living hell—Stanley Uris.
So it wasn't meeting Mike's friends that had been the mistake. It was meeting Stanley Uris that had been the mistake.
Y/N didn't know what it was, but the two never seemed to get along. In all honesty, Y/N had actually been star struck the moment she saw the boy, having never thought she had seen a boy as beautiful as the curly haired boy who she found out to be named Stanley Uris. But the moment he opened his mouth, a scowl appearing on his face as he complained to Mike about bringing Y/N along was the moment their feud had begun.
Not that Y/N didn't think Stan was attractive because she still thought he was probably the most gorgeous boy she had ever met, but his attitude towards her was enough to prevent her from having any sort of feelings towards him except for hatred.
Or at least that's what she thought it was. Because why would she have any sort of feelings towards the boy when he was so rude to her. It was impractical!
Y/N found herself arguing with Stan more than half of the time whenever the group hung out as a whole. One of them always seemed to find something to pick at the other for before their side comments became a full blown argument, both sides going red faced as they practically yelled at each other.
The Losers found it extremely annoying and would constantly tell the two to just kiss to ease the sexual tension that was obviously present, but that would only make the two even more red before they got into another argument about how they would never date someone like either of them.
One of the things that most annoyed Y/N was that Stan thought he was better than her and that everything he said was correct. Y/N couldn't even joke about something before Stan was saying something about how wrong she was and embarrassing her in front of the others.
For Stan, the thing that most annoyed him was the fact that Y/N refused to call him anything other than his full name. And the way she said it. Oh, the way she said it drove him crazy. "Stan-ley," she would say, making sure to pronounce each part of his name so that he was well aware she was calling him his full name. He never found something more annoying than when she did that.
Y/N knew this drove him crazy which is why she continued to call him that. Although a small part of her just loved the way his name sounded, but she would never ever admit that.
The feud between Y/N and Stan was one that went on for years, starting the year that Y/N came back from boarding school when they were thirteen and still continuing to present day when the two had finally reached the age of seventeen.
Y/N would be lying if she said she loved arguing with Stan. In fact, all she had ever wanted from the boy was to just be friends. After all, she had been in awe the first time she met him, so being his friend had always been a secret wish on her wish list that no one knew of. But she had promised herself that if Stan was to continue being rude and throwing hateful comments her way then she would return them.
She had tried the whole being nice to him thing, but that had only made him more flustered and the comments only more spiteful, so all Y/N could do was hope and wait until that one day when Stanley might change his attitude around.
She just had no idea when that day would come.
And on that cold winter's eve, Stan's attitude was the least of Y/N's worries. She was walking through the snow, tears streaming down her face as she hugged her Secret Santa for Beverly close to her body.
Her car was in the shop and her parents were at work so she had to walk through the snow. That had been a big mistake because she had been walking through town and towards Mike's farm house when she had the misfortune of running into Henry Bowers and his gang.
Bowers and Y/N had always had a weird relationship. Henry knew that Y/N was friends with Mike, so he automatically would give her the same treatment as he did the boy. But the thing about Y/N was that she didn't take any of the boy's shit and that only made him angrier. Usually Y/N was able to brush it off, but this evening had been different.
The words Henry had spat in her direction were enough to hit her and they hit her hard. Comments about how ugly she was, about how worthless and disgusting she was had hit her where it hurt. But the moment he had mentioned about one of her exes who had cheated on her after claiming she was 'just not pretty enough' and how he 'wasn't in love with her anymore' and 'could never love her' was when Y/N had broke. The tears that had filled her eyes were enough to make Henry laugh and him and his friends had had their fun by shoving the girl onto the ground and kicking her present away from her grasp.
Now there Y/N was, struggling to keep it together and holding on tightly to the gift that had been lucky enough not to break. It was only when she reached Mike's house that the tears had stopped and Y/N found herself standing outside for a moment just to catch her breath and make sure her face wasn't red from crying before she finally went up to the door and rang the doorbell.
The door opened almost instantly and Y/N was met with the face of a gorgeous red head, her smile almost so blinding that Y/N had to blink a few times. "Y/N!" Beverly cried out in joy as she leapt forward to hug the girl. "Thank goodness you are here! I can only handle the boys for so long you know and they were getting quite impatient."
"Sorry, Bev. I lost track of the time," Y/N told her, letting out a small laugh to cover up the pain she felt. She was going to be early actually, but the run in with Bowers had made her late.
"It's completely fine, Y/N," Beverly assured her as she pulled away to look at the girl's outfit. "I love your sweater! You'll have to tell me where you got it, but for now the boys are talking in the kitchen and I'm sure they'll want to see you."
Y/N nodded and quickly walked in before taking off her shoes and leaving them and her jacket by the door. She kept the present in her hands and dropped it off by the tree in Mike's living room before following Beverly into the kitchen where laughter could be heard.
The girl was instantly hit by the sweet sugary smell of cookies and Y/N couldn't help but smile once she saw the boys all standing around laughing with each other.
"Look who I found wandering outside in the cold," Beverly announced, her voice instantly making the boys all turn to look at the two girls.
"Y/N!" Mike exclaimed happily as he took big strides across the room to wrap his friend up in a hug. "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas, Mikey," Y/N greeted as she hugged him back. "Thanks for inviting us all over."
"Y/N," Bill greeted with a smile as he walked over with his arms out. Y/N smiled warmly at the boy and hugged him before saying, "Bill."
"Okay there, Bill. My turn!" Eddie exclaimed as he pulled the boy away and quickly wrapped the girl up in a hug. Y/N let out a small laugh and went to hug Eddie back, but she was already being pulled back into someone else's arms. The girl glanced up and chuckled once she saw the familiar Tozier smirk as the boy winked at Eddie and said, "Sorry, Eds, but Y/N loves me more."
"Asshole," Eddie huffed as he crossed his arms and walked off to go get a drink.
Richie glanced down at Y/N and smirked before saying, "Why hello there, pretty lady. And how are you on this wonderful evening?"
Y/N rolled her eyes and pulled away from the boy's hold before smiling at him. "I'm doing just fine, Richie. Thanks for asking," she replied. She then turned and smiled at Ben before engulfing the boy in a big hug. Ben was quick to hug her back and that was when Y/N's eyes locked with the last person in the room—Stanley.
The two stared blankly at each other and Y/N silently wondered what kind of attitude Stan was going to be in tonight. But once that all too familiar scowl had appeared on the boy's face as he rolled his eyes and looked away with a small scoff, that was when Y/N knew it wasn't going to be a very good night.
Which was great seeing as she was already having the worst night she'd had in a long time.
Beverly seemed to notice the small interaction between the two and inhaled sharply before putting her hands on Y/N's shoulders and smiling at the group. "Why didn't we go ahead and do our gift exchange, shall we?" she suggested.
"Oh yes! Watch out, motherfuckers. My gift is about to be fucking amazing," Richie proudly stated before walking out of the room and to the living room leaving the others to shake their heads and laugh softly as they hurried after the boy.
After about a half an hour everyone but Y/N had opened their presents. Y/N had made Beverly a scarf and had gotten her a sweater much like the one Y/N was wearing that night which Beverly was excited about. Beverly had Richie and had gotten him a recorder for him to practice his stand up act with and a picture of the whole group which Richie may have teared up a little at the sight of.
Richie had gotten Ben some history and architecture books. Ben had gotten Bill a new journal and some art supplies for his drawings. Bill had gotten Mike a new pair of shoes that he had saved his money up for, knowing that the boy had been eyeing them for a while but wasn't able to pay for them himself.
Mike had gotten Eddie a new fanny pack that read 'Losers' Club' across the front and some of his favorite candy that his mother would never let him have in the house. And Eddie had gotten Stan a couple of books on birds for the mornings he spent bird watching.
That left Y/N as the last one and it didn't take a genius to figure out that there was only one person left who hadn't given out a gift yet. Y/N was silent as Stan reached into his pocket before pulling out a small box which he then held out to her. She gently took it from him and ignored the excited looks on her friends' faces and Beverly who was gripping onto a pillow as she smiled widely.
Y/N gave Stan a small look before opening up the box, her mouth dropping open at the sight of a stunning gold necklace with a gold sunflower pendant. It was beautiful and Y/N felt tears spring into her eyes at the sight of it. She had never been given something like this before.
Her eyes flickered up to Stan and she gave him a confused look, wondering how he knew her favorite flower was a sunflower and surprised at the fact that he had gotten her such a thoughtful gift. Stan's eyes shot up to meet her gaze and he silently stared at her as if he was studying to see if she actually liked it or not.
"Stanley," Y/N whispered, smiling softly before shaking her head in disbelief. "I-I love it. Thank you."
"I'm going to go put it on right now," Y/N smiled warmly, the action making Stan blink in response. The Losers all smiled at that before they began to pick up their own conversations while Y/N got up and began to head towards the bathroom so that she could see as she out the necklace on.
However, she had only just made it to the doorway when a voice called out, "You hate it."
Y/N froze and turned around with a confused look on her face. "What?" she asked, her eyes looking to Stan in confusion.
"I knew it," he scoffed as he stood up, wiping his hands on his pants once before beginning to walk over to the girl. "You hate it. Of course you do. You know what, I'll just take it back and you can use the money however you like."
Before Y/N could process what was happening, Stan had snatched the small box from her. Y/N was quick to grab it back, something that made Stan look back at her with a small look of annoyance.
"Woah. Woah. Woah. I never said that I hated it," Y/N defended herself. "I really do like it, Stanley."
"Your body language suggests otherwise," Stan frowned as he went to reach for the gift again, but Y/N was quick to hold it away. "Y/N, stop being a child and just give me the gift."
"How about you stop being immature and listen to what I'm saying when I tell you that it's a very thoughtful gift and I love it," Y/N argued, her voice raising slightly as her and Stan both narrowed their eyes at each other.
"Please," Stan scoffed. "I know you don't like the gift and it honestly shouldn't be that much of a surprise. You aren't really the type of person to recognize a nice gift when you see one."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Y/N asked, her face growing a little red as she scowled at the boy.
"Guys," Beverly sighed from the couch while the other Losers all watched silently, but Stan and Y/N ignored her.
"You know what it means. Out of all the people I had to get for Secret Santa, I got you, the girl who I can barely even be in the same room with. And you don't even like me gift!" Stan exclaimed. "Do you know how much money that cost me?"
"First of all, I never said I don't like the gift! Second of all, no one made you spend that much money on me. No one!" Y/N exclaimed. "So why didn't you sit the fuck down and let me go out on this very thoughtful gift from you, huh?"
"Guys!" Richie yelled causing the two to turn to him in anger. The boy was quick to put his hands up in mock surrender before sighing and saying, "Do us all a favor and quit it with the arguing, okay? You know what, you two are both stuck in a sticky situation right now so why don't you just kiss and confess your undying love for each other before you kill the night's mood and we end up killing ourselves?"
