#i love boy division...so sexy...
sugurufic · 2 months
Student of the Year (Gojo x Reader, Geto x Reader)
Summary: Saint Teresa, the planned destination for the rich, and a dream for those who can't afford it. Of course, there's a tension between the rich and the scholarship kids, the rich ones acting so much better than the others. All of that changes, when Suguru Geto, the new scholarship kid joins, blurring the lines between the two cliques. Satoru Gojo, the resident rockstar, the son of the most affluent man, the poster boy of the rich. You, the hottest girl on campus, Satoru’s girlfriend (or are you). Friends, bitches, love and betrayal - a competition to ruin all relationships. 
Content Warning: fluff, fights, focused on SatoSugu, reader is rich and low-key a bitch, fuckboy Satoru, love triangle (stsg and reader) breakups, friendship breakups, typical Bollywood drama, a few swear words, ends on a positive note
Word Count: 21k | masterlist
A/N: For those of you unfamiliar with SOTY i've attached the links to the movie's songs <3 the tall guy is Sugu and shorter one is Satoru's character
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Saint Teresa - the college where dreams come true, or nightmares become real. Saint Teresa is a big name with a big game - having a big division in the trust fund kids and the scholarship kids. There’s the star of the trust fund kids - Satoru Gojo - the son of the biggest tycoon of the country, who is blessed by the gods with a charming face and a gift for music, and wants to be a rockstar. Music is his passion, but he does have a lover - only the prettiest girl of Saint Teresa, the one sought after by everyone who's anyone. She drowns in luxury, dropping brand names like they were some pop stars. The only things she doesn’t lack are beauty and money.
One might think that with the prettiest girl of the school at his side, Satoru wouldn’t even look at other people, but as the first day of the new college term rolls out, you’re met with the sight of your boyfriend of four years getting a little to cosy to Tanya, his hand on her waist and her hands on his chest. You see red - the wine in your hand finding a target besides your mouth.
You pat his back, trying to get his attention, but he pushes you off in favour of whispering dirty-nothings to Tanya, the brunette soaking up his attention. The fates are cruel and the other woman notices you first, and Satoru only turns around to see you when Tanya asks him to.
He’s shocked, surprised and begins profusely apologising for not noticing you earlier, while Tanya looks at you with an annoying smirk plastered on her face.
“You know Tanya, wine stains are the hardest to get rid off,” You tell her, feeling positively malicious, directing your anger at her instead of Satoru.
“Thanks for the washing machine tip, I guess?” She responds, her voice snarky.
“You’ll need it,” you say, before throwing the remaining wine onto her white top and stalking away from the both of them.
“Baby, listen!” Satoru calls after you, catching up easily with his long legs. “Baby, I said I’m sorry, why did you have to do that?”
“Listen, Satoru,” You emphasised on his name, an angry crease between your brows. “If you don’t leave your company this term, I will leave you. Fix yourself.”
“Baby, you look so sexy, all jealous and threatening me,” Satoru teases, licking his lips as he looks down at you.
“I’m being serious, Satoru,” You say, not using any endearments for him. “You’ve been at it for too long. Stop testing me.”
A new sports scholarship student joins Saint Teresa for the new term, state level track gold medalist and a martial arts champion - Suguru Geto. He’s from a humble background, not having the flair and pomp of the rich kids, but he has the confidence and the skills to make things work. He drives his simple motorbike to the campus from the dorms, backpack on his shoulder. His long dark hair is tied up in a bun, and a few bangs frame his pretty face. 
He parks his bike at an empty spot, when two guys, one blond and the other raven  haired, come up to him. Suguru looks at them, a little confused, but doesn’t say anything regardless.
“Hey bangs guy, don’t you know this parking spot is reserved for the Satoru Gojo?” Ichiji Kiyotaka says. He too is one of the scholarship kids, dressed in simple clothes. His companion, Kento Nanami, seems like a scholarship kid as well with his too-neat hair and simple shirt and jeans. “Go park your bike somewhere else.”
He looks at them, scowling, but doesn’t attempt to move his bike.
Just then, the man in question rolls in with his blue Ferrari, lips turned up in disgust on seeing his usual spot occupied with a cheap bike he can’t even be bothered to know the name of. 
“Kiyotaka, why is the trash here?” His voice is arrogant and full of himself, glaring at Kiyotaka and the bangs guy from behind his opaque sunglasses. “Don’t I pay you to keep my spot empty everyday?”
“This trash is called a motorbike and runs on petrol, you see,” Suguru says, voice laced in calm confidence.
“What did you say was your name again?” Satoru asks, sparkly blue eyes scrutinising him up and down from under his fluffy white hair - right from his bun and bangs to his sneakers, lip curling in disgust.
“I simply never said it,” Suguru simply says, purple eyes fixed on him, a model of confidence.
Satoru’s sidekick, another kid paying full fees, Yu Haibara, chimed in,  “Are you trying to play Crorepati with us? You’ll give options and then we’ll have to choose?”
“I’m called Suguru Geto,” Suguru finally says, the air of confidence never leaving him.
“Suguru,” Satoru tries saying his name, the disinterest in his voice feigns - behind his sunglasses, his blue eyes are trying to find a point of weakness. “Well, Suguru, this is my parking spot, and I’m asking you to take your tractor away.”
Suguru doesn’t respond, going to the blue Ferrari instead, saying, “2005 Ferrari F360 Spider convertible, 400 horsepower with alloy wheels, a great car.”
“What are you man or Google?” Kiyotaka Ichiji comments.
“Maybe he was a mechanic back in his village,” Satoru says, looking down on him.
“A valet at the nightclub,” Suguru says.
“Valet?” Satoru says, giddy on finally finding a weakness. He throws him the keys of the car, which the bangs guy expertly catches and says, “Take the keys and park my car. And here’s some cash, maybe get your tractor cleaned.” He pauses for a moment, then adds. “Keep the change,”
Everyone waits with a baited breath to see the calm, confident bangs guy reaction, Satoru with a cocky smirk on his lips as Suguru calmly gets in the driver side of the car and the engine roars to life. There’s a collective gasp as Suguru takes the 2005 F360 to the muddy ground and runs it around in near perfect doughnuts, turning the baby blue to a muddy brown. There’s a crowd gathered around him, loud gossip travelling in the crowd, half terrified, half annoyed but most of it admiring the man with the bangs.
The white haired man’s heart threatens to burst out of his chest at the rage he’s feeling - no one ever dares to cross him, especially not a scholarship kid who couldn’t even afford to be there. He is seeing red, eyes bloodshot and focused on Suguru, he’ll rip the confidence right out of him with the bangs everyone is seeming to talk about.
Satoru is ready to fight, when Suguru lazily steps out of the blue Ferrari and throws the keys right back to the owner. When Satoru is in closer range, the dark haired man takes the cash that he’d been given and hands it back saying, “Here’s some cash to get your car cleaned.” Suguru steps back and takes a short pause. “And please, keep the change.”
Being insulted like that on the first day of the new term by some scholarship brat was not on Satoru Gojo’s bucket list. He is red with rage, and throws the sunglasses off and pushes his white hair back from his forehead before raising his fists to hit the new guy, but Suguru’s easy defence only eggs him on more. They’re fighting, but Suguru has a bit of the upper hand with his expertise in martial arts. But soon the two are being pulled apart by the crowd while the rest continue recording the fight. To everyone else, it was a brilliant first day of school, and gossip fodder for everyone for the whole term.
They’re both escorted to the Dean, Masamichi Yaga’s office, the old man not very happy to be dealing with silly boy fist fights on the first day of the newest term. He has been in a nice mood this morning after talking with his bonsai plant, but that’s ruined now. He sounds jolly when he begins his questions, “Boys will be boys, bad boys, right?”  His jolly tone deceives Satoru who nods in agreement.
“No, nonsense. This uncivilised behaviour is unexpected from students of St. Teresa,” He scolds them both. “Which one of you started the fight?”
“Sir, he did,” Satoru says, pointing to his left. “He parked in my spot,”
“It was empty when I came,” Suguru counters, annoyed. “It’s not your father’s parking, is it?”
“You know what, it actually is,” Satoru turns to him, nerves getting the best of him. “My father is the biggest trustee of St. Teresa-”
“You must think that your dad pays my salary as well then, Mr. Gojo,” Dean Yaga intervenes in a sassy voice. “You don’t speak like that in my office, Mr. Gojo. Speaking of your father, I’ve invited him as our first guest speaker, so he’ll be here in a day or two. I’ll let him know of your antics then,”
Satoru quickly turns around, white hair flying in all directions as the anger turns into surprise, blue eyes comically widen,“Please don’t, sir.”
“Now shake your hands like gentlemen and don’t repeat this same mistake,” Yaga says, smiling sweetly. He was an eccentric man - kinder and gentler to his plants than to most of his faculty and students. The two men reluctantly shake their hands and share a plastic smile, if only to get out of the Dean’s office.
- - - - - -
“Satoru, you were acting so recklessly,” you say, applying an ointment to the bruise on his cheekbone. The brunette Tanya, not discouraged by your wine attack, was sitting right beside your boyfriend, worrying herself. Shoko, your best friend, rolls her eyes, not very fond of Tanya or Satoru.
“Who does this new guy think he is, not respecting you?” Tanya says instead, feeding into his bloated ego. “It’s good that you taught him a lesson,”
Yu agrees, always the loyal sidekick. “That’s right, Satoru, he had no right to steal your parking spot then humiliate you like that. Bloody scholarship brat.”
- - - - -
“Suguru, you’ve earnt us scholarship kids respect,” Nanami, the blond man of a few words says. “The way you handled Satoru, I salute you on behalf of all of us.”
Suguru raises his eyebrow to acknowledge his classmate, but continues going forward, excited to hear Isamu Gojo talk about his success in becoming a raging business tycoon in the country while coming from nothing.
“Where are you going?” Kento asks. “You can’t go to the front, that’s for the trust fund kids. Come here, sit with your bank account.”
“I’ll sit where I want,” Suguru says with that calm confidence typical of him. He sits down right next to Shoko, who sat with her friends - Satoru and his group of the one-percenter kids. All of your eyes flit to him, but he seemingly doesn’t care - or if he does, he is doing a great job not showing it.
You take note of his bangs, and his hair in bun - you’re half jealous of his hair and partly angry at his treatment of your boyfriend, but you also admire his confidence. Turning back to Satoru, you see him staring at bangs guy, eyes full of spite - it seems even worse than your spite towards that bitch Tanya. “Satoru, don’t,” you quietly whisper to him, putting your hand on his. He only gives an annoyed glance, which hurts you more than it should have.
“Good morning boys and girls, I am very delighted to have our first session with a guest speaker, one of the leading business tycoons of the country - Isamu Gojo!” Dean Yaga says, and the whole crowd erupts in cheers and applause. Satoru is quick to plug his ears with his earbuds, loud music already blaring through. “We’re glad that you could join us today, Mr. Gojo.”
“I hope you are having a wonderful term so far, ladies and gentlemen,” Isamu Gojo says. He too is a big, tall man with white hair and light eyes, the resemblance with his son almost uncanny. “I would like to correct you, Masamichi, I’m the leading business tycoon of the country,” he then proceeds to laugh at his own joke, enjoying the way the Dean and the teacher’s smile drops. “See, I’m not one for guiding you to bookish studies, your teachers are enough for that. Your teachers teach you the rules of the world, but keep one thing in mind: it's the winners who make those rules. So keep up your winning spirit and dedication, and play the game to win - not to learn the rules.”
He beams with pride as the crowd roars in applause, as if he just hadn’t insulted the whole faculty body of the school. Satoru too joins the applause, even though he hadn’t heard a word - he didn’t need to, hearing the condescending words all the time back at home. Somehow, he’s even more spiteful of his own father than he is of the bangs guy.
- - - - -
“Suguru Geto,” The coach says, noticing Suguru after classes a couple of days later. Everyone knows Suguru by now - his fight with Satoru Gojo, then his calm confidence in classes, with his pretty face and unique hair is the talk of all cliques. “State Level Track gold-medalist and martial arts expert… Have you ever played football?”
“I have, sir,” Suguru says, smiling politely. 
“Why don’t you come for the tryouts tomorrow?” Coach says. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
“I’ll be there, sir.” Suguru promises.
Unsurprisingly, Satoru and his loyal sidekick Haibara are a part of the football team. Kiyotaka is acting as the coach’s assistant - keeping things in order for him. Satoru Gojo’s clique tries so hard to ruin Suguru’s tryouts for the team, attempting to trip him, tackle him, but his graceful movements and power packed kicks are more than enough to defend and dodge himself, all the while managing to score a perfect goal. Satoru’s usually pretty face is creased with frowns and scowls, mood sour at Suguru making it into his team. He’ll be sure to rub the bangs guy in the mud once he is appointed captain, determined to show the coach that the village brat is a bastard.
“Haibara, bring me the keys to the notice board,” Satoru says, a devious plan already forming in his head.
“What are you gonna do with that boss?” Haibara asks.
“Just bring me the keys, Haibara.” Satoru says, annoyed.
- - - - -
Two mornings later, Haibara comes to Satoru with the news that the coach was not happy with Suguru and had ordered him to jog 200 laps of the school ground - which Suguru accepted without a voice of protest. Satoru feels awful for what he’s done - delivering piss to the coach’s house and labelling it as Ganga Jal (our equivalent to holy water) signed under Suguru’s name. He watches as Suguru sends Ichiji off - who was supposed to watch his laps, but continues jogging around the perimeter of the massive St. Teresa ground.
Seeing bangs accept the punishment he deserves changes something in him, it gives him a moment of introspection, of why he was villainising the new guy so much. Sure, bangs had parked in his spot, but the spot was empty when he came. He got selected in the team, but because he was actually good at the game. He was becoming the teachers’ favourite, but that was because he was polite and performed well with just enough confidence. The girls that usually fawned over Satoru and his guitar and his music, were now fawning over Suguru’s voice and bangs, never missing the chance to admire him - but Satoru shouldn’t care - he already has the prettiest girl on campus - you.
After class, the aspiring rockstar swallows the bitter pill and calls after Suguru, “Hey! Hey!” Suguru doesn’t listen, is too engrossed in his book and continues walking. Satoru’s long legs pick up speed, and he’s power walking to catch up. “Oh hello, I’m talking to you, bangs!”
“My name is Suguru, you know?” Suguru says with an annoyed sigh.
“Yeah, yeah, Suguru,” Satoru dismisses, continuing to walk beside Suguru, who bookmarks his spot in the book before turning to him. “I came here to say thanks for yesterday morning. You didn’t have to save us, you know. I could’ve handled the coach pretty easily.”
“I know, I didn’t want to do it at all either,” Suguru says, his voice level.
“Then why did you do it?” Satoru says, his cool-kid facade falling a bit.
“I was trying to act like Mahatma,” Suguru says, upturning the book he was reading. It was a biography of Mahatma Gandhi. “I wanted to know what Gandhi felt like being so idealistic.”
“You’ve got some loose screws, man,” Satoru incredulously says, motioning the loose screws with his large hands.
“I may have some loose screws, but you don’t have any.” Suguru deadpans.
“Very funny,” the white haired man scoffs. “You did listen to my dad, I suppose that is bound to make some impact on you.”
“You know, your dad isn’t crazy, he’s a little crooked,” Suguru says. “Which is a good thing, no one reaches that level of money without being at least a little crooked.”
“Show some respect to Gandhi in your hands, man,” Satoru teases, taking the book from him. “The gods made a silly mistake, you should’ve been my father’s son.”
“Why do you care so much about your father?” Suguru says, taking back the Gandhi biography from him, his thin dark eyebrow raised.
“I don’t care for my father or my mother,”
“You do, you’re seeking validation from them.” Suguru observes. “But it seems like all you get from them is money.”
“Wow, and now you’re an expert in parents’ philosophy, right?” Satoru dodges the accusation that hit just a bit too close.
Suguru looks away, the confident demeanour shaking as he says in a small voice, “I am, now that they’re gone.”
“What do you mean gone, are they on a vacation?” Satoru asks, genuinely confused.
“They’re dead,” Suguru says with an accepting sigh. Satoru stops in his tracks, wanting the earth to swallow him whole in that moment - how could he be so stupid and insensitive? “Quit the dramatics, man, yours are alive.”
“You fucker,” Satoru says, a chuckle escaping him. “You motherfucker,” Suguru smirks, accepting the insincere swearing. Satoru’s blue eyes gleam with laughter and he pats his new friend’s chest and says, “Let’s go to the cafeteria. It’s time for me to meet my girlfriend,”
- - - - - - - 
You’re on your way to the cafeteria, enjoying your conversation with Shoko about the newest phone on the market when your good mood is soured by Tanya strutting in your direction, her hefty handbag seemingly weighing her down. Her friends follow her, but you don’t pay attention to them as Tanya comes to a stop in front of you, her head tilted up to look at you and a qualifier smile on her face.
“Have you heard who became the head cheerleader for this term?” Tanya teases, her annoying smirk never leaving her face. “It's Tanya Israni,” She eggs you on, frustrated by the calm smile on your face. “You must be so upset, because this position is only given to the most popular girl of the school,” 
“I’m so happy for you Tanya,” You cooly say, stepping a little closer to her. “Good for you honestly,” You cheer her on, enjoying the confused look on her face. Shoko snickers behind you, fighting the laughter from her face. “You know, it’s really not my style to take pom-poms in my hands and scream and dance to catch men’s attention. I much prefer it if they notice me and try to catch my attention, you know. So, I’m so happy you got to be the head cheerleader.”
You pat her shoulders and walk away, Shoko hot on your heels. 
At the cafeteria, you’re met with Satoru, your pretty boyfriend, who whips out his guitar and sings a song in your praise, and you eat it all up. It’s been quite a while since you’ve got his attention to himself - with bangs taking up most of his time and energy. You bask in the attention he gives you, eyes not missing bangs and the way his mysterious eyes linger on you as if trying to decipher you.
“All the attention on me suddenly?” You ask Satoru, taunting his last few months of hoeing around. “Are you sick? Or did you finally fix yourself?”
“I’m getting back on track,” He jokes, putting his arms around you.
“Or maybe you just want the world to know that she is still dating you,” Shoko teases. She isn’t a fan of Satoru, but she especially hates him now that he’s started taking you for granted.
“There she is, my competition,” Satoru gently punches Shoko’s shoulder, laughing. “Shoko, did you miss me?”
“In your dreams, Satoru,” Shoko shrugs his hand off, taking a whiff of her cigarette. “Besides, your competition is right here. Suguru, right?”
Suguru nods in acknowledgement as Satoru easily orders Yu around.“Haibara, go get chairs for the girls,” 
“Ah, so you’re Suguru,” You say, raising your brow, scrutinising him.
“You’re saying as if you never noticed me,” He deadpans.
“I only saw you, noticing is totally different,” You say, pushing your hair out of your face. “Anyways, I’ve got to run to class now, Satoru. I’ll see you later.” You kiss his cheek and wave at Suguru then grab Shoko and rush to class. Suguru’s dark eyes follow your figure as you leave, trying to see under your rudeness.
“Don’t even think about it, Suguru,” Satoru warns. “That’s my girlfriend.”
“Well, good for you that she’s not my type then,” Suguru says, turning to his friend. “Besides, I have different plans.”
“I don’t care about your plans,” Satoru says, practically radiating with excitement. “I’m just happy that there’s finally someone who can match me.” He then shakes his head and leaves, fixing his glasses on the way out. Haibara returns with the chair, giving an odd look to Suguru, who rolls his eyes and walks away. 
- - - - - - - 
Friendships, breakups, jealousy, parties - all of it was a common occurrence at St. Teresa. But every other weekend, everyone got a reality check - when they went back to their homes.
At the Gojos back in Delhi, Isamu and Akihiko, Satoru’s older brother, were discussing the stock market and the impact of the changing polls on their organisation over dinner, disregarding himself and his mother. Satoru still tries to bond with them, trying to put forth some of his opinions, “Dad, I think-”
“You think?” Isamu taunts. “Since when did that happen?”
“Satoru, leave the thinking to us intellectuals,” Akihiko says. “You focus on your music, that’s what you have talent for, no? I’ll need your help finalising the music for the sangeet function at my wedding, you know. You can think about that. Leave the thinking about the stock market to us.”
Meanwhile at your residence - your mom and her latest husband discuss the gossip of people you couldn’t care less about. How that couple treated your mother, how the woman blatantly ignored her kind words of advice, how she had a horrible taste for the interior of her house - the same old, same old.
