#i needed that fence for a makeover
steddiealltheway · 11 months
By some twist in fate, Eddie and Nancy become friends.
It starts when Eddie sees her at The Hideout standing out very much in the sea of dark clothes wearing a lavender sweater and jeans. Eddie tells his band mates he’ll be right back when he rushes off to Nancy, noticing how people are starting to stare at her a bit.
“Nance?” Eddie asks, hands in the pockets of his black jeans trying not to make it obvious that he’s fidgety. He knows that she can defend herself, but it looks like some of the guys in the bar are going to test it, and he hopes his presence will make them back off a bit.
Nancy turns and her eyebrows furrow before she gives him a tight smile. “Eddie? What are you doing here?”
“Just finished up a gig. What are you doing here?” Eddie asks.
Nancy looks around and loudly says, “I was just here to see you play. I can’t believe I missed it.” She throws her arms around Eddie and whispers in his ear, “I’m looking into something.”
As she pulls away, Eddie smiles and puts his arm around her. “How about we talk outside?”
Nancy nods and walks toward the exit. Eddie turns and waves Gareth off as he stares at him with his jaw dropped.
As soon as they’re outside, Nancy lets out a deep breath and Eddie rushes off to his van, not trusting the few people outside staring. He opens the passenger door for Nancy and goes quickly to the driver side. When the door closes, Nancy immediately says, “I know this probably sounds crazy, but I think there’s a dog fighting ring below The Hideout.”
Eddie sits back and takes in the information. He shrugs. “Okay. I can believe that.”
Nancy rambles on, “And I know there’s not great evidence and it’s a shot in the dark but-” She stops and looks at Eddie. “You believe me?”
“Yeah. You’re one of the smartest people I know, and the Creel stuff checked out, so why wouldn’t I believe you?”
“I gave you no evidence,” Nancy says as if she’s trying to talk herself out of her own theory.
Eddie shrugs again. “Then, give it to me.”
And she does. Telling him about a dog she saw chained in the backyard of someone’s house with marks consistent with an attack. How the only time the owner brings the dog inside is when he leaves his garage to drive to The Hideout, although he usually parks in the driveway which means he probably doesn't want people to see him putting the dog in his car. How he parks at the back of the bar in a fenced-off section that only a few other cars can go in. How she’s seen dogs in the other cars and even barking in the back that fades almost as if the noise starts traveling down. But this is the first time she’s gone inside.
“Well, that all sounds pretty damning, but you’re going to have to stop your investigation style.”
Nancy crosses her arms. “What does that mean?”
“I mean, you stick out like a reporter, and your notebook was sticking out of your pocket in there. No one is going to talk to you, and if they think something is up, then you risk them relocating. So, I suggest we give you a metal makeover and you let me drive you here in my van because your shiny little car is just as suspicious.”
Nancy looks a bit pissed as she states, “I don’t need your help or protection.”
Eddie smiles. “I know you don’t, but I would be a great undercover buddy and excuse for your presence at The Hideout.”
Nancy narrows her eyes at him. “Why are you helping me?”
“One, you saved my life. Two, this sounds like an adventure,” Eddie says throwing his arms out with glee.
Nancy tries to suppress a smile before she sighs, “Fine, but if you blow the case…”
“I’m dead, and I never go on anymore adventures with you. Got it.” Eddie holds out his hand with a wide smile, and Nancy takes it, shaking it one time.
It feels like the start of a wonderful friendship.
“Wow,” Eddie says staring in awe at his work.
“I feel ridiculous, Eddie,” Nancy says, dark eyeliner smudged around her eyes, chains dangling over her tight black pants, and one of Eddie’s band t-shirts tucked into them.
“Well, you look absolutely metal,” Eddie says with a bright smile.
Nancy rolls her eyes but smiles.
Eddie thinks for a second before announcing, “We should stop by Family Video to show off your new look.”
Nancy scoffs.
“I always stop by on Wednesday! Please,” Eddie practically begs. He can’t wait to see the look on Steve’s face when he sees her. He wonders if Robin will be there too.
Nancy gets a little investigative twinkle in her eye. “You stop by every Wednesday, huh?”
Eddie eyes her. There’s no way she knows about his crush or the fact that he stops by every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and sometimes Saturday and Sunday depending on if Steve's working the weekend shift. He tries to brush it off. “Yes, so I must stop by today. Right now actually, so you’re coming with, Wheeler. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”
Nancy narrows her eyes at him.
“Alright, we’re doing this the easy way. Got it,” Eddie says, voice cracking a bit with fear that only Nancy can evoke. Luckily, she follows him to his van and gets in willingly.
A quick trip over and a surprisingly pleasant conversation later, and Eddie is dramatically entering Family Video. His heart skips a beat when he spots Steve at the counter looking at him, and he nearly forgets the reason for his dramatics. Then, Nancy clears her throat, still hiding behind him, and Eddie makes eye contact with Robin who is raising her eyebrows expectantly.
Luckily, the store is empty when he dramatically announces, “Lady and gentleman, I present to you-”
“Ruth,” Nancy whispers behind him.
Eddie moves to the side and dramatically presents, “Ruth!”
Robin looks like she’s about to die on the spot, and Steve well… he looks a bit shocked.
Eddie hooks his arm around Nancy and walks her up to the counter. “What do you think Steve?" His heart tugs a bit as he notices the way Steve doesn't look at Nancy but instead focuses in on Eddie's arm draped around her shoulders. His jaw flexes and his nostrils flare as he looks at Eddie and nods. "She looks great like a female version of you." He tries to smile at him, but it comes off forced and almost scary.
Eddie's arm guiltily slides off Nancy and a blush settles over his cheeks. He feels weirdly embarrassed as he passes Nancy off to Robin who stutters while complimenting her.
Eddie takes the break to look at Steve who stares at a stack of tapes, fiddling with them as if to make it perfectly stacked. "Didn't realize you two were so close."
"We're working undercover on a case," Eddie says with a big smile, feeling almost giddy with excitement.
Nancy laughs, overhearing him. "We're investigating something," she corrects, but adds on, "An adventure." Her eyes light up and her eyebrows raise, and Eddie feels an intense platonic love for the woman.
He glances back at Steve who continues staring at his tapes. "Sounds fun," he says flatly.
Eddie feels another shoot of pain in his heart, almost stricken by guilt. He and Steve have been talking and relatively close for the past few weeks, but suddenly he gets weird when he becomes friends with Nancy?
It strikes Eddie suddenly. He's jealous.
Of course Steve would be jealous of Eddie parading around with his ex-girlfriend! It makes so much sense. He probably thinks he's corrupting her or something.
When Robin asks Nancy more about her investigation, Eddie can't help but lean over the counter and mumble, "You know that there's nothing happening between me and Nancy, right? She doesn't like me like that at all. Trust me. Don't have to worry about her being taken or whatever especially by me," Eddie rambles out, laughing at the end to add to how ridiculous the thought even is.
Steve looks at him confused. "That's not- that isn't..." He shakes his head and goes back to his stack. "I don't have feelings for Nance."
Eddie almost scoffs at that because hello. All signs point to jealousy. "So, you're not jealous?"
