#i love them sooooo <3333
tartagliatum · 7 months
mmm older childe carrying a lil extra weight on his waistline bc he finally settles down with zhongli, who loves nothing more than taking care of him. always a dragon at heart, gift giving is a major love language of his, and doting on childe feels like a behaviour intrinsically written into his DNA.
childe who's a little insecure when his clothes become a bit snug - not necessarily about his body, but because it means he's gone soft - and zhongli who shows him why soft is good. shows him just how much there is to love, how much more of him there is to grab and sink his teeth into. zhongli who kisses and praises his little stretch marks and worships every change in his body, any small difference that may have planted seeds of doubt in childe's mind.
worrying he and his insecurities are burdensome, zhongli assures childe that there's nothing more he loves to do than bring him to his favorite bakeries and restaurants and ply him with all of his favorite foods. watching his eyes light up, his tongue lick the crumbs from his fingers, his lips stain red from wine as he relishes every delicious bite, savors every rich taste.
zhongli is even happier seeing him enjoy his food; seeing him enjoy and settle into life, now that he has the time for it. the proof of this joy, manifesting in a soft, gently curving arc of a wider middle, in plumped thighs and rounded cheeks and a heavier frame when he sits in zhongli's lap, is only something to treasure. the archon more often that not finds himself touching childe with such affection; in public, in private, wherever they are, he cherishes the life they have together. he slides his hands over the gentle slope of his middle, pressing his fingers into the pillowy softness. he cups his face when he kisses him and brushes his thumbs across the apples of his cheeks, admiring the new gilded freckles. glides his hands over his thicker arms, widened hips, the tender flesh of his thighs, soaking in how beautiful he looks and how utterly divine he feels.
his stomach, in particular, zhongli admires. somewhere a little healthier to rest his head when sleepiness washes over the two and they snuggle close in bed, childe's fingers absently twirling his dark hair around his fingers. somewhere a little more nourished to settle his hands when he wakes up and the redhead is already making two coffees through a haze of sleep, smiling crookedly with hooded eyes and a gruff good morning when zhongli hugs him from behind. he nuzzles his own cheek against childe's. slips his hands over his inviting middle, palms fitting perfectly over the gentle swell of his warm belly. pressing innocent kisses to his neck, he slips his hands up his shirt to appreciatively sink his fingertips into the yielding softness, calming the small growls of morning hunger.
childe with little bite marks on his tummy chub. with finger print bruises on his thighs and pliant hips. with stretch marks and a plush cushioning to his body, built from the delight zhongli takes in providing him the life of luxury he deserves. signs of comfort, of care, of love, instead of just wounds and scars from a life of violence. zhongli finds himself warmed by the changes in his body and how comfortable he's gotten. looking after him is something he once feared the battle-addicted harbinger would not be able to live long enough to let him do; and now, both in retirement, he doesn't waste a single minute passing up the privilege to do so.
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shima-draws · 2 months
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[[shimaaaa i know you said not to worry abt it but i drew the pip n chim half already anyways … and also an extra sketch !!!!! i was going to also finish it but i got lazy in the end 😭 ill probably get to drawing the hiro and olivia drawing down the line anyways so (drops these here)]]
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(Submitted by @seraphofivorylight​)
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cheriboms · 8 months
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doctober day 7: family
aka 3 brothers just hangin out ^_^
bonus (dedicated to all of the older siblings who got outgrown):
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satoumafuyuss · 8 months
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shes just like me fr 💚
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sojabeean · 1 year
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Soja sona Soja sona Soja sona.. Soja sona!!! Just a lil guy. Puts them in a blender
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moraygrotto · 6 months
doesn't Sebek have a giant stomach, we need to use him more, he's the perfect fit to be a feedee
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nari-writes · 6 months
"Conner, don’t you get it? Clark is awkward because he loves you. He just has no idea how to deal with everything else. If he didn’t love you,” Lois says, “this would be easy.”
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robbyykeene · 2 years
either robby, miguel, amanda, or carmen for the bingo!!!!!
i can’t pick so we’re doing all of them!!
