#i have played this game 13 times in its entirety now
moon-ursidae · 29 days
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the last trophy i needed was denying ellie the high 5 and it was honestly the most painful one i gotta be so real
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thundergrace · 1 year
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February 13, 2023
In January, she revealed in a New York Times profile that she self-defines as non-binary. (Ramsey says she doesn’t mind what pronouns are used for her, and elected to use she/her for this interview.) In December, she told me that she wore a chest binder for “90 per cent” of shooting The Last of Us — “Which probably isn’t healthy, like please bind safely” — allowing her to focus better on set. Pascal, whose sister is trans, was “super supportive,“ says Ramsey. The two of them had many conversations around gender and sexuality. “And they weren’t always deep: they could be funny and humorous, the whole spectrum. We were just very honest and open with each other.”
Ramsey may not define herself as a woman, but that doesn't mean that playing women isn't a gratifying experience, or is something that makes her uncomfortable. “This is what bothers me more than pronouns: being called a ‘young woman’ or a ‘powerful young woman’, ‘young lady,’ but I'm just not [that],” she says. “Catherine Called Birdy, I was in dresses. Young Elizabeth, I was in a corset. And I felt super powerful in that. Playing these more feminine characters is a chance to be something so opposite to myself, and it’s really fun.”
Identity is a foundational element in The Last Of Us games, not least in Part II. By this second chapter, Ellie is older, more grizzled, and in a relationship with a woman, Dina – something Ramsey hopes they’ll explore in the recently announced second season of the show. “There are a few bits with Ellie on her own, probably, but I like the fact that she also has [Dina] now,” she says. Despite the initial venom, Ramsey’s pre-premiere anxieties have largely made way for excitement. “I mean, season one really was the best year of my life,” she says. “As the episodes come out, [they] bring back such good memories. I am nervous, of course. [But] I’m so excited to get the chance to do that again.”....
A great interview! Worth reading in its entirety! 👍🏾
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sparrowrye · 4 months
Build a story through requests!
I’ve got an intricate storyline planned for my Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader but I’d love to hear what some of you might be looking for from our favorite hell-hot demon 😈
I plan to publish this in its entirety on other sites, but my Tumblr folks get to have a say in this story first 😘
Basic Rules:
- I’m not doing any NSFW since we’re not there with this story yet. Maybe one day but I make no promises.
- Please be patient. I��ll try to incorporate your request as soon as possible and where I feel it best fits.
- You can request anything as sweet and fluffy or as demonic and sadistic as you want :)
- It does not have to be current with the story. You can request something for the future or something for earlier in the storyline.
- Feel free to ask me any questions or just let me know your thoughts. I’m always craving reader interaction :P
Act One
Part Pilot || Part 2 - escape is futile || Part 3 - lesser of two evils || Part 4 - hidden past || Part 5 - digging deeper || Part 6 - expanding horizons || Part 7 - pushing boundaries || Part 8 - ignited flame || Part 9 - playing mine games || Part 10 - building a shield || Part 11 - shadow work || Part 12* - bad memories || Part 13 - didn't ask for it || Part 14 - snake demon || Part 15 - saving the savior || Part 16 - purgatory || Part 17 - meeting the overlords || Part 18 - a new purpose || Part 19 - the curse || Part 20 - dark desires || Part 21 - of course || Part 22 - in your nature || Part 23 - the starting works || Part 24 - fulfillment || Part 25 - newcomers
Act Two
Part 1 - a teacher || Part 2 - a healer || Part 3 - a reporter || Part 4 - forever tied || Part 5 - protect and defend || Part 6 - developments || Part 7 - new revelation || Part 8 - making a deal || Part 9 - a different person || Part 10 - sweet blood || Part 11 - whistling || Part 12 - creeping shadows || Part 13 - soft || Part 14 - blood and fire || Part 15 - new terms || Part 16 - may I have this dance? || Part 17 - now what? || Part 18 - Blackwater || Part 19 - magic or not || Part 20 - fixing || Part 21 - new things || Part 22 - a good night's rest || Part 23 - new discoveries || Part 24 - a relationship? || Part 25 - comfort || Part 26 - so it begins || Part 27 - Alastor vs Blackwater || Part 28 - my turn || Part 29 - the aftermath || Part 30 - gone ||
Act Three
Part 1 - new haven, new me || Part 2 - constricting deals || Part 3 - missing time || Part 4 - new things || Part 5 - trouble in paradise || Part 6 - sweet nothings || Part 7 - blood and cards || Part 8 - the last traces || Part 9 - dominating discoveries || Part 10 - wear this tonight || Part 11 - have my attention || Part 12 - just us || Part 13 - soft aftermath
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brightoakgame · 10 months
Irregular Monday Update, Edition 13
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Woo, it has been an August, hasn't it??
This update is going to be a bit more freeform than usual, since quite frankly, progress has been a little arrested this last month: what was meant to be a week's break to spend time on real life commitments spiraled, thanks in no small part to the fact that after avoiding it for years, covid finally caught up to my family and boy, is it hot garbage.
That said, I do have three major updates to share:
Steam and I have worked out our differences, and the demo will be posting there soon! I will let you all know as soon as it is up and can be wishlisted; the plan is to swap in some of the new assets so it is a little more polished than the 1.0 version, too. ✨
After serious consideration, I have decided to push back my projected window for full release a little bit, and now anticipate Bright Oak will be out in its entirety at the beginning of next year (2024). It's not a big move back, but I do want to apologize for any disappointment this causes! 💕 I made this decision in large part because I was feeling a little burned out by the breakneck pace I'd set myself, and I don't want to feel I have to rush through any part of the upcoming sections-- but also because...
I've decided to participate in the 2023 Spooktober Game Jam! This will be my first game jam experience, so I wanted to be sure to have a clear slate for September in preparation. 🎃 I've missed writing ever since finishing the script for Bright Oak, and this gives me a very, very different sandbox to play in for a little bit before recommitting to my main squeeze. I'll post more about that (shorter, spookier, dark fairytale) project as things progress, but for now will only add that I am extremely excited to be working with the group I am - my true-blue and talented art partner and friend, @remnantation, included among them!
I think that's about it for now-- backgrounds, coding, and cgs are all still in process, just moving a little more slowly than they had been. Lastly, if you're looking for a new game, may I recommend both the newly-released first chapter of The Summit Library by @qkayoostudio, as well as Crushed by @hummingbird-games? That's how I plan to spend the next few days! ❤️
Stay safe and well,
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paper--moons · 1 month
20 Questions For Fic Writers
So I was tagged by @agerefandom for this fun little game. Thanks for thinking of me! Seeing as how a lot of these questions are AO3 focused and a bunch of my agere writing is here on Tumblr, I may blend my answers a bit. Hope that's okay! Anyhow, going to pop this under a readmore so as to not clog anybody's dash. 🌙
1.) How many stories do you have on A03?