"No of you," Steve mutters still fidgeting with the tapes.
Eddie nods. Maybe he's just having a bad day or something. "Great, glad we cleared that up. But uh- are you okay?"
Steve nods and gives him that same tight smile. "Yup."
Yeah, he's definitely not fine, but he's not gonna push it. He glances over at Nancy to ask if she's ready to go, but then he sees the way she's leaning over the counter toward Robin, chatting animatedly about her evidence while Robin listens with heart eyes, practically drooling as she asks Nancy more questions. And what's even more interesting is the way Nancy gets flustered as Robin asks questions she hadn't thought of before and a blush slowly appears on Nancy's cheeks.
Eddie watches in awe as the two form more theories with their ideas bouncing off of each other as they slowly lean closer and closer until Nancy's arms are pressing against Robin's. Eddie softly smiles. If Nancy can tease him about his crush, he's going to certainly tease her about hers.
"Watch it there. You might start drooling if you stare too hard," Steve mutters to Eddie, hurt evident in his tone.
"Why would I be drooling?"
Steve rolls his eyes and loudly announces, "I'm going on my break." The two girls jump apart as he storms off to the back and slams the door behind him. Christ. What has him in such a bad mood?
"Damn, what did you say to him?" Robin asks with her arms crossed.
Eddie raises his hands. "I have no idea."
Nancy raises her eyebrows. "Oh, I have an idea, but come on. I think that was our cue to leave." She turns back to Robin and very regretfully says goodbye before Eddie follows her outside.
"Really, I have no idea-"
"He's jealous, Eddie," Nancy states with a small smile.
Eddie fidgets and says, "Well, he told me he wasn't after I explained you don't have feelings for me."
Nancy laughs, and Eddie stares at her. "What am I missing?"
"He's not jealous of you! He's jealous of me. He likes you, Eddie, and don't tell me I'm wrong because I know what he's like when he likes someone."
Eddie stops to think about the way Steve had hardly paid attention to Nancy and gave all his attitude to Eddie. But that can't be true, and he knows he can't say that to Nancy, so instead he stirs the pot. "And you like Robin, and she likes you back!"
Nancy's jaw drops and she splutters, "She doesn't- I don't- She... That is not what we're discussing right now!"
"Here's what I think," Eddie says, ignoring Nancy's attempt at changing the topic, "I think that you should go to The Hideout with Robin because you two clearly work well together, and she's a better investigator than I am. Plus, you two have the experience after the whole library and asylum thing."
Nancy takes a second to consider it and asks, "But what about you? I know you wanted the adventure."
Eddie's stomach flips a bit at how caring Nancy Wheeler is. "I think I've had enough adventure in the Upside Down to last a lifetime. Plus, I have a weak stomach, and I might throw up if I saw a dog fighting ring."
Nancy smiles and huffs a laugh. She looks down at her feet a moment before looking at Eddie with a determined look that scares him. "If I go with Robin, you'll take her work vest and cover the rest of her shift. Plus, I get your van so we have a ride."
"Deal," Eddie says handing her his keys without thinking.
"Have fun with Steve," Nancy says with a big smile running back into Family Video.
Shit, he had forgotten about that part.
Eddie races inside, but it's too late, Nancy is already talking to Robin about the plan. She hands over her vest to Eddie and squeals, "Tell Steve I'm not sorry at all."
The bell on the door rings as they both race out. Eddie sighs and makes his way to the back, hoping that Steve won't entirely lose his shit at the news.
He knocks on the door and gets a, "Leave me alone, Robin," in response.
"It's Eddie. Robin left with Nancy," Eddie says loudly through the door.
It quickly opens with Steve looking a bit frantic and confused. "She what?"
"She left to investigate with Nancy. I'm covering the rest of the shift."
Steve stares at him for a few seconds and sighs running a hand over his face. "I didn't mean to make you lose your chances with Nance. That was a dick move, man. I can cover the rest of the shift on my own, and you can go with them."
Eddie crosses his arms. "I told you she doesn't have feelings for me."
"Yeah, but you have feelings for her clearly. You couldn't take your eyes off of her after that whole makeover of yours. Turned her into your perfect girl or whatever," Steve says angrily, and Eddie sees that same jealousy returning.
"Why are you getting so jealous?" Eddie asks outright, refusing to fully rely on Nancy's explanation.
Steve runs a hand through his hair and rests it on his hip. He looks at Eddie for a few seconds, eyes wandering all over his face before blurting out, "Because I like you! Okay! And I thought maybe you did too because of how often you come in and talk to me, but clearly, I was wrong." He brushes past Eddie and goes back to that damn stack of tapes, fidgeting with them again.
Eddie takes a deep breath and says, "Steve?"
Steve tenses up, and Eddie continues, "You realize that I don't have feelings for Nancy because I have this huge overwhelming crush on you that I never thought would go anywhere, right?"
Steve turns around quickly. "Huh?"
Eddie slowly walks up to him. "Nancy tried to tell me that you were jealous of her, and I thought it wasn't possible. That there was no way that you could like me like that. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming right now."
"Me too," Steve says with his eyes wide.
Eddie stops in front of him and cautiously smiles. "So, what now?"
Steve smiles back. "You know, I once heard that if you want to wake up from a dream, you just grab someone in the dream and kiss them."
"No," Steve says stepping closer. "But I think it's worth a try."
"Me too," Eddie replies as he leans in and does what he's been dreaming of doing for weeks now. Steve's lips are soft and warm and Eddie feels like he could get lost in the way they move against his.
Sadly, Steve breaks the kiss and says, "Huh, not dreaming, which also means that I need to temporarily put the closed sign on the door."
Eddie's eyebrows furrow, still confused as to why the kiss ended early. "Why?"
Steve jumps over the counter and flips the sign. "So we can properly kiss in the back without the fear of people coming in. I'm still on my break, you know, and I know exactly how I want to spend every minute of it," Steve says all matter-of-fact as he makes his way back to Eddie and tugs him into the breakroom.
God bless, Nancy Wheeler.
(Oh, and Nancy's investigation pans out exactly as she expected. She busts the ring pretty fast, and in her article, she thanks ((her, now, girlfriend)) Robin and even Eddie for their help. And trust me, the fruity four go on plenty of adventures together. Plus, Eddie and Nancy are very willing to give their partners their platonic soulmate time, so they can also hang out.)
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franglishetchocolat · 19 days
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Started the project of renovating Riverview , lot by lot , without using Store items nor custom content - except for RH rugs -. Once done (which should take a while, I’m taking it slow), there should be a save file with all of the makeovers, in the meantime here is the latest one.
Renovated on patch 1.67 -Originally in Riverview so best placed there - (Size: 40x30) - Uninhabited Residential lot
4th makeover in the Dogwood district in Riverview. Added a fenced-in backyard. The house is even emptier than the previous one (Teacup Chihuahua) but with one more 'room' /big hallway. That could possibly be turned into a sorta bedroom à la Jenny 💚 Woods's way ^^ . Starter home:  § 8,127
There will be a smaller version (20x30) in the Save file
Using Items from: 
No Store Item, No CC
EPs: At least Ambitions (wall), Showtime (archway) and University Life (windows). I also own WA, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Supernatural; Seasons and Island Paradise.
