#i genuinely look up to you a bunch and was TERRIFIED to interact with you for months
tw1nkee28 · 4 months
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Both characters belong to @vellichorom <3
Hiii Twinkiee, I'm not too much into the Stanley parable anymore but I still wanted to make art for some of the people who made me feel loved and welcomed in the fandom. And the first person who came to my mind was you, even if we didn't interact much.
I dearly love Thierry and everything about him, he's great. Even if I made some absolutely HORRENDOUS art of him over the course of this year, I do hold him close to my heart. He's a major part of the fandom to many many people and I know a lot of people including myself look up to you and your art.
I hope you're doing well these days, mwuah mwuah. You mean the world to me, love ya Twinkie <3 /p
And holy shit this turned into a pos rant I'm so sorry man HELP
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thatbadadvice · 9 months
Dear Advisor,
I tend to be a very reserved and shy person so making friends is super hard. Recently I’ve been wanting to socialize more , but I genuinely don’t know how. Is there any advice that you have that can make me look more approachable and not be scared to talk to people. I’m so stressed about being alone and not having any friends, but I just find it so hard to go up to people and make a conversation. I tried once but it became super awkward. I just really need good advice from someone on how to approach a person and continue a conversation.
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Dear Awkward Anonymous,
It would be so easy to get into a whole deep let's-skeetshoot-therapy-on-the-internet session and try to help a total stranger unpack all of the GA-FUCKING-ZILLION ways in which social awkwardness shows up in a person's life. It seems easy, and it even seems meaningful and worthwhile, but to do so I would have to presume a bunch about your life, and make a bunch of assumptions about the ways in which my own experiences maybe/probably track with yours, and it would be a whole big wank-fest, and frankly ... it would be awkward. I'd be like you, standing there at the party, hoping that what I'm saying resonates or lands or even vaguely tracks with anything a stranger has ever known or experienced, presuming (probably rightly!) that it doesn't, and then flailing and blaming myself when I didn't emerge from the interaction with all the world's gold stars.
So here's what: stop talking to other people as a primary social occupation. Going up to people and just talking is fucking terrifying. The Bad Advisor says this as a Certified Extrovert™ who rarely shuts the fuck up.
Instead, find a thing to do with other people that involves some sort of task or goal or activity. Talk about the thing you're doing together, when you're doing it. If it feels okay, maybe introduce one or two of your own relatable-to-the-activity experiences in the process. See who picks up on it. Ask the people who pick up on it genuinely interested questions in response. This is what we awkward people call: engineering a conversation. It is the way, I am told, humans make connections with other humans. I have seen it work in my own life.
Depending on where you live and your ability level and skill set, I bet you have some options! You could seek out an open board game night, pub quiz session, knitting/quilting circle, or mutual aid meetup that's looking for volunteers. Especially look for social activities with strangers that involve a dedicated, pre-prescribed activity (such as a hiking or mall-walking group, stuffing envelopes for a political candidate or cause you care about, planting trees at your local park, or tasting tea/wine/beer/etc.). (Somebody is going to say join a ballroom dancing club or suchlike; I am personally terrified of this, but if you have a higher tolerance for strangers touching you and fewer than two left feet: it's literally an option. Line-dancing, on the other hand ... absofuckinglutely.)
Even if what's available in your area isn't your precise and specific interest, it might be worthwhile to check out something you are decidedly meh about -- you might not be the only meh person there. You can bond over shit that's boring or shitty with other people who find it boring or shitty! Some of my best friends, arguably my very best friends, came out of experiences we mutually loathed or found at least moderately and mutually miserable.
Consider especially finding an activity where you yourself are the manager of operations and/or have a designated task to take care of that is unique to your position! This doesn't have to be complicated or skill-dependent; can you become a voter registrar in your area? Well, bam! You've got paperwork people have to fill out and a good reason to jibber-jabber with folks who have to ask you the questions. Other ideas: join your local neighborhood association board, become a notary public, or see if your local pet rescue is looking for intake line volunteers. Do you have a trustworthy, especially outgoing friend who might agree to play "social glue" for you a couple of times at their activity-centric events? Make it explicit! Ask them if they'll play friendly wing-person for you at their D&D game, fantasy sports league, or some such.
Alternately: Do you have a unique and fun and shareable skillset you can share with others? Are you pretty good at drawing, programming? Simply a font of endless Merlin or NFL or Real Housewives knowledge? You might start a local Discord or other online social group to discuss and share your interests, then move it to the real world in a few weeks once folks get comfortable. You get the idea.
Most of all: Look for stuff that has more-than-just-talking opportunities available outside the designated group jam for you to maintain connections. Perhaps a group chat, a Discord, a Slack, what-have-you, where you can take more time to consider and draft your responses and posts? Connections with humans get made a thousand ways, and talking raw-dog with strangers is but one.
It takes a true social unicorn to be simply good at talking and only talking to other people. There are some of these one-horned wonders out there, to be sure — but let me assure you that the vast majority of folks want to be accepted and seen just as much as you do, and they're staring at the ceiling at night thinking just as much (more, probably) about all the weird, wonky shit they themselves threw at you than they are anything you ever said to them.
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splitster · 9 months
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answering a bunch of asks on the pom wraith au!! CHECK IT OUT↓↓
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AAUUUGGHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! i appreciate the support for the idea and for my art .... 🥺💖 i genuinely wasn't expecting the reception this idea has gotten but i'm so glad y'all enjoy it!! i love pom as a Creecher... and she's gonna make FRIENDS!! I wanna draw more interactions with her and the crew, i think it's really funny and ripe for (silly) drama
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i... YEAH let's go with yes. i didn't think this part through. the fact that wraiths can shapeshift is just a little silly meta nod at the fact the MC can look like anything in the games, i didn't think about it any further than that hehe. it does open up the door to silly shapeshifting shenanigans though
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YEAH YOU GET IT yonny is the first one to become suspicious of her but until the rest of the crew catches on, they just all think she's odd. a little weird! except for dingo. he's not the brightest he probably he just thinks that rookie is trying to show off!!
actually thinking off the top of my head, collin would probably be a runner up behind yonny in terms of finding her suspicious. it's weird that she can knock out a mission during the day, a night expedition right after, and be ready to hit another mission the next day without any sleep...
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WAHHHHHH THANK YOU GHRHGR... while i'm definitely drawing more (and i have more queued up to post), I am actually also writing a drabble in this AU.
the premise is that Yonny discovers what she is, and she has to convince Yonny not to sell her out before time runs out. i wrote it to share in the server, but if y'all have any interest in it i could post that... (disclaimer: i'm not a strong writer. but it's fun!)
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GO FOR IT!!! if it inspires you and you want to, have fun with it!! if you (or anyone else reading this) makes any sort of creative work inspired from what i made, please let me know!! i'd love to look!!
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oh she absolutely does get exposed...
whether it turns out bad or even worse depends on who finds out, and whether she's become strong enough friends with her fellow rescue corps buddies...
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the water wraith would have to stop trying to run her over too long enough for her to say something! although, she'd be incredibly wary of the other wraiths. she's terrified of somehow being exposed, and she doesn't know if they could do something to reveal who she is. she'd rather not chance it, and simply get TF out instead!!
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of course!! i always welcome more creativity. if i inspire anyone to get creative i call that a success💖
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thank you he is the fruit wraith
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yeeehwa · 1 year
Blanket (p.sh x reader)
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Summary: You give your blanket to your bias in Ateez
Word Count: 1,944
a/n: I had this cute idea and it could potentially be turned into a full fic, if you want it to be. I just had this cute little blurb to share to see if anyone would actually be interested! Thank you for reading!
A cold breeze blew through the streets, causing everyone around you to shiver, and you swore you could hear teeth chattering from your friend group. 
“Why did you bring that god forsaken blanket?” Your best friend looked at you in embarrassment. Her arms crossed in front of herself to help the cold that was seeping in. 
You had the blanket wrapped around you, shielding you from the chilly air. You clutched it closer to you and pouted. 
“I’m sorry, but it seems to me as though I’m nice and warm while you’re over there shivering.” Your friend stood there in her skimpy Deja Vu inspired outfit.
“Hey man. Tits out for San.” 
You snorted. “It’s not my fault you want San to look at your tits.”
“Okay but you’re in Hala Hala. You have pants and a jacket!”
You raised your eyebrow at her. “Your point being?”
“Give me your jacket.”
She pouted at you. “Please? You have your cursed Seonghwa blanket already!”
You rolled your eyes as cheering came from the line in front of you. They had started the scanning of bags and metal detectors to finally let you into the venue. 
“Look. We’re about to be inside. Stop complaining. I’ll leave the blanket with Jisu since she has seats since it’s that embarrassing.”
“Oh.” Jisu turned to look at you. “Yeah. I don’t have seated tickets today. That’s tomorrow.” She gave you a small smile. 
“Looks like you’re stuck with me and it then Brynn.”
You turned around and moved in the line, Brynn sticking her tongue out at your back.
The beginning of the concert was hype, and you found yourself holding the blanket out while screaming for Seonghwa, hoping he would see it and you could make him smile. 
Towards the end of the show, when Ateez was about to do their last few songs, he finally saw you. He gestured to your hands and you held up the blanket to show the man on stage. He leaned down to get a better look. It was a photo of him, wearing glasses and peeking around a beige door, just his face and neck visible. He laughed, the smile making his eyes sparkle. You gestured towards him, holding out the blanket to him, telling him to take it. 
His eyes widened as he moved, his eyebrows going into his hairline as if to say “are you sure?” 
You nodded again and bunched it up, and then threw it at him. He caught it, and immediately wrapped it around his neck, acting like a superhero. He ran around the stage and catwalk, one arm outstretched like Superman. It was his favorite thing in the world now. The smile on his face was one of pure, genuine happiness, and his eyes were filled with excitement. 
The other members watched him in confusion at first during the interaction, and when they realized what had happened and what picture was on the blanket, they interrupted their ments to comment on it. Wooyoung was laughing so hard, San had to hold him up.
“Hyung” San said through his fits of giggles. “What is that?” 
The cameras panned over to Seonghwa, who held his mic up. “Atiny gave it to me!” He was so giddy. Almost like a child on Christmas morning. 
“I want one!” Wooyoung screamed from his spot on the floor, where San had dropped him. “Which Atiny?”
Seonghwa shook his head and wiggled his finger with a smirk towards Wooyoung. “Not telling. They’re my Atiny now.”
This caused a riot as Wooyoung stood up to rush at Seonghwa, but a staff member ran onto the stage to stop the chaos and get the concert back on track. You couldn’t hear it, but you could tell by the body movements that Seonghwa was getting scolded. You saw him pout and reach to his neck to untie the blanket. Before handing it to the staff member, he held it up, showing off the slightly terrifying photo of himself. The crowd cheered as the cameras panNed to it.
He held it proudly for a moment before handing it to the staff member and bowing as they ran off.
“Alright Atiny! Let’s get back to it!” Hongjoong said into his mic, distracting the crowd once again and he started the concert back up. 
You looked over at your friend. Her mouth was open in shock and you sent her a smirk. Knowing full well that only a few hours ago she was making fun of you for it. 
“Did that actually happen?” She yelled into your ear as Guerilla started to play and Hongjoong started his rap. 
You smiled at her, a slight blush on your cheeks. “Yeah” you smiled, giddy at what just happened. “Yeah I guess it did.”
The rest of the concert went by in a blur. You were pretty sure you blacked out during most of it. The thought of Seonghwa taking your blanket from you still on your mind as you made your way back to your hotel with your friends. 
A notification popped up on your phone as you entered the modest hotel lobby. Ateez had gone live in their hotel room, all eight of them crowded on a bed and tiny couch. Wooyoung sitting almost on Sans lap showed in the video preview as you sleepily walked to your room. 
Your friends followed you into the room, and one pulled out their laptop. “I saw Ateez was live. Do we wanna watch?”
A chorus of sleepy yeses sounded through the room as people started to get out of their clothes and makeup, listening to the chaos of eight men in the background. 
“Hey, Y/N” your friend with the laptop said. “Hwa still has your blanket.” They turned the screen towards you, and your sleepy eyes shot open and you rushed to get a closer look. 
There he was. The beautiful blonde man who took your blanket of him today, sitting with it securely wrapped around him.
“I figured that he or the staff would’ve throw it away.” Your eyes wide as Seonghwa faced the camera. You felt like he was looking into your soul. 
“To the Atiny who gave me this blanket, thank you. It will always be with me.” He smiled softly and stroked the soft fabric. A blush crept up your neck at his admission.
Wooyoung decided then to be a menace and he yanked the blanket away from Seonghwa and yelled something in Korean. Based on his tone, he was teasing his elder, and by the look Seonghwa had, he was annoyed. 
Seonghwa reached for the blanket and Wooyoung threw it to the other side of the room. San, never one to say no to teasing his hyungs, caught it and tied it around his neck. 
The live turned into chaos.
