#i just had a speedrun through my childhood reading the news
doux-amer · 3 months
Oh my god, the news about Akira Toriyama. I'm stunned, but the grief is seeping in between the cracks and I'm not prepared. He is and was invincible and immortal to me.
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strobichie · 10 months
just sae.
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♡⸝⸝ summary: poor you decided to replay ddlc, but something seems wrong... why is monika sae?
little note: bachira is sayori, rin is natsuki, and isagi is yuri!!
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your perspective:
i had recently gotten a new computer, there are so many things i still need to work with and customise to my liking.
so, to cure my boredom, i'm installing ddlc again and replaying it!
my favourite character is natsuki, i absolutely loved how adorable and relatable she just is. she reminded me of one of the kids i babysat.
after installing the win files i extracted them all and started the game up, as usual, i see the 4 dokis on the main screen on startup.
i entered my name of choice and started the game ---
wait, bachira??? FROM BLUE LOCK??
why was he sayori? not gonna lie, his sprites are really cute, but how..??
i re-checked the website i downloaded the game from but it displayed the 4 dokis there and there was nothing wrong..
huh, why am i being scared?
i should be grateful, honestly.
i've been blessed by the gods above!! for once i'm fucking lucky!
no way was i gonna pass up the opportunity to interact with my favourite anime characters especially since they somehow ended up in my favourite childhood game..!
i wonder who natsuki, yuri, and monika would be, though?
this is interesting! as i progress even more reading the dialogues and clicking on the chat box, after a few minutes of suffering i finally got to the literature club with bachira!
"seriously, a girl? way to be a killjoy." rin... RIN?!?!?!?!?!
wait.. could that mean ---
i hope monika is kaiser or even better, anri..!!
gosh this got me feelin' so giddy and chipper in the early fucking morning..
i skipped a few of the dialogues, and abruptly stopped when a certain person came into view.
...sae? really?
what an eyesore. i hate sae, of all people, why sae?
sure he was similar to monika, but only in appearance. kaiser or anri could have been able to fulfill this role.
i sighed in annoyance, at least i have rin and the others...
i continuously skipped many dialogues and had finally gotten to the part where sayori, or in this situation bachira, hangs himself..
right, this was a horror game after all. did i really forget about the main plot?
i stared at the screen with an obvious frown. rin and isagi are next..
and the person behind all this was saeshit. ugh, seriously... well, good thing i can just delete his files at any given time.
progressing through the story even further, i got a special poem and cringed at the 'drawing'. it was bachira hanging in a humorous manner.
this was unfortunate.
i clicked on the chat box endlessly, wanting to speedrun to the moments of all my favourite characters deaths..
seeing rin crack his neck and isagi stab himself looking like a crazed maniac broke my heart. good things don't last.. this will probably be the last time i'll ever be able to play this version of the game.
then, here sae was, fuck was he smiling for?
"let me take a quick one of rin's cupcakes, these such are really good for a brother so shitty and nasty." i scoffed and gritted my teeth in anger, sae was clearly the asshole in their brother-ship.
i was met face-to-face with sae, i pursed my lips and stared at my computer screen.
"it's nice to talk to you even if it's by a dialogue box." is this even real?
"i know that you're thinking: is this legitimate? to answer your question, yes it is. i became self aware after everything in that god damn manga and anime called blue lock, i felt sick and tired of not being able to show up in the manga after a long period of time. somehow, i found a way to break the barrier between the fictional animanga world and reality as you call it." that was a mouthful. he was pretty talkative now. my burning hatred for sae cooled down a bit as he spoke more ---
"i found this 'cutesy romance horror' game and it had all the things i needed in order to cross over to the real world. this version of the game only exists on your desktop, {user}. is {user} even your name? are you even a girl?" he shot me a confused expression.
"honestly, i don't care anymore. even i started falling in love with you. i thought i wasn't capable of love, just like the original character monika, i fell in love with you." this sent a shiver down my spine, i sweat-dropped and continued reading his dialogues.
"you read that right, i love you. even if i'm not real, i love you. i won't ever let you leave me. i'll kill you even if you think of it." he coldly stated and i opened my file explorer, ready to delete his character file --- huh.. why couldn't i delete it?
"i'm disappointed, why would you wanna try to delete me? i love you, you should be grateful i love you." but i hated sae, i hate him!
"i've been practicing for a while, i think i can finally break the laws of physics and rules of nature between our worlds." uhm, does he even know what the fuck's he saying?
"i'll see you soon, goodbye {name}. i love you." HOW DID HE GET MY NAME? DID HE HACK INTO MY COMPUTER BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK..?!?!?!
i was scared shitless, jesus christ, just what did he mean by all that? i force shut down my computer and rolled to my bed covering myself in my blankets. time to go back to sleep after that eventful experience.
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short little fic, should i make a part two?
finally made a part 2!
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fabiansociety · 6 months
i started playing yakuza 0 in August last year, and I've been playing my way through the entire series ever since. it's been a wild ride — a lot of nonsense plot has flowed through and out of my brain, a lot of janky combat, a massive amount of characters i've come to love, and hundreds of warmly empathetic substories that have pressed themselves into my brain. it feels like i've crammed an entire found family into my life, speedrunning through decades of character growth, major triumphs and minor failures. what it all means, in retrospect, i couldn't quite say. the series hasn't had a consistent point of view, except for an increasing melancholy of how life's narrative opportunities narrow with age and poor decisions, of the ways that childhood trauma lives with us forever, the ways that young men are brutalized into something useful for the powerful men at the top—but that's all a shadow passing over the true landscapes of the games, the long period hanging out in arcades or pool halls or drinking in a favorite bar, or singing karaoke alone or with someone. of watching kamurocho and sotenbori shift with the years, of the new cities we've visited and the food we've eaten. i remember the takoyaki place on the corner that got replaced with a gelateria much more than i remember any of the yakuza heavies that have driven the plots of these games, and that may actually be the point?
it's so weird to not have another yakuza game to immediately start playing. i've gotten so used to opening the next game as soon as i finish the previous one that it feels wrong to just be… done, for now? like, what am i to do with myself now? these games have been such a major part of my leisure time this last year. i've still got Ishin, but that's not really the same thing. the faces will be familiar, but the people will be strangers.