 SPs: I’m pretty sure I haven’t used anything from any Stuff packs as the interior is not decorated.
I use markers on my lots: skip level, hidden room, public room… So to be able to modify any of  these buildings you need to have cheats on:  ‘testingcheatsenabled true’, then ‘restrictbuildbuyinbuildings false’ To see/remove the markers you need ‘buydebug on.
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simmerianne93 · 11 months
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And, as you can see, this is the 2nd posepack I made for Chapter 06 of #mochilerosviajeros ' collab.
What is #MochilerosViajeros? It is a collab that consists on going through the worlds that exist in the game so far in search of a final prize. How?: @Pizca21 and @SantrufaS will be in charge of bringing us beautiful constructions and @Veronic32804362 and @Y_randsims will show these constructions through incredible stories where we can also see makeovers of iconic townies from each world.
My part in the collab is to make posepacks for my fellow story creators who will use their pack in their monthly chapter to look out for the clues that will lead the main characters to the final price.
As I told you in the previous post, this time we have traveled to Strangerville, and these poses are part of a training our characters have being made to have the next clue.
You can read the chapter here if you want to see more preview pics of the poses and see the amazing builds that were made for this.
Stay tuned to see the rest of the road each month to the final goal.
Hope you like these poses.
What is on it? 9 Trio poses (made with 3 male rigs) + 3 All in one for each one.
What do you need?
Andrew's poses player
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo.
Basegame debug fence wall.
Instructions on the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here --- THESE POSES ARE FREE FOR EVERYONE.
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
For more poses: Pinterest |  Wix
My socials: Twitter | Instagram
I really hope you like them and I will say on advance: Thank you so much for use them.
@ts4-poses​​​​​​​​​​​​ @emilyccfinds​
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capricorndevil15 · 3 months
Our Wonderland Themesongs Masterpost or Whatever
Out of excitement for the Our Wonderland finale (which is coming out next month!), I've written an incredibly long post sharing one song I associate with each of the main 4 characters (and also Cecil is there), as well as songs for my favorite ships. Come imagine AMVs with me, under the cut!~
To start off, a song that I associate broadly with the plot of OW is Leopard by Jack Stauber. For most of the other songs, I'll pick out certain lyrics to highlight/site my sources lol, but with this one I'd prefer not to because all of the lyrics are The Lyrics. Every time we change, it's a game, okay? Cool.
🥩Iggy: Devil Town- Bright Eyes (x)
All my friends were vampires Didn't know they were vampires Turns out I was a vampire myself
🚬Genzou: Getchoo- Weezer (x)
I can't believe What you've done to me What I did to them You've done to me
🍷Orlam: I made an entire Orlam playlist, but don't worry. I always have more. Today I'm assigning him,
Shake The Disease- Depeche Mode (x)
You know how hard it is for me to shake the disease That takes hold of my tongue in situations like these Understand me
✂️Gidget: Touch Up- Mother Mother (x)
I forget that I can remember when I was young climbing up fences Scraping my knees, dirt on my cheeks Not one makeover queen bone in me
🔪Cecil: Genie In A Bottle- Billy Cobb (x)
I have no tangible explanation for this one. You'll either get it or you won't and that's okay. 👍🏻
No songs for Bucks or Hunar yet because I need to know more about them first. I've heard the finale is pretty Bucks-centric, so I can't wait 2 play!
My fave ships
💙💚 Iggy/Genzou: Run-Around- Blues Traveler (x)
But I want more than a touch, I want you to reach me And show me all the things no one else can see So what you feel becomes mine as well And soon if we're lucky we'd be unable to tell What's yours and mine, the fishing's fine And it doesn't have to rhyme, so don't you feed me a line!
💙🧡 Iggy/Orlam: Funky- Royal Treatment Plant (x)
I should be over this No time for playing games with little wicked boys
💙💔💜 Iggy/Gidget: COWARD 2 COWARD- Ada Rook (x)
I will become whatever you think of me I will be nothingness or disgusting dreams Idol or target, anything in between Falling forever, witnessed by nobody
🧡🖤 Orlam/Cecil: Somethin' Stupid- Lola Marsh (x)
I know I stand in line until you think you have the time To spend an evening with me And if we go some place to dance, I know that there's a chance You won't be leaving with me Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
🧡💜 Orlam/Gidget: Pure Morning- Placebo (x)
A friend in need's a friend indeed A friend who'll tease is better Our thoughts compressed, which makes us blessed And makes for stormy weather
💜🖤 Gidget/Cecil: Guy.exe- Superfruit (x)
In lieu of cherry-picking specific lyrics I just want 2 say that the AMV in my mind is exquisite. In pursuit of the Guy (with help from Cecil), Gidget becomes the Guy. Do u understand.
💜🖤🧡 Gidget/Cecil/Orlam: Sideways- Carly Rae Jepsen (x)
Everything's goin' my way And I like to get my way Even when things go sideways Rainin' on my parade I get all my confidence from you
Lovecats- The Cure (x)
We should have each other to tea, We should have each other with cream Then curl up in the fire and sleep for a while It's the grooviest thing, it's the perfect dream
(They get two songs because...I said so. ❤️)
💔⚰️ Orlam/Genzou: Suedehead- Morrissey (x)
You had to sneak into my room Just to read my diary It was just to see, just to see All the things you knew I'd written about you
And that's the end! If u want to share your favorite ships or songs you associate with anybody, I'd love to hear them too!
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squidthechaotickid · 10 months
HI!!! Yes, the beloved Traveling Trader did get a new redesign and some Lore™️ >:]
I felt like I had improved with designing and colors and stuff, so the feller got a makeover—
unfortunately. I am still bad at names. Trinket kind of sounds fun but I’m still on the fence
(throw any ideas you may have into the ring, they are desperately needed :’] )
Um. Trinket is nice i think,, I have No Clue how to name characters tho </3
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nancypullen · 1 year
Nine Days Later...
Good grief, I posted about the powder room makeover and then disappeared.  We’ve been busy around here.  I’ve been doing lots of yard work and that makes me happy.  I have high hopes.  I’ve been cleaning up the tree line, raking fertilizer and soil into flowers beds, scattering zinnia seeds and sunflower seeds (cross your fingers) and generally getting ready for the blooming season.  It’s weird not having a plant nursery nearby.  There are a couple of small greenhouses, but right now they have mostly veggies, hanging baskets, and ferns.  I’m on the hunt for a flat of red vinca and maybe some speedwell.   Last week we drove into Dover to visit Home Depot.  It’s nearly an hour trip and it looks mostly like this.
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Loads of farms and everything is looking green. Hello, spring! There’s a Lowe’s closer to us, but there’s no sales tax in Delaware.  Does it make sense to use extra gas to avoid sales tax?  I guess it depends on how large of a purchase you’re making.  For us, it’s fencing.  I just want a strip of pretty fence in the back yard between us and the woodsy area. If we can get it done soon I can create a pretty flower bed in front of it. I’ve done my part.  The mister bought me this little beauty and I spent two days taking out small trees and all manner of scrubby, weedy, bushes.
