#i just wanted to scroll reddit in peace-
chipperydoopcg · 1 year
Hey Deltarune Fandom
I know its 3am as I wright this but I think I found something online that might be important- or at least, be something to consider- food for thought and all that jazz-
you see, I was scrolling thought reddit when I came upon a particular post...
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it starts of seeming very normal, right? I mean, it's just your average detarune fan asking about equipment advice, right?
but.. somethings... off, to say the least......
Not only is the wording weird when talking about Spamton, (with the phrasing of "Spamton dude" being particularly odd, as to get to Spamton's shop, you need to get fairly familiar with him and his character, but this user seems to be acting like this is their first time meeting him.) But Spamton HIMSELF seems to look... Different than usual. Or, at lease, different than his usual shop sprite that is...
and I was not alone on this sentiment, as the comments noticed too!
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which leads to wonder....
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... yeah, that...
To which OP provided an... Interesting answer....
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D-.... Didn't have the money? But, deltarune is free game? Or, at least, Chapter's 1 and 2 are...
you see, a while back, Toby mention online that Chapters 3, 4, and 5 would all be released together, and, unlike the first two, cost money. (or as a certain salesman would phrase it, cost some [[Sweet, Sweet KROMER]]!!!)
Not only that, but its kinda ironic that this user pirated a copy of a free game, and have the one character who has a history with shady links (or in other words, [[Hyperlink Blocked]]) be the one who's changed... Almost as if this bootleg game has its own bootleg of Spamton... The one character who literally tries to be a bootleg of ANOTHER character in-universe. *Cough cough* Swatch- *Cough cough*
But this also leads to question... are there any other differences in the game? I mean, it is a pirated game, surely there has to be some other differences from the original game other than some seemingly random shop sprite of spamton, right?
luckily, I was not the only one who was curious about this and a user by the name of kuro50 ask OP to quote:
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To which OP responded:
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how... convenient.....
I mean- don't get me wrong- I get that feeling not having any program to record with (though than again OBS Studio exist)- but even still, all of this seems a little bit too, odd to just let off as something "normal"...
but, than again, its not like there's anything necessary wrong about it either, right? I mean, sure, it weird that someone pirated a free game, but, maybe they're just some gullible kid online?
...Except, a user by the name of ThePotatoPerson510 pointed out a few striking things...
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And then... it all stared to click...
I went to check the profile and, just as ThePotatoPerson510 had said,
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"u/ThatDudeTobias, Cake day December 27, 2022, made 12 hours ago..." the same hour as the spamton post was made... almost as if the account was made just so they could post this.... (Note: the previous image in this post of the spamton post says it was made 10 hours ago. This time gap is because I have been writing this post for 2 hours straight now- coming onto 3 hours- as such, I give you this screenshot showing both the post and the profile, and thus, showing they were in fact made in the same hour-)
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MID WRIGHTING UPDATE: It seems as if there WAS a time gap between the two post, as its 5:24am and I just took THIS screenshot showing the time gap. Take this how you will I suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Now, about the name... It seem kinda... on the nose, to say the least. I mean, Toby, Tobias, seems a little to similar, right? But, at the same time, knowing Toby, he would be the type to use a seemingly obvious while still not TOO obvious name to fuck with us (he DOSE have a history with being a troll when it comes to his games ¬_¬||)
Also, looking back at the spamton image and comparing it to the name "Tobias", they both share one thing in common... They're both SIMILAR to their originals, to the point where you can tell what they're based off of, but, somewhat off...
As for the one other post on the account, well...
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... A comment on MeIRL?
Well, what's the original post?
A..... Video of some guy walking up the stairs, only to keep looping up the same steps, unable to get to the end?
Well, that's... anticlimactic..... Sooo.... Is this just some random account then? Was all of this just for nothing? Was it all red hearings in the end? Well, that's what I thought..
For you see, I realized something....
Toby Fox is a well-known fan of anime, but, not just any anime.... specifically, JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE. How do we know this? Well, in undertale, there is an item in the game called a Punch Card
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When this card is used in battle, it says, "OOOORAAAAA!!! You rip up the punch card! Your hands are burning!" This increases your attack. "ORA" Is a common phrase screamed in JOJO' when one of the Jostar's are attacking.
Not only that, but in deltarune, main antagonist of chapter 2 is Queen.
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her battle theme? Attack of the Killer Queen
Killer Queen is the stand of Yoshikage Kira. The main antagonist of JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: Diamond is Unbreakable. Which is the 4th Chapter of the series.
So, what dose ALL of this have to do with the video "Tobias" commented on? Well, you see, in JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: Stardust Crusaders, when Polnareff, one of the main protagonist, tries to walk up the stairs to face DIO, the main antagonist, he finds himself in the same loop as the man in the video. Continuously walking up the same set of stares, unable to reach the end.
Meaning, the video that "Tobias", or, as we presume, Toby commented on was in fact...
...... And so with that last tidbit out of the way, we are left with 3 conclusions that we can come to... 1. This "Tobias" is actually Toby Fox teasing us about Chapter 3 and or some other upcoming scheme of his he has up his sleaves.
2. This "Tobias" is actually Toby Fox just fucking with us
and 3. This is some third party not affiliated with Toby but still making something and teasing it (possibly and ARG or something of sorts) .... That or I've just spent over 3 hours of my life typing this up only for it to be a shitpost by Temmie or something :/
either way its 6:41am as I type this and I have not slept all night so I hope you liked this deep dive analysis into this possibly important reddit account that could hold significant lore for the upcoming chapters of deltarune and if you'll excuse me I'm going to go collapse on my couch for the rest of the day :) have a wonderful time zone <3
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happysaddca · 5 days
You don't need a lot of context for this. It's part of the Constellations AU, before the virus, before you start dating the DCA.
There's bits of worldbuilding in here for the fic, but genuinely I just wrote this because I miss playing the soup game and realize Moon absolutely would torment you and Sun both with random soup "facts".
"Did you know that the ocean is technically soup?"
You roll your eyes, resisting the urge to groan. "Moon, please tell me you're not on reddit again."
"You're the one with an account." Its voice is coming from behind and above, and you know if you turn around, Moon will be lounging across the arcade machines while you sweep up random bits of popcorn and other debris. "I am merely enjoying the breadth of knowledge humanity has to offer. Cereal is also soup."
"There's the breadth of human knowledge... and then there's reddit." You grab the dustpan, noticing Moon isn't scrolling; it's watching you. "What?"
"What?" Its faceplate twists til it is nearly upside down.
You feel for something to throw at Moon, finding your to do list and crumpling it in your hand. Your aim isn't the worst, and you manage to smack the edge of its smile. "Ha, got you!"
"Ah! I've been wounded!" Moon's face untwists as it dramatically drapes itself over the machines, your phone safely clutched in one hand. "You've killed me Star. My and Sun's deaths are at your hands."
"I gave you my phone to listen to music, not be given dubious soup facts. If you're going to be a nuisance, at least help me clean." You poke at Moon with the handle of your broom, nudging its arm.