it feels right that the man who erased his name was the only one of these that i've actually 100% completed, from achievements to in-game trackers. they've lowered the bar for completion substantially with this latest game, and frankly it feels like an act of grace for people who have played through the entire series. i'm never going to get good at virtua fighter 2, no matter how many times it shows up, so it's nice to not have to get good at everything in order to round everything out. i've already taught myself mahjong for this series, is that not enough? LADG says, yes, it's okay, you've done enough, and i appreciate that tremendously, here at the end of this loooong road.
i spent *50 solid days* this last year doing nothing except playing yakuza games, that's ridiculous. i read every single nero wolfe book in significantly less time than that! this is the problem with doing this sort of run-the-board project for a video game series, it just takes so long to get even a basically thorough experience. running through the entire MCU, including all the D+, Netflix, Hulu, Freeform, and ABC shows, only takes 424 hours, by comparison. you could watch all of it in less time than in took me to get from Y0 to Y4. i read all the nero wolfe books a couple of years back, and i was ripping through those at a book a night. video games are massively more decompressed as a medium, which makes them much harder to approach. i've loved doing this, and really valued the experience, but how do i even begin to recommend someone approach this, when so much of the specific pleasure i get is from seeing these characters and locations grow and change over time? how do you even begin to read a work of that scope? what is even meaningful out of that time to convey to another person? and yet it is meaningful, having lived through it, in the way living in another city is meaningful. i can tell you what i did there, and the important things that happened to me, but the only way to really get it is to move there yourself, and that's a lot to ask of someone.
stats under the cut, if you're curious about just how much time i've spent on each individual game
yakuza 0: 115:45 started 8/10/22, completed 9/7/22
yakuza kiwami: 66:24 started 9/9/22, completed 10/10/22
yakuza kiwami 2: 73:20 started 10/10/22, completed 10/30/22
the majima saga: 2:49 started 10/18/22, completed 10/26/22
yakuza 3: 103:20 started 10/31/22, completed 2/20/23 (with a break from november to february)
yakuza 4: 124:14 started 2/20/23, completed 3/17/23
yakuza 5: 168:17 started 3/18/23, completed 4/27/23
yakuza 6: 76:05 started 4/30/23, completed 5/20/23
judgment: 114:29 started 5/22/23, completed 7/16/23
yakuza like a dragon: 131:31 started 7/16/23, completed 9/2/23
lost judgment: 131:10 (shocking how close this is to YLAD) started 9/17/23, completed 11/4/23
the kaito files: 12:59 started 11/5/23, completed 11/10/23
the man who erased his name: 75:17 started 11/11/23, completed 11/27/23
total time, across the entire series: 1195:40
i benchmarked these against the completionist starts on HowLongToBeat, and i was actually under par that way until about yakuza 4, when my times suddenly got much longer than estimated. what changed? mahjong. i learned how to play mahjong, and that was great (mahjong rules), but it's added dozens of hours to my games, easily, and even with that LADG is the only one of the games where i managed to complete the in-game mahjong objectives. y4 has four separate tournaments you can climb your way to the top of, one for each main character, and i never even got close, but i spent a lot of time trying!
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wolves-etc · 1 year
thoughts on The Last Of Us episode four, largely in the order I had them:
[thoughts on: 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | X | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9]
— I'm reassuring myself with the thought that ellie was probably at least taught basic gun safety at military school (though there are other concerns even if she was - with a gun she might be more of a target to people who'd otherwise overlook her as a kid, and, well, everyone makes mistakes.)
— ELLIE WITH HER JOKE BOOK oh dear heck. of course there'd be less access to them in her world. of course it would be a treasure trove.
— ellie's fresh delight and joel's faint horror at the jokes are entirely evocative and entirely correct
— ellie found a porn mag?? oh joel is just speedrunning parenting at this point.
— "why are all these pages stuck together?" "uhhhh… the…" "I'm just fuckin' with ya." ELLIE
— sometimes she's so like a child with a normal childhood it hurts a bit. staying up late reading with a torch when she's meant to be sleeping.
— this "people are what you should really be scared of, outside of cities" thing is kinda chilling and I'm not looking forward to seeing that explained.
— joel standing watch when he should be sleeping. I'll never tire of that trope.
— "smells like burnt shit." "[deliberate loud drinking noises]" (I think he's figuring out that a little bit of sass helps with her, and it's great)
— oh it's tommy who's the vet, not joel. or at least joel claims as much. he may be avoiding admitting to his own military service, though I'm not sure why he would, and the plate on his car was my main evidence. that and at least one article that cheerfully claimed it as fact. (and the way he was so immediately comfortable with violence when it was needed.)
— ...okay that brief moment of joy became much less joyous very quickly
— and joel dead set on ellie not seeing the murder she kinda partly did. fuckin' ouch.
— that interrogation cell scene with the new characters? it's wild to see one person scared and clueless and another with a gun and a grudge and not know which one to root for. there's a very understated moral messiness there.
— (the quiet "I'm your doctor", and the sudden realisation of how valuable he is. it's sobering. and kind of unfair.)
— the "you shouldn't have had to shoot that guy" conversation, fuck. joel apologising to ellie hit hard. he's really trying to do right by her.
— "nuh-uh, you put it in your pack. you'll shoot your damn ass off." and you're fine without your ass, is it
— ma'am why do you have such a vendetta against a guy and his (kid? brother? friend?)
— the breaking concrete is incredibly creepy and I have to assume it's either the fungus somehow getting through in several places - that underground structure, the network, the mycelium - or it's infected who were buried rather than killed. either way: eeeesh.
— "you laughed, motherfucker." <3 <3 <3
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
The Old Cathedral III
I honestly can't wait to have this one done! :3
Mostly cuz after it, probably my favorite palace (so far) come >:3c
But then again... I have 0 idea what the 5th palace should be... :v
Anyway! Enough of that. Let's see what we have in store for today! :D
What we will cover:
-a small break from the palace
-Some more childhood friends interactions
-Shenanigans in Shibuya
-And a visit from Mr Rosehearts
Mmmm... Interesting points... :'3
Now onto the chaos:
With the palace being put on hold, the next best thing the group could do in the metaverse was to investigate mementos and mind of their student lives.
