#i just wanted to give it another shot lmao ive just been in an art block lately and redraws usually help me get out of them
hightro · 25 days
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nosetoons · 2 months
i dont want 2 turn my art blog into a whiny vent post and debate blog so yeah. this is cursedbeasts and i probs should have set that post to npt be reblogged lmao.
l think we were talking about 2 different situations in my post & the reblog. I had a string of toxic one on one friendships over the span of several years all originating in the same fandom. that combined with irl shit resulted in me isolating myself with yet another toxic person. and it all culminated in that person essentially telling everyone around im a horrible person and a whole bunch of people piled onto me like the Not One Of Us song number in Lion King 2.
i dont know your situation & i genuinely hope you didnt go through what I did.
But I can understand seeing a toxic fandom and being discouraged.
But also, you do know you can enjoy a thing without engaging with the fandom?
its what ive been doing post swtor for the most part. and also i think you need to learn to curate your online experience. dpnt go into tags if you know you will see something that angers you. block people whose takes piss you off. dont stew in being buttmad or you will end up like the person who bullied me out of the swtor fandom and completely tainted my fav characters.
i am serious. i have been in this constantly mad outraged place myself right alongside that person. and it was MISERABLE. and its completely preventable.
sit down and ask yourself: should i worry and be mad about other people's takes online that i cant control whatsoever? the answer is FUCKING NO. block, blacklist, and move on. leave twitter and tik tok if you need to cuz theyre cesspits lol.
being outraged all the time is not good for your health, be it mental or physical.
Ironically I just had the exact same talk with my mom lol
I've already made up my mind as well with the conversation. I'm going to block websites that have this issue (such as Twitter and Metacritic) and will give Invincible one more shot...without associating with the fandom.
And I was afraid I missed the point of the blog because I have a bad habit of doing so X-X
Also I can just make a Vyond magnum opus of making fun of that shit like I'm doing rn with grifters.
Anyways, yeah. Fandoms are ass. End of story.
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voyeuristicvixen · 1 year
Captns Log No. 36_ChaChange$
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Our first house party... SHIT WAS LIT. If you been followin my blog since the beginning then you remember when we first moved to Fakrava Island, we have moved into three homes during our time here, from tiki hut to private island to this big ass custom house. We really thoroughly enjoyed our time here, this is where we raised our tigers, and Yemi during her first months. It was super special that on our very last week here we were able to celebrate all the lil milestones with the biggest one we had in our list. 
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I also got to share my love for music w the people and return to some of my personal SL roots. Being apart of the commune that was always my role there. I was known as the commune DJ and I was known for throwing wild themed parties like my favorite one which was a Andy Warhol theme based on the art scene he created in New York in the 80s. IYKYK. This time it was different because I was able to share a whole other side of genre of music and aesthetic w my people that connects to another side of me. That was dope. I am a hippie rocker alt chick at heart but I also am an African hip hop head too. LOL.
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I didnt get much photos but Wav got all the good ones here the album link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.104507015518461&type=3 The spread was doin its thing! We had all the tings, Mystory enbled food platters from Lucas L, Mura, we had the Junk Food Jello Shots the Tredente Punch, we had Hennessy straight from the best market Del Mar they always hook it up!! Like. We had the wineees and ofc I provided CBD waters from  starseedsbotanica and was givin out free exclusive candles and soaps. We really went in! Oh ! there was also a tray of all kinds of fancy party favors we had brownies, shrooms, joints .... lmao everything. And surprisingly had some left over, the drugs was prolly the first thing to go tbh ahahaha!
We didnt have any tip jar out or anything like that because it was just about the energy. I really wanted ppl to feel something new and different from this party, which is actually an old school SL vibe and tradition of being which is, sharing with others. What good is all these fancy homes and cute foods and clothes and objects if we arent using them to have fun, socialize and connect with others! Thats what the Linden bears are all about. The magick in giving something you made to someone else. Sharing your hard work and creations with your friends and strangers who you want to connect with.
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I am def going to miss our room, Its literally when you finally get everything decorated the way you like that something happens where you got to leave lmao. I feel like ive even written about this before in past blogs because we have had rude awakenings in the past with our living situation. Lil Yemi is about to be one and shes moved so many times already! XD
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Afro Nation fest was wild, I wont write much about this because it was a bittersweet thing for Wav and I. The sim was packed instantly hundred ppl there.
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Asake performance was wild, we changed 3 times! We put on a real SHOW! I was basically IT girl dancer because the other three coordinated without me, even though I sent all the info of the outfits I put together to match his outfits in the discord. Outfits that were free/ affordable to get and fire! It was hilarious when I see them pull up in one fit they wore the entire show that didnt match anything on stage. LMFAO. They tried to leave me out but it did not work. I had all my routine set because I actually went to rehearsal lmao. I wont say anything else besides WAV AND I KILLED IT. He was also the only artist who had three changes during the show. We didnt get paid, thanks for any of our work.. for showing up to every rehearsal despite our RL shit we had going on, for rearranging our schedule to accommodate and perform. But we did it for the culture not for money intially... until we realized that none of the people were actually kind to us, talked to us or treated us like apart of the team. Sad.
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So I made a line of intention based spell bound candles, completely original each one is hand poured and infused with crystals and magick. They are only found at my botanica on TheBlvd : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Meroe%20Blvd/62/175/33
Theres one that helps you connect with your ancestors, spice up your life with love and adventure, theres one for intimacy in the bedroom, theres one for money of course! I made one specially for men and one for self empowerment too! Each one is set with intention when you click the candle its completely interactive and gives you stats.
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When you rez them out they have a box of matches and little crystal pyramid with them that is to compliment and enhance the intentions in the candle. These candles help you with RL too because the energy of the intention will manifest in all realms of your life. Ase!
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I also made palm stones, I chose the most helpful on hand allies I could think of. This all comes from the knowledge and wisdom I use and have gained working in my RL. I used to be a gatekeeper at a modern day botanica for many years. It is actually one of the most popular ones here in LA, visited by many high profile people. I am really exciting about merging this aspect of my RL with my life on the grid, overall it has felt fulfilling to my heart. ;)
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I made spell infused soaps as well! Every botanica out there has em and they are for the practical mystics out there! Everything at my botanica is mystory compatible and boosts stats! Mainly happiness, energy and social!
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Aw, our last lil pic as we packed up our fakrava home, we moved for a second to a house in Aussie shores and then from there we now live in our true home on the Mystory sim. I call it true home because that is where Meroe is, that is where the Botanica is, our new Secondlife family is found there. We wouldnt have it any other way and we are so grateful and blessed to have it.
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narumi-gens · 2 years
hi im back bein annoyin as per usual ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
unfortunate news mel; ive tried to read kn8 before and only got to chapter like 5 before giving up idk why i couldnt vibe w it when ive been reading shonen/seinin manga for years 😭 should i give it another try?
same goes for blue lock, i usually really like sports series but i couldnt get onboard w that one either i crie
minty, you're never annoying 💕💕 (esp when it's related to kn8, even when it's unfortunate news...)
...and that is unfortunate news. like dire news. I may be biased bc I love kn8 so much, but I would definitely say to give it another shot! I think at least get through the entrance exam chapters, which I think is probably around ch 10-12? I'm not sure how much you've seen of Kikoru but her and Kafka's relationship and dynamic is just so fucking amazing even in the earlier chapters, so that might also get you more into it.
also, the kn8 plot really goes in a direction I really wasn't expecting about 30-ish chapters in that had it feeling extra fresh. and that's around when the manga really starts to open up its world and introduce a bunch of great characters and shows more of defense force. (also the loml doesn't show up until I think ch 3...8? 39? so I personally would recommend getting to his introduction but that's also...pretty far for a manga you're not feeling lol)
I'm of two minds on the whole "not vibing with a manga":
1) unless a manga does something to immediately turn me off or I know immediately that I'm not gonna like it, I'm pretty generous and give it about 15-20 chs before calling it quits. sometimes it takes a little bit for some manga to get going or for me to really connect with it. that's kind of how I'm feeling with sakamoto days. like I wasn't really feeling it for the first like 10-15 chapters but I'm a little past that and am starting to vibe with it more.
2) while I'm pretty generous with how much leeway I give a manga to hook me in, I'm also very much of the "don't continue something that you're not into" school of thinking. if you have other things you want to read/watch/play/do/whatever then don't waste your time! I drop shows all the time if I'm not immediately into them lol
also, I thought blue lock was the art anime and then looked it up and saw that it's the soccer anime and I'm thinking of blue period lmao also the trailer for the anime looks stupid so I think you're in the right on that one (pls don't come for me blue lock fans 🙏🏽)
tldr pls read kn8 but don't feel bad if you can't get into it! I'll still love you anyways but here's a picture of the loml to maybe entice you...
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strideofpride · 3 years
DAIR APPRECIATION WEEK 2021 DAY ONE: Why do you love Dan and Blair?
I broke down what I love about Dan and Blair into five parts under a read more below. The tldr is: their compatibility, their parallel arcs, their slow burn, the larger message it would've given GG if they were endgame, and finally their mature, adult relationship (aka "pure and simple love").
Warning: I basically wrote a fucking essay lmao. Cited my sources and everything.
I. Compatibility
Dan and Blair have great chemistry sure, but they have something that I don't think any other pairing on the show really had: common interests. They were pseudo-intellectuals who could talk about books, literature, art, etc. with each other ("Dan and I have a real connection. We did things like visit the Dia and debate Charbol versus Rohmer..."). And I know in TV world all anyone cares about is chemistry, but in the real world the key to a long lasting relationship is common interests.
And yet they are also still an opposite attracts pairing, just in the best way, where they are opposite in personality and background, but still share lots of common interests. Blair was the rich mean girl from the Upper East Side and Dan the "poor" loser from Brooklyn, but they still can relate to one another, they can still find stuff to talk about together, they still come to enjoy each other's presence and friendship.
And back to their chemistry: it isn't steamy chemistry 100% all the time (although they can certainly go there). Their's is a sweet chemistry, a chemistry where it's clear that they respect each other, that they know each other on a deep level, that they understand each other more than anyone else. It's a chemistry that you believe could lead to a satisfying marriage one day.
And I know I've said this before, but to me Dan and Blair are just soulmates.
II. Parallel Arcs
I am such a sucker for when two characters' life journeys parallel one another and Dair had that in spades. In season 1 especially, they were both dealing with the abandonment of a parent (Dan's mom/Blair's dad), they both lost their virginities and entered into sexual relationships with much more experienced partners (Serena & Chuck), and they both had their sights set on one school (Yale & Dartmouth - although come season 2 this became Yale for Dan, giving them even more in common).
I've also already talked on here about how you can parallel all of their other romantic/sexual relationships to one another, as well as how they both were abandoned by their best friends sophomore year. And, they both have a bad habit of going back to the same person over and over again (again, Serena & Chuck).
To me, Dan and Blair are almost narrative foils. Dan's relationship with his father starts out pretty solid but deteriorates over time - Blair's relationship with her mother is the exact opposite. Dan pines, while Blair loves to live in denial. Blair sees her life as a movie, Dan sees his life as a novel.
And that makes it all the more satisfying to see them come together, to learn to appreciate their differences, to accept their similarities, to see them grow together (albeit briefly) over seasons 4 and 5.
III. Slow Burn
A lot of people on here use this word incorrectly. If the characters kiss during season 1 (unless it’s under false pretenses) it’s not a slow burn! But Dan and Blair are a true slow burn (whether or not that was intentional).
From that hallway scene in 1x04, it's clear that Dan and Blair have a deeper connection and understanding of each other than they are letting on. We get brief glimpses into that in 1x15, 2x08, 3x18, and 3x22. All of that very slow build up makes it all the more satisfying when they become friends in season 4.
I truly think the W arc is the best written arc of the entire show. You very slowly see them accept their common interests, grow to begrudgingly respect one another, even begin to accept that there might be an attraction there. It never feels rushed, when they kiss in 4x17, it's earned (I use this word a lot - buckle in).
And then, yeah, the Louis arc was fucky (I stand by that they should've kept the love triangle Dan vs. Chuck, or Dan vs. Louis, all three was too much). But Dan standing by Blair through everything she went through that season was beautiful, to see her depend on Dan in her darkest moments, to see her realize that he's the one who will always be there for her...it just really, really worked.
And so that moment when Blair finally calls him "Dan" to his face, when it becomes clear they are finally going to be together...it's one of the single most satisfying moments in the entire show. Because, again, it was earned.
IV. Larger Message
As this video essay posits, the showrunners were left with a choice after the 2008 economic recession: "Either adjust to the times or lean further into an escapist fantasy where extreme wealth is the status quo...and lean they did. For the sake of providing their audience with an escape, the dark underbelly of extreme affluence became the show's core theme. The more it began to sell cynical opulence as standard escapism, the more the writers and fans turned on the less wealthy characters."
Furthermore, by revealing Dan as Gossip Girl, "It transitions him from pretentious soft boy to borderline sociopath, actively ruining the lives of his friends, family, and crush just to get a foothold in Upper East Side society. And then the show did something it had seldom deemed to do for a less wealthy character: it rewarded him...And thus, the show presented us with the most insidious message of all: wealth, privilege, and power corrupt...and that's okay."
By having Chuck & Blair and Dan & Serena as endgame, GG became one of the most cynical shows on the planet, where (to quote Constance Grady) "all relationships are transactional".
But yet: "The sole bright spot in the midst of this cold universe in which relationships are bought and sold like real estate came in the form of Blair’s brief season four romance with Dan...it marked the last hurrah of the first version of Gossip Girl: In a world in which money is so powerful that it makes romantic relationships indistinguishable from prostitution, Dan and Blair were working to create an authentic, meaningful bond outside of the influence of wealth and privilege."