“I’m pregnant,” You abruptly say, trying to steer the conversation to some other direction.
“What did you say young lady-” Your mother starts, and your newest step father looks nearly as aghast as you mother.
“I’m kidding,” you say, rolling your eyes with a defeated sigh. “Please continue,”
Back in Dehradun, Suguru sits for dinner with his family - his Chacha, Chachi, cousins and Dadi, mustering up the courage to finally ask for some pocket money for a chemistry project.
“Suguru, everything alright in school?” His uncle asks.
“Yeah, Chachu, everything’s great.” He bites his lip then finally says, “Chachu, actually I needed some money for a chemistry project-”
“Right,” His Chachi intervenes. “Of course, Mr. Ambani, could you please give him some money from your endless bank account?”
His Dadi beats his Chacha to it, saying, “I’ll give you the money,” then she adds. “There’s a little less salt in the food, but okay I’ll manage.”
- - - - - - - -
With Monday, everything is back to normal. There’s a change in the daily life in Saint Teresa now that Satoru and Suguru have become friends, their friendship quickly becoming one of the best the college has ever seen. 
The football team is practising for the yearly match with Saint Lawrence, a match that has been won by their competitors for an unbeatable record of 24 years. Dean Yaga hopes that this will change with this batch, the wonderful players he has got and even more wonderful Coach of theirs.
Coach is in a serious dilemma watching the team practice. Both Satoru and Suguru are brilliant players and would make great captains - but the custom is to have only one captain in the team. Making one captain in favour of another isn’t something he is considering, too much has already happened between the two before they started behaving civilly. 
“Yu Haibara!” Coach calls. “You’re the football team captain for this term.”
Haibara, standing between Suguru and Satoru, is startled at first, then he celebrates with delight. The two friends on either side of him share a smile, accepting their unassigned-assigned co-captaincy of the team.
On the day of the much awaited match, you, Shoko, and Kento take your spot in the bleachers, while Tanya and her cheer squad stand right by the field. Your boys in blue and your opponents in red - the two teams come out of the stands and shake hands before taking positions for the game.
It’s a mess right when it starts - the boys in blue are too defensive, but they are too focused on not letting them score, where they miss the chances to snatch the ball away from them which ultimately led to a goal. Twice before halftime. Standing at an embarrassing 2-0, your side sulks and accepts defeat, ready to lose to Saint Lawrence for the 25th time in a row.
But after the half time, your boys in blue have gone from defensive to offensive, never letting the ball pass to the opposing team in red - keeping the ball to themselves. For a moment the ball goes to the red team, but Satoru is deft to act and snatches the ball away from them with a couple of his antics, not violating any rule of the game. He scores the first goal of the match for the blue team. From the humiliating 2-0 the score was now up to a less embarrassing 2-1. Your side erupted in cheers, and you were perhaps the loudest.
The next goal is just as swift, but this time it's Suguru running with the ball, easily distracting their goalie and scoring a goal. The game is now at a tie of 2-2.
The next time, Yu manages to snag the ball from the red players and then passes the ball to Suguru who keeps two of the red defenders occupied while he pretends to go for the goal and kicks the ball to Satoru whose deft attacks give Saint Teresa the final goal of the match - and the first victory after 25 years. 
The team and the bleachers erupt in cheers, and the new friends and teammates share a hug. They’re jumping on the field, looking at each other with newfound respect and admiration. Suguru’s dark bangs stick to his forehead and Satoru’s white hair drips sweat down to the grass, which he is quick to wipe with the front of his jersey. The girls nearly lose their minds, but his attention is elsewhere.
“Don't kiss me now,” Suguru teases Satoru, yelling over the crowd.
“I won’t even hug you,” Satoru says as he envelopes Suguru in a bear hug, both of them feeling the sheer joy of winning and making their college proud.
Satoru takes Suguru back home to Delhi after their match to celebrate - the lavish mansion with servants at every beck and call leaving a scanning Suguru further steeling his resolve for his success, the only thing he joined Saint Teresa for. Satoru introduces Suguru to his mother, who seems like a meek, kind woman. Suguru holds his hands together in a namaste before her.
“Your father was asking for you, Satoru,” His mother says, wrapping her saree over her free arm.
“Why, is he unwell?” Satoru sarcastically asks, but follows his mother nonetheless, dragging Suguru along.
“Dad this is S-”
“Suguru Geto, I know,” Isamu Gojo shakes his hand as soon as he hangs up the call. “I’ve heard a lot about you, son. You are a popular name among teachers. I hope your determination rubs off on him too.” The way Isamu talks about his own son, his flesh and blood makes Suguru uncomfortable, but as usual he maintains his air of calm confidence.
“Uncle, but today’s victory is all thanks to Satoru, you know.” Suguru says. “If he hadn’t made the goal -”
“Oh really, I didn’t know you were capable of anything outside of playing that damned guitar.” the older white haired man taunts. Satoru grits his teeth, eyes narrowing behind his round sunglasses.
“He doesn’t appreciate it,” Satoru says, voice bitter. “Especially if it’s me,”
“If you want to hear compliments so bad, do something that matters,” Isamu challenges. “Win that Student Of the Year trophy, then we’ll talk.”
“What's the point in winning the trophy, you won't be happy then either,” Satoru says.
“It’s not about me being happy, it’s about ambition,” Isamu says, turning to Suguru, more welcoming of him than his own son. “You tell me, Suguru, would you win the Student of the Year trophy?”
“That trophy is mine sir,” Suguru says with his signature confidence, his voice smooth and even. “Now we just have to wait for it to get home,”
“That’s the spirit,” Isamu says, patting the dark-haired man’s shoulders. “I’m happy to hear that. Maybe some of your influence will rub off on Satoru with time. Now tell me, where do you see yourself in the future?”
“As you,” Suguru says, then seeing the creased brow, he elaborates on their similarities - small town kids growing up with low money, then taking the market by a storm with sheer force of will and strategic decisions. “Maybe even a bigger business tycoon than you.”
“Now this is ambition,” Isamu says, beaming with pride. “I love your confidence, my son. Maybe not everyone wants to play a guitar now.”
“Let’s go Suguru,” He says, eager to leave his golden cage.
Delhi’s buzzing nightlife is where Satoru takes him for their celebration. Even though it’s just the two of them, Suguru feels strange seeing his friend interact with everyone. Of course, he was familiar with the nightlife, but he’s always been there to work, never to enjoy. Satoru with his fluffy white hair and bright blue eyes and charming words is popular among the crowd - both the men and the women. It takes him some time - a couple days - to loosen up and feel the music.
Satoru is pressing up behind a giggly woman, his signature smirk on his lips and his glasses down just enough to tease the pretty colour of his eyes. He easily moves with her, going beyond just casually dancing with her. Suguru is entertaining a girl as well, but he’s not much into it - he isn’t fond of meaningless connections.
In the morning, they get a smoke - Satoru is so different from his night self - zoned out and blue eyes droopy with a longing. “Suguru… do you miss your parents?” he suddenly asks.
Suguru takes a moment to process the question, flashes of his happier times passing in his head. “Hmm, I do,” He says, nodding.
“Me too,” Satoru says, eyes focused on something and nothing at the same time.
Come the night, Satoru is back to his womaniser self - this time having two women splayed over him rather than just one. Suguru’s mind suddenly flashes your pretty face, and he wonders if you’d approve of his behaviour. He’s disgusted by Satoru’s behaviour, how he’s an attentionwhore but is not letting you go either. He might be too poor to understand your setup, he thinks.
The next night, they’re back on campus and the whole school is celebrating at the nearest club - Satoru is again getting cosy with Tanya, not even noticing you. You’re outraged and want to cause a scene, but you don’t. You don’t know what’s gotten into him in the past year, why he’s been going out and letting women get so close to him. Why did he need this much attention? Why couldn’t you leave him? You go to the bar, and to your surprise, Bangs is the one to notice your sulking self and he gets you shot. The two of you down the bitter drink, and he flashes his. And for some reason, you find yourself smiling even when he’s gone.
The next weekend, Suguru and Satoru are back in Delhi, smoking at their usual spot when Suguru finally asks him, “Do you love her?”
“I’m a little confused,” Satoru admits, looking down.
“About her?” Suguru asks, brow creased.
“About love,” Satoru admits, looking down at his phone.
“Are you gay?” Suguru asks incredulously.
Satoru chuckles, pulling Suguru close with his shirt. “Yeah, I am come here,”
“Oi, shut up!” Suguru smacks him away, laughing.
By the night, Satoru is too drunk, and Suguru drives the blue Ferrari back to the lavish Gojo house, picks up his drunk friend and drops him on his bed. Satoru mumbles at him to stay the night. Suguru too is exhausted, and he’s out like a lightbulb almost as soon as he drops to the bed. In the morning, the loud blaring of an electric guitar in an unfamiliar but upbeat tune wakes him up. Suguru goes to the balcony and sees the Gojo family, minus Satoru having breakfast and decides to join them.
“Good morning Uncle, Good morning Aunty,” Suguru greets them. “We got late last night so Satoru asked me to stay,”
“That’s alright my son, come sit with us.” Isamu says, motioning to the empty chair. “You’re listening to what we have to put up with every morning? Our little maestro is practising,”
“I was thinking I'd ask him for music recommendations for my sangeet but listening to this, I was terribly wrong.” Akihiko says. “It’s just noise.”
“Yeah, son, Akihiko is getting married, you should join us.” Isamu says. “Yu, Yaga, Coach, Tanya and the girl who is too good for Satoru, they're all coming.”
“Satoru didn’t say anything about-” Suguru reluctantly says.
“Yeah, he isn’t invited yet,” Isamu and his oldest laugh at his joke. “No need to worry about tickets and stay, we’ll go via our jet and there’s accommodation for everyone, my son.”
“Thank you, sir.” Suguru says, his smile reserved. He cannot fathom why Isamu antagonises his own flesh and blood this much. Satoru arrives as Isamu and Akihiko leave, and they don’t leave without a taunt. “Mr. Gojo just invited me to your brother’s wedding,” Suguru says, taking a sip of the orange juice as Satoru sits down next to him.
“Wow, maybe he’ll write your name in his will too,” Satoru says, rolling his eyes.
“That’s the plan,” Suguru teases.
“Remember, the dad comes with the property,” Satoru warns, mocking his father.
“With a bank balance like that I’ll handle everyone,” Suguru jokes, and Satoru just shakes his head, unaware of his own privilege.
- - - - - - 
The wedding party lands in Thailand with much pomp - the first day they only relax and enjoy Thailand. Your mood is sour again - Satoru spent the whole flight flirting with Tanya and enjoying her advances, letting her touch him in ways that only you should be able to. On top of that Shoko wasn’t there, and now you had to spend the entire weekend with this.
When you land, Tanya starts enquiring about the luggage, to which you say, “Didn’t all of your clothes fit in your handbag?” and Satoru has the nerve to get mad at you - telling you that you should mind your tongue.
“Welcome to Thailand,” Bangs says, when he crosses you.
Later, you go to the resort’s beach, hoping to finally get some time with Satoru - only to see him lying on Tanya’s lap as she smothers his chest in sunscreen. Your sour mood turns bitter, and you go back to your room, eyes threatening to spill. But you take a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. Was it so easy for him to let loose after four years of being your boyfriend? Was he no longer attracted to you? You ponder with the thought of leaving him, but you don’t want to give him up - you love him, you think, and you don’t want your four years to go to waste.
Unbeknownst to you, bangs was feeling similar towards Satoru’s dismissal of you - seriously questioning his friend as to why he was even looking at other girls with you by his side. If it were up to Suguru and he had a girlfriend as amazing and pretty as you, he wouldn’t even look at other women.
The next morning, you see Satoru with Tanya - whose shrill voice is just a pitch lower than a moan. She’s massaging his back and letting out sounds which can only be described as ones of pleasure. You know about pleasure, of course - but you don’t sound that obnoxious.
“Should I massage your neck, while she massages your back?” You ask Satoru, voice sickly sweet. He takes off his glasses, blue eyes narrowed in annoyance and pushes his fluffy hair away from his face before acknowledging you. Tanya’s hands get more lecherous, a smirk on her face as her dark eyes meet yours.
“What do you mean?” Satoru asks, sounding almost mad at you.
You don’t back down, saying, “I thought you were too fond of massages,” motioning to the way he was sitting in front of Tanya.
“I’m only helping Satoru release his tension, he’s always so stressed.” Tanya says, her voice artificially shrill and concerned. “See, his back has so many knots.”
“Why don’t you open a massage stall then? Everyone in Bangkok would come to you to release their stress.” You snap at her, the dam breaking.
“That’s enough! Why are you acting so insecure?” Satoru has the audacity to get mad at you, looking down at you with such annoyance that you actually start thinking that you’ve done something wrong. “I’m only chilling with my friends, no? What’s so wrong with that?”
The damn holding your tears back breaks, “There’s nothing wrong, absolutely nothing,” your voice breaks and you rush away, tears spilling.
You stand by an isolated spot, away from everyone’s eyes, letting your tears flow freely. Why is everything going wrong between you and Satoru? Did he not love you anymore? Did he ever love you? You can hear Shoko’s voice, telling you to leave him, that you deserve someone so much better than him. If he does all of that in front of you, what’s to say what he does behind your back? She had said.
Suddenly, Bangs is standing beside you, and you’re quick to wipe away your tears. You don’t want to see Satoru’s sidekick come and lecture you - you’ve had enough of that from Haibara, and you don’t want to hear the same thing from bangs. “So typical of Satoru,” You say, voice nasal from all the crying. “He can’t come face me himself, so he sends his sidekick to wipe my tears.”
“Firstly, I’m no one’s sidekick,” Bangs says, handing you a white handkerchief. It has a small back embroidery of his initials. “Secondly, I’m not here to wipe your tears, you’ve got a runny nose.” You take the white muslin cloth and quickly wipe your nose. “You’re the classy type, it doesn’t suit you.” For a moment you think that he’s talking about Satoru, but you’re quick to dismiss the thought. “Now that I’m here, do you want to tell me what’s happening or sing a lovely song for me?”
You don't look at him, focusing your teary gaze on a random spot in the distance. “I’m so fed up with Satoru,” You hate the way your voice sounds nasal, giving away just how much everything was affecting you. You felt weak and exposed, but for some reason you felt you wouldn’t get judgement from Bangs. “I’ve known him for 10 years, been dating him for 4, and from the past year it feels like all of this is a big mistake.”
“Then why not leave him?” Bangs gently suggests, but it sounds more like a genuine question and not a statement.
“I don’t like breaking relationships,” You admit.
“Then do something to get him on the right path,” He says, and you finally look at him, noticing him for the first time.
“How so?” You ask, brow raised.
“Maybe take a wrong path yourself,” He shrugs, the sun hits his shades and bangs perfectly, and you can see the violet of his eyes from this close under the sun. You cross your arms over your chest, a devious plan forming in your head with Suguru’s pretty face in your mind.
In the evening, you decide to take the stage and perform to the song, having coordinated with the music set up and the bride and groom. Akihiko was way too excited to see his brother get put in his place, agreeing to your idea immediately. Everything is a deliberate plan - from your pink blouse to your lehenga skirt and the way it hugs your figure in the most flattering of ways you feel and look hot.
Satoru and Tanya stand in the audience as the music starts to play, stopping the hushed whispers exchanging. Her back is still pressed against his chest, enjoying the warmth he offers. For a change, Satoru has ditched his glasses and is adorning a fancy golden kurta, the colour flattering his pale complexion and white hair. Tanya too is dressed in a sexy golden saree - and they look too much like a couple for your taste. That makes your resolve all the more strong.
Satoru watches with a crease between his white brows seeing a familiar figure on the stage, but her face is veiled by the dupatta, the lighting just dim enough to make the face of the girl a mystery. The music starts to play and when the dupatta veil falls after a few steps to reveal your pretty face - Satoru is stunned. You’re too sexy, all for him to admire. He covers his face, part astonished, part embarrassed. Tanya grits her teeth, but smiles along when Satoru tells her how pretty you look. Suguru on the other hand, dressed in a lovely navy kurta that compliments his dark hair and pretty eyes, raises his hands and cheers you on.
Much to Satoru’s surprise while dancing to the music, instead of coming to him in the crowd, you go to Suguru. An indescribable feeling climbs up his throat at the sight of you dancing and enjoying with his best friend - your steps complimenting each other so well. Tanya tries to distract him, and for a while he is distracted. Until he sees you again - you’re coming toward him so he pushes Tanya out of your way - but you only push him in a mix of playfulness and annoyance and return to Suguru. 
Satoru, being the rockstar that he is, easily catches the beat of the music and is able to keep up with your practised steps, trying to get closer to you.
For a moment, the three of you are dancing together, but you lean more toward your boyfriend’s best friend - disregarding him as he has been disregarding you. Somewhere with the music, your Dean Yaga takes up the Dafli and surprises everyone with how well he plays the instrument. You, Satoru and Suguru join him on the stage, and Yaga turns into a blushing mess with all the compliments. 
Suguru is surprised to have you dancing this close to him, even with your dance performance over and the DJ being open for everyone. He pushes you away when you get a bit too close, for perfume all up in his nose and your pretty, decorated eyes looking up at him with such affection. He grabs your shoulders and pushes you back a little when you get too close again - worried about all the eyes on him and you - he doesn’t want to cause a scene. He can feel Satoru’s burning gaze on the two of you and he does not like that.
When you get too close a couple more times, he’s finally had enough and grabs your arm to take you away from the crowd, brows creased and a scowl on his face. Suguru doesn’t like this spark that ignites inside him with your pretty face and sweet voice and lovely outfit. He shouldn’t feel this way about you - you’re his best friend’s girlfriend, after all.
“What do you think you’re doing?” His yell isn’t loud, but his voice is scolding.
But the playfulness doesn’t leave your eyes, and you look at him as if he should be in on some secret that he isn’t in on. “You only said to take the wrong path,” you say, a teasing smile on your lips, enjoying the frustrated expression on his usually stoic confident face. “What’s a better wrong path than you?”
“Don’t be stupid, girl,” He scoffs. “Satoru is my best friend,”
“That’s why you’re perfect.” You explain, and your pretty eyes are such a tease, Suguru thinks. “You’re helping your friend by saving his relationship, and I know you won’t try to take advantage of me. Maybe we’ll also become friends by this. It’s not a bad thing, you see. Right?” You put your hands on his crossed arms, your bangles clinking as you try to shake him into agreement
His purple eyes gaze at you for a long moment, and you pretend to fix your bangles, feeling flustered under his steady gaze. You didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself if he refused your offer.
“You’re not as stupid as you seem,” Suguru has a rare, genuine smile on his face, calm, steady voice returning. “So… What’s the plan?”
You look up at him with a child-like smirk, twirling your dupatta between your fingers. “Now we’re talking,” you say, then you drag him away.
Unbeknownst to you, Satoru’s eyes have been following the two of you and he didn’t know he was capable of feeling such jealousy - until he saw you with Suguru - perhaps the only man who can compare to him. He cannot hear the words you exchanged, but the ways you looked at each other spoke louder to him than any words ever could. Have you ever looked at him like that? Like the way you teasingly looked up at Suguru, batting your pretty eyes at him?
The next morning, Satoru is lying in the sun on the beach, with Tanya sitting behind him, lotion in her hand. He sat up straight on seeing you, eyes peeled and sunglasses off - you’re so hot in a yellow and honey coloured bikini - hair wet from the time you had spent in the water. The sun makes your skin glow like the goddess that you are, trying not to laugh at the way your boyfriend’s jaw has dropped, the girl sitting behind him long forgotten. Satoru half raises his hands, wanting you to sit with him. It’s comical the way both their heads turn when you go past him to Suguru, who was casually laying in the sun, shades on his eyes and reading a business magazine.
“May I sit here?” You ask the pretty guy with the bangs, voice deliberately sultry.
“Yeah, sure,” He says, putting down the magazine and sitting up to make space for you behind him. Satoru and Tanya have extremely confused expressions plastered on their faces, and Satoru looks like a kicked puppy his blue eyes narrowed and lips pouty that you almost let up the act. Almost.
You sit behind him, sure to make your curves stand out just a bit more, fixing your hair to one side. You let out a small gasp, touching Suguru’s toned shoulders over his shirt. “Oh dear, you seem so stressed,” you say in the same sultry voice. “May I help in releasing all this tension of yours?”
