#i need to learn to draw a chainsaw tho............
merwynsartblog · 4 months
the urge to draw unhinged marxin art for no reason is strong. he needs to go batshit at leasttttt once
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chainsaw-to-the-heart · 9 months
Ooh, F through L for the ask meme?!
F - Friend - What kind of friend are they? How do they judge potential friends? Where do they draw the line between platonic and romantic relationships? How far would they go for a friend? How do they handle conflict in relationships?
Grelle will poke fun and tease her friends, but if anyone else gives them grief? Oh hells naw! She'll flip shit if she finds out someone's harshing on her friends. Massive big sibling energy. She can be a bit judgemental, particularly about looks/fashion, but if someone can be helpful to her or bolster her ego, she'll adore them. Conflict, on the other hand, doesn't go so well. There's just a smidge too much risk of chainsaw impalement.
G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed?
Well, she's become a bit more pragmatic. She'd prefer to avoid reaper punishment service. It's terrible on her manicure! She loves to take risks, all for the thrill! Though the often go terribly due to her overconfident bravado. And, as always, she's a hopeless romantic in all the most bothersome ways.
H - Hero - What makes someone a hero in their eyes? Who is their biggest hero in life? Why? Do they consider themselves to be heroic?
Heros stand up for her, play her knight in shining glasses! She could be heroic if she wanted to, but would rather pass the responsibility on to someone more tail-coated.
I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach?
Oh Grelle can get very creative! She doesn't really like unsolicited input tho. Her problem solving is to chainsaw first and ask questions later.
J - Joker - What’s their sense of humour like? Do they enjoy slapstick comedy? What kind of humour do they enjoy in others?
Grelle. Loves. Puns!
K - Know It All - Are they a Know-it-All? Do they actively seek out new knowledge? How do they behave around others how have a great amount of knowledge on a topic?
She can be a bit of a braggart in some topics but she tires of book learning quickly.
L - Lover - How do they show love? Do they love themselves? Do they believe that all you need is love?
Grelle will love truly and deeply. That deeply may mean a chainsaw deep into your sternum, however.
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zontiky · 5 years
The Five's Store au we were talking about?
yesssss the good kush. gonna do this in bullets because i feel like it might get long. jsyk i didn’t read through literally any of this so for whatever typos i made sorry lmao
five wakes up one day (post apocalypse) and thinks hey, you know what would be a completely rational and not at all impulsive idea to follow through with.
that’s right folks. 
he’s gonna start a store.
the thing here is, five has absolutely no idea how business functions. sure he’s been part of a massive organization for years, but actually doing like,, store things? lol what
but that doesn’t matter because he’s gonna have a store and he can learn as he goes, no big deal
it’s a very big deal. five does not know how to manage a store.
it’s literally just called “five’s store.” how did he fund it? when did they build it? nobody knows. it’s like those fast-food restaurants that just pop up one night and you have no clue how they got there.
so. five’s got his store. this is nice. he didn’t actually know what he wanted to sell, but because his siblings couldn’t talk him out of this (read: they didn’t know it was happening until it was too late) they suggest things
baked goods! bicycles! books! postcards! writing materials! furniture! shut up klaus nobody is selling what you’re about to suggest shUT UP-
so five decides, fuck it, and just. shoves everything into this store. how? i don’t know. nobody does.
i literally have no ideas how stores work so im playing all of this by ear (vanya if you’re out there) but five also doesn’t know how stores work so it’s all good. gucci, if you will. five has probably stolen gucci before, for a mission or something idk just a thought
so five has his store but he’s so bad at managing it. first off, hiring employees didn’t occur to him. it’s just five in a building
customer: *walks in* hello can i have a cake pleasefive: sure :) five: *gives them a pie*customer: little boy, who do you think you are? i said a cakefive: cake? oh shit you’re right, sorry.five: *gives them a breadroll* :)customer: what a rude little boy! let me speak to your manager. is it even legal for a teen to be employed?(he passes as 15 ok props to aidan for being older than his character’s physical age lmao)five: ok *walks out into the back room* *walks back in* hi what can i help you with
the kids love him though. it’s always “mommy when can we shop at five’s again?” etc etc and five is like. shitposting irl. without realizing. he genuinely doesn’t know the difference between types of cheeses. he can’t tell you how an LED is different from a fluorescent bulb. he actually, literally, doesn’t know this shit.