If Dan and Blair had been endgame (and Dan hadn't been GG - although we all know that one is bullshit anyway), it would've been a rebuke to that ideology, it would've shown that there is more to a good marriage than a shared tax bracket, that a genuine connection is more important than wealth and privilege. That abuse does not equal love.
But alas, that was not the story they wanted to tell I guess.
V. Mature, Adult Relationship (aka "Pure & Simple Love")
I am personally not much of a fan of grand romantic gestures. I often find them shallow, childish, and showy. To me, it is far more romantic for Dan to have secretly written a book about Blair, for Blair to submit Dan's article to Vanity Fair, for Dan to say "it wouldn't to me" when Blair asks if it would matter if she was pregnant with another man's child (especially since this moment is (take a shot here), you guessed it, earned - we know he's being honest because we already saw him do this with Milo).
Now, I am personally not as much of a fan of the Met Steps moment as everyone else (Blair's desire to be royalty is probably the thing I like least about her), but that was probably Dan's grandest romantic gesture and yet...it's still so simple. It's really just a plastic tiara and a cab ride. Which is what makes it so beautiful. Because it's not about the money or the extravagance or showing off to anyone else...it's about Dan showing Blair he truly knows her. And to me, that's the healthiest way to do a romantic gesture.
I also love their bad sex arc in 5x18 because a) it's real - most real world couples don't have earth shattering sex the first time together, it takes time to learn what your partner likes and needs and b) because they actually (after getting drunk at Dorota's & Nate's) communicate about it and work out their problem like adults.
Because that's the thing about Dan and Blair - it's a real adult relationship. It's not a never-ending game of cat and mouse, it's not a fallback, it's not a bad habit...everything else just melts away when they're together. They grew and changed together...they learned to put aside their prejudices and see each other beyond their facades. They became better people together. They always had someone they knew they could turn to.
And that's what true love is supposed to be.
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amy-issen · 3 years
ok so here it is!! i spent the last week solely making and listening to this playlist like i was POSSESED because this ship is lovely and deserved a nice playlist!  if anyone wants to know why i picked each song, i’m going to ramble about it extensively in the read more, so check that out if you want! hope you enjoy it! also thanks again to @birbwell​ for letting me use her art for the cover!
i divided this playlist in a few sections so let’s start with the first one (section one: first meeting/pining) i. in the rain - joe hisaishi i wanted to start with a short instrumental track to set the mood, and i looooove howl’s moving castle score, so i had to pick this one! the fact that it has rain in the title also helps to reference how their relationship began! ii. with every breath i take - frank sinatra “every breath that I take is a prayer that i’ll make you mine” my sister is a big sinatra/jazz fan (and also a yakuza fan) so she helped me with picking a few of the songs here! this one is very romantic, elegant and beautiful and i thought it fit the mood (and it’s what i think tachibana listens to in his free time lmao).
iii. gold rush - taylor swift “what must it be like to grow up that beautiful? with your hair falling into place like dominoes my mind turns your life into folklore i can't dare to dream about you anymore” this one is my FAVORITE song on this playlist, and one of the first i picked because this song just fits them like a glove. it’s basically pining 101, and i love that what taylor said this song is about “daydreaming about someone then snapping out of it.” i feel like the first part could be from tachibana’s perspective and the second one from kiryu’s (also giving a bit of a glimpse into the future, with the mention of a coastal town they’ll never find together) iv. first love/late spring - mitski “so please, hurry, leave me, i can't breathe please don't say you love me mune ga hachikire-sōde (my heart seems like it’s going to burst)” this one was another song i picked very early on because i love mitski, and i needed to include her here. i just wanted something to symbolize the trust that tachibana and kiryu have to share to work together, and the feelings that emerge from it, if that makes any sense. i don’t think this has a specific perspective, because i feel like this could work from both kiryu’s and tachibana’s (mostly kiryu though) v. real estate - adam melchor “every time I wonder how i'd carry on without you i'm runnin' out of real estate tryna make all the right moves i don't wanna hesitate i would bet the house on you “ do you UNDERSTAND how satisfying it was to find a song named real estate for them?? come ooon. ok that’s not all of my reasoning for it but it’s like. most of it, lmao another song i felt was about trust and feelings. (also a bit of a glimpse into the future, because i’m sad) vi. i get a kick out of you - ella fitzgerald “i get no kick from champagne mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all so tell me why should it be true that i get a kick out of you?” another one my sister recommended. i originally was gonna go with sinatra’s version of this, but i love this one and it just wouldn’t leave my brain. again, one from mostly tachibana’s perspective, get this man to sing this on karaoke night right now. vii. like real people do - hozier  “i will not ask you where you came from i would not ask and neither would you honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips we could just kiss like real people do” this is one of my all time favorites from hozier and, again, it just fit perfectly. tachibana and kiryu have both lived some very... troubled lives so far, and while they’re depending on this trust they have in eachother, none of them really care to know about what they’ve done or who they are. this is mostly from kiryu’s perspective, specially with this metaphor of being rescued/dug up from the earth with the whole being found in the rain and saved by tachibana and his poor driving skills. viii. delicate - taylor swift “this ain't for the best my reputation's never been worse, so you must like me for me... we can't make any promises now, can we, babe? but you can make me a drink” y’all are going to have to forgive me for picking TWO taylor swift songs but COME OOOON this is another one that i picked early on because i could draw so many parallels between the lyrics and things that they both said in that car scene on chapter 9 (mostly tachibana though) and i kept harassing my sister with screenshots to prove my point and i’m gonna do it again
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ANYWAYS i’ve made my case, and now we enter the second section of the playlist at last ( section 2: actual romantic/fluffy songs because this is a ship playlist) i. good old-fashioned lover boy - queen “dining at the ritz we'll meet at nine (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 o'clock) precisely i will pay the bill, you taste the wine driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely just take me back to yours that will be fine” is this a bit of a cliché? yes. did i want to include it because it’s very cute and i’d like to imagine kiryu and tachibana having a nice date night with no people trying to kill them all the time? also yes. i love this song.
ii. stay with me/mayonaka no door - miki matsuraba “you in your gray jacket with that oh-so-familiar coffee stain just as you always are the two of us reflect in the window display stay with me knocking on midnight's door i beg you not to go home tonight” (translated lyrics) is anyone not obsessed with this song lately? this is the only song here i’m blaming tiktok for making me listen to it lol. in any way, this song is deceptive because it sounds really happy but is actually quite melancholic. i thought it fit their relationship well, and it seemed like a good addition to the playlist with it’s 80′s city pop vibes.
iii. on melancholy hill - gorillaz (covered by matt forbes) “just looking out on the day of another dream where you can't get what you want, but you can get me so let's set out to sea, love 'cause you are my medicine when you're close to me" this is a gorillaz song but i went with this cover because it fit the feeling of the playlist a little better. another song that i just love very deeply and i thought fit the sentiment of kiryu being like “hey i know we have Big problems and you’re very sad in the moment but i’m here for you” iv. (i love you) for sentimental reasons - nat king cole "i think of you every morning dream of you every night darling, i'm never lonely whenever you are in sight" surprisingly, not one that my sister recommended, but one i found for myself while looking for quiet  romantic songs. i feel like this is tachibana's reply to kiryu being there for him and helping him. plus, idk i just wanted to imagine them slow dancing to this. v. positions - ariana grande (covered by travis atreo) "perfect, perfect you're too good to be true but I get tired of runnin', fuck it now, i’m runnin' with you" i picked this cover because i felt like using ariana's one would be a little goofy for this section lmao, but i really like this song and how it's about commitment and doing everything to make a relationship work. i just wanted to throw some sexy vibes before this playlist delved into depressing stuff. also if you telling me tachibana wouldn't absolute body a tiktok set to this song you're lying to yourself. (section 3: oh no this is getting sad) i. forever - labrinth "i'll live forever" i love everything labrinth makes, the euphoria soundtrack lives in my mind rent free and this is my favorite one. this barely has any lyrics so, again, mostly a track i picked for its intrumentals and feeling overall. mostly preparing you for the sad stuff ahead. ii. hong kong - gorillaz "you swallow me i'm a pill on your tongue here on the nineteenth floor the neon lights make me calm" this is my favorite gorillaz song, by FAR, and i think it's introspective vibe really fits tachibana's character. not really a song about relationship but i really wanted to include it because it's just such a GORGEOUS song. iii. fragments - severon another instrumental track! this one i stole from a playlist my sister made for a fic i wrote last year. again. sad vibes. iv. sign of the times - harry styles (covered by LANY) "remember everything will be alright we can meet again somewhere somewhere far away from here" i loved the synth-y vibe this cover had, while still keeping this song's sad "our lives are dangerous and i'm about to die" vibes. i mostly wanted to evoke the vibe from the scene where tachibana agrees to go with lao gui after kiryu gets shot. just really sad all around. v. so close - jon mclaughlin "we're so close to reaching that famous happy end almost believing this one's not pretend let's go on dreaming though we know we are so close, so close, and still so far" me? picking a song from disney's enchanted??? for a playlist??? it's more likely than you think. idk this song just gives me that vibe of being so close to being happy and together, almost reminiscing and wondering what could have been. but it just... won't happen. vi. as the world caves in - matt maltese "yes, it's you i welcome death with as the world, as the world caves in" oops, yes, i had to go there. just couldn't resist including this song, and i feel like it's really self-explanatory. vii. places we won't walk - bruno major "neon lights shine bold and bright buildings grow to dizzy heights people come alive at night in places we won't walk" again, i feel like this song speaks for itself. a bit of a meditation on kiryu's perspective on things that could have happened, things they would have done, that kiryu will just have to do alone from now on. viii. carry me out - mitski "i drive when it rains at night, when it rains, i drive and the headlight spirits they lead me down the styx so black it shines and carry me out carry me out"
possibly the saddest and the most powerful song in this playlist, because i just had to put a mitski song again. the image of kiryu carrying tachibana's body is just constantly in my mind when i listen to this, but i could also see this song being from the perspective of tachibana's spirit. ix. arms tonite - mother mother "i died in your arms tonight i slipped through into the afterlife it was nice" lmao this felt a bit like a cruel joke to include, but i didn't want this playlist to end TOO depressingly. it's a nod to tachibana dying in kiryu's arms, sure, but also it's romantic and possibly a little hopeful (tachibana lives au!!! orpheus and eurydice au!!! fuck it, idk!!)  xi. everybody wants to rule the world - tears for fears "there's a room where the light won't find you holding hands while the walls come tumbling down when they do, i'll be right behind you so glad we've almost made it so sad they had to fade it everybody wants to rule the world" not a recommendation from my sister, but it is her favorite song, and she was happy that i included it. another 80's bop with sad lyrics! i feel like this is a lovely summary of their story together and it feels like a nice little bow to wrap up the playlist.  i hope you enjoyed my long ass explanations! i might add songs later (or make an entire second playlist altogether for the fic i'm writing rn, but let's not get ahead of ourselves)
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innittowinit · 3 years
(psst also if you want your fic taken off this list for whatever reason shoot me a pm)
Completed- multi chapter
-  kindred spirits by arochill
In which one man leaves his dream job and learns that taking care of three monster children may be better than anything else he could ever ask for.
literally so sweet, some sad parts but its a very soft read i love it
-  (this is home) by Lillian_nator for free_cookiesx
Tommy finally found the thing that he has been missing for the past 7 months. A home. People. A family. Please, just let everything be okay. 
some VERY sad parts but this one is more angst with a happy ending, i love it so much it was one of the first fics i read
-  pick me up, take me home by meridies for manciissuperior
With barely three hours notice, single father Phil receives a new child to foster. And unlike his two other adopted children, Wilbur and Techno, Tommy is seemingly hellbent on creating chaos. As their close-knit family begins falling apart, all four of them are forced to learn what it truly means to have one another.
DOOD literally such realistic interactions between the boys, its so good i felt so many emotions
Ongoing- Multi chapter
-  A Very Odd Family, Indeed by opheliabloo
It all started in the nether, all those years ago.
A retired warrior, father to the most fearsome fighter in the land, a sharp-eyed leader with a dangerous spark, and a boy who could turn mountains to dust if he put his mind to it.
Yes. They were a very odd family, indeed.
!!!!! im reading this at the moment, im on chapter 14 and i love it so much! this fic ripped out myheart but in a good way
-  You're Still Our Brothers, And We Will Fight For You by Your_Resident_Witch
Phil gets a letter from Tommy saying that Wilbur has gone insane and asking him to come and help.
SBI FAMILY AWOOGA deadass though this is such a good read for when you just want some good ol family feels, based in dream smp but its canon divergent
-  Phil accidentally becomes a father - A series of short SBI Found Family stories by CagedPuddle
Phil was an average man who lived an average life. He woke up every morning, got dressed, ate breakfast, and grabbed his fishing pole before fishing for the rest of the day. He was young, barely an adult, and he already had the rest of his life practically planned out. Well… at least until THAT day.
Piglin technoblade owns myheart!!! Each chapter more or less can work on it’s own so its good for when your feeling and you wanna get a really specific part but dont feel like reading a bunch of chapters
-  "It's Like Watching Your Little Brother" by SunOfIcarus
After hearing Wilbur describe Tommy as a younger brother, I haven't been able to get it out of my head since.
A collection of one-shots about Wilbur and Tommy having a sibling dynamic! 
