#i do have a really good graphics card at least. but my number pad :(((
mars-ipan · 10 months
i have the new computer now but during the setup process my fear of change has returned with a vengeance
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lumosinlove · 3 years
part iii
cw: brief, non-graphic mention of injury and medical assistance
Only blue talk and love
How we knew love was here to stay
Summer hadn’t truly felt over until Remus saw Regulus standing in the airport, bags checked for New York and backpack slung over one shoulder.
“Well,” Regulus said, shifting a little between his feet. “Here goes.”
Remus laughed. “It’s going to be amazing, Reg.”
“Maybe. Hopefully.”
“It will,” Sirius said. “But if you need anything we’re…what? A four hour drive?”
Remus nodded. “Yeah, you can call.”
Regulus huffed out a laugh. “You two sound like worried parents.”
Sirius laughed, too. “I’m just glad we know what those sound like now.”
Regulus’ expression shifted, tightening. He nodded, seemed to hang in hesitation for a moment, and then walked forward two steps and threw his arms around Sirius. Sirius froze, too, with his hands in his pockets, and then wrapped his little brother up tight.
“It’s not your fault, you know,” Remus heard Regulus murmur softly. “I don’t really think you left me there. With them.”
Sirius made an indistinguishable sound, and Remus took a step back, giving them space and not sure if he was fighting tears or a smile. He used to just think about how he could kill Sirius and Regulus’ parents if he had the chance, but now, seeing how far the brothers had come, he wasn’t sure they were worth the time at all.
“Come home sometimes, okay?” Sirius said. “D’accord?”
“Ouais,” Regulus said.
They pulled apart slowly, both a little bright-eyed. Sirius laughed wetly, wiping his face.
“And make good friends.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow. “I think that’s supposed to be good choices.”
Sirius reached out for Remus’ hand. “Good friends are good choices.”
“Ah,” Regulus hitched his pack farther up his shoulder. “Of course.”
“Call when you get there, too,” Remus cut in. “My mom would definitely want me to say that.”
Regulus waved them off. “Okay, that’s enough parenting. I’m going now.”
Sirius held Remus’ hand tight as they watched Regulus go through security and then disappear with a wave, sliding his headphones on. He let out a long, unsteady breath.
“Love ya,” Remus smiled, reaching up to wipe a tear from Sirius’ cheek.
Sirius glanced down at him. “He’s going to be fine.”
“He is,” Remus nodded.
“He forgives me.”
“No,” Remus said. “He told you that you never did anything wrong.”
Sirius let out another tearful laugh, sniffing. “Right. You’re right.”
Remus pushed up on his toes to kiss his cheek. “Wanna get dinner?”
“Ouais. That sounds perfect.”
They wandered the summer soft streets, cooled by the evening and by approaching September. Remus was torn between being ready to let summer go, and never wanting it to end at the same time.
It’s good to hear a packed Hogwarts Stadium again, huh, Dean? Even if just for a preseason game against our New York Rangers neighbors.
Right, Lee? I love this post-summer feeling, and I know our Lions do, too. Especially excited to see what our new talent has to offer. This’ll be fan’s first glimpse at Lupin and Reyes, our two…well, I suppose rookie wouldn’t be quