#i don't wanna spoil too much but these are just some highlights
zh-lele · 4 months
Oasis (Preview)
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In a hostile environment or in a sequence of unpleasant situations, an oasis provides pleasure.
■Pairing: vampire!Doyoung x club dancer!fem reader x vampire!Johnny
■Genres: supernatural, horror, smut, romance if you want to call it like that (it's not).
■Warnings: mature themes; explicit sexual content, drugs and alcohol involved, guns, violence, death scenes and mentions of it, and some gore scenes. MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT!
■Preview wordcount: ~2.5k words.
■Estimated wordcount for the full fic: idk I have like 19k words written so far so this gonna be a long one.
Author's note: hey every1 :) I've been working on this fic for sooo long and it's sooo long don't know when I'll finish it it's all planned out I really just gotta finish the last scenes. But I figured that if you all like this preview a bit I could post it in two parts or something like that. I know this preview won't show much, but I don't wanna spoil !!!!! cuz there will be a lot going on and I rlly like this story, and doyoung to me is like the supreme vampire so finally having him to be one in one of my stories--I'm excited. I hope I can do it justice. Anyway, you all know how it goes: if you like this, comment, ask me more about it, ask to be in a taglist, reblog, etc., etc.. I appreciate you, tysm for the love on my other fics !!!
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.scene 01: words that will satisfy me
Lightning split the sky as the rain lashed the roof of the old bus, the drops seeping through the leaks, wetting the worn leather of its seats and spreading on the floor. You were lucky that public transportation was running that night and under those conditions, even more so considering that you had to be on time for your show at the casino—you couldn't afford to lose another night of work to torrential rains, even if it meant walking for forty minutes under the water from your house to the luxurious building.
The dirty streets of Seoul were already empty by the time you got off the bus, except for the old man you couldn't escape from even a single night arriving at the casino. While he wasn't inside, spending what was probably his last life savings on alcohol, drugs, and women (like most of the men you saw every night), he was living on the outskirts; under the big billboard of neon lights and on the fine and cold marble of the entrance serving as his refuge, along with a bed made of cardboard and an old, dirty mattress. Yuta kicked him out every night, especially the moment you arrived and he remembered the old man's presence due to the nasty comments he would give you, as you started up the stairs and toward the big golden doors.
Tonight was no different. Yuta left his position at the entrance as fast as he saw you coming and felt the old man open his mouth—although he didn't have a chance to say anything. As if Yuta could guess his intentions, he was in charge of throwing him in the hands of two high-security guards to the street and under that torrential rain; the homeless man's few belongings getting completely drenched, and causing the man to wail as he wandered off in search of a different place to spend the night. Only a series of what you assumed were complaints and curses came out of Yuta's mouth, in his native tongue.
Yuta lit a cigarette and didn't bother to return to his position. A quick wave of his hands was enough to have another man replace him, while he smoked under the cover of the water, resting momentarily from another night enriching his pockets in the largest casino in the city.
He opened his mouth to speak. A cold ran through your whole body at the same time that lightning struck right on the building across the street, highlighting the silhouette of the Japanese above the violent discharge. He squeezed then opened his eyes, already too irritated by all the interruption, to continue:
"Go upstairs. Dry yourself up and put on some other clothes. Doyoung wants to see you."
"But my show starts at two o'clock."
"Just do as I say."
You hurried to walk on the red carpet, passing between round tables and banquettes padded with burgundy velvet. The smell of alcohol mingled with that of fine perfumes and that of the money, scattered on each table among glasses, cards, and chips, and also kept in the pockets and wallets of the rich.
The back pocket of your black imitation of leather pants buzzed, so you reached for an old phone, its broken screen showing a message from Soyeon where she attached a picture of a ladder; the red neon lights of a "V.I.P." sign shone above it. You wondered why she was at the entrance to the third floor—an exclusive place that humans like you and Soyeon rarely frequented. So you quickly typed a message questioning what that photo meant before going downstairs.
The club was located below the casino and just above the parking lot. The stairs were marked with neon green arrows indicating floor -1 if you went down—your designated place of work. It was a very different world from the casino. While above the gold metal-edged bars gleamed in the warm light of huge chandeliers, below the place could barely be defined; cigarette smoke obscured what little vision the red lights dangling from the ceiling provided, and the confines of the club were lost in darkness, making it easy to get lost in that dive for hours.
The floor was slippery from the amount of alcohol that had already been spilled throughout the night, and you had to be careful not to trip or injure yourself on a dropped glass bottle. It was hard to move through the bodies that wouldn't stop dancing and pushing and gasping for breath as the club got more and more crowded. But still, you made it backstage and to the dressing rooms where you and the dancers were getting ready for the shows every night.
"Girl, you need me to do something for you?"
"Please," you begged while looking at the guy who shared the stage with you through the mirror. "Can you get my dress and my boots?"
Without wasting a second, you started working on your makeup. Red and black eyeshadow that accentuated your gaze, and a lipstick that was about to run out after so many nights of shared use—bloody red is what said on the side of its cover.
The boy returned shortly after with your clothes in one hand and a glass of liquor in the other. He lit a cigarette inside the small space while you changed, his eyes following your every move. Only the music coming from the club filled your ears until you opened the door ready to go out and he questioned you.
"Where are you going in such a hurry? There's still five until the show starts."
"Yeah, I know but…" you hesitated on telling him. It wasn't a secret amongst the human workers that you and Doyoung kind of had a thing—they knew you fucked from time to time, but you had no clue why he wanted to see you at that moment.
Doyoung managed everything and everyone at the club and knew your schedule like the palm of his hand. Work had always been his top priority as well, so you knew for sure he wasn't going to make you show up late on stage. Still, you didn't want to raise suspicions about anything, didn't want people to talk too much.
The boy—that was named Ten and was the second nicest person you knew as soon as you started working at the club—raised his brows at you, growing impatient, making gestures with both his hands for you to keep talking.
"Doyoung wants to see me," you finally concluded. "I don't know what he wants, but it'll be quick."
Ten only hummed and reached inside of his platforms, taking out a small blade and putting it in front of your face. His breath, which smelled like mint and whiskey, brushed your face while he talked. "Be careful." And he hid the blade inside one of your boots.
You gave him a nod along with a sympathetic smile and closed the door behind you on your way to Doyoung's office.
A long corridor connected the backstage dressing room to a mezzanine at the other end of the club. Suspended in the air from one side to the other, its tinted glass walls stretched to the roof of the club. Doyoung kept his office lit to a minimum, and the red lights outside it blocked all vision through the glass and into his office. This allowed him to have absolute control of everything that happened in his club, and to give orders without even having to get up from his chair.
You knocked on his door and looked above, at the corner of the corridor, letting the camera focus on your face. The door buzzed, indicating you were good to come inside.
Doyoung was sitting in his green velvet upholstered chair, facing the glass walls. A suit almost as pale as his skin accentuated his defined figure, even in that position. He turned to you, a welcoming smile adorning his face, and extended his left hand, the one not occupied with a glass feeding his tendencies, inviting you to get closer.
He called your name before holding your hand and bringing it to his lips. A soft kiss on your knuckles, which left them stained with a slightly thick red liquid. "I'll be brief since I don't want to delay us in our tasks, but I had to tell you this in person."