DOOD one of the first fics i started reading, there is a story in this book for any emotion i s2g its so good
-  Where are your parents? by C4pricornC4ts
Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy decide to run away. Tommy is an optimist, Techno likes to disappear for days at a time and Wilbur is just trying to keep his makeshift family together.
Philza notices a struggling teenager and tries his best.
ANOTHER ONE IVE BEEN READING FOR AGES dood im obsessed with this era deadass, this fic is so soft and i love it so much, it made me feel so many things and book store owner phil owns my heart
-  chin up king, your crown is slipping by cryptibs
this is basically just set in a kingdom AU! in the end notes i'll add what the other SBI members positions are in the kingdom! (if you're curious)
SICKFIC POG can’t go wrong with a good sickfic deadass, techno is king in this too!!!! Plus we all know i love wilbur and technos friendship
-  core by qar
Wilbur lashes out. Tommy is a little upset. Phil's on damage control.
A good one to read when someone hurts you, its so good and the perfect amount of hurt and comfort
-  10 Years by amooniesong
Technoblade is touch-starved, Wilbur won't stand for that.
-  wilbur isn't handling online school well by leggyman
just a one-shot of wilbur not handling school.
Felt this one sm, i am the same wilbur dont worry, also tommy is so so sweet in this, a good one to read if youre getting overwhelmed
-  the art and (mine)craft of war by bluesandbirds
Tommy is a gremlin. An absolute, evil gremlin child and sometimes it's a curse to be related to him. But who is this Dream guy, and why is Tommy suddenly talking about him all the time?
TECHNO JEALOUS god they really were just fighting for his attention werent they lmao, i love this sm
-  Techno screams into the void and the void responds with a fatherly hug by ChipperDotChar
Of all the adventures Techno thought he would have today, having the worst wish possible come true and end up being fantastic was admittedly not on the agenda.
What the genuine fuck just happened?
VOID PEOPLE!!!! such a unique concept and i really hope the author writes more for this au at some point
- home is where the heart is by constantly_anxious
It's midnight, and Techno can't sleep.
No one else can either.
A quick list of authors to look at:
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peter-pantomime · 4 years
Ask Meme
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002 | Character
How do i feel about love of my life, idiot child of my loins, Richard Richie Dick Trashmouth Tozier? Listen ive been in some fandom or another for like fifteen years straight, some with more intensity than others, and there are some deeply obvious patterns that have emerged in the characters and relationships that make me absolutely lose my MIND. Is there a character who others (my mother) would call a dick, an asshole, a complete twerp? who is loud and obnoxious and performative and NEEDS attention? but who then under that is DEEPLY insecure and has lots of self-hatred and cannot handle actually being seen? sign me the FUCK up. Charles Xavier, Dean Winchester, Bucky Barnes, my loves, step aside - long live the ultimate clown, Richie Tozier.
Just gonna save this rant for the Reddie answer below. 
Non-romantic OTPs are a delight for Richie. I do love him and Bev when they’re kids, i think there’s a lot there in both of them about being terrified of puberty and what its revealing to them about themselves, and i havent really seen that delved into anywhere, but i think it would be really interesting to see. But i also love Richie and Stan, a lot of fics (Indelicate in particular i think) call them an unstoppable force and immovable object, and I love that dynamic. I’d like to see how that plays out more when they aren’t fighting lol. also in general I just love that Patty is showing up more in fics and I love their dynamic too. 
Shitty Headcanons
I don’t know if its unpopular as much as its depressing, but the only way I can cope with the canon ending of the movie is if richie kills himself like, a minute after that last shot of him. In real life, I would never say that but in fiction? Narratively, I think its more in character than just smiling and bouncing along on his way after the love of his life is impaled in front of him BECAUSE said love saved him and he had to leave him to be buried in the diseased and dirty darkness with the corpse of their worse nightmare. Anyway, stay tuned for my Orpheus fic, itll happen eventually.
On that note like, i DON’T want that to have happened in canon, but like, I’ve long ago given up on looking to mainstream media for storylines and characterizations i want to see. I would have preferred Richie staying in the house with Eddie tbh, but again, wasnt looking to the film to give me a satisfying happy or sad ending for him/them. 
I don’t really think about crossover stuff much, much more into AUs, so like, lets have Reddie in a The Mummy AU hows that. (also actually edit: theres a fic where Eddie and Carrie White are cousins and i LOVE THAT)
001 | Reddie
in the beginning
This is 100% one of those ships i blame tumblr for. It started with seeing some good reddie art going around before part 2 came out, then laughing at some posts probably, then going into the tags ‘just to see what was happening,’ and then resigning myself to knowing i was gonna see the new movie and watching the first one in prep and just seeing it hit all my buttons. twas inevitable. 
I love nearly everything fandom spins out for them. not so much what canon did. I don’t particularly love modern AUs for them, them growing up in the 80s is very important to me, and it doesnt jive for me when richie isnt like, fucked up with internalized homophobia that he works through (even if its just acknowledged that he’s dealt with it before the fic starts, its just an important characterization for me). I don’t like stuff where eddie is super sweet and soft (...”chee”) and all woobie’d, like no, hes a little asshole and i love him for that.
other pairings
Another pattern in this deeply self-exposing parade of losers i go feral over is that i am embarrassingly singular in my shipping for them. Like, ONE true pairing to the heights, motherfuckers. Like, the similarities in the reasons I like Reddie and Stucky are comical. Kids who’ve known each other since childhood, one who’s sickly but absolutely a rage monster and one who’s loud and brash but much more timid on the inside, for whom the very concept of love was grown from knowing each other, who lose each other and literally forget each other for years, who then find each other again through bloodshed, and are now figuring out these teenage growing pains as grown people after a (N E A R) death experience? *anguished elk noise* literally havent gotten tired of it in the slightest yet. 
happily ever after
honestly, variations on a theme at this point - living together preferably in LA, soaking up sunshine and each other’s company, just happy and in love and HAPPY. basically a combo of Ithots and bullet in the back.
big/little spoon
nah, eddie sleeping directly on top of Richie 
favorite activity
this is just an expression of my own favorite activity, but them at a karaoke bar is still my favorite thought. Mostly because i need something where Richie sings Can’t Take My Eyes off You and it starts silly but then it HITS REAL HARD
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
Love Victor (series)
oooh new format for this post let’s get into itttt.
Below are my reaction per episode. I will be writing them as i finish each so its more clear and fresh and all that jazz.
Let’s see if tumblr posts has a word count limit.
lol wrong title earlier X_X
Note, the #glassthoughts tags is a reaction tag. Its never a review, or an intellectual essay about stuff I watch. I dont have the capacity to do all those.
Spoilers below so beware. Episode 1 is posted separately because I intend to make posts for the first and last epsiode only but that did not work out lol.
it took me a looong time to finish this episode. I kept on pausing it because something just feels so wrong about it. I didn’t know what it was when i was going through it, but when it finally ended it finally clicked.
The episode reminds me of the sentiment most homophobes use against gay people. “If you focus on the emotional part of the relationship, you will be happy with the opposite sex.” Growing up ive heard this phrase used against other people so much. Hearing it in my native language has always been a punch in the gut. 
And now this show who is supposed to be something happy and nice, is just having this kind of phrase of mentality just well up there.
I’m sure that its not Victor’s and that he is just exploring his sexuality. But the usual tinge of homophobia whenever he talks that he might be like Simon is honestly grating.
It’s definitely a me issue because other people seem to be enjoying the series immensely, but whenever Victor gets into that headspace, I just hear my child self crying myself to sleep because of internal homophobia.
Also i can see why people say  that for a show that is supposed be about Victor’s sexuality and growth, it does sure show a heck lot of heterosexuality of those who are around him.
Maybe in the future i will rewatch the series again with a more patient mind, but for now, expect me to skip a lot of scenes X_X
Episode 3
Okay the audacity of Victor saying “he tries” to be a good friend. Like dang okay chill with the lies. You’re already lying about your sexuality lmao.
Sorry im being very critical and bitter about this show, but i must persevere for the fanfics and fanarts i will gorge myself into later.
anywho reaction time!
Mia and Victor would’ve been cute if only Victor doesn’t sound like he keeps on enforcing this compulsory heterosexuality he has in mind.  BUT hey he might be Bi people! 
I keep censoring myself because of how bitter and hateful i sound. My apologies for the phrases i forgot to delete above and beyond this line xD.
Anyways im over anything about Andrew. He can go fuck his egotistical self. If the series will show 
Hmm i wonder if the term “Comp Het” will even drop in this series.
Back to reaction,
Honestly Felix is just a lesbian in a man’s body at this point. Making his own shampoo? Like wow give me some of that kind of friend. 
The number of times I rolled my eyes at Andrew is ridiculous. 
Whilst typing this part it was more enforced in my mind that Love Victor is just a “supposedly gayer” Teen Wolf without the wolfing parts.
Lake is Lydia Felix is Stiles Andrew is a walmart Jackson Benji is basically a less grumpy Derek or Danny tbh Victor is Scott
I really hate this idea now.
The parents drama! Honestly, very unnecessary in my opinion. Victor is already dealing with a religious family, now he has to deal with a religious and broken family? Like dang they could’ve just chosen one struggle for him, now everyone will think his sexuality is a consequence for his parents’ sin or sth.
Maybe it’ll play into a bigger plot twist in the future?
Maybe Victor’s mom is cheating with Mia’s father? Seeing as how there was an unnecessary shot of her father with the back of a woman facing on the camera which is weird but okay. 
Im theorizing now X_X
Anyways have y’all seen how poor Felix was so nervous because his goddamn friend isn’t there to supposedly help him?
Sorry im hating on Victor too much but this scene reminds me of how awful Simon’s friends are and like bruuuh is Felix supposed to be the lead character?
He really is like Stiles who is supposed to be the lead for Teen Wolf in my opinion, he’s just a much better written character that Sc/tt
lmao sorry my issues with other series is bleeding into this one X_X
Episode 4
Not much to say without getting too salty so moving onnn.
Episode 5
This series is just showing all the fear and pain i went through and am going through back when I was a teenager and til now. Without getting into any personal stuff, that last bs Victor’s father spewed just hit me so much.
I guess one of the reasons why its hard for me to watch Love Victor is because it shows me the teenager side of me way back when. Minus the girlfriend one because i never really persevered that much to tamper any likes for men. Internal homophobia really hit me back then tho xD
Episode 6
This episode is a mess and I hate it.
We saw yet again Victor literally using Felix’s ignorance and naivety to get himself out of a situation he put himself into. 
AND Felix even got the wrong idea or got fed with the wrong idea that the reason why Victor brought him along is to act as a buffer because he wasn’t ready to give up being a virgin or have sex in general. Yep that is definitely the reason, no other reason at all that involves making latte art with a known barista.
Lake and Felix kissed so there was that. I still am shipping Victor and Felix together despite Victor’s continuous bs with him being a good friend, but that’s just me.
And totally knew Andrew and Mia got a thing. If this blew up and hurt Lake im suing.
Lake and Felix are literally the two people keeping this show intact. Not gonna drop some political statement here no sir.
Again Benji needs to grow a personality out of this whole barista thing. One thing i am grateful for this show is that there was no family drama at all!
I think.
Episode 7
Ive been making a conscious effort to stop saying that heterosexuality is normal. That shit is hard to unlearn because its what ive always heard in my asian household for yeaaaaaaars. And now this twink is just gonna throw the term around like he has no issues with it. TO SIMON EVEN.
Like brooooooh. Im over my 2010 internal homophobia, no need to dig it all up again. Every episode.
Aww the dancing in different clothes is cute but,
Homeboy be doing the most to keep his fucking sexuality from bursting out, with his foot both planted firmly inside the closer AND THEN THE NEXT SECOND would end up as if he is ready to risk it all just to see Benji naked.
I AM FUCKING livid, confused, and just intense emotion everywhere.
Ive seen a couple of dumbo scenes from other shows that got the “closeted” man be doing literally the most obvious shit that could make anyone catch them, BUT THIS, with how VEHEMENT Victor is against being “NOT NORMAL” AND THEN LIE JUST TO STAY IN A MOTEL WITH THE GLORIFIED HOT GUY, takes the goddamn cake.
The fucking hypocrisy man. Ive battled internal homophobia before, AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE ALL DEAL WITH IT DIFFERENTLY but holy fucksticks. I’m not this evil.
The thing is, there is so much a person could do that you could go “ah its because they are in the closet and is afraid to come out” before it goes to the territory of “fucking hell, this is not just about his sexuality, this is just him now doing stuff consciously to take advantage of his supposed fear”. The girlfriend thing is even waaay over the top, but we all went with it because he’s supposed to be figuring things out. BUT most of the time, he literally could not even imagine going beyond the line HE CREATED for their relationship. AND YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT HE WILL LIE JUST TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH A GUY? Now he wants to test the male side of his sexuality? BECAUSE PORN DOESN’T EXIST?  BECAUSE LOOKING AT MALE UNDERWEAR MODELS IN THE UNDERWEAR SECTION IS NOT ENOUGH? HE NEEDS IT TO BE ACTUALLY PHYSICAL TO CONFIRM SOMETHING?
Im ahead too much, real time the scene im in the episode is still them about to leave the shop but holy fucking hell. If this lie ended up becoming something more in this same episode, expect more capslock because jfc.
And people will still claim he’s somewhat attracted to the other gender. 
Also i was very very worried that Pilar and Felix will be a thing BUT THANK GOD THAT DIDN’T BECOME A THING. Still unsure whether i like Lake and Felix together, but i love them individually.
I cant really comment on any of the parents drama because to be honest i skip them whenever its just her and him.
Im tired.