Seonghwa stood, directly in the middle between Wooyoung and San. He turned his head and leveled both men with a glare as he held his hand out, gesturing to give him back the blanket.
Seonghwa took a few step towards San, who then threw the blanket back to Wooyoung. Playing keep-away was their favorite things to do.
“Wooyoung. Give. Me. The. Blanket.” 
Wooyoung gave Seonghwa a cheeky smile and stuck out his tongue. “No.”
Seonghwa rolled his eyes and stood there, just staring at Wooyoung, annoyance in his eyes. “Please can I have my blanket back?”
“Aww hyung, you even asked nicely!” Wooyoung mocked him. “Fine.” He pouted, and held his arm out with the bundled up blanket. 
“Thank you,” Seonghwa said sarcastically, and started walking towards his younger. Once he got a few steps away, Wooyoung threw the blanket back to San, who hopped and caught it. Giggling the whole time. 
“I’m going to kill you,” Seonghwa playfully said, lunging towards Wooyoung. He tackled Woo onto the couch, San now pouting that he wasn’t being given attention. 
“Damn,” Brynn said, watching it all unfold. “He’s really serious about that blanket.” She sounded slightly envious.
“Looks like it,” you giggle. Inside you were giddy that your bias was so protective over something you gave him.
San had successfully evaded his elder and tied the blanket around his neck, like Seonghwa had done when you gave it to him. Seonghwa just watched him, looking slightly defeated. He ran his hand through his hair and looked at Hongjoong.
Words were exchanged and you saw Hongjoong stand up and try to stop Woosan from teasing Seonghwa any more. Voices who seemed like it belonged to the staff could be heard from behind the camera as well.
You saw a hand come out from behind the camera and point to Yeosang, who had curled up more on the couch to stay away from the chaos that is WooSanHwa.
Yeosang sighed and stood up next to Hongjoong. One went for San and the other went for Wooyoung, trying to get them to calm down. San and Wooyoung exchanged looks, and ran out of the room. Screaming could be heard from down the hall. A loud crash had you wincing.
Everything went quiet. Yunho and Mingi looked at each other, then the staff, and the live suddenly cut off. You and your friend looked at each other in disbelief, before erupting into giggles. 
“What did I just do?” You struggled to get out before being overcome with laughter once again.
“Cause Seonghwa to deal with the menace that is WooSan.” Jisu said, peeking over your shoulder at the screen.
“I guess you’re right,” you giggled again, and ran your makeup wipe over your face. “I wonder if he’ll remember me tomorrow. We do have soundcheck.”
“If he does, I’ll eat my San collection.”
You gasped, “Noooo Brynn, not your precious San collection!” 
“Yeah yeah yeah. Shut up. You look like a raccoon.” She shoved her pillow in your face and you just laughed. 
“Be prepared to eat your collection tomorrow. I hear photocards go well with milk.” 
She laughed again. “Go get ready for bed. We have a long day tomorrow.” 
“Yes, your highness.” You bowed to her, and she threw another pillow at you. You laughed again as you easily dodged it and went to lock yourself in the bathroom. 
Running your makeup wipe over your face, you started to daydream about Seonghwa and what will happen at soundcheck. If he’ll remember you. Maybe you can even find out what happened after the live ended. You hoped WooSan won’t know that it was you who gave Seonghwa the blanket. You know you’d get harassed with teasing looks and movements in your direction. 
You sighed and turned the faucet on, splashing water on your face to wash away your delusional thoughts for the night. Drying your face, you unlocked the door and walked into a pitch black room. Jisu and Brynn both already passed out, one of them snoring loudly.
You giggled and crawled into bed between the two girls. Your phone buzzing on the nightstand, showing a Universe notification. Seonghwa had messaged, and you waited a second for the translation. 
Seonghwa: the blanket is okay. 
You giggled, watching as more messages popped into chat. 
Seonghwa: thank you atiny for coming out tonight. 
Seonghwa: I love you. Let’s have a good show tomorrow.
Seonghwa: have a good night ❤️
Seonghwa: I’ll see you tomorrow
You giggled and sighed in happiness. Typing out a quick reply before turning your phone on sleep mode. You smiled, cuddling into the warmth of Brynn and closed your eyes. Your message still on your mind. You hope he saw it and knew it was you. 
I’ll see you tomorrow Hwa. Hopefully the blanket is safe.
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emphasisonthehomo · 1 year
idk if you've talked about this before or not, but how would you think it would go down if steve and danny met at an earlier time in their life, maybe early transitioning stages still for danny?
Ooohhh I have not spoken about this, but this is an interesting concept.
An au of an au, I guess. If Rachel never decided to hit him with her car. OR if she did, then one where they never got Serious, and fizzled out after she went to England.
When Danny's like 22 and still Very Cognizant of How To Pass. His voice has started to change, but not that much. He's starting to get body and facial hair, but not quite at the level he will when he's a little older. If he's clean shaven and not careful about how he speaks and behaves, he occasionally gets clocked and it's terrifying.
And then idk spring break? For Convenience's Sake. Let's say spring break at *spins the wheel* MYRTLE BEACH. Because google says that's a popular spot on the east coast. Danny goes w/ a bunch of Queers™ he's buddies with, and like half of them have blue hair and pronouns, it's Tucker Carlson's nightmare.
Who else also happens to be at Myrtle Beach? Why Steven McGarrett and a whole mess of baby sailors. Freddie is going to wear a neon green tank top the entire time and yell HOOYAH at strangers. Catherine's ready to fucking go HOG WILD. Pun intended.
Danny splurged for his own hotel room, because he knows how his friends operate, and he's not interested in navigating any socks on the door situation. He’s here to party and get laid, he’s not gonna deal with a roomie. No fuck you Brayden, get your own room or share with Amethyst. This is gonna be his first spring break post top surgery, so he’s – he’s probably not gonna go topless. He does still hate the beach. But being hot and humid without having to wear a binder? Fuck yes. This is also gonna be his last Spring Break before he graduates and goes to Law School and he has to idk be More Responsible or something.
Steve’s gotten his own hotel room for many similar reasons. He’s seen how Freddie gets about trying to Eat So Much Pussy, and he isn’t interesting in being an unfortunate witness to such escapades. Besides, Steve also has plans to Eat So Much Pussy, and maybe. You know. Maybe suck a dick or something. At least make out with a dude, he thinks. Maybe these gay thoughts can catch him. Maybe he’ll let them.
Anyways, what I’m saying is that Steve and Danny’s rooms JUST SO HAPPEN to be right next to each other. The kind with an adjoining door. And the hotel isn’t the classiest, but it was the nicest they could get that was still close to the bars and reasonably priced. And lo, Danny and his friends and Steve and his friends JUST SO HAPPEN to check in at the same time.
They do that thing where they make eye contact with each other in the elevator. And Danny’s on edge because yeah that guy’s good looking, but he’s also wearing a t shirt that says Annapolis on it in big letters. Steve meanwhile saw Danny come in with a bunch of obviously queer people and is like okay. There’s a hot guy who I think is definitely maybe probably also into dudes.
And they bump into each other again at the bar, and spend almost the entire night dancing around each other. It’s just a bunch of drunk college students interacting. (Brayden is trying very hard to fuck Freddie and Freddie is straight boy oblivious.) You know who’s not being straight boy oblivious? Steve.
Because Steve’s doing his smooth dog schtick, even if he maybe hasn’t gotten that moniker yet. He’s flirty and charming and it’s driving Danny up the fucking wall. Like Steve keeps brushing his hand across the side of Danny’s waist or his lower back under the guise of passing by him to get to the bar. And Danny is like ‘okay if this is gay chicken so be it’ so he starts flirting back kind of aggressively, but instead of getting all deer in headlights about it, Steve looks so genuinely pleased at Danny’s attention.
Danny: “… Shit I’m gonna fuck this sailor, aren’t I?”
Steve: “… Catch me now Gay Thoughts.”
If they didn’t have hotel rooms right next to each other, if Danny didn’t know for a fact that he’s basically neighbors with this guy for the rest of the break, he’d just suck Steve off and deal w/ the sexual frustration of not getting his. Because telling random (presumably closeted jfc, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is still in force) people about the trans thing is UHM terrifying.
But when Steve leans in close and whispers “Let me walk with you back to the hotel,” in Danny’s ear, and he’s so fucking tall and hot and clearly ripped, and he’s got nice hands, Danny’s just drunk enough to be like “…yeah.”
And because of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell they both go to their separate rooms. Steve immediately goes ‘knock knock knock’ on the adjoining door. Danny can’t believe he’s gonna do this, but at least if something goes Wrong he can probably run back to the other room and lock the door real quick.
So, he opens the door, and Steve starts kissing him basically from the get go. Kisses Danny deep and purposeful, and shit, shit Danny didn’t think this through.
“Wait, wait, wait-” Danny stops him while they’re both still standing in the open doorway.  
“Sorry?” Steve’s panicking just a little, because he thought that this is what they were doing, but now Danny’s stopping him and oh no.
And Danny just blurts out “I’m trans?”
Fuck. That wasn’t supposed to be a question. He’s. Very drunk.
“I’m trans,” Danny repeats. There. Gotta say it with conviction.
Steve just kind of blinks at him, because he’s also Very Drunk and uhhhhhh what?
“… I don’t have a dick.”
It’s not the best way to explain this, but it’s what Danny’s beer addled brain comes up with, when he’s got a beefy navy cadet all up in his space. Steve doesn’t seem put off by Danny’s explanation, which is good. He just kind of blinks at Danny some more and then says:
“You don’t have a dick.”
“I don’t have a dick.”
This is awkward.
Danny’s made a mistake.
But then Steve just goes “Oh good, I’ve never sucked a dick before, I was worried I’d be bad at it.”
Danny’s about to. He doesn’t know. Tell Steve ‘well of course you’ll be bad at it’ because unless you’re some kind of cock sucking savant, you’re not going to be good at it on the first try. But it gets kind of lost because Steve just kisses him again. And again. And again.
And Steve does, in fact, get to Eat So Much Pussy. Danny practically sucks Steve’s soul out through his dick.
The next morning, they wake up hungover and sore. They go to waffle house. Then they go back to those adjoined hotel rooms, and do it all over again sober.
Instead of spending Spring Break in a drunken stupor, they actually spend it (mostly) sober fucking like rabbits or tangled together in bed and drowsily talking. They go through an improbable number of condoms. Steve’s 21. He’s got the refractory period get wild with it.
And then they just kind of. Stay in touch. After.
Steve goes back to Annapolis, and Danny goes back to Princeton. And they text and call constantly. And it turns into this weird ‘fuck buddies but also best friends but also long distance’ kind of situation. Steve goes on and becomes a SEAL. Danny goes to law school and then doesn’t become a lawyer.
They don’t see each other in person often, but when they do it’s usually like no one ever left.
Steve doesn’t have much of a relationship with his father. He’s not currently on speaking terms with Mary. So, when he’s got leave? He’s in New Jersey. He doesn’t go home to Hawai'i. He goes home to Danny.
Steve has his casual thing with Catherine, and yes he and Danny are also casual, but it’s Different from his relationship with her. And sure Danny also dates, but if Steve calls Danny up and is like “I’ve got 48 hours of leave in Manhattan” Danny will basically drop everything to go meet him there.
(Freddie refers to Danny as Steve’s ““friend”” quotation marks included, even after Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is repealed. Because they’re not dating, not really. But they’re, you know, Close.)
Steve goes off and does classified bullshit that he can’t talk about, and when he’s stateside Danny holds him in the long nights when he can’t sleep.
When Danny's PI cases get too gnarly, when Tilly doesn’t make it home, Steve bullies Danny into a gun range and teaches him the ins and outs of shooting.  
And it turns into this Thing, where they both are Convinced that it is only ever going to be casual between the two of them. And they just circle each other. Because Steve is a moron, but he’s also Danny’s best fucking friend. Because Danny’s a loudmouth, but Steve still isn’t going anywhere else when he’s got leave. And they fuck, and they argue, and they kiss soft and slow, and Danny makes Steve pancakes, and Steve knows Danny’s preferred brand of coffee, but somehow? They never make it to the point of talking about actually defining their relationship.  
It goes like that for years. For over a decade.
And then Hesse.
And then the funeral.
Danny flies out, for it. Steve doesn’t know why he wasn’t expecting that. Danny had never met John, only ever knew Steve’s father second hand from the (very) rare occasions Steve had spoken about him.
They’re both on a time crunch.
Danny’s heading back at the airport, when Governor Jameson drops the offer for a task force in Steve’s lap.
Danny’s making his way through security, when Steve’s breaking into an active crime scene and getting into an argument with Detective Hanamoa.
Danny’s sitting by the gate, when he gets a call from Steve, asking if he can stay in Honolulu a little longer.  
And Danny doesn’t hesitate, when he says “sure thing, babe.”
