#i need to know for reasons undisclosed <3
jingletots · 7 months
what’s your favourite christmas song?
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quin-ns · 6 months
Eventually (Coriolanus Snow x Reader)
Word count: 6.7k
Summary: Coriolanus could appreciate irony, but the one person he desires more than anything wanting nothing to do with him pushes him to new territory
Tags: (18+), cw: noncon, dark!coriolanus, deeply implied stalker!coriolanus, unreliable narrator coriolanus (boy is delusional tbh, no one is doing more mental gymnastics than him), pre-mentor era, obsession, unprotected sex, choking (only for like a second), virginity status undisclosed but as I was writing I began to imagine this being the first time for both of them—it’s not even implied tho, so do with that what you will
A/N: a character as evil as him I couldn’t conceive writing fluff for. he’s bad and guess what I’m not gonna fix him, but I also can’t make him not-hot so… hehe. please read the tags and proceed with caution <3
hunger games masterlist
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You wanted nothing to do with him, and that made him crazy.
No, if anything, you were the crazy one. Coriolanus hadn’t done anything but try to be your friend, but you snubbed him without reason.
Coriolanus did a good job at keeping the financial situation of his family a secret. No one knew, and he doubted you were an exception. Yet, it was as if you looked down upon him.
Although, you’d grown fond of Sejanus, so even if you did know, status wasn’t a concern of yours. It was something he admired, yet questioned all at once. There had to be a reason for your dismissal. A reason you couldn’t bring yourself to even offer a smile back. It’s not like he was asking a lot.
It’s not like he wasn’t trying, either. He’d gotten used to trying to make people like him, to see him as better than he was, but it was never this hard. It would’ve been so much simpler if you just told him to his face what your problem was, but whenever he came around, mostly when you were talking to Sejanus—they were friends, it was the perfect excuse—you just went quiet. You’d greet him, make no effort to continue the conversation, then excuse yourself.
All Coriolanus wanted to know was why.
“You’re watching her again,” Clemensia whispered to him, eyes flicking between him and the paper in front of her.
They were class partners, but Coriolanus was beginning to think he spent too much time with her.
Clemensia let out a small chuckle, mocking him. The professor at the front of the class looked up, and Coriolanus quickly looked down at his paper, taking his eyes off of you.
“You’re too obvious,” she muttered, a smirk in her voice. “Maybe that’s why she doesn’t like you. Because you stare at her too much.”
She didn’t get a response—it didn’t deserve one. Coriolanus questioned why he ever told her anything. She made him sound like some sort of stalker. Which, for the record, he was not.
His eyes managing to find you frequently wasn’t a crime, and neither was crossing your path. Maybe it wasn’t a coincidence most of the time, but it’s not as if he was harming you by watching you. He doubted you noticed anyway.
Seeing you nearly everyday had been enough to keep him sated, but then Sejanus started talking about you. Through no fault of his own, Coriolanus learned things about you. What he came to know made him curious to discover more. Even if you did not seem keen to let him.
Being content with what he had didn’t keep its appeal for long. Not when you were right there, your presence taunting him. Making him want what you would not let him have.
“You just need to talk to her, Coryo,” Tigris told him one evening, when he revealed everything to her. “Not in class and not with Sejanus. Just you. Let her know the real you and I promise she’ll like what she sees.”
Coriolanus took his cousin’s advice to heart. She was much more empathetic than him, she had to be onto something, right?
Everything changed when Coriolanus sat across from you at a study table in the library.
As beautiful as you were from a distance, being up close was something else entirely. He could admire you for hours and never get tired.
You looked up at him, he smiled and said hello just like Tigris advised. The smile you returned seemed forced, and you ignored that he had spoken.
It upset him, but not as much as when you got up and walked out. It was the last straw. Coriolanus was following you into the hall before he could think better of it.
He caught up to you, dropping his hand to your shoulder to make you turn around and face him. When you did, you looked surprised. That wasn’t what made Coriolanus hesitate, but the realization that he had never been this close to you before. Not even sitting across from you compared to touching you.
His heart skipped a beat.
“What do you want?” you questioned, a level of annoyance he thought to be unearned in your voice.
His heart started again.
“Have I done something to you?” Coriolanus confronted you, feeling a familiar sense of agitation creep over him. He had to know. “To make you feel such distaste for me?”
“I don’t dislike you, Coriolanus,” you replied, calmly after recovering from your initial shock. “I’m just… indifferent to you.”
The answer confused him more than it did enrage him. He smothered the latter feeling as he observed you.
“You’re… indifferent,” he stated, not asking. His feet shifted beneath him. It hurt, for some reason. “Why?”
Your eyes narrowed ever so slightly, studying him. It was the same way you’d look at your books when you were struggling with a subject, lingering behind in class or the library until a triumphant smile crossed your face.
Only, that smile never came. Your expression just faded back to normal.
“You shouldn’t put so much weight on what other people think of you,” you advised, stepping closer to him. His breath caught in his chest. You smelled sweet, like flowers. “Especially not someone you don’t even know.”
It was then, he realized, you hadn’t moved closer to him with purpose. You’d been on your way moving past him. His eyes focused on your back as you walked away, figuring out what to say.
“I’d like to know you,” he announced earnestly, verbally trying to pull you back. “If you’d only give me a chance.”
You slowed to a stop, looking over your shoulder. Coriolanus felt as if he was on display as your eyes raked over him, determining for yourself his sincerity.
“You’re friends with Sejanus, aren’t you?” you wondered. It wasn’t what he expected, but Coriolanus nodded. You sighed, which irked him to think it was pity. “If you’d like to join us for lunch I wouldn’t be against that.”
“I’ll see you then,” he said, but you were already turning away. He kept to himself that he had already tried in the past.
His friend was nice. Too nice for his own good, truthfully. It wasn’t as if Sejanus completely abandoned him the moment he befriended you. It was more like he split his time, attending to both friendships. The only thing Coriolanus held against him was that he never tried to reintroduce the two of you. Maybe even put in a good word.
At lunch Coriolanus found you and Sejanus quickly, he knew where you liked to sit.
“Hey, Coryo,” Sejanus greeted, smiling. “About time you decided to join us.”
Coriolanus put on a smile as he sat down. “Well, I would’ve sooner, but I wasn’t sure I was welcome before.”
The comment made you smirk, in on the joke as Coriolanus looked at you.
“Who’s to say you are now?” you sarcastically replied, as if you hadn’t been the one to invite him.
Well, “invite” was being generous, but he still seized the opportunity nonetheless.
“Ignore her, she can’t help herself,” Sejanus said with a chuckle, used to your humor.
This time, when he tried to talk to you, you engaged. In between discussions of classes and assignments, Coriolanus had to dodge your quick wit.
He liked the challenge, and the next day, he went back for more. Even walked right past Clemanisa and Arachne, who tried to invite him to their table with Festus. You were waiting for him.
He noticed you and Sejanus already talking.
When he sat across from you, you raised your brows. “Seeking refuge?”
Before he could ask what you meant, you nodded your head towards the girls he’d left behind.
You knew about his friends?
“You could call it that,” he replied, a smile starting to appear.
You nodded and hummed.
“Well, what are your qualifications?”
“Excuse me?”
“You joke too much, Y/N,” Sejanus lightly scolded you, interrupting whatever path you were going down, which made you laugh. “He’s going to think you don’t like him.”
“He knows I don’t mean anything by it,” you assured, looking at Coriolanus. “I’m just trying to figure him out.”
Your tone was filled with confidence, but your face… Coriolanus wasn’t sure how to place your underlying expression. You had a shield up, he knew that much, but what did that have to do with him? Were you trying to figure out if you could let it down for him? Or something else?
“Of course,” Coriolanus answered, not taking his eyes off of you. “I’m an open book.”
“Are you, now?” You folded your arms on the table. “Your friends love to gossip, and I don’t think I’ve heard that about you.”
“It’s not my fault if they don’t know how to read,” Coriolanus quipped, proud of himself for being so quick.
None of his friends had wronged him, but the joke at their expense was worth it for what followed after.
He made you laugh. Not just smile, but truly laugh. It was exactly what he wanted, and it actually worked. Awe didn't begin to describe how it felt.
Joining your table for lunch became the best part of his day. Sometimes he forgot Sejanus was even there, far too eager to see you. He saw you all the time, of course. Watching you was a habit he had yet to break, but this was different. You were aware of his presence, and he was able to speak to you. It didn’t matter that you still seemed weary, it was enough.
Even if you didn’t like him, you still had conversations with him, so that was something.
Sometimes, if you were deep in a discussion, debating ethics—your favorite topic—it would continue beyond just the table. He’d walk you to class, wanting to hear your voice just a second longer.
“I want to meet this girl,” His grandmother declared one night, after Coriolanus drifted to the topic of you over dinner. He’d been doing it more recently.
Tigris gave him a look, a light frown. There was no way to do that without you coming to his home, and he wasn’t going to let that happen.
“Let Coryo decide that, Grandma‘am,” Tigris insisted, patting the older woman’s shoulder.
“Well, he has feelings for Y/N,” she argued, looking at Coriolanus. He used your name enough that she remembered it. “And she likes him too—doesn’t she?”
Coriolanus gave a tight smile. “Yes, she does.”
Keeping up appearances.
“Well, that settles it, then,” Grandma‘am decided.
“I think it’s time you get to bed,” Tigris intervened, getting their grandmother up from her chair.
Later, when they were alone, Tigris asked him, “Does she even know how you feel about her?” She knew him too well. He took too long to answer. “You should tell her. From what you’ve told us, you two should be together. But it won’t happen unless you make it known how you feel.”
Coriolanus’s dreams were filled with you, as they usually were, but something was different the morning he woke up after the conversation with Tigris.
All he had to do was prove himself to you, and he knew that now.
Coriolanus found you in the library a lot, often pretending to stumble upon you. This time, he didn’t put on a facade.
“I thought I’d find you here,” he acknowledged, sitting down beside you. Often he’d sit across, but he was testing the waters. Seeing if you were put off by the proximity. “Studying for Featherly’s class?”
“I’m terrified for his test,” you confided, rubbing your temples as you hunched down at your book. “I feel like my mind has no room for anything else. I’ve memorized nothing.”
With a sigh, you sat up and pushed the book away.
“I can help you,” Coriolanus insisted, reaching for the book. He read over the page you were on, knowing he’d already perfected the subject. “You should’ve asked for me sooner.”
Maybe it was a little spiteful, but he hadn’t purposely meant it to come out that way. You still noticed it, taking your book back.
“I’m not asking for your help now, Coriolanus,” you muttered, looking at him out of the corner of your eye.
You were the last of his friends to still call him that. Most everyone else called him ‘Coryo’. Not you. But you were stubborn in many ways. This too, apparently.
“I didn’t mean anything against you,” he said lightly, even chuckling a little. It was forced, but he wanted to show he wasn’t being that serious.
Using your own words on you did not have the desired effect.
“Mmmhmmm,” you hummed.
Coriolanus tilted his head down, trying to get you to meet his gaze. You gave in, facing him, looking unamused.
He wanted to wipe that look away, but didn’t know how. If he could just make you like him—
Suddenly, your watch began to beep.
“Test time,” you grumbled, taking back your book and getting up.
Coriolanus followed you down the hall and into class. The tests were already on the desks, waiting. You two were early—he noticed that because of the clock on the wall.
He walked you to your seat and wished you good luck. To his surprise, you offered the same in return. Then, he went to his own. Other students filed in quickly after, professor Featherly being the last to enter the room.
The professor declared, “Begin,” then sat at his desk in the middle of the room and began to read.
The test wasn’t easy, but Coriolanus knew what he was doing. One look around the classroom and he saw that wasn’t the case for most other students. He felt a sense of pride, until his gaze landed on you. You were one row down and four seats to the left. He’d counted before. You were fiddling with your pencil, struggling to come up with what to write down.
While he could’ve been the first to finish, Coriolanus let other students turn their tests in before him. An hour passed by, but it moved quickly.
There were only a few students left when you finally got up. You radiated an anxious energy, much like the others, but Coriolanus didn’t care about the others.
Clemensia stuck her hand up in the air, waiting for the professor to notice her, distracting Coriolanus briefly. When the professor looked up and noticed her, Clemansia got her wish.
Coriolanus considered himself lucky, convincing himself with his own mantra frequently. As he watched you leave your test on Featherly’s desk and rush from the room, he realized how he could help you.
He quickly marked down the rest of his answers, having stalled so he could leave when you did. The professor was making his way away from the desk, while Coriolanus got up and went in the opposite direction.
With a swift, hard kick to the leg, the professor's desk wobbled and papers spilled off on the other side. It looked like an accident.
Featherly looked over his shoulder at the noise.
“Sorry,” Coriolanus apologized, kneeling down behind the desk to collect the papers.
Without anyone watching, he found your test. He had no time to change the written questions, but he made quick work of erasing and re-doing the multiple choice, with his own test and knowledge as reference.
He had to give you credit for getting a decent amount correct, but not enough for a passing grade.
When Coriolanus fixed that, he stacked together the papers and placed them back on the desk and exited.
Everyone was waiting in the hall. Against tradition, the professor graded tests directly after and would call students in to give the results. It was time consuming, and kept everyone on campus after hours, which was against the rules, but perhaps he’d gotten some kind of exception.
You were leaning against the wall opposite of the classroom, talking to some girl from the class—Coriolanus didn’t bother to learn her name. He wanted to go to you, but Sejanus got to him first instead.
“How do you think you did?”
Coriolanus shrugged, looking down at his friend. “Fine, I think.” That was the humble answer, right? “How about you?”
“Not perfect, but I passed.”
Clemensia trotted out then, a confident look on her face.
“What was so important you had to ask during the test?” Coriolanus couldn’t help but wonder. She’d unknowingly helped him, after all.
“Just clarity on a question, wanted to make sure I got it right,” she answered with ease.
“And did you?”
She gave Sejanus a look.
“Yes, of course.”
The last person exited the class, and professor Featherly closed the door. And so the grading began.
One by one, the professor called people in. There was no method to the order, it seemed likely he shuffled the papers or chose which one to grade next at random.
Time passed, Coriolanus didn’t know how much exactly, but it was beginning to get dark outside. Tigris would be worried until he got home, but she’d understand. His studies came first.
Eventually, Coriolanus realized it was dwindling down to be just you and him left. He was lucky today.
The third to last student was in the classroom, leaving you across the hall from one another.
You pressed your lips together before speaking.
“Do you think you did alright?”
The corner of Coriolanus’s lip twitched up at the sound of your voice.
“Yes, I think so,” he answered humbly. “What about you?”
You let out a self deprecating laugh. “When I said I was terrified, I wasn’t being dramatic.” You sighed, accepting your fate. “I’ll have to do perfect on the next one, I guess.”
“I can help you with that,” Coriolanus offered.
The smile he gave you spawned a mirror reaction. He knew he was charming, he had to be, and this time you actually seemed receptive to it.
“Maybe you can.”
The sound of a door opening made Coriolanus turn. Arachne was leaving, a smug look on her face as she thanked the professor.
Then the door closed, and the professor graded another test. There were only two left.
��I wish he wouldn’t do it like this,” you filled the silence. “The others don’t make us wait like this.”
“It builds suspense, I suppose,” Coriolanus mused. “Keeps us on our toes.”
“That’s not something I need right now.”
“At least you have good company,” he noted flirtatiously. He couldn’t help but grin at his own words, especially when you bite your lip to keep yourself from smiling.
“Could be worse, I supposed,” you retorted.
More time passed. The door opened again.
“Coriolanus Snow,” the professor addressed him next. “Your turn.”
As expected, Coriolanus did close to perfect. One answer off. Best in the class.
Back in the hallway, when he was done, Coriolanus waited with you. He didn’t announce he was staying, he just returned to his spot against the wall.
“Don’t keep a girl waiting. How did you do?” you asked, departing from the wall.
Coriolanus wondered where you were going, but then, you stood next to him, leaning back against the wall. There was still an arms length between the two of you, but it was something. You’d gone to him for once.
“You’ll think I’m full of myself if I tell you,” he teased lightly, which made you roll your eyes.
“Maybe I already think that, so just tell me,” you insisted.
The comment made him falter.
“Best in the class,” he divulged.
You almost looked impressed. “Good for you.”
The door opened.
“Y/N L/N, you’re up.”
“Wish me luck,” you said under your breath before following Featherly in.
“Good luck.”
Coriolanus waited for you, just like before. He tapped his foot. The professor didn’t actually go over the answers, he just told you the grade. You’d have no way of knowing what he did for you, but he’d be there to share in your excitement when you discovered how well you’d done.
Or, how well he’d done for you.
Not long later, you and the professor exited the class together.
“Wasn’t expecting you to still be here,” Featherly addressed Coriolanus. “You should get going. I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”
Then, he left you and Coriolanus alone in the hall, presumably leaving the building.
“So,” Coriolanus began with a smile. “How did you do?”
“He asked if I’d been studying with you. Apparently we had all the same answers,” you told him, crossing your arms. “Except when I asked him to show me my exam—which I did great on, apparently—I saw answers circled that weren’t mine.”
Coriolanus hadn’t expected you to find out so quickly, but a part of him was relieved you did. It meant he got to take credit, and he could show you that he really did want the best for you.
Or, he could always lie.
“You weren scared of failing,” he finally admitted. He offered a sympathetic smile. “So I helped.”
“No, you cheated!” you accused, causing his eyes to go wide. “You’ve implicated us both. If anyone finds out…”
“Don’t be so loud,” he hissed out in a whisper, stepping closer to you. The professor could still be in the building. He doubted anyone else would be. “I just wanted to help you, okay? You needed it, so I—“
“You helped, I get it. But I didn’t ask you to do that for me, Coriolanus. I have never asked you to do anything for me,” you sneered, somewhere between offended and betrayed.
He saw the way you scanned his face—his eyes. The pleading was beginning to seep through.
A wave of realization washed over you before he even opened his mouth.
“You didn’t have to ask me to,” Coriolanus said meaningfully, stepping closer to you. “I wanted to. I wanted to help you.”
You back hit the wall. The hallway was so empty it seemed as if the subtle sound still echoed.
“I’d do anything for you, don’t you get that?”
The sound of a large door closing carried from a distance.
Coriolanus reached for your face, wishing he could take away the concern that riddled your expression. Instead, he brushed a stray piece of hair from your face.
You swallowed. Why did you look so nervous around him? You were friends now, weren’t you? You never looked scared around anyone else. Why him? Why now? His own questions frustrated him.
“We’re not supposed to be on campus after hours,” you said calmly. It was the same tone you used when you first described your indifference to him. Coriolanus thought about that moment a lot. “Featherly already left. We should leave before we get caught.”
The corners of his lips twitched down.
“We’re still talking, though, aren’t we?”
You let out a shallow breath. You had no reason to look as scared as you did.
“I think we’re done.”
Coriolanus thought back to his cousin’s advice. He could’ve followed it better if she’d written it down, perchance.
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Coriolanus pondered, smiling to himself at the sight of you. “You caught my eye from the beginning and I—I couldn’t figure out why you wanted nothing to do with me.” You watched him carefully. He wondered if you could sense the dejectedness brewing. “Did you see something in me? Is that it?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted under your breath. “People like you, and you’ve been making an effort to be my friend, so I don’t know what told me to stay away from you, but something did. I’ve tried to ignore it, but I still…” you swallowed. “I don’t know.”
The confession should’ve been a relief. That’s what he imagined it would be. That you would admit the truth, and he could fix whatever misconceptions you had.
Coriolanus did not know what to do with “I don’t know”.
Staring down at you, Coriolanus noticed your back was against the wall. Literally. He hadn’t meant to put you there, but he had.
It got you to listen, didn’t it? He’d gotten an answer?
“Can we start over?” Coriolanus suggested, even throwing in a smile that would charm most anyone. It worked on you before. “We can forget all this mess.”
You blinked. You didn’t believe him.
For most people, he wouldn’t simply let numerous slights go, but for you, if it would fix whatever this was, if it meant the two of you could have a real chance, then he’d overcome his instincts—old and new.
“I’m afraid my memory is too good for that,” you finally said, looking up at him with defiance.
Defying what, was the question. It wasn’t as if you were enemies.
The thought made his jaw clench. He let out a laugh that was sharp. It lacked any sense of humor.
“Why can’t you just accept my apology?”
Your brows arched up, questioning him.
“That was supposed to be an apology?”
“Yes,” he confirmed. “But it’s not as if I owe you one.”
“I never said you did. I never said anything. You took it upon yourself to insert yourself into my life and now you are not happy with your place in it. You’ve overstepped, and you need to let me leave.”
Coriolanus frowned.
“You act like I’m keeping you here by force.”
You look up at him, silently telling him you believed he was.
That frustrated him further.
In an act that jarred even him, Coriolanus pressed his palms against your shoulders and pushed you back against the wall when you tried to move away.
“This is force,” he declared sternly, leaning down, making you maintain his gaze.
Everyone liked control, but he hadn’t used it in such a physical way before. It thrilled him in an odd way.
