#i lubb them
leopardmuffinxo · 1 year
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she is a wolf & his heart is the moon her soul sings to
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frederickkreibug · 2 months
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I want him shot dead
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ofdraiocht · 11 months
@yeonban 😘 Naotora's going to smother Naoe with kisses, but they're far more on the gentle, revering side than outright passionate. An indirect way of saying sorry and thank you perhaps. He has plenty of things to both thank and apologise to his love for, after all.
He sucks in a shaky breath and revels in the affection, leaning into Naotora's space as much as he can, fingers curled against his chest. He tried to return as many of the kisses as he could.
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"Dummy." He'd been using that endearment before it could even be considered a pet name. "Pain in the ass." That one too. "I've missed you, anata." He muttered between kisses. "I love you."
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blmpff · 5 months
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gammamede · 3 months
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did NOT forget, I just didn't finish them until now
but yess I lubb drawing digimonn
I also didn't bother look for what my mikemon's coat pattern looked like again so i just gave him a random one for now
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Suhl (peace)
Summary: Paul drives you a little bit crazy. Maybe you just need to get to know him better.
request: yes (to the person who request this ages ago, i’m very sorry for how long it took. it’s been an absolute whirlwind of a past few months, but now i’m super psyched about dune part 2!)
Paul Atreides is annoying. He’s taking the Arrakis sun like he’s been here his whole life, and not complaining at all. He even looks good with sweat dripping down his face, whereas you, who’ve lived your whole life on Arrakis, look like you’ve been drowned.
The nerve of him.
You want to punch him in the face. Or stab him. Both are good options, if you’re being honest. Unfortunately, you can do neither one, seeing as he’s muad'dib. Some people might be upset about that.
It’s the worst. And you’re the one who has to put up with him while you travel through the dessert sand, stillsuits heavy against your skin. He doesn’t even look tired, the asshole. And he hasn’t complained at all.
You keep glancing back at him, and you tell yourself it’s so you can make sure he’s following behind you, but you know it’s a lie. You’ll take any excuse to watch him.
Paul finally catches you looking back at him when he looks up from where he had been concentrating on his feet, because he breaks the silence. "Can I have my weapon back?" he asks, annoyance in his voice. It’s close to the first time you’ve heard him talk. You don’t think he likes strangers very much.
"Say please," you respond shortly, holding his blade closer to yourself. "Then maybe I'll think about it."
Eventually, after he lets out a sigh and looks at the sky, he says, "Please can I have my weapon back."
"No," you respond shortly. "I can't trust you." With that, you turn and keep walking, sand blowing into your face as you make your way across one of the dunes.
“That was misleading,” he grumbles, but he doesn’t say anything else. Silence fills the gap between the two of you again, and you’re okay with that. You still have a few hours of walking to go, but after you make it onto solid ground it should be quicker, albeit no easier. Every part of Arrakis is a different challenge.
Once you get to a rock outcropping, you carefully step onto the solid ground. Paul is close behind you, and he stands with his arm against yours. “This part might be tricky,” you mumble, holding out your hand for him to take. He looks at it for a moment before accepting it between his own. You hate to do it, but you reach behind your back and draw his blade from your extra holster. “And you might need this. The park is uncertain.”
If he’s scared, he does well not to show it. He only nods and stays behind you, his hand stuck in yours. It’s not soft and unscathed like you thought it would be. Obviously it’s nowhere near as scared as the lines that map your own hand, and his skin isn’t as thick because he hasn’t had to face the sand as much, but he has callouses and hairline scars that trace across his knuckles.
Maybe he isn’t completely useless. Maybe there’s a chance that he might actually be able to help your people.
“Why is it unsafe?” Paul asks. “We aren’t on the sand.” He doesn’t sound judge mental; more curious than anything else. Usually when you make these kinds of trips the men second guess everything you do, despite the fact that you’ve been doing this since you were a child.
“There are different tribes that may be unfriendly towards you,” you explain. “Not all freemen are the same, and some could harbor negative intentions. We happen to be in land claimed by them. But al-lubb ay ma yawi ma yadi.”
“What does that mean?” he asks. You help him up one of the rocks, probably an unnecessary action, but it lets you pull him briefly closer to you before you keep walking. His hand stays firmly in yours.
“A wolf doesn’t attack on its own soil. We don’t need to worry while we’re on their land, but once we make it past the borders, I can’t ensure safety. I’d rather you be prepared.”
“Oh,” Paul replies. “Thank you.” You figure that it’s the diplomat in him that makes him thank you, because you wouldn’t want him to die on your hands. While you aren’t convinced he’s what people say he is, he’s still a person.
You nod your acceptance to his thanks and continue on the path, trying to be aware of everything happening around you.
When you hear something out-of-place in the desert’s normal sound, you squeeze Paul’s hand and he obediently stops behind you, his breath fanning across your neck. “Stay still,” you mutter, hoping that he hears you.
“Did you hear something?” he asks. You nod again and draw your weapon slowly, attempting to be as quiet as you can. After all the years, you’ve managed to learn how to do almost anything silently, but Paul has much less practice. When he pulls his knife from its sheath, the noise echos through the rocks surrounding you. If you weren’t too focused on everything else, you would glare at him.
A strong voice calls out from somewhere in front of you, the baritone echoing off the cavern walls. “Subakh ul kuhar?”
“Sbakh un nar?” you call back, pushing Paul behind you. Logically you know that Paul is probably stronger than you and mostly likely he can protect himself, but you’d rather be the first to attack.
“I too am well,” the voice responds. “You bring an outsider.”
“I bring the muad'dib. We are simply passing through, and we are prepared to go in peace.” Your voice doesn’t shake, despite the fear racing through you.
