#i have to remember i made that tag uhhh....
filurig · 1 year
i realise i havent actually made a pinned for this blog so...
hi, im björn and im a 22 year old guy (he/him) from sweden Who Likes To Draw!! this is my art blog. i really like birds, paleontology, ocs, and music! im also autistic and if it isnt obvious enough birds and music are my special interests. i guess ocs also could count as such...
i tend to draw my ocs. my main oc universe i call “pareidolia”, which is a setting that takes place in sweden roughly during the first decade of the 1900s. everything is as it is with the exception of creatures and figures from folklore actually being real - and while some magical elements exist, their true nature is a bit different from the mythos.
check out the tags related to it here if u want to snoop about it! or if u want to read more in depth stuff, check out the toyhouse page.
if u follow and i happen to glance on ur profile and see stuff like proship, dead dove, etc i will block u. sorry i just dont want that kind of analysis on my guys and story
i also have a twitter, youtube, artfight and instagram !
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mordremrose · 20 days
I’m just gonna write a little thing! A little thought for Bloom, nothing too intense, just so I don’t forget it!
1000 words later? Whoops
Writing below the cut, major spoilers for the end of Heart of Thorns and implied End of Dragons spoilers but nothing explicit from EoD :]
“Kill me, Commander.” Trahearne could hear his own voice tremble, as horror overtook his dear friend’s face. Around them all, their friends— Rytlock, Caithe, Canach, Marjory, Braham— were exhausted. Worn thin by the fight against the jungle dragon, both physical and within the Dream.
“What? No! Mordremoth is dead. We destroyed its mind from the inside.” The commander protested, their fingers curled around the hilt of Caladbolg.
“But I still hear its voice.” Trahearne looked down at his hands, twisted and blighted as they were. His body was not his— he was corrupted. It was only cruel fate that he had kept his mind this long. Or perhaps something more sinister.
“Mordremoth is alive. One last hateful vestige… a terrible seed, planted deep in my mind.”
Trahearne’s hands curled into fist, as he took a deep steadying breath.
“You must kill me, Commander, before that seed grows. Before… before Mordremoth reclaims what it has lost.”
He reached out now, hands on his friend’s shoulders. The tears streaming down their face broke his heart. He did not want this. He didn’t want to hurt them, to see them suffer so.
Trahearne wished there was another way.
“What is left of me can’t survive on its own, my friend.” He croaked, and felt the Commander tremble beneath his hands. Were they always so small?
“Strike now or—“
Against his will, a rage rose up. A sick bile that boiled in his stomach and burned through his chest as his mind lurched.
Through his mouth, Mordremoth spoke.
“I am the future! I am this world! You cannot destroy me!” The dragon roared, hands tightening around the commander.
“Run while you can!” It took everything he had left to force his fingers to uncurl, to release the commander even as the dragon wanted to tear them to shreds to be remade anew.
Caladbolg flashed in the corner of his eye.
“No!” The commander yelled. Strike true my friend! Trahearne wanted to yell. But he couldn’t, and his mind went dark.
There was no great explosion. There was no dying scream.
If you asked those present what happened, none of them gave any concrete answer.
Canach hesitated to answer, but would confirm that Mordremoth was no longer hounding his mind, or any of the sylvari.
All Rytlock would say was that the confrontation wasn’t pretty.
Caithe mourned Trahearne, in her quiet and melancholic manner, and asked not to push the matter further.
Braham would scowl, shake his head, and shove his way past, unwilling or perhaps unable to describe that final blow.
Marjory Delaqua, normally so elegant and clever with her words, who could see the twists of a plot before anyone else— when she was asked, she could only shake her head and reply ‘I don’t know’.
The Commander didn’t answer at all, because no one was able to find them to ask.
Eventually, researchers at the newly established lab of Rata Novus confirmed what the entire world held its breath to hear.
Mordremoth was dead. He had to be, to explain the slow steady trickle of magic escaping the jungle, supposedly as the dragon… decayed wasn’t the right word, but it conveyed the idea well enough. It was a slow death, they said, not quite the explosive reaction from Zhaitan, who had gorged itself on magic before its death, but a gradual decay. It changed things, about magic, about how the people of Tyria and the soon to be established Dragon’s Watch understood the flow of magic around and through the Elder Dragons. But it was dead.
It had to be.
He woke up. His body ached, as it always did, as he woke. A consequence of being too bigsmall. He stirred slowly, limbs stretching out and tail dragging behind. He had buried himself beneath massive vines this time, the weight of them both familiar and restricting. These conflicting sensations, the constant disagreement with himself… it was the only thing he could rely on. Even his name escaped his memory, although he could hear whispers of it on the edges of his mind.
It didn’t matter, really.
He moved slowly, not truly wanting to rise, but knowing he must.
He was something in between, and there was no stillness for him. No place of his own.
His one companion, if you could call it that, would be upon him soon. A dogged purserer, both a thorn in his side and a trusted ally, trailed behind him. For a time he thought they left him— and the feelings that had wrought left him stationary in a deep cave for nearly a week before they had reappeared.
He didn’t want them close, he knew that much, but they were one of the few things he had, a consistency. He couldn’t see them well, not with the distance between them, but he could always make out the broken blade at their hip. The one that made the scar across his chest ache.
He wondered what would happen if he let them get closer. Would they strike? Would they know him?
They were his enemyfriend. What would they make of him? Caution kept him at a distance from them.
The longer he was awake, the more memories he could half-remember.
The Orrian landscape stretches out before him and it reeks of his sibling, twisting beneath the dirt. The undead don’t notice him, not yet, and he can take a moment to look closer at the coral. It was neither alive nor dead. Not unlike himself and yet so different to him or anything he had ever encountered before.
He missed his siblings, their quiet talks among the then empty roots, among safe coils with their constant presence around him. They were too distant to feel or simply gone now and it unnerved him. This was wrong. Perhaps they could help him make it right.
There was one other thing, other than his sort-of companion and his unsteady roiling mind, that remained constant. And this was the true constant. A steady beacon, that he could not see or hear, but simply felt in a way that he could not describe. A magnetic sort of pull that had him orbiting closer and closer.
It drew him in, out of the depths and dark underbelly of the jungle and the cave systems, towards the strange golden stones, the elegant walls meant to keep out creatures that wished to destroy the beacon. He was not welcome there, not yet, even though he meant no harm. He just needed to be closer.
He didn’t know how he knew that. He just knew it.
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the-acid-pear · 1 month
I never tried the option myself bc it'd probably mean skipping the Reason You Suck speech at the end (fire for speedrunners though) but I Love that you can frame your Phoneys in 3, especially so if you've already killed the previous two. Like yeah couldn't send you off to die so i'll let the goverment do it for me 🧸 like its just Peak evil imo.
#luly talks#i do relinquish in the pain and the agony but dont get me wrong the thought of any of them 3 getting jailed makes me SO sad#rog esp since he's the one im writing about and the biggest nerve wreck#gingi voice they'll be the last one to pick the board game for prison-game-night..........#actually yknow i wonder if rog would end up almost believing it after all when you try to gaslight him for the shits and giggles#(as in: telling HE was victim of the bite of 87 and the like) he tells you to not do that bc his brain is already scrambled or something#so there's a chance perhaps he'd believe it if he had everyone constantly accussing him of it?#not like it'd matter much i have no hopes for the dsaf justice system i know its been 35 years since jack got framed but still#i just remembered when the option popped up i said ''god im really becoming steven 😭''#first time i made the joke too was when i said ''imagine your boss sucks so bad you turn suicidal'' no clue what the context was#OH YEAH JAKE SAYING HE'D RATHER FUCKING DIE THAN KEEP WORKING HERE yeah. poor guy.#anyway im derailing my own post again uhhh. yeah. yeah i dont trust any phoney is avoiding the death sentence#dsaf#roger jones#dsaf roger#btw just for the sake of yapping longer i truly cant decide whether harry or jake would survive better in the enviroment#probably jake to be honest. I mean Harry has a lot of experience inside freddy's but he didnt really live outside it muhc#jake is so confrontational though#hey did you guys watch the hit movie felon? sure that guy wasn't framed but. i feel like jake would end up w that attitude#except for. you know. everything else that happens in the hit movie felon.#hey actually forget about this game go watch the 10/10 movie Felon from 2008 starring Val Kilmer and Stephen Dorff#because its one of my all time fave movies and probably the saddest i've seen#not bc there arent movies that are more tragic but bc no movie was able to break thru my walls of idgaf and make me cry anyway#yeah you thought i couldnt bring up my movie fixations on my different fandom posts well you were WRONG in fact#im gonna go tag my other post i left untagged yesterday bc my ass was Cooking
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crunchycrystals · 9 months
the best and worst part about life is that there's a million different ways it didn't turn out like this, but everything in our lives lined up to get us here
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mane--attraction · 1 year
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Ah yes, my very late "year in review post" whoops lol (MINORS DNI)
I posted 25 times in 2022
That's 13 more posts than 2021!