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beemers-hell · 6 months
**not me absolutely trying to avoid using Emoji’s but having the need to so I look silly and whimsical and not dramatic and like a frightened Victorian child😞**
ANYWAY….💀I’m new to sending a random thingy and I just wanted to send this anyway cuz I’m a little peanut brain and can’t decide on what I’m doing but besides that— 👹👹👹I REALLY LOVE YOUR ART STYLE SO MUCH ITS TOTALLY INSPIRING AND I THINK I SORTA GAINED A KIND OF LIKE “😦Oh Wowwie this person is so unique how do they post their art without being scared?” ((I posted like three things but I’m over here too goofy to go off from the Anonymous text thing but I really should cuz— 🧍🏽‍♀️……I’m rambling- 👹👹👹👹TO GET TO THE POINT I WILL LITERALLY EAT YOUR ART AND THROW A MILLION HEARTS ALL OVER YOUR CHARACTER DESIGNS RAAHHHHHHHH I LOVE THEM AAAAAAAA❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️—-
(Also random thing but like- how do artist genuinely post stuff and just— get it noticed?—😞 sorry I absolutely suck at this since I rarely ask people things on here since I wanna post my own silly art and characters but I get all “😦…OH! PEOPLE CAN SEE MY THINGS—“..but at the same time wanting people to see my artwork?— YEAH ITS CONFUSING AND MY BRAIN IS SO FRIED TRYING TO DRAW MY FAVORITE MADNESS COMBAT CHARACTER…..))
😞sorry that I just wrote a bunch of vomit from my brain I just don’t know how to send things without rambling like a deranged creature—
As for how you get noticed, straight up you just gotta get lucky. If you're like me where you're scared of talking to people and interacting with others, you're just gonna have to leave it up to luck whether people notice you or not lmao. That's what happened to me! I just posted my stupid doodles to the madness tags and didn't do much else and I ended up getting lucky in that a lot of people noticed me and a lot of people liked my shit.
Or you can just interact with a lot of people and you'll get your name out there that way! I'm too chicken shit to do that so I don't know how well that works personally lmao
Straight up, you just gotta conquer your nervousness over posting art. I was terrified of sharing my oc x canon stuff with Eb and Tricky publically but hey lo and behold people were really nice and encouraging about it. And now I'm not AS afraid to share stuff thats personal to me! Really its all about not letting your anxiety stop you from doing what you like. I had to learn how to overcome that and you will too!
Also, to all my fellow "is anxious about sharing my personal stuff that I think others will think is cringe type of content publically, esp in the Madness fandom": No one else opinion matters because Krinks has your back dawg. My proof is this lol
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eliaskahtri · 19 days
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LOCATION: The Pines TIMING: Current PARTIES: Elias & Marcus (@thenavysealkie) SUMMARY: Elias is obsessed with researching the strange and unknown, and drags Marcus along on a hike for an aniukha Warnings: None!
“Oh my God, it’s Bunnicula in the flesh!”
To say that Elias was becoming obsessed with learning all he could was a massive understatement. He had printed headlines from Wicked’s Rest whether it be a copy from the library or printed out online, he had it all out on his coffee table and dining table. It was even spilling onto the kitchen island, leaving no room for him to prepare food. He had completely engulfed himself in a determination to understand the supernatural for what they were. He didn’t want to harm them. No, far from it. He wanted to know what they were, to understand it from the inside out truly. It had become all-encompassing, and Elias couldn’t stop. 
In the middle of looking at new headlines that had come out from the local paper, Elias barely registered the knock at the door. He’d heard it, but he was almost done reading. It was a headline about a pack of wild rabbits that someone swore sucked their blood as if they were a bunch of bunniculas. Elias shuddered, remembering the book from grade school. It had terrified him to the point of having a massive fear of rabbits. Of course, he was made fun of for it, but it had improved in recent months. There were worse things to be afraid of than rabbits, like these blood-sucking ones, for instance. 
He heard the door unlock and open and whirled around from his laptop to come face to face with Marcus, who had let himself in after being ignored after knocking. Twice. “Oh,” Elias spoke, realizing that it had been days since he’d last spoken to Marcus. “Hi.” His voice was guilty, realizing that he had been neglecting his relationship to research into supernatural leads. “I… meant to text you, I just got… into stuff.” He looked around at all the papers, there were no clean surfaces that didn’t have newspaper headlines. “Sorry?” 
It had been literal days since Marcus and Elias last spoke together, and it wasn’t from lack of effort on Marcus’s part. For a little while Marcus would at least get a “read” notification, which still stung a little, but was now only being left on delivered. He knew Elias was still going through a lot, but this was a serious backslide in behavior, and he began to worry something genuinely terrible might have happened to him. 
He was grateful Elias trusted him with a key to his apartment, as he was now trudging up the stairs intent on doing a wellness check. “Elias, if you’re alive in there, I swear I’m gonna kill you” Marcus said under his breath as he approached the door. He knocked once, then twice. Silence was all he got in response. Fuck. He knew Elias was a private person who liked his space. He didn’t want to have to use his key, but this certainly constituted an emergency. 
After unlocking the door, Marcus stepped into a dimly lit apartment building with papers and news clippings scattered everywhere. Any table space seemed wholly unusable. Somehow, it was worse than anything Marcus had been preparing for. Elias was physically okay, probably, but his change in decor was starting to give off serial killer vibes, and not the hot kind. 
Finally, he saw Elias, who turned around to offer a weak greeting to him. “Into stuff?” Marcus responded. “You tied an anchor to your feet and dove headfirst into the deep end. What is all this?” “Mysterious animal” attacks, reports of people forgetting their own names, stories of the dead walking amongst the living, and enough Irish folklore to entertain every pub in Dublin for years to come were strewn haphazardly across the entire building. 
“How about some fresh air? Sunlight? Human interaction? C’mon, we gotta get you out of this apartment.” 
Elias frowned, realizing how crazed he appeared to anyone who didn’t know what he was doing, who didn’t know the truth behind the madness. “No, they’re separated into patterns!” He explained, walking over to the coffee table. “Vampire attacks,” he explained, reading out headlines. “Woman left with two holes on her neck after walking into Nightfall Grove at night.” He walked over to the dining table. “People who have lost their names. Fae.” He quickly skittered to the kitchen island. “Sightings of animals that shouldn’t be. All the beasts that exist around here aren’t just a normal species.” He held up the article about the aniukhas, a name he didn’t yet know. “Bloodsucking creatures that look like rabbits.” He shuddered again, thinking of Bunnicula. 
“I don’t need sunlight, Marcus! I need answers!” His tone was desperate and pleading, throwing the article back down. “If I want to keep myself safe, I need to know. I want to understand. And the only way to do that is to gather evidence.” Elias walked over to Marcus and took his hands, eyes pleading. “Please, I need to do this.” Elias whipped around and grabbed the article outlining the Bunniculas, holding it out. “Let’s go on a hike. See if we can find them!” Elias was practically begging, folding the article up and putting it into his pocket. “Please, I need to do this. It’s… it’s the only thing that could keep me alive.” 
If Marcus was trying to get him to calm down, he wasn’t listening. Instead, he was throwing on his hiking boots and grabbing his newly purchased camera. “Come on, let’s go!” Elias was already halfway out the door, turning to see that Marcus wasn’t following him yet. “We can… talk about it after, just please follow me with this.” He clasped his hands together as he walked back over to Marcus, taking his hands again. 
Marcus tried to understand Elias’s path of reasoning, but could only stay silent as he listened to him ramble about vampire rabbits, of all things. “Elias, you’re trying to speedrun an encyclopedia’s worth of information in a few days. I know you’re scared but…” But what? Did he tell him the truth? That no matter how hard he worked to protect himself and learn every danger that could be lurking around the corner that there was no way to guarantee anybody’s safety? Was that really what he needed to hear right now? “But sometimes you need to give your brain a rest. Otherwise, nothing’s going to stick, ya know?” 
“You want to stay safe from the dangerous vampire rabbits…so you want to go hunting for them?” He understood wanting to study them, but they weren’t animals behind a glass or in a cage, they were wild and were very capable of attacking them if given the chance. Still, Elias needed some sort of comfort, and maybe this could provide that for him. “Alright fine, why not? You seem like you want to go with or without me, so I might as well tag along for some protection. 
“Where exactly are we hiking? Is there a particular spot this attack reports are coming from?” Marcus asked, hoping that they’d at least be headed somewhere familiar.
Elias nodded his head with a bright grin that reached his eyes, more than he’d been capable of in some time. Whether or not it was healthy for the level of obsession Elias had reached or not, it made him happy to find something that excited him again. Sure, maybe he needed to dial it back several notches, but he was getting somewhere. “Yes!” He exclaimed before tugging on Marcus’s hand and dragging him out the door, only barely remembering to stop and lock his door before continuing down the hall to the stairs and his car. 
The drive was silent as they listened to the radio, Elias tapping his finger on the steering wheel. “It’s out near the pines,” Elias explained as they neared the location. “A hiking trail.” He added, that before turning into a preserve parking lot, there were only two other cars in the lot. “Come on!” Elias practically jumped out of the car with excitement, grabbing his camera and heading toward the trailhead. 
Elias bounced excitedly as he pulled out the article, wishing that he had someone like Maggie to draw them. An idea popped into his head after that. What if he got pictures of these creatures, and asked Maggie to draw them in her style? They could collaborate on a Wicked’s Rest encyclopedia of beasts! Elias looked to make sure Marcus was following, then started down the hiking path. “It was somewhere near the middle of the trail,” Elias further explained as they walked along, taking care to look around the bottom of trees and brush. “Keep your eyes out.” 
Marcus had a bad feeling in his gut. He and Elias could handle a vampire rabbit if it really came down to it, but there was no guarantee that was all they’d find during their hunt. Nature had a habit of being entirely unpredictable, and wouldn’t just hand deliver exactly what they needed when they needed it. 
Still, seeing Elias being excited about something instead of wallowing around as a shell of a person made Marcus overwhelmingly happy, and he certainly didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize this development. At least he had something to be passionate about now, dangerous though it may be. 
“You ever see those pictures of bigfoot? The super grainy ones taken from 10 miles away? I’m hoping we can get better pictures of these rabbits than those pictures.” Marcus knew Elias liked Bigfoot, and was hoping to use that to encourage him to take high-quality pictures even when he inevitably gets spooked.  “Who knows? Maybe we can even get famous off of them. Of course…there’ll always be those people explaining why they’re fake in some way or another.” 
They walked along to the part of the trail Elias said they should be at. Marcus stopped and listened carefully for any signs of movement along the path. His eyes scanned the brushline as he tried to pick out anything out of the ordinary. 
Turning the camera around in his hands as Marcus talked about making money off of photos, Elias was quick to shake his head. “I don’t want to make them public. I… don’t think a lot of people would be able to deal with it like I couldn’t once.” He explained, frowning. “But I think that if I could put together some sort of catalog or something, then when something happened, we could reference it with what we knew.” Elias looked toward Marcus, shrugging his shoulders. “But making money off of it and freaking people out? I don’t think that’s the solution.” 
There had been enough people who had tried to tell Elias that it was too dangerous to know the truth, but Elias thought that it was the exact opposite. For him, at least. That didn’t mean the same for others. “So for now, we keep whatever we find to ourselves, alright?” Elias nodded his head once he felt satisfied that Marcus was on the same page, then kept walking. 
“I’m sorry for ignoring your texts, I just get… so engrossed in things once I get started,” Elias explained, continuing to fiddle with the camera that he had in his hands. “I don’t mean to do it, and you were right to check on me. I got a bit… carried away.” His voice trailed off, realizing that it was far worse than simply getting carried away, it was an all-out obsession. “I love that you’re too stubborn to give up on me, but I still feel guilty.” 
Elias walked slowly in line with Marcus, taking a leisurely pace instead of searching incessantly for the creatures like he desperately wanted to. “I’ll do better. I’ll get better at answering my phone. I’ll turn the ringer on and everything.” He put a hand up as if he were swearing an oath.
Marcus simply shrugged his shoulders at Elias’s comment. “Truth’s already out there. Pictures or no pictures, people are going to have to make a choice to believe their own eyes or explain everything away ‘rationally’”. He was convinced there were many people who he could shift in front of and they still would think it was all some elaborate act. Some people were beyond convincing, and Marcus figured that was to his benefit and the benefit of other supernaturals around him. “But yeah! A little Wicked’s Rest bestiary sounds like exactly the kind of thing this town needs! Can’t know what to look out for if you don’t know it exists.” 
Marcus was down on his hands and knees looking for any signs of bloodthirsty bunnies. Admittedly, this was probably a stupid idea as he was putting his neck perfectly at fang level for them. He quickly realized this mistake and stood back up again as he heard Elias’s apology. “I don’t ask for much. Just an ‘I’m still alive’ text every day isn’t going to hurt you. But apology accepted. I can understand getting so engrossed in something like this, you’ve sort of had your whole worldview turned upside down recently. 