He set his glass down on his desk and moved you even closer, positioning yourself between his legs. He looked over your body with his gaze and dared to open the fine, shiny cloth robe that covered it. He caressed the curves of your hip and passed the palms of his hands over the micro tulle that covered your abdomen until he stopped below your breasts.
"You will dance on the third-floor stage tonight, along with Soyeon," he finally said, his clear eyes piercing your dark gaze. "Whatever happens there, you must tell me. Don't forget who you work for."
You swallowed dry. So Soyeon was at the entrance to the third floor because the two of you would be working there that night. Dancing for the vampires. Anxiety quickly took over your body, and you felt your hands and feet start to sweat. You were lucky Doyoung couldn't notice that temperature change, or he would have given you away.
"Won't you be there with the rest of them?"
This was not going according to your plan.
He denied it with his head. His hands began to move again, caressing your back and reaching the edge of your see-through dress. He lifted it, you felt the cold on your skin, and he squeezed both buttcheeks, awakening the lust within you.
He took a breath of air that inflated his chest, causing the emeralds that hung rimmed in gold around his neck to rise and fall. He moved you at his will until you were sitting on top of him, your sex barely covered by a thong that resembled black leather in contact with his bulge, and you had to make an enormous effort not to forget the plan and take him right then and there. Getting rid of Doyoung would be much more difficult than you had imagined.
"Don't forget who you must be loyal to."
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.scene 02: this is not a threat
It is important to create eye contact with the audience when you are performing. That was never a problem at the club, with its stage right in front of Doyoung's office. And while you couldn't see him from your place, you knew that he was always watching you from above, so your gaze was directed most of the time towards his tinted windows. He helped your concentration and allowed you to focus on the dance. On the third floor stage, however, you felt quite lost; too many things happened there.
In the club, just a large group of mortals huddled under the smoke and red lights, paying little attention to what was happening onstage. In the vampires' cave, distractions were everywhere. The white lights that illuminated the stage blinded you from time to time but still allowed you to make out the scenes. Vampires sipping drinks at the bars, smoking around a game of poker, passing through heavy velvet curtains, going in and out of small cabins with humans who had a job other than yours. Some came staggering out of there, like drunk on something and wiping their lips, while others just came out arranging their clothes to resume their activities around a table or on the small dance floor.
But despite everything that was distracting, you were forced to make eye contact. You felt a presence, someone's gaze heavy on your figure, hidden in a dark corner of that exclusive area. The lights spun illuminating him for a split second, but it was long enough for his amber eyes to finally find yours. From that moment on, you felt attracted to the man as if you were magnets. You went down the stairs of the stage and walked between the chairs and tables, making some of the vampires who hadn't paid attention to you yet turn to look at you. Not for a second could you lower your gaze from his or focus on anything other than dancing for that man.
He was sitting in the middle of the round table smoking a cigarette, looking a little too relaxed for your liking. His white shirt was slightly ripped, revealing a barbed wire tattoo that stretched from clavicle to clavicle on his chest; below, on his right pectoral, a spider tattoo. Resting the weight of his body on a semi-extended arm holding a cane, looking too vampire-like under your eyes. His tattoos seemed to end on his both hands: a floral engraving on the back that contrasted with the phrase on his fingers: be afraid.
You got on that rounded table on your hands and knees, not caring about whatever game was going on between the rest of the men and the women who sat with him. You wanted to seduce him, that you knew. And he didn't seem to mind, because when a tall, blonde guy got up to protest, this man silenced him with a simple gesture of his hand. You thought it had to be a common thing amongst these vampires—they held so much power they didn't even need to use many words. So you danced the rest of your choreography for him, felt and touched your body as if your hands were his until the music ended and the lights turned on again.
Reality came down to you as if you were descending from the sky at miles per hour, and you landed on the ground in your black platforms after getting off the table. You felt incredibly out of place, yet an incessant throbbing between your legs and this man's gaze on you was sending your mind into a spiral. You had no idea what just had happened.
His deep voice cut through the air in that cave—like lightning from the storm outside the casino. A chill ran down your back for the second time that night when you heard his voice.
"No one tells Doyoung about this."
But he didn't mean it for the rest of the people seated with him—he knew they would remain silent.
He meant it for you.
The question is: who are you going to listen to?
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hexhomos · 8 months
HI! hope your day is treating you well, i’ve been interested in doomreed for some time but cape comics are sort of daunting to me just because there’s so much content and i really don’t know where to begin. what do you suggest? thank you!
STRAIGHT OUT THE GATE ill say, read [ "My Dinner With Doom" ] (this is a rly high-qual upload, open it up on desktop!)
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It's a key issue oneshot with a lil bit of backstory retelling, featuring a private dinner that happens in the 00's - a good entrance point if you're curious about doomreed in summarization + generally speaking a Real Good Comic overall.
the fantastic four are one of marvel's darling old founding teams so there is pretty much... endless archival, ongoing, multimedia and games content popping up all the time.
They are also kinda one of the rare teams where the growth of the characters is consistent? The kids are allowed to grow older and events from every major run are carried/referenced by the next author so if you want to do chronological there's a lot of incentive and fun stuff.
If you wanna dip your toes into the F4 as a concept, check out:
*the #1 issue of Fantastic Four By Waid & Wieringo (1997) *Mythos: Fantastic Four (2007) [ *The FF (1994) movie that is up for free on youtube!! ] *Fantastic Four (2022) by Ryan North as the current ongoing!
(Some) Singles centered on Doom/Doomreed:
*Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 2 is Doom's original backstory issue *Marvel Two-in-One (2017) by Zdarsky issue #11 & Annual #1 are both crazy good but they spoil big events/conclusions from previous runs if u care abt that!!! (My current fav fic came from these issues.) *Doomgate (novel) by Jeffrey Lang is a good option if you want something that is mostly prose, instead of a comic or movie
NOW BEFORE YOU JUMP AHEAD WITH ANYTHING I *am* following [ this reading guide ] which breaks down specific issues relevant to their relationship as a line through all the different authors over the years.
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[ There's also this 2021 guide w/ a few other story/AU highlights! The author said u can send the blog questions and theyll answer too ]
The 'Modern era' (late 90s/00s/10s/Now) Starts with Waid and McDuffie's stuff. The latter wrote My Dinner with Doom!
If you're scared by all the names, don't be - when searching for the issues, just pay attention to the year, # number & author/artist creds.
What I'm reading/liveblogging rn is Hickman's Secret wars era, generally regarded as yaoi ketamine; It's a good epic narrative entrance point if you want to jump into it, and it eventually led into this huge marvel event that changed the multiverse and even brought miles morales into the main timeline, so its BIG and it happened in multiple books - the best way to go about it is;
Fantastic Four (1961) #551 #552 #553 ➡️ (these introduce main ideas we will touch again in secret wars)
Fantastic Four (1961) #558 to #562 ➡️
Doom appears in these too, first/last issues more heavily. Stuff here will be ref'd during the next era.
If you're having fun and want to keep reading you can! Just know that the next storyarc has gathered a largely mixed response bc..... its Millar going hammywammy....... not that necessary.......