Robby (top left), Miguel (top right)
Amanda (bottom left), Carmen (bottom right)
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I love robby but i would never want to meet him bc i would say smth benign like “do u like coffee” and he’d respond “you know who likes coffee? My deadbeat dad who abandoned me at infancy” and then hed probably start crying or maybe punching the air while i just stood there like 🧍🏽
And miggy 🫶🫶🫶 need i even say more his s4 arc was literally the only kids arc that was remotely good but i am anticipating disaster out of the mexico arc sooooo
Also Amanda is the best character on the entire show and Carmen could be be right up there with her if they would just stop giving her the most insane lines like “you were born to be a sensei its who you are <3”
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scattered-winter · 1 year
top 5 soapghost moments that happen in the game* >:)
*not sure i’m using the terminology correctly but i hope this makes sense anyway
ehehehehehehehehehehe >>>>:)
5: the cutscene where they first met is sooooo funny to me. soap's little shoulder tap. the way ghost's soul visibly leaves his body. this was in fact the moment that made me as obsessed with them as I am <3
4: graves' betrayal scene!!!!! I love how ghost is Looming in the shadows like he does and soap is right up there with alejandro (and I'm ALSO obsessed with how graves' dialogue color turns from blue [ally color] to red [enemy color] halfway through the interaction. peak cinema). and the SIDE EYE!!!!!!! ghost using soap's real name !!!!!!! I'm obsessed with them ur honor !!!!!!!!!!!!!
3: their BANTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right after the betrayal scene they're separated and wounded in an unfamiliar city while being hunted down by a literal army, and they spend the entire time bantering at each other over comms and telling bad jokes to keep spirits up. it's soooooooo insane of them <3333333
2: ghost's unmasking scene <3333 (I couldn't find a shorter clip so the section I'm referring to ends at around 1:31) I loooooove masks as a narrative piece (part of the reason why I'm a dc fan <33) and in ghost's case it's SO !!!!!!!!!!!! his backstory is fairly complicated and I have sooo many thoughts about it so for the sake of keeping this at a reasonable length and also on-topic I won't include the ramble <33 but all the context you really need is that ghost never takes off his mask, ever. (I like to compare it to kaz brekker's gloves; the mask fills the same role for ghost and his trauma as the gloves do for kaz <333) and the look on soap's face when ghost does take it off literally lives in my brain rent-free at all times
1: THIS SCENE. THE SOAPGHOST SCENE OF ALLLL FUCKING TIME!!! the way soap trusts him so completely to watch his back. the way he only says a few words ("watch the window") because he knows ghost will pick up on the rest. the raw, audible relief in ghost's voice when he hears soap is alive. the way ghost takes the shot when it could have very easily hit soap instead but soap trusted him to take it. the way they immediately revert back to bantering even though soap was like .5 seconds away from death literally a few seconds ago. they're insane <3
some honorable mentions that were too small/minor to be considered for one of the Favorite Scenes but I like them regardless: the very last cutscene shows the whole team sitting at a bar, and ghost and soap are sitting by each other <333 there's also sooo many little moments in the missions/briefings after the mission where soap and ghost were stranded in las almas where they had some fun banter <3 and there were also sooo many moments where they saved each other (other than the Big One in the list) and like. there are too many moments to count. but they're the ultimate battle couple <3
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peejsocks · 2 years
i couldn’t be on shark week bc they would get no sensational clips of me being scared. i’d just be too excited and happy swimming around like 🫶🥰 oh the sharks are here 🥰🫶
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warmspice · 2 years
Hihihihello images are my best friend :) <3
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orionhong · 2 years
me when i wish i’d gotten out of my dance studio like ages ago except the last two years have been the happiest i’ve ever been at dance and i wouldn’t want to lose that
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wqnwoos · 11 months
seventeen — vocal unit as your boyfriend
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okay so technically i already did this in dating hyung line / maknae line but — part 2 i guess? requested by @glowunderthemoon 💗
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evil!!!!! likes to play around with you so much
especially if you guys are playing games or something he just makes up rules that get wilder and wilder until you draw the line
apologises to you afterwards w backhugs and kisses on your neck but he’s still giggling so how sorry is he really?