“Please,” Suguru says with a sigh, head turned away from Satoru but towards you. You try to ignore the way his voice affects you. But can’t really blame yourself - his already nice voice is now deliberately sinful. You pull his open shirt off his shoulders, admiring his back. You don’t need to pretend to fawn over him, a realisation that disturbs you more than it should.
Taking some lotion in your hand, you begin massaging his back, both of you playing the part well of making noises that sound much like sounds of pleasure - it’s funny the way Satoru suddenly straightens up and Tanya tries to mimic you, trying to get Satoru to make noises similar to the one Suguru was making. The man in front of you sounds incredibly sexy, even if it was just pretend. Your brain begins a thought - if this is how good he sounds when pretending, how much nicer he’d sound with the real - but you stub it before the thought completes.
When Satoru doesn’t make any noises, too focused on the way you’re touching his best friend - the pretty hands that should be touching him instead - Tanya asks him to make some noise, in order to assert some sense of dominance. Satoru lets out a funny noise of complaint, throws his sunglasses in the sand and stalks away.
The two of you giggle and share a high-five, watching the squirming Satoru rush away from you. Your plan was working perfectly.
Later in the evening, you enjoy a stroll on the beach with Suguru, his silky hair down for a change, the wind making it flow in a graceful dance. You’ve never wanted to touch someone's hair this bad ever before, so you reach out and do - his hair is softer than any fabric you’ve ever touched. Suguru gives you a small smile.
He’s mesmerised by the way your eyes soften, the moonlight making you glow. He’s unaware of everything except you, of how your eyes are looking at him kindly, of how you mentioned having a rough relationship with your mother and never knowing your father, of telling you about the time his parent’s car had crashed, taking them away from him.
“He’s gone,” you whisper, and he’s pulled out the trance your eyes had put him in. “You’re such a nice actor Suguru,” you say, a cheery smile returning to your face. “Let’s go back in now before it gets too dark.”
The next morning, Suguru sips his champagne and watches you with a heavy heart, you look so pretty in your white and gold lehenga, dancing to the music with the mehendi drying on your hands. He’s admiring you from afar - seeing as you spot Satoru and make a sour face at him, then turning around to see him with a bright smile on your face. You mouth to him if she looks okay, and he mouths back that you look fantastic, doing the okay gesture with his fingers and grinning. You’ve accidentally matched - the yellows and oranges of your lehenga matching his kurta. Your focus is diverted back to the music, and your dance is graceful.
“Oi, why are you acting like Romeo all of a sudden?” Satoru says, rolling the sleeves of his light blue kurta, seemingly squaring up. “I’ve been seeing this for two days now. What happened to her not being your type?”
“Well, she is now,” Suguru says, taking a sip from his glass.
“Stay away from her,” Satoru says, brow creased and lips pressed in distaste. 
“And why would I do that?” Suguru challenges, raising a brow.
“She’s my girlfriend-” the white haired man says, blue eyes wide with rage.
“Since when?” Suguru asks, steadily holding his gaze.
“Don’t play with me Suguru,” Satoru says, ready to snap. “I’m being serious,”
“You? Serious?” Suguru notes. “Satoru, your whole problem is that you aren’t serious. You don’t have the time to be serious.”
“What-” Satoru stammers.
“Meaning that - when was the last time you held her hand? Hugged her? Looked into her eyes and spoke to her? Told her that you love her?” Suguru fires the questions straight at his best friend.
“Who even -” Satoru gets defensive all of a sudden.
“Stop acting like a cool dude.” Suguru asserts. Then, with a smirk on his face, he teases, “Seeing her with me made you jealous, right? You were scared, right?” Satoru can only nod, hiding his eyes with his fluffy hair.
“Good, because that was our scheme to bring you back to the right track.” Suguru finally confesses, seeing his disheartened best friend.
“What do you mean scheme,” He began. “You and -”
“Yeah,” Suguru nods. “You aren’t going to find a girl like her, man. I mean just look at her, she is beautiful.” His voice turns softer, serene, “The way she laughs, the way she dramatises things, names fashion designers on little things. She has the brains, the anger, but she has the right too. She lacks love and affection, she wants love. She isn’t too clever, maybe that is why she is in love with you.”
Satoru is truly stupefied by his friend’s assessment of you. “You’re so sweet, Suguru,” he teases, playfulness back in his crystal blue eyes. “You did a PhD on her just to put some sense into me.”
Suguru puts his hands on his friend’s shoulders, encouraging him, “Okay, now go and be nice to her. If you let her go, I’ll catch her.”
Satoru elbows him, saying, “If you do that, I’ll kill you.” He steps away, but a thought bothers him, “Are you sure you dont like her?”
“Her?” Suguru teases. “It’s you-”
Satoru smacks his shoulder, but then pulls him into a hug. He’s so grateful to have a friend like Suguru, how he showed him what he was doing wrong.
The sound of your name from Satoru’s smart mouth has you turning around, and he takes that opportunity to finally wrap his arms around you, muttering, “I’m really sorry baby,”
“Shhh,” you hush him. “It’s said that hiding your boyfriend’s name in your mehendi, if he finds it then it may be a love to last different lifetimes,”
He takes your hand, his blue eyes full of adoration, “Shall I try?”
“Yes,” You snarkily say, taking Tanya’s hand and handing it to him.
And finally he ignores her in favour of you, muttering your name like an apology. You’re not yet done testing him, so you wipe the wet mehendi on his face, smearing his porcelain skin a dark muddy colour.
In the evening, during the wedding ceremony, as the bride enters with her brothers and uncles, you rush - the stubborn jhumki not locking properly. You hastily motion for two more minutes to the other bridesmaids, running and trying to put the jhumki on your right ear at the same time. Fortunately you see Suguru, and show him the state of your jhumki, unable to keep the smile off your face. He thinks you’re adorable like this, annoyed at a stubborn piece of jewellery.
Suguru takes the jhumki from your hand, instead styling your hair in a manner to keep the missing earring hidden. His purple eyes are so expressive in their appreciation of your yellow-gold outfit and makeup - it makes you feel so beautiful. His large hands are gentle on your hair and it comes as no surprise that he was so good at styling your hair. 
You join the bridal party quickly, spotting Satoru, who makes a gesture of heat on seeing you, you return his gesture - but with a throwing-up one. He laughs, but the smile disappears once he sees his father hug his older brother, so full of pride that he’s never seen.
Tanya is quick to snatch the silver tray of rose petals in your hands, and you laugh, running your hands through your hair only to feel your absent jhumki, suddenly remembering Suguru. You turn around, trying to find him, only to see him already looking at you, a pretty smile on his pretty face. You motion him to come closer to the mandap, and when he refuses, you walk over to him and grab a hold of his arm, wanting him to stay close to you. He still refuses, but he has a smile on his face, a smile worth swooning over, you note.
A heavy hand settles on your shoulder, and Satoru’s blue eyes sparkle with a smile as they take you in, wanting you to stay with him. You refuse him at first, not wanting to leave Suguru behind, but when his bangs move as he shakes his head, allowing you to go, you let up in your attempts to get him. Satoru takes you right out of his hands, taking you close to the mandap and sitting behind the bride and the groom.
He has a quiet laugh on his face when you make a face at him, and you cannot recall the last time he had been this nice to you. Pushing that thought behind, you look at the rituals, when Satoru elbows you, telling you without words that soon you’ll be in place of his brother and sister in law. You’re quick to dismiss him, too quick, smacking his hand off yours.
- - - - - - - -
After the wedding weekend, Suguru has become a little more distant, only speaking when spoken to. 
Shoko is on her way to class when she sees Suguru’s usually inexpressive eyes filled with a deep longing, only to see you and Satoru in his line of sight. You still hadn’t gotten the time to catch her up to speed, but she cannot mistake the softness of his eyes. You’re sitting on Satoru’s lap, with him making you giggle over something, his white hair all up in your face.
“Hey,” She says, walking up to you and Satoru. You say a cheerful hi, a beaming smile on your face.
“Your boyfriend’s here, baby,” Satoru teases. He gently punches her shoulder, saying, “Hey handsome,”
“Can we do this later?” Shoko asserts. “Come with me,” She tells you. You kiss Satoru’s cheek before getting up and walking out of his earshot with your best friend, curious about what was bothering her.
The sound of your name has your attention, and she begins, “Look, I don’t know what happened between you guys this weekend,” she pauses, looking into your eyes. “But I just saw Suguru, and I think that he likes you,”
“Suguru? Are you mad?” You dismiss her concern with a small shake of your head. “Satoru and I are now stable because of his help,”
“He was staring at you girl,” She says. “Only one-sided lovers look at other people like that,”
“You were also staring at him,” You tease, bumping against her shoulder with a chuckle. “Sorry, you were observing him,”
“Don’t try to act so smart now,” She says, a frown on her face. “I just let you know what I saw, the rest is your choice.” Shoko walks away, leaving you staring at her brown bob.
You think over her words for a moment, and your feet involuntarily take you to Suguru. He was easy to spot in the crowd - his tall stature and his dark bun gave him away easily.
“Good morning, Suguru,” You say, trying to be cheerful.
“Morning,” He acknowledges you, voice back to his indifferent confidence. He’s quickly turning around, not waiting for you.
“Listen!” You call, and he turns to you. “I just wanted to thank you once again…”
“Yeah, it’s not a problem,” He says, quickly turning away once again.
“Suguru…” You say his name, fiddling with your fingers. You don’t know why you feel this nervous. He wouldn’t be the first guy to like you, but then why was your heart beating so furiously, why was your face burning. “Is everything fine? Like between the two of us?”
“No, nothing is fine,” Suguru says, fully turning to you. His cold indifference hurts you more than you’d like to admit. It hurts in a way different from Satoru’s indifference. His indifference makes you mad, but Suguru’s detached voice makes you sad. You don’t know if it's a good thing or a bad one.
You suddenly feel the need to explain yourself for some reason, words coming out with a stammer, which was unlike yourself. “Suguru, I love Satoru,”
“I know,” He says, his voice even. “Are you telling that to me or yourself?” Your taken aback by his question, but before you can answer, he adds, “I came to Saint Teresa with one thing in mind - to make a better future for myself and win that Student of the Year trophy… got distracted for a bit, but now I see my goal crystal clear, and no one can come between me and the trophy now.”
The Competition
Dean officially announces the SOTY competition open: four phases and eight finalists and one winner. Starting from the aptitude exam, to the treasure hunt, the dance competition and the final triathlon - the competition is meant to judge the students on all grounds, and only the one who is the best at everything wins.
Everyone is spending their every waking minute preparing for the aptitude assessment in their own way - hiding the fact that they are studying from their friends. You pretend to read Vogue instead of your textbooks, Shoko pretends to sleep but holds up a torch in her comforter to read. Nanami stacks books on top of books, the ever studious man of the school. Satoru pretends to compose music but he’s actually going through his statistics notes, with you helping him with his coffee and providing motivation to each other to study. Suguru has grown a little more detached from your circle, but he doesn’t hide the fact that he is preparing for the exam. Tanya is spending her time preparing - to cheat, that is, making her settings with the nerds. Haibara tries to mug everything up, but finally gives up and starts focusing on his prayers instead.
Come the time of the result announcement - all of you make it to the top sixteen, moving on to the next round -  the treasure hunt. To everyone’s surprise - Tanya makes it into the top 16, with the 16th position, Satoru makes it to the 10th spot, you make it to the 6th, Shoko makes it to the 4th, Suguru to the 3rd, Nanami to the 2nd. But to everyone - even Dean Yaga who was announcing the result, he had to take his glasses off and read correctly - it was Yu Haibara of all people that got the 1st position. Nanami nearly lost his mind, with Ichiji having held the blond man back to stop him from attacking Yu right there.
Once the gang's all outside, Kento grabs Haibara by the collar of his blazer and demands, “How the fuck did you get first?” 
“I don’t know, I just said Jai Mata Di and marked all the answers,” Haibara says.
“Nanami, stop being such a drama queen,” Satoru complains. “All that matters is that all of us are in the top 16 now. What does it matter who wins or loses?”
“It matters,” Suguru says, volunteering in a conversation involving someone other than Satoru for the first time in days. “We have big intentions, and you have an affluent dad. You can easily join any university per your choice… We don’t have that privilege.”
“You’re after my dad so much,” Satoru says, making gestures with his hands. “Please take my dad and give me your intentions instead.”
Suguru just shakes his head at that, but Tanya intervenes with her sultry voice, “If you want my intentions,” she twirls her hair. “I’ll happily give them to you.”
You can feel Satoru’s hand raise, but you push it down by his shoulder, yet he still manages to blow a kiss in her direction. “The entire college knows of your intentions, Tanya,” You say, pushing down your boyfriend’s hand which blows a kiss at her yet again despite your efforts. “We’re drifting off topic here. We were talking about the competition and I believe there shouldn’t be any competition among friends. Right, Shoko?”
“Right…” Shoko says. “That’s why you were hiding when you were studying?” Satoru pushes you away, but you still hold his arm. Shoko continues, “Come on guys, if our goal is the same, there will be a competition,”
Satoru makes a pouty face, hissing to tease her,“Shoko, does that mean to win the competition yourself, you’ll make your best friend face defeat?”
“Yes,” Suguru says without hesitation, and all heads turn to him. “Perhaps,”
“He’s kidding,” Satoru chuckles, but Suguru doesn’t add to that, turning the pages of his book instead.
A couple days later, the top 16 after the aptitude test got to the fun part - the treasure hunt involving the entire campus. Four teams of four members each.
Suguru, Haibara, you were in one team, Team A; Satoru, Nanami, Shoko and Tanya in Team B and the rest were divided into two other teams. Taking their first clue, the teams rushed to solve the riddle to get to their respective locations. 
Suguru opened the clue card, reading out the riddle: Neela Asmaan Upar bhi Neela Asman Neeche bhi, paana hai jawab, toh gehrayi me jaao janab. (Blue sky above, blue sky below too, If you want to get the answer, then go deep sir.)
Haibara whines on hearing the riddle, snatching the envelope and scanning it as if to see any answer that maye have been hidden. “Yaar, what does this clue even mean? How can there be a sky up and sky below too? The first clue itself has our hopes running in the water,”
“Haibara, you’re a genius!” Suguru says, grabbing the brunet’s shoulders and shaking him.
“Really?” Haibara beams, before Suguru yells, “No!” leaving him confused. Suguru takes off, leaving the three of you to chase him with your shorter legs.
Meanwhile, Satoru opened Team B’s first clue and read out the riddle: Atit ki muskaan hai ajit ki pyaari, Nazron se peechha kare, adbhut hai ye naari. (The smile of the past is Ajit's beloved, follows you with her eyes, this woman is amazing.)
“Who’s this Ajit?” Nanami asks. frowning. “Any faculty member?”
“No, it’s not a faculty member,” Satoru says, thinking hard. 
“I only know one Ajit (Ajit Khan),” Nanami says, and Satoru catches up. The both of them simultaneously say, “Mona darling, sona kahan hai?” (Mona darling, where’s the gold? - an iconic dialogue)
“Anywhere,” Tanya says in her sultry voice, playing with her hair. She’s just happy to be part of Satoru’s team.
“That’s it!” Shoko screams. “It’s the Mona Lisa!” and the four of them take off running to find the room with the Mona Lisa.
In the meantime, Suguru reaches the swimming pool, where you, Haibara and your fourth teammate frown, when Suguru recites the riddle again and deciphers it to be the swimming pool. He’s quickly taken off his shoes, socks and t-shirt and jumps into the pool, finding the next clue at the bottom.
You open the clue as Suguru puts his shirt and shoes back on. The clue reads: Ped bhi hu aur nahi bhi, baat karo toh sunu bhi, khoobsurat hu aisi mai, ke baat kare guru bhi (I am a tree and I’m not, if you talk then I listen, I’m so beautiful, that the teacher also talks to me)
“Tree, the plantations?” Haibara suggests and the four team members rush from the swimming pool to the plantations.
Team B finds Mona Lisa in the assembly hall, a brick with her hair holding the clue. Even Satoru has to jump to fetch that clue. The second riddle read: Farishte ne gaaye zindagi ke geet, asmaan se aayega unka mit, sade nau baje unka milan, jawab degi suraj ki kiran. (The angels sang the songs of life, their friends would come from the sky, meeting at nine thirty, the sun's beam would answer.) 
“Where will we get angels?” Tanya dumbly asks.
Satoru leans close to her, and says in an annoyed voice, “In the canteen,”
“Really?” Tanya says, seemingly believing him.
The answer suddenly strikes Satoru, and he yells out, “The Church, the Church! We have only five minutes to nine-thirty, run!”
It’s hard for Shoko and Tanya to keep up with Satoru and Nanami’s long legs, but they somehow manage. They reach the church just in time - and the sun beam is falling on the Hymn Book of the choir. Satoru is quick to snatch the clue out of the book, and reads: aakhri padav aakhri mystery, kitni majboot hai aapki chemistry (Last stop, last mystery, how strong is your chemistry)
“Let’s go, chemistry lab!” Satoru yells, and Team B rushes away.
“Wait, wait!” You yell, stopping your teammates. “It said tree so we rushed here, but there is no guru visible!”
“Yaar are we looking for this guru or the plant?” Haibara asks.
“We’re looking for the clue,” Suguru deadpans.
“I’m telling you this is not working,” You pant out.
“If you have any other bright idea why don’t you share it with the class?” Suguru says, annoyed.
“Why are you being so mean?” You snap.
“Yeah, man, leave bhabhi alone,” Haibara says, at which Suguru snaps even worse than he did at you. “Abey! Bhabhi hogi teri.” (idk how to write this in english)
“Who is the guru on this campus?” You ask, catching your breath.
“Waheguru?” Haibara prompts.
“We don’t have a Gurdwara on campus, Yu!” You say, frustrated.
“Well, there should be one!” Haibara protests.
“Take that up with Yaga!” Suguru says.
“That’s it!” You jump, clasping your hands as if releasing them would take your answer away. “The guru is Yaga! He’s famous for talking to his bonsai plant!” Then you all rush off to Dean Yaga’s office, finally finding your third clue. You snap the envelope open as Suguru lifts up the bonsai plant, and quickly start reading out loud: aazad hindustan ki peheli awaaz, khamosh kamra batayega yeh raaz. (The first voice of independent India, a silent room will tell this secret.)
“The silent room! It’s the library,” Suguru yells and all of you run to the library.
“Nanami, fast, grab the envelope!” Shoko yells. Satoru beats him to it, opening it only to find a blank envelope.
“What man, Nanami, it's blank!” Satoru gets frustrated and shoves the envelope to Nanami.
“I’m sorry on behalf of the organisers!” Nanami snaps back.
Shoko snatches the envelope from Nanami, shushing the two idiots up. “Let me think,” she says.
“Now what exactly are we looking for?” Haibara asks once you are in the library.
“Independent India's first voice…” you mumble trying to recall your history lesson. “It was Nehru,” you remember. 
“Tryst with destiny!” Suguru suddenly remembers, and the four of you rush to the history section.
“You were right, Shoko!” Nanami says, rubbing the ammonia solution on the black envelope. “The ammonia makes the ink visible!”
“Okay okay, now what does it say?” Shoko asks, jumping with excitement.
The final clue is same for everyone, the riddle saying: khush toh bohot hoge tum ki yeh hai aakhri padav, savere waali ghanti se paar hoga yeh chadav, dhyaan se padhna isko aur dena apna sujhav, kyunki upar waale alfaz karenge jeet ka chunav. (You will be very happy that this is your last stop, this climb will be crossed by the morning bell, read this carefully and give your suggestion, because the above words will choose the victor.)
“The morning bell?” Haibara mutters. “Our period bell?”
Team A runs from the library, climbing up the stairs to try and reach the period bell. On their way, they spot Team B, already higher up in the floors, closer to the period bell of the school. Suguru, Haibara and you find the step ladder and pull it near to the bell, and Haibara quickly climbs up the ladder as you and Suguru hold on to it for stability. Meanwhile, Nanami has taken to walking on the roof instead of taking the normal path, surprising everyone.
Soon it’s a race between Nanami and Haibara, and Haibara wins, striking the bell first. Just then, Ichiji comes and yells, “It's the wrong answer!”
“Oh! Oh! It’s the bell tower!” You yell, excited as you realise the answer. Suguru tries to shush you, but you yell again, “It’s the bell tower!”
“Thanks, bestie!” Shoko yells from above, and the next chase is between you and her, and she is faster. From the lecture building to the bell tower it’s a hard chase, and you’re already too out of breath, so Shoko manages to climb the stairs more swifty than you can. You reach the top just as Shoko rings the bell, only to be told that this answer is wrong as well.