The voice’s owner steps out from behind an outcrop and you’re filled with relief. The familiar form walks toward you, and you reach out your hand to meet him in an embrace. “There’s no need to fear,” the man says.
“Stilgar,” you breathe, laughter light in your throat. “They sent you to find us?”
“Some doubted that you would make it,” Stilgar admits. “Not me, of course. I knew my wali would make it.” Blood rushes to your cheeks at the nickname, one you earned years ago in a battle through the sand.
“Wali?” Paul asks, shuffling out from behind you awkwardly. “I don’t know that one.”
“You don’t know much,” Stilgar smiles with absolutely no malice. “It means untried. She has been through much to earn the name, but she’s too modest to accept it.”
Stilgar leads you through the rocks into a small cave, where the sandstone fades into smooth black rock carved intricately with patterns and words. You’ve never been to one of the tunnels like these before; they’re reserved for only to most important circumstances. You guess that Paul is important enough for them.
“This will cut your travel time and save water,” Stilgar explains, more to Paul than to you. You let Paul go behind Stilgar, and you follow behind last, watching carefully in case either of them need help.
The sietch is quiet and still when you arrive, and you tread the well-known path to your tent here. Paul is lead the opposite way to a home arranged for him by Stilgar, one that you assume is much nicer than yours.
Because you travel so much, you’ve established little homes in almost every Freeman settlement across Arrakis. It’s not much, but it’s the only semblance of a home that you have. The canvas walls of the tent are deep red and worn down, and the floor is often dirty when you come, but you’ve collected enough trinkets and personal items to make it feel a little bit like yours.
You can’t help but wonder, as you fix your hair in the stained reflective glass that you use for a mirror, if Paul is doing okay. Most Freemen have trouble making the voyages that you make, and Paul’s no Freeman. You know he’s strong and capable, and you really shouldn’t be worrying when he’s shown such obvious distain for you, but you also have no control when your mind shifts to him.
Everything about him just seems to capture your mind. His eyes- the blue not so different from the blue of your people. His voice- the gentle commanding tone that somehow easies your nerves when it isn’t getting in them. His strength- almost unnoticeable to most, but clear and present in his chorded arms and set jaw.
While you think, you change out of your stillsuit and into the flowing, light fabric of your guimlik. It’s a light blue color, similar to the blue of your spice-laced eyes, and you pull your hair back with a dark black ribbon.
Normally, you would love the chance to wear the less obstructive clothing, but right now it feels too soft against your skin. You feel bare and unprotected, and you’re almost positive that Paul has something to do with it.
Past the beaded curtains of the entryway
You still feel like it’s your job to protect him, even thought you finished what you were supposed to do. You for him here, so why do you search for him in the crowd of people?
You find him sitting at a low table, Stilgar on one side and an unknown man on the other. He’s wearing a dark colored jubba cloak, his hair sticking up all over the place. You want to push it back down, but you resist and blend into the shadowy wall behind where he’s sitting. If he’ll let you, you’ll stand guard while he talks.
When he sees you approaching, he smiles and waves, as if he doesn’t know how much that sends electricity shooting through you. “Hello,” he says quietly, a grin still on his face. “I didn’t expect you to stay.”
The look you send him must convey your confusion, because he explains, turning around in his seat to face you. “I thought your only job was to make it here with me safely.”
“It was,” you respond shortly. “But I’ve since realized how incapable you are of taking care of yourself, so I’ll be staying around.”
“Good,” he says. “I need you here.” With that, he signals for the sour-looking man to move and you to take his place. Begrudgingly, the man does so, and you sit down next to Paul.
Before he leaves, the man leans down and whispers in your ear, his hot breath sticky against your neck, “He won’t always want the one who shares his bed by his side.”
He walks away and you’re left reeling, your eyes staring straight ahead at nothing.
“What did he say to you?” Paul asks with a crease in between his eyebrows. When you don’t respond, he grabs your chin in between his fingers and turns you to face him. “Tell me.”
You feel compelled to do as he asks, so you tell him in a low voice. Paul’s face turns cloudy as you explain, and he stands up, disrupting the others at the table with the noise of his chair falling back.
“If anyone else feels as though she is not qualified to be here-” he points at you “-then you may leave. Don’t come back.” It’s clear by everyone else’s reaction that he doesn’t need to say more, and you’re struck at how quickly he came to defend you. Hours ago you could hardly stand him, and now here he is standing firmly next to you. He sits back down and the conversations return, his hand automatically finding a place on your knee.
“Why?” you can’t help but ask. “Surely there are others more qualified who would be willing to serve.”
“Maybe that is so, but I cannot find it in myself to convince you to leave. If you wish to, then let it be of your own choice. However, I will have you stay as long as you wish,” Paul explains. “Do you want to stay?” The room grows louder and you lean in closer to hear him better, and your foreheads are almost pressed together.
“I do,” you whisper. Then, with more strength, you add, “Paul, I want to stay with you.”
“Then stay.” He says it so simply, so honestly, and you can do nothing but listen to him. His eyes glance down at your lips before he meets your glance again. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” you breathe. “Please.” He takes your permission and closes the gap between the two of you, his lips meeting yours gently as his hand comes up to cup your face. A small noise escapes the back of your throat and you kiss him back, your own hand wrapping around his wrist and holding him close to you.
Your eyes flutter back open as he pulls away from you, and you see a grin on his face that matches your own.
“So you’ll stay?” Paul asks, a glimmer in his eyes.
Some of the old annoyance toward him comes back, but without the edge of anger that you used go have. All you feel now is a fond exasperation. “Bi-la kaifa. It is final.”
You might have some work to do, and you’re sure that he’ll drive you crazy 9 days out of 10; but if this is what it’s like when you get along with Paul, then you’ll take the hard times.