sends you all his boyfriend photos and then when he finds out one of them is your lockcreen he’s sooooo cocky about it (“i didn’t know you liked me that much” “jeonghan we have been dating for two years”)
takes you shopping but then gets antsy if you guys stay too long in one shop 😭 he won’t hurry you but he’ll just be shifting around awkwardly until ur done
has unflattering pictures of you as his lock screen. think fast asleep mouth open drooling a little. that’s his lockscreen and he won’t change it no matter how much u ask (he actually thinks it’s adorable)
gives you bites of his food without you even asking
takes loads of random selfies on your phone,,, like you open the photos app and ur like ?????? because suddenly there are 78 new photos of his face that you definitely did not take
gets sulky if you leave him to go out with friends or something 😭 ofc he’s just kidding but he dramatically throws an arm over his face and pouts (“i thought you loved me!!!!” “joshua you don’t even like this restaurant” “what if i changed my mind????” “we tried it last week!!!!”)
i feel like he’s the worst to have by ur side in an awkward situation bc you guys look at each other and you’re suddenly trying to hold back your laughter SOOOO bad and there’s not even anything funny😭
or if you’re talking to someone annoying he just stands behind them and makes faces to try and get you to crack tf up
tries to learn your favourite song on the guitar and then when you’re like “show me :))” he just starts playing sunday morning
omfg. the SWEETEST.
i think i said this in the other one but lets you play with his equipment and teaches you how to make basic beats and stuff (if u don’t know already) — tells u things like “good job!!” when you finish one
he’ll let you do whatever you want for dates and go along with it because you want to do it even if he’s reluctant <3333
if you don’t watch anime congratulations now you do!!!!! catch him at the right moment he’s gonna give you the rundown on all his favourites and the plots and the characters and everything (like his six hour live omfg)
genuinely believe he really is not cold as a boyfriend i think that is a Misconception — i saw this post the other day and HARD AGREE like this is mr i love my team i love my crew we are talking about ??? the same man who wrote darling which is arguably one of their sweetest songs????????
i’m convinced this man is an angel ? he acts like your guardian angel anyway he takes care of you so hard it’s crazy
he makes sure u eat well and u rest well and everything omg :(
also feel like he randomly bursts into a skit in the kitchen and you hAVE to play along you have to get invested!!!!!
also just a sidenote can u imagine just being in the same house as him and you can just hear him singing from the other room :( i am so sad :(
i feel like he takes note of what you really like and remembers (or notes it down). like if you have flowers in a vase the first time h comes over you best believe he’s going to keep that vase STOCKED for however long
even if he’s away or on tour or something you’d still get weekly deliveries with a card or something AHHHHHH
compliment battles 😭 even if you just say something small (“i like your hair today”) he immediately returns the compliment x10 until eventually you guys are just arguing about who’s sweeter or something weird which just ends in giggles once you realise how loud he’s saying “oh yeah? well your eyes are even prettier!!!”
MY LOVELY SEUNGKWAN 😭💗😭💗 convinced he’s sooo boyfriend material
like the most caring kindest sweetest boyfriend he texts you reminders every day (“don’t forget to eat~” “drink some water please~”) HES SO CUTE 😭
randomly squishes your cheeks and goes “pretty” and then moves on like nothing happened but gets so flustered if you do it back 😭 acts annoyed but he kinda loves it <3
if you’re cooking with music on you’re not getting him out that kitchen he is dancing like there’s no tomorrow !!!!! makes you join him and teaches you the steps if you don’t know them already until both of you are just giggling messes and oh fuck the food’s going to burn
wants your approval for every outfit and hairstyle 😭 the stylist is about to dye his hair and he holds up a hand like. “WAIT.” and facetimes you quickly like “hi baby what do you think about dark blue hair???”
and if you tell him something like “seungkwan you’re always handsome” he just clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes 😭😭 “just tell me yes or no!!!”