Ace and Deuce seemed to go out more often along Ortho. Azul was just making a few notes on subjects, preparing for future exams and also tutoring Epel, but this time Malleus is the Japanese tutor. Kalim was tending to his business as a heir while Jamil helped him. It was clear their relationship was a bit colder, but Kalim said that they will work it out.
Floyd was hanging out more with Mikan and his other Kosei friends. Morgana still was with him as Jade also said that he happened to meet up with someone. Vil also focused on his carrier, accepting a few modeling/acting offers that came this period. Rook also concentrated on a new hobby: photography.
Meanwhile, Riddle was taking his studies very seriously, despite being yet too early for the exams. When he wasn't tutoring the first years, Riddle would help Futaba by tending to the counter. He always had a book next to him tho, reading from it when there were no costumers to tend to. Yusuke also teaches him drawing when he was free. Besides all that, Riddle hung out with Trey and Che'nya.
And. Trey discloses that he has a 1st year, Jack, who's been struggling a bit with chemestry. He was in the science club and tried to help Jack a bit, but Trey wasn't really that good at teaching... Che'nya just raises a brow at that, but doesn't question, instead he asks Riddle if he could help him with his math assignment. Ofc the redhead accepts. :'3
Trey tho butts in, saying that he also needs sum help with math. Riddle lights up at that, considering it to be a really fun friend study hangout plan.
He failed to notice the awkwardness in between the 2.
Only a few days passed of this palace pause, until Ace broke down from the stress. They couldn't possibly let that guy marry Kalim's mom and destroy yet another family. He had a point, one which Kalim supported as well, like the rest. They had to return there, even if that creature was still roaming the place.
So the metaverse group met up at the hideout on Sunday, early morning, to return to the palace, speedrun through that goddamn dungeon and assure their entry in the tower.
Except that the tower entry to the top was blocked by a locked trapdoor. They do have a Lockpick, but it would be be needed more lockpicks or the actual key if they wanted to get into on the day of the heist. For now, they used one lockpick to enter.
And the top of the tower was lavish on the inside. There were gigantic bells in there along with other various instruments in there. From flutes to a grand piano, all arranged like an orchestra. In front of them, a thick marble piedestal was placed, above which the treasure was floating.
Mona again went full cat mode, but Knight holded him down. :'3
So they had the treasure route secured. Kraken voiced his concern that they need now a way to escape this place with the treasure as fast as they could. They can't just get back on the same route they entered. Axe said that they could drive their asses out. Flame said that it was too risky since the whole palace will start to crumble apart of the treasure is stolen.
Sailor tho analised the instruments. While sure it was a far fetch, he looked at the whole room. He noted that this must be a very loud room during ceremonies.
And as if his theory was proven, the bell started to ring and the instruments came to life, singing loudly. Being too loud, Flame immediately grabbed one of the nearby flutes, which, in response, stopped singing. The instruments would stop singing once they were touched.
The problem? These instruments made a whole labyrinth in between them and the treasure.
Flame timed the whole thing, realising that they had only 5 minutes until the whole melody would be over. Gold noted that he saw through the glass wall that down in the main body of the Chapel, some sort of Ceremony was commencing.
All of them hid tho, when they heard that the palace ruler came inside, checking on all the instruments. Thankfully he didn't realise that one of the flutes stopped prematurely.
The group had to leave after that. They knew what exactly was their last obstacle.
Back in the real world, it was no surprise that now they needed to go to their Sunday plans. Ortho and Riddle had to babysit again Cheeka.
But this time, when Leona comes to drop Cheeka, the child was crying non-stop and kept gluing himself to Leona's leg, begging his uncle to not leave. Leona is visibly annoyed by this and when Futaba asks about it, Leona replies that some family matters came up, some that made Cheeka to cry since morning. He wasn't supposed to overhear them, but here they were.
Futaba admits that she isn't that good at convincing children to stop throwing temper tantrums. Ortho was and still is a fine example. :'3
Ortho does go to Cheeka and reassures that Leona will only go to the market down the street. It will take a bit since today it's a big sale and people are hogging the place. Leona doesn't want to have Cheeka stay amongst those boring old adults and wait in an endless line. Cheeka seems to have resorted to small sniffles when Ortho drops the big bomb: he 'wasn't supposed to tell cheeka the big secret', but Leona talked under the table with a pastry baker and so if he runs late, he would miss the super secret sweet surprise that was meant for Cheeka today. So he needs Cheeka to wait like a good kid in here until Leona gets the secret surprise.
Yeah... This buys Cheeka's attention enough to let Leona go. The other is happy that the furball finally let go of him, although now Ortho added another road on his list: get to a pastry to get Cheeka something and make the lie believable.
But in the end, Cheeka stayed at LeBlanc. A tad bit later, Riddle couldn't help but bring out what in the world must've upset Cheeka so much. It couldn't have been them... No? Cheeka seemed very happy when he came to stay. So why? For now, they couldn't question it further since the kid was worn out from all that temper tantrum and currently he was sleeping in Riddle's room while the 2 in question stood at the counter with Futaba.
Ortho also had with him a bass. Futaba said that it was Yusuke's as he knew how to play the bass. Ortho found it last night and he wants to adjust a bit the instrument's cords before he could ask if Yusuke can give it to him. Futaba did say that they wanted to give it to him on his birthday, which now the gift was spoiled because Ortho was a lil curios one. (yes, this is a reference to smth... If you know, you know... :3)
"Maybe you should ask your brother to help you out..." Futaba suggested. "Big brother said that he is working onto something important... Apparently he has a deadline or something..." Ortho mused. "Maybe after he is done he can help you..." Riddle suggested.
The 3's attention shifted slightly towards the door. On there, a very tired man came in. His coat was messily thrown over him, hair in all directions and clothes looked like they were flown over in a tornado. If the proeminent eye bags didn't give the idea of a burnout man, his posture sure gave it away.
"Hello... Futaba... Please one cup of the usual..." He tiredly mused before his gaze fell onto the 2 boys in question. Ortho only minded to the instrument in question. But the man eyed Riddle specifically, his features lighting up a bit.
"Heyyy... Kiddo! How is it? We didn't talk in a lot!" The man smiled weakly as he came to the 2, pointing to the seat. "may I?" Riddle only nodded, clearly bewildered, but noticed that the man was dozing off a bit.
"Yes... You can, Dad..."