Just then, Marcus picked up on a slight rustling sound from the grass. It was faint, but he heard it, from the direction of a tall tree. He put up a finger to Elias, indicating for him to be quiet before he quickly peered in the direction of the tree to try and spot any hint of what they were looking for. Initially, there was nothing. But then, suddenly, the rustling started again, much faster than the last. And it was moving straight for both of them.
Thinking about the term bestiary, Elias decided to file that idea away for later. He did like the idea of calling it an encyclopedia better, but Marcus may be onto something there. Before he could continue the conversation, Marcus was holding up a finger for Elias to stay quiet. Elias readied the camera and searched the ground, snapping photos when something lept from the brush and attached itself onto Marcus’s face. “Oh god!” Elias cried, snapping photos before dropping the camera and rushing to help Marcus. 
As soon as Elias was able to yank the thing off of Marcus’s face, he took a look at the creature, eyes wide. “Oh my God, it’s Bunnicula in the flesh!” Elias exclaimed, throwing the creature to the ground in a hurry, horrified. Elias felt his legs begin to shake as his heart started racing, the fear that it really was a vampire rabbit who was there to drain him of his blood and kill him and Marcus. He really should have thought this through better. He knew this was what he was looking for, but now? Now he was in the thick of it and he didn’t know how to get out of it. 
Elias quickly scrambled to pick up his camera and took more photos of the creature, one of them was of it leaping straight for the lens, which Elias would later look at as a masterpiece. But for now, it was terrifying. For now, Elias needed to get Marcus and get out of there. Elias smacked Bunnicula out of the way and leaned down to grab Marcus’s hand and drag him along. “Come on, there’s bound to be more, let’s get out of here before that happens!” He told Marcus. “I got the photos, we’re golden!”
Marcus was in a daze as he felt the fangs finally release from his face. It was a very brief attack, but not one he was expecting. How was he supposed to know such a tiny little rabbit could be so strong? He heard Elias’s voice telling him they needed to go, and it took his brain a few moments to process what was actually happening. Finally, however, he was able to bring himself back up to his feet with Elias’s help and brush himself off quickly before booking it the hell out of dodge. 
They ran and ran until it finally seemed as if they were in the clear. They surely must have broken some sort of running record in the process with how fast they sprinted out of there. Catching their breaths quickly, the pair kept moving until finally returning to the car. 
“Well…I have to say I’m not a fan of the up close and personal method of getting pictures. But I will admit that the quality is great! There’s really no refuting that sort of thing. And people will have a great idea of what to look out for if they’re ever in the woods.” Would it really help people when the little bloodsuckers like to keep themselves hidden? Not really, but if it made Elias feel more comfortable and safe, Marcus was willing to roll with it. 
“I do have one request. If we go hunting for anything bigger, let’s protect ourselves a little better, yeah? I don’t exactly want to become anything’s dinner if I can help it.” 
As soon as they were back in the safety of Elias’s car, Elias took deep breaths to catch his breath, eagerly looking through his camera to find the photos he had taken. He’d done it, he’d gotten it on camera. Elias let out a laugh, astonished that he’d been able to capture it so well. He showed Marcus and grinned widely. Finally, Elias had a purpose again. He was going to do this, whether people told him to or not. And Marcus? He was along for the ride. He wasn’t stopping him, only telling him to be better at defense before going after more dangerous things.  Elias’s excitable grin melted into one of love and appreciation, then leaned over the console to press a kiss to Marcus’s cheek. “Thank you.” Was all he said before turning on the car and heading back to the apartment. He had a long way to go, but this was a good first step in getting somewhere. And wherever that was, Elias didn’t quite know yet, but he was eager to find out.
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a-s-levynn · 4 months
honestly, from the heart, thank you so much for the compliments and reblogs. It makes me so happy to see a bunch of notifs from you and you’re epic gang liking and stuff!! You’re so cool and awesome as well as your art. I love the way you draw vessel sm and the fact that you draw so teeny tiny is very impressive!!! I’m happy for you if you got tickets to any future rituals (saw you talking abt it and respectfully don’t want to stalk your blog for confirmation [yup, I’m still waiting for California dates]). I’ll stop rambling and say I genuinely appreciate your everything you do 💖💕
(i present photo of vessel rapidly approaching from a ritual back in October I went to)
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Okay okay okay look. What you do is both really fun and super good looking. No way i'm not going to be excited about it. There is something in the way you draw Vessel (and the rest but expecially Ves) that is just.. at least in my eyes just so perfectly captures his energy. And i love the style you have a lot. Also your humour. And all of it combined is just something special. And it's never not going to be immensley lovely in my eyes. So please never stop sharing your creations! 🙏🏻🫶🏻
BUT please NEVER ever for a second think that i'm cool. I'm the one who started to draw Tiny Token because i was too anxious to say happy birthday to someone after all. Half the time i feel too awkward to talk to people even when i have talked with them before. I could not be further from being cool, trust me on that one.
And on the note of "the group" it's an open one btw and you are part of it as well. The fellowship of Sleep welcomes all into the ranks. I don't want to speak in the stead of the others but in general we are just an awkward excited bunch of people who love seeing all the things in the fandom. And basically consider everyone around this ever growing ST community on tumblr to be a part of the friendgroup, regardless of the amount of interactions we had. Which obviously includes you as well; we are just too shy to engage more half the time. The bane of being terrified of being even mildly annoying.
And you can't really stalk much for it, i don't think i made a post yet on which dates i'll be at, because there is still some calculations to do, especially with the two new dates. But i will be at at least a couple of the UK shows in november (so if anyone is going and want's to see my stupid ass and we yet to have discussed it, please feel free to hit me up and we'll coordinate a meetup somehow).
And please by all means ramble on as long as you want to about anything and everything because it is good for your soul. Also I don't know why but for some reason this photo has such a funny energy. It makes me smile so hard, so thank you for sharing! 💖
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mrs-dr-reid · 2 years
My Personal Bucky Barnes Headcanons
Part 1/?
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He’s stupidly good at hide and seek. So much so that you have to buy a metal detector, because he can literally go unfound for a week and a half because of his “ghost of HYDRA” training
He was genuinely terrified of microwaves when he first came back. Because “why is it beeping at me, Y/N? What do you mean the food is ready?! It’s only been two minutes, I don’t understand!!!”
He hoards Girl Scout cookies and stashes them in the weirdest places. You move the couch to dust behind it and find 6 boxes of Tag-Alongs, you’re restocking the linen closet and find 4 boxes of Do-Si-Dos behind the good towels, and you almost have a heart attack when you open the hatch to your attic to grab the Christmas decorations and 14 boxes of Thin Mints fall out
He takes you out dancing every Friday night when he can, especially if he can find Throwback Sockhop Nights near you guys and you can get all decked out in 40s fashion and make an evening of it
For a while he was really self conscious about his metal arm and only ever wore long sleeves and gloves, but the longer he’s with you the more his confidence goes up, and eventually he’s confident enough to go topless at the beach (which is a good thing for the both of you *wink wonk*)
He loves karaoke. If you guys are out with the team at a bar and there’s a karaoke machine, you bet your ass he’s going over there and absolutely KILLING whatever Frank Sinatra song he can find. One time he even got you to perform “Somethin’ Stupid” with him
He either drives like a maniac or a grandpa. There’s no in between. You’re either massaging your temples because he’s driving fifteen under the speed limit, or you’re white-knuckling the “Oh Shit Handle” because “JESUS CHRIST, JAMES, WE ARE NOT IN A CAR CHASE, WHY ARE YOU GOING SO FAST?!!?!?”
His table manners were ATROCIOUS when he first met you. Since he had limited social interaction for 70+ years, he would eat everything with his fingers and a frickin tactical knife and chew like a goddamn llama. After months of work, he eats with actual utensils and chews like a normal person now
He taught himself how to crochet when he was bored out of his mind on a stakeout once, and now y’all’s house is littered with little animals he made and pattern books. Your favorite is the little turtle he made that’s wearing the Cap uniform and has a shell that looks like the shield while he’s partial to the pigeon he purposely added Sam’s headgear to
Peter gets him hooked on Star Wars, and now they have lightsaber duels around the compound all the time (because of COURSE Tony helped them make functioning lightsabers. Peter’s is blue and Bucky’s yellow)
Much like his best buddy Steve Rogers, he’s a gentleman to a fault. Always gives you his arm when you’re walking anywhere, opens doors for you, pulls chairs out for you when you go out to eat, and is constantly kissing the back of your hand
He’s very wary of trains when he first comes back because of the accident, but after some time and “exposure therapy” (aka making him take the train with you to various places) he gets over it
You buy him a box set of all the “Lord of the Rings” books for his birthday, and he cruises through all of them in about a month, then he makes you marathon the movies with him
He’s a gigantic cuddle monster. If he had a say, he’d just become a blanket burrito for the rest of his life, and cocoon you in his pile of blankets for the rest of yours. If he can hold you as close as he can while watching cheesy romcoms, he’s happy
He gets really into laser tag and paintball, because why wouldn’t he use his assassin training for something fun and harmless as a final “fuck you” to HYDRA? The only problem is that he gets too good at it and nobody wants to play with him, so now he just goes to random arenas where no one knows who he is and destroys a bunch of teenagers for shits and giggles
He accidentally stumbles upon bullet journaling, and it becomes his entire personality for a month and a half. He’s a lot more casual about it now, mainly because he was just so excited to find something that would help him get all of his thoughts no matter the subject material out of his head and onto paper. He used to go all out with very specific themes for his journals, but now he just says “this month my journal is green, next month, perhaps it will be blue”
He overreacts to jump scares. He can’t handle them. Horror games, scary movies, spooky tv shows, you name it. He can’t do them. So obviously Sam exploits the hell out of that and scares the shit out of him whenever he can
He gets really into Animal Crossing. Like… REALLY into Animal Crossing. He makes his little character look exactly like him minus the metal arm, curates the cutest little outfits once he gets his mits on a wand, cycles through all of the villagers until he gets a collection of them that remind him of all of his friends and you, makes his island look like if the Compound was a college campus, and completes the whole musuem in the shortest amount of time possible
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the-invisible-queer · 21 days
This morning on my brain would rather think about trauma than sleep we go back to childhood.
My church had a lot of youth retreats. For a weekend or sometimes a week depending on the time of year - because of school - we'd go to some remote cabin in the woods and learn about God and the Bible. Just a bunch of kids and a few select chaperones.
I went on 3 retreats. The first is what I'm focused on. It was sometime between 2005-2007. I cannot remember how old I was but I definitely wasn't in the teen class yet so I was under 12. And it was definitely not 2008.
ANYWAY this is the FIRST time I'm away without family because even Eddie didn't go on the trip. Keep in mind I didn't have friends at church yet despite going to this church for atleast 4yrs at this point.
Also I was an anemic asthmatic kid who wasn't allowed to play outside. This is important.
The first traumatic thing of this weekend happened when we were allowed to go out and play in the snow. This is the first time I remember EVER playing in the snow. However I was unprepared with how cold and how bad my asthma was. Also being the weird kid no one wanted to play with.
I don't remember what lead up to it, but I remember falling into the snow because I could not breathe. Laying there. Staring at the sky. Crying because I was scared and pissing myself because I genuinely thought I was going to die. This was the second or third time I had a really bad asthma attack. I didn't have my asthma inhaler my assigned chaperone did. It felt like I was there for hours but it was probably minutes. Finally an adult finds me asks if I'm okay. I can't talk because I'm wheezing.
They bring me inside and pump me I take a hot shower and I make the decision to not participate in outdoor activities. Which sucked because the kids always looked like they were having so much fun.
I recovered for the most part by taking it easy. But then they had a fashion show starring the 7 deadly sins. A fog machine was used and it triggered my asthma AGAIN! So one of the adults took me out of the room and pumped me and said I could stay in the room with the bunks and they'll come get me after the show.
There was this guy, Bob. He dressed up as Jesus and we took photos with him earlier that day. A full Jesus Christ meet and greet. I have the photo somewhere.
He offered to drive me to the hospital. But I think I panic said no. So he kept me company - still dressed as Jesus - while the fashion show continued. He wasn't a chaperone. He was just there for the day playing Jesus.
We played card games because all he had was a deck of cards.
I don't remember anything I learned from that retreat but I do remember nearly dying twice AWAY from my family and Bob.
Bob and I never interacted ever again after that but he forever holds a special place in my heart. And he died a few years ago and I cried so hard.
I don't think he understands how much just hanging out meant to me.
I wish I could have told him. I wish he knew.
Because I was terrified. If you've never had an asthma attack, that shit feels like you're dying because you are. You're not getting enough oxygen. You can't breathe.
And the adult I was assigned to instead of sticking around to make sure I was okay for sure always just left me on my own after I pumped myself and I could breathe.
But Bob was a real one. Rest in peace, Bob. 💜
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unseelie-grimalkin · 1 year
🔍 ❌ 💝 :3 three!
Do they ask for advice or just deal with their crush on their own?