On my primary AO3 account I currently have four public works and six private works, though I've published quite a few more on the site under a different pseud. And then I have many headcanon posts/ficlets here, of course.
2.) What's your total A03 word count?
My total AO3 word count is 51,743 words (again, that is just for my primary). Comparatively, the word count for my little old blog here sits at 145,222 words! (Not including my minis, that's just my big posts.)
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Whatever speaks to me, really! If it's something I'm a fan of, there's a good chance I've got WIPs and scraps squirreled away in my files for it. Whether those ever see the light of day is another story entirely however haha.
4.) Top 5 fics by kudos?
Going to do another split answer here—my top (public) fic over on AO3 is Being Okay. My top blog posts are regressor!Zuko, regressor!Peter Parker, regressor!Bruce Wayne with cg!Clark Kent, and regressor!Shigaraki Tomura with cg!Sako Atsuhiro.
5.) Do you respond to comments?
Always! Unless some terrible, ill-fate has befallen me (migraine or some such), I make sure to respond to people's comments.
6.) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I believe the angstiest ending I've written is for one of my private works tbh. Whether I'm writing fanfic or original work I tend to gravitate towards themes like the loss of self and what it means to be changed. Change can be good, yes, but there's always grief there as well.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a harder one to answer, given that the happiest/fluffiest stuff I write is for the blog and even then I skew towards hurt/comfort. Maybe Taako on Board? That one I tagged as fluff at least, but it's a few years old now so it isn't the greatest.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Mm, not particularly? I did receive a rather rude comment the other day, but I just blocked and moved along. I have received a few "kys" messages over my agere works before, though it's been awhile since the last one.
9.) Do you write smut?
Indeed I do! Though perhaps not in the most traditional sense? Flashing my ace card here. When I write smut the focus is more on the sensuality and emotions rather than the physicality of the scene since that aspect doesn't exactly appeal to me. But none of that is posted here, of course.
10.) Craziest crossover?
While I'm not against crossovers, I personally haven't written any. I've certainly come across some neat ones though!
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in its entirety, no. Though I have had scenes and ideas clearly lifted beat for beat, with the person admitting they "saw the idea around but couldn't remember where" despite it being a small community back then. But hey, it's fanfic. They can play in the space all they like as far as I'm concerned.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Funnily enough, I have been approached quite a few times over the years about having one fic or another translated or made into a podfic. Each time I've given the go ahead, but nothing ever came of it.
13.) Have you co-written a fic before?
No, not unless you consider rp as co-writing a fic. Which personally I feel like it counts? It is co-writing.
14.) All-time favorite ship?
Oh, a real toughie! There are so many... I enjoy Erasermic, obviously. Really any combination of the rooftops (all four of them), as I have always been one to polyship. I've been reading a lot of Kazumaji lately though. And then there are the classics that will always have me, like Vegebul.
15.) What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of them haha. But really, out of my fanfic WIPs I think I'd like to finish the one that's closest to being AO3 ready. Which is (perhaps unsurprisingly) a regressor!Aizawa fic. Featuring things such as quirk shenanigans, a well-meaning yet meddlesome Class 1A, and cg!Yagi. The draft is at 21,131 words, but I just can't settle on an ending.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Probably my ability to establish the mood of a scene? I've been told I'm very good with creating things like suspense or an unsettling atmosphere in my original works (which are quite a bit darker than what I post here, naturally).
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
While I am forever honing my craft, I feel I always struggle with endings and perhaps always will. Also, I worry over my dialogue not sounding natural enough, or not having nailed the correct character voice. Pacing is another thing that I tend to fuss over quite a bit and tweak constantly. And I tend to operate in a cyclical manner rather than a linear one, which Western culture does not particularly favor.
18.) Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
This is pretty situational imo. If the POV character doesn't understand the other language, I tend to focus on how the words are being spoken (gently, harshly, etc.) to convey the meaning/emotion. However if it is something they speak, then I tend to indicate in another way the language they are using has changed (so typically through italics and dialogue tags). But some words and phrases don't necessarily have a one-to-one counterpart in English, and so those should be kept as is.
19.) First fandom you wrote in?
The first fandom I wrote for was Batman, I do believe. Published my first drabble of a fic over on ff.net when I was somewhere in the ballpark of 13ish. It was pretty agere adjacent, too. Iirc it was a little fluff piece with Bruce and Dick centered around the concept of bedtime.
20.) Favorite fic you've written?
Wish I could tell you, but it's a secret! As for my posts though, I think one of my favorites is my regressor!Cody Walsh, or maybeee my regressor!Okuta Kagero. I'm also very fond of my cg!Gildarts Clive post, though all of my creative works hold a special place in my heart.
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lunarsilkscreen · 3 months
FFXIII - and Lightning
I've been asked; if FXIII-Lightning Returns is your favorite *ever* Final Fantasy game; why don't you write more about it? Like your other multi-volume sagas on the other franchises you go on fanpages about?
Because most of what I would have to say about the 13 series as a whole would be critical in nature. FFXIII is the first game in the FF series that feels Rushed, Forced, and suffers from the the dreaded [hallway effect].
The hallway effect is what happens when you try to extend a Retro-Style side-scrolling game like [Ghosts and Goblins] or [Battletoads] into a 60 hour (minimum) endeavour.
And by 60 hour minimum; I mean regardless of skill level, replays, or skipping side-content you're sinking approximately 60 hours in from front to back. You can get it down to about 40 hours if you're really focused, but it is a slog.
And this is the first in the FF13 series. So it's hard to say "Wow, I love this game and you should too" when it feels more like a trap where you'd love to finish the game; but it feels less like a game and more like work.
That's not to say you shouldn't like the game. I'm hyper critical, despite thoroughly enjoying the story. Although... The [Day-time Soap Opera] feel if the game may lead other players to outright avoid it in it's entirety.
The world of FF13 is set in Gran Pulse's moon; Cocoon. And society has set up a safe haven because monsters have taken over the planet's surface. The government has created a sort of legal system that forces [Criminals] suspected of [Crimes] to face punishment or flee to the planet's surface (which is not an easy thing to do). The planet's surface is basically Australia.
So this reflects a lot of "penal colony" rhetoric from the [Colonial] days.
In between 13 and 13-2; the titular character [Final Fantasy XIII], I mean [Lightning] has gone missing. She just fell in a gap between dimensions and her friends and family have absolutely no idea where she went.
This leads to her sort of Adopted Son; Hope from the first game to set off on a frantic lifelong mission to find Lightning. Similar to the plot of Interstellar; but with more RPG elements. Hopes quest coincides with Noel's quest who, through Hopes dealings with the quantum space time [whatever's] and though the power of [Eidolons] (this installments version of the [Summon]) is forced from the future into the present world where Hope, the character, lives.