"I can't help. I'm busy being dead." Moon's wheezy laugh is soft and short as you giggle.
"So I'm talking to a corpse?"
"Yes." Moon's eyes were dimmed, but one brightens as it peeks at you. "Clearly. For shame Starlight."
"All right." You lean up to pat its shoulder, then stretch to reach its hand. "Then I'm picking the music."
"Ah!" Moon's suddenly up and in the air, its cable snapping taut with the sudden weight. "No, we are choosing the music tonight"
"We? You're going to put on Frank Sinatra again no matter what Sun and I want to listen to." You have to find where your to do list landed, uncrumpling it against your cart. A tick goes next to sweep the main arcade, and the sheet is tucked next to your coffee while you move on.
"We have listened to other things."
"Sinatra covers don't count."
"Beatles covers do?"
"I'll throw my coffee at you."
"Naughty. You'll make a mess." Moon follows close behind, floating overhead by the cable while playing on your phone. As expected, Sinatra's soothing voice plays, a little tinny from the terrible quality of your phone's speakers. Moon is humming along, and you can't help but join in for a bar or two. You start cleaning again in the party rooms, taking advantage of the peace from Moon to work. If you're quick, you'll be able to study before it insists on a nap.
"They do not make pools sound particularly pleasant."
"'Pools are human soup.' That sounds unappetizing."
You've found an abandoned gift bag, flipping it over in your hand to check out the trinkets inside. There's a temporary tattoo of Roxy -- her official design, not the one that resides in this plex. "That does sound gross. I don't swim much anyway. Too many public pool stories about pee to want to try."
"Lost and Found." Moon's hand snatches the gift bag from your hands.
"Hey! It's just a generic bag. No one's coming back for it." You try to take it back, but Moon holds it just out of reach. Annoying, tall, stickbug of a bot. It just has to stand straight to best you. "Moon."
You give up on trying to get the bag, dropping back on your heels with a huff. "You're being extra annoying right now." Its eyes narrow as its faceplate rocks back and forth. "Is something eating you?"
"Wouldn't be very tasty."
"Still me."
"Did something happen?" Silence, though its eyes and smile remain thin. "Did something happen to Sun?" Its eyes widen briefly. "Ah." You grimace. "The assistants again. They did seem off earlier during clean up."
"She didn't want to worry you." Moon's tone is apologetic, its smile all but gone.
You nod. It's not like you have been exactly subtle in your dislike of the daycare assistants and their treatment of Sun and Moon, especially Sun. You sigh, letting all the negative feelings that suddenly cropped up out with it. In three, two, one, you'll be okay and not wanting to call the assistants assholes. They are assholes. But neither Sun nor Moon particularly cared to hear it.
"How about you help me gather up the trash to take out and we can spend the rest of my shift watching movies together?"
"Don't you have to study? And rest." Moon's ability to remember the details of your schedule would be offputting if it wasn't a robot.
You wave away the concern. "I've studied plenty before." Lie. "I should be fine." Lie. "And I always fall asleep during our movie binges. Come on, help me out Moony. For Sun?"
Moon's face tick tick ticks ever so slowly around, unspinning right before it's made a full three sixty degree turn. "For Sun," it finally agrees, and you grin.
"Excellent. I'll grab the trash and replace the bags if you can run it to the dumpster."
"Ah, the worst job. Thank you." You ignore Moon, rushing through the end of your task list so you can put your cart away. It's as you're draining the last of your coffee that Moon speaks up again.
"Coffee is bean soup."
It's close enough that you hit its faceplate dead center with the now empty styrofoam cup even as it laughs in sheer delight from the look on your face.
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a-weird-cryptid · 10 months
Me, watching Reddit digging it's own grave:
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So, Reddit is kinda killing itself now and many people migrate from Reddit to Tumblr because of that... Especially from r/169 (rest in peace). And I've seen so many people talk about their experience and many older Tumblr users posting guides on how to navigate Tumblr.
I've started posting on Tumblr as well as Reddit at around the same time, a few months ago, even though I have been on both sites for longer than that.
And here's the truth:
Many of the "Tumblr guides" posted might help to get a basically, theoretical understanding of this social media site, but practically it's a whole different story. They're useful, very helpful and needed to understand how likes, reblogs and similar work, but can only get you so far. Everything else usually comes over time and by experience.
Though finding answers to specific questions is as good as impossible, unless you already have a wider reach. There's no such thing as r/help on Tumblr. The best thing you'll find are, again, guides provided by other Tumblr users. Other than that, you're basically on your own. Especially at the beginning.
Tumblr isn't bad, but it's not Reddit. It's not even close to Reddit. They're two very different platforms with very different communities, people, purposes and functions.
If you're a Reddit refugee hoping Tumblr to become the perfect, 1:1 replacement, I'm very sorry to disappoint you. They are many things Tumblr can't replace. Which isn't necessary a bad thing, but it's something that needs to be called out and brought to attention.
Reddit is based of individual communities with their own rules, etc. What you personally have on your profile doesn't play a huge role. Your comments and posts are usually completely independent from each other, because you post them into specific, seperate subreddits. Reddit a forum site.
Tumblr on the other hand is based of individual, unique blogs, most of which don't have any directly stated rules and multiple mods to make sure said rules aren't broken. Your personal blog and profile is very important because none of your posts are entirely independent. Tumblr is a blogging site.
Saying that your blog is equal to a subreddit is an overstatement. They're two entirely different things. Subreddits are usually made of thousands, anonymous people, meanwhile Tumblr is more based of a small, more personal community. Usually surrounding some blogs of others and yours.
You most likely won't get as much hate and harassment as you might have on Reddit. But you also won't get as many deep dive discussions and seemingly endless conversations in the comments either.
Finding and reaching specific communities here is basically a gamble. Sometimes you win, often you loose.
On Reddit, all you have to do in order to find, join and talk to specific communities and like-minded people is clicking on the search bar and typing in something you're interested about. Then click on the subreddit you like, "join" and congrats, you're part of a community now. On Tumblr it isn't that easy.
You need to constantly or at least actively participate in specific communities in order to find any. And in order for them to find you. Only making a few posts about one Fandom, topic, whatever won't cut it. Passively scrolling through what others have posted won't cut it either. If you see something you like reblog it.
Tumblr isn't really made for deep dives into very specific topics you like. It isn't made for serious discussions, interesting conversations or similar. If you came here looking for those things, you most likely won't find them.
However, if you just want to be silly, shit post and have a fun time doing your own thing without much judgement, then this might be the perfect place for you. And if you're very interesting in one or two specific topics (especially fandoms) and are willing to dedicate most of your blog to it, then you're more or less guaranteed to have a fun time. Keep in mind that Tumblr is mostly fandom and not communities in general based.
Personally, I really hope that Reddit can get it's shit together again, because it has so many unique things Tumblr, again, simply can't replace. And it's that uniqueness and those differences that lead me to having a way better time on Reddit than on Tumblr. It sucks that Reddit is digging it's own grave.