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anyway when you see hickmans name in the cover STOP and
Jump to actual Hickman secret wars era:
Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman: The complete collection➡️
(optional, side plot) If you like Val + Doom, read specifically; *Fantastic Four (2014) #3 & #5 + Fantastic Four Annual (2014) #1 *Agent of Asgard #6 & #7 *Avengers World (2014) #15 & #16
New Avengers (2013) ➡️ check issues on picture, or, if you're a completionist, look for 'Avengers by Jonathan Hickman; complete collection' and skim for the doom/reed relevant bits. There's a lot of characters here but this is a buildup to the big secret wars. Secret Wars (2015) ➡️ (All issues!) Infamous Iron Man (2016) ➡️bendis' doom writing is not very good but hang in there because right after him: Marvel 2-In-One (2017) ➡️ (All issues!) is a banger. Yaoi btw.
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You can basically read all the future/past ones as listed, or starting from the beginning of that author's period without worrying, bc they aren't as indebted to each other storywise.
You can also start somewhere else if you want or check out other single issues on the reading guides; It's not a crime! There's a lot of stuff with different takes and genres, I'm slowly chipping away at the secret wars era bc its just very thick and like a serious television drama attempt, except its also insanely funny sometimes.
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(I'm still making my way through it so that's what I have at the moment!)
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i’ve had your perv eddie/camboy steve on the brain all day 🫠 thinking about how eddie said he wasn’t very good looking, so i’m imagining steve’s surprise when the virgin creep is?? hot, actually?? and telling eddie that he has a very cute and rideable face
link to pt. 1 of camboy!steve/perv!eddie
first of all, thank you so much for putting these thoughts in my brain 💛 i'm so glad you enjoyed the first part of the au !! :)
second of all, yes. YES. eddie is fucking hot. undeniably so. it's a fact. like we all know this, but he doesn't really realize it yet, himself. he's insecure, awkward, and has next to no experience with anything romantic/sexual.
everything he's learned about sex, he's learned from watching porn, flipping through dirty magazines, and scrolling down to the depths of reddit forums.
everything he's learned about dating/flirting, he's learned from cheesy movies, late-night wikihow searches (i.e. how to get a boy to like you back? or how to kiss with tongue?), and observing from the sidelines when gareth tries to pick up chicks at 'the hideout'.
he's always been a weirdo, an outcast, a nerd. the kid in class that parent's warned their kids to stay away from. he never got invited to birthday parties, asked out to school dances, or heard through the grapevine that some boy or girl thought he was 'cute.'
quite the opposite.
boys made fun of him for having long hair, playing d&d, and doing drama.
girls sprinted in the opposite direction of him for cracking untimely jokes, walking on cafeteria tables, and saving bugs instead of squashing them.
so, eddie, now in his mid-twenties and long since graduated from high-school, doesn't exactly have much reason to think of himself as anything special to look at.
meanwhile, steve harrington has this whole community of people telling him how sexy he is. there isn't a singular inch of his body that hasn't been complimented a million times by strangers on the internet. he knows he's attractive. he knows he's hot. people in real life tell him so, too. they gravitate towards him at the club, kiss his neck and call him 'gorgeous,' ask him for his number when he wakes up hungover and in search of a decent breakfast sandwich.
but he's so fucking bored.
no one takes the time to get to know him past the highlighted hair, pouty lips, and belly ring.
no one asks him about his hobbies or interests outside of swallowing a ten-inch dildo down without gagging.
none of his fans care much about his taste in music, what movies he watches, or the deep-rooted wounds of his past.
so when they do finally meet--face to face over video chat--steve is blown away, because eddie's asking him all about himself (after he gets over the initial shock, of course). he's like a little kid at disneyland who just met mickey mouse for the first time.
he wants to know steve's favorite color, if he likes rollercoasters, what toppings he orders on his pizza.
it's not the deepest conversation, but it's a start and steve finds himself laughing, enjoying, and dreading what will happen once their call is over.
steve also catches onto eddie's insecurities pretty quickly.
when talking about himself, eddie makes constant self-deprecating comments. he's shy, hides behind his dark shadow of curls, and blushes bright red whenever steve says something complimentary.
time is running out. steve has to start his scheduled livestream soon and eddie is so adorable it hurts.
before he can think twice, the words are falling out of his mouth and he's licking over his glossed lips to seal their fate.
'you're so hot. i wanna ride your face until you can't breathe,' he says with a choked little moan....
and that's all i'm saying for now, bc pt. 2 of the full fic is on it's way and i don't want to spoil anything more before then, but this message gave me some great ideas for how i might want it to go so thank you anon !! loved responding to this one 🤗🧡
taglist (if you'd like to be added/removed at any time feel free to dm me or comment to let me know <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @jjoesjonas @anxiouseds @malachitedevil @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @plutoshelm @stevesbipanic @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie
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tanenigiri · 1 year
*punches through wall* OUR DINING TABLE
(Thoughts and ramblings on episodes 8 and 9 under the cut. Some manga comparisons but I don't think any of them constitute as plot spoilers since there's one episode left, but if you plan on reading the manga and don't want the differences from the show to be spoiled, fair warning.)
The corresponding chapter of Episode 8 in the manga is actually where we find out all about Minoru's backstory. We see a good chunk of it here in the flashback in the cafe, when he and Tane first cross paths with Yutaka. But most of the other things we've seen about Minoru's past up to this point in the show - that scene with Nao where Tane spills a drink on her, that flashback scene with young Tane which looks like it just happened right after their mom's funeral, and the general sense of Minoru bearing the weight of being a second parent to Tane - all of that comes to head in this chapter of the manga. I know I've said it repeatedly over my previous posts, but I really have to say it again because it deserves the praise - Minoru's plot arc was handled so, so well in this show, and I genuinely think all the decisions they made to spread and flesh it out was to its benefit.
There were already a lot of other posts last week that pointed it out but I still wanna highlight it - the silence that pervades this episode was really effective in conveying the conflict Yutaka and Minoru were facing. Giving them all this space to think about it could be dragging for some, but I found it quite necessary for what they were dealing with. This show has always used the quiet moments effectively and I think this episode isn't an exception.
I also wanted to highlight how that whole idea of "things being the same" is important to both Yutaka and Minoru. Before the events of Episode 1, Yutaka was living a very monotonous routine, down to the meals he was feeding himself. And Minoru's life has been nothing but one massive change after the other, so I don't blame him in wanting to find something that he could keep from changing. But, of course, both of them know that what happened between them isn't static, and that the change is something they either have to accept or have to let go of.
Gotta dedicate a bullet point to Ohata, who finally got her one manga-canonical scene in this episode (Hozumi-kun you're so easy to read!), but really her character has quickly become my favorite addition to the series. She's a much-needed confidant for Yutaka in the same way the dad (and his manager at the ramen shop) is for Minoru, and these past two episodes also bring up the fact that she was having relationship troubles with her boyfriend. I guess I can point out how her own issues seemed a little too convenient in terms of giving the right advice to Yutaka to move the plot along, but I honestly don't mind it - partly because I think those conversations also serve to show how far Yutaka's come in terms of breaking out of his shell and partly because I always cheer whenever her character shows up haha. (And can we talk about how she's constantly the best-dressed character of the show? Like I know she doesn't really have much competition but still?? Did you guys see her hair in that last scene???)