He informs Hope of the future; A world that has gone extinct. Not just Humans, the entire planet. And Noel, along with Caius who also disappeared between dimensions like Lightning did, are the last two humans on Gran Pulse. (Cocoon has since been evacuated so that humanity lives in Gran Pulse.)
Leading to an unending battle between Lightning and Caius until the events of FF13-LR.
FFXIII-2 has a more arcadey feel (despite the original game was designed to mimic an arcade experience) and IMO has the mechanics of what the original FFXIII should've had in the beginning.
I really feel that if FFXIII was originally released with a FFXIII-2's style, it would've had a bigger following. The original FFXIII, however, did something that I don't know if it was intentional; allowing freedom of movement on Gran Pulse when the player finally gets there (Gran Pulse feels like FFX's world where the calm lands are).
This makes the player think; Do I really want to go back to cocoon to finish this? Or just hang out here on Gran Pulse? At the part I arrived in this area, I wanted to do the side quests; but I was also so burned out on the game I just wanted to be done with the story. (And I didn't wanna watch a YouTube video.)
I HAVEN'T SINCE TOUCHED FFXIII or -2, despite having played LR 3 times. That's how much I enjoy LR; even now I would go back and play that and avoid xiii and -2 entirely.
Hope and crew put an immense effort into trying to contact Lightning; the only person they really feel like could save the planet from its eventually destruction; while simultaneously trying to defeat Caius and the dark Chaotic rifts that open up all over the planet; in the past, present, and future.
Serah, being a [Seer] Sees a vision of Lightning save the world at the end of XIII-2 before her ultimate death. [Seer Visions] being thought to eat a portion of the Seer's life is the documented reason why; but nobody knows for sure.
In Lighting Returns, [FFXIII]; I mean Lightning: appears as diety, working for the Christian God [Bhunivelze]. An all powerful entity who wishes to destroy Humanity, Gran Pulse, and reform it as whatever he thinks is a better version.
At first, Lightning is collecting Souls. She Operates in a similar facet to the Protagonist of Act Raiser; returning to a celestial [Home Point] in between each outing and trying to save as many people as she can; However; Bhunivelze, Hasn't told her about his true intentions, and keeps a Copy of [Hope] as she remembers him, a child from the first game. But Hope isn't really there; he's a construct controlled by Bhunivelze; an effort to control Lighting entirely.
It's at this point I stop to tell you may favorite connection between FF13 and the Lightning Saga to another lesser known game series on GameBoy: [Sa-Ga] or {Final Fantasy Legend} in the west. I'm sure there's many more references to the Romancing SaGa series as a whole, but it's the Gameboy games that I've played regularly.
The GameBoy games feature a lot of the same key story points (That I'm going to glaze over) such as time travel to save the world inside of a futuristic spaceship (Legends3), Fighting and taking the place of the divine being (Legend 1) and most notably (For me) Odin. Whom ressurects the Hero should they die, only for the main character to have to fight Him and take his place.
(The save/reload ability of the game can be interpreted as Odin's resurrection power in this case. Which is a detriment, because you can no longer be "reloaded" to right before you died.)
Odin in LR becomes Lightnings mighty Steed (Chocobo) who many players tend to rename to [d*face] prompting SquareEnix to remove the ability to rename your Chocobo in the PC ports.
While Lightning becomes Odin in this game, and has to make this decision; follow God's Will, OR; save the souls of humanity and ferry them to the new world like a modern Charron retelling.
Obviously; Lightning chooses to mimic Noah and save humanity (Possible after canonically failing her mission of 13 days in length several times. Due to needing to 100% the game basically in order to see the true ending.) and ferry's the souls of the damned to the new world; while Serah and Caius opt to stay in the [divine realm] in order to protect humanity from another would be Bhunivelze.
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-02-13
it'll start happening any second now
Listening: I Am The Hammer, by Eternal Champion, epic fantasy metal about The Hammer, a character from an extended fiction series written by (I think) the frontman of this band.
I heard about this song from the Poetry Corner on Topic Lords a while ago, so here's the relevant episode if you wanted to catch that:
Watching: Watched like, the entirety of Loading Ready Run's available Commodore Hustle sketch series, which goes back almost two decades. Unfortunately they produced it for The Escapist or something for a while and those videos are lost to the ether so there's a solid four year period of Commodore Hustle that just cannot be found.
Probably only funny if you already watch LRR, but this is part of why I ended up reading the MtG rules.
Reading: SPQR, which I forgot about for a while and just got back to. Reminds me how tiny ancient civilizations where, they're like "Athens never had more than 40 000 people in it at its peak" which is minute. Like you think of Athens as a city state but by modern standards it's basically a town state.
Also the ESP-RS book, I have enough Rust in my head to try and write embedded rust. Got the no_std code working just fine, but running into issues getting the stdlib to build correctly on whatever I have going on, I need to spend more time learning how cargo works.
Tools and Equipment: Practically speaking a lot of hand sanitizer is just alcohol plus a relatively innocuous gelling agent, so it's handy if you need to dissolve a non-polar stain on the underside of something where alcohol would normally just drip off. There are reasons you may want to do this.
Playing: I've had cookie clicker running on my laptop while I work. I haven't played an idle game in ages, I am slowly recalling the appeal of Number Go Up
Making: The Quilt Still. It's almost done being patched, that'll probably be complete by next week monday.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Hello, so our hotel has WiFi, so might as well post what I drew today
I didn’t have much time to draw today, and when I did I felt more tired than wanting to draw. I actually drew the entirety of this while waiting for dinner. I guess that’s what you get when you go out with over 20 people
I know I need to do requests, but I’ll be honest, I’ve been doing this for about a week straight, and I think by now I’m starting to feel burnout. I did work a little on them, but I wanted to draw something else instead, at least for a bit
If you wanna hear about them, so these two are from an old video game project of mine called Witch Hunt, which I made I believe about freshman year of high school (which was around four years now, christ). The plot’s pretty simple; so there’s a bunch of witches, and one amongst them, Arcana, turned against the rest, stealing their power and wanting to conquer the world, and now Glaive (the boy on the left) has to go and help the witches recover their power and stop Arcana.
You’d go around the world and find the other 12 witches (well actually 13, as there’s twins with the same element, but you can count them as one), and help them out with their problems, and go through dungeons to recover their power. In their areas, they’ve basically been shunned because the powers they’re supposed to control have now gotten out of hand. Also they wouldn’t all just be one witch, with some you’d meet multiple in the same place. As for the gameplay, you’d play as Glaive using his sword, though as you go throughout the areas you’d get a way to use at least part of the witches’ power to fight Arcana’s golems, with certain enemies being weak against certain things
I can’t deny that it’s pretty similar to Legend of Zelda. That’s probably because when I made the idea, I was watching someone talk about the old Zelda cartoon, and I think I just wanted to make something with a simple plot and characters with simple designs. I remember jotting down my ideas on a piece of scrap paper, which I still have, just not currently on my person
Now, I also had ideas for other games in the series. The first one was a prequel following the oldest witches (note I forgot to mention, so the practitioners of fire, water, earth and wind are the oldest of the group, being in their 40-50s, while the rest are around 20-30 (with the exception of Arcana, who was the youngest), and these four were basically the leaders of the group) when they were still young, seeing how they became friends and the people they are in the present day, as well as introducing a character called the Sorceress, who I may talk about if I draw her as well
The second idea I had was an alternate timeline story where instead Arcana was the protagonist and Glaive the villain, which is where the girl on the right comes in, as she’s this alternate Arcana. The story would be similar, but it would have its differences due to Arcana having a different personality (same for Glaive), as well as what order Arcana would meet the witches since she’s not starting from the same place as Glaive
There’s also be difference in how each game plays, since in the alternate Witch Hunt, Arcana isn’t a physical fighter, and rather commands her golems to fight, and in the prequel, you now have four witches to play as, with that one probably playing closer to an old school turn based RPG
All right, I think that’s everything I needed to cover with the games, let’s talk about these guys themselves
So if you notice, the two actually look pretty similar, having the same lavender hair. They’re also supposed to have the same skin tone, it’s just that since Glaive is a blacksmith, his skin’s been a bit tanned. They’re also supposed to be the same age, around 15. This isn’t because Arcana is just supposed to look like Glaive in the alternate universe, the two timelines are actually nearly identical. In both timelines, these are what the two are supposed to normally look like (they don’t look like this in the timelines they’re villains), and everything about their backstory, up until when they met the other witches, is pretty much identical in both timelines. I wanted to imply there being a secret connection between the two (that I imagine you can guess), but this wouldn’t be something we find out until some hypothetical fourth game that’s an actual sequel to the original
Also during this fourth game, we’d find out that there was more to Arcana’s corruption than just a lust for power or some resentment of the other witches, and it would eventually be revealed that she was basically corrupted/possessed by this evil entity who falsely promised her something, though I haven’t figured out the details yet. This is also what happened to Glaive in the alternate timeline
I recognize now that this plot line sounds a little similar to Dark Choco, in that it was someone who was fundamentally a good person (even if Arcana isn’t exactly outwardly that) and never meant to betray their companions, only for them to find power that corrupts them and everyone believes they betrayed them of their own will and must defeat them, only for this not to be the case and them suffer the consequences. However, I came up with this years before I saw Cookie Run, so…
But yeah, I think that’s it. I just wanted to talk about Witch Hunt. Every now and then I want to work on it, but the problem always comes from trying to design all the witches; I usually burn out by Inferno and Cobble, aka by about two. I’ve come up with some designs for the others, but never all of them. But maybe someday I’ll get all of them
Hope you like it!
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dirkpilled · 1 year
Just some thoughts on the charger weapon class in Splatoon 3, and why I think everyone can benefit from playing charger!
Splatoon 3 is a shooter game with no aim assist, so everything is raw input. This can be kind of scary at first, especially if you had no experience with shooters before like I had before picking up Splatoon. In fact, I purposely only played rollers and brushes for almost the entirety of Splatoon 2 because I was insecure in my ability to aim well.
If you’re like me, and don’t have much experience with shooters and aiming, you probably did the same thing .. and by nature of this fear that you’re horrible at aim, using a charger would be your worst nightmare. You have to actually perfectly be on a target to kill the target because they’re snipers... but I’m telling you they’re such a great class to improve your aim greatly.
Even if you’re a roller main at heart ( like me ) aim will actually make your gameplay 10x better with a roller even though rollers are typically more forgiving if you can’t aim well. and if you’re a shooter.. prepare to get a lot better once you start using a charger. I went from barely being able to get 3 kills while using a shooter to averaging 7-13 kills. I also die a LOT less.
Here are some key things to remember when first trying out playing chargers:
1.  Don’t be worried about how many kills you get or how many games you win.
Starting off you might lose tons of games, always die, and barely, if ever kill. That’s completely okay. The first 5 of games  I played using a charger  I couldn’t manage to muster a single kill. Once I got one, I treated it like an Olympic medal. After playing charger for about 2 months now, I can get 5-8 kills on average and 10+ on a good day, dying no more than 3 times on a bad game!  Don’t get discouraged, try out different locations and types of chargers.
2. You have scary dog privilege. 
People are really scared of chargers. Even if you don’t do anything one round, you technically did, because your sheer presence makes the other team more wary to push  to your side of the map. No joke. It isn’t always like this (especially if you keep dying and the other team takes note of that) but simply you being there is enough of a scare tactic to get a lot of players to back off. You help even if you feel like you’re doing horribly, don’t worry.
And here are some tips  that can help you long term..:
1. Be okay with  changing positions.
When a lot of people start charging, they may feel comfortable only sitting in one spot of the map , never moving there, and it becomes predictable for the other team. You may notice that once you get killed at one spot a couple of times, the other team will continuously throw bombs and be around that area to prevent you from coming. Being able to move positions, moving forward at a push, or moving back to keep yourself from dying, will help you dramatically in the long run and prevent you from dying so much. You may even wanna change positions to get a better look at players! Moving as a charger is really helpful. Plus, the current Splatoon maps are so powerful for chargers ( especially E-liter, the poor map design alone makes E-liter a top tier weapon pick) so  its easy to move and have a decent view.
2.  Use the new movement options, they’ll benefit you.
In Splatoon 3, we got the new squid roll and squid surge. While squid surges really aren’t that helpful for chargers with long charge times, squid roll is beneficial for every single player, including people playing chargers. Squid roll is what helps prevent me dying so much. Always squid roll even if you’re not doing anything particularly interesting;  squid rolls can save you from bombs, people coming at you, and some specials! (Plus it’s so fun to do!)
Many chargers also have a charge hold, which pops you out of the ink really fast once you stop swimming. I use this to my advantage ALL the time. by holding your charge, swimming and popping up periodically or extremely fast makes you less predictable and harder to hit. I use this the most when I don’t know where the other teams players are, or if another charger is trying to hit me.
3. Pay attention to certain enemy weapons.
Dualies and inkbrushes are your WORST nightmare as a charger. Dualies move considerably fast and inkbrushes are also extremely fast when running with the brush down. get away from these players as FAST as possible to prevent dying and keep an eye on them more than other players so they don’t sneak up on you!
4. Get gear that can benefit your playstyle and makes you feel good.
What I mean by this is don’t just always slap something on because someone tells you to slap it on. Gear abilities will change from how you play, and you should pick something to wear because you want to wear it and like how it looks. Wearing something you find ugly only for the abilities it has can make you feel less good if customization really matters to you like it does for me! Here’s what I run for my E-liter, because I want less time spent staying in the ink or being dead and because I love the outfit:
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... That’s all, of course you don’t have to get better at aim if you don’t want to, play however you like and what’s most fun! However, if you want to get better at aim, build more confidence with your aim, or start using chargers, I hope this can help you. You should play chargers as they can improve your aim very fast. <3 
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bbboar · 1 year
@boogerwookiesugarcookie asked me to answer ALL of the end of year asks so here we go! Thanks Naja!