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sehodreams · 15 days
oh my god. i hope i’m not bothering u with all this sungchan/riize nonsense it’s just soooo good, this part u did is sooooo good i am dizzy and reeling at eunseok touching your tummy like i can’t even put it into words it’s just soooo😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 i really need chubby chasers tall line. this sungchan is so good, i love sungchan being mean<3333 but sungchan, eunseok, and anton being chubby chasers and obsessed with you!!???? please please please.
i love the idea of just being a personal toy for like, all of riize tbh but esp the big boys omg, please i swear i can’t even fathom it but i’ll write a bit about where my head’s at. also omg eunseok holding your tits and saying they’re heavy PLSSS😭😭😭😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 i want that so fucking bad.
in this, maybe it’s like reader x her 3 fwbs just so there’s like less possessiveness although i would still think sungchan would be the greediest out of the 3, always seeking you out to pleasure you (and have you pleasure him) because he seems like he’d have a high libido and fuck, he’d be so obsessed with your breasts and your tummy, he’d want to be all over you at all times. the 3 of them would all take care of you so well<333 i’d imagine you’d all live together but like anton would always buy you sweets and snacks, he’d make sure the apartment always had ur favourite treats and if you had a special request for something you could let him know and he’d get it for you immediately, maybe sometimes they’d try to cook for you, but i can’t really see any of them (maybe eunseok) being good at cooking idk if that’s true, but they’d always be down to order takeout!! anton is definitely a titty sucker (so is sungchan) and i feel like if the two of you were just watching a movie or smth or even if eunseok and sungchan were there as well, anton would want to have you in his lap or laying down so he could play with your breasts and suck on your nipples, he’d be able to just do it for hours it feels like, massaging your mounds and sucking and biting, he’d get so worked up, he’d probably need to eat you out, would get so pussydrunk, grabbing and squeezing at your tummy while he fucks your cunt with his tongue, you’d both especially love to do this in front of the other boys, you’d be really embarrassed the first few times but eventually they’d turn you into such a filthy slut you’d love the exhibitionism<333
sungchan would love to eat you out too, honestly all 3 of them would be happiest with their face between your legs and your soft, squishy thighs pressed tightly around their head, but other scenarios would be like if you were making dinner for them, he’d interrupt to bend you over the counter and fuck you ruthlessly from behind, just like you’d described before, pulling your breasts out of your top and spanking you as hard as he can and mocking you a little when you scream and yelp</3333 he’d definitely like to slap your tits too, the smacking sound being just as loud as if he’s slapping your ass or your thighs, he’d always love to slap your pussy<3333 or slap your clit, he’d be so brutal with his fingers for sure, loves shoving them down your throat and you love gagging on them<333 maybe if you complain you’re hungry or smth, he’d pull a “i’ve got something for you to put in your mouth” lmao, and would fuck your face for a bit until he shoots his loud down your throat or would release all over your face and tits and make you lick it up :)))) also would want to try like putting a donut on his dick or whip cream on him or something to make you eat it off him, because you’d be so cute to him with icing and sugar on your nose and lips, especially when you’re breathless and clenching your thighs together, begging him to touch you…
idk if this is too crazy.. but i’m also just thinking dumbification/bimbofication with tall line and them brainwashing you into aligning food with pleasure… as chubby chasers, they’d definitely want to keep you soft and plush, so hear me out.. i want sungchan feeding me like little pastries or treats or smth, his long fingers would be so good smearing cream on your face and pinching your cheek like “that’s my good girl, you’re so pretty aren’t you?” he’d cup your lower tummy and then your pussy, chuckling at how your hips buck into his palm instinctively and you clench your thighs together, “does it taste good?” you’d be so flustered, but you’d nod and whimper, “please channie” and he’d be like “you want more? so greedy,” and feed you another treat before you can respond, whines muffled while your mouth is full 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but it’d backfire on all of them because then anytime you had something sweet and got icing on your face or smth, they’d pop a boner and need to bend you over and fuck you immediately.
okay i feel like i went too crazy, idek what to say for eunseok because i hope i don’t scare you.. i went a little bit too feral i think but like.. idk.
Honey, we should be friends.
The feeding is also something I've thought about but I was afraid I would scare people here (more than what I already do 😂), so I can see the picture, and the roommate!tall line is PERFECT. This is really cliche but what the hell 😵‍💫
WC: 1.9
Imagine you come from a family full of brothers. You hated the fact that you had to be their little maid and listen to your mom whenever she told you to go and serve them. This pushed you to leave as soon as you could, running to the first place that seemed decent enough to live at, not caring that you'd have to live with a bunch of men again.
You were reluctant at first, afraid of being treated like a servant again, but oh god, could you be any more wrong?
Unexpectedly, you had to do nothing at all in the house. They were already good on their own, cleaning their own messes and making sure the shared places were in order, which resulted in you having nothing to do. But don't get fooled, they still wanted something in exchange.
The minute you stepped into that house, you realized that something was about to happen.
At first, they appeared just kind. They smiled at you, telling you to not worry if you offered to do something like taking out the trash or helping with the recycling. Then, they asked you to eat with them whenever they could. Anton enjoyed snacks, but he hated eating them alone, so he asked you to eat with him while watching TV or listening to music, sometimes without anything in the background, just you two eating and sometimes talking to fill the silence. Sungchan, on the other hand, had more of a sweet tooth, buying pastries but begging you to eat with him because ''it was too much for him''. Eunseok, different to the other two, didn't like that kind of food, he enjoyed more elaborate dishes, but more than eating them, he liked making them, and when he finished, he needed all of you to help him.
However, you then noticed that you were supposed to eat with them, but somehow most of the time you were the only one eating while they observed you.
You couldn't understand it, what was so good of watching you eat for them to be like that? They were too eager to be close to you when you ate for it to be a simple coincidence.
When they completely stopped pretending to eat, you knew your mind was not playing with you, but you needed more proof, so you said something they never expected.
''Sorry, I'm on a diet'' you said when Eunseok called for you to try his new recipe.
The world fell in their eyes. Anton got pale, Sungchan gulped before his mouth fell, and Eunseok almost dropped the plate he had in his hands.
That was the first time a man begged you to do something for him. Your family usually ordered you to do things for them, but those three didn't let you go with their pleads until you accepted, and you had no doubt that, if you had told them to, they'd have fallen to their knees for you.
You had a hard time accepting what was going on. You had never seen someone so eager to serve you. You knew they did it with hidden intentions, that was clear, but it was still something you had never seen before.
Of course, it was natural that you needed some time to get used to it. It was the first time a man cooked for you, the first time a man begged you to tell him if you needed anything, and even more, the first time a man practically kneeled to have a taste of you.
And now, there were three of them.
Sungchan was the first one to do it. He was always ready to buy you sweets, going to the nearest pastry shop after finishing his workout session, not caring if he was still all sweaty and tired, he couldn't feel calm unless he saw you eating in front of him, ready to clean any cream that stayed in your lips with his thumb to then lick it.
Eunseok was even more touchy. Cooking for you even when the others were there, he did everything, his favourites being salads and pasta, he liked food easy to collect and give you. On every occasion you were alone, he sat beside you and grabbed the cutlery while one of his hands was on your thigh, making sure you ate all of it before he caressed your cheek and praised you with a well done.
Anton was the boldest one though. He made you sit on his lap while showing you some kind of movie on his computer with really low volume, forcing you to have the bag of chips in your hands and eat it slowly for him to hear each bite.
While more satiated you got, they got more hungry.
Sungchan, again, was the first to push you and take you. He was fresh from his shower, and he had already given you a really good tiramisu half an hour ago, so when he entered your room, you didn't know what else could he want.
The answer was easy. He wanted you.
Pushing you to your back, he didn’t say anything while taking off your pyjama pants and underwear, and moving apart your legs, he kissed your thighs before his mouth reached your pussy.
Being eaten out for the first time, you had to bite your lips to not cry his name and let the other boys know what he was doing to you in the privacy of your room.
He was a bit brute, tongue going up and down, recollecting every juice you poured to gulp it like a thirsty man.
''Sung-Sungchan?'' You moaned. He was so desperate you doubted he was breathing, just like when he was lifting his dumbbells in the living room and was clearly tired from the exercise. However, there he didn't look like he wanted to stop at all.
''It's sweet, so fucking sweet'' he closed his eyes, burying his tongue in your entrance, making you squirm because of the new sensations.
He didn't let you move apart.
With his strong arms, he kept you in your place, fingers burying on your pudgy tummy from all the sweet treats he had gifted you, and he maintained you there until you came in his mouth, giving him the only sweet release he allowed himself to have.