Speaking of which, I'm so glad they added that last scene with Yutaka joining his officemates for drinks. This was only mentioned in the manga, but I think this is as big of a deal as the confession in terms of Yutaka's growth. This is the same character who, in Episode 1 (which was only a few months prior to this), was known by the office as someone who would turn down any invite, and the manga even goes further with this in that they wouldn't invite him at all because they know that he would just reject them. Not to mention that the literal first thing we find out about Yutaka is how he doesn't share meals with anyone! Seeing him in the bar with his coworkers is absolutely massive in terms of how much Yutaka has changed, and while Ohata is right in teasing him that it's because of a special someone, I do think it's a testament to how much progress Yutaka has made over the course of the show both because of Minoru and because of his personal growth.
And since I mentioned it, I'm pretty happy with how they translated that playground confession scene into the show. In particular I enjoyed how generally awkward it was because it was very in-character, and I think giving the scene a more laid back vibe instead of a serious one was a really good decision. That whole "you're very important to me" spiel destroyed me though.
It's only recently I realized that the whole "BL male lead running to other BL male lead" is an actual trope that's seen in almost every series and I find that so funny. I've only watched a few before this and they do all have running involved.
Screaming at Mr. Ueda literally dragging his son out of the house and telling him to get it together before the New Year rings in. We don't really get a lot of scenes between the two of them so I'm glad we got this.
Tane-kun takes a bit of a backseat in these two episodes as the plot shifts to Yutaka and Minoru's relationship (the same thing happens in the manga), but the scenes he does get are still really good. In particular I like that once he realizes that Minoru and Yutaka are "fighting," all Tane says is that Minoru should apologize because, for him, Yutaka would always understand and accept their apology.
Ok so I'm of two minds about that scene with Yuuki (Yutaka's adoptive brother), which I was pretty surprised to see as it wasn't in the manga. On one hand, I'm glad that we do get some sort of closure for this, and that at the end of the day, Yutaka does have an adoptive family that cares for him. But on the other hand, I really don't think that the apology was anywhere close to undoing the damage that Yutaka's had to bear all these years? Like, I get that it's a misunderstanding on both ends and that proper communication would've solved it (and this is, in fact, the takeaway Yutaka needed for his confession to Minoru), but I'm not a fan of the implication that just because Yuuki was apparently not that much of a jerk to Yutaka as we thought that he's forgiven for his clearly traumatizing actions? I don't think they're gonna address this further in next week's episode (though I'd love to be wrong), but I dunno - it's not the note I would've liked that plot point to be left on. Sure, put some forgiveness in there, but I guess I wanted either party to acknowledge that while Yutaka could start mending his relationship with his adoptive family, there's still a lot of damage that they need to process? I know that's a pretty big ask for what is essentially a minor plot point, but eh. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it (and on the show in general).
The preview gave me a glimpse of the one other scene in the manga that's in my Top 3 (up there with Yutaka's cartoonified backstory and Minoru taking care of a sick Yutaka) and I am soooo ready to break down because of it. For manga readers who want to know which one: It's the scene without Minoru.
Love this show so much. I don't want it to end and I'm both anticipating and dreading the finale next week.
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soot-slvt · 4 months
What if…. Just reader and will on a soft… like…. At home date thing….
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(Literally I'm shrieking this is so cute- asskkfkamsmjkk I JUST WANNA BE HELD BY HIM SO BAD-)
CW: None, save for some cuddling and light angst if you squint. This was not beta read-
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“Moonlight || Wilbur × Reader”
The ever familiar crisp scent of one of those shitty candles ordered from Amazon, much like everything else in this flat.
A night in- it's jarring how frequent nights like these are; that mostly stemmed from Wilbur's social anxiety and innate dislike for getting recognized in public… I'm lying, he didn't really dislike it; it just frequently reminded him that, as a content creator, he didn't truly have a private life. He preferred to keep his life as private as it could be. The lingering smell of burnt pasta still lingered over the signature, cheap scent of Seabreeze... A product of him attempting to cook for you, which ended in dumb smiles and banter that had his cheeks growing hot.
At some point in the night, he'd gone quieter than usual, a lingering afterthought about how he should be taking you out, spoiling you- instead of always staying in, opting for movie nights with slightly charred popcorn.
“I'm sorry we don't get out much…” Wilbur's tone was light and apologetic, rumbling your cranium where you rested your head against his bony chest. Despite him being a bag of bones, he was always warm; like a furnace.
“Nah, it's fine” You murmured in response, drawing circles in the beige knit of his sweater- looking up at him through eyelashes. God, he was so effortlessly pretty- the artificial light of his Amazon standing lamp did him fucking wonders. Pale cheeks highlighted in dim hues, it was hard to miss the faint blush dusting his soft face. The way his mess of curls fell over his forehead.
Sometimes he still looked like he was twenty-two, despite him being almost thirty.
It really took him a moment to process that you were fine with staying in, having a cozy date- He almost forgot your somewhat anxious tendencies. God, he felt so selfish for it.
“Oh…” He opted for that comfortable silence to settle between you both. His fingertips idly drew circles across your shoulder blade. He was thinking. “Well… um…” His russet eyes almost searched the room for something to say, anything.
“Take your time.” You teased him. Wilbur's face turned a few shades redder than before, his fingertips prodded the divot in your waist, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.
“Oh hush-!” He found himself scolding. He was never good with his words in real, genuine situations. Hence why he was so hesitant in commitments. “I just thought you'd be more interested in lavish restaurants or strolls on the beach…”
“Those things are nice…” You mumbled, pressing your face into the scratchy fabric- why did his favorite sweater have to be so pokey on the outside?
“...But just being close to you is nicer.” Your voice was muffled by his beige jumper.
The room was darker, an indication that his tv had gone into sleep mode from lack of use; which made sense, you were too busy paying attention to each other. His fingertips tapped the ghost of a guitar melody against your spine, even in leisure he's still working. Strange how his brain works, sometimes you'd just wish you could really get a good look at what goes on up there.
He had a brilliant mind.
The thought caused a stupid smile to stretch across your face- hiding it once again in that sweater. This had him stiffening up like a board, his languid motions ceased as he kept his soft gaze on your frame- his voice was even softer.
“Now what are you grinning about?” He murmured, always soft- always gentle. You answered, no matter how tacky it was, a simple response-
“How glad I am that I have someone like you.”
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My first fic on here- and ugh it's- IT'S SOMETHING. (Bare with me. I'm so rusty ugh)
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hi! i rlly like the concept and the art and all that- but i was a bit confused. idk if i missed something or if im blind- so if this has been asnwered elsewhere im really sorry- but will this be like. a game? or a fanfic? or something else? ik you said you're redoing it- and i really wanna follow the story but im just kinda confused kdjf
Linear (no choices/branching story) visual novel, with additional game mechanics like random events and RPG-style battles
You should check the pinned post
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Since it has a demo game showcasing the concept as a whole (though battles are not included yet)
You should also check some of the tags on the navigation page, like "main story" and "info post".
Main story for now includes highlights from the game's script I'm writing but all major updates (like in-game chapter development or distribution; since most seemed to prefer chapter-by-chapter development akin to BATIM) will go there.
And info posts are, well, info posts. In the last one I talked about possible game mechanics I'd like to try and implement in renpy.
The story itself is a bit hard to follow rn I imagine, since I'm mostly sharing "heheh funneh" dialogue or particular character interaction; I don't want to spoil stuff too much. But I suppose I could give a better synopsis than the one up on the "About" page:
Tord comes to London to find help with his "special Gehenna stopping ancient vampire killing project". He's struggling, until he meets Edd, who then in exchange for a car ride introduces him to Matt. Matt agrees to help Tord's venture if he, in turn, helps Matt with his debt to the local Camarilla. The task at hand is to locate three items that could in some way shape or form represent "eternal power".