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I have a fabulous chainsaw (it’s PINK!) but this was perfect for the job at hand.  It came with two batteries, so no gas or power cords are involved.  It’s lightweight but packs a punch.  It zipped through everything I needed to zip through and in no time at all I had piles of trunks and branches for the town to pick up.  It was a hot mess back there, and now it looks much tidier. I look like I fought off a mountain lion, but it’s done!  I’ll share pics when the fence is up.  Well, maybe sooner - as soon as the piles of tree remains get picked up.    One individual who is enjoying that tree line is Stanley.  He lounges under the birdfeeder and plays in the birdbath. He also drinks from the bird bath, but he spends a lot of time making ripples and chasing leaves around in the water.
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That was pre-cleanup.  I snapped it through the kitchen window.  I don’t know Stanley’s real name, I just know that I worried about him all winter and then a couple of weeks ago he showed up wearing a collar bearing a last name and an address just two houses down.  I may be responsible for his pot belly.  I was just trying to get him through the cold months.  Oops. But back to the yard - my little Jane Magnolia bloomed like crazy, even though she’s barely a yard high.  I planted a lilac bush and a beauty berry bush (for the birdies). I put some Morning Glory seeds in the ground near the corner of the porch, hoping that it twines along the porch railings and offers pretty blue blooms.  Mickey hung a birdhouse in the Crape Myrtle tree for me, that’s also at the corner of the porch.  The front porch is in an L shape and I’ve claimed that short side as my own.  That’s where the tree is, that’s where I’ll hang a hummingbird feeder, that’s where the lilac is planted and where I hope the Morning Glory vines will bloom.  Mickey put a little wicker loveseat there for me and I can sit in the shade and listen to bird song and smell the gardens.  I’m finding my way home again.  It takes a lot of hard work to carve out a patch of paradise, but we’re getting there.  It’ll be years before most of what I’m planting matures, but by then I’ll be grateful.  Heck, I’m grateful now. I’m also very grateful for my sister.  She drove over last week and brought a car load of dolls and doll paraphernalia.  Her daughter was into all of the American Girl stuff and she no longer wanted any of it.  Two lovely dolls, beds, clothes, all manner of sports equipment (even a pup tent) , a salon chair for getting their hair done.  There are even books! I took some time to empty the closet in the grandgirl’s room to make way for all of this wonderful treasure.  While I was organizing the bounty a certain kitty claimed the bunk beds. 
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She fell into a deep sleep, so I saved the beds for last. I should have poked her, gotten in her face, sat on her chest, and cried.  That’s what she does to me in the morning.  Anyway, I’m grateful for my very generous sister.  Our little miss will have a ball with all of this.
Did I mention how much fun the grandgirl had with the Egg-mazing?
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You just pop a hard boiled egg into that egg-shaped spot and turn on the motor.  It spins the egg while you apply color.  These eggs were created by a 5 year old!
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Prettiest eggs in town!  Easter already feels like a month ago. We’ve got a lot to look forward to - blooming season, grilling season, beach season, and more!  MY two sweet sons have planned a trip for July and will be flying off to Berlin and then to Prague.  I know they’ll have a blast.  They’ll probably visit plenty of spy museums and WWII sites.  I want them to go to the Lennon Wall in Prague and write, “My mom said to be nice.” Sorry for the boring post but I’ve been spending my days cutting down trees and digging in the dirt.  If it kills me I’m going to make every corner of this place beautiful.  Then I’ll sit on my little loveseat  on the porch, under the shade of a tree full of singing birds, and enjoy the heck out of it. Come sit with me! I’ll make lemonade and finger sandwiches and we’ll talk about nothing and everything. Doesn’t that sound nice? Alright, I’m calling it a night. I’ve got some crafty stuff in the works and I’ll share that with you tomorrow.  For now I’m off to a bubble bath and then I’m getting under the covers with a cat and a book. Livin’ on the edge. I hope that spring is filling your world with delight right now, wherever you are.  I know some areas are getting winter’s last blast, but I’ll bet that daffodils are right behind it.  Keep the faith! Stay safe, stay well, take good care.
XOXO, Nancy
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lizisodd · 2 years
Richie Jerimovich Needs a Buddy Garrity Makeover
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It's going to be interesting how The Bear handles the redemption of Richie Jerimovich, because he obviously can't stay the asshole he is and fit in with the new restaurant (he already wasn't fitting in at the old one). The last time I hated a character so much was Buddy Garrity. Chris Storer et al are going to need to pull off a Buddy Garrity–level transformation I order to make Richie worth watching rather than me just fast-forwarding through his scenes (like I did with Frank on Shameless, you can skip 90% of Frank storylines without it affecting the overall show).
Buddy Garrity was a villain in early seasons of Friday Night Lights who eventually moved to frenemy and ultimately to a redeemed close friend. A football booster stuck in his high school glory days who'd be a town joke if he wasn't a successful middle class businessman with a picket fence life, he schemes against Coach Taylor (the show's hero), his daughter, her newly paralyzed boyfriend, his wife, and several others. He threatens Coach's job, something he holds actual power over since the boosters basically can fire him at will and tarnish his reputation. He makes countless sexist remarks. The paralyzed player now has no star quarterback future, so he cuts ties and encourages his daughter to do the same. He cheats on his wife countless times. He's bad with money, he's bad with bonding with his kids, he's bad with boundaries.
But eventually he begins to soften. Personal setbacks and humiliations, including the collapse of his marriage and business, humble him. He still exudes major Drunk Uncle energy, but he's trying a little, which is more than most of the other men in this little depressed town are doing. He takes in a foster son (for just his football skills at first, but he later loves him, although hilariously the writer's strike and actor contracts meant the kid was never seen again after S2). He tries to repair his relationship with his children, including the eldest daughter whose college fund he decimated. He's jealous about being pushed out as head booster when a richer man with a football prodigy son takes his place, so he fuels this into revenge. Buddy knows where all the bodies are buried, and he's not afraid to air the boosters' dirty laundry, essentially blackmailing a town into keeping quiet and leaving Coach alone so they can keep their state champ rings. In his ultimate triumph, Buddy does what even Coach cannot: get a beloved character out of prison and on parole early, speaking eloquently to the parole board and giving him a job to secure his freedom. Buddy becomes a hero. He stands up for the young men of the football team, who at the end of the show are majority black and poor. His brown-nosing and connections, which had been obnoxious in previous seasons, becomes his strength. You begin to see why his name also means "friend." Sure, the man will still walk into Coach's house uninvited, but now it's to offer friendly advice rather than threaten his job. (Coach moves in the last episode, but you know Buddy is still calling the man at midnight, not understanding the time zone difference.)
So it will be interesting if The Bear can transition Richie from a blowhard loser asshole who's been right about maybe two things in his life ever (he hates litter!) into a functional human man who can exist in modern society while making the change earned. Unfortunately, while he's a main character, he's not the star, and there may just not be room to "show, don't tell." Worst case scenario: Syd (and the rest, but mostly Syd) accept a half-assed apology in order to keep the peace (and the story moving). But The Bear managed to pull off a miracle in making one of the best shows of the year, so perhaps there's another miracle brewing. Maybe he'll find some deus ex machina personality change sealed in a tomato can. Can't wait for season 2.
