#i have faith in you girl but please give us a little satisfaction too ;w;
fortune-maiden · 7 months
One of the thrills of a Monte Cristo plot is seeing the protagonist rise from the ashes and rain down judgment upon an untouchable throne
Yi Joo is......not very good at that.......
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yodawgiherd · 3 years
Incantation of Incineration
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Ok so this work is inspired by an INCREDIBLE fanart I've been blessed to see, do yourself a favor and check it out too - > https://twitter.com/NxngOna/status/1386048795595743239 Mwah, perfection Anyway, rating is M, so beware.
(It's also quickly cobbled together because its a heat-of-the-moment thing, so forgive me if you find mistakes :> I'm far from perfect.)
This had to work.
No, who was she kidding, this wouldn’t work.
It never did, no matter how hard Mikasa tried, how deeply she dug in the library, how much she searched on the internet. Magic was a myth, and it would never work, which saddened the goth girl to no end.
She was fascinated by the supernatural ever since she could remember, devouring magazines, tv-shows or books dedicated to the topic with unhealthy speed. Maybe she was a tiny bit obsessed, but that was okay. Her parents didn’t mind, as long as she kept her grades up, and because Mikasa was very bright that was not hard to achieve. In her free time she kept experimenting, she kept trying, she kept searching for a way to make it work.
To no avail.
No ritual worked. No spell changed anything. No incantation had any effect. Still, she wouldn’t give up. It carried her through high school and it stuck with her in college too. To Mikasa it didn’t matter that goth went out of style, that magic was a forgotten thing for all of her classmates. It was an ethereal thing, bigger than life, something that enhanced the mundane and boring existence.
And today, her faith was rewarded.
Mikasa was studying in a library by herself, having an exam coming up, when her session was interrupted. A small girl appeared, hair shadowing her eyes and an enigmatic smile on the youthful face.
“Hello,”, she said, “Do you like black magic?”
“I.. Uh…”, nervous, the goth pushed an unruly bang that escaped her pigtails behind one pierced ear, “Why do you ask?”
A frown entered her features when Mikasa realized that this was a college library, no place for a small girl.
“Wait, who are you? Where are your parents?”
The girl ignored all this, rudely.
“If you do like magic…”, she leaned closer, “Check the “Worlds Religions” section, the third row.”
“What are you talking about? H-hey!”
Not answering, the girl turned and walked away, disappearing between the bookshelves. Completely dumbfounded,  Mikasa sat for a while, wondering what kind of strange experience this was. Honestly, she should ignore that. It was a child, probably making fun of her because of the way Mikasa dressed. It meant nothing.
Most likely.
But what if…
“Screw it.”, two words that fell from between the goth’s lips and she was putting her stuff back in the bag, throwing it over her shoulder, and walking towards the religion section.
Deftly, her fingers ran along the covers as she searched, taking care that none of her rings scratched the books. Third row, was it? Eyes sliding over one book and then the next, Mikasa felt an uneasiness in her stomach upon finding nothing. It was a joke then. The girl….
This book didn’t belong here. Sure, it had a cross on the front, but that was the only marking. No title, no text, no explanation, only black leather and silver cross imprinted into it. Looking left and right, Mikasa made sure that she’s alone before grabbing the book and opening it, eyes widening immediately.
There were spells scribbled on the pages, strange words that made sense to her only because of the life-long obsession with the occult. Not that Mikasa didn’t see books like these before, but none of the spells in those worked. Yet this one – it appeared so suddenly, and the girl was so mysterious…..
Biting her bottom lip, Mikasa quickly stuffed the book in her bag, leaving the library right after. Studying could wait, her pursuit of magic could not. Nobody noticed her little thievery, nobody called out for her, and when she was walking home, a new hope was blooming in Mikasa’s chest.
Turning the key in its lock, she wasn’t surprised to see that her parents weren’t home. They worked long hours, days sometimes, and Mikasa was used to being alone. Kicking off her heavy leather boots she beelined towards the bedroom, shutting the door after herself. Bag dumped at the foot of the bed, Mikasa pulled out the book and sat cross-legged on the floor, truly studying it.
There were so many spells in the book, so many rituals, it made her head swim. Some were amazing, some terrible, some made her shiver, and other gasp in excitement.
“No point in getting worked up over nothing.”, she calmed herself, “If none of these work….”
A test then, a trial run of one of these, to see if this was real or yet another hoax. Randomly opening the book, her grey eyes slid over the text, taking in the chosen pages.
“A demon summoning ritual.”, she read out loud.
Okay, fine.
It was a fairly basic spell, and Mikasa had everything required. Chalk to draw a pentagram on the floor. Candles in each corner of the star. In the middle, a small bowl waited for her offering. Mikasa kneeled above it, as described in the book, a knife in one hand. Going by the instructions, she was supposed to cut herself, deep enough to bleed. That was fine, but the placement of the required cut was strange. Not a hand, as she usually did, this one had to be on her face beneath the right eye.
Well, Mikasa was determined.
Reading from the book, she began the ritual. The strange words made no sense to her, but it wasn’t the first time that she chanted something without understanding what. The spell was long and tedious to pronounce, luckily she had plenty of experience with speaking tongue-twisting words. Higher and higher her voice climbed until it was the time for the climax of the ritual. Gritting her teeth, Mikasa dragged the knife over her face, catching a few drops of blood into the bowl. Planting it back in the middle of the pentagram, she waited with bated breath, waited and….
Nothing happened.
Satan damn it.
A wave of sadness washed over her as Mikasa sat back on her heels, clutching the book to her chest. This was her best shot by far, and it didn’t do anything. Maybe it was finally time to accept that black magic simply didn’t ex…
A sudden explosion followed by black and red smoke threw her and Mikasa landed on her back, knocking her head against the floor. Her vision was swimming, but she could see that someone was standing in the middle of the pentagram now, a tall figure that angled its head back, a breathy chuckle coming.
“Damn, it's good to breathe air again.”
That voice. That damn voice. So deep, it rumbled through her entire being, tingled some parts that Mikasa didn’t even know existed. Pushing herself up on the elbows, Mikasa was about to ask what is going on when the being looked straight at her.