So for the most part it's three separate heists/fetch quests (each "starring" one of the guys - Edd, Tom, Tord; Matt is busy directing them and doing his own thing in the spare time. Though he gets his own bit of "fun" during the time he gets paired with Tord, on the second quest).
However there's also something developing in the background (like people going MIA) and at a certain point it intervenes into the heist plot and turns it into madoka-esque grand-scale thing...a bit hard to explain but, you'll see ^^
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c0d33 · 5 months
2, 8, 11, 23 :)
2. Album of the year?
I've listened to a lot of great albums this year, but if I'm sticking to ones I found in 2023, then I'll go with the Chicory: A Colorful Tale soundtrack! It's a great mix of absolute bangers with some really nice music, and it has plenty of variety between all of the tracks! I especially like Abandon Me and Gulp Swamp :)
8. Game of the year?
Oh boy, it's hard to choose just one. I played so many great games this year that choosing just one to be my game of the year would feel like a disservice to the rest, so I'm just gonna list all of my favorites that I started this year :D
Easily my biggest timesink of the year, I started Warframe in April and have put nearly 560 hours into it already. It's gameplay is just so satisfying and addicting once you get past the initial hurdle of the new player experience, and is probably the least predatory F2P game I've ever seen in my life. It's just been an absolute blast and I'll absolutely be putting more time into it in 2024!
Lethal Company
Probably not a big surprise, but Lethal Company is insanely fun. I've been playing quite a bit with some of my friends, and every session is an absolute blast and can send me into hysterics at some points. Plus, I love the monster designs :)
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
An awesome game that's really fun and puts out a great message, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Chicory! Great gameplay and soundtrack, highly recommend it!
Chants of Sennar
Very enjoyable puzzle game about deciphering languages! There was one part in particular that completely blindsided me and was easily the highlight of the game for me, but I won't spoil it just in case anybody reading this wants to play it themselves
Also probably not a big surprise if you've looked at my posting activity in the past few days. Extremely fun gameplay, awesome character designs, great music, etc. :)
Honorable mention to all of the games that I didn't start this year but I still played and obsessed over, like Battlefield 1
11. Something you want to do again next year?
Tough question, since there's not really anything super special I did this year that I haven't done before, but I suppose I do want to try cooking more! I've been more and more interesting in cooking and baking ever since I made empanadas earlier this year, so I wanna try finding more recipes and making more stuff :D
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Another tough question! I think for me personally, not a lot changes between the first day of the year and the last, so I wouldn't really have many serious things to say since we're basically in the same position. I think one thing I would say is to try not to sacrifice myself too much to other people. I took a lot of mental health hits this year by essentially acting as a therapist for people (By my own decision, absolutely nothing to do with them), so I think I would tell myself to take it easy. I don't have to solve every issue, and as much as it pains me to see my friends in pain, I would often be in more pain after hearing their struggles. That isn't to say I'd completely shut myself off from hearing them out, but I would try not to overextend myself emotionally in these circumstances. That is the struggle of being as much of an empath as I am
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lady-lauren · 4 months
heya there! I hope you've had a good day! if your match up requests are still open i'd like to request for one (if they arent just ignore this!) please lmk if i missed anything i shouldve included!
I'm 19, i prefer a male character, and i wouldn't mind some nsfw thrown in! (of course not needed, but you can add if you see fit, your choice (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ )
my zodiac is a scorpio (I'm pretty sure at least, I'm not too interested in them)
my love languages are definitely physical touch and words of affirmation (i honestly cant pick between the two)
i like to draw and bake, sometimes cooking! i like going out a lot as well, especially to shop lol, one of my icks are big age gaps i just dont find it attractive, and daddy kinks and similar stuff. I like being spoiled a lot, makes me feel like a princess, AND PETNAMES
im from the philippines, i have medium length straight black asian hair with some dark brown highlights, no bangs really! i wear glasses, and im 155cm tall
i dont really have a type but i love people who'll listen to me yap while also engaging in conversation as well, people who only listen and never talk back kind of make me nervous
I'm sorry this is so long! Again feel free to ignore this if u dont wanna do this / ur matchup requests arent open, etc
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Oh Kyokikia you are SO lovely. And don't worry, I got your second ask, too 💕
You want to be spoiled rotten? Sanji is the man for you. He might be a little on the obsessive side, but in all the best ways. He's a charmer, a listener, and advocator– the world is yours and he's just so happy to be living in it with you.
In your second ask you said you're bubbly and outgoing, and Sanji is the perfect match for that. He will be right along with you for every party, every adventure, but he'll make sure never to overshadow your shine. He wants you at the center of attention! He thinks you're the sun and everyone should be so lucky to bask in your warmth. And slutty clothes? Well, that's his favorite. Any excuse to drool over you, he'll take it. But don't be surprised if he threatens to kick the eyeballs out of anyone who stares at you just a little too long. He will encourage you to wear anything– and nothing, if he can get away with it.
Sanji is the KING of words of affirmation. He's practically spewing poetry for you any time you walk in the room; no matter how long you've been together, he will always find a new way to praise you.
Petnames are his favorite. Princess. Darling. Sweetheart. Baby. Lover. Light of My Life. Sun to My Stars. Every day he crafts something new just for you.
Sanji is a Pisces, a water sign just like your Scorpio. He can talk all day and all night with you. He'll listen when you need, but most of the time he's caught on the tip of your tongue and wants to ask questions and engage as much as possible.
He has such a praise kink– both ways. He wants you to praise him and as much as he will praise you. He's a sweet but overwhelming lover, always kissing you, touching you, and showing you off.
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silver-wield · 3 months
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review Chapter 8
Okay, this collection of posts will be filled with spoilers, including clips and screenshots, so if you don't wanna see things, then don't look. Some of the things I'm gonna highlight will include references to Remake and other sources to link with the overarching plot. This is a straight path playthrough with no sidequests or extra content.
Time to hit the Saucer!
The second we arrive, the girls are pulled into a short dance sequence against Andrea. After that we're introduced to Dio.
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As usual, Cloud's pretty face gets him unwanted attention. Dio wants to duel. It's not a hard match, and yet I hate it so much. Cloud's proud of himself for kicking some virtual ass, and specifically looks for Tifa as he celebrates to see if she's watching. She is. He's happy.
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After that the group splits after a diplomatic vote with the girls and Red going to have fun. Cloud would've gone with but when Tifa asked he had a vision of Sephiroth and she suggested he get some rest instead. He and Barret head to the ghost hotel.
We get our introduction to Cait Sith and his predictions, which kind freak Cloud out. Makes me wonder if he's superstitious.
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Cloud has a nap and we get another interlude with Zack. At one point he strokes Aerith's hair and then goes downstairs to talk to Elmyra and Marlene. He then goes looking for Biggs to cheer up Marlene.
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Back with the main crew and you get to take a wander around the park with whoever you have the highest affinity with. Obviously I went with Tifa and it was cute watching her and Cloud hold hands 😍
Cait Sith interrupts to let them know about a shooting. Cloud and Tifa defend Barret and state he couldn't be responsible. They volunteer to find the real culprit and Dio slaps a cuff on Cloud to stop them running away. This accessory becomes important later.