Eunseok was more delicate. He had prepared a creamy dish, reddish sauce flooding the ravioli, something you had asked him for since it was getting colder those days.
You were wearing a hoodie, gladly letting him feed you piece by piece, both hands inside your pockets to keep them warm. He, making sure it wouldn't burn you, blew them a couple of times before giving them to you.
It was all tranquil until one of them was hotter than the others and burned you. The surprise made you flinch and his hand went under your chin to make sure to catch it if you decided to spit it, but you weren't a kid, and holding it in, you gulped it to stop the pain.
''I'm so sorry'' he looked worried, leaving everything aside to make sure you were okay. ''Please let me see your mouth.''
You listened to what he said and opened it, slightly pushing out your tongue so he could see you were okay.
When you did it, he stared at it for a couple of seconds before he gulped. That wasn't normal, you immediately sensed it and closed your lips.
Unnecessary. He continued caressing your chin and then, without question, made you open your mouth with his thumb pushing your lips apart. You let him, it was weird, but your arousal was appearing, and the room was hotter.
Minutes later he had you over the table, pushing your legs apart to push his ring and middle finger of one hand while the same fingers of his other were inside your mouth, not letting you talk or moan without sounding like babbling.
He was fucking your insides at a soft pace, as if he was investigating your insides to understand you as much as his recipes. He could thrust his fingers to then just leave them there, to feel your walls accepting him. After that, he would open them in a scissoring motion, pressing all your insides to find what he wanted.
When you left a particular louder cry, he knew he had found it, and made sure to press it until your legs trembled and you continuously clenched around his digits.
''Well done'' he said, like every time you finished eating his food. He took off his fingers and saw the line of spit connecting you to him, like your slick when he left your pussy alone, and he kissed you, tongue intruding your mouth and not letting you go until he felt it was enough.
Anton was fresher. Like the bubbling soda with popcorn on the side, he was simpler but that didn’t mean he was less good.
You were on his lap, illuminated by the limp light of his screen projecting some mukbang video, enjoying the peaceful moment he gave you. He had always been different from the other two. The other two were more visual creatures, while he preferred listening to you.
Anton had started to mute all videos not long ago, obliging you to rely on the subtitles to understand what the people said, and when the man said something funny, you laughed. You had laughed so much that, added to the salty snack, you got thirsty. So, sipping from the pretty glass with a straw he had bought you, full of ice and soda, the ice tinkled when you shook it to dilute the water with the drink.
You felt him getting harder under you, but you didn’t mind, it wouldn’t be the first time. What was new, was the way his hands slipped inside your hoodie to grip your chest.
At the start, it was pretty superficial. They just posed there, feeling how your skin was softer than normal in that place.
‘’Keep drinking’’ he said, and you listened.
You continued sipping and he kept playing with your tits, pinching your nipples and groping them however he wanted. It felt good, and you were getting wet, but it wasn’t anything intense like with Sungchan or Eunseok, it felt somehow safer.
His hard-on was rubbing more and more with your ass, and you accommodated yourself to reach for the bowl of popcorn and get a handful of them.
He moaned when you did it, being harder with your chest, a bit painful but not enough to hurt you.
You let him rut into you, both fully clothed. Needing more, you stood from your seat when you didn’t have anything else to drink.
‘’It’s empty’’ you told him while shaking your glass full of ice.
‘’I’ll get you more’’ he answered.
‘’Aren’t you thirsty too?’’
His mind was too hazy to answer, so he simply denied shaking his head.
‘’Are you sure?’’ you asked again, lifting your hoodie until your naked chest was in front of his face.
You couldn’t stop him when he practically slammed you to his bed and buried his face on your chest, grinding with force into your clothed sex and pushing moans out of you whenever his tongue circled your nipple.
Both of you getting closer even without directly touching each other’s parts, he groaned when you pulled his hair, and then he came when you brokenly cried his name.
Not long after, you stopped paying rent and necessities altogether. If you wanted something, you would get it as soon as possible. However, with all of them keeping you busy and burying you with gifts and attention, it was hard to want anything else.
Drink it. Eat it. Don’t spit it.
Those words became normal in your daily life.