“Get your hands off me.”
“Why should I? You already think so poorly of me, why not let you be right?”
You moved again then, trying to catch him off guard and squirm away. But Coriolanus was quick to shove you back against the wall.
“We can still start over. If you would give me a chance, I think we can be good together.”
He let one hand rise to rest on your cheek. Your skin was so smooth. He inhaled deeply, resolve slipping further as his eyes fell to your lips.
If Coriolanus could just prove it to you, he was sure you’d understand what he meant.
He leaned in cautiously, gauging your reaction. You didn’t flinch away. You tilted your chin up, even. That familiar skip of his heart returned.
Coriolanus’s lips only just brushed against yours before you reacted. He had a second of relief before you brought your knee up, jabbing him in the lower stomach, although he doubted that was where you were aiming. It was still enough of a shock to throw him off his game. He stumbled back, and in a flash, you were gone. You were running down the hall—trying to get away from him, like usual.
Only this time, he didn’t feel like letting you go.
Something he had slowly come to learn was when he wanted something, it wasn’t just going to be handed to him. Vying for the Plinth Prize highlighted that, alongside his childhood.
He caught you easily, hand snapping out like a snake to grip your arm and yank you back to him. You collided with his chest. It was like you weren’t even trying. Not really. Just toying with him.
“Am I a game to you?” Coriolanus hissed into your ear, wrapping you in his arms. “Something for you to play?”
“I haven’t done anything to you! I hardly even know you!” you defended, but it just made him hold you tighter.
“I know you,” he implored, fighting against your squirming. He lost balance and when you fell to the ground, you took him with you. Coriolanus got you onto your back, sitting on your thighs, gripping your wrists in his hands to keep you from swinging at him. You let out panicked breaths, staring up at him. “I know more than you think.”
Something about the position made the front of his pants begin to feel constricting.
“Coriolanus, you’re frightening me,” you enunciated, as if trying to reason with him.
“I’m not being unreasonable,” Coriolanus grit out, working to maintain his composure.
“What?” you questioned, brows pinching together, a deep frown on your face. Confused and scared. Coriolanus used to feel that way. “Just let me go.”
“And then what? You go back to ignoring me? No I can’t… I can’t go back to that. If you just give me a chance I can show you.”
Coriolanus didn’t know what happened next.
Tigris told him it was like he left his own head, sometimes. She said he’d get so caught up, he wouldn’t notice things. At the time he had laughed. If anyone stayed aware, it was him.
It wasn’t that he left his head, but got lost in it. Lost in his own inner monologue to realize what he was doing.
In this case, what he’d done.
Far too busy thinking of ways to convey everything he wanted to say to you, how to make you understand, visualizing your reaction, he’d already acted.
Maybe there were two people living in his mind. One with a conscience, one without. Or perhaps that was just something he used to justify his less than decent actions. An excuse. He’d never let himself know the truth. Not really. Not yet.
What he did know was what he could see. You, beneath him, clothes torn from your body. The only thing left was a shirt. Too much effort, apparently. Your wrists were snatched together in one of his hands.
The power stirred something within him.
One might say he was out of excuses when he reached for the zipper of his pants, but no one else was here, were they?
Your mouth was moving. Speaking. Maybe even yelling. Looking at him, looking around the room. He couldn’t hear a sound but his own heart thumping in his ears paired with his own eager breaths. Was that normal?
He moved, wedging himself between your legs, nudging them apart to make room for himself.
“It’s just us,” Coriolanus spoke, loud enough to hear himself. You flinched. “No one’s here.”
He gripped himself, stroking his cock, lining himself up with your entrance. His patience was running incredibly thin.
Tears pricked in your eyes. You stopped struggling at his words, accepting it for what it was. Good.
“Why are you doing this?”
He heard your voice clearly, that time, despite the strain in your tone.
Coriolanus observed you carefully, squeezing your wrists together in one hand and lovingly caressing your hip with the other.
He finally understood the answer you’d given before. He found it fitting now.
“I don’t know.”
To him, it was the truth.
The moment Coriolanus pressed himself inside of you, it was as if the rest of the world disappeared. After so long of wanting you in every way, shape, or form, this was long overdue.
“You’re perfect for me,” he breathed out. Coriolanus gave a shove of his hips, his gaze falling to your mouth as an unwilling yelp slipped out. “I knew you would be.”
You were tight, too tight, even. Unwelcoming. Yet still, you felt like home.
His hand—the one that was on your hip—drifted between your legs. He found your clit, running his thumb in small circles, trying to ease the pressure you must’ve been feeling.
Coriolanus did not want to hurt you.
He looked into unfocused eyes. Where were you? Were you trying to be somewhere else?
He let your hands go. You didn’t move to slap him or shove him or anything. You were learning.
He leaned over you more, reaching for you face with his now free hand, and ran his thumb over your cheek, encouraging your gaze to actually meet his. He smiled softly when you did. You got more beautiful every second he looked at you. It was even better when he could see you were present.
Coriolanus found himself unable to resist it, so he gave into the urge to press his lips to yours. A real kiss, this time.
Your lips were softer than he’d imagined. You made a noise when his tongue tasted your mouth. His kiss was hungry—aggressive, even. But he’d waited so long he didn’t know how to contain himself.
Your body reacted to his touch. Your bent knees inched up his hips to accommodate him, and your walls were becoming slick, accepting the invasion.
A deep moan escaped him, cock throbbing inside you at the feel. The sound was muffled by his lips pressed to yours, but he still felt vulnerable, giving himself to you in this way.
Coriolanus pulled back from the kiss, only to rest his forehead against yours and breathe out a small puff of air from his lips.
“I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you. Not even the Plinth Prize,” he confessed in a whisper.
“What’s the difference?” You finally spoke, voice wavering. “You have to earn the prize?” The accusing tone felt like a slap.
“You don’t know what you’re saying,” Coriolanus muttered, eyes boring into yours. “You’ll see.”
He gave you one more searing kiss before moving his hips.
A gasp that morphed into a moan clawed its way up your throat. The sound was like music to his ears. He wanted to hear it again.
He began to move more consistently, finding a pace that suited him. Rough enough to keep you present, but not so harsh as to hurt you. He wanted you to enjoy yourself, even if you were trying to avoid it.
Still figuring you out, Coriolanus found your sweet spot with a hard thrust, causing you to wince. Instinctively, you tried to push him away, just like you had before, not wanting to surrender.
You stilled when you felt his hand. He hardly realized how he’d reacted until he felt your throat bob beneath his palm.
Coriolanus retracted his hand, like your skin and shot a volt through him. His movements slowed to a stop.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized earnestly, brushing the hand through your hair gently. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
Your chest heaved as you breathed shaky breaths through your nose. Your lips pressed together in a line.
You weren’t going to dignify him with a response. In a way, he understood.
Coriolanus locked his arms under your body and in a surge of strength, pulled you from the ground and into his lap. He hugged you against him, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“Forgive me,” he requested softly.
You shifted in his lap, adjusting yourself to find comfort in the new position. You did not speak.
He slammed his hips up, forcing a gasp from your lips. That was something, wasn’t it?
You pulled back, and he did it again. And again. And again.
You fell against him, jarred by the change in his movements as he thrust into you. He liked it, feeling you in his lap, your chest against his, leaving you no choice but to hold onto him.
His lips latched onto the skin of your neck as he moved, barring his teeth and nipping the skin. You reacted as if he were venomous, straining away from him, but he’d left his mark.
You could pretend all you wanted that you didn’t like him, but Coriolanus could feel your body reacting to his. He could feel the way your walls squeezed around him, drawing him in, and how your body quivered as he pushed you closer to your edge.
“Just let go,” Coriolanus whispered, holding you tighter. He cradled the back of your head against him as he moved inside of you. Soothing and rough at the same time. “It’s okay, I know you want to.”
“Shut up,” you hissed into his neck, hands finding his chest.
Were you really going to try and get away from him? It was a bit late for that.
Coriolanus moved his hand between your bodies, finding your clit with the pad of his thumb, speeding along the process.
“What was that?” he taunted, feeling your legs start to shake.
A moan tore from your throat as you came around him, body slumping against his as he shoved himself deeper inside you. He wanted to feel your body tensed around him.
“That’s it,” he drawled, pressing his face to the side of your head. He inhaled, letting your scent flood him. Every sense was overwhelmed by you and if anything, it made him hunger for even more.
You became more pliable in your daze, going easily when Coriolanus laid you back down on the cold ground. He planted one hand on the ground near your head, where he held most of his weight, while the other rested on the base of your neck. Not squeezing, just resting. Reminding you of before.
Now that he’d taken care of you, made you realize the pleasure he could inflict upon you, it was his turn. Coriolanus was relentless with the thrust of his cock inside you, stretching you around him, groaning with nearly every movement. You felt so good, he never wanted to leave the warmth of your body.
You shifted beneath him, squirming as the intense feeling. Coriolanus was tempted to drag it out, to watch your face as the pleasure became too much for you to handle.
If it wasn’t for the desire to fill you, to claim you, he would’ve. There would be more times after this, he’d ensure it. He didn’t own a lot, but he treasured the things that he did.
“I can’t let you go, not now.” He meant to keep it inside his head, but the words spilled out. “You’re the only thing I want.”
At that moment, it was true.
Coriolanus gave one final shove of his hips before spilling inside of you. It crashed over him in an unexpected wave. His whole body shivered with pleasure at the feel of your body milking him. You wanted him. Your denial would eventually fade. He was sure of it.
Coriolanus let out a heavy sigh of your name as he watched your face. You’d turned your head, wincing as he filled you to the brim.
“Hey,” Coriolanus said when he finished, voice low. He ran a delicate hand over your face, persuading you to open your eyes. “We’re okay.”
As much as he didn’t want to, Coriolanus withdrew from you. You’d given up fighting against him, so he took the opportunity to help you redress. You were so pliant, it was like dressing a doll.
You rested your arms on your knees when he made you sit up. He wasn’t keeping you from moving from the floor, you chose not to.
Coriolanus watched you cautiously, searching for the same fire in you before, trying to figure out if he’d somehow snuffed it out.
There was a nagging in his gut. It was only for a brief second, but his confidence wavered.
“Can you talk to me?” he pressed, laying a hand on your shoulder and he knelt across from you, pants readjusted.
It was as if nothing happened, but you both knew that was untrue.
“Why should I?” You wrinkled your nose as you focused on the ground.
“Because, I care about you,” Coriolanus replied without thought, gaze softening. “I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“I don’t think you care for me,” you said in a tone so hushed, Coriolanus wasn’t sure if you even meant for him to hear. Then, you met his eyes. The fire had only been dulled, not put out. “I think you’re a liar, Coriolanus Snow.”
His hands fell to clasp yours. He brought one to his lips, pressing a small kiss to the back of your palm. You eyed him as if he were some sort of predator, but he managed a smile nonetheless.
“Let me prove it to you, and you’ll come to learn you’ve been wrong about me all along.”
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03jyh23 · 13 days
— 2 soon || kim hongjoong part 2
<part 1> <part 3>
goes to waste the series based on my favourite keshi songs
(listen here)
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idol!hongjoong x non-idol!reader
synopsis: years after choosing his career over you, hongjoong still finds himself haunted by the memories of you. your relationship is a constant dance of on and off, and you cannot stay away from him.
genre: smut, angst, a very small amount of fluff
trigger warnings: cussing/mature language, toxic relationship, extreme possessiveness, jealousy, emotional manipulation, lies, obsession, verbal aggression, emotional distress, career-related stress, panic attack mentioned, pillow-talk(?) explicit sexual content: dom!hongjoong sub!reader, unprotected sex, hair pulling, dirty talk, nipple play, tight riding, fingering, hongjoong is rough, neck biting, hickey fetish(?), overstimulation, pet-names
words: 11.5 k
reminder: what you’re about to read is purely fiction, so let’s keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
— hi there! this part is mostly smut-focused but honestly, it was very needed for the plot to kinda set the dynamic between hongjoong and the reader. i don't know what else to say!!! the third part will be the final one and it's already done! so stay tuned. as always, i hope you enjoy it. let me know what you think? please? 🥹
ps. the usernames i used are random!!!
ps.2 do we like the articles or are we getting rid of them?
in the first part, i made a lot of typos and there were also many mistakes in how i edited the text. i think i managed to fix them all by now, but i wanted to apologize. i hope this time it will be better.
love, monika. ♡
if you enjoyed this post, i’d be so grateful for a little love – a like, reblog or comment would truly make my day!
taglist: @skittyneos @kyeos4ng @vcutparis
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ATEEZ's Leader, Kim Hongjoong, Abandons Tour to Chase After Ex-Girlfriend
In an unexpected twist, Kim Hongjoong, the charismatic leader of the popular K-pop group, ATEEZ, has abruptly abandoned their ongoing world tour. The reason behind this sudden departure? Allegedly, to chase after his ex-girlfriend.
Hongjoong, known for his exceptional leadership and commitment to the group, has left fans and fellow band members in shock with his sudden decision. According to inside sources, Hongjoong's decision was fueled by personal reasons, specifically involving his former girlfriend.
The identity of the woman in question has not been disclosed, but it's clear that the leader of ATEEZ is deeply affected by the situation. The relationship was said to have ended on mutual terms, with both parties deciding to focus on their individual paths. However, recent developments suggest that the separation may not have been as smooth as initially presented.
It appears that the former couple has been in contact. The nature of their interactions remains undisclosed, but it's clear that their history is not as far behind them as they'd like to believe. Allegedly, Hongjoong has been struggling with lingering feelings for his ex, and it has affected him to the point of leaving his professional commitments to seek closure.
This move is a significant departure from the professional and dedicated image Hongjoong has cultivated over the years. His decision to put personal matters before his career obligations has raised eyebrows, leading to speculation about the severity of the situation.
As ATEEZ's world tour continues without their leader, fans worldwide are expressing concern. The remaining members of ATEEZ have yet to comment on the situation, leaving fans in a state of suspense and concern about the future of the group.
MYFAVSONGISMINGI: Honestly, I'm shocked. I never expected Hongjoong to behave like this!!! 😡😡😡😡
8MAKES1: Unbelievable! How can he just abandon his responsibilities like this? I'm really disappointed in Hongjoong. 😡😡😡
ILOVEMOUNTAINS: Is this the kind of leader we want for ATEEZ? I don't think so. 😡
FORJONGHO: I feel so disheartened. After all the support and love we fans have given ATEEZ, is this what we get in return? 😔
HEARTSFORYUNHO: Can't she see the damage she's causing?! Hongjoong doesn't need someone who brings him down like this. 😒😒😒
EIGHTPIRATES: He's clearly not in the right headspace to lead. Maybe it's time for him to leave. 😞
ILOVEHONGJOONG07: I hate to say it, but ATEEZ might be better off without him right now. 💔😞
YEOSANGISMINE: I hope they both realize the damage they've done to ATEEZ's reputation. This is just unacceptable! 🤬💔
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ATEEZ's Company KQ Entertainment Announces Unexpected Hiatus for Leader Kim Hongjoong
ATEEZ's company announces an unexpected hiatus from the group's activities for their leader, Kim Hongjoong, sparking speculation about his potential departure from the band.
The news comes shortly after Hongjoong's abrupt departure from ATEEZ's world tour, allegedly to reconnect with his ex-girlfriend. This sudden announcement has left fans and fellow band members reeling, leading to widespread speculation and concern about the future of the group.
Hongjoong has remained silent about his reasons for the hiatus, and his fellow band members have refrained from commenting on the situation. The lack of communication from the band has only served to fan the flames of speculation, and many fans are concerned that this hiatus could be a precursor to Hongjoong's withdrawal from the group.
Despite the swirling rumors, ATEEZ's record company, KQ Entertainment, has released a statement in an attempt to clarify the situation:
"We would like to assure ATEEZ's fans that Hongjoong's hiatus is a personal decision and is not indicative of any issues within the group. Hongjoong is taking some time off to deal with personal matters, and we ask fans to respect his privacy during this time. ATEEZ will continue their activities as scheduled, and we promise to keep fans updated on any changes."
Even with this official statement, fans can't help but worry about the group's future. Hongjoong's leadership and unique talents have played a crucial role in shaping ATEEZ's success, and his absence undoubtedly leaves a significant gap.
Fans worldwide are expressing their concern and support for Hongjoong in this challenging time, hoping for his quick return to the group. In the meantime, ATEEZ will continue their activities as a seven-member group.
FIXONPIRATES: I can't believe Hongjoong would put his personal life before the group. This is so unprofessional. 😡
WOOBABY: This is such a disappointment. Maybe it's best if Hongjoong leaves the group. 😞
ILOVEHONGJOONG: We're all let down by this. The group is better off without him. 😔
PIRATEKING: I can't believe he would abandon his responsibilities like this. He should leave ATEEZ. 😡
KINGHONG : This isn't the Hongjoong we used to know and respect. It's time for him to leave the group. 💔
8MAKES1: I'm so disappointed. I can't believe Hongjoong would let us down like this. He should leave ATEEZ. 😠
MYFAVSONGISMINGI: I'm honestly so upset. Hongjoong should leave the group until he can prioritize ATEEZ. 😡
ILOVEMOUNTAINS: I never thought I'd say this, but maybe it's time for Hongjoong to leave ATEEZ. He's clearly not able to fulfill his responsibilities as a leader. 😞
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Pre-Debut Relationship of ATEEZ's Leader, Kim Hongjoong, Revealed
ATEEZ's leader, Kim Hongjoong, is currently making headlines for an unexpected hiatus from group activities. Now, inside sources reveal another dimension to the story, unveiling a pre-debut relationship that might be the underlying cause of the K-pop star's recent actions.
Before shooting to fame as the charismatic leader of ATEEZ, Hongjoong was in a happy relationship with a woman, who remains unknown. According to insiders, the pair shared a deep bond that has left an indelible mark on Hongjoong's life.
Their relationship began before Hongjoong's debut with ATEEZ, during a time when the budding artist was juggling his aspirations of a music career and his personal life. The sources reveal that the relationship was a significant part of Hongjoong's life before his rise to fame.
However, the relationship ended abruptly, despite the couple being in a state of happiness and contentment. This unexpected breakup was a significant blow to Hongjoong, who was deeply in love and had no anticipation of the abrupt end.
The sudden termination of their relationship marked a significant turning point in Hongjoong's life, as he committed himself entirely to ATEEZ and his responsibilities as a leader. The decision to focus on his career came in the aftermath of this unexpected personal loss.
The recent revelations about Hongjoong's pre-debut relationship provide an intriguing perspective on the current situation. While the exact details remain unclear, it's evident that Hongjoong's past relationship has had a significant impact on his personal and professional life. The revelations raise questions about the role this past relationship may be playing in his recent actions and his unexpected hiatus from ATEEZ's activities.
SEONGHWASTAR: Hongjoong needs to take a break and sort out his life. ATEEZ deserves a dedicated leader. 😔
MATZLOVER: I stand with Hongjoong! Everyone has a right to personal life. 💪
PIRATEKING: This isn't the Hongjoong we used to respect. He's letting his personal problems affect the group! 💔
LOVINGHONG: We need to support Hongjoong in this tough time. He is human too and has feelings.
CRAZYFORYEO: Hongjoong needs us more than ever. Let's not abandon him in this difficult time. ❤️
YUNGIYUNGIYUNGI: Stay strong, Hongjoong! We believe in you and support you. 💪
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After a long, grueling flight, Hongjoong finally landed back home. As soon as the plane touched down, he felt an overwhelming sense of urgency. He rushed to catch a taxi, desperate to get to you as quickly as possible. He hoped that his sudden return had gone unnoticed as he was supposed to be in another country, preparing for a concert. However, to his surprise, the airport arrivals zone was swarming with reporters. Their cameras flashed continuously, momentarily blinding him. The sudden influx of attention was the last thing he needed right now, but there was no turning back. All he could think about was seeing you. Throwing on his sunglasses and mask, he was filled with fear at the thought of facing the sea of reporters alone. The absence of his usual security guard weighed heavy on his shoulders. The reporters were shouting, one after another, their voices overwhelming him. The constant flash of cameras was deafening, the noise throbbing in his head and pushing him toward the edge of a panic attack. The noise was too much to bear, making it impossible for Hongjoong to focus on any of the words coming out of the reporters' mouths. He needed to get out quickly. Tripping a few times, his anxiety was getting the best of him. Why were they here? He scrambled to regain his footing, the world spinning around him as the clamor of reporters grew louder. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, each beat echoing the growing sense of dread that was consuming him. He couldn’t make out their questions, the words getting lost in the cacophony of noise. Suddenly, he felt a strong grip on his arm.
"Come on, let's get you out of here," a tall man from airport security said, his voice steady despite the pandemonium around them. He pulled Hongjoong away from the reporters, shielding him from their intrusive questions and cameras. The man managed to get Hongjoong to the safety of a VIP parking lot, the noise of the reporters fading into the distance.
"Thank you, sir," Hongjoong said, his voice barely above a whisper. The man simply nodded, his gaze filled with concern.