Going to put it under a readmore bcs long
1.Song of the year? Dream Girl Evil by Florence and the Machine So nice of Miss Florence to make a song thats not only a bop but also specifically the theme song for my oc Hydrangea
2.Album of the year? I don't listen to many full albums but for me it would have to be a tie between Give me the Future by Bastille and Impera by Ghost 3.Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? Ghost 4.Movie of the year? Everything Everywhere All At Once! Like i don't even need to think about it. Unlike anything ive ever seen, so interesting and heartwearming. Excellent performances and costuming 5.TV show of the year? Oh man this one is touh bcs i had 3 shows ive been obsessed with this year…. Our Flag Means Death, Severance or Interview with the Vampire 6.Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? Not defined the year but the best ep of anything ive seen this year was the the season finale ep of Severance. It was so excellent at keeping up the tension for the entirety of the ep. I was pacing and yelling and restless for the full length of it. Just amazing storytelling of everything coming to a head and the editing...my god!!!
7.Favorite actor of the year? I don't care that much about actors to have a fave of the year 8.Game of the year? I was a teenage exocolonist. Just finished my 4rth playthrough and i think i may have 2 more in me bc i want to see different outcomes/choices 9.Best month for you this year? Idk they sorta all blend into one? But December is when i have 2 weeks off work and also the weather is beautiful and sunny so im going to say that and not think about it too much.
10.Something that made you cry this year? A friend was never available to see me despite my multiple attempts to meet up and even though i didnt mind for a lot of it, eventually it started hurting my feelings. 11.Something you want to do again next year? Go on a mini vacation. I took a week off work to visit friends in Tasmania and i think i would be nice to visit some other place next year as well. 12.Talk about a new friend you made this year? I think we'd chatted a little on twitter and also possibly met irl once? But anyway yeah i formally met and befiended the partner of a friend and we rly got along! 13.How was your birthday this year? I went to this super expensive viking themed restaurant ive wanted to go to since 2019! Food, drinks, service, all excellent. I was dressed to the nines in my sequin dress and after i went for a little night walk around the city. It was gr8! 14.Favorite book you read this year? A nobleman's guide to scandals and shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee. The Montague siblings series is such easy reading for me so i had a fun time! 15.What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? Forgetting to take my acne medication but i also took steps to prevent that so were good now 16.Post a picture from the beginning of the year Actually the first pic i took in 2022
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17.Post a picture from the end of the year
Food from yesterday (27/12/22)
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18.A memorable meal this year? Oh i already mentioned my birthday dinner so instead ill mention the brunch i made for my friends when i visited them in Tasmania.I was going to make eggs, bacon, homemade flatbread and some other stuff but my time management was off and it took me sooo long to make everything.In the end it was more like a lunch than brunch^^; But everyone was so patient with me and in the end the food was yummy and everyone liked it and we played dnd and had a great time :) 19.What’re you excited about for next year? Going to be getting a new phone and also....idk i havent made any big plans but i look forward to the little moments of joy and indulgence that will come. 20.What’s something you learned this year? Im sure theres life stuff i learned but what im psyched about is learning how to make scones. Its so freakin easy!!! 21.What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? After living here for about a year,i decided to finally put shit up on the walls of my room.Paintings and fairy lights and i plan on having a little colection of magpie prints too.It rly lifted my mood and brightened up the space. 22.Favorite place you visited this year? Oh man i was just stoked to visit Tasmania and see friends! I need to travel more bcs i love seeing new places. 23.If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? Do not catastrophise when someone upsets you. Just sleep on it and then act. People sometimes are stupid and thoughtless,not secretly malicious. 24.Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? I usually have a few and some years i end up completing them, other years i dont. This year my only resolution is to comment on people's art more. Thats fucken it. 25.Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one. Many actually bcs aside from various ocs, i run some trp games where i make 10+ npcs for. I guess one would be Winnie an npc i made for a game who i put so little thought in. Like i needed a character to fullfill a certain role so i recycled an old oc design and gave her like 2 personalty traits. Then though as we played, we all ended up liking her way more than id planned so anyway now she's in the queue to be an upcoming pc for a dnd campaign (with a slight redesign)
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flammenkobold · 2 years
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I posted 6,184 times in 2022
109 posts created (2%)
6,075 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,177 of my posts in 2022
#house of the dragon - 530 posts
#moon knight - 310 posts
#stranger things - 301 posts
#doctor who - 285 posts
#rqg - 273 posts
#rq gaming - 272 posts
#rusty quill gaming - 271 posts
#loki series - 259 posts
#the master - 215 posts
#the locked tomb - 198 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#ep7 of hotd might as well have been an audiobook for all you could see happening half the time
My Top Posts in 2022:
not me thinking about "You're more important than a thing!" and then Grizzop protecting Sasha with his life because she was so important to him
98 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
watching some due south and fraser/rayk videos on youtube and crying over how beautiful the show and this ship in particular was and just remembering some things in no particular order:
“Do you find me attractive?” "Very much so, yes.”
the underwater “breathing” thing
zero personal space
the smiles at the end of mountie on the bounty
I will beat you to death with this empty gun
zero personal space the extended edition with extra grabbing
betting on air
LoooOOOuuuu Scagnetti
being in synch
the entirety of Asylum
Love at First Sight discussion with Meaningful Camera Shot(TM)
punching each other
who left the empty butterdish in the fridge
98 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
Zolf “Archive of Our Own” Smith
137 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Me at everyone who loudly didn’t like the movie: It just wasn’t the movie you wanted and that’s okay, now sit down and drink some hot chocolate it’ll be fine. Me though? I am getting the champagne because this movie had everything I wanted: Keanu Reeves with a rubber ducky on his head, a character that has blue hair and pronouns, Neil Patrick Harris playing a total slime ball, a love story that literally changed the world, Carrie-Anne Moss looking hot, Trinity being badass and a cat.