18 posts created (72%)
7 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 25 of my posts in 2022
#gender neutral reader - 9 posts
#mun speaks - 8 posts
#lemon - 8 posts
#x reader - 8 posts
#minors dni - 6 posts
#gn reader - 4 posts
#murdock x reader - 4 posts
#lemonish - 3 posts
#darkiplier x reader - 3 posts
#mun answers - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#okay after thinking about it you may have mentioned the idea as a fic at one point (cuz i know it was brought up for rp) but still
My Top Posts in 2022:
Murderplier/Murdoch spicy headcanons - MINORS DNI
A/N I’ve been holding onto these since... May 5th? Damn lol forgot about them until literally today when I’m making this post. >:P Under read more just in case. 
CW: knifes, murder mention, blood mention, gender neutral but there is a period mention (if I need more warnings, let me know)
(read more at the link below)
58 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
A/N: I wrote this at 3am don't look at me
Murdock has a habit.
(read more at the link below)
58 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
"Perhaps you are tired of me repeating myself over..."
One spank. You yelp with a jolt.
"...and over..."
Another spank, another cry from you. You swear that slap was harder.
"...and over again," he growls into your ear as he gives one more and you hiss in pain, even as a shudder runs down your spine.
(read more at the link below)
79 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
(A/N: This has been languishing for a while cuz despite being a drabble I got stuck really quickly; I couldn’t figure out how to make what I wrote mesh with the idea of “someone comes to the door” without it feeling unnecessary. Ah well, another time, mayhaps. Anyway, enjoy~)
(minors dni)
Technically, the head engineer should bunk near the engines, in case of an issue. Technically, in addition to being closer to the bridge, the captain's quarters only have room for one.
(read more at the link below)
147 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How they would react to you tying yourself up in ribbon as a gift for them: Actor and Dark
(click the link below to view the headcanons)
157 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
(posts edited down for length and also to hide most of the naughty stuff lol. also for some reason this recap post removed the read more from everything so the entire post was slapped in there)
What a year! I know I'm (very) late with posting this, but I only refound this recap thing in the last few days of 2022 and then I got busy. My most popular post was the one towards the beginning of the year, and I actually reblogged stuff to this blog that wasn't just that one gifset! Whodathunk! The top five has a pretty good range, which I'm happy about. Thank you to everyone in particular who reblogged stuff and added tags, I appreciate those notes the most. And also those asks, hehe. I live for the yelling at me in my inbox and the tags. Who knows what this year will bring~~ >:3
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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emtjeejooblaa · 7 months
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@wigdevil 's OC Chyme / Riimi
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ria-starstruck · 1 year
i love animation (starts standing up and swinging pen like a madman)
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netscapenavigaytor · 2 years
reverse dragon ball xenoverse game... youre a fucked up and evil illegal time traveller and you just get free reign to hop around random points in the dbz series and change shit around for better or worse just to see waht happens. but watch out because you will be attacked by ocs for this
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dreamerking27 · 4 months
if you're not having momentary shenanigans with your flatmates what are you doing? having continuous shenanigans? how did you do that and where do i sign up?
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planetpiastri · 2 months
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pairing: lando norris x fem!australian!reader [no faceclaim] summary: honestly, you kind of expected this part-time gig to just be four days of pure chaos that gave you an excuse to see an f1 race up close. then some guy in the fanzone complimented your shoes, and the rest is history. notes: requested by anon!! this has been sitting in my drafts for aaaaages, sorry love <3 y'all are so brave for putting up with me while i try and remember how tf to write these uhhh yeah this one took a turn hope u like it anyway LMFAO
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liked by oscarpiastri, ynusername, and 13,024 others
ausgp Arriving in style! The lads looked great at the Melbourne Walk today 🤩🤩
view all 1,654 comments
username1 lewis and zhou are absolutely slaying!! and oscar is also there
ynusername oscar i love you but you gotta step up your game mate, i wanna wear your merch so bad but it is UGLY!!
landonorris excuse me ausgp i think my fit was deserving of recognition in this post :(
ausgp Can't compete with the hometown hero 🤷‍♂️ landonorris but daniel isn't in this either ? oscarpiastri You're funny.
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liked by mclaren, ausgp, and 811,364 others
landonorris he shoots, he scores! thanks for such a warm welcome melbourne :)
view all 7,023 comments
oscarpiastri You and I have different definitions of scoring I think
landonorris ever heard of playing the long game? oscarpiastri Nurse he's out again
username2 where's the worker with the shoes i think they're indirecting her
maxfewtrell Now that's just uncalled for
ausgp Love to see the spirit 😉
username4 aww lando always looks so happy in melbourne, he loves it here :'))
ynusername oh wtf
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liked by ausgp, yourfriend, and others
ynusername busy busy busy day, absolutely buggered, but very excited for tomorrow 😁 (also peep The Shoes on the last slide)
view all 89 comments
yourfriend i mean... he's right, they are sick shoes
ynusername you're just saying that cos you made me buy them yourfriend well yes!
username5 omg are u the girl who was working the fanzone today??
ynusername i was one of them!
username6 ok if this is the shoe lady i don't blame lando for staring she's so pretty omg
yourfriend "the shoe lady" ynusername i've been titled?????
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liked by yourfriend, landonorris, and others
ynusername weirdest work day ever (included today's shoes bc apparently it's a thing now)
view all 112 comments
yourfriend that wrap was good as hell tho
ynusername deffo the most exciting part of lunch
username7 wait who is this girl and why does lando follow her?
username8 go to lovestruckln on twitter, she has a whole thread about it!
landonorris ...weird in a good way, right?
username9 your lack of rizz is astounding lando username10 bro STAND UP ynusername weird in an interesting way landonorris i'll take that
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liked by ynusername, ausgp, and 1,011,023 others
landonorris melb, you have my ❤️
view all 8,327 comments
username12 i hope they never hard launch and he just keeps posting pics of cool sneakers
georgerussell63 You're welcome
charles_leclerc You did it, you crazy son of a bitch ausgp Where's our credit?? georgerussell63 You put the pieces in play, I moved them into checkmate ynusername you threw a shoe at me. calm down. ausgp He what???
username13 bro's collecting aussies like infinity stones
danielricciardo ?? oscarpiastri No ynusername :// landonorris 😁😁
ynusername you're cool ig 🙄
landonorris your swag style and utter disdain for me has captured my heart ynusername oh my god stop i'm blushing
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tagging: @thearchieves @sheridamn @nikfigueiredo @charlig123456789 @ilove-tswizzle @aandreea2005 @sideboobrry @vellicora @eire-the-egg @marymustdie @cocote1410 @taygrls @koalapastries @vroomvroommuppett @nichmeddar @d3kstar @333kiki @ririyulife @resident-swiftie @zimm04 @jupiter-je-taime @ever_bizzare @clemswrld @hollieeelol @leireggsworld @ironmaiden1313 @lunar-racing @lightninginab0ttle @maddie-naps @bwddermilch @pnkwhskyprncss @landossainz @chaotic_version
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request: hiya! i love how funny your smau’s are and i’m begging for an aussie!reader x Lando one. maybe she works for the AusGP and they met in Melbourne? idk -anon
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4K notes · View notes
motherroam-rs · 3 months
Sleep Deprivation
Relationship: Hunter x Reader
Summary: In the search for Omega, Hunter struggles to sleep and needs a push to get some rest.