Both your teams have gathered back in the ground, with all eight minds thinking over the riddle over and over. Aaj khush toh bohot hoge tum, Suguru and Satoru seemingly share a brain cell and think of the iconic dialogue of the movie Deewaar. In the scene of the dialogue, Amitabh Bacchan’s character can be seen ranting to the goddess in a temple.
They both look at each other, spelling out a swear word and sprint off to the in campus temple. They are both fast, but Satoru has an upper hand of not having his drenched pants weighing him down. It’s an intense run down between two best friends having a fun rivalry - running to win rather than to defeat. Satoru takes a head start, but Suguru’s track medals have not been in vain and he manages to outrun Satoru and hit the bell just a moment earlier than Satoru, falling to his knees on the white marble of the goddess Saraswati’s temple, both of them bursting out in laughter and sharing a high five.
After Dean Yaga congratulates Team A and praises Team B’s performance, Satoru puts his hand on Suguru’s shoulder and pats his chest. “Let’s go celebrate, you win, Suguru,” He says, peeking up at him from behind his glasses. “I want to go home with you?”
“Why do you want to go home with me?” Suguru asks, raising his eyebrow.
“I am craving some home-made food,” Satoru says. “Come on, please,”
“You don’t have food at your house?” Suguru teases.
“I’m bored of my home’s room service,” Satoru replies.
Suguru shakes his head, patting Satoru’s shoulder, “Let’s go,”
“The food is fab, Dadi, it’s fab!” Satoru says, quickly gulping down a spoonful of the rajma and rice.
“You should come more often then, son,” Dadi says, a cheerful smile on her old face. She looks amazing for her age - most of her hair is still black and her eyes hold a youthful charm with the wisdom that comes as one ages.
“I had to invite myself, even today,” Satoru chuckles. “Do you know - your grandson isn’t normal. Did he fall as a baby?” Dadi laughs at that, but Suguru’s Chachi makes a sour face. 
“Aye, shut up and eat your food,” Suguru says in his deadpan voice.
“Suguru, that is not the way to speak to guests,” His Chachi chides. She turns to Satoru, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Satoru, son - Can I call you son?” Satoru nods with a spoonful in his mouth. “You look much more charming and handsome in real life than you look in those Page 3 photos,”
Suguru and Dadi share a glance, stifling their laughter at Chachi’s comment. “Save some butter for the chapatis, Geeta.” Dadi scorns.
“Butter is expensive, Mother,” Chachi sneers. “We only have words to work with in this house,”
“We’re shareholders in your dad’s company, Satoru,” His Chacha says, trying to dissolve the tension. “Suguru, you must take some tips of the stock market from him and share it with me,” he chuckles. “Let us benefit from your friendship,”
“I’ll make use of his friendship,” Suguru says with a smile, holding Satoru’s gaze. It is a smile shared between friends, meaning unknown to others. “I’ll use him to my benefit so much that I’ll leave him behind,”
“Of course, you should buy the Taj Mahal,” Chachi snaps, her voice ringing in everyone’s ears. “Dreams don’t need any money,”
“Dreams are for duffers like me,” Satoru suddenly says, unable to stand the way Suguru’s Chachi speaks to him. “Suguru is a blue-chip investment. He will make you guys millionaires. You’ll see,”
Suguru’s dark eyes are filled with such adoration and respect for Satoru - for he has never had a friend believe in him this much. His support meant the world to Suguru, and he thinks that maybe letting people get close to him isn’t too bad.
He walks Satoru to the door, calling after him before he manages to get to his blue Ferrari. “What you said in front of Chachi, it felt nice,” Suguru says in a small voice, hands shoved in his jeans pocket and eyes on the grass. “Felt like my own person was saying it,” When he looks up to meet Satoru’s blue eyes, he adds in a teasing voice, “I didn’t know Mr Gojo’s useless son had this talent,”
“Yeah roast and compliment me in the same sentence,” Satoru shakes his head with a smirk. “Is that how you say thanks?”
“Okay, I’ll say it,” Suguru inhales a deep breath. “Thank you,”
“Thanks,” Satoru says, nodding as he studies Suguru closely. “Why do you always hide your emotions?”
“Why are you talking like a woman?” Suguru tries to dodge.
“I’m talking about my heart and feelings,” Satoru admits with a sigh. “There’s no one back home who will listen to me, and I don’t think [name] really gets me. So I thought I’ll try to speak to you,”
“I too lack practice in that matter,” Suguru confesses. “Those who listened to me are gone now, and Dadi has hearing aids.”
The two friends chuckle, and Satoru says, “So basically we are in the same situation,” he puts his hands on Suguru’s elbows, adding, “Whatever happens, we will always share it with each other.”
Being a tease is Suguru’s defence mechanism, so he says, “Are you going to kiss me right now?”
“I won’t even hug you,” Satoru punches his shoulder. “Okay, I’ll see you.”
“Suguru!” His Chacha’s voice comes from inside the house. “Call an ambulance - Mom - I don’t know, just call an ambulance, quick!”
Satoru follows them to the hospital, and Dadi is being taken to the critical care unit - the doctor says she had a cardiac arrest. Suguru is following them, worry written all over his pretty face when Chachi suddenly stops him, asking him where he thinks he’s going.
“We will look after your Dadi,” Chachi sternly says. “You bring bad luck wherever you go,”
Suguru doesn’t fight back, but the words cut deeper than any superficial wound ever could. As soon as his Chachi turns around, Suguru nearly runs out of the hospital, Satoru hot on his heels, calling after him. He tries to console him, but Suguru only pushes him off.
“Suguru,” Satoru says, hugging him despite his protests. He returns the hug after a moment, then pulls away quickly feeling the lump in his throat threaten to explode. “Are you okay or do you need another hug?”
Suguru smiles with tears in his eyes, not letting them fall. “I’m okay,”
The next morning, you’re there with flowers in your hands, ready to see Suguru. You wave at him with a small, reassuring smile and a frangipani bouquet in your hands - he’s holding your gaze, and to your surprise, he returns your smile and waves back.
“Suguru, I know you’re mad at me,” You say once you’re close to him. “You don’t even look at me lately, I don’t know what I did wrong but - ”
“I’m not in the mood to listen to your sad rants,” He says, voice breaking. “Dadi is unwell,”
“I know,” You say, exasperated. “That’s why I’m here Suguru.” His eyes hold so much grief and pain in them, and you want to hug him, let him cry on your shoulder and tell him that you’re going to be there for him no matter what - but you refrain. “Are you okay?” you softly ask.
“I’m okay,” Suguru nods, then turns to you, examining your outfit - it’s a short green dress with a low neckline  and a pullover over it, with knee high boots. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, why?” You ask. He eyes your clothes, and you begin to explain, “I know, I know - I don’t have any clothes suitable to come visit the hospital. I am going to go shopping today though.” He is extremely confused and you add, “I want to come here daily, Suguru.”
Suguru’s smile - so full of gratitude and his usually stoic eyes full of tears - welcome you and you take that as a step forward. You don’t know why you’re so giddy at him letting you come visit. You never bothered making friends with Satoru’s old friends before coming to Saint Teresa, but right now he’s the farthest thought in your heart when you look at the man in front of you; so vulnerable and needing support, but without the voice to ask for it.
“Happy birth-” You accidentally say while handing him the flowers, then turn away quickly, embarrassing yourself. Why you turn so stupid around him, you have no idea. He makes you nervous, you want to impress him, want him to think that you’re both pretty and smart, that you’re worthy of - what, you don’t know. You fear the answer, so you don’t dwell on it.
(Ishq Waala Love)
You turn around to look up at him, playing your embarrassment off with a confident smile on your face, and Suguru teases a smile at you, putting the frangipani to his chest. 
Walking away, you’re suddenly intercepted by Satoru - he takes you by surprise - wrapping his arms around you with a cheerful greeting of “Hey, baby,” and inhaling the scent of your shampoo. You had completely forgotten about him while you were with Suguru - but the pretty man with his black bangs doesn’t leave your mind while you’re in Satoru’s arms, his white hair tickling your forehead. You push him back a little, trying to put some distance between the two of you as your eyes flit back to Suguru - he’s already looking at you, back to his grieving self.
The next day, you’re back dressed in a yellow and orange suit, strutting to Suguru and Satoru sitting on the bench outside. Twirling the ends of your dupatta between your fingers, you deliberately make a show of ignoring Satoru, batting your eyes at Suguru, saying, “I want to meet Dadi,”
“No,” Suguru says, his voice soft, matching his violet gaze.
“Why?” You ask, brows knitted. “Am I not dressed correctly?”
“Yeah,” Satoru says, his voice is soft but has an edge of laughter. “Let’s go to the mandir?” You narrow your eyes at the laughing duo and stomp away. Satoru follows after you when Suguru tells him to, eyes crinkles with laughter.
Later, you sit beside Suguru when he is with Dadi, who is passed out on the white bed, connected to many machines. The two of you sit in comfortable silence, so close but so far away, too many things clouding your hearts and minds.
You’re sitting between Suguru and Satoru, the three of you drinking coffee and making jokes, when you’ve subconsciously leaned against Suguru, your head on his shoulder, looking up at his pretty smile with a toothy grin of your own. You hold his arm for a moment before coming to your senses and putting a little distance between the two of you. Satoru puts his arm across your shoulder and pulls you close, but his embrace doesn’t bring the familiar warmth. You push him away, annoyed at his lame joke and take the empty cups from both the men, throwing them in the bin.
It's the final time for Dadi, time for everyone to say their goodbyes. Suguru sits outside her room, his tall frame sulking and alone, bangs half trying to hide the pain and sorrow in his eyes. Your heart cries for him, wanting to embrace him, to show him that you will be there for him no matter what, that you care for him and you won’t hurt him.
Suddenly, Satoru is in front of you, caressing your cheek with his gentle touch, fingers roughed up from his guitar, asking if you want to go get coffee with him. It’s like you are suddenly doused in cold water, pushed out of your trance, and you blink rapidly to get a grip on reality before telling Satoru that you aren’t in the mood for coffee. He squeezes your hand with a smile before leaving you.
The sight of Suguru pressing his hands to his eyes has you right back in that trance, chest rising and falling rapidly as you feel his pain. You sit beside him, trying to give him a smile of confidence, but your eyes betray your worry. He returns your smile with a half smile of his own, but his pretty eyes swam with tears, head lowered, bangs hiding his face. You put your hands on his interlaced ones resting on his lap, rubbing small circles on the back of his hand with your thumb. You cannot stand seeing him in such pain, ready to do anything to make him go back to the guy you had met in Thailand, cocky confidence rubbing off on you. You don’t say anything, holding his teary gaze. He gives you another half smile at your comforting touch, and your eyes soften - you have the sudden inexplicable urge to hold him, let him melt into your embrace and cry his eyes out into your chest as you stand between him and this cruel world, caressing his back and kissing the top of his head. His smile falls, and the intensity of his pretty eyes has you rethinking everything, chest rising and falling rapidly as he lets your smaller hand fall between his two large hands, squeezing it.
When Dadi wakes up for a bit, Suguru takes you to see her, and you greet her softly then excuse yourself, giving them some space. You watch from outside the room as he speaks to Dadi, his back to her, shaking from holding back his cries. Dadi says something and he turns to her, holding her hand and breaking down crying, lying beside her as she weakly comforts her sobbing grandson. You’ve started crying with him, wiping your tears only to have them fall out immediately after.
The only good thing to come out of it was the fact that Suguru was with his Dadi when she passed peacefully in her sleep, surrounded by her family.
Suguru had become withdrawn after Dadi, not saying anything, keeping to himself. He barely even spoke to Satoru, and the others didn’t even see him outside of mandatory classes. Even in the classes, the ever active and teacher’s favourite Suguru had stopped answering, zoned out in most classes he attended.
Suguru is in his dorm, putting away his dirty laundry when you walk in the open door, hands held together in front of you. “Satoru’s dorm is a little further ahead,” He says, barely even looking at you.
“I’m here to see you,” You say, voice shaking.
He stills for a moment, his expression bitter. “To give me your condolences?” He forces a smile. “Thank you,”
“Satoru was saying that you don’t want to see anyone,” You start, inhaling a deep breath to keep your voice steady. You step closer to him and his desk as he grabs a book without any particular reason. “Staying alone like this-”
“I have to make a habit of staying alone,” He snaps, voice breaking at the end. It breaks your heart, tears welling in your eyes at his throaty voice. “Everyone who was close to me is gone.” He composed himself a little, adding, “You should stay away, or you’ll die too.”
“You need a friend-” you softly say, your body pulsing with your frantic heart.
“We can’t be friends!” He suddenly raises his voice, and you have to blink back the tears of frustration. You don’t know why his words cut so deeply, you’ve never cared this much about other people - not like you care about Suguru. “You want to be friends with me?” He looks at you for a moment, inhaling a composing breath. “Thank you,” he says in a small voice.
You’re staring at him by standing by his desk, back to you trying not to think about why it was affecting you so much, finding any other thing to make him talk. His pretty hair is messy and unkempt, and you want to take care of him, treat him to all the good things in life. That is when you spot your jhumki - sitting right on his desk at the edge of a mug. You remember that jhumki, the one you had been struggling to put on back in Thailand, and the way that Suguru had touched your hair to hide the missing earring. You remember his touch, his gaze, and how he had agreed to help you save your relationship.
You grab it from his desk, feeling a grin curve your lips. “Please leave,” Suguru says, seeing you around his desk. “I told you I don’t want to see anyone,”
“But Sugu, this jhumki won’t look good on you,” You teasingly say, maintaining an air of innocent confusion. “Not without it’s complete pair,”
Suguru has a pretty smile on his face, one that you are delighted to be the reason for. You purse your lips, looking at his pretty face and messy hair, taking little steps closer to him and finally hugging him like you’ve wished you could for a long time. Much to your delight, he hugs you back, head resting on your shoulder sniffling to hold himself back from crying.
Suguru is the one to pull back from the hug, pushing out the hair that has fallen to your face as you longingly look up at him, his gentle touch making you lose your mind. His large hands fall to your neck, thumb behind your ear as your eyes flit down to his pretty, worried lips then back to his eyes, the delicate touch of his thumb tickling you in just the right way. Heavy breaths fill the little space between you two, leaning closer with your eyes closed until your lips brush against his.
Your hands on his back pull him closer, and one of his hands goes behind your head while the other goes down to your waist, pulling you impossibly closer as your lips move against each other. The familiarity of his touch has your mind short circuiting - his kiss brings a calm security instead of the anxious butterflies, the movement of your lips and tongues filled with such desperate longing - a longing for affection and love rather than lust, the gentle kiss of a lover, worshipping, all consuming and caring. You’ve never been kissed like this before, like you are a prayer, like he is afraid that you’ll disappear as soon as he opens his eyes. It was wrong what you were doing, but then why did it feel so good? So right?
When he pulls back, you want him to kiss you more - you can see it in the sad gleam of his eyes that he doesn’t want to let you go either. His pupils dilated and brows relaxed, it’s a rare sight, and it’s a sight that you’ll never forget.
There’s a shuffling sound behind you - heads turn to the room's door only to find a distraught Satoru - hands fall to your side at the sight of Satoru’s big blue eyes filled with tears, you chase after him as he storms away without a word and you begin to chase after him, calling out his name.
“Satoru, I’m sorry! Listen to me!” You plead.
“Just leave me alone,” He says, throwing his bag. Satoru is out by the common area and there’s a swarm of students surrounding you three at the noise. 
“Satoru, please!” You plead, reaching out to him with your hands raised.
“Just leave me alone and don’t touch me,” He yells. Kicking down a random stack of chairs. 
“Just listen to me, please!” You plead, your voice breaking. You manage to grab his shoulders, but he is quick to push you off, face red and eyes glowering with anger. “Just leave me alone, I said!” He yells, louder this time. Suguru is quick to intervene, only to be pushed away by Satoru. It’s turning into a brawl and you hate it, you hate it so much. You hate your stupid heart, you hate yourself for not listening to Suguru and staying away from him like he asked you too. Your heart aches seeing the sheer heartbreak on Satoru’s face, his usually bright, humorous eyes filled with rage and betrayal and you despise that you’re the cause of it.
“You keep your mouth shut!” Satoru yells, somehow sounding even angrier at Suguru. “You have no class, no civility! I should never have talked to poor people like yourself. I am - was - your best friend, and you’re there kissing my girlfriend?! You are no one’s person!” He is pushing Suguru harder with each word, and Suguru accepts it, not even trying to fight back. He too has tears pooling in his eyes, messy hair falling to his face. “This is why you have no one to call your home.” Satoru’s welled eyes have turned red with rage, and with each shove his anger only seems to grow. “Everyone is dead! You mom, dad, and now Dadi-”
That is what snaps Suguru, the mention of Dadi and he punches Satoru with such force that his best friend nearly falls down. Suguru picks him up, only to punch him in the face again. “If you say anything regarding my mom and dad, I will break your face,” He snaps, voice colder than ice. “You aren’t even your mom-dad’s person, how can you even be my best friend? All this talk about class and status, what do you do? All you do is use your dad’s influence and money.”
“Dad’s money is all that you’re after right?” Satoru doubles down in his vicious words. “That’s why you befriended me, right? You wanted to have a life like me - and now you’re also stealing my girlfriend?!”
“What’s this girlfriend-boyfriend thing, huh?” Suguru doubles down as well, high from the anger coursing through his veins. “She never loved you, and you-? You’ve been out there everywhere putting your face on every other girl you see. You’re calling this a relationship? You have no right to call her your girlfriend!”
“You’re no one to tell me of my rights,” Satoru yells, holding Suguru’s t-shirt’s collar, ready to throw another punch. “She is mine, mine only!”
“Why don’t you ask her whose she is?” Suguru challenges. “She loves me, and I love her!”
They’ve started throwing punches everywhere, the whole school watching their brawl unfold. Satoru hits, Suguru punches, it’s a mess - a mess that you cannot stand, for reasons you aren’t ready to accept yourself. You walk up to them, tears glistening in your eyes and yell at them to stop. They do, but the air is still thick with tension as you speak, “What do you even know about me? About my feelings?” You speak to the both of them, voice breaking. “Nothing! And the sad part is, you aren’t even willing to listen! You just want to win me - I am not a part of any competition. I am not a prize. I am done with this whole thing.” 
Suguru looks upset, ashamed of himself, but Satoru only looks angry - and you don’t know what pains you more. You rush away, before anyone in the gathering crowd as a chance to stop you and hide in your dorm.
Satoru’s anger doesn’t subside even as he reaches home. Even as his mother shows concern for the bruises on his face, he only pushes her off, not in the mood to see anyone. If his mood wasn’t already so bad, it got worse as his father came up to stop him, demanding that he treat his mother with respect.
“Look at yourself!” Isamu Gojo scolds with a yell. “You look like a street thug! Who did you even fight? Answer me.”
“I don’t want to answer anyone,” Satoru says, meeting his dads angry gaze.
“You have to, you’re living under my roof,” Isamu snaps. “I’ve tolerated your misdemeanour for so long. You can’t behave properly at home, at least mind your family’s image outside of the house.”
“You’ve not made any good image, Dad,” Satoru finally says, swallowing the angry lump in his throat. “The only thing you’ve made is money.”
“That’s the money funding your life, you know?!” Isamu yells, eyes wide in anger. “You only know two things - having fun and making a fool out of me,”
“What are you ashamed of, hm?” Satoru asks, lips wobbling as he speaks. “That I don’t want to be an industrialist? That I want to be a musician?”
“Yes! I’m ashamed that my son has such middle-class dreams!” Isamu yells back.
“Dreams don’t have any class,” Satoru says, blinking away his tears. “But only a dad would get that, not a twisted man.” Isamu slaps him, and Satoru’s voice finally breaks as he says, “I have no wish to live in your house, and I don’t want to be your son,”
“You’ve lost the privilege of being my son,” Isamu says, an angry frown on his face.
“When was I ever your son?” Satoru asks, then turns around to leave. His mother tries to stop him, but he pushes her off once again, vowing to himself to never turn back, to never step foot in any of his father’s properties again and to never take a penny from this man.
He is filled with a new determination to win the Student of the Year trophy - to prove everyone and himself that he wasn’t useless, that he was more than Mr. Gojo’s money made him. His goal had now shifted from winning the trophy to defeating everyone else - particularly Suguru.
The second last stage of the competition - the prom where everyone needs to bring a date - is close and everyone’s preparations are in full swing. The campus gym is occupied and people are busy finding dates and practising their steps, for no one ever wants to lose after coming this close. 