Stan and Y/N gave the boy a confused look but then they noticed Beverly shyly pointing above them and the two glanced up to see that the doorway they were standing under had mistletoe hanging at the top. The two froze before looking at each other, their eyes wide.
Stan was the first to look away, a grimace crossing his face as he said, "What? Ew, no! Me kiss Y/N? You guys do understand I have better taste than someone like her, right?"
Y/N blinked in surprise, her eyes flickering over to the boy as she watched him pinch the bridge of his nose. "I mean she's stuck up, stubborn, and a pain in mine and everyone else's ass" Stan complained, the utter disgust in his voice being enough to make Y/N flinch.
She was instantly reminded of what had happened earlier that night and she couldn't stop the tears from beginning to prick her eyes as she looked down at her feet. All of the Losers except for Stan seemed to notice this and Bill gave the boy a harsh look before saying, "Stan, st-st-stop."
"No, Bill. I won't stop. Kissing her would be like some cruel punishment!" Stan exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air for dramatics. Y/N stepped back slightly at that and that was when Stan looked over at her. His face instantly fell when she looked up at him with teary eyes, but he didn't have time to say anything before Y/N had turned and was running out of the house, the front door slamming behind her.
A deafening silence filled the air after that and Beverly scoffed before getting up from the couch, ready to go after the girl. Mike was quick to place a hand on her arm and sit her back down, the boy standing up instead.
"No, Bev. He's going to go," Mike said, his eyes locking on Stan who was staring at the front door with a pained look on his face. Stan's gaze shifted over to Mike and he shook his head. "I-I didn't mean to make her that upset," Stan said.
"Yes, you did," Mike replied, the words making Stan hang his head. "But you're going to fix it. Not us. You."
Outside in the steps sat Y/N who was desperately wiping at her face with the sleeves of her sweater as she tried to calm herself down. "Quit being a pussy, Y/N," she grumbled in annoyance. "It's just Stan. His words shouldn't affect you like this."
So why did it hurt so much?
It took a few minutes of her breathing in deeply through her nose and breathing out through her mouth before she managed to get the tears to stop, but she still couldn't bring herself to go back inside. So instead she merely sat there on the steps and stared at the sunflower necklace, wondering why Stan would get her something like that if all he was going to do was tell her that she didn't like it.
The door opening and closing wasn't enough to pull Y/N from her thoughts. It was only when she heard footsteps approaching from behind her before someone plopped down by her side that she finally managed to look away from the necklace and over at the person.
Her eyes instantly locked on Stan's figure and she was quick to look away, her eyes latching onto the snow on the ground instead while she felt Stan's eyes burning a hole into the side of her face.
"What?" Y/N finally asked, her voice harsh as she hugged herself.
"I brought hot chocolate," Stan said, his voice soft and warm, a sharp contrast from the usual tone he used around her.
Y/N glanced over at the boy and he held a cup out to her. She stared at him for a moment before she silently took it from his hands, the mug instantly warming her cold fingers once she had.
The two sat in silence for a couple of minutes, snow falling slowly around them while they both drank from their mugs. Stan was the one that eventually spoke up, his voice breaking the silence of the night as he asked, "What's wrong?"
Y/N turned her head quickly, her eyebrows raised as she asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Are you fucking kidding me, Stanley?"
"Woah, it was only a question, Y/N! No need to be a bitch," Stan grumbled.
Y/N's mouth dropped open in shock, a scowl on her face as she asked, "Why are you even out here, Stanley? Cause if you can't notice I really don't need this shit from you right now."
"I came to check on you because you stormed out of there upset!" Stan exclaimed.
"Of course I did! What you said was fucking rude!" Y/N yelled.
"Well my words never seemed to have bothered you before!" Stan yelled, the realization that his words had hit her harder than usual for a certain reason making Y/N's eyes fill with tears once again as she stared at her mug. "How was I supposed to know you were going to be a little too emotional tonight?"
"Just shut up!" Y/N exclaimed as she looked to Stan, hot tears spilling down her face and making Stan freeze in place. "Shut up!"
Before Stan knew what was happening Y/N was looking down and sobbing, her hand going over her mouth as she tried to quiet herself. Stan didn't even know what to do as he sat there. He felt the urge to comfort her, but he couldn't even bring himself to so much as place a hand on her shoulder, afraid that it would only make her more upset.
So all he could do was sit there quietly as he waited for the girl to calm down. It took a couple of minutes, but she finally managed to calm herself enough to start talking again, her voice cracking as she wiped at her tears.
"I got cornered by Bowers and his gang on my way over here," Y/N muttered, the words making Stan still as he looked to her in what looked to be concern. "They treated me like shit, but what else is new? Usually I don't let their words bother me, but then they were attacking how I looked and making fun of me for my past relationships and how I've been cheated on and I just-" Y/N fell silent as she shook her head, trying to collect her thoughts.
"And then I come over here and the one boy whose opinion I care about the most and who doesn't even notice me unless we're arguing makes fun of me and is disgusted at the thought of kissing me and embarrasses me in front of my friends," Y/N finishes with a whisper, a few more tears falling down her face.
Y/N shook her head and quickly tried to wipe at her tears only for them to fall harder and in bigger quantities. "Shit," she muttered with a cracked voice as she continued to wipe at her eyes.
Stan was quick to put his mug down before reaching out and grabbing the girl's hands, the action making her eyes flicker over to him in surprise only to find that his face was inches from hers. Y/N's eyes widened in surprise and before she had time to process anything, Stan was leaning forward.
Y/N's heart began to beat furiously, erupting into a volcano of butterflies as soon as Stan's lips brushed against hers. The kiss was soft and short and before she knew it Stan was pulling away again so that it almost felt like the kiss hadn't even happened.
But it did and boy was Y/N confused.
Y/N couldn't stop the small blush on her face as she opened her eyes and stared at Stan in a stunned silence as she awaited an explanation for his actions. Stan's eyes flickered over her face and he wiped at her tears and sighed before looking down and whispering, "I'm sorry."
"W-What?" she whispered, still confused about what was happening.
"I'm sorry for always yelling at you and for always starting up arguments. I'm sorry for all the mean things I've said. I shouldn't have said any of it and I definitely shouldn't have made fun of you like I have. Something about you has always infuriated me since the day we've met, but it wasn't until recently that I realized it was only because I cared about you. I've been too afraid to admit it and couldn't stop myself from treating you the way that I have. I guess I thought that arguing with you at least meant that you felt something towards me, even if that was nothing more than hate. And all those things I said tonight. . .I shouldn't have said them. I was only being an insecure jackass. I just. . .I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry," Stan whispered as he finally looked back up at the girl before looking back down.
A small silence fell among the two and Y/N stared at Stan with a blank expression before finally whispering, "Stanley?"
Stan glanced up at her, the way she said his name in such a caring and soft way being enough to make his heart flutter.
"I may be an idiot," Y/N whispered, pausing and biting her lip before saying something that made Stan's heart stop. "But I think I might love you."
Stan blinked in surprise, his whole body going still as he just stared at her without saying anything.
"Oh," he finally said, another silence following suit as the two stared at each other, still unsure how this was all happening but both silently thankful that it was.
"Well, I guess we're both idiots cause I think I might love you too," Stan admitted, a soft smile dawning his face as he looked at her. Y/N couldn't help but smile back, a small laugh of relief escaping her lips as the two stared at each other with love filled eyes.
How this was all happening was still a mystery to them both, but deep down, they always knew that this would happen eventually. Their feelings for each other were evident, even if they tried to hide them behind arguments and yelling.
Stan let go of Y/N's hands down that he could stand on his feet before holding a hand out to her, a soft smile on his face as he said, "What do you say we try that kiss under the mistletoe again?"
Y/N smiled at that and nodded before reaching out and taking the boy's hand, their hands nodding together like two puzzle pieces. Nothing had ever felt more right and Y/N still couldn't believe this was even happening.
Together, the two walked back into the house before heading towards the doorway that only moments before they had been standing at yelling at each other. Stan smiled lovingly at the girl and reached out to take the small box from her hands before pulling the sunflower necklace out of the box. Y/N turned around and the boy clipped the necklace around her neck before letting his fingers linger on her neck.
Y/N slowly turned around and Stan let his fingers dance across her cheek before coming to rest on her neck. The two stared at each other in silence, their breaths mingling together as they slowly began to lean in.
Then Stan's lips were on hers and the two had initiated their second kiss, this one being even better than the last. The mistletoe seemed to glisten in the firelight above them and both of them found themselves slowly beginning to smile into the kiss as they gently pulled the other closer to their body. But just when Stan was about to dip the girl to deepen the kiss, they were broken up but the sound of cheering.
"About damn time," a voice said making the couple pull away to see their friends all standing there with smiles on their faces as they cheered the group on.
"It's a Christmas miracle!" Richie cried out, his arms up in the air while Y/N and Stan rolled their eyes at the boy, the girl leaning into Stan who had wrapped an arm around her waist and was holding her close.
The Losers all laughed and Y/N shook her head slightly at the boy before sneaking a look at Stan. It was in that moment that Y/N realized Richie might've been right.
To think the two had hated each other when they first met years ago and now they had just shared a kiss under some mistletoe.
Christmas miracles happened every day. And Stanley Uris? Well, he was Y/N's.
* * *
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@marvelismylifffe @roboturtle16 @purplelittlepup @amberkay284 @blogforhoes @artlovingbre @bitch-imma-head-out @the-story-of-the-tucks
98 notes · View notes
❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.4k words
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"You can't just pretend forever." — anonymous
IT HAS BEEN TWO DAYS since the small incident with Tom Holland happened.
Y/N could still imagine the look on Tom's face when it happened and it has been bothering her for the past two days. Well, not just that. Her heart was still aching after she found out that her own crush was in a relationship with her sister.
"Earth to Y/N. Are you staring at that nerd kid right there?" Erika suddenly spoke and waved her hand at Y/N's face. Y/N blinked her eyes and her thoughts were crushed when she heard Erika. "Don't tell me you're going after that nerd kid too, Y/N." Erika continued and Y/N then glared at her. After that, she sighed and placed her hand on her cheek.
Erika knew what was still bothering Y/N and she moved closer to Y/N. "You'll get over it soon, Y/N," Erika said and Y/N sighed again.
"I know. It's just weird seeing them together especially when I see them outside of my room. It's weird because she's my sister. And I love my sister. And—"
"And you want her to be happy." Erika interrupted and Y/N just nodded with her head down.
"There's a lot more guys out there, Y/N. Maybe he wasn't the one for you." Erika said. Y/N looked at her and gave a small smile.
"You really sound like a mom that I never have," Y/N said.
"Don't make me too old," Erika said and that was when the bell rang suddenly. Both girls groaned when they heard it and people start to prepare their things to go. Y/N and Erika grabbed their bags and plates.
They placed their plates and moved out of the cafeteria.