And she was lost.
Those green eyes pierced her, went right through any sort of mental strength, and dug into the deepest parts of her being. Not even giving her time to think the being moved, fast as a shadow, and suddenly her body was covered by someone. Falling back from the sudden assault with a yelp, Mikasa turned on her hip, still clutching that stupid book to her chest. Fearfully, she raised her eyes and finally saw what the hell did she just summon.
It was a demon all right. A man no doubt, naked from the waist up but (luckily) wearing black pants with multiple leather belts. Nothing strange on his body, at least from what Mikasa saw, but his head was quite a different story. There were horns on the top of his head, black and curved. Strange markings ran down from his emerald eyes, a bit like cuts, heading down the cheeks. Studying it, studying him, Mikasa realized one thing.
Their faces were damn close.
“So you are the one who summoned me?”, the demon asked, a smug smile crossing his admittedly very handsome features, “A girl?”
Mikasa’s throat was dry, so dry that she couldn’t even answer, but the demon didn’t seem to mind. He was looking at her too, eyes roaming all over her face and a certain satisfaction appearing. A strange ringing sound to her left, and suddenly there was a hand touching her, sweeping away hair that fell into her eyes.
He had claws, she realized, claws and torn shackles at his wrists. And while the claws did look sharp his touch was gentle, not hurting her in the slightest.
“A pretty girl at that.”, the demon continued his monologue, “Very pretty…. Beautiful …”
There was hunger in his words now, a primal one that made Mikasa shiver. She had to do something, otherwise this demon would devour her. Gathering all her mental strength, she clutched the book tighter and spoke.
More like squeaked.
“I-I am y-your master now! You c-came because of my c-calling, that ma-makes you mine!”
“Is that so?”, the demon wasn’t bothered by these words in the slightest, more like pleased if she read his face correctly, “Tell me, beautiful…”
Closer, closer he moved and now their faces were practically touching.
“Do you feel in power?”
Unable to speak, Mikasa shook her head as her lips trembled in fear. A single tear rolled from her eye, realizing that while she may have conducted the ritual, she had no idea how to control the demon. Yet before the tear could splash against the floor the demon caught it, a gentle claw swiping across her slightly bleeding cheek.
“There is no need to cry, pretty girl, I have no intention of hurting you.”
“Y-You don’t?”
“No, you are way too beautiful for that, I wouldn’t dream of tainting that. And…”, his nostrils flared as he took a lungful, “you smell wonderful.”
His head dipped low and suddenly it was on Mikasa’s neck. Lips parted and sharp teeth grazed the skin, making her think that despite the earlier words he might still hurt her. Instead of pain a soft kiss was planted on her neck, forcing a gasp from her throat. That sound pleased the demon.
“W-What are you doing?”, Mikasa choked out.
“I’m not going to hurt you, but you can’t expect me to come all this way from hell and want nothing in return….”, claws appeared again, this time on her upper thighs, dancing around the lace of her stockings, “There is an ocean of pleasure I could drown you in, my beauty, and I’m feeling generous tonight…”
Retreating from her neck the demon faced her again, the green eyes scorching with intensity.
“What do you say, mortal, want a taste?”
No! – her rational half screamed.
He was so beautiful, so unreal, he was everything Mikasa dreamed about. Dark magic was real, it summoned a demon for her, one that was offering her pleasure. Those damn claws on her sensitive skin, the aftertaste of his lips on her neck, the delicious heat his body produced, pressed so close to her….
“Y-Yes.”, Mikasa found herself saying, unable to stop it, “I do.”
The smile that appeared on the demon’s lips, that was the epitome of smugness.
Without further ado, he crashed his lips into hers, finally kissing her. Mikasa was taken aback by this, head lolling back and jaw wrenched helplessly open. The demon’s tongue slipped into her mouth, abnormally long and dexterous, wrapping around her own in one slick motion. At the same time the claws moved, repositioning from her thighs to between them, pressing against her heat. Overcome at several places, Mikasa moaned out loud.
Black panties nudged aside, now the tip of the claw was teasing her wetness directly, building her frustration up. She couldn’t do anything, hands uselessly hanging on the side, the book cluttering on the floor. His tongue was everywhere in her mouth, taking it as its own home, even brushing against Mikasa’s throat. How long was that damn thing?
By the time he finally allowed her to breathe Mikasa was panting, eyes wide and cheeks boiling red. Observing the fruits of his labor, the demon noticed the blood still trickling down, his tongue sweeping out to lick at it.
“Delicious…”, he purred, gently caressing the tiny cut that was already healing, thanks to his tongue, “You taste wonderfully too.”
“P-Please…”, was all Mikasa could say, begging with her eyes more than with her words.
“Oh? Is there something you want?”, the rubbing grew even faster, forcing her to arch her hips and moan again.
“Please!”, she practically screamed, tilting her hips for a better angle.
Deciding that he had tortured her enough, the demon slipped a single finger inside her, exploring the fluttering walls. The penetration made her gasp wonderfully, eyes sliding shut from the intensity.  She was tight, tighter than he expected, making him frown.
“I don’t think that I can go all the way with you tonight, my beauty.”, he sighed, “It would hurt you too much.”
Summoning a single braincell to work, Mikasa cracked an eye open.
The demon’s answer was a grin.
“Not to worry, I have many more weapons at my disposal.”
A second claw joined the first one, scissoring her open, and Mikasa lost control of her voice. With her mouth occupied by frantic breathing, the demon attacked the neck again, biting into the skin. She was so pale and colored beautifully beneath his teeth, and he chuckled inwardly imagining all the bruises that were sure to bloom on her.
There were wet sounds in the room, squelching as he fingered her, her body being such an amazingly reacting toy. Pulling his fingers out, the demon admired the trail of wetness that connected them to her twitching womanhood. Mikasa’s blood tasted wonderful, so how about….
The long tongue was back in action, she realized, watching as the demon licked his fingers clean from her essence, an expression of pure joy appearing on his features.
