#i love this meme format so much 💀💀💀
gayforcarstairsgirls · 6 months
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thepaintedsable · 22 days
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Spread finished! I decided the other page would be fanart of fandoms I find somewhat more entertaining than the actual media at this point.
Mostly because I like to watch fires burning, lol.
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Even though this art isn't explicet and only shows the main guy, obligatory notice that the game "Your Boyfriend" is 18+ only, and the creator does not want minors interacting with the game nor in the fandom due to its content. Additionally, do not seek out/invade 18+ parts of fandoms as a minor. Heed this warning, for yourself and for others.
Talking and some sketches below the cut:
I mean this wholeheartedly, fandom is so fun. I derive so much joy by digging through what feels like surprise extra content, except it's made by people who like the same thing you do. From wholesome to unhinged, I love it all (generally, anyways. Some things can get a little... too unhinged).
I mean no disrespect with anything I say.
But for some reason??? That's Not My Neighbor and The Amazing Digital Circus got slotted into the same part of my brain for "unhinged fandom" as Your Boyfriend and Undertale??? Like guys 💀 How did I manage to get onto the unhinged side of a fandom for what amounts to a stationary point-and-click game??? A cartoon with two whole episodes??? I am having the time of my life but???
At least Your Boyfriend has an... excuse? It's a "romantic visual novel" type game but one of your love interests is actually a stalker who kills anyone who gets too close to you. Also falls into the "character knows its a game" trope but I haven't played myself to know if it shows up in-game just yet. I can see how that can attract a group of Individuals™️. I don't even know how I found the game/fandom, I'm going to be honest. The game is not even finished yet, and it looks like it's last big flush was two years ago. Horror media is horror media, tho, and I've been able to dig out some actual horror fan content in-between the... other stuff.
Undertale is Undertale. We all know what happened with Undertale. I had my time with Undertale, and even though it's past I generally hold the least regrets with my enjoyment of it in terms of fandoms. I used to like Underfell Sans lol. I still enjoy the game, never got into Deltarune.
That's Not My Neighbor fandom, or at least the side of it that I've stumbled into, is so real. It is so funny I love it. It is somehow all Milkman and that means I am either being pushed memes or the most down bad horrendous formation of words and brushstrokes you can imagine. Let my boy sleep, he didnt do nothing wrong 😭 I don't even think I'd personally enjoy the actual game, from the videos I've seen. The concept does vibe with me though (1950s, postwar era monster horror? Hell yeah).
TADC is only here because it is insane to me that even some people did not think Jax was going to be an absolute trashbag and flipped the switch on him (im unsure of how many people really held this beleif, but ive seen it talked about). Totally yalls poragitive, but man was that FAST. I guess I'm too used to seeing people liking vilian/antagonist characters, but I guess I'm proud of yall for realizing you can't fix him lmfao?
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^ Sans Undertale disapproves in your choice of men
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^ Some sketches I did while making the character stills.
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racmune · 1 year
what are your favorite scoutpauling hcs!!
UMMM idk how im gonna format this so im just gonna put it in bullet points ig
scout is a big ole hugger and very physically affectionate,, this contrasts with miss pauling being touch starved and really reserved. the way each of them love is something to get used to for both of them but its just works!!
i think miss pauling is very quick to try to ignore her feelings in order to focus on her work rather than a relationship with scout but it ends up coming up over and over again. like perhaps she'll try to convince herself that she can work with him and be normal and ends up fumbling over her words or another flub like that "hey scout i need you, i mean- for-for this" contract line. (i see her being shown to act stern to him in fanon even when she's supposed to be pining, but i think its forgetting the aspect of her character that she's a huge nerd >:33 i just really enjoy scoutpauling pining. scout becomes softer, shyer and more considerate, and miss pauling becomes that "girls when they're in love" meme. i just think they're such a good ship for a slow burn which is so upsetting cause i don't think there's a single scoutpauling-focused fic that's a slow burn. i'd say i'd to take up the torch but i struggle to even write one shots so 💀)
i also like to think that miss pauling notices his insecurities and compliments them. and he gets all flustered but he loves it so much. (yup i did rip this from a measured fic i read but i gotta beef up that wordcount biatch. i am insane abt this pairing i dont think you guys understand yet)
miss pauling is often overworked (as she is lol) and will struggle to take basic care of herself (feeding, sleeping, etc) and as they get closer scout will swing by her apartment often and help her clean up the garbage, water the plants , take her to bed (NON SEXUALLY!!!!11!!! we keep it PG here) and get her some good food
miss pauling will sometimes be so overworked she'll be sleeping sitting up or fall out of her chair and sleep crumpled on the floor. scout is often coming into her office/apartment just to spend some time with her and she'll tell him that she's fine and doesn't need much sleep to keep going. scout let's her go for this but soon he finds her asleep in even more concerning spots and finally says fuck it and cleans up her apartment and tucks her into bed
i feel like scout has put on a tough, "manly" persona all his life to prevent himself from getting bullied (or at least getting affected by it in front of others) but i think miss pauling being a girl able to call him on his bullshit is really good for him to be more down to earth and good for his self esteem in a way? like i think he allows himself to be more vulnerable with her and that feeling rewarded by being loved for what he is rather than just a persona is just really nice.
