#i guess that was the point but XD
dreamsinmoonlight · 9 days
May I lay my head on Adams lap?
(I should be asleep and DEFINITELY should do the three other asks but I like me some stupid fluff with my stupid man so sure, have this before I fall unconscious because it's like almost midnight here)
Adam let out a snort as you plopped down next to him and opened his mouth to say something he would swear was witty or cool, because he was Adam the Dick Master and he was entirely both of those things. But his train of thought was derailed most effectively as you moved sideways and he suddenly found your head resting in his lap.
He was, for once in existence, speechless and just stared at you for a good few moments with wide eyes, as if trying to figure out what was going on. Finally, and with far more deliberation than that brain of his was really normally capable of, he spoke carefully, "Babe? You alright?"
"Shut up and be my pillow," you mumbled, your eyes closed. God he could be noisy and you just wanted to rest.
God knew when He made Adam He'd made the comfiest living pillow. The robe was a nice plus, it was soft and silky, but honestly you were usually just as happy to just lay your head straight into those squishy thighs. He wasn't bony in any way whatsoever, a plus in your book, and he was usually pretty warm on top of that. All together 10/10, would recommend as a cushion if you happened to have a long day or just wanted a good nap.
You didn't need to look up to know he was pouting; he hated it when you told him to shut up but after multiple discussions about the fact you meant it with love and not contempt, he had eventually gotten that. But he still pouted, because he was still Adam. You listened to him grumble and you thought up caught some choice words but whatever they were were pointless and quickly lost.
He started playing with your hair after all and that wasn't playing fair. Your head in your favorite lap, your idiot favorite angel playing with your hair? It was a combination you were absolutely powerless against and he knew it damnit. That was probably the point, his little revenge against you.
"Fine fine, I'll be your pillow, bitch, but you better be ready for payback later." That wasn't much of a threat; Adam's idea of "payback" when it came to you usually came down to doing the things God put him on Earth to do in the first place.
You mumbled but couldn't do much more than that. It was just too much. You nodded off and Heaven's most annoying angel watched you with a smile that could only be described as "how the hell did Adam learn to look soft".
Answer: that's what being wanted and loved does to someone. Yes even him.
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linked-maze · 11 months
Let fairy Warriors get revenge
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Twilight has had enough of the bullying he was seeing-
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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*sighs* precious baby version of night and his mentally drained brother/dad got me dropping everything for a quick doodle<333
au by @dreemurr-skelememer
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veroinfaciem · 6 days
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Learning how to draw glowing things!!
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sentientstump · 11 months
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unproduciblesmackdown · 5 months
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ooh big hug
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emkini · 9 months
Y'know what screw it I haven't seen Oppenheimer but I've seen plenty of jokes and I have two thoughts about this quote from a rhetorical and linguistics perspective:
"Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds."
"I am become" is the archaic form of "I have become", a.k.a the present perfect tense. It is not grammatically incorrect- just old as balls. As far as I know (and feel free to correct me), this quote is Oppenheimer's own translation from the Bhagavad Gita and therefore one he would have put a great deal of thought into. You can see similar phrases in Jane Austen novels and Shakespeare scripts, as well as in the King James bible. "I am become" is absolutely not on the level of "I haz cheeseburger" and I am getting REAL TIRED of seeing the two compared.
The nuance of "I am become death" is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from alternate phrases such as "I have become death" or "I am becoming death." "I am become" gives a sense of finality without being in the past tense; a sense of continuity without being imperfect. Using this archaic form of the present perfect is a rhetorical choice, and a very intelligent one at that- in other words, it sounds fucking cool and there's a reason all of us remember it to this day.
In summary: "lololol famous Oppenheimer quote has bad grammar" is a VERY SIMILAR sentiment to "Maybe the curtains are just blue" and some of y'all need to do 5 seconds of research before saying things on the internet because that's about how long it took for me to confirm my thoughts on this.
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doodlejoltik · 29 days
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being perceived. alternatively: everyone look at him my little guy!!!!
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can't believe there's a hundred of y'all watching my pokeposting now. hi everyone haha
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tabbi-mysteries · 6 months
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Episodes 1-800 of Mouri Ran's Wardrobe!
