#i know this isnt cannon compliant
godiloveteeth · 1 year
Martin leaving the Lonely: oh god I hope Peter isn't too upset with me missing work!
Jon, who killed him not even 5 minutes ago:👀 😬
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
oh boi it was stupid question but i needed to know, im not strong enough to read thtf because cannon stories are so depressing and my depression isnt helping jdjfrjhfk
but if i ever find the courage i will read thtf and the war chapters from aytd sirius p ;')
omg no i'm so sorry i didn't mean to make u feel stupid i just thought it was funny!! it's totally valid to want reassurance abt whether a character is gonna die and it is also totally valid to avoid canon compliant stories they are definitely super depressing ! i love u for doing what's best for u + ur mental health + i am giving u a big kiss on the forehead mwah 💋!!!!
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richardsphere · 1 year
Crunched Cost IceQueendom Blog S1E12
Final episode as of writing, (i only used Season markers to futureproof this stuff) With the plot resolved in the last episode, go into this season expecting some wrap-up and perhaps some hijinks. --- Wait we’re having the Ruby writes a letter to the folks back home scene now? (and adressed to her dad instead of “the friends at signal” we never got to meet in cannon, it has been expanded on to include Spin-off exclusive things though) Oh and weiss’ letter to winter (i think also cannon? though details changed to refer to the “bind” she was in) im fairly certain that wasnt actually an apology for the racism either, (so cannon compliant). Blake’s apology for running away and promise not to run away again is also here. OC-Please Dont Sue is leaving. Their pendulum reveals a last shot of Bunnyjaune, (no i will not shut up about bunnyjaune, the V9 finale did us goddamn dirty in not letting him become his true self) but not before expositing that “semblance evolutions” are a thing. Ozpin wants to talk to Ruby and Blake, (individually) He sort of vagues at Ruby to figure out wether she’s aware of her eyelasers (she isnt yet) then vagues about it until he can get her to leave. Oz talks with blake about the fight at the docks and vagues his awareness of her terrorist past and tries to guilt her into removing the bow. (im fairly certain that, if a real-life equivalent exists, it would be illegal for a teacher or headmaster to make such requests of a discriminated minority. Bad on you Ozpin.) before makig a token statement he has no intention to force her hand on it. Then does the little “who are you really” scene to her.  Weiss is waiting at the elevator and points out that oz isnt stupid enough not to know.  Im only now noticing this version of blake has purple eyemakeup. I dont know if his is an anachronism from S7/8 or if its just a thing i never noticed. Ruby puts her face on some pancakes. Its adorable (and i miss when ruby was the kind of character who would do stuff like that.) Ruby, im sorry to say that you’ve pretty much made all the friends you’re going to make (except possibly neptune but he’s more an aquantance) at this point. From this point its going to be exclusively enemies. Sorry to dissapoint. Sun in a scene without Blake? Thats rare. Blake, if you want to start a new life stop going by your extremely recogniseable sirname. Its a cliche joke to make about your character but its obligatory at this point. Pyrrha is training Jaune. Its honestly almost weird to see Ren and Nora present during a Pyrrha trains Jaune scene.  Team Sloth handholding moment achieved. and the episode ends on the beginning of the Best Day ever, cutting off just before the best scene in the entire show. (the one and only Foodfight scene, uneclipsed even in its now 9-season runtime) which is actually recreated (at least in part) --- Things i hated. DreamPyrrha. I know i was praising her, but the fact that one of the few times they brought Pyrrha “back” since S3 they make her speak almost entirely in hums and nods is annoying. (i get its meant to show Weiss’ noting Pyrrha’s deference to her leader. I still dont have to like it). I also liked that, unlike what i feared, this show did not have any Whiteknight bait. I didnt feel the “victory in simpler things” speech needed to be ported though. Final conclusion: this spin-off was a nice litle diversion, and a great timecapsule for the era when RWBY was actually allowed to be fun.
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gallifvrey · 6 years
op literally destroyed his home planet and people in order to stop an endless time war but go off i guess
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