Warnings/Tags: Sleep Deprivation, Angst, Comfort, uhhh I think that’s everything
Word Count: 1.2k
Notes: The first 3 episodes have me in a chokehold, I wanna see Hunter happy again - Here’s a super short angsty lil comfort fic for Hunter set just before the beginning of episode 2 🫶🫶 Apologies for any grammatical errors!
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Every noise in the Marauder seemed louder with just the three of you in it. Any hum, beep, and sigh seems to be amplified, even Gonkys small movements seemed to echo through the empty space just as loud as Wreckers snores.
Though, it’s not the only change. The ship seems too big now, and it’s hard to remember a time where it was so over-occupied that you would all fight over who got to sleep in a bunk for the night, and who had to use a sleep mat on the floor. Durasteel walls that previously made you all feel like fish packed together in a can, now seemed to stretch out impossibly, making it seem that you were planets away from the ships other two occupants.
Currently you’re sat in the co-pilot chair, preoccupied with your glitchy datapad, attempting to send an encrypted message to Echo for any updates from the clone network. You’re biting down on a sigh at how you wished Tech were here to fix it for you when Wrecker nudges your foot with his own.
You look up, puzzled at the man but your silent question is answered by the attempted jerk of his head. Behind you both sits Hunter, staring abysmally at the control board of flashing lights with his fist tightened around a horn from Roland Durand. The lights cast a harsh shadow on his features and your lips can’t help but work themselves into a frown at the dark circles beneath his eyes.
It had been well over 24 hours since he last slept.
Glitchy datapad now abandoned, you give a quick nod in thanks to Wrecker, before leaving the cockpit to approach Hunter. His chair doesn’t turn, and despite his enhanced senses and the lack of noise in the ship to cover your steps in any way, he gives no indication that he’s heard you. You follow his line of sight to both Tech’s goggles and Lula, both of the items bringing a pain to your chest.
“Hunter?” You press your hand to his armored shoulder, and he finally turns to look at you, slightly startled and you can’t even recall a time that you’ve ever caught him so off guard. Now that he’s facing you, the exhaustion is evident in more than just the dark circles under his eyes, his body seems to slump against the support of the chair in some sort of emotional defeat.
He’s been running himself into the ground over the last few days in pursuit of the Pyke needed in order to get the lead you had all been after, but at least you and Wrecker still managed to somewhat take care of your basic needs of sleep and rations.
Before you can speak, he turns back towards the controls, as if sensing what you were going to say about the neglect to his sleep schedule.
“Tech made this all seem… easy.” Gloved hands gesture to the console of flashing lights, his throat bobbing with a dry swallow as he shakes his head. “All of it takes me twice as long as it took him.”
Hunters hand pinches the bridge of his nose, the same way he does when he has an oncoming headache and your hand presses to the unarmoured section between his shoulder and neck, an area that is usually covered by his scarf. At the touch, his eyes close and lips part with a soft release of breath.
He needs to sleep.
“Come to bed, Hunter.” The whisper echoes through the too-quiet ship, amplified like every other noise, and for a moment it looks like he’s going to refuse. He doesn’t speak, but gives a slight nod of his head, and brushes your hand away to stand and begin removing his armor as he follows you on the way to your shared bunk.
After so long of racing to be the first one on the Marauder after a mission to secure your own bunk for a night, there was some sad irony in the fact that you now couldn’t sleep alone. Following the loss of Tech, and the painful absences of Omega and Echo, all attempts to adjust to the atmosphere of loneliness on the ship were almost painful.
At the start, you think you barely managed a standard 8 hours across 3 full day cycles, let alone in one night, and your restlessness didn’t go unnoticed by Hunter, who had probably slept even less than you. On the fourth night of staring at the ceiling and trying to muffle your quiet crying in the too-silent ship, he had abandoned his bunk beneath you and climbed into your own. His arms allowed you the comfort of not grieving alone that night, and almost every night since.
At some point, it delved into more than simply finding comfort in each other so you could both sleep, sending you far enough past the line of friends for Wrecker to tease you both in an attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere in the Marauder.
Now only wearing the lower half of his blacks, Hunter lifts himself into the shared top bunk, and offers you a hand up, immediately pulling you into him once you’re safely up. In the small confines of the bunk, you’re entirely pressed to his firm body, yet he still holds you tightly against his bare chest as if fearing you’d slip away the moment his eyes closed.
He’s pulled the thin blanket over you both, but with the heat of his body it’s more than enough to keep you warm. “We’ll get her back.” You murmur against Hunters chest in assurance as one of his hands pulls your leg across his own, entangling the two of you together.
You feel his hand twitch against you, “It’s been a long time, and we still don’t know where she is, the only lead we can get right now is by handing over a Pyke to the Durand family.” His voice is heavy with exhaustion and you crane your neck up, lifting yourself from his chest to place your hand on his stubble covered jaw, forcing him to look at you.
“We’ll get her back, Hunter, but you need to sleep.” You lean in to press a kiss to the lips that seem to have set themselves into an ever present frown since that day on Ord Mantell.
Hunters hand presses to your face to mirror your own, his other arm tightening around your waist protectively as he kisses you back. Even when you pull away and rest your head back on his chest, his fingers continue to trace slow patterns on your waist, still refusing to let you go as he gives in to his tiredness.
You wait for his breathing to slow, ensuring he’s asleep before you allow yourself to close your eyes and follow him. In the night, you dream of living together in a house on Pabu, where the only echoing noise is Omegas laugh, where there are no empty spaces to make you feel lonely, and where Hunter can finally rest.
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kentocidal · 10 months
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the betrothal.
users: rex lapis x fem!reader
warning! this file has been corrupted! do not open! yandere!rex lapis, violence, description of a dead body, death of an unnamed character, power imbalance, age gap, pre-canon, like many years pre-canon, historical inaccuracies, ask to tag.
internal message: so uhhh. yeah this. this is an au i’ve been working on. this is my introduction to it p much. i hope this reaches other freaks like me so i have an excuse to write more yan!zhongli and get into the talks of enabler!xiao
new notifications! @kaedescara @yaekiss (want to get a notification? send me an ask off anon!)
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you stood completely rigid in the elaborate dining hall of the large house that was not your own, your father’s hand on the small of your back, keeping you from running.
you turned your head to look up at him, blinking and feeling your chest go tight as he laughed awkwardly at your reaction to his statement. “darling, i’m sure you heard me. this is your betrothed.”
“but… what? i never…” you looked straight ahead again, at the man in front of you who was surrounded by his parents and a handful of guards, a sweet and tender smile on his face as he looked you over like you were furniture and not a person. your father patted your back to try and encourage you to step forward, but you stayed planted firmly in your spot next to him.
“honey, i know you remember me explaining this to you.” your father’s lips were near your ear as he mumbled to you, sighing. “if you didn’t find a husband, i would find one for you. i told you this.”
something inside of you twisted. something deep, carnal, dark. this was wrong.
you had known from the moment you came of age that something… something bigger was meant for you. your archon had called to you from the moment you first learned of him and his existence. his voice traveled through the echoes in the stone forest, telling you exactly where the good footholds were to ensure you wouldn’t fall. he made you feel lucky – it felt like you never tripped over stones or the boards in liyue harbor that other people stumbled over. you always had just the right amount of mora in your coin purse whenever you were hungry or thirsty or saw a brand new yukata in a deep brown and black that fit just right, no alterations needed. you felt blessed, felt that your calling was to be a handmaid to the archon, to his temple, keep yourself holy…
and your father was having none of it.
he had told you for the past six months that you were delusional, that you needed to focus on growing up and marrying off and bearing children to carry on your bloodline. you were the only daughter; your mother never produced a son before she passed. it was up to you, but you were not willing.
you felt your eyes start to well with tears and a scratchy lump settle in the back of your throat as you looked at this man, this stranger in front of you, and bowed slightly to him.