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Hi! How are you doing? I wanted to ask since you've been in the fandom for a long time, what are you what are some of your favorite sites to interact with other mystic messenger fans? Do you have any advice on how to deal with fans who are a little too extreme or a bully? I have played MM since it came out but only this year have I interacted with the fandom and I've had so much whiplash compared to other fandom spaces.
So far I think Tumblr is the best. I find the people here are a lot calmer and nice. I like to tweet but I don't have many mutuals there who share my interest and reddit is just... Toxic. Its odd because most of the subs I'm on are very mellow and even if there is a disagreement I don't get downvoted to oblivion but the MM sub can be high tension. There have been times where I say something like "Ray is cute" or I could be saying similar things as others who have upvotes and be in the negatives. I can at least understand more controversial opinions like "I want a Rika route" or something but it feels like once you get a "bad" opinion You're just gonna get downvoted forever even on other threads. It's a shame because I think the format of reddit makes it easier to talk to people but I feel very discouraged. I wanted to give the Amino a shot but I've heard very bad things about it so I've been avoiding it.
In that sense I appreciate your blog. Even if there's a character or a route you don't like youre very nice and understanding and you're very inclusive in your writing. It really makes my day to see your character analysis and head canons. I wish there were more forum sites without a like or upvote/downvote system. I don't want my opinions to be ranked, I just want to blab about my silly little favs. Any advice or words of encouragement would be appreciated. Thanks for your time 🙂 🩷
I interact with people on Tumblr and Discord! Discord can be tough to navigate since you can't check out a community before you join it, however, I can vouch for SapphireIceCream's server if you ever want to join a Discord community. But, outside of that, I'm comfortable in this cozy space on Tumblr! It's quiet, but that's not a bad thing. That isn't a sign of there being nobody in the fandom here, we're just here in our space, relaxing and enjoying the game without worrying about this or that.
I have a Twitter, but I mainly use it retweet other artists. I don't talk on there even though there's an active fan base over there. Sometimes I see debate, but given who I follow, it tends to be warranted analysis and/or criticism as opposed to old themes the fandom already dealt with over the years.
I haven't gone onto Reddit for the game before and I don't intend to, because I don't want to see the same arguments play out fifty times that we've already had here on Tumblr years ago and have settled in a comfortable place of peace and quiet knowing where we all stand in those conversations. I'm not sure about TikTok or who's active there, though I don't post there outside of a cosplay or two, so I can't speak to what goes on there.
I would never suggest Amino. I've heard a lot of horror stories about that place and never tried it myself because of that, not just for this fandom but for many others.
If you want my advice about avoiding conflict in a fandom, start blocking people. I think people feel like blocking is only served for extreme purposes, but that's not the case, block people who annoy you. You don't have to have an explanation as to why you blocked somebody.
They don't even have to be a bad person, maybe you don't like their opinions or what have you, and that's okay. To cultivate a space in a fandom for yourself, you have to make it enjoyable for yourself, and that means using a feature that is there for you to do whatever you want with it. 
Or, if you feel as though it's too extreme to block somebody, just scroll past them. Don't engage with something that makes you upset because it's just going to sully your experience. I can give you a good example, if I see anybody write content where Saeran and Saeyoung are consuming alcohol, I either A) block them or B) scroll past the post because I simply can’t handle seeing someone disrespect the boundaries those boys have with alcohol. It feels like a slap in to the face, especially for someone with similar trauma as them.
Because, unfortunately, when I see it written, it's not somebody doing a character introspective where one of them wants to try a sip of alcohol because they want to better understand why their mother would do everything she did just for a drink that tastes like piss. It's a piece where the characters are at a damn bar and they are happily consuming alcohol with no regard to their trauma as if it was never something to begin with. For my comfort, I block or move past those people.
It's not going to do me any good emotionally to comment or reblog a post like that to start a conflict. So, I either ignore that or block the person who wrote it. After all, I can't tell anybody that they're not allowed to write something, people can create whatever the hell they want to create, but I don't have to consume or see it. That's a part of cultivating a healthy experience in fandom. The old motto: Don't like, don't read. That’s something great about Ao3. I can plug in “Exclude: this, this, this”, and I never have to worry about reading a story where something happens that gives me the ick.
People are going to have opinions, and we're not always going to agree about each other's opinions, but you have to make sure that you are in a place where you can engage with other people without feeling like you're going to get an egg thrown at your head. Like, I get people who get very angry at me for trying to understand who Rika Kim is as a person a lot. I get it, she's a controversial character, and you either love her or hate her, there aren't a lot of people who are in-between.
I want to know why she has done what she's done because I think she's interesting as an antagonist, but that doesn’t equate to me condoning or supporting her crimes. Just because you like a specific character who isn’t a good person doesn’t mean you support their wrongdoings.
There seem to be brewing problems with people’s media literacy in that regard as of late. The world isn’t black and white, it's shades of grey. It’s complicated, messy, and difficult in every sense of the word. There is good and evil in this world, and there are times when there is a sense of right and wrong with no middle ground between it—because what was done was either unforgivable and wrong or the right thing to do. But, to apply black and white thinking to every situation you've come across is a detriment to your health and world view.
I think it’s important to say you can hate and judge Rika for committing countless crimes, but it’s okay if you empathize or even sympathize with the trauma she suffered as a child, too. When I think about her as a character, I want her to face as much jail time as she deserves for everything she's done, but I also want her to be able to find a therapist who can help her find peace from what she suffered as a child. I can want her to face justice but also hope that she finds peace someday.
The nuance of Saeran's After Ending can be a minefield when it comes to online discussions and I've seen everything you could possibly think of.
People get angry with him because he decided that he wanted to forgive everyone who hurt him. But, that's another long conversation to be had about what we’re taught about forgiveness. It's also not a case of extreme thinking where you either forgive someone and let them back in or hold onto the anger forever and scorn them. Those are just part of the story of forgiveness and judgment.
Those examples are a part of what people can choose to find peace, but they’re not the only path. Saeran decided to be someone who forgives. He doesn't forgive because he wants to let those people back into his life, he wants to forgive them so that he can learn how to forgive himself, because every ugly, bitter thought and action he committed was an echo of what they had done to him, and if he could find it in himself to forgive them, he could forgive himself for what he did to the player. 
He wants nothing to do with his Saejoong, V, or Rika. He just needed closure by forgiving them and finding peace his own way.
I understand why people feel upset with him because they've been taught that forgiveness is something where the only option is to forgive and forget. He chose to forgive, but he will never forget. He chose to forgive, but he will never allow them the opportunity to hurt him ever again. If you're not the kind of person who would choose to forgive somebody, he would respect you and your decision.
That's the great thing about his after ending compared to what happened to Jihyun, who got the short end of the stick. It makes it abundantly clear that no matter what you decide to do, it is your decision to make as a victim and nobody will ever take away that decision from you or make you feel like you have to choose one thing or another. 
But, you can see how these conversations are filled with a lot of nuance, and it takes a little bit of time and self-reflection to understand why we feel a visceral reaction to these kinds of stories as people. It's easy for a conversation to get carried away when we're talking about something heavy, and it's even easier for us to get angry at other people as we're having these discussions.
