#i just love the whole idea of magic kaito and using magic as a way to not only remember people but also to find something for yourself
dropespeon · 1 year
i truly think that if ginzou learned how to do magic it would do sooo much good for him
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amewinterswriting · 6 months
So, I've been playing the remaster of Baten Kaitos lately and for a JRPG of it's time (2003, originally) I'm actually quite amazed by how the narrative subtext frames disability. Major spoilers after the read more, and I will explain everything so you should understand even if you know nothing about the game.
In the world of Baten Kaitos, islands are kept aloft in the sky and the people live on them because of a disaster that poisoned the earth. Most of these people have wings on their back that they can make appear and disappear at will. They are referred to as 'Wings of the Heart' and their appearance is unique to each person, symbolizing their hopes and dreams and personalities. The people of the Empire do not have wings (? or perhaps choose not to use them, according to the prequel) but compensate with mechanical 'winglets'. It's also worth mentioning that the Empire is a major antagonistic force for about half the game, so even though there are friendly characters who come from the Empire, the association of no natural wings is predominantly 'evil'.
The protagonist only has one natural wing, and a prosthetic wing to compensate. It is shown that he has faced prejudice because of this - people treating him with suspicion and hatred because if his wings are deformed, it follows that his 'heart'/soul must be deformed as well.
In fact, this is a major motivation for him deceiving the rest of the party and the player themselves, aligning himself with the evil god we were trying to prevent from being resurrected the whole game. His 'payment' is a second, natural wing to match his existing one.
The plot then follows a secondary protagonist who eventually manages to confront him with a magical artifact that disrupts the evil god's power for long enough that he can choose a different path. And he does so, physically ripping off the wing he was 'gifted' and returning to the good guys and using his prosthetic (which the second protagonist had kept safe for him in the hope that he would one day rejoin them and he might need it).
While I have a lot of criticism for some elements of that plot (the one-winged protagonist should definitely have had more of a 'redemption' arc after deceiving the whole party and the player in a way that nearly destroys the entire world, but five minutes after he's rejoined the party it is almost as if it never happened), it is interesting that a game of this age does address the fantasy of 'what if I could just be magically fixed' and reject it. It actively frames the use of the prosthetic (something crafted for him with love and care from his family, later protected and cared for by the party in the hope that he'd come back to them) as something positive and better than a magical cure for him.
It's definitely not a perfect story (I would have loved to see some kind of connection between the party members - even at the end of the game, it does feel a lot like a group of strangers just happened to be going the same way and tagged along with each other), and I can't bring myself to decide whether the 'prosthetic' plotline is helped or hindered by the idea the the prosthetic is not a physical inconvenience in any way (never seems to need maintenance and works just as well as a natural wing, even adjusting as the protagonist grows) and only a social one (characters comment on it, some in negative ways and he admits he's faced that kind of prejudice his whole life). On the one hand, it's nice that he only actually faces any problems because of other people - it's a fantasy story, why shouldn't his inventor grandfather be able to make the perfect prosthetic for him? On the other hand, not having any physical ramifications (that the player is aware of) really does make his flip flop to the darkside and back for an hour seem a little cheap. Like, you've been bullied a bit, that sucks, it's still not worth screwing everyone else over, including all the people who have actively fought beside you to prevent the very thing you're doing?
But overall, the handling of his disability and the fact that the game doesn't just hand him a magical 'cure' as his happy ending? That feels pretty good to me.
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Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1-2, Chapter #08
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CW: Some of my analysis in this post touches the topic of suicidal ideation (there will be a warning around that portion).
I’m doing a deep-read of the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read) side-by-side, and writing down everything I notice from small details, version differences, translation differences, etc.
The volume numbers will be mismatched for most of the remainder of Trigun, since the Japanese first edition is 3 volumes while all later versions are 2 volumes.
As always, here are the non-analysis panels aka just my homosexual mumbling:
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And the rest is under the cut.
[link for if the images aren’t in horizontal rows]
This chapter is the beginning of the Japanese Volume 2, which is from #08 to #13 (plus the pilot as a bonus).
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Starting off with the cool as balls shot of Vash being shot a billion bullets at! I did write "rule of cool" here since I thought he was just magically evading the firing squad. However, on second thought, I think Neon specifically ordered the gang to not actually shoot him, judging by how he says "not bad" immediately afterwards. It's his way to test Vash, to see if he flinches.
[cw sui] The "You ain't afraid of dyin', are ya?!" line stuck out to me a lot... Many rereaders (and I assume first-timers too, at this point in the bookclub) know that Vash is... casually suicidal? I'm not sure if that's the right way to put it, but he doesn't have much of a sense of self-preservation. He's not seeking death, of course, but he's not exactly avoiding it either.... This becomes much more apparent and relevant at the end of Trigun and in Maximum, so I'll leave it until I get to those parts. [/cw]
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Dear god the crotch shot. okay (squeezing this into a row because I don't really want this guy's balls to take up the whole screen lmao)
I've always loved how Nightow draws these circles to show spinning motion in his artwork!! It's simple but it really pops... it's just so so (chef's kiss)
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I wonder just what Vash's next move was going to be here? He's pretty much cornered... but I guess he can always get out of any situation, as he usually does.
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Vash's expression of sheer confusion is golden. I love him lmao
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Meryl!!!!!!!!! Milly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how immediately after he calls Meryl a little girl he gets spooked by the Big Girl instead.
This is not directly translatable, but I find Milly's line here very cute. In Japanese, she says「…私は―― ミリィ…トンプソンとゆいます えとえとイチオー スタンガンミリィとは私のコトをゆいます」 The correct word for "I'm called [smth]" here would be 言います(iimasu), but the pronunciation ゆいます(yuimasu) is a bit childish in this context. If I recall correctly, isn't Milly the youngest of many siblings? Maybe it's a little quirk showing that youngest-sibling aspect of hers.
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Meryl asking Vash to be a "responsible adult" for once.... lol
This is the first time his name has been called since his encounter with Kaito and the beginning of the BL gang' hijack. I completely forgot that Kaito has no idea who he is!! Vash didn't give him a name; he's just been calling him あんた("you") the whole time!!
Excuse the messier handwriting from here on… I was working on this during a car ride.
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A detail in the Japanese version - this line was originally written「おまえが消したって話んなってるJULY(あのまち)だが…」with "JULY" having a ruby pronunciation note of あのまち("that city").
This part was initially written to be a translation suggestion but I decided to just keep it a JP phrasing note:
「あのガレキが俺の見た最初の風景だ」 "That mountain of debris was the first thing I saw."
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Translation suggestion - Here, Neon says「サシの勝負だ」, where サシ means "face-to-face" or "one-on-one." I would say it's more like "This fight is between just the two of us," to show more of the respect Neon has for Vash.
More of this respect is shown in the next page, where they make a promise that Neon will step back if Vash wins the duel. Neon recognizes Vash's skill and ideology, and treats him as an equal.
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And here's the action!
I found interesting that Neon's war-cry/exclamation "ha" was actually written in kanji as 派. The kanji by itself means group or faction, but considering Neon's character, maybe it's supposed to be a reference to the word 派手(hade), meaning "gaudy?"
This duel definitely isn't following regular duel rules... but no one said it was unfair or anything. Maybe this is just how they are in No Man's Land.
Neon shoots with his dynamo-gun (?) instead of his cool engraved pistol.... Anyways, his first strike is at Vash, and they all hit the rocks that are falling between them. Vash then shields himself with one of those rocks by jumping in the same direction as it.
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And he's doing another frontflip!! In sync with the falling rock!! With a wound in his gut!! In midair and upside down, he precisely shoots five rounds into Neon. It hits his dynamo, but looking closely I can see that maybe he got his arm shot too.
A bit of a tangent - many of Neon's actions are reminiscent of old Japanese culture, which is very interesting. His pose during his first appearance in Chapter #05 (how did i remember that. i checked just in case and i was right), where he sort of squats and extends his open palm to the front, is a very stereotypical kabuki pose. Again, I don't know about the specifics of kabuki, but his pose on the the panel where Vash jumps also looks kabuki-esque to me. Neon's respect towards Vash as a fellow gunslinger and his beliefs on dignity reminds me of bushidō. It's not representative of all aspects, of course, but there are definitely elements incorporated in his character.
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This line (including the speech bubble after it) is a bit weird when translated so it will have to be tweaked, but a direct translation would be:
「このままではブレーキングはおろか… 船体ごと爆発する可能性があります!!」 "If it continues like this, the ship itself may blow up, let alone brake!!"
I'm pretty sure "brake" (miswrote in the image, will fix later) here means that they won't be able to put on the brakes due to the boiler malfunction. But I don't know shit about machinery or how to phrase this. (shrug)
That’s it for Chapter #08! As always, the Japanese annotations are in the reblogs.
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dragon-cat-eyes · 3 years
I am just gonna leave these pregame head cannons for the v3 cast here, they are based around our mastermind rp we are currently doing. Most of them are just meant to be funny and stuff , so if you like a character and you don’t think we did them justice hit me up with your own head cannons.
Kaede- she was pretty quiet around most people. She no longer valued her life and was ready to throw it away at the drop of a penny but decided it would be useful for team Danganronpa. She is really oblivious to compliments but over all a good person lacking confidence. ( not everyone here is good)
Shuichi- he is obsessed with Danganronpa , he has seen every episode and season. He claims that it saved him from his depopresion and he would do anything to be in it. He owns tons of merchandise and has written many terrible fanfiction with his own Oc. He strongly believes since he knows so much he might as well be the mastermind and basically gets off to being in the presence of Rantaro and Tsumugi.( the previous games survivors)
Kaito- This mans is probably capital of douche bag central. He is a womanizer and shows a lot of toxic masculinity. He isn’t the smartest man but works out a ton. He wanted his character to be likable so when he got out of the game and was famous everybody would love him. All he cares about is the money and he’ll go through whoever he has go to get it.
Maki- Still not the most emotional however she has very clear Intents. She has been taking care of children her whole life and happily does so. Caring for other kids so they never have to deal with the terrible care she had as a orphan. She is a pretty natural born leader and isn’t joking Dangronpa for the fame. She is joining so that if she wins the money can go to those kids and if she doesn’t win maybe she’ll be able to convince the others to atleast donate when she is gone.
Miu- Dummer than a bricks. I’m sorry, but she is barely making it through school and is only getting good grades through favors. She knows what she has and isn’t afraid to use it to her advantage. School can be stressful and she worries about her future…she figures if I can win a killing game I’ll be set for life. She eagerly signs her life away and basically begs to be made the smartest character there.
Kiibo- He was your everyday edgy guy, decided he would join Dangronpa to escape the outside world. He had very specific wants , he wanted to be a robot , flawless , unbreakable, and claiming flesh was to fragile. He wanted to be everything he wasn’t friendly, confident, and useful. Everyone was pretty sure he already thought he himself was a robot with no emotion this was just a step to come make it come true.
Kokichi- piss baby man. This man would cry at the drop of a pencil. Someone must of bullied this boy to the point he decided his life no longer mattered. He gets very intimidated by new sistuation and pretty people. He didn’t have the balls to stand up for himself at first but he later starts trying to act like his new character and gets a bit cocky. He can’t argue without crying though but he does throw weak blows to get under people’s skin. He is pretty baby and loves cuddles and being treated like a little kid, it’s almost like he is completely touch starved.
Gonta- Meat head with no brains. He is here for the fame and gladly displays his muscles to show he has what it takes to get rid of everyone in this game. He has the strength to end a life in a snap but he worried if he wasn’t likable his fame would be nothing. He decided his character needed to be the most beloved character in the entire show, he wanted to be raised by wolves, being very intimidating and silent. His character would be so cool and badass like him that the fans would love him….to bad he didn’t care for bugs but he was fine with being the ultimate entomologist anyway.
Tenko- Shy lesbian girl who was just ready to end it all. She had been taken advantage of by men and decided she hated herself , she no longer wanted to live in her body or with herself. She was still hesitant about the killing game but she felt it was the only way she could escape the past, she unlike her current game self isn’t afraid to speak up to a pretty lady and was in a relationship with Kirumi before the game started.
Angie- she is a lot like shuichi a huge fangirl of Danganronpa. She has drawn tons of fanart and written her own fanfiction that include unpopular ships and such. She isn’t as obsessed as Shuichi but she feels honored to be in the presence of Rantaro and Tsumugi. She will argue with anyone that she is a Mikan Kinny and that the love of her life is nagito. She feels toxic just standing next to her but atleast she tries to act nice even if she is obvious to her hurting other people.
Himiko- Little spitfire. She kicks ass and takes names, sporting all leather and coming from a gang she thinks she is tough shit. She is here for the game and quickly phorms a James and Jessie dynamic with Gonta. She is very flirty little thing very quickly sizing up her opportunities. She used to preform magic shows in school and still remembers a lot of tricks so that is what makes her decide to be the ultimate magician. Gonta and her planned that ethyl would leave the game together and basically rule the world with their fame…they had feeling for each other they chose to ignore for the sake of the game they were about to be in.
Korekiyo- This was your everyday traveler just trying to escape his past. His older sister groomed him and caused him a lot of trauma ,once he could escape from home he did and never went back. He has delicates his life to figuring out everything he can about humans and why they do the things they do. This killing game intrigued him to the point where he decided to join and see what made humans tick this way. He didn’t want a crazy story just being the ultimate anthropologist was good for him, he didn’t realize he overstated giving them all ideas on how to ruin the man.
Kirumi- Seemlessly already had a character in mind and was acting as such. She already planned out she wanted to be a maid and fulfill needs before her master even knew they needed them. Everyone was pretty sure she somehow got off to being a maid with how happy it made her. She was a bit suprised with Tenko admiring feelings for her but decided to let herself indulge one last time in the idea of self worth. She unknowingly asked for compliments and acceptance, she just wanted to help everyone…never realizing to help herself.
Ryoma- was a basic man who had no one in his life that cared for him. He took up to raising and taking care of cats in his Freetime and before the game he is looking to rehouse those cats in good homes since he knows he won’t be coming home to them. He is a soft man just not will left to live. He disctracts everyone with kittens while he talks about wanting to be a tennis player that has killed a mafia…somehow he got the exact part he wanted.