But i hafta finish the show for fanarts and fanfics.
okay Benji has a legitimate reason for lying. I’ll take that.
See people you see me live writing this whole rant thing :D.
Huh I wonder back when I was his age, would I also just kiss the first gay guy i became comfortable with? Despite being so into the closet and battling internal homophobia via punching the walls?
Dang that monologue tho. We as non het doesn’t want our lives to be hard. But at this point, i stopped blaiming my own sexuality and just started blaming heterosexuals for making the world this fucking horrible for us. That’s when my internal homophobia SLOWLY lessen. It’s still there but hey at least every crosshair  is not on me.
Okay i get people saying that Simon is irresponsible for making Victor like put his family on the back burner for a bit etc etc. Also the reaction against Benji getting mad when Victor wanted them to stop being gay while in their house, is reasonable. Victor did calmly told Benji and his beau that his family is stretched thin etc etc. I get that. I get that sometimes hiding your sexuality for other people is what is necessary.
BUT  fucking please recognize how damaging that is to the person you are talking to. Even if you think Victor is in the 100% right about this, AT THE VERY LEAST acknowledge why Benji is mad. Sure he could’ve just left with his boyfriend instead of just staying there. And sure Victor pulled through in the end and put that dusty grandpa motherfucker to his place, but that’ll fucking sting okay.
Also i might be saying all this in a place where I’m not really that close to ANY of my relatives, so ya know, call me ignorant or ungrateful whatever.
Episode 8
Okay uhh Mia and Andrew is still a thing APPARENTLY.
Lol Simon’s “Yay boobs” like please Victor keep the heterosexual drama out of this chatroom lmao.
Also Felix group texting the others is hilarioussss.
If Victor touches or says one bad thing at Bram? its on sight.
Also Im not sure what to feel with Mia getting jealous at Andrew. Like girl you were the one who said he’s nothing, and now this? Issa bad look honey.
Victor is embarassing. Are all extroverts just this i dunno peppy? 
You know what makes me happy in this episode? Keiynan’s attitude bleeding out to Bram’s character. I love it!
Goddd Keiynan is so hot XD
hahahaha this episode is lighter thank god.
“why would they want to help a complete stranger” because they are good people and surprisingly they still exist! 
Ohhh So it seems like Nick Robinson filmed his scenes for this episode on a different day. Ive never seen him be with the main group. That’s weird.
Episode 9
Benji distancing himself because he wants to make his 1 year relationship work? Good guy! Him not saying to his boyfriend about the coworker of his kissing him? Bad move.
Sure we can all talk about how little stuff doesn’t need to be told to your lover if you’re sure its not gonna happen again. The thing is,  communication is key. Y’all will talk about communication being integral in a relationship but keep shit like this in the DL because yOU’RE JUST THAT SURE IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN? Fo real?
Also Benji is feeling guilty for a reason.
Vincent is very in the wrong for kissing a taken man just because said taken man is comfortable with him or showed vulnerability. Victor is in the wrong 100% and I’ll never forget that.
Felix and that hug with Victor is adorableeee. Love that coming out scene. Again raising my eyebrows at those who say Victor is Bi.
Felix showing what’s in his apartment is fucking great. No wonder we don’t see his mom or anything. They say that the saddest people are always the one who will do their best to keep everyone happy. Felix is being peppy, have these random phrases he use to just amuse people makes sense.
In this household, we protect Felix no matter what. HOPEFULLY next season we get to fucking know his surname or sth.
Again nothing new with the drama surrounding the parents. I hate them and honestly i am so annoyed by the father’s face and everything. (still have that hatred from One day at  time but we don’t talk about that here)
The letter is stupid and i wonder what Pilar will do about it. Are we gonna get a To All the boys i loved before thing?
OH Felix giving Lake an ultimatum. Wow what a move honestly. On one hand Felix has the right to protect himself. He wants to be free with who he loves, and keeping it a secret stopped being amusing because he knew what it feels like to hide a part of yourself.
Lake’s confidence has been obviously shot and damaged by her mother. Not saying that justifies what she is doing  BUT it came from somewhere. A night with Felix talking to her about his life IS NOT going to just uproot all those thoughts from her mind. As much as i love Felix, he is not a solution.
hmm what else. The father can go die for all i care. Lmao.
Episode 10
Also i cannot get over Andrew’s actor looking like Stromae. They have the same eyes, eyebrows and expressions X_X
YOU BET YOUR ass i skipped the whole confrontation scene. I’ll go back to it maybe or just look at gifs but nope. My cancer rising and moon can’t handle that shit.
Is ... is Mia going to see Victor and Benji together and then theorize? Because god freaking damnit im tired of that plot twist.
Oh Benji. Honey honey honey please don’t do whatever I think you’re about to do.
wait the way the ending was shot is weird. The cliffhanger is weird. Everything is weird.
ILL MAKE A HUNCH that it was actually just Victor in his dream land thinking that coming out is that easy and that you just blurt it out.
Bet you the next season will start with no body but Felix and Mia and Andrew know about his sexuality.
The shot was too much on Victor. There was no sound cue from the family etc etc.  I hate the ending so much. Love Victor could’ve been so much more. Could’ve pioneered a fresh way to show lgbt stories and how coming out is this and that. Even if the show is for Gen Z and this generation, coming out should reflect to how coming out is generally perceived nowadays. But i guess that was too much. Foolish me for having my expectations waay too high.
The End
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icyharrington · 6 years
Fever Dreams (Michael Langdon X Reader)
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im just gonna go ahead and apologize for the fact that i literally did not proofread this at all bc im tired as fuck and have to wake up so fucking early tomorrow. i had so many technical difficulties writing this so i sincerely hope y’all enjoy reading this lmao
plot: (slight au taking place pre-apocalypse, in which miss robichaux’s academy integrates with the hawthorne school.) you can’t stand michael langdon. michael langdon wants nothing more than to get under your skin.
warnings: fem!Reader, intercourse, rough sex, dirty talk, spanking, school uniform michael 
word count: 3.1k
“This is the best day ever,” whispered one witch to you, her eyes widening as a gaggle of fresh-faced men in well tailored uniforms strode into the dining room of Miss Robichaux’s academy.
“This is stupid,” you said bitterly, stabbing a fork into your food. “Integrating Miss Robichaux’s with Hawthorne is going to do nothing but distract us from the real important things.”
“Depends what you consider to be important,” said another witch. “I haven’t gotten dick in over a year.”
You rolled your eyes. You were the top witch in your class, and it was often whispered amongst your peers that you were next in line to become supreme. There was no way you’d let a bunch of testosterone-filled man-children get in the way of that, no matter how badly Cordelia wanted to be “inclusive”.
From the corner of your eye, you could see a man approaching you and your classmates. You refused to look over, taking a bite of food and staring blankly at the white wall across from you with as unfriendly of an expression on your face as you could manage.
“Ladies,” came a smooth voice, and you indulged yourself in a single discreet glance just to see what the guy looked like. He was tall, with well styled blond hair framing his face, which even you could admit had some top quality bone structure. He gave a small smile, but you could tell even through his polite demeanor that he was quite confident.
“My name is Michael Langdon. Thank you for welcoming us Hawthorne boys to your school,” he said, and you didn’t even have to look at your classmates to know that they were flustered. Stifling another eye roll, you turned your attention back to your plate.
“Hi Michael,” said the girl next to you, her voice breathy. She wasn’t even attempting to seem calm, which irritated you even further. The last thing this guy needed was an ego boost. You watched from the corner of your eye as he bowed slightly at the hip, his hand extended for her to shake.
He cleared his throat, and the girl on your other side nudged you slightly to get your attention. You looked up, and realized he was offering you his hand now. You just stared at it like it was a foreign object, hoping to piss him off.
He cocked an eyebrow at you and ran his tongue along his bottom lip.
“And you are?” He said. You were pleased to hear that he had the tiniest twinge of annoyance in his voice. Typical attractive boy, getting his ego bruised the minute a girl didn’t fawn all over him.
“(Y/n). I actually happen to be the top of the class here, and I don’t intend to let your kind get in the way of that.”
His lips turned up slightly on one end as his eyes surveyed you, and he crossed his arms in front of his flawlessly pressed blazer. “My kind?”
“Yes. Your kind. Men.” Maybe you were getting a tiny bit carried away with the bitch act, but something about this Michael Langdon character made you want to put him in his place. You had the feeling he was used to getting whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.
“Quite a backwards attitude to have in this day and age, don’t you think?”
“Maybe,” you said coolly. “But it’s the truth that women are superior in the art of witchcraft. So unless you need a tutor, I have no interest in interacting with you.” You stood up with a flourish, your chair screeching noisily against the wooden floor, and started on your way out.
You couldn’t help but look over your shoulder, though, to see his reaction. He simply stood there, hands in his pockets, an indecipherable expression across his face as he watched you. If you didn’t know any better, though, you might have even thought he was smiling.
It was a Saturday afternoon and you were practicing divination, your worst subject, in the living room. You’d asked one of your classmates to hide a series of objects throughout the room, and you were stuck as you tried to figure out the location of the final object, an old-fashioned golden pocketwatch.
You rubbed your temples and looked towards the ceiling, mumbling to yourself as you tried, unsuccessfully, to lift the fog in your mind.
You were so wrapped up in focus that you hardly noticed the sound of dress shoes crossing the wooden floor, and nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a voice mere inches away from you.
“Is this what you’re trying to find?”
Your eyes shot open, only to find Langdon standing over you, a smug grin on his face as he dangled the watch out in front of him. Jumping to your feet from the couch, you snatched the object from his hand.
“Who told you where that was?”
“Nobody,” he said, pleased to witness your frustration. “Well, besides myself. I AM the top of my class in divination, you know.” There was a twinge of mocking to his tone, and you shot him a scowl.
“What are you even doing here?”
“What, am I not allowed to stroll the halls of my own lovely school?” he said, looking at you with mischief glinting in his piercing blue eyes. “The walls call out to me. I’m always hearing my name, echoing in and out of every corner.”
He stepped closer to you, and you scoffed. “Do you happen to excel in clairvoyance? Because those whispers might be all the thirsty girls at this school having wet dreams about you.”
He chuckled. “Does that bother you?”
“Why the fuck would that bother me?” you snapped, gathering your bag from the ground and swinging it over your shoulder. “Other than the fact that no one here gives a shit about witchcraft anymore, just about getting dicked down.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t been particularly interested in any of the girls here.”
“And I should care... why?” you brushed past him, huffing something about personal space issues under your breath as you tried to made your way to the door. Something, however, kept a hold on you, and your feet remained planted to the floor as Michael took a step closer to you.
“I think you’re jealous, (y/n),” he said, smirking again as he watched your face contort into anger. “Of the way I’m desired. Of the way I can have anyone I want. I can fuck a different witch every single day if I wanted to.” His voice was soft, seductive. Something swirled in the depths of your stomach as he spoke, but you ignored it.
You gaped at him, disgust blooming through you as you made another attempt to get away, in vain. “You really are a pompous dick.”
“Maybe,” he said, lips just inches from yours. You flinched, readying your fist at your sides to pummel him should he try anything. “But you, my dear, are a bitter bitch.”
With that, the hold on you broke, and you hurried towards the door. “Go fuck yourself,” you said, seething, not bothering to look at him.
“You’d like to see that, wouldn’t you?”
You knew it only fueled him when you gave him a reaction, but you couldn’t help it; flicking your wrist, you sent a book on the coffee table flying at his head, missing by mere centimeters as it slammed against the wall.
He only laughed, a low, deep luscious laugh that you knew you’d hear in your dreams.
Fucking asshole.
Lustful moans filled the air alongside the sound of skin slapping together, raw and vulgar, and you panted words that didn’t exist as the faceless man behind you thrust inside your walls.
The paintings on the walls watched you, the supremes of long ago casting shameful gazes upon your naked body.
You didn’t care.
There were hands on your body, hundreds of hands, some hot as embers and others cold as snow, and the all-white room seemed to stretch for miles and miles, the door evading you further with each second coaxing you closer to orgasm.
Michael, Michael, Michael, you thought, or said, or whatever it was, you couldn’t be quite sure, but your eyes were rolling back into your head now, lolling all the way until you could see the inside of your skull, and your brain, slimy and gray.
The world went white, but the man kept thrusting in you, taking you over, and you noticed a droplet of blood fall from your nose and onto the pristine, empty expanse of the ground.
AVE SATANAS, said a booming voice, and in that moment you came, harder than you ever had in your life, gasping for breath as your body convulsed with electrically charged pleasure.
When you woke up, it was past midnight, and you were drenched in a cold sweat. There was a throbbing ache between your legs, but you ignored it, begging the universe to let you fall back asleep undisturbed.
In the morning, you weren’t able to recall much about the dream, but there was no way you could forget the name which had repeated itself throughout like a taunt against your sanity.
You were bothered enough by your dream that you opted out of the outing Cordelia had planned for everyone the next day. Her plan was to show the new students some of the most important magical landmarks around New Orleans, and you’d actually been pretty excited to go. Now, though, you’d much rather stay in your room and far away from Michael.
Whether or not your dream meant anything, he irritated you, and you didn’t feel like being put in a bad mood for the umpteenth time this week. So you stayed back, reading in your bed for a while, before you decided that you’d get something to eat from the kitchen.
Wearing only a skimpy tank top and shorts, you always feeling far too warm in the New Orleans heat, you rifled through the kitchen cabinets before deciding to have some Cheerios. You didn’t have much of an appetite at all, but you needed to eat something, so cereal was your meal of choice. You poured a bowl and headed back to the dining room, enjoying the fact that you had the usually chaotic house all to yourself.