miss pauling is really capable but also i think shes avoidant to help if its really personal to her and not only her job. miss pauling was raised to be an assassin by the administrator and was never really allowed to just be a PERSON and i think that its kinda nice for her to be able to just have a normal relationship with someone. like, i think their relationship is pretty non-normal lols, but also i think scout can be really nice to her and nurturing to a more personal side of her she often times will have locked up because of her line of work.
if the administrator didnt adopt miss pauling (a big hc i have) i like to think that she had a very cold and unforgiving set of parents (like perhaps she can attach herself so well to the administrator because shes used to authority figures behaving in that way? or something?). i imagine after miss pauling getting well acquainted with scouts family, scout wants to meet her family. scouts family is a lot more warm blooded and caring than miss paulings family, and miss pauling says no at first because of this. scout still wants to go or at least know why miss pauling wont talk about her family, but reconciles that some things she isnt ready for. miss pauling still notices his feelings and decides to bring him over for one dinner. its just the worst for everyone involved. scout is wearing his sunday best which is a goofy haircut and a bowtie because he cant be fancy to save his life and no matter how polite he tried to be his bluntness would always shine through on accident. miss paulings mom would insult her and scoutd get really defensive. hes not allowed back. ;-;
another hc i like is that miss pauling and scout both speak spanish. scout learnt it because he mistook it for the language of love (which, i mean spanish is still a pretty romantic language so i fuck w it) but in miss pauling's case it was her first language. miss pauling is excited to know he speaks her language and he often needs her to slow down her speech for him to keep up which i think is a fun contrast to everyone struggling to keep up with him loll... also this happened valve told me/j
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(im also not a spanish speaker so umm if i got smtg wrong then im sooo sorry ;u;;)
i also just really like miss pauling's hyper-activeness and excitability as well,(i didnt say this yet but i also headcanon them both as audhd A LOT) like ive said before its rarely shown in fanon and its upsetting cause i think she's just a silly little character and she's often shown to be the straight man or team mom exclusively…. and i think theres a twinge of fandom misogyny in there but like whatevs ig.
they can work together really well as a unit but also i think they are really nice for just . healing together from fucked up childhoods i guess
ive seen scoutpauling be viewed as a ship with no sauce or spice but i gotta disagree!!! theyre the most concentrated flavour containers ive ever seen in all my years its great
@saffsketches told me that ill get bullied for this post💀
//ok also have some headcanons from my discord server under the cut, all these are from me but there were a lotta good ones from other members that i just didnt show cause i was too shy to ask to cred LOLS
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btw fuck this took post longer to make than i thought it would ;;; ummmmm………….. sorry ;u;
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(this one was from when the server was talking about miss pauling having a big ole st bernard named otto in the headcanon channel for context LOL)
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ok im done now bye hope yall enjoyed this small peek into the inner machinations of my fucked up mind..... HEHE
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cherry-bomb-ships · 2 months
OOG OOG 1, 3, 4 and 9 for the animation meme !!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Show me some concept art!! How different do they look in comparison? 
Ooooh I'll do you one BETTER, here's 3 original pencil test animatics for the Powerpuff Girls back when they were still called the "Whoop-Ass Girls" 😅 Two of these eventually went on to be real episodes, the middle pencil test being a very short, very early version of "Monkey See, Doggy Do", the first episode of the series!! It also has Rob Renzetti, the creator of My Life as a Teenage Robot, doing the voice for Mojo since its just a lil test thing
This is... honestly strange. I am definitely a much much bigger fan of Mojo's design and voice in the finished show (angry lil evil geniuses with voices way too deep for their size my beloved) but its of course so fascinating to see where it all began!! Also very noteworthy that he has the title of "Dr." here. Who gave that chimp a PhD 😂 (side note very funny that the uploader of this has a Cortex profile pic. Can I ever escape 💀)
3) Which medium is your f/o animated in? 2D, 3D? Do you think they’d look better in a different one? 