“Now this… This is something else.”, his eyes found hers, a wicked grin on the demon’s face, “I need to taste you properly.”
Faster than a snake he was gone, head appearing between her stockinged legs. With a quick swipe of his claw the demon snapped the waistband of her panties open, throwing the ruined underwear away. Grabbing Mikasa’s asscheeks he spread her open for him, planting his face exactly where she wanted it to be. Right against her throbbing sex.
If the abnormal demon tongue felt amazing in her mouth, having it down there was indescribable. Licking at her glistening outer lips first, he glided everywhere on the wet skin, cleaning it. And then he was inside. The long muscle slid into her, writhing around and Mikasa clasped her hands over her mouth just in time before a loud scream ripped its way from her throat. This was incredible.
Nothing ever came close to how the demon’s tongue made her feel. Never in her life did Mikasa experience this much pleasure because the tongue reached everywhere stimulating the entirety of her sex in long strokes and vibrations that she had no idea how he produced. Her eyes rolled back, her chest contracted, her legs clenched around his head. Relentless in his pursuit of Mikasa’s sweetness, the demon kept tongue-fucking her with a clear purpose in mind. To speed it up, to reach his feast faster, a single claw dragged over her swollen clit, pressing and rubbing and….
Mikasa lost it.
Complete whiteness washed over her vision as she came, her inner walls contracting wildly around the demonic tongue. She pulsed and pulsed and produced more of that delicious nectar that he eagerly drank in, not letting even a drop go to waste. Mikasa’s blood was delicious but this was beyond delicious, it was the best thing that he ever tasted and the demon couldn’t get enough.
When her body began to calm, a frown entered his handsome features.
“Oh no, this won’t do, I need more.”
Mikasa didn’t even get a chance to talk before the tongue slid inside her again and she screamed, eyes shutting and features contorting. Apparently once was not enough, and the demon was intent on making her come on his face again.
This was going to be a long night.
In the end, Mikasa lost count on how many times the demon made her cum. Not tiring, not needing a break, he kept pleasuring her, toying with her clit and abusing her sex. She was lost in an unending stream of happy hormones, drowning in that ocean of pleasure the demon promised her. His grip on her was firm and Mikasa’s hips were grounded, the demon didn’t allow her to move away from him, holding his prize close. Only when she was truly done and couldn’t do it anymore, when she whined in discomfort instead of pleasure did he pull back, sated.
For now.
Completely done and spent Mikasa was practically passed out, body unresponsive and eyes closed. Hands circled her, easily picking her up and carrying her a short distance. She was gently deposited in the bed and someone pulled the covers over her before a kiss was planted on her forehead. And then a heated whisper entered her ears, pushing its way into the brain even through the curtain of absolute exhaustion.
“If you want more, my beauty, you know where to find me.”, another kiss, this time on her lips, “I’ll be waiting.”
Finally, the darkness overcame her completely.
When Mikasa woke up, hours later, she thought that it all must have been a dream. That delusion lasted for only about a second before the rest of her body woke up, the ache in her lower regions demanding that she accepts the reality. Lifting the covers, Mikasa’s eyes shot open.
Her body was still fully clothed, as the demon didn’t bother with disrobing her, only her panties were gone. There were bruises, so many bruises on her upper thighs, the small part left uncovered by the stockings littered with bites. Her neck received a similar treatment, judging from the ache.
The pentagram was there, albeit the candles were snuffed out, the book lying innocently in the middle. Mikasa tried standing up to get it, only to realize that her legs refused to carry her and she fell back into the bed. Despite all this ache, despite all the unknown, Mikasa’s lips spread into a smile as she eyed the book.
The goth girl and her green-eyed demon are going to have so much fun together.
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themiraculousec · 4 years
do what you want (a pirate is free): watgbs au
cw: major character death, graphic violence/gore, brief mention of sexual assault
read on ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/24959983
Trust Sal.
 Don’t Trust Sal.
  In this sea of endless possibilities, I was granted only three choices. 
  In a world of magic and monsters, in a universe constantly expanding, fate narrowed down to three predictable outcomes. Why?
  All the power I had gained meant nothing. Had every monster I killed made no difference? I had felt stronger. I had learned new spells. Why wasn’t I allowed to use them?
  Was all the faith my friends had in me worthless? Here I was, letting them all down. I was no different at the end of my journey than I was at the start. Except, of course, for new trauma. Was that the entire point of my narrative? Why bother trying at all then?
  My eyes scanned the words again and again. The first filled my mouth with the taste of bitter iron. My body echoed some faraway pain. I had been so meek. So stupid.
  The second filled my eyes with salt that had nothing to do with the water around me. I remember centuries of sitting in an egg that would never hatch. The pain when I felt Samekichi try to follow me where he never could.
  And the third. The best option. A sword in my stomach. Samekichi being so brave in such a terrible place. Years and years wasted. The blue bleeding out of the sea. I had been here before. I longed for a God to curse at. It was all so pointless.
  I looked back up at Sal. I knew he would grant me however long I needed to decide, whether it be minutes or hours. He tried to look sincere but there was a smile playing at his lips he just couldn’t suppress. His eyes were soft, mocking. ‘I love you, you stupid girl, so make the correct choice and give up,’ they said. It was like he was watching a bird try to fly away with a broken wing. It was as close to pity as he got. It was pleasure.
  I bowed my head and glanced towards Samekichi. His own eyes were closed. His right eye would never open again because it wasn’t there anymore. I’d never asked who he’d lost it to- Sal or Princess Mikotsu. He was breathing in short, shallow rattles and he looked so resigned to his fate. He didn’t think I was strong enough to get us out of this either.
  He was in no condition to fight, but I knew if I was hurt... He would find the strength to stand again. And I would get hurt. It was my place to get hurt. I couldn’t fight back- I couldn’t even use my healing tone. I had called on that spell so many times, why was it unreachable now?
  I had fought so hard. My level was as high as I could get it, but it would never be enough. Sal would always flee from the fight too soon. I would never be allowed to attack out of turn. It was useless.