+ Films 1-19 & OVAs 1-11 & Lupin TV Special & Magic Files 2-6 & Lupin Movie + multiple TV specials + Magic Kaito 1412 appearances
(Better quality images under the cut)
Managed an update just in time for Christmas! This is becoming a kind of insane length haha but there's like 300 more eps to go that'll I'll be working on in the new year! See you then and Happy Holidays!
Let me know your favourites / least favourites in the tags / comments!
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If there's an outfit you want to see in clearer quality just send me an ask, this is just the only way I can even attempt to get it all into one post!
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Knowing less about us is probably better for the mythology. You know, like 'What the hell is going on with those guys?' I like that.
- Russell Mael, 2008 (from Talent Is An Asset - The Story of Sparks by Daryl Easlea)
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everyryuujisuguro · 9 months
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springbon-t-art · 1 year
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Merry christmas and happy new year to everyone! 
Thanks for everything you all have gave to me this year, the words, the support and everything else!!! I hope you enjoy the holidays and have a wonderful time the rest of this year and i´ll see you on the next one! 
Bye for now :D
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Why date a punk like him... (Lin Kuei Mom)
Author Note: A continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, “Why date a punk like him”, “Panic (Mom is visiting)” & "Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)". You can count that as the talk with mom Bi-Han mentioned in Deep in trouble.
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then] [Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)] [Cultural differences (paid leave)]
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fluffypichu876 · 4 months
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teecupangel · 1 year
Okay okay so.
Your thoughts on a Time Travel-ish fic where Desmond gets yeeted back to a little bit before Altaïr’s time and Bayek, Kassandra, Alexios, and f!Eivor become basically immortal bc of POE/Isu bullshit?
And then all the main characters after that become immortal bc of POE/Isu bullshit (including Desmond) so they’re just slowly gathering a bunch of immortal Assassin/some Templars and winging it til they hit the modern day era.
If you like to add a vampire spin to it, here’s the vampire idea a while back that does include a lot of main characters (but not all) getting turned into vampires.
Now, for this idea, let’s set up some things first.
Desmond is the primary immortal and nobody knows how it works.
They stop aging once they die and are revived for the first time.
There will always be a minute of death before their revival. (spawn rate)
Since we want to cover all main AC characters (although I love the fact that we didn’t include Basim in that list. Mirage isn’t out yet, Basim doesn’t count yet, I guess XD), I know you asked for Desmond being yeeted a little before Altaïr’s time so I’m hope you’re fine with Desmond being yeeted before or during Kassandra and Alexios’ time period. (I mean how 'little' is open for interpretations I say)
And how about we make this a little bit more interesting?
Desmond gets yeeted into the time of the Isus. To be more specific, he gets thrown into Minerva’s ‘temple’ during the final days before the Solar Flare.
He’s disoriented and maybe just ‘a bit’ traumatized because of the pain he felt when he activated the device so all he could do was try to understand what Minerva was saying.
About how she’s trying to save his life. That he must do what they all fail to do.
Find the true source of this anomaly, this singularity point that ensures a catastrophe hits Earth every few millennia regardless of what they do.
Because, and this is important, Desmond, even if you save the world from the Solar Flare, another catastrophe will happen. It is inevitable.
But you can find the reason why it has to be that way.
No matter what happens.
Never give up.
Keep looking.
I will do all I can to give you as much help as possible.
Good luck.
And Desmond falls asleep when Minerva pushes him into some kind of device that looked like a water bed.
When he wakes up, he finds himself staring at a confused-looking woman clad in armor.
The Layla Trilogy:
Desmond has no clue what this singularity point is meant to be but he assumes that he’s meant to find it now that he’s woken up… 2 millennia before his time, Jesus Christ.
Kassandra was just looking around the supposed ruins of Athena’s first temple. She believes he’s a demigod or a human turned demigod by Athena. She also thought he might even be Erichthonius but that idea was scrapped when Desmond showed her just how little he knows of the Ancient Greek world. He joins her because it’s not like he has any other clue and Kassandra traveling made it clear that he could cover more grounds if he stayed with her.
It’s because of Desmond’s intervention that Alexios (as Deimos) isn’t killed and the siblings’ relationship is rocky but Alexios stays with them in the Adrestria even if it usually comes down to Kassandra and Desmond making sure Alexios’ temper doesn’t get them into trouble. (Whether the other family members survive is your call).