"I wish we could skip classes." Erika suddenly said.
"I know, but my grades are almost dying."
"Same goes for me."
The bell rang as a signal that classes were over. Y/N placed her bag over her shoulder and grabbed her books and walked out of the classroom quickly. She walked towards her locker, unlocked it, and opened it. She placed all the things she didn't need inside her locker before closing it with the lock on. As soon as she closed it, she jumped a little when a person walked past by her.
"I'm sorry—"
"I'm sorry—"
Y/N was interrupted by the familiar sound of the voice and looked at the person in front of her.
It was again, Tom Holland.
"You? Again?" Y/N asked and her brows wrinkled. Tom looked at her in confusion after she said that.
"What me?" Tom asked and Y/N groaned in frustration.
"You bumped onto me and got mad at me two days ago and now, you almost bumped onto me again. What's with you bumping to me?" Y/N said and Tom just remembers what happened two days ago.
"I'm sorry. I was having a rough day that day." Tom apologized and Y/N just rolled her eyes.
"Really? Where's Camille anyway?" Y/N looked around and realized that she said the name of her enemy and regretted it. She feared that Camille would suddenly appear beside Tom and would fight her again.
Tom scratched the back of
his neck before answering Y/N's question. "W-we broke up." He finally said it and looked away from Y/N's eyes.
Y/N's face suddenly softened when she heard what he said. She could feel the pain that was in his eyes when he said it. Y/N calmed down and they stayed silent for a while. She finally looked at him, who was still looking down.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"How did you guys even get together?" Y/N asked as she sat across Tom. They were outside of the building with the warm breeze and the cherry blossom trees surrounding them.
It took Tom a long time to get to answer her question. Theories began to develop inside Y/N's head.
Maybe Camille was so desperate for him and he just gave it in. Y/N's head said.
"I honestly don't know, to be honest. I mean, we developed feelings for each other and that's how it came to be." Tom answered.
"Can't believe she ditched you with a college guy who doesn't even look good," Y/N said. "I also can't believe that you still love her." She could hear him chuckle under his breath and she saw him looked up to him.
"I heard you had a thing for that Aiden Morales guy." Tom suddenly spoke and that made her eyes widen and looked at him with fear.
"H-how d-did you—"
"I mean, it's kind of obvious whenever I see how you look at him and act with him," Tom said.
"Wait. Do you watch where I go? Are you a stalker now or something?" Y/N said and Tom just laughed at what she said.
"Of course not. I just happen to always pass by you all the time." Tom said and Y/N rolled her eyes again.
"That sounded like what a stalker would do." Y/N joked and Tom glared at her.
"So what happened?" Tom asked. Y/N could just sigh before saying anything.
"He's in a relationship with my sister. I just found out the day before you bumped onto me." Y/N said. "Apparently, they were talking and calling each other over the break while my sister was away and, yeah."
"That sucks," Tom said.
"I mean, it wasn't a really big crush but it still hurts," Y/N said and looked at Tom who was really listening to her. "It's weird that we're opening up to each other when we're not that close."
"I got your first kiss during that spin the bottle, Y/N." Tom said and Y/N's eyes widen and her mouth shaped like an 'o'.
"Hey! That was a stupid game during middle school, Holland." Y/N argued. "And that stupid game would lead to Camille hating me until now."
"I know, I know. I also found out that you had a crush on me during middle school." Tom said and grinned.
Where is he getting all this information about me? Y/N said to herself.
"That was just a happy crush, Holland. Don't feel special." Y/N said and Tom continued to laugh.
After a while, Tom suddenly had an idea on his mind and stood up from his seat. He moved closer to Y/N and she looked at him in confusion.
"I have a deal," Tom said and Y/N moved back a little from her seat. "Spill it out."
"Since you still like Aiden and I still love  Camille" Tom started. "Why don't we pretend to be in a relationship until Camille gets jealous and comes back to me and maybe Aiden would see that he missed a great person to be with," Tom explained and Y/N's eyes blink.
"Didn't people just saw what happened to the two of us two days ago? How are they going to believe that we are in an actual relationship?" Y/N said. "I don't think it'll work, Tom." Y/N suddenly stood up and grabbed all her things with her but before she could go, Tom spoke up.
"Think about it, Y/N."
Y/N could not stop thinking about what Tom was offering her.
Many things could happen if they would pursue this deal. First, Camille would probably think that I stole her ex from her. I mean, she's the one who broke up with Tom. Right?
Second, people would get suspicious especially Erika.
"I cannot tell Erika about this. Ever." Y/N said to herself.
Last is, Aiden would probably think it's weird because she's dating the popular guy in school because Y/N is not that kind of girl who goes after that kind of guy.
Then she remembered what Tom told her.
Camille would probably go back to me and Aiden would see that he missed a great person to be with.
"Are you really desperate for him to be with you, Y/N?" Y/N asked herself. "Or do you want to do this to get over him?"
Y/N sighed to herself and collapsed herself to bed. She closed her eyes and finally made the decision that she would probably regret soon.
"I'm doing this."
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
29 notes · View notes
❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.2k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"Love is a free contract that begins with a spark and can end the same way." — Isabel Allende
ANOTHER SCHOOL MORNING and Y/N suddenly jumped from her bed.
She didn't know why her heart was pounding so fast from her chest. She was planning to tell him when her classes are over.
He's the captain of the football team so she knew where he would be after classes.
After a long day of boring classes, the bell rang and she stood up and quickly went to her locker to place her things inside. After she closed her locker, she jumped at the sight of someone that she didn't see for the past few days.
"Aiden. You scared me." Y/N said with her hand on her chest.
"I'm sorry, it's cute when you get scared." He said and she glared at him. Her heart started beating fast like how she felt ever since she had feelings for him.
Here we go again.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
He scratched the back of his neck before talking. "I just wanted to ask if we can walk home together."
Her heart flutter but then she realized that she needed to see Tom since she will say yes to his deal.
He has a girlfriend, Y/N. Your freaking sister. Get over him.
"I-I'm sorry, Aiden. I have to meet someone after classes. I promised him." Y/N said and shut her mouth after she said 'him'.
"Him?" He asked with confusion in his voice. "Who is this guy-"
"I have to go now, Aiden! Talk to you soon!" Y/N quickly ran before he could even finish asking a question, leaving him dumbfounded. He just watched you run away from him with a confused mind.
Y/N turned to the door going outside where the football field is. You opened the door and the bright light hit her eyes and she squinted them.
As soon as she stepped outside, she went to look for Tom in the field for how many minutes. She went inside the field, fearing that the ball would hit her face and she would faint.
That would be so embarrassing.
She finally spotted Tom with a red helmet on his head. She stood there until he finally looked back and saw Y/N standing there. He smirked under his helmet and told his teammates to time out.
He walked towards Y/N and she lifted her head up when he was near him. He took his helmet off revealing his curly and messy hair.
"Hey, Y/N." He greeted her.
She sighed before she could answer and she felt her heart still beating fast.
You'll probably regret this, Y/N.
"Let's do this." Y/N blurted out and wanted to slap herself for some reason but she remained in front of him.
He grinned and looked away for a while before looking back at her. He suddenly pulled her from her waist and suddenly pressed his lips to hers.
Her eyes widen at the act and he pulled away while she was still dumbfounded. He just smiled, not caring that people saw what happened.
Y/N could feel her cheeks burning up and she realized that they were already starting the act.
"I-I'll wait by the tree," Y/N said awkwardly and walked away almost bumping into a bunch of football guys.
Tom still continued to smile before telling his teammates to resume the game.
"I still can't believe that you actually agreed to this," Tom said who was sitting in front of Y/N. They were in the same place as they were yesterday with the cherry blossom trees surrounding them.
"Me neither," Y/N answered. "And if we're going to do this, we have to make a contract between us."
"Why would we need that?" Tom asked and leaned back, making himself sit comfortably.
"To make this act successful and make sure we're on the same page," Y/N said as she took out a piece of paper and a pen from her bag.
"Rule number one, no kissing," Y/N said and Tom got confused.
"Didn't we just kiss a while ago?" Tom said.
"Not doing that again, Tom," Y/N said.
"How are we going to let people know that we're together? They're going to be suspicious if I don't touch you." Tom said. Y/N groaned and rolled her eyes.
"Y-you can put your hand on my back pocket," Y/N said.
He looked at her confusingly. "What the hell is that?"
"Sixteen Candles. It's a couple's thing." She answered.
"That sounds like from the 70s." He said.
"From the 80s, actually." She said.
"Alright, fine." He gave up.
"Alright! Rule number two, no secrets between each other. We can never tell anyone about this fake relationship. Or else we'll be dead." Y/N said as she scribbled down the paper.
"Of course, we can't. That would ruin the entire thing." Tom said. "I can go with that."
"What else do you have in mind?" Y/N asked him and looked into his eyes.
He thought of something else and came up with an idea that he never did with Camille.
"I can... I can write you notes. Every day." He said. Y/N just looked at him before answering.
Y/N could feel her heart flutter the moment he said that. "You do that?" Y/N asked him with a soft voice.
"Yeah, but never did that for Camille even though she wants me to," Tom said. "So if I start doing that to you, she will probably freak out."
She placed a hand on her chest and made a flattering expression. "How romantic of you."
"Also, you have to go with me when there are parties, as my plus one," Tom said. "There's an upcoming one this Saturday."
"I don't do parties, Holland," Y/N said.
"Come one. I have to give you notes every day." Tom said.
"Alright, fine," Y/N said and wrote it down on the paper.
"Also, lacrosse games," Tom added.
"And lacrosse games." She said and added it down to the paper.
"Rule number five and the important one. No falling in love, Holland." She said and Tom just chuckled.
"That won't be a problem, Y/L/N." He said.
"And, you have to walk me home. Meaning, every day until this is over." Y/N said.
"Almost all of these rules only came from yours," Tom said and it was Y/N who chuckled this time.
"And that's it!" She said, happily but Tom talked again.
"No, no. Add one more."
She looked at him with confusion. "What?"
"We have to go on a ski trip together," Tom said.
"But that's still a month away. Do you still think we could last a month without getting both of our asses beat up?" Y/N asked.
"If it still continues, then we have to go there," Tom said.
"Alright, deal," Y/N said and wrote it down as the last rule. She signed it since it was a contract and handed it to Tom. She held her hand and Tom chuckled and took and they shook their hands as a form of an agreement.
"Not regretting this, Y/L/N?" Tom asked and Y/N just smiled.
"Probably not, Holland." She answered.
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❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
27 notes · View notes
❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 3.3k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"Say it before you run out of time. Say it before it's too late. Say what you're feeling. Waiting is a mistake." - anonymous
[ november 07, 2015 . . .]
IT WAS A SATURDAY MORNING and Y/N had woken up early in the morning to make her very own chocolate cupcakes.