Paul’s hand stays in yours throughout the rest of dinner, and your head eventually finds its way to his shoulder. It’s nice, being so comfortable with someone. You haven’t had that in a long time.
You never would have guessed that it would be Paul.
taglist loves: @shawnieeboyy
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endlich-allein · 10 months
31 Days Idol Challenge - Till Lindemann
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Day 11 — Doing sports
Till has always been involved in sport, of course swimming from the age of 11 at Empor Rostock Sport Club. He even took part in the European Junior Swimming Championships in Florence in 1978. But even after his swimming career, he continued to play sport, albeit less seriously and with less discipline. Here are just a few of the sports Till practised :
Surfing and swimming :
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About swimming, Paul says about Till : "Till however had bought himself a wet suit and still swam there: I don’t know he could do it. All winter, in the Baltic Sea going back and forth in the dark. We saw this rubber suited figure constantly swimming. The jelly-fish gathered at the shore, you couldn’t go in there because of them, but he happily swam through them doing his morning exercises. It was disgusting!" - MTV Masters (2001)
Musculation :
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Credit to Frédéric Batier / Sandor Lubbe / Olaf Heine
Boxing :
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Source 1 / Source 2
Flake on Till boxing his training dummy : "He starts undressing at lightning speed. He grabs his sports shirt which was given to him by a band in the hope that he’d wear their shirt in public. Unfortunately the only one looking at it is me, Till rushes into the bathroom to do sports. There’s a dummy torso with a head that you can beat up. So that it doesn’t fall over we fill its base with water. Till has already hit it so hard that its neck has broken. Could he break a real neck just as quickly? I hear pounding and panting. In-between Till comes out, grabs his phone and runs into the corridor to make calls. He quickly returns and continues boxing the dummy. I decide not to disturb him." — "Heute Hat Die Welt Geburstag"
And I've added a photo of Till canoeing, because to make these trips, Till and Joey have to train, and need to be in very good physical condition :
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And of course, after all that sport, you need to relax, so there's nothing like a good massage :
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Till about sport : "I don't really any more, though. I try to enjoy myself these days. To me, sport is more like getting the costume on and discipline. I hate that. Of course, sometimes I still go swimming but just not that much. In the old days, I would be keeping fit all the time, every day, but nowadays I like to enjoy myself and my wine. You can never go wrong with a bottle of Brunello, the italian wine." - Kerrang! 2015
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beetlesau · 1 year
Chapter 9 That's the sound a heart makes
Lubb-Dub is what the internet said was medically accurate, don't @ me
link to previous chapters below
"Katsuki?" you shook him lightly at first, then with rough panicked motions. His body was slack and unresponsive. 
"Shit... shit! What is going on!? Hello!?"
You had no idea what to do. He didn't have a pulse, it's not like you could check that.
And he didn't have a heartbeat, you couldn't imagine CPR would work, but that didn't stop you from giving him chest compressions a couple of times over. 
When that didn't yield results all you could think about was how you needed to get his body back to the house. It was unlikely that it would help, but you were a bit short on solutions.
Now there was the problem of how heavy he was. Or maybe the problem was how weak you were. Even with your adrenaline rush, you could only move him a few feet before the burn in your legs made your muscles cramp up. 
"Think. THINK." you paced a moment, hands compressing your skull in an attempt to focus harder. 
"Oh god..." 
You weren't strong enough to move him, but maybe if you had help. 
If Katsuki was conscious right now he'd be fuming at the idea running through your head. 
"Well, you can't get mad at me right now, can you?" you spat back at your imagined argument with him. 
You needed help. And the only moving bodies close by would be the Dead back in the new community area. 
Maybe they're rehabilitated just enough to help me... or they'll eat me. You didn't bother to weigh the pros and cons as you sprinted back to the houses. 
Out of breath and sweating when you arrived back, you shook the fence and shouted before reaching the gate.
"Help! Hey! Come out here, please! I need your help!" the yelling and rattling alerted the small residents as they slowly trotted their way down the fenceline with you, meeting you at the gate.
"PLEASE. Listen to me," you begged that whatever improvements they'd made allowed them to understand the urgency and sincerity in your voice. "Bakugo is in trouble. I NEED you to come help me carry him back home. I NEED you to not EAT me, Okay? Please." Oh god, please. 
You took a deep breath as your hand lingered on the latch before opening it. 
"You could run away. You could forget about the Dead. You could find a new place to live, far away that even if Katsuki did come back he wouldn't find you. This was never meant for you. You deserve to be alone."
"NO!" you screamed before pulling the latch and letting the gate swing open. You didn't have time for any intrusive thoughts. And besides that, you knew without a doubt you never wanted to go back to how things were. You didn't want to go without Katsuki. Which is how you knew that the freed Dead would help you. They HAD to help you. There was no other way.
You turned to lead the Dead to his body before they had a chance to pass the threshold. "Follow. Me." you didn't ask, you commanded. 
And they listened, whether to eat you or to help you didn't matter now. 
It felt like the run-back took years longer than the run-away.
You hadn't looked back to see if they were running along with you, you could hear them. They weren't nearly as fast as Katsuki had been. Their sounds were simple ragged breaths that didn't hold any of the bite you'd experienced earlier that day. 
Finally, there he was, right where you left him. His body is motionless on the ground.
You hoped that he'd be awake by the time you got back. Just a false alarm. Maybe he'd be gone, searching around for you. Or he'd be sitting up there, nursing a headache. Something, anything. 