Tsumugi & Rantaro- both being from a previous game have a lot of trauma and nightmares from it. They got into a relationship once they were free of the first game and were always there for eachother. Rantaro was rich from his family and didn’t mind spoiling his new girlfriend who didn’t have anything before that. They both just wanted to live out their normal lives and leave Dangronpa in the past but got dragged back in due to popular demand. The entire world was in love with their romance and would gladly have the couple shoved into another killing game to satisfy their needs. They weren’t happy about being in another killing game but had no choice and put a stop on their lives to work for Team Dangronpa. They both knew this would be the most changing thing they have gone through together next to meeting each others parents.
I have more on some of the characters but this is a long post already so I’ll just leave it there for now.
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some-dr-writings · 3 years
v3 girls x SHSL Toy Maker
Kaede Akamatsu:
·       Your girlfriend loved your toys. She’d always gush over them and would so happily watch as you worked away on any project without a care in the world. Her favorites though were the wooden ones, just seeing how you chiseled, sanded and worked with the wood was just so interesting to her.
·       Obviously, you gave her a toy piano for her birthday once, and it immediately was her most cherished possession. It was tiny, just big enough to be played with one hand, so Kaede took it wherever she went, keeping it close as a reminder of you and her most favorite thing in the world. It actually took her quite a bit of time to get used to it, but once she had mastered it, she’d play it whenever she wanted should there not be a piano around.
·       “Hey, how’s my pianist do- oh?” As you entered the dressing room you found Kaede playing you little toy piano. “Ah, Y/N! I thought no one aside from the performers were allowed backstage.” “Yeah… but who ever said I wouldn’t break the rules. I just had to come see you before the recital!” You eagerly sat beside her, just needing to get closer to that entrancing smile. “Getting in some extra practice before the big performance?” “Actually, no.” “Hmm?” She sheepishly laughed, holding your little piano close. “Just calming my nerves. Since I thought I couldn’t have you by my side, I started playing your piano. It’s helped a lot.” It became a tradition for Kaede to play you piano before any performance. It was able to calm her no matter what song she played on it.
·       Whenever it was out of tune, even just a little she’d immediately take it to you for repairs. It was usually a quick fix, but she still loved watching you work away on repairing it.
·       You also began making little music boxes for yourself. Though not pianos, you placed in Kaede’s favorite songs and before going to sleep, would wind one and have it play should the pair of you be apart. Sometime you’d even send her one so she’d know you were thinking of her.
    Kirumi Tojo:
·       Like for everyone else, she wanted to be our maid and assist you in whatever way she could and help you become even greater than you already were. “Oh, uh… Sorry, but I don’t need anything. I won’t want much either. I’ve heard how people you work for become amazing and stuff, but… I’m happy with my simply life. I don’t want it to get any greater than this. Honestly, only reason I came to Hope’s Peak is so I’d have an excuse to make more toys without my guardians telling me to study more. I’d be happy to be your friend though! Are there any toys you liked as a kid, I know I could make a nice one for you!” On occasion you’d amuse Kirumi and accept her assistance, but for the most part you’d simply decline and ask if you could make anything for her.
·       Kirumi truly just enjoyed helping others, there was nothing else she wanted so it seemed no toy would be of satisfaction to her, only after getting together did you finally come up with something. “A doll?” “Yeah! If somehow you can’t find anything to do for anyone, you can serve the doll. Its pockets are filled with requests for you to do for it, and if this doesn’t feel like real requests to do for you, I request that you care for the doll when you have nothing else to take care of!” “I will do my utmost to fulfill your wish.” You didn’t think Kirumi would actually play with the doll, but the smile on her face at finally receiving a request from you was enough to make you know it was worth it.
��       Surprisingly on occasion you would see Kirumi entertaining the doll, whether it be it be having tea parties, or one of the many other requests you had written down. You eventually found out that no matter where Kirumi went, she took the doll with her in case she had a moment of free time she could dedicate to it. You were her partner after all, though she did so for everyone, for you especially she wanted to complete your requests to the best of her abilities. And thought it never came up in conversation, she always had it around because she liked having something you had placed so much time and effort into just for her nearby.
   Himiko Yumeno:
·       Both being entertainers of sorts you both immediately clicked, you both loved making others smile and bringing joy to them through your work.
·       Not only did you and Himiko become romantic partners but business partners as well, you making and selling various toys based off of Himiko, her magic, and of her ‘familiar’ as well. They were a big hit with both children and adults. Sometimes you and Himiko would have long discussions bouncing ideas off one another about what toys to make next. An action figure? A wand? Perhaps some stuffies or a magic broom stick? On occasion one of you would start to go more abstract like suggest something like a pinball machine or soundboard, maybe even a skateboard. Sometimes it became a sort of competition for who could come up with the most outlandish, yet realistic and feasible items to make and sell.
·       Often you’d spend your time whittling away making toys for Himiko, she rather enjoyed them, no matter what they may be. She also liked watching you make them. You were so skilled with those fingers and many other things like woodworking, sewing, painting, and other such things. Sometimes she’d toy with the idea of you being her assistant.
·       You always had Himiko test your toys to make sure they worked properly if they were more electronic in nature or some such.
·       You both liked doing whatever you could to support one another through your own pursuits, you were simply great partners for one another.
   Maki Harukawa:
·       Being with you always felt… nostalgic to her, especially when you made toys for younger children. How you were so tender, kind, and respectful to them, you reminded her of how many of the older kids at the orphanage acted when they weren’t tired and annoyed at having to be babysitters all the time.
·       You had taken to making and donating toys to orphanages, mostly to the one Maki was from though. You were only one person so you couldn’t make many too quickly, but what you did make was durable and could last for several generations while still being fun and not needing too much maintenance.
·       You also gave Maki toys on occasion and would play with them with her. Since she had to spend most of her childhood training you wanted to give her a little something to let her indulge in just being carefree for a time. She cherished these gifts and moments almost more than anything else. Being with you was always just so nice and peaceful.
·       You taught Maki a few things like how to sew. It took a long time, there were many failed attempts and bleeding fingers, but she eventually got the hang of it. She’d sometimes help you with your projects or even repair some of the kids’ clothes, it started with simple things like you asking her to connect two basic pieces or her adding a patch to some pants, eventually though she was able to do more complicated things. She made a doll for you and a few for the kids. In return for all that you had taught her, Maki would teach you self-defense. Though unlikely it was not impossible for a person to attack you one day so she wanted you to be safe. In her line of work, she couldn’t be attached to anyone, but now you and Kaito and Shuichi and others were in your life, she had connections to people she wanted to be around, so even if it wasn’t much, even if it wasn’t enough to save you should you become an assassin’s target, you could at least not be too troubled by our average crook.
·       You were her irreplaceable partner, she adored you, and for as long as she could, she’d keep you as close as she could, just making little toys with you.
   Tenko Chabashira:
·       She adored everything you made, gushing over how adorable it all was. And she showed every last toy off, much to your embarrassment at times. She was rather loud with her affection, making it so that the whole world knew. Even complete strangers would know the pair of you were partners and that according to your girlfriend, you made the best toys the world had ever known.
·       Often Tenko would drag Himiko into testing your latest creations in order to make sure they worked correctly.
·       Tenko insisted that you teach her how to make toys and she teach you Neo Akkido. She’d say that learning her form of Akkido would help you be a better toy maker, and her learning how to make toys would help her improve her Neo Akkido.  You had no idea how in the world this could work, but just about any excuse to spend more time with your girlfriend was a good excuse in your book, so you eagerly agreed…
·       The training was much more than you expected. She didn’t teach you anything and just went straight to fighting you full force, and you just had to make up your own form to keep up and avoid getting too injured, but you did learn how to fight so her training did work.
·       You were much more gentle when it came to teaching her though her energy and enthusiasm could cause problems at times like accidentally knocking over items and the like. At least it was still fun.
·       Being together could be rather chaotic at times, but it was well worth it.
   Tsumugi Shirogane:
·       Your friendship began with a bet and through it a more romantic relationship bloomed. Tsumugi was showing off a very expensive, limited edition figure she had just gotten in the mail. “Wait, how expensive? But it’s so cheap! You should get your money back, or at least at a discounted price.” Obviously, this comment ticked off the girl, and a bet was made, if you could make a figure of the same character of higher quality that could simultaneously be less expensive from the cost of materials, you prove your point, if not you’d have to apologize to Tsumugi.
·       Not only did you win the bet, Tsumugi absolutely loving your figure, but you had also accidentally won her heart in the process.
·       Tsumugi still bought merchandise of her favorite anime and you always made such things for her despite that, though she did teach you why the official merchandise was so important to her. Often you’d end up analyzing the items whether they still be in the package or not, differing what it’s true price would be without the brand association. If it didn’t match you’d make your own version for Tsumugi which happened more often than not, but the few times you deemed the product worth the price it was a pleasant surprise.
·       Being deft at sewing and many other skills you often assisted Tsumugi in making her cosplays! She even convinced you to indulge in her passion as well. You much preferred making them, and seeing others wear them, but play-acting as the characters could be fun.
·       Sometimes when Tsumugi was at cons or other such similar events, she’d send you toy she found that you might like or might inspire your work. She’d also send you materials for your work, maybe even have you keep some for her own work.
·       Sometimes you’d watch whatever anime Tsumugi was most recently obsessed with when she was away. It was something to remind you of her in particularly lonely moments. Tsumugi would do something similar, play with the toys you had given her.
·       Though things could be rocky on occasion, you were able to work things out and you couldn’t want for another partner.
   Angie Yonaga:
·       “Oh my, how divine! I’m sure Atua has blessed you for such wondrous art!”
·       Angie completely adored and whole heartedly loved your toys, always calling them your art. Whenever she found you working, she always left you be as to not distract you, knowing she’d want you to do the same if she were working on her art. She’d even go out of her way to get more materials for you if she had noticed if you were starting to run low or if you were using one particular material a lot for a time. If any of your tools broke or needed repair, she already knew just the place to get another one of high quality.
·       As one ‘blessed by Atua’ you were the only person she allowed to be in the same room with her as she worked, as long as you were working as well. This was for two reasons, one, to not distract her and two, so that Atua may take possession of you too and help make your creations even more wonderful!
·       Though she never needed inspiration, because she had Atua, she would go walking around town with you to do whatever, giving you a new change of pace, which would hopefully help you get out of your rut and be filled with new creativity to create more!
·       Even with her colorful background, she understood you more than most others ever could when it came to your work. She would do anything to assist you, because aside from her god, you were the person she loved most.
   Miu Iruma:
·       “Hey, you’re the toy maker, right?” “Yes?” “You can make adult toys, right?” “What do you take me for!?... Of course I can!” “Oh ho ho, This’ll be fun!”
·       Miu was certainly an interesting client turned partner. Whatever you made, she wanted to add improvements to it, no matter how off the wall it may be. She was in inventor after all so tinkering with toys likely just came naturally to her.
·       What you did find surprising though is that she never wanted you to make anything sexual for her. She never admitted it directly, but she always just wanted normal toys. Model train sets, bouncy balls, remote control cars, simple things like those. Often, she’d end up ‘enhancing’ them in her own way, yet still, she wouldn’t ask for anything else. For as lewd and crude as she could be there was something about her that was also young at heart in a way, in fact that could be why she was so loud and overconfident much of the time. But then you’d remember that you’re teenagers and you were sounding like an older person with this line of thinking and would stop yourself.
·       Miu would insist on working in her lab so she could make tweaks to your designs as you were making them. Things usually got out of hand like making a toy robot that could turn into a cannon and shoot fireworks, or it’d have rocket fists powerful enough to knock out a full grown, healthy adult. Not long after making such items Kokichi would pop up, asking to borrow your toys, and who were you to deny him, toys were meant to be played with, and inevitably not long later you’d hear of Kokichi’s latest prank involving whatever toy Kokichi had borrowed from you and Miu, often getting a laugh out of her.
·       Things usually got out of hand rather quickly when you were with one another, but it was a fun, calm sort of chaos
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faerynova · 4 years
Okay, a breakdown of OCD behaviors let’s go:
He immediately fixates on finding pandora+getting vengeance, cannot be convinced to do anything else to get to this goal except be Kaitou Kid as soon as he decides that’s the path he’ll take. He’s already got his plan, he’s NOT gonna deviate from it.
And he goes after gems that he already knows aren’t Pandora because he’s compelled to complete Kaitou Kid’s MO/rise to challenges.
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(from DC ch.965, I pasted the panels together for the relevant bits)
He also goes after targets when OTHER people send notices. (see: chapters 11 and 14 of Magic Kaito.) Yeah he wasn’t the one who started it, but he WILL finish it.
There’s absolutely no rule that says he has to go through with every single heist notice that he or someone else sends! It’s just his own compulsion.
OCD makes you doubt yourself: what you do, your surroundings, so you have to over-plan to make sure everything goes Just Right, or else there will be consequences. And with heists, there really will be! But assuming he’s got OCD then he feels like *everything* he does has consequences if it doesn’t go the way he planned.
So he’s over-prepared always!
Even when going to school, have you seen all the tricks he keeps up his sleeves just for casual pranks with his classmates? He’s always *always* ready to toss confetti everywhere! To disappear with a smoke bomb! To put a mask of his own face on a classmate to get away! He just carries these things around In Case he needs it!
He just has an entire magic arsenal with him at all times for no good reason, school and other mundane situations.
So here’s some over-preparedness on heists:
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(DC ch.1019)
He’s got calling cards made ahead of time to go along with whatever plan he ends up using-- and even though they say he “spontaneously” decided to act, having all those cards there means he DID have every single plan laid out for whichever he decided to do. He figured out which plan he needed to do, and acted accordingly.
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(DC ch.963)
This is the one that really gets me. He brought enough disguises to be able to pick someone AT RANDOM to disguise as, and then he has an entire heist planned around the person he picked on a whim.
You could say he just improvises, but a lot of what Kaito does *has* to be planned out in advance. Yes he can knock someone out and steal their clothes for an impromptu disguise, but he still needs masks prepared-- and for disguising as Agasa which he does in this chapter, that’s a whole costume to get the body shape right! He just HAD THAT PREPARED. JUST IN CASE.