It was her mom's very own cupcake recipe that was written in the 10-year old notebook. As Y/N and her older sister were growing up without their mother, they have learned to cook and bake but Y/N was more on the baking side, and Aria was more on the cooking side.
As Y/N was pouring in the cupcake batter into the cups, Aria was going down the stairs, her hair still a mess from waking up. She saw what her younger sister was doing and smiled to herself.
"It's early in the morning, Y/N." Aria suddenly blurted out that caused Y/N to startle and almost poured too much in a cup.
Y/N stopped and glared at her sister with her poker face. "Morning."
Arian walked towards the countertop and sat on the high chair. She watched Y/N as she continued to pour the remaining batter. "Take your time, Sis," Aria said that made Y/N chuckle.
Once Y/N was done, she placed the cupcakes inside the oven and closed the door, and set the time. She took off her apron that was around her waist and placed it down the table.
"How're things going on in school?" Aria asked as Y/N sat down beside her.
"Different," Y/N answered and wiped her sweat. "Ever since you graduated, I only got to hang out with Erika."
"You still never change. You have to socialize more with people, you know?" Aria said and Y/N just rolled her eyes at her sister's statement.
"People I meet are mostly not my type of people, except for Erika of course," Y/N said and Aria just laughed. "What?"
"I just miss being schoolmates with you. It's different too when you're going to college already." Aria said and looked out the window that was in their kitchen.
Y/N stayed silent for a while, didn't know what else to talk about until she remembered about Aiden and Aria.
"How are things with A-Aiden?" Y/N asked trying not to make her voice shake. Aria looked at Y/N and smiled.
"Great. There were things I knew about him that he didn't mention when we were just friends. You know he's making a song dedicated to me? I can't believe that guy is so talented." Aria said. Y/N felt a pang on her chest as she was listening to her sister. She loves her sister so much but she just can't help the pain that was still on her chest. It may not be as painful as before but it was still there.
"Are you okay, Sis?" Aria asked and at made, Y/N blink, and her thoughts faded.
"Y-yeah. I'm alright. I'm happy for you guys, really." Y/N gave a smile and her sister sighed in relief. Aria suddenly stood up and wrapped her arms around Y/N. Y/N placed her head on her sister's shoulder and hugged her back.
A doorbell rang inside their house and both sisters pulled away from each other.
"I'll get it. Check your cupcakes first." Aria said and walked going to the front door and Y/N went to the oven to check the cupcakes.
She tested the cupcakes by sticking a toothpick and to see if there were still anything sticking to the toothpick and there was. She closed the oven again until she heard her sister from the door.
"Y/N! How come you didn't tell me that you have a boyfriend in school?" Y/N's eyes widen as soon as she heard that. She immediately remembered who it was and she ran going towards the front door.
Why was he here on a Saturday?
Y/N saw Tom standing by the doorstep while her sister was holding the door.
"T-Tom! What are you doing here?" Y/N asked nervously and went closer to Tom and gave a kiss on his cheek. Tom didn't expect that from Y/N and she saw him smile.
Why the hell did you do that, Y/N?
"Just wanted to see if you're up for Harrison's party tonight," Tom said and before Y/N could answer, Tom interrupted her. "Erika is going to be there, don't worry."
Y/N looked at him for a while and he gave her that look of you-have-to-come-with-me-it's-on-the-contract. She gave a smile and finally answered. "I'll be there, babe."
"I'll pick you up by 5 pm." He turned to her sister, who was just there in their entire conversation. "It's nice to meet you, Aria."
"You too," Aria said and Tom waved to them as he was walking away and Aria closed the door.
"How come you never told me that, Y/N?" That was the first question she asked the moment she closed the door.
Y/N sighed as she knew she has some explaining to do but she can't tell the truth.
Let's do this.
It took almost the whole day to explain to her sister about Tom and more of her school life that she hasn't mentioned to Aria.
It was already almost 5 in the afternoon and she was getting ready for the party that Tom mentioned.
"What the hell should I wear?" She asked herself as she looked at herself in the mirror. "Why does it take your time to figure out what to wear, Y/N? It's not like Tom's gonna care." Y/N continued.
Would he?
After several minutes of talking to herself and looking for clothes to wear, she decided to wear a blue floral printed jumpsuit and a denim jacket. She grabbed a blue scrunchie and tied her hair into a high ponytail. She collected a bunch of scrunchies since she was a kid and her mother would always give her one.
She smiled at the thought of her mom until she heard an unfamiliar honk from a car outside their house.
She quickly grabbed her phone and a small purse and ran downstairs towards the front door before her sister will open it again.
She reached downstairs and looked at the living room where she saw her sister sleeping soundly on the couch. The TV was still on and Y/N smiled at her sleeping sister.
She opened the front door and revealed the curly brown-haired boy. Also known as her boyfriend. Pretend boyfriend to be specific.
He wore a denim jacket and blue shirt below it. His pants were also dark blue denim and he wore sneakers. He had a smile on his face as soon as she opened the door which also made her smile back.
"Hey, babe." He said and that made her feel her cheeks heat up.
"Don't call me that. My sister is sleeping so you don't have to pretend." Y/N said and that made Tom chuckle.
"Right." He said. "Is your father home?" He asked.
"He's still at work," Y/N answered.
"Good. I'm not ready to face him, yet." Tom said and grabbed Y/N's hand. "Let's go?"
"Wait." She said and let go of his hand and went back inside the house to get something in the kitchen. Tom looked at her confusingly until she came back with a box in her hands. She let her hand intertwine with Tom's hand and smiled at him.
"Let's get going." She said. They walked together hand in hand until they reached Tom's car. He opened the door for her like a gentleman and she said thank you before going inside.
"What's inside the box?" Tom suddenly asked as they were waiting for the red light to go green.
"These are the cupcakes I made this morning," Y/N answered.
"No wonder why something smelled good this morning when your sister opened the door." He said and that made Y/N chuckle before speaking.
"This recipe came from my mom's notebook. Basically, I have been baking ever since I was little. My sister is better at cooking though and she also has my mom's notebook on that." Y/N said when the green light suddenly appeared in the traffic light. Tom drove straight before talking again.
"How come your mom is never home?" Tom asked.
Pain suddenly filled in her chest when he asked that. It has been almost ten years but she still could feel the pain inside.
"She's gone now," Y/N answered but smiled at Tom. Tom glanced at her when she answered and suddenly felt guilty for asking.
"I-I'm sorry for asking, Y/N. I didn't know." Tom said.
"It's been ten years, Tom. It's okay. At least she's in a better place now and I have something that will remind me of her." Y/N said. It has been the first time that she and Tom are having a deep conversation.
She looked out the window when she suddenly felt Tom's hand on hers. She looked at him and his eyes never looked away from the road. "I'll be here for you, Y/N. Not just a pretend boyfriend but also a friend." He said and smiled.
She smiled and was glad that she and Tom are friends now.
"I trust you, Tom."
Do you really?
Tom parked on the side of the house of his best friend, Harrison. He turned off the engine of the car and got out. He jogged towards her side and opened the door again for her.
"Thank you, again." She mumbled and got out of the car and heard the door closed afterward.
The loud music can be heard outside of the house and could feel the ground shaking because of the people dancing inside. This was her first time going to a party with someone she didn't really know.
Y/N and Tom walked together inside the hall where no one is and Tom stopped his tracks to face her.
"Give me your phone." He blurted.
"Why?" She asked him confusingly.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
Of course, she did so she got out her phone from the pocket and gave it to Tom. He opened the phone and went to the camera app and took a selfie of his face.
Y/N laughed at his action. He gave the phone back and said, "Make that as your wallpaper."
"What about you?" She asked.
He took off the scrunchie from her hair and placed it around his arm
He got his phone out as well.
"Hey!" She exclaimed. The phone camera was facing her.
"Smile," Tom said.
She rolled her eyes before giving a smile to the camera.
"You can't lose that scrunchie. That's my favorite one." Y/N said.
"Of course I won't, love." He replied.
After, Tom looked at the picture and appreciated how pretty she looked before making it into his wallpaper. He showed it to her and that made her chuckle. He kept his phone and grabbed her hand and pulled her going inside.
"Let's go." He said.
"Maybe I should just go home-"
"Nope. You agreed, love."
Both of them went into the room hand in hand and the loud music burst to their ears. Not a lot of people were dancing but most of them were just sitting and chatting with one another with red cups in their hands.
They walked towards the table with people shooting ping pong balls to the red cups. A familiar blond-haired guy was there and looked up when he saw Tom walking towards them.
"Hey, mate!" They did a bro hug with each other and gave one ball to Tom to let him shoot. He aimed for the ball and of course, it went in one of the cups. The boys cheered and went to Tom and all that Y/N could do was giggle at their action.
After that Tom went towards you and asked: "Want anything to drink?"
"Just juice, please. Not really into that alcohol drinks." She answered and smiled at him. Tom gave her a smile and walked away with Harrison to get some drinks.
She was left alone and looked around to see her best friend but she couldn't form the number of people inside the room. She decided to sit down on the couch that was empty and wait for Tom to come with their drinks until she saw her least favorite person in the world.
"Oh hey, Y/N. Didn't expect you to be here." Camille said with her friend beside her. "Mind if we sit down?" She asked.
Y/N motioned her hand to let them sit on the other couch and rolled her eyes secretly. She didn't want to encounter them here. Not now. Not ever.
"So." Camille's friend suddenly spoke and looked at you. "How did you and Holland get together?" She asked.
Y/N was star-struck by the question and glanced at Camille's face who was just rolling her eyes at her.
"It's a long story," Y/N said as she tucked her hair to her ear and faked a smile.
"Oh, we have time-"
"Elise, stop," Camille said to her friend. "They're still a new couple so I don't think she's comfortable talking about that." She continued and Y/N could hear the sarcasm in her voice.
"That sucks."
"Hey, babe." Tom suddenly appeared out of nowhere with drinks already in his hands. He kissed Y/N's head before sitting down beside her until he saw who was sitting near them.
"Hey, Camille. Didn't expect you to be here." He said as he placed down the drinks and looked at her. Y/N was just looking at Tom.
Camille looked at both of them and gave the fakest smile to them.
"Don't worry. We're just leaving." She said but Y/N could sense the curiosity about her but she was forced to go with Camille. They both stood up and went with other people.
Tom sighed and Y/N could still feel the sadness in Tom's face but he shrugged it off and wanted to enjoy his time with Y/N instead. He took off his phone from his pocket and opened it to the camera.
"Let's take a picture together." He said and held the phone up. Y/N adjusted herself closer to Tom and smiled with him. There was also one pose where Y/N pressed her lips to Tom's cheek and he smiled and took a picture of it.
"You're doing it." He said as he snapped the picture with a big smile.
"They really are together," Elise said to Camille as they were standing in the corner with drinks in their hands. Camille's grip on the glass was firm when she looked at the couple and she could feel her head getting hot.