She is actively denying her crush on her own, yes, thank you. This, however, doesn't stop people interested in her happiness from meddling (she has That Vibe, where it is kinda a lil fun to help her get what she needs over the solitary loneliness she wants. She's a lil Like That when befriending her to begin with, so gentle meddling within reason is entirely on the table and makes for some fun stories for later).
Are they scared of being in love?
Actively terrified, at first. Her mantra, when dealing with her emotions with Flannán in real time is "Uh oh, I am in danger!" very specifically because...well, frankly, he's pretty much everything she ever dreamed of in a partner when she was younger, when she knew how to dream and have hope. But well, over time we go through:
She was in a very different kind of danger altogether. But. She was no stranger to cutting her own heart. // Oh, she was in danger. // This was a rather comfortable danger to be in, she thought.
Are they more likely to fall for someone if they’re friends first?
Hmmm...this one is genuinely difficult to answer? Tríona actively suppresses her feelings, no matter if they are friends or not. It's just actively easier to do if they're a stranger. Though, she does tend to have deeper feelings when she crushes on friends versus strangers.
Do they ask for advice or just deal with their crush on their own?
She manages on her own! Besides, who's she gonna talk to about it? I mean, sure, she could talk to her little potion friend who's good with handling hurts and emotions, but- but nah, start that conversation on her own? That'd be silly, Ronit would never-
Are they scared of being in love?
Not in the slightest. You'd think so, with Ronit valuing her freedom so deeply, but...you have to understand that Ronit is a thrill seeker. She is an asexual, 19th-century Catwoman. The idea of being vulnerable, even in a way like this, with her being able to navigate the tricky parts on her own judgement and skills...that's exhilarating to her.
It's just, y'know. Getting her to admit she's got the emotions in the first place and not letting her run that's the trick. Once you get her settled into the idea of being in love though...very addicted to the feeling of turning social interactions into friendly...not sparring, but definitely like...somewhere between sparring and a game. She loves the idea of having a person she can play with in an honest and fair way, would make a point system for blushing and taking care of.
Are they more likely to fall for someone if they’re friends first?
I can't see her falling, like truly falling (a true emotionally compromised state, vulnerability and attachment in one wrapped package), not a crush or a curiosity, without being friends first.
Do they ask for advice or just deal with their crush on their own?
Handle it on their own, largely. He does like to sometimes ask for an outside opinion, just to verify his own observations, so if you have a friend that'll toss the knowledge of your crush up to him, make sure they don't speak to Lachtna. He won't scheme to get the information out of someone, but he's got this very earnest and sincere way of speaking that gets folks to spill information.
Are they scared of being in love?
Not at all. Looks forward to it, actually. Something of a hopeless romantic, truth be told.
Are they more likely to fall for someone if they’re friends first?
If you're friends first, you largely have to deal with Lachtna simply liking you a whole bunch which can be torture if you're suffering silently in crushing on this man.
He's the type to befriend you if he's in love with you: get you comfortable, make sure everyone's on the same page, that sort of deal. He's a caretaker type, through and through, and it makes it extremely hard to tell if he's in love with you or simply likes you as a friend.
0 notes
tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] tng 5x18 “cause and effect” (1992)
this is one of my favorite tng episodes. it starts out with a truly terrifying cold open where the enterprise is in the process of being destroyed. it’s probably one of the shortest cold opens of the entire series, but it’s so effective and just leaves you like “... whoa, okay” before the throw to credits. one thing you’re immediately aware of from just that cold open is that they’re throwing a ton of production budget at this one. we get one of the most best-looking ship explosions of the entire show, and we’re actually going to get it multiple times and you can kind of tell it’s actually a different model being exploded each time! because each one explodes ever so slightly differently. we also get a ton of sets for what, from what was written in the script, easily could’ve just been a bottle episode. instead, we get a ton of effort and money thrown at it, and every bit of that shows up on the screen, which is part of what makes this such a landmark episode of the series.
this is one of my favorite tng episodes. wait, hang on, have i already reviewed this episode? let me check. hmmm. doesn’t look like it, must just be deja vu. anyway, the writing on this episode is just terrific. i know the time loop thing might seem derivative at first blush, but they really star trek it up. one of my favorite little tricks here is that after the cold open it isn’t necessarily immediately obvious that they’re going through a time loop! it could just be a simpler nonlinear storytelling format where you see the dramatic, action-packed conclusion and then wrap back around to the beginning to show how we got there, and with some added context we find out the ship didn’t really blow up, or there was a copy of the ship, or etc etc, and that kind of storytelling method would definitely not be out of place in star trek! that kind of subtlety is characteristic of a very clever script in general, which is part of what makes this such a landmark episode of the series.
this is one of my favorite tng episodes. hang on, we’ve definitely done this review before? maybe we should just turn around? actually, wait, maybe not reviewing this episode is how we keep ending up reviewing this episode. we can’t afford to second-guess ourselves, let’s just proceed with the review until we see a reason not to. so obviously the plotting of this episode is super clever and i really like how they learn more each time through the loop as everyone’s deja vu grows more pronounced and genuinely creepy. we also get some just absolutely aces character moments including everyone at each iteration of the successively creepier poker game, a few interactions between dr. crusher and captain picard that show how warm the two of them are and how increasingly unnerved beverly is, and there’s also several staff meetings that happen at basically the same time in the plot but each of them have drastically different tones. it’s pretty impressive to have us watch like five versions of the same scenes but keep them entertaining each time, but the one scene that doesn’t really change at all in any version is the scene where the enterprise and bozeman collide. so that scene needs to be tight and interesting enough to watch a bunch of times with no substantive changes to the dialogue. one of my favorite little moments in that scene is when counselor troi tells captain picard, “we have to get out of here,” and she is just blatantly terrified and it makes it a genuinely chilling moment. there’s just a bunch of interesting little moments like this, which is part of what makes this such a landmark episode of the series.
this is one of my favorite tng episodes. hang on, no, i’ve definitely already reviewed this episode! what the hell is going on here? it appears we’re caught in some sort of temporal loop. the really scary thing is it’s almost impossible to say how many times we’ve been through the loop. it could have been minutes, hours, days… okay, we need to break this cycle. what we’ve got to do is send a message to the next review to make sure we close the loop. so let’s just keep our eyes open. i didn’t notice before watching this that it was a jonathan frakes-directed episode, and to be honest i don’t usually pay as close of attention to creative credits unless the director is a regular cast member. but there was a specific shot late in the episode that just screamed his name, and i looked it up and sure enough it was frakes, and that just made all the sense in the world. he loves shooting the familiar sets of the enterprise from unique angles, so this is just completely in his wheelhouse. he shoots like four or five versions of the same few scenes over and over, and he doesn’t shoot any of them the same way twice. i bet he loved playing around with that. hey, wait, that’s it! jonathan frakes! he’s the missing piece! alright, we’re probably about to reset again so just think really hard about jonathan frakes! jonathan frakes. jonathan frakes. jonathan frakes. jonathan frakes did a fantastic job directing this episode, which is part of what makes this such a landmark episode of the series.
this is one of my favorite tng episodes.
0 notes
lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
*cracks knuckles* alright let’s get this started so imagine this toga begs shigaraki to go to the beach but we all know shigaraki will say no but little shiggy here has a HUGE crush on u plus he might get to see u in a swimsuit so he says yes ( not toga trying to hug shigaraki, RIP toga 😔) anyways let’s say you usually wear sweat pants and sweaters like baggy stuff, so shigaraki is excited to see what’s under ur clothes ( pervert shigaraki again 😀) when y’all arrive there shigaraki was basically shaking from excitement he was always interested in u but he was too insecure and was afraid you’ll reject him and find him ugly, and plus u were intimidating as hell your always saying what’s on ur mind even if it destroys someone’s self-esteem anyways shigaraki was wearing some shorts and his sweater ( our baby here is insecure don’t worry we’re gonna fix that😏) as shigaraki was sitting he was disappointed since he didn’t see u yet, *turns on the moto moto song* ur coming out of the water like a sea goddess ur hair is wet u were wearing a Bikini( it can be any swimsuit u do u boo) let’s say shigaraki’s jaw dropped he was drooling as u were coming out u noticed ur boss and ran to him ( do u know those moments were the hot chick runs in slow motion that’s how shigaraki saw u) long story short shigaraki was a stuttering mess and was red as a tomato my dude was starring on ur tits the whole time u were talking ( you had a little crush on ur boss ngl u knew shigaraki liked u back so u were the one who told toga about the beach thing u were planning something 👀) shigaraki accidentally pops a boner home boy wanted to cry from embarrassment of course u noticed it and dragged him a a private place where let’s just fuck his brains out until he’s crying from how good it feels as u were dragging shigaraki was thinking ur going to beat him up or something he was terrified until u pushed him against a wall whispered to him what ur gonna do shigaraki almost fainted, as u trying to take off his sweater he started ti cry he thought u might think he’s ugly and make fun of him ( u were lowkey shocked like 😃what now??) So u decided to kiss every part of his body and tell him how beautiful he and eventually he lets u take it off. I’ll let u take the led now loll
( for kinks now I’ll say a lot of body worship kink and a lot of praise kink, I would say the reader is a super soft dom, shigaraki is a super shy and cute sub maybe the reader gives shigaraki a boob job idk do whatever ur comfortable with babe, btw it’s super fluffy)
My Pleasure
My masterlist got a little longer since I updated everything so you can go check it out if you want ig...
If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q
Master List
Warnings: Boob job, cunnilingus (oooh fancy word), Shiggy is insecure but dw we fix that, praise kink, use of the nickname “puppy, ” Shigarakis a pervert (not news to us), nipple play ig, body worship, soft dom y/n, sub Shigaraki, he cries :(, I hc that Shigaraki has sh scars on his thighs and they are mentioned
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“Beach!” Toga yelled, “we’re going to the beach!”
She ran up to you and hugged you.
“Y/n we’re going to the beach!” she said, grinning up at you.
“We are, ” you nodded, ruffling her hair.
She ran over to Shigaraki, “come to the beach with us, Shiggy, ”
“No, ” he said, looking back at his game.
“Please, everyone is going, ” she pouted, “even y/n is coming, ”
A vision of you in a bathing suit flashed in front of his eyes. He imagined you putting on sunscreen and laying on your stomach on the beach, accidentally spilling water on your chest and your nipples perking up because of how cold you were out of the water.
“Fine, ” he said.
Toga squealed and hugged him.
“Oh- hey, what the hell?” he said, pushing her off, “don’t do that toga,”
She moved on to her next victim, “Dabi, go to the beach with us!”
“Who’s coming?” he asked, lighting a cigarette.
“I got everyone to go, ” she bragged.
“Wow, kid, everyone? Even y/n?” he asked.
Toga nodded frantically, proud of her achievement.
“God job, I’ll go, ” he smirked, “plus i’ll get to see y/n in a bathing suit, ”
You walked by and flicked his forehead, “eyes to yourself, bacon bits, ”
“God, babe, I love your little pet names for me, ” he teased.
Shigaraki glared at him, but you were already halfway up the stairs.
“Don’t look at me like that, ” he said, looking at Shigaraki, “we’re both going for the same reason, ”
“No, ” he denied, “I’m going because it's summer, and when it’s summer, you go to the beach, ”
Dabi rolled his eyes, “whatever you say, boss, ”
“Shiggy!” Toga yelled, “go get ready. We’re leaving, ”
He stood in his room staring at his swim shorts. He knew he’d have to wear them, and he could just put a shirt on too. He didn’t have to swim. He could just leave the shirt on. It would be fine. He really didn’t have a chance with you, but if you saw him without a shirt, you’d be disgusted. He felt disgusting.
You pulled out a bikini Toga forced you to buy and flopped down on the bed. Shigaraki was coming, which meant you were gonna get to see him without a shirt. You blushed and giggled, already daydreaming about him. Even though it was wrong, even though he was your boss, you just couldn't help it. You were one-hundred percent certain you were going to melt when you saw him. Toga had always said he had a crush on you. Maybe he would finally make a move. That was the plan anyways. The whole reason Toga had bugged everyone to go was by your request.
With your bag packed and swimsuit on under your clothes, you were ready to go. Shigaraki wanted to cry when he looked in the mirror. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe he shouldn't go. He heard a knock on his door.
“Hey, we’re about to leave. Are you ready?” You asked, “if not, I'll wait with you, so you dont have to go down by yourself. I hate being the last person ready. I don't want you to go through that pain, ” you laughed.
“No, I'm ready, ” he said, opening the door. No turning back now.
“Alright, let's go, ” you said, already walking downstairs.
He tried to calm himself as he walked down, trying to stop the grin that wanted to spread across his face. Finally, he thought, what was y/n hiding all this time? He was last to go through the warp gate, upset that you had already runoff. He waited around, nearly sweating to death until he heard Dabi yell.
“C’mon y/n, give us a little spin, ” he yelled.