"No one should have to go through that alone," he replied, "I will order a taxi for you. Please wait here until it arrives." Hongjoong did as he was told, waiting patiently for a driver to arrive. He rummaged through his bag, finally finding his phone and turning it back on when the taxi finally arrived. He took a seat in the back, his heart rate slowly returning to normal. Finally, he checked his phone, notifications coming like crazy, unanswered calls, unread messages, the amount of it was overwhelming. Hongjoong's heart pounded in his chest as he clicked a link sent by his manager, causing the articles to load. Each word, each accusation, felt like a stab to his chest. His mind reeled from the harsh reality of his situation, and the severity of the consequences he faced. The accusations, the speculation, the harsh criticism - it was all too much. He felt a profound sense of betrayal, a deep-seated anger towards his management for allowing things to spiral so far out of control. His manager's voice echoed in his mind, the threat from the before now a chilling reality. He had followed through on his threat, leaking Hongjoong's personal life to the media, spinning the situation to make Hongjoong the villain. The public backlash was harsh and swift, their words cut deep. He could feel his world crumbling around him, the life he had worked so hard to build threatening to collapse under the weight of the scandal. Hongjoong was devastated. A sinking feeling of despair washed over him as he scrolled through the comments, each one a painful reminder of the image he had lost. The leader, the professional, the role model - all replaced with a man driven by personal desires, abandoning his responsibilities, and disappointing his fans. Hongjoong couldn't believe his fans, the people who had supported him through thick and thin, were now against him. Their words, usually filled with love and encouragement, had transformed into harsh criticism and disappointment. He felt he had let them down, and the guilt was overwhelming. Hongjoong could hardly believe the magnitude of damage that had unfolded during the mere hours of his flight back home. The sudden turn of events felt like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. As he asked the driver to roll up the partition, he immediately dialed his manager's number, his fingers shaking with barely contained anger.
"What the fuck is this?" he demanded as soon as the call connected, his voice harsh and strained. "Why am I finding out about my own hiatus from a fucking article?"
His manager sighed heavily on the other end of the line, the sound echoing ominously through the phone. "I warned you, Hongjoong," he replied curtly, his tone carrying an icy edge that sent a chill down Hongjoong's spine. "I told you there would be consequences."
Hongjoong clenched his jaw, his blood boiling at his manager's words. The man was using his position of authority to manipulate and control him. "You're blackmailing me," Hongjoong spat out, his voice thick with accusation. "How could you do that? How could you use my personal life as a tool to control me?"
The manager sighed, "You knew what you were getting into, Hongjoong," he continued, his voice quieter now, but still carrying an undercurrent of stern reprimand. "You know you are banned from dating, you signed the contract yourself. You know the rules, the restrictions. We've talked about this and yet," his manager went on, "you chose to ignore it. To risk everything you've worked for." He finally paused, giving Hongjoong a moment to absorb his words. "We're not just talking about your career here, Hongjoong, we're talking about the group, the fans, the company. Your actions affect more than just you." His words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the consequences of Hongjoong's actions. This wasn't just about him and his feelings. His actions had far-reaching repercussions, ones that he hadn't fully considered in the heat of the moment. "We need you to think about what's at stake here, Hongjoong," he added, his voice carrying a seriousness that sent a chill down Hongjoong's spine. "You should be happy we put you on hiatus. At least you can spend some quality time with... what's her name again?" His manager sneered, the disrespect apparent in his voice. This was a low blow, a deliberate jab at Hongjoong's personal life, leaving him seething. A surge of rage swept through Hongjoong at his manager's taunting words. He could hardly believe what he was hearing, the blatant disrespect towards you making his blood boil.
"Don't you dare speak about her like that," he snarled, his voice dangerously low. His grip on the phone tightened, his knuckles turning white with the force of his anger. "You have no right." His manager seemed taken aback by his outburst, but Hongjoong didn't care. He was sick and tired of his personal life being under constant scrutiny, especially regarding his relationship with you. "You don't get to dismiss her like she's nothing," he continued, his voice trembling. "She's not just some random girl, I love her." There was silence on the other end of the line, the manager clearly surprised by Hongjoong's passionate response.
"Listen, Hongjoong," the manager's voice echoed through the phone, "Here's what we're going to do. You want to be with her? Fine. But you two need to stay low, understand? We'll control the damage on our end. You will be back for the European tour dates, no exceptions." His manager's voice hardened, the finality of his words sending chills down Hongjoong's spine. "You get a month with her, that's it. After that, it's the end. And by that, I mean she's dead to you. No more contact, no more distractions. Your career and your responsibilities come first. Are we clear?" Hongjoong pulled the phone away from his ear, staring at it in shock. He could hear his manager's voice continuing on the other end, but his words were a blur, drowned out by the roaring silence in his own mind.
"A month..." he muttered to himself, the reality of the situation sinking in. He had a month. 30 days. 720 hours. That was all the time he had left with you. After that, you would be gone from his life, erased as if you never existed. The thought was unbearable.
"Are you listening to me, Hongjoong?" his manager's voice snapped him back to reality. His tone was stern, and authoritative. It was a tone Hongjoong had come to associate with bad news, with ultimatums and decisions made without his input. "This is not a negotiation." Hongjoong swallowed hard, his throat tight. He wanted to argue, to fight back. But he knew it was pointless. His manager had made up his mind, and there was no changing it.
"Alright," he finally replied, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I understand."
"Good," his manager responded, the satisfaction evident in his voice. "Remember, Hongjoong, this is for the best. You have a bright future ahead of you. Don't let one mistake ruin it all." The call ended abruptly, leaving Hongjoong alone with his thoughts. He stared at his phone screen, the harsh reality of the situation weighing heavy on his heart. He had a month left with you, a month to make memories, to say his goodbyes. After that, he would have to let you go, to move on and focus on his career. But as he sat there, he couldn't help but wonder if he could do it. If he could really let you go. Because despite everything, despite the pain and the heartache, he knew one thing for sure: he was still in love with you. And love, as he was quickly learning, was not something that could be easily forgotten or replaced. It was a powerful force, a relentless tide that swept you off your feet and carried you away, regardless of the consequences. As Hongjoong sat in the taxi, staring at the blank screen of his phone, he made a decision. He would make the most of the time he had left with you. He would make every moment count. Because in the end, when all was said and done, he wanted to be able to look back and know that he had loved you with all his heart, even if it was just for a little while.
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You woke up abruptly, in the middle of the day, your head throbbing with the worst headache you'd ever experienced. You'd only caught a few hours of sleep, your body still worn out from the previous night. You found yourself in the dress you had worn yesterday, the fabric now uncomfortable and sticking to your skin. The remnants of your makeup were smeared on your face, causing your skin to itch. Through your half-opened eyes, you saw the sun's rays hitting your face, a harsh reminder of the time. Your body felt heavy as if you had run a marathon. Your muscles were sore, and you could barely muster the energy to move. You yawned, stretching your body and feeling your joints pop. The empty, gnawing feeling in your stomach was the only force that managed to pull you out of bed. You decided to deal with your fatigue first, hoping a shower would do the trick. The cold water hit your skin, sending a jolt through your tired body. It was calming and refreshing, washing away the remnants of the previous night and soothing your aching muscles. Once you were done, you grabbed one of your oversized t-shirts and a pair of comfortable panties. Dressed and feeling slightly more alive, you left the comfort of your room and ventured into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You took some painkillers for your headache, hoping they would kick in soon. To brighten the mood, you decided to put on some music. The familiar tunes filled the room, providing a comforting background noise as you went about your morning routine. Despite the rough start to your day, you found a sense of peace in these simple morning rituals. As the day dragged on, you found yourself mindlessly scrolling through Netflix. You couldn't quite decide what to watch, your mind too clouded with thoughts and fatigue to make a choice. As the minutes ticked by, your eyes grew heavier and heavier. Every blink felt like a battle, your eyelids threatening to close with each passing second. Your nap was interrupted by a ring at the door. You didn't expect any visitors today, but you forced yourself to answer it. You quickly fixed your hair and glanced down at your oversized t-shirt. Thankfully, it was long enough to cover you, so you didn't bother to put on anything else before opening the door. 
You had just unlocked the door when Hongjoong suddenly stormed into your apartment. His unexpected entrance took you completely by surprise, leaving you momentarily stunned. 
"Hongjoong?" you managed to squeak out, your heart hammering in your chest. "What are you…" Before you even had a chance to finish, he had you pinned up against the wall, his lips seeking yours in a desperate, hungry kiss. 
"We're gonna talk later," he managed to blurt out before kissing you again. Thoughts of you consumed him entirely. The idea of your lips meeting another man's in a passionate embrace, the thought of you out in the nightclub seeking the attention of someone who was not him, it was too much to bear. Hongjoong envisioned you offering your body to someone who didn't know you as he did, didn't love you as he did. His blood boiled at the thought, a reaction that set his nerves on edge. The stress from the unexpected hiatus, and the stern words from his manager, all paled in comparison to the anguish he felt at the thought of losing you. His longing for you was overwhelming, a need that shook him to his core. He yearned to have you under him, to feel the warmth of your naked body against his. He craved the taste of your lips, the feel of your skin under his fingertips. Hongjoong wanted to consume you, to lose himself in the intoxicating allure of your being. The thought of you, of your touch, your scent, your love, it was a driving force for him. A desire so strong that it threatened to consume him entirely. Hongjoong’s lips left yours abruptly, ending the breathless kiss that had consumed both of you. His hand moved from your waist to your face, gripping it strongly and forcing your gaze to meet his. There was a fiery intensity in his eyes that caught you off guard, and for a moment, all you could do was stare back at him in stunned silence. 
"Haven't fucked you in a few months and you have already forgotten who you belong to?" He asked, his voice low and heavy with an emotion you couldn't quite place. You wanted to moan at his words, each syllable that fell from his lips sending a wave of pleasure that cascaded down to your very core. You found yourself completely at his mercy, a plaything in his hands, and the realization stirred a thrill within you that was hard to ignore. His hand, firm and warm, cupping your face, his thumb tracing the line of your jaw in a touch that was almost tender. His other hand, however, was far from gentle. Pressed against your hip, it pushed you hard against the wall, the cold, hard surface a stark contrast to the heat of your body. You could feel the pressure of his fingers against your skin, the strength behind the hold, and you already knew that they would leave marks. Marks that would bloom into dark, purple imprints by the next morning, a tangible reminder of this moment. Marks that would be visible, and you found that you didn't mind one bit. 
"Answer me," he demanded, his voice low and dangerously quiet. The intensity of his gaze was overwhelming, his eyes burning into yours with an unreadable expression. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, the sensation amplified by the deafening silence that followed his words. The anticipation was making your breath hitch in your throat, making it difficult to form a coherent response. All you could do was whimper, the sound barely audible in the tension-filled room. 
"I belong to you, Hongjoong," you finally answered, swallowing the lump in your throat hard. Your voice was barely a whisper against the room's silence. 
"Good girl," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. His words sent a thrill of pleasure coursing through you, making your heart race and your core clench with anticipation. Hongjoong’s gaze was heavy on you, making your skin prickle with anticipation. The intensity of his stare was like a physical touch, stoking the flames of your desire. His lips were next to your ear now, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. Hongjoong pressed his body to yours, leaving no space in between, and you could feel his hardness against your thigh. He was already prepared to take you. The anticipation made you clench around nothing, the thought of him filling you up driving you wild with desire. "I will fuck you so hard the only thing you're gonna remember is my name," he whispered straight into your ear. The world beyond you two ceased to exist in that moment. All you were aware of was him, the feel of his body pressed against yours, the way his hands explored your figure with ownership that made your heart race. His scent, a heady mix of his cologne, and the smell that was uniquely him filled your senses. It was intoxicating, making your head spin and your body yearn for more. His lips found yours in a searing kiss, a clash of teeth and tongues that was all-consuming. It was as if he was trying to devour you, to claim you as his own with each kiss, each touch. And you let him. You surrendered yourself to him, to the overpowering desire that was coursing through your veins. Hongjoong’s touch was everywhere, leaving no inch of your skin unexplored. His hands roamed your body, each touch setting your skin on fire. His fingers traced your curves, his touch igniting a trail of heat wherever he touched. It was maddening, the way he was making you feel. You were like a lump of clay in his hands, your body responding to his every touch, every command. As his hands continued their exploration, the anticipation was building, leaving you breathless. You knew it was only a matter of time before he would claim you, mark you as his own. And you loved the idea. The idea of being entirely his. 
Hongjoong’s fingers found the hem of your oversized t-shirt, and he took it off of you quickly to reveal your body. The cool air hitting your exposed skin made you shiver, but it was nothing compared to the heat his touch was generating within you. As his hand moved up your leg, your breath hitched in anticipation. He paused, his fingers hovering over the lace of your panties. You could feel the heat of his hand through the thin fabric, sending jolts of electricity coursing through you. Hongjoong lowered himself, his eyes never leaving yours. His lips met the soft skin of your nipple, taking it in his mouth. The sensation of his warm mouth was intoxicating, making you gasp as he sucked hard, his teeth gently grazing you. Simultaneously, his hand moved to the other side, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your nipple before he took it between his fingers. He began to twist and pinch, his touch just the right side of rough. He played with you, his actions causing a wave of pleasurable sensation to course through your body, making you arch your back in response. This continued, his mouth and hands working in a rhythm that only he knew, his attention solely focused on you, on giving you pleasure. You could feel a heat building up within you, a testament to the skill and care with which Hongjoong was treating you. And throughout it all, he never broke eye contact, his gaze filled with a desire and intensity that matched his actions. You reached down, your fingers tangling in his hair, pulling him up to meet your lips. As your mouths collided in a passionate, desperate kiss, a moan escaped from your throat, muffled by the intensity of his lips on yours. 
Your hands gradually made their way under the fabric of his t-shirt, the sensation of your fingers tracing over the contours and warmth of his skin beneath. You wasted no time, reaching for the zipper of his pants, which were already uncomfortably tight for him. But as your fingers grazed the metal, he grabbed your wrist, stopping you mid-motion. His eyes, dark with desire, met yours. 
"It's not gonna be that easy, baby girl," he murmured, a devilish smirk playing on his lips. Hongjoong released your wrist but kept his hand there, his thumb tracing slow circles on your skin. His other hand slid up your back, pulling you closer until your bodies were pressed together with no space in between. The heat from his body seeped into yours, his scent filling your senses. Your heart pounded in your chest in anticipation of what was to come. His lips found your neck, his teeth grazing your skin, eliciting a gasp from you. You could feel his smirk against your skin, he was playing a dangerous game, one that had you on the edge. He sucked on your skin roughly, each pull of his lips sending a rush of sensations coursing through your body. His teeth grazed your sensitive skin, biting down hard after each suck. Hongjoong was marking you, claiming you as his own in the most primal way possible. Each mark, each hickey he left on your skin was a silent proclamation of his ownership, an indelible reminder of his touch. He wanted to cover you all in his marks, to transform your beautiful skin into a canvas that bore the testament of his love. He wanted the world to see, to know that you were his. Every mark he left was a symbol of his possession, a clear message to anyone who dared to look your way. And with each mark he left, he etched his love for you deeper into your skin, into your very soul. It was a display of ownership that was as intoxicating as it was overwhelming. And as he continued to mark you, you were left with no doubt that you belonged to him.
Hongjoong's hands moved to your legs, his grip firm and commanding as he spread them apart. He effortlessly slid his own leg between yours, positioning himself in a way that your sensitive core came in direct contact with his muscular thigh. This friction, elicited a deep moan from you, a sound that filled the room and fed his desire. Your pussy had been neglected throughout this encounter and the sudden stimulation was intensely gratifying. The friction against your sensitive spot, even though it was indirect, generated waves of pleasure that coursed through your body, consuming you. Hongjoong’s actions were deliberate and calculated, each movement, each touch and kiss was designed to make you want him more. And it was working. Your hands fumbled with the hem of his shirt, your fingers desperate to feel the heat of his skin. He obliged, allowing you to pull the garment over his head. The sight of him, bare-chested and smirking at you, made your breath hitch in your throat. You wanted to grind down on his thigh, to press your aching core harder against the firm muscle for more friction, but he stopped you, holding you steady. His grip on your hips was firm, his fingers digging into your skin as he held you in place, controlling the pace to prolong the tantalizing torture. 
"Touch me," you whimpered, desperate to feel him. Your pussy was neglected, yet soaking wet only waiting for Hongjoong. The anticipation was making you ache with need, your body yearning for his touch. 
Hongjoong smiled devilishly at you. "Beg for it," he whispered. His words sent a shiver down your spine, a mixture of fear and anticipation. You swallowed hard, meeting his gaze with an intensity that mirrored his own. 
"Please," you whined desperately, the word barely audible. 
Suddenly, Hongjoong pulled away. His hands, which had been tracing patterns on your hips, and his thigh, which provided much-needed friction, were abruptly gone. You whimpered in response, a wave of desperation washing over. The lack of contact became unbearable, causing your skin to tingle in anticipation and making you yearn for his warmth. Your heart began to thump wildly in your chest, and a lump formed in your throat, making it hard for you to swallow. 
Hongjoong smirked at you, his voice dark and teasing as he said, "You aren't begging enough, baby girl." 
"Please," you begged again, your voice quivering with need. The absence of his touch was driving you insane, each passing second amplifying your desperation. "I need you, Hongjoong," you pleaded, your words hanging in the air. ‘’Please, please, please fuck me’’ He gave you a satisfied smirk, his fingers back to tracing idle patterns on your bare skin, pushing you further into the abyss of longing. His smile grew wider, satisfaction evident in his eyes. He leaned in closer, his breath fanning against your skin. 
"That's my girl," he murmured before his lips captured yours in a searing kiss. 
He lowered himself down your body, his eyes never leaving yours. The tension between you was palpable, filling the room with an intoxicating mix of anticipation and desire. His teeth gently caught the hem of your panties, his gaze darkening as he watched your reaction. There was a smirk on his face, one that spoke volumes of the intimate knowledge he had of your body. His hands slid down your sides, tracing the contours of your body with a familiarity that sent shivers down your spine. Then, he licked your lower stomach, the unexpected sensation making you arch your back. His tongue left a wet trail on your skin, the heat of it seeping into you and making you squirm underneath him. His hands returned to your hips, his fingers hooking into the sides of your panties. With a playful wink, he began to slide the last piece of fabric down your legs. The action was slow, and torturous, dragging out the moment and making your heart pound in your chest. The room was filled with the sound of your ragged breaths and the rustling of fabric as he finally removed your panties, leaving you bare before him. His eyes roamed over your body, taking in every detail with an intensity that made you blush. But there was no room for embarrassment, not when his gaze held such raw desire, such absolute adoration. One of his hands supported your hips, keeping you steady despite your shaky legs. His other hand separated your legs, trailing its way up your thigh, until finally, he was exactly where you needed him most. His eyes never left yours as he continued his torturous exploration. He watched your reaction to every touch, every caress, his gaze darkening with desire at every gasp and moan that slipped past your lips. Hongjoong’s fingers gently separated your folds, finally making contact with your wetness. Your moan at the sensation echoed in the quiet apartment, serving as a sweet symphony to his ears. His two fingers circled around your sensitive clit, you rolled your eyes at the sensation, you were already so pent up, you felt like you were going to explode. With a slow, deliberate motion, he inserted one of his fingers, prompting you to moan, "More." He complied, adding another of his fingers, the increased pressure sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. You moaned his name and grabbed his shoulder for support, trembling with pleasure. The room spun around you, every nerve in your body seemed to come alive, the sensation overwhelming and intense. Your body responded instinctively, arching towards him, craving more of his touch. His lips found yours again, kissing you deeply as his fingers continued to move inside you. His movements were measured, each stroke designed to draw out the maximum pleasure. It was as if he knew your body better than you did, each touch hitting just the right spot. "You are so beautiful, moaning my name like that… give me more of your beautiful moans." He whispered, as his thumb circled around your clit. You obliged, losing yourself in the waves of pleasure that his touch invoked. Hongjoong's fingers crossed inside of you, picking up speed as he felt you clenching around them. "Tell me what you want, baby," he whispered against your skin, his voice husky and filled with desire. 
"I-I want to c-cum, please let me," you pleaded intensely, your voice trembling and shaking as you felt the wave of your impending climax steadily building up inside of you, each pulse and throb pushing you closer to the edge. 
"Who do you belong to?" Hongjoong's voice echoed in the room, his words were a challenge, a demand, and a plea all wrapped into one. His eyes bore into you, intense and unwavering. As he waited for your response he slid a third finger inside you, stretching you with a delicious pressure that made your breath hitch in your throat. The sensation was overwhelming, drawing a gasp from your lips as a wave of pleasure washed over you. 
"Y-you," you struggled to respond, your voice a mere whisper against the pounding rhythm of your heart. “I belong to you Hongjoong” His name tumbled from your lips, a sweet surrender that brought a satisfied smirk to his face. You moaned loudly, your voice breaking as your climax built. 
"You can cum now princess," Hongjoong whispered, his voice low and husky in your ear. Your body responded to his words, your climax hitting you with an intensity that left you breathless. 