“pleasure to meet you,” came your meek, timid voice, shrouded in anger, panic, betrayal.
your betrothed smiled at your submissive stature, chuckling to himself and reaching to take one of your hands to press a kiss to the back of it. “the pleasure is mine. come, have dinner with us. please. it would make me so happy to feed you.”
and you went, because you had to. and you broke bread with this stranger, with this family that you were becoming forced to be a part of. this marriage would come sooner rather than later, and the idea of giving up your beliefs to make this man happy tore at you.
you could hardly eat the meal prepped for you, though it smelled delicious and looked divine. fresh pheasant and vegetables from a garden outside… you felt like you were going to be sick instead. 
you forced some rice down your throat before standing and saying you had a headache, urging to be escorted home by your father. he did not wish to oblige, but your betrothed – what was his name again? – was kind enough to excuse you both early. it felt like one of the blessings your archon was bestowing upon you. he had to understand that this was not for you.
the walk home was dark and filled with your father speaking down to you about the disgrace you had brought to the family, how it was not in the bloodline to become a priest of any kind. you swallowed, and simply turned down the opposite fork in the road towards one of the statues of your archon, refusing to listen to the shouts of your father who demanded you return to him at once.
you instead slipped underneath the roof of the small lean-to temple, fussing about to get incense lit and leave mora in the plate before taking your place on your knees in front of the statue, hands folded in your lap after smoothing out the fabric there. the heady scent of incense filled your head and soothed your worries almost immediately, a brush of wind guiding stray hairs from your face, almost like a hand brushing them away.
you bit your lip before speaking into the wind, already feeling the lump in your throat start to shift and loosen, a fresh swath of tears pricking the corners of your eyes. “this isn’t what is supposed to happen, is it?”
silence in the wind. it feels still, suddenly. you hiccup.
“i’m supposed to be guided by you, am i not? you have always guided me to do the right thing, always ensured good things happen to me. if this is true… why do i feel so empty? why does this feel wrong?”
a rustle in the trees. you sniffle and shift closer to the base of the statue, tipping your face up to look at the hooded figure sitting far above your head. you wipe at your eyes with the back of your hand. “i just need an answer. please. i don’t… think i ever want to be married. if there’s a way to escape this, something, anything, please… help me.” 
you cried. you felt like you were in mourning. you felt so empty, so alone. for the very first time in your life. you felt like your archon’s eyes were not on you.
you stood up and dropped more mora in the plate, all that you had in your coin purse, more than you remember packing, before slipping off into the night.
you cried yourself to sleep in your childhood home, curled up tightly until the early morning when you rose to hear liyue in a commotion, groups of footsteps outside your door and running along the trails leading towards the harbor. it was unusually busy as you gathered yourself for the day and hurried to follow the crowd.
it seemed to part for you, people looking over their shoulders to find you and immediately bowing out of your way to let you through. you briefly wondered if news of your engagement made its way through the city already, that the girl who was the archon’s most devoted follower was leaving the fold to be married circulated enough to embarrass you, but you soon discovered this was not the case. 
instead, you joined the crowd in the center of the city where the archon himself had descended upon the people, holding a limp body in his arms, a long dragon tail flicking at the sight of you. you swallowed and almost felt a scream bubble up, but nothing came. 
you stared into the yellow eyes of rex lapis and watched the fire melt away into the eyes of a simple man. he dropped the bleeding body from his arms to the boardwalk of the harbor. it landed with a sickening crack, splattering blood and practically bouncing. the head of the man turned in a disgusting way, and you recognized the face of your betrothed immediately.
in a short moment the archon had stepped over the body of the man you had broken bread with and approached you, holding out a blood coated hand.
“there you are.” his voice was deep, booming, raspy. almost inhuman. his tail flicked under his robes and you could tell his hood was concealing horns that wrapped around pointed ears.
“what have you done?” was your initial reaction, one that you regretted immediately, because the face of your archon hardened like the stones he created in his wake.
“i am answering your prayers, precious one. did you not cry for me to help you? did you not beg on your knees to be saved from this responsibility?” rex lapis cast a glance over his shoulder to the body of the man that was still seeping blood into the wood planks of the harbor. “he was nothing. cursed to a life of solitude. i am relieving you. where is my thanks?”
you shook as you stared at his outstretched hand, large and wet with blood and claws long enough to rip your heart out.
you stared hard at him for a moment as the pieces that had been handed to you one by one by him throughout your life snapped neatly into place, and you felt like your very essence was being pulled in towards him as your smaller hand pressed into his.he smiled at you, a slight grin, knowing and wise, and his eyes seemed to crackle with a sickness you would pretend wasn’t there as he pulled you towards his chest. “you were made for me, my gem. only for me.”
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dreamingofbucky · 1 year
chapter one
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summary: moving to a new neighborhood in Nueva York meant new places to see and new people to meet. Miguel O'Hara is an enigma. and after having a failed date attempt with him, you find out he's your coworker. but he's not the same man you've been pining over the last few weeks. He's much more cruel and something's not right.
warnings: uhhh dick!miguel? lol red flags but reader's blind and just thinks of him between her thighs despite his cocky attitude ayoo.
wordcount: 2.3k
author's note: mainly intro to series sorry if it's boring 😭 i can't wait to amp up the tension in the next chapter!
tag list: @yehet-moi-ohorat @127aliciia
series masterlist
It all happened so abruptly. 
Moving to a new part of Nueva York wasn’t something you expected. Getting a new job meant a higher salary, which meant you could afford a little better than most with what you’ve been able to save up and then what you’d be earning. But even ‘better’ wasn’t great. 
You unpacked your bags into your one bedroom apartment that seemed bigger and better maintained on the photos online. It didn’t pass you by the way the door in the bathroom jiggles a little out of the door hinges as if one more slam will make the whole damn thing fall down. 
And you didn’t have the energy to deal with the damn outlet in the kitchen that would reset any device connected to it every two hours. You definitely weren’t going to put your coffee pot there. You liked to wake up to a freshly brewed pot with an automatic timer. 
The apartment next door sat vacant since you moved in. You enjoyed it quite a bit, remembering how your last set of neighbors were up all hours of the night either blasting music, fucking, or arguing. You enjoyed the peace and quiet a little too much. 
Quite frankly, you’ve become comfortable with the silence pertaining to Unit 209. 
Despite that, things have been moving along swiftly and pleasantly in your life. You even bumped into someone three weeks ago walking down the street and it wasn’t just someone. He was sweet and kind, laughing at the mistake of you switching phones by accident after the collision. Thinking his phone was yours until you realized your phone didn’t have the cutest princess as the one on the lock screen. He fumbled for a little, with his stance and his words, as you both switched phones to the appropriate owners. He said it was his daughter on the screen. 
His name was Miguel O’Hara, he’d said. You told him yours and his eyes lit up like he’s never heard a name quite like yours before. And it sounded like rich honey coming off his lips when he repeated it. This just made your cheeks burn and flutters swarm all over your body. 
Next thing you knew, you bumped into him in all parts of your new town. The grocery store, the park where you like to run, and even the flower shop. He swore he knew nothing about flowers and was just trying to get some for his daughter for some school project. You’d laughed and helped him pick out the best kinds. 
All of these chance encounters that really led to nothing were starting to bug you until that one day he finally asked for your number. It took him a while to finally do so, but you were thankful that the universe somehow made it its mission to collide your pathways to constantly see him. 
You texted here and there, not much different to your dismay from the collisions in town that made you think he wanted more. You didn’t even know much else about the man besides he had a daughter and he liked that steakhouse a few blocks from your place. 
You hoped to change that soon, and that’s when it seemed like the universe was on your side. 
He asked you out for dinner at that steakhouse.
And then stood you up. 
You wanted to believe that there was good in people. Even the most honest ones. But there seemed to always be an anomaly that infected everyone. 
You had your flaws and your omissions. You had your quirks that only you’d ever witness within the walls of your apartment. And you had your utter disappointment in people that lied and dragged you along. Like him. 
Miguel O’Hara. 
You waited for one hour in that damn steakhouse before you gave up, asked for a check and then went home. You thought he’d at least pick you up from your place, finally get to see your new place. Funny now, he’s the least of who you’d like entering it. 
That humiliating night only fed your anger more until it was time to start your new job. You took the following weekend to relax, take a bath in that glorious tub that might have some scratches and chipping, but it was divine. You didn’t have a tub in your old place. 
Monday morning came abruptly and you were excited for new things. New job, new you as you liked to joke. 
Slipping on your favorite flower dress and golden necklace for good luck and you were out of the door, heading to the campus that would hold your new job title. Alchemax was bigger than you remembered from your interview and tour and your division was in the skyscraper on a tippy top floor. There seemed to be endless halls to lose yourself in. Even your department was large. To the point where if there was a project that needed to be completed, they had to break you guys off into groups to get multiple done at once. 
But you liked your job. You liked being able to focus on what you studied your ass off for years at school. It wasn’t everyday that people in your city could say the same. With the effects of the Rapture that took over the city ages ago, crime and violence had only heightened. You leaned heavily on those action packed superhero films sometimes wondering if Nueva York would ever get better. 
You knew superheroes weren’t real. They didn’t exist. But you still hoped that there was something better coming for your city. You loved it, really. But you also hated it. 
“Here’s your project packet with your team members listed,” a loud voice boomed behind you. It was your supervisor and he looked annoyed. 
It was your fourth day, so you slapped on a smile and nodded, grabbing the packet. You’d only met the few coworkers that milled about your office space, but there was a whole floor to get to know. You buried yourself in your work, with it just being your first week, so you didn’t really socialize even when it came to lunchtime. You liked to take your lunch outside anyway to watch the birds in the sky or dream about a life where there wasn’t always crime afoot. 
You sighed and plopped the packet on your desk and flipped to the first page where your team member’s names would be listed. Your eyes scanned the first line and your eyes bugged out. 
Miguel O’Hara. 
This must be some cruel joke, right? 
You haven’t heard from this man in a week and here he is. In plain black letters on your desk. You didn’t miss the way your heart skipped a beat and your cheeks burned. 
His was the only name next to yours. It’d just be you two. You took a deep breath and mentally prepared yourself. The packet thankfully showed which office area he works under, so you stood up and made your way to it. The packet was clutched tightly between your arms and hugged your chest. Your purple dress today flowed a little around your thighs. You liked wearing dresses to work, despite some of the looks you’d get. 
You even heard one coworker joke that this wasn’t some kind of Victoria’s Secret runway which just didn’t make sense. Every outfit you chose fit the guidelines that were given to you upon your first day. You didn’t like the way slacks molded to your body. You felt much more comfortable with a flowy dress and heels. 
Your steps echoed down the hall until you took a right and were met with a few other workers muttering at their screen, their phones, or each other. You scanned the faces until you saw the one you needed all the way in the back. He was staring at his screen, hunched over with his wide shoulders. You couldn’t see his face just yet, but you already knew how he looked. 
Handsome as ever. You’d never forget a face like that. It only bummed you out more that things didn’t progress and the date ultimately ended with you cursing him forever. You had a twinge of guilt that maybe something happened with his daughter that made him not show. But he would’ve texted or called, right? 
You shook your head, not wanting to think about the failed attempt to get to know the man and marched your way over to his area. He doesn’t turn around or look up when you make your final step. Your hip is aligned with his shoulder and you clear your throat. 
He finally turns to look, not amused in the slightest. Not even an indication that he recognized you or blew you off. Two can play at that game. 
What was once an idea to play off the horrible date and start off fresh by introducing yourself and striking conversation and even making a joke that you didn’t realize he worked at Alchemax, you bit your tongue. 
His eyes glance a little at your dress and your waist, but then flickers back to your face.
Your breath hitches in the slightest at his remarkable beauty. Fuck, you forgot how good he looked up close. His brown eyes narrowed a bit, watching you silently. You swallowed, but it seemed like there was cotton stuck in your mouth. 
“We’ve got that project to work on,” you finally mutter, tapping your heeled toe on the ground. 
“What project?” He replied with a bitter tone. He turns back to look at his computer and your impatience flares. 
“The one that we were assigned to,” you huff. To prove a point, you slam the packet down on his table and he pushes his chair back. You hold your breath as you watch his features change. From confused to annoyed, to outright cold. 
You want to say something, anything. Even possibly bring up the fact that he still hasn’t apologized or made up an excuse for the missed date. And that he’s acting like a complete ass right now, not even acknowledging you! 
Your anxious habits come back to life as your toe continues to tap. A scowl forms on his face. He runs thick fingers through his wavy brown hair. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t imagine your own hands running through those strands. Either when you kissed him or you had him in between your thighs. But those were just dreams that never came to fruition because of this asshole. 
You bet his hair was soft too. 
You shake your head, attempting to pull yourself out of your own misery. 
“I was transferred to this department last minute,” he finally says. “Not supposed to be in any of these ‘group projects’. I’ve got other things to do. Not being tied to anyone.” 
And with that, he lifts his hand and waves you off. That fucker waves you off. Like you’re his butler or something waiting for his command to go. 
It takes everything in you to not slap that smug look off his face. To not make a scene. But it’s your first week and you’re already finding coziness in your new apartment you wouldn’t be able to afford without this job. That was something you couldn’t give up. Also not the best choice to drain almost all your savings on that damn security deposit and rent payment. 
This prick was not going to ruin that for you. 
“I’ll do the work then, and you can do whatever the hell it is that you do.” 
His head snaps to look at you and his lips twitch. Without warning, he rises. And that’s when you forget how tall the man is. But it seems like he’d gotten taller since the last time you saw him in person. You think it was the flower shop or the park when you’d last seen Miguel O’Hara. He also looked more muscular. Arms protruding a little more in his button down and his shoulders seemed to have little more meat to them. He’s even got some faint scars on his neck. 
Did you ever notice those before?
You were definitely losing it. 
He peers down at you like you’re some child being lectured for stealing candy out of the cupboard. His hands go to his waist and he leans, hovering over you. It feels almost predatory like. You swallow again. 
“You do that,” he finally says. 
That’s it. That’s all he says. 
“I can’t believe you,” the words tumble out of your mouth without warning. You bite your lip, hoping no one else heard that. You don’t want to have to start rivalries with coworkers during your first week. But this man enrages you. 
“Believe it,” he spits before taking a side step. You watch as he shakes his head and walks out of the office area. You don’t know where the hell he’s going. 
You glance over at his desk and see that he’s got some things set up around the space. A card with a watercolor rose petal over it. Possibly something his daughter got for him for his birthday or something. A picture of his daughter sits by the computer monitor and made your heart lurch in your chest. 
And then something else that caught your eye. You look around the area to only see busy workers paying you no mind before you extend your hand and pull it out from under a manual guide. 
It’s a tiny piece of paper, in the same shape as a business card. There was some chicken scratch on it, but when you peer closer to read you gasp. 
Dinner at 7 at the Steakhouse. Don’t forget flowers for her.  Wear your best suit. It matches her eyes.
It was all there. The date you were supposed to have with Miguel. 
Why did he still have the reminder card on his desk if he completely forgot about it?