Mr Rosehearts sure took a seat and with it a very tired breath. While Futaba did go to tend to the order, Riddle voiced his confusion on how his father came here today. He replied by saying that his co-worker agreed to take his shift for the day since he covered lately for a few others who had family problems. He also worked the extra hours so he could pile them up so that he can catch, like every summer, a nice holiday time. Well during that holiday he usually took Riddle around to Japan, as it was in July, but since now he attended Shujin, Mr Rosehearts admits that he will have to get used to it.
Ortho points out that he just came from the hospital, which the latter confirms it. He took the underground train and almost slept through the station, but he wanted to visit since it was Sunday. :'3
Futaba does come with the order in question, which was a coffee with a lot of milk. She points out that Mr Rosehearts did drop by from time to time, but at those moments, Riddle was either at school or out with his buddies. He also came for a cup of coffee since God forbid that cafe close to the hospital. Mr Rosehearts sure couldn't stand how bitter it was.
It was somewhat touching to hear that... Ya know? :v
So Mr Rosehearts asks how's going. Riddle does say that not much was on his plate. Only school and studying for the exams. Mr Rosehearts is a bit taken aback on how early it was, but brushes it off and tells Riddle to take it easy. There's plenty of time left and he doesn't need to stress himself so early.
If only he knew what his son was ACTUALLY doing... :'3
But since Riddle was in school during July, it was clear that Mr Rosehearts had no secure plans for his holiday. So he did ask what would Riddle want to do then? On past years, they would visit Riddle's grandparents in Kyoto, but now school prevented that. :'3
Once the topic of school was touched upon, Ortho does ask where did Mr Rosehearts study. The man responds that he did study in his hometown, but later went to college in Tokyo, with a few exchange years in America and Europe. He was lucky he had the calling for medicine, because otherwise he would have been known as the disaster magnet since he was no good at anything else, if not downright mediocre.
Which, again, is a bit of surprise for Riddle, since his mother always told him she studied and studied to reach where she was. Meanwhile his father reached a similar height just because he was naturally gifted and liked to pursue it.
But it made sense now why Mr Rosehearts didn't really stress onto his academical situation too much.
But in the end, Cheeka was the one who cut the meeting by coming down. Ortho explained that he and Riddle are on babysitting duty and so Mr Rosehearts payed for his coffee, plus a tip, before leaving to go and take some rest. He had a night shift tomorrow, which was very not fun to say the least. :/
Back with Cheeka, the little one seemed down still, Ortho and Riddle didn't have any idea what to do or say to cheer up Cheeka. At least they could only conclude thar the incident in the boy's family had to be serious, which affected him if he wasn't supposed to know.
So in the attic, on the couch, Riddle asks Cheeka if he could tell them what happened. Ortho promises that they won't tell anyone.
"You really promise you won't tell?" Cheeka's glossy eyes meet the other 2's. "Yeah... When did we ever lie to you?" Ortho puffed proudly. "We can't help you if we don't know what happened... You must tell us if you want help..." Riddle mused. The little child only looked at his feet, before at the 2.
"I want you to change uncle's heart!" Cheeka declared.
"eh?! W-with all due respect..." Riddle's voice cracked. "It is impossible!" He added. "Yeah... We aren't like those Phanthom Thieves who caused the incident in April..." Ortho defended. Cheeka tho, had his eyes even glossier, with small tears forming at their corners, growing in size as the bottom lip of the boy trembled.
"B-But Uncle will have to leave! He will go to America and then we will go back home and uncle will never come back! And you can change his heart! I know it!" Cheeka cried.
Riddle and Ortho exchanged worried looks before looking back at the child before them. "Again... We are not the Phanthom thieves... And why do you think your uncle needs a change of heart?" Riddle inquired.
Cheeka only flapped his hands and feet. "Dad wants uncle to go and see a mean lady and maybe marry her for 'very important blah blah politics'! And Uncle can't say no! And I want uncle to say no! Because if he goes, the mean lady won't let him see me again and then he'll forget about me! And dad and mama don't care about me! Uncle always takes me places and picks me up from school and he is the one who reads me a bedtime story!" He cried harder, hugging the nearest person, which was Riddle.
The redhead only gave a panicked look to Ortho, who motioned for him to just roll with it. The kid needs a hug right now.
So awkwardly hugging back, the redhead exhaled. "We'll see if maybe we can contact the real Phanthom thieves to get your Uncle's heart changed." The redhead reassured. "Really?" "Yeah... But don't tell anyone... Not even your uncle..." Riddle mused.
Cheeka seemed cheered up. And of course, later that day, Leona came to pick the kid up, with a short conversation in between him and Futaba, then the paycheck for the 2 babysitters, Cheeka left with his uncle, this time holding him by the hand.
Futaba tho, noticed the troubled 2's faces as she closed the shop. "Something wrong, kiddos?" She piped in. "Nothing..." Ortho swatted it off... "You sound just like your brother..." Futaba exhaled, making a small pause. "You 2 wanna stay together overnight?" a small gaze exchange in between the 2 was made before both nodded. "Alright... But don't stay up too late. You have school tomorrow..." The ginger woman mused as she left LeBlanc.
Immediately once she left, Ortho pulled out his phone, pressing on the metanav. "What are yo-" "Leona Kingscholar..." The younger boy spoke.
"Candidate found" the robotic voice replied. "Cheeka was right... This guy has a distorted heart!" Ortho gasped. "But it isn't our business now... Koizumi is... We can't add this one too!" Riddle cut through.
"Really? But aren't you at least curious to see what this one is? Like isn't it wierd the kid praised to no end his uncle yet this guy has a palace?" Ortho pointed out. Riddle only bit his inside cheek, hugging himself. "One look... Nothing more..." The redhead declared.
"Now for the place... We don't know anything about the guy... Mementos clearly doesn't cut it..." Ortho mused. "Kingscholar residence?" Riddle suggested.
"No candidates found"
"well... Tokyo? Shibuya? Japan? The country run by the Kingscholars?"
"Well it's not like this guy's distortion is covering the whole world..." Ortho mumbled.
"Candidate found"
"EH?!" both Riddle and Ortho exchanged surprised looks. "The whole goddamn world?! What kind of distortion is it even?!" Ortho breathed out awkwardly. "it must be something figurative... It is clear that he cannot have the whole world under his influence, but he considers it as such..." The redhead mused. "now for the distortion..." Riddle exhaled.