why is he in charge of a store? fuck if i know, but im having fun with this
the siblings try to help out, but it ends with five kicking them out because they were “arranging the cacti wrong” or “messing with the bathroom toilet covers too much” 
what are bathroom toilet covers? idk but we have them in my house and we only use them for christmas theyre the worst. imagine a fucking snowman staring at you everytime you want to take a shit. goodluck
five loves his store dearly tho
from offbrand cream cheese to onbrand sweatervests.
hm luther probably tries to help with the gardening section once in a while. he comes in and immediately has to hold back tears because “five when was the last time you watered these begonias.”
‘oh last week probably i dont know’
“five you have to water them at least once a day”
‘how was i supposed to know that’
“five you OWN a STORE-”
so yeah luther just. silently looms in the corner. watering plants. he scares asshole customers away even though he never says anything he just stands there. and waters the plants. some nice ladies initiate conversation and he just goes off about plant things which is so valid i love him
he’s like hargid but less rough around the edges. friendly giant. bfg but with plants. five never comments on how he takes a plant home occasionally. 
diego sticks around the cutlery for reasons well known. he always tries to take knives home, to sharpen them, he claims, but five draws the fucking line there.
im making it sound like five owns some massive corporate building. no. his store is like a very compact IKEA. it has everything an ikea would, but it’s barely the size of a target. actually targets are pretty big. walmart maybe? dollar store? bigger than a dollar store though. hmmm just an average department store
lowes. that’s it. it’s like an ikea but the size of a lowes. five owns a lowes called Five’s Store. 
okay so allison’s sole purpose is to stand outside and offer free autographs. she basically bribes people into going in. it’s like walmart. as soon as you go in you physically can’t go out without buying something. 
jk she also helps five with his customer service because what the fuck it’s terrible. also funding. she’s a rich actress. all of them have an inheritance probably though, but five didn’t want to use reggies money because this is all a really huge “fuck you” to dad. cheers to him. 
OH MY GOD ALLISON PROBABLY SHOOTS ADS FOR FIVE’S STORE (in future mentions will be abbreviated to FS for my convenience) AND THAT’S HOW THEY GET TRACTION YES
klaus and ben kinda uhhhh hang around. klaus is kicked out by five a lot because “don’t touch that” “get your hands off” “where did you get a chainsaw? put that down, klaus stop-” and all that usual average stuff, but when they need it klaus is willing to be a cashier for a little bit
ben is the only one with like. actually useful tips. 
ben voice: no that’s not how you purchase items to sellfive: ???ben: here okay just go do something else and let the adults handle the money okay?
five can’t punch ben because he’s dead so HA. klaus probably makes ben corporeal though rip
ooo ben can also shelve things with his interdimensional wiggly worms! he can reach those high high shelves that have packaged stuff on them.
…costco? no i dont think FS is as massive as costco moving on
ben shelves stuff. we are eternally grateful for that. bless
vanya is the only actual competent adult you guys know this right. like sure the rest of them come CLOSE (mainly ben and allison, but ben doesn’t really count because he’s dead) but vanya is the only actual competent adult in this family (pogo dni)
so vanya does the taxes. rip to her. nobody likes taxes, but she’s taking one for the team
diego helps sometimes. tries to help sometimes. he brings her coffee does that count
kidding, diego knows how to taxes a little bit. emphasis on the “little” and “bit” and the silent “barely”
so yeah they all help out and i know i said five kicks them all out but i lied that never really happens. the store is like their side job but they’re not paid and it’s more of a hobby that got out of control
honestly five probably brings grace in and she bakes away because it makes her so happy that her cookies can make so many people happy. let her bake please.
claire probably owns an easy bake oven. just saying
yeah five has a store and it’s the literal best thing. it’s midnight so im gonna cut myself off but skjfsk this au is amazing thank you spencer for this golden concept
im gonna be honest all of this really reminds me of my mcdonalds five au which i might ramble about if requested lol
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randomchick29 · 6 years
50 Facts About Me (THANK YOU FOR 50 FOLLOWS!)
So... as promised in this post, I’m doing 50 facts about me because 50?! people followed me and my crazy masa obsessed cat mom ass. Thanks for enjoying my messed up commentary/rambles! Great, now I’m starting to sound like a youtuber that just wants money lmao sorry. Enough mushy stuff, and onto ze list!