213 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
things i have seen made for goncharov so far:
- several university papers - fake DVD cover - several movie posters - several gifsets - fake video reviews - so much fanart - so much fanfic that the ao3 tag has now more fic than the avatar blue people movie - a flash exchange i have to remember to sign up to - a google doc with people writing out the movie - there is a discord server were i’ve seen the link but have not joined bc i am a scaredy cat and new discords scary - pages long meta - shit posts - shit posts by famous people - posts warning people about the dangers of fandom past so that no one gets the idea to start a fundraiser to make this a real thing - almost forgot (thanks for reminding me in the tags): A soundtrack - several playlists - we managed to get a new york times article i think?
anyway i am so damn amazed at this fandom about a made up movie on tumblr. its so exciting and makes me so happy at all the creativity and shared chaos and people just having fun with a story
1,020 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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marshmallowloves · 2 years
Zelda OC #2 - Ixchel + Seracia
>> (list of posts for other OCs)
(just a forewarning - even with the read more, this one is gonna be lengthy 😂)
After being introduced more to the Zelda series by my friend, I excitedly went home and attempted to play through the few games that I owned. I got the farthest in Oracle of Seasons - or at least that's the one I played the most. I can't really remember. But, eventually I moved and was forced to change schools, so I kind of fell out of the hype that my friend instilled in me, and I didn't really touch the games for a long while.
Fast forward to… somewhere around 8th grade, when I was around 13. I couldn't pinpoint the year because to be perfectly honest, most of late middle school to early high school is a complete blank in my memory. Anyway, my mom bought me Twilight Princess for the Wii (I know, I know, put down your pitchforks, none of the local stores even sold the GC version at the time - and we weren't about to pay extra to get it shipped to our broke asses) ...and instantly, I was enamored. Now that I was older, I felt I could actually appreciate the games for their content instead of just going "oh haha hee hee, I am playing the Zelda game! I am into the Zeldas!"
I don't even think I finished the game in its entirety before I chugged out an OC, specifically for Twilight Princess. And this time I was determined to make an OC that would put the cardboard-cutout of Saria Kamia to shame. With the OC Remix "Ancient Hero" playing on repeat on my orange iPod Nano, I scurried over to a now-defunct dollmaker on DeviantArt (thanks, adobe) for ideas, and out came Ixchel and Seracia.
Unfortunately, I do not have the original screenshot from said dollmaker. I do, however, have an old notebook drawing of the first Ixchel (pronounced "EESH-tuh-shell") - she went through a major redesign, but we'll get to that.
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(with my real name oh so hastily blurred out kjdhfg)
Ixchel was a name that I found while on Behind the Name - I don't remember what criteria I was searching for, but Ixchel was the name of a Mayan goddess and it supposedly means "rainbow lady." And I do love me some rainbows and names with unusual letters in them! So I wrote it down, butchered the real pronunciation, slapped it on my OC and called it a day.
Ixchel was, for all intents and purposes, a normal Hylian girl (yes I know the "race" part is blank, I know she's a Hylian though dkfjdf). Sure, I slapped on the heterochromia because I needed to make sure she wasn't too plain, but because I was so obsessed with avoiding the Mary Sue clichés, I made it a point to keep her as "regular ol' person" as possible... Well, except for the fact that I later gave her a choker that could literally paralyze people if they made eye contact with her during a very specific phase of the moon. Y'know, normal Hylian girl stuff.
I finally shipped her with Link - because what self-respecting, basic-bitch Zelda fangirl didn't want to jump into Twilight's pants after seeing the first sumo wrestling cutscene? There was no substance, though. I don't remember giving her any distinct personality, nor was there any story as to how they met - I only had daydreams and maybe one or two doodles in which she thinks about him in a romantic context but doesn't say anything. This was at a weird point in time where I kind of knew what self-shipping was, but not by name, and was coming to terms with the fact that I had a crush on a fictional character while being a whole-ass teenager, and not being 9-10 years old and innocently thinking Ash Ketchum was cute - so I think I danced around the ship with Link out of embarrassment, but it was so long ago that I can't be too sure.
Anyway, thanks to this image, I was able to redraw her several years later, looking much nicer and probably much closer to how I intended for her to look. (and here's an extremely rare occurrence - this drawing has a date on it! May 17th, 2016.)
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However, this is the last we see of this version of Ixchel. After a while, I decided that she was rather basic - actually more of an "anti-sue," really - and should fit a bit more into the Zelda universe, rather than just be some normal chick with pointed ears. So I did what any loving creator would do - ditched her on the side of the road, appearance and personality and all, and created a whole separate OC with the same name.
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The new and improved Ixchel was, in retrospect, hit-and-miss. This time around, my Zelda OC actually had a personality! She was a plucky young adventurer who loved exploring and testing her mettle through battle. She had a very casual attitude, and her thrill-seeking ways sometimes got her in over her head, but she was kind at heart and wouldn't hesitate to help someone who needed it. Her design wasn't bad either, I think - the cargo shorts are admittedly a bit modern, but she definitely looks like a fantasy adventurer, which is what Zelda games are supposed to be like. So this was the "hit" part!
The "miss" part comes in the fact that she once again has a fairy - wait a minute, that's the bitch from the last post!! No, wait, this one is orange, and her name is spelled differently… Those things might have changed, but hoo boy, Seracia (shortened to Sera) did not change her bitchy ways. Still snarky, still sassy, and still insufferable, to the point where Ixchel would regularly put her in glass time-out just to get her to cut the sass - and that still didn't work.
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Not only that, but Ixchel also had a pet wolf named Olive. Whether it was because I was in the throes of my teenage years and wolves were cool and edgy, or because I was just that in love with Wolf Link's whole schtick, I wanted a piece of that action too, so I gave Ixchel a rideable wolf that I never drew because to this day I cannot draw animals to save my life. Nevermind that apparently in TP (which Ixchel was made for) everyone in Hyrule shits themselves at the sight of an oversized puppy - Ixchel could literally waltz into Castle town on the back of her giant danger dog and nobody would bat an eye. In fact, that was the opening scene to a story I began writing with another friend at the time - but discussing that story at length would require its own post.
Ixchel's weapons were interesting as well. The idea for them came from (hilariously) Jenna's Phoenix Circles in the infamous Zelda badfic My Inner Life - which themselves are vaguely based on real-life chakram. Here, I called them "Dream Rings" and then later renamed them to "Razorings." They had retractable blades and could be carried on Ixchel's shoulder when not in use.
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And lastly, a part that is both hit and miss - I shipped her with Twilight Link as well. At first it was admittedly self-indulgent - there's a picture of them smooching somewhere in my folders. However, I later decided to change it so that Ixchel's love was unrequited. Whether I was, again, embarrassed to crush on a fictional boy at that age or if I was just pants-shittingly afraid of falling into the "loves Link" cliché that many Mary Sues did, at the end of it all, Link fuckin' friendzones her and honestly, that's actually great. It's about time Link successfully escaped the thirsty fangirl.
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miloscat · 7 months
[Review] Wario World (GCN)
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Wario Land staggers into the 3rd dimension.
Treasure are known primarily for two things: shmups and their Mega Drive action platformer titles. The latter parlayed into Michief Makers on the N64, which spotlighted two of their main strengths as seen in the likes of Gunstar Heroes: boss fights, and grabbing and throwing mechanics. Their first 3D game, the odd Hippa Linda on PS2, definitely leaned into these aspects; I haven't played it but it doesn't seem to have reviewed particularly well. Wario World then fits squarely in that legacy, ostensibly a showcase of these same strengths but so awkwardly handled that they become weaknesses.