You were gasping, kneeling beside him. You held his hand in yours as you waited for the distant panting to catch up to you. "It's okay, Katsuki, I brought help. Everything is going to be--" you were cut short by a pair of arms grabbing and pulling you away from behind. "No! Stop! You have to help him!" you were knocked off balance and fell back. Above you was the Dead that grabbed you, cocking her head to one side as she looked you over upside down. 
"What are you doing!?" you croaked up to her as she reached down to grab you again. Only instead of a forceful grip she was almost gentle. She pawed at your shoulders trying to get a handle under your arms. She was trying to pull you away.
You turned your attention to the others that had made it to the scene a couple moments after her. They were doing the same, only to Katsuki. One didn't have very fine motor skills as he tried to capture the body's ankles. One of the more capable ones grabbed Katsuki's left arm while the last had a grip on the waist of his jeans. 
You looked back up at the Dead that tried to keep you out of the way, "I can help." you shook your head, an acknowledgment to her that you understood they were here to help. 
Her head swayed a moment before she took a shuffled step back from you.
Standing, you took place at Katsuki's right shoulder, hooking one arm under his and the other under his waist. 
The hustle back had you overheating and worried your companions' bodies might give out on them too. 
------------------ ------------------------
You sat in a wooden chair across from the couch Katsuki was laid out on.
After you'd directed the others to place him there, they kind of went back into a blank mindless stare. 
After the first day, they drifted off back into their respective yards, or just nearby. You didn't bother locking the gate again. If they could show that much humanity, you felt wildly uncomfortable treating them like exhibits at a zoo. 
Katsuki wouldn't be happy about that. He'd tell you that it was stupid and unsafe. You would welcome the earful if he would just come back. 
On the second day, you grabbed the comforter from his bed and sat over him in your chair. You'd hardly leave him a moment for anything save for food or a bathroom break. 
You'd fallen asleep after trying to keep your eyes open the night before.
When you came to, he was still there.
"Bakugo?" no reply. 
"Katsuki." silence.
Your eyes were becoming cloudy from the tears and sleep. Mindlessly, you stood and slotted yourself between his body and the cushions that made up the back of the couch. You were out of plans, you were just so tired and alone. 
You sat in a tub of water. It was warm and inviting. You slid your body further into the slow pulsing waves until all of you were submerged. You listened to the sound of your own heart beating in your ears.
 Everything was peaceful and weightless. You opened your eyes to see through the crystal clear endless ocean above you. A silhouette appeared, and you could see a familiar blonde with piercing ruby eyes. A dozen or more arms slid into the water to embrace you, his arms. They swathed around every inch of you as they hoisted you out of the water and into his warm beating chest. 
The ocean around you caught fire and the smell was sickly sweet, But in his embrace, you felt no pain.
On the third day, he awoke.
Covered in sweat and heat, his eyes jolted open as he gasped for air.
On the third day, He awoke with you by his side, where he knew he'd want you to be for the rest of his life.
On the third day, Bakugo Katsuki awoke with a heartbeat.
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docpiplup · 2 years
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A guide through the monarchs of Aragon in La Catedral del mar & Los Herederos de la tierra
During the series the role of the members of the monarchy is secondary, but they are used to help to establish a concrete historical context and they're very determinant in the situation of the Puig and Entanyol families involving political estrategies of supporting this or that king, that gave them benefits or dacay (Arnau's rise with Pedro IV, Genís & Roger rise with Juan I and Martín I and Bernat with Fernando I). So, I wanted to make a recopilation of the monarchs shown during these series and their families.
House of Aragon/ House of Barcelona (descendants of the Jimena dinasty)
The Jimena dinasty is called like that because its origin was Jimeno "the Strong", grandfather of Eneko Arizta, and one of its branches was the Arista-Iñiga dinasty started by Eneko.
Eneko, his son García Iñiguez and his grandson Fortún Garcés were Lords of Pamplona, Fortún Garcés married Awriya bint Lubb ibn Musa (great-grandaughter of Musa the Great), and one of their daughters was Oneka Fortúnez, who married Abd Allah I of Cordoba (their son was Muhammad, who fathered the calipha Abd al-Rahman III with a basque woman called Muzna) and then Oneka married Aznar Sánchez de Larraún, and had a daughter with him, Toda Aznárez. Toda married Sancho Garcés I, the truly first king of Pamplona, was Sancho Garcés I (the first king of the Jimena dinasty).
Sancho Garcés III (992-1036) was king of Pamplona, Count of Aragon and king consort of Castile, whose bastard son with Sancha de Aibar, Ramiro I, inherited the counties of Aragon, Sobarbe and Ribagorza, and united them to form the kingdom of Aragon.
Then Petronila I (1136-1173), Ramiro I's great-grandaughter, married Ramón Berenguer IV count of Barcelona. Their son Alfonso II of Aragon was the first king of the Crown of Aragon and Pedro IV's great-great- great-grandfather.
In summary all the Aragonese monarchs are descedants of Eneko Arizta (and that's the way we can link Irati with LCDM/LHDLT)
Pedro IV
Pedro IV of Aragon, II of Valencia and I of Mallorca (Balaguer, Lleida, Catalonia, September 5, 1319 - Barcelona, Catalonia, January 5, 1387), called "the Ceremonious" or the Punyalet ('the one with the dagger', due to a dagger he used to carry), son of Alfonso IV of Aragon and Teresa de Entenza.
King of Aragon, Valencia and Mallorca (1344-1387); Duke of Athens (1380-1387) and Neopatria (1377-1387); count of Barcelona (1336-1387) and of Ampurias (1386-1387).
In 1338 he married María de Navarra (1326-1347), daughter of Felipe III and Juana II of Navarra. Offspring:
Constanza (1343-1363), married in 1361 to Federico III of Sicily, and Juana (1344-1385), married in 1373 with Juan I de Ampurias.