"A Castle?" "no candidates found" "A stage?" "no candidates found" "A tomb?" "no candidates found" "No candidate my ass..." "language..."
"Well... Let's attack this logically..." Riddle trailed. "Cheeka mentioned that his uncle is possibly put in an arranged marriage. Cheeka's father is in some sort of position of actual power dictated by marriage." "Sounds to me like some medieval dynasty shit..." Ortho pointed out. "Well... It is the rule: first come takes the crown... Only the firstborns are at the top of 'the mountain'..." The redhead mused. "Mountain? Really?" "it's figurat-"
"Candidate found. Beginning navigation."
And the 2 found themselves in a jungle. A bit further it was a rocky road, following it and hiding from any possible shadows, Ortho and Riddle came face to face with the bottom of a gigantic mountain, currently in their normal attire as they weren't considered threats.
And this mountain lived to the name. Only half of it was visible, the top being covered by thick gray clouds. As it proceeded upwards, the road became visibly cleaner as well as the houses that adored the mountain in small villages. There was also the road splitting into 2, the other part going downwards, towards a darker place. There was a sign also there which said 'Elephant cemetery'.
And now Ortho was all like 'ok, let's go to bed...'. Riddle gets smug and asks 'why, you scared?', basically the 2 egging each other to see who's the scaredy cat. In the end, the 2 bicker as they go towards the cemetery, since that had to be the safest place, the top of the mountain clearly harbouring the treasure.
Unbeknownst to them, they were watched.
The elephant cemetery was in all means one. Gigantic skeletons of the said animals were layered around. It was an eerie feeling around a slight fog, giving more of the horror vibe.
Ortho found a very old torch and together with some sharper pebbles and some tires while the 2 were arguing who did it better, the torch was lit up and they had a somewhat light.
"This place is so empty..." Ortho mused, his voice echoing slightly. "Oh... Look... ECHO!" the boy shouted, his voice again echoing like a response from the empty canyon. "It is useful to tell is someone is in here as well..." Riddle quietly exhaled. "But we can make it say things!" Ortho beamed.
"SCHOOL SUCKS!" and the canyon replied.
"I WANT CAKE!" again, the canyon replied.
"Ortho! Stop it! We might get caught..." Riddle said. "But it's fuuuun~ besides... We aren't yet considered as threats~" the younger replied. The redhead only rolled his eyes.
But ortho was right. They weren't yet considered as threats. And they were in a deserted canyon while the palace was a mountain.
"Oh I have a good one..." Ortho puffed as he took a deep breath. Really Riddle was curious to see what the other was going to yell in there...
Both boys halted, the redhead holding the torch like a weapon while Ortho grabbed a nearby bone as a somewhat bat. A small breeze was in there, the fog not showing any signs of shifting.
The cry of a bird was hird from above. Looking up, something shining was flying, easily visible from the darkness, although it was small due to the distance. The bird let another loud cry, stil circling above the 2, although this time lower.
"We've been spot-" "no... If that was the case, we would have been in our attire." Riddle cut off, breath holded as his gaze immediately shifted to a direction, than another.
It sounded like a twig breaking, although it was most likely a bone. This made the 2 to perk their heads towards their left, Riddle moving the torch accordingly as Ortho pointed the long bone towards the left.
Both boys immediately were ready to scream when something grabbed them by the clothes collars, yanking them into an elephant skull, yet their mouths were covered by a hand each. They dropped their only weapons and guiding light in all that frenzy.
"Shhh..." A low voice whispered to the 2, being immediately drowned by the silence as the 3 listened in. There were steps of some animals as well as growls of something akin to a hyena.
Once the sounds of the animals seemed to dissappear, Ortho and Riddle were both let free by the one who dragged them inside. Immediately the 2 jolted further from the person, Ortho having his fists ready as Riddle took a defensive stance, eyes trying to focus in the darkness and maybe find something to use or to escape. Currently, the 2 were faced with a wall from the skull inside.
The person tho, only hummed as their hands reached towards something. The 2 couldn't see, but could distinguish movement.
As something fell down, light came into the small space. A soft blue light covered the insides of the small impromptu room.
"What is wrong with you 2?!" It was the first reply from the guy with blue fire hair, which now showed small tints of orange. It sounded lower, almost like a beast's rumble if it wasn't for the slightly louder tone. Their eyes were covered with a black mask that looked like sleek metal, no holes in it, reflecting the light from the flame hair.
The guy in question warned the 2 that it wasn't safe for them here. That, ironically, this was where strong shadows reside, although he addressed to them as 'beasts'.
Ortho and Riddle again exchange looks, but the guy tells them that they can't try a hit and run. They'll end up caught by those hyenas.
And of course, the bird comes here again. It was a bird made out of the same blue fire, with beady black eyes and very beautiful feathers that once the fire cover dissappeared, it revealed a bird in colorful hues of silver and baby blue.
The guy says that the coast is clear and that for now, they should get back to the jungle, as it was the safest place.
But of course things didn't have to be this simple.
Ortho and Riddle insisted to know their saviour's name, but he gave the silent treatment all the way back, despite the fact that both Ortho and Riddle were annoying to no ends.
It was at one point that the group halted and the misterious guy seemed alert. That's when the 2 saw his hand more clearly. It had a fingerless white glove and midnight black fingers, which was a difference from his pale white face.
And of course rustling was heard, which made the guy's nails to become long claws in a split second. Much to Riddle and Ortho's horror, the 2 realised with who exactly they were in here.
They were with the black creature. Or more like the black masked guy now.
And boy did Ortho and Riddle make noise. If they were to gather attention and return to the Phanthom thief attire, they could face off properly the said guy.
Except that their noise did attract something. Guards to be specific. Very angry guards.
Now as Rose and Flame, the black mask immediately let his bird fly away before trying to get these 2 out of there, yet once Flame tried to burn his face down with an attack from his persona, the masked person resulted to the smoke trick, dissappearing and also unintentionally buying time for the 2 to run off in the jungle and return to the normal world.
Except that now it was a small delay. For a split second, Riddle and Ortho saw each other in the thief attire in LeBlanc before everything went to normal. Ortho theorised that most likely the jungle was like a safe room and they got in when the glitch was activated. So at least they knew the jungle was a safe room.