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Cloud's blindsided by goons and everyone wakes up the following morning. Gus, the leader of the dust bowl, is willing to hand over the gunman if Cloud wins a chocobo race. It takes some sidequests to get Piko racing fit, but then it's off with Esther to the races!
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Meanwhile, we see Elena in the desert complaining and reminding us she's only 18 🤣
Cloud wins his race. It really wasn't hard, and I say that as someone who hates chocobo racing. The others are let out of their prison cell to watch Cloud win and celebrate 🥳
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After that it's an annoying trek through the desert following a frigging condor until we find Barret. Shocker, he's not the gunman who killed the people at the arena.
I'm not gonna spoil this part, but it's amazing and emotional and made me cry 😭
The combat with Barret was pretty fun and the transitions between stages were awesome!
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Elena has her not vanilla ice cream, and we have to deal with a whiny Palmer in a massive mech. And this comes right off the back of a highly emotional scene. I needed a minute to get myself together 😭
After the battles are over, Dio appears and that bracelet becomes relevant. We get the buggy, Dio gives us a distraction and Barret takes charge clearing the road.
I sucked at this. I tried. I really did. This goes towards Barret's affinity for his date too, so do your best!
After we escape, it's a fast paced drive across the desert until Yuffie's motion sickness forces us to stop and get our bearings.
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We have a quick stop in to find Reeve all cheerful as he doctors the wanted poster for the golden trio. Why would this make him happy? Why would he be happy in general? Well, he's teamed up with Cloud and co and finally feels like he's doing something instead of banging his head against his desk every time he tries to make Shinra do some good.
We also stop in at Rufus office for another meeting between him and Glenn, who we can see now is some apparition of Sephiroth's that'll trying to start a war. Why? Because war means death and those souls who died angry can be corrupted and used to fight the white whispers in the lifestream.
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And it's back to Zack, so I'm assuming Cloud took another nap since we return to the crew the next day. He's off looking for Biggs like he promised Marlene, and we see them find each other. The interesting convo between them will be next interlude.
Barret's arc remains one of my favourites. It's everything I wanted from Rebirth and it's at this point I started getting excited to play the game. Before that I was kinda meh about it, but this chapter onwards everything is fantastic until we hit that long ass boring cut scene at the start of chapter 14.
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tufzy-baybey · 1 year
may i request a cg!Cassidy, but with an adult reader who regresses? i just wanna be babied by that cowboy 🥺💕
OMG YESSSS been wanting to do some Cassidy headcanons! <3
(Sorry if this took a while!)
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ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ
First off, he's really understanding when you first explain to him your trauma and your coping mechanism (whether or not you involuntarily age regress or can control when you age regress)
You two have a secret little code, a word you say to clearly communicate that you are age regressing and need help :3
He absolutely loves being your caregiver, seeing you giggle, play with your stuffies and cradling you are his highlights of your age regression!
Depending on what age you regress to, he does a lot of playing pretend with you, not to mention the tea party's OH THE TEA PARTIES ARE SO WHOLESOMEEEEE
Cassidy bought you a set of baby onesies that have a pattern on them, which are
A cowboy hat pattern, cow print, and a try to convince me otherwise that one of the patterns were NOT My little pony, like it's so obvious he would buy one got you <3
If you ask for uppies he's more that happy to comply, he's a pretty strong boy :3
He'll definitely cradle you in his lap until you fall asleep.
He's actually a natural when being your caregiver??? Like how is this your first time hearing about age regression sir?
Every time you age regress he can't help but feel a little sad (it's a weird feeling of happy sad :3) probably because the reason behind your coping mechanism is your trauma related to childhood
He would never tell you his worries about that while you are in little space tho.
He'd want to heal your little self as much as he possibly can,<3
He's okay with you calling him papa! As long as you don't use the same name calling in bed, which is understandable becos that's icky Dx
Definitely calls you sugarplum when regressing >w<
He surprised you with an age regression safe room for your birthday!
In the room you have a collection of pacifiers, stuffies, baby clothes, baby blankets (some are actual baby sized, some are adult sized but with cute baby themed patterns!)
He definitely built a homemade crib and customized it to fit you x3
Let's you watch TV on his lap when he isn't busy.
Kisses your forehead and cheeks a lot :3
Blows raspberries on your tummy to make you giggle more.
Puts his cowboy hat on your head :3
Loves spoiling you with love and smothering you with his affection
Definitely more physically affectionate, but can be very sweet verbally too!
He loves you so much, age regression or without agere <3
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ninocence · 6 months
"Please tell me you've eaten some of the actual food on offer and not simply the sweets, dear sister," Lloyd teases over Nino's shoulder, making sure she sees his conspiratorial wink before shifting to the spot next to her. "Of course, I couldn't say I blame you if you had just been eating the cookies. Wasn't often we got the like back home."
As much as the brothers -- admittedly, mostly Linus in this regard -- tried to sneak little spoiling moments in for Nino, it had been no easy task to do under the piercing gaze of Sonia.
But here, they were free of that weight. At least...some of it. And while Lloyd wasn't usually the one to encourage such behavior, this was a good night for indulging where one might not normally. Besides, he hadn't seen when his youngest sibling had come in, and he wanted to make sure she knew she could have her fill of whatever she liked.
"Have you had a fun time, Nino?"
Nino, small cake in hand, jumps at the sound of her eldest brother's voice. "Oh, uhh, yeah!!" she replies, "I've had lots to eat tonight!" It's true, too!! She thinks back for a moment. "I had... some of the pecan pie, and then I met this really nice bunny man and he gave me a basket of veggies and I ate that, and also I had some of the oatmeal cookies and peach sorbet, and then..." She looks down at the cake in her hands. Oh yeah, that does sound like mostly sweets, doesn't it? Well, thanks for unwittingly looking out for her nutritional balance, Yarne.
At least Lloyd doesn't seem to mind, tone still indulgent as he asks after her time, and Nino nods.
"Everyone's really nice to me! Miss Ethlyn let me join the party even though I didn't know about it. And then I met Sara again, from the big mission in Rusalka from before, and I made a flower crown for her!" Her expression is one of utter contentment as she recounts the highlights of the night for Lloyd, "And oh!! Guess what? I met Linus' puppy! You've met him too, right?? Isn't he the cutest ever?"
She takes a deep breath, eyes shining as she looks at the scenery around them. "I had a really fun time, Lloyd," she says. Around them, the music swells, warm and gentle, into a swaying ballad. Nino puts the cake down and wipes her hands, before standing up, facing her brother. "Hey, can I ask for something?" her voice is suddenly quieter, subdued, a lifetime of countless dismissals from Sonia leaving her hesitant about asking for affectionate gestures. Still, she plucks up her courage to ask, time and time again.
"It's alright if you don't wanna... but if you're ok with it... can you dance with me, Lloyd?" It would be the best ending to the day, to be able to share this time with him. Nino reaches out a hand, hope pounding steadily in her heart.
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undertheknightwing · 8 months
*bumps into you on the streets and slides an envelope in your jacket pocket* ✍️✨️💭📚 for you, my dear!