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(MK ch.23)
Kaito for the love of God what on earth would you ever need to memorize this man’s driver’s license number for. This is a new level of over-prepared. Kaito how did you even memorize that number along with all the other nonsense you need to remember for heists and disguises.
And in the manga we see several times that when his plans go awry, his first reaction isn’t usually to improvise a new plan, but rather to yeet as fast as possible because his brain can’t deal with a plan being ruined. (like above)
The above example isn’t technically counting, but it does lend to an obsession with numbers and being hardwired to just have them in the back of his mind without thinking about it.
Alternately, he may have just glanced at the drivers license while handing it over and memorized it on the spot! Counting it without even thinking about it! (Either way, holy shit.)
He can also quickly and accurately count how many people and objects are in a room-- or you know an entire building-- in a matter of seconds. And he remembers all of it!
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(MK ch.28)
Okay I think that’s all of the canon examples I’ve got on hand?
So with all that, some OCD headcanons about the boy:
-He over-plans even in mundane situations like deciding what kind of ice cream to get at the store. He’s gotta think about what if his favorite and second favorite and third favorite flavors are out of stock, and how much each brand costs, and if he’s willing to go to another store to get his favorite flavor if they don’t have it, and how long it will take to go to another store and the different prices there-- he over-plans for everything *just in case*.
-He obsessively re-checks and over-checks plans. Gotta make sure everything is right for heists.
-Counts things repeatedly/on a loop when left alone with his thoughts, and often taps along with his counting which outwardly looks like fidgeting or boredom. (I also headcanon that he has ADHD as well, so the tapping looks like a stimmy adhd thing)
-Pretty bad anxiety about messing up/consequences/break in routine, but hey live and die by the poker face, so no one knows it.
-He’s got rituals/routines to calm himself down that he doesn’t even realize are rituals: mindlessly shuffling or counting cards; tracing the scars/creases/etc on his hands, tapping/counting. (more things that just look like stimming basically)
-He also has a rewriting/redrawing habit. Mostly with his Kaitou Kid doodle, but he’ll do it with words too. His school notes have a lot of repetition because sometimes a word feels wrong so he’ll just rewrite it (sometimes several times) before he moves on with the rest of his notes.
-He plans his entire days ahead of time with a list in his head down to really stupid details.
-Yes this includes branching possibilities for different things that might happen that day. Backup plans of backup plans!
-On days where he’s feeling bad or can’t get his thoughts in order, he’ll take the list to paper so he can double check it as the day goes on. He always feels better if he has a plan he can check back on, mental or physical.
-Most importantly, he has absolutely no idea he’s got OCD. He assumes all of this is just normal behavior for an entertainer and a thief. Of course he pays attention to how many people are in a room and how it’s laid out, he’s in the habit of casing places. Of course he’s got 143 plans laid out for the day, it’s only practical that he knows what he’s gonna do. Of course he checks his heist plans two dozen times in the same night, he can’t afford to mess this up!
Anyway that’s all I’ve got for now love y’all byyye.
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kokorosfanfics · 4 years
Jealous!Gonta x reader: Atua or My Love?
Nobody requested this, this is just an idea I’ve had for a while and I’m waiting to get more requests. Pretty much, Gonta joined the student council and it’s taking a toll on your relationship, but your good friend Kokichi is here to help! -Mod Kokoro
(Also, don’t do this if you’re in a similar situation. This is fiction, but in an actual relationship, it’s better to talk about it.)
Things were bad enough as it is, with being stuck in a killing game. But now, Gonta Gokuhara, your boyfriend, has been brainwashed into the student council, A.K.A. Angie’s cult. Normally, you ate with Gonta on your left and your best friend, Kokichi, on your right. But now that he’s all “ATUAAAA!” He only ate with the other student council members. You tried to talk to him, only for him to insist you join the student council, which you politely refused. No matter how many times Angie gives you a hug, or Gonta pleads, you’re not joining that Atua bullshit. One time, Gonta approached you, only to reprimand you on going out of the dorms at night. You sighed to yourself, simply poking your fork into your food. 
“You good (N/N)?” (Nickname)
“I’m fine, ‘Kichi...” Well, at least you still have Kokichi. At least he didn’t betray you for some cult.
“Yeah. That’s an obvious lie.” Kokichi scooted closer to you, and got a little more serious.
“Is this because of you and Gonta?”
Tears were threatening to come out. “Y-Yes...”
“Y’know, I wouldn’t mind helping you.”
“How? What could you do?”
“Meet me in your room after breakfast.” With nothing else better to do, you nodded your head, and finally ate your breakfast.
You walked with Kokichi to your room, and shut the door behind you. Kokichi sat in your bed, and you sat next to him.
“So... How’re you gonna help me?” You asked.
“Easy! All we gotta do is make him jealous!”
“Jealous? I don’t really think Gonta’s the type to get jealous...”
“Oh, but we’ll do it.” Kokichi gave you sneaky look.
“I’m going to pretend to try to steal you from him.” His face immediately went to one of his creepy/evil ones.
“You heard me right. We’re going to play pretend. I’ll pretend to try to steal you from him, and you’re going to pretend it’s working. He won’t catch on that we’re only faking it, and eventually he’ll do something! C’mon, what’s the worst that could happen?” Kokichi winked at you.
You thought about it for a bit. How would this work? Gonta... Isn’t the brightest. Pretty dense, really. You’d have to be all over each other in order for something like this to work. And do you really want to make him worry about losing you? That’s horrible! But then again..... He had barely spoken to you like a lover in a long while. And Kokichi, as devious as he is, usually his plans worked. He thought things through, and was pretty damn clever. An evil genius, who secretly had a heart of gold. He’s your best friend, and does genuinely care about you and want to help you. Who knows, maybe this could work?
“Alright. I’m in.” You reluctantly agreed. “But nothing that’ll hurt him!”
“Great! Let’s start right now.”
“Uh, yeah! We gotta talk through some things we’re gonna do in front of Gonta to get him worked up! Don’t worry we don’t have smash lips or anything like that.”
The two of you planned out some scenarios to act out in front of Gonta to make him jealous.
“You ready N/n?” Kokichi nudged your shoulder.
“Yep. Ready as I’ll ever be, ‘Kichi.”
“Great! Let’s go!” Kokichi wrapped an arm around yours, and the two of you headed to the dining hall for lunch.
As usual, Gonta ignored you, and sat at the opposite end of the table. Kokichi sat next to you, but this time an arm was around your waist. Time to get your acting skills ready.
“Y’know S/o, you look really nice today.” Kokichi pretended to flirt.
“O-Oh! Thank you, that’s really nice. You’re looking good, too!” You responded. So far, so good. You noticed Miu in the corner of your eye carefully observing suspiciously. Kokichi reached up to tuck some hair behind your ear. Now, you saw Miu nudge Kiyo, who was next to her. Seems you’ve got the attention of two of your classmates.
“Hey, S/o, do your hands still hurt from yesterday?” Kokichi made sure this was asked a little louder than usual. 
“Hurt? Is S/O hurt???” You were surprised to hear none other than Gonta, who seemed to have picked up on the conversation. You looked over to see him surprised, and a little worried. You and Kokichi hadn’t planned to get Gonta’s attention this early, but he winked at you, assuring he knew what to do.
“Oh yeah! Poor S/o, she fell and got so injured! But luckily, I was there to help her/him/them.” Kokichi placed emphasis on the “I” part. “Hey, S/o, since your hands still hurt, I’d hate for you to be in pain while lifting your fork, so I’ll help you!” Kokichi picked up your fork, lifted it your mouth, and fed you. You blushed, yeah you had discussed and agreed to this, but it still caught you off guard. Now, Miu, Kiyo, Shuichi, Kaito, and Maki were observing as they spoke lowly to each other. You couldn’t tell if anyone from the student council was noticing, but you felt some eyes on you, so you assumed some of them were. The rest of lunch, Kokichi fed you and subtly pretended he was flirting with you. You pretended to be clueless to his fake advances, and “unknowingly” encouraged him. When you were done eating, Kokichi moved close enough so only you saw his face. He gestured with his eyes and head to look behind you. 
You looked over your shoulder to find Angie, Tenko, Himiko, Kiibo and Gonta muttering to each other. But Gonta only seemed to be focused on you. Not wanting to make it obvious you were looking, you went back to facing Kokichi, and the two of you looked mischievously at each other and nodded. This was getting good. Kokichi placed his head under your neck and rested against you.
“Oh! Are you tired, Kokichi?” You asked softly. You had to pretend like you were oblivious to his “advances” after all. 
“Yeah. You don’t mind if I rest against you, do you?” 
“Not at all!” You hugged him close. But then came something you hadn’t expected.
“Hey! Degenerate male! Why are you flirting with S/o? She’s dating Gonta, so get off her tits!” Tenko the man hater was here to protect you from threats that didn’t actually exist.
“Tenko, he’s not a degenerate and he’s not flirting with me. He’s my friend!” You spoke up to defend him.
“He’s been flirting this whole time! First he’s all over you, next he feeds you, and then he presses his head against your chest and, UGHH.” Tenko cringed in disgust.
“I fed her because her hands were injured? Oh and, N/N and I are like, best friends and all that. Not very uncommon for best friends to be affectionate, you know.” Kokichi scoffed at her remarks.
Before Tenko could say another word, Angie had stepped forward to where you were.
“Now now, it’ll be okay. I’m sure Kokichi is just trying to be a good friend, and S/o knows that. You’d do the same for your friends, wouldn’t you, Tenko?”
“I..... Yeah.” Tenko sighed.
“S/o, you are surrounded by good friends, and a lovely boyfriend! Why don’t you be apart of the student council?” Angie outstretched her arms and walked closer. Here it comes, the tenth time Angie has tried to brainwash you via magic hugs. But thankfully Kokichi swatted her away.
“Heyyy! Don’t take my friends from me! She/He/They doesn’t/don’t wanna be part of your stupid cult!”
“But can’t S/o speak for herself/himself/themselves?” Angie asked.
“Yes, and he’s right. I have no interest in your student council.” You gave her the polite version of what Kokichi said.
“See?” He taunted.
“It is fine! S/o will come around eventually! Let us go, student council.”
“C’mon, S/o. We’ve got places to be. Let’s go to my room!” Kokichi said, in his innocent voice. You saw Kiyo in the corner of you eye glaring at Miu that she better not make another dirty joke.
But as you left, Gonta was watching, and he began to feel.... Something. But he wasn’t sure what this was.
“I know! I think it’s working, maybe Gonta will finally snap out of it! I hope....” You were a little worried about hurting him, though.
The next days were spent with similar events. Kokichi would try to “steal you” from Gonta, Gonta would watch from afar, and you could tell it was working. One time you and Kokichi decided to just chill for a bit outside and look at the stars, and you weren’t putting up an act, just simply talking about stuff and chilling outside, and occasionally playing with each others hair. As you and Kokichi were talking, he stopped, and pointed behind you.
“Hm? What is it, ��Kichi?” You looked behind you to see.... Gonta! Gonta was coming!
“Oh! Gonta you’re here, hey!” You and Kokichi stood up to greet him. You were just about to give him a hug, but...
“S/O and Kokichi not supposed to be out at night time. Gonta will bring S/O and Kokichi back to dorms.”
“Wha..... What?” You stared dumb founded. He was just here to tell you go back to the dorms? 
“Student council not allow you to be outside at night.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You asked.
“It no joke. Come, let us-”
“No.” You stated.
“What S/o mean no? Being out at night is dangerous!”
“I don’t care.” You turned around. ‘This whole thing was a bust. He doesn’t treat me like a lover anymore. I won’t stand for this.’ You began walking off, probably to wander the school. “C’mon ‘Kichi. Let’s walk around for a bit.”
“GONTA NO CAN LET THAT HAPPEN!” Gonta went to take a hold of your hand, only you slapped his hand away from you.
“Fuck off.” You spat. Your gaze only softened a little at Gonta’s hurt expression. “What the hell Gonta? What happened? What’s gotten into you? I don’t deserve to be ignored and bossed around. Just because you’re in Angie’s cult, it doesn’t mean you can just tell me what I can and cannot do. I’m sick of the way you’re treating me, and I especially do not deserve to be second to your PRECIOUS Angie! I deserve better than that! Hell, WHY DON’T YOU JUST GO OFF AND BE WITH HER INSTEAD?” You ran away with tears in your eyes as you headed straight for the school building. You had enough. It was evident to you that Gonta didn’t care for you anymore. In this world where you must kill to escape, Gonta was the silver lining for you. But now, that silver lining has faded.
“Wow.” Kokichi turned to face Gonta. “You fucked up, big guy.” Only then did Kokichi notice Gonta’s expression. He was.... Crying. 
“Gonta.... IDIOT! GONTA IDIOT! GONTA WAS UNGENTLEMANLY! HOW COULD GONTA DO THIS TO S/O?” Gonta fell to his knees, realizing how he made S/o feel. He’s never felt so ashamed in his life.
“Gonta.” Kokichi spoke up. 
“What?” Gonta let out through a sob.
“It’s not too late, y’know. So why don’t you get up and go after her/him/them?”
“S/o deserve better than Gonta. Gonta was ungentlemanly!”
“Yeah, ignoring her/him/them and favoring some student council instead was pretty bad, but you know what gentleman do when they slip up after that?” Kokichi asked.
“What do gentleman do?”
“They go make up for it!” Kokichi nudged Gonta to get him up.
“Run! Go after her/hi/them, and make it up to her/him/them!”
“Kokichi is right! Gonta will go make it up to S/o!” With newfound confidence, Gonta began to run towards the school building.
“Nee-heehee. You’re welcome, S/o.” Kokichi simply walked into the school. He wanted to watch this play out.
You decided the best way to cope with your current situation would be to go in your lab. You were simply practicing your ultimate talent, hoping to get your mind off of things for a while, but you were interrupted.
“S/O!” Gonta exclaimed as he ran to you.
“W-What do you want, Gonta?” You really did not want more of Gonta’s bullshit. But thankfully, it wasn’t
“Whoa-” Gonta pulled you in for a hug.
“Gonta? What are you doing?...”