  My hand tightened around my father’s staff. The ocean and the moon were in my blood, but here I was- a doll. I should be a demigod. I should be powerful. Was this not my story? Am I not the heroine? 
  I looked between the twins again. These two men, so strong, in the presence of a little girl they both desired.
  But I wasn’t a little girl. I am a witch.
  I gripped the top of the text box and pushed it to the floor. It shattered into bits and bytes and whatever magic the gods used.
  “Fuck you, Sal.” 
  I had never seen plain shock on his face before. Amused surprise? Sometimes. Belittlement of my efforts? All the time. This was new. He looked me up and down, mouth opening and shutting, no doubt wondering if he heard me right. 
  My chest lit up in joy. I was worried he wouldn’t react. That he would mindlessly reply to words I should have said, but wasn’t saying. Maybe it was finally time for a change.
  “W-Wadanohara, my dear, I must have- Could you please repeat that?”
  “I said , ‘Fuck you, Sal’. Did I stutter?” 
  My tone was too giddy, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to say these things for years. The rage and satisfaction swirled in my gut as a new sea of possibilities was opened. I would not let this chance pass me by. 
  “So vulgar,” he hissed. The shock faded in favor of anger. He must have been expecting me to recant my words, blushing and apologetic, and give him an opportunity to make some little joke about his good girl going bad. “My little Wadda would never say something so vulgar. Who are you?”
  “I’m Wadanohara, but I’m not yours. I was never yours. I was being patient- I can see now it’s wasted on you.”
  I’d been so merciful. I’d been too merciful by half for someone like him. I’d thought of nothing but resolving every problem peacefully, even while I was up to my waist in the guts of fish and rabbits alike. When I’d first chosen to trust Sal, so many iterations ago, it had been out of some desperate hope that this could all suddenly end. I had wanted to both run from the fight and win.
  That had died a long time ago. He would never stop. The Sea of Death would never stop. And even if there was some timeline where they did, I was too angry to find it. They didn’t deserve it. Any chance at resolving this peacefully ended thousands of corpses ago- corpses of me, my familiars, my friends, and all the creatures whose strength I’d stolen in hopes of defeating this evil. 
  I would not be corrupted, I would not die, and I wouldn’t let Samekichi take my place as the hero of this world.
  “This ends here, Sal, I won’t let you run away this time,” I said, jabbing my staff in his direction. Never again.
  His lips curled back from his teeth in a ugly snarl. The expression spoiled his pretty face. Something in my chest unfurled- like that, he looked nothing like Samekichi. It was like the ugliness within bled out to dye him the color he really was. Red. 
  “You’ll regret this,” he snapped. He waited for me to answer, but I’d seen the flash in his eyes and the shift in his step too many times. He was about to stab me. I wasn’t going to say something witty and make it easy for him. He glanced around uncomfortably at the long pause before deciding to go for it anyways.
  He closed the distance with the typical shark-like speed, but I had years of practice. Centuries, even. I swung my father’s staff down in a graceful arch. I had the reach advantage- my weapon was twice as long as the Sacred Sword. It struck me that, even with his arm fully outstretched as he tried to run me through, I could still easily bash his brains in from this distance.
  Tempting, but I had plans. 
  The sword was legendary, but his arm wasn’t. With my fifty levels of power, his bones fractured into splinters before the blade could even poke me.
  “Fuck!” Sal screamed. The sacred sword clattered to the ground and I set my shoe on the blade. I kicked it over to Samekichi and he reached out with trembling hands to grasp the handle. He looked up at me in confusion and wonder but he didn’t call out. If I was handling this, he would follow my lead. 
  Sal grasped his shoulder with his good hand and let out a garbled wail- pain, shock, anger. His dominant arm hung uselessly. He glared up at me with those red eyes and I met his gaze with a flat determination. I kept my waves and currents contained within- like a riptide - but the surface of my sea had to remain calm. I wanted to laugh in his face, I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream in horror and anger and pain, but I wanted justice first.
  I tested the weight of my staff in my hand, changed my grip as he fussed with his new injury, then swung it hard into his legs. I knocked his knees into each other and both shattered under the force of momentum. He shrieked something that was as insulting as it was intelligible. 
  He fell to the ground in a heap and just barely kept from face-planting with his elbow.  A few whispered words had him bound in chains and gagged. He wouldn’t run from me anymore- I wouldn’t let him.
  “I’ll deal with you later,” I told him before returning to Samekichi. 
   I laid a hand on my familiar’s shoulder and he startled awake. He would have slashed me open with the Sacred Sword had I not caught his wrist in time. I smiled in the most comforting way I could manage, waiting as he regained his bearings. His eye was hazy, his face was so pale, and his hair was matted with sweat... He must have lost a lot of blood before I even got here.
  I couldn’t save his right eye, but Healing Tone III fixed up both of our injuries. He let out an almost-sob of relief. I helped him stand with a steel grip on his forearm and Samekichi shook off the last of the pain-induced haze. He took a step towards Sal, but I stopped him. 
  “No, I have plans for him. We need to seal the Sea of Death,” I said. He looked like he’d argue, but I was the Witch and he was the Familiar. His open mouth closed again when I squeezed his arm.
  “Let me take the sword,” he said, voice rough, “I’ll go inside and seal it-”
  “Absolutely not. We’ll patch it closed long enough to find a more permanent way. The Princess is defeated and the ambassador is in custody. They won’t move against us again until they can regroup.”
  He gripped the sword tightly. I thought, for a moment, he was going to disobey me and run full-tilt through the portal. He slowly offered me the handle of the sacred sword. I smiled at him again.
  “Keep it. I trust you to keep it safe until we need it.”
  He mouthed the words ‘I trust you’ to himself like he couldn’t believe I’d said them. I let go of his arm and stepped over Sal’s body to the portal. The bound shark writhed and growled but I paid him no mind.  I held the staff aloft and closed my eyes. I called upon the Sea and Stars and my mother, the Moon- any entity I think would listen- to hold the breech shut. 
  Shut like a door. Locked, but not sealed. I had an idea that didn’t involve becoming the next Cast Pearl. 