Satoru has become a loner, avoiding even Haibara during lunch hour. Suguru too is back to his quiet self, speaking only when he deems it to be necessary. You… Well, you’ve had the worst burnt of their fight somehow - utterly messed up with your own emotions - your mind says one thing but your heart craves another, you’re avoiding everyone like they are the plague. 
Shoko finds you sitting all alone, eyes distant. “Hey, what’s up?” She asks, sitting beside you. “Who are you going to prom with? Satoru or Suguru?”
“It’s not funny, Shoko,” you say with a frown. “The whole school is gossiping about me now,”
“Ignore the gossip,” Shoko says, voice serious. “Tell me about your feelings,”
“I don’t even want to think about them!” You’re exasperated, torn by your own moralities and desires.
“You love Suguru,” Shoko sternly says, trying to talk sense into you. 
“Shoko, Satoru and I-”
“What about it?” She stops you. “There was nothing there - you were angry and miserable for most of the time. It was not a match made in heaven, rather a match made in your elite circles.” Her concern is genuine. “I know you’re confused right now, and you’re allowed to be confused. You should take some time. Your heart will answer for you.”
“There’s this competition right in the middle of everything,” You sigh.
“Then leave it,” Shoko suddenly says, an idea forming in her pretty head. You turn your head to her, eyes wide. “This stupid competition is not more important than your feelings, right?”
You discreetly scrutinise her fidgety behaviour and say, “You’re right, I won’t take a part in this competition. Disqualifying isn’t that bad,” you turn to her just as she suppresses her smile. “What do you think?”
“I’d have done the same thing, if I were you.” Shoko says, squeezing your shoulder in support.
The next evening, Shoko jogs up to Haibara after her gym session, saying, “Haibara, I’ve decided that I will be your date to prom this year,”
“You aren’t going to be my date,” He says, voice sassy. “You’re late.” He sounds thrilled saying your name, “She has already asked me to be her date.”
Shoko storms into your shared room and sees you checking yourself out in the mirror, seeing which dress looks pretty on you. You barely pay any attention to her as she angrily stomps her feet.
“Are you seriously going to prom with Haibara?” She practically spits out.
“Yeah, I am,” You say, feigning innocence. “I suddenly thought, why should I even let Satoru or Suguru influence my life?”
“And why did you think of that so suddenly?” She asks, voice bitter.
“Shouldn’t you be happy?” You say, frowning a little. “I don’t get this reaction,”
“What do you mean?” Shoko says, her breaths suddenly heavy with the way you’ve caught her little scheme.
“You know exactly what I mean, Shoko,” You say. “But I am not giving up on prom just to reduce your competition,” You look her up and down once, adding, “Because, lets face it, you and dance is like me and poor,”
Shoko rapidly blinks, then says, “You’re so disgusting,” she turns to leave. “I don’t even want to talk to you,”
You pat her shoulder, and bat your eyelashes, “I’d have done the same thing, if I were you.” echoing her words back to her.
Shoko leaves your room, walking to put as much distance as she can between the two of you. In the basketball court, she sees Suguru, alone and begins rambling about your confused state under her breath, pretending that she didn’t see him.
“Shoko, are you okay?” He stops her and asks once she is close to him.
“No, I’m not okay. I’ve just fought with her.” Shoko says, not hiding her anger. “She is such a drama queen I’m so tired of her!”
“Why what happened?” He asks, thin brows creased with concern.
“She says she’s confused between you and Satoru,” She says, and Suguru instantly turns to the ball in his hands, avoiding her angry brown eyes. “But she is going to prom with Haibara, so Satoru gets jealous. Then there’s no confusion, right?”
“Right,” Suguru hesitates, turning to the basket instead, his bangs hiding his heartbreak.
“Anyways, I don’t want to be in the middle of all of this,” She says, brown eyes gleaming with excitement, seeing the effect of her words on Suguru. “I’ll speak to you later, okay?” She walks away, praying that her little scheme works.
“Shoko,” He calls after her, and her heart does a little dance at her plan working out. “Who are you going to prom with?”
“No one,” She says in a small voice, her lips pulled down in a frown. 
“Haibara, please help me find a date to prom,” Nanami asks, sitting on the edge of his friend’s bed. “There’s no one willing to go with me,”
“I love you Nanami,” Haibara says, sitting up with his hand on the blond’s shoulder. “But I cannot go to prom with you,”
“I don’t want to go to prom with you, I want you to help me find a date to the prom, man,” Nanami says.
“Nanami, leave,” Satoru says, storming into Haibara’s room. Nanami grumbles under his breath but leaves the two alone. “Haibara, you’re taking her to prom?! Who do you even think you are?”
“I’m Haibara,” He says, frowning.
“Did a rabid dog bite you or something?” the white haired man shakes his head, irked. “Are you crazy? You go, you go and tell her that you can’t be her date to prom.”
“Hey! Stop it,” Haibara yells. “I don’t need your permission to do things in my life. I’m not your servant.”
Satoru chuckles, shaking his head. It’s demeaning. “What about all that time you spent on my credit card, hm?”
Something breaks in the brunet’s heart at the mention, so he says, “But i’ve also given you full service for that time,” He has a rare, angry frown on his face. “Haibara, park the car, Haibara, bring me a drink. Haibara, can you take her to the mall for me, please? Can you bring her an apology card? Now Haibara is taking her to prom as his date, arm in arm and you can’t do anything about it.”
“You too are showing your class,” Satoru says through gritted teeth.
“You are no one to talk about class, Satoru.” Haibara taunts. “The only thing you have is daddy’s money, and now you don’t even have that,” 
“Satoru, don’t be so upset now,” Tanya says, running her hands over his chest by the swimming pool. She undoes her robe, pressing herself against his chest, saying, “If you want… I could be your date,”
(the disco song)
The much anticipated prom night and dance competition is now here - eliminating four out of the twelve competitors - only 8 finalists and one winner of the trophy. Suguru-Shoko, Satoru-Tanya, Haibara-You, Nanami-Ichiji and the rest of the participants stand in the front, arm in arm with their dates in front of the judges with Dean Yaga introducing you to the two women. The tension in the air is thick and palpable, with everyone waiting to see who will snap first under the pressure. It was dance or disqualification, and everyone wanted to eliminate their competition.
Suguru and Shoko sneak a glance at you - Shoko with a proud smile and Suguru with a distant longing, and you feel yourself tearing up seeing your friend in his arms, by his side. You turn your head, happening to meet Satoru’s gaze. He has Tanya on his arm - the sight of it making your blood boil. You feel indifference, the discontent in your heart at the sight of Shoko and Suguru evaporating with the anger. You are there to win. 
The music plays and the competitors start with their opening steps. You’re half jealous of the way Suguru and Shoko move together so gracefully, painfully reminded of that time in Thailand that you had danced with him. Satoru and Tanya have bolder dance moves, the bitter memories of the past year feeding into your determination to move to the next round.
You dance with Haibara, it’s not as natural as it had been with Suguru, but you will have to do it. You’re both there to prove a point.
The solo dancing has you moving more gracefully, and you hope that the judges give you some extra points for the performance you put up. Suguru and Satoru perform their own well practised sequence with the music - you don’t feel much looking at them now, without their dates.
The competitors dance with the beats of the music, Suguru twirling a rarely graceful Shoko in his arms and Satoru spinning with Tanya in his arms. Haibara has you in his arms in a dance similar to waltz, and you put on your best smile for the judges. For a moment, in your head, you are with Suguru - with him easily manoeuvring you around, your steps perfectly in sync and your smile turns more genuine.
The music shifts and your partners change, you land into Satoru’s arms, looking right into his mellowed blue eyes so full of repentance and regret. You cannot stand to look at him, all the nights that you’ve stayed up crying at his antics flooding your memories as you turn away from him. The familiarity of his chest against your back and his breaths on your neck as you cringing. You thank the heavens as the music shifts again - Satoru spins you around and stomps away from you in anger, the memory of you kissing his best friend too fresh a wound.
The heavens tease you with kindness, turning cruel as you end up in Suguru’s arms, unable to look away from his pretty purple eyes, his hair smooth against your hand on his chest. It’s too much - the memory of his gentle touch, his easy smile, the warmth of his lips against yours, the sight of your best friend with him. Oh you want to embrace him so bad it makes you want to cry. This competition is a cruel joke - destroying your relationships and playing with your delicate heart like some child’s toy. You cannot bring yourself to look away from his eyes, so soft and gentle as he steadily holds your gaze with moist eyes even as you step back and move away from him, hands moving from his chest to your sides and you leave the stage, barely holding back your tears.
Satoru has been eyeing you, his heart breaking into a million pieces as a cold acceptance replaces the warmth of his affections for you. He now knows - it was too obvious, you never looked at him like you looked at Suguru just then. The acceptance is what he needs as he resumes with this solo dance, determined to snatch that trophy away from Suguru.
Suguru blinks away the tears the sight of yours brought, and he has to physically restrain himself from running after you. You need space, he thinks, before remembering the trophy that had started all of this in the first place, restarting his solo dance as he loses sight of you, the determination to win that trophy dulling.
Satoru, Shoko, Suguru and Haibara are four of the eight from the now-split gang that make into the finalists, ready for the final stage of the competition - the triathlon which begins with swimming, then cycling and ends with track.
Suguru sees Dean Yaga with Mr. Gojo one afternoon, only greeting Yaga with a good afternoon.
“Hi Suguru,” Mr Gojo shakes his hand with a bright smile. “How are you?”
Yaga beats Suguru to it, beaming with pride, “By the way, Suguru and Rohan are both in the top 8. It’s gonna be a tough battle, Isamu, not easy.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Isamu says, shaking his head.
“Well, you will say that,” Yaga says with a smile. “Satoru is your son, after all.”
“That’s why I’m saying this,” There’s something in Isamu’s voice that ticks Suguru off in the wrong way. “Suguru will win, my money is on you.” Isamu pats his shoulder, then says. “Good luck,”
The whole time, the top 8 finalists spend their time training for the triathlon - timing their swimming, working out their legs and spending time on the cycle. It's an intense couple of days, with much tension but no drama.
On the day of the triathlon, you sit in the bleachers by the swimming pool, watching your friends stretch and get ready before the swimming starts. Satoru’s eyes are determined and challenging Suguru, whose face hides his internal conflicts. Somehow, his eyes find yours in the buzzing crowd, and you give him a small smile, which he returns before putting his goggles on and getting ready to dive.
It’s Shoko with her slim body and fast reflexes that finishes the swim first, and quickly gets out and puts on her shoes before running out to the cycles. Haibara is next, followed by Suguru ahead of Satoru by a fraction of a second. Once out of the surveillance area, the brunet is quick to catch up to Shoko and push her off track and into the grass, promptly disqualifying her.
Satoru, fueled by rage, powers up and puts everyone behind on the cycling path, with Suguru close behind him, his internal battle now in favour of winning the trophy. Satoru is the first one to enter the race track, followed by Suguru. There’s a distance of more than 10 metres between them when Suguru starts running. Satoru runs on red rage while Suguru has the skills of the track, easily catching up the distance. Ultimately, the battle for the trophy is between the two of them and no one else. 
The last few seconds are intense, Suguru has caught up on the distance, and the both run parallelly now, in the bleachers, Isamu Gojo is cheering for his son’s defeat, while his mother looks concerned. For a moment, Suguru has overtaken Satoru, everyone is sure of his victory, when Suguru slows down a bit and adrenaline pushes Satoru. The smile on Isamu’s face fades as the chances of his son winning increase. Suguru’s eyes close for a moment, and Satoru becomes the first one to push the ribbon, by a mere hundredth of a second. He’s unsure of his win, but the angry frown on Suguru’s pretty face has him accepting it.
The crowd breaks out in cheers, celebrating Satoru’s win.
Later in the evening, after everyone has changed into formals and put on the Saint Teresa blazers, they assemble in the hall, waiting for Dean Yaga to finally hand the trophy to Satoru Gojo. Nanami isn’t himself, having spent the entire week disappointed in himself and Yaga - for making this competition unfair and breaking apart his friend group.
“Boys and Girls, I’m delighted to call on the stage,” Dean Yaga’s awfully cheerful voice cuts through everyone’s ears. “The Student of the Year, Satoru Gojo!” Satoru smiles at his mother’s delight for his victory, and goes up to the stage as the crowd cheers for him. “Congratulations, many congratulations,” Yaga says as he hugs his student. “I’m so proud of you, my boy. All yours.”
“Thank you,” Satoru says, voice more serious than usual. “Each student of Saint Teresa wants to win the title of the Student of the Year. In 25 years, there have been many successful students who won this trophy,” he pauses for a moment. Satoru’s pale nose is unusually pink, as if he has spent his time crying. “I don’t want to insult anyone - but I cannot accept this trophy.” He explains, “I have my reasons, reasons that I have no wish to explain.”
The hall falls into a stunned, confused silence. You, Shoko, Haibara are all confused - he wanted to win that trophy so badly, then why was he suddenly refusing to accept it? What even happened? He walks down the stage, stopping in front of his father for a second, a smirk on his face and shaking his head at the sombre old man, then walks away.
Suddenly, Nanami loudly claps his hands in the crowd, drawing everyone’s attention and making Satoru stop in his tracks. He gets up from his place and continues clapping. “Well done, Satoru, well done!” he says, his appearance dishevelled. “Good for you! Good for you!” he turns to the crowd, “Hey! Why aren’t you all clapping now, when you should?” He takes the hand of a student and claps his hands together. “Clap your hands!”
“Nanami! Behave yourself,” Yaga scolds from above the stage. “Are you drunk? The school will not tolerate this behaviour!”
“School?” Nanami chuckles with irony. “You know what Dean, to hell with this school, and to hell with you!”
“Nanami!” Coach gets up from his place, angry at his behaviour. Suguru gets up and tries to take Nanami away, but the blond stops him.
“This Student of the Year trophy was your idea, right?” Nanami turns to Yaga, clicking his fingers. “Then you should get the award.” He pretends to pick up an award from Suguru’s empty chair. “Here is your award for the most stupid idea!”
“All because you didn’t win?” Yaga’s voice is condescending. “Look at yourself Nanami, what were the chances?”
“Yes, I lost.” Nanami admits. “But why did I lose?” he’s raising his hand, pointing his finger to Yaga. “Because of you and your stupid rules. Guys and girls will run together, a date is mandatory for the prom,” he comically dances in his drunk anger, saying in a sing-song voice, “dance to win the trophy,” he turns back to Yaga with a chuckle. “But who cares, who cares if this idiot can’t dance? And who cares that people like us,” his finger goes back and forth between himself and Yaga. “Who cares that people like us can find a partner? You should’ve known that,” his tone is accusatory and he’s beginning to cry.
Your heart cries in sympathy, while Satoru and Suguru inch closer to him, trying to get him to stop. “Let me speak, this stupid drama has been going on for 25 years now,” Nanami challenges. “Why? Because Dean Masamichi Yaga has no entertainment in his own life. He’s alone, and he wants to break all our friendships too. You know what, you are a jealous, lonely and very unhappy man!”
Yaga’s face has reddened and his eyes welled up behind his signature glasses. He’s stunned into silence, but Nanami continues, “Congratulations, sir! Your final episode is a complete hit! You ended two years of friendships within two weeks.” His voice only gets louder. “We all hate each other!” He raises his hand in a military salute. “For that, I wanna salute you, Dean Masamichi Yaga!”
He drops the navy Saint Teresa blazer at the Dean’s feet and stomps away, pushing Satoru and Suguru on his way out.
Ten years later
Nanami’s phone rings in the middle of the night, who answers, grumpy. “Hello,” the voice on the other line says something. “There’s no Ichiji here… OH! Ichiji!” He wakes up as realisation hits him. “Hi! How are you? What? Okay, I’ll come to Dehradun as soon as I can. Yeah, no worries I’ll find them on instagram.”
Now in Dehradun, Nanami, Haibara, Shoko and Tanya recall their time back in Saint Teresa from a decade ago, when Satoru enters the hospital. He’s changed completely - a black blindfold instead of his round sunglasses make up his performer personna - the rockstar Satoru Gojo.  Although, he’s ditched his blindfold in favour of square glasses.
Tanya, just wrapping up her divorce with her fourth husband, is awfully delighted to see Satoru. He hugs Shoko, saying, “You’re looking like a girl now,” gesturing to her long brown hair.
Shoko shakes her head, saying, “I’m a doctor and a mother now. You’re a great person too now,”
“The consequence of leaving my father behind,” He jokes.
“I’m so proud of you,” He says. Satoru spots Haibara, and envelopes in a bear hug, the anger from a decade back forgotten. “Haibara, how are you doing?” He playfully punches Nanami on the shoulder. “How are you, man?”
“What did the doctors say?” He asks, enquiring about Yaga’s condition. Just then, their old coach comes in, complementing his intense, rockstar appearance. Satoru has piercings on his left ear now. He hugs Ichiji, now the new coach at Saint Teresa, walking with him to see the critically sick Yaga.
Suguru gets out of his white Mercedes sedan, dressed in a navy trench coat with a grey sweater vest underneath and a striped scarf warming his neck. His hair has grown out in the last 10 years, long straight hair falling down till his waist. Half of it is tied in an updo. He hasn’t changed as dramatically as Satoru, but he has grown a lot more confident and assertive.
He gets to the other side of the sedan, opening the door to offer you his hand, never wanting to let you open any doors since the two of you got together. You’ve been married for three years now, and you’re the happiest when with him. The only wish you have is that you could turn back time and have things go a little differently than they have, maybe everything would be even better, then.
Getting off the elevator, the first person you see is Shoko, who smiles sweetly at the two of you. Suguru gives her a side hug, greeting her kindly. He then leaves the two of you, knowing there are things left unresolved.
“Hey, Haibara,” Suguru says, deliberately not greeting Satoru right beside him. The long haired man with delicate features instead goes to greet Nanami and Tanya, seeing them after a long time.
“It's been a long time,” Shoko softly says, brown eyes apologising more sincerely than any words ever could.
“Yeah,” You raise your arms, hugging her. Pulling back, you shake your head with a smile. “I hoped you might call after having your baby… Such ego,”
“It wasn’t ego, it was shame,” Shoko admits. 
“It’s all in the past now, forget it,” You say.
“What was even the point of doing all that?” She repents. “I’m still a normal person,”
“Let’s leave all of that,” You say, shaking your head. “Show me the pictures of your baby now,” Shoko smiles brightly at you and shows you the pictures of her little baby girl. “What’s Tanya up to, these days?” you quietly ask her.
“Looking for a new husband,” She whispers to you. “I’d advice to keep Suguru away from her,”
“I trust him,” You say, dismissing her concerns and she gives you a knowing smile. “I'll have to keep him away from someone else though,” you turn to Satoru.
“Hmm,” Shoko still has that teasing smile. “It’s a hospital, wrecking it won’t leave a good impression,”
“Exactly,” you say. “I’ll be right back,”
You walk up to Satoru and Haibara, greeting them both. Haibara leaves quickly, giving the two of you some space. You haven't spoken to Satoru since that day when everything went wrong. But you hug him for a short moment. He had been an important person in your life, afterall.
“You didn’t even invite me to your wedding,” Satoru playfully complains. “I would’ve been there from the bride’s side. I have that much right, don’t I?”
“Shut up, Satoru,” you tease him back. “What’s with that intense look?” you ask, gesturing to his all black appearance and piercings.
“A musician’s appearance must reflect his pain,” He explains. “Otherwise the music doesn’t sell, you know?”
“I’ve listened to your music, you know.” You admit. “Your latest album is amazing,”
“Does he let you listen to my music?” He asks, nodding to Suguru.
“He secretly listens to it himself,” You chuckle. “But he won’t admit that. Come meet Sugu now, come on.”
“Na-ahn,” Satoru shakes his head. “You married him and are showing your authority over me. That's not how it works,”
Suguru’s outside, texting on his phone when you find him. “It’s been ten years now, Sugu,” you try to reason with him. He pockets his phone with a sigh at your words. “What’s to lose by saying a little hello?”
“He shrieks in his songs, he can come say hello too,” Suguru counters with his soft voice. 
“You’re an investment banker Sugu, not a child,” You try to convince him, placing your hand on his arm.
“And you’re my wife, darling,” He says, his eyes kind as he looks down at you. “Not your ex boyfriend’s lawyer.”
“Ex boyfriend’s lawyer, where did that come from?” You say, brows creased and nose scrunched up.
“I saw you hug him,” He counters, making you sigh. “Feeling affectionate?”