"Hongjoong!" you cried out, your body convulsing as waves of pleasure washed over you. Your grip on his shoulder tightened as you came hard. Hongjoong’s fingers were still inside you, wet from your release, and they continued to move, riding out the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
"That's it, baby," he murmured against your skin, his voice a low growl. As you came down from your high, you buried your face in the crook of his neck, trying to catch your breath. You gasped as he pulled his fingers out of you, the lack of him there leaving you painfully empty. His breath was ragged, matching yours in intensity. Suddenly Hongjoong gripped your hair firmly, pulling your head up to make you look at him. "We're not done yet," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Get on the bed, on all fours," he demanded, his voice firm and authoritative. His command sent a shiver down your spine, and you felt yourself get worked up again. You didn't hesitate, moving to comply with his demand. Clambering onto the bed, you positioned yourself on your forearms and knees. Hongjoong moved behind you, you heard the sound of his zipper being pulled down, followed by the soft thud of his jeans hitting the floor. He climbed onto the bed, his hands found your hips, his touch firm and possessive. "Stay still," he whispered, his voice a low growl in your ear. You could feel the anticipation building, a delicious tension that made your breath hitch in your throat. Hongjoong's presence was overwhelming, his dominance a heady intoxicant that left you dizzy with need. As he whispered, "Ass up," you found your body obeying without a second thought, a wave of shivers running through you. You felt his tip teasingly trace your delicate folds, and you couldn't suppress a whimper. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" he mocked, his hand winding its way into your hair, giving it a firm tug. His lips trailed along your neck, teeth nipping at the abused skin and drawing a soft gasp from your lips. The accusation hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his jealousy. "Calling me up, talking about other guy, hm?" His words were laced with a bitter edge, the thought of you being with someone else igniting a fire in his belly that he couldn't quell. His grip on your hair tightened, his other hand tracing the curve of your waist as he pulled you closer, his hot breath hitting your skin and making you shudder in anticipation. "Answer me, baby girl," he demanded making you shiver. "Or you're not gonna get what you want." 
"Hongjoong, please," you begged, leaving his question unanswered. You shifted your hips slightly, hoping to make him slide inside you, but he held you firmly in place, not allowing you to move an inch. "I need your cock, please," by now you were on the verge of crying. 
He moved closer, his breath hot against your neck, his voice a low rumble in your ear. "You belong to me, your body is mine," he growled, the words seeping into your skin. His teeth grazed your shoulder lightly before biting down, the sharp sensation making you gasp out loud."Mine," he repeated, as he re-positioned himself at your entrance. Slowly, agonizingly, he slid inside you. The sensation was overwhelming, the slow stretch of him filling you driving you to the edge of madness. The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of pleasure and pain that left you gasping for breath. "Don’t forget that," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he began to move, each thrust more powerful than the last. His hands gripped your hips, holding you in place as he set a rhythm. Every muscle in your body tensed as you adjusted to his size, your nails digging into the sheets. His movements grew more erratic, his breath hitching in his throat as he fought to maintain control. A heat began to coil in your abdomen, the pleasure building with each passing second."You were made for me," he declared, one of his hands left your hip, as he reached to your clit, his fingers expertly massaging the soft bud. A loud moan slipped past your lips at his touch, the sensation sending a shiver down your spine. 
"Y-Yes, Hongjoong, mmm... all for you," you agreed breathlessly, your body surrendering to the waves of pleasure that washed over you. He was too much, his touch, his very presence overwhelming your senses. You had lost all control, all semblance of resistance crumbling under his touch. You were his to play with, to use, to love. 
"You should see how good you look right now, stuffed with my cock," Hongjoong growled into your ear, his voice filled with raw desire. His words sent a thrill of pleasure coursing through you, heightening the intensity of the moment. His fingers dug into your hip as he continued to move inside of you, each thrust driving you closer to the edge. You clenched around him, his fingers expertly manipulating your sensitive clit. Your body was at its limit, desperate for release. "You will come only if and when I say so," Hongjoong moaned, his pace quickening to the edge of possibility. ''Your slut pussy exists for me to fuck it.'' He was slamming into you relentlessly, the sounds of your wet skin slapping against each other echoing through the room. You could feel the tears streaming down your face as he continued his relentless pace. It was getting impossible to keep yourself from reaching your climax, your fingers curling into the sheets as you tried to anchor yourself. Biting into the pillow, you tried to muffle your moans, but the pleasure was too overwhelming. ''I'm not gonna let you cum until I hear you scream my name with your pretty lips,'' he warned, the threat was enough to make you lose control, your voice crying out his name countless times as you surrendered to the pleasure. 
"Hongjoong, please," you begged, your voice a desperate plea as the tension within you built to an unbearable pitch. "Please, let me cum." Your words echoed throughout the room, raw and filled with need. Your knuckles turned white as you clung to the sheets beneath you, your grip unyielding against the soft fabric. His movements were relentless, the intensity of your need was overwhelming, your mind consumed by the singular focus of his dick inside you. You felt Hongjoong’s cock getting even harder, the feeling setting you on the edge.
"Cum for me, baby." As soon as Hongjoong gave you permission, you came with a loud, whiny moan, your body trembling. His thumb continued stimulating you, pushing you to the brink of overstimulation. You squeezed your pussy around his cock as you felt him throbbing. "I’m going to fill you up so good," he whimpered, his movements growing sloppy. "You're going to take all of my cum like a good girl." You felt the pulsing of his dick deep inside you as he came, his warm cum filling your pussy. Overcome by a wave of intense pleasure, he let out a deep groan, echoing throughout the room. With a few more hard thrusts, he rode his orgasm out, fucking his cum deeper inside you.
You slammed against the mattress, exhaustion washing over your sweaty body. Hongjoong’s breath hitched as he slowly pulled out, you felt the sticky cum rushing out when he did so. You felt his warm hand gently caress your waist, and he pulled you closer, wrapping his arm around you and burying his face into your hair. 
"You did so well, baby," he whispered, his heart pounding against your back, matching the rhythm of your own. You felt his lips brush against your shoulder, and you turned your head to meet his gaze. His eyes were soft, filled with an emotion that made your heart clench. You saw guilt, regret, and longing in his eyes. His fingers traced circles on your hip, and you turned around to face him, your fingers brushing against his cheek. 
"How do you feel?" he asked, worry evident in his voice. "Was I too rough on you?" you looked at him, a faint smile playing on your lips despite the pain that was slowly starting to creep in. 
You lightly pecked his lips and answered, "I'm okay, Hongjoong," you assured him, your voice barely above a whisper. He studied you for a moment, his eyes searching yours for any signs of discomfort. 
"Good," he murmured, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. You traced your fingers down his spine, causing him to shiver. You hugged him closer, pulling the comforter over your shivering bodies. The exhaustion was taking the best of both of you. With his arm wrapped tightly around you, you both settled into the warmth of each other. 
"I didn't expect you to... you know," you said, your voice trembling "I mean, it was so sudden..." 
Hongjoong chuckled lightly, his fingers gently brushed your arm. "I can't help it," he said, his voice soft and intimate. "When I'm with you, I just... lose control. You drive me crazy, you know that?" 
You blushed, a soft smile playing on your lips. "Is that so?" you asked, your tone teasing. 
"Yes," he replied, his voice serious. "But... if I hurt you, or if it was too much... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." 
You shook your head, reaching out to gently touch his face. "You didn't hurt me, Hongjoong," you assured him. "It was... intense. But in a good way. I liked it." 
A relieved smile spread across his face. "I'm glad to hear that," he said. 
The storm outside couldn't touch Hongjoong in your embrace, where the rest of the world seemed to cease to exist. Your rhythmic breathing lulled him into a sense of peace and tranquility, your heart syncing with his in a comforting rhythm. You could feel the tension slowly leaving your body as you relaxed against Hongjoong, his grip on you softening. As his eyes fluttered closed, you traced patterns on his back with your fingers, a silent promise of comfort and safety. 
After a period of blissful silence, punctuated only by your breathing, you posed a question that needed to be asked, "But Hongjoong... what exactly are you doing here?" you finally addressed the elephant in the room. "Not that I’m complaining, it’s just so… unexpected," Hongjoong breathed out shakily. He hadn’t figured out quite how to navigate the whole situation, what to tell you and what not. 
"Well, if you're not complaining, then maybe we don't have to talk about it?" Hongjoong stated, causing you to furrow your brows in confusion. His words caught you off guard. Hongjoong was dismissing your feelings, trying to brush them off as if they were nothing. 
"Are you serious right now?" You asked, your voice rising in disbelief. "I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you, Hongjoong, and you're just...just..." You pulled away from his embrace, and a wave of disappointment washed over you, causing your heart to sink deep within. You had naively hoped that this time things would be different, that the love you shared could somehow erase the pain of the past. But the harsh reality started to set in. 
"Relax, I didn't mean it like that," with a swift movement, he reached out, his fingers wrapping around your wrist, pulling you in towards him. Your naked body collided with his chest. But Hongjoong's casual demeanor only infuriated you further. 
"No, Hongjoong, I won't 'relax'," you snapped back once again pulling away from his embrace, your patience wearing thin. "This is important, and if you're not going to take it seriously, then maybe we shouldn't be having this conversation at all." He was silent for a moment, his eyes studying your face as if trying to understand your emotions. But what was there to understand? You were hurt, and you were angry, and you were tired of feeling like you were the only one who cared. 
"I'm sorry," he finally said, his voice quiet. "You're right. I should've taken this more seriously. Let's talk." It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. You let out a sigh of relief, a weight lifting off your shoulders. Maybe there was hope for you two after all. With his apology, the tension in the room lessened slightly, but it was still there, hovering in the air like a dark cloud. You took a deep breath, composing yourself before speaking again. 
"Thank you, Hongjoong," you began, your voice steady. "We need to communicate better," you continued, meeting his soft gaze. 
"Yeah, I agree, baby," he said, pressing a tender kiss to your temple. "Let's go out for dinner, and we can talk properly." You nodded in agreement, taking comfort in his words and the warmth of his touch.
"I'd like that," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. 
"Then it’s a date, but for now let me take care of you, what do you say? Should I run you a bath?" he suggested, and you hummed in agreement. Hongjoong nodded, as he captured your lips in a soft kiss before he stood up and walked towards the bathroom. You heard the sound of water running and you felt a sense of calm wash over you. Hongjoong returned with a glass of warm water, offering it to you. "Should I prepare some food for us while you bathe?" he asked. You took a sip, the warm liquid soothing your parched throat. 
You glanced at him, your eyes meeting his. "I was kind of hoping that you would join me in the bathroom," you replied, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. A hint of surprise flashed in Hongjoong's eyes, quickly replaced by a familiar spark of mischief. 
"Is that so?" he asked, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. You nodded, your cheeks flushing a soft pink under his intense gaze. "Well then," he said, setting the glass down on the nightstand. "Who am I to decline such offer?" He extended his hand to you, the implicit invitation hanging in the air between you. With a soft laugh, you took his hand, allowing him to pull you to your feet. 
The tub was overflowing with bubbles, the water warm and inviting. Hongjoong pulled you into the tub with him, his arms wrapping around your waist as you settled between his legs. His fingers traced idle patterns on your skin, the simple touch sending shivers down your spine. With a soft giggle, you reached for the bottle of shampoo, pouring a generous amount onto your palm. Hongjoong took it from you, his fingers intertwining with yours as he worked the shampoo into your hair. His movements were gentle, his fingers massaging your scalp in a way that had you closing your eyes in pleasure. Every now and then, Hongjoong would press a sweet kiss on your shoulder, his lips lingering against your skin in a silent promise of love. You turned in his arms, your fingers tracing the contours of his face. You leaned in, capturing his lips in a sweet kiss. His hands found your waist, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss. His fingers brushed through your hair, washing out the shampoo. As he rinsed your hair, you leaned back against him, your fingers tracing patterns on his thigh. His lips found your neck, pressing soft kisses to your marked skin. Hongjoong examined the hickeys he left on your skin, already a deep shade of purple. A sense of satisfaction washed over him at the sight, but it was quickly replaced by a wave of guilt. "I'm sorry, baby," he whispered against your neck, peppering the area with soft kisses in a silent apology. 
You felt his breath against your skin, calming and warm. The sensation was a stark contrast to the pain of the marks he had created. "It's okay, Hongjoong," you reassured him, your voice soft and forgiving. You knew he didn't mean to hurt you; his passion got the better of him. 
He pulled back and looked into your eyes, "Promise?" he asked, an eyebrow raised in concern. You nodded, giving him a small smile that seemed to put him at ease. 
"Promise," you replied, tracing your fingers over the marks with a slight wince. The tension from earlier seemed to have dissipated, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment. You both sat there, lost in each other's arms, the water slowly turning lukewarm around you. 
Hongjoong's voice broke the comfortable silence, his words soft against your ear. "I love you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. You turned in his arms, your eyes meeting his. 
"I love you too, Hongjoong," you replied, your words echoing his sentiment. His lips found yours once again, sealing your words with a passionate kiss. As you both sunk further into the tub, the bubbles tickling your skin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness wash over you. Despite everything that had happened, you were here, in his arms, and that was all that mattered. 
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While you were still occupied in the bathroom, engaged in getting ready for your date, Hongjoong gently excused himself. With a certain apprehension in his heart, he reached for his phone that was still in his bag. His fingers rubbed against the cool surface, contemplating the action he was about to take. He knew it was time, time to call Seonghwa. The call he had been avoiding, could no longer be put aside. It was a call he had to make, a call to face the repercussions of his actions. The gnawing guilt had begun to weigh him down. Hongjoong took a deep breath, bracing himself for the conversation that was to follow, and dialed Seonghwa's number. 
Seonghwa's voice crackled through the phone, filled with anxiety and disbelief. "Hongjoong? Oh God, what is happening? We're all sitting on the edge, waiting for any information. Care to explain?" 
Hongjoong sighed heavily, his frustration palpable even through the call. "Well, it got out of my control," he admitted. 
"Well, no shit," Seonghwa snapped. "Managers rushed us to the hotel and casually dropped the bomb that you're going on hiatus." 
"I had no idea. I was on a plane when this escalated," Hongjoong explained, running a hand through his hair despite knowing Seonghwa couldn't see him. 
"What do you mean, a plane? Where are you now?" Seonghwa's voice rose with a mix of confusion and anger. 
"I'm at Y/N’s place," Hongjoong confessed quietly. 
"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You told all of us she was in the past countless times!" Seonghwa's voice was a mix of betrayal and frustration, each word sharper than the last. 
"Seonghwa, I love her," Hongjoong said, his voice soft but resolute. 
"And clearly it does nothing good for you! Hongjoong, the media are already all over this. They're speculating you will leave the group," Seonghwa exclaimed, his intensity cutting through the phone. 
"Relax, I’m coming back in a month," Hongjoong assured, though his tone lacked conviction. 
"And you expect me to believe that? You'll be back for how long? Until she contacts you again?" Seonghwa shot back, his voice heavy with doubt and frustration. Hongjoong's silence on the other end of the line spoke volumes. Seonghwa sighed, his frustration giving way to a more pleading tone. "Hongjoong, this is serious. The whole group is worried. You can’t just drop everything every time she calls." 
"I know, Seonghwa," Hongjoong said, his voice wavering. "I just... I needed to see her." 
"Look, we all care about you. But you can't keep doing this to yourself. To us. The media, the fans... they’re going to tear you apart." Seonghwa countered. 
"I’m aware," Hongjoong replied, a note of defeat in his voice. "I just... I don’t know what else to do. I feel like I'm being pulled in two different directions." 
Seonghwa took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "You need to make a choice, Hongjoong. Either you're with us, focused on the group, or you need to figure out your personal life first. But this back and forth... it's hurting everyone." 
"I understand," Hongjoong said quietly. "I’m sorry. I didn't mean for it to get this bad." 
"I know you didn’t," Seonghwa said, softening slightly. "But we need you here. We need you to be present. Can you promise me that before you come back you will sort this out once and for all?" 
There was a long pause before Hongjoong responded. "I promise. I'll be back in a month, and during this time I’ll figure things out. I owe that to you guys." 
"Alright," Seonghwa said, feeling a bit of relief. "We'll be waiting for you. Just... take care of yourself, okay?" 
"You too," Hongjoong replied, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "I'll see you soon." As Seonghwa ended the call, he couldn't shake the worry gnawing at him. He hoped Hongjoong would keep his promise, for the sake of the group and for his own well-being. 
Just as Hongjoong put his phone back in his bag, you swung open the bathroom doors. Your eyes were wide from shock as you looked at him. 
"Hongjoong, what does it mean you're on hiatus?" you asked, showing him the articles you’ve just read. Hongjoong met your intense gaze with a practiced smile, hiding the truth behind his eyes. 
"Well, I chose you this time," he lied smoothly, his words a balm to your insecurities. It was exactly what you wanted to hear, and he knew it. But deep down, he knew the reality was far different. Hongjoong understood all too well that you could never find out the truth—that he had no intention of staying for long before disappearing from your life once again. "I decided I need to be with you, to spend my time with you, so I asked the company to give me some time off," he continued, his words dripping with sincerity. With a wild smile stretching across your face, and a laugh of pure joy bubbling from your lips, you threw yourself into Hongjoong's arms. Your hands wrapped around his neck, holding him close as if you could never let him go. At that moment, the happiness of having him back overshadowed any doubts or suspicions, and you basked in the warmth of his presence, cherishing every moment together. 
"You have no idea how happy I am," you murmured, your voice filled with genuine emotion. Hongjoong's heart swelled with warmth at your words, he held you close, savoring the feeling of having you in his arms, relishing the closeness and connection between you. In that moment, everything else faded away, and all that mattered was the love and happiness shared between you. 
"Oh, I think I might have some idea," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes met yours, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The room was filled with an aching silence, the air heavy with anticipation. His gaze was soft, yet intense, a reflection of the love he held for you. Slowly, Hongjoong moved closer, closing the distance between you. His warm breath brushed against your lips, sending shivers down your spine. Then, without another word, he captured your lips in a soft, tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with longing and affection, a declaration of his feelings that didn't need words. His lips moved against yours, gentle yet demanding. Hongjoong bit your lip gently as he pulled back from the kiss, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. His eyes met yours again, now shining with an unspoken promise of love. They were so warm, so full of love, that you couldn't help but get lost in them. 
With bated breath, you looked up at him, your eyes searching his for reassurance. "You won't leave this time?" you whispered softly, the question hanging in the air like a delicate bubble. It was a plea, a desperate hope for a future that was uncertain yet full of potential. He looked back at you, his eyes filled with resolute determination. The smile that graced his lips was gentle yet firm, a testament to his unwavering commitment to you. 
"I swear, I'll never leave again," he declared, his voice filled with conviction that left no room for doubt. His response filled your heart with a kind of joy that was almost overwhelming. You could barely contain the happiness that bubbled up within you, a joy so profound it was almost palpable. You felt a rush of relief wash over you as if a heavy weight had been lifted from your shoulders. Hongjoong leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin. And then, he pressed his lips against yours in a soft yet firm kiss. His kiss was like a balm to your worries, an assurance that he was here to stay, that he was yours. His words echoed in your mind, a sweet symphony of promises that painted a beautiful picture of what your future could hold. 
"Get ready, we will be leaving soon," he smiled, giving your bum a teasing slap and gently pushing you off him. You let out a soft giggle, batting his hand away playfully. 
"Alright, alright," you said, rolling your eyes but unable to hide the smile tugging at your lips. "I'll go get ready." You quickly slipped away from him, heading to your bedroom to change. As you closed the door behind you, you paused for a moment, leaning against the wooden surface. A soft smile spread across your face as you remembered his gentle teasing, the warmth of his touch still lingering on your skin. Despite the playful banter, you could feel a strange sense of anticipation building up within you. There was something different about tonight - a spark, an excitement that you couldn't quite put your finger on. As you began to get ready for the night, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your stomach. 
You sorted through your wardrobe and selected a simple, black strap dress and an elegant black blazer. You left your hair loose over your shoulders, hoping it would cover some of the hickeys that Hongjoong had left on your neck. The marks that were still visible were covered with concealer, which unfortunately didn't help much. You opted for minimal makeup, accentuating your eyes and finishing with your favorite lipstick. After putting on your shoes and grabbing a small bag, you were ready to go. 
"Baby, I'm ready," you announced to Hongjoong, emerging from the bedroom. He was in the living room, awaiting your arrival. "You look...you look stunning," he murmured, taking your hand and spinning you around to appreciate your full appearance. His eyes sparkled with admiration, a warmth spreading across his face as he took in your appearance. 
"You are so beautiful," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He reached out, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his touch gentle and loving. "I can't believe how lucky I am." He continued to hold your hand, his thumb gently stroking the back of your hand as he looked at you, completely awestruck. "All set?" he asked, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. You nodded, unable to hide the smile that spread across your face. He offered his arm and you took it, ready to step out into the night with him. 