“Gonta is sorry. Gonta no should have mistreated S/O like that. Gonta promise to be a better gentleman. Gonta no want Angie, he want you.”
“Gonta.....” Finally. FINALLY your boyfriend was back!
“I’m sorry too, Gonta. I shouldn’t have snapped like that..”
“S/O no should apologize! Gonta was in wrong.”
“Thank you!” You reached up to kiss him, and he happily kissed back. You were so happy, finally, he was back! Your loveable giant teddy bear boyfriend was back! 
During your kiss, you heard the familiar sound of Kokichi’s footsteps walking into your lab, as he walked over to where you were. You smiled into your kiss, and reached a hand behind your back, and Kokichi gladly high fived you.
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redrobin-detective · 4 years
MK Theory: Since Toichi's death and KID's disappearance fell so close together, Ginzo always suspected that they were the same person. And in some dark moments he couldn't help but wonder if his friend didn't have an ulterior motive for getting close to him. That's why he's so happy KID appeared again and why he's so ready to take Kaito's and Aoko's date alibi.
Oh man oh man, I’ve been saving this ask because I have Massive Feelings on the relationship between Nakamori/Kid/Toichi/Kaito not to mention the whole Kaitou Kid Task Force which I entirely blame on athena-crickey’s Reichenbach series.
So to start off, yes, I believe that Ginzo highly suspected Toichi and now Kaito to be the Kid. Gosho likes to make light of him for comedy/make Conan & Kaito look good but the man is an expert in what he does. If he was THAT incompetent he wouldn’t have been the lead Kid investigator for 20 damned years. He’s suspicious and yet for some reason, never pursues those reasonable suspicions or even apparently tried to catch Kid outside of scheduled heists? But why?
Theory? Ginzo is not an idiot and, either bc he figured it out or Kid Toichi told him one heist night, realized that Kaitou Kid only existed to bring a greater evil to justice. The Kid announces himself and dresses in white because he wants to be chased and led to worse criminals than those who give back what they steal. Toichi’s career and motives as Kid are so mysterious but its almost certain he was in some way fighting against the organization that eventually killed him. Kaito is now taking up that mantle in the name of avenging Toichi.
Now because Ginzo realizes all this, he knows that capturing Kid and hauling his ass to jail will result in A) the needless death of a brilliant individual who’s talents could someday be used for good B) an evil organization potentially going free. So Ginzo bides his time, plays the fool and waits for the thief to lead him to bigger fish. Its why he keeps his suspicions to himself, why he was so outraged when Hakuba suggested Kaito was Kid, why he’s so close to the Kuroba family in general. 
He’s the Kaitou Kid’s lead investigator and he’s not quite aiding and abetting but more... not looking any deeper than he has to in order to have plausible deniability. And everyone knows how fired up Nakamori gets about the Kid, no one would ever accuse him of helping his greatest enemy. See the thing about chasing two talented magicians over 20 years? You learn how to do your own poker face. 
Random headcanons
- Ginzo early on encouraged Aoko and Kaito’s friendship. Ginzo suspected that Toichi as Kid so when Aoko brought hoem Toichi’s son as a playmate, well, it gave him an excuse to keep an eye on the fam. When Toichi died he swore he’d protect Kaito and ended up really loving him as a son. 
- Worked So Hard to keep Kaito away from Kid stuff. Again, not 100% certain but he did his best to instill justice and lawfulness into Kaito growing up. When Kaito’s Kid appeared that first night with Jii skirting off to the side, Ginzo sighed internally even as he knows you can’t fight nature. 
- Liked Toichi well enough but Ginzo is generally unhappy with how they raised Kaito. Has made numerous calls to Chikage to stop traveling the world and take care of your damned child. He himself is a distracted, absent parent but at least he doesn’t galavant on rooftops.
- Kind of doesn’t know how to act around Kaito now, they’re technically enemies now so he just settles for kind of avoiding him. Also acts a little weird around the boy he highly suspects of being Kid.
- Love the idea Ginzo had grand ideas for Kaito in the police using Kid’s skills legally but he gave that up quickly. I’m still invested in the idea of post-canon where Kaito’s identity is outed he becomes something of an unofficial police consultant for thieves and complex acrobatics/magic/spy tech etc. 
- Genuinely likes Hakuba but if the British Brat doesn’t shut up about Kaito being Kid where everyone can hear him Ginzo is going to boot him back to London himself. Figuring out Kid’s identity isn’t the hard part, if you know where to look. The difficult part is keeping the idiot alive.
- Has no idea what to make of Conan but is overall very wary of him. He’s been around Kaito for a decade and Hakuba for a year at least so he’s used to scarily competent young kids. But he’s also used to liars and sneaks and Conan radiates ‘I’m doing something I shouldn’t’ energy which Ginzo has learned to sense to a pinpoint.
- So protective of Kid, insanely so and its only gotten worse over the years. Even as he rants and raves about catching the damned thief, he’s still busting ass to make sure the perimeter is cleared of snipers and there’s no boobytraps. He was fussy with Toichi Kid but is damn near panicky with Kaito, channeling his nervous energy into fury. Kid may be a thief but Kaito is practically his kid.
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awake-my-oceans · 3 years
Days 8 and 9
So I said I’d do this every day and then promptly skipped a day. Whoops. In all fairness, I did write out my response and planned to post it later, but then I got sucked into the black hole of a very well-executed, very stressful fanfic until 1:30 and then promptly passed out. Anyways, my responses to both days are under the cut. (Some people in this challenge put NFSW stuff under the cut. None of my stuff is NSFW, but it’s under a cut anyways since it’s longer than normal.)
What is your favorite trope to write and/or read? And is there a difference between reading and writing the trope?
Found family found family found—
I used to think my favorite trope was angst and/or whump. But then I realized that the darker parts were an unhealthy outlet for various mental health stuff, and the healthy stuff was essentially “character A is legitimately suffering, but then found family makes it better. It doesn’t necessarily fix the situation, but it makes things possible where they were not before.”
So, like. Found family that’s not afraid of angst but doesn’t intend to go in circles with the angst, either.
If I write it, I like the specific brand of trope/characterization/etc more than usual. Whether it’s because it takes stronger-than-normal like to get me writing, or because writing makes me like it more, is anyone’s guess. Probably both, tbh.
This is on full display in my current wip. I could easily and accurately summarize it as “therapy ain’t happening, lol, so throw found family and a few much-needed breakdowns into the pot for a home brew version.” (Admittedly, two protagonists are cousins, but, like. They basically have to decide whether to let that family claim matter to them, and they way they do it is essentially by found family-ing each other so, like? Classify that as you will.)
Tell us about ideas you have floating around. Worldbuilding snippets, or ideas for new stories. Just a few bullet points.
Underneath Kid and Conan (friendly rivals) is thief and detective (legally opponents). But underneath that is Kaito and Shinichi (lonely, the both of them, and worldshakingly kind).
Kaito is soft, around his doves, in ways the masks of Kuroba and KID otherwise don’t allow.
Toichi taught Kaito a whole lot about acting, but the thing that really drilled it into Kaito’s bones was the days, weeks, months, and years after Toichi died. His father was dead, his mother was emotionally and perhaps physically absent, and Kaito was a wreck. Adults, and Aoko, were understandably concerned. And Kaito, oh so kind underneath it all, was upset because his behavior was making people sad and worried, and he didn’t like it. So he fiddled around with how he presented himself until he discovered that “quiet, silly kid and occasional class clown” made people think he was bouncing back. He wasn’t, but after a while, only Aoko really suspected it. KID is a weirdly honest way for him to express how behind the easy humor is grief and skill and steel self-control.
Akako’s magic can make anyone besotted with her—except for the people she genuinely does or will love. Her journey to accepting this is complicated.
Kaito initially started being KID for the opportunity to connect with his father and for the thrill, in that order. But after only a few heists, he starts realizing that while those things have value, it’s not worth the damage it will do to his future—legally, mental-health-wise, and with Aoko. If he hadn’t found out the details of his father’s murder via his father’s murderers, he would have kept an ear to the ground because of Jii saying his father was murdered, but he otherwise would have dropped KID within a few weeks.
When he moves back into his own house, Shinichi is a little disgruntled and a little mad and a little wistful to discover that he sleeps easier when someone else is in the room snoring, now.
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alterofnaught · 3 years
I have.... complicated feelings about pregame because some interpretations are super interesting and I love them but sometimes they just feels like OCs to me and that’s totally cool bc it’s up to personal interpretation at the end of the day but when they feel too far removed from the character I just don’t have as much interest.
I really like when people explore how they are still similar in a lot of ways but the memories given to them by DR affect how their personalities. Nature and nurture and all that. The idea that part of our self in inherently going to be the same regardless of situation but is molded by the situations and people around us. So I like when they aren’t just totally different people but just different because of the backstories given. Not that DR had any scientific accuracy but them just fiddling with memory makes more sense to me then being able to entirely rewrite their brains. Memories and knowledge being overwritten I can buy but forming whole new personalities and talents- not so much. I think their talents likely existed at least in some form before DR (like Kaede could already play the piano, Angie was already an artist, Miu was naturally crafty/intelligent) just amped up with additional memories and backstories to make it feel ‘Ultimate’. Of course that’s just my view. Miu is the only one who really uses an insane amount of talent (the magic show maybe... and Angie with the wax sculptures would count and probably just Kirumi being overall very capable). So yeah... I prefer the interpretations where they are still pretty similar and I think that still works with the tiny amount we do get in canon? Of course the interviews could also be faked-cut-edited as well which is why even making guesses as to what could be true even with the 3 we saw is still totally up to personal interpretation.
Like Saihara for example- all we get is a little scene of his PG self and we see that he’s a giant fanboy of the show. Which of course gets translated to yandere/stalker tropes which is fine if that’s your deal but I don’t think planning a murder/execution as a massive DR fan is really all that insane (it’s pretty common in fanworks-which isn’t entirely the same as volunteering yourself to actually participate but still). But while he’s obviously different in game, I still think there’s aspects of what we saw. He’s still obviously awkward but passionate and determined at time. He’s also still a bit obsessive and weird even if in smaller doses (like he’s not the ‘normal’ one like Naegi or Hinata- he does ridiculous stuff like play 100 rounds of Rock Paper Scissors or stares at Mius chest and waiting for his eyes to change color and I know people have mixed views on the LSE but you can’t deny Shuichi gets super into playing the role he’s supposed to be- like he’s a weirdo).
Even Kaede- her surface is sweet and positive and different then what we see in the tape of course but Kaede definitely still has a harsher side to her in game. She says some brutal things to people at times and in the end she didn’t just believe things would work out or that Shuichis plan would work- she didn’t actually have faith in thier plan to *catch* the mastermind. So I don’t think she was necessarily just the opposite more just what we see in the video is how she would be in a real world situation where intense positivity and enthusiasm can often times end in failure and being extremely jaded bc of it.
And Kaito. Well I mean. I think what he cares most about is being seen as important or significant in any way possible. As the best murderer, as the hero- whatever. Even his talent reflects this. Astronauts aren’t common like it’s a super rare thing to actually go into space and puts you on a super small and exclusive list. So I think that’s something that’s more key to how I see Kaito then just... he wants to be a crazy murderer. More just he wanted to make his time on DR notable and important by creating the most gruesome ones.
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wickfursfanfics · 4 years
10.08 - Hungry
My entry for DCMKEmogust2020! It’s a little late, I’m behind this week xD but oh well.
*Attempted humour *KaiShin
Prompt of the day - Hungry 
 Ever since Kaito had started to live with the detective a year ago. He had noticed a pattern.
When Kaito and Shinichi would go to bed. Both their breaths would even out in sleep, and peace would settle over their room.
But then, sometimes in the middle of the night Kaito would wake up because of him being a light sleeper. Being woken up by his detective leaving the room. He just assumes he was going to the toilet and he would quickly fall asleep again with that knowledge.
But one night he had been awake enough to notice that Shinichi wasn't back until a full 30 minutes later. What had he been doing all that time? The detective just lay down on his bed and falls asleep again like nothing was wrong.
After that night he had started to sense this pattern about the whole thing.
1. Shinichi would always wake up at the unholy hour of 3am.
2. He took around 30 to 40 minutes each time.
3. The kitchen felt strangely disturbed. Like someone had been there after they fell asleep.
4. The fridge felt more empty than usual after one of his night strolls.
Kaito, feeling suspicious about the whole thing. Decides to set up his hidden cameras in the kitchen, the halls and their bedroom.
Shinichi isn't very happy with the discovery.
"Kaito what is this?" He asks, glaring. Holding out the offending devices he had found. Woops.
"Hidden cameras" Kaito answers innocently.
Shinichi rolls his eyes. "I know it's hidden cameras, Baro. What I want to know is, why they are set up in our kitchen" he says impatiently.
Kaito gulps unnoticeably and comes up with a suitable lie.
"I thought I heard a racoon the other night and wanted to make sure we weren't being robbed of all our food" he lied smoothly.
There, nailed it. It's a half truth anyway, though Shinichi is easily the cutest racoon he knows.
The detective sighs.
"Just take them down please" he says, putting down the cameras on the kitchen counter. He then makes his way out of the room, presumably towards the library.
"Alright dear!" He yells. He woops in triumph internally, he hadn't noticed all the other cameras.
"And take down the ones in the halls and our bedroom too you pervert!" Shinichi hollered from the library. Damn.
Kaito deflates in disappointment. He would just have to do this in a different way it seems.
When he and Shinichi went to sleep that night. Kaito sneaked up and put up some traps to try and deterre the detective. He might avoid them so he had to set up, a few. Maybe 10 just to be sure.
When the night gave way to morning and Kaito woke up. He trudged tiredly out into the hall and promptly laid eyes on his detective. He was sleeping strangely soundly in one of his rope-net traps. No indication of him knowing he was there. How odd. 
Feeling a little guilty of letting his detective sleep in such a bad place he took him down and put him in their bed.
When the detective woke up from his slumber, he was grumpy and beyond irritated the whole day. Making Kaito's day a hell. Why would him, deterring his nightly stroll make him so grumpy and wanting so much coffee? He decides it's a bad idea for his health to try the traps a second time.
For the next night Kaito decides to just follow his detective the old fashioned way.