  The portal shut in fits and starts- like it was being closed by the stitches of an ancient sewing machine. I waited until the glowing portal was just a floating line of red light suspended in space before I put my staff back into my inventory. I told Samekichi to pick up Sal and carry him over his shoulder. It was a long trip back from the Old Sea.
  I led the way out of the cave and down the crumbling paths back to the palace. I felt a great heaviness rise off my shoulders when there was nothing between me and the open sky but seawater. The ground was littered with dead Dead Fish, but all around us the Red was fading. The world took on a purple haze as the forces of the Sea of Death slowly lost their power.
  Samekichi didn’t complain as I led the way, even when Sal writhed and tried to dig his broken kneecaps into his brother’s ribs. How much did he hate Samekichi to attack in a way that must be torturous? He was as mindless as a vicious dog, foaming at the mouth. 
  The castle loomed over us- more of the Red had disappeared by now, but without the Cast Pearl it still looked much darker. It was silent as the grave. Any fighting that had been going on had stopped. The Blue Sea had won and I should take Sal up to the princess to face judgement for his treason.
  “Come on, Samekichi,” I said, turning away from the doors and onto the path that led back to town. He looked at me in askance, eyes flickering back to the palace, and opened his mouth to question me. I paused my stride and gave him a smile that edged towards desperation. He shut his mouth again with a click, thinking better of it, and nodded. He trusted me.
  As we walked away, the doors opened anyway and I heard the familiar happy squawk of Memoca. She almost knocked me off my feet when she flew across the courtyard to hug me. Dolphi was on her heels, wiping tears from her face, while Fukami followed at a more sedated pace.
  “Wadda! The Sea of Death is retreating! Did you beat ‘em?”
  “Of course I did,” I said, smiling and petting her hair. “I had to protect my home, didn’t I?”
  Memoca and Dolphi cheered, throwing their arms around me, and Fukami smiled at me. I moved aside to show them Samekichi, unharmed save for his eye, and Sal, who was Very Much Harmed. 
  My familiars greeted Samekichi, previous animosity forgotten, eager to let him back in our group. Fukami was more hesitant, but that was an issue for later. Memoca gave Sal a swift chop to the back of the knee out of spite. Sal’s answering shout was muffled.
  “So, Wadanohara,” Fukami said, “Are we going to bring him to the princess now?”
  “...No,” I told him, “we’re going to the ship. I’ll need your help as well.”
  “The ship?” Dolphi asked, eyeing Sal and already tearing up, “Where are we taking him? I don’t want to sail with a scary shark…”
  “We aren’t taking him anywhere,” I assured. I started walking again. I didn’t want to answer their question here, in front of the palace, so I urged them to follow me. They did so with some hesitation. 
  Deepsea Town was a mess. The only reason the houses were burnt to rubble was that it was physically impossible underwater. Dead bodies of fish from both seas clogged the streets, along with a few rabbits here and there, but thankfully no one we knew. The Moon Kingdom must have returned to help.
  In the distance, I could see a few members of the royal guard and those adventuring kids. I hurried my familiars along before we were spotted and before Dolphi could start to cry in earnest. The trip up to the surface was uneventful. The purple of the water was redder here- the sun was setting above us. 
  I looked up to the hull of my ship as we rose to the surface. The boat bobbed serenely in the water, clusters of barnacles and other little sea creatures clinging to the wood. I didn’t let my gaze linger.
  When we reached the ship, I wasted no time ordering Fukami and Memoca to find two pulleys and two lengths of rope. Samekichi dropped Sal to the deck of the ship and I looked him over, considering him for what felt like the first time. He wasn’t deceiving me, and I wasn’t scared of him, and under the light of the setting sun I could see him clearly. 
  He alternated between glaring at Samekichi, looking up at me as pleadingly as he could, and glancing around in a rare show of fear. He was a cornered animal, a beached whale, and if he didn’t find a way out soon… He chewed on his gag like he was begging to speak. 
  “You’ll have your chance,” I told him. 
  The pulleys were strung by then, so I had Dolphi run the rope from the starboard side underneath the boat and up the port side. She watched me with confusion as she wrung the water out of her dress, and I patted her head. 
  “You can go inside in a second, Dolphi, there’s just one last thing I need you for.” 
  “All hands on deck!” I called and my familiars lined up in a row before me. I turned to Samekichi, “Ungag him.” 
  Samekichi approached him and pulled him upright. He was none too gentle, but I couldn’t fault him. He wasn’t stupid enough to get close to his brother’s teeth, so he pulled the gag off over his head from the back instead of pulling it down. 
  “This is the trial of Shironami, also known as Syakesan or ‘Sal’, for crimes including treason, conspiracy, murder, and sexual assault.. How do you plead?”
  “I don’t know if I like this game, Wadanohara,” Sal said, the edge of his grin like a glinting knife, “Are you sure you’re cut out to play captain?”
  “I’ll repeat the question. Shironami, how do you plead to these charges?”
  “I didn’t know you liked it this rough either. You should have told me! We could have been playing together all this time-”
  “Samekichi,” I said and tilted my head towards Sal. Samekichi didn’t hesitate to kick him in the stomach. Sal gasped, made a sound like he was about to upchuck, and started to cough. I waited patiently until he was done.
  “How do you plead?”
   Sal cleared his throat and hummed. The hum turned into a little chuckle. “Guilty,” he said, flipping his hair out of his face, “on all counts but one. You know I never did anything to you that you didn’t really want. I love you, after all.”
  Memoca tried to lunge for him, but I put out my arm to stop her. She grit her teeth together and I could see her trying to hold herself back. 
  “The accused is clearly too insane to stand trial,” she spat at him. He grinned back at her and I wanted to rip every tooth from his mouth for it. 
  “I wish he could have that kind of excuse, but he definitely knew what he was doing,” I said when her hackles finally lowered. She stepped back into place and I cleared my throat.
  “The accused admits his guilt. The evidence is all around us. Crew, what are your verdicts?”