“That’s disgusting Sugu, come on,” you drawl.
“What else were you expecting?” Satoru’s taunting voice suddenly interrupts you. “He has billions in his bank but the class of a penny,”
“What did you do with your high class, huh?” Suguru snaps back, but his voice is still a model of serene calm. “You’re playing that guitar like a courtesan in front of an audience,”
“But I give great hugs,” Satoru says, turning to you with a raised brow. “Right?”
That breaks Suguru’s calm facade. He menacingly steps between you and Satoru asserting, “Bastard, mind your mouth. You’re speaking to my wife.”
“She was my girlfriend that day when you kissed her,” Satoru angrily snaps, pushing him back. Suguru punches his face, the martial arts expertise not left too behind with his stock market capabilities. Their fist-fight out in the hospital’s garden has your friends gathering, with Nanami and Haibara rushing to pull them apart at your request, only for Shoko to stop them.
“Don’t,” She says. “It’s an anger of ten years, let them get it out.”
A moment later, Suguru has Satoru's face bruised and pinned to the ground, yelling right in his face, “Why are you so angry, Satoru? It’s not just because of my darling wife,” Satoru’s red face is an angry grimace, wincing in pain. “You didn’t even love her. Then why this anger?!”
Satoru pushes Suguru off himself, standing up and pointing his finger to him accusatory. “You deliberately let yourself lose that day!” He yells, white hair flying in all directions. His mind flashes back to the triathlon from ten years ago. “Why did you do that?” He pushes Suguru, emphasising his point. “Why?!”
“Because your father was a nasty, twisted man!” Suguru answers with a yell. “He was rejoicing seeing you lose, he was wishing me luck to defeat you.” Suguru confesses, retying his messed up hair. “I wanted to be like your father, but even I couldn’t be this twisted. I thought,” Satoru’s blue eyes have lost all that electric rage, leaving behind teared up eyes on realisation. “In that moment, I realised that I could defeat the most powerful man of the country by making you win,” He inhales a deep breath before continuing. “My dad was dead, Satoru, but yours wasn’t a dad either.”
“I dealt with my dad when I left him and his name,” Satoru says, his shove gentle now. “I didn’t need your nobility,”
Suguru shakes his hand, chuckling at his ironic statement. “Nobility, wow!” He incredulously says. “What about that drama you pulled off on the stage? Huh? What the hell was that?” Suguru’s brow is creased and he’s poking at Satoru’s chest, speaking through gritted teeth. “If you knew everything that day, why didn’t you say anything in front of everyone? In front of you dad?” He answers his question himself, “Because you wanted to show to your father that you actually won,”
Satoru throws a punch at that, and Suguru returns a harder one, busting his lip. “Don’t hit my face so hard!” Satoru complains, holding his large hand against his busted lip. 
“Bloody loser,” Suguru mumbles under his breath, wiping the blood on his knuckle and feeling his bruised cheekbone.
“Hey! Who are you calling a loser?” Satoru gets defensive. It’s a true comedy - how fast their fight boiled over and turned childish. “All last five of my albums have been platinum hits,”
“So what?” Suguru competes as well. “My banking business has a turnover of 500 million,”
“International music labels chase me!” Satoru claims. (it's the truth)
“Companies beg me for mergers,” Suguru claims (also the truth)
“When I perform, Wembley shakes,” Satoru yells.
“One snap of my fingers shakes the stock market,” Suguru claims.
“I’ve been with a hundred women-” Satoru says, forgetting himself in the heat of the moment.
“And I have my darling wife-” Suguru says, not hearing Satoru. “Wait what? A hundred, really?” He asks in his calm voice with his brows raised, eyeing him.
“Yeah, plus or minus ten,” Satoru has calmed down as well, but he is terribly embarrassed at his admission. 
“Plus or minus?” Suguru asks.
“Probably minus,” Satoru admits.
They both burst out laughing - it starts with a smile, going to a chuckle then a full blown laughter. “You haven’t changed a bit, you bastard.” Suguru decides.
Quieting down for a moment, they assess the damage, when Satoru slowly turns to his friend. “Are you about to kiss me right now?” Suguru teases.
“I won’t even hug you, motherfucker,” Satoru says as they hug.
Dean Yaga dies with people he cared about surrounding him, happy to see that Suguru and Satoru have rekindled their friendship. Their broken bond weighed heavy on his heart, and he passed peacefully on seeing his old students back together. Satoru and Suguru are back at Saint Teresa’s campus, this time as alumni - there to show students to follow their hearts and maintain their friendships instead of seeing them as competition.
A/N: it took me nearly two weeks to complete and the last 7k words i wrote in one sitting, my hands were numb but we finished it and i've proofread it once (please ignore any errors) special shoutout to my desi girlies here, we've all wanted to be shanaya at one point lmao. I hope ya'll enjoyed it because it was fun writing this hehe. Also the reason I have Satoru or Suguru first is because here in india we address each other by first names for the most part
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xanthippe74 · 6 months
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Masterlist of my “12 Days of Fandom” recs, inspired by this post. As always, please check the tags and author's notes before reading. Enjoy!
🔸 Terminal Lucidity by @romaine2424 (Drarry, HD Career Fair, rated G, 3K) This bittersweet fic has Harry putting his abilities as Master of Death to good use by comforting those close to death themselves. We see him at work here, adeptly easing the way for someone dear to him with compassion and care. I found this story incredibly moving and a beautiful portrait of family ties in the face of an impending loss. Featuring older, established Drarry and the Black-Malfoy family.
🔹 Our Objective Remains Unchanged by @citrusses (Drarry, rated E, 46K) Gorgeously and vividly written, this university rowing AU drew me in right from the get-go, despite the fact that Muggle AUs are not my typical cuppa. The enemies-to-lovers tension is perfectly paced as Harry and Draco fight for the same spot on the Oxford team. Citrusses did a fantastic job translating their backgrounds and personalities (as well as those of other familiar characters from the books) into this world. Class divisions and the pressure of a highly-public sporting event stand in very effectively for Harry’s canon experiences. All in all, the story has the poignancy and drama of a lush coming of age film, and I can’t recommend it highly enough!
🔸 The Pile by @b-vul (Drarry, not rated, about 1.5K) This hilarious ficlet was born out of littlewinnow’s tumblr post about Veela!Harry performing an intricate mating dance to impress Draco. Delightfully, it’s from Harry’s POV as he blindly “trusts his instincts” to guide him into increasingly bizarre actions. And the evolution of Draco’s reaction is pure comedy gold. I’ve come back to reread this one a couple of times, and it never fails to have me in stitches. (The tumblr thread also contains adorable art by regretfulcorrine!)
🔹 Shine on, You Crazy Diamond by @lagerloutfic (Drarry, HD Mpreg Fest, rated E, 42K) This is one of those fics that you can’t stop reading once you start (something I confirmed this morning when I went to skim through it for this rec and wound up spending a few happy hours devouring the entire thing again). It’s laugh-out-loud funny and deliciously smutty, with a full cast of delightful side characters and just the right amount of feelings. The story begins with the discovery of Draco’s surprise pregnancy, then switches to a long flashback of Harry’s gay awakening and his fast sexual/slow emotional burn relationship with Draco. The entire fic has a joyful feel—banter-filled pub nights, chaotic family dinners, audacious curse breaking—culminating in the baby’s arrival, which left me in happy tears and wishing for another 40K of this fabulous story. Featuring confident Harry, supportive friends & family, hot Charlie, and some shamelessly kinky Unspeakables.
🔸 Silhouettes by @sweet-s0rr0w (Draco/Ron/Harry, Dronarry Fest, rated E, 16K) Draco/Ron/Harry is not a ship I’d ventured into before I read this fic, but I’m so glad I did! Sweet’s writing always hits the right spot in my brain, and her alternating POVs and spot-on characterizations of all three boys are delightful. I especially loved Ron’s sexy self-assurance here. The unique magical theory around sentient houses is fascinating and ultimately poignant, once Draco gets to the root cause of the Burrow’s behavior. Sweet-sorrow surely lived up to her username with this one, weaving grief with humor and a heartwarming resolution.
🔹 Harry Potter Gets a Job (A 106-Page Comic) by dustmouth (Drarry, HD Career Fair, rated M) Dustmouth’s comics never miss, I swear! In this one, we find Harry overcoming his distrust of Draco with the help of the Weasleys, especially Ron (who is definitely up to something himself). All of my favorite Dustmouth elements are here: the expressive characters, Draco’s wild wardrobe choices, and punchy dialogue galore. Also featuring drunken shenanigans at the Burrow, adorable Teddy, and some first-class Slytherin-ing by Draco to win his man (and find Harry that job). What a treat!
🔸 the earth from a distance by spqr (Drarry, rated E, 15K) A whirlwind time-travel fic with breezy humor, bedsharing, and spqr’s unmatched smut with feelings… What more could you ask for in a fic? Oh, yeah: fantastic worldbuilding for Hogwarts in 1599, brilliantly clever Draco, and a dash of enemies to lovers. I can never get enough of this author!
🔹 A Year In The Life by @ladderofyears (Drarry, HD Career Fair, rated M, 19K) I swear, the author conjured a little bit of magic to write this story. It’s told entirely with 50-word microfics, one journal entry for each day of 2006 (an impressive feat, by itself!), and yet it reads just as smoothly as any traditional fic. Draco’s voice is perfect here, full of wit and subtle emotion, as his and Harry’s developing romance takes a sharp turn with an unexpected pregnancy.  Draco’s anticipation, worry, and joy are mixed with deftly-chosen details of his daily life, all captured with Emma’s trademark tenderness and warmth. This fic is a perfect comfort read for family feels and gentle romance.
🔸 try to fix you by @maesterchill (Harry/Ron/Hermione, HP Snooze Fest, rated M, 2K) A beautifully and tenderly written hurt/comfort fic set in the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts. Ron is the glue that holds the trio together here, caring for Harry and Hermione with gentle devotion. There’s no dialogue needed to tell this story, just Ron’s perceptive POV that captures the grief and love that compel him. I have a soft spot for this triad forming immediately after the war, as a way of holding onto each other and holding themselves together. Maester’s fic makes their transition from friends to lovers feel like the first step towards healing.
🔹 The Scent of Soft Rains by @dodgerkedavra (Drarry, HD Career Fair, rated E, 20K) When Harry is left housebound and isolated by a traumatic injury, magical prosthetist Draco gets called into help. But Harry’s struggles go far beyond the physical ones. This recovery fic combines magical and non-magical therapeutic treatments in a way I can’t remember reading before. The hurt/comfort is just as it should be—both heart-wrenching and soothing—but there are enough surprising revelations to keep the story from feeling predictable. Draco is wonderfully unflinching and patient, and the ending left me crying happy tears. With lovely, restrained prose and vivid magical imagery, this one’s an absolute stunner.
🔸 Connecting Lines, Connecting Crimes by @sleepstxtic (Drarry, H/D Career Fair, rated M, 15K) With its intriguing careers, fascinating magical theory, and well-researched worldbuilding, this story captured my attention immediately, and the mystery at the heart of it kept me engrossed. This was one of the more thought-provoking fics I’ve had the pleasure of reading, exploring the intersection of magic, the environment, and colonialism. Harry’s first-person POV is lovely, and it feels like we’re learning to love India and the people he meets along with him. The getting-back-together romance is gentle but satisfying, propelled by pent-up yearning that’s palpable. There’s so much to enjoy here, all in only 15K words!
🔹 Waking Up Slow by @sweet-s0rr0w and @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (Drarry, H/D Wireless Fest, rated E, 22K) The first word that comes to mind while reading this fic is charming. First there’s the novel setting: a Christmas shop in the tourist destination of Cheddar Gorge, in the middle of a July heatwave. Next, there’s the shop itself, so imaginatively described and full to the brim with clever Muggle and magical details. Then there are the delightful OCs, Draco’s seemingly unhinged enthusiasm for all things Christmas (including ridiculous jumpers), and Harry’s complete disregard for professional behavior. But underneath the playful banter and humor, there’s also a layer of poignancy to tug at the heartstrings, especially when we find out the backstories behind Harry’s and Draco’s unlikely careers. And to top it all off, like the glowing star on the tree, are Joy’s exuberant, colorful illustrations. This is a Christmas-y fic I’d reread any time of the year.
Thanks to all these brilliant creators for sharing their work with us!
Happy New Year!
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jojosbizzarewife · 2 months
SCREW EVERYTHING I refuse to die without knowing which bois would let you peg them🫣🫣
@joestarfoundation, you're my soulmate & I love the way you think 🥰
Who lets you peg them
Blease, I'm Pegging you
Jonathan, Speedwagon, Joseph, Kars, Wammu, Esidisi, Polnareff, Avdol, Josuke, Okuyasu, Rohan, Kira, Bruno, Abbachio, Mista, Fugo, Illuso, Formaggio, Ghiaccio, Melone, Anasui, Johnghalli A, Pucci, Johnny, Diego, Gappy
He would try it, if you asked. Would probably want a small, smooth, silicone toy.
Enthusiastic yes! Lots of people don't know this, but the Speedwagon Foundation has a "Sexual Health & Wellness" division.
Approaches you with this suggestion. Already owns a pegging dildo and bought harness that he thinks would look amazing on you.
Doesn't ask, just assumes you two will end up doing it at one point. The type of guy God to have a custom made dildo for you to peg him. It's an idol of himself, he has it on display when it's not in use.
Is definitely open to the idea (not like he hasn't done it before). However, he prefers to save it for special occasions. Moans and whimpers the whole time - everyone in the neighborhood will hear him.
More than willing and eager to take on any challenge you're willing to give him. Goes to the store with you to pick out a sturdy harness and a set of dildos. You have to convince him to get one smaller than 10" to start with.
Oui oui, ma cherie! Flattered that you would even ask - horrified that you think he would ever say no to you. If you find a silver dildo to match Silver Chariot, he would die of happiness right then.
"YES, I AM INTERESTED!" Loves it when you take control, especially if you tell him to sit on your cock. This man is absolutely putty in your hands.
As soon as you ask, this man is shopping for sexy assless undies and a matching pegging kit. Would love if you took him on a date and set out rose petals beforehand.
A people pleaser, he would absolutely be down for it if you expressed interest. You can't tell me this man isn't already wearing a butt plug out in public (probably because you asked) - HAVE YOU SEEN HOW HE WALKS
At first, he would refuse (of course), then would come to you a week later with a harness and multiple dildo options for you to pick from. Becomes a regular thing you two do together.
Pretends like he is only agreeing for your sake. Is acctually a needy slut for your strap - would have you peg him all the time if he could.
You suggest it after he confides in you that he has zipped off his own penis to try using as a dildo. Immediately zips off his penis and zips it onto you so you can peg him with it.
Only brings it up when he's drunk. Wants you to pull his hair and spit wine into his mouth. Will use Moody Blues to replay it when you're not around (and he's sober).
Brings it up first, buys himself a "clone-a-willy" (glow in the dark, obviously) so you can peg him with his clone - says it makes him feel "closer to you"
Once he's comfortable enough with you, he approaches you about it first. Does a bunch of research and prep, gets super nervous/excited - does not end up enjoying it as much as he thought he would.
He would still do it if you really want, but would prefer other forms of intimacy.
Wants it BAD, but waits for you to approach him about it first. Power top - degrades you the whole time for enjoying it.
Buys the biggest toy so he can shrink it down to whatever he wants at any given time. Almost cums when you agree to try it out with him.
He will make you work (beg) for it. However, after a stressful day, he would be the one begging for a pegging. Prefers to use cooling lube for pegging.
Asks you by gifting you a strapless strap-on dildo and puppy eyes. Tell him he's a little slut made for your cock if you want to see him cry while he cums.
As soon as you even hint at wanting to try pegging him, he buys you both matching dildos. Loves how much you dote on him and how loved you make him feel. VERY LOUD
Johnghalli A
Im fucking drooling and sobbing and begging for this mans cake!
He floats the idea by you first. Would love to be pegged in the shower while you keep your hand over his mouth and tell him to be quiet for you.
Would do anything to see God/Heaven again. Says it's the best way to do so. Prefers a curved vibrating dildo. He tears up when he cums while you're pegging him.
He initially brings up the idea of wanting you to dominate him. Loves to suck your strap while you tell him how good he's doing. He is a moaning, drooling mess before you even start pegging him.
This man is so cocky - he NEEDS to be pegged (his idea). Power top, especially after he wins a race. Will tie you down while he rides your strap and tell you how lucky you are that he's letting you pleasure him at all.
Very eager to agree to ANYTHING you suggest, this is no different. Will overstimulate himself riding your strap - LOVES when you jerk him off while he rides you.
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lavnderwonu · 3 months
seventeen as my favorite 70’s songs! ˖ ࣪⭑
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author’s note!: i always say my biggest flex is my music taste. i tried my best to pick songs for the members based on their vibes & personalities. im an old soul & love love love the 70’s. im like a 60 year old in a 24 year old body LOL. 70’s music is one of my all-time favorites other than kpop of course. click the links to listen to the songs & who knows, you might enjoy them just as much as i do! 🪩🕺🏼
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choi seungcheol ❀
next to you by the police
waterloo by abba
say you love me by fleetwood mac
yoon jeonghan ❀
silver springs by Fleetwood Mac
i saw the light by todd rundgren
it never rains in southern california by albert hammond
hong joshua ❀ (i can totally picture him in a discotheque… think saturday night fever)
angeleyes by abba
good old-fashioned lover boy by queen
jive talkin’ by the bee gees
wen junhi ❀
love grows (where my rosemary goes) by edison lighthouse
jet by paul mccartney & wings
baba o’riley by the who
kwon soonyoung ❀
i need a lover by john mellencamp
what a fool believes by the doobie brothers
stuck in the middle with you by stealers wheel
jeon wonwoo ❀
burning love by elvis presley
you’re all i’ve got tonight by the cars
rosalinda’s eyes by billy joel
lee jihoon ❀
i was made for lovin’ you by kiss
little dreamer by Van Halen
love will tear us apart by joy division
lee seokmin ❀
don’t bring me down by electric light orchestra
do ya think im sexy? by rod stewart
don’t go breakin’ my heart by elton john & kiki dee
kim mingyu ❀
crazy on you by heart
deuce by kiss
gimme! gimme! gimme! (a man after midnight) by abba
xu minghao ❀
let me roll it by paul mccartney & wings
lover’s rock by the clash
ashes to ashes by david bowie
boo seungkwan ❀ (so abba coded..god)
SOS by abba
two of us by the beatles
hold the line by toto
chwe hansol ❀
lost in the supermarket by the clash
valley of the dolls by generation x
hanging on the telephone by blondie
lee chan ❀
what is life by george harrison
denis by blondie
jamie’s cryin’ by van halen
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stephendorff · 26 days
Hii 💛
I saw this in another fandom and now I'm sending the same question to a bunch of Jake girlies (gn) because it’s so interesting seeing everybody’s answers!
Who are your Top 3 Jake boys and why? Is there a specific piece of art (fic, gif, fan art, etc.) for them that you like a lot?
firstly, i wanna prelude this by saying that i'm a person who is totally in the Jake fandom, but I'm more of an outside enjoyer. i'm not in the trenches making awesome fics for his characters and making neat detail headcanons, etc etc. I wish I was like that, but I'm a simple lover. I make gifs and love his movies. So, thank you for considering me for this question. 🥰💕 I'm gonna do my top three in order and start with my soul-crushingly favorite:
#1 Brian Taylor -- End Of Watch 🚓
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This isn't strictly about Jake as it is for the movie as a whole; I freakin love, love, love, love End Of Watch. I love David Ayer movies. I love that he worked with Jake. EOW is so extremely special to me. I think all the Jake fans I have interacted or have actively seen in his small active fandom here on tumblr have that one specific movie that they claim is "theirs" and EOW is absolutely mine. 😁 Now, unfortunately EOW is extremely underrated in Jake's filmography for whatever reason, and there isn't much for it here on tumblr (even from me, for reasons!) that there isn't much to share for it.