Well, that’s what you thought, at least. You nearly dropped your bowl of cereal onto the ground in shock upon entering the dining room and seeing the last fucking person you wanted to see standing there, a bemused expression across his face.
“Michael,” you exclaimed, stopping in your tracks, all at once feeling extremely exposed in your revealing sleepwear. You put the bowl down before wrapping your arms around your prominent cleavage, embarrassment flooding your body as his blue eyes scanned your body not-so-discreetly.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he said with a smile. You had a sneaking suspicion that he knew you’d stayed home to avoid him, and so he, too, had decided to stay back to give you an unpleasant surprise.
The only difference between the two of you, though, was that he was wearing his uniform, impeccably ironed and suited perfectly to his frame. This only increased the flush in your cheeks, and you avoided his gaze as best as you could. “Michael, why are you here?”
“Wasn’t feeling up to the trip,” he said, bored, taking a step around the dining table to come closer to you, dragging his toe lightly on the ground as he did.
“Bullshit,” you said, backing away just slightly. “You stayed here so you could fuck with me.”
“Now what would ever make you think that?” He tilted his head to the side pensively, eyes searing into yours, and you felt your stomach drop. “Silly little witch. You really think I care that much about you?”
“Oh, please. It’s so obvious that you wanna get under my skin.”
He took another step towards you. You backed up again, steadily, keeping your eyes on him as your breaths drew shorter.
“And have I?” He asked, looking down at you, and it was then that you realized how much taller he was than you. You swallowed nervously, taking another shaky stride back as he cornered you even further, your back coming closer and closer to the wall with each step. “Have I gotten under your skin?”
You shuddered, remembering the dream, and suddenly you felt powerless, like he could wipe out your existence at any given moment. You knew he liked you to feel this way, utterly helpless, and your brain screamed at you to react. To throw him across the room with a single flick of your hand. But you didn’t.
“I think I have,” he said, coming closer, and you were startled by a thud as your back hit the wall behind you. He had you cornered now, so you just stood there, looking at him like a deer in headlights.
“You’re such a fucking dick,” you said, fists balled at your side, but you had no intentions of using them.
“Hm? And what are you going to do about it?”
His lips brushed your cheek, sending a harsh chill down your spine. Your throat defied you, letting out a soft whimper, and then his lips were on yours. Without a moment’s hesitation, you kissed him back, unable to resist him as he consumed you. Your hair stood on end at his touch, his hands grazing down your hips and onto your ass, squeezing greedily.
He hummed in your ear softly, his hand reaching up to grip your neck. “See, isn’t this what you wanted all along?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to reply; he lifted his knee up between your legs, smirking as you gasped at the sudden contact. You rocked your hips forward, hissing at the feel of his dress pants between your thighs, and he kissed you again, hungry and authoritative.
He wrapped his hands under your bare thighs, hoisting them up to wrap around his waist, and once he had a proper hold on you, he turned around and tossed you onto the dining table. You pulled him towards you by the front of his shirt, connecting your lips with his and sliding your tongue between his teeth.
He pulled off your top and didn’t waste a second before roughly groping your breasts, leaning forward to suck one nipple hard while rolling the other between two fingers, occasionally applying a jarring pinch. Then he flipped you over onto your stomach, clearly eager to get to the real action, your breasts flattening against the cold wooden table as your bare feet grazed the ground. He pulled your shorts and underwear down in one go, leaving you entirely vulnerable and naked in his presence. It made it worse that he hadn’t undressed himself at all, but something about being so submissive to him turned you on more than you’d care to admit.
He massaged both of your ass cheeks, spreading them apart and reaching one hand under you to slide between your slick folds. “So fucking wet for me,” he muttered, digging his fingernails into your skin, causing you to whine slightly.
“Since you’ve acted like a bitch for the duration of us knowing each other, I have no choice but to treat you like one,” he said, gripping your right ass cheek before giving it a hard, firm slap. You surged forward, but he yanked you back towards him, giving you another slap on the other cheek, harder this time.
You moaned, and he gave you another spank. “You like being treated like a bitch? Huh?” He asked, grabbing a fist full your hair and yanking it back. “Answer me,” he demanded.
“Yes, Michael, fuck,” you grunted, your words separated with each spank he gave you, each one harder than the next. You were sure your ass would be covered in his hand prints for the next week, but you didn’t care.
He paused, and you could hear the tell tale sound of him unzipping his pants. You bit your lip, knowing what was coming next, and you wanted so badly to turn around and see his cock. You stayed put, though, knowing not to act without his permission, and within moments you felt the head of his dick rub itself along your slit.
“Beg me,” he said, letting his dick sit just against your entrance. You squirmed slightly, and he placed his hand on your lower back to hold you still.
“Please, Michael,” you said, hardly aware of the words leaving your mouth. You just wanted him inside you, wanted him to own you. “Please fuck me. I’ll be good from now on, I’ll do whatever you want. Please.”
He rubbed himself against your wetness again, painfully slow, and without warning he slammed himself inside. You gasped, shocked at his massive length, but he did not give you time to adjust before committing to a quick, intense pace. Thrusting inside you ruthlessly, you grasped at the edges of the table to hold yourself steady, a string of expletives leaving you as he fucked you hard and fast.
One hand yanked your head back, hard, by the hair, while the other wrapped around to grip your throat, your hips bucking back to meet his thrusts as you panted desperately, shouting incoherent words as tears filled your eyes and dribbled onto the wooden surface of the table.
“You’re like a bitch in heat,” he said smugly, stopping mid-thrust. “Beg me to cum.”
“Please, Michael,” you said, voice cracking, cheek resting against the table and palms flat on either side of you. You’d never felt so degraded in your life, but you loved it. “Please. Let me cum, I’ll be good, I swear.”
He finished his thrust, filling you up and making you cry out, and it wasn’t long before your walls clenched around him and you came, bursts of white-hot light in front of your eyes. Only seconds later, he had your hips gripped hard in his hands as he hurried to finish, and you could only imagine how beautiful his face might look on the brink of an orgasm.
He let go, grunting with each breath, his warmth flooding up inside you. You laid there, trying to recover as he tucked himself back into his pants, seemingly unbothered by the whole interaction. You, on the other hand, knew you wouldn’t be able to sit for a good week; it was well worth it to you, though, and as you re-dressed yourself, you hardly could bring yourself to mind the cocky way he smirked at you.
He looked as if he was about to speak, and you shot him a playful, yet slightly annoyed glance as you pulled your top back over your head. “Don’t even say anything,” you said, and he laughed.
That night, you dreamt of Michael again, but this time, you liked it.
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ladyboltontoyou · 5 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Farmer’s Daughter. 2
Warnings: Cursing probably. Smut. 
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: HELLO AGAIN. Listened to ‘Home’ by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros while I wrote this lmao.(Okay I listened to it like three times in the span of the three hours it took me to write this) You should all listen to it, gave me young Arthur x reader vibes tbh, it’s super cute and happy. RIGHT OK so I hope you guys like this one as much as you enjoyed the first one, didn’t plan this to be more than a one-shot but more than one person wanted it to be so here I am. Hope the smut didn’t feel too rushed! I was going to do a few time skips but this just felt right to me. Thanks so much for your notes, comments, and reblogs, they mean the world to me.
It had been a week without any sign from Arthur, and on the seventh day you had almost given up hope. But he showed up right when you were about to fall asleep, knocking over a vase on your table when he climbed through the window it sat in front of.
You sat up in bed and pulled the sheets over you, frozen solid in fear for a good ten seconds before your eyes adjusted to the light and you made out Arthur picking up the vase from the floor. 
“You scared the daylights out of me.” You whispered as you calmed down from the near heart attack.
“Your doors were locked, so I uh, knocked on the window. You didn’t wake up and, well, here I am.” He sounded slightly embarrassed, taking his jacket off to put on the floor. “Sorry about that.”
“You don’t need to do that, a little water is okay.” You said as you climbed to the foot of the bed, but his jacket had already soaked up the spilled liquid. 
“Exactly. I’ve got other coats. At least it ain’t leather.” You both laughed a little at that and then you lit your bedside candle. 
“Close the curtains, will you?”
He looked over his shoulder and realized he’d not only left the window open, but he gave a good view to anyone who looked up at the balcony. He quickly did as you asked, closing the window too. “You draw anything while I was gone?” He asked as he walked back over and sat in the chair at your table. 
Another reason he was such a good man, he sat a respectable distance away from you when there was a whole bed he could have taken advantage of. 
Which damn, you wished he would. 
If there was anyone in the world who was sexually frustrated, it was a tie between you and Arthur. You had sex only once in your life, and it wasn’t even good. You had many other opportunities with pretty attractive people, but your family was almost constantly on you so you had no time to sneak away. And for Arthur, well, it’s self explanatory. 
“A few things.” You admitted and crawled back to the head of your bed and pulled out the drawer of your nightstand. Your brand new sketch pad laid in there, your father had bought it for you a few days before since you had already filled up your last one. 
“Really? Well, I’d love to see them.” He hated how vulnerable he felt then. Snuck into some girls room, knowing damn well he was a fool for being there. He fawned over you a little too much for his liking, last time he had butterflies over a girl he was very, very, very young. But that was the last thing on his mind for once. All he cared about now was the farmers daughter in her silk night-dress with the sketch book in her hands. 
You opened to the first page where a simple sketch of a cat waited to be praised. “This is my cat Scully.” 
Arthur got up from his seat and walked over to where you sat on the edge of the bed, squatting down at your knees so he could see properly. “Well, look at that.” He grinned and you handed the book over to him, which he gladly took. “How’d they get that?” He pointed to the right ear which was missing the top half. 
You leaned over to look at what his finger pointed to and sighed. “One day when I was real young, I was playing outside and the neighbor's dog came over, guess he didn’t like how I smelt so he started growling at me. Scully, she saw me crying and came over, kicked its ass then chased it off.” You laughed when you remembered how your parents treated the cat afterward, taking her to the most expensive vet they could find. She was queen of the house from then on out. 
Arthur snorted, his head bobbing slightly as he did so. “That so? She’s braver than any man I’ve ever met.”
You smiled and nodded in agreement. “You can go through them, there's only two more in there.” Your heart sped up in excitement when you remembered the last picture was something you’d done for him, a silhouette of him standing on your balcony overlooking your farm land. 
He turned the page slow as to not wrinkle the expensive paper. When he saw the next one he raised his brows. “Christ, girl. You need to be selling these.” 
The one he was looking at was a more detailed sketch, one you had done the day before. You still needed to do a little more shading on it, but it was mostly done. It was your parents sitting outside at the bench in your garden, they were both laughing and holding wine glasses. Your father had told your mother something funny and she was almost doubled over, one hand in front of her mouth and the other holding the glass outwards so she didn’t spill any on herself. They were surrounded by their roses and jasmine. 
“How do you remember something like this?”
You shrugged with the biggest smile on your face and a blush in your cheeks. “Something like that just sticks.” 
He looked up to you and shook his head before looking back down. “You’ve got me speechless.” He flipped to the next page and completely froze. He didn’t say anything for a minute, which worried you, but then he just let out a huff-like laugh of disbelief. “This me?” He knew it was him but for some reason he felt like he had to ask, just to hear you say it.
“Yes, it’s not weird, is it?” You asked while you chewed on your bottom lip nervously. 
Arthur scoffed and stood up before sitting down on your bed next to you, his eyes on the paper the whole time. “I’ve never seen myself the way you draw me. Even though this is just my damn figure.”His words really hit you. You knew what he meant by it and although you wanted him to explain it himself you knew it was something he wouldn’t go into detail about. He probably didn’t even mean to say it, it was most likely a slip of his tongue. 
After what seemed like several minutes he closed the book and handed it back to you. “No, this is for you.” You opened the book back open and cleanly tore the page out, handing it to the man sitting next to you. 
“I appreciate it. I really do.” He said and walked over to the table, setting it down on top of his satchel. His hand lingered there momentarily, considering taking out his own journal and giving you the paper he had spent days perfecting. Anxiety gnawed at him and he pulled his hand away, turning back to you. “Sorry I didn’t come back earlier, by the way. Got caught up in some business and ended up in Valentine for a while.”
“No, don’t apologize.” You waved him off. “You didn’t even have to come back, we barely even know each other. You got what you came for the first time anyways, you could have taken my hundred dollar drawing and sold it to make yourself a rich man.”
He laughed and sat down at the foot of your bed, making sure to keep a proper distance from you so he wouldn’t scare you off. If only he knew you wanted the complete opposite. “Now, a hundred-dollars isn’t very rich, why do that when I could keep coming back and get more? That would be one hell of a business.”
Where on this cold earth did this man come from? How were you so lucky to know such a good person? Given, you had only seen him two times, but he had still made a name for himself. He had a good sense of humor, he was polite, and goddamn he praised your art like it was god. If there was one sure way to your heart it was through that. And not to mention he was incredibly attractive. Fit as could be, well-groomed yet he had this dangerous look about him that said he could put you down in two seconds flat if you tried him. 
You wished he would.
In an attempt to clear the dirty thoughts that had flood your head you brought up a new subject. “The last time you were here you said my drawing was better than yours, you never answered me when I asked if you drew too.” You said and tried to look casual as you watched him for a reaction. 
He cleared his throat and looked away from your gaze, his eyes landing on everything in the room besides you. “I said that? Of course I would. That sounds like something I’d say.” He laughed to try to chase his anxiety off. “Sure, I do. A little bit.”