And why did he act like he didn’t know you at all? 
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skz-streamer · 8 months
The First Date - Lee Know
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Simptober First Dates M-List
Pairing: Lee Know (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff ;))))
Warnings: idk lmk
Notes: did I choose another cat-themed place for lee know? yes. will I continue to choose cat-themed places for him? yes.
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
The story begins with your connection to Lee Know through your mutual friend Han. You had seen him at parties and gatherings, standing in the corner or at the bar, looking mysterious and low-key scary. Lee Know had a certain enigmatic charm that drew you to him. He was undeniably cute, your type, but his reserved demeanor made it difficult for you to approach him. Yet, fate had its own plans, and it seemed that Lee Know was intrigued by you as well.
One evening, at yet another party, he mustered the courage to come over to you. He leaned in and asked if you wanted to go somewhere quieter. Your heart fluttered as you agreed, not entirely sure what to expect. The choice of location surprised you. He suggested a cat cafe. You couldn't help but wonder why he, someone who didn't seem particularly into cats, would pick such a place for your meeting.
Nervousness hung in the air as you entered the cat cafe. It was filled with the soothing purrs of feline companions and the gentle chatter of fellow patrons. You sat down at a cozy table, and Lee Know broke the silence, his voice revealing hints of shyness. "So, uhhh, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked, catching you off guard.
You admitted that you were single, a sheepish smile gracing your face. Lee Know's eyes brightened, and he said, "If you're okay with it, can this cafe be our first date place?" Your heart melted at his unexpected proposal. Did he just ask you out to a cat cafe? It was adorable, and you couldn't help but accept.
As the date progressed, the initial awkwardness began to melt away. Lee Know, it turned out, was not the intimidating figure you had perceived at the parties. He had a kind and gentle side, especially when it came to the cats in the cafe. One playful feline ventured onto his lap, and you both found yourselves engrossed in a conversation about the cat's behavior.
"You seem like a cat whisperer," you teased, marveling at how naturally he interacted with the furry creatures.
Lee Know laughed, a warm and genuine sound that made your heart skip a beat. "I guess I have a way with them," he replied with a wink.
The afternoon was filled with laughter, as you both discovered shared interests and a sense of comfort in each other's company. It was far from the intimidating figure you had first imagined, and you found yourself drawn to his charm. By the end of the date, you were convinced that Lee Know was sweet, boyfriend material.
As you prepared to leave, you couldn't help but ask, "When's the next house party?"
Lee Know smiled and replied, "Next week, Friday."
You grinned and said, "It's a date then! See you."
Tag: @anny-bah @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @cherry-edibles @ren0325 @felixvsp @hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-jilee @sungiesoonie  @slvtty4channiee @revelaffee e @buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids @jinnie-ret t @bbygrlhannie @rebecca-johnson-28 8  @turtledove824  @interstellarairwaves @yearofthetiger25 @minhos4thkitty @fiqire e @backintomykpopphaseagain @liknws @tinyelfperson @aaasia111 @yangbbokari @hafsah-ali @sleepyleeji @skzhoes @yamaguchiwestad @leonswifesstuff
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midnightsxblue · 1 month
carl grimes x reader
(you and carl bond after terminus.)
tags: fluff? maybe? idk i just exist
masterlist here!
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You’ve been alone for quite a long time. Maybe not technically because you’ve had Rosita, Abraham and Eugene, but you’ve felt alone for quite a while. You don’t particularly let it get to you though, you’ve always had some sort of entertainment to enjoy. It helped you stay yourself, the same person you were when this all started.
You traveled very far with your group, you’ve lost a lot of people however. Someone you stuck with throughout all of it was Rosita. She was one of the people who stayed with you after losing your family and the others of the group. Abraham was always sort of standoffish. He gave you advice and was aggressive with you when he needed to be. Yelling at you to avoid you getting hurt, all that. Eugene…he was just there. He was just…yeah, there. He was helpful when he needed to be though.
The four of you have met and parted ways with many people and many groups. It all changed when you met one group in specific. You’d met Glenn and Tara and you saw their determination to find their people. You’ve never met others that dedicated. Usually they would accept the fact that their family was gone, but they were different. Even after finding Maggie, Sasha and Bob, they wanted to look further.
You believed Terminus would be the end of it all. You thought your story ended there.
You were surprised to find out that this group of people were successfully able to find their way back to each other; they had such a strong love for each other that even after being separated tragically, they figured it all out. And they got you out.
You were now on the road, you’d been smart enough to hide your bag with all your entertainment inside on the outskirts of Terminus. You noticed a guy your age, Carl. He’d seemed sweet, but very worried all the time; he made you remember who you used to be after your family died. You didn’t feel like bothering him, he’d just reunited with his baby sister who he’d presumed was dead. So you let him come to you.
You were walking along the railroad, listening to music. Trying to process everything you’d seen at Terminus.
“Hey.” You feel a tap on your shoulder and you pull out the headphone in your right ear, turning to see he’d approached you. You smile. “Hi.” You pull your ipod out from your back pocket to pause your music. “Whatcha listening to?” He asks, pointing at the ipod as you shoved it back in your front pocket. “Uhhh just Everlong.” He gives you a curious look. “Foo Fighters?” You add, not realizing he didn’t know what you were talking about.
“Oh, yeah I know who you mean now. Sorry I’ve forgotten the names n stuff.” He smiles. “Don’t worry about it. Wanna listen?” You pull out your left headphone and stick it out to him. He looks at it and thinks for a moment before taking it to put it in his ear. You scoot a little closer to him so it’s easier to listen and you put the right headphone in your ear.
You turn up the volume a little and smile as you press play.
You guys walk like that for a while, just listening to music together peacefully. He smiles at you sweetly throughout, and you begin to feel less alone. Like you felt before. The group stops for the night and you settle into a tent with Rosita. You go and sit next to Carl around the fire and he seems happy you chose to sit with him. “Soooo what do you have in there?” He points to your bag. “Just stuff for entertainment, which probably isn’t that smart in hindsight but…maybe it is. I dunno.” You both giggle and you unzip your bag.
“Well I’ve got these, I’m not too sure you’re into comics but-” He cuts you off. “No way, you have Science Dog? I haven’t read this since- well since…you know.” You nod in response. “Yeah, yeah I know.” You hand him the comic and continue digging through your bag, grabbing Invincible and some Spider-man comics. “Wow, you’ve got good taste.” He says with a smile, flipping through the selection of comics you have. “Thanks.”
“So which ones your favorite?”
“It’s gotta be Science Dog.”
“Really? Same…reminds me of before.”
You guys blabber on about it for the rest of the night, eventually being yelled at to separate and go to bed by Rick after dinner.
It’s funny how a friendship can form from your “good taste.”
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a/n: so sorry about this ITS SO BAD not to mention how short it is, i’m so so sorry. ALSO would you guys call me a nerd if i told you i have a science dog shirt and the actual science dog comic? (i’m just a girl btw pls don’t call me a nerd) also hope u like the banner for these next three fics bc LAWD HES SO FINE.
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vintageshanny · 4 months
Waiting for Love - Part Three
Nothing Half-Hearted
I have really appreciated all the feedback on this series! ❤️ Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list.
Content: Mid-July 1970, marriage problems, infidelity, smut, some angst, some fluff, 18+
Catch up here: Waiting for Love series
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Elvis lay in the bed of his Las Vegas hotel suite thinking about Vivien.  And then Priscilla.  But mostly Vivien.  He’d been convinced for so long that ‘Cilla was his soul mate that he had ignored all the signs that maybe they weren’t really right for each other.  She could be so cold to him.  It was hard for him to get over the cruel comments she’d made about his spiritual journey.  He knew their attraction for each other had diminished then, and he’d always had his little flings to try to fill the void in their relationship, but for some reason he could never fully let go.  And then along came Vivien, with that book.  That had to be a sign.  She was on the same journey as him; she understood his need for answers.