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Stranger Things Characters and Ships as Taylor Swift Songs
I'm back on my fan-casting ST characters as random things I like. Today, Midnights.
(also let me know if you want any of the other albums because I have so many big emotions)
Lavender Haze: The skittle six (older kids) "You don't really read into my melancholia" is Jonathan and Argyle. Jon is like those dogs with the big sad eyes and Argyle just loves it. "I've been under scrutiny. You handle it beautifully" is Steddie, from both sides. Steve with his past King Steve and Eddie seeing past it and loving him anyways. Eddie with the witch hunt and Steve staying by his side. The verse about the bride and past history is Ronance. Also "lavender haze" just sounds like queer stoners, so bonus points to the boys here.
Maroon: Stancy. I think Nancy did love Steve but not the way she thought she did. "The burgundy on my t-shirt" and the Halloween party. I also think they fought a lot towards the end and we just didn't see it. I also think Nancy regrets the fight right after. She didn't want it to end in a fight, because she does love him, just not romantically. I think Steve would hold a lot of anger right after but eventually forgive her.
Anti-Hero: Steve. He still sees himself as the jerk he used to be and struggles to forgive himself. Also the line "Pierced through the heart but never killed" and the fact this man takes beating after beating
Snow On The Beach: Elmax. I have a headcannon that El loves the sky and watching the stars and she would 100% stargaze with Max during their sleepovers sometimes. She would totally compare Max to stars, like in the line "I searched aurora borealis green, I've never seen someone lit from within" and Max would without a doubt respond with "You're so weird, I love you" because that girl cannot take a compliment but wants El to know how much it means to her. Also, El would base her romance on the movies she watches with Max
You're On Your Own, Kid: Jonathan and Steve. Jon was practically raising himself and helping raise Will. I love Joyce, but I think she forgets Jonathan is still a kid too. The best of friends line can be about Argyle or Nancy. He said he wanted to go to school close so he can be with Will, when his dream school is apparently NYU. "I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this" could be about all of them, but Jon was the one who had to pick out Wills casket; by himself. He had to protect Will from hearing their parents fight. He took on the load of the divorce and picked up all the pieces; his, Will's, and Joyce's. For Steve, his parents suck. We've all decided that. But he filled his house with people via the parties and the bridge is very Steve coded. I need Steve and Jonathan to become friends in season 5 or will cry. They're opposite sides of the same coin.
Midnight Rain: Nancy. She just wants to make a name for herself. She feels guilty about the fight with Steve but also feels she wouldn't get what she wanted with him. Also, "a deep portal, time travel. All the love we unravel and the life I gave away." Season 4 and going back to when she was still with Steve. I think it also fits with Jonathan, with the fight about the job at the paper. These boys just wanted the "dream life," Steve with his white picket fence and family, Jonathan with a decent job. Nancy wants more.
Question...? : Stancy. This album is very Stancy coded. This song specifically about Nancy cheating on Steve with Jonathan and Steve thinking the sleepover in season one was cheating too. Also Mike and El in season 4.
Vigilante Shit: El. Season 2 with the sister plot but also season 3 with her and Max having the makeover after the breakup.
Bejeweled: El and Will to Mike. Mike needs to get his shit in order and stop ignoring his people. But also, the line “some guy said my aura’s moonstone just cause he was high” being about Argyle is so funny to me
Labyrinth: Will. “I’ll be getting over you my whole life” The fear of falling for someone you think won’t ever love you back. Mike was the only friend who really showed he cared about Will’s trauma. “You know how much I hate how everyone expects me to just bounce back”
Karma: Honestly, the closest I can get is El and hitting Angela in the face with the roller skate.
Sweet Nothing: Lumax. I think Max would start writing to deal with her trauma after everything, and I think the only people she'd feel comfortable showing would be Lucas and El. El is in California, so Lucas gets to read all her writing. Pair that thought with the verse about writing a poem. Also, I think Lucas will fully just love her and not ask for anything, which scares her but also makes her feel loved in ways she never thought was possible.
Mastermind: Steve. That man is so much smarter than anyone gives him credit for, specifically in his ability to work a crowd and get people to like him.
The Great War: Byler. They're endgame, let's be honest here. Also, imagine Mike gets hurt in the final battle and Will is holding him, trying to keep him awake and he's crying. Mike is looking up at him and whispers "Don't cry. I promise if we make it out, I'll make sure to never make you cry again."
Bigger Than The Whole Sky: Steddie (I’m sorry)
Paris: Elmax (Specifically El) and season 3 with them living in their own world at the beginning and then nothing goes wrong and they have a Summer of sleepovers together and they're happy and in love
High Infidelity: Nancy. Her cheating on Steve, yes, but also, Steve and the movie theater in season 1. Jonathan ditching the plan they made together without talking to her. Nancy growing up in an environment where romantic love is not shown well and the only experiences she's had have been filled with monster hunting and guys who did her wrong.
Glitch: Steddie. Opposite sides of town, supposed to be just-friends, situation-ships, things in your system. Love them.
Would've, Could've, Should've: All the girls tbh. El and growing up the way she did. Max and dealing with Billy and having an unhealthy home life in general. Robin, Nancy, and Erica and getting thrown into the Upside Down. Even Joyce, with her ex husband.
Dear Reader: Nancy and Joyce. They mirror each other in very interesting ways, I think. They're both very headstrong and fierce. I think they also both struggle with feeling like they aren't enough though. We know Nancy blames herself for Barb. And season 2 with Joyce being so overprotective of Will shows that she most likely felt she could have saved him if she was there more. They both feel like they're falling apart.
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mookymoon · 5 months
.•°•.°☆( 𝕱𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖙 𝖑𝖊𝖌𝖆𝖈𝖞)☆°.•°•.
𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝙼𝙾𝙾𝙺𝚈𝙼𝙾𝙾𝙽
is your game lacking some drama && cuteness? do you struggle coming up with your storylines don't worry i got you . this legacy is perfect for those of you that take pleasure in the good and downright bad
be prepared the drama doesn't stop in this one
this is heavily inspired by the not so berry challenge and crybaby whims coupled with some of my favorite colors this is kind of like a berry challenge. but we are wielding dual colors. each gen has two colors that will bleed into the next gen.you can utilize dual colors in multiple ways. you can create berry sims or normal sims, you do have to color coordinate their clothes makeup, change up their hair colors doesn't matter just use the colors.
tw: this challenge may cover topics that some are sensitive to like cheating, death, neglected childhood.
that said, this challenge only has one path pack friendly but if you don't have packs dm me and we will discuss what we can do. Btw you can mix up traits if needed
-☆You must complete each life goal that is listed.
-☆ some cheats are allowed i will clarify in each gen
-☆ no money cheats that's not fun at all
-☆ life span can be kept on normal OR long short is not recommended.
-☆ you can take sims in cas.fulledit mode to change traits if needed or just to give them a makeover
-☆ if you play this challenge plz tag me at mookymoon
.°•°.•.☆( STRAWBERRY)☆.•.°•°.
(𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 1)
aspiration successful lineage
traits romantic, hot headed, self assured
career non at first but go into politician as an adult
Colors red && white
you grew up a perfect white picket fence life in a perfect home. perfect parents, perfect siblings, perfect grades. nothing was ever out of place. or was it? your memory is a little jaded, it seems. You were taught mothers cook clean && maintain the house while dads work make money and eat well you met your highschool sweetheart and guess what 1 month into the relationship he cheats on you with a cheerleader you were heartbroken and cried for months then he cheats again but this time with your sibling .
Where did it all go wrong
-☆ have a sweetheart that you hate
-☆ complete aspiration
-☆ have one kid but they were an affair
-☆ mary a wealthy man just for his money when your an adult leave him with your kid and mary your highschool sweetheart
-☆ master your career don't let your husband work he watches the kid
.°•°•.( Blueberry).•°•°.
( ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 2)
aspiration body builder
traits active family oriented paranoid
Career athlete
Colors blue && white
You always loved sporty things as a kid since your mom never had time for you so you grew up with your dad and your favorite sport was basketball
You always had a love for cats but could never get one because your mom was very strict and never did anything but work so you never got what you wanted & your mom didn't let your dad work because she said well i work you don't im the new man of this house & when you were in highschool your dad died so you had nobody not even a sibling to keep you company.
What happened to my family.
-☆ have two kids so your isnt lonley
-☆ accept every invite
-☆ say yes to anything your child asks for
-☆ complete aspiration
-☆ master cooking and baking skill
-☆ reach level ten of your career
-☆ never be mean to your kid or anybody
-☆ maintain a high relationship with your child
aspiration villainous valentime
Traits un flirty cringe goofball but when you fall in love you change to romantic
Career your to gorgeous to work
Colors black && purple
You were never into romantic relationships as a kid but when you were in your last year of highschool you found your romantic partner and you guys had a good relationship for a while and made good memories but he cheated on you with your sibling/twin by accident and over time you rekindle with your highschool sweetheart and stayed with him until he cheats on you with your twin but this time on purpose and you were so madly in love with him you decide to kill your twin and lock him in your basement till you die.
Why did i do this i hate love
-☆ have the worst relationship with your twin
-☆ never work a day in your life your parent send 1000 every week
-☆ complete aspiration
-☆ adopt a kid
-☆ have at least 10000 to your name before you die you get money from your parents don't work
-☆ at least have level five of charisma && cooking
.•°.•°( PINEAPPLE)°•. .°•
Generation 4
aspiration freelance botanist
Traits loves outdoors loyal ambitious
career non at first but as an adult go into the gardner career
colors yellow and black
When you were a kid you had a love for the outdoors and plants you always wanted to be a gardner when you grew up and that was for shure you never really liked your one parent you wished you had another one but you had your animal and that's all that mattered in your highschool years you figured out you were adopted WOW that was a surprise well you already kind of knew you looked nothing like your parent and you acted nothing like them and then if that wasn't enough you found out your parent was a KILLER oh no and they killed your aunt/uncle an then adopted you so you decide to move and cut off your parent and leave all that drama behind and have a new and fresh start and find you a partner and you did take your animal so at least you have someone and finally you find a partner and you guys get married and have 3 kids together but you have an affair with your boss and you get pregnant and your spouse finds out and your alone now with four kids.
What did i do i had a perfect relationship
-☆ live in a big house with your 4 kids
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
Hello again, i hope you had and continue to have a lovely weekend :)
Honestly, I forgot so many of S5 storylines since I think I’ve only watched this season twice. And when I do watch it it’s just the last couple episodes minus the finale. I mean I even forgot Ted’s makeover/plastic surgery storyline. So I was just as surprised as my brother was. That I don’t forget: He is hating Eli and Monty so much its funny and I already know he’s going to hate them even more. He also really can’t stand Ben and Michael this season.
And he kept mentioning throughout the episodes how bad Lindsay’s hair is. I wonder what he’s gonna think about Brian’s later on, he will obviously continue crushing on him but i wonder if he’ll have any feelings about it.
I’m glad to know I’m not the only one that wishes Emmett and Brian had more of a friendship/bromance. I love Ted and Brian so much but Em would be perfect with Brian. Especially since their personalities are so different. And yes, he really is gay for Gale/Brian, there were way more ‘he’s pretty/hot/wow look at him’ but i decided to skip them because it would be 16 parts long and half of it would be about Brian being pretty. I can’t wait for him to “meet” Gale and to see his realization about how dorky Gale is irl. I wonder how his crush will go from there.
AND YES! My mom did watch Queer Eye thinking it was this show. Dad still teases her about it because apparently she walked into the kitchen when she watched it and went ‘i thought (brothers name) said they fuck in here? So far it’s just clothes and avocado toast’ maybe i should tell her they did a QE storyline. My brother has watched it religiously since it came out (the new version) but he just never shared that with anyone. Which was weird to me since he shares everything else, that a normal person would keep to themselves, with literally anyone that he meets.
As for the meta post. I really, really, really hope that one day he goes insane about Brian like this. I just know he is thinking way too many thoughts about him. Our whole entire family has passed the video back and forth and the amount of family members that contacted me to ask what is he talking about is ridiculous. Even our mom thought the video was funny because of how he was pacing around and kept talking like he was on 6 different drugs.
Btw if you ever wondered, how many times is too many times to listen to Sandstorm in a row? The answer is 27 times. I had to threaten him to stop so what did he do? He left the house and went to the neighbor (i feel bad for her cause he just adopted her as an ally to his everyday nonsense) AND HE MADE HER PUT ON THE SONG because i can’t do shit about it. And all he did was sat on her yard and held a middle finger up towards my yard (we share a fence) while talking to the neighbor about Gale on Criminal Minds and how he thinks maybe he could show up in later episodes since he’s the ex husband. So once again: grown man for sale if anyone wants him.
Hello dear sweet anon!
I always forget Ted’s make over too. Sorry, Ted. I love Brian and Emmett because I see Emmett as the more femme version of Brian. He has lots of sex with lots of people, dresses fabulously, and is career driven. So similar!
I’m surprised that your brother has not discussed QE at length with you. He seems to discuss everything else. But I’m LOLing at your mother “it’s just clothes and avocado toast” … which it is.
I am very excited for any meta about Brian or Britin he comes up with! He’s going to do numbers here on tumblr.
Thank you so much for these updates anon. I hope your week starts easily and your Monday goes by quickly!