“Do you have anything you could show me?” You asked and pulled your legs back up onto the bed, making yourself comfortable as you continued watching him. It was hard not to, every single thing he did was mesmerizing.
He scratched his chin and sighed. “Yeah, I do.” He reluctantly grabbed his satchel from the table and pulled his own journal from it. “They’re not the best, but, well, look for yourself. There’s some writin’ in there too, pay no mind to that.” He handed you the worn leather book and you flipped through it. It was mostly full of wildlife, plants and scenery. 
“These are really good. This wolf looks like a photograph.” You said as you went through the pages. Some of his work was way better than anything you could ever dream of drawing, but he probably thought the same about yours. There were a few small doodles that made your heart melt, like one of a poodle that looked like he drew under sixty seconds. 
You had gotten so wrapped up in looking at the pages you didn’t even notice the way he was looking at you. He looked at you like he was seeing something so magnificent, and if he dared look away he would miss something. The way your eyes scanned over the paper, the way you would smile when you saw something you found his drunk doodles, it made him feel like he was drunk then and there. He had almost forgotten about what he drew you, on the newest page. When your expression changed to something unreadable his heart sped up and he shifted anxiously on the bed.
“This is me?” Your voice was barely a whisper. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. Not because it was you, but because you knew it was the way he saw you. You were wearing that pretty white sundress you had worn the day he first saw you and you had jasmine flowers in your hair. You looked like you were in the middle of walking, your left hand trailing through the tall grass he had drawn you in. You had a small smile on your face and you were looking directly in front of you as if you knew you were being drawn. It looked amazing, so beautiful you couldn’t believe that was actually you. But sure enough it was identical. “I look so pretty.”
Arthur scratched the back of his head, torn between feeling utterly in love with you and feeling disgusted at how sappy and vulnerable he was. “I draw what I see.” 
That was all you needed. You set the book down beside you and threw all your inhibitions out the window, crawling to the foot of the bed to kiss him. You took his face in your hands and pulled him towards you. His trimmed beard felt rough in your hands but you loved every bit of it. His lips felt even better against your own, they were hot and tasted raw as if he had been chewing on them for hours. 
Arthur inhaled sharply through his nose, his eyes wide and his hands raised off his lap in surprise. He wanted to push you off because he knew it was wrong and you’d regret it later. He told himself you had to have been drinking, there was no way any woman like you would kiss someone like him. 
You were the one to end the kiss, but only because you were running out of breath. It seemed he had been too, since when you parted he sucked in a breath. 
“Now why did you do that?” He asked immediately, his voice faultering.
“I don’t know.” You admitted with a shrug and a soft laugh. “I just wanted to. I’m sorry, I should have asked. I just, really… really like you, Arthur. I know we haven’t been in the same room as each other a total of ten hours… but I don’t know. I’ve never felt like this. I don’t know what the normal thing to do is when you like someone like this.”
Arthur shook his head and sighed. “Don’t do that. Please. Don’t.” 
“Give me a reason.” You were still so close you were practically touching, your knees a hair length apart. “Because I don’t see any good reason not to.”
“(Y/N), I’m not a good person. I don’t know if I’ll stay around here long, I don’t normally stay in one place for too long. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, you’re a young beautiful woman. You could have any man, hell, any man or woman you’d ever want.”
“Really? Well, I want you.” 
He sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head again. “Don’t say that.”
“But it’s true, I want you, Arthur. I don’t want anyone else, not right now at least. And right now is all that matters.”
At your words he groaned, hearing the sentence ‘I want you’ coming from your mouth was too much for him. “But-”
You shut him up with another kiss, this one shorter but more heated. “Listen Arthur, I’m a big girl, okay? I won’t be heartbroken if we never see eachother again. I’ll be sad for a while, sure, but like you said. I’ve got my whole life. I’ll get over it.” You smiled and took off his hat, setting it beside him. “You think pretty highly of yourself if you think one night will be the end of me.”
Arthur laughed and finally looked at you. “You’re stubborn. You know that?”
“Of course I do. But now you’ve got me interested, what’s so good about you that you want to protect me from missing?” You questioned with an innocent smile, placing a hand on his knee. 
He grew serious again and the playful smile disappeared. “(Y/N), I don’t think this is such a good idea.” He warned while he still had the mindset to think that deeply. Your hand on his knee wasn’t helping his good intentions. “If your folks-”
“Don’t worry about them. They sleep on the other side of the house with the river right outside their window. The only thing that will wake them is screaming, or the dogs outside. But don’t worry, I can be quiet.” You winked and took his hand in yours, impressed by how huge they seemed compared to you. “Please?” 
There was no way of explaining how you got the idea to start kissing his fingers, it just felt right. Arthur closed his eyes and groaned in the ‘What have I gotten myself into’ type of way. There was no way he could say no to you, not when you were doing… that. “Christ, woman.” He hissed when you pulled him forwards towards the head of the bed. 
He took a quick second to take his boots off and blow out the candle, providing you with a more comfortable sense of safety. There was no way anyone besides the two of you could see what was going on in your room.
He climbed back on the bed and kissed you, one hand on your cheek and one on the bed beside you. Arthur kissed so sensual and deep that you felt like you were kissing someone you had been married to for your entire life. Your heart swelled and all the blood made its way between your legs in a hurry. “Take this off.” You whispered against his mouth as you unbuttoned the front of his shirt. 
He finished the rest of the buttons, sitting up on his knees to pull his arms out of the shirt. Once it was off he hurried back to kissing you like his life depended on it. He loved the feeling so much he totally forgot about the rest of his clothes and only stopped when you placed your toes on his belt buckle and gently pushed him back. 
You smiled when he laughed and shook his head at you. “What? Don’t like taking your time?” He teased and lowered his hands to unbuckle his belt. The imagery mixed with the gentle clink of metal as he took his belt off drove you mad.
“I do once the clothes are off.” You meant to tease him back but you sounded far too serious. He had nothing to say to that so he just finished taking his belt off, laying it with his hat at the foot of the bed. When he leaned forward again you stopped him with your foot on his chest. “Keep going.”
“Maybe you should've been the one warning me.” He breathed and pulled his pants down his hips, standing from the bed to pull them off the rest of the way.  “There’s no way I could have you just once.” 
Good. You thought. You didn’t want him just once either. 
Once he finally got his pants off you felt it was unfair that you were still fully clothed so you reached under your dress and pulled down your panties. He watched as you pulled them off of your raised feet with a look that just screamed sex. “Am I dreamin’?” He asked with a laugh, sliding back onto the bed in front of you. 
“Come here and find out.” You grinned and spread your legs a bit, just enough to notice but not enough for him to see anything exciting.
“Jesus, woman.” His voice was barely a whisper and he leaned back into you, grabbing your waist gently to pull you flat on your back, his hips pressed flush against you. You could feel how hard he was through the thin fabric of his underwear and it drove you fucking crazy. He finally started taking the lead then and he slipped his hand between the two of you, sliding his fingers down your slick folds to your entrance. When he pushed a finger inside of you the both of you gasped, he didn’t expect you to feel so good around him. 
“Oh, fuck.” You muttered and closed your eyes, grabbing onto his biceps. His arm muscles tensed under your touch, mostly his right arm since that was the one with its fingers inside you. 
He kept at that for a while, curling it inside you in sync with the beat of his heart. You came just from that. When he felt you tense up around him mixed with the feeling of hot cum oozing down his hand he lost any patience he had left. He took his hand out from between your legs and kissed you again, using his right hand to take the last article of clothing he had off. When he pressed back down into you the breath hitched in your throat. 
“God.” You moaned and moved your hands from his arms up to tangle into his hair. “I want you so bad, Arthur.” 
As if he couldn’t be in any more of a hurry, you had to go and say that. 
“You have no idea.” He said with a grunt and used a hand to guide the tip of his cock against you. He rubbed it up and down your slit a few times and you let out the filthiest sound he had ever heard. You locked your ankles around his back and pushed him into you, catching him by surprise. 
The feeling of his cock fully inside of you was indescribable. You arched your back and rolled your head back into the pillows. He groaned and grabbed the bottom of your nightgown to pull off of you. You had to help him get it off your shoulders. After it finally came off he sighed, looking down at your body.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” He whispered and leaned back down into you. His thrusts were slow, but only for a few of them. Once he was sure you were ready he let himself go completely. You pulled his head down to yours and kissed him again as his cock drove in and out of you at a quick steady pace. He felt so amazing inside you, the feeling of his cock rubbing against that one special spot gave you your second orgasm. 
Your third came when he rough handled you a little bit for the first time, he had grabbed your thighs roughly and slammed himself inside you about four times. The sheer force of it all knocked the air out of your lungs and left you paralyzed. The fourth time you came he had flipped you onto your stomach. The way he could manhandle you to easily was so hot to you that you swore you fell in love with him then. 
When he pushed his cock back into you at the new angle was when you came, and god, he felt it. He almost came with you but he thankfully had the will to pull out and give himself a few seconds to calm down. Once he had enough time he continued fucking you into your mattress. 
This all went on for what only felt like a few minutes. You had no idea that you’d actually been at it for nearly two hours. You probably would have gone longer if you didn’t decide to sit in his lap, that had been what finished him off. 
When you were on top of him his cock reached deeper inside you than it had ever been before. He was stunned for a second, unable to move as you rode his cock and pulled his head back by his hair. When you sunk your teeth into his neck was when he truly lost it. He came undone in you, grabbing you by your hips and forcing you down further onto his length. 
The noises that came from him sounded so primal it led you to your final orgasm. Thank god you came with him because there was no way he’d be able to go again after that. He’d be surprised if he had the energy to climb down that lattice and onto his horse. 
No one said anything for a good while but that was okay. You couldn’t talk if you tried. You were too busy gasping for breath to form words.
Arthur was the first to speak. “I should probably leave now, I told Dutch I’d only be out a few minutes.” He sighed when he remembered that the older man had told him not to stay out too long since the law was keeping an eye out for them. You had no idea who Dutch was but you nodded anyways. 
“Alright. I should go to sleep anyways, I’ve got to wake up early in the morning to go to town with my mother.” 
Arthur nodded and ran a hand through his sweaty hair, noticing how messy it had become. Before he came over he had made sure it looked nice but now he was sure it looked as if he had no idea what a comb was. 
You watched him pull his clothes back on, almost forgetting his hat and belt. He slipped your picture for him in his journal and safely secured it, sliding it back into his satchel. 
After he gathered his things he gave you one last kiss at the doors, full of more passion than any others you had previously shared. “Could I come see you again sometime?” He asked after you parted with the most adorable smile on his face. 
God. He was right in his warning, there was no way you could get over a smile like that.
“Arthur, you know the answer to that.” 
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feralhogs · 4 years
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
dec 9
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. Where are you from?
bc canada. my great grandparents are from russia
9. How tall are you?
5 something
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
3 that i actually use
12. What was your last dream about?
i dont remember my most recent one but i had a banger of a dream i described in another post
13. What talents do you have?
i think expressing myself, or music, i have some talent that needs discipline
14. Are you psychic in any way?
well i am a spiritual person, in a way. and growing up in a toxic drama filled family, i have Developed the Skill of guessing how people are feeling and what they are gonna do. and i analyze dreams. so not psychic but i am really interested and intuitive whats goin on in there
15. Favorite song?
for some reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilVq8-F4_Q colours by roosevelt ive been obsessed with lately i just loop that shit. loop loop loop. blaringit into my ears and speedwalking down thestreet. the beat.!!!! i feel like I  took all the colours
16. Favorite movie?
spiderverse. i really enjoyed always be my maybe.
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who doesnt make me feel like im Too Much
18. Do you want children?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
i have no idea actually. id want a special wedding definitely.
20. Are you religious?
yes, i honestly feel like i just come like this, i dont go by any books and i dont want to be associated with christians. if i be too religious i start getting the Bad Feelings
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
yes visiting sick relatives. and one in a psyche ward.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
i got a parking ticket
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
no. maybe i did and i had no idea who they were because id never heard of them
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
alien socks that are green and black
26. Have you ever been famous?
no. what does that even mean !!!!
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
yes because money but noooooo. its hard when one person definitely doesnt like me. if im famous some people just wont like me and theres going to be more of them
28. What type of music do you like?
stuff with electric guitars in it. funk. bops. i cant get enough lately
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
one. and sometimes NONE. i dont fucking know why its just more comfortable. id lie down on a floor and pass out
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
i usually cant fall asleep unless im on my face with my arms tucked under me for warmpth and general log shape. after that though its chaos. dreamin
32. How big is your house?
BIG!!!!!! so many rooms. so many people. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
on a Functional day, cereal. not because its my favourite thing but it doesnt require a lot of attention and its easiest to tolerate. my appetite is just. like this
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
HELL no.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
in my child days i shot my hair elastics around and pretended i was fighting aliens. this is definitely archery.
36. Favorite clean word?
i dont really think about words like that. pizza is a nice word.
37. Favorite swear word?
bitch. its really fun to say.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
not all that long. if i was up the entire night i am usually sleeping in midday no matter where i am. ive disappointed many teachers. its called not caring.
39. Do you have any scars?
yes, but theres no dramatic stories to them, just me not leaving scratches and bites alone as a kid. they look kind of cool though. and theyre so mysterious. youd think id have scars from self harm but no.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
i believe so...
