#i haven't been very creative
abyssalzones · 5 months
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If you have the same hyperfixation for too long they put money on your head and baby I'm frontlining America's most wanted
bonus parallel fidds sprites
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elven-butts · 11 months
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i missed this wet cat of a doctor
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a-crystalclearsquid · 27 days
Always an angel, never a god.
Jon, on his brightest, could make Damian feel anything and everything like no other. He would simply smile and Damian would breathe easier. Jon could simply express his kindness as he always does and the latter would fall a little more in love. It would be that Jon would immediately stop whatever it was that he was doing in favor of comforting a homeless guy in the street. Jon, who would be patient with a child who refuses to listen to the mother out in public.
It was always the little things- the smallest gestures that caught Damian off guard on how easy it was to fall in love again when he thought that he was completely taken over.
But even on Jon’s darkest days, it would not deter Damian.
It would be that a bully would wear out Jon’s patience and throw the first hit or even when he would completely avoid talking or making contact with anyone else just because the day is not going his way. Or even being irritated at his friends’ tiniest movements because he has an assignment due and he could not concentrate.
All those things simply meant that Jon was also human (as he was) and had his flaws. It made Damian appreciate his partner more.
The fact that Jon has his own human struggles as the rest of them had Damian be comforted but also annoyed as he could not ease it away.
So what he does is to be a better partner more in the battlefield. That way, he knows he could prevent Jon from experiencing the harsher wounds.
It comes in many forms as it is displayed through thousands, millions even, ways: Love.
It’s so hard to put it into words.
Especially for Damian, who was taught that actions proved better evidence to one’s thoughts and feelings. While he simple does not disagree, there are times when one has to use words where one’s actions are not sufficient or is the most appropriate way to let somebody know just how much you care about them.
An example would be right now, where Damian is helpless besides Jon, who is recovering inside a kryptonian pod in the Fortress of Solitude.
Where, even to the best of Damian’s medicine and surgical knowledge, is unable to assist in any way to the recovery of a comatosed Jon Kent.
All that knowledge and practice and for what? To be told that the best he could do as of now is to converse one-sidedly to Jon in hopes they would get a reaction out of him.
So here he is, the grandson of the Demon, proclaimed assassin by the age of 8, Robin to two Batman by the age of 10, has died at least three times by the age of 14, and completely helpless to by the bedside of the love of his life at 21, struggling to form words to bring back his lover from the depths of his own subconscious.
“Jonathan,“ he says his name as how one might start a prayer. “Habibi,“
my love, my life,
He grips the wrist of Jon, to feel the faint pulse, assuring himself that Jon is still here.
“I miss your warmth,
and I miss your presence.
I miss you in every waking hour, knowing you’re barely within my reach.
And I’m tempted,
oh, so tempted to bring you to the waters where I was born.
Yet, I am not so desperate as to turn my back on everything that I have fought for -that we have fought for- just for you to be disappointed in me when you return.
I have yet to lose faith that you’d never wake.
And it was because you have made me promise to by your side and never lose hope.
So here I am,
Barely holding on to hope,
Always on the edge on doing the drastic measures.
The only thing stopping me?
That would be you,
My most and dearest beloved.
All these years, and all the doubts everyone in my life has given me, save for you.
You had never given up on me, you’ve always been by my side, and you’ve always rooted for me even in times I don’t deserve,
You have made me felt no safer than in your arms.
So please,”
Damian begged,
“Return to me and make me feel safe within your comfort again.
As you have been by my side, I am also here, Jonathan.
Return to me and I will show you my devotion.
My faith wavers not as I wait for you, no matter how impatient I might seem.
Please come back to me,“
With nothing to do but sit and wait by Jon’s bedside, barely sleeping in case of missing something, his brothers bring him his books and his sketchpad.
They also bring him Alfred the cat for company, who was now sleeping by Jon.
He appreciates the little distractions, though it does no good as he keeps on looking over Jon every few minutes.