  “GUILTY!” Memoca shouted, jumping up onto her tippy toes as she pointed at Sal. “Guilty, guilty, guilty!”
  “...Guilty,” Dolphi echoed, looking away from Sal. There were tears in her eyes- she was terrified.
  “Guilty on all counts,” Fukami said calmly.
  “Guilty,” Samekichi said. His expression was unreadable to me.
  “A bit of a kangaroo court, don’t you think?” Sal said with a wry smile. 
  “Perhaps, but it’s my right. The law is on my side,” I replied. The boat fell silent as I deliberated his punishment. I’d known what I wanted to do since we left the Old Sea, but was it really the right thing to do? There were cleaner ways.
  “What are you going to do, darling? Sentence me to the brig? Community service?” Sal mocked. He looked so sure of his own power, even now, so sure that he could continue to cause harm. He’d never suffer as his victims suffered, but to grant him a painless death would be an insult to their memories. 
  “By my authority as Captain, I sentence Shironami to death by keelhauling.”
  The smug smile slipped right off his face. I must admit- I watched in morbid curiosity as his red eyes filled with terror for the first time in my presence. I’d seen more of his expressions in this short time than in all my years of knowing him. 
  “W-what? Wadanohara, come on, I didn’t-”
  “Fukami, Samekichi, I want you to tie one of those ropes around his chest and the other around his ankles.”
  “Wadda, you wouldn’t really kill me, right?! Right?!”
  “Dolphi, I want you to go inside and plug your ears.”
  “You’re just trying to scare me! Right?!”
  “Wadda…” Dolphi murmured, looking up at me. She wiped her tears away with the back of her hands, “I want to stay. I said he was guilty too.”
  “WADANOHARA, CALL THIS OFF RIGHT NOW-!” There was a resounding, meaty smack as Fukami hit him in the mouth with a tentacle. Samekichi wrestled him to the deck in order to remove the chains and replace them with ropes.
  “Are you sure, Dolphi?” I asked.
  “Yes,” she murmured.
  “Then you’ll be on the starboard side with Memoca, okay?” I said. Dolphi nodded and Memoca snapped into a salute. They went to wait on their side, taking up the rope between them.
  I walked across the deck towards him. As much as I hated him, I did not take pleasure here, in these desperate cries. I wasn’t like him. I didn’t delight in torture, but one good turn deserved another. I had tried again and again to save him. He’d never listened.
   I motioned Samekichi and Fumaki to sit him on the edge of the boat. He clung to Samekichi’s arm desperately with bloodied fingers. He didn’t dare speak to him or beg him for mercy, but maybe on some level he expected his brother to save him. 
  There were tears in his eyes now- saltwater diluting the blood that poured down his face. Every breath he took was a haggard gasp and I tried to see some innocence in this child before me. This monster. He almost looked like a person when he was scared, but I could see another face too. A smirk and a laugh and terrible lust. I couldn’t forget that even now.
  “Wadanohara, please… Please, I love you. I’ve only ever loved you. I just wanted to make a life with you, can’t you see that?” he pleaded. He tried to reach out for me but Samekichi jerked him back in warning.
  “Do you have any last words?” I asked him. The sea was quiet for miles around us. The only sound was his sobbing and the loud silence of the crew.
  “Who… are you? Why are you like this? I loved you! How did this happen?!”
  “How can you love me when you’ve never known me? I’ve always been like this. I don’t like it, but it’s true. I would do anything for this sea.”
   The silence stretched on as Sal thought. The boat creaked upon the water. Sal chuckled weakly. 
  “Of course…” he muttered, bowing his head, “How could I have-? How could I have missed it? I never… I never noticed it, but-”
  His red eyes locked onto my blue ones. The rest of the crew fell away and I was the final witness to Shironami the shark. 
  “You have riptide eyes.” 
  I nodded to Samekichi and Sal was cast overboard. The splash was deafening. I took my place in the middle of the deck.
  “Take up your ropes!” I called. There was a soft shuffling as Sal splashed around below, coughing up blood and water.
  “Starboard side!”
  The girls gripped the rope tightly.
  There was a watery ‘thunk’ as Sal was pulled under the surface. Memoca and Dolphi pulled in tandem. Their cadence cries of ‘heave-ho!’ almost drowned out the deep, terrible scraping from beneath the bow. I stood silently for what felt like hours.
  Sal broke water on the other side of the boat and the girls hauled him up by his feet. His suit was already in tatters and what was left was more pink than white. His other arm was broken now, and the skin on his legs was flayed in several places. He opened his mouth and blood poured out. He coughed and took a breath.
  I counted to five.
  “Port side, pull!”
  The girls dropped him into the water as the boys started to pull.
  When he came up from the otherside, he was blind. A lucky barnacle had bit into his cheek, and the dragging had caused it to carve a wet rivet through both eyes. He arose from the water with a pained, wordless wail.
  “Starboard side, pull!”
  The boys dropped him back into the water. 
  The next time he surfaced he thrashed, enraged. He’d retaken his shark form but had been unable to escape. It’s why I’d ordered the second rope to be bound around his chest and not his wrists. He made no sound as a fish, but his struggles were growing weaker.
  “Port side, pull!”
  He was hauled from port to starboard and back again six times before he stopped moving. I had the crew pull him back onto the deck and Samekichi checked his vitals. As a shark himself, he knew how to take a shark’s pulse. 
  “He’s dead,” Samekichi reported, shaking the blood off his hand when he drew it back to himself. It was just a formality. Everyone could see that the keel had bashed the back of his skull in on that last pass. I nodded and thanked him.
  “Take off the rope that’s around his chest. Fukami, can you fetch me the pliers from the toolbox?”
    Dolphi and Memoca were milling about the starboard side. I left them alone. They’d need some time to decompress after what I’d asked of them. Samekichi tended to Sal- flipping him onto his back and holding his mouth open when I asked. Fukami returned and I took the pliers.
  I knelt before Sal’s corpse and started to carefully pull the teeth from his mouth. When I had everything that was visible, I started to dig at his gums to see if there had been any more lying in wait. If Samekichi or Fukami thought anything of this, they said nothing.
