#i dont even remember if i finished fairy tail in the first place
riveluart · 6 months
You ever just get a random burst of affection for characters you literally haven't thought about in years
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uaremyjae · 5 months
My thoughts on my One Piece journey and How it’s affected me 🩷
This is going to be long ass post lol
I think this is the platform that I never knew that I will ever comeback to but you know because of one piece and deprived of Sanji, Nami & Law content, ✨ here I am 😁✨ *shamelessly comeback after abandoned tumblr for good 11 years lmao*.
Anyway, I just want to let out my thoughts on my one piece journey and how it affected me. So bear with me. This is only place I can talk about One Piece because other platforms I had is related to kpop * Yes I’m a kpop fan. HEAVY ON NCT. Neo Got My Back.*
I know about one piece way back when I’m teenager. It’s just I don’t start to watch it/ read it somehow?? Idk why 🤷‍♀️ I’m also confused to as why because I did grew up watch anime like FMAB, Naruto, Bleach, Black Butler, K-On, Fairy Tail on tv. HECK I EVEN WATCH THE LONG ASS DETECTIVE CONAN TOO 😭
I think it’s because back in the day ( 2010 - 2017 ), I had lack of access to internet and not exposed to the series at all. Besides the local TV station here, only aired Naruto ,Bleach and those anime I mentioned . *I’m just 24 years old btw*
So around September 2023, I came across to One Piece content on TikTok and funny enough it’s Brook edit! I was so intrigued with this character and little did I know I watch a bunch of One Piece clip here and there on TikTok. To be fair, I am basically spoiled myself that time 😬 but I’m the type dgaf if I got spoiled because I won’t remember at all later on. 🤷‍♀️
So I decide to start watch it. First few episodes, my reaction was like “ Okay Luffy is an interesting guy🧐his body stretches and always smiled! He got damn hands tho ngl”. Zoro, my reaction was like “ahaaa SO THIS IS ZORO THAT EVERYONE KEEP TALKING ABOUT. Quite a Stud.”
Nami, interesting female character that I can relate because I like money 🤑 and her backstory is so sad. Ussop is also another character I gradually love over the time!
Then COMES MY HUSBANDO, SANJI. Man I have a thing for a man who can cook and looks good in suits. Sanji really makes me having my first anime crush ever! I DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON ANYONE IN NARUTO & Detective Conan but One Piece made me have one 🤧 *The upgrade from loving a guy that exist but doesn’t know you exist ( haechan,jaehyun & jaemin bb i luv you guys but Sanji 😮‍💨) to loving a guy who are not exist on this plane of earth 👀*
Little did I know I start to binge watch it. First day of watching, 30 episodes in 6 hours. 10 days later I already watch 325 episodes . but the show is so good! The story telling that oda created really hit home to me and the foreshadowing & lore he created makes me hooked unlike other story that I have read & watched.
Here’s the thing, to me every anime that I watch, I never like finish it . Sometimes I would just watch last ep and called it the day. This is not only apply on anime, it’s apply to western shows, my own local shows & k-dramas. So One Piece truly like solidified their place on my heart. I finally can understand why one piece are so loved for decades!
Also during those times, I hit rock bottom too. I quit my job because I was falsely accused for stealing shit at my work place and being discriminated by my ex-boss due to being the youngest one for my entire work.( everyone else was in their 40’s ). That time I was desperate as I need some money to achieve my bucket-list and want to lessen the burden of my family. Lord heavens knows what I’m going through, got death threats by that mf. Twisted the truth that causing my whole family cut ties with her severely. From there, I felt so stress and worried.
So One Piece is my way of escapism and it’s been a beautiful and exciting journey. Compared to last time, I took a 7 months breaks from works due to burn out & anxiety, this time it doesnt took long for me to overcome those situations and my “year-end blues” that I called is not as bad as before. I also has been actively try to get a job asap so I can buy an Ipad as I want to start learning digital drawing again after watching one piece.
One piece teach me it’s never late to start a new journey towards your dream! I used to dream to be a graphic designer or animators but my family don’t want me to be that. They want me to have that conservative jobs like working in government, an accountant etc. so essentially I gave up those dreams so I can make them proud of me. It’s been bothering me for so long as I felt like I should have go for what I want not what people want. At the end, I abandoned my accountancy knowledge and worked as an admin & a baker which I found a lot more less stressful that being an accountant. I guess what people describe after knows me personally being a confident, free-spirited & rebellious is just the way I am. AND oddly enough One Piece is just perfect manga & anime for me!