In the end, it’s the whole Atlantis DLC that makes Kassandra and Alexios accidentally (or is it an accident, Minerva?) immortal. Desmond’s inclusion into the ‘vision’ screwed up the Isu tech and whatever is keeping Desmond immortal is copied into Kassandra and Alexios. They don’t realize it until later on when Alexios dies during a very fierce battle. Then a minute passed while Kassandra cradles her baby brother in her arms as she cries, Alexios opens his eyes and gasps loudly. Kassandra and Desmond would realize they’re immortal as well later on. No matter what they ask, Aletheia in the staff (Desmond doesn’t trust her one bit) doesn’t say anything at all. Desmond believes that their immortality might have been caused by one of the many POEs he had with him at the moment (he’s been hoarding every POE they find).
In this setup, Alexios would be Aya’s ancestor and it’d be more of a one-night stand that happened because Alexios was feeling a bit off that day and wanted some company. Whether they learn Aya is Alexios’ descendant is up to you. They meet Bayek during the Curse of the Pharaoh DLC while they were checking out the ‘curse’ and this is another case of Desmond’s immortality getting passed into Bayek while the POE is shrouding all of Thebes. Maybe even during the time they were in the Duat and Desmond is seeing people who haven’t even been born yet and that’s how he believed his desire to destroy the lies being shown to him caused Bayek to be infected by his immortality. They don’t know Bayek is immortal though but Bayek knows they’re immortal (maybe make one of them die in front of Bayek? They’ve become quite prone to risky actions because they know they can’t die) so when he realized he was immortal, he starts looking for them.
Eivor met them on the Isle of the Skye and Desmond’s immortality infects her during that time as well (maybe during the final confrontation with the POE?) but, as usual, they don’t know that yet. What happens is that Eivor returns to Ravensthorpe and the story continued until the end of AC Valhalla, maybe a few days later, Reda (who may or may not be an avatar of Minerva or her sage or something, the point is his immortality is not connected to Desmond’s… maaayybbee) introduces her to an old friend of his who is looking for someone who looks a lot like Randvi, a man going by the name Amun. At that point, Eivor already knows she’s immortal, Basim slicing her throat during their final confrontation was a dead giveaway, and Reda introduced them as ‘two people of similar circumstances’. They both realized that they’re immortals and Bayek (who Eivor knows as Amun) believes that the answer to their questions is with Desmond and the Spartan siblings (they’re not, they don’t even know they’ve been leaving immortals behind) so Eivor leaves Ravensthorpe to find Desmond and the other with Bayek, promising to come back once she has all the answers.
They finally catch up to Desmond and the others around late 1100s and Desmond doesn’t know how but he’s sure he’s the reason why they’re all immortals now. Without any other information, all they can do is be cautious and, later on, they decide that Desmond shouldn’t get too close to other people until they’re sure on how this entire immortality thing gets activated. Of course, that only means Desmond would feel bored (and maybe have bad reminders of his life on the Farm) so he was just walking a busy marketplace to take some time off his own spiraling thoughts, just looking around and that’s when he bumps into Altaïr.
Desmond’s Ancestors (Part 1):
Desmond didn’t even know Altaïr would be around these parts. Why would he? All he knew during this time was that Altaïr went with Maria to go travel, he didn’t know just how far the two had traveled during that time. Desmond desperately tries to get away because, fuck, there’s no way that he was going to mess up Altaïr’s life even if he desperately wants to because he has no idea what will happen to him if he messes Altaïr’s life so badly that Desmond Miles wouldn’t be born centuries from now. This only makes Altaïr interested in him and it ends with Desmond joining Altaïr and Maria in their travels, sorta forgetting to tell anybody else that he might have been half-kidnapped/half-went along with it?
So the current immortality gang is out looking for him while he’s making a life in Masyaf, becoming like an uncle to Altaïr’s children. Desmond keeps trying to tell Altaïr that Abbas is too dangerous to keep alive but Altaïr won’t listen, thinking that Abbas would not stoop as low as Desmond says, especially when the Apple doesn’t show him anything bad happening with Abbas. By this point, Desmond had told Altaïr everything so Altaïr know Desmond knows of a future but he insists that that future is no longer their future because they have changed things.