In 1347 he married Leonor of Portugal (1328-1348), daughter of Alfonso IV of Portugal. She died the following year of the Black Death.
In 1349 he married Eleanor of Sicily (1325-1375), daughter of Pedro II of Sicily. Offspring:
Juan I (1350-1396), Martin I (1356-1410) and Leonor (1358-1382), married to Juan I of Castile. Leonor was the mother of Fernando I of Aragon.
In 1377 he married Sibila de Fortiá, daughter of the Empordà nobleman Berenguer de Fortiá. Offspring:
Isabel (1380–1424), who married Jaime II of Urgel, future suitor for the aragonese crown.
During his reign the Aragonese expansionism in the Mediterranean continued, focused on southern Italy and Greece.
Although he was ally of Alfonso XI, Pedro IV had a great rivalry with his son Pedro I of Castile and fought against him in some conflicts, like the War of the two Pedros (1356-1369) and the first Castilian Civil War (1351-1369), in which Pedro I was supported by Pedro I of Portugal (one of his bastard sons, Juan I of Portugal, was the founder and first king of the Avis dinasty) and Muhammad V of Granada, and Pedro IV supported the bastard children of Alfonso XI with his lover Leonor de Guzmán (Pedro de Aguilar, Sancho Alfonso, Fadrique Alfonso, Enrique II of Castile, Fernando Alfonso, Tello, Juan Alfonso, Juana Alfonso, Sancho and Pedro Alfonso), who started several revolts against Pedro I of Castile. The wars ended when Enrique killed Pedro I, and he became the first king of Castile of the Trastamara dinasty.
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Sibila de Fortiá
Sibila de Fortiá (Fortiá, Girona, Catalonia, 1350 - Barcelona, Catalonia, 1406), queen consort of the Crown of Aragon (1377-1387). She was the daughter of Berenguer de Fortiá and his wife Francesca de Vilamarí. In 1371 she married for the first time Artal de Foces, an Aragonese nobleman, whom she widowed in 1374, and then she the lover of Pedro IV and had a daughter with him, Isabel.Pedro and Sibila married in 1377. After the wedding, Pedro surrounded himself with Empordà nobles as well as Sibila's relatives.
Pedro IV was very ill at the end of the year 1386, and Sibila, fearful of the wrath of the future King Juan, fled to the castle of San Martín de Sarroca (Barcelona), which belonged to her brother Bernat de Fortiá. There she was imprisoned by Juan I, who treated her harshly, accusing her of abandoning the king on his deathbed and of several robberies in the palace. She was confined in the castle of Moncada (Barcelona) until she renounced his property granted by the king. Finally, Sibila retired to the convent of San Francisco in Barcelona, ​​where she died in 1406.
Juan I
Juan I of Aragon, called the Hunter or the Lover of All Kindness (Perpignan, Occitania, France, 1350 - Torroella de Montgrí, Girona, Catalonia, 1396), King of Aragon, Valencia, Mallorca, Sardinia and Corsica, and Count of Barcelona, ​​Roussillon and Cerdanya ( 1387-1396). Son of Pedro IV and Leonor of Sicily.
His first marriage was with Marta de Armagnac (1347-1378), daughter of Count Juan I de Armagnac. With whom he had: Jaime (1374), Juana, (1375-1407) who married Mateo, Count of Foix. After the death of her father, she claimed the throne with her husband, but they were defeated; Juan (1376), Alfonso (1377) and Leonor (1378).
Widowed, Juan married Violante de Bar (1365-1431), daughter of Robert I, Duke of Bar. Offspring:
Jaime Duke of Girona (1382-1388), Yolanda, who married Louis II of Anjou, titular king of Naples. Their son, Luis III, claimed the throne after the death of Martín I, in the engagement of Caspe; Fernando Duke of Girona (1389), Antonia (1391-1392), Juan Duke of Girona (1392-1396), Eleanor (1393), Pedro Duke of Girona (1394) and Juan (1396)
Martin I
Martin I of Aragon, also called the Human or the Old (Girona, July 29, 1356-Barcelona, ​​May 31, 1410), was king of Aragon, of Valencia, of Majorca, of Sardinia and count of Barcelona (1396-1420) and king of Sicily (1409-1410). Second son of Pedro IV of Aragon and his third wife Leonor of Sicily.
Martín was called "the Human" because of his great passion for the Humanities and books. The library of Martín I is the first that could be considered from Renaissance, if at that time in the history of the Iberian peninsula the term can already be used.
Martin married in 1372 with Maria de Luna, daughter of Lope, the first count of Luna, in 1374. From this union they were born:
Jaime (1378), Juan (1380) and Margarita (1388) and Martin I of Sicily "the Younger" (1376-1409), first husband of Blanca I of Navarra.
When Martin the Younger died, Martin married Margarita de Frades, although they left no issue.
His entire reign was marked by the Western Schism that divided Christianity since 1378. He was a supporter of the popes of Avignon (where he went the year of his coronation to swear allegiance to Benedict XIII "the Pope Luna", Pedro Martínez de Luna y Pérez de Gotor, with whom it seems that he came to establish a friendly relationship ), from whom he obtained support in his claims over the kingdom of Sicily against the Anjou, supporters of the popes of Rome. In 1400, he would marry his niece Yolanda to Louis II of Anjou in order to defuse tensions. He met in Avignon with the antipope Benedict XIII, Aragonese and a relative of the queen, with the intention of reaching a solution to the schism and, later, in 1403 he intervened militarily against the siege that Benedict suffered in his papal seat, rescuing him and welcoming him in Peñíscola .