"I was thinking we could drop by my place on our way to the restaurant, if that's okay with you," he proposed, his eyes eagerly seeking yours for any signs of discomfort. "Seonghwa and Jongho aren't home so you don't have to worry about running into them. I need to change into something more appropriate, and I thought I could pack some stuff as well so I could stay the night after our date." He let the suggestion hang in the air, a hopeful glint in his eyes. 
"Of course," you replied, your heart fluttering at his consideration. A soft smile played upon your lips as you added, "That sounds like a perfect plan, Hongjoong." His face lit up at your response, the tension in his body visibly easing. He let out a sigh of relief, a smile mirroring yours gracing his features. 
"But before we go, I need to tell you something," Hongjoong stated, and you swore your heart stopped for a second. 
"What is it?" you inquired, a knot of apprehension tightening in your stomach. 
"Because of the hiatus, I need to stay low," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. There was a weight to his words, a heaviness that filled the room.
Understanding his situation, you nodded. "I know, Hongjoong," you replied in an equally quiet voice. "I know it’s not the same as before. I mean, you are so popular now." 
"I just don't want the media up our asses, especially now that everyone is speculating about the reason behind my hiatus," Hongjoong confessed, his voice tinged with frustration. 
You nodded in understanding, feeling a pang of sympathy for the pressure he was under. "I get it," you replied softly. "We'll keep it low-key, just between us. No need to add fuel to the fire." 
Hongjoong's expression softened with gratitude, his eyes reflecting his relief. "Thank you," he murmured, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
"We can go public in the future where it won't cause so many problems, right?" you asked, your voice filled with hope and uncertainty. 
Hongjoong looked at you, his expression thoughtful. "I hope so," he replied, his tone cautious. "But for now, let's focus on us. We'll take things one step at a time and see where it leads." 
You nodded, a sense of determination settling over you. "I'm okay with that," you said, your voice steady despite the lingering doubts. "As long as we're together, that's all that matters." 
Hongjoong smiled, his eyes softening with affection. "That's all that matters to me too," he whispered, pulling you close for another embrace. 
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t8oo · 2 months
By all accounts the lupin fandom has always prided itself as a drama free ship war free open to polyamory and wildly different headcanons fandom. And I can name a few people that have worked hard to keep this place very friendly. And I really started in this fandom in a friendly place. I even managed to make friends that Liked Luzeni maybe even just as much as me. I was ecstasic. I really loved those people so much, I talked to them daily. Some of them I respected so much for their craft. Great.
Id always been upfront and very clear that they were befriending someone who was fucked in the head. And i dont mean seasonal depression type I mean Bipolar and Bpd and all the symptoms it entails. Im not even going to mention the upbringing and the life ive had. All of it was a complete and violently abusive catastrophy.
Last year I exhibited symptoms that were intense. TOXIC. It didnt mean that I was toxic to my friend, because I was rational enough to know about boundaries. I was at the end of my rope. For undisclosed reasons I had to be interned. Great. During the ultimate time that lead me to become crazy, not a single person i thought was my friend gave me a hand. I received a message from one friend while I was litteraly perched on the windowsill about to jump telling me about their life. Not asking abt me. I sent some Hey thats cool but im about to kill myself and they didnt reply. Days after I was interned they told me that my message triggered them so they had to have an emergency meeting with their psychiatrist. Cool. Nothing abt me still. Sorry ? Fallout 1
During yhat whole shitstorm and despite everything a friend became my like. favorite person in bpd terms. Just really fucking embarassing shit really. I tried to prevent it, i tried to pull out not to make it worse, which not only was making it worse but was making it toxic. I aparently blew out, which of course my memory conveniently forgot. I said something ahout their partner. They never explained what. Again, after internment I apologized. They told me they needed time. They bsolutely deserved it. I was probably horrible to warrant that reaction. I might even have been toxic. Again, I do not remember what I even said. Im not a demonic entity it couldnt have been like I desacrated them and insulted them beyond repair. Even in my anger I have always been limited. But all i can do is speculate. They never explained, just took my apology. And then They never came back. That friend I liked so much that despite everything I did to control myself became a person i liked beyond wat was normal. We have had so much fun. Not enough to mend bridges or explained anything. Fallout 2
During that blow out one friend meddled, asking that other friend for information ? I asked to pass along a message to friend B. which friend A refused. Like it was not their business, even tho they were clearly invested in the business enough to talk to both of us about it lol. No problem. 4 days ago thou i confronted a group of friends that were friends As friend, for kicking them out of an rp group for no reason, even bordering on racism. My friend feels hurt about that event, has always hinted at it. it even stopped them from rping, something they did for 12 years. They had no closure and so I tried to bring it to them. Asshole move or empathic ? Thinking back i may have been taking the situation personnaly because i was already on my way out menrally. I dont know. All i know is that four days later, after i talked for hours to that group and the reason why they treated my friend so poorly that they still had scars over it, i was experiencing a mental crisis and that friend refused a request. Great. Fallout 3
The last friend litteraly stood by and said nothing. Not before the fallout and not after. I dont even know'if that counts as a fallout. This girl was so cute, so fun, so talented, so FUNNY. And when it came to a heed she said nothing. No side taking. Neutrality. Okay
At this point I no longer had anyone to talk to I think. I was documenting my attempt and the horrible conditions of the psych ward on twitter for everyone of my "friends" to see. One i particularly loved so much because they genuinely were on the same level of insanity related to luzeni made a tweet about the late hystix, a person i did not know but a lot of the lupin fandom did. A beautiful soul that was always supportive and kind. Everyone was mourning her. It was truly heartbreaking. I hope she is in peace. Our attempts matched in timing, it was actually mindblowing. Mine just fucking failed because of nosy neighbors. I feel so close to her in spirit still. That we both struggled so much that we came to the conclusion that nothing could save us. She did not have the nosy neighbors. That friend mourned her publicly.. on twitter. Ok. Logical, its a depressing, horrible and sad situation all around. All we can do is mourn. Still, it was a friend I was genuinely close to. That never showed the empathy they did to me. Hey dude so im kind of facing the exact same issues but you never reached out ? While my torment was there and documented on twitter because again. I did not fucking know wat was going on. I was in a strict mental ward under a lot of dosage from nurses who refused to give me insulin even thou i was type 1. Friend said that they tweeted at me. No mention of the years and years of discussions we had on discord and me checking up on them everytime they pulled out for severe family matters and i was genuinely concerned. Nope they aparently tweeted something at me. Okay. Thank you for the concern. Your investment really shows. Fallout 4
after that I stopped friends all together. The fact that friends I was talking nigh on everyday to each revealed their lack of concern for me during an extreme mental health crisis was abyssmal to say the least.
Fallout 5 came with Sheen. I was managing a charity zine for Palestine, and the lack of investment from so many artists brought me to the edge. I took it out on Sheen in the softest way possible. I told them I was disapointed in their piece and that it looked low effory. Sheen, a person I had knwon for the entirety of my investment in the lupin fandom, decided that an offense was enough to block me and never speak again. Once again i was on the verge of yet another blow out. And it happened. Lol. Its just so funny in retrospect that everytime I start acting weird alluding to a breakdown people shun me out despite, you know. me being clear abt my medical record. I realized that I was rude to Sheen and it was uncalled for. Apologized publicly not in the attempt that Sheen sees it but just so that everyone knows that if they hear abt the story, at least they know its all been my fault. Online friendships are so cool because it just takes the block button to burn bridges without coming back. With no chance of mending or at least a genuine apology. so Fallout 5
Is there a reason that all of these issues happened within one fandom ? I do think so. Unless i am incredibly unlucky. Or an abusive piece of shit unbeknownst to me. I think that the lupin fandom is surface level niceties. If they dont like you you will know. It will be passive but you will be muted and eventually just ostracized. You will not be invited in fandom events, or group discussions. It did not help that my mental health was constantly deteriorating and I started developping a persecution complex, thinking that people were making secret discords where they were telling others to avoid me or something. Ive endured all of this for one thing. One Humiliating thing : i love luzeni. I love it so much I want a tatto of it. I love it so much that after years before sleep I pick a random fic and then imagine their discussions. I love their dynamic so much. I love their romance I love how fucking inhinged they are i love that they hurt and love each other the same, i love that they cant live without the other, that they genuinely complete each other in a really ugly but complete patchwork of mental illness and really elaborate kinks.
I gave up thou. Another depression, I blew out, attempted again with the window, got caught and sent to the hospital. It pulled me back from the fandom. I realized i was allocating so much of my thoughts to it and how I could be better perceived, how I could make friends again to talk about the fictional thing i loved the most in the world. And I realized that in giving up and keeping to myself, that I could be more stable. That the damage was done and I cant really enjoy this fandom anymore, but Im still attached to the hip to luzeni and so in the words of a really brilliant man... Nah... Ill do my own thing.
U might be wondering why the hell is this bitch airing their laundry publicly. Its therapeutic. You dont have to read or care. If those friends see it, and make a comment of their own about how the events did NOT happen like I told, I would love to hear how they perceived it. I do not give my friendship freely and easily and these people have done profound damage to my abilty to trust. And most of all, I never had any closure. I kept rethinking, blaming them, then myself, then miscommunication, then them and then myself again. To this day I dont know why all of this happend. Did I act like an unfathomable monster, or did my friend simply not give a shit enough to help me through this. I dont fucking know and I cant deny either options. Maybe I am talking through a completely selfish wrapped sens of perception that is not to be trusted. I wouldnt be surprised. I have a very hard time relying on my own brain lately. My health is deteriorating very fast, and shit is getting worse.
The second reason is that I am going to be interned for psychiatric issues for the next 3 months. For the first time in my life I think Ill finally get all the professional support i need, available and close. Im not going to be investing any time in the fandom, if simply talking to the psychiatrist abt this catastrophic strings of fallouts. I might be posting some luzenis, but frankly i doubt it. I only make fanart when I am happy, or sad enough but still capable. Im neither right now. You are not entitled to any of these informations, but I just wanted to write them out of my mind because I have a LOT of baggage to go on through and this is an extra bag I dont need so im throwing it out.
You cannot gauge an entire fandom from your perspective, the same way you cannot gauge an entire userbase. No, tiktokers are not the worst people in humanity. Neither are reddit users. Being on tumblr is cool, but it doesnt make u better than being on twitter. And so this is only my opinion of the lupin fandom. I met some amazing persons that i wish the best for, for ever and ever, but in all the niceties and welcoming you might see, I dont think that extends to a person with mental illnesses that are villified, or out of their control. I can fairly say that my experience was disapointing, and I dont intend to rekindle anything. Ill just be on the fringe maintaining the spirit of luzeni alive because fuck you monkey punch these are my characters now by law.
If you read until this bro get a life. Also im joking, youv given me more consideration than most people i met have. If your take after this is that I am deranged, then youv read right.
Thank you for reading. This blog has always been a pleasure to post on, even my most cringe and embarassing shippy stuff. Ive been met with nothint but support, and I truly enjoy being here because of you. I hope this isnt a 3+ month long goodbye. I hope I draw my lovers again. But I cant guarantee anything. I wish you all health most of all, and love and compassion.
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I love your x teen reader fics <3 I have a request if you feel like writing it :)
Spencer x son!teen!reader where people expected Spencers son to be as smart and articulated as he is, but in reality his son is clumsy, adhd ridden with short attention span. But all he wants to do is prove to his dad he can be as smart and useful as he is. One day reader goes too far and accidentally gets involved in a case (kidnapped/hurt/whatever you want I don’t mind).
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Spencer Reid X Son Teen Reader
Request: where people expected Spencers son to be as smart and articulated as he is, but in reality his son is clumsy, adhd ridden with short attention span. But all he wants to do is prove to his dad he can be as smart and useful as he is. One day reader goes too far and accidentally gets involved in a case.
Set in season 12
Third person pov...
It had been 2 months and 10 days since Y/N Reids dad had been in jail for, the teen had been staying with his Godmother JJ and her husband Will, as they didn't want him to be alone.
Currently the 14 year old is in a spare room writing things down in a notebook. He knows his Dad would never kill anyone-unless they were an Unsub.
"It has to been Scratch that bastard targeted Hotch now Dad for some reason" he mutters biting the pencil, without him knowing Micheal sneaks up behind.
"Rahhhh" yells the toddler making the hyperfocued teen jump from his chair, of course with how clumsy he is he ends up knocking it and himself over.
E/C eyes widened as he landed hard. "Ouch" he mutters rubbing the back of his head hearing cheerful laugh above. He looks uo to see Micheal.
The little toddler had suck up behind him. "Micheal I told you the knock before coming in" he says making the laughing toddler stop and giggle.
Y/N smirks and leaps up grabbing the little boy and tickling him, the toddler squeals with laugher and wriggles around trying to escape Y/N let's him.
The young boy runs out of the room giggling Y/Ns laugher stops as he looks back at his notes then closes the door and reaches under his bed.
It was a copy of the file the team have on Mr Scratch, Y/N knew is was him but didn't know how to find him.
The teen wasn't like his Genius dad at all while his dad was smart and articulated Y/N was the exact opposite. Y/N was clumsy, adhd ridden with short attention span.
But over the last couple of months Y/N had been giving it his all into finding Mr Scratch because his dad's teams couldn't do it by themselves.
Little did Y/N know that as he was trying to solve the case, he was being watched. The one behind Spencer's misfortune was an old enemy of the BAU, Peter Lewis, alias ‘Mr. Scratch’.
Seeing an opportunity, later that week he went after William in the hopes that he would be able to get the information he needed to take down the BAU.
The Boy was walking back to his Godmothers house, infront of him were Henry and Micheal as he walked he kept his focus on his shoes.
He stepped one foot on one square as he did this he didn't hear someone appear behind him suddenly was knocked unconscious no time to react.
Hours later JJ and Will couldn't contact Y/N, Michael and Henry hadn't seen or heard from him as they were walking home.
The team gathered trying to figure out who took Y/N, as JJ was looking in his room she found the copy of the file of Scratch.
She bought it to Quantico to show everyone. "He was looking into Spencers case and Mr Scratch" she says slamming the file and Y/Ns notes onto the table in the briefing room.
The teen had been abducted by Mr. Scratch and taken to an undisclosed location. The BAU team worked tirelessly to locate him.
They frantically searched for any leads and evidence that could help them find Y/N and bring him home safely.
With Y/N...
The 14 year old slowly came to he was in a room, he could feel his hands and legs strapped down on a chair.
He could feel everything which meant he was unharmed but was in some kind if state his head felt all fuzzy and eyes blurred.
"What happend" he mutters twisting his wrists and legs seeing how tight the restraints are but of course he was taken by a professional.
The teen waits he can't do anything now except wait for the team to find him and catch Mr Scratch, he looks around the room he's in.
It wasn't to big but large enough, Scratch could drug him make him hallucinate but instead he hadn't which confused the teen.
"Awake I see" comes a voice making Y/N flinch, he looked around as best he can and spotted him. "You what do you want?" He demands making the psycho laugh.
"What I want, I want your father and his team to suffer" Says Scratch getting closer to the teen, Y/N wriggles again not able to sit still as the Man get closer.
Y/N glares "you're not getting anything out of me you bastard!" He yells the psycho smirks before the sent of sage sent Y/N off in a daze.
The teen tried to resist but instantly vegan hallucinating jsut as Scratchs previous victims had done.
Scratch left the boy on his own but watched from afar as he hallucinate, in Y/Ns hallucination he was back in the court room when he dad was denied bail, But something felt different.
He sat in the stands behind his dad next to JJ holding her hand as he watched his dad at front.
"Bail denied" the judge speaks smacking the hammer down, everyone on Reid side stood up ready to argue but with one look from hotch they quietened down.
Y/N was among them, he watched at his dad locked eyes with him, he tried not to cry he really did but as he was held by his Godmother he cried and cried and cried until he was outside the court room.
He was surrounded by the team getting hugged left and right being patted on the shoulder and reassured that his father would be okay, minutes later his dad walks out.
Before the door closes Y/N in running into his dad's arms ducking under the cuffs on his wrists.
"Dad!" Sobs the teen hugging his dad tightly, but his dad didn't hug back like he did before.
Instead he stood motionlessly. "I'm not going to see you again Son, forget about me"he says emotionlessly.
Y/N feels himself shaking his head as he stares at the man who wasn't his dad. "No dad I won't forget you!" He yells trying to get him to see reason.
Spencer just smiles at his son is being walked away. "No dad! Please no don't leave me" he hears himself shout.
He opens his eyes and see "JJ" he mumbles staring at his Godmothers face wondering if she was real, the woman laughs behind a sniffle.
She pets his head gently as he is untied and put onto a gurney and in ambulance. "It's okay N/N your okay Scratch is dead your Dad is free okay he will meet you there" she says to him as he is taken in the ambulance.
Finally, after days of investigating, the team has found Y/N, safe and sound, and Spencer was free from Prison he was on his way to the hospital to meet his son.
The team was overjoyed to find him, but their relief was short-lived when they learned the truth about why Y/N had been taken. He had uncovered evidence that pointed to Mr. Scratch. Knowing that he was the one behind it all, the team worked to bring him to justice.
In the end, the BAU team was able to bring Peter Lewis down and Spencer was able to see his son safe and sound.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, I'm currently trying to catch up with all the reqest I've gotten sorry if I don't get to yours for a while.
Request are open!
Word count: 1340
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malavera · 1 year
Low Profile (18+), pt. ii — Tom Cruise
↳ you’re a successful singer who’s secretly a Sugar Baby to the biggest movie star, Tom Cruise.
summary: 2 months earlier before hell went loose, you and Tom went to Lake Como for a small getaway to enjoy yourselves.
pairings: Tom Cruise x Singer!Reader
warnings: undisclosed relationship, mature content, fluff, smut, public (but secluded) oral f/receiving, squirting, age gap (reader is 25 tom is 59), pet names (princess), dd/lg elements, daddykink.
w.c: 2891
a/n: please do keep in mind that THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION, any places mentioned, time and events are all fiction. I do not own tom cruise (i wish i do). this series will contain 18+ contents most of the time, minors DNI!
read part 1 here
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“What do you have in mind?” His deep raspy voice mumbled through the phone on your ear. Your hands playing with the hem of your dress, your eyes darted back and forth watching the situation in the studio peeking from your sunglasses as you think to yourself what would be the perfect place to getaway from all of this workload. Every once in a while people would need to get away and heal just for a good hour before they go back to face the reality ahead of them.
Then you remembered, you’ve always wanted to visit Lake Como in Italy. You’ve seen pictures of it from Pinterest or Tumblr, how wonderful and seemed so magnificently magical. It’s almost too good to be true. A week later you told your manager how you needed to fix yourself a getaway, alone. She offered to come with you, but you politely declined as you assured that you’d be going with a very dear friend of yours. You also wished that you have a full day off, you don’t want to be bothered, nor the internet needs to be informed about your whereabouts.
Here you are, head on his broad shoulders, snuggling around his arms on your way towards the hangar for to get on his private jet. The smell of his signature fragrance breeze lightly through your nose—felt like being at home. The warmth that he projects, the touches, the sweet words it’s nobody’s fault if your heart desires to wish for more, more than what you have right now.
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry, but it’s just for 15 seconds. Okay?” The first 3 months were fine, you were intrigued by the excitement—the feelings were mutual while it lasted. Now, it aches your heart as you watch him handing your sunglasses and your scarf to cover up your face. As if on default, your body reacted normally and quickly put on the disguise. Tom, of course, is not stupid. He knows you’re starting to hate these kind of things, but he couldn’t help it any other way. He’s aware about the danger to this relationship if it breaks out to the world, and little did you know—he’s not thinking of himself out there, he’s thinking about you. He knows the majority of your fanbase across the world will look at you with a side eye, at least their parents would as the majority of your fans are younger age.
Tom always finds a way to distract you from your own thoughts, Throughout the long flight, you both pretty much enjoyed yourselves with you warming his cock. Having his hard cock inside your cunt without doing anything for a good 15 minutes to, even possible, 1 hour, is one of many things that is your favorite when you’re with him. Aside from he could just fuck you right there, you feel more connected as he’d get vulnerable with you—for some reason, maybe he felt connected with you more though no pun intended. He’d excitedly talk about his upcoming movie projects, and you’d ask him about his old movie projects for example; You had a movie with Brad Pitt and I read that you complained he had a bad odor, was it so bad? When it was your turn to talk about something, he couldn’t really give you time to talk about anything because when it was your turn, he’d find you adorable explaining all of your big singer gig and music project he couldn’t help but to thrust his hips slightly here and there—that’s where you’d get flustered, fisting his dress shirt and have your eyes fluttered shut feeling his cock.
Turning off the hairdryer, you softly place it back to where it belongs before you brush your thick hair smoothing them out. You sighed to yourself, applying chapstick to your plump lips then joining him in the bedroom as he laid there shirtless with only a jogger around his hips, arms crossed behind his arms flexing his chest watching the local channel. Of course, he owns a Villa here and you couldn’t feel more happier, safe, and content for it is his private manor, and no one would bother both of you.