When he wakes from Shinichi leaving the room at 3am. He quietly follows him down the hall on light phantom steps. He knew Shinichi would notice him eventually. But strangely enough he never calls him out on it.
Soon enough they reach the kitchen and Kaito watches in intrest from his hiding spot. As the detective takes out pots, pans and other kitchen wares. Ingredients of all kinds get handled with such expertise Kaito has a hard time believing it isn't a dream. His detective is one of those people who could burn cooked eggs if given enough time to do so. He was a mess in the kitchen.
After setting out something that suspiciously looked like something from food wars. The detective started to eat it with gusto so unlike his detective. He was usually never hungry…
After he had devoured the divine looking meal, he quickly set about cleaning up the kitchen so it basically looked untouched since Kaito used it. After that he headed straight to bed, not once questioning Kaito's presence. If that wasn't odd nothing was.
For several nights he continued to observe his detective's strange habit of making mouth watering foods in the middle of the night. He was a bit jealous that Shinichi got to eat it all. And he hadn't called Kaito out on being in the room once. Even though he had started to observe from the very open and easy to notice doorway.
Then one morning he decided to get to the bottom of this.
He watches as the sleepy detective sluggishly makes his way around the kitchen. His slippered feet dragging as he nurses his mug of coffee like it was the only thing keeping him coherent enough to walk. Which was probably true.
"You know" he drawls as Shinichi gets his customary toast from the toaster. And slowly heads towards his kitchen chair looking like a zombie. "Maybe you wouldn't be this tired every morning if you didn't get up in the middle of the night" 
Shinichi turned drowsy and confused eyes his way. An elegant "what??" escaping his mouth. He then continued with "What are you talking about Kaito?" He yawned out.
"Well, you know. You waking up at 3am every night to make gourmet worthy food" he groused. 
He was honestly feeling a little betrayed. He was the one making dinner for the two of them everyday. Because Shinichi was frankly, terrible in the kitchen. So he has been lied to, Shinichi is amazing in the kitchen and is a terrible boyfriend for not letting Kaito eat with him.
Shinichi looked even more confused if it was possible.
"Kaito, you know I can't even manage to cook eggs without somehow burning the water… How do you expect me to be able to make gourmet food?" He made a face "What kind of dreams are you having exactly?"
The utter denial from his detective honestly hurt, why would he lie to him like this?
But, he decided. He would just have to catch him in the act. Film it all if he had to. Detective's love their evidence after all.
That night Kaito took his phone with him and immediately started to film as his detective made it out of bed. He filmed the red numbers of 3am at his alarm clock and slowly followed the detective down the stairs to the crime scene. Namely the kitchen.
He hanged back in the doorway for a while. Letting Shinichi gather his ingredients and utensils before he approached with purpose. 
He, as loudly as he could walked over and clearly filmed as Shinichi expertly handled the ingredients and his knife. Chopping the vegetables like he had done this thousands of times before. But he didn't even flinch at his presence. Not even when he thrusts his phone into his vision.
"There detective! I now even have evidence, you won't believe I know of this otherwise right?" He sneers. He was not pouting, nuh uh.
But the detective just continued to load stuff into the pan like Kaito wasn't even in the room. Kaito watches for a few seconds as Shinichi uses his spatula. Oblivious to his presence in any shape or form. Before he feels enough is enough. He doesn't like to be ignored, especially by his detective.
Kaito waved a hand Infront of his eyes. "Oi Meitantei, quit ignoring me" he says annoyed. The camera on his phone was still recording. But he was getting a little concerned.
"Shinichi, hello~ You okay?" He still didn't respond. He took the spatula out of his hand with minimal effort and zero protests from the detective. Moving the pan from the burner and turning it off. Then he turned Shinichi's face towards his own.
"Shin-chan?" He asked worriedly. The detective didn't give any indication of even seeing him. Kaito tilts his head in confusion, what was going on?
When he let go of his chin he immediately went back to what he was doing and continues to cook. Like he was in a trance. Like he was-
Then it clicked. Is he- is he sleepwalking? Sleep-cooking?? Kaito was utterly stunned as he continued to film the sleepwalking detective do magic on the stove.
When the meal was finished the detective took out a plate and put it by the stove. Plating himself some food. 
Kaito poofed forth his own plate to see if he would do anything with it. And would you look at that, he automatically plated some food for him too. Kaito chuckled to himself in Humor at the discovery as Shinichi sat down to eat.
Since he wasn't feeling very hungry at the unholy hours of night he decided to just give it a taste test.
As soon as it touched his tongue he moaned unabashedly at the heavenly taste. It was so good~ (*´▽`*)♡
He took another bite just for the hell of it before he covered the plate with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. It was evidence after all. That,  and he could eat it for breakfast in the morning.
When Shinichi was finished he cleaned up like he always did before he went up to their room to sleep. Kaito followed him up with a spring in his step. He will have a field day showing this to his detective in the morning. He couldn't wait.
You could practically see the detective’s sleep-addled mind start to move as Kaito put down the plate of food on the table between them.
"What's this?" He asked sleepily into his coffee.
"This, is the food you made in the whee hours of 3am" he answered nonchalantly. Shinichi just looked down at the food bewildered. Kaito took pity on him and pulled out his phone. He pulled up the video and watched with glee the show of emotions fleeting over the detective’s face.
Shinichi choked on his coffee "What- I never- I didn't-"  he spluttered out, as he watched himself do what, to him, was impossible. "I don't remember any of this..." he mutters with a hand to his head.
When the video came to the part where Kaito tried to make contact  with him, the detective made a disturbed but fascinated sound. "I'm… sleepwalking in the middle of the night to make food" he said slowly "And I'm somehow capable of not burning anything" he said glancing to the plate on the table like it would eat him.
"Seems so" Kaito said cheerily. He grinned as a thought struck him "At least this explains one mystery" he said mischievously.
Shinichi raises an eyebrow in a silent question.
"This explains how you can seemingly go a whole day surviving on nothing but a toast, coffee and fumes" Kaito snickers.
The detective snorted at that "I guess so" then his humor diminished and he turned thoughtful "But it doesn't explain why I can't use this skill while I'm awake"
Kaito blinked "No idea. Maybe your logical mind gets in the way when you are awake"
"You mean I shouldn't think?" He scoffs at that "That is bound to lead to an accidentally cut finger or other injuries"
Kaito just chuckles "But, if we do this right" he began "We could use your sleepwalking to make dinner for the both of us every other day" he reasoned.
Shinichi grumbled an affirmative into his coffee.
Guess his skills could be used after all.
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Next Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover – Bonds Beyond Worlds
With so many ideas about what Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 will be about, I wanted ZEXAL/ARC V/VRAINS crossover continuation the most. I’ve already discussed this before Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens was announced (here it is if you’re interested https://3w-writer-with-wings.tumblr.com/post/189629945740/next-yu-gi-oh-anime-new-series-or-a-crossover ) and despite new series, I’m still hopeful we will be getting a movie at least. Well, even if we aren’t getting it, I’ll write it down anyway. Only once Yuma, Astral, Yu-boys, Bracelet Girls, Yusaku and Ai get a happy conclusive ending will my soul be able to rest.
Still please don’t hate on SEVENS! It’s a nice and funny show and Yuga is a precious little inventor who doesn’t deserve all the hate.
Main cast
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So the main cast will be definitely made of the main protagonists aka. Yuma, Yuya and Yusaku and their partner characters aka. Astral, other Yu-boys and Ai. I also want to include Bracelet Girls since they are very closely connected to Yu-boys, though not directly, more like they have a separate, but just as important mission, maybe they even team up with Rio (since she has psychic-like abilities) and Aoi (who learns about world connection from her brother and wishes to help). If it will possible I’ll also include rivals – though more like supporting characters, the same way Signers and professor Banner were used in the movie. For everyone else it would be more or less just minor roles, but still important enough to contribute to the story (Kaito and Arclight brothers guide Yuma through different worlds, Reiji and Yusho investigate strange occurrences in Arc V and Akira, Kusanagi and Ryouken try to find out where Yusaku went and how to help him). Overall, I wouldn’t include too many characters since I really want to give them meaningful roles. 
How it will connect the series?
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VRAINS ends with a surprising findings uncovered by Akira – VRAINS got connected to many different worlds and Yusaku is on his way to unknown part of VRAINS in order to find Ai. While first crossover was connected by time (hence the title Bonds Beyond Time), this crossover will be connected by space. First crossover already made a big deal out of time (Atem was an ancient spirit from past and had to travel back in time to regain memories in order to rest in peace, Judai was a reincarnation of a Supreme King and Yusei fought against time-travelling cyborg from the future) and was therefore connected by time, with Yusei using Crimson Dragon to travel to past in order to stop Paradox from destroying it. This time, the new trio of protagonists will have to travel through space in order to meet. Since VRAINS ended so abruptly, with Yusaku travelling towards unknown part of network, this would be the most perfect point to start this new journey. If that part of VRAINS network somehow got connected to another world or more like a dimension, this is how Yusaku finds himself in ARC V dimension after the events of the fifth series – sometime after the four dimensions merged into one again. Yuya and Yuzu get used to their counterparts living in their bodies and Yuya is yet to defeat Yusho at that point.
In a way all three series share the same theme of protecting the world and changing it in order to save the ones they love, but with each series, less can be done to save it. Yuma used Numeron Code to save the friends he lost, prevented the destruction of Barian world and turned Barian Emperors back in humans. Yuya managed to seal Zarc’s soul in Reira and get Yuzu back and joined all dimensions into one, but he couldn’t save other Yu-boys and Bracelet Girls. Yusaku was unable to save Ai as Ai was never meant to co-exist with humanity. Therefore I believe this chain of events is in a way connected with Numeron Code – with such drastic change in Astral World and Barian World, the change must’ve affected Original Dimension in ARC V and Dr. Kogami must’ve had a reason to create Ignis (in the most far-fetched logic I believe the change awakened Zarc’s rage and convinced Dr. Kogami that the world is ending and humanity needs an immortal successor). Yuma could also feel guilty and selfish to activate Numeron Code, thinking he might’ve been wrong after all and that caused all the suffering Yuya, Yuzu, their counterparts and Yusaku have been through.
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But at the same time this doesn’t mean they should just give up Numeron Code to fix everything and rather look for a different way, considering how much damage it has already caused. Maybe the antagonist wishes to have Numeron Code and their first goal is to destroy it or seal it for good and at the same time deal with the fact that it could bring Ai, Yu-Boys and Bracelet Girls back. Yusaku and Yuya don’t blame Yuma one bit and they both ensure him that their friends are still there, they just need to find another way to bring them back home. At one point they will be back either before the climax or during the climax (Yu-boys are pretty much already in Yuya, but it could be that they gain their bodies at the crucial moment when they are protecting Yuya). It would be interesting if Ai actually knew Yusaku was looking for him but was too scared to face him, thinking he’ll lose him (maybe Astral helps him get over it and during the moment where Yusaku is in danger, Ai comes back in a similar fashion as he did during his duel with Ryouken).
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It doesn’t necessary need an antagonist, considering the goals the main trio has is already challenging enough, though it would be interesting to have another antagonist. Rather than having a one that thinks they are doing the right thing but are ultimately making everything worse or a character that is outright evil. I prefer to use a very calculating antagonist who has a good reason behind his actions and truly presents a challenge for the new trio. Antagonist like Z-ONE from 5Ds would nicely fit in this story, but like I said, it doesn’t really need an antagonist. It will be also interesting to include a secondary antagonist or antagonists’ right hand against the girl squad. Since I plan to include Numeron Code (I mean it is a literal Infinity Gauntlet, why the hell not?) the main antagonist’s motivation could be something with rewriting reality and space all over again since Yuma and Astral greatly changed it since the end of ZEXAL. The Bracelet girls also have a connection to Ray and En cards that are also a rather powerful element so there would be no need to include more powerful elements, prophecies or ancient grudges against the protagonist trio. 
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This might be a bit far-fetched idea too, but I think it would really interesting to use Yusho as antagonist. Not in a willing way of course, just that someone possesses him and through him challenges the new trio to a duel that decides all. A certain fanfic writer has (Frost190 in “Bonds of Pendulum”) already written down the most amazing duel between Yuya and Yusho that fit into the canon story so well that it made me think just what missed opportunity that duel was. Even though ARC V both starts and ends with Yuya’s vow to defeat his father one day, he never really duels him (though considering Yuri was able to defeat him and Yuya defeated Yuri, he could potentially defeat Yusho as well). Then there’s the fact that Yusho and Yuya haven’t really talked things through face to face yet. While it is clear that Yusho had to leave in order to stop Leo, he left right on the day he was supposed to have this big match. He knew Leo was up to no good, but really, really why he decided to leave on that day? He could’ve at least post-phone that match or be done with it in like an hour or so and then leave. This one thing has bothered me for as long as I can remember and that fact that they never point it out is that more frustrating besides the fact that Leo was magically excused of all horrible things he did. Yusho as antagonist (controlled of course, but using Yuya’s and Yusho’s memories to try to manipulate others) would work very well for Yuma and Yusaku too since Yuma also had to deal with the loss of his father and to Yusaku, Yusho could look like Dr. Kogami – a man who traumatized him for life. 
Like in Bonds Beyond Time, a big duel with protagonists against antagonist is expected to be the main battle of the movie, I would like to spice it up a bit or use entirely different climax scene. I mentioned before that I would love to see Bracelet Girls in action, so what if they get a seperate mission or another antagonist to fight and this is how they find a way to get their own bodies. With this info they have to reach Yu-boys and let them know how to separate them, though again there could be some trouble or something is happening due to disturbance in dimensions and they have to protect people in them. It would be really interesting if they were the trump card or if they would show up at that one moment when they would needed it the most. Another reason of why I want to include them so much is also because only the powers of Yuzu’s bracelet have been partially explained and considering Ray literally split a whole dimension and a demon in four, they must’ve been nearly as powerful as Numeron Code.