So he inclines to bring out his sketchpad and starts imitating the sleeping form of his little feline friend, and when he’s done with that, he sketches everything else he could see within his sights.
And when he also exhausts those within his peripheral vision, his hand finally gets the courage to draw Jon.
It wasn’t like the other portraits of Jon sleeping he has done so far.
It’s different, but also the same.
The way that it’s so peaceful gives out a nice scene. The way that Jon’s bruises and cuts are now mostly gone relieves Damian. The way Alfred the cat is calmly rested on top of Jon’s chest, comforting both pet and owner of the repeated rise and fall movement.
He finishes the sketch and Damian wishes he had paint with him, so that he may properly bring the art to life.
He was tired now.
Though trained by the best to function for weeks with limited to no amount of sleep, Damian couldn’t help his tired eyes and his tired mind, grudingly succumbing to slumber, but not before taking in Jon’s hand in his.
He yearns for the hour Jonathan wakes again.
To be able to recieve and exchange smiles with his beloved again.
Damian rests his eyes, knowing he will easily wake at the slightest movement of his beloved.
Even for just a simple twitch of the finger, or on the skipped heartbeat of the monitor, Damian is most confident he will be able to detect it.
For now, he simply escapes to the plains of his dreams, hoping his subconscious grants his wish. Even though knowing that it would not be real, he would at least get to spend a second reliving on a far-away memory or to experience a new one.
For whatever can emphasize his hopes and faiths, Damian will always be waiting in the land amongst mortals.
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kojotei · 3 months
I want to draw a Specific Scene from The Raven Cycle and now I'm torn if I should go with the memory and the general vibe I got when I read it all those years ago or actually reread the scene
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dont-offend-the-bees · 2 months
Wooooops I let my brain atrophy again
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i-eat-deodorant · 10 months
hey. i don't normally boost my stuff, so i ask that people please hear me out on this one.
i know i reblog art most of the time, but i primarily consider myself a fanfic writer. not a fanartist, but a fanwriter. and i use ao3 metrics such as kudos and comments to gauge how liked a story is. this directly affects how willing i am to continue writing.
comments are golden (i read and cherish everyone of them!), but if you like what i write, please take the time to click the kudos button.
thank you kindly.
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intersexfairy · 10 months
i wrote over 3,000 words of a short story today and i still haven't given my characters names bc i planned nothing before i started writing. don't really know how to explain what i wrote but uhh. one character's an autistic nonbinary faun with wings, and the other's a cis human who's a hunter but not very good at it because he has adhd. they are both gay men but they don't know it yet. i'm so tired i can't write any more today but i Will find them names. recommendations welcome, can't promise at all that i'll use them.
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holofishes · 1 year
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something something long walks on the beach ☀
[johnny’s top]
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korattata · 4 months
oh i'm gonna have to redownload pokemon masters huh.
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solvicrafts · 5 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
...except I'm getting to this very late and have no idea who has or hasn't done this yet, so consider this a free-for-all for anyone wanting to do this, too!
Last song: Follow Fi (extended) - good background noise when I'm working on my websites :)
Bregan D'aerthe fan-site will be returning soon-ish btw! PROBABLY in April or May but it really depends on how much more our relocation is gonna keep getting pushed back :(
Favourite colour: I am a BIG fan of colors just in general but um...
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GREEN. Let's just say 'green' and make this a bit easier.
Last tv show/movie: Oh lord... I really don't watch tv much at all. As in... I've watched 1 show in the last 3 years, which is the Loki series.
Spicy/sweet/savoury: Mostly savory with a bit of spice. I do not usually like mixing sweet and savory. There's an Indian restaurant around here that makes great tikka masala and if I could only eat ONE meal for the rest of my life it would be that.
Last game: Minecraft. I was feeling a bit cynical after corporate put up some more ~woo~ feel-good brainwashing customer service posters so I fought back by putting up signs in my spooky scary underground dungeon saying shit like "positive vibes only" and a few other things that might be too much of a giveaway for where I work so I won't share them (YET!)