Unwrapping your robe to reveal your bare breasts and a soft pink panties, Tom peeked to stare at you with a tiny smirk on his face as well as yours. He loves it when you’re almost naked as it gave him easier access to play with your breasts while cuddling. You sighed pulling the blankets up, Tom uncross his arms behind his neck shifting into an open invitation to cuddle against his chest.
“What do you want to do first thing in the morning?” He mumbled in your hair, kissing your head.
“Mm, I don’t know. You be my tour guide, daddy.” You mumbled out an answer while rubbing your eyes with your knuckles. Tom chuckled and went to kiss your forehead,
“You feel so soft, baby. You smell good too.” His big calloused hands went wandering around your body, caressing your arms then to your collarbone, down to your chest—massaging your breasts. A smile formed on your face with your eyes closed.
"I'm tired, Daddy. Can we do this in the morning?"
Tom smiled, "Alright, baby. Get some sleep, I'm here, I'm not going to leave you."
Your heart melts in your chest, your smile falters slowly, you could only pray to god that despite the undisclosed relationship and how wrong it is, you hoped that there comes a day where you could be flaunted in his arms to the world as you could finally say it's me and you against them.
Of course, you didn’t plan this little getaway trip only to feel melancholy and other things that you shouldn’t be overthinking. You’re with him, and that’s all that matters. Morning came by pretty soon that you thought, you woke up to a smell of the burnt Blueberry Pancakes and a hint of the sweet maple syrup. You peek one eye open before adjusting your blurry vision to reveal he had prepared a tray full of breakfast. You gently rub your eyes before sitting up to look around the room for him, you noticed how he opens the door to the balcony—the breezy wind breezes into the room, that unfamiliar fresh air runs through your nose giving your heart at ease. A note was propped against the cup of coffee as it reads,
Out for a small meeting with McQ, be back before you know it.
Of course, everywhere he goes, he would have his crew around with him. You huff in annoyance, crumbling the piece of paper and toss it away. You thought this would be only just the two of you, away from the reality like you wished to. It’s a bad trip already, you thought. You tried to not let your annoyance gets in the way of you and him enjoying this trip, but you couldn’t help it, either way you’d be a brat.
Sitting outside of the Vila at the backyard that leads straight to the beautiful lake, just need to take a couple of steps down and you’d have your own private swimming pool. You plan on getting in the water but Tom just came back and better yet, he’s talking on the phone while you sit there, annoyed, with your legs crossed while flipping through Vogue.
“Do you want to see the market? They’ve got good spots and you can take your Instagram pictures.” Once he hung up his phone, he placed it down on the clear glass rounded table and pulling his chair closer to you.
“No, I won’t be posting any pictures.” You mumbled.
“Okay, how about a small cafe not far from here? It’s my favorite they’ve got-”
“McQ or anyone of your crew’s going to be there?” Tom clamped his mouth shut receiving your snap. You’re upset, tilting your head biting your tongue in the corner of your mouth staring at him while your hands kept flipping the magazine pages on your lap.
Tom’s shoulders slumped, a soft sigh escaped from his lips. He understood why you’re giving him attitude, it was his fault anyway. “Princess,” Oh he’s calling you using your favorite pet names now huh.
“I know you’re upset, you have every right to be. But, you don’t have to worry about anything, they’re not staying. Even if they are, I promise you they won’t be in our away..” Tom coaxed, wrapping his hands behind your knees as he kneeled in front of you. You kept your ground, your lips pursed still in annoyance.
Tom sighed once again before he put himself back om his seat. “How about this,” He started. You turned your attention from the view to him. “You’ll have full control of my phone, for these 3 days. I’m all yours, Princess—I promise.” Tom assured, pushing his chin down, his eyes burning into yours.
“How does that sound to you?” You tried to suppress a smile but fail either way, your arms slowly uncrossed before nodding your head vigorously.
“That sounds like a deal, Daddy.” Bright smile displayed on his face before you jumped to sit on his lap, hugging him.
"Come on, let's go for a swim."
At last you could finally feel at ease, throwing your head back, a sunglasses perched on the bridge of your nose, your elbows propped to support your body relaxing on the ground. Striking a pose for your Sugar Daddy as he took the photo using your phone, a smile on his face as words of encouragement sounded from his lips. Your heart felt giddy in the moment watching him act like a paparazzi taking your pictures, it's a hot day outside but both of you didn't mind it at all.
"Here, Princess." Tom handed you your phone as you gently set it down beside your stuff.
"Come on, let's jump into the water. Get on my back."
"Uhm- Are you sure? I think it's pretty deep, besides it's been a while since I went swimming, I'm afraid my body forgets how to float." Tom laughs shaking his head before he grabs you by your hand pulling you up to stand on your feet.
"Don't worry, Princess. You'll have me, just hold on to me. I promise you, it's shallow, you'll land on your feet."
Boy, that was such a big fat lie once you get on his back as he jumped into the lake with your eyes screwed very shut. As both of you dived into the water, your legs tried to find the bottom where he said you could land on your feet but failed because the lake was not shallow. You swam up to the surface with your heart thumping in your chest, gasping a breath before Tom follows.
"SEE, YOU FLOAT! There's no way your body forgot how to." Tom laughed.
You grunted, splashing the water at him. "It's not funny! What if my body did forgot how to float?!" You exaggerate. Tom is still laughing, wiping his face before he swims closer to you, holding your body.
"You're silly, that wouldn't happen, you big baby."
The water was mineral clear, it was cold but it felt nice against your skin. You and Tom basically became kids again, at least for him. You both had a challenge who could hold their breaths longer, play tags, goofing around until you didn't realize it's almost afternoon. You swam towards the steps as Tom follows behind you. Setting your palm against the surface to lift yourself out from the water, before sitting down on it.
"What do you think we should eat?" You asked, gathering your wet hair before squeezing the water out.
"I have something in mind." His voice low, his hands set on your knees, spreading them gently as in default, you adjusted your seating position and Your elbows propped on the higher steps.
"I want a taste of this." His thumb went to caress your soaked bikini, a smile pulled on your face.
"Mhmm.." Tom nodded his head, his eyes set on your pussy before his hands went to untie your bottom. You help him by lifting your ass up as it would be easier for him to discard the clothing off from your hips. He tossed it behind you as it landed on the ground, turning your head back to watch him get in between your legs. Tom puts your legs on his shoulder, his fingertips went to caress your naked pussy—teasing your clit.
"Mm, Daddy.. Do you think it's a good idea to do this? What if someone sneak into your manor and took pictures of us?" A worry started to rush inside you, you know it won't happen but you like to overthink the unthinkable situation, as it didn't even happen.
"No need to worry about anything, Princess. Now, shh. Let daddy have a taste." Tom mumbles before he dives into your flesh, his tongue gliding from the bottom to the top, as he sucked on your clit. A gasp earned from your plump list, as your head throws back, your eyes fluttered shut rolling to the back of your head. His tongue game is definitely something, it never fails to bring you the euphoria.
Especially now, the thought of being watched by someone, whoever hides behind the bushes or the walls, or even if there's a helicopter passing by—watching the way Tom Cruise eats the young singer's pussy in the pooling steps, somehow excites you know. The worries had gone away, consciously you challenge anybody out there to watch you getting eaten out. He nestled against your thighs as his hands caress your waist before they wander up to your breasts giving them a massage.
"Oh fuck, daddy.. That felt so good.. Please give me more." You whine out a plea. Tom pulled his face away from your pussy, his eyes bore into yours as you watch him gather his saliva using his fingers before he glides them over your pussy.
"Tell me you need my fingers to cum." Tom growled, flicking his fingers against your clit.
You squeaked, your thighs almost clamped against each other but Tom stopped them. "I need your fingers to cum, daddy. Please!" You moaned.
A smirk on his face, shoving two fingers inside your cunt earning out a loud gasp from you. Tom started to curl his fingers at a slow pace, moans escaped from your throat, your hips started to move to create more friction, you spread your legs wider—if you could watch yourself, this is such a porno situation. But, you love it. You watched the way his bicep flex as he shove his fingers inside you. His eyebrows scrunched in concentration, eager to get something out of you.
Tom increased the pace of his fingers, before he dives back into your pussy playing with your clit using his tongue. Porn sounds watered down from your lips, you couldn't stop staring at the way his jaw moves up and down sucking in your pussy, the familiar tight knot feeling appears in your stomach and Tom knows you're almost reaching for your orgasm.
"Come on, princess." Tom growled against your pussy, the boom from his voice sends vibration through your body, his tongue flicking nonstop.
"Shit! Daddy!" You shrieked, your legs lifted straight up in the air, your thighs shook and with one final glide from his warm tongue, his face are greeted with a spray from your pussy as you squirted out your orgasm. Tom moaned drinking in your fluid, his fingers still thrusting inside you as you ride out your orgasm.
Fuck, I just squirted out to the lake, You thought. Tom must've read your mind as he is taking in the way your eyes widened, your chest heaves, your eyes stares away to the lake. He lets out a small laugh before wiping his face.
"Come on now, Princess. Let's get you something to eat."
Memorizing it as you swiped through the pictures in your phone, you couldn't help but ache. You miss him, it's been 2 weeks and he's back into his reality. Busy as ever, he barely texts you nor call you. You have to understand though, after all,
You don't think he's really yours.
"Y/N, there's a package for you. Here." Your manager came into your room, setting down a medium sized box on your table. You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion as you set down your phone to reach for the box.
"Who is it from?" She asked, nudging her head.
A note was attached to it as it read,
I know you miss me,
here's something to keep you company for a while. — D
The way your lips tugged to each corner your Manager got the hint as it is probably from someone very dear to you. She rolls her eyes with a silly smile before leaving you alone, shutting the door on her way out. You bit your lip once you hear the doors closed, unwrapping the ribbon on the box.
A gasp sounded from your lips, a silly smile plastered shaking your head side to side.
"Such a naughty old man."
It's a replica of his cock as a dildo.
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jjkamochoso · 3 months
My Boy’s Got His Own Ringtone
Nanami x gn!reader
Angst, hurt/no comfort
Based on 100 gecs’ song “Ringtone”
Warnings: none (idk why it’s marked as a mature post, there’s nothing sus in here)
[My boy’s got his own ringtone, it’s the only one I know, it’s the only one I answer]
You glanced at the clock, seeing the hour and minutes hands being precisely where you didn’t want them. You still had about 3 hours left in the workday and you were drowning in mission reports that had to be looked over, edited for clarity, submitted to the higher ups, then filed correctly. With the influx of high grade curses roaming around, paperwork from sorcerers for office people like you was bound to increase as well and you were getting the brunt of it. You were exhausted, to say the least. Not to mention, your cellphone wouldn’t stop ringing with people asking you the stupidest questions, leading you to almost throw the damn thing in the dumpster. Instead of costing yourself the extra money that you don’t have by ruining the (unfortunately necessary) piece of technology, you had put the annoying rectangle on do not disturb and shoved it in one of your desk drawers.
“30 minutes of peace and quiet, that’s all I can afford,” you had muttered to yourself, but now that time had passed and you found yourself grasping the phone once more. Taking a deep breath, you glanced at the lit up screen—27 missed calls and 45 group texts. Scrolling through the texts, you were thankful that none of them were urgent matters. The phone calls, on the other hand, were ones you had to attend to and make sure all questions were answered. You were about to press the “call back” button for the first sorcerer who needed your assistance, but your phone rang with a call from someone else. Before you smashed the phone into little tiny pieces, you registered the ringtone and quickly answered, a smile forming on your face for the first time today.
“Nanami! How can I help you today?” you asked, any trace of previous annoyance immediately dissolved.
“L/n, hello. I have a question to ask you, and I’m sure you’ve been busy. Is this an alright time to talk?”
You practically swooned. You couldn’t believe how respectful of your time and work Nanami was and it made him even more attractive, if that was possible.
“I’ll always make time for you,” you answered sweetly.
“And I, for you,” he replied, and then dove into his question. It was a fairly simple one and you were honestly surprised he needed clarification. Maybe he was teaching Yuji how to write reports and wanted to hear it being explained from the source? Whatever it was, you were just happy to hear his voice, no matter the situation.
“Does that make sense?” you asked after explaining.
“Yes, thank you very much. I appreciate your help today and whenever I may need assistance in the future.”
“Don’t ever hesitate to call, text, or seek me out. You know where my office is!”
It was true, Nanami did. He had spent many hours there with you, in comfortable silence, typing away reports and filling out various paperwork. He would try to convince himself that the reason he sought out refuge with you was because no one would find him there to bother him while he was working, not because he desperately wanted to watch the way you would crinkle your nose when you caught a horrendously bad typo in a report, or be enthralled in the way your nimble fingers made quick use of the computer keyboard, or anxiously awaited your invitation to a coffee shop during lunch breaks where everything would feel like a perfect date instead of an outing with a close friend if he just admitted his feelings to you. No, he chose the office he did most of his work in because he was helplessly, selfishly in love with the person whose nameplate graced the door.
You, of course, returned Nanami’s undisclosed affection, but you knew it could never work. He was a Grade 1 sorcerer while you were a lowly office clerk, a glorified secretary, no better than the salaryman position he had left behind. Status and money were of no matter to either of you, but you felt, deep in your heart, that your lack of status and achievements could never win over the 7:3 sorcerer. He was so handsome and accomplished that he could have anyone in the world and certainly deserved better than someone like you.
Anyway, back to the phone call.
“That I do, I’ve spent many days in there. Thank you for sharing your space with me. Speaking of, do you mind if I drop by at the end of the day?”
Your breath hitched in your throat. You hadn’t seen Nanami in a fair amount of time since he had been dispatched on all sorts of missions lately.
“Of course! What’s mine is yours. You’re welcome here anytime,” you said, hoping he understood that you truly meant it with every fiber of your being.
“Thank you. I’ll see you soon,” he said, and hung up. As you went back to your work, you noticed you had a new jolt of energy. You didn’t even realize you were supposed to be off 5 minutes ago until there was a knock at your door.
“Come in!” you said, shuffling the rest of your papers away to deal with them tomorrow. In your haste, you didn’t notice your phone flying into the pile and landing somewhere unseen.
“It’s just me,” Nanami said, slipping past the doorframe.
“Just you, huh?” you teased, earning a small smile from him.
“I’m here to staple a few things, if that’s alright,” he explained, and you gestured to the stapler on your desk. In reality, he wanted to come by and see you since he’d been gone for so long. You had become a source of comfort to him, something he knew he could depend on to be there when he came back from a mission. In a world where his existence could be easily taken from him, he liked the idea of loving someone who lived a more peaceful life. Sure, you thought your job was boring, and it was, but Nanami wanted that for someone as precious to him as you were. You, on the other hand, were thinking about how blessed you were for being able to see his muscular forearm on full display as he leaned over to staple papers, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbow. You didn’t want to look away, but certainly wouldn’t be caught staring. You grabbed your bag before trying to head home, but you absolutely couldn’t find your phone anywhere.
“That stupid thing causes me more and more trouble,” you mumbled, furiously digging through drawers. Nanami had never seen you so flustered before, and he had to admit, it was pretty cute. However, he knew he needed to help with whatever it was you were talking about.
“Trying to find something?” he asked, gaining your attention. You huffed, moving a stray piece of hair out of your face.
“I lost my phone when I was going through piles of papers,” you explained, “but of course nobody needs me anymore or else I’d hear it ring and could find where it went.”
“Want me to call it?”
“Please,” you said, exasperated. With a slight chuckle, he clicked on your contact and it started to ring. All of a sudden, you heard Nanami’s custom ringtone coming from your trash can.
[It’s my way of trying to let you know, I’ve got a little thing for you, I’ve got a little crush or something]
“Found it!” you exclaimed, pulling the phone out as it continued to blare his very own theme song.
“That’s a ringtone I’ve never heard before,” Nanami commented, “did you choose a new one while I’ve been gone?”
Damn him for being so observant! You weren’t sure if you wanted to tell him the truth but the words spilled out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“Nope, this is your own special one,” you said sheepishly. You figured you should explain yourself further since he gave you a look that implied he wanted to hear more. “You’re the only person I actually like to talk to, so it’s my way of filtering out the calls I don’t care to answer.”
“I see,” he said, his warm brown eyes staring into your own. His expression was unreadable as always and you hoped you hadn’t made him uncomfortable.
“Is that weird? I can change it if you think that’s weird, I—”
“No!” he said, hurriedly, “please don’t. I find it… endearing. I feel the same, your company is the only one I can stand most days.” With his confession coupled with yours, it was hard for both of you to make eye contact out of embarrassment.
“Okay well, I guess I should head home,” you said, trying to make a beeline for the door, but you felt Nanami’s large hand gently grab hold of your arm so you didn’t leave.
“Wait, l/n, I need to ask you something else.” These words that left his mouth were quieter than usual.
“I’m off the clock, Nanami, you can call me y/n if you want,” you told him, and you could’ve sworn you saw a hint of a blush on his face.
“Okay then, y/n, you’re well versed in the rules of jujutsu workplaces and colleague relations, right?”
You nodded and he continued.
“I know we don’t technically work together but please tell me before I get my hopes up. Would it be wrong of me to ask you on a date?”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Was Nanami being serious? He was never a man of jokes like Gojo so he must be for real. You gulped.
“There’s no rules regarding that subject that I know of,” you replied and Nanami looked relieved.
“Oh. Then, allow me to ask you properly this time. Y/n, would you grant me the privilege of taking you on a date?”
“I would love nothing more, Nanami,” you said, smiling.
“Please,” he said, his eyes shining, “call me Kento.”
You felt like the luckiest person in the world.
It was a brisk fall day and you were enjoying your time out of the office for the weekend. The market you were at was pleasantly busy, enough people to observe for a bit but not too many where it was overwhelming. It was nice to get out and walk around for a while. Taking in the smells of the pastries, you followed your nose to a vendor selling the cutest little loaves of bread.
Nanami would love these, you thought to yourself, and bought a few of them for breakfast. As you strolled away, bag in hand, you heard a phone ring. It was that same ringtone that lived in your mind since the day you set it for the man you loved. You hurriedly dug your hand into your purse, excited for once to find your phone, but you were greeted with a dark screen. All of a sudden, you felt a sensation like someone grabbing your heart and twisting it out of your chest.
[Used to love that ringtone when you called me, now it makes me sick]
No. It wasn’t Nanami calling you. He couldn’t.
Kento Nanami was dead.
A/n: it was my first time writing some evil like this, I hope you enjoyed the heart shattering moment😈 also I can’t remember if there’s report writing and paperwork in the JJK universe but I’m sure there is so take this with a grain of salt okay love you byeeee <3
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yuukei-yikes · 7 months
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care for my kagepro au inspired by phineas and ferb across the 2nd dimension where they hang out in a dark undisclosed location and they all have knives
this is extremely over the top and supposed to be funny btw. ayano's plot hole plan that makes no sense doesn't work but from another angle. she gets spit back from the daze in the same way it doesn't make sense for her to stay in there and she's still in THE AIR FROM JUMPING so erm she shatters a leg and maybe her spine too. fun times. she walks with a limp now
ayano in the daze's like. but i wanted this -> i deserved this -> im guilty i got what i wanted though -> i deserve punishment -> this IS punishment -> but i wanted this (restart) SO in this scenario where she survived she's still struggling with guilt because she DARED try to take the easy way out when she knew her siblings needed her. so now she's edgelord I must protect my siblings i dont deserve my cape (edgily puts scarf away) also the eyepatch is for extra edgelord vibes but i think it'd be cool if she can't control favoring because she's so all over the place so it's always active, and since she feels so much regret she can only project that one memory of her jumping to ppl. sad. so she covers it for the sake of everyone.
because of ayano's survival it's evident kenjirou is posessed so ayano+mekatrio move out immediately and are in actual hiding from him. that's why they're at undisclosed location. seto brings mary with them. so ayano's like ok, saeru wants all the snakes together, they're all gonna gather anyway it's better to have them all in one place and have eyes on them. so she starts the gathering process herself. in this saeru is extremely just Out There cartoonishly taking over the city style i told you this is based on phineas and ferb. i told you. btw the joke is that it's insanely over the top. i just find it episodic and joyful.
also ayano's cold to shintaro because she can't afford to have her feelings for him distract her, she has no right to normal teenage girl feelings like a CRUSH. but shintaro still believes kano as ayano saying IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT was the real ayano which matches with her new behaviour towards him so he's extremely pathetic about it. he's with her through her entire recovery and becomes her right hand man which the trio HAAATE bc ayano doesn't let them do anything but shintaro can always come<3 their missions go from buying groceries to saving haruka and takane from the evil lab to kidnapping hibiya and hiyori. shit like that.
they get hibiya and hiyori and it's their BIGGEST PRIORITY to protect them because they're saeru's next target and if they can avoid having all snakes out it's by making sure these 2 stay alive. erm they don't wanna be there though. it's dark in here and you're all weird as hell. momo is tasked with babysitting them. she's not happy about it.
momo never gets her money controlled, dropped out from school since day 1 and the fame got to her head so she's kinda awful. she's the only one allowed out of wherever the fuck they are because of work she's literally the one paying 4 everything. toxic yuri situation with kido who has one side of their head shaved. you know how it goes. also kido acts rly tough like they're out there killing thugs and goons but mostly they just make food
takane is the medic in the same way barbers used to be surgeons in the middle age which means everyone tries really hard not to get hurt so they don't have to go to her. also saeru's whole Experiments on haruka and takane thing is a lot more evil and ermmm she has one less leg and she's permanently connected to a reactor thing of sorts so she's also the team's tech! woohoo!! it's unknown whether she got opening eyes or not because she has no idea how to activate it which makes ayano rly frustrated. same goes for haruka who has not woken up since aug 15. which is the main reason takane started watching youtube tutorials on medicine. get you a girl who will take care of you if you're in a coma and there is no access to a hospital.
seto and mary wield weapons for one reason or another. kano is extremely guilty about shintaro's guilt but also hates him more than ever bc ayano won't trust him anymore and now shintaro's the one knowing everything. probably some doomed yaoi in there somewhere. this is my evil kagepro au
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old-school-butch · 5 months
I’m confused as to why so many people on Tumblr (and elsewhere) see this as situation where you have to pick a side. It’s possible to think that two groups are both doing bad things to innocent people, to varying degrees at various times. The people losing in this conflict are the civilians of *both* countries who are at the whims of their governments and bear the brunt of the poor (and sometimes horrific) decisions made by those governments. This “Good Guys” versus “Bad Guys” mentality is not sufficient for a conflict as long and complicated as this one and, again, the people who will suffer from that mentality are the civilians they claim to be standing up for.