  “Do we have a paring knife?” I asked Fukami. The girls had started to swab the blood from the deck. I almost told them not to bother- I was about to add to their mess. The octopus boy nodded and left briefly.
  “...You don’t have to watch, Samekichi,” I said.
  “I know. What are you taking his teeth and skin for?”
  “Armor. I’ll need it.”
  “Why?” he asked. I looked up, towards the horizon, and thought about my answer.
  “I’m going to solve this problem. For good this time.”
  “What do you mean? You can’t be thinking about going in there and sealing it-”
  “No,” I assured, “I’m not going to seal it at all. We’re taking it over.”
  “We’re taking it over. If the Blue Sea can go Red, then the Red Sea can go Blue. We can’t let them gather their strength for another attack.” 
  “That’s your plan?! W-Wadda-”
  I shushed him. Fukami had returned and we could talk about this later. The two of them held Sal steady while I delicately salvaged whatever skin I could. Enough for a breast plate at the very least. I finished by stabbing into his lungs and body cavity- that way no gas could build up and make him float.
  “Weigh him down with a cannonball and throw him off the stern. We’ll let nature take its course.”
  “You’re going to let wild animals eat him?” Fukami asked. Samekichi scrunched up his nose.
  “Why not? He’s eaten other creatures all his life. He’s taken up carbon, water, air… This way, he can give back the resources he’s wasted. I’m giving him the chance to make up for his crimes in death.”
  Fukami and Samekichi looked at each other, a brief moment of camaraderie, before they saluted me. As they went to accomplish their orders, I breathed easy for the first time in years. 
  The Blue Sea was finally as it should be.
  Soon, the Red would be too. 
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
two less lonely people (and it's gonna be fine)
heya! i know, i know- i sent you an ask, but omg i just couldn’t help myself and started writing like a maniac. i just really loved the concept of soulmates and the fact that it’s really angsty made my heart hurt like hell, so i thought i’d try to make a fluffier one.
i know this is really shitty but ya know
also !! i’m still really excited to see your take on the idea though, so please please please say your thoughts on the thing? thank you thank you thank you !!
this is partly inspired by “kita kita” which is a filipino movie which is so fucking good it had me shook
WARNINGS: swearing, blind reader
“This is not fair at all, skells.”
“oh come on, what’s the worst that can happen?”
“Statistically speaking, a lot of things.”
“oh ye of little faith; can’t you see you’re breaking my heart?”
You were this close to punching the living shit out of him. Granted, that would be a bit hard since you can’t see, but maybe you can rely on your hearing for that. You can still hear the rustling of his clothes, his light breathing, and the occasional sound of bone on bone, which sounded more like porcelain clinking together than actual bones, but you chalked it to the fact that he’s a magical skeleton, and not just a regular one.
He was waiting for your answer expectantly, and you refused to give him the satisfaction that your irritation would surely give. “I’m blind, numbskull. I can’t see shit.” You say anyways, because as annoying as he was, you were rather fond of him.
“speaking of which, you never told me why you’re blind. not that it matters, but you know you’re always welcome to tell me, ‘kay?” His voice is smooth and deep, so warm and comforting and familiar- no. You won’t think of him. Not now. You nod anyways. “I’ll tell you later, skells, now however, you’re going to tell me why we’re here at Grillby’s.”
He laughs, and the sound makes you smile and your soul hurt at the same time. He stops eventually and answers. “you said you’ve been here before right? i want to see what this timeline is like, and that includes the grillby’s of this timeline, yeah? who knows? what if i meet other me here as well? that’s gotta be something ya know.” He sounds excited, and your heart hurts, but it makes you smile even more. Perhaps, choosing to travel with the Doctor was the best decision you’ve ever made.
You were blind, hurting, heartbroken, and then you met him, offering the world and the stars and everything the universe had to offer. He even offered to help you get your eyesight back and you eagerly agreed, although it was taking some time since he was still making sure that it would be safe for you to use.
You’d met this Sans from another timeline, and he jumped at the chance of seeing the universe, and even other timelines, and you’d even been staying longer in his timeline rather than your own recently.
The Tale timeline, the Doctor said. Where everyone was nice and happy and you were sure your Sans would call it vanilla- crap, you really didn’t want to think about him. Ugh. Anyways, you were from what the Doctor called the Fell timeline, where everyone was an asshole.
“your hand, milady?” He asks, and you hold on to his, as he leads you into the bar.
You immediately figure out that it’s a relatively dead hour the moment you come in; there’s almost little to no noise, save for the clinking of glasses and hushed voices and the rustling of clothes. He leads you to the bar, and you just know that it’s Grillby because it’s warmer than it was before.
“(Y/N),” he greets. “It’s been a month since I last heard from you.” You can hear him setting down a glass and maybe cloth as he starts to give you his full attention. “However, your eyes…” He trails off. Grillby was always an observant monster, you think. He must have noticed your pupils didn’t react at all to his light, nor have they focused on anything since you came in. You laugh nervously. “About that…” You trail off. “Guess it’s time for me to spill the beans on that one, huh?”
Sans helps you into a seat, and you hear him take a seat beside you. You take a deep breath and start.
But where? Oh, you’ll just wing it then. “Um, my boyfriend for three years found his soulmate, and um, yeah. He cheated on me? Is it counted cheating still? Well anyways yeah, so I saw him with the girl and he didn’t even bother to apologize to me, and I walked out and passed out. Woke up blind, and there we go.” You finish, and you think that the crackling sounds from Grillby sound a bit angry, and you can feel Sans’s magic, which is usually warm and comforting, suddenly feel like static.
“w h o  d i d  t h a t ?” His voice was low and dangerous, completely different to how it usually sounded whenever he was with you.
“No, no!” You immediately say. “The whole blind thing, um, you can’t blame anyone else for that?” You say sheepishly, reaching out, and you felt his bony hands hold on to your outstretched one. “That’s um, a human thing apparently. Too much emotional stress? Yeah, that’s a thing.”