Last thing i google "do people seriously believe this crap?" with absolutely no added context because that's the mood I was in
@foxboyclit thank you for tagging me in this, it was fun!
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park-chan-yall · 2 years
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Kpop Moodboards-
Kyujung~Chungking Express
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pasta-pardner · 1 year
Butch and Sundance have shared quite a ride together. They're going down-- guns blazing and side-by-side.
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pastafossa · 2 years
Alright! Got the TRT chapter written and some editing done. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish editing tomorrow evening (leaving at 11am and roughly 6 hour drive, will have time tomorrow night), or potentially Monday and Tues night if the editing’s not finished up tomorrow. Breakfast is usually at 8:30am at art camp, followed by ART until lunch, then MORE ART until dinner, and then we’re all done SURPRISE THE TEACHER GIVES ME HIS SHOP KEY EVERY YEAR SO I CAN GO CARVE MORE AFTER DINNER CAUSE I AM A MACHINE.
So we’ll see what I get done. Pre-editing, the chapter was about 4.5k words so I won’t have to edit a mountain at least, and I think I can do it. I’ll let ya’ll know if something changes!
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the-velvet-worm · 2 years
thinking abt Vex getting back from Pandemonium and realizing she’s pregnant and just. feeling so many things because they’ve just saved the world ⎯ again ⎯ and she just lost Vax, and he would’ve been the first person she told (after Percy, of course) and he would’ve been so excited and happy for her and it would’ve given them so much to look forward to but he’s gone and there’s nothing she can do about it, she can’t tell him, her kids will never know their uncle, and it’s just a lot for someone to handle so soon after everything they all literally just went through. like how is she supposed to be take in such news when the other half of her soul is missing now? she still has Percy, her husband, her heart, but the one constant throughout her entire life is gone and she just. idk probably felt really lonely for a bit there. to have the knowledge that she was experiencing something so wonderful and joyful with the man she loves, while she’s mourning the fact that her brother won’t be a part of any of it is just... really fuckin sad, man lol
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pillars-of-salt · 2 months
i know these are after 10 pm feelings but i truly am so sad that i don't have the motivation or time to draw as much as i used to and i'm sad that tumblr's culture has deteriorated so much bc now there's really no point in posting art here anymore even when i do draw
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soultoken-archived · 5 months
he shivers, pulling the coat stronger on himself. all the alcohol in his veins almost made him forget to be outside in the middle of the winter night, but now he's starting to feel it again. his liquor stained breath condenses in the chilling air, looking like the smoke he can't have because he ran out of cigarettes. it's freezing. but he's not moving. his eyes wander up, to the apartment he's been sitting in front of. his old apartment. their old apartment.
a silhouette moves behind the curtains. maybe someone going for a glass of water, maybe it's just his own imagination. or maybe a ghost. but who or whatever that is, it has the same silhouette of des. it stands near the window for a moment, stretches. then it's gone. maybe they got back to bed. like he used to do, when john would call him, sleepily lying there after the only truly restful nights of his life. he would call him, and des would lie down again, just a little longer. just for him. but john didn't do the same. no, he had to sacrifice the only man he truly cared about to save his stupid, pathetic life.
you drank again, didn't you?... i know. don't worry. i know it's not easy to stop. but you promised me, johnny.
he realizes he's crying only when he feels his tears getting colder in the freezing air. why did he think he could handle a normal life with des? why did he think he could even remotely have a right for such a life? to try and take it, he ended up taking des' too, and they both lost them. if only he could stay away from him, if only he could stop lying to himself, saying stupid things like i can do this, i can live with him, everything will be okay, everything will get fixed, des would still be his own person, he would be free. and instead, he had to try and take it. the normal life. the life that he was never meant to have. and he just can't stop hearing his voice, now.
don't worry. i'll help you. you'll do better next time.
and he's always so kind. so extremely kind. and he doesn't deserve it. he doesn't deserve him. he never did.
you promised me, johnny.
but i can't keep any promise.
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