Tom excused himself from Y/N and went inside the restroom to wash his hands and face. He removed the scrunchie that was in his arm and placed it beside the sink. He smiled when he saw the scrunchie and thought of Y/N. He was happy with how much time they're spending together. He knew he will never regret his decision.
His thoughts were interrupted when someone went inside the restroom and his eyes widen when he saw who it was.
"Oh, hello Tom. Didn't see you go in." Camille said in a fake way and Tom could sense that. He always does.
"I was just washing my hands and I'm leaving." He said but before he left, she noticed the scrunchie that was on the sink and suddenly grabbed it.
"That's Y/N. Give it back." He said.
"Among all girls, you chose her. How?" She asked and was twirling the scrunchie around.
"She's-" Tom stopped and could not think of anything that would describe Y/N. They have been just pretending and getting to know for almost a week.
"She's different, Camille." He said and that stopped her from twirling it and just looked at him. "I'm sorry, Camille but I can't deal with you right now."
Did he really just said that? Didn't he want her back? Why is he talking to Camille like that?
Camille just looked at him in disgust. "Alright then." She said and tied her hair using the scrunchie. "Have fun with her. But you'll soon regret this, Tom." Those were her final words before she walked out of the restroom.
She was the one who broke it off with him so why does it bother her so much?
Tom shrugged it off and fixed his hair before going out of the restroom to meet Y/N again.
"It's weird that I didn't see Erika and even Harrison that much in the party today," Y/N said as Tom was driving her back home.
"They were probably together somewhere," Tom said.
"That's weird. She always tells me stuff like this." Y/N said. "Maybe because it's Harrison."
"Haz didn't tell me anything about them," Tom said and turned left and parked the car outside her house. "We're here." He said.
"I just realized that I left the cupcakes inside your car," Y/N said. "I'm just glad they aren't ruined or something." She got out of the car with the box in her hand again. Tom closed it and just chuckled at her act.
They walked silently towards the front door. "Thanks for tonight, Tom. Didn't know that it would be fun to attend a party despite people getting in the way." She said and Tom chuckled again because he knew who she was talking about.
"I still can't believe we lasted a week. I thought we wouldn't because I thought you hated me." Tom said and scratched the back of his neck.
"Same feeling." She answered. "It feels nice to be your girlfriend. Camille just wasted a great guy."
Tom smirked at her and said, "You think I'm great?"
"Take that as a compliment, Thomas." She said.
"Don't call me that." He argued.
"Yes, I will." She said and Tom just rolled his eyes playfully.
"I should head home now. My mom would kill me if I'm home by the morning." Tom said.
Y/N noticed the box of cupcakes that was still in her hand and decided to hand it to Tom. "Here. Let your mom taste it. She will love it. I guarantee you."
Tom received it and said, "She will. Thank you."
Y/N opened the front door and looked back at Tom with a smile. "Good night, Tom." She said.
"Night, darling." He replied with a smile and walked away going to his car. She watched him walk away until he closed the door to his car and started the engine.
She closed the front door and locked it before going up to her room. She dropped her purse as soon as she reached the bedroom and collapsed herself to the bed. Many things have happened today which are good and bad ones. She thought of Tom and that made her smile until a vibrate came from her phone. She grabbed it and saw a notification from Instagram:
[Instagram]: tomholland2013 tagged you in a post
She looked at it with confusion and decided to check it out and as soon as she saw it, she smiled widely.
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She commented on a kissing emoji on the post and waited for how many seconds until Tom replied her back with a heart and a kissing emoji. She placed her phone on her chest and smiled. She didn't know what this feeling was but she felt happy about it.
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
20 notes · View notes
❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 2.2k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"Life doesn't have to be so planned. Just roll with it and let it happen." — Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before
[ late october of 2015 . . . ]
HIGH SCHOOL was not the life that Y/N imagined it to be.
She always thought high school would be the best years of her life rather than studying for upcoming exams and instead of going to parties with a bunch of people she would go along with.
But that was the opposite of what she thought.
High school was more demanding than it was when she was in middle school. When it comes to school, projects are piling up making her mind going crazy. When it comes to relationships with people, they wouldn't get along with her.
Especially when her long-time enemy came into the picture.
"You really had the guts to walk past by my locker, Y/L/N." Camille started and crossed her arms as she saw Y/N walking in the hallway. Y/N would just roll her eyes and shrug off what she said.
"It's not just me who walks near your locker, Camille. I hope you put that in mind." Y/N said and gave her a fake smile.
Camille clenched her hands and she wanted to pull Y/N's hair but was stopped when her boyfriend hugged her from behind. Camille's face suddenly softened and gave a smile to him.
"What are you up to, babe?" He asked and let go of Camille and stood beside her.
"I was just telling Y/N how her boots go with her outfit today, babe," Camille said and looked at Y/N who just chuckled at what she said.
"And I think she has the best outfit of the day than you, Camille." Erika showed up and said that to her cousin while chewing on her gum and grinned.
Camille became furious again until her boyfriend placed an arm around her shoulders before anything happens and he spoke.
"We should go before it starts to bell." He said and gave a smile to her and Camille nodded in agreement and gave Y/N and Erika one last glare before walking away. Tom looked back at Y/N for a while and turned back to walk away. Y/N swore she saw this but shrugged it off.
Y/N looked at Erika who was still chewing on her gum and smiled. "You always show up when Camille would talk to me. Such a best friend." Y/N said and that made Erika chuckle. "I can't believe you would say things like that to your cousin."
"She isn't the best cousin, you know. Besides, she fights you so might as well fight her back." Erika said.
Erika was always the one who would stand by Y/N ever since Camille started fighting her. But before Erika, Camille and Y/N were actually best friends until a spin-the-bottle game would ruin it.
Y/N knew how Camille had a crush on the one and only Tom Holland, who is now her current boyfriend. She invited her friends and including Y/N and Tom and they played the game, spin the bottle.
Camille would always wish that it would land on Tom so that she would get a kiss from him and it so happened that when it was Y/N's turn, it landed on him. They had no choice since it was the rule of the game and when Y/N's and Tom's lips touched, Camille became so angry and that was the start of them being enemies.
After that incident, Camille fought Y/N and Erika saw this and eventually rescued Y/N from her evil cousin. From that day on, Y/N and Erika became best friends until now. Y/N didn't even know how and why Camille and Tom got together.
"Do you want to watch movies tonight? I've got Marvel ones." Y/N heard Erika spoke while they were walking.
"I think I should just stay at home tonight. My dad is cooking for us tonight." Y/N said and she saw Erika pouted. "Come on, we had a movie marathon last night and you slept, Erika." Y/N continued and that made Erika chuckle.
"Forget about the movie. Just look at who's in front of us." Erika elbowed her and Y/N looked in the direction where she was looking and stopped walking. You felt everything was in stop motion.
He sat there with a guitar pressed to his chest and his veins popping from his neck as he was singing. He was your current crush and at the same time one of your friends in school. In fact, he was also your neighbor. Every time you would be around him, butterflies inside your stomach would flatter and your heart would beat fast.
Y/N felt herself blush and she wanted to get away from him. She grabbed Erika's hand and quickly ran the opposite way.
"Hey!" Erika squealed as she pulled her and ran.
They didn't know that Aiden noticed Y/N's actions and just chuckled and smiled. He continued to pluck his fingers on the strings and sang again.
Y/N stopped running when she reached the hallway where there were fewer people around and tried to catch her breath.
"You act so weirdly when Aiden is around. You're giving him signs, girl." Erika said, who tried to catch her breath.
It was true. Ever since Y/N and Aiden became friends, she had started to have feelings for him and you never knew why. Maybe it was the way he sings? Maybe it was the way he is when he's with her? It just came to her.
"Just go tell him, Y/N," Erika said and that made Y/N jolt her head up.
"No way. I don't want our friendship to get ruined because of this feeling I have for him. Plus, it's just a crush. Nothing else." Y/N said.
Erika shook her head. "Whatever you say, Y/N." That was all she can say.
The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Going to different kinds of classrooms for each subject every hour. Y/N had no one to talk to since Erika would be indifferent to classes too. There was also one class where she had to be classmates with Camille. She would glare at her every time she looked back and she wouldn't mind it.
Y/N walked in the hallway with people scattered all over the place. She walked towards her locker and hoping that Camille appears and have another talk again.
A vibrate came from her phone and she got her phone from the pocket and saw a message from Erika:
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Y/N rolled her eyes after she read the message and turned off her phone and placed it back in her pocket. She was about to walk away when someone stood in front of her and leaned on her locker. She looked up to see who it is and suddenly her heart started beating fast.
"Aiden." She mumbled and he just smiled at her.
"I'll take you home, Y/N." He said.
"So you're telling me, that you saw Erika with Harrison Osterfield. Harrison as in Tom Holland's best friend?" You asked Aiden as you were walking on the sidewalk.
"Yep, definitely him," Aiden answered and you were still in shock.
"That girl really has some explaining to do." You said and Aiden can only laugh at you.
Then silence came in but you still walked together.
"It's been a month since we last talked. How was your summer, by the way?" Aiden suddenly spoke up and that made you jump a little.
"It's alright. I had to be stuck with dad in a road trip camp while Aria was away. But at least we had s' mores there." You said.
"Well, Aria just came back actually—" Aiden said, but realized what he said and stopped talking. You looked at him in confusion when you heard what he said.
"Aria is here?" You asked then suddenly someone familiar called you from afar.
"Y/N!" You looked at the side and saw your sister running towards you. A big smile appeared on your lips and you ran towards her.
You gave each other a hug then both of you fell to the ground but you were still laughing.
"It's been a month!" Aria said while clinging on to Y/N.
"I know!" Y/N answered.
"Okay, you kids. Don't do that outside. Go in now." They heard their dad's voice from the door and walked down towards them.
Y/N and her sister stood up and dusted off the grass from her clothes.
When Y/N looked back, she saw her sister hugging Aiden and she also saw the action that would make her heart drop. It was her sister and Aiden kissing.
They let go of each other and saw Y/N just standing there in front of them.
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, Y/N," Aria said. Y/N never told her sister about her feelings for Aiden or any crush she has.
Y/N could still feel the pain that she was feeling right now but she didn't want to show her sister.
"I-I don't mind." She let out a small smile and asked. "Since when?"
Aria and Aiden looked at each other then looked at Y/N again.
"Since I was out. We were calling and talking with each other throughout the summer." Aria said and Aiden could only nod in agreement.
You were too late. A voice in Y/N's head said but that didn't stop you from giving both of them hugs to let her sister see that she was okay with it.
"I'm happy for you, guys."
"Your sister came and then did what with Aiden?!"
Y/N held the phone away from her ear when Erika shouted through the call. She placed it back to her ear and sighed.
"They are together, Erika. There's nothing I could do about it." Y/N answered.
"Well, you did have the chance to tell him. They kept this a secret for like a month and you never knew about it." Erika said.