Maybe the reason I like history is that if you follow a story for long enough it gets very hard to define anything that happens as 100% good or bad. The reasons for a war, how a war is fought and how a peace is made can all be - independently - better or worse.
This war is being fought because Hamas took hostages. A lot of hostages. Too many to ignore. And that was a strategically good for them because it gave Israel no options, just dilemmas. But for everyone chanting for a ceasefire, they need to remember that this war didn't need to start, and could be stopped, at any moment by returning those hostages. All this terrible, pointless death is on Hamas' hands. Israel's best hope at this point is to truly root out Hamas, but even then finding peace will be a difficult task.
But that's the proximate cause for the war. There are also bigger wars being fought.
Islamists form the majority of the world's extremists right now. I can name a dozen major Islamist movements happening, and this war unlocked a huge victory in their PR strategy that works better on the Western audience than live beheadings. As long as you make white people feel bad about colonialism, and say the rights words like 'liberate' and 'decolonize', you will be able to manipulate millions of useful idiots to make apologizes on your behalf and support your naked grab for power. Hamas invaded Israel 3 times in the last 8 years, but only now got the attention it craves to stay relevant in the 21st century. I hope everyone really enjoys watching mass murder, suicide bombings and terrorist tactics, because there's plenty more where that comes from and now they know the right words to say to appease you while they do it. Prepare to be amazed just how many ground invasions, property seizures and destruction, kidnappings, mass murders and violent suppressionare actshually acts of liberation resistance that empower freedom-loving indigenous people to resist neocolonial oppression - even if not a shred of that is believable. I'm serious. This is one of those times when peace ceasefire movements are actually creating the perfect conditions for everlasting war.
This is also a non-nuclear nuclear war. The U.S. doesn't normally announce where they have sent its nuclear submarines but it notified the world that it sent 4 of them to the Red Sea in November. It's part of deterrence to have these beasts in undisclosed locations and able to quickly response to any attacks. Move them close and the response in even quicker - a clear message. Eliminating the advantage of a surprise attack really is important in holding off nuclear war because of mutually assured destruction (MAD). One problem with MAD is that it assumes that the attacking party don't want to die which... if you watch even a little jihadist propaganda you might get worried about how the death cult vibes undercut that deterrence. Now... as unmanned rockets get better and smarter and faster without those pesky human pilots, it's raising concerns about whether countries like Iran can develop its nuclear capability. Even if they can build a warhead, delivering it to its destination has always been a limiting factor, this is why the US dropped them from planes in WW2. In this war, Iran is (getting the Houthis as their proxy) testing out their latest weapon developments. The Houthis/Iran tried to attack Israel with a ballistic missile (it didn't have a nuclear warhead but is the kind of missile that could be equipped with one), which prompted Israel to test drive their brand new and unproven missile defence system called Arrow. It shot the Iranian missile out of the sky. This is huge. I can't stress this enough - technically speaking, humanity's first space battle has just been fought and Israel won. This is what Reagan's 'Star Wars' program was all about - essentially stopping a bullet by shooting it with another bullet. Because this favors defence (if your surprise attack might not penetrate the defenses but you still find yourself on the receiving end of a nuclear counter attack - you are less likely to want to strike) much more thoroughly than mere mutually assured destruction. It means an attacker will face the risk of being turned into carbon while their enemy yet survives - not easy for even the most dedicated fanatic to swallow.
On top of that, Israel has also developed a laser beam - as yet untested in this conflict - that could potentially address the ammunition supply and reloading problems that plague air defense systems. To overwhelm Israel's Iron Dome on Oct 7, Hamas fired 3,000 rockets in about 20 minutes. There are simply limitations to how quickly a defence system can target, fire and reload a physical rocket, plus they are disproportionately expensive compared to the homemade rockets that Hamas fires (that didn't cost anything except redirecting international aid that was supposed to be for water pipes and fertilizer, because civilians dying of thirst and hunger doesn't appear to be an issue for Hamas). A laser beam will speed everything up immensely. You see, when the Soviet Union fractured and collapsed, about a million Jews fled to Israel and since Jews are very experienced with the fleeing-the-country routine, they brought with them the greatest of riches - knowledge. Those Jewish scientists and engineers brought the electronic warfare and rocket development capabilities of the Soviets into the development pipeline of western military doctrine. This is a good, good thing not just for the West but for everyone. The war in Ukraine was demonstrating that lifting the fog of war was absolutely deadly - good communication platforms like drones means that targets well behind the front line are in view and within reach of missile and drone attacks. The only way, it seemed, to win a war was a surprise attack because once the defence was mobilized, any ground assault would be pinned down to a stalemate on the battlefield. Effective air defence turns the tables on the effectiveness of that first strike advantage. The odds of human survival have possibly extended beyond my lifetime again, and I'm grateful for that.
This is also a global local war. We've seen interest in the Russia-Ukraine war ebb away as a younger, hotter war emerges. But what about a war between Venezuela and Guayana? If the US gets involved in one, two, is that three different conflicts... can it cope with that? How are Taiwan's defenses going to hold with 1/3 or 1/4 of American military support? Israel doesn't need help of the U.S. to win this conventional war, although the U.S. could potentially help create a winnable peace to follow this, but Iran and its allies would love to drag the U.S. more directly into the conflict. So far, it's resisted.
But I don't know how this conflict evolves, that part of the story is not yet written. I pray for more good, and less bad, to come and hope peace can be found in time.
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Over my head (Miguel ‘o’ Hara x Reader)
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Chapter 2
Pairing: Miguel x f reader!
Summary: y/n is a kind hearted nurse who’s life gets turned upside down as she get fired from one the most prestigious hospitals in NYC , desperate , she start filing job applications wherever. Coincidentally a stressed Miguel is looking for a nurse due to a big amount of spider people getting injured due to the surprisingly large amount of anomalies happening in the spider verse. What could go wrong is these two meet?
Mutual pining
✎office romance (¿)
Hidden romance
✎Smut available as story progresses.
Dom Miguel x sub/bratty reader
✎Stubborn, Ill tempered Miguel.
✎ Angelic reader .
Medium slow burn.
✎I try to be as accurate as possible.
English is not my first language so bare with me.
✎badass stoic x sweet empath.
Og spanish speaker so be prepared for steamy dialogue :3
(For the sake of storytelling spider society’s HQ is on earth 2099 :D)
See master list for previous or future chapters
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
As Miguel scanned through the résumés that lyla picked out for him , all he could do is sigh and make uninterested faces at the computer. All the applicants seemed untrustworthy , not qualified enough , they lacked experience in Miguel’s eyes. He was worried there wouldn’t be a candidate who’ll keep their mouth shut about the spider society. He couldn’t handle the risk of a villain getting notice of their HQ.
Lyla watched as Miguel’s eyebrows turned into a worried knot as he watched the HQ’s camera as more injured Spider-Men barely hopped out of the portal only to plummet into the ground with their face beaten black and blue.
-“I know you need me to be obedient especially when you’re like this, but how about you check this application. It is a lady but”-Lylas sentence is cut short by Miguel’s interruption.
-“Looking at that application will only be a waste of time , I don’t want my men distracted with anything love like plus I need a nurse who can carry a 170 pound man in deadweight.”-Scolded Miguel as he looks at Lyla with a raised eyebrow.
-“Fine I’ll speak in your language then, the applicants a valedictorian, cum laude , graduated from Cornell university, certified critical care nurse , worked 3 years in presbyterian hospital and did plenty volunteering while finishing her med school and for the moment volunteers once a week. Such a goody too shoes , she seems kinda boring not gonna lie. But she will do.”-Lyla giggled as she sat on Miguel’s shoulder as she looked at his defeated face realizing you might just be the person he’s looking for.-“Plus I can ask for Spider-Man 199999 to make some robotic hospital beds!”
Miguel lifted the corner of his mouth in 1/8th of a smile, Lyla may be insufferable some times but the majority of time she was one of his best workers, if she recommended you it must be with a good reason
-“Call pavitr through the communicator and assign him to run a background check on y/n and have him follow her around for two days, if everything goes well assign an interview for Friday and have Jessica interview her.”- He said sternly even though in the bottom of his heart he felt some relief cause things were started to look better for him.
Just when he thought he could get himself a cup of coffee, his communicator started going off asking for backup in some random universe. He quickly sheathed his mask on and after receiving the coordinated portal hopped to help his co workers out.
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
After receiving the good news of your interview yesterday you called Gigi with delight letting her know you got a job offer, a lot of the information is undisclosed but you’re happy you got the chance to work in what passionate about. All you hope is that you get some bonuses here and there and a decent pay.
You open your closet door after an intensive shower and grab a black turtle neck to hide your bruised neck after the accident, you pair it with a pair of white slacks and some black Mary Janes.
Lastly you do your makeup to your hearts desire and let your hair lay loose , you quickly lock up the door and run to the metro to head to the job interview.
At arrival your eyes take in a beautiful view, you gaze upon a Mediterranean cafe with gorgeous white detailing on the outside and through the window you saw some wooden tables surrounded by sky blue walls with woven straw lamps. As you entered the cafe there were few people in there , but the most distinguished was a woman with good looking Afro that decorated her head wonderfully, at closer inspection you also realized she was pregnant.
As she notices you staring at her she signaled you over to her table and invited you with her facial expressions to sit down.
-“Hello, you must be y/n. I know you didn’t upload a photo on your resume but something tells me it’s you.”- Said the mysterious women as if she hadn’t scanned and analyzed through 20 photos of you that Pavitr took of you while spying on you for the last 2 days.
-“Yes! I’m the one applying for the corporate nurse position , do you happen to be my possible employer?”- You asked with curious eyes.
The mysterious woman let out a big chuckle while resting her hands on her belly.
-“Me?! No god no”.- She said while shaking her head trying to die down her laughter- “You’re gonna wish I was though. Just kidding!”- after popping that joke she stood up straight getting meaning she was ready to talk business. -“Im Jessica Drew btw, so tell me y/n , what makes you stand out from other nurses and why should we hire you?”- Spiderwoman didn’t flinch while telling you her true identity, you seemed nice but most importantly you’re not from her earth so why should she care.
While you chatted with Jessica ;with each anecdote that came out of your mouth she was more sure that you were fit for the job , she knew you would take care of any spider person without any prejudice be it plushy Spider-Man or the ugliest of spider people. She really wanted to be confident in her decision because even tho it cost her to admit it , she cared deeply for her coworkers particularly a blond one. So after hearing about your time volunteering and a through personality analysis. You got the job.
After knowing her decision your eyes lit up and you could feel you spark return to your soul , the salary was beyond incredible ( mysteriously incredible) and you were to visit the company tomorrow to present yourself and to check out the infirmary so you can create a list of devices and supplies that you’ll need to have the place running in no time
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
The next day news spread quickly of your arrival, many spider people were glad to have you in their HQ mainly because they didn’t have healthcare in their earth but partly also because a new face excited them , especially one without a spider mask.
In the meanwhile Spider byte and peni Parker started to work on a database like program that would be ready at your arrival , in this program all the spider people put in their medical history like allergies ,any prior diseases or special conditions.
As to your surprise the company you will soon be working in is located in the ugly part of town, you had to take a couple buses to get there but a long commute never bothered you, soon you arrived at spid-so.co which was oddly a… warehouse? Negative thoughts started to plague your mind about your job, maybe this job offer is too good to be true . But all those negative thoughts had to be blown away ;you couldn’t fuck up your only job offer.
So as you rang the doorbell you pulled out a pocket knife , hoping you wouldn’t need to use it , but as you hear heavy foot approach the opposite side of the door you decide squeeze your eyes shut and whip out the pocket knife in front of you to protect yourself from your possible kidnappers.
The next thing you feel is a strong hand wrap around both of your wrist; with enough pressure to keep still but gentle enough so it didn’t hurt. As you fluttered your eyes open your gaze stumbled upon a lamp post of a man, he was tan ; probably Hispanic. He had a strong face structure and a gaze that’ll send you running away but hair so fluffy that it cancels all the intimidating features out. This strange fellow looked so masculine to you even though he was just wearing some sweat pants and a compression shirt, a compression shirt that defined and highlighted his hunky shoulders and broad back that was miraculously help up by some shredded obliques and a tiny waist.
You looked at him with a wide stare wondering what the hell was going on, he was clearly not your average office worker.
Seeing your confused expression the figure in front of you decided to take the pocket knife from your hands diligently and open his mouth to let out a deep but stern voice.
-“Now who let you think you knew how to handle this?”-
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p0patochisps · 6 months
(this will be updated over time)
My name is undisclosed, but you can call me whatever you would like. If you lack ideas, common names I use to refer to myself are Moth and Frog!
I am 16 years old (YES. I AM. A MINOR. If you're creepy, I will crawl through this stupid phone and steal your spleen :3)
My pronouns are She/They, but if you want to use others for me, I welcome them with open arms. Kudos for creativity if you call me any others!
Oh, I'm also Bri'ish.
So what else should you know about me?
I love anything, and I mean ANYTHING, Legend Of Zelda related. My favourite games are Spirit Tracks, Link's Awakening, and Skyward Sword, though. Do with that information what you will.
I'm also currently a massive fan of Chonny Jash and his CCCC album (HMS, my beloved. Actually, specially Soul my beloved but the other two are cool too) Soul Eclectic is my favourite of his songs- there's probably a Zelda related reason for that- but Time Machine Reprise, 20XX and surprisingly Mucka Blucka???? are also up there.
AAAND. ALSO I like Greek mythology!
Specifically, I love the works of Homer (the Odyssey and The Iliad). Onwards from that, I love Epic: The Musical by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, which is based on the Odyssey. It's an amazing work in progress, which you should all check out.
I have also just started watching the Percy Jackson Tv Series, which is so good. I've wanted to read the books for a while, but I've never had the chance, so it's great to be able to watch this adaptation.
Other things I like are Professor Layton, Cookie Run Kingdom, Good Omens, and The Owl House.
...reluctantly I feel I must confess I'm a fan of overwatch as well. I'm so sorry moots for any overwatch posting or reblogging that may appear on your dash.
Frogs and dinosaurs are cool, too.
I also like drawing!
Like I said, this is likely to change over time, but I felt I needed to share something about myself. It's about time, after all.
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player-1 · 11 months
Sorry in advance for the sudden jumpscare in the Nexomon fanbase (or my dash rn), but I really needed to get this brainworm out of my head here:
The teaser for Nexomon 3 already came out a while ago, but I was giddy enough to know that the theme of old characters/concepts from the previous games returning is still going strong here. Especially with the importance of witches and seers from the Abyssals DLC; since they were supposed to help predict when the Abyssals will strike back and share knowledge on their behaviors and weaknesses to future generations...And now in a undisclosed amount of time, the bloodline was being destroyed until there's barely anything left.
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Of course, it's not like the Abyssals picked them off, but something or someone that is completely unknown to the people of Aurelian/Aurelia(?) (and congrats on VEWO for finally making a region name) both past and present. And I know that it's way too early to speculate on who that might be, but given the current track record in bringing back old characters for some much-needed vengeance is a definite must for the series. You know...like Metta and Leah?
Major rant/theory dump below cause I have no way to explain this normally.
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Metta's a obvious pick since, as far as Nexomon 1 is aware, he should be dead after his Omnicron revival stunt, but he's not. He wasn't in the Netherworld when the MC went through their Doom arc and revisited Omnicron's kids in their Nightmares, you only got to see his Nexomon form post-dlc, his real name only mentioned once, and he even has a joke headstone in Extinction playing with the idea that he might still be around somewhere in the world (so 1 million post-Ulzar and N1, 1 thousand-ish years old N:E + however long until N3 starts). I mean, Omnicron's kids are effectively immortal (and Solus too), so who's to say he's been playing the extremely long game in gaining the upper hand? They have a legitimate reason to take the reins as Omnicron's heir, after all, and he would've been incredibly pissed if he was completely overshadowed by his surprise niece/nephew instead of following a typical hierarchy.
As for Leah, it's a bit iffy on her part since she might've Digi-died before the MC battles Vaithe/Vados (and Malk mercing the entire program in a blaze of glory), but data can still be recovered, right? Like sure, 95% of the Micromon database was destroyed in Extinction from the Drakes (as mentioned by Amelie and Logan in the dlc), and only the Chaos Quartet were left over...But that's not the case. 29 Nexomon from N1 were somehow revived on Precursor Island (6 of them being Micromon related), yet there's no real answer on how that was possible. Not to mention the possible hint that Leah's the only one who can control all four Chaos 'mon, even with the possible upgrades, so it wouldn't be more of a coincidence that she comes back somehow to complete the set (and possibly be Metta's confidant/overseer since she definitely has the look, mask or no mask).
And circling back to the step up with Nexomon 3 being 3D like Pokemon Arceus or Breath of the Wild (crossing my fingers on it still being different from them), I'm kinda curious if they're going to show the Omnicron fam transform into their Nexomon forms, Solus and Omnisun included. It will definitely be a pain in the butt to animate, sure, but it also got me thinking about how Metta works with a human form since he's just a glass ball and a bunch of ribbons. I'm personally hammering in the idea that he just a bag of air in the shape of a human (minus the head for his main body) and possibly circulates element-based energy though it to fake it till he makes it (Fire for body heat, Mineral for "bones", Water for "blood", Wind for circulation, Electric/Nature for a passable heartbeat, and Normal...well, to look normal). And methinks that when he finally does the big reveal that it's not with a giant flash of light or a massive wave of energy, but it's slow and unnerving as his body just unravels apart. Skin slowly peeling away to show nothing underneath, ribbons pale white but the ends colored with attributes of long past, and the only thing physical about him is the glass sphere where his skull should be, just staring with chiseled-on eyes at his soon-to-be enemies...And then the real nightmare starts trying to fight something so small but so so powerful that will definitely put his siblings to shame. -Oh yeah, and Byeol. They definitely need to come back, but they're the one that does the flashy introductions and stuff. They have that kind of energy to me.
But if that isn't final boss material (or second to final), than I have no idea what is. Anyway, rant over. Thank you for your patience and stuff :)
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5 things asks - Sanctuary and Stargate
Thanks so much for the ask! ❤️
send me a tv show/book/fandom and i’ll say the top 5 things i’d change about it
Stargate (I'm going to include a follow up movie here, because I got another ask)
5. Continuum didn't exist. There was no *real* point to it. I understand tying up the Ba'al storyline, but it became all about Mitchell. I especially hated the end, where we see the guys together, but not the girls, and then the last shot was Mitchell with his grandfather (think it was his grandfather? Can't remember). No. Uh-uh. You're finishing your storyline after ten seasons and two movies, you include everyone not just goddamn Cameron Mitchell.
4. Cassie would be more prominent. She needed to be in there more. Even if it was just more liberally mentioned by the members of SG-1. They all obviously had very good bonds with her, but she disappeared from the general storyline and only Sam was shown to be all that concerned about her after Janet died. She was great (especially for the team) and she was nudged to the side.
3. Mitchell did not become leader of SG-1. Sam was done dirty with that appointment (by extension I think Amanda Tapping also was). She had been there for eight years, was Jack's second-in-command, then Mitchell just waltzed in and whined his way into command and guilted everyone to come back. All he did to 'deserve' SG-1 was crash a plane. I would have appreciated him becoming Sam's second-in-command much more and I think it would have been better friendship if she'd been teaching him rather than following.
2. Janet. Fraiser. Lived. I hated her death. It was dramatic and I can kind of see why they went there, but no!!! They did not need to! She needed to live for so many reasons. Not only was she an awesome character in her own right, Cassie was orphaned again. Janet deserved so much better and they got rid of her character for drama reasons.