The show is of course in that lovely old cel-animation 2D (up until they went digital in the last 2 seasons but I like the pre-digital look a bit more), and tbh I want it to stay JUST like that 😭 The only way a 3D style would work for me is if is was extremely stylized, like that newest TMNT movie where you can picture the characters in 2D perfectly.
That being said! I have not yet seen that one CG special they made in 2014 and I actually don't even know if Mojo Jojo's in that or not anyway, so if he is, when I eventually watch that then I'll know how I feel abt him in 3D! :3
4) Which “era” of animation is your f/o from? 
The beautiful cartoon wra of the late 90s, when everything was still 2D cel animated, episodic, and very, VERY zany 💖💖💖💖 Listen I adore cartoons nowadays I will not complain about the current state of story driven series, but there is something so nostalgic and fun about the old format of going back to the status quo every episode 💖 That aside! I adore how the "UPA style" of simple shapes was all over the goddamn place at this point in time, and I'd say Powerpuff Girls is the most iconic example of this style!!
9 was already answered, so sorry 🥺
💜 ask game here! 💜
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shai-manahan · 2 years
I love this IF so much!! Thank you for giving us this wonderful work <3. I enjoy how intriguing all the characters are and rn I'm just the pointing spiderman meme at everyone and just 'are you sus??? 💀'. You're making me doubt even the ROs and it's amazing haha.
So far I enjoy all of the ROs! I gotta say that Jade and Wesley truely grab my attention the most though, Jade is the whole she could probably kill me but I'm into that while Wesley is the whole betrayal angst bit which I just love, also secret RO?? Genuinely you're doing god's work.
Also!! I just love the way you've formatted the stat menu?? Like it's genuinely fun how it's someone documenting the Ripper and it's just giving another mystery as to who and what they're planning and who they're communicating this info with. It's so unique and I love it.
Also thank you for making such a diverse cast! 💖
Thank you! The highlight of this ask for me is definitely the spiderman meme lmao. Are you saying you also doubt Owen? 👀👀 It's honestly intriguing which characters you would all suspect of having killed Bale now. It's exciting on my part tbh. It’s always a good thing to think about the characters’ motives when you’re reading a story like this.
Also in response to this part:
Jade is the whole she could probably kill me but I'm into that
My friend did say something like:
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So yeah, you're not alone on that, anon.
As for the stats page, it's just way too much fun to do it that way, considering that the story is still at its core a mystery. Books 2 and 3 will have different styles of showcasing the stats page as well :)))
And I’m glad you appreciate the diversity! It’s a balance I always wanted to take note of--writing characters from different backgrounds while making sure at the same time that there’s sufficient respect given to who they are. You’ll also get to see a lot more of their little quirks and the culture they grew up with in the future!
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selene-tarot · 2 years
Doja Cat Current Energy/Personality Reading
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DISCLAIMER: This is all ALLEGED, please take this reading with a grain of salt, the reading may not be a 100% correct and just know this is tarot, don’t take it super seriously.
Current Energy: For Doja I see a sense of feeling secure but unsecure at the same time when it comes to her money? She may feel that even though she’s accomplished a lot now, she may be running out of time when it comes to her career. Either she’s scared her fame will start to dwindle or in just in general scared of losing money. She also needs to watch over how she’s spending her finances as it could be easier at this time for her suffer a big financial loss. I see something here about love. Someone who’s been keeping an eye on her currently(or just recently) will try to reach out to her, but she will decline. Truth be told she’s hung up over a past breakup(I actually kinda suspect she’s still in contact with this person somehow). She won’t be in the mood to commit in a relationship with anyone new anytime soon. She should focus on what’s coming towards her now, which is more success and abundance in her future. 
Side note: HELP, the request said a personality reading for doja cat, so I’ll be adding that part later on today. At least y’all have something to keep entertained 
Card's: Envy, Scorpio, Temptations, Pioneer, Detective rx, Poet, Goddess, Servant, Mystic, Midas
Side note: I'm gonna list each card(like in a grocery list format💀)and describe how it correlates to doja.
Doja's song streets is song I get that matches her personality the most. She's the type to get jealous and very possesive easily, and has more scorpionic traits such as being emotionally intense.....OK, I'm finally back🤣🤣🤣 so a lot of these cards I pulled correlates to what she incorporates in her brand and music because she channels it very WELL(Pioneer, Poet, Goddess, Midas).