Oh there's a letter in my pocket! How sweet! *letter blows away in the wind* Oh no! my letter! *sighs and smiles* damn.. I wonder what adventures that letter is gonna find itself on
ignore how goofy and cringy that was,, it was on purpose ❤️
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
I can write about anywhere, but I do need music. If I don't have music, especially the songs that my inspiration and motivation comes from, I might lose my steam and get distracted by other stuff. Silence is my enemy.
(I hope that was the right "setup" and not like.. what program you use lmao)
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Besides allof my friends comments obviously, I love you guys ✨️ Escapism always has the best comments they're either super sweet or hilarious. They got the best vibes fr
some of my favorites are (and i'm just writing them bc i don't wanna add a bunch of screenshots):
"you get everyone's characters down to a T which is honestly hard to find in fanfic. i adore this!"
"damn i did not think about Gar/Jon ship but you are onto something great here"
"you can only stare into each other's eyes, red in the face, so many times before you have to face the facts" < -- context: the end of chapter 7
"Thank you so much for sharing [this fic]; it's such an unparalleled blend of fluff and humor and angst"
"The cheek kiss and then Jordan immediately bullying Jon has me dying. This fic is the highlight of my week easily."
and the one time someone said they usually hate slowburns but Escapism does it so well they actually love it
also this isn't a comment, it's on a bookmark I got today but it made me giggle and kick my feet
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It's my job to write Gar, random ao3 user 💚
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
Wow, umm.. A LOT. Other than the "of course" answer of tv shows, I get most of my fic + scene ideas/inspo from music. Lets say I have a scene idea and it's angsty, then I'm gonna listen to songs with lyrics and sound that fit the vibe i'm going for. While listening to the song(s) on repeat, I let my brain pictures do the rest of work, and if it creates something I like and know I can twist around be bit to fit my storyline as a whole, I choose that
but on the non-music flipside, me and my friend have tossed around ideas before just in texting and a lot of little things in Escapism came from those jokes/chats
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
okay listen.. I was gonna send you this one but thought "that seems like I'm fishing for a compliment" so I decided against it lmao
anywayyyy.. your fics OF COURSE are amazing,, "Acrida" is my favorite but I already told you that hehe I really liked "When I'm Dead And Gone, Will They Sing About Me?" too
and while I'm praising fic authors my bestie in crime, the Jon to my El, @mombosslois and her fic "A Love Without End". It's everything s&l season 2 wishes it could have been. It's just UGH SO GOOD YA KNOW??? I don't wanna spoil it just in case but it makes me feel like
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but in the most positive way ever
now a fic that made me wanna throw up and cry at the same time was "So- Your Child Got Addicted to X-K" by underwaterrock. I've never had a fic make me need to step away from my screen and catch my breath before, it was crazy, but I still love it. It's in the top 5 of my favorite s&l fics. "collateral damage" by Zannolin was great too,, I love me some missing scene/episode fics and it's about Jon so instant gold star sticker
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
New form~! ...or I guess, to be more accurate (in my opinion at least), the rest of the new form~!
(Fucking Tumblr deleted my post just as I was making it, smh)
Anyways, Spoilers, I guess~!
-Geatsing Time
-Oh no, I sure hope Ace doesn't die before the opening credits!
-Keiwa and Neon with the save!
-Run, boy!
-He's awake!
-"Whoa man, you look terrible. Do you get injuries in the future too?"
-Deathless behavior.
-I find it very interesting how they flipflop between "era" and "world" when talking about the differences between Ziin and Ace.
-Learning the fear of human loss, huh buddy?
-Oh fuck, Nobunaga. ...are we talking Core Medals, a little bitch, a Parka Ghost, or Akira Date?
-...I don't wanna imagine him in the DGP, that's an implication I don't wanna imagine.
-Iulius Caesar.
-I have to say, the actor they got to play "A" certainly looks the part of a young Mediterranean lad from that era.
-It's definitely a Lord of Dark Odio-type situation.
-Oh fuck, Kekera.
-And Keiwa too, he's here!
-Keeps getting that coin.
-...certainly a lot to take in.
-"I die. I come back. It happens."
-We know of five major incarnations of "A". The (presumed) original, Garfield, Yakumo, Li, and of course our boy Ukiyo.
-Certainly five lives aren't enough for two thousand years, so that leaves us with far more questions than we've had before. How many wars has he fought in that weren't DGP related? How many languages has he spoken, how many spouses or kids did he have? How many friends or favorite foods or books has he read? Did he ever cross paths with non-DGP Riders before the movie? Or hell, how many times has Ace lived as woman or even an animal?
-Certainly five lives aren't enough for two thousand years, so that leaves us with far more questions than we've had before. How many wars has he fought in that weren't DGP related? How many languages has he spoken, how many spouses or kids did he have? How many friends or favorite foods or books has he read? What kind of day jobs did he have? Hell, how many times has Ace lived as woman or even eschew gender altogether? Did he ever cross paths with non-DGP Riders before the movie?
-All we can do is speculate.
-Ohhhhh, Ziin...
-I'm gonna be honest, I'm really enjoying Suzuki-san's performance, it's quite compelling.
-They say "Never meet your heroes", but...
-Oh boy, here comes the bad guys.
-Hey, Niram. Y'know that Driver of yours lets you fight too, right? I mean, Beroba's far more competent than Chirami could ever dream of being, but she's a teenage girl and you're a grown-ass man and obviously far more experienced in fighting than she is. You could very easily put her in gay baby jail if you show a little initiative.
-Shaddup Neon, he's finally doing something!
-Oh man, this is great.
-I'm being spoiled with these untransformed fights.
-"He doesn't need protecting, does he?" THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING
-Going for the jackpot, huh Neon?
-"Come, Geats!"
-I have to wonder how much of Yakumo Eisu is in there.
-Oooooh, Gigant Time! Been a while.
-Hammer Time?
-Time to dance, Commander.
-Oh, speaking of gay baby jail.
-Boost Mark Two!
-Y'know, I'm starting to think Niram got sick of me complaining and is legally shutting me up.
-Irritating man! That's Ace for ya!
-Save your oshi, Ziin-kun!
-He's awake now!
-Ooooooh, that's a nice standby loop.
-"Move over here, please."
-Dual On!
-Hyper Link!
-Oooooooooh, that's saucy!
-Laser Boost! Ready, Fight!
-Yeah, that's a good one.
-"You like my colors?"
-Jet Lagged!
-Saa... koko kara Highlight da! :)
-Oooooh, those're some spicy effects.
-Oh, okay, he's just
-Psychic now.
-Boost Time!
-Ooooooh, theme's playing, it's real now!
-Second half too~!
-Man, this is so chaotic, I love it.
-Finish Mode!
-Laser Boost Victory!
-She is down.
-See you later, Granny Gotham.
-I see Buffa doesn't appreciate his fans very much.
-"This Driver is mine now."
-All's Well That Ends Well?
-Awww, Ziin :)
-"You're my Number 1 Fan, lad."
-"Hmmmm... You lied to us, stole my power, and have the nerve to run your mouth off at me? How adorable."
-...he knows he needs the fingerprint authentication, right?
-"Bleeeeh. Hmph."
-I think Goddess Lady's a bit displeased with you, Michinaga.
-Right, next episode.
-Oh no, they're ruining her birthday. That's an unforgivable crime.