1. Sam and Jack got together in canon! I know that producers and such have said that they did after Threads, but I really would have liked to see them together in the show or one of the movies. All that build up and nothing to show for it. Such a disappointment. They even cut a scene where Sam eluded to it in Atlantis. They deserved a happy ending, at least a mention of it.
Sanctuary, Other than a Fifth Season (no numbered order, because they're interchangeable)
More Sally! I love Sally and I feel she should have been in the show more, because I think it was pretty obvious she and Helen were very good friends. She's been around the Sanctuary for an undisclosed amount of time, and has been there while everyone else has, so she knows them all, probably pretty well. Plus, mer are very cool.
More family dynamic between Helen, Biggie, Henry, and Ashley. They were a family long before Will, Kate, and anyone else showed up. We didn't really see the family dynamic between the four of them. Helen and Biggie raised two children together. Henry and Ashley were obviously siblings. There needed to be more.
More flashbacks of the Five. I LOVE the Five and there's so much untapped potential with them. James died in the second episode he was in and Nigel was hardly in there at all. But they cared about and loved each other and had adventures beyond the Source blood and the Ripper. We needed to see more of all that.
Less Will being an ass. I don't hate Will, but Season 4 did such a number on his character. There was no reason for him to be such an ass in Fugue about the situation. Then The Depths made it even worse. He needed to be nicer to Helen, especially after everything she did for him. He needed to be nicer.
Ended things with Druitt differently. I felt it was a complete turnaround on him to have him want to go to the past so he could be with Helen. I mean, he probably wouldn't have wanted to be the Ripper and staying with Helen would have been a result of that. I'm all for Teslen, but they didn't need to end things with John the way they did.
Had to think hard on these, but enjoyed really picking apart my views! Thanks for asking! ❤️
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homuraakemis · 2 years
My favorite She-Ra AMVs - Part 2
[SHE-RA] Catradora // Dynasty (HAPPY PRIDE MONTH) by Force Captain Tilly
[SHE-RA] Catradora // Arcade by Force Captain Tilly
SPOP Catradora AMV - Bury Me by Jonathan Harrison
SPOP Catradora AMV - All The Things She Said by Jonathan Harrison
SPOP Catradora AMV - You And I by Jonathan Harrison
Catradora || Clarity || MV by biquid
Catradora | In the Name of Love by Kittinette
catradora | show me no mercy by Lê
Catra & Adora | Still with hearts beating by Ilovehertjes
take me back to the start | catra/adora [s5 spoilers] by Nialies
SPOP Catradora AMV - Breath (2.0) by Jonathan Harrison
I hate you, I love you / Catradora by All Magic Comes With Rice
Catradora // I hate you I love you [S5 spoilers] by AtomicEdits
Catra and Adora | Too Far Gone [+ Season 2] by Jula Misiak
Catra & Adora | Come back, I still need you. by pandieex
Catra & Adora | Youth by Paige Hoffman
catradora {bad romance} by Fayedepup
Catradora《Bad Romance》|| She-Ra by Azure Mist
[Catra + Adora] Wicked game [Catradora] by Onceuponavideo
Kiss with a Fist || Catradora by kingdomkey112
CATRADORA | Hold On [ S5 SPOILERS ] by JayJem
Catra and Adora | "As long as we stay together." [+ Season 3] by Jula Misiak
Catra & Adora || Happier by MsDarkShadow6661
Catra/Adora/Shadow Weaver | Blinding by izolda
which witch | catra & adora by optimist queen
Catra & Adora | Fine Line by pandieex
Catra & Adora | I love you, I always have (+S5) by AgustinaVids
Catra The Reason Shera AMV by What a Dork
closer | catra & adora by optimist queen
Catradora : I KISSED A GIRL : AMV by Cartoon - Mashup
CATRADORA- Protector[+s5 trailer] by Demigod's Child
catradora | dusk till dawn by clexaslight
Die For You || Catradora by Abstract girl
Catradora || Don't Deserve You [Season 5 spoilers] by ATildeProduction
catradora | halo by duda
catradora AMV - who is in control? by owieczkakuleczka
CATRADORA | BAD GUY | AMV by Catradora's Ship Captain
SPOP Catradora AMV - Drive by Jonathan Harrison
Evil!Catra x Adora ~ Super Psycho Love by For_The_Horde
afterglow | catra/adora by Nialies
Catra & Adora || Unsteady (+S5) by uravity
⌈Catra x Adora⌋ «Feel Something»⎜She-Ra⎜ by Ame
Catra & Adora || I Don't Know If We Can Be Friends by MsDarkShadow6661
CATRADORA-Dusk Till Dawn [+s5] by Demigod's Child
you really hurt me | catradora by alondra g.
catra x adora | love & war (+s5) by choni heart
Catradora AMV - Run Devil Run - Ke$ha by pastelry
⊳[She-Ra] - Sweater Weather⊲ by Fenrir
rumor has it | catra + adora by optimist queen
catra & adora: find my way back by Lambertini
catradora || together at the end of the world by a.r.
SPOP Catradora AMV - Antebellum by Jonathan Harrison
Catradora~What Have You Done by SwordHappyFox
SPOP Catradora AMV - Deliverance by Jonathan Harrison
"In The Darkness With You" - Another Catradora AMV by DemonFox287
SPOP Catradora AMV - Monster, How Should I Feel by Violet Shell
Catra & Adora | Everybody Wants to Rule the World | She-Ra AMV by Winged Pegasus
SPOP Catradora AMV - Howl by Jonathan Harrison
This Feeling || Catradora || She-Ra [MV] by Savyko
Apologize II Catradora II She-Ra [MV] by Savyko
catradora | I can't let go of you [echos - 1216] by SunnivaAMV
my mistake | catra [she-ra] by gabi's amvs
Catradora | Animals - Maroon 5 | [She-Ra AMV] by REFERUM The Last Airbender
(she-ra and the princesses of power) catra & adora - it's over by indigo
Catradora | Hurts Like Hell by SunnivaAMV
catradora | into you by starloves
⊳[She-Ra] - Monster⊲ by Fenrir
SPOP Catradora AMV - Young by Jonathan Harrison
Rescue Me | Catra/Adora [Secret Santa for boxedkat37] by ScarletxMoon
Undisclosed Desires | A Catradora AMV by Mr. Mirogo
Catradora - Burn Butcher Burn by living-for-fiction.tumblr.com
♥ Catra & Adora || ♫ I Don't Love You But I Always Will ♫ by For_The_Horde
the good, the bad, the boring | catra & adora by optimist queen
Catradora | Tether Me by SunnivaAMV
i walk the line | catra & adora by optimist queen
setting fires | catra & adora by optimist queen
cry for me | catra & adora by optimist queen
IDFC (Acoustic) - Catradora AMV by VoltMax84
Catradora "Let Me Down Slowly" by AnikaEdits
[SHE-RA] Catradora // Wanna be your slave by Force Captain Tilly
Catradora | Desire by luckyamvs
Adora & Catra ❝Love Don't Hate It❞ by Albiorixz
Catra & Adora • Crave by Catraxx
Catra & Adora | Don’t blame me by SadSab
Forever | Adora - Catra AMV (SHE-RA) by PurviewProductions
Catadora [She Ra AMV] || Dark Side by NiftyNotes
Catra & Adora | Someone To Stay by hobbitfalva
Catra and Adora || She Left Me. (+Season 4) by Kasterborous
Catradora | Stay, Adora [amelia - skott] by SunnivaAMV
Catra & Adora | Stay with me. by hardbecks
⊳[She-Ra] - Listen before i go⊲ by Fenrir
❝ Heartbeat ❞ ➽ catradora by dvskbloom
Catra & Adora || Surrender [s5] by Lilylilie
[Catradora] War of hearts by Onceuponavideo
Catradora: Alone by Riko Sato
Catradora | Stay AMV by nevergrowup
Ruin my Life — Catradora by WolfStargazer Edits
Catradora AMV {She-Ra} (Ruin My Life) by SibxrianSkull
Catra & Adora || Always Hate Me [s1] by Lilylilie
Catradora AMV - Wine Red - The Hush Sound by Pastelry
cinnamon girl | catra + adora by optimist queen
Catradora What Could Have Been Edit subtitles by soapie
❝ Medicine ❞ | Catradora [S5] by Pie
This Life Is Mine // Catradora vs. Shadow Weaver by All Magic Comes With Rice
Far Away || Catradora (+s5) by Rena Rain
Follow You - Catradora by Hero Edits
Catra & Adora // Killing Me To Love You by 3sleepycapybaras
SPOP Catradora AMV - Cosmic Love by Jonathan Harrison
Dusk till Dawn || Catradora amv by Midtown Tiger
Catra AMV - Ignorance - Paramore by Pastelry
Catradora AMV-The Reason-Hoobastank by floofysparkledemon666
Catra and Adora I Found AMV by the fan of everything
Take You Down「AMV」Catra x Adora by xxYenTheYuriQueenxx
[S5 Spoilers] Catra and Adora - Keep Holding On AMV by LightWolf
Catra & Shadow Weaver & Adora ~ Why Her Not Me? by Tamera Farly
Catra & Adora | This is me trying by Ilovehertjes
Catradora - ReWrite the Stars by Jay Z
Moondust | Catradora AMV - She-Ra by RosettaStarlight
[SHE-RA] Catradora // Please just this once... stay by Force Captain Tilly
Gone, gone, gone\\ Catradora shera amv by BunYip
i never hated you. [catradora edit] by SourSiffle
Catra & Adora | Chasing Cars (s5) by vellichor.
stay | catra/adora [s5 spoilers] by Nialies
Lover ❥ Catradora (SPOILERS!) by BaltoDork
Without Me Catradora AMV by LadyoftheCave
[amv] she-ra | without me. by stray_editori
catra & adora • dangerous woman by starloves
Catradora - Payphone by Gallity
demons ⚔️ catradora (for mel) by interplanet janet
She-Ra Hooked | Catradora Amv by Little Ray of Joy
[Catradora] how can I stay away? by AbsolLugia
Battlefield- Catradora by Mia Cutie
catradora // blinding lights [SHE-RA SEASON 5 SPOILERS] by xCartoonCarro
[Catradora] The Enemyby Ky S Edits
Somebody To Die For | Catradora AMV - She-Ra by RosettaStarlight
SPOP Catradora AMV - Bring Me to Life (Synthesis) by Jonathan Harrison
Adora & Catra | Sweater Weather [MV] by Vi 😁
She-ra~In The End by SwordHappyFox
She Ra - AMV - Just Give Me A Reason - Catradora (P!nk ft. Nate Ruess) by Karina Puga
Catradora - Come As You Are by Kiara Cantillo
catradora - take on the world by Jauregui Ninja
Catra and Adora - Someone To Stay by Rowan_Ark
Catradora || Take me home by SnowFalls3
catradora | don't blame me by Misty Music
❝ too late ❞ ➽ catradora angst (corrupted&chipped catra) by dvskbloom
LOVE AGAIN | catradora amv by alondra g.
I remember you | catra/adora by Nialies
Catradora || Bad at love by PhylasVell
catradora armor amv unfinished by Hunter Edits
Adora & Catra - Let Me Down Slowly by Gallity
Catra and Adora | Let Me Down Slowly by Slothy
Catra & Adora || I'm not leaving. by SafetyTree
we're bound to the struggle || (adora + catra) by EvilRegalPro
catradora | exile [tradução/legendado PT-BR] by Bruna
roman holiday | catra & adora by optimist queen
SPOP Catradora AMV - Green Light by Jonathan Harrison
catra & adora || Promise [+season 5] by cheetos514
Catradora - Hold Me (Håll Om Mig) by ZeldaNoel
You (didn’t) Love Me // Catra & Adora | Shadow Weaver by Rena Rain
Catra & Adora | Gone Forever by hobbitfalva
Catra & Adora | Stay by pandieex
Catradora || You deserve love too by SnowFalls3
catra [+adora] | you left me. by Jula Misiak
catradora | my happy ending by chelsie
catradora edit + :;- so empty by loonathelesbiancult
I remember it all too well - Catra & Adora (She-Ra/Catradora) by Helen S
How To Start A War- Catradora AMV by Mia Cutie
catradora | I can't tell what's real and what's (hallucinations) by Lê
for the last time | catra/adora by Nialies
Catradora - Safe and Sound - Catra x Adora AMV by Mirlvnv
SPOP Catradora AMV - Song #3 by Jonathan Harrison
Catradora - Porcelain | She-Ra AMV | Adora to Catra by Phoebe and Kelly Inviere
𝐵𝓊𝓇𝓎 𝒜 𝐹𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹|Catradora by Estrella_030
Catradora {Adora+Catra} || Hold On by audrey fletcher
Catradora || hold me by PhylasVell
My Blood - Adora ft. Catra {She-ra AMV} by AMVista
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i need 2 know everything about frongle
there's alot to go through and I don't have much of it written down plus there's technically 3 canons for him (based on playing as him in star trek online[STO], D&D, and the one with aipi) but I will do my best, starting with what's consistent, and then merging the aspects that I like into a singular unit.
Full name: Frongle Grimblegrot
Race/Species: Undetermined ("frongulan")
Pronouns: he/him
Gender: Undisclosed ("huh?")
Sex: Undisclosed ("wuh?")
Orientation: Undisclosed ("eh?")
Age: Undisclosed ("what a rude question!")
Frongle has evaded comprehensive biological study, but superfluous appearance and self-description has granted some details. Frongle stands at around 170 centimetres in height and is mostly visually humanoid, with the notable features including:
- oily (like excessively applied moisturiser) pesto-green skin
- three vertical yellow streaks that run along his head and neck
- pointed ears
- no hair
- a foul stench (like dead fish and sulphur) caused by a constant sweat-like excretion of a thick pasty gunk of notable toxicity
- basic psychic talents, granting him the ability to:
- amplify how persuasive he is, allowing him to convince and trick others more effectively. This power is associated with his voice and can work at reduced effectiveness through recordings of his voice and telecommunications, though the delay between when he said it and when it is heard will reduce the effectiveness of this ability.
- do a weird sort of telekinetic ventriloquism that he isn't always aware of, often leading to an object near him temporarily gaining a sentience that shares his goals (this has previously occurred twice with dead fish that he has tried to talk to for some eccentric reason. One had the name 'Aurelius' and the other one was just referred to as 'dead ass fish')
- Insisting upon wearing a strange garment resembling the formal wear of the 1800s Earth, including a black coat, black trousers, black gloves, a stained white undershirt, a bow tie that probably used to be red, and a top hat with a band in that same was-red colour. Upon closer inspection it can be noted that it is not made of fabric, but instead some kind of leathery kelp-like material, possibly responsible for some of Frongle's fishy stench.
- A pair of thick, opaque-looking goggles that he calls 'froggles', which serve the purpose of reducing incoming light to comfortable levels for Frongle's eyes. It would seem that his people, whoever they were, may have dwelled in a dark and/or subterranean environment. Very few beings have seen what Frongles eyes actually look like, and even fewer would want to tell you about it.
- A cane, with a brown wooden shaft and a brass handle fashioned into the shape of a fish curled in an approximate "C". Originally acquired as a fashion item more than anything else, Frongle has also found it to be useful on worlds with higher gravity than he's used to, as well as amplifying his persuasion abilities when pointing it at someone.
Frongle's true origins remain unknown. It would seem he was cast out from a civilisation of beings similar to him, though different enough that they could not stand his presence. Frongle's physical adaptations suggest that he is adapted to living in dim, nutrient-rich places, with gravity somewhat lower than galactic standard.
This, in combination with the apparent absence of any others of his kind, leads to the suggestion that the race Frongle belongs to lives underground, possibly on a small world that is barren and unremarkable on it's surface. No-one from wherever that is seems to be in a hurry to make themselves known, likely because that could mean Frongle returning to them. Because of this, the location of "old frongulus" and the other "frongulans" remains permanently unknown.
Frongle's known history begins with him being marooned on a gross wasteland planet as part of his (hopefully) permanent exile. He loved it there, calling the planet "new frongulus" and asserting that he is the "mayor" of the planet to whatever he thought was listening (which, in his isolated delirium, included rocks and the weird goopy things that counted as flora on that planet). When questioned about why he was exiled, he tells a different story every time, though each one can be boiled down to him being too much of an intentional nuisance for his kind to keep him around.
At some unfortunate point in time, however, Frongle managed to escape his planetside isolation and was let loose upon the cosmos, much to the dismay of galactic authorities and most species with a sense of smell.
However, the ensuing antics lead him to be in the presence of multiple threats to the galaxy that simply weren't prepared for someone like Frongle. [I honestly don't have much lore on what happened here, it's mostly just based off of me playing as him in STO]
Due to his deeds there, regardless of whether they were intentional or not, Frongle was no longer the subject of unanimous disdain. Instead, he was now the subject of controversy and in some places, favour. Frongle was equipped to confuse, disgust and persuade others in a way that was otherwise unavailable, due to his kind choosing to remain hidden. Various members of the galactic community advocated for his freedom, citing how he averted far greater catastrophes than he has caused. Others want him captured and controlled, or at least closely monitored.
As a compromise, Frongle is allowed to live as he wants as long as he is in the presence of a highly sophisticated security android who goes by the name of A.I.P.I ("Artificially Intelligent Private Investigator", often pronounced like "eye-pie" for brevity). As it turns out, Frongle has more quiet allies and supporters than he expected, because whether by alteration in its code or by its own choice, AIPI has a very relaxed approach to its assignment, acting more like a roommate and advisor, rather than a strict monitor. When AIPI is required to report on Frongle's activities, it will conveniently omit any especially unfavourable antics from its records and submit an acceptably innocuous description of what occurred.
Due to its constant presence and agreeable nature, AIPI has been something to Frongle that he has never previously had: a friend. Frongle understands that AIPI seeks to allow him the freedom he wants, and also seeks out the android's encyclopaedic knowledge on the myriad things he doesn't understand.
As of late, Frongle and AIPI have been living together on a "private" residential space-rig (noone else wants to be there longer than they need to be). Frongle spends much of his time watching/listening to galactic radio/television broadcasts, taking pleasure in phoning up the radio stations and convincing them that his incorrect answers to their quizzes are in fact correct. His persuasion abilities also find use in online games with voice communication enabled, allowing him to disproportionately influence the actions of his teammates and the outcome of a match, for better or worse. AIPI, despite being resistant to Frongle's abilities due to being a synthetic being, will often choose to join in anyway.
That is essentially all I have, though I imagine I could extrapolate from any further questions you or anyone else has. Thank you for this ask, and sorry it took so long.
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
1, 3, 9, 13, 17 for Quinn and Ophelia for the OC and Tech ask game <3
Thank you!!!
Under the cut to save space :)
OC and Tech Ask Game
Describe their phone case.
Ophelia: She's got one of those really heavy-duty phone cases that claims to be drop-proof, but it's all beat up, scuffed, chipped at the corners where she's dropped it. There might be some faded doodles on the back of it where she was bored and doodled on it with a metallic Sharpie, but they've mostly rubbed off at this point
Quinn: the cheapest black case she could find (she loses/has to abandon her phones pretty frequently), but covered in random doodles - mainly punk stuff, anarchy symbols and skulls, etc.
3. Do they use nicknames for their contacts or do they list contacts by full name?
Ophelia: Nine times out of ten, full names. She'll make exceptions sometimes (obviously her dad is listed as "Dad" and not "Otto", and each of the Peters has a different emoji by their name to differentiate them), but that's rare.
Quinn: Nicknames. Some of them are so strange and specific, it's almost like a secret code (which is just the way they like it)
9. What are their most frequently used emojis?
Ophelia: Mainly the more standard ones - at least one color of heart, the sobbing face, a couple variations on the laughing face, etc.
Quinn: The middle finger and "rock on" emojis, though I also feel like she'd have some sort of emoji code with Billy - like, the ghost emoji means "shut up until I text you again, turning my phone off" for use on missions, the zip-lips means "we'll talk about this later but not over text", things like that.
13. What do they use as an avatar or profile photo on social media sites?
Ophelia: For her personal social media, probably a fairly standard photo of herself (it's from her postgrad days, her in her lab in front of a few inventions). If she doesn't want her face shown, just a picture of an argonaut octopus to match her hero name.
Quinn: Doesn't use social media for safety reasons. If she has any social media at all, it's a lurker account with no personal details and a throwaway email address. There's way too many crimes that can be traced back to her for her to risk being doxxed.
17. What’s the last thing they searched in an incognito tab 👀 (doesn’t need to be NSFW!)
Ophelia: Well, I don't know if it counts but she's definitely hacked into government websites looking for information on their newest undisclosed tech. She wants to know what she's up against...
Quinn: Very much a toss-up. Usually it'll be something that genuinely warrants an incognito tab, like mission-planning things that could be tied back to her (bank hours, police routes, city maps, etc.)... but once she was caught using an incognito tab to hide the fact that she searched for the new Olivia Rodrigo album- they think she's a poser and don't enjoy her music in the slightest, but they have to admit they're a little curious about what all the hype is about.
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