I'm sorry you haven't been able to have a lot of fun discussing the game and everything in it, but, if you start posting around here, I'm sure you'll find a sense of comfort and community from those of us who are here. 
Fandom can be hard to get into when you're trying to learn the nuances of how to interact with other people, but make sure that you're making an experience that's created for yourself first and foremost. Don't hesitate to use that block button. 
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youareinbarbados · 1 year
*door slam*
*door slam*
Living in the end:
What is it like? It feels like having your phone. It feels like having something you've had for quite a while now. Sorry to be a "bubble burster". When something is natural, it has a very low amount of emotional reactivity. This is why desiring something to the point of desperation usually will yield nothing. You'll notice a remarkable lack of "visceral Stimulation" when something is natural. It's why you hear so many people saying that they achieved their ends when they "dropped it". Dropping it is knowing that it already "is", therefore you experience the relief and peace of having it. You'll unconsciously think of other things. This is antithetical to the burning desperation everyone on Reddit seems to exude. Want money or the SP ? Well obviously they are not in your 3d, and pretending they are will just lead to dementia and soaring cortisol levels. However knowing that the future is certain, because it's **already** a done deal seems to stress people out far less than "living as if".
Abdullah (Arnold Josiah Ford) slammed the door in Neville's face..this is symbolic, for silencing your rational thinking mind, which is always obsessed with the "how". The door slam is the moment you stop worrying and start to "know". When you order on Amazon, the item is already yours. It just needs to be shipped. If I buy an iphone on the site, I officially have an iphone. It's a done deal. Yeah it needs to travel and get shipped, but it's mine. And the more i take my mind off it, (dropping the seed) the faster time seems to fly to get it to me. So when I get the iphone, you think I'm still thinking about getting an iphone ? No. I'm thinking about stopping my kids from running on the ceiling.
Imagine you're looking down a long hallway. The end of the hallway is your future. All you have to do to have what you want, is know that it is already at the end of that tunnel, NOW. Wouldn't you feel more peaceful during the walk THROUGH the tunnel, in that case ? Now is the future of the past. The *past* doesn't exist, but it seems to affect you **NOW**. Why? Because you KNOW the **PAST** happened, despite not existing. *KNOW* the future. It has the same effect on NOW as the past does. It's like getting paid every Friday. On Tuesday, you know your pay comes Friday. it's already set. It's already done. Obsessing over your payday, on Tuesday, would be foolish and give you only anxiety. So make plans for Saturday and the week after, because your pay comes Friday, even if it's Tuesday now. I'm trying to use the most practical examples for clarity.
That feeling that it is done, quite literally is the key to all of this. Knowing and having that peace literally gets rid of every urge to endlessly scroll through success stories trying to build your faith. You might even uninstall reddit. Meh. What do I know anyway?
You don't need reddit. You don't need Weekly success stories. You don't need "Edward Art". You don't need Sammy Ingram. You don't need this post, or even reddit. You have all you need already. You were born with more than enough. Trust yourself. You don't need anyone or anything outside of yourself to make things work. Following online "dieties" will only shift your focus to them, and will further distract you from your ends. You'll know there's a problem when you spend more time waiting for someone to give you more knowledge, than you are APPLYING what they teach you. Being enamored with a "teacher" is just a distraction. Neville's actual books teach you that YOU are what makes it function. There are people who mold their lives into their dreams, and they e literally never heard of these people or reddit. Imagine that...these are the "pendulums" that Vadim Zeland talks about. Mental "energy sinks" if you will. Avoid anything that takes your mental energy off of yourself and your life/future. That includes the past.
Your job is to keep TWO things; 1, Your "end", and 2, your mind, clear. When your mind isn't clear, you can't perceive your 4D directions TO your end.
Living in the end means living in the end of desire. And what does it feel like to "End" desire? That's for YOU to answer. No one else can.
Just have to "Order, then wait." -Neville lecture
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channelworldbluez · 3 months
Omfg Surgery is scheduled in two weeks omg it’s happening jeez guys HELP’
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Even though this surgery is very much needed, and it’ll hopefully bring me the peace that I’ve haven’t seen since 2020, my quality of life is fucked I’m depressed because of going through it and I’m in pain everyday….
IM STILL SO FUCKING NERVOUS!! I hope they give my ass an ambien or some shit hours before because imma faint. They won’t even need the anesthesia my nervous ass just gonna be laid out on the floor lmfao.
Also it doesn’t help I’ve been going through the “complications rabbit hole.” Curse this Reddit app and scrolling through hours of posts which I mean for the record are generally positive. I just focus on the “bad” ones. Trying to prepare for what ifs but if I’m being honest I can’t predict the future all I can do is Pray and get it over it. Because the option is don’t get surgery and risk dying from a heart attack or stroke or get surgery and be okay with (fixable) complications.
And I’m saying this after I’ve (yet again) was hospitalized this past weekend. My SECOND hospital visit this fucking YEAR. Not to mention last year I damn near was living at the hospital. I just want an end to this shit and hopefully everything goes well and my body heals and I can be comfortable in my body again.
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purlturtle · 1 year
Purlturtle's social media handling
This is how I curate my social media - sharing this in the hope to help others!
First, turn off push notifications. Do social media at your pace - meaning, you decide when you open the app or browser tab. Don't let a symbol in your notif bar, or a little red number in your app symbol, dictate your usage. YOU decide.
Then, ignore the algorithm at all costs. Ignore every "for you" page. Ignore trending pages. Ignore "your friends are following X" messages. Again, you decide who and what comes into your timeline. Check if there are third-party apps that will prevent ads etc. in your timeline - that's something I do for Twitter, and it is SO much better for my peace of mind. I see only tweets from people I have decided to follow, and nothing else. I venture into Tumblr's "for you" page only when I'm terminally bored - and frankly, I could probably use that time for better things. Like knitting, or writing, or eating a snack.
Next, unfollow, block and mute liberally. Learn to recognize types of content and types of posts that upset you, and avoid them through unfollowing, muting, or blocking. Let's say news about turtles bother you, upset you, or even trigger you: mute/filter the word "turtle", "turtles", any variation as necessary. Unfollow accounts that post predominantly about turtles. If someone keeps pushing news about turtles on you, block 'em. Even if they do so with the best intentions: if it bothers you, block 'em. You don't owe anyone your ears, your eyes, your compassion. You don't owe anyone any explanations, either. Insensitive comments? Clowning? Insults? Block 'em. Let's say seeing people's go-fund-mes upsets you because much though you'd like to contribute, you can't: mute/filter the buzzwords. It's okay, I promise. The culprit here is not you preserving your mental health, it's a system that forces people to fundraise for their health, safety, shelter etc. Self-protection and self-preservation go first, any day. (I have muted the names of several countries, even, because the news coming from there is so dire, and I can't help, and even just having to constantly scroll by requests for help or donations or "spread the word" upset me. "The world needs to be watching" doesn't mean I have to put my mental health in jeopardy.) Be rigorous. Be ruthless. Protect yourself.