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emmafreakecreations · 10 months
the barbie movie and other ppls wacky stories of playing with barbies reminded me of a funny storyline that developed when I played with pollies with my sisters. (We had barbies but we liked playing with pollies more)
On our dinning room table we made a polly town with the polly buildings we had and ellos. My polly was the leader of a circus, one sisters polly- let's call her Amy- was a make over guru, and the other sister's polly-let's call her Tina- was the keeper of the peace bc she had a trench coat. My polly went to Amy's polly for a makeover before one of her big shows. After the show my polly was having a conversation with her boyfriend and at that moment Amy's polly sent a child polly (there are no children pollies we just called this one a child bc unfortunately this polly lost her legs due to us having difficulty dressing her so her legs popped off. In the past we tried gluing them back on but then the legs wouldn't move so we decided to dress broken pollies in dresses and call them children) to tell my polly that she needed to pay for the make over. My polly was like, "one moment I have an important conversation with my boyfriend.". but the child polly kept interrupting and I got irritated so I took the polly from Amy's hand and threw the polly over this plastic fence we had that the pollies were standing near. Then later as the keeper of peace Tina's polly started investigating who threw this child polly over a fence. My polly was brought in for questioning. I don't think my polly got in trouble though bc by that point we were done playing with the pollies.
0 notes
franglishetchocolat · 20 days
Tumblr media
Started the project of renovating Riverview , lot by lot , without using Store items nor custom content - except for RH rugs -. Once done (which should take a while, I’m taking it slow), there should be a save file with all of the makeovers, in the meantime here is the latest one.
Renovated on patch 1.67 -Originally in Riverview so best placed there - (Size: 30x20) - Uninhabited Residential lot
3rd makeover in the Dogwood district in Riverview. Not furnished, just kitchen and bathroom items that were already there + a doghouse ૮ ºﻌºა . Fenced in backyard. Starter home. Price: § 9,451
There will be a smaller version (25x20) in the Save file
Using Items from: 
No Store Item, No CC
EPs: At least Ambitions (wall), Showtime (archway) and University Life (windows). I also own WA, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Supernatural; Seasons and Island Paradise.
 SPs: I’m pretty sure I haven’t used anything from any Stuff packs as the interior is not decorated.
I use markers on my lots: skip level, hidden room, public room… So to be able to modify any of  these buildings you need to have cheats on:  ‘testingcheatsenabled true’, then ‘restrictbuildbuyinbuildings false’ To see/remove the markers you need ‘buydebug on.
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mohsinbeg · 1 year
Start Growing Your Own Kitchen Garden with Hariththarang!
Kitchen gardening is getting a makeover. The small, beautiful as well as productive gardens for vegetables are enjoying an era of revival. They're popping up in backyards all over the world. Let's examine the basics of kitchen gardening with an expert in the field, Nicole Burke, author of the gorgeous book Kitchen Garden Revival. This article's information and the advice you'll find in Nicole's book will have you gardening in your personal kitchen garden like a pro.
What is the kitchen garden?
There are two types of gardening in the kitchen. The first one is done in the kitchen and could consist of re-growing vegetables from food scraps (if you're looking to do this, I would recommend Katie Elzer-Peter's guide, No-Waste Kitchen Gardening) or growing vegetables and herbs on your window sill. But the type of garden that we're talking about in this article is outdoors. It's all about growing fresh and organic vegetables right at your back door. Instead of taking place in your kitchen area, this kind of garden is designed inthe kitchen.
The French have been accustomed to that the kitchen garden as the potager for generations, and the American colonists were known to practice kitchen gardening, too. But the industrial revolution changed this so that gardening in the kitchen garden was replaced by the straight rows of Victory Gardens. Unfortunately, following the industrialization of our entire food system, most families had no food garden whatsoever.
What is the difference between kitchen gardening from "regular" gardeners?
A renewed interest in kitchen gardening however, is bringing this tradition to the forefront of fashion. I asked what a kitchen garden differs from a vegetable garden to Nicole, and here's what she has to say about it: "To me, what distinguishes a kitchen garden unique from a 'regular' vegetable garden is that it's usually smaller, tended more often and is designed to be in sync more visually with the architecture and design of the house." Kitchen gardens are designed to be functional where symmetrical beds are laid out and planted in a visually pleasing way. Also, kitchen gardens are not only productive, they're also gorgeous. They're also meant for fresh eating, rather than for growing large quantities of food to can and preserving.
Where to put your kitchen garden
Nicole loves to tie the kitchen garden her company, Rooted Garden, designs and builds to other areas of the home for example, a fence line, or the outside of the house or by even lining it with doors or windows. "You really want the kitchen garden to look like it's always been there" she notes. Making the garden look like it connects with the lines and objects that are already on-site is the most effective method of achieving that.
"Of course, you'll need to put the sun first," she stresses, "and you do that by making sure that you're on southern end of any tall structures that you've got in your landscaping. Then, you'll want to make sure that you're in close proximity to an water source. After you've considered sunlight and water, it's time to think about the design of your home and how you can extend one line or the other and create a new area that is as if it's always been a part of your home."
Don't hastily plunk in the kitchen garden. Take a look at the space on your property you'd love to spend time in that is also light. This is where you'd like to have the garden, but not too far from you and not visible, but close to your everyday life as possible.
Where can I buy kitchen garden / Plants online?
HarithTharang has evolved from its humble beginnings as just a counter with "Gift-A-Plant" items to a boutique that sells various innovative products to customers.
HarithTharang has a distinct theme for its entire range of products. the focus is on a combination of being environmentally friendly innovative, elegant and innovative. The range of products covers a broad range of natural materials, including, various bamboo-derived coconut trees recycled home items, recycled plastics and other kinds of recyclable and natural materials. The shop also offers services in the design of home gardens, terrace gardens, garden terraces, kitchen gardens, terrariums and professional garden maintenance.
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leifrogersmd · 1 year
My tummy tuck recovery story (and recovery tips)
If you are considering plastic surgery, you should learn as much as you can about it. You can arrange an appointment at a surgical facility and bombard the plastic surgeon with inquiries. Yet, those who have undergone a procedure for plastic surgery are frequently the finest sources of information.
A person who has had, instance, a stomach tuck is most qualified to describe her experience in all of its detail, much like childbirth is such a vivid memory for us women who have through it that we can retell all our rollercoaster feelings even years afterwards. particularly if she is an author.
Observational Report on a Tummy Tuck
We thought we'd share "My Tummy Tuck Diary," which we recently discovered on the blog Addison's Wonderland. Reading about Brittany's experience during the complete stomach tuck process will offer you a lot better grasp of what it may entail for you if you've considered maybe, possibly, one day getting a Tummy Tuck Surgery Beverly Hills but are still on the fence about doing it. You may use it to decide what questions to ask, how long to take off work, how the rehabilitation will go, and other things.
Why a Tummy Tuck Was "Necessary"
Brittany begins by imparting her doctor's knowledge on how to determine whether you "need" a belly tuck (as well as a breast lift, which she also had, which actually makes her procedure a Mommy Makeover). She had had significant weight gain before losing it all again, which is not usually good for your skin. Her informal test revealed that "I had a TON of excess skin." She thus decided to get a complete abdominoplasty, which is another term for a stomach tuck.
How agonising is a tummy tuck?
This is not to imply that the method itself is hassle-free. You will feel pain in the days following your stomach tuck, as you may learn from reading up on Brittany's blog. You can't avoid engaging your abdominal muscles at all since they are so essential to everything you do as you move throughout the day. Your breasts work differently than this. This makes it worthwhile to consider getting your breasts done at the same operation as your stomach tuck because you'll have less pain and recuperation time overall.
Brittany continues by going into some depth regarding her rehabilitation, including the ideal way to involve a helper, whether to take medication and how often, and how long to wear the compression belt to promote healing. She also offers some quite unorthodox tips on how to keep the lovely form of your new belly button. She publishes her after-pictures in a bikini towards the conclusion of her Tummy Tuck Diaries, which are undoubtedly motivating for anyone who hasn't dared don a bikini in a long time.
Starting Your Tummy Tuck Procedure
The best course of action if you feel you "need" a belly tuck and pass Brittany's test is to start looking into the process and cosmetic surgery facilities with board-certified Plastic Surgeon Los Angeles who specialise in Tummy Tuck Surgery Los Angeles. Schedule a consultation with the plastic surgeon after you've discovered a service. This will give you the chance to ask any questions you may have and will also assist him or her determine your body type and the kind of stomach tuck that would be most effective for you.
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evabeautyostudio · 2 years
Should You Go For Eyebrow Microblading In 2022?
Microblading is all the rage in the modern world today and is only growing in popularity. It is a semi-permanent makeup procedure. It uses a handheld microblade tool made up of tiny, superfine needles. The tool helps to deposit pigment in the brow area, such as a tattoo, but without the tattoo gun. The goal of eyebrows microblading in Vaughan is to create individual, natural-looking hair strokes that mimic the desired look of the client.
As a result, the client is given more defined, full, and perfectly shaped eyebrows. It is something that the majority of women have only dreamed of. Do not worry, the procedure is totally safe and effective.
With that said, a lot of women are still on the fence about whether microblading is a worthy procedure. Since it is a semi-permanent makeup solution, the results will last several years. The clients will not be able to change their minds once the procedure is completed.
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So, is microblading worth it?
The short answer to this question is yes, eyebrow microblading is definitely worth it. Especially considering the amount of talent and experienced semi-permanent makeup artists have these days, there is no going wrong when getting microblading for eyebrows. The results will astonish you.
Not only are there a ton of advantages that come with eyebrow microblading, but it will completely change the way you look at yourself. It also improves your confidence levels daily. After the procedure, you feel like a new person and can’t wait to show off your new look.
There are a ton of advantages that come with microblading the eyebrows. Plus, there are also a few factors to mull over before making the 1st appointment. Do not worry, we are going to break down both the advantages and factors in more detail below to make sure a positive experience for all.
Advantages of eyebrow microblading
Microbladed eyebrows are something you never thought you needed. But it is something you will never like to go without ever again. There is a reason it is growing in popularity and a reason why so many people are starting to trust the procedure regularly. It works and it is totally worth it.
Some of the most prominent advantages are as follows:
Thicker & fuller eyebrows with a natural look - A lot of people wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and think of themselves. “I wish I had thicker, fuller, and more defined brows.” With microbladed eyebrows, you can give your natural brows a much-needed makeover by achieving the perfect shape you have always dreamed of.
Save money by avoiding brow products - How much money do you spend on brow products every year? With microbladed brows, you will not need a brow pencil, brow powder, or pomade to achieve the desired eyebrow shape. From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, your new brows will look flawless.
Less time spend applying makeup every morning - Microblading treatment is designed for the ones that wear makeup to achieve the perfect eyebrows every day. Without makeup, your daily routine just got a lot easier. In addition to the amount of money you will save, you will even save a considerable amount of time and frustration each morning.
Microbladed brows last longer than you think - As mentioned above, microblading is a semi-permanent makeup solution. Even though the brows will fade over time, they generally last between one to three years with annual touch-ups. Better yet, they will not smudge when you touch them, go swimming, or even while sweating at the gym.
The microblading procedure is quick & painless - For the majority of artists, the microblading procedure takes around two to four hours. You will not feel much pain thanks to the numbing cream and numbing ointment. The healing process takes about a month. You will need a follow-up appointment after six weeks and a touch-up appointment every year.
Factors to mull over when getting eyebrow microblading
Now you understand the many advantages that come with eyebrow microblading. Do not sit and wonder if it is the right procedure for you. It is a no-brainer for the ones wanting a new eyebrow look and is a gift that keeps on giving for several years after the initial procedure.
Of course, like anything in life, there are a few factors to consider before jumping in the ring with a semi-permanent makeup artist. Not only do you want to consider the cost of the procedure, but you want to consider your skin type and the quality of the artist.
Choosing the right artist
Do not miss to check out the experience, training, certifications, talent, and overall passion of the artist for eyebrow microblading. After all, you would like to know your eyebrows are in good hands.
Contact EAV Beauty Studio if you want perfect eyebrows
Performing microblading requires the expertise of a true professional. This is especially because clients can’t change their minds once the procedure is done. At EAV Beauty Studio, we have the expertise to provide the best microblading in Vaughan. Do you want to schedule your 1st microblading appointment? Contact us today!
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plantspecialist · 2 years
Garden Lighting & Irrigation Can Remodel Your Property
Garden lighting & irrigation work is considered to be a factor that can improve the property value. Lighting improves the charming nature of your home at night and irrigation doesn’t allow your garden to get barren.
In this blog, I am sharing something that you should know about landscape lighting & irrigation. Let’s get started.
Benefits of Irrigation
If you are still following the hand-watering or rain-watering method for the plants, you will soon realize your mistake. There are plenty of downsides to hand watering. You can connect with a garden specialist to understand this properly. Check out some crucial benefits of irrigation.
1. Hand watering can be a bad idea: Many people understand this fact too late that hand watering can damage your plants over time. It makes plants evaporate more water while irrigation considers deep watering to make plants healthy. Sometimes, people forget to water the plants regularly, in that case, irrigation will water the plants without letting you worry about it.
2. Garden needs advanced watering system: Irrigation & lighting experts believe that a classy green lawn is the pride of a landscape. You may follow a strict rule for watering but it becomes hard in the summer. Water evaporates easily and may miss the time when your plant asks for water. Excellent non-manual garden irrigation in NYC can help you save yourself from all hustles.
3. Automated irrigation is attractive and effective: There are plenty of gadgets available in the market that you can attach to your garden for an effective sprinkle. Inappropriate usage of water can kill your plants and will cost you much more than the irrigation system. You can take help from garden specialists to understand the gadget’s application method.
On the other hand, a professional lighting system is also a need for your garden. It produces a sight of attraction to your property. Landscape lighting installation is a treasure hunt for every property. If lights are installed properly, it attracts everyone’s sight and becomes a point of attraction.
Between a variety of lights, you can choose the lights that match your preferences and homely vibes. Accent lights, pathway lighting, LED strips, rope lighting, string lights, and well lights are a few options to name. Garden care experts can make you understand the importance of each light and also where you should use what kind of lights. When you opt for a garden installation or garden makeover, you can choose what kind of light you want for a particular place. Also, never forget to install lights where you have the center of attraction structures like statues, fountains, etc.
In short, garden lighting & irrigation are important assets to invest in if you like to keep a garden and home balanced. A healthy garden is a perfect spot for enjoying summers. You can use designer planters, fancy fences, and vibrant colors to relive nature. Not necessarily you must invest too much amount in styling a garden, but for sure, your efforts should be worth considering.
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