For the night, both of them found it hard to fall asleep. Upon mutual agreement, they decided to tell the team and go in this one only after they finish the cathedral Palace. The others would surely want to investigate this palace, so they couldn't go head in head with that guy.
The next day, the rest of the group went as good as you would think they would once the news were dropped.
Malleus voiced his concern that perhaps their persistent presence in the cathedral was what drove that guy with finding another palace. Vil did say that it would be absolutely foolish of them to manage 2 palaces simultaneously. Therefore, Riddle came with the next plan:
The metaverse Group will send the calling card and finish off the Taka Koizumi palace, while the real world team would gather up intel on Leona Kingscholar. It would only make his palace more quick to finish if they gathered info in advance.
And so, tomorrow, the calling card will be sent, as decided.
Guess I got ya nicely in here... :3
2 palaces! Don't worry, we will still have a smol intermission. Very smol tho. :'3
Anyway... What do you think of our 4th palace ruler?
Damn will I have so much fun with this... >:3
So let's hear sum theories and maybe do some brainstorming...
Because sure af after the 4th palace, IDK what should be next. So suggestions are very much appreciated. :'3
Until next time! Buh bye!
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shuxiii · 6 months
hey shuu!! it's me hahaiahsja twice in a day who would've thought
this might be a bit (a lot) big because I just finished my run through of next door and cat page after so long of neglect due to school, so here's your warning for that!!
I'll begin with cat page because I'm excited ashdjam I'm not even going to lie one of the first reasons I put a hold on my reading of it was because the thought of hating cats hurt my heart in many ways and I wasn't prepared for it (even if it would pass and it wasn't anything too evil aaaahasjje) but haerin being petty in the latest chapters had me laughing so much it got me excited to go back to reading cat page as soon as I could!
it makes me cackle so much how cp!yn changed completely because of a crush hahahakshaksj although definitely not in an extreme case like hating cats I too have changed my ways to please a crush in the past and it's so funny seeing this from an outsider perspective I'm loving it (also please don't ever change yourself for someone else unless it's actually a bad habit because people should love you from who you are)
also a bit of a side note but everytime hyein is the younger sister it feels like she's either too stressed or being pulled into complicated stuff that it's none of her business I never know if I should laugh or be concerned tbh 😭😭
and sebastian whiskers is such a funny but actually good name you're a genius shu, a genius.
also also!! haerin being jealous is so funny I'm having so much fun you're insane with humour aaahahdjdj
but I'll stop for now and begin talking about next door already before this actually becomes an essay (I'm so sorry if this is way too big but I don't know if I'll have time today to send more asks so it's easier to send everything together while I can 😅)
now I'll begin this part saying that I love learning new words 🥰 everytime you write a word that's not in english and explain to us the meaning I get all tinglish with excitement because I love learning about other languages and cultures and it's so cool and aaaaahahdhsksj and there's so many of them in next door I love it hihi 😊
and as a musician!! I actually got a bit offended when han said "stupid guitar" on the first chapter I'm not even gonna lie but jake irritates me so much more like mate excuse me I'm trying to enjoy my childhood ""enemies"" to lovers drama can you please move out of the way???
but anyways! poor haerin and dani being pulled into their sisters dramas they deserve a hug and a ice cream each!!
"excuse me?" "you're excused" had me seated with a big bucket of popcorn so hard why are you so good?? aaaaaaahskahdhsk shu you– you bring an unhinged expressionism out of me it actually scares me I love your stuff so much here's a heart 💜
oh! also also! the fact that next door!han is blonde is such a good character detail giving how her personality is here it fits so much!!! you and your amazing brain are so lovely aaajashdj
and their moms and minji being the biggest hanyn shippers they're so cute 🥰 like that's an unspoken rule I have with my stories I think all my childhood friends to lovers have their parents shipping them together because it's just so funny to write that (specially the grandmas I love making grandmas ask every family gathering if the characters are already dating aahskajs)
anyways! I'll speedrun this because it's already feeling like an end of the year school essay and I don't wanna give you that kind of headache hahahaksjdjq
nd!jake makes my blood boil how does a person do that to hanni???? he's so heartless souless foolish I hope his layla bites his ankle so he can't play anymore >:(
well I guess this is it! sorry for it being humongous 😅😅
have a good night amazing shu!!
bye bye shu <3
0 notes
mathematicats · 2 years
mathematicats bkdk fic recs 2: canonverse edition
Time for another round of mathematicats’s bkdk fic recs!
I compiled this list way back in Nov and never posted it. Honestly, I had a lot of trouble this time around, because Katsuki is such a dynamic character that he’s become OOC in so many of these fics in light of last year’s development. I kind of lost steam in finishing this and haven't added more recent reads but I figured something is better than nothing, so here you go! All of them are complete unless otherwise noted.
Separated into canon universe pro heroes, UA, and alternate universes again.
AU edition here
Canon Universe - pro heroes
Worth a Second Shot by cinnabee
13k, hurt/comfort, heavy on the hurt. Warning: a lot of blood.
Something goes wrong at Katsuki and Izuku’s party.
Well-written and super in-character, a ton of tension that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat the whole ride. Protective Bakugou “I’d burn the whole city down for you” Katsuki.
all the things beyond one’s control by aideyn
7k, h/c heavy on hurt. A villain takes control of Izuku’s body and tries to hurt Katsuki. Super established relationship (they know each other so well and care for each other so much).
One Day The Only Butterflies Left Will Be In Your Chest As You March Towards Your Death by edema_ruh
49k, h/c heavy on hurt. “Bakugou and Midoriya are in a plane crash. Bakugou has to take care of Midoriya and help him survive.” CW: field amputation.
when we’re finally alone, darling you’re my home by yabakuboi
4k, h/c. A speedrun through bkdk’s post-UA ambiguous but reciprocal relationship. “Katsuki falls in love, falls in love, falls in love with Izuku wherever they are.”
it's the way that we rotate (that makes me feel ok) by w0nderlei
4k, h/c mostly fluff. Long-distance relationship bkdk from an insecure Katsuki’s POV. Lovely words.
new collagen fibers by w0nderlei
1k, fluff. Established bkdk share a soft morning with some scar-touching.
throw your heart to me (let it fall and hit the ground) by w0nderlei
3k, fluff, getting together.
Izuku and Katsuki take a walk home after a night out.