Altaïr and Maria still go with Darim to assassinate Genghis Khan but Desmond stays behind to keep an eye on Abbas. Unfortunately, this gets him captured and it’s only because of Desmond’s warning that Malik survived, taking Sef’s wife and children out of Masyaf on Sef’s orders while Sef stays behind to save Desmond. It ends in tragedy as Sef dies in Desmond’s arms instead even though Desmond begs for whatever is keeping him immortal to save Sef, to make him immortal as well. Desmond is taken deeper into Masyaf and tested on to find the reason for his immortality instead.
Altaïr’s return is heralded by a civil war between those who sided with Abbas and the Assassins Malik rallied. In the battle, Maria dies in Altaïr’s arms as well and, if you really want to hammer in the pain, Malik falls as well. When they finally took Masyaf back, Altaïr finds Desmond in the deepest part of Masyaf alive but… well… it’s not a pretty sight. Just as he frees a catatonic Desmond, Abbas stabs him from behind and Desmond snaps out of it, screaming as Altaïr falls into his arms. Remembering how Sef dies in his arms the same way breaks Desmond. Altaïr dies in his arms and revives a minute later, much to Abbas’ surprise. In the end, Altaïr kills Abbas and takes Masyaf back.
After the funerals are done and Masyaf starts healing, Altaïr tells the new mentor (Malik if he’s still alive or Darim if Malik is already dead) that he and Desmond are leaving Masyaf. That this place is simply too painful for Desmond right now and the only way he can heal is to be away from this place. The mentor agrees because they both know how much Desmond blames himself for the death of the people he and Altaïr loved. That not even Altaïr telling him it’s not his fault could reach him.
So they leave and a few days later the immortality gang reaches Masyaf but everyone is tight-lipped about what happened and if they know anyone that looks like Desmond (there were rumors that the people of Masyaf were experimenting on how to achieve eternal life and such). So it took them a long time for the mentor to confide what had happened (that’s fine with them though because they trust Desmond can take care of himself (oh boy) and they’re immortals, they have all the time they need) and the mentor isn’t sure where Desmond and Altaïr could be.
They’re in Monteriggioni. Of course, they’re in Monteriggioni. Desmond talked and showed Monteriggioni to Altaïr and his sons so Altaïr knew how much Desmond loved the town. They stayed there because Altaïr was hoping Desmond could heal there and Altaïr accidentally sorta-maybe bought the place while it was just a little thing and started expanding and stuff. They’re always known as descendants of themselves and they’re rumored to be brothers or cousins or something, anyway, the point is the town’s connection with the Assassins is a very hush-hush affair and the Italian Brotherhood grows with Altaïr’s assistance while Desmond just… does whatever he wants.
Desmond meets Ezio as a child when the Auditore family visits the town to pay their respect and Altaïr sees how happy Desmond is to play with Ezio and his siblings. He suggests that they vacation in Florence once in a while to visit the Auditores and Desmond agrees.
The Auditore execution doesn’t happen because Altaïr’s presence makes the Italian Brotherhood be more incognito. Giovanni is still loyal to Lorenzo (an ongoing headache of Altaïr’s) and he’s the mentor of the Italian Brotherhood while Altaïr has more of an advisory role but his connection to the other Assassins was great enough that he was able to coordinate a rescue mission when Giovanni was arrested. Federico and Claudia (who learned enough to fight in secret thanks to her Tio Desmond) were in the house and they got the others out while Giovanni stayed behind so he was the only one arrested and the Auditore family is given asylum in Monteriggioni.
Of course, the whole rescue plan had been in the making for a while now as a ‘last resort’ since Desmond told Altaïr what would happen and this pushes Ezio, Federico, and Claudia to join the Brotherhood in hopes of avenging what has happened to them.
Same thing happened as canon. The actions of the Italian Brotherhood (really, Ezio and his siblings) catch the attention of the immortality gang who finally catches up but they accidentally thought Ezio was the immortal with Desmond named Altaïr and that’s how Ezio learns about the whole immortality thing.
Ezio finds out he’s immortal after Rodrigo stabs him and he dies but revives. He believes his other siblings aren’t immortal though because he saw Minerva’s message for Desmond and it’s already changed. She’s speaking to Ezio and she tells him to “keep Desmond in check”. To make sure he remembers his mission. Ezio believes it’s not Desmond who gives immortality to random people but Minerva. That this immortality thing is something Minerva prepared to keep Desmond ‘safe’ and ‘focused’.