Anyways, Jake and Michael's chemistry is so incredibly fun to watch; how Ayer shot the movie, it makes it believable that they are cops. i've always had this interest about law enforcement and this movie really scratches that itch for me. it's shot in a behind-the-scenes style, where you, the viewer, get to ride along with two cops and are able to see what their life is like on the job--- with the good and bad, Ayer kept it real, and i adore him for that. i have seen this movie lauded repeatedly by LEO communities for being the best movie out there representing them. this movie has ruined me. i became such a LA and LAPD whore because of this damn film lmao. Plus, Bald!Jake AND Jake in uniform is just... unparalleled for me. it's on a level of sexy i could never properly explain. Lowkey thirst movie. Fun Fact! Brian Taylor works at Newton Division (Lucky 13!) and the real LAPD Newton Division has a End Of Watch poster displayed in their building. 😍
#2 Billy Hope - Southpaw 🥊
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Okay, this is another pick where i love the movie as a whole vs loving it just for Jake's character. This movie other than having a strong script and a cast to match, it's a thirst watch for me. Billy has my dream man physique that I drool over (and i'm super envious of). I'm the self-proclaimed #1 bald / short hair jake supporter, and as much as i love to gripe about his haircut in this movie, i'm absolutely in love with it too. it looks so good on him. just as good as that shredded bod. and don't get me started on the whump / injury kink this movie indulges. Here are some of my fav sets from other creators. (i) (ii) (iii)
# 3 Lou Bloom - Nightcrawler 📹
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Now, i can definitely say i love this movie specifically for Lou. Nightcrawler is a great film overall, I think it's Dan Gilroy's on-hit-wonder, but Lou absolutely makes the film. he is the only Jake character that I will actively search for, for fics. he's so deliciously evil. i highly enjoy dark characters. i am wild for unhinged, morally corrupt, manipulative, charismatic, viciously ruthless characters and Lou checks every box. (though he's not 100% charismatic, he tries to be but comes off creepy which, ya know, not everyone can be perfect lol). this movie being set in LA and we get to see Lou have run ins with LAPD is a big plus for me in loving this movie. i think he should get some kind of honorary recognition in the slasher fandom, because Lou fits among those characters so well. the way he set up Rick to be shot down by the man in the escalade, i mean come on ! if he's willing to do that, then the possibilities of what he would do to further his reputation and company-- i can see him committing murders. whether he does them himself or sets them up just adds to the fun.
@/deputyrook's fic for Lou will always have my heart. I think it was the first one I read, too. (i think there were others but i don't know where they went)
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loudmound · 2 years
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i am most certainly not the first person to do a roleswap au, but i am definitely having fun with it.
mary, assuming the protagonist's role with james being the one who got sick and is died. she wears james' jacket bc a few months into his diagnosis, he passed it onto her and said that even when he's not around, he'll always keep her warm. as we can see, the jacket is a little big on her. she wears the same blouse she does in the base game but wears jeans and boots that she wears as a cemetery groundskeeper. (i'm not making her run around silent hill in heels.)
mary's pyramid head equivalent, prism head! (cube head to be more precise but that doesn't sound nearly as cool) it's all dressed up in a nurse's outfit and has a surgical, methodical edge about it. the tools in its belt represent mary's versatility and divisiveness under duress. (ie. working multiple jobs to pay off james' medical bills, never late for anything, always working overtime to make just one more dollar, etc.) the cube shaped cage attached to its head represents mary's feelings of helplessness and uselessness while witnessing james' deterioration, feeling trapped and unable to do anything of use. the spikes that line the edges of the cage represent mary's thorniness throughout this patch of her life, and prism head attacks her with these spikes whenever she gets particularly angry, a vicious wake-up call to tell mary that this is how her anger feels to other people: sudden, sharp, and hurtful. the flesh-like webs attached to the sides represent mary's tendency to tunnel vision in the worst case scenarios, being unable to see things appearing or approaching her in the periphery.
james' sexy and mysterious counterpart, jacob! he is far more laid back and carefree than james ever was, assuming a much more punkish, bad boy aesthetic. he sports james' natural black haircolor in a short, shaggy haircut, and is often seen with a cigarette in his mouth. however, in spite of his overall calm attitude, he is fiercely insistent on protecting mary and keeping her safe while he fights off the monsters crawling around silent hill, which ends up getting him killed multiple times over. he also becomes incredibly frigid when things don't go his way and pushes back against mary a lot bc she is deadset on finding her husband and has no time for distractions.
prism head's whole deal isn't so much of a punisher as it is a cruel teacher. mary does way less self-flagilating than james does in the base game, being that what consumes her is her feelings of uselessness rather than guilt, and all of her monsters are in some part tied to those feelings like she was never enough. otherwise, james would still be here, alive and well. mary felt like she failed james as a wife, failing to be loving, devoted, nurturing, sweet, the whole nine yards. she is still crushed by the revelation that she was the one who killed james and not the disease, but she is far more bold and determined than james was in the base game.
the only roles here that are switched are mary and james'. everyone else assumes the same roles they did in canon. the purpose of this roleswap is to explore the notion of "if it were the other way around, it would still end in the exact same way." i also wanted to flesh mary out as a character more bc... well! i like her!
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ricegrains-n-rosess · 2 years
Little parts of mcr songs that rlly hit different
1. That soft harmonising at 1:15 in Cemetery Drive makes me tingle everytime
2. That really eerie, weird guitar part at 3:15 in I Never Told You What I Do For a Living, it’s so creepy?!
3. Oh god the lalalala in Boy Division will never not kill me 
4. Actually Cemetery Drive in general 
5. “clean me off i’m so dirrrttyy babeee” ooouughhhh that hits the awooga factor
6. That little screech thing gee does while singing “shotgun sinners, wild eyed jokers got you in my sighttss” in Hang em High just makes me feel smthn
7. Hang em High needs it’s own post, but istg the hoarse howling in “call her black Mariah would I lie to you? That girl’s not right in the brain”. Actually i’m going to make another post just raving about Hang em High bc that song SLAPPPSSSS (the whole line of “mass convulsions, strike the choir, by the grace of goddd” holy fuckkk gives me convulsions if ya know what I mean) 
8. Holy shit My Way Home is Through You, fucking breaks me. “c’mon angel, don’t you cry” makes me WEEP
9. “aw sugar” is the classic sexy line that makes everyone melt 
10. what kind of a rave post would this be without hotel bella muerta
I’m probably gonna make a part two because I love this damn band
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w
Artwork by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm
Harry/Draco (2022, Explicit, 77k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. But when a giant snake emergency requires the assistance of a Parselmouth, Harry finds himself thrust, unprepared, into Draco’s weird and wonderful world – and naturally, he can’t keep away…
“All these creatures, and you. You’re not… bothered, you know? They’re all pretty powerful, but you know exactly how to handle them. You’re not scared of them, or anything like that.”
Behold everyone, the magical creature fic we all deserve!! Forget Fantastic Beasts, I would give anything to see this incredible journey on the big screen. From a moving plot to lush visuals, impressive world building and a poignant slow burn, this has all the elements that would make for an incredible movie, and a award-winner at that. The amount of care that went into every tiny detail, the brave decision to explore Harry’s loneliness and deteriorated mental health, plus Draco’s breathtaking characterization and arc, the unique creativity surrounding the magical creatures and their lore! This fic is so rich and detailed it even pays homage to other beloved Drarry works and I had so much fun trying to identify the little references. It’s very clear this was a labour of love and I’ll try my best to make it justice highlighting my favourite elements that deserve some extra appreciation.
First and foremost, the plot. This is NOT your usual “down and out Draco & depressed Harry” meet-cute kind of story. Having Draco secretly work with creatures was such a clever and inventive plot point, he has a quite devastating background and I love the mystery surrounding his post-war life that we slowly puzzle together alongside Harry. The first chapter is a banger and immediately captured my attention with Harry’s chaotic and loud routine as opposed to the quietness of Draco’s Beast Division. You’ll find yourself immersed not only in their main story but also in a brilliant side plot involving politician Lucius in the Muggle world. It was so well-thought, intriguing and original, I loved it!
The pacing also deserves a shoutout, for a long fic this was such a smooth read that I basically devoured in two days. The narrative is a mix of intriguing, funny, heartbreaking and romantic. My kind of long fic! The slow burn is absolutely impeccable, charming and organic, realistic but also full of UST (whoever thought a pet bathing scene could be THAT sexy? SS is showing her devotion to Suds here 😏). And omg this Draco is delicious, competent and stubborn with his dark overalls and tough, capable look (we get it Harry, that’s just your objective assessment!!!) and his single-minded, no-bullshit but gentle approach which is exactly what Harry needs to spark his curiosity. They both start this story so lost and lonely and it’s a privilege to see them find themselves (and each other) along the way. Their personalities complement one another beautifully and we notice all the nuances of Harry’s improving mood as he finds a safe haven and a new purpose working with Draco.
Here you’ll also find INCREDIBLE creatures and complex side characters, yes please! I cannot handle adorable Pandita, hilarious Potter the Jarvey, the baby Mooncalf!!! They have quirky and vibrant personalities bringing Harry and Draco’s funny and tender sides to the surface. I’m also very much here for this fascinating Muggle Narcisa and Ministry boss Hermione. This fic is a magical, heartfelt journey and getting to see Harry and Draco’s “happily ever after” was so satisfying. Each boy broke my heart in different ways but they get to heal together and they get to stay together and oh my heart, but they’re so good together. I love the idea of them exploring the wildlife in blissful domesticity afterwards, with bonus points for those sexy times full of scar worship and fat appreciation (done in a very thoughtful, gentle way!). And speaking of smut, I love that Draco’s pride and confidence counter-balances his inexperience, and Harry’s thirst for him is so relatable and adorable “your bloody arms and all the scars, ugh just leave me alone!!!” same Harry, same 😂
I had a blast discovering this wonderful world SS created for them, her genius mind and love for the ship present in every scene. It warmed my heart and made me appreciate even more all the hard work she put into telling this story. The world building is rich and well executed and I didn’t want it to end. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Draco and Harry and those lovely creatures but the healing journey was so special it felt earned. Lastly but just as important to mention as this is an essential part of the story: we have the absolute privilege to contemplate sixteen (!!!) mindblowing art pieces by the one and only Joy and they’re so full of heart and meaning, I felt truly spoiled. The mooncalf dancing scene, in particular, will be forever imprinted in my mind. This is the best read to indulge tonight or tomorrow to celebrate the weekend, go ahead and treat yourself!!!
Read on AO3
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 6 months
How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel? - Aldreda!
Oh man, this is good.
Aldreda's relationship with her appearance is...it's so complicated. "I am sexy & I know it, I am mid & I know it." According to Aldreda, these things can & do coexist. She tends to not think of her "beauty" as super important. She has a carefully curated Look, but that isn't tied to "I am beautiful," it's more "I am an archetype. I am a rogue. I am a mythic raider here to swoop in, kill you, fuck the wife you left behind when I killed you, & then take all your shit back home (wife optional)" However, if someone (that she respected, she has to respect them first) told her that she was pretty or even beautiful then she'd preen about it for days & never stop thinking about & become even more insufferable than she already is.
It isn't that she thinks she's ugly, it's just that when she took it upon herself to be the sons her dad kept losing that "womanly things" stopped mattering. She didn't need to ornament herself beyond what was a show of wealth & prowess or do anything that a man would think is desirable in a "good, sensible, very necessary island-born rock wife." There's a distinct division between "I am a sexy, bad boy raider who deserves to smash whoever I want," & "I am, objectively, pretty & why wouldn't someone want me?" And she is definitely doing the former way more than the latter.
Aldreda's feelings about love are...they are weird. It all has conditions. Familial love is based on doing what someone wants or requires of their family members, platonic love is based on how successful you are, romantic love is based on being the most beautiful & compatible with someone & is the closest anyone can come to not wanting anything from you because what you naturally bring to the table (divorced from skill or connection) is what they want. You are the condition. And so she, like, she just sort of is like "well, I'm not worthy of that one, that got made clear. Guess I'm only worthy of fucking! Beauty Scale 1, Sexy Scale 10, let's fucking go!" And this appearance stuff isn't not linked to her confidence, but because her confidence is mostly competency based, she simply doesn't notice when a blow to her (honestly pretty fragile) ego is making her just over-compensate that little loss. Because "I'm mid & that's fine," except it isn't because that's just one more thing she's subconsciously convincing herself she isn't worthy of.
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britesparc · 2 months
Weekend Top Ten #630
Top Ten Chocolates
Well, there’s chocolate. And, there’s chocolate. But! Only Wonka makes your confidence sky-rock-a-let. So put your hand into your pock-a-let, grab yourself some Wonka chocolate!
The problem being, of course, that Wonka Chocolate doesn’t actually exist. Well, okay, there’s something called Wonka Chocolate, but let’s face it, it doesn’t make you fart hummingbirds or whatever. Sadly, proper Wonka Chocolate remains the province of tall tales and masterful musicals that shockingly didn’t even get nominated for a single Oscar, despite having several of the best songs of the year.
Yes, even better than I’m Just Ken.
Where was I?
Oh yes, Easter. A celebration of renewal, of springtime, and of course the inspiration for the classic film The Life of Brian. So in a moment of spiritual solemnity I’m going to focus on the true meaning of the season by writing a list about chocolate.
This is no hifalutin list of blends and flavours; oh no sir. I did consider that, but then I thought that sounded both like a lot of hard work and also a bit pretentious. No, this is just chocolate products that taste really nice. Not cakes or anything though; basically bars. Chocolate bars. And stuff.
And that’s all there is to it. Now let’s all eat like we’re in the Ironic Punishment Division.
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Dark Chocolate Orange: I like dark chocolate, I like orange-flavoured chocolate. There’s also something about the size and heft of the Chocolate Orange slices (segments?) that gives them a bit of gravitas; they’re small enough to have a few, if you feel like it, but also substantial enough to feel like a decent bit of chocolate on their own. Essentially, they tick all the boxes.
Dairy Milk: it’s classic, right? Now, generally speaking, I do prefer dark chocolate; I love those sexy Lindt bars and even a Bourneville. Those aren’t on this list though, but take it as read: they’re great. However, you really have to hand it to the simplicity and verisimilitude of Dairy Milk; it goes with everything. Snapping off a square from a big bar is one thing; but Easter eggs. Is there anything nicer than the shape and consistency of Dairy Milk Easter egg chocolate? I don’t care what comes with the egg, just give me several enormous Cadbury’s ones.
Starbar: going onto actual chocolate bars now, and I do like a bit of something in it. Starbars are great because they are soft but substantial; chewy, crunchy, and really jut have a lot going on. They feel light enough that you don’t get post-choc guilt attacks, but they also have their own bit of weight and substance regardless.
Cadbury’s Caramel: don’t give me any of that “Dairy Milk with Caramel” nonsense. This is its own beast. Dairy Milk chocolate, yes, but with really nice caramel within. Simply the best choc-and-caramel combo; sorry, Galaxy. And does anyone else miss the curiously sexy bunny?
Maltesers: I think I’ve become more and more drawn to the simple elegance of a Malteser as I’ve gotten older. The chocolate may not be Cadbury’s, but it’s sweet and light, and the soft, sugary sensation of dissolving one in your mouth borders on the sublime. I could probably eat a boxful if I allowed myself.
Peanut M&Ms: the connoisseur’s cinema snack of choice. There was a time when my wife and I could not be caught dead without a pack, either at the flicks or just in the car. However, they’re kinda expensive and very sweet and also the kids might have choked on them. But maybe they should make a comeback.
Crunchie: a thick, sturdy block of delightfully sweet honeycomb wrapped in a thin layer of chocolate. One of the most enjoyable chocs to eat due to its combination of subtlety and lightness and also it’s chonky boi energy. Can be soft, can be sharp, always tasty.
Boost: lower down the list than perhaps it really deserves. I really love a Boost, but they are superficially similar to the rather lighter and slightly more flavoursome Starbar. Their comparable heftiness can be what you’re after, and they are tasty. Plus – let’s not forget – they’re slightly rippled with a flat underside.
Reece’s Pieces: I struggled with how to rank these, because the actual Reece’s Pieces – the M&M-style things that Elliot feeds E.T. – aren’t that exciting and have that fake US chocolatey taste. But the other stuff they do – the bars and peanut butter cups and all that jazz – are amazing, probably the best synthesis of peanut butter and chocolate. So taken all together they rock. Despite being American.
Mint Aero: just pipping a Toffee Crisp at the post, because I couldn’t not have mint chocolate. I love mint chocolate, but it is something to be savoured, not an everyday delight. Whilst there are nicer chocolates and better incorporations of a minty flavour, there’s something about the softness and airiness of an Aero that makes it compelling.
Just bubbling under: Viscounts, Rolos, Munchies, and Kit Kats. And, of course, the aforementioned Toffee Crisp. Who’s hungry?
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two-red-lungs · 2 years
This might be a divisive (if that's a word) question, but I gotta know. Do you hc that the Lost Boys, like David, Marko, Paul, and Dwanye actually like womyn? Like sure they flirt with their meals to get them to let their guard down, but like outside of that.
I'm just think about how buckwild everyone went over Michael, and like their interactions with Star was more or less her being brushed off and treated like an accessory at best or a nuisance at worse. It's so stupid omfg but I feel like bad for wanting to sexualize them because of it? If that makes sense? Anyways I just wanted to see another dead head's musings over these cruelly gorgeous vampire. Like I guess this is an ask over how probably you'd see them as wanting to at the very least smash and dash, or even like fall in love with a womyn? Sorry for the word vomit and please don't answer if any of these questions squik u out!
This is actually a very nuanced and interesting set of questions! I have many opinions, as usual. Let's get into it shall we???
Lost Boys Opinions/Hot Takes
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Lost Boys: Attraction to Women
Okay, to blanket-statement start off, yes. I personally believe that all the boys are, on some level, attracted to women, because honestly I have yet to encounter a vampire in any media that didn't have bisexual energy.
But I think it really varies for each of them. Like, David? Almost completely uninterested in women. Like a men-women 80-20 percentage. He prefers men. Marko would be on the other side of the spectrum: I'd put him at a men-women 30-70 percent. Kind of a sex gremblin. Paul's smack in the middle at 50-50. Dwayne is a mystery wrapped in an enigma and who knows what goes on in that gorgeous head.
They're just not very... romantic creatures. Romance is probably the furthest thing from their minds actually. I imagine the Lost Boys live in their own little reality, disconnected from the world and from humanity, and that reality is all about eating and drinking and fucking and fighting. No slowing down, no nights off. No time.
ESPECIALLY for falling in love.
The Boys & Star:
I absolutely think the way they treat Star/how her character is handled is a direct result of the director's world lense. The dude was gay. Do I blame him for making none of the boys interested in her, because of that? Absolutely the fuck NOT. However, she was completely sidelined and essentially used as straight prop/beard and she deserved better.
I think if the movie was made in 2022, we would have seen a Hannibal/Will romantic dynamic with Michael and David, with Star and Laddie playing roles as story-movers only, no romance attached. Star and Michael may have even had a better platonic friendship, allied by the fact that they both wanted to be human.
She also low-key seemed miserable and didn't like any of the boys, either, and I think she'd come alive and have way more personality around fellow women.
David & Michael:
Again, unfortunately, 80s movie. This was a very gay-coded relationship. You can tell the directors/story writers wanted them to angry kiss.
But. BUT. I don't think Michael is David's first 'fascinating boy'. I think the boys collect things: trinkets and sexual endeavors and posters and stuff. David collects (or tries to collect) people, especially people he finds sexually attractive. But by nature of his vampirism (he's fucking insane and murderous) basically nobody survives his 'tests'.
If it wasn't for the Emerson heritage of vampire hunting, I think Michael would have died, a year or two would pass, and David would find another pretty, fascinating, young boy toy.
Are the Lost Boys Sexy???
BITCH YEAH THEY ARE!!!! They are beautiful beautiful twenty-somethings with glorious hair, skintight pants, and the ability to fly. That's hot!!!! Own it!!!! It's fine!!!!
My rule of thumb is, 'would a horny man feel bad about this'? No. So I'm not going to feel bad about it either. Women are allowed to find things sexy.
For your last bit of question, I think the boys bed all sorts of folks of all genders. It usually ends in murder, however, so. There's that. But Paul has totally been to a hippie orgy, and David has absolutely been to a gay leather club. I am so so so certain.
This is sad, but I think if any of the boys fell in actual love, it would be quickly taken away from them. Because the boys survive through being insanely codependent on one another, and them drifting away to 'love' someone might be seen as a threat to be eliminated.
Like if Paul suddenly got deeply infatuated with a beautiful woman and started sending her love letters, or going on walks with her at night, if David heard about it, within the month something terrible and accidental would befall her. Because to him, Paul is his. Part of his family. And David likes to collect.
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blood-injections · 8 months
Conventional Weapons, 27, Panic!