So soft...so canon...so in-character. Palpable romantic tension and tender hand-holding, all described in very delicate words.
Apartment 310 (and they were roommates!) by Azureflowers
8k, fluff. Warning: will warm your heart and make you crave more queerplatonic bkdk
Roommates to lovers trope. Sweet domestic bkdk with funny moments and a great (perfect, imo) take on the nature of their partnership. This author is so good at everyday energy and realistic portrayal of Japanese culture.
high school lover, favorite flavor by allwyf
8k, fluff, roommates (idiots) to lovers trope.
My favourite dynamic of silently pining Katsuki + oblivious Midoriya “omg I just realized I love Kacchan” Izuku.
Whiplash by Flarewrites
29k, fluff, Idiots to lovers, pretend-relationship trope.
Another pining Katsuki + oblivious Izuku get-together.
Bkdk get engaged for the media and Izuku discovers his feelings. It’s funny and I lost my mind when Katsuki said De-Izuku (this was written a whole year before ch 327!)
You Got a Boyfriend? By thatpinkbetch
2k, fluff. “In the middle of a bar, Bakugou’s out with his friends, drunk as fuck, and head over heels in love with his childhood friend (aka, his husband) and he’s about to make that everyone’s problem.” SUPER CUTE.
give me a sign by nymphorical
4k, angst. Not-really Eraser/Bakugou, one-sided bkdk, and established IzuOcha.
Katsuki is sad and alone at the bar and seeks validation from Aizawa.
song on a policeman’s radio by ohwickedsoul
7k, pure angst, established relationship. For when you want to read about Katsuki grieving dead Izuku from an impersonal POV.
Canon Universe - UA (& younger)
Sneku by cinnabee
41k, h/c mostly fluff.
Izuku gets turned into a snake and Katsuki takes him in. So indulgent...
(in the best way) by stardust_rust
This is a 2-part series, 7k and 15k respectively, fluff. 7k of Kacchan-simping from Izuku’s POV, followed by 15k of birthday-party-planning from Katsuki’s POV.
Spot-on character study+canon manga themes, SO funny, great interactions with side characters (hilarious Todo-Baku dynamics), and so many details that make the story come to life. So many fics from this author have at least one moment that leaves me absolutely shooketh, and this is one of them.
the bittersweet between my teeth by stardust_rust
20k, h/c. Deku is hit with a vampirism quirk
love came with all that it brings by blossomshed
6k, fluff. “They become best friends as well as rivals, but along the way, Katuski falls embarrassingly in love. To everyone else, Deku included, they've been dating for months.”
It’s Enough by onlybylaura
2k, fluff. Five times they kiss. So soft.
ashes to ashes and back again by ladyofsnails
3k, angst with a h/c filter. Set centuries after canon story and from a reincarnation’s POV, with bkdk only mentioned through an old news report. The art that inspired this fic is also beautiful.
Big Protein by Mysecretfanmoments
14k, canonverse pro-heroes. Pervy Deku’s Kacchan-doujinshi-stash is revealed to the whole world and Katsuki has a sexuaI awakening.
Number One Nemesis by heartsinhay
32k quirkless “villain” Deku and pro hero Katsuki have the hots for each other. 2 chapters of high quality hilarity and then it hits you right in the feels.
Permanent Ink by Maxine
99k, h/c, unfinished. Endgame BKDK but the KamiBaku is SO STRONG in this fic, I was rooting for them instead of bkdk so I can’t rec this as a bkdk fic in good conscience.
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i-lovethatforme · 3 years
Ilovethatforme masterlist
Tumblr media
Post NWH:
if you love me, leave me lonely 
what if peter’s new neighbour was the love of his life and he pretended to hate her ha ha what if (T)
ghosts that broke my heart before i met you 
peter’s roommate is dating mj and he’s like stop that please (T)
i get a little lonely around this time
mj is the brains and she WOULD (G)
Everything else:
clawed my way up from hell (and into your heart)  w coykoii
what happens when jill and i are big brained and have too much time on our hands (T)
‘tis the season
childhood enemies to lovers speedrun (E)
love is not a victory march
princess!mj loves the farmboy idk what to tell you (E)
i won’t say i’m in love
i’m embarrassed w how quickly they’re in love (E)
one heart broken, four hands bloody
mj doesnt remember anything okay she just wants to fuck peter (M)
turn your heart back to me w @which-star​
silk and felicia make up break up (T)
the monsters creep into your house
soulmates if you were a rude writer (M)
i knew her face by heart, i had her memorised
peter just loves love but he loves mj more (T)
the trials and tribulations of breaking hearts w @coykoii
peter prick parker prevails (T)
to know her, is to love her
i started amnesia early and good for me (M)
time has brought your heart to me w @coykoii
best fic you’ll ever read no lie no joke (T)
my love don’t cost a thing
peter is an escort and mj loves him idk how to make it clearer (E)
the years start coming and they don’t stop 
will remain a WIP for all time - spoiler alert it’s comp (G)
there’s no escape from death’s embrace, though you lead it on a merry chase WIP (forever)
peter has to kill mj but he doesnt WANNA (T)
i mixed up telling you i love you
it takes them six years which lbr is too long (G)
you could be happy
or you could not for one and a half chapters (T)
Post NWH:
but goddamn, you got me in love again
peter is set up on a blind date and he doesnt WANNA but then its mj bc ofc it is (T)
if they say nothing is forever (then why is love the exception)
what would happen if peter told her the truth? but mj said no ty x (E)
i know how i feel about you now
i listened to the sugababes on repeat for a day (T)
i would come back a thousand times
mj texting a random number is peak ridic energy from me thanks (T)
all i’ll never know is if you want me
peter broke his promise and mj is like i will stab you w my words (T)
call my name an save me from the dark
peter and peter chat and then peter and peter fix their lives
when he takes you back well sing hallelujah, you’re home
may and mj own my heartttttttt (G)
i thought heavens can’t help me now
fix it i’m serious canon fix it right now (G)
tell me i’m safe, you’ve got me now
mj won’t stop falling to her death hate that x (T)
sometimes i trip on how happy we could be
hey everyone thinks im a murder but should we ;) (M)
see you in another life, tiger
break up make up w a twist (G)
i won’t fall out of love, i’ll fall into you
rooftop dates adjacent (G)
Everything else:
the things i would like to tell you
theyre just besties in love ig (T)
oh my darling, I've been missing you
started making them petty then said what if they were in love instead x (T)
everyone else but you
fluffffy bookshop au as is deserved (G)
i want you to ruin my life
mj and peter hate each other but wanna fuck each other as WELL (E)
i saw mummy kissing spider-man w @machiavelien
spanking w feelings OKAY (E)
for you, i would
six of crows au - please just touch (T)
daddy issues
missing dad peter returns spoiler alert he doesn’t know he’s a papa (M)
imagine what would happen if i let you close enough to touch
petty acquaintances to lovers - use of sweetheart (derogatory) (E)
all through the night
anal idk how else to say it (E)
sugar, spice, and everything nice w @coykoii
coffee shop au - they’re sweet for each other i guess (T)
the old rules don’t fly anymore
spidey mj is feral (T)
call it mother’s intuition
mj’s mum barely likes peter but may loves mj (G)
this night can last forever
just admit you love each other we are tired (T)
i’m nothing but bad luck, baby
felicia owns wtvr is left of my heart after petermj are done (E)
anytime, anyplace, anywhere
spidey calls mj by accident (T)
just a little bit of your heart
felicia likes petermj as much as me (E)
it smells like infidelity
felicia is a killer and good for her (T)
when our beginnings meet our ends w @coykoii​
childhood friends to lovers oh i can’t believe jill got me like this (T)
to have and to fold
polly remains the only name i can think of (G)
what in carnation?