"Still hurts but I'll be fine. I'll just have to get used to seeing them together as a couple." Y/N's voice broke and felt a small tear in her eyes.
Erika wanted to go to Y/N's house and give her a hug. She didn't want her best friend to be heartbroken. "You'll find someone better, babe." That was all she can say to Y/N.
"Thank, I guess," Y/N said. She knew she should just stop crying and accept the fact that they could never be together. She stopped her tears and asked Erika something out of her curiosity.
"How was the date with Osterfield, Erika?"
Y/N heard a thing dropped from the call before Erika could answer.
"How did you know it was him?" Erika asked nervously.
"Aiden told me. Apparently, he saw you guys together going out of the campus. You can't hide this from me, Erika." Y/N chuckled after she said this and did a fake gasp. "Are you two also secretly dating each other and didn't tell me?"
"What? No! Of course not. He just asked me out today and we went to dinner together. There was really nothing between us. I didn't wanna say no. Plus, it was burgers and fries!" Erika defended herself and that just made Y/N laugh.
"Alright, alright, babe. I won't bother you with your love life." Y/N said.
"Y/N? Pasta is ready!" Y/N heard her dad say from downstairs.
"I have to go now, Erika," Y/N said.
"Don't cry anymore, okay? It's not worth it." Erika said and Y/N smiled.
"I know." She said and ended the phone. Y/N placed her phone down and gave a heavy sigh.
This was just another long day.
Another day, another school day. Y/N achieved to not cry so much after dinner last night. Now, she was just walking in the same hallway.
As she was walking with her things pressed to her chest, she suddenly bumped into a person and her things dropped to the ground and herself as well.
"Hey!" Y/N shouted and looked up to see who she bumped to. Her eyes widen to see who it was.
It was the one and only, Tom Holland.
"You really should watch where you're going, Y/L/N." Y/N heard him say and his face was stern.
"You should watch where you're going, Holland," Y/N said and got all the things that fell to the ground. Y/N could hear murmuring from the people but she didn't mind them.
Y/N gave a glare to Tom and walked away from him. She had a feeling that he was going through something right now but that didn't stop her from being mad at him.
Can this day get any better?
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
28 notes · View notes
❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 3.2k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"Sometimes, the more you get to know a person, the more attractive they become." — anonymous
IT HAS BEEN THREE WEEKS since Tom and Y/N made a deal to pretend as a couple. Who would have thought that they would actually last a week?
As usual, Y/N did her morning routine during school days. Waking up, taking a bath, eating and going out of the house.
She ate the last piece of bread and cleaned up the table before going out of the house.
"Dad! I'm going now!" Y/N exclaimed to her dad who was still upstairs.
"Take care, darling!" He replied back that made Y/N smile before closing the door behind her. She adjusted her bag and walked going to school.
She sang some of the lyrics of never not by Lauv as she was walking until someone suddenly interrupted her and made her startle.
"Morning, love!" A familiar voice suddenly said and that made her almost fall.
"Holland! You twat." Y/N scolded him and that just made him laugh at her.
"Didn't know you had an angelic voice." He said and grinned at her. That made her cheeks blush and felt embarrassed when he heard her sing. No one has ever heard her sing except for her family and Erika.
"H-how did you-" Then she gasped. "You really are a stalker." She teased him remembering that she called him that before.
"Hey! I just want to walk with my girlfriend." He said. All of a sudden, Y/N's heart suddenly pounded so hard the moment he said that. It's as if they were really together as a couple.
No. No. No. No, Y/N. Stop it!
"Whatever, Holland." She asked and flipped her hair and continued walking. Tom just chuckled at her act and jogged towards her to catch up.
"Wait up, babe." He said and that made Y/N roll her eyes.
Going lunch with the one and only Tom Holland was far different from when it was only Y/N and Erika. Y/N was with her boyfriend's group of friends and that made her feel out of place.
As they were laughing and talking, Y/N just sat there awkwardly, not saying anything until she felt an arm around her shoulders that startled her. Tom was already noticing that Y/N was out of place so he did what he had to do.
"Are you okay, babe?" He asked with a concerning face and that made her smile at him.
"Yes, Tom. I just feel out of place." She whispered it so that his friends wouldn't hear.
"I'll make it up to you later." He said. "How about a date after school?" He asked her.
"Well, dating wasn't in the contract so-"
"Stop thinking about the contract for a while." He said. "Consider this as a two-week anniversary. My treat."
Y/N felt a slight blush coming from her cheeks but she shrugged it off and roll her eyes on him, playfully. "Alright, Holland." She smiled at him and he made an expression of joy.
"Hey, Y/N!" She heard Harrison called her and she looked at him with a 'what?' expression.
"Would you slap Tom for 100 dollars?" He joked and that made the other laugh at him except for Tom who just glared at his best mate.
"Shut it, Osterfield." Y/N heard Tom said.
"Who said that I wouldn't?" Y/N joked back and that made his friends laugh more. Tom looked at her like how he glared at Harrison and that made her smile at him wide.
"I'm kidding babe." She said and kissed him on his cheek which caused his friends to tease both of them.
"Shut it, you dweeb."
"Hey, Aria. I won't be having dinner with you guys today, if you don't mind. I'm going out with Tom to have dinner together." Y/N said through her phone on her ear.
"My sister is all grown up." She started and Y/N could hear her squeal from the phone. "Of course, I'll let dad know."
"Thank you, Sis."
"And remember, stay protected!" That was what her sister said. When Y/N got what it meant, she was about to scold Aria but instead, the call had already ended.
"Why are people acting so weird today?" She asked herself as she kept her phone to her pocket until she heard her best friend's voice calling her from the hallway.
"Y/N!" She looked at where the voice was coming and saw Erika running towards her with a paper on her hand.
"Erika!" Y/N called back and Erika reached her and she panted at first from running.
"Why the hell were you running?" Y/N asked as Erika was trying to catch her breath.
"Maybe I should go back to track and field again. Damn, my back hurts when I run." Erika said and stretched her back. "But anyway!"
"I got an A+ for the first time of my life, Y/N!" She squealed and showed the paper that she was holding to Y/N's face. "See!"
Y/N got startled when Erika suddenly shove the paper to her face. "Oh my god, how did you do that?" Y/N asked while scanning through the paper.
"It's called, luck!" Erika exclaimed which caused people to look at her but of course, she doesn't care. "Anyways! Do you want to go somewhere after this?" She asked as she kept her test paper on her bag.
"Tom already asked me out for dinner," Y/N said and that made Erika put her hand on her chest.
"Are you ditching me for him?" Erika asked in a dramatic way and Y/N could just chuckle. "I'm kidding! Go have fun and stay protected."
Y/N glared at her. "I'm not going to do it with him!" She said and that made Erika laugh.
Erika saw someone behind Y/N and smirked. "There's your prince charming. I better go. Enjoy your date, lovebirds!"
Y/N turned around only to meet chocolate eyes looking at her. She smiled at him and walked towards him. He smiled back at her as he stopped walking and just looked at her.
How did she get this pretty? He asked himself.
What the hell, Tom? Another voice asked and he shrugged if off.
"Ready to go?" He asked her.
"Where are we going through?" She asked and they walked together going outside.
"To the restaurant you told me that you and your dad would go." He told her and his eyes widen.
"The last time I went there was a month ago." She said.
"And that's about to change." He said and placed an arm around her as they head towards his car.
It was past six in the evening when they've arrived in the restaurant. Y/N was too excited that when Tom parked his car, she suddenly went out first. She was so ready to eat whatever they're going to order.
This place was full of memories for her.
"Relax, Y/N." She heard Tom say and closed the door to his car to go to her
"I missed this place." She said. "Let's go!" She grabbed his hand and went inside the restaurant.
As they went inside, she could feel the good old vibes that she felt since she first went here with her parents. She looked around and saw a familiar face on the counter.
"Aunt Mary!" She greeted and the lady looked up from the counter. She squinted her eyes to see who it really was.
"Y/N?" She called back and Y/N nodded and walked towards her aunt. She wrapped her arms around her aunt and have a loving hug.
"How are you, my dear?" Aunt Mary asked.
"I'm alright. School is just driving me crazy." Y/N answered and she felt Tom going beside her.
"And who is this young man?" Her aunt asked.
"This is Tom Holland. My—"
"Her boyfriend, Ma'am." He interrupted Y/N with a smile and shook hands with her Aunt.
"My little girl is grown up, oh my." She answered. "Since when, dear?"
"Just two weeks ago, Auntie," Y/N answered.
"Well, I won't disturb you on your date tonight." Aunt Mary teased and turned to Y/N. "The usual, dear?" She asked and took out a pen and pad paper.
"Yes, please," Y/N said.
"How about you, Tom?" She turned to Tom to ask for his order.
"I would like some burger and just soda, please." He said.
"Alright. The usual table is waiting for you Y/N. And the jukebox is there too." Aunt Mary said and Y/N got excited once more.
"Thank you, Auntie," Y/N said and held Tom free hand and head towards the usual table that they use whenever they go in the restaurant.
Y/N sat down and Tom sat down in front of her. He noticed a small jukebox that was on their table.
"Are there jukeboxes in every table here?" He asked and observed the jukebox.
"Not all actually." She said. "When I was a kid, we would go here most of the time and it just happened that Aunt Mary works here."
"Is she like a relative or something?"
"She's my mom's best friend actually since their high school years." She answered. "So she's like my second mother."
"That explains why you're close." He said and looked at Y/N as she tugged her hair to her ear.
"She was the one who took care if me and Aria when my mom passed away. My dad became depressed for a few years because of that and couldn't concentrate on taking care of us."
Y/N could remember her dad becoming depressed when their mother died. He started to drink every night and she would usually catch him crying in his room with a bottle of wine on the floor.
"Your dad really loves your mom." Tom interrupted Y/N's thoughts.
"He does, really." She said and sighed while looking around the restaurant, how people and families are eating happily together. "There are so many memories in this restaurant."
"Like?" He asked.
"This is where my dad met my mom when she was still working here for a part-time job with Aunt Mary." She started. "My mom was a hard to get girl even though she started developing feelings for my dad." She chuckled at the thought.
"Your dad's a fighter then," Tom said and chuckled.
"Indeed, he was." She said and smiled. "They went on dates here until Aria and I was born."
"I wish I met your mom honestly," Tom said.
Y/N just looked at Tom and smiled. She likes that he was just listening to her and he liked that about guys.
She placed her head on her hands and just looked at him. "You're a good listener, eh?" She asked and Tom just chuckled.
"Indeed I am."
Y/N was about to ask something when she got interrupted by Aunt Mary's voice going towards them.
"Your orders are here!" She said with trays on her hands and she placed then down their table.
"Enjoy your date, darlings." Aunt Mary said before going away from them.
"Thank you, Auntie," Y/N said and Tom just smiled at her aunt.