He saw you blast him with sand using your quirk. He chuckled at Dabi’s predicament. You screamed as Dabi jumped in, splashing you with water. He picked you up in his arms only to throw you back in the water. You came up for air and splashed him again. Your splash war continued for some time, providing Tomura with entertainment until, ultimately, you called it a draw. He watched you and Toga play mermaids for a while before he grew bored and continued with his game, that was until Dabi wolf-whistled and he saw you begin to walk out of the water. You used your quirk again, sending a small tidal wave towards him.
“Youre so mean to me y/n, ” he complained.
“Shut it, patchwork, ” you said.
“Stop you're giving me butterflies, ” he smirked, getting splashed again.
You started walking again, the water slowly getting shallower and revealing more of your body. You were glistening, the sun reflecting off the water on your skin. Your cheeks were red from the sun, and he realized you had put sunscreen on in your room. Damn it. You brushed some wet hair out of your face, and your chest was now entirely on display.
“Fuck, ” he whispered.
He tried to be discrete, and the sun shining directly in your eyes certainly helped him. He stared at your stomach, the next part of your body to reveal itself. All he could think about is tracing little designs on it, laying his head on it, and putting a baby in it. Your thighs were an absolute show stopper. He wanted to suffocate between them. He averted his eyes when he realized you were walking over to him.
“Hey, can I sit here?” you asked, wringing out your hair.
“S-sure, ” he said, trying to focus on your face, which was definitely beautiful but...boobs lol.
“Thanks, ” you said, “I’d rather sit with you than all of them. I love Toga, but she’s a handful, and everyone else is staring at me. Bunch of creeps, ”
“Sorry about them, ” he said, unable to stop his wandering eyes.
“It’s ok. Nothing you can do, Shiggy, ” you said, “oh my god, you’re bright red. Did you forget sunscreen? It’s ok. I've got some, but you’re on the paler side, so you've gotta be careful, Shig, or you’ll burn up, ”
The redness on his face was because you were sitting next to him, nearly naked, but he wasn't going to admit that, especially when he saw you bend over to get sunscreen. He was trying desperately to control himself, but part of him had a mind of its own. He nearly died when you leaned in and put sunscreen on his face, laughing as you put a glob on his nose. He let out a genuine laugh that warmed your heart. You started talking, but honestly, he couldn't listen. You were very expressive when you spoke, and all the movement caused your tits to bounce, mesmerizing him.
He could only half listen, nodding and ‘mhm’ing when appropriate. You noticed quickly and gave him a few minutes to redeem himself but he failed. You grabbed his chin and made his eyes meet yours.
“Tomura Shigaraki, we're you staring at my boobs?” you said, feigning disappointment.
“N-no, I wasn't, ” he said.
You sighed, “lying about it only makes it worse, ”
“I'm sorry, ” he whispered, “I know I shouldn't have. I just...”
You let go of his chin and looked down at his lap.
“Really?” you asked, pointing out his obvious boner.
“Shit, I'm sorry y/n I'm so sorry. I know I'm gross and awful, and I'm just so sorry, ” he said, trying to cover it.
You grabbed his arm and dragged him away to the deserted changing rooms. Originally this beach was supposed to be a hot spot for tourists, but the water park a few miles closer to the city shut it down, leaving the beach in good condition. He braced himself for a slap, a punch, a kick, but he never could've prepared himself for a kiss on the cheek.
“I've been thinking about this for a while, Shigaraki, ” you whispered, “thinking about all the things I'd do to you, all the ways I'd make you feel good. Did you know I can block skin-to-skin quirks? You can touch me, baby, ”
“Y-you're not mad?” he whispered.
“No, I'm not mad, ” you shook your head, “I've always had a little crush on you Shiggy, ”
“Tomura, ” he corrected, “call me Tomura, ”
“Tomura, ” you whispered, “I can't wait to touch you. Fuck, I'm gonna kiss you all over. I can't wait to get between your thighs, baby. We've got all day, ”
He kissed you softly, enjoying your lips. They were sweet and soft in contrast to his dry, chapped ones. He felt so lacking, but the way you were kissing him made him feel like he was floating. You pushed him further against the wall, running your hands through his hair. Your arms hung around his neck, and he wrapped his arms tight around your waist. You kissed each other for a while, no teeth or tongue, just your lips pressed together. Eventually, things began to heat up. You let your tongue try and find its way between his lips and into his mouth. He groaned into your mouth. You tugged his hair, trying to get even closer. Your hands traveled up and down his chest, reaching for the bottom of his shirt.
He grabbed your hands and pulled away.
“No, ” he whispered.
You nodded, “that's ok, you don't have to, Tomura. Did I do something wrong?”
He shook his head, “you’ll make fun of me, ”
“Why would I make fun of you?” you asked, stroking his cheek.
“Because I'm not, ” his voice broke, “I don't- I'm ugly y/n. My body is disgusting you-you won't like me anymore, ”
Your eyes widened, “what?”
“You heard me, ” Tomura said, wiping away tears, “I hate myself, and you would too, ”
“That's bullshit, ” you said, “I think you're beautiful, ”
He scoffed, “you've never even seen me in shorts before now. How would you even know?”
“Because I’ll think you're beautiful no matter what, Tomura Shigaraki, ” you said, “and nothing could ever change that, ”
He shook his head and turned to walk away, but you took his hips and pushed him against the wall. You grabbed his face and kissed him harshly. You kissed his forehead next, the scar on his eye, both of his eyelids, his cheeks, the scar on his lips, and the mole under them.
“You have such a pretty face. You have gorgeous eyes, Tomura. I love kissing you, ” you whispered between kisses.
You kissed away a few stray tears that fell and pressed your forehead to his as he cried.
“Please don't look at me, ” he whispered, pressing his face into your neck.
Seeing him like this broke your heart. You held him as tight as you could, kissing the side of his head. You were going to kill whoever did this to him. You lifted his head and kissed him softly this time. You rubbed your hands up and down his sides. You sunk to your knees and kissed his thighs. Every scar was kissed and stroked lovingly even though your heart broke for him. You moved up his body to his stomach, lifting his shirt even though he tried to pull it down again. You kissed his stomach, soft, light kisses.
He started to relax a bit more, petting your hair instead of trying to pull down his shirt. You moved to his hands next, standing once again. You took his right hand and kissed his knuckles, then the top of his hand, and lastly, his palm. You repeated this on his other hand. You started kissing the scars on his neck, sucking softly. He moaned.
“That feels good y/n, ” he said, moving his hands to your hair.
“I'm gonna make you feel good, baby, don’t worry, ” you mumbled against his skin.
You bit the skin at the juncture of his neck, he groaned and whispered, “yes.” You kissed down to his collar bones, hearing his breathing get faster. This time you practically yanked off his shirt before he had time to stop you.
“So fucking beautiful, ” you said, standing back to admire him.
This time he didn't turn away from you but blushed and shut his eyes. You ran your hands up and down his chest and stomach. Shigaraki whimpered when you tweaked his nipple.
“Good boy, ” you whispered.
He nodded, “I wanna be your good boy. Please, ”
You smiled and brought his lips to yours again. You kissed his cheek and bit his ear softly.
“You're doing all the work, ” he said, “that's not fair. Besides shouldn't I be in charge? That's what it's like in...” he trailed off, embarrassed.
“No, ” you said, “I want to do this for you. I want to be in charge. I want to take care of you, baby. You deserve to relax, ”
He kissed you again, holding you tight to his chest.
“Tomura, ” you said, taking his hands in yours, “I have a question for you, ”
He nodded.
You leaned in and whispered, “how would you like to fuck my tits. You were staring at them all day so why don't you have a little fun with them, ”
He nodded frantically.
“Use your words, puppy, ” you said, scratching his head.
He groaned softly, “yes, please y/n, ”
You guided his hands to your still-clothed chest. He squeezed gently, cheeks growing bright red. You giggled and undid the back of your bikini, letting him see your tits without the thin material over them. He was practically drooling over you, wrapping his lips around your nipple. He sucked and licked them, causing you to moan. Every sound you made was a symphony to his ears, the most beautiful thing he’d ever heard, and he was desperate for more. He moved upwards to litter your neck with hickeys and coax more moans from your beautiful lips.
His long fingers found their way to the strings on the sides of your bikini bottoms. With one tug at the strings, they were around your ankles. It was your turn to blush at the exposure of your body while Tomura’s eyes gleamed. He was on his knees in mere seconds, admiring your sex. You felt self-conscious as he stared at your most intimate area.
“Please, ” he said, looking up at you, “can I taste?”
“Let me do something for you first, ok?” you said, “sit on the bench, ”
He nodded and did as he was told. You kneeled in front of Tomura and took off his pants before pushing your tits together around his cock. His eyes were as wide as saucers as he watched you. You looked up at him as you bounced, moving him between your breasts. He let out a strangled groan and threw his head back.
“That's my good boy, ” you praised, “that's my baby, feels good, yeah?”
He nodded.
“Use your words, puppy, ” you reminded him.
He bit his lip and blushed, still silent, except for his little noises.
“Aww, is someone feeling shy?” you asked.
He nodded and hid his face in his hands though it did little to hide the shy smile on his lips.
“If you want me to keep going, you're going to have to be a good pet for me, Tomura. Be a good boy and speak up, ” you said, pulling his hands away from his face.
“Feels good, ” he whispered.
You decided that was good enough and continued moving him between your boobs. You watched the head of his dick throb and pulse. He began whimpering as his thighs shook. He got louder, whining and moaning desperately.
“I know, baby, I know, ” you said in response to his beautiful noises.
He cried out whimpering.
“Y/n, ” he cried, “I need to cum, ”
“Hold just a little bit longer for me baby, ” you said.
“Can't, ” he cried out, “can't hold it y/n please lemme cum, ”
“Just a little longer, ” you promised, “be my good boy, ”
He whimpered and tensed up in concentration, trying his hardest. He struggled for a while longer begging and crying to cum.
“Go ahead, cum for me, Tomura, ” you said.
He came hard, splattering your chest with his cum. Tomura was left panting and shaking while drool dripped down his chin. His dick twitched a few times more as you let it free from between your boobs. He whined pathetically. You cleaned the sticky mess up as best you could.
“Shh sweetie, I know, I know, ” you said, sitting next to him and pushing hair out of his face.
You pulled him to your chest, watching and listening to him breathe.
“Now, can I taste?” Tomura whispered.
You kissed his forehead, “of course, puppy. Go ahead, ”
He sunk to his knees, spreading your thighs. He groaned when he saw your sloppy cunt drooling for his mouth. He licked a long stripe up your entire cunt, licking over and over. Focused on taste rather than pleasure, finally indulging himself in the delicious juices of your cunt. He grew needier for your moans, trying to find the right places to lick and suck. He found a little bud at the top of your cunt to suckle on and flick his tongue over. Tomura smiled from ear to ear at the sounds coming out of you. Every moan and whimper, every grunt and groan made his heart swell. His fingers once again found their way down, this time finally entering you.
Unpracticed thrusts turned into brushing your g-spot until he realized that curling his fingers was the way to go. Hearing your moans and lewd squelches was a fantastic prize to collect.
“I'm close, Tomura, keep going sweetie, ” you choked out.
You were close, oh god, yes, you were going to cum in his mouth. He ate you out with a passion, desperate for your gorgeous pussy to drip down his chin. Harder, faster thrusts. Stronger licks and desperate slurping. When you finally tensed, he moaned in premature ecstasy, ready for your delicious cum. The vibrations coaxed a gorgeous moan from you. Cum gushed from your pussy and into his waiting mouth, lapping it up like a starved puppy. You tried to shove him away, overstimulation stabbing your cunt. When he finally pulled away, his face was red and coated in your slimy juices, as well as his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He was panting and absolutely blissed out.
He crawled back to you, clinging to your legs.
“Good puppy, ” you praised him, “you did great, Tomura, ”
He grinned, hiding his face in your thigh and giggling. You pulled him up and onto your lap, kissing him on the nose.
“Do you want me to fuck you properly baby?” you asked.
His face fell, “I can't. I'm...I'm not hard. I'm sorry, ” he whispered, tears of embarrassment welling in his eyes.
“Oh, baby, ” you said, stroking his hair, “it's ok, Tomura. It’s ok. Don't worry baby, ”
He sniffled, “ Please don't be mad at me. ‘m sorry. I'm sorry y/n I-I’m a bad boy, ”
“No baby, no, ” you said, wiping away his tears, “you're not a bad boy. You're my good boy, my special boy, ”
He whimpered, bottom lip quivering. You rubbed his back, praising him.
“My good boy, my sweet boy. You did so well for me. Tomura, you're amazing, you're such a perfect boy Tomu, ” you whispered.
He nodded, trying to compose himself.
“Lets go swimming honey, ” you said, stroking his cheek.
He shook his head frantically, “n-no I don't want them to see me, ”
You looked him in his eyes, “you are beautiful. Now come on, we’re both sweaty. Besides, I think they'll be more focused on all the hickeys you gave me, ” you giggled.
He bit his lip.
“C’mon baby, ” you coaxed him, “can you be my good boy?”
He nodded hesitantly, “I'm...a good boy. But-but what if they make fun of me?”