Lastly, leave a site or community entirely if it's not a good place for you. I was on Reddit for quite a while, and the subreddits I was in were generally nice and kind places (r/LGBT, r/momforaminute, that kind of thing). And still they dragged me down too much. So I left. Completely. It wasn't easy, and it felt like giving up - I was trying to do good things there, after all! But there were plenty of other people doing the same thing, and, self-protection and self-preservation go first. Leaving was the right thing for me to do.
A lot of social media is designed to channel your attention to what's most profitable to the owner. Take back the steering wheel, and send your attention only to where you want it. Look up "how to mute a word on Twitter" or "how to block someone on Tumblr" if you don't know how to do these things - all that info is out there!
I love being on social media, I love the friends I've made here. And by employing the above strategies, being on social media is recharging my happiness instead of draining it - and that's how it should be!
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idgs-space · 1 year
twitter sucks, so I'm mainly posting on here now, mind joining in?
heyoo! it's been a while since I've been on here but I think I'd like to start somethign new :)
if you don't mind, could I take ~20 minutes of your time (maybe less if you get the gist of it and scroll)? it'd mean a lot ♥
twitter is a GREAT app!
before, this account used to just be reposting art and spamming random thoughts like it's twitter, but I've learnt since then that this isn't twitter at all. twitter has some great stuff, I get to talk to friends, find more through mutuals, share and reblog art, and become more immersed in the communities I love! that's great to me, but it resulted in me being stuck with it... and I mean stuck.
twitter is the ONLY app I can use!!
I've tried to leave the app several times, but the thing is all my friends are on it, so I have to use it to talk to and stay updated on my friends. I barely tried a discord server, but starting conversations really aren't easy when there's nothing to talk about. the thing with twitter is that it lets you be updated on what your friends are doing, so you can chime in and talk about whatever, it's a cute ecosystem that messaging apps and stuff like reddit struggle to maintain (reddit posts and replies are messy but I can't pin on why lol, just take my word for it [also who has a private subreddit lol]). BASICALLY twitter is too good to leave.
twitter kinda really sucks...
now you may ask why I'd want to leave the ideal app? well, twitter DOES have its problems and I think many are aware of it. it has a practically unmoderated void of the timeline that you can't help but check out to find new people, but you just get an unrelated mess of people posting 7 word phrases for interactions from randoms and it becomes an addicting cycle to scroll. just checking the app after being logged out awhile resulted in 20-40 minute scrolls, and it's taken away from my morning sometimes.
on top of this, GOD twitter is depressing.
... is an inevitability that you'll see often while just trying to look for your friend's posts, or sometimes they'll even repost it on their page... and it gets depressing. I don't want to see the world falling apart while I'm talking to friends, I get politics is important but my #1 rule is that it isn't shoved down my throat, and twitter is the biggest discriminator without a doubt.
twitter is also a huge unmoderated pit of posts, I've muted all that I can but people still find a way to be sexual, even minors but that's a whole other rabbit hole. there's no real way to mute it all, and it sucks. nobody uses spoilers on images, and twitter's timeline is a mess so you'll get some random's TOP 10 WACKY OPINIONS ON RANDOM WOMEN out of nowhere ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
the thing is, twitter was made back in like 2008 to post very short phrases on what you're doing, but now it's evolved poorly into a mixed mess of becoming THE social media app
so use Tumblr, PLEASE..!
the good without the dreadful
I didn't realize that 2010s web-blogs were the future, but blogs actually are a perfect solution! I read this article not too long ago, and I loved it. isn't it cool being able to just read some person's cool opinions and thoughts on their little journeys?! from there I got to thinking...
"didn't Tumblr have a blogs system as cool as this??"
it does!! I can check in on my friends on one page dedicated to them all, I can support cool artists, I can meet new mutuals, find new people with the # pages actually being useful (twitter's one sucks, don't you lie to me), the For You ONLY shows tags I follow, sexual content is banned, people actually use #s in posts which I can mute easily, there's like no politics and I can enjoy my space in PEACE!
so can you help me out and use Tumblr with me?
this is literally the best app for literally any community, but the tragic thing is not enough people use it. I get that new can be scary, and a month ago when I did use it, it was pretty difficult, but once you get the hang of it, you'll learn to love the new side of your communities! you also have your own space, so you can post your slick rhythm game scores or live posts of tv shows, it's great!
so with the whole essay I made, totally consider adding Tumblr to your ecosystem! make an account, get started talking to people, share the love for this app getting new people in here, and have fun!
you're gonna need some basic "get started" tips and get some extensions maybe, tumblr is an old place and has its own style, so I wouldn't skip these (they're short, promise!)
here's a twitter thread I used ages ago, super useful!
apparently my friend used this and got good tips, some extra pointers if you're interested!
as for me, I'll be talking more about things with you people on both apps, but mainly on here, this is the return I'm comfortable with, I'll still be on twitter for random silly posts, but general stuff goes on this blog. I hope this works well enough and I really would love to see all of you guys on here too!
> thanks for reading this, it means a lot
- ibby❤️
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Tuesday, February 20th, 2024! Part 2 (Positive)
6:24pm: 2sday, 02/20/2024 pt 2 lots of 2s
Anyway lol came home, blew the biggest final boss wad out of my nose, took a dump and let me tell you I'm smelling colors now 😂 I've never been so happy to smell my shit. I was really fucking scared that I had covid on some permanent sensory deprivation shit and I was on the verge of losing my mind. This morning I have never blown so much ODDLY colored snot out of my nose all at once before, it was like the weirdest fucking orange color but it's like I want to think it was from the cough drops but I really don't think it was because there was SO MUCH and it permeated all of the snot I just don't know. It was all so thick no wonder I've just been fucking miserable 😅 but I'm the biggest trooper I know I did the most this weekend and I'm SO GLAD I didn't let that mf stop me.
So glad I got my sense of smell and taste back I could actually taste the last Valentine's Day macaron I had left 😂 it must have been a sinus infection, that's so insane. Being sick is horrible I wouldn't wish it on anyone 👀
I have so many things to be grateful for. I am grateful that I don't have to live my life angry and upset forever like some people. I am grateful that I forgive people and have an amazing heart. I love life and I'm just going to keep doing the best I can with what I've got. ❤️ I love my cats every day I'm just going to love them with all my heart, don't be scared something will happen to them (anxiety) just love them everyday and you'll never have any regrets. I even forgive him for everything, calling me a shitty person, threatening my brother, all because he's just mentally ill. I have a feeling he'll be back, I just don't think that was the end. But that's not something I'll concern myself with for now. Just try to be at peace with what's going on right now.