They started to eat their respective food and Y/N was enjoying herself until she remembered what she wanted to ask Tom a while ago.
"How many girls have you been with before Camille?" She asked as she at her fries and looking at him.
He paused for a while to look back to the past. "Two actually, but the first one was like not an official relationship. We just both liked each other until it faded." He answered. "And the second girl was the first girl that I had an official relationship with until things got out of hand that I'd rather not talk about." He ate one of his fries before he continued talking. "Then there was Camille whom I've been with for almost two years."
"I didn't know both of you lasted that long," Y/N said. She only heard about the both of them when they were upcoming seniors and she couldn't believe that Camille finally got the one she had a crush on when they were still in middle school.
And the fact that she hated me because I got to have my first kiss with Tom was just unbelievable. Y/N thought to herself.
"I thought she was worth it until she broke it off," Tom said and looked down. Y/N looked at him with awe and placed her hand on top of his. Tom looked at her and he saw her smile at him.
"I'm starting to get over it though." He said and Y/N just giggled. "That's a good thing, right?" She asked.
"Yep. I like hanging out with you better." He said while taking a bite of his burger.
And that made her heart skip a beat. She felt her cheeks heated. "R-really?"
"Of course." He said with his strong British accent.
She shrugged off the feeling that she felt and tried to change the subject.
"The best part of this restaurant is the jukebox," Y/N said and looked at the jukebox that was on their table. "Do you have a coin with you?" She asked him.
He looked for a coin on his pocket until he felt a tiny circle and got it out. "Here." He handed her the coin.
Y/N got the coin from him and inserted it on the jukebox. She pressed the button where the music will start to play and it was perfect timing that the song that was playing Bring It On Home To Me by Sam Cooke.
"Oh my god. This is my parents' song!" She said in a happy way and looked at Tom. "They used to dance this together when they come here." She said and had an idea. She stood up from her seat and Tom looked at her with confusion.
"What are you doing?" He asked and chuckled.
"Dance with me." She said and grinned.
"Really, Y/N?" He asked her and she nodded.
"Come on!" She insisted and grabbed both of his hands to pull him up from his seat. When he stood up, he placed his arms around her waist and Y/N placed her arms around his neck.
"This is nice." That was what Tom could only say when they were swaying around while holding each other. Y/N smiled at him and felt his shyness to dance. "The people won't mind, Tom. Don't be shy." She whispered in her ear.
"Who said that I was?" He asked and Y/N laughed.
"I can read your face, Holland." She said and they continued to dance until the song came to an end. She placed her head on his chest and could hear his heartbeats.
It was beating fast. She thought but she didn't mind it.
After the song ended, Tom guided her back to her seat like a gentleman. He sat back in front of her and was ready to go.
"I'll just pay the bills to your Aunt. I'll be right back." He said.
"I'll wait for you outside," Y/N said and got her stuff and went out of the restaurant first.
When she was outside, she looked at Tom was on the counter and was smiling while talking to her aunt like a real boyfriend he was.
It felt like it was a real date rather than a pretend one. From the dancing, to the opening up with each other and everything else. It was natural for them already.
What is this feeling? She asked herself.
She looked back at Tom who was already waving goodbye to her aunt and went out of the restaurant.
"What did my aunt say to you?" Y/N asked him and just chuckled.
"She asked how old I am." He answered and opened the door to his car for Y/N.
"Such a gentleman." She said and went inside the car.
"So where are we going now?" Y/N asked as Tom was driving.
"My house. I want you to meet my family." The moment he said that Y/N felt her hands shaking.
"W-what?" She asked.
"Yup, just for a while then I'll take you home. All of them are free tonight and tomorrow, they'll be busy again." He said.
Y/N just nodded but could still feel nervous. She had never had a boyfriend and now she's going to meet her pretend boyfriend's parents.
"Good evening, mum," Tom said to the lady in front of him and she looked at him with a smile.
"Hello, Thomas." She said and noticed Y/N beside him. "Who is this lovely young lady?" She asked.
"Y/N Y/L/N. His girlfriend, Ma'am." Y/N said with a smile.
"Please, call me Nikki. I feel old when you call me Ma'am, honestly." She said.
"Mom, we were just here to drop by. I have to drop her off to her house." Tom said.
"Alright. Please drop by here soon, dear." Nikki said while she looked at Y/N. "It would be nice to have lunch or dinner with you sometime."
"I will definitely drop by soon, Nikki. Tom told me you're a great cook." Y/N said with a smile.
Nikki smiled back and wrapped her arms around Y/N to hug. "You're a great lady, Y/N."
"Thank you, Nikki," Y/N replied and pulled away from the hug to go beside Tom.
"We'll be going now, Mum," Tom said.
"Don't go home too late, darling," Nikki told her son.
"I won't!" He replied and led Y/N back to his car. She waved and smiled one last time to his family before going into the car.
Tom parked his car right in front of Y/N's house and turned off the engine. Y/N removed her seatbelt and opened the door to go out and Tom did the same. They walked together towards the front door and stopped when they've reached there.
Y/N turned to face him and gave him a smile. "Thank you for the date, Thomas."
"You're really going to start calling me by that from now on?" He asked and that made Y/N giggle.
"I'm your girlfriend, so yes." She said and giggled more which made Tom smiled at her. He found her so beautiful when she laughs.
"But seriously though." She tugged a hair behind her ear. "Thank you for taking me to that restaurant and for letting me meet your family." She said.
"You deserve it, love," Tom said and Y/N felt a blush when he called her that endearment.
"I'll get going now, Tom." She said and unlocked the front door with her keys and opened it. Before closing, she turned around to look at him once again. "Good night." She smiled.
"See you in school, love." He said and smiled back.
Before she went in, she suddenly went near Tom and pressed her lips to his right cheek. She gave a smile before going inside her house and closed the front door.
Tom was left dumbfounded by the kiss and touched his right cheek like an idiot. He smiled to himself and chuckled because of her cute action. He finally walked towards his car while Y/N watched him through the window and saw him drive away.
She closed the curtain and walked up towards her room with a smile on her face.
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
23 notes · View notes
❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.7k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"Wherever you go, whatever you do, I'll always be here to support you." - anonymous
[ january 05, 2016 . . . ]
Y/N WAS WAITING FOR TOM TO PICK HER UP FROM HER HOUSE. Tom had suddenly texted her to wait for him as he was going to pick her up. Of course, she agreed to him and told him not to be late.
Another week has passed since their real relationship started. They've celebrated Christmas and New Year together in each other's houses during the week. And also with their closest friends which were Erika and Harrison.
They finally opened up about their relationship with each other which made Erika and Harrison open up about theirs's too. Although it was already obvious for Tom and Y/N, they still wanted to hear from them.
When Y/N was lost in her thoughts, Tom's car suddenly arrived which surprised her.
"Tom!" She called out.
Tom happily got out of his car and walked towards Y/N.
"Where the hell are we going? It's like nine in the morning." Y/N complained which made Tom laugh a bit.
"Good morning to you, love." Tom greeted and gave a peck on her cheek.
She rolled her eyes playfully at him before answering back. "Morning, Thomas." She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled.
Tom's arm snaked around her shoulders as they walked towards his car.
"Seriously, where are we going?" Y/N asked Tom as she placed on her seatbelt.
"My house. My mom wanted to bake with you all of a sudden. She also wanted to make lunch for us." Tom said which made her eyes widen.
"How come you didn't tell me it was that? I could've prepared." She said.
"It's okay. I think my mom just prepared already." Tom said and started the engine and drove off.
Y/N sighed in relief and sat comfortably on the seat. She grabbed Tom's free hand and wrapped her fingers to his. Tom plastered a smile on his face while driving going to his house.
It has been a week since he got the news and he still hasn't told Y/N about it. He only told his family and Harrison first during the morning. He just didn't know how to tell Y/N about this.
This is why he planned to tell her today. And hopefully, he would tell her.
Y/N heard that familiar voice that called her and it was Tom's mom.
"Nikki!" Y/N called back as she gave her a big hug.
Tom closed the door in his car and went beside his girlfriend.
"I missed you already, dear," Nikki said to Y/N which made her giggle and Tom rolled his eyes.
"Mum, you just saw her a few days ago," Tom said and his mom just ignores her son's response.
"You know, it's very hard to deal when all my children are boys," Nikki said that made Y/N laugh, and Tom groan. "But, I've gotten used to it eventually," Nikki added.
They continued to talk as they walked inside Tom's house. Y/N basically helped his mom prepare lunch while the boys just played video games.
From time to time, their mom would scold them and ask them to help in preparing or else they would have to do the chores themselves for a whole month.
Nikki would tell Y/N stories about Tom and his childhood and about photography too which inspired Y/N to want to try to go into the field of photography.
"Lunch is served!" Y/N exclaimed that alerted the boys and they ran towards the dining room.
"No running, boys!" Nikki scolded them and just sighed at her sons. "Until now, they still act like little kids," Nikki whispered to Y/N loud enough for them to hear.
All of them gathered together and ate lunch. Tom sat down beside Y/N. Before that, he and his youngest brother, Paddy, argued on who will sit beside her. But of course, Tom won since he would always say that Y/N is his girlfriend.
"How's your father doing, Y/N?" Tom's father, Dom, asked her across the table as they were eating.
"Same as always. He's just staying home right now since it is still the holidays." Y/N answered.
"Tom," Nikki called out her son who looked at her. "Did you...?" She trailed off since she wasn't sure and Tom already knew what she meant. He shook he said as a 'no' and Y/N noticed their conversation. They continued to talk silently that Y/N couldn't really understand what was going on until Ton spoke up.
"Y/N, there is something I need to tell you," Tom said and Y/N just looked at him, waiting for him to say what he wanted to tell her.
"You know that I act, right?" He asked her and she nodded. He has mentioned before to her that he actually acted since he was a kid.
"Well." He paused for a while and looked at his brothers and father who was encouraging him to tell her.
"I auditioned for this role a few months ago before we met and..." He took out the paper that he received a few weeks ago and gave it to Y/N.
Y/N took it opened to read it. As she read through the lines, her eyes suddenly widen.
"You're..." She paused, trying to sink in what she just read. She looked at him and suddenly wrapped her arms around him.
"You're the new Spider-Man!" She exclaimed while hugging him. Tom didn't expect this kind of reaction but he was glad it was. He hugged her back and kissed her head.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Y/N asked him and pouted.
Damn it. She's so cute. Tom thought in his head before answering her.
"I didn't how to tell you this, honestly. I have to make a decision, Y/N." Tom told her.
He grabbed her hand and suddenly stood up and pulled her with him. He wanted to tell her this privately so he excused himself first and went upstairs with Y/N.
"Does this mean that you're leaving?" Y/N suddenly asked as soon as they went to Tom's room. He looked at her with sad eyes and nodded.
"Come on. Don't be sad, Tom." Y/N said and caressed his cheek. "This has been your dream since you were little," Y/N said.