Possible trigger warning: I’ll try to keep this as positive as I can, but there may be some things that can trigger some people (including but not limited to mental health, abuse/bullying, eating disorders etc.) If you are not comfortable with those topics, don’t read this.
1. My real name is Robin (middle name starts with Y and my last name starts with G)
2. I live in AZ
3. I LOVE FOOD. Part of the reason why I love masa and luka tbh... But seriously, food is great.
4. My fav foods are crab, ham, and burgers. See why I can’t become vegetarian 😂
5. I HATE onions with a passion.
6. My fav animals are owls, cats, hedgehogs, snakes, and whale sharks.
7. I have two dogs and used to have a cat (extremely long story short: My cat is in the “care” of an abusive psycho that isn’t allowed near me so I can’t see her ever again :/ but my sisters can) I still love Lucky (my cat) to death. She’s a sweet kitty (most of the time) and I miss her so much ❤️
8. My dogs are named Tucker and Bella. They’re both miniature schnauzers and they’re crazy. Tucker is a sweetheart, but he DOESNT. STOP. BARKING. He has a bit of a jealousy issue. When Bella gets attention, he starts barking and/or pushes her away from the human 😂 He hates when his people hug. He will jump on them and bark and growl. He also has stuffed animals that he LOVES. He uses them as pillows and carries them around. Bella is a lazy piggy ass. All she does is sleep and eat (like me haha). Half the time she’s too lazy to get up and go outside, and only responds when there’s food (once again, just like me 😅) They absolutely love each other though. Tucker licks her and grooms her and Bella follows him around and it’s just the cutest thing.
9. My lucky number is 9 because my birthday is 9/29 and my adoption day is 9/9 (see what I did there hehe get it? fact 9 is about my lucky number 9? no? okay...)
10. I’m adopted from an orphanage in (Eastern?) China
11. I have 2 sisters. They’re both in college but everyone who sees us on the street thinks I’m the oldest because I’m taller and curvier. One is 21 (but everyone thinks she’s like 16) and the other is 19 (people think she’s like 10 😂) No, none of us are blood related.
12. I’m 5’ nothing...
13. I’ve always been heavy for my height and age. I was and still am judged because of how much I eat and weigh. Because of this, I had an eating disorder in 4th grade and have always hated myself and envied my sisters for their tiny asian bodies.
14. I used to do tennis, dance, and swimming. I haven’t done any sports since then.
15. I can play 3 instruments, and tried many others. I played piano for 10 years, violin for 2, and French horn for 6 months.
16. I am EXTREMELY double jointed in my fingers
17. I have a fused tooth
18. My fingers bend back at the first knuckle way farther than most people’s
19. My hair is REALLY long and grows really fast. It goes to around my hip/tailbone area as of now.
20. My shoe size is a 7
21. My fav colors are red and green
22. My first fictional crush was Link. I was 8 at the time. We’re still going strong 7 years later.
23. Only a few months ago did someone top (wink wonk) Link: MASAAAA
24. My first otome was Shall We Date? Love Tangle after I saw an ad for it on trivia crack. My first route was Ryan. My fav is Nolan.
25. I still love MM, but I don’t have the time OR space on my phone to play (SORRY ZENNY)
26. I got in huge trouble when I was 10 coz I made a bunch of accounts that my mom didn’t approve of. I made an email, twitter, pottermore, quizilla (I miss that site smh), etc. And I did it MULTIPLE times. After she took the computer from me, she found out my DS had internet too. I didn’t have my DS for a long time. She would give it back after a while, and ID GO ONTO THE INTERNET AND YOUTUBE EVERY. DAMN. TIME. I got my DS back on Christmas in 7th grade coz I got games for it and she trusted me enough (and I had a phone by then so yay trust...?)
27. ...the twitter accounts still exist... I’ve looked back at them and I wanna kms holy crap it was bad. Lesson: 10 year olds shouldn’t be on twitter.
28. I love Harry Potter and The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon series). My fav HP book is Order of the Phoenix, and my fav IC book is Eldest.