House of Trastamara (the Aragonese branch)
Fernando I
Ferdinand I of Aragon (Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Castile and Leon, November 27, 1380-Igualada, April 2, 1416), also called Fernando de Trastámara and Fernando de Antequera, the Just and the Honest, was an infant of Castile, king of Aragon, Valencia, Mallorca, Sardinia, Count of Barcelona (1412-1416), and regent of Castile (1406-1415), during the minority of Juan II of Castile. Son of Juan I of Castile and Leonor of Aragon.
He was the first Aragonese monarch of the Castilian dynasty of the Trastámara, although he was of Aragonese origin on his mother's side.
He married Leonor de Alburquerque
Alfonso the Magnanimous (Medina del Campo, 1394-1458), king of Aragon, with the name of Alfonso V, and of Naples and Sicily, with the name of Alfonso I.
María de Aragón (Medina del Campo, 1396-1445), first wife of Juan II of Castile and mother of Enrique V of Castile
Juan II (Medina del Campo, 1397-1479), King of Aragon and King consort of Navarre.
Enrique (1400-Calatayud, 1445), II Duke of Villena, III Count of Alburquerque, Count of Ampurias, Grand Master of the Order of Santiago.
Leonor (1402-1445), who married Eduardo I of Portugal. Mother of Alfonso V of Portugal, Juana of Portugal (Enrique IV's second wife) and Leonor of Portugal, who married Frederick III of Habsburg (they were parents of emperor Maximilian I of Austria)
Pedro (1406-1438), IV Count of Alburquerque, Duke of Noto.
Sancho (1400-1416)
Alfonso V
Alfonso V of Aragon (Medina del Campo, 1396 – Naples, June 27, 1458), also called the Wise or the Magnanimous, king of Aragon, of Valencia, of Majorca, of Sicily, of Sardinia and Count of Barcelona (1426-1458); and King of Naples (1446-1458).
Alfonso V can be considered as a genuine prince of the Renaissance, since he developed an important cultural and literary patronage that earned him the nickname of the Wise and that would make Naples the main focus of the entry of Renaissance humanism in the sphere of the Crown of Aragon.
From his relationship with his lover Giraldona de Carlino, a napolitan noblewoman, he had three children:
Fernando (1423-1494), his successor in the kingdom of Naples under the name Fernando I.
Maria (1425-1449), married to Lionel, Marquis of Este and Duke of Ferrara.
Leonor, or Diana Eleonora (?-1450), married the nobleman Marino Marzano, Prince of Rossano.
Maria of Castile
María of Castile (Segovia, Castile and Leon, November 14, 1401-Valencia, October 4, 1458). Infanta of Castile, Princess of Asturias (1402-1405) and Queen of Aragon (1416-1458) for her marriage to Alfonso the Magnanimous. First daughter of Enrique III "the Mourner" and Catherine of Lancaster. Sister of Juan II of Castile, untie of Enrique IV and Isabel I.
The marriage between María and Alfonso is celebrated in the Cathedral of Valencia on October 12, 1415. The ceremony was officiated by the antipope Benedict XIII, who also granted the matrimonial dispensation for the wedding.
In 1420, when the king left for Naples for the first time, he left the government of his kingdoms in the hands of Maria as lieutenant general. The absence of the Magnanimous would last three years, during which María had to face the rapid deterioration of the economic situation in Catalonia, the territorial struggle with the Castilian Crown, as well as the conflicts of a social nature that shook her in different kingdoms. On his return to Aragon in 1423, Alfonso V began the war with Castile, along with his brother King Juan of Navarra. But her financial resources were exhausted and in 1429 Queen María had to act as a mediator between her husband and her brother, King Juan II of Castile, to put an end to the dispute. However, Alfonso's situation did not improve, due to the recession suffered by the Catalan economy and the social conflicts caused by it. The Courts of Barcelona in 1431 demanded from the king a series of measures to correct the enormous deficit of the Catalan treasury and trade. But Alfonso, fed up with these matters, returned to Italy and gave full powers to the queen as ruler of Aragon; he left the Iberian Peninsula forever on May 29, 1432. This marked Alfonso V's final break with the Crown of Aragon, which, however, he never renounced.
+ Bonus track (although he doesn't appear in this series)
Juan II
Juan II of Aragon and Navarra, the Great, or the Faithless according to the Catalan rebels who rose up against him (Medina del Campo, June 29, 1398-Barcelona, ​​January 20, 1479) was Duke of Peñafiel, King of Navarre (1425-1479), King of Sicily (1458-1468) and King of Aragon, Mallorca, Valencia, Sardinia (1458-1479) and Count of Barcelona, ​​son of Ferdinand I of Aragon and Leonor de Albuquerque.
From his first marriage to Blanca I of Navarra (daughter of Leonor of Castile and Carlos III of Navarra):
Carlos (1421-1461), Prince of Viana and Girona, Duke of Gandia and Montblanch, titular King of Navarra as Carlos IV (1441–1461), married Agnes of Cleves. He wrote the 'Chronicles of the Monarchs of Navarra', about the history of his antecessors, from Eneko Arizta in the 8th century up to the 15th century.
Juan (1423-1425)
Blanca of Navarra (1424-1464), first wife of Enrique IV of Castile
Leonor (1425-1479), married to Gastón IV de Foix, Queen of Navarre under the name of Leonor I.