On the surface it has the hallmarks of a Wario Land game: Wario's a bruiser who can pick up and chuck enemies, tick. He's hunting for secret areas, coins, and treasures, tick. He can use enemies and objects to interact with his environment, tick. There's required backtracking and mechanics seemingly designed just to waste the player's time, double tick! In adapting to 3D, there's more of a beat-em-up focus now which would be fine if the combat was enjoyable.
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Wario has a basic punch combo which doesn't get you very far. Most of the time you're expected to stun an enemy, then grab them. From here you can imprecisely throw them, laboriously spin them, or simply piledrive them. Enemies often respawn almost instantly so there's no good reason to do this unless the level design requires you using one of these actions to proceed, or the game outright traps you into a forced fight. Moving Wario around feels zippy and slippery but the fighting itself is slow and your options are so limited that it never really broke through the tedium barrier for me. There's also only a few types of enemies, and most of the time you'll be slogging through the same faces just reskinned for new levels.
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Your main objective in a level is to get red crystals to be able to leave. These are only found inside trapdoors leading to either puzzle rooms or Super Monkey Ball-esque platforming challenges. The controls aren't ideal for precision in these tasks, not to mention the very clunky camera. Most of the time you're looking in at levels diorama-style, which works well enough, but rooms like this open it up... it's fine for these contained sections, but I was glad the rest of the game was more rigid. Anyway, when you get to the end you're able (or possibly required) to return to the start if you didn't find enough stuff, Yoshi's Story style, to explore alternate paths or hidden spots. Aside from the trapdoors, you'll be looking for switches to spawn chests, health upgrades (you only get the boost if you find all the pieces within a level!), and the hint-giving Spritelings.
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And speaking of characters who make annoying noises, Charles Martinet is out in full force as Wario with oft-repeated quips and what may be the worst pause screen in the world. The joke of him screeching at you is funny for about two seconds, and then it makes this menu unusable as a pause screen for the entirety of the game. Slow clap for that one. The use of voice clips is good for conveying Wario's personality, which otherwise is a bit let down by the oddly lifeless polygon-shifting animations on his 3D model. But to be fair, he does scratch his bum sometimes, which is pretty funny.
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Each and every level ends with a boss fight. Well, OK, there's actually only eight levels—even fewer than Wario Land 4—but they're pretty substantial. Substantial enough that replaying them to get more treasures felt like a bridge too far for me. Anyway, add another boss for each of the four worlds and the final fight, and you have 13 boss fights in all. Some of them have good concepts and fun designs but frequently I found them dragging, overstaying their welcome with repeated patterns. The final boss—an uncharismatic jewel with tentacles—is the worst offender, its boring, padded fight a shockingly weak way to close out proceedings.
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Although there's only eight levels, each one has its own well-established setting, from forest ruin to creepy circus to sandy pyramid (this one had the best level design for exploring & backtracking). You can also play them in any order, which is interesting if kind of pointless. The worldbuilding is a bit half-arsed though, as all these environments were just magicked up out of Wario's basement by the evil gem. Actually collecting the collectibles could be more rewarding too; treasures unlock Warioware minigames only playable on a connected GBA, Spritelings are the only thing that determine your ending jpg, and coins are used solely for recovering health or continuing after a game over.
I was hoping Wario World would be a hidden gem of Treasure's hoard, but what I got was an unpolished stone. On paper they seem like a good fit for a new Wario adventure in 2003, but perhaps their inexperience with 3D led to this mediocre result. They don't seem to have made another game like it since, either. Wario World is certainly not all bad, but it really should have been a lot better than this.
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desde-los-cielos · 1 year
With all my disgust at Italy, chivalry, and hypocritical mafia, I still decided to play Piofiore Episodio 1926 in its entirety. I guess I’m too invested in the story.
I was initially going to play the sequel just for Yang’s route, but then I got invested in Henri’s story, and they have decided to lock his route until you finish every other route.
I just finished the last route I needed to unlock Henri’s route, Episodio Alternativa. And it wasn’t too bad. The story was ok, but the best part was that the game you let you choose an LI to spend extra time with. That meant extra time with the most terrible Yang. 🥰 And I got two great CGs out of it too.
Anyway, I’m playing on an emulator because I don’t care enough about this game to buy it at its currently going price. I only bought the first game because it was on sale for like $13. Not even for you Yang...
Anyway, it’s been crashing sometimes, which made everything extra tedious. But now I just have Henri’s route to go through and I’m done with this game!! Depending on how the route goes, it might dethrone Yang as my favorite route.
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staminaoverlook · 2 years
Haven't published a devlog in a hot minute, so here's what's been going on in the last... eh, 4 months.
TLDR; did a lot of coding. Finished the entirety of NPC Routine system and planning to do a video about it. Learned how to do pretty fog, started to redraw some costumes.
Devlog 23/01/2022
I wanted to look at the first ever conversation with Jayran yet again, and tweak a few things to make it flow more naturally and realistically. However, during editing it, I found I wanted to insert a few additional lines into one of the branches - and the way the code was structured didn't allow for that. All choice branches had to be of same length; their indexes were rigidly fixated.
So I wrote a few methods that allow me to write branches of any length, and insert them/overwrite the original conversation with them. Basically, it allows me to easily replace any amount of lines anywhere in the conversation dynamically - without having to know at which positions which lines are supposed to be.
Devlog 13/02/2021
This monstrosity.
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Devlog 25/02/2022
Quite a bit of progress was made; I managed to make the Routine Cache methods work, and now the challenge stands to make the NPCs follow those routines correctly. I managed to do some work on them; it's only a matter of tweaking now.
After this, I'm finally going to tackle the reactions, the overwriting tool (albeit it's not needed right now), and the conversations. I'll finally be able to start populating the palace with people.
Devlog 13/03/2022
In addition to dealing with... well, everything IRL-related, I also managed to get rid of the teleporting/walking into the wall bug (at least seemingly). Tomorrow brings more testing and hopefully a second NPC to see how that works out!!!!
Devlog 16/03/2022
Before I implement another NPC, I decided to create an additional branch for the current system that would allow the NPC characters to get back on track with their routine, no matter what or for how long had interrupted them beforehand.
After_Conversation method (activates upon player finishing a conversation with an NPC)
Overwrite part of routine method (overwrites the entire routine for some reason rolling_eyes)
Find path from any location to any location
Devlog 27/04/2022
I think I'm done with routine for good this time... I realize that the system will need a bit of rework when days of week will come into play -- but I'm not dealing with these just now.
Also, whatever you saw in the checklists above is not viable anymore. The system was reworked. A video is in the works explaining how exactly it works and how I came to its structure.