Making me choose a conwep song??? Evil. Its between boy division, gun, and kiss the ring. Kiss the ring is just sexy and unparalleled out of the pure gender in it, boy division is my favorite to play on guitar, not just from the album like in the top three mcr songs to play on guitar for me period. I like that it just doesn't give you a fucking break lol but it has the perfect balance of like. Speed but simplicity? Like its just crazy shredding for two minutes straight its the speed that makes it challenging but if you get the speed down its simple enough that i can do fuckall while playing it and i love me a song simple but fun that i can fucking thrash around on the floor for and not fuck up. Sorry i could go on and on about playing mcr songs. anyway. And Gun because its the one thats the most Killjoy to me like theres other killjoy songs on conwep and danger days and like mad gear and the missile kid of course but none of them put me in the universe like Gun does. So they're all tied.
27. If home is where the heart is then we're all just fucked // Doing lines of dust and sweat off last night's stage just to feel like you // You're a bottled star
Pretty. Odd. 4 LIFE
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bryceslahela · 2 years
choices li tag game <33
tagged by the amazing @mvalentine. i love u bestie <3333 also i added commentary, ignore if u want.
also idk who to tag so … @trystcnthorne @kingliamrys @paladinofsol and anyone else who wants to.
across the void - none. book was ass. sorry howdy.
america’s most eligible - the bad boy that wasn’t even bad. the flop boy.
a very scandalous proposal - hate the way british lis are written so stopped playing but i might replay again bc everyone raves abt simon/ava. if that’s their names.
baby bump - rich guy in ill fitting suit. clit covington.
bachelorette party - rich doctor. reed? as much personality as a loaf of white bread. he had rlly big gazongas tho like ik the design team had fun inflating those things.
big sky country - dallas. dallas so beautiful. i love 1 (one) man.
blades of light and shadow - mal volari
bloodbound - adrian raines (didn’t finish tho)
crimes of passion - obviously my #bae trystan thorne
a courtesan of rome - depends on my playthrough, it’s either marc antony and syphax or just marc antony.
desire and decorum - never finished but ernest sinclaire. he’s v pathetic looking and that’s my type.
distant shores - edward mortemer.
the elementalists - beckett harrington (i know he’s a divisive li but idc he’s my nerd 4 lifer 🤞🏾)
endless summer - sean gayle
foreign affairs - y’all already know 🤭 mr blaine hayes. my number one. my shorty. my bae. my boo. my lil doughnut head.
the freshman series - chris bc i didn’t care abt him frfr. james was cute and was my boo for a minute but then he rlly fucking annoyed me. on my replay it was zig, he was hot but i never finished.
hot couture - no one. all were ugly and hazel wasn’t available.
immortal desires - both (but i liked cas more im sooooo sorry gabey wabey 😪)
laws of attraction - gabe ricci. he’s hot, sexy and has a good job unlike some ppl.
mother of the year - thomas mendez. hot single dad ?? purrrrr.
murder at homecoming - black!tyler is sooo pretty but i’m sorry donovan is gonna be my number one.
my first two loves - noah harris. miss him sm but i am not replaying 100 chapters pb got me fucked up fr.
nightbound - none. didn’t finish.
open heart - bryce lahela obviously 🤭. i would write a sonnet abt him but no one would listen 😪romanced ethan and raf for a bit tho
perfect match - everyone. all lis were TOP TIER. damien and hayden were my mains tho.
platinum - raleigh. fine asf. flop mc didnt deserve him.
red carpet diaries - matt rodriguez. no thoughts up there. love that for him frfr.
ride or die - logan? i think.
the royal masquerade - never finished but the pretty boy prince.
the royal romance - liam rys.
rules of engagement - the rich one. forgot his name srry to that man.
save the date - justin mercado (he wasn’t bad at all y’all are just haters)
veil of secrets - i played once when it came out and it was flynn but i replayed and romanced grant even tho he’s bald.
wake the dead - the hot guy. idk i quit playing.
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
Hey there! Could I get an Easy Company ship (romantic and platonic) please?
I’m 5’5, olivey skin, dark hair, with big hazel eyes and long lashes. I’m half Italian and half French. I live right next to Toccoa and my cousin runs Camp Toccoa and I help out there on the weekends. I love getting to meet the Vets and hear their stories and promoting the Camp on social media! I’m an ENFJ 7w6 . I have a biting sense of humor, I’m very bubbly, have a can-do attitude, with an adventurous spirit. I’m a hands-on learner and I’m getting my PhD in Archaeology right now. I love to learn history and science facts, I fly planes in my spare time, make music, and am a Division-1 archery champion. I drink coffee like it’s going out of style lmao and I love going on long drives with friends ( I make perfectly curated playlists for each drive). I am a total dog mom and really want to adopt a dog for my new apartment.
Thanks for doing these! You’re doing God’s work out here!
Ahhh thank you so much for your request!! I honestly had so much fun reading up on your personality type, you sound like such an interesting person omg !! The fact you live next to camp Toccoa is so cool too, omg <3
My requests still are open if anybody else wants a ship!
I ship you with… Bill Guarnere!!!
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Bill would pick up on you being half Italian immediately.
let’s say you’re in a bar or cafe near Toccoa and Bill finally has a weekend pass, he spots you from across the room and instantly he’s attracted to you, eyes following you around the room.
then he eyes up the other men to make sure they hadn’t seen you.
like your eyes and those long eyelashes, omg Bill knew he had to speak to you immediately before somebody else did.
Woukd deffo approach you confidently and ask you something like “you’re Italian right?!”
when you turn around and flash him the biggest beam ever, he thinks he died and went to heaven. Almost gets nervous? And William Guarnere never gets nervous, but you’re so stunning it sets him back 2 steps.
“You’re a fuckin’ Angel sent down just for me, I swear. I gotta take you out.”
ugh he’s so sexy and confident.
Finds out you’re half French and won’t stop boasting about you to the boys. Would probably mix up race and ethnicity- look he’s super excited ok, you’re gorgeous.
Webster would deffoooo correct him to which Bill would grumble a quick, “shut up, she’s a fuckin’ goddess, that’s my point.”
your bubbly and can-do attitude would match his confidence perfectly.
bill would LOVE that his girl is so confident and adventurous, he’d show you off and you would love it sm omfg.
youre such an interesting person to talk to? Like let’s say you’re telling him story about all the older war veterans you’ve spoken to, Bill listens to every single word you say.
I feel like this is super unique cos Bill is usually the one talking, but with you he could just listen to you for hours.
“Listen, hun, idk wtf you were saying cos I got too mesmerised by how good you look.”
amazing at flirting with you, like it’s not even cringe? He’s so fucking confident it’s sexy.
Would probably kiss you pretty soon after your first date? He doesn’t care about taking things too fast or slow, just moves with whatever tf he feels like.
listen, the fact you’re so inspiring and charming?? All of Bill’s friends instantly love you, he doesn’t hesitate to bring you over to where they’re all sat.
because you’re so outgoing and adventurous I think you’d have a hard time NOT getting along with all the men? Like Luz, Toye, Bull, Malarkey, they’re all sooo in love with you omg.
Bill does keep a watchful eye on the boys around you- youre fucking beautiful and some of the men don’t know how to handle that.
I feel like Bill would be very sure and confident within you to handle your own conflicts??? Like say if some guy was flirting with you harmlessly, he’d trust you enough to brush it off as he stands and laughs at the poor fool who thought he had a chance.
but if anybody gets out of line? Oh nooo, he’s not having that, would practically barricade his body between your body and any fuckers that tried to get close to you.
“What the fuck are you doin’?” “are you stupid or not all there?” “fuckin’ prick had his head so far up his own ass I bet he could taste it.”
doesnt fuck with any man EVER again that’s disrespectful towards you cos fuck them?
fiercely loyal and fiercely protective (when he needs to be) apart from that I think he’d be quite chilled out?
would love a good play fight with you? Like he’s a lot more gentle than you’d expect, he’s ripped and very aware of his strength but never ever, ever, ever comes close to using it on you.
the BIGGEST hugs ever- omg the only time this man is using his strength is to hug you.
and during sex (consensually)
Wants you to enjoy it, he doesn’t if you don’t so don’t even bother lying he can see right through you.
more of a giver than a taker but fucking loves when you go down on him.
forever compliments you during sex, omg the praises are endless.
really fucking good at sex, idk how else to put it??
dirty talk, dirty talk, dirty talk. The man is TOO good at it, like cracks it out whenever he’s horny and knows it’ll get you weak in the knees for him.
loves you SO much to the point he thinks he might explode?!!!
Doesn’t get drunk often?? When you do he’s so gentle and loving with you, super vigilant and keeps an eye on you.
If he can’t or has to go to the toilet he’d deffo make sure Toye or somebody is looking out for you.
let’s say you go missing or something? Maybe he’s a bit jumpy from coming back to England after D-day and fighting, and he loses his shit.
Panic panic panic central omg, he’s shitting himself and gets angry at anybody tryna give stupid recommendations.
turns out you’re peeing or something lmao.
Let’s say you take Bill out on your plane, it’s one of the only times you see him get nervous? He’s bouncing his legs and SHAKING?! Like Bill calm down your in good hands.
he’s sweating and repeating the same 5 questions over and over again. Wiping the sweat of his brow CONSTANTLY.
stresses when you’re out flying and ONE singular drop of rain falls.
Makes up in his own mind that it’s raining and stresses even more??
each and every time you don’t see him let’s say for a couple of days or a few hours he still greets you with the biggest smile EVER omg.
his heart races and he literally gets butterflies??? Finds himself going soft around you
only other times he gets nervous is on your wedding day and if you two end up having any kids.
acts like a cocky little shit to wind you up. Your humour is something he finds sexy, like the fact he can give it right back omf-
He’d shut you up by kissing you soooo passionately omg.
Let’s say you and Webster are having a conversation about “the smartest shit I ever heard!!” He watches in awe.
might not have a clue what you’re talking about? But admires you CONSTANTLY.
“I hope he gets your brains and not mine.” Bill sighs whilst holding a little bundle in his arms. “Bill, that’s a dog??”
maybe not to keen on having a dog at first? But nah ends up loving it and kissing it and cuddling it. He WILL baby talk the dog.
would much prefer long drives with you rather than aeroplane rides?
steals jeeps and goes joy riding with you in Toccoa to impress you.
After the war he’s a little apprehensive about seeing you for the first time and what you’d think? I think he could have the potential to shut down a little but you seem like such a warm& genuine person who wants to inspire others so you’d 10000% motivate him to carry on.
needs you in his life fr.
not that he becomes dependent on you? But almost can’t live life properly without you there.
forever flirts with you and smacks ur bum ALL THE TIME.
neither a bum or boob guy he loves whatever tf he’s given.
stares at you? Not in a creepy way but constantly checks you out.
I think he’d find it a little difficult expressing his emotions with words so physical touch is his strong point??
life with you and Bill would be one big adventure. It would be so fun omfg I LOVE this man.
Platonically I ship you with… George Luz!!
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I had a hard time thinking of who you would be closest friends to?
because you’re so bubbly adventurous I think you’d be extremely popular amounts all the boys.
so I went with somebody a little more realistic? Like George is such a funny and outgoing, friendly guy, he’s be impossible not to make friends with?
would deffo make an effort to speak to you, ask you how your day went and crack jokes with you.
you two would probably laugh at Guarnere together to which he’d flash you both back a confused expression. Like what the hell are you both laughing at you pair of hyenas.
if you wanted to go on an adventure George would deffo be down, he’d look out for you whether Bill was around or not, like George genuinely felt like he’d made a close friend in you whilst training at Toccoa.
tries to question you constantly if you speak Italian or French?
if you do he wants to learn but butchers all the words.
If you don’t he’d act gravely disappointed cos he’s a drama queen!!!
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
376 was fantastic, and not too crazy cliffhangers, pretty chill. we got confirmation Dabi was truthful when he said "this is to twist the knife in Endeavor" when he gave Twice's blood to Toga and people were like "lol silly Dabi, because burning down Toga's abusive home is just the thing Endeavor hates" nah fam, he said "you'll be able to use it you know" and the Endeavor thing in the same panel he said he wasn't being kind to her, because he's STILL talking about destroying everything Endeavor wants to protect and Toga is doing that currently. And I just want it out there that my new sexuality is sexy, bloodied panels of Hawks fighting AFO. I should be concerned about Hawks making AFO's eyes go dark with his words, but it's too funny. AFO is all "Lmao Hawks you loser, weren't you talking all big before about how defeating me quickly was supposed to be Endeavor's job??? You're so wishwashi backing out now and making a guy with no arm and hazy consciousness fight his son!" because Hawks threw the "division" plan to the wind since that failed awhile ago, but remember adaptability was his strong suit in the databook. Plans can be adjusted on the fly. So then Hawks is just "*smirks and growls* Fuck you, you're such a chatty mess." Like, damn. "You already lost once already to the No.1 haven't you?! We're not abandoning anything." GO OFF!!! Don't let him get away with being smug and insulting.
It is so freaking offensive to me for him be insulted over changing strategies just because the last one didn't work like he did something wrong, c'mon this was not only bound to happen, but he's taking in the new situation with stride and still doing his best. Maybe because I have some lingering annoyance over all the "strategy blame" people put on Hawks. Spy thing? That mission was coordinated by the HPSC, they even add extra scenes in the anime to show it. Deku Alone Arc? Deku's own idea and Best Jeanist on the phone was all "ok well if he's gonna be leaving anyways, might as well keep an eye on him and see if it leads us to AFO." The U.A Shelter thing? Nedzu likely offered first. Division? All Might helped majorly, he was all excited over it with his villain magnets and introducing the plan, It was a group effort and I don't like people acting like Hawks did everything himself if it's just so they can blame him for the failure and not being as smart as he acts. Anyways rant over- So AFO was also going "Haaaawks~~~ go face Bubaigawara's will~" literally dragging out his name and singingly it sweetly, because they're insistent on flirting this whole battle. And seriously, I don't even like Naked AFO but why is their fight so much hotter than the DabiHawks Divorce? He never did this to All Might. Hell, this fight is LONGER than the one with All Might and even includes AFO trying to attack Hawks in the same way he did the "Shigaraki is Nana's grandson" reveal. We are so blessed, here's to more sexy bloodied Hawks smirking at AFO next chapter as AFO has questionable teasing energy with him 🍻
I'm surprised Hori is still keeping fast to Dabi only caring about his own revenge and using others to get to it because the Toga scene in the fandom loved to use that moment as a sign that Dabi does care.
I'm also surprised that Hori put so much attention on Hawks and AFO because Hawks at the end of the day is a side character and AFO is the second big bad beside Shigaraki however I'm not complaining as it sounds like he's had many good scenes with AFO and got to show off what makes him an amazing character.
It seems like AFO is just trying to go on the offensive against Hawks verbally but failing though, which is amusing. Who will win, the 100+ year old super villain or the 23 year old chicken boi?
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popart20 · 8 months
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Right Said Fred are an English pop band formed by brothers Fred and Richard Fairbrass in 1989. They are best known for the hit 1991 song "I'm Too Sexy".
1989–1991: Formation
Prior to forming Right Said Fred, the Fairbrass brothers had been playing music since the mid-1970s: as part of a band called The Actors, the brothers had toured with Suicide and supported Joy Division at the Factory club in Manchester.
The Fairbrass brothers formed the group in 1989, with Richard on lead vocals and bass and Fred on guitar. Prior to forming the group, Richard was employed as a session bassist for artists including Boy George, Mick Jagger and David Bowie, and appears as the bass guitarist in Bowie's short film Jazzin' for Blue Jean. In 1987, Fred appeared as a guitarist in the Bob Dylan vehicle Hearts of Fire.
The group was named after the novelty song "Right Said Fred", which was a hit single for singer and actor Bernard Cribbins in 1962. The Fairbrass brothers were originally accompanied by drummer Ray Weston and guitarist Dan Kruse. Weston left in 1990 to join the progressive rock group Wishbone Ash and Kruse left the next year. Guitarist Rob Manzoli joined in 1990 and remained with the group until 1997.
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1991–1992: I’m Too Sexy and Up
In July 1991, the group released its debut single and best-known song, "I'm Too Sexy", on the independent London-based record label Tug Records. The Fairbrass brothers have stated that the song's lyrics are centred on certain users of the gym they owned in London, who they claimed had no shame. "A lot of models used our gym, so we thought it was time to start poking (fun) at them," Fred stated.
The song was a considerable hit in the United Kingdom, spending six weeks at number two in the charts behind Bryan Adams' "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You", and three months in the Top 10. The song also went to number one in 32 countries, including the United States, where it topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song earned the band a nomination for an Ivor Novello award. "I'm Too Sexy" has subsequently been used in over 40 television shows and movies, including My Wife and Kids, The Simpsons, The West Wing, and EastEnders.
Their second single, "Don't Talk Just Kiss", with background vocals by soul singer Jocelyn Brown, was released in October 1991. It made number 3 in the United Kingdom Christmas charts, entered the top five in many countries, and reached number eight in the United States dance chart.
The success of the singles resulted in the band's multi-platinum debut album, Up, reaching number one in the United Kingdom album charts as well as charting worldwide. The album remained in the Top 40 for almost a year. In Germany a fifth single "Love For All Seasons" charted at # 65 in 1993.
In 1992, Heavenly Records released an EP that featured the label's acts covering Right Said Fred songs for charity. The Fred EP contains Saint Etienne (performing "I'm Too Sexy"), The Rockingbirds ("Deeply Dippy") and Flowered Up ("Don't Talk Just Kiss").
Remainder of the 1990s
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1993–1994: Sex and Travel
Early in 1993 Fred, Richard and Rob wrote and recorded the Comic Relief single "Stick It Out", which was a top-five hit in the United Kingdom and in many European countries. In September 1993, Right Said Fred released its second album, Sex and Travel. Sex and Travel included the singles "Bumped" and "Hands Up (for Lovers)". The band received its second Ivor Novello award for "Deeply Dippy" in 1993.
1995–1996: Smashing!
Right Said Fred parted company with Tug Records and then released its third album, Smashing!, in 1996 on the band's own label Happy Valley Records, including the singles "Living on a Dream", "Big Time" and "Everybody Loves Me".
1997–2001: Manzoli leaves, You’re My Mate and Fredhead
Rob Manzoli left the band on friendly terms in 1997.
In 1998, Fred and Richard set up their own recording studio in London and started writing and recording what became the album Fredhead.
In 2000, Right Said Fred signed to Kingsize/BMG Berlin in Germany. The first single from Fredhead was "You're My Mate" (co-written with hard rock guitarist Myke Gray.
Other singles from Fredhead were "Mojive" (Ward) and "Love Song" (Agostino Carollo).
21st century
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2002–2003: Stand Up
The second Kingsize/BMG album Stand Up was released in 2002. The lead single was "Stand Up (For the Champions)", composed by Clyde Ward and the Fairbrass brothers.
2004–2006: For Sale
Due to family ill-health, Fred and Richard took some time out from travelling to write and record the single "We Are the Freds" and the album For Sale for the Ministry of Sound. In late 2004, Right Said Fred toured extensively in Europe.
2007–2010: I'm a Celebrity
During 2007 and 2008, Fred and Richard collaborated with Clyde Ward to write and record their sixth album I'm a Celebrity. The album was produced by Ward, and for the United States release, Right Said Fred worked with David Levine at Promark Music. In late July 2009, Right Said Fred released "Sexy Bum" in Germany, the first single from the band's HITS! album. The band toured in support of the album in the United Kingdom and continental Europe.
2011–2012: Sexaholic
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Right Said Fred collaborated with Norwegian writers/producers Dsign Music to record Sexaholic, released in 2011.
2013–present: Raise Your Hands
Richard spoke at an Oxford Union debate. TV appearances included an acoustic performance on the UK’s Celebrity Big Brother TV show.
RSF began writing and recording new tracks with Paul Statham (Dido, Jim Kerr, Kylie Minogue, The Saturdays). The band released the single "Sweet Treats" in January 2017 from the album Exactly! In August 2017, Right Said Fred's members Richard Fairbrass and Fred Fairbrass, were credited as songwriters on the Taylor Swift single "Look What You Made Me Do" alongside Jack Antonoff and Swift herself. The song's chorus is an interpolation of the famous chorus from "I'm Too Sexy".
In May 2022, Phoenix Music International released the band's single "Godsend", dubbing the duo the 'UK’s most controversial band' after a number of anti-COVID-19 vaccine-themed Twitter posts and appearances in the press during the UK pandemic lockdowns. In 2022, they were involved in leafleting for British anti-climate change activist group, Not Our Future, in Oxford.
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