7:52pm: I've literally just been scrolling on my phone enjoying doing nothing to the sound of my clear nasal passages and just enjoying breathing. Got my heated blanket out, just reading reddit stories about trash men and I am so glad I can't relate anymore!! It's not even so visceral anymore, I don't get like physically angry the way I used to reading these anymore. I feel very healed, it takes a lot to trigger me anymore. I think that's my way of knowing that I just will never fall for some crazy shit ever again 😂 I'm not even upset anymore. All that random ranting this morning and now it's like, poof! Goodbye. I knew I've been done in the back of my head, I was just enjoying the attention :) it felt good! You can't blame me for wanting to feel good, it's part of human nature! And it's not like I ever felt true respect for their relationship, it was truly a farce, an act, and I just didn't gaf. Oh how the turn tables, huh? I got mine as far as I'm concerned and I'm well convinced that is a really fucked up man. It's unfortunate, but it's not like I never tried to help him 1000x. I still am shocked how unempathetic I felt towards her even when bad things happen to her, I just don't feel bad for her and I never will, she's a really trashy, vain, disgusting person who does not deserve empathy or sympathy as far as I'm concerned. Lmao I feel like he would really get pissed off whenever I said they were perfect for each other, I think bc he knows exactly what I meant by it. What a joke.
10:39pm: it's ok to wake up from the nap and realize he's really gone :) you'll sleep and wake up again and sleep and wake up and good things will happen :) it's ok to feel the twang. This is a perfect example of how I would never do this to someone I've known for years but it's nothing for him to do it to me. We are not the same and that's good news for me :) I will survive and thrive because I'm actually a good person with a heart. At least I own my mistakes. He's too chicken shit to accept my apology like a fucking adult, he just had to run away again, no explanation. He never learns, never changes, acts like this is something I've done before?? Really thinks this something I'd do on purpose. Idc I know who I am, you would think he would know but he seems too self absorbed once again. How could he not realize how his words affect people, he's cruel. I'm not cruel, you hurt me and I told you I was having PTSD like feelings about you coming here and you always have acted like you're the only mf in the whole goddamn world with mental health issues, I've tiptoed around yours for years and you continued to dismiss mine repeatedly. Yeah I don't trust you mf and it's sad af how hard I tried to, but sad for you, not me.
12:16am: Coward is so the best word to describe him still, he acted cowardly by not even knocking on the door when he came the first night, so weird. Coward by blocking me when so many other exes would've burned his shit. Makes no sense, but nothing he ever did made sense ever. He treats his gf like shit by telling me wack ass things. He's such a bad person lol. I'm not gonna chase after him anymore I already resurrected this friendship back from the email grave once, I guess somehow that meant I was on thin ice with him?? Idc I'm not chasing him anymore. The comfort I find within knowing I would never act like him is all the comfort I need.
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wot-tidbits · 3 months
10 Years Anniversary
The good.
This part is for the good shit. No more bad shit. If you have gone through the shit of the previous parts, there are only good vibes here.
Number 1.
This bloody blog itself.
I did not have that intention but it happened. When I think what kind of blog I would love to scroll for hours in my early days as WoT fan, I could not dream that I had to do the task myself. I still remember the awe and the glee as little kid in toy store when I found out the 13th Depositary or the Theoryland Database. I can only envy my visitors who received new art, new meme, new fan content every single day for the span of years. I can only imagine it as I cannot experience it myself. Yeah, there is fun part as well but mostly I remember the work, the dedication and the motivation, the insanity of running this project. Some days I didn't want to do it but I had to because the stubborn donkey in me wouldn't let me live in peace.
I salute you anonymous WoT fans who had the time of your life around.
Number 2
Cards Against Randland
At my lowest point around 2015 I found activity that gave me the happiest memories and unexpected connection with other WoT fans. This online game helped me so much as I found people I could call friends. Well, some of them betrayed me later but still the pain cannot overwrite the joy of so many evenings having great fun. For some reason I was ridiculously good at this game. I was not being nicknamed Meta King for nothing. Some of these great memories I keep in this sideblog. The best time for me being WoT fan in the community.
Number 3
My dedication as stubborn donkey paid off in another format. It is still ridiculous (and borderline shameful) to say this blog is the only place in the fandom where a fan can read some of Robert Jordan's notes without going through expensive trip to Charleston. And also the ridiculous sight of a link for this blog to stay in one line with the greatest names and sites created by legendary fans in this awesome list of WoT content.
Number 4
Robert Jordan's casting
The most visited post and the most notable connection with the title of WoT-Tidbits is the page where I shared one reveal of Terez from her visit through Robert Jordan's notes about his own picks for actors to play WoT characters. The original post of Terez got lost as Google+ was deleted and by pure accident my shared post became the source and the only evidence on the Internet that such list exists. No one with access to the notes hasn't republished the list. I bet many "fans" would love if this list disappeared and certain one fan did not care to preserve it.
Number 5
The German Shepherd
For those who are frequently on Reddit this won't be a surprise. RJ's casting wasn't the only famous link from my blog. My attempt to gather the whole information of the infamous legend of the German Shepherd got copied very often around. I just got lucky to have that brief conversation with Kathy and she was kind enough to answer.
Number 6
The art, the memes, the content
If it wasn't for this blog I would not have this masterpiece of commission of Mat and Tuon in AMOL. It is still surreal to see an idea of mine living and breathing in this gorgeous comic. Meeppodraws delivered spectacularly and I couldn't express my gratitude.
The constant flow of memes was like healing medicine for me to go through all the controversies with smile. So I decided to keep the medicine in one place here.
I love when the fandom cooks content - I cannot choose what to highlight so it is just huge general thank you for the awesome work that you have gifted the fans.
Number 7
Art expert
And while we are on the topic of art. My devoted methodical stubborn work to search for any piece of WoT art caused a weird consequence in turning me into kinda expert on WoT artwork. I collected so many unnoticed and obscure WoT pieces that genuinely if someone asked for art of second or third tier characters, I could pull it out for almost any one as long as it exists. This blog contains the biggest collection of WoT art ever – at one point I had presented around 90%+ of the latest art pieces. Nothing could escape me. These days the percentages dropped but still this was enough to be one of the most competent people around for help. And help I did after Paul Dose - unknown guy for me who created a card game with WoT concept - who recognized that I might help him and sent me a list of characters to provide him with images for the cards. I couldn’t do everything but still I could help him with most of it. That hunting down the list in my archives was cool memory.
Another anecdote was when someone decided to call me out for not presenting a source for one WoT piece. And their evidence for source was… wait for it… Pinterest. Bloody Pinterest! I had a good laugh. As a matter of fact I have done that search by myself long before that incident and this piece is still one of the few with untraceable history. They tried the wrong guy thinking that I will chicken out not knowing the history of the piece or what is Pinterest.
Number 8
Living up to my URL
When I created my URL WoT-Tidbits 10 years ago it was inspired by the several lucky bast... fans who had the rare chance to get little tidbits here and there from the author at different events and meetings. I read all these reports from fans in the database with “little” jealousy as I could never dream to be in their place. But miracles happen when Brandon Sanderson visited Bulgaria in 2017. This is definitely the highlight of my last 10 years being WoT nerd. Not only I had the chance to see him, to listen to him, to ask him a question but also by the will of the Wheel I witnessed new unknown tidbit about my most beloved book series. And I had the blessing to report it on blog coincidentally named WoT-Tidbits. It was small and uninteresting detail but for me it meant everything. One tidbit was enough to validate the existence of my whole blog.