spidey loves mj loves peter loves mj loves spidey (T)
my (he)art is yours for the taking
mj had a funny five and if spidey could not be a thief (G)
would you choose me if you had another choice?
as close to an mcd as i’m ever getting (T)
i must be a snowflake, because i’ve fallen for you
the most avengers i’ll ever write in my life (T)
just love me, love me
spidey mj if you squint which i will (G)
all i want for christmas is the end of the exploitation of the working class (and you)
unnecessarily long title for adoptedmum!mj
single and not prepared to mingle
mj fancies peter and she’s mad he’s a prick (G)
call your name two, three times in a row 
dirty alley way hook up (E)
about how the sun loved the moon so much, he died every night so that she could breathe
these titles... mj is depressed and also starlight (G)
i’ll love you in my peaceful nights, even more in my sleepless ones
peter has nightmares but mj is the best (G)
i'm surprised that you've never been told before (that you're lovely and you're perfect)
peter says mj date me and she says yeah okay (G)
before i let you walk, you gotta show me how you crawl
enemies for four seconds as is my brand (E)
you only know you love her when you let her go
harry is a good guy in this but still gets dicked over bye (G)
you know i love it, so please don’t stop it
peter doesn’t even take any photos one star (E)
wake up, dork (i miss you)
mj just wants peter to do his part of the homework (G)
can’t take my eyes off of you
dad!peter and my dislike of kidfics (G)
you’re just too good to be true
i still don’t like kidfics (G)
what, are we in forks?
peter says mj let me love you forever and she says new phone who this (G)
without knowing how, or when, or from where
i said no plot in the tags and i wasn’t lying (G)
I don't care who's right or wrong (I just don't love you no more)
shuffle really mugged me off w this song (T)
let it be me
depressed!peter my beloved (G)
and i’m certain, i’d do anything for you
vampire!mj has no filter and peter is down for it (T)
if you fall for me, i’ll catch you
cheerleader au when they’re barely cheerleaders (G)
me w my taylor swift fic look at me (G)
rockin’ all over the world
banger of a song i stand by it (G)
i wanna be your lover
first fic yay snaps for me (G)
spooky season
snowy season
three sentence fics
fic recs
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harriet-spy · 7 years
@mid0nz wrote:
I’ll just end with this– the greatest missing scene of all. Eurus, Sherlock and Mycroft weren’t born. They were made. HOW? What would she have had to suffer to be that conniving child? What did she see? How did she learn? She learned to speak the language of the sociopaths who raised her. 
I don’t see this.  While I agree about the Holmes parents’ monstrousness (though I don’t think the show meant for us to read them as such), one of my greatest frustrations with the writers’ S3/S4 choices is that they really do seem to think that Sherlock was “made” by a single traumatic event (and, in consequence, that now that he has recovered his memory of the event, he can relatively easily remake himself into a nice, normal person).  I find this crudely reductionist and emotionally unsatisfying, even for a genre show.  Meanwhile, Euros’s childhood sociopathy/whatever malignant mental illness the show thinks she has appears to have arisen solely from her intelligence and its unavoidable concomitant, lack of feeling.  There’s no other explanation even hinted at in the text.  Mycroft...well, who bothered to think this through for Mycroft?  Apparently he’s just another, but lesser, unfeeling-brain-by-nature who merely happened to be in the vicinity when the murder and self-harm and multiple arsons and supposed death by fire of his sister went down.  No trauma involved for him!  (For all that MG infuses Mycroft’s flashbacks with real feeling, there is not a single moment when anyone in the story acts as if Musgrave would have been a horrifying experience for Sherlock’s thirteen-year-old brother, as well.) 
In earlier years, fandom liked to toy with all kinds of Grand Guignol theories about childhood at Holmes Manor.  I never thought the Holmes parents could be Quite Right, but a few of the theories seemed excessive even by the new TFP standard.  So, while I wasn’t thrilled with the Middle-Class McNormalsons reveal of S3, I could begrudgingly bring myself to live with it.  But what the two theories in their more reasonable incarnations had in common was that the Holmes boys, while obviously responding to their environments, shaped themselves.  Neglect, whether benign or malicious, left them to grow up as hothouse flowers, cultivating their own strange characters.  Reducing all their splendid self-willed oddity to “well, Sherlock had one Really Bad Experience as a child” and “Mycroft is smart therefore naturally inhuman” is just so unsatisfying for me.  I’m sure part of this results from the clumsy, inconsistent, preaching-not-showing “S4 is a speedrun of itself” showrunning, but I’ve read enough Moffat interviews to believe that he really thinks that TFP solved the ultimate mystery of Sherlock Holmes (“How can anyone be like that and not be a monster?”) and that the answer was “His childhood friend was murdered.”
(I cannot work out a way to selectively quote long nested texts on Tumblr, so apologies for this formatting.)
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