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I would also love to expose the new trio of protagonists to their worst fears, showing their pieces of vulnerability there. Yuma could relive his duel with III and all the times he lost Astral and his friends. Yuya could go through the time his father was missing and when he hurt innocent people in berserk form. (In a way I would also love to see Zarc and Ray have a role, at least to guide him and encourage him to not to give up.) Yusaku might expect the trauma from Lost Incident, but it turns out to be the fear of truly losing Ai. Another important challenge would be probably temptation to use Numeron Code for their own interests like maybe it could rewrite Yusaku’s life with Lost Incident never happening, but erase all of Yuma’s friends who got revived. Maybe it could bring counterparts back but cause major disturbance in Den City. Overall I wouldn’t go there too much since I know well that Yuma, Yuya and Yusaku are one of the most selfless people and if anything, they would be fine with giving up on their desire for greater good.
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Another important climax (in case I go with it), is Numeron Code. With such insane power of literal creation and destruction it could be again connected to ARC V, with the whole theme of Heavenly Dragons and En Powers. Similar themes also appeared in VRAINS, especially regarding the creation and destruction of life. It could also be that protagonists will be struggling with how to use it correctly or if they should use it in the first place. Another solution is also permanent destruction, but again, protagonists aren’t sure how will this affect dimensions and timelines. 
In all ways, climax will be epic and will join all the build up, struggles, fears and action in one scene.
Interactions of those who never met
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This crossover will be able to provide a lot of scenes and interactions between characters of those three series. Yuya, Yuma and Yusaku have surprisingly a lot in common, especially their experiences when dealing with loss and fears. For some reason I’m actually seeing Yusaku opening up to them since they could strangely remind him of Ai and that was pretty much the only person besides Kusanagi that Yusaku trusted enough to share his fears. It would be also refreshing for Yusaku to see duelling as fun (I really hoped that would be the case when he duelled Go for the first time) and befriending more people like Ai told him to. Astral and Ai could also share a scene where they are talking about their human partners and the time once their partners will be gone since they are both sort of immortal beings. I strongly believe one of the reasons why Ai sacrificed himself for Yusaku was not only because he saw a future where Yusaku dies protecting him but because he knew Yusaku won’t live forever like him and he couldn’t handle being all alone without Yusaku or other Ignis. Astral who has been alone for thousands of years before meeting Yuma could teach him how to cherish the time with his partner that he still has. 
Like I mentioned it in the beginning – this would more or less be fix-it story. While I’m okay with ZEXAL ending (better than the one in manga at least), ARC V and VRAINS are in dire need for a better ending so overall, the ending conclusion will give the three series a much more conclusive ending. While I love to write a good angst and bitter sweetness for the end, I do no plan to end it this way (especially after binge watching two anime series in a row that had bitter-sweet but hella sad endings). This will have to be a feel-good ending with cheese on top or at least hopeful feel. I’m aiming for similar conclusion as Bonds Beyond Time, with three protagonists parting ways in hopes that they did the right thing and that they can return back to the worlds that they no longer need to fear they will break. 
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The endgame will be obviously with Yu-boys coming back, Ai reuniting with Yusaku and Numeron Code being sealed away or if possible destroyed. If I’m going with “Yuma screwed up ARC V and VRAINS with Numeron Code” way, then I’ll really need to find a good reason to get rid of it or at least find a logical way how. Also he will be dealing with massive guilt and responsibility so maybe… Yuma might go Iron Man with it and others will need to stop him (that might lead to a secondary final duel or more like rescue duel, kinda mirroring final duel between Yusaku and Ai).
So yeah there will be a lot of conclusions to go through, especially if I include original antagonists, though I’m not that sure about it yet.
If anyone has any other ideas, suggestions, theories or anything else related to this topic, feel free to leave it below or PM me. I would love to hear your thoughts on this idea and it will really help me gather more ideas and material for this project that I would really love to write, not just for myself but for all other members of Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom as well.
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rasp-passion-two · 4 years
Hello, sorry if this is annoying but can you explain how Himiko is neurodivirgent, I don't mean to come off as rude or anything, I just don't know much about the topic and am curious? Sorry to cause any trouble.
It’s absolutely not any trouble!! I love talking about how Himiko shows signs of being neurodivergent. It hits close to home specifically since not only is she one of my favorite characters, but I relate to her a lot. Okay, this might be a bit long, so sorry about that lol:
So in case you don’t know exactly what it is, neurodiversity is when mentally your brain is wired differently than normal, or “neurotypical”, peoples brains. Especially with considerably easy functions like socialising, thinking, learning, developing or ageing, and many others. Many disorders can fall under the neurodiversity spectrum. ADHD, BPD, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dyslexia, and many others.
Personally, I think Himiko would fall into the category of being autistic, which has a lot going into it, but can be summed up as a developmental disorder that involves delays in communication, thinking, social situations, and basic human understanding.
Though there is a thread on Twitter that does a good job covering certain criterias that I won’t end up covering (her lack of understanding of social cues, development delays, the reason why she’s depressed, etc.) and it’s really good!!
Below, I’ll list the traits that, in my opinion, Himiko possesses that are common in ND people. Not all of them will be listed, just the bigger ones:
Talking in a slow, almost “emotionless” way
Himiko talks a certain way throughout the whole of the game, rarely ever changing even when she’s expressing very strong emotions. From the very first line she speaks, Himiko talks about something exciting to her, but still sounds very flat and unenthused. Most ND people will always speak in the same tone of voice no matter what. Sometimes, it's very flat and monotone, like Himikos. Sometimes they'll speak slowly either to gather together what they want to say next, or that's just how they were wired to speak. (Almost exactly like Jataro from DR:AE who speaks in a similar way. Who also has a few neurodivergent traits. But that's just a theory c:)
Childish behavior
This usually ranges, but Himiko has a few traits that neurodivergent people have that others consider “too childish”. She’s extremely naive in how she perceives the world, people around her, and their intentions with interacting with her. Like when Kaito asked her to bring her a crossbow of all things and it takes little for her to be convinced to assist him. Or when Kokichi makes fun of her, and she doesn't always gets it. She's sometimes able to understand, but mostly she doesn't understand that he's just taking advantage of her innocence to treat her how he does with others. She takes things everyone says at face value and believes them easily. Her peers consider her to be a bit slow in many areas, almost in a childlike way. She almost has a child-level understanding of vocabulary (i.e. pronounces words the way children do like how the way she says magic almost sounds like “myagic”, her vocabulary is pretty limited, and she usually starts using certain words that she hears others use). When having her Master brought up with the possibility that he left her selfishly and that she was better than him, she always denies it, keeping an innocent mentality so she won’t feel too bad. After being motivated to move forward, she’s seen a lot to want to be helpful to the group and do something useful, and in return they, in my opinion, view that behavior how older people view a child wanting to be helpful to them. The thread above goes more into detail (her bathroom issues, having a unique way of remembering and referring to objects), but these are only some of the examples for Himiko's maturity.
Being a “gifted child” when she was young
This is entirely my speculation since this is never addressed in canon, but Himiko strikes me as a former “gifted child” which most NDs go through. Her “gift” was discovered at a young age and she was really skilled at it. She was known for it by huge masses of people and praised for it. She even had to save the person who saw the talent in her and taught her everything she knows about it when he made a mistake. She gets invited to all types of events because of it. Lot’s of ND kids who were thought of as “gifted'' may have gone through the same thing. It would also explain why she’s so depressed and unmotivated through most of the game, as a result of what’s called “gifted child syndrome”. Having so much praise and expectations set on her so young. Getting older and not having the same energy for it as you had before. Technically all the DR kids are former gifted children, since they're the product of a company exploiting their "gifts", which is a factor in how the world ended in the way it was. But Himiko has more, you could say "traditional" symptoms and after-effects of growing up as a gifted child (depressed, lack of motivation, lack of motivation in her subject, etc.).
Being viewed as lazy
Even though she takes what she's passionate about seriously, less than when she was younger or not, Himiko doesn't always take action with magic, and even everyday tasks. ND people usually lack any sort of drive, sometimes having an “I’ll come back to it later” mentality, excited about it or not. Himiko lacks any drive and motivation throughout the game, even at the idea of being killed, or put in the line of suspicion for someone's killer. She’ll always make excuses on why she can’t act on things, the most common being “she doesn’t have enough MP”. Which goes back to her talent as a magician, which she is especially sluggish in.
Bottling in her emotions and not wanting them to show. But when she does, it results in an on-going meltdown
We all saw it in its prime during the end of the third trial after all, right? Himiko was sort of always closed in, but it wasn't extreme since she hadn't hit her lowest yet. When she did though, (being the prime suspect of Ryoma dying, her closest friends Tenko and Angie dying, being one of the suspects of one of their murders, etc.) She still attempted to hold it all in, which ND people do for a variety of reasons (not knowing how to process extreme emotions, not wanting too much attention by expressing them, or choosing unhealthy ways to process your feelings, amongst others). But once Kokichi called her out for the second time? Not only was everything practically gushing out of her face, but she literally passed out from crying for so long. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that myself, ha. 
The same thing happened in the last trial kind of. Once the truth of the killing game and their identities is revealed, she seems to have a meltdown. It could be from the overwhelmingness of the situation. It could be the amount of "change" of the situation, which she doesn't even remember. It could also be overstimulating tones with the change in environment, the info dumping, and how everyone jumped from topic to topic etc. Meltdowns are normal for ND people, especially since they usually hold in their feelings. Himiko got better at expressing herself, but meltdowns will still happen once something overwhelming occurs (it's a great way to let out steam!!)
Stimming is when someone, ND or not, self-stimulates themselves by repeatedly moving in some way either by speaking, moving either themselves or something else, or watching someone else do it. Most of the time, you can see Himiko fidgeting with her fingers or with her hat. Doing something with her hands, which is a form of stimming
Despite that, Himiko most noticeably stims by speaking, as she sometimes repeats stuff others say, sometimes repeats a word in order to comfort herself and her beliefs (saying “it’s magic” over and over, either in retaliation or in general), and has a go-to word that she’ll always use almost every sentence when she doesn’t know what to say, is caught off guard/by surprise, or just when she starts and ends her sentences (y’know like, “nyeh”?).
“Odd” facial features/expressions
This one presents itself a lot in the game and through her design as well. Her lip stays tucked out all the time, her eyes don’t always stay open, and her face often keeps the same expression (tired and kind of bored). Just like when she speaks, even when she's expressing intense emotions, she'll keep a mellow expression. She lifts her hat into the air and not much changes expression-wise. She'll be accusatory to someone and not much changes expression-wise. To certain people she interacts with, they think her face is "weird" since it'll pull in ways it usually doesn't for NT people. It could be because she's trying to force the look on herself so it's more easier for people to read (which is shown to be the case for most people), but it's also possible that it's just how she looks. Since she's older, she has more freedom to make more strategies to have more natural expressions, but it's still off-putting to some of her peers.
The infamous saying, “she comes off as annoying”
Many people know this one well, and Himiko is no different, especially in the earlier chapters. Almost everything stated above is a factor that plays in people's disdain for Himiko, in the game and the fandom. Characters like Shuichi, Kaede, Tenko, and even Angie are one of the only few people who try to understand and adjust to Himiko's behavior in their own method, while everyone else either ignores her, doesn’t take her seriously, or even end up bullying her because of it, not willing to adjust themselves for her specific brand of behavior. Being an obvious target, coming off as weird, being too blunt and coming off as rude (which even caused her having strained relationships with K1-B0, Miu, etc.), sometimes hyperfixating too hard on magic (her “special interest”), all seem to be a reason for people thinking she’s too high maintenance.
,,,this ask sure is a month old isn’t it? retrdfyugihhuyt I am EXTREMELY sorry I answered this so late, but I haven’t been online lately because of moving, but at least I managed to finish this in less than a day lol. It’s long, but I love Himiko, and love all the quirks that make her who she is, and am happy to explain it to others!! I hope this answered your questions either way (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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trouvelle · 4 years
Red-Hearted Tragedy
For @tanteigisachi, thank you for pulling me out of my hole and back out here <3 You’re the kindest! I hope you can visualize the chirping birds and colorful butterflies and glittering rainbow that I’m presenting you this with (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚*
Fandom: Detective Conan/DCMK Pairing: Shinichi/Ran, (side Heiji/Kazuha and Kaito/Aoko) Rating: G Genre/Tags: Fluff, Domestic Warning: None
Shinichi has a theory about parenthood.
He used to think it’s not possible that once one becomes a parent, one also stops being anything else. Like the status he has right now. He was always known as a Great Detective of the East, the badass son of the famous writer Kudo Yusaku and a soccer enthusiast. Now he's barely himself, the state of parenting having sucked his body dry of anything remotely cool he had going on. Shinichi wonders if Ran feels the same. When Conan first arrived, they were extremely thrilled about finally being a family and so for a long while, Conan was pretty much everything in their minds. Ran started refusing to go to work at Teitan and Shinichi missed more cases than he can account for—all in favor of watching their baby grow healthy and in a strong household.
They succeeded. Conan is now a kind, obedient, smart and very lovely four year old and there is still nothing more important than him in his parents’ lives.
It will be Valentine's Day soon and Shinichi would love for this to be their first Valentine’s Day without Conan's presence jumping and screaming for them to watch Pororo instead of opening a bottle of wine. Don't get him wrong, he loves his son. He just misses being romantic with his wife. That’s just tragic.
That's why he calls Heiji.
"Forget it," the guy says. "Kazuha and I had a hard time booking a nanny for Valentine's. She's pretty expensive and the only one who hasn’t been threatened by the twins so far."
Shinichi traps the phone between his ear and his shoulder while typing the report to finish up his latest murder case. It's the second case he’d taken this week. He's tired and grumpy and wants to end his week early to spend the whole Valentine weekend, but people seem to be exploding with their grudges, stalking ex-girlfriends here and murdering ex-husbands there.
"You should get them checked," Shinichi jokes half-hardheartedly.
The other gasps. Shinichi can practically hear Heiji’s Giant Head of Doom growing in size. "Don't insult my beautiful children!"
"You could at least ask your nanny to look after Conan as well. He's quiet, and you know he won't make any mess."
"Get your own nanny." Heiji scoffs. "Where ya’ at?"
Shinichi exhales. "Working."
"How many cases ya’ got this week?"