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Mon!! I think Aaron might love reader tying his tie for him in the mornings so much that one morning on a case he actually momentarily forgets how to do it. Which he is puzzled by because he’s done it a million times before but in just two weeks without cases out of state he’s somehow forgotten and he has to YouTube tutorial it to remember again 💀 bless him he’s just a guy doing his best
This is also SOOOOO Greg as well but Greg doesn’t travel as much so he’d forget even easier how to do it
Ehehehe yes<3333 I love<3
You have been tying his ties for him and he just loves it so much. I'll bet he gives you a kiss after every single time you tie it for him🤭❤️. And when he's away he's standing there with his tie and he looks in the mirror. But he's like ".......?🤔?....how do I....?" And it's like his brain is bugging out and just having a glitch or malfunction as he stands there staring at the tie in his hands with his brows furrowed with his face all >:( 😭🤣. So he considers calling you for help but figures it's easier and more convenient (he doesn't want you to tease him and he also doesn't want to chance waking you up if you're sleeping) to just look it up on YouTube. And he does and when he's watching he's all >:| he just wants you to do it for him forever. He would even employ you to tie his tie if it meant he could take you everywhere with him to have you do it. Pls he hates that he forgot something that is so natural to him 😂 and is a little embarrassed about it.
Greg literally forgets and never relearns how. You do it everyday. And if he does travel? He calls you "Honey, how do I do this again? I forgot." And you just chuckle a little and walk him through it over the phone. And every single time he has to wear a tie when he's away your phone rings and you know it's because your sweet baby boy needs your help and you think it's adorable 😂❤️. He even considered getting a clip on tie but decided against it because this gives him an excuse to talk to you when he's not there.
I love this idea and I don't think I ever thought of it until now but I will think about this so often 🤭<3 thank you so much for this I love your asks<3 definitely keep them coming if you have more you'd like to share 👀
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lefthandedhotch · 7 months
hehehehe linnnnn i found this on pinterest and it's sooooo sillyyyy <3333
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plssss thinking about aaron being suuuuch a dog dad🤭 after he retired, he was the one to adopt two (2!!!!!) dogs!!!! even though he said it was so your tiny little hotchner girl would have two buddies to run around with since jack is a teenager now and probably doesnt have the energy to chase around his little sister :')) (they still play together of course, he loves his lil sis and she loves him <333) but the dogs (as you told jack would happen) are his besties!!!!🤭🤭🤭🤭 whenever you're away on a case, you always get selfies of aaron and one or both the big doggy or the tiny doggy in the selfie with him and sometimes jack or your daughter would make an appearance <3 you looooove looking at your dog dad husband enjoying his post-bau life with his kiddos and his best dog friends :'))) you show the team the pictures and they always are sooo happy and proud of their former boss because they know it's what he deserves :')))))🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞💞💞
pleaseeeeeeeeee he’s so cute :((((( 🥹🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
it was absolutely the first case you were gone on without aaron after his retirement when you got a call from aaron asking “how mad would you be if you came home and we had a dog?” ALSHDKSJSKSKS 😭 but of course you have no problem with it!!!!! the kids have been begging for a dog for a while now (jack mostly, and his little sister just wants whatever her big brother wants 🤭) but!!!!!!! when you get home your hotchners, you find not one (1) dog but TWO (2!!!)!!!!!! one big sweet doggy and one little sweet doggy barking happily and jumping around your tiny girl while your teen boy uses treats to try and get them to sit but they are Much More interested in coming over to greet you 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 aaron gives you a sheepish grin when you kneel down to meet your new family members <3 and he tells you that when they went to the shelter to pet dogs they found this bonded pair of doggies :( who had been there for a while waiting for their forever family :( and as much as he’d like to say that the kids (and the dogs akshsjaj) turned their puppy dog eyes on him to bring the dogs home but honestly he was asking the shelter volunteers for their adoption papers before they could even tell you their names 🥺🥺🥺 and hearing that (both from your darling handsome aar-bear who you can’t wait to cover in the kisses, and from the kids) makes you fall in love with aaron all over again :’))))) knowing that he looked at these sweet doggies who needed a family to love them and Knew your family was theirs makes your heart squish HARD in your chest :’)))) he’s just so sweet :( and even in his retirement he can’t stop saving people 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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