Desmond would have easily said that Minerva is going by a list of people Desmond cared about but he didn’t even know about Kassandra, Alexios, Bayek and Eivor before his death so that idea gets thrown out before it even fully forms.
Anyway, it ends with the immortality gang going on a newly refitted and upgraded Adrestia to start looking for this singularity point with Altaïr giving Monteriggioni to Petruccio who had been taking care of the finances and the little details for a while now. They stop by Constantinople as well and Ezio falls in love with Sofia, maybe he stays with her for a while and have two children? Idk. Anyway, the Auditore line continues…
Into the Kenway line…
Yeah, see that part one? Yeah, it’s because this got too long and I only answer/reblog on tumblr on a specific time frame to make sure I get things done. Sorry XD
I’ll get back to the others tomorrow (if work wills it) but if anyone wants to take a stab at this, feel free :)
(ngl, I was debating if I should make Malik/Maria/Darim and Sef immortal. I’m still on the fence with Malik being immortal. It would be a good angst fodder “Why you but not them?!!” kind of deal)
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bleue-flora · 4 months
@cleofast300 hope it’s ok if I respond to your tags from my essay (linked here) and lol no need to apologize for writing lengthy paragraphs as far as I am concerned. I certainly can’t judge and am always happy for more discussion. :)
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On that note, you are very right it is more so about what c!Tommy himself believes. His perception is not that of the audience or at least it really shouldn’t be that of the audience, while as you said he can believe he is the hero and justified that does not make him one. And the difference between audience perception and character perspective is what I kinda talked about in the essay that came out before this one (linked here). Where I try to highlight how it is less about what the characters think about themselves and others and more about what we think of them, which can be derived from a variety of factors... anyways straying off topic.
While I would say he is certainly not self aware and that does play a role in his character, I’m not sure I would say it is his biggest flaw. For one, it is not the cause of all of his conflicts, though I supposed you could argue that is it the underlying problem for which the rest of his flaws spur from. But I’m not so sure. he is certainly not the only character without self awareness. Most importantly though, I do not think his character arc revolves around self awareness. Because he doesn’t over come that in the end. He becomes aware that c!Dream has feelings and emotions, but he doesn’t recognize what he did to hurt those feelings. He doesn’t gain awareness for the part he played. There is no remorse. As you said, the ‘sorry’ was about the nuke not for how he hurt c!Dream. For self awareness to be his biggest flaw and the one he over comes, he’d actually have to gain awareness for how he hurt people. How he hurt c!Tubbo, how he hurt c!Dream, how he hurt c!Punz… etc. He’d have to gain awareness for the part he played in the mess. Instead, we have a ‘sorry’ that is about the future. About realizing they wanted the same future all along and that it’s too late for that.
You are right of course, it was about him learning to see the world in its complexity and not as the black and white - hero and villain- one he wanted it to be. Though he is hardly unique in that viewpoint, so I’m not sure it is a strictly child perspective as much as it is just a naive and deluded one. Plenty of other characters share this perspective of the world and it is less about age but actually about the stages of psychological development (but thats a discussion for a different time). In fact, the main theme of the dsmp as a whole is about realizing that the world is complex, that people have different perspectives and things aren’t always cut and dry like we want it to be. It is easier to believe you are the hero and everyone who hurts you is the villain. But I will say, although c!Wilbur exasperated this ideal, he did not create it. The disc wars were already a thing. C!Tommy had that belief long before c!Wilbur arrived, he just used it to manipulate him, but that mindset was already there. That idea that he was the hero of the story was already set. So yes, c!Wilbur used him to be his little soldier pinning him up against c!Dream. Yes, he was abused and manipulated, but that only makes him a victim not the victim.
But just because in the end he realized that c!Dream was not one-dimensional, doesn’t mean he becomes self aware. It broke the cycle of violence, yes, because he realized they wanted the same things and the violence this whole time was actually useless. But that doesn’t imply that he feels remorse, realizes he hurt people, that he plans on being better and changing his behavior, that he no longer sees himself as innocent, that he is aware of the things he caused, that he no longer thinks he’s justified, that he realizes how Wilbur used him. It only showed that he realized that people are complex, with feelings and emotions and motivations, who are flawed, who can be hurt just like him. His views on people changed, but honestly we don’t even know how far that ratified his world view. Whether it just changed his perception of c!Dream or others as well…we just don’t know…
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