Either way, I've had an idea recently. I realized that my game looks a bit... bland, visually speaking. So I'm trying out some new visual elements -- including things like dynamic fog and lighting. Here's a spooky hi, consisting of the fog I've created today!
It moves beautifully and I can't wait to figure out how to make it stick to the walls and the darker areas in an almost Lovecraftian way.
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Devlog 28/04/2022
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Devlog 08/05/2022
I remade Jayran. I found I didn't like her dress, and the fact that she wore gold. So I remade her, in the image of this painting that depicts her marriage. See? that's her, on the horse.
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Final Fantasy 7 prompts #75 (FINAL LIST)
1. Iflana does not trust Cloud, not one bit. She can sense the calamity inside him and wants him to leave. Too bad both her husband and daughter seem enraptured by his very existence. Her husband rambling on about his mutated and 'safer' J-cells, as if that thing could ever be considered safe. Then it was her daughter, who seemed to take him in, as though he was no more than an injured bird needing treatment.
This thing would be the death of them. She just knew it.
2. "In my world its pretty rare for monsters to talk."
The large gray rabbit riding on his head paused to consider this, "Maybe they're just stupid?"
"Duh. They're basically wild animals. They're not really like you Loppy."
"Lopmon." The bunny creature corrected. Again.
Aka Cloud wakes up in the digital world as a twelve year old and has to find his friends...with the help of his partner digimon of course.
3. Genesis used to think mermaids were one of the most beautiful creatures in Ancient lore...until he saw a blond one swallow a fish whole. He wasn't so sure after that.
4. Au where Cloud and the remnants are escaped expiraments from a non-Shinra lab. They travel to Midgar and become mercenaries.
One of them winds up being captured, prompting the other three to rescue them, but they're otherwise preoccupied by normal human things they never got to experience. Loz loves donuts and other sweets, Yazoo adores taking long hot bathes, and Kadaj always seems to have headphones on, etc.
The holy trinity are shocked when the four don't recognize Sephiroth. Genesis also nearly has a heart attack when he catches them roasting a doomrat over an open flame. "You're not actually going to eat that, are you?"
5. Hojos alarm was triggered at three in the morning. Usually this wouldn't be an issue, creatures attempted to escape Shinras (and by extention his) clutches on a regular basis. They were usually recaptured or destroyed within the hour.
What was strange was the fact that this was Jenovas alarm. His goddess tended to not move much beyond bobbing up and down in her tank.
Upon checking the security feed, he witnessed something infuriating. A blond man was holding an armful of wildflowers and bossing around three silver haired teens as they dismantled her shrine and stole her away. Jenova herself seemed...interested? Approving? He wasn't sure, but it looked like she was cooing at them. Further analysis was required.
6. Time travel au, but the whole thing is from Hojos perspective and he suffers
7. Cloud and Reeve were having a discussion about Clouds Jenova abilities and why he never used them, which eventually lead Cloud to picking up a pebble and stating, "Its not like a can just force some of my life energy into a rock and make it a planet"
And then he did. Tfw
8. High fantasy, no materia au.
Magic is rarely seen in humans, rather a tool used by monsters. On the day Clouds mother is murdered his abilities awaken, creating a powerful snowstorm that ripped the town of Nebilhiem apart.
Ten years later and the storm rages on, having grown to cover nearly the entirety of the mountain, rendering communication with nearby kingdoms difficult and travel impossible.
The famed General Rhapsodous is sent to slay whatever great beast is causing this catastrophe. When he is faced with a young man living up there in complete isolation, he chooses to stay with the mysterious man until he can locate the monster.
What will become of Cloud once Genesis discovers the truth? After all, a witch is considered a form of monster.
9. "I should have just remained a puppet!"
Genesis mulled over the words as though they alone could unravel the mystery that is Strife.
Some part of the redhead felt a little bad about using the strange man's emotional outburst against him, but things were getting desperate...
10. Time traveler au where Genesis dresses in drag to save this "Tifa" girl from the Don. He then tries to get her to go to Shinra for questioning and is punched for his efforts
11. Cloud is thrown into a world where he never existed and Shinra still reigns supreme. Worse, he has no memory of who he is or how he got there (cause Jenova destroyed them). He only has his bike and his sword and begins traveling to find a purpose, all while avoiding Shinras detection.
He often stops at inns and rest stops and often sees the same group of people. The large man with a gun arm grew suspicious from seeing him everywhere they went.
"Go away."
The knocking came again. "I know you're in there blondie." A gruff voice replied.
"I'm not gay."
The man on the other side of the door began sputtering. "Look," another voice began, "We just need to talk."
"Yeah. Sure. Talk." He said flatly. "In the middle of the night." He went over to the door anyway. Opening it revealed the man with a gun arm and another man with wild black hair.
"Zack?" The blond blurted, startled. What was one of Shinras Supreme doing out here?!
"You remember me!" The man beamed, "SOLDIER First Class Zack Fair, at your service! Now the real question!"
The man leaned down a bit to the mysterious blonds level, "Who are you?"
12. "Can you do it?" The softness of Denzels voice seemed to make the situation all the more horrifying. "Can you kill me?" Eerie mako green eyes stared up at where Cloud stood frozen.
Denzel pulled a knife from the block, "Or will your son kill you?"
Aka Seph plays mind games by possessing the kids from Advent Children and using them to torment Cloud and make him look like a lunatic
13. Cloud gets sent back in time/ alternate reality, ect. but gets turned into a white materia. He's careful not to roll around while people are looking, but that doesn't stop people from saying, "Hey, look! A materia! " and picking him up. He has no real power...other than apparently soothing anyone/anything he comes into contact with.
Strangely, he keeps getting slotted into bracers (among other things) regularly. Ya'll, he's so annoyed.
14. There were two of him. Two Sephiroths. The blond began regulating his breathing, desperately trying to ward off an ensuing panic attack. He wouldn't stand a chance if they decided to work together.
Luckily, one insulted the other and thus a catfight of epic proportions began, all while Cloud had a panic attack in some long forgotten closet.
15. Au where child Sephiroth overhears a scientist talking about her 'prayers being answered' and he asks her what that meant. After a brief explanation, he later prays to anyone who can hear him to get him out of the labs and/or away from Hojo.
It works.
Bonus: Cloud and Sephiroth were fighting again in the Midgar desert when Sephiroth slashed the air, creating a portal. He had intended to use it to appear behind his puppet and impale him again, but the blond rushed forward and slashed through the portal with his own sword, expecting the portal to disappear as he sailed through were it once was.
Unfortunately, it was still very much there. Just...different. Cloud wasn't given the chance to properly examine it before the feeling of being plunged into ice water overwhelmed him and he was spat out on the other side.
It was another desert, but not like the one he left. He could feel no life here. No plants, no animals, no...no lifestream. The only thing around is another version of him. One that was used and abandoned by the Sephiroth of this world.
The other blond stared at him in confusion, wielding twin sabers in a defensive position.
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