“Then I’ll kill them, ” you smiled, “if they're going to disrespect you, they don't deserve to be in the league anyways, ”
His eyes widened, and a small smile played on his lips. He nodded and stood up, offering a hand to help you up. You accepted, and he pulled you up and to his chest. He held you there, pressing his face into your hair.
“Thank you, ” he whispered.
You kissed him, “my pleasure, ”
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 320: Deku vs. Class 1-A
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Kacchan was all “fuck Deku and fuck his stupid goodbye letters, I need to speak to somebody in charge.” Endeavor was all “hello, I am Somebody In Charge.” Kacchan was all “listen up asshole, you need to let us go out and collect our wayward nerd because you stupidly left him alone with All Might and that’s a fast track to disaster right there.” Endeavor was all, “[self-incriminating silence].” Rat Principal was all, “okay sure, have fun kids.” Back in the present, class 1-A was all “hi Deku” and Deku was all “I’M FINE!!!!!” and Kacchan was all “THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT YOU’D SAY YOU DUMB FUCKING NERD” and so the kids all got ready to fight, because OF COURSE they’re gonna fight. Sorry guys, but yeah it’s happening.
Today on BnHA: Kacchan is all “what’s up Deku you look like a possessed Rorschach test, so anyway how are the new quirks coming along.” Deku is all “they’re coming along like THIS” and uses Smokescreen to try and get away. Kacchan is all “PHASE ONE COMMENCE”, and Kouda, Sero, Jirou, and Ojiro leap into the fray to shower Deku with heaps of love and violence, because this is a shounen manga and kicking someone’s ass while simultaneously proclaiming your undying admiration for them is just how it’s done in these parts. The KoudaSeroOJirou squad then passes the baton to Satou, Momo, Tokoyami, Kaminari, and Shouji, who are all “fuck this mask” and do a bunch of stuff to tear Deku’s mask off because they’re the real heroes. Shouto is all “LOOK AT THE LITTLE CRYBABY, THAT’S RIGHT, GO AHEAD AND FUCKING CRY and by the way let us share your burden please,” and once again I swear this is all very deeply moving and touching within the actual context. The chapter ends with Tsuyu being all “look at me. I’m the cliffhanger now,” and damn.
lol what
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I don’t think anyone was expecting that. I mean, not that I’ve got anything against Tsuyu or anything. anyways it’s a very nice cover and I love the colors and I hope this means Tsuyu’s gonna do something badass
also, “Deku vs Class A” -- pretty much the expected title, but it’s still got me hyped nonetheless fuck yeah let’s go
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Iida Tenya really said “fuck the uniform code, we’re leaving the helmet at home today.” sorry kids, prim and proper C-3PO Comic Relief Iida has left the building. can I interest you in some Serious Iida
meanwhile Kacchan is all “sup Deku, I heard you got a few more quirks, and might I just add that you look like the Snyder Cut of Detective Pikachu”
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“you look like a tarred and feathered squid” okay easy there Kacchan. I mean it’s all true of course, but still
yep and there’s Smokescreen, right on cue
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okay Horikoshi, I leave it in your hands. hopefully you can come up with some more interesting combos than my dumbass predictions lol
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“explosions solve everything” -- Horikoshi Kouhei, 2021. something something shockwave, something something handwave ta-da no more smoke. lol okay then
oh, ouch
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he would know, wouldn’t he. nice application of one of your many hard-earned life lessons, Kacchan
by the way you guys, just as an experiment, I’m going to try to anticipate some of the discourse this week in the hopes of preemptively addressing it and thus saving myself some time later on lol. so here’s our first test run!
ANTICIPATED DISCOURSE: “oh my god what a fucking hypocrite can you believe this fucking guy”
PREEMPTIVE REBUTTAL: it’s precisely because Kacchan has been in this exact situation himself that he’s able to recognize his past self in Deku now and call him out on it. just because it took him sixteen years to get it through his head that he can’t accomplish every single thing completely by himself doesn’t mean Deku has to go down that same path. so yeah, maybe it is a bit hypocritical, but if you insist that the only people qualified to call out stupid shit are people who have never done a single stupid thing in their own lives, then what you’re basically saying is that absolutely no one on earth is qualified lol. so yeah, I’d have to disagree
and one last unrelated note, I’m willing to bet the whole “you didn’t even say a word before you ran off” thing is possibly the first thing Kacchan’s said in this whole encounter that actually does stem from genuine hurt rather than his tough-love-harsh-truths strategy. I’M TAKING NOTES HERE HORIKOSHI. at this rate it’ll take twice as many chapters as DvK2 for them to hash out all the stuff between them, geez
anyway so I gotta say, so far Deku vs. Class A is looking an awful lot like a DvK3 wearing a hat, trenchcoat, and sunglasses lol
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FUCK YEAH, YOU GO KOUDA. and I guess he ditched his mask as well! excellent
so far the strategy here seems to be “Kacchan says all the mean tough love shit while the rest of 1-A balances it out with warmth and kindness”, which actually works pretty well imo. Deku is one of those people that doesn’t usually need a Kacchan Translator anyway, but just in case, this is very efficient
mm but of course Deku is slingshotting himself away with Blackwhip. all right then, who’s up next!
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okay but seriously you guys, what is going on with Sero’s face in these last couple of chapters though, it’s really starting to unnerve me. is he trying to emulate Kacchan’s whole asymmetrical facial expressions thing?
in fact let me just quickly hit pause here because,
oh snap looks like Jirou’s getting in on the action too!
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poor Jirou probably spent days racking her brain trying to think of something she could bond with Deku over. is Horikoshi doing these in reverse order of the kids who have had the most interaction with him? that would explain why poor Kouda didn’t get a flashback lol
omg. well that answers that
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so by my count, Satou and Hagakure are the only ones remaining in this first tier of kids who Still Appreciate Midoriya even though they’ve barely ever spoken two words to him in their lives lol. so they’ll probably be next, and then we’ll get to the next tier of kids who are pretty good friends with him but not quite besties. and then we’ll move on to the IidaRokiRaka trio, and then lastly, to the boy who is in a tier all his own
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and by “sponsor” I mean the Dekuangst. just in case that wasn’t clear. indeed, many thanks to the Dekuangst for making this all possible
(ETA: okay so this whole “take me away” line seemed pretty weird to me, and sure enough it’s yet another one of those cases where only the verb is specified, and the object is left to the reader’s interpretation. so even though the translation says “take me away”, I’m pretty sure that what Deku’s actually saying is “take you away” -- as in, his loved ones will be taken away by AFO.
and that is literally the way he phrases it, though -- the verb used is “奪う” (ubau), meaning “to snatch away; to dispossess; to steal.” which, god, that hurts my whole goddamn heart though, because for him to say it like that?? not “AFO will kill you”, but “AFO will take you away from me.” he can’t have nice things anymore because of AFO. he can’t be around the people he loves because AFO will hurt them. he can’t have happiness because AFO will take it away from him. anyway so where the fuck is AFO right now, motherfucker I just want to talk.)
by the way can Ojiro just extend his tail to whatever fucking length he wants or what because it’s like twelve feet long in this panel lol
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okay so now Satou’s stepping in which is back to my anticipated order, so maybe Toko will finish his little moment afterward
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actually I am curious about what Hagakure’s part will be because, you know, the whole traitor thing lol
(ETA: funny how we just skipped right over it huh. can we get a traitor reveal countdown started here? definitely getting close to that time.)
whoa lol wtf
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and here I thought she’d get a flashback to her time on the Baku Rescue Squad or something. but nope, no flashbacks from Momo, only terrifying sci-fi torture devices
poor Dark Shadow is such a trooper omg
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“why am I the only one who has to make prolonged contact with his smelly disgusting self” taking one for the team there DS
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THE PRICKLY BASTARD WHISPERER STRIKES AGAIN!! don’t suppose you brought any clean clothes you could sneakily force him into huh Kami
okay here we go, so now Shouji and Tokoyami are joining forces
um excuse me this is fucking awesome
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wonder how he’ll break free? don’t think he’ll reveal Fa Jin until the end of the chapter, so maybe Air Force or something? idk
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and Shouji just casually hitting him with what is easily the best comment from anyone yet. too bad Deku’s just gonna ignore it. you deserve better Shouji
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it only just occurred to me that Kami is currently trapped inside Dark Shadow right along with him lmao omg. realest one in the entirety of BnHA, right here. we will never forget your sacrifice
aaaaaaand Deku’s yeeting himself
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do you really hate the thought of taking a bath that much my dude
oh shit the mask!!
-- oh shit the feels
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fuck. and I mean, we knew he was crying, that was a done deal. but still, to see him in this much pain is just...
and the acknowledgement that he knows they’re worried about him, but that it doesn’t change his mind one bit. this, right here, is why they have to be a bit harsh with him, you guys. because they’re up against the full, unbridled stubbornness of Midoriya fucking Izuku, and if they don’t match that stubbornness with an equal stubbornness of their own, they basically don’t stand a chance
(ETA: quick note that there is apparently another mistranslation here -- rather than saying that his friends are oblivious to the danger, what Deku is actually saying is that none of his friends have activated his Danger Sense once throughout this entire fight. which I had been wondering about, and it turns out Horikoshi actually confirmed it. so basically none of the kids bears any ill intent toward him, and there’s literal proof right there.
incidentally, as @class1akids​ pointed out, this also casts an interesting light on this chapter in terms of who hasn’t fought Deku yet. not to play the Hagakure Traitor Music for the billionth time you guys, but I’M JUST SAYING lol.)
anyway, but the good news is that they all seem to understand that. and the even better news is that we have reached the tier 3 friends!!
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“OR ELSE” lol, great to see Shouto wielding his friendship just as aggressively as Deku once did towards him. I do love a good role reversal
p.s., ANTICIPATED DISCOURSE: “why is Shouto being so cruel to Deku can’t he see how hard this is on him”
PREEMPTIVE REBUTTAL: this is a callback to the classic “even heroes cry when they have to” Shouto line from chapter 137. Shouto is clearly following Kacchan’s lead here and going for the more ruthless approach, knowing that the gentle approach isn’t getting through to him (if anything it’s only making him more stubborn as we saw on the previous page). basically it’s his way of pointing out that even heroes are still only human, and so is Deku last time he checked
ah okay, and there Tsuyu is at last
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okay real talk, I get why Tsuyu is included in the tier 3 friends, because she was one of the first people to team up with Deku going all the way back to USJ. but that said, this probably would have had more impact if their most recent interaction hadn’t been like 150 chapters ago
but anyway though it’s still a good speech. maybe not quite a cliffhanger-level speech, but a good speech nonetheless. in a way though, I’m glad to see that Horikoshi seemingly didn’t give a fuck whether he ended this on an actual cliffhanger or not for once
and that “headed toward the climax” part has me excited too, ngl. because if we really are getting to the so-called climax this soon, that makes me even more certain that there is indeed a DvK3 in the forecast. so I presume that next week (or I guess two weeks from now) will be the tier 3s along with the remaining tier 2s like Kirishima and Aoyama
and then after that, well... [orange and green banners being hoisted] [sound of screeching airhorns and vuvuzelas in the distance] [sound of All Might approaching in his car which I didn’t notice until I looked back at this page a second time whoops] THE PROPHECY WILL NOT BE DENIED
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falsegoodnight · 2 years
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today’s monthly fic rec is extra special because it’s actually my birthday today <3 and i have thirty-one lovely fics to talk about!! 
as always, this list consists of fics i’ve read in december up to the 27th, and everything i read in the rest of the month will be present in my january post next month (and next year!)
✰ 'Tis the Damn Season by @zanniscaramouche | M | 3k
The door will open and he’ll smile wide and genuine at the people who raised him, his teary-eyed mother and rosey-face step-father. He won’t think about the cabin in the woods again until next December.
✰ Just want you for my own by louisisamilf | E | 6k
Taking his phone out of his pocket as he swarms through a small group of students on campus, he looks down to see a text from Niall. The text that reminds him that Niall’s annual pre holiday break party starts in a few hours. Groaning, Louis slides his phone back into his sweatpants and pulls his beanie down further to cover his ears for the cold walk to his dorm.  
✰ Tattooed On My Heart by @marchessa | E | 7k
Intimidating tattoo artist Harry gives sweet Lou his first tattoo. And something more...
✰ if this room was burning by @vogueharrystan | E | 9k
Where Louis' cat gets stuck on the roof and Harry is the firefighter who ends up saving her.
✰ butterfly kisses by @interstellarlou | M | 12k
Niall gave him a look that made it clear that he overstepped before he turned to the couple, an eager smile on his face, “Well, I am happy for you, Louis. I can’t believe it!”
Harry continued sipping his coffee, hands bunched into fists on his lap as he looked at Louis, desperate to catch his eyes.
“It is crazy, right?” Louis chuckled, his hand coming up to rub subconsciously at his neck. “I guess when you come across the right man, everything just falls into place."
The right man?
Harry wondered if that made him the wrong one.