-"Surprise Bull-fighting Game", well it was nice knowing you Michinaga.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
I was going through my playlist today and there’s a song that reminds me SO MUCH of HG! Levi, and it’s his pov too
The song is: sweet dreams TN - by The last shadow puppets
It’s so good and the lyrics felt like levi’s thoughts n monologues
tell me what you think!
Hii ~ What's in your heart lately? How are you feeling? What do I think? Well, first of all, I adore that my readers recommend songs that remind them of Holy Ground! The mere idea that some was going on through their day, listening to something and thinking of Holy Ground for me it’s simply amazing. It brightens up my day!
I must admit that I didn’t know the song but indeed it does remind me of Levi A LOT. The vibes overall, I think I said it on ch.15 Delicate (aka Levi’s pov chapter) on the authors notes. I played “Do I Wanna Know” by Arctic Monkeys in the background while writing that chapter. Even if the title was a Taylor’s song… that type of music just screams LEVI for me. “R u mine?” “Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?” “I Wanna Be Yours” all those give me 24 years old Levi vibes, you know? and this song that you recommend to me is just perfect too.
Those sort of “though, rebel, slightly depressed guy in love” vibes haha I just love it. To highlight quotes from it that I like it:
It's like everyone's a dick without you baby
Ain't I fallen in love?
And I just don't recognize this fool that you
Have made me,
No explanation needed, just Levi being Levi.
I particularly like the “And all my pals will tell me that I'm crazy” because we talk a lot about this with a friend from here who also reads HG, that Farlan would be going nuts if he was alive with Levi’s crush. My best mental image is Levi fallin on his back on the bed, stupid smile on his face that only someone in love can have while daydreaming about it. Farlan, looking at him in disbelief, saying “Are you perhaps short of a marble?! She’s some hysterical spoiled princess whose ex is our boss and whose cousin/sibling/whatever is some important rich figure that will KILL us the second they find out you CHERRY POPPED THEIR GIRL!”
Meanwhile Levi “... she’s gonna be the mother of my children, i’ve made my mind about it,”
Farlan “OH FUCK ME.”
Anyways, lovely song. I adore it. Yes, indeed Levi and YN should fuck in her powder room and break a mirror in the process. Thank you so much for this! Have a lovely day! Lots of love!
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seoafin · 3 years
hellooo i just wanted to ask if witch hat atelier's any good? i saw you post pictures of the physical copies and i was thinking of buying as well 👉🏻👈🏻 also, have u read "nana" by ai yazawa? hehehe have a nice day!
not only is the art absolutely gorgeous the manga is so...homely? feel good? like it makes you feel happy just reading it!!
the manga is about a girl named coco who loves magic and one day due to circumstances a man named qifrey adopts her as one of his apprentices!!
i’ve read a lot of manga in my years but witch hat atelier is one of the only mangas i’ve read that appreciates and celebrates children!! never once are children expected to grow up quickly past their years. instead qifrey (the only white haired teacher that matters and the person i gush about) encourages the children to stay children, and tries his best to allow his apprentices to enjoy childhood as much as they can while also helping them grow at the same time. it’s so....wonderful to see a teaching narrative like this. qifrey doesn’t force his knowledge onto the girls. he lets them go at their own pace and never rushes them. even when the girls are stumped and ready to give up, qifrey is always there with encouragement and advice, ready to help them in any way he can!! 
these are my girls!!! i love them so much. my children. qifrey has 4 apprentices and they each have very distinct personalities. while coco (the second girl) is the main character, each girl gets their time to shine. and while we haven’t gotten a focus on tetia (the third girl) yet i’m sure we’ll be getting there!!
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another thing I love about this manga is how much this manga treats children like people. never are their ideas discarded. qifrey fosters their ingenuity and encourages the children to think things out instead of relying on solely on him. children are valued and important!! their thoughts and ideas are important!! they’re allowed to make mistakes, because it’s a part of the process of learning!! the manga stresses the autonomy of children too by allowing the children to pick their teachers, and it’s an important societal aspect of the witch world that the apprentice has the freedom to choose.
i rambled and i realize i didn’t really go into plot points but if you read the first chapter it should be clear enough :D
but please!!! read it!!! it’s so good 😭😭
also to answer your second question— I have read nana!! i read it a longgg time ago so it don’t remember much and if im being honest nothing really quite stuck out to me (but maybe that was bc i was younger back then and lacked braincells)  but i have friends who LOVE IT (my sister is a big fan of the manga too). i read paradise kiss too and i rmb liking that one more, but since ai yazawa and nana has blown up on tiktok maybe i’ll give it another go!!
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miioouu · 2 years
OHHHHHHH IT'S OPEN!!! Hello! I wanna req Kuroo x y/n or s/o or reader (NSFW), the reader gender can be gn/f :3 I just wanna see Kuroo's reaction when he is at work & reader sends him a pict/video of them touching themselves :3333 THANKS!
Ok yes thank you for kurooooooo suwnwj he was my first hq crush btw dhsbsj he's the reason why i got into it! Thank you for thirsting with me.
Warning:smut, masturbation...
       He's had a long day at work, and he's not even close to finishing yet. All he wants to do is go home and sleep, wrap his arms around you and pull you close to him. His sweet little one....
      Well maybe not that sweet actually. He has texted you, telling you to not wait for him, for he has so much work, he's coming late. Which made you think, how can you make it all an easier experience for him? Well it's not really difficult. What else does Tetsu love other than cuddling and spoiling his little one? Ruining them of course! So you knew what you had to do. Wearing his favorite colour, his old sweater hiding your body, the hem barely covering your thighs as you stood in front of the full length mirror, the flash hiding your face, but highlighting your body, your every dip and curve, just the way he likes it. An accomplishing smirk on your face as you send him the picture, accompanied by a sultry caption "Can't wait for you to come take this off of me." And as soon as he saw this message, he just knew there's no way in hell he'll be able to focus on his work now. "Take it off yourself baby, and don't forget to show me" A smile made its way on your face as you obliged. But instead, you set your phone, turning the front camera as you changed the colour of the light and turning on the playlist you two have made for special nights. Your hips swayed to the rythme, your fingers dancing as they caressed your own body, finally finding the end of the long top, slowly taking it off, revealing your naked body underneath. Your digits finding your nipples, twisting them as a moan of your lover's name left your lips. Quickly ending the video, you sent it to him "That's what you wanted daddy?"
      He groaned as he watched you, his pants feeling tighter, his mind too hazy and his hand slipped down to find a slight relief. But he thought of a better idea. You've been so good to him, he should reward you. So just like you, he set his phone, front camera and right under his desk. His veiny hands quick to unbuckle his belt, sliding his pants and boxers down just enough to free his throbbing dick. His thumb swirling around the head, making sure to grind it against the slit, the action causing him to groan a bit. The sound of spitting echoing, a glob of it landing on his tip before he wrapped his hand around himself, pumping up and down his length, sometimes pressing on his evident vein earning him a moan slipping from his lips. His pace becoming faster, his movement sloppier as his groans turned into whines, turned into begs to having you with him, to have you take care of it. Your name like a mantra rolling from his tongue, as he started to fuck up his own fist, erratically, haphazardly, until he finally came, the sliver of abs that he showed from holding his shirt in his teeth, clenching, contracting, heaving up and down as he did so. White clear shooting everywhere, soiling the wood under his desk, some landing on the phone, making the image blurry, but you still see him catching his breath before he reached for it, ending the video and sending it. "Thanks for keeping me company love."
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