At this point, I already caught up with anime. I’m a weekly basis anime watchers now. I also has caught up with manga too. It’s been a huge revealing & fresh experience of One Piece for me. I felt like I being myself again! It’s weird but it’s the truth! I never felt so at ease and being seen. I just want to do what I want. It’s just fitting fate for me to be a One Piece fan!
That’s all what I want to say… if you really read this till the end. Thank you!
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faewildwriting · 4 years
Author's note: Time to kick off Laxui week with the first Bonus day. I went with the prompt: One comforting the other. I hope you like it. I love this pairing so much.
Hisui whimpers in her sleep. She tosses and turns. Her sleep has been fitful ever since those assassins came for her. Laxus wakes up due to the movement and looks over at his wife. His face shows concern when he sees tears streaking down her face as she keeps whimpering. Suddenly, she shoots up and screams. "NOOO!" She then slumps over and sobs.
Laxus immediately wraps his arms around her and holds her close. "Hey 'Sui, it's okay. I'm here now. You're safe." He tells her gently wiping her tears away tenderly. "I keep seeing their faces and seeing them hurt my family. My brother and dad were so injured. I was so scared." She sobs. She leans against his chest soaking his shirt with her tears.
He rubs her back softly and murmurs more reassurances.  He kisses the top of her head and hold her close till she has calmed down.
"Remember this 'Sui, you are safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you and we dealt with the ones after you. Besides Wendy, Chelia, and Porlyusica are the best healers in Fiore. Your family will be just fine. They just need rest. So don't worry so much, Shortcake." Laxus tells her. She nods, still sniffling.
He rests his forehead against hers. "You have no need to worry when I'm here and I dont plan going away anytime soon. You and Yuri are my life." He leans down and kisses her. She hums softly and melts into the kiss. Laxus always knows just how to make her feel so much better.
She smiles at him when he breaks the kiss. She just hopes she is a comfort to him like he is for her. They stay in each others arms for a bit and Hisui just soaks up the warmth and safety she feels around him. Laxus drifts off and Hisui is not far behind.
The next day, they go about their duties as Queen Hisui and Sir Laxus, the Captain of the Royal guard and personal guard of the Queen. After all her meetings she goes to check on Yuri and spend sometime with her 2 year old son. Laxus goes to the lessons he has been attending to one day be the perfect King to help his Queen.
This isn't what Laxus thought his life would be like but when he looks at Hisui and Yuri, he knows it is the perfect place for him. He thinks back to the many times his wife helped him out like he did for her last night.
The most recent time was this last year.
He had been sleeping fitfully knowing Ivan was free.
He woke up in a cold sweat and she was right there to hug him and rub his back soothingly. "Its okay, Laxus. He can't hurt you here. If he even tried the guards would catch him and then there is the guild and your Thunder legion here." She said softly. Her touch and words helped him calm down.
He holds so much guilt over the things he did cause his father ordered it. He is so lucky to have had Makarov there to make up for his Father's evil ways. If he hadn't had Makarov and the guild then he wouldn't have his life now. A life he wouldn't trade for the world.
After his lessons, he and his wife go to check on her Family.  Wendy greets them outside the infirmary. "Hello, they are fine. I just checked on them. They will be fully recovered in a week if they continue to rest. I just gave them some medicine so they are asleep." She tells them with a relieved smile.
Hisui goes ahead and looks in the room to see them sleeping. They already look much better, Wendy had gotten most of the cuts and bruises and was able to diminish the larger wounds.
They then head downstairs with Wendy, who is holding a giggling Yuri. They join the others heading to the banquet hall. The whole guild is here for the GMG and they had helped catch the assassins. Laxus and Hisui were so grateful to the guild. They had planned a feast for them, but also after her brother and father recover a ball will be held.
Now, we all know that when Fairy Tail parties, they party hard. Hisui leaves in the middle of all the chaos to put Yuri to bed. Laxus leaves shortly after but not after seeing that the guards had stopped most of the drunken brawls. Once most of the troublemakers pass out Laxus goes to his room.
Hisui is leaving the bathroom looking like she just finished her nightly routine before bed. Laxus hurries and does the same. They both collapse into bed and curl up together. It had been a long day and they both were exhausted . Hisui looks up at him and smiles. "I love you, Laxus Dreyar." She says while kissing his cheek. "I love you too, Hisui Dreyar." He replies kissing her sweetly. She melts into the kiss content to just be with him. They settle down and fall asleep in each others arms, basking in the comfort they found in each other.
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