"Three. People really need to chill. It’s the holiday of love, not hatred. ” Shinichi answers with such exasperation and Heiji laughs. “I take it you’re just as busy as I am?”
"Nah, I got a murder and a robbery earlier this week but now I’m chillin’ and ready for the weekend." Shinichi just knows that his best friend is grinning ear to ear at this moment.
And so he decides he's had enough of him. He hangs up with a scowl, but not before sending one last grumble in Heiji’s way.
Ran places a cup of coffee in front of Shinichi, Conan's orange juice in one hand and this morning’s newspaper under her arm.
"He won't do it," Shinichi says.
Ran squints, sitting across from him at the dining table. "Kazuha-chan told me they’ve gone through a lot of trouble to find a good babysitter. I think that means they do not want to babysit this weekend."
"Well they just found one and he says he won't share." Shinichi sips at his coffee.
Ran chuckles, standing up and calling for Conan, who walks out from his bedroom already perfectly dressed (hair a mess, though). The four year old tiptoes to reach his juice box, jumping on the couch once the box is secure between his hands. Shinichi gulps his coffee before walking toward Conan and sitting himself next to his son on the couch.
"Hey," he says.
Conan blinks dazedly, clearly bored out of his mind and undoubtedly thinking about the comfort of his bed. It's barely even eight and the kid is already tired.
"So... today is a special day," he continues. Conan stares at him. "A special day for... daddies and mommies."
"Valentine's Day?" Conan asks. Shinichi frowns.
"Yes, how do you know about Valentine's Day?"
"Everyone knows about Valentine's Day, Dad."
"But you're too young to..." he shakes his head. "Never mind. Are you ready for school?"
Conan stands up as if doing so is such a burden, and Shinichi thinks about talking to Ran about ways to make kindergarten seem more interesting for their toddler. 
There is no nanny available. All nannies were already booked by smarter couples that probably have been planning their Valentine's night for days. Shinichi and Ran are easily 'the rest'.
"Kuroba, please? Can you watch Conan just for one night?"
"It's Valentine's Day, Kudo."
"You told me that you don’t have any plans with Aoko anyway. You could use some company. Conan is nice company, he likes your magic tricks and he's an amazing listener. You can dump all your dissatisfaction with life and your father-in-law and the world on him, he won't even mind."
Kaito is beyond outraged. "First of all, I DO have plans with Aoko! It’s just that her father wants to have a Valentine's dinner with her that she can’t say no to.” Shinichi has to drag the phone away from his ear. “Second of all, ALL kids love my magic tricks and. And I am definitely NOT dissatisfied."
Shinichi wisely chooses not to point out the extreme dissatisfaction in the magician’s voice. "Please? Ran and I really need this moment. It's been ages since we went on a romantic dinner. We haven’t even had the chance to spend any alone time outside lately."
"And you blame that on your son." Kaito's tone is accusing and reprimanding.
"No. Yes, somehow, but, not in a bad way. It's just... Being a parent is hard. We focus all our time and energy on Conan and end up with nothing left for ourselves. I miss having a day for us, you know?"
There's silence. Shinichi hopes Kaito is trying to picture how hard it is to have a child and eventually consents, because he's Shinichi's last option. But to be honest, maybe it’s not the best idea to put in the magician’s head. He doesn’t want an angry Aoko coming for him.
"Ok, fine." Kaito answers and Shinichi punches the air in celebration. "Remember that you owe me another one and that I expect free food."
"You got it, Kuroba!"
If all kids are as calm as Conan, Kaito muses, then he can’t wait until Aoko and his bundle of joy arrives. He only prays that his child wouldn’t turn out to be as hyper as the Hattori twins. Conan doesn't seem affected by Kaito's presence, but then again, everything the kid needs is his pillow and a television. Preferably some cartoons.
Shinichi averts his gaze from the two just as his wife walks into the living room. Ran looks good. So good. And Shinichi's hands are sweating with anticipation. It's been so long since the last time they've gone out, just the two of them where clowns and kiddy toys aren't involved.
He approaches her, who is now leaning against the wall with arms folded on his chest and a fond expression on his face. She's watching Conan staring at the TV while clutching his pillow, the boy's eyes already drooping with drowsiness. Kaito sits next to him and occasionally attempts to chat, but Conan isn't exactly a conversationalist. He's one of the quiet ones. And definitely Shinichi’s son.
"He's so big," Ran mentions in that tone she only uses when talking about Conan. "Did four years really go by that fast?"
Shinichi sighs as Conan perches his head up to watch Kaito perform some tricks. "Why? Do you still think about him as a baby?"
"He's still a child. He still needs care." Ran bites her lips, worry washing over her features. "Maybe we should cancel Valentine's Dinner."
Before Shinichi can muster up an angry answer about several months without a couple's moment and the survival of their relationship while being parents, Kaito walks towards them.
"You guys should go or you'll miss the reservation," he says, that annoying complacent smile on.
"Do you have the list of things he's allowed to eat and do you have the list of numbers to call if something happens?" Ran fidgets with her fingers. Shinichi promptly holds her hands.
Kaito smiles. "Yep, I've got it covered, Ran-san. Just go and have a good time and come back early if you can."
They probably wouldn’t.
Shinichi also has a theory about having a good time on Valentine's Day.
For them, it's not possible anymore.
They make it to the reservation in peace and the lobster Ran ordered is on its way when Shinichi's phone rings. It's their home number, so it has to be Kaito. He takes a deep breath to mentally prepare himself for a disaster, but instead of destruction he gets his son's voice.
"Heiji jichan?" Conan says.
Shinichi pulls the phone away and glares at the screen. Why would his own son call Hattori, not him? Shinichi did set Hattori’s number on their speed dial after his and Ran’s, but nevertheless he is gravely disappointed.
"Conan?" he asks, Ran frowning.
"Oh Dad? Sorry, I want to call Heiji jichan. Goodb—”
Shinichi narrows his eyes and interrupts before his son can hang up. “Hey buddy, is everything ok?”
“Um, It's Kaito jichan, dad. He's dying."
Shinichi's brain processes the fact that his toddler is nowhere near harm, and he exhales very loudly in relief. And once he processes what his son actually said, he chokes on his own saliva. Ran leans towards him, eyebrows knitted together. 'What's wrong?' she mouths. Shinichi can't even bring himself to say it.
"What—” he coughs into the phone. "What do you mean, Conan? You didn't make someone stick a fork up the socket again, did you? Conan, I told you that is dangerous."
Ran gasps, horror freezing her face. Both her hands fly to her mouth as she stands up, dropping to the floor next to Shinichi's chair. He runs a hand through his hair and slowly shakes his head, reassuring her that their son is ok. Although there is someone dying and they should be on their way home already.
"He ate something from the fridge, Dad. Now he's moving funny and he sounds weird."
If he tunes everything out, he can indeed listen to faint noises in the background. That's probably Kaito having a hard time.
"What is it?" Ran asks, squeezing Shinichi's thigh.
"Kuroba ate something and is now dying."
"DYING?" She pulls herself up and paces around in panic. "He didn't eat the stew did he? Because Sonoko sent us that and she said it’s something called Bouillabaisse which is—”
“— fish... stew." Shinichi finishes lamely.
Which Kaito is tragically allergic to.
"We need to go," he jumps from his seat, drawing his wallet and throwing some money on the table. He wishes no one would steal it because they're in a hurry and he always sees people throwing money on tables at movies so he figures it works. Out of luck, the restaurant Shinichi picked is a few minute drive from their house. There's a nice chance they'll get to save Kaito.
Shinichi's theories have been proven correct:
1. He's no longer simply Kudo Shinichi, great Detective of the East and husband of Mouri Ran. He's now Kudo Shinichi, Conan's dad. 2. Therefore, it's tragically impossible to enjoy Valentine's Day with only the woman he loves.  3. His son is perfectly okay with conveniently inconveniencing his uncle Heiji at any given circumstance (in this case, he calls Heiji after Shinichi hangs up just to see which one of them would arrive to save Kaito the fastest). 4. Couldn't Kaito have picked another moment to try and die?
Shinichi's Valentine's Day is now being spent at the ER, with his four year old son fast asleep in his wife’s arms while said wife stares glassy-eyed at the television in the waiting room. It turns out that Conan was trying to call Heiji instead of him because he did not want to ruin the “special day for mommies and daddies” for his own mommy and daddy.
Well, it doesn’t really matter now. Everyone’s Valentine’s Day has been ruined beyond repair. It’s something they’d definitely look back and laugh about, but looking around the room, Shinichi’s certain that none of them has enough energy to muster a nice joke. 
Although, he actually chuckles when he hears Kazuha say, “I told you something was gonna happen tonight, Heiji. I told you so.”
There are bags under Ran's eyes and her hair is disheveled, the red sweater she'd carefully picked for their date now draped loosely around their son for his warmth. Shinichi snorts, feeling mocked. All he wanted was a romantic night with his wife. That's all.
He sticks his hand into his pocket, thumb flicking over the pendant of the necklace he was supposed to give to Ran as a surprise. It's a simple necklace. Not that he doesn't have the money—it's just that Ran doesn't care about expensive stuff. 
"Hey," A whisper pulls him from his reveries and Shinichi glances at his wife. Ran looks tired, but so damn beautiful. How could someone as gorgeous as her have ended up with a piece of geeky detective like him? "Don't beat yourself up."
He sighs, blinking as he drags the necklace out of his pocket. "We've changed, haven't we?" He brings his eyes up to Ran's.
“Of course we have. There are three of us now. It doesn't mean we can't have a good time. Look at Aoko-san and Kuroba-kun, I’d say they’re having it worse than us.” Ran smiles knowingly, hand caringly brushing over Conan's hair.  “Also, is that my present?”
Shinichi smiles back at her, lifting his hands. "It is... Yeah, it's supposed to be your present."
"I love it!" Ran laughs.
"I already know you do." Shinichi takes one last look at the necklace and decides that it will look better around Ran’s neck. He would gladly help Ran put the necklace on, but Conan is an effective clinger, both arms locked around his mom’s neck.
"Shinichi… thank you. I didn't have time to get you a present, sorry." She mumbles the last part of the sentence with guilt, eyes still locked with his. He can see the apologetic shine in her eyes, even though he doesn’t understand why she feels the need to apologize to him. He doesn’t want anything else from her. She’s already everything he can ever wish for.
"I don’t need anything else," he says, pushing the necklace into Ran's pocket before leaning over to peck at his wife’s lips.
Shinichi has another theory about this night.
It didn't turn out to be what he was expecting it to be: his friend almost accidentally killed himself; his four year old son almost witnessed someone die; his best friend is willing to drop anything just to attend to said son; they nearly ran over an old lady in their haste to go home to save Kaito's life (which was proven futile anyway, because Heiji miraculously appeared first to get them to the hospital) and all of them are now ending their very special night at the hospital as Kaito recovers from his near-death experience. 
It was a tragedy. Everything went wrong except for one thing. Shinichi and Ran went through it all together. 
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
001 - Danganronpa
Favorite character: KAZUICHI SODA IS MY BABY BRO!!! Look, I know he's problematic but he's also a kind soul, a wayward outcast, a heartbroken man, anxiety incarnate, and just a very relatable everyman lens through which to view DR or any fanwork you put him in. He has far too much energy and I'm here for it. After him, JUNKO ENOSHIMA. She's glam, she's spontaneous, she's sadistic, she's just here to fuck up some shit, she'll keep rotating personalities and accents for as long as it takes to keep it fresh in her own mind while everyone's just like "What the hell, lady?" She broke the planet and I'm glad. Just an engaging villain. After that, my love goes out to Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota, and Tsumugi Shirogane.
Least Favorite character: TERUTERU HANAMURA. So you show me how he can't respect women (or hot men) for two hours, then try to claim that he loves his mom? Did his poor sick mom approve of him womanizing (and man-izing)? No wonder Kazuichi picked up some horrible habits hanging around this fuckwit. Also shout-out to all five of the Warriors of Hope for having bomb designs and then failing to impress me across the board.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Kazuichi Soda x Weiss Schnee (RWBY), Junko Enoshima x Jerome Valeska (Gotham), Tsumugi Shirogane x Mr. Sparkles (Big Hero 6: The Series), Shuichi Saihara x Naminé (Kingdom Hearts), aaaaand Sondam
Character I find most attractive: Kaito Momota
Character I would marry: Ehhhhhh I'm not sure. I'd like my husband material to be a bit older than all of them.
Character I would be best friends with: See, while logically I know that a RL Kazuichi would be too much to handle, I still really want to be his pal. (H...hey...Junko and Tsumugi? Can I hang? Can we invite Mukuro?)
a random thought: You know that whole revelation in SDR2 that the Remnants of Despair replaced their body parts with Junko's salvaged from her corpse? In a world where DR3 is nonexistent, do you ever wonder what the ones who weren't Nagito, Mikan, or Fuyuhiko had? (I do like the idea of Fuyuhiko losing his eye in Neo World because it was gone IRL and replaced with Junko's. Junko WOULD be that cheeky to arrange such a thing.) I personally like to think Kazuichi had one of Junko's legs. Walked with a limp for a loooooong time.
An unpopular opinion: I actually like Korekiyo Shinguji. I like fucked-up villains, and it's not like they ever endorsed what he did as a good thing. I think you were supposed to feel disgust upon him disclosing his true nature, because Shuichi sure was disgusted and worked hard to bring him down for it. I don't really feel "betrayed" by the writing either because the whole series, as the mystery genre, revolves around there being horrible twists to uncover at every turn, and the previous two games also had characters they let you get attached to only to reveal a darker side later (Celeste stands out big-time). Also, it just strikes me as frickin funny that his whole motivation was incest and the others cringed, and then Tsumugi's love hotel scene has her revealing she has a stepbrother kink, and Tsumugi is the one who created Kiyo as an entity, so basically she was like "FINALLY I GET TO FANSERVICE MYSELF WITH MY KINK"
my canon OTP: I don't even know how you'd consider a DR couple "canon" because I feel like a lot of the subtext gets far but it's never explicitly said. I'm gonna take the Word of God statement to say Ishimondo is in fact canon, and I love it. The chill delinquent tol loves his high-strung smol.