Pioneer- She's innovative and creative, in her music you're gonna see a lot of originality that she's mainly constructed and created. I feel like this year she might unintentionally start a trend on social media such as tik tok or instagram whether it be for dance, music or meme.
Detective rx: I feel with this card it's a mix. On one hand this shows doja overthinks A LOT and it gets to the point where she might accuse others of things that has never happened so she has to be careful with this because she can really go off the deep end. I feel this do stem from high expectations of others though. So she may feel very hurt when she goes out of her way for others but when that same energy needs to be given back, it's crickets. This caused her to develop a very defensive attitude especially when a promise wasn't fulfilled. For example let's say you and her was supposed to go out for ice cream and you have something come up to where you have to postpone it. She's gonna get pissed off and say you blew her off to go with someone else when that's not really the case.
Poet- Is really talented songwriter and puts that in her music. She's very witty though.
Goddess: She's a really sensual person and channels her sexuality makes it into her own. It can seem really ethereal at times. It may not look as explicit when you're watching, like y'know a music video, but then you search up them lyrics or for breakdown of her videos it's like👀👀👀ok gurl.
Servant: I stated this before, she's very giving/selfless and willing to help when she can. Although she takes favors and stuff very seriously so don't play her💀
Mystic: Now this actually interests me because this leads me to believe that she's either very much spiritually intuned whether she knows it or not. She follows her intuition very often, so she may be called to make a certain song, or have a feeling to add a artist on a feature here, or she may get downloads from spirit to change some lyrics, or even scrap a whole project. I feel this ability helps her make a lot of hits.
Midas/Miser: Self-explanatory. Anything she decides to be on automatically becomes successful. This also kinda feels like this ties fo what I mentioned above with holding her funds really close to her because she's afraid of poverty/going broke. She may try to bag more sponsorship deals/commercial ship deals as a result. She has a weird relationship with money.
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cloey!! top 5 favourite meme formats and top 5 favourite tropes <33
Myle, tyty. 😌😌
Top Five Meme Formats:
didn't quite know what this meant so I went the picture route. 💀
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Top Five Tropes:
you didn't say romance tropes, but that's pretty much always where my head is at because I love it there, so that's what I'm gonna give you. fair warning, I'm gonna talk too much.
Destructive Romance:
I've said it before. I'll say it again. I enjoy toxicity. especially toxicity that knows that that's what it is. I don't like stories that aren't self aware about what they are. a lack of self awareness irritates me in my day to day life, it especially irritates me in fiction. stories where the writer is overtly aware that the relationship's express appeal is that it's unhealthy? that's my shit. I like things that are entirely too much. romance that is startlingly toxic and mutually self destructive. romance that is so all encompassing that it rules your life. romance that is all sharp edges. romance that is more of an addiction than it is a safe place. tell me that dynamic isn't fucking fascinating. and then I'll proceed to ignore you, because you'd be wrong. nothing is more interesting to me than that type of relationship. maybe it's the future therapist in me, I don't know. it's the kind of love that will consume you whole. it's intense and dark and horrifying and manipulative, and I find it extremely compelling. gimme. give me all the stories. especially if it ends in tragedy, or a more bitter than sweet bittersweet ending.
Mutual Pining:
I love... feelings. and I love angst. so. here we are. maybe this is the kid that never wanted to tell her crushes that they liked them as a kid, but fuck if mutual pining isn't one of the best tropes around. it goes hand in hand with the whole, "idiots in love," thing, and that is such a vibe.
ahh! I just enjoy suffering, I guess? I don't know, that's what I'm getting from this- I swear I'm normal lmao.
Fake Dating:
it has to be done right. but I love it. I love reading it and seeing hints that the feelings are real, only for the ground to be pulled out from under me when an inevitable misunderstanding happens. figuring out how much of it is genuine, how much of it is fake. "I was never faking," STFU that's so good. I love seeing characters walk that line between good acting and revealing genuine feelings, especially when it includes mutual pining as well. a vibe. it's so fun.
Porn With Feelings:
smut is fucking boring when there aren't feelings involved. you ever read a smut that involves just hooking up, no jealousy, no love, no pining, no resentment, no unresolved feelings, no anger, no sadness, no anything? fuckin' stale. it's one of my favorite things, and it's literally the only way that I can read a story that heavily features smut, otherwise I get bored.
ask me about my "top five" anything and I'll tell you!
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