Number 9
Tad Kendel
I found the proof that Andorans can be dark skinned and I consider it as good shit pointing that Robert Jordan knew exactly what he was doing.
Number 10
Robert Jordan
It is not like I did not appreciate his work before. Just after reading so much slander on his masterpiece by people who call themselves fans, I truly understood his genius - on the surface of so many superficial demands for the books to be “fixed” - I acknowledged how important was his attention to "outdated" details, and how well every of his "wrong" decisions fit in the storytelling. He thought for everything, didn't he? He outsmarted people who complain in their blindness and who demand his masterpiece to bend on their artificial terms. So many so called fans try to speak on his behalf instead of listening to his voice and wisdom, to fix instead of supporting his vision. Many claim The Wheel of Time to be stuck in the regressive 20th century and that modern audience won't get it when in reality Robert Jordan is still so far ahead of the progressive 2024. We do not have to pull WoT behind us, we still has a lot of work to do if we want to catch it ahead of us.
Let the Light keep you safe.
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I am fucking going thru it rn tbh lol. Just getting bashed by waves of helplessness and trauma triggers just over and over till i feel numb and scroll reddit 9 hours per day to cope.
Not only do I keep having dumbass drama with my (also traumatized slightly unhinged) siblings, which included me having to tell one to BACK THE FUCK OFF when he tried to physically grab me during an argument, but ALSO my dad almost killed us multiple times by driving recklessly, ALSO my stepdad was screaming last night at my mom about how his suicide ideation wasnt a big deal I guess, and I was up till 1am last night wondering if he was going to snap and fucking take us all out. This is horrible. I cannot be still fucking dealing with this nonsense at 22 years old. It CANNOT be getting WORSE than it was, which was horrible. What the fuck is going on. Oh also my dad dying right, that’s always there too. What the fuck. Why is it like this. Why are they doing this to me.
I don’t feel like I can talk to my girlfriend about any of it really because it would just be nonstop whiny fucking garbage about this awful place and I dont want to do that to her. On the drive to the restaurant we went to today I was just thinking about my official diagnosis (“adjustment disorder” which maybe is just what they use for generic MH issues) and just how much of a weepy fucking mess I’ve been and how ive never been very liked and. Blah. Im gonna stop there bc i know its not a healthy rabbit hole and it was actually the cause of a lot of that same weepiness in college. Self fulfilling prophecy. But my point actually is just that I feel fucking kneecapped by my awful family and our random bad circumstances at this point. It’s not REALLY my siblings’ or stepdad’s faults that theyre like this, but jesus christ, you guys, can you fucking try? For me? And the years of fucking accumulation of this shit has just worn my willpower and self esteem to the nub. No wonder I have no goals and no confidence that I can do anything real in the world! I can’t even keep my dad and my stepdad and my sublings from tearing yhe fucking world apart! What am I supposed to do about anything! Rinse and repeat. Exhausted angry tired going to sleep in my dad’s house tonight which is at least actually peaceful.
0 notes
kayamoyan · 6 months
I don't know if this blog will last.
But what I do know is that I've been in a funk. I can attribute it to feeling sick, but pretty much yesterday I was looking through the external hard drive because I was back at my parents' house and it brought a lot of memories. Some good, some, sad, some neutral.
I looked through all the middle school files--or at least most of them. Are they worth saving? Pictures and videos of people with whom I rarely speak to now? I saw old documents such as essays I had written and saved onto my computer from before Google Docs was ever a thing. Are those worth saving?
I saw high school media, and at the same time was scrolling through Instagram and seeing the same group of people whom I don't speak to anymore still together. And I know nothing's wrong with me; I just know that people change.
I felt the insecurity creeping up on me. That I wasn't social enough, or fit/active enough. That I'm not pretty enough. That I'm not enough. That I wanted to run away, that I wanted to just start somewhere new. I felt the thought creeping up that maybe I should just leave a note in our apartment that says "it wasn't your fault" in the case anything were to ever happen.
Does that give people peace? Does that answer anyone's questions? If I were to just give them an answer ahead of time?
I deactivated my social media, something I do time and time again and I kept my Reddit account. They say comparison is the thief of joy and I hate how most days I'm proud of myself. I have that self esteem. I know I am skilled and loved. But sometimes, it just hits really hard and I don't want to tell anyone because I don't want the extra effort to interact with them and reassure them that I'll be okay.
So that's why I decided to start blogging again.
Hopefully this will help me feel better.
I just wish there was a community similar to LiveJournal and Xanga. I had used my previous (main) Tumblr account since 2008 or something, and at the time Tumblr was our social media aside from MySpace and Facebook. Everyone has left since then, because life moves on.
I hope I can find a similar community again.
0 notes
diary of a young t2d: recipe searching is a minefield
tw body image, disordered eating / dieting
recently, as fall approaches, i have been looking for new recipes to try, especially ones for baking. i have to do things differently now than i did last year, after all, so i've been looking for new techniques, tricks, or swaps that will allow me to enjoy a version of the things i crave this time of year without doing permanent damage to my body.
i did find some things i want to try that i think will work for me. i also found a lot of other advice that is not harmful by any means, but just not something that will work for me.
unfortunately, in order to find the good advice i needed, i had to wade through a river of diet culture and stigma. for example, one of the first results that came up while searching for a sugar-free pumpkin spice latte recipe was a reddit thread on a subreddit called r/1200isplenty (as in, 1,200 calories per day...yeah). the recipe itself seemed like it could be useful for me, but--and this is no shade to the person who posted it or anyone else on that subreddit--that is not a space i can occupy without losing my sanity. unfortunately, the link had already lead me right into the belly of the beast, and morbid curiosity pulled me down even further. and so i scrolled. and scrolled. and scrolled. i clicked on links to other extreme dieting forums, each one more toxic than the last. when i finally pulled away from it, i told myself i was fine, that i understand food is fuel, and 1,200 calories isn't enough of it (for the vast majority of people at least). that keeping a detailed record of my calorie intake isn't something i can do without spiraling into obsession and then crashing headfirst into a binge. that balance, health, and body neutrality are the things i value and strive for, not a certain weight or a particular look. that my genetics is very much against me on this whole losing a significant amont of weight thing anywyay. that even if i somehow lost it all, i would stil be insecure.
i reminded myself of that, but all the other (generally less terrible but still) not great advice i had already seen on a few diet/fitness blogs that day in addition to this nightmare reddit rabbit hole was too much. the next day, i started heavily restricting, eating just barely enough to keep from going completely hypo. inevitably, a couple days later i was eating everything in sight. which only caused even worse blood sugar issues obviously. and all because i wanted a sugar-free psl...
listen, i know that it's my responsibility to avoid things i know are triggering for me, and to recognize when i am being activated in that way and still respond appropriately. i am not blaming anyone but myself here. unfortunately, though, having to search for sugar-free or otherwise low-carb recipes because of my diabetes is going to populate at least some results that are harmful to me in my recovery from disordered eating because of the pervasiveness of diet culture and our cultural obsession with thinness. i just wish there was a way to filter more of it out.
that's part of the inspiration behind creating this blog actually, to have somewhere where i can share the things i've learned on creating or adapting t2d-friendly recipes without all the diet culture bs so that hopefully someone else who needs that info too can come here rather than r/1200isplenty if that's harmful for them.
i hope everyone whose posts i read can find peace with their bodies if they haven't already. lord knows i'm not there yet either.