As he tossed and turned, he really wished his mama was here to help him sort it all out.  Maybe she’d just be disappointed in him though.  That would be hard to bear.  He really tried to do right by people, but he also needed to follow his heart.  It was the only way he knew how to make decisions.  And sometimes his heart led him all over the place.  Sometimes it felt so empty that he’d do just about anything to fill it.  The loneliness could be overwhelming.
His mind went back to Vivien and the way she always looked at him like she really cared about him so deeply.  It caught him off guard to have someone care so much that they would fight their own desires.  She had inspired him to fight his own that night in his bedroom at Graceland.  He’d wanted so badly to taste her, to be touched by her, to grind into her until that carnal pleasure consumed him, but she deserved better than that.  She deserved to have him move slowly and take one step at a time.  She was somehow so sweet and innocent even when longing for him.  He could feel his whole body warming up, beads of sweat dampening his dark blue pajamas, as he remembered the way her sparkly green eyes kept glancing down at his crotch in wonder.  He slipped his hand down the front of his pajama pants, his long tanned fingers wrapping around the problem that had arisen, moving swiftly to take care of it.  As the resolution spilled forth, he couldn’t stop himself from calling out her name.  “Goddamn, Vivien, uhhh,” he moaned as he lay back in satisfaction.
A loud knock sounded at the bedroom door, followed by a hesitant “Uh, boss?  You okay?”  
“I’m fine,” Elvis called out, irritated.
“Okay, I thought I heard you calling,” Joe responded.  
Elvis swore he could hear snickering after that. “Assholes,” he muttered under his breath as he longed for the comfort of his soundproof bedroom at home.  He finally drifted off to sleep imagining that he was cradling Vivien’s head on his chest again.  He had wanted to freeze time right then, to stay in that moment of warmth and intimacy for as long as he could.  
“Honey, I need ta see ya, I can’t wait no more,” Elvis’ melodic voice floated through the receiver and right into Vivien’s heart.  
“I’d love to see you, but apparently flying to Las Vegas to visit my, um, Elvis is not a good enough reason for my boss to give me off work with such short notice,” Vivien explained, realizing halfway through the sentence that she was about to refer to a married man as her boyfriend.  A little knot of guilt roiled around in her stomach.
Elvis just chuckled and pressed on, this time in a baby voice.  “But what if your widdle Elvis weally needs ya, honey?”
“Well, I would do just about anything to take care of little Elvis,” Vivien said sweetly.  She heard Elvis having some type of coughing attack on the other end.  It almost sounded like he was trying to cover up laughter, but she wasn’t sure what was so funny.  “Are you okay?  What happened?”
“Yeah, I’m fine honey,” Elvis tried to pull it together and not think about how she might “take care of Little Elvis,” but now he couldn’t stop laughing.
“C’mon, tell me what’s so funny,” Vivien demanded.
“Oh, baby, jus’ the way ya said that you’d take care of him is so sweet,” Elvis chuckled.
“Him?  Now I’m confused.”  Vivien tried to think of what exactly she’d said.
“Baby, Little Elvis is what I call m-m-my dick,” Elvis explained, finally calming down from his laughing spell.
Vivien was glad he couldn’t see how red her face had turned, but she decided to just say what she was thinking.  “Well, maybe I’d like to take care of him, too,” she teased.
“Mmm, well, he was sure thinkin’ bout ya last night,” Elvis responded, turning a rosy shade of pink himself.  “Why don’t ya at least come for the weekend?  I really do need ya, honey,” Elvis added.
“I suppose I could try to get a plane ticket,” Vivien said, wondering how much plane tickets to Las Vegas cost.
“Oh, honey, don’ worry ‘bout that.  I’ll have it all fixed for ya,” he said, making a mental note to have Joe get it all fixed for her.  “I can’t wait to see ya.”
Vivien landed in Las Vegas Saturday morning dressed in a blue halter-neck sundress and white heeled sandals, courtesy of Roxanne, and looked for Joe, who was supposed to pick her up and deliver her to the hotel.  She spotted him standing off to the side, looking halfway irritated.  She was starting to think that was just his permanent expression though.  She tried to make polite conversation on the way to the hotel.  “Elvis said this is being filmed for a movie?” she asked.
“It will be, yeah,” Joe said.  “The camera crews don’t come until next week though, I think.  Obviously you’ll need to be gone before that.”  
Vivien tried to maintain her composure and just responded, “Of course.  I’m only staying tonight.  I have a job to get back to.”  Joe looked a little surprised at that, but he didn’t say anything more about it.  Once they got to the hotel, he took her to the rehearsal space and skulked off, which she was more than fine with. 
She set her weekender bag on an empty chair and scanned the room for the man who actually wanted her here.  She spotted Elvis sitting on a stool and singing “Love Me” while the band played behind him.  She didn’t want to interrupt his rehearsal, but the moment he laid eyes on her, he threw the microphone to the side and jumped up.  He was wearing the same red shirt she’d seen him in at Graceland with a pair of black pin-striped pants.  He hugged her so tight that she could hardly breathe.  Although he may have taken her breath away even without the hug.  She was surprised when he leaned in and gave her a big kiss on the lips right in front of everyone, but no one seemed to care.  
“This is my, um, Vivien,” Elvis gave her a teasing glance as he introduced her to his band and back-up singers, and she blushed at the realization that he had taken note of her awkward “boyfriend” catch during their phone conversation.  Everyone was very cordial to her, especially the Sweet Inspirations, who were maybe just glad to have another woman around.  Myrna complimented her dress and winked as she told her that Elvis probably loved it too.  Vivien wondered what they all really thought of her being here.
She settled into the chair that Elvis had pulled up for her and watched him get back to work.  Seeing him in his element was truly magical.  He was involved in every part of making the music come to life.  He had been so nervous about the shows that she wasn’t sure what the rehearsals would be like, but he seemed completely at home.  She liked seeing him joke around, too.  It reminded her of how much fun they’d had splashing around in the pool together.  At one point, he shoved the microphone into his mouth while singing and turned to give her a wink.  The innuendo made Vivien blush so hard that she had to duck her head down, hoping no one would notice.  As the rehearsal wound down, she started feeling the nerves kick in.  Nerves and anticipation of what might happen when they were alone in his room again.
“Did ya enjoy the rehearsal, baby?” Elvis asked once they were alone in his suite.  He had sent the guys out for some food and told them to just drop it off on the table and leave him to “rest.”  He led Vivien into the bedroom, kicking off his boots and starting to unbutton his very sweaty red shirt.
“Oh, yes, I loved it!” Vivien exclaimed.  “You seemed like you were having so much fun.  I don’t know what you were so nervous about.”
“Well, I-I-I’ll be nervous when the actual shows start up.  I do love performing in front of a live audience, though.  I missed it a lot when I was makin’ all those movies.”
Vivien nodded.  “That makes sense.  Did you like doing the movies, too?”  
Elvis grimaced a little at the question.  “It was hard for me.  I jus’ wanted ‘em to be better, y’know?  Did ya see any of ‘em?”
“Uh, yeah, I saw a couple I think,” Vivien giggled.  “Like 31?  Is that how many I saw?”
Elvis laughed.  “You did not see all of the movies I made!”  Vivien nodded sheepishly.  “Well, which one was your favorite?”
“Oh, that’s hard.  Even the ones that weren’t too good, you did such a good job acting.”  Elvis looked genuinely delighted at this compliment.  “And you always look so good,” she added.
Elvis blushed at that and blurted out, “You shoulda told the studio that.  They kep’ tellin’ me ta lose weight.”
“What?  When?” Vivien questioned, trying to think of a single one of his movies where he’d looked too heavy.  Not that he’d even look bad with some more meat on him…
“Uh, for Frankie and Johnny, for Paradise Hawaiian Style, and probably some others I s’pose.”  Elvis looked a little embarrassed as he removed his belt and his sweaty shirt and draped them over a chair, as if he were reliving those moments of having his entire body scrutinized.