41. Are you a good liar?
yes, when i am 100% like morally committed to lying.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
NO. my thought process is: its rude to assume someone is going to behave badly, and they will be offended and have hurt feelings if you anticipate that. i have to like. treat everyone with exactly the same respect unless theyre a dick. otherwise its being judgmental. and it ends up as naïveté. but im okay with that . the price of being a good person
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
i could do a british one once i guess LOL and it looks like now ive Absorbed a mexican accent but i never really try to talk in other accents
44. Do you have a strong accent?
i dont know how to answer this
45. What is your favorite accent?
idk i like new things i havent heard before. and thinking about how other languages work. theres a lot of different accents at my work and i honestly enjoy listening to them
46. What is your personality type?
that.... INFJ. see. psychic
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
one of the gay jackets
48. Can you curl your tongue?
dont think so
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
depends. i had these big house spiders in my dungeon at my parents house, and id just be “hi” and set them free. but if i see one where im not expecting it i might yell a lot and tell everyone and run around and then set it free
52. Favorite food?
tacos from my old work. i was indeed. screaming, lost in the sauce. i waited until i was away from the restaurant because i knew all my dignity would vanish
53. Favorite foreign food?
idk... i need to eat more curry. i need more curryin my life. bring it on.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
55. Most used phrased?
“this slaps” i feel like ive been saying that a lot
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
a whole entire fucking hour (when i wake up) otherwise 5min
58. Do you have much of an ego?
i do, but i hide it. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
chomp chomp. i am not a patient man.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
yes, when i know no ones around, or when im not worried about seeming like a crazy person at work
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
no. i can sing and it sound okay.  nice even. but good??? like beautiful?????? no.
63. Biggest Fear?
someone dying, natural disaster, new illness
64. Are you a gossip?
maybe. i feel like i have the Tendencies and then im like “am i being a bad person right now”. i want to know the deets though.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
i Simply Dont Have the Attention for Those
66. Do you like long or short hair?
BOTH . long hair is more fun to draw. short hair is hot
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
fuck no. why would i. fuck off. i dont care about your states.
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
people who are not Definitely Cheerful
72. Are you scared of the dark?
no. unless i think about things to scare myself on purpose
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
no unless they need to know. because im not a fucking ANIMAL
74. Are you ticklish?
depends. i can be not ticklish if im determined.
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
i dont think so... i started a rumor i was from mars
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
maybe i was supposed to train some girls and then i probably didnt do a great job and they didnt listen. they say my job now is somewhat authority and im like...... ok...... 
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
someone whos OUTTA MY LIFE
80. How many piercings do you have?
two? i got them pierecd at claires lmao and i didnt get an infection because im  so salty. then i took them out because they were from claries
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
hell yes
82. How fast can you type?
so fucking fast. faster than my work finder helper. im fast im very fast
83. How fast can you run?
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
im still trying to figure that out. whatever it is gives me hives
87. Do you keep a journal?
yes. so i can get better at handwriting and just talking in general and hear what my voice sounds like. and to have a space away from other peoples needs and pressures
88. What do your parents do?
my mom is a stay at home mom and my dad shoots pop bottles into the sky
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
everything. cabbage. i swore about cabbage for a long time the other day. i am just full of anger. 
91. Do you like your own name?
YES. i mean i chose it i better. honestly my first name ......... i feel self conscious about it sometimes. i think it was the only name for me though. it wasnt the ideal most wonderful namei could find because those didnt fit, it was MY name.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
im going to have two sons and im naming them brick and rusty.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
yeah, i want a boy a girl
94. What are you strengths?
my strengths doing all 100 questions, this is serious muscles
95. What are your weaknesses?
the exhaustion of jumping from one question to the next especially when they are vague. im not complaining this was my idea
96. How did you get your name?
i pfound it in the baby name book and i was lie  “hey yyy, i saw that name in black beauty, lets use it for my gay coded villain what the hell!”
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
no but i did have some ancestors who lives i a mansions andhad fucking SERVANTS. before you call me problematic my other part of family was like sewing things and not going to school 
98. Do you have any scars?
weve been over this. when im older im going to get a cool scar fighting a dragon
99. Color of your bedspread?
pink, white, blue
100. Color of your room?
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hiraethstill · 5 years
IMMEDIATE assault by eijun's handsome face
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every time the OP comes on im like where are the babies? THERE THEY ARE @ firsties
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the way i GASPED
haha poor audience member doesnt know sawamura is mostly good at swinging from the bunt stance
eijun... you have every right to be frustrated
ugh... the way he looks when he was a doormat to the ace... i feel this too much my chest hurts
"if i had pitched like furuya did today i wouldve been subbed out" TOO TRUE AND OUCH
lmao did eijun learn to run bases from mochi? now i want this
uhhh the announcer was wrong? the STANDS were all cheering and happy, it was mostly the dugout that was surprised
bc this is level of trust he gets from first string sigh
sorry all my frustration is here
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HAHA OKAY BUT why does this look gayalso sawamura's little "na!" with the pew pew is so cute wtf
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his lil cheeky face in the corner im hashjdlkdgj
haruichi and toujou in that shot look like they'd been helping him practice batting and it paid off 
hslkhg eijun and his "hips!" i cant
nice eijun is safe
haha i never know who to root for bc i love all the bois
okay but
has anyone ever talked about how cool amahisa's eyes are???
i mean
look at this
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so cool
yoooo wtf amahisa's voice in this part is really appealing??? damnn
so... kanemaru's a capable batter even if he's not top tier, why you gotta keep making him bunt
oh well, i like that face you're making kanemaru
it's okay kanemaru you did your best
cmon mochi bring him home!!!!!!!!!!
yeah thats right mochi + other batters, give him the run support he deserves
"did he shave his eyebrows? he looks like a strong fighter" are you just checking him out
you'd want him to do those jump kicks amahisa
omg i feel the tinglings... of a rarepair... amakura.....................
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what was i saying about his EYES??
come the fuck ON dont leave eijun stranded on second!!!!!!
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(and u rite yall amahisa is yabai)
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whoaaa that slowmo pitching sequence!
oh hello eijun upping the tempo and looking great doing it
wow this super HD sparkle miyuki
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EIJUN IS BEAUTIFULLLL and lowkey this looks like the OP
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okay sun we gettin a lil cap happy
another pretty eijun shottttt
N* H* TT * R
i feel like i jinxed him sorry eijun
also i LOVE when the stands yell OSH OSH OSH back
wow toujou's voice was. so cute??
noriiiii i love you so much and thank you
furuya silently reflecting huh?
awww theyre all patting him i wanna pat eijun too
kanemaru's eyes are gray??
kousei-san.......... mayhaps i have.......... Feelings about this
"gureato" man tahara is great
kuramochi, amahisa, hyuuga from knb, alla dem yankees
oh my god is that suddenly shaved head amahisa still in first year he's so smol
wow kousei is so eccentric haha i love it
omg yakushi cameo!!
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wow this is so pleasant to look at and idk why??
his eyeeesss
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and this too omgg
omgggg are they who i think they are
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sorry mimei that was too much tension in a single glance not to be homoerotic
go shirasu-senpai!
wellll shit, rip zono and rip seidou
142 pitches???????? are they throwing out amahisa's arm imma fight
"that wouldnt be any fun" uh you do realize you're talking about a person's physical health right audience member???
the. ace. is. not. the. only. player.
its okay this is the peanut gallery they dont matter in the long run
omg are the first years wearing their school uniform slacks
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taku always worried about everyone and sawamura looking rather nice actually
omg was that a little bow eijun made at amahisa before moving on?
"something i want to ask you" are you boutta ask him out amahisa
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im sorry i love eyes too much
and also! eijun getting the recognition he deserves!! buuuut from another team rip
cmon eijun he's trying to be nice tbh
lmao koushuu and shirakawa should meet... resting bitch face club 
"i've never seen kousei-san take interest in another pitcher" THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS TO UNPACK IN THIS STATEMENT
my sonsssss
yes asada and kuki, be free! go move around!
asdkfh i just squee every time taku
and these lines on koushuu look so nice??
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intense son
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he's so happy and fired up to see koushuu fired up im
wholeass Sons™
lmao koushuu getting mad for sawamura
my inexperience... yes kataoka
teito and inajitsu coaches lmao
500K rivals to fwb to lovers
ive always thought kunitomo's neck crack is so funny
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mochi looking mighty fine in this shot
aw... ejun sitting alone....
just wanna say oda and kuroki very lesbian in the ED
ooh mei batting
sawamura and furuya watching so intently!!
aw... eijun turning to harucchi for support
oh man third years...
SUMMARY (7/16):
eijun DOUBLES!! 
rip seidou tho 
amahisa's eyes??? pretty??? 
taku offering to carry eijun's bag + serious senpai face 
careful amahisa your gay is showing 
koushuu mad on eijun's behalf lmao
inajitsu vs teito next!
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ah yes, that tension-filled mimei look
ooh this parallel of mei and mukai #1s
why does mei look so young at bat lmao
rather nice shot of mukai tbh
omg that tiny background akamatsu is adorable
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WOW i love this shot
hell yeah mei kicking ass and taking names
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boi... what you doin
kuraharu rights too!!
wow mochi's voice, never over it
lookit mochi bein a good senpai
ooh eijun finally said no huh
mochi and harucchi look so concerned tbh i am too
mm and miyuki and furuya too huh
oowada always cracks me up lmao
esp when mine is so grave next to her
oh so mukai likes gambling? im not surprised lmaooo
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omg the way tetsu says carlos sounds all proud and im soft
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omg two RBIs too good job shirakawa!!!
omg im so glad mei encouraged itsuki
have i ever mentioned
inui x mukai RIGHTS
that toujou face... some toujou and mukai art i saw comes to mind
also is carlos actually wearing his compression undershirt holy wow
he didnt used to at least
omg was that a little tiger next to inui SO CUTE
oh my god "mei-san mei-san" too cute
yoo mei you okay there
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okay why does he look so good please
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do you know how many times i had to rewind for this screenshot
shirakawa also looks good frustrated fuckle
mei stop shakin off signs dammit
ooh nice akamatsu shot
seidou shares one (1) brain cell in this screen
much too short a game damn...
ive heard we were robbed of itsuki's blush??? cause hello i need catcher catcher goodness with him and inui
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omg... they're literal children
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hahaha anyway im just laughing at carlos being a momentary harada
"mei-san" !!!
mei x mukai... so chaotic
wow amahisa looks so nice???
lmao they really didnt HAVE to put harucchi in the bg when miyuki's talking to furuya but they DID
miyuki... looking at mei too long not to be homo there
eijun :c
oh man
that really hurt
the face of a SON tho
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"so you are human after all" so many things i want to say about this
sawamura... doesn't seem to hold a grudge against furuya at all and honestly wow...
tho its def not furuya's fault i think thats a mark of him being pretty mature!
anyway im glad furuya wants to watch the video too
also nabe!!!!! i wonder how close eijun and nabe are and how many times eijun has bothered him for the videos haha
ochiai, a backup catcher... interesting
"he must overcome this on his own" do you know how many problems there are with this statement
yeah it wasnt fair
"for better or for worse" are you kidding
oh furusawa lmaoo
and nabe just patient over there
oh hello masayui and kanetou
anime fist clench
oh man miyuki introspection......... i know where this is going.........
appreciating sawamura's hard work and optimism!!!!!
how many more times does he have to prove it to you
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loveLY but also reused?
and the shadow of miyuki in the background... WOW
three months............. until the third years retire...........................................
im not okA Y............................
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all the things this smile hides
wow too many sons
SUMMARY (7/26):
mei kicking ass and taking names 
mukai and his fooken BLEP 
inui/mukai rights 
mei + mukai actual CHILDREN 
carloshira stop attaccing sun challenge f a iled 
eijun @ harucchi :c 
three months... 
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ralumairy · 5 years
Hi, I dont know how active you are here but I gotta say, Ive said this before on your youtube community tab but You inspired me to start making Animatics. And I thank you for that, I just need some tips on getting started- Like what to draw first, How to edit everything together, and HOW THE HECK do you get all the frames to look alike? Like make the characters not look different in each frame etc. Anyways, can you give me some tips? hehe.. Love your channel, okay bye-
!!!! hi, i actually am not very active on tumblr but CONGRATS UR MY FIRST ASK/MESSAGE LMAO, and AH THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!! IM SO GLAD U WANNA START ANIMATICS!!!okay ill try my best and give u some detailed tips cause i really have been putting off a vid for how i make my animatics for the longest time so i might as well answer this:1. FIRST of all, i listen to the song i wanna do an animatic for THOROUGHLY, and i ‘think’/imagine what i want to animate for each scene as i listen to the song, kinda like what first comes to mind! for example, i knew in my sexy animatic i wanted to have that 3 pose/costume thing at the chorus when i first listened to it. then, ill do brief notes for each lyric of the song about what i want to do (they can be anywhere from “medium long shot profile view of character in this pose” to “aha just the character smiling and stuff lookin all happy”) if i have more time to plan everything, ill draw brief thumbnails of each scene on paper or underneath my frames2. i think of drawing each pose like they’re in a comic! in a comic, you dont have much movement, but still enough artistic story telling to show how the characters act/move from place to place, so think of an animatic like an animated comic! also keep in mind KEYFRAMES, which are the main poses that appear when someone moves, for example, if you have an animation of someone throwing a ball, 3 keyframes would be holding the ball, throwing the ball, and the hand reached out after the ball is thrown. so, when you do frames, keep these keyframes in mind, and think “how do i show the most movement with the least amount of frames?”3. study different camera angles of a person, at different perspectives and how a body would look from different sides. this might sound irrelevant but i had to learn how to draw the back of a head for the first time during an animatic, cause when ur drawing normally, especially if its not for a comic, why would you need to know to draw from those angles??? when ur animating ‘conversations’ its boring to show two people with their faces both visible, so you might have to learn to draw back view 3/4 angles and all that jazz ;D4. so,, editing,,, i use sony vegas pro and the thing that saves my life are MARKERS!! when you listen to something, you can add a little flag that shows where a new lyric starts or when theres a key word or etc. but this is the key to getting the frames to sync up! im sure most affordable editing programs have some form of a marker system, and make sure you find it, cause it SAVED MY LIFE :,))5. another tip for editing is that make sure you know your program very well, so you get the best out of it!! i used to do a lot of kpop edits (regrettably, even tho they arent posted anywhere i still regret them) so when i wanted to start doing animatics i already had my video editing skills ready, and it was really helpful!! even then, i learned SOOOO MUCH about sony vegas pro just from doing animatics and knowing a lot of the ins and outs of the program gave me a lot of freedom! this also applies to the drawing program you use, make sure you know what brushes you’re going to committ to and make sure you know what file format you’re using and how detailed your frames are going to be! consistency is important!6. this is already really long so ill keep this last one short, if it gets tedious after a while, try doing sketchier art/dont spend so much time on the frames! cause.....oh god...it can get....really tedious.....something that i find SUPER helpful is having a ‘time’ deadline/schedule, for example, i average on animating around 30 seconds of an animatic a day, 20 if im lazy and 40 if i have absolutely Nothing to doi hope that was helpful!! i really should probably make a vid someday lmao but WE’LL SEE i still have a lot to learn!! GOOD LUCK THOUGH IM SURE YOU WONT NEED IT
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obannthepunished · 6 years
notes this week are shite yall youve been warned
mostly commets to myself ngl, (*) is irrelevant to anyone but me its just things I think I could bounce off of or that I found purrticularily interesting
Nott tries to water walk, fails, gets attacked by an octopus Jes and Caleb BOTH roll 1s for initiative
"Umbrella Fuck"
Fjord gets octopus'd Beau beats the shit out of him but it just fucks up the octupus lmao Molly carves him out of it.