Non-canon OTP: Kazuichi/Weiss is becoming more of a joy the longer I have it
most badass character: Going by what we hear in her case file, Mukuro Ikusaba. Oh, man, what I would give to see gameverse Mukuro kicking some ass. I mean the "IF" short story did give us the text version of that mental image, which I appreciate a lot.
pairing I am not a fan of: Kazuichi/Sonia; he needs to learn to let her go and be better to the next girl. SaiOuma, Kiibouma, and Oumota all feel like they require Kokichi to be too nice and vanilla and functional in the relationship, and Oumeno is that but also straight which Kokichi is not. Nagito/Mikan; he gay and she into a completely different type of villain.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): They never let Taka grow out of his grief before he simply died. Hiro was just a joke and the longer he went on, the more of a jerkass he became. Kaito is a WONDERFUL character but I don't like that there's a random bit of homophobia hidden in an optional scene in the English translation (if this is gonna be a flaw of his, at least have it out in the open), and even less the transphobia in the Japanese translation. Angie was just one long racist joke, Nagito's motivation was really roundabout to explain, and then...DR3. Just DR3. Junko Enoshima converted her Remnants through hard work and persuasion, not a magic hypnotism video!
favourite friendship: Shuichi, Kaito, and Maki. Otherwise known as "the positivity beam and his two anxious misfits."
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: KAZUICHI IS BABY BRO
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altumvidetur · 4 years
Kaishin Fic Recs
Previously: Haikyuu!! Fic Recs
So, I was thinking about the coronavirus pandemic and what I could do to help people out. I’m isolated because I’m at higher risk, so I can’t really offer to go out for my elderly neighbors or my family… but I thought I could try to help keep people entertained.
Because I don’t have an AO3 account right now, I’ve been compiling fic recs for my own amusement for a year or so. And I thought – maybe that’s the time to share these with everyone? So everyone will have plenty of things to read while they have to stay at home, or even to escape anxiety a little bit if you’re forced to go out.
Of course, these cater to my own tastes, so you may find stuff you don’t like around here. I never include works in progress. The Mature and Explicit works will be in italic. I ask you to READ THE WORK’S TAGS before continuing, so you won’t find anything that makes you uncomfortable.
I’ve decided to split it in a series of posts, and, well, when it comes to DCMK, I have one major OTP. So here’s enough Kaishin to keep you entertained for a year:
The Dwelling Night, by proser132
Three shot. KaiShin. Brief moments were all they had, but dwelling on dreams is sometimes enough.
In Theory, by orphan_account
Kaito's got a whole list of cheesy and awful pickup lines to use on Shinichi.
(Un)fortunately for him, Shinichi's got just as many to throw back.
As You Wish, by orphan_account
Shinichi hasn't been doing a very good job of pretending he isn't hiding something from Kaito, and Kaito is more than determined to find out what it is -- even if it means asking everyone the detective knows in order to do so.
He just wants to know what all the boxes are for.
you’re the reason i come home, by LunaDarkside
Shinichi comes home after a two-week investigation in New York. Kaito could not be more thrilled.
Lovesick, by DragonSorceress22
"You know what I want? I want a fic where Kaito sends out a heist notice but then he gets sick but he can't NOT go. I guess it could go the other way too, where Conan solves a heist notice but then he gets sick but he can't NOT go. I want to read that fic." "There's tons of fics like that..." And now there's one more.
whispers and nicks and all these tricks, by LunaDarkside
In which there is sex pollen at a heist, and Kaito and Shinichi end up in the same room. Coincidentally enough.
Be Real, by DragonSorceress22
This, KID thought, was what someone reaching their limit looked like.
a study in scarlette, by kittebasu
There are people who want to live forever, and then there is Shinichi, who just wants to live a little longer than this.
wait a minute (so you’re not just losing the dress), by LunaDarkside
Everything is overwhelmingly good. And then Kaito has to go and say it.
“I’ve never done this before,” he mumbles mindlessly against the pliant softness of Shinichi’s lips, and everything immediately stops.
“Wait, what?” Shinichi jerks upwards, eyes wide.
Or, neither Shinichi nor Kaito has any experience, but they make do.
The printer’s a lie, by OrphanText
In which Kuroba has an annoying printer, a very good looking (and mildly terrifying) RA, and general bad ideas up his sleeves (but it works out in the end).
The Alcohol Test, by DragonSorceress22
When your rival-turned-best-friend is a phantom thief who has recently reached legal drinking age, there’s really only one responsible way to approach the matter. Spreadsheets.
Getting Off Track, by solomonara
The easiest way to find out what someone wants is to ask them, so of course neither Shinichi nor Kaito KID is going to do that. (OR: In which Shinichi and Kaito KID take turns falling into each other's arms.)
Wouldn’t Change A Thing, by BlackKatJinx
“Don't you get tired of it?”
“'It'?” He asks.
By Any Other Name, by AngelicSentinel
the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you hear them say your name.
Snowed In, by DragonSorceress22
Shinichi and Kaito are exceptionally bad at quiet nights at home.
Go Out With a Bang (Since We’re to Wilt Anyway), by KXL
Love can be cruel, and painful, but Kaito knew that already. Maybe he's just a masochist.
take in another breath (get closer), by Melomaniac
He paused on the threshold of the door between the pseudo-corridor and the seating area, and faintly corrected himself. Not as alone as he thought. Not as alone at all.
Sat by himself, with his chin resting on his hand, an arm loosely propped on the small table, an explosion of paper and assorted important looking documents in front of him, flask of (presumably) coffee held to his lips, was Kudou Shinichi, whose eyes had met Kaito’s when he walked into the carriage, had widened, and hadn’t looked away since.
In which there is a late night (or an early morning), a train, copious amounts of flirting, a phone, a name, and a stolen heart.
Last Day Again, by Phantoms_Echo
(Summary by me: Groundhog Day!AU with Kaito becoming more and more unhinged as he desperately tries to break the time loop he’s stuck in.)
Net Force, by LunaDarkside
Ran decides it's high time for Shinichi and Kaito to get together. Awkward matchmaking ensues.
Of Corset Hurts, by KXL
Shinichi and Kaito are both pretty much done with the situation, though for somewhat different reasons. Both reasons involve overly long dresses to some degree.
Ace up Their Sleeves, by Procrastination_Sensation
Summary by me: Soulmates!AU in which seeing your soulmark in someone else (your soulmate) causes debilitating pain until the two of you kiss.
Murder by Cremation, by KXL
Capturing the lawless monsters who ate people after burning them up was, apparently, the easy part.
Halloween Heist, by Phantoms_Echo
Because Halloween Scavenger Hunt doesn't sound as nice.
Trick or Treat, Tantei-kun! Up for a little Halloween game? I’ve left clues all over town. Find them all, you’ll get a treat. Fail to find them in time, you’ll get a trick. Good luck, Tantei-kun. -Kaitou KID
the suffering of fools, by AngelicSentinel
It's Las Vegas; the lights are bright, the liquor is flowing, and Ran married someone other than Shinichi. He just wants to drown his sorrows, but a half-familiar face steals his drink.
♠ ♦ ♣ ♥ Case Files, by AngelicSentinel
Solving life's little mysteries, one at a time.
one-shots in the suffering of fools universe
A Study in Trust, by Calculatrice
Conan swallows anger and condemnation and, for the very first time, gives Kaitou KID the benefit of the doubt. ________________
In which Conan constantly has to revise what he thinks of a certain thief, and is frankly getting pretty sick of feeling like his subconscious is already ahead of him.
Jacket, by Calculatrice
He turns to look at KID, grimacing as his overlong sleeves swish around him.
“It doesn’t exactly fit me,” he frowns as he points out the obvious. “Does this do anything for you?”
Kiss and tell., by DragonSorceress22
Shinichi might have gotten a little ahead of himself. And KID. Luckily, Hakuba has a level head and a soft spot for lovesick genius-idiots.
the goat one-shot, by helloimtrash
They're family now.
Interrogation, by Calculatrice
Admittedly, there are many things Kaito could probably be blamed for, but pulling Shinichi into the nearest empty hallway to kiss him senseless isn’t one of them.
So It Goes, by Calculatrice
It goes like this.
(In which Murphy’s Law isn’t much of a law - more something to be gleefully stomped on.)
Mii Plaza, by Calculatrice and helloimtrash
“Okay,” Kaito grins as the opening notes of Wii Sports ring out. “Are you ready for defeat?”
“Can’t we just play Mario Kart,” Shinichi frowns, crossing his legs as he watches Kaito push the coffee table out of the way. “It’s like, one in the morning.”
The Forensics of Falling, by LunaDarkside
[FF.Net Link] When fans of world-famous magician and actor Kuroba Kaito begin turning up dead, Inspector Kudou Shinichi is put on the case.
the toxicology of trust, by LunaDarkside
World-famous magician and actor Kuroba Kaito and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Force's star inspector Kudou Shinichi finally get some much-needed time off. Or they would, if there wasn't a killer on their cruise.
(sequel to The Forensics of Falling)
On Familiarity, by lastdream
No one had ever known Kaito quite like Shinichi did, and Kaito wasn't sure he could take it.
Lies and the Art of Relaxation, by DragonSorceress22
Shinichi is stressed and Kaito is a liar. Business as usual.
And Again, by Calculatrice
It’s late, late in the night, and while on another night they may have been awake and neck-deep in plans, or perhaps delirious and making silly conversation, tonight he and Kaito are both curled in bed.
the only bed worth sleeping, by LunaDarkside
Kaito's not a detective, but he's pretty sure there's no logical explanation for Shinichi's disappearance from his apartment. Or for the cat that's shown up in his kitchen.
Magic Eight Ball, by Rikkamaru
Shinichi chases Kaitou Kid into the Blue Parrot thinking he's injured.
(For the Kaishin Discord, which made a "challenge" that a few people took up.)
swing for the fences, by LunaDarkside
"How to Fall in Love with Kudou Shinichi (Featuring Pink Panties, Dead Bodies, and Ill-Advised Bets): A Comprehensive and Kind of Embarrassing Guide" by Kuroba Kaito.
In The Soul, by Calculatrice
Shinichi ferries souls from the shores of the living to those of the dead, so they may pass safely on to an eternal afterlife. It’s really not a difficult concept, and definitely not one he thought could be wilfully ignored, but Kuroba Kaito obviously didn’t get the memo.
even miracles, by LunaDarkside
“No, Mother,” Shinichi says pleasantly. “I don’t think it would be a good idea to host a dinner party to find me a wife.”
bros before, by LunaDarkside
Shinichi needs a fake date for his parents' vow renewal ceremony. Naturally, he asks his best friend, Hattori. 
maybe I was going too fast, by Ann1215
A year after Kaito faces off Conan, who'd figured out his identity, he comes across Kudou Shinichi during their first year of university.
Trouble is, Kudou has no idea who Kaito is.
swear i’ll never leave again, by Ann1215
When Kaito eventually grows tired of his mother's relentless matchmaking tendencies, he ropes Shinichi into tricking everyone they know and love that they're both engaged. To each other. And it's easy enough, because all they have to do is:
1. Don't lie to each other. 2. Don't tell anyone about their plan. 3. Don't fall in love with each other.
At least, it was supposed to be easy.
(See you) Next Illusion!, by PhantomsEcho
Collections of Oneshots too long to fit in Next Conan Hint.
beneath a waxing moon, by kittebasu
The man stares at him, and then shakes his head, messy hair shaking with it. “Car trouble, Detective?” The way his lips curl around the word ‘detective’ strikes Shinichi as strange, eerily familiar, and Shinichi almost has to physically shake the feeling away before he can reply.
“Engine’s making a weird noise,” Shinichi says, and then his thoughts catch up with alacrity, his muscles tensing all at once. “What makes you think I’m a detective?”
“Police tags on your car,” the man replies, grin growing wider. “Plus this is a Camry from the nineties. No one drives those but police, these days, and regular officers drive patrol cars.” He leans forward a little, gloved hands circling his helmet and lowering it slightly to his handlebars for extra balance. “Far from undercover, if you know what you’re looking for.”
The cloud cover shifts, revealing the gorgeous full moon, and the light catches the man just right, surrounding him in a pearly glow and putting his face in shadow. “And you know what you’re looking for?”
broken glass, by jadedgalaxies
KID presses Shinichi into the wall, covering his mouth with a gloved hand and shushing him quietly. Shinichi’s heart thrums. KID isn’t looking at him but every part of KID that is pressed against Shinichi is electrified. Even amidst the circumstances that led to this moment, KID’s heartbeat is steady under Shinichi’s trembling fingers. His hair tickles Shinichi’s nose, his scent sweet and overpowering. KID is warm, alive, thrilling. Shinichi’s face warms.
In this moment, beneath the pale moonlight, helping KID evade arrest, detective Kudou Shinichi realizes he’s in love with the Phantom Thief, Kaitou KID. And he probably has been for a long time.
Shinichi realizes he's in love with Kaitou KID and that's just the beginning.
Owned and Never More Free, by Curry Jolokia
Kaitou Kid is uncatchable. Except for this.
about a love that glows, by LunaDarkside
The good news is that it’s not an overt time limit on his life, and it’s not anything parasitic. It’s not a life-force drainer, or a bad luck charm, or a magnet for unfortunate circumstances. It’s not going to bother him in day-to-day life.
The bad news is that if Shinichi falls in love with someone, he’ll die. And they’ll die.
(There is no good news, really.)
the empty vault of night, by AngelicSentinel
Shinichi offers Kid a gift. For a price.
Sound of Silence, by Cesela
His return to being Kudou Shinichi was not everything he had hoped for, not with Ran moving on, a limp and a shattered soul as he struggles with the return to normalcy. And then there’s the neighbour with a soft smile slowly battering down his walls. Kaishin / Shinkai
A Case Closed Carol, by solomonara
With apologies to Charles Dickens. Shinichi is working way too hard and has zero time for Christmas or anything else, really. But a rather unlikely source is about to put him back on track...
where villains spend the weekend, by aishiteita
A former teen sleuth enlists a should-be-retired-thief's help to slap ennui in the face.
(Alternatively, a study in motives.)
always ends in a hazy shower scene, by LunaDarkside
Shinichi didn’t mean to shack up with an internationally wanted thief.
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