From his second marriage to Juana Enríquez:
Leonor of Aragon (1448)
Fernando II (1452-1516), king iure uxoris of Castile (1474-1504) and then regent between 1507 and 1516, under the name of Fernando V due to his marriage to Isabel I, king of Sicily (as Fernando II, 1468-1516), Aragon and Sardinia (as Fernando II, 1479-1516), Naples (as Fernando III, 1504-1516), and from Navarra (as Fernando I, 1512-1516)
Juana (1455-1517), second wife of Fernando I of Naples. Her daughter Juana married Fernando II of Naples (Fernando I of Naples' grandson)
During his youth, Juan fought in the Castilian-Aragonese war (1429-30) and the Castilian Civil War (1437-1445) in the Aragonese team against Juan II of Castile, his son Enrique and the Constable Álvaro de Luna (favourite of Juan II), due to the Aragonese political influences in Castile and the full control that Álvaro de Luna had over Juan II of Castile that allowed him to become very powerful, so some members of the Castilian nobility wanted to remove Álvaro out of Juan II side because of that, and the Aragonese reacted to the anti-aragonese convictons of Álvaro.
Álvaro de Luna arranged a new marriage between Juan II of Castile and Isabel of Portugal (mother of Isabel I) in 1447. The constable intended with this dynastic alliance to strengthen the political ties that united Castile and Portugal against the common enemy: the Catalan-Aragonese Crown, but from 1449, Isabella of Portugal indirectly supported the maneuvers of the Great League of Nobles (allies of the Aragonese) formed against the constable. But it would not be until 1453 when Juan II of Castile, possibly tired of the continuous pressure from the aristocracy, left Álvaro on his own. It has often been said that it was the queen herself who demanded that her husband signed the prison order against Álvaro, through Juan Pacheco, Marquis of Villena.
By 1441 Blanca I de Navarra died and Juan II married the daughter of Fadrique Enríquez (one of his Castilian allies, the admiral of Castile), Juana Enríquez y Fernández de Córdoba.
After the death of Blanca I, a dispute between Juan II and Carlos de Viana about the sucession for the Navarrese throne. Juan was king Iure uxoris of Navarre and wanted to be keep his position as king, but Carlos and his supporters claimed that the prince was the rightful king as firstborn son of the queen and in 1451 the Navarrese civil war started.
In the following years the tension between Juan and Carlos increased with the birth of Fernando, who was pushed by his mother Juana to be the heir of Aragon and Navarra, which Juan later accepted. This change in the sucession was not accepted in Catalonia, that supported Carlos de Viana birthrights, and they started a rebellion against Juan II.
Other supporter of Carlos was Enrique IV, who offered his sister Isabel to Carlos in marriage as a sign of their alliance, but the wedding never happened.
Carlos died in 1461, although the war didn't ended because the Catalan nobility proposed other suitors for the Crown of Aragon and the Principality of Catalonia, like Enrique IV, Pedro of Portugal (grandson of Jaime II of Urgell) and Renato de Anjou during the Catalan civil war, that ended in 1472.
It's interesting that the interesting that the current situation of the Estanyol family at the end of Los Herederos de la tierra is that there are two brothers from different mothers, and whose father have benefited one of them over the other, so it may lead to tensions from the part that was not benefited, Arnau Jr is the main heir in Bernat's will, so maybe in the future Marta Destorrent will try to pit her son Baltasar against his elder brother to take Arnau Jr's place. By period of time I find very likely that this happens during the reigns Maria of Castile and Juan II, and the situation of the Estanyol succession could parallel the Carlos de Viana-Fernando II problem, although in this case the younger son was the benefited one and the one who inherited his father's kingdoms and maybe the Estanyols are part of the Catalan nobility that defended Carlos' birthrights, although some other Catalan nobles supported Juan II & Fernando alongside of peasants and smallfolk, during the First Remensa War during the Catalan civil war.
The Remensa War consisted in revolts organised by peasants who wanted to end the servitude to which their feudal lords had subjected them, so I think that probably the Estanyol-Llor family would support the peasants because of their backgrounds.
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not-freyja · 7 months
LUBB 2023 Fic Claims
Hello Artists!
I hope everyone is as excited as I am to start working on these, and that we're all eager to meet our partners and get going. But! Before we can do that, we have to pick them.
This form shall allow you to pick your fic, and will go live for you to respond on 11/18/23 at 4pm EST (as close to on the dot as I can manage).
Fic Synopses And the F.A.Q. Under the Cut
Fic Synopses
Working Title: Why can't you hear me?
Archive Warnings that May/Will Apply: Graphic Depictions of Violence Projected Archive Rating: T Synopsis: Legend is lost, he doesn't know where he is. Suddenly Dark Link appears and tells Legend his plan, to corrupt the veteran hero, and use him to get to all the other Links. Legend fights back but does not succeed. From then on, the chain slowly (really slowly) figure out whats going on and have to find Dark Link and find out how to rescue Legend from the corruption/possession. 
Working Title: Little Stitches
Archive Warnings that May/Will Apply: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death Projected Archive Rating: M Synopsis: A 5 plus one style series of vignettes of Hyrule with his resurrection dolls. The major character death is temporary, but will happen several times. Angst with a happy ending.
Working Title: Four Times
Archive Warnings that May/Will Apply: None Projected Archive Rating: T Synopsis: Time accidentally picks up the Four Sword. This goes about as well as anyone can expect.
Working Title: A Quieter Kind Of Courage
Archive Warnings that May/Will Apply: None Projected Archive Rating: G Synopsis: After a few days of resting in Ordon Village, Wind notices that something is weighing on Twilight's mind and asks him about it. Twilight admits that he has never told Uli and Rusl about his wolf form, and that he wants to but is afraid that they will fear him and drive him away. Wind encourages him to trust in their love for him and go talk to them. Twilight works up the courage to tell them. Many tearful hugs are had and Twi gets his fluffy head pet by his baby sister.
Working Title: Captain's Log
Archive Warnings that May/Will Apply: Graphic Depictions of Violence Projected Archive Rating: M Synopsis: Pre-LU fic where Wind gets captured by a band of rouge pirates and its up to the dream....ish team Linebeck and Tetra to get their swabbie (and trash rat) back!