<3 thanks for reading <3
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seasideretreat · 9 months
Richard the Lionheart
I was behind my little keyboard just now and I figured I'd try playing like Richard the Lionheart. Isn't he the best singer-songwriter who ever lived? Maybe not, but he is examplary of a style of music-making, that has no better exponents. The point is writing about one's own life, and making sweet concords underlie it.
I have found out it's all about attitude. You know, I am on medication, and it makes me feel miserable, because I get so restless, I have to move all the time; but some people I know were still very cheerful and quite normal, I thought, even though they had the medication; but I am not the best person at gauging whether or not someone is normal; nevertheless, they seemed all right, whereas I really suffer, I am in dire straights. But I have basically found out it is all about attitude. I can sit still in a chair, maybe look at some Reddit posts, maybe watch television, if I just say "It doesn't rock my boat" or something like that, I am just gloriously not-engaged, and that helps me, to have this power of not being engaged. An attitude is something you can always cultivate - yes, I really think this is the case, it's all about attitude; and you can learn an attitude from history, that's the point, that's how we grow powerful. But I ain't emulating Richard the Lionheart. He didn't have a very powerful attitude. I am emulating Alexander the Great. He really understood life. He had a career - in war - and he had a life, as a governor and so on; he really understood life. This is also my life you see. I want to have a career in the travel business, and I also want to govern my house well, write deep philosophical prose, and play chess in peace and tranquility.
Anyway, I had a difficult day, but it's all right now I think, still, the periods go on, and it's hard to pass The Hours. That's the last movie I saw, The Hours by Steve Daldry (whoever that is); it was a nice movie, but I wasn't really that enthusiastic to watch it, but I always like period films and you know, I could really relate to the Nicole Kidman character, Virginia Woolf you know, and I was really inspired to write my own book - you know, I really like my day's off because then I can just sit in my room and write all day if I like, but that's the thing, I don't always like that, sometimes I just want to sit in my chair and scroll around on Reddit or Tumblr or Twitter, or just browse the internet I think, and anyway it's all about attitude, and that is frankly a quite liberating idea; and we have to be sincere, we can't just pretend we're all right, that takes its toll both on us, and on our surroundings; but I still really like philosophy and I've learned so much from history, mostly that thing about playing chess, chess is just a wonderful way to pass the time, mostly because it really ties into real life problems; who knows, maybe we can even solve the climate crisis with chess, although I don't immediately see it.
Still, when I am writing I feel quite calm as well, but that's what I am saying about attitude, it's a lot like writing. Managing your attitude can say something about the situation, it can temporalize the situations, create duration as Bergson called it - and it's all about duration.
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andrewskennedy50 · 1 year
Blog Post #2
I am not someone who considers myself an avid social media user. After tracking my social media use for 24 hours, I realized I use my social media more than I thought. Apple has a ‘Screen Time Analytics’ feature so I found it easier to rough track my app usage and duration. It was discovering this setting that helped me realize I like Twitter more than I’d like to admit.
Scrolling through Twitter is one of the first things I do after starting my day. On some mornings, I spend an hour or two of my free time scrolling on social media in general. This is probably not the best way to start my full work and school day. During the day, I found myself checking my phone about 2-3 times each hour only to check the time, quickly scroll through Twitter or a Reddit group I follow, and resume my activity. Rather than using my short brain breaks to get fresh air or relax, I hop onto social media to kill the time. This habit is one I tried to be conscious of, but I still find myself pulled into doing regularly. When I am busy at work and with my hands, it is easy to stay away from social media and my phone in general. However, in any free moment I have, there is a chance that I will find my phone turned on and in my hands without intentionally thinking to do that. The majority of Instagram and Facebook scrolling happened during lunch break and in the evening, after work. Another observation I had is my excessive consumption of viewing screens. I use YouTube as a major source of video entertainment. Most days, I watch many music videos and stand-up comedy specials. I prefer YouTube over Netflix most days, and I mostly just stick to the two platforms. After using the iPhone analytic setting to track my YouTube app usage, I found that I consumed almost 3 hours of videos in one day.
I spent 24 hours free of social media on a weekday. It was easier than I imagined, but I did find it difficult to limit my screen time since I found myself craving entertainment of some sort. I did not like the feeling of being “bored” whatsoever” initially. To keep the urge from checking my social media, I logged out of all my apps and turned off notifications for the day. Because of this, I did not receive interruptions at work or social media notifications. It was peaceful. I listened to more music than I usually do. It was very relaxing but also something that I know I was doing out of boredom. The challenge came after work when I wanted to decompress. I usually decompress by jumping on the couch and opening up my phone. Instead of this outlet, I found myself watching more YouTube and Netflix, and I even took my dog for an extra walk, but that was mostly out of boredom. As part of this experiment, I limited my use of TV/YouTube so that I can practice limiting my screen time. After I reached my cap of 2 hours, I decided to create music on my own, one of my hobbies, and find other outlets to entertain myself with. Overall, I think this experiment helped show me that although it causes a bit of anxiety, stepping away from social media adds many more pros to my life than cons. I will undoubtedly be reassessing my relationship with social media moving forward.
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storiesarewonderful · 2 years
Hello randos
I am back again because Oh Yeah, The Queen’s Dead
and uhhh my thoughts are thus; I’m not the biggest fan of going ‘yay! x person is dead!’ however I think about all the bullshit she’s done and uhhh, peace out, coloniser. So yeah. If you don’t want to cheer for her death, that’s fine, to each their own, but don’t blame anyone who does because they have their reasons. Saying she did lots of bullshit doesn’t even cover it.
And yes like many a tumblr people I learned about this via social media (fucking twitter this time. I was in line for lunch and oh, queen’s dead XD cue the crabs. Took a while to see them but oh did they show up. Tumblr is reliable as ever.)
Barring the jokes, I wish you luck and.... God, I hope you get some competent government or anything good in England/UK. Hope you are able to stay warm this winter. Oh, and for anyone who mayhaps ends up needing to make a gofundme or the like, I’ve heard reddit is a VERY good place for linking those and getting funds. Feel free to do your own research of course but if any of you end up needing it, there you go.
So yeah. Oh, one last thing: if you’re in Ukraine or from there I hope you’re doing well in particular, considering everything that is still going on. Even if it’s just silly stuff like scrolling through tumblr or reading comics I hope that helps get you through.
So yeah, a lots happened and the world is.... going through a lot. I hope you’re all well and again, hope for the best for those in England/UK as well as Ukraine. Peace.
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