“(Y/N), you know that I consider you as a dear friend of mine, yes?” Grillby says suddenly. You nod. Where is he going with this? “I suppose you won’t mind if I dust him then?”
You choked, and you feel Sans’ grip on your hand tighten. “monster, then.” He says lowly. You shake your head. “No dusting will occur. No searching either.” You aim that last past at Sans. It would be very awkward if he found out it was him.
Suddenly there’s the sound of bells and laughter and the door creaked open. You’d turn around to look, but that would be pointless since you were, well, blind. But then you heard his voice, and you froze.
This was the very reason you didn’t want to go here. Of all fucking times, he just had to go here now with her.
The footsteps stopped. “you know, this is like a set up for a joke,” the Sans beside you said. “a skeleton and a girl walk into a bar, and say, hey, that’s me from a different timeline!”
There was the distant sound of laughter, and the girl, what was her name again? You didn’t know, but she answered anyways. “That’s actually pretty good. I’m Sam,” she said, and you can just imagine her stretching her hand out so Sans could shake it. He probably just did, considering as you hear footsteps moving away from you. You hear a whoopie cushion then she laughs again. “whoopie cushion in the hand trick,” Sans joked. “always a classic.”
“alright, alright, enough.” You could hear the Sans from your timeline, the Sans you had loved, the Sans that had once been yours. Your soul feels like it’s shattering. You press your hand into your chest; you can’t breathe at all.
There’s a sharp intake of breath from the trio standing a few steps away from you, and suddenly, someone is by your side, hand on the small of your back, keeping you stable. The scent of ketchup is around you and you relax. This is Sans, kind Sans, brilliant Sans, not him.
“you okay, sweetheart?”
You nod, but your chest still hurts though, and now that you think about it, his voice sounds pained as well.
You blink, and there’s the glimmer of light before you. One more blink, and there’s more light. You recognize the color as Grillby’s flames, and your eyelids flutter, and your eyes register even more colors. It’s blurred, but the fact that you can see again makes you laugh. A few more blinks, and you can see the world clearly again, and you turn to your left, and see Sans, a worried look on his face, then the look shifted to confusion, then joy as it sunk in. “you can see?” He said, his smile becoming more genuine and wider, if possible.
You drink him in, adoring the blue in his hoodie, how he looks completely and utterly different from the Sans of your past. His smile is kind, and he’s a bit shorter than you are, and his eyelights are white. White, you thought giddily. They look like actual stars. You smiled, and for the first time in a very long time, hope fluttered in your soul. Maybe, just this once everything will be fine. His teeth aren’t sharp, and he doesn’t have a gold tooth either, you noted. Everything different about him makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. For once, something finally went right, and you felt the pain of your past fade away, and you smile.
You could feel your soul aching, and it’s now that you realize that his other hand is pressed to his chest. “Shit, Sans, are you okay?” You asked. He nodded, eyes still on you. He nods but it’s him, the Sans behind you, who answers.
“he’s resonating with ya.”
You turned around, and immediately wish you didn’t. You really didn’t want to see him, fuck. But, the fact that the Sans beside you is looking at you like you’re the only thing in the whole world that mattered soothed your soul, and for some reason, seeing the Sans of your past doesn’t hurt anymore.
“What do you mean?” You asked, fully turning around to face him. The girl beside him looked at you with wide eyes, recognition flashing in them. She opens her mouth to say something, but decides against it and looked at the ground instead.
Sans- oh fuck it, you’ll just call him Red- is looking at you with what might’ve been regret in his eyes. His posture is awkward, and one hand is in his pocket and another is holding the girl’s hand. You expected yourself to be hurt, to be mad, but nothing came. You just felt like you were looking at an old friend. “What do you mean, Sans?” You repeat slowly.
His eyelights slowly reach your eyes, and you lean towards Sans (damn this is confusing) and his eyes flicker towards your now intertwined hands. “yer soulmates. that’s why.” He said gruffly, looking away. “so that’s why i resonated with ya before. ignored it though.”
You looked at him suddenly, suddenly feeling really, really pissed off. “You what?” You said lowly, your voice taking a dangerous tone.
Red starts to sweat, and Sans held your hand tighter. But you don’t want this anymore. You don’t want to deal with this anymore. You want to go back to the TARDIS, maybe cuddle with Sans or something, you just had to get away. You didn’t want this complicated love story, you just wanted to go home.
And home was the Tale universe.
Paradoxes be damned; you wanted to kiss this timeline goodbye, to forget all the bullshit you had to go through. Fuck this, fuck him, and fuck everything else.
Like a telepathic angel, the TARDIS suddenly materialized a few steps to your right, and you start to walk towards it before Red called out. “wait! (Y/N), i’m sorry.”
You turned around, nearly bumped into your Sans, and looked at him. “You’re an asshole.” You said flatly. “And an idiot.” You added, then looked at Sam. “Take care of him, yeah?” You said, nodding towards her. She nods back, and you stepped inside the TARDIS before poking your head out once more, where Sans and the girl are still staring. “This is the last time you’ll see me. Goodbye, old, boring timeline where everyone’s an asshole! Hello, Tale timeline!” You announced, winking at them both, and at Grillby who was probably in shock.
You closed the door and leaned against it, locking eyes with Sans, who was still smiling at you. “So, soulmates huh?” You teased, and he started blushing. Oh, you could definitely live with this.  Definitely.
You pull him into a hug, and look at the Doctor who was standing near the console, winking at you both. You rolled your eyes at him, and smile. For some time, you felt like everything was going wrong, and now, everything seemed right. You wondered how the universe seemed to have aligned everything so that you could meet him.
But it doesn’t matter now, not when there were two less lonely people in world right now, and everything was going to be fine.
@ariaisprobablynotonfire submitted this, and I’m so sorry.  I know it’s been ages, and I haven’t posted it, but I honestly just now read it.  
And I loved it.  <3  It was a nice twist on the soulmate imagine, and Readz being blind was an interesting touch.  So was the Doctor Who reference; I almost didn’t catch that.  I kept thinking the Doctor was Gaster lol.
But thanks so much for sending it my way!  <3
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