“I thought you looked great in those!  Especially in those tight pants,” Vivien stopped herself from blurting out how Roxanne would always point out when you could see the outline of his…her eyes drifted down to the subtle bulge in his pinstriped pants.
Elvis chuckled a little bit, but his face had turned beet red.  He swallowed and asked “Whatcha’ thinkin’ bout, honey?”
Vivien leaned up to whisper to him.  “How bad I want to touch you again and to see, um, Little Elvis.”
“Can I ask ya somethin’, baby?” Elvis said as he set his tinted glasses on the nightstand.  Vivien nodded nervously.  “H-Have ya ever seen one before?”  He hoped that she hadn’t so he wouldn’t have to explain why his might look different.  It wouldn’t be the first romantic moment ruined by this hillbilly flaw of his.  Some women just couldn’t appreciate what he had to offer.
“Um, not exactly.  I mean, I did kind of see one by accident one time in high school,” Vivien tried to explain, feeling her face growing hotter by the second.  Elvis looked at her quizzically.  “I mean, what happened is that one day I forgot my glasses at home, and I couldn’t see the sign on the door, so I walked into the boys’ locker room and saw Bobby Lopez standing there naked.  And then he yelled out, and then I screamed, and then I ran out.  But I didn’t really see it…I mean, I didn’t have my glasses, so it was just like a blurry thing hanging there.”  Vivien finished the story, sure that her face resembled a tomato, and looked at Elvis for his reaction.  He had clearly been trying to hold back his laughter the entire time, and it now exploded out of him with a loud hiccupping sound.  He laughed so hard that tears started forming in his eyes.  “Elvis!  It was so embarrassing!” Vivien yelped, but soon she was laughing too.  
“P-p-poor Bobby,” Elvis couldn’t stop chuckling.  “He had a beautiful girl look at his thing and then scream and run away.  You ain’t gonna do that ta me, are ya, honey?”
Vivien stepped closer to Elvis, reaching up to touch his damp chest, running her fingers over his wiry little chest hairs.  “Never,” she said, letting her hand trail down lower and lower until it hovered over the button at his waistband.  “Let me prove it?” she asked, looking up into his exquisite face and deep blue eyes.  He nodded slowly and she unbuttoned his pants and carefully unzipped the fly.  She pushed them down over his hips, revealing a pair of plain white briefs underneath.  Elvis gulped nervously.  He would prefer to wait until he was fully hard to reveal himself, but her eagerness to see him was oddly endearing.  Plus he was already halfway there; it was probably just a matter of seconds.  Vivien tucked her thumbs into the sides of the waistband and pulled the briefs down very gently, crouching down so she could pull them all the way off.  She was now face to head with Little Elvis, and she couldn’t take her eyes off him.  He seemed to be growing bigger and firmer as she watched.  “Oh, oh, oh,” she whispered, her heart racing.  “Elvis, you look perfect.  Can I, um, kiss it?”  She tried to remember all the things Roxanne told her that a man liked.
Elvis looked down in surprise as Vivien wrapped her hand around him and rolled his foreskin back and forth.  “Oh, damn baby, you ain’t gotta do all that,” he groaned.  
“I want to take care of you,” Vivien said softly as she leaned in closer and pressed her lips to his exposed sensitive tip.  She slipped her tongue out and licked his salty skin.
“Ohhh, shit, oh that feels good baby,” Elvis mumbled as she kept licking him.  He watched as she wrapped her lips all the way around him and sucked on him, her warm wet tongue still lapping at the tip.  She started to gag a little bit as she tried to take him in deeper, and Elvis reached down for her hands. “C’mere, baby,” he whispered.
Vivien pulled her mouth off of him and used his hands to help her stand back up.  “Was that okay?” she asked nervously.  “Did you like it?”
“Honey, I loved it,” Elvis smiled at her.  “I wanna look at you right now, though.”  He reached over to untie the halter neck of her dress, letting the straps and the material slide down and expose her bare chest.  “God, you’re so beautiful.”  He grazed his fingertips over her nipples before unzipping the back of the dress and pulling it the rest of the way off until Vivien stood there in just her pale pink cotton panties.  
“Elvis, I don’t know if I’m ready to-” Vivien started, but Elvis put a finger to her lips.
“It ain’t time for that yet, honey.  I want us to take our time with each other.  Right now I jus’ wanna be close; I wanna rub up against ya, okay?”  
Vivien nodded and let Elvis help her up onto the bed, still in her panties.  He lay his naked body on top of her and grinded into her gently as he leaned over to press soft kisses to her lips, to her neck, to her chest.  His wet pink tongue seemed to be everywhere at once.  His penis felt so thick and firm as it pressed between her thighs, rubbing against her panties.  She felt the same arousal and wetness that he’d made her feel with his fingers last time.  Elvis’ body was starting to tremble as he panted, nipping at her earlobe.  “Oh, Vivien, oh, baby,” he gasped out as his body seemed to tense and then she felt more wetness between her thighs as he relaxed on top of her.  Rolling to the side, he reached his hand inside her panties and rubbed at her clit, whispering “I gotta take care of my baby.”  The high was even better than what she remembered.  “Next time, I wanna taste ya, honey,” Elvis smiled and winked at her as she recovered from the ecstasy. Vivien just leaned up and kissed his soft lips, making a mental note to ask Roxanne exactly what she should expect from a statement like that.  
After they were cleaned up and had put pajamas on, Elvis peeked out into the living room area to make sure that no one had been eavesdropping this time.  All clear.  Just a bag of food left on the coffee table.  “You like hamburgers, honey?” Elvis asked as he brought the food into the bedroom.  
“Of course.  Who doesn’t like hamburgers?” Vivien asked with a big smile.  She was feeling famished after all the excitement of the day.  And the excitement of the night.  They curled up next to each other in bed and watched TV while they ate their burgers.  
“Wild in the Country,” Vivien suddenly announced.  Elvis looked over at her, confused.  “You asked me earlier what my favorite movie of yours is.  Wild in the Country. Your acting felt so personal, so real.  I loved it.  It made me cry,” Vivien said as she moved the food bag to the side and settled into the crook of Elvis’ arm.  
He leaned down and kissed her forehead.  “Thank ya honey, that’s really sweet.  I don’t think anyone’s ever given me a serious answer about their favorite movie before.”  
“Elvis, you’re really special to me,” Vivien mumbled, her words starting to slur as her eyelids drooped and she drifted off, wrapped inside the warm cocoon of Elvis’ body heat.  
When they awoke late the next morning, it was already time for Vivien to start packing and head for the airport.  “I wish you could stay longer,” Elvis pouted as she packed everything back into her bag.  “I think I had my best day of rehearsals with you here.  And the best night,” he added with a mischievous grin.
“I wish I could stay, too, Elvis.  I love spending time with you,” Vivien said, wrapping her arms around him.  I love you, is what she wanted to say, but she was terrified he didn’t feel the same.  She felt tears suddenly springing to her eyes at the emotion of going home without him.  
“You gonna be okay, honey?” Elvis pulled back and looked at her with concern.  She was surprised to see his own eyes looking a little watery.  
All she could think to say was a quote they’d discussed that first day at Graceland from the beginning of The Prophet.  “Much in my heart remains unsaid.” 
Elvis nodded in recognition and understanding and pulled her close again.  “Love knows not its own depths until the hour of separation.”  Vivien’s eyes darted up to his face in surprise.  Could he really feel the same?  Did he love her?  Elvis just smiled reassuringly and continued, “Baby, I promise one day we’ll have the freedom to speak our deeper secrets.  Ya need ta jus’ bear with me, okay?  Hang in there with me.  It won’t be like this forever.”  Vivien nodded, but as she was leaving the hotel, she swore she saw a very petite brunette getting out of a limo with a little blonde girl.  The guilt began to gnaw at her again.
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