✰ if kisses were snowflakes by @lousmoonshine | M | 13k
The Holiday AU in which Louis decides to trade houses with a total stranger he finds online for the holidays, not knowing he would be finding more than himself in that little town in England, after the original home owner's brother comes barging through the door.
✰ eyelid of the sky by @cosmicues​ | E | 13k
harry loves, quiet and desperately.
✰ no lemon drops no bubblegum by @heartofartichokes | E | 15k
They never interacted in that one semester, in that one class, and never were put in the same group, never sat close to each other.
Then again, it’s not like Louis was hoping it’ll turn to something more. Just a fleeting crush, that he’ll get over once he stops seeing him every week.
Except he hasn’t stopped, he’s still thinking about it once in a while. What’s Harry Styles doing today? Has he cut his hair? Does he still eat scones for breakfast every Wednesday? He got his answers now, at least about the state of his hair. Harry’s hair is a lot shorter than the last he remembers, it curls around his ear, framing his square jaw nicely. He’d have to ask about the scone next time. If there’s ever a next time.
✰ you’re all i see in my mind (i think i see a lifetime) by @softloubabie | E | 16k
Kitten hybrid Louis gets kicked out of his house. With nowhere to go and a very cold and stormy weather outside, he ends up wandering into Harry’s shed to hide from the thunder and rain (he gets terrified by it). Harry hears crying from the shed so he goes to investigate.
✰ Dandelion Heart by @smittenwithlouis | E | 18k
After his sister’s death, Louis is granted full custody of his 4-year-old nephew, TJ. It isn’t easy, but with the help of TJ’s other uncle, Harry, they learn to make it work.
✰ let's make christmas merry, baby by @guiltypleasureismypleasure | E | 20k
Harry and Louis have to play Mr and Mrs. Claus at a frat party and don’t get on, but keep getting stuck under mistletoe until they do
✰ Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die by @tolerantlarrie | M | 21k
Louis purchased an old house that’s on the historic registry and needs a lot of work. As he uncovers its years of use and abuse, he finds messages on the walls that appear and disappear, even though he’s the only one living there. He asks a nearby handyman for help in deciphering the mystery and romance ensues.
✰ where i should be by @lovehl | E | 21k
“That’s the difference between you and me,” Louis says. “I loved him. You liked him.”
Harry, far too interested in shattering Louis’ ardent loyalty to Wynn, says, “Such a waste.”
“Who are you to decide?” Louis breathes, craning his neck to glare.
“Who better to decide than me?” He leans imperceptibly closer. Wanting, waiting for him to close the inch of distance.
✰ sweet revelation, bitter wine by innaterespect | E | 21k
An enemies to lovers au with Harry as the infuriating demon that activates Louis' demon slayer curse.
✰ Cut the Sides, Don’t Touch the Back by @youreyesonlarry | E | 22k
Harry’s been talking about getting a mullet for so long and Louis hates how good he pulls it off.
✰ Thrown To The Wolves by @smittenwithlouis | E | 22k
Louis is a human living in the Styles' wolf pack who can't stop getting into trouble, and Harry is the soon-to-be alpha who thinks keeping Louis at arm's length is the safest option.
✰ sun rise in your eyes by @loubellies | E | 22k
Prompt 175: AU where Harry is a human prince that Louis, the fairy prince, has always admired from afar. One day, Harry notices Louis and Louis offers him some berries. Harry, forgetting the age old rule that you shouldn’t take food from fairies, eats the snack and is immediately shrunken to Louis’s fairy size and is now subject to live in his world while trying to figure out a way to return to his human form.
✰ Burning Through The Shadows by @mugglemirror | E | 26k
A Shadow and Bone AU where Louis is the Sun Summoner and Harry is the Darkling
✰ the voice of rage and ruin by @yvesaintlourent | E | 25k
Harry is the alpha heir of the leader of a dystopian nation set on eradicating the rights of omegas. He infiltrates their forces as one of their own, and finds both the cause, and the leader of the Uprising, to be more than he bargained for.
✰ tarnished but so grand by @bipop | E | 29k
“You, Miss Tomlinson, need to get back on the market. No- let me finish. If it looks like you have a duke courting you, then other alphas will start to find you desirable again because you are wanted by someone above your status. I promise you that you will have more suitors than every other omega in London.”
“Are you suggesting that we pretend to court?”
✰ the road not taken by @teenytinytomlinson | E | 30k
Harry returns back home for the holidays after a successful debut album, leaving Louis to unwrap gifts as well as old complicated feelings. Cue: hometown holiday hookups, overbearing siblings, and a disastrous New Year’s Eve party. A 'Tis’ the Damn Season' inspired au.
✰ i think i'm in love this Christmas by @levelofcharm​ | E | 36k
​Home for the holidays and tired of being single, Louis tells his family that he’s dating his childhood friend, Harry (the fact he’s in love with him is irrelevant). 
Unbeknownst to him, Harry's the handyman who's been helping his parents whilst he's been at uni. So he's left to confront the alpha and ask for his assistance. Pretending to date your best friend is easier than Louis imagined.
✰ a common place affliction by @thepolourryexpress | NR | 37k
“You should go home,” Louis muses, and Harry can feel the omega crouch down to become eye level with Harry, poking his cheek with a dainty finger. Harry lifts his arm, taking a peek at Louis’ face. Louis looks tired, he notes, but not exhausted, and there’s an eyelash stuck to his cheek. Harry doesn’t hesitate to lazily reach out and thumb over his cheek.
“Can’t,” Harry croaks, blindly twisting his hand around to grab at Louis’ offending finger and just holding it. “C’mere. Take a nap with me,” he asks after a beat, opening an eye to look at Louis.
Louis raises an eyebrow. “M’not going to nap with you in the middle of the ER, H.”
Sighing, Harry squeezes the young nurse’s finger. “Nobody cares.” He knows they do; they’ll annoy nurses and probably worry patients when they catch sight of a nurse and surgeon sleeping on the job. Let alone in the middle of the emergency ward hallway. Harry can hear the complaints now: ‘these are the people we’re supposed to trust with our lives?’
✰ Full Moon Dreaming by @jacaranda-bloom | E | 43k
Every month, Full Moon Dreaming reveals a person’s soulmate. Sometimes it’s an object or a place, or for the lucky ones, the love of their life.
Louis has given up hope of dreaming of a person, resigned to living a life devoid of that kind of all-consuming love for another and receiving the same in return.
But when a new neighbour descends on Louis’ beloved Hanson Bay and moves into the other beach house, could all that be about to change?
✰ even if it’s just pretend (say you'll remember me) by sideofzemblanity | E | 45k
“I’ve been told that you have a hard time talking to pretty boys,” he bats his eyelashes, watching something flash across Harry’s gaze, happy to know that he's getting under his skin so easily, “Didn’t know how else to get me in your bed.”
Harry laughs, turning back to face the bar, leaving Louis to stare at the way his shoulders move with every hiccup of laughter. “If I wanted to fuck you, then I wouldn’t need drugs to do it. You’d be begging for it.”  
Louis rolls his eyes and rests his elbows on the smooth, polished surface, “Like there would be room for me in your bed with you and your ego.”
“Don’t forget my cock, although I’m sure that you wouldn’t complain about that taking up space.”
✰ i can’t help it (if you look like an angel) by @defencelesst | E | 52k
Louis remembered how just moments before he had been grateful at the pieces in display being anonymous for everyone that wanted to see them, a thin veil that protected the artists established firmly in place despite the disappointed faces from the gallery visitors when they realised they couldn't track what their eyes saw back to anyone, and they couldn’t demand any kind of explanations from them regarding what they felt.
That relief got lost in the back of his mind when his eyes caught onto the painting, the obvious attentiveness and care poured in the canvas making his chest hurt.
What do you find to be the most beautiful thing in the world?
Apparently, for someone, it was him.
✰ made for lovin' you by @cuddlerlouis | E | 53k (reread bc i love it so much <3)
The one where a quick, horny decision ruins Louis’ summer plans, but may also lead to unexpected discoveries. Featuring the road trip of dreams, misunderstandings, and a bit of fate.
✰ Carpe Noctis by @afterglowslouis | E | 58k 
A Regency AU featuring tarnished reputations, religious and political tensions, vampires and hunters, all bearing secrets that lead to moral conflicts.
✰ fatal cues and stormy blues by louisbopeep | E | 59k
Centuries ago, the modernization era generated advancements in technology that inspired the ever-sustaining period of coexistence between secondary genders, free of biological constraints. But what happens when a research opportunity forces twenty four individuals to reconcile with the primal instincts that they’d suppressed for so long?
✰ Save Your Heart by @loulicate-recs | E | 66k
Harry thinks Louis is crazy, but maybe a little sweet too.
And he thinks Louis reads way too many romance novels. Okay, maybe he's also a little cute.
He also thinks that Louis loves the wrong Alpha (because maybe Louis belongs to him, just maybe).
✰ Shooting Stars in the Woods by frenchkiss | E | 82k
A Tudor era AU. Prince Louis I of England has everything a man could ever dream of, but his lack of husband is driving his father, the King, to madness. But Louis doesn't want any of the eligible bachelors his father pushes his way. All he wants is to be able to do is marry the knight he's been in love with for two years now.
The love story of a royal and his servant, separated by class but joined by heart. Their relationship has remained a careful secret for a long time now, but when a threat to the kingdom forces them both to leave the palace, it turns out their secret isn't the only one that could topple everything they’ve ever known.
and last but hopefully not least, i also posted a fic this month:
✰ voicemail sings a wreck | E | 37k
Louis is the president of the biggest omega sorority on campus, Harry is the president of the biggest alpha fraternity on campus, and they do not get along.
If you read any of these lovely fics, remember to leave kudos and comment to show your appreciation!
+ if i made any errors, please let me know :)
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mitsdriveswhere · 2 years
11 Adventures You Can (Probably) Do Nearby
If you're in the adventurous mood but your work schedule isn't, there's probably a lot of things that you can do to scratch that itch without having to spend 8 hours negotiating and promising your firstborn to get time off.
Camping Apparently people actually like camping. And honestly, I think I might like to try it again. Going with Red out into the not-really-wilderness kind of removed the fear factor of sleeping, you know, in the not-really-in-the-middle-of-nowhere. Be sure to pack for your climate, but have fun!
Skydiving If you're anywhere near a municipal airport, you probably have a company that provides planes and instructors for skydiving. It can be a one off holy-shit experience, or you can get your skydiving license.
Ziplining I didn't realize how many places offer ziplining until I started to look around for it. Really, there's a lot. Keep in mind your own personal fears when deciding. I've gone ziplining through the jungle but the idea of ziplining Royal Gorge is absolutely terrifying. I'm still gonna do it, but it looks terrifying.
Roller Coasters Just go to an old fashioned amusement park! There are a bunch of rides for you to try, and I promise you at least one amusement park near you has an oldest something something newest highest fastest something something ride on it.
Parasailing Got a boat? Got a fairly large bit of water? Got a parachute? Remarkable. If you have a healthy fear of death, parasailing is actually a great alternative to skydiving. It's surprisingly relaxing, like taking a leisurely swing - just a bit higher than usual.
Hang Gliding Same general idea as 2 and 5. Personally, I haven't gone hang gliding yet, but I do have the intention to do so, as there's a hang gliding company right down the road from my house, amazingly. Once I've gone, I'll let you know if it's worth it.
Hot Air Ballooning The one cavoite here is that you can only go hot air ballooning when it is genuinely frigid outside, which I am not a fan of because I am a big whining baby about the cold. I will, eventually, begrudgingly, go hot air ballooning. But I will continue to be a big baby about it and nobody can stop me.
White Water Rafting Holy shit, please go white water rafting. It is also cold as hell, which I would count as its one and only downside, but it is a great rush that gives you a sense of accomplishment and teamwork where you have to do about 0.5% human interaction. Someone will yell at you over the water and you do what they yell. It's *amazing*. Maybe this paragraph is a bad sell but trust me bro.
Fishing I know, I know, boring old man stuff. Let me be a boring old man okay?? It's as relaxing or fast pace as you like. I like to sit back in my camp chair and just have a nice day. Nice and quiet outside of the water and the non-existent fish. Someday I'll catch one, someday...
Local Museums If you haven't picked up by my general, um, everything, I happen to love museums. And a great way to see museums while simultaneously supporting your local community is to see the ones in your city, even the small ones. I have 3 museums within a 5 mile radius of my home, and I have been to 2 so far (the third one is new! pretty excited).
State or National Parks Unfortunately not all states have national parks (sorry Iowa, you're out of luck :|), but there are quite a few of them. If you are planning to go to more than 3, please also plan to buy a national park pass. It's 80$ but most national parks/monuments have a 30$ entrance fee.
There are actually a bunch of other things you can do, but a) I'm not going to recommend something I personally do no want to do and have no interest in doing and b) I'm not going to speak on the safety of those other things. Always, always practice due diligence and find out how safe your particular adventure is.
I mean, at least someone should ;)
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