Ashley: "-'Cause I'm a light bearer?" (Yasha drop???)
Another one hits caleb, my baby!!! No!!! Beau monk shits jumps from one boat to the other and finishes off the octopus Calebs hair is slicked back with blood
Fucking earth elementals
Yasha and Jester are stronk and row away too quick to be caught
Beau: "I'm always a fan of going down" (*)
Caleb puts his hands on Molly's shoulders to use frumpkins vision Molly, aside from being kinda shocked, just kinda pats his hand??? i felt my heart twitch i dont think thats meant to be possible
Nott hits a trap and gets shot in the thigh
Nott disarms 1.3 traps, Yasha gets hit with two more bolts Beau hangs back like a dumbass and gets hit but manages to deflect most of the damage, just stabbed in the chest a bit
Theres a puzzle with symbols for the eight schools of magic (Fjord + Beau figureout the symbols), a triangular plinth with a hole in the middle that goes down a foot and a half Fjord tries to feel inside the (inch and a half) hole for grooves and finds none, it's a platform
Jester confirmed good at finding holes.
Molly: (To jester) Do you have any healing cantrips? [...] it's for this one (gestures @ Yasha)
Nott, disarming traps, gets shot through her thumb into her wrist. Owchies.
Beau: Yeah, you might need opposable thumbs. Nott: HEY! It's too soon.
Caleb puts a hand on Beau's shoulder this time, and SHE puts her hand over his and i am crying because everyone cares about Caleb (*)
Art gallery??? (OOC liam: ooohh no this is some dragon lair shit)
upper chamber: "a relief in the centre of the chamber" one torso two faces, empty circular eyes. Chains from ceiling affixed to a red clay urn- about a footish square, a foot off the ceiling Faint glimmer of something metallic in the rock slide on the other side of the room Metallic shine is vaguely magical- abjuration magic. (Abjuration is NEVER good!!! oh its protective BULLSHIT ive only ever seen abjuration used for evil, cept counterpell) (Later retcon, Jester uses sanctuary on Nott during a battle so I have to eat my own words.) its a rod. copperish. Clay urns in acorn alcoves, three urns
inside the urn in one alcove, it is half full of ash. Yasha wedges it out with her sword.
Fjord pulls the magic rod free
"The circus bouncer" im amused
little glowing orb goes for Yasha and Nott nat 20s it as immediately as possible lmao, Nott 28 points it before Yasha can be hurt. they deal lightning damage, which was retconned out.
Beau punches a ghost. it has resistance. Resistance to cold damage too Beau punches the ghost again gods i love this.
yasha necrotic damages it. this seems very important?
Molly smashes the urn from the alcove on his side of the room, the will-o-the-wisp disappears
Caleb scorching rays the remaining two urns and makes a cool explosion. "Oh shit, that's hot!" (like fire hot)
Fjord puts coins in the eyes of the two heads on the torso and the relief and it collapses, Nott JUST manages to catch him with a Featherfall spell amorphous floor, heavy smell of decay, dust, and ash, long rotting clothing. Charred bones. Yasha drops the torch down. Caleb heads down the rope They find a little bottle of something or other, i missed some of it bc my internet pissed itself (The bottle is a potion that provides resistance to necrotic damage)
Shmidt puts the rod into the hole downstairs does nothing
"Beau?" "Yeah?" "Can you... punch this?" (trying to get the glowy purple rock out of the cage) (she does)
"Is that your new nickname? Simple tool?" M "... yknow what, that's fair" B
jesters mad she was right about using magic on the rod
Jester necrotic damages the rod, theres a slithering sound. oh god. the pillar opens and gives an enemy- a gelatinous cube??
New caleb spell: Maximillian's Earthern Grasp
Beau to yasha: DO WE JUST SLAP JELLO? Yasha to BEau: I THINK?
Beau punches it and her hand goes numb Yasha cuts a whole section off of it!!!
Acid damage for yasha owie Beau decks it again, TWO WHOLE FUCKING NUMB HANDS beauregard you dumbass
Yasha fucking kicks its ass lmao
Fjord gives Jester a healing potion + she wakes up talking about oskar cause of course she is
"if anything starts to happen, I want you to run for the door." - Molly to Jester
A false wall opens, smell of old decay, i missed the rest. Burnt hair?
Liam actually doing the hand gestures for the spell in the background is actually my sexual orientation.
Nott: HOW AND WHEN WILL I DIE Yasha: I cant tell you that nott Nott: BUT YOU KNOW Yasha: ... yes, of course. Nott: (SHOCKED EXPRESSION)
Beau: Caleb. I love you. But we are missing out on some shit right now. Caleb: That's sweet thank you (*)
caleb finds a book its a journal in draconic from Siff Duthar (sp) about a war, weakness of flesh and the neex to endure beyond. the TLDR is that they wanna be a lich lets be honest Siff lost his legs to a  spyyy??? who was then burnt. Saved by a bounty hunter? fuck the gods? i dont process a lot at once and i was eating so i couldnt transcribe all must come to ash, and from the ashes will rise again
its getting cold in the room, their breath is visible now.
Dark ghostly shadow thing comes up from near the circle, not teleporting just appearing. molly sees light in one of the urns.
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shakingsphere · 3 years
i just like doing these
1. Do you like who you are? no ive never liked myself very much
2. What would people say about you at your funeral? i don’t know probably something about being smart and honest
3. What would you regret not doing in your life? i dont like thinking about my past but many not trying hard enough the first time i tried to od...
4. What’s the wisest thing you have ever heard someone say? idk 
5. What lessons in life did you learn to hard way? it took me a long time to learn when to quit
6. How often do your biggest worries and fears come true? they dont and i take too much lexapro to worry these days
7. If you had one year left to live, what would you try to achieve? i’d probably just travel
8. Do you serve money or does money serve you? i don’t think about money a lot as long as i can buy nic and coffee
9. Are you afraid of being your true self around others? Why? no. i dont thinks there’s a thing as a ‘true self’ just different versions of yourself
10. What are you grateful for? financial stability and being able to go to college 
11. Have you done anything you are proud of lately? nope! 
12. Have you made any recent acts of kindness? i doubt it!
13. If you knew that you would die tomorrow, what questions would you ask yourself? i’d just go to bed no point asking questions
14. If your biggest fears came true, would it matter in five years from now? yes. 
15. How would you describe yourself? depressed. but funny and smart ig
16. Do you take people’s advice? sometimes but i think taking advice is hard because im so bad at giving the full picture
17. Do you get quickly offended? not really, it depends
18. Do you consider yourself to be a likable person? no lol
19. ‘We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give’ – What does this mean to you? hard work i dont know
20. Are you enriching the lives of others? i doubt it
21. Are you living a meaningful life? no
22. What makes a meaningful life? contributing something and being happy
23. Would you ever give up your life to save another? depends on the person 
24. How much would you be willing to sacrifice for people in poverty? what do you mean? i’d pay higher taxes and stuff
25. If you could live one day over and over again, what would you choose to do? i wouldn’t want that
26. Do you think you are important and worthy of affection and love? no. 
27. What would make you feel more worthy? What do you believe needs to be different about you? i need to stop being sad
28. What brings you down the most often? boredom 
29. Would you rather work less (and do the things you enjoy) and have less money? yes
30. Where do you find peace? sitting by streams
31. What is the most important quality you look for in another person? sense of humor
32. What is your biggest dream in life? to be successful and respected
33. What is your biggest fear? failure
34. How would the world be different if you had never been born? it literally wouldn’t. my parents wouldn’t have daughters i guess. 
35. What life lessons do you wish you knew 10 years ago? i was a child i needed to learn first. 
36. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? join the track team
37. If your life was a movie, what would the title be? bedtime
38. If your life was a movie, would you enjoy watching it? depends on the director
39. What does success mean to you? i feel like i already answered this
40. If you could be a different person, who would you be? yes
41. What was the best day of your life? Why? i dont know probably my last real date with my ex...
42. What do you look forward to most in life? being happy one day
43. What bad habits do you want to ditch? i want to start keeping my room clean
44. Who do you look up to and why? my mom, shes just really hard working
45. Do you know your partners love language? i dont have a partner
46. Do the people you love most know how much you love them? im sure they do
47. Are you satisfied with the depth of your relationships? yeah
48. What do you owe yourself? sleep
49. Based on your current day-to-day life, what do you expect to achieve in 5 years from now? a MA!
50. Do you say ‘yes’ too often when you really want to say ‘no’? Why? yes, i dont get offered things very often so sometimes i feel like i have to say yes
51. What did you learn yesterday? i think my childhood friend is hot and we like the same anime lmao
52. What do you like about yourself? im smart
53. Would you consider yourself to be a generous person? yeah
54. Do you really listen when people talk to you? yes ofc
55. What is the number one change you need to make in your life this year? ugh i should probably quite vaping but maybe start working out again
56. How many hours per week do you spend on the internet? too many
57. What are your most common negative thoughts? Are they logical? im literally suicidal 
58. Do you think it’s too late to do certain things in your life? Why? yes because they’re things i would have had to start when i was younger but thats not important anymore.
59. If you could be the most influential person in the world, what would you change? redistribute wealth probably 
60. How much time do you spend with your family and friends? like a few hours a week. im not very social
61. Where do you want to be in 5 years from now? the east coast :)
62. Is your life complicated by unnecessary things? everyones life is
63. How can you simplify your life and focus on the most important things to you? bitch idk
64. What stresses you out? my sister
65. What makes life easier? having stuff i have to do
66. How often do you give without expecting anything in return? occasionally 
67. What is your greatest challenge? mental illness luv
68. What is most important to you in life? Are you giving it the time it deserves? idk idk
69. If you could send a message to the world, what would you say in 30 seconds? i dont have anything to say to the world. maybe redistribute the wealth?
70. What do you most regret never telling someone? that i loved them. 
71. When was the last time you tried something new? sucking balls 
72. Are you afraid to speak your own opinion? no
73. Do you give into others too often and feel resentful because of it? no
74. Are you holding onto something that you need to put behind you? probably
75. How often do you let your fears hold you back? i dont
76. Do the people in your life bring the best out of you? some do some don’t
77. How often do you make excuses? i try not to
78. What is one mistake that you will never do again? dating someone who couldn’t really commit then
79. Which is worse, failing or never giving it a shot? never trying
80. What has grown you the most as a person – your challenges and trials or the comfortable yet enjoyable moments in life? the challenges
81. If you could choose to have no more challenges or obstacles in life, would you? no what a pointless life. 
82. In one word, what is standing between you and your biggest goal? time and hard work!
83. How often do you go to bed feeling angry? i dont
84. Would it be wrong to steal in order to feed a starving child? no 
85. If you paid more attention to the sad things in this world, would you feel more conflicted about it? no
86. If we learn from our failures, then why is it so bad to fail? because its a sucky feeling and its embarassing to want something and not be able to get it
87. What could you pay more attention to in life? my cats
88. Why do we think of others the most when they’re no longer around? sad maybe
89. What does it look like to make the most of your life? idk i’ve never tried. maybe ill start a vlog channel on youtube
90. What have you given up on? eating more than 2x a day
91. How many people do you truly love and what are you doing for them? 4 or 5 and idk not worrying them
92. Do you ask enough questions, or are you happy to settle for what you already know? i think asking questions is a good thing
93. What were you doing when you last lost track of time? tiktok
94. Do you think you would be happy if you never had to work again? i think i would be bored
95. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? a baby
96. If you could ask for one wish, what would it be? to be good at math
97. What inspires you in life? idk art
98. What can you not live without the most? water
99. What do you enjoy doing over and over again? sleeping
100. When did you last laugh so much it hurt? i dont know
101. What is stopping you from living the life you want to live? the actual life i live
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