Working Title: X Marks the Spot
Archive Warnings that May/Will Apply: Graphic Depictions of Violence Projected Archive Rating: T or M Synopsis: taking place in a modern world filled with mythological creatures, a group of bounty hunters go after their biggest prize yet; three young heroes reincarnated. 
How Do you decide who gets what fic?
I do not decide anything. The claims will be awarded on a first-come basis. The first person to fill out the form gets their first choice. The second person also gets their first choice (unless the first person picked it, in which case they get their second), and so on.
When will the form close?
When the last artist who signed up for the event has made their choice! So in 10 minutes or three days, that's up to you guys.
When will I be told what fic I got?
As soon as physically possible. I will contact you through your listed preferred method, and inform you of which fic you have successfully claimed, and provide you with your author's preferred contact information. Depending on various human factors, this could take 30 seconds, or a few hours. I am but one man.
Why is there almost a week between fic synopsis reveal and claims?
So that everyone has a chance to look at the fics and make their decisions before you all rush me with your choices. Trying to keep this fair for the terminally online and the grass-toucher alike.
What if both my first and second choices are taken?
In this unlikely but unfortunate scenario, I will reach out to you directly for your third choice. I won't continue confirming claims until after I hear back from you, so don't worry, the next artist who answered isn't going to 'cut' your place in line.
Have any fun facts for us?
Yeah, actually. The fic to artist ratio has worked out so that two fics will actually end up with two artists. That's super fun and exciting for the lucky author who gets picked twice, and actually makes it more likely that all artists will get their first choice. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I am participating as an author. So one of you will be getting a "hi you got my fic," message.
Wait! You forgot to answer my question about XYZ!
Please feel free to send me a message! Sorry for leaving that info out friend!
0 notes
onelungmcclung · 8 months
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The exodus of the German 'creative thinkers' as Hitler seized control of Germany.
February 1933 was a busy month in the German Reich. Two days before the month began, Hitler, already Führer of the National Socialist German Workers’ [Nazi] Party, was appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg.
Within a month, on February 27, the Reichstag was torched to the ground. Suspicions were widely cast — not least that it was an act of deliberate provocation by the new government — but the Nazi Party was quick to seize and “unconstitutionally execute” Marinus van der Lubbe, a young Dutch communist.
Elections followed on March 5, the Nazis polling 43.9 per cent of votes. Within another three months all non-Nazi parties, organisations, and labour unions would be abolished.
German journalist Uwe Wittstock refreshes these familiar events by exploring their rapid impact on many of Germany’s greatest creative thinkers, who in a few short weeks were forced into an abrupt reckoning with their country.
The general population may have been reluctant to comprehend the force of the Nazi beast that was upon them, but cultural workers swiftly perceived they would be among the first to be targeted, on political as well as racial grounds.
Radical novelist and journalist Joseph Roth was among the first taking the next train out to Paris. He was followed by a haemorrhage of internationally recognised writers and artists who included Bertolt Brecht, Alfred Döblin and more. George Grosz and Thomas Mann were already abroad, as were novelists Vicki Baum (author of Grand Hotel) and Erich Maria Remarque (All Quiet on the Western Front), whose books Hollywood transformed into immensely popular films.
Else Lasker-Schüler (poet, musician, and cross-dressing actor) was typical of many Jews who emigrated to Palestine to be immediately stripped of German citizenship. As Wittstock notes: “A complete panorama would be too large for any book.”
Weimar Germany, for all its glitzy glitter, was widely regarded as “the most cultivated” of European countries. It was certainly the best educated, with the highest literacy rates. And it unquestionably made for a profoundly unsettling contrast with the most vicious repression of free thought — and a free press — that followed.
When, in May 1933, Goebbels declared: “Jewish intellectualism is dead”, cohorts of university students were charged with consigning books with “an un-German spirit” to the pyres.
As well as trawling the literature of the period, Wittstock also researches outside the canon. He is at least as interested in the ephemera of daily life — bus tickets and train timetables; private letters and notebooks; news and weather reports — which help compile a taut narrative in tandem with that of the panic being forced upon Europe.
In his afterword, he writes: “The most vivid and convincing records to me were diary entries, notes or letters that arose in parallel with the events. In instances of doubt, I trusted them most of all.”
Wittstock’s literary tour de force relies on minutely examining what his near-incredible cast of characters managed to seize of a new life or were forced to surrender of the old.
It is a work of major intellectual and cultural impact, not just a significant contribution to further documenting the Nazi reign of terror that changed or ended so many millions of lives but a timeless reminder of what is lost when a regime denies its own writers their voice.
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leopardmuffinxo · 2 years
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Are you flirting or starting a fight?
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keeper0fthestars · 3 years
The holy trinity:
Thank you for tagging me @over300books I’m super late to this I’m sorry 💛💛💛 my 3 fave pedro characters are:
1. Din Djarin
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2. Grogu’s dad
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3. King of Mandalore (and of my heart)
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blmpff · 5 days
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PERTH NAKHUN and LAY TALAY igs 11.05.24
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sunshiinepower · 3 years
for @quirkstm​​ from here!
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He feels the nerves twisting in his gut. Even despite having sent in the invite, he still finds himself remarkably flustered. After all, she said yes! Uraraka was going-- they were both going! To the event! Together. As dates!
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“Ah-- c-cool! Thanks so much! I mean-- I look forward to it!” His hands wring together in his nervousness, but he’s backing toward the door. Easy smile on his lips. “Then uhm...should I...I mean-- it’s cool if we meet there? Right?”
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gulabijamuns · 6 years
my computer crashed this morning so i literally took a day off uni.......for nothing 😭
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