29. My fav Zelda is a tie between Skyward Sword and Wind Waker
30. My fav Pokémon are Garchomp, Shaymin, and Breloom
31. We used to have so many games and systems. We had like 100-200 games, 2 gamecubes, 3 GBA’s, 4 DS’, 2 wii’s, and prob more 😂 We got only $150 from gamestop.
32. My fav youtubers are Chuggaaconroy, Rachel & Jun, and Glam & Gore.
33. I learned about sex through fanfiction (specifically, The Lemon of Zelda (pretty sure it’s been deleted tho coz I can’t find it))😂 I never got The Talk.
34. I may have looked at yaoi at school before...
35. I’m pansexual
36. Biggest turnoffs are arrogance, possessiveness, and bad hygiene.
37. Biggest turn ons are good chesticles and sense of humor.
38. I’ve had ONE bf and I dumped him after a day coz he wouldn’t stop calling me and I was scared of my mom. The thing is, we both liked each other for a LONG time and to my friend I was like “Yo ask who he likes” coz he was acting all sus and SHE TOLD HIM I TOLD HER TO ASK HIM and he’s like YA I LIKE ROBIN and I’m like WTF IS WRONG W YOU to my friend. Then he told me in class and it was really cute and I accepted. Then broke up w him OVER TEXT not even 24 hours later 😂 Dumb 7th grade ass
39. I’ve always been bullied because of how awkward and weird and annoying I am
40. My fav anime is Ouran
41. The only thing keeping me alive in freshman year (this past school year) was otome. Specifically Masa. My mind: What would Masa do without his kitten? Who would he chase through Azuchi? Who would be the pretty pillow/futon when he’s drunk? Damn, I love this man agh
42. I can reach my back much better than most people. I don’t need a back scratcher because I can reach my whole back.
43. I’m obsessed with makeup and nails, and used to love music, reading, and art.
44. My real baes are Huang Jing Xiang (fellow Chinese SPOTTED!) and Kato Kazuki
45. I sweat A LOT. I have to have a STRONG fan coz ac isn’t enough to keep me from sweating too much. And I live in AZ, so it’s even worse...
46. I still sleep with my baby blanket. I put it over my pillow coz it’s so soft (and I don’t have any other blankets)
47. My fav movie is Heathers (WELL FUCK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW)
48. I have HORRIBLE eyesight but I don’t like wearing my glasses coz the arms give me a headache and I don’t like them period
49. I love bad puns too much (I would make one here, but I don’t wanna be PUNished) 😂
50. I’ve gotten caught drawing... and writing... some NSFW things at bad times...
AAAAND DAS IT! Sorry it was more negative than I thought it would be, but I’m a really boring person with a boring life filled with drama and... That makes no sense does it. A boring life doesn’t have drama... I’m dumb. Should’ve stopped at DASSIT. Ok, I’m actually stopping lmao baiii 😊
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bakaiju · 7 years
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This design is some sort of a ‘beta’, after a talk with some friends and sister I learn that there were some wrong things with it. This idea came after I reblogged an art of Naegi holding a shotgun in the middle of a thousands bloody Monokuma corpses, I tagged it as MonoDoom!Naegi. And an anon asked me to write a fic about it! I don’t know if I’ll ever write a fic, but I got two stories ideas! You can read them under the cut (the second story is pretty long.
The first idea is Junko during the final trial tell them what's waiting: and saying 'demons' just fueled the determination of the survivors to leave 'That can't be true!' 'Holly crap it's true' It seems that the demons of Hell have opened up a portail to say hi to their world. And Doomguy, being the badass Demon killer and human protector, decided to follow them He 'helped' Future Foundation to get good weapons against demons and decided to go fight the forces of Hell alone. Future Foundation recruits the survivors, train them a lot since survival is priority number one during missions. And that'show Monodoom Naegi was born, with the help of his monodoom fellow survivors they fight the demons and search for doomguy to lend a hand That's story one
Second story:
When the tragedy began, Naegi disappeared and was sent to Hell, as it seems that Junko made a deal with a Demon to greet them at Hope's Peak after it got reinforced, all she needed was to sacrifice someone.
So when Naegi was sent to Hell, he immediately got attacked by demons, but by pure luck, Doomguy was nearby and save him. Doomguy can't let the young man alone, he's not trained and will die too quickly. So he decides to train and protect the kid by first bringing him to where he left his old armor.