"But I don't want to leave you, Y/N," Tom said and held her hand that was on his cheek. She just gave him a small smile before saying something.
"I'll be happier when I get to see you on the big screen, Tom," Y/N said which made Tom's chest feel lighter. "I'm so proud of you. You deserve it so much." She pressed her lips to his and Tom responded to it.
"Let's go somewhere," Tom said and held her hand once more.
"But, what about your family?" Y/N asked.
"They'll understand, don't worry," Tom said and led Y/N down.
"Is this another mysterious place again?" Y/N asked as Tom was covering her eyes. She could feel her feet being covered by something soft and sandy since Tom told her to take off her shoes.
"You'll love it," Tom said. After a few more walks. Tom asked her if she was ready and she nodded. He took his hands off her eyes and smiled.
"Woah," Y/N said as soon as her eyes were uncovered.
They were on a beach where there were fewer people. The sky was so clear that it reflects in the waters of the ocean. The sound of the waves satisfies her ears. Her feet were covered in sand.
"This is where I go when I feel stressed out or just want to relax alone," Tom said and stood beside her.
"You really discover so many beautiful places," Y/N said and wrapped her arms around him while looking at the waves.
Tom spun her around to face him while her arms are still wrapped around him. She gave him a questionable look first.
"I will never forget this beautiful face," Tom said that made Y/N blush.
"You really know how to make me blush," Y/N said and smiled. "And I will never ever forget this handsome face of yours." She said that and pinched his cheek with her other hand. "I still can't believe my boyfriend is the new Spider-Man."
"Me either. I'm so happy about it." Tom said and smiled widely. "I still can't believe that I have to be away from you for God knows how many years."
"I don't mind waiting for you, Tom," Y/N said. "As long as our love never fades, I'll wait for you."
"Man, I am so lucky," Tom said and sighed then smiled. "I have the best family then I just got the role that I've been dreaming to act." He looked at you. "And I have you."
Y/N felt herself blush again and slapped Tom playfully.
"Ow! What was that for?" He asked her and she giggled.
"For always making me blush." She answered and placed her head on his chest.
"I will go to you every day before I leave," Tom said. "I want to cherish these days with you."
Y/N continued to look at the scenery and smiled.
"Me too, Tom. Me too." Y/N said.
"You know what." Tom let go of her to properly face her. "Go here when you miss me the most. Go to this place when you won't be by yourself." Tom told her. He got something from his pocket and revealed it to her.
It was a bracelet with white marbles on it. In the center, there was a sun symbol that was surrounded by white marbles.
"Wear this to remember me." He added and placed the bracelet on her wrist.
She looked at the bracelet and smiled. She felt tears going to fall from her eyes and looked at him. She leaned herself to him and he hugged her.
"I'll always go here, Tom," Y/N whispered, softly.
They stayed there together with Tom's arms around her. He just wished that this could last forever.
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires @robertpattinson-th @jackiehollanderr @butterflies-glitter
19 notes · View notes
❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.8k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"It's the end of the Earth and the death of the universe that give me the insane courage to say that I am yours if you want me." - Krystal Sutherland, Our Chemical Hearts
[ december 20, 2015 . . . ]
SEVERAL DAYS PASSED BY and Y/N still didn't have the guts to talk to Tom. She still couldn't face him after what happened just a few days before.
When they were in the same class, Tom would steal glances at her since she was in the first few seats in front of him. It still bothers him so much and every time he would look at her, he felt pain in his chest.
Of course, Y/N would notice this. She wanted to go up to him and talk through it with him. She wanted to apologize to him but she couldn't.
I guess this Christmas would be so lonely. Y/N thought to herself.
As she walked to the hallway towards her locker, she saw Tom leaning on the lockers near hers. She stopped her tracks until Tom noticed that she was there. She felt her heart beating so fast she couldn't describe the feeling anymore.
She walked slowly towards her locker while Tom was just looking at her and placed some of her things inside.
"Is now the perfect time to talk?" Tom suddenly asked that made Y/N jumped a little.
She looked at him slowly until their eyes were locked to each other. She felt that she couldn't talk so she remained silent but nodded in agreement. She closed her locker and they both walked together outside the school building.
The walk was silent and Y/N just followed where Tom was walking to. They walked until they stopped in front of a black motorcycle. Tom got a helmet and sat on his motorcycle and Y/N just stood there confused. Tom looked at Y/N who was just standing there.
"Come on," Tom said and held his hand out for her. She smiled a little and took it and sat behind him. He gave her another helmet and she placed it around her head.
"Hold on to me, Y/N," Tom mumbled and started the engine. Y/N slowly wrapped her arms around Tom's waist then Tom drove out of the school.
Y/N didn't know where they were going, but she hoped they could talk things through with Tom.
"Where are we?" Y/N asked when they took off their helmets on their heads and got off the motorcycle.
They were in a place where they could see the city lights. It was like they were on top of the world. They could see the sunset clearly in there.
"This is so—" Y/N stopped when the wind blew and her hair flew. "Beautiful."
Tom chuckled and looked at her as she watched the sun setting. The ray of light hit her face and her hair flew.
She looked so much more beautiful. Tom said to himself. She always does.
He glanced at her hands and suddenly got one of them. This startled Y/N and turn to his side to face him.
"Look, Y/N." Tom started and sighed before continuing. "I'm so sorry for everything." He said. "I'm really sorry for yelling at you and for being such a jerk."
Y/N didn't say anything so Tom went on.
"Everything that I said during the ski trip is true. I mean those, Y/N." Tom said. "What I feel for you is real." He held both of her hands and brought them closer to his chest.
"I tried to resist it but every time I hang out with you, I just can't help it." He said and chuckled. "You are the most amazing girl that I've ever met, Y/N."
Y/N could feel her cheeks burning with everything he said.
"I..." Tom paused for a while because his heart was pounding so fast. "I love you, Y/N."
Y/N's heart suddenly beats so fast with those words of love. She held on tight to his hands and felt tears coming out of her eyes.
"W-what's wrong? Did I do something?" Tom stuttered while asking her when he saw tears coming from his eyes.
Y/N smiled a little although she was crying. It wasn't even a sad cry, it was tears of joy.
"That's the first time someone confessed to me," Y/N admitted and chuckled while wiping the tears from her eyes.
Tom felt relief and pulled Y/N to a hug. "I thought I said something bad that made you cry." He said.
Y/N smiled and said. "I love you too, Tom, so much." She looked at him and he looked down at her.
"I'm sorry that I didn't let you explain your side, Tom." She said. "I was so blinded with anger at that time. It wasn't even about the scrunchie. I just thought you betrayed me." She explained and broke down.
Tom placed a hand on her cheek and wiped away tears from her eyes. "I would never do that to you, Y/N."
"Really?" Y/N asked him and Tom gave a big smile.
"I swear." He held out his pinky finger to her. But instead of intertwining her pinky to his, she pressed her lips to Tom's like a seal for the promise. Tom was taken back at the kiss before kissing her back. Y/N pulled away from the kiss first and said, "It's a swear then." She smiled at him.
Tom smiled back and remembered something that he was going to give her. He let go of Y/N's hand and went through his pockets until he finally got it.
"Here, I got this back for you," Tom said and gave out the Y/N's scrunchie. Y/N's eyes widen when she saw her scrunchie and received it.
"I had to talk to Camille to get it back for you right after you left me," Tom explained. "It wasn't easy, honestly." He chuckled.
"But how did she—" Before Y/N could finish asking, Tom answered right away.
"Remember the first party that went together?" He asked her and she gave a nod. "Camille actually got to talk to me and got it. I don't know why but I forgot about it when she suddenly asked me about you."
Y/N understood him. "I forgive you, Tom. I'm just glad you got it back. It's my only memory of my mom." She said.
"So." Tom started. "Are we okay now?" He asked just to make sure.
"Of course," Y/N answered.
It was already starting to get dark and the city is starting to light up. They decided to stay there for a while to appreciate the beauty of the city while cuddling with each other.
"How did you even know this place?" Y/N asked him. Her head was on his chest and his hand was stroking her hair.
"My family and I go here for hiking and we would end up having lunch or dinner here," Tom said.
"We should do that together," Y/N suggested. "You know, me, you, Erika, and Harrison." She added.
"Would that be fine with you?" Tom asked and Y/N nodded.
They stayed there a little longer until they decided that it was already getting late. They went to Tom's motorcycle hand-in-hand. They wore their helmets and drove down to the city. Y/N held on to Tom as he drove going to her house.
After a few minutes, they have finally arrived at her house. The neighborhood was quiet since it was already night.
"Thank you for today, Tom," Y/N said as she went down from the motorcycle. "I'm glad we got to talk things through." She added.
"Same here." He replied.
Y/N was about to go towards the door until Tom stopped her first.
"Before you go," Tom called out for her and she looked back to him and gave him a confused look.
He walked closer to her until she could look up to him since he is taller than her.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Tom asked her which made her feel her heart beat faster. "For real this time?" Tom was smiling at her which she couldn't resist.
"Yes." She answered right away that made Tom even happier. He wrapped his arms around her. Y/N giggled as she hugged her. He suddenly picked her up and spun her around which made her squeal.
"Tom!" She exclaimed and laughed.
"She said yes!" He shouted and Y/N slapped him playfully.
"You're gonna wake the neighbors up." Y/N scolded him but he just gave her a big smile.
"You don't know how happy I am right now," Tom said.
"I am so happy too, Tom," Y/N replied. Tom gave her a peck on the lips and Y/N deepened it. They pulled from each other and just looked at each other's eyes.
"I love you, Y/N," Tom whispered, loud enough for her to hear him
"I love you, Thomas." She replied and smiled.
"You should go now before your dad opens the door." Tom joked that made her laugh.
"Good night, Tom." She said and remained standing as he walked towards his motorcycle.
"Good night, love!" He said and rode his motorcycle. "Think about me!" Those were his last words before he drove home.
Y/N smiled to herself and went inside her house then went straight to her room. Her house was so quiet so her father and sister were probably asleep already.
She collapsed herself to her bed and gave a heavy sigh. She was glad that Tom was a person who didn't give up on her. She was glad that he is part of her life now.  She is so lucky to have him.
After a few minutes of daydreaming, she finally drifted off to sleep.
It was already almost midnight and Tom just finished taking a bath. It was just a few minutes after he arrived home from dropping off Y/N.
As he went to his room, he turns on the lights and changed to his sleeping outfit, a plain shirt, and sweatpants.
As he was wiping his hair with a towel, he noticed a white paper on his table that he had never seen before. He placed his towel around his shoulder and decided to read it for himself.
His eyes widen as soon as he finished reading it and placed it back down.
I got in. He said to himself and sat down on his bed.
Now he has more decisions to make and to think about.
What should I do? Tom asked himself.
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires @robertpattinson-th @jackiehollanderr @butterflies-glitter
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