After lots of training of how to use the armor and weapons, Naegi becomes his protege and ally. with his luck, he finds secret passages leading to great weapons and even sometimes his luck starts accident that kills demons. Doomguy is impressed.
They never spoke much because Doomguy rarely speaks (but Naegi can have conversations with him, nods and grunts are a good giveaway of answers) But there was a big difference between Naegi and Doomguy, Naegi needs to eat and sleep and gets tired pretty easily. Doomguy dont.
Because he's no more 'human', Naegi asks him why and for the first time in decades or even millenias, Doomguy speaks and tell the younger man his story After this, the 'traitor' demon who did the new Doom Slayer armor made another one for Naegi (the one in the drawing) to be spared.
Thankfully even in Hell food and water existed so it wasn't very hard to find those for Naegi He spent 3 years in Hell helping Doomguy with his hunt of Evil and looking for a way back.
Naegi never said it, but even if he became violent after those three years of killing demons, he did his best to not be as cruel as Doomguy when he kills the demons (aka the glory kills) He always tried to keep his humanity and sometimes he even tried to talk with demons but the deal was always 'kill the Doom Slayer' and that's how he understood that Doomguy was right, all they wanted was to destroy their obstacle, and wants to destroy. So he has no choice but to kill them.  Actually the first time it was with an Imp (kinda strong but the weakest enemy in the classic dooms), and when Naegi said that he couldn't kill his mentor and asked if there was anything else he could do to make an arrangement... 
'Yeeesss... You can DIE!' the Imp attacked by surprise, this close to kill Naegi but Doomguy saved him and was pretty disappointed. Also Naegi once tried the Berserk Mode, he never used it again, only for regeneration of his wounds.
So 3 years later, They found a portal back to Naegi's world. And that's their adieu, Naegi go back to his world, Doomguy stays in Hell and destroys the portal, giving Naegi a final mission and salute: Now it's your turn to save your world, go kill those demons and show them who's boss.
Naegi is with his armor, and weapons and BFG... ready to rip and tear. Even tho Naegi doesn't like to kill, even demons... He knows that demons can't be spoken to and must be killed as soon as possible if he wants his world to be back to normal.
After a week on Earth and seeing what the demons and Monokumas and Remnants of Despair (that he learned from some survivors he helped) did to the world, he's determined to get rid of demons, but he first need to see if his family and friends are okay.
Then screams, people are in danger from demons! A baron of Hell, two imps one Pinky and a Cacodemon. He grabs his chainsaw to surprise oneshot the Baron of Hell and with his firepower, he kills the rest. He turns around to calm the people in danger then freezes
'G-Guys?' 'Huh?' Asahina, Yamada, Mondo and Kirigiri
He takes of his helmet, showing the few scars on his face and his old friends recognize him 'Naegi?!' It seems that shortly after when Naegi disappeared, demons invaded the school and for some reason, they didn't kill but threw everyone out except Junko who became some sort of 'demon master' (she's actually being used but doesnt care, too fun) Also, only 7 months passed in this realm So all his classmates are ok, part of Future Foundation that after seeing Naegi in combat, they want to get their hands on his weapons, especially the BFG. Naegi says 'No, My mentor gave it to me. It's way to dangerous between the hands of 'power' So Naegi helps them... 'kinda'. speaks again with his friends, some are freaking impressed to see how much badass he got in Hell after 3 years of fighting Because Munakata made a wrong decision, they thought that capturing a demon for study was a good idea. Especially that most demons are mentally connected. So Naegi says that it’s a big mistake, he goes downstairs to see what demon it is, asks for a request that everyone in the building get downstairs with him, because the moment he kills the demon, lots of chance that demons will invade the place And they did So Naegi is fighting (with some help) the demons to gain back FF Then he learns that Hope's Peak is a demon castle and worse: there's another portal to Hell in there That's my second idea For MonoDoomguy! Naegi
of course, everyone is suprised to Naegi's new found violence against the demons Bonus: Doomguy at the first Naegi's training day: ‘that kid is going to fucking die’
Yeah that’s a more detailed idea.
So I hope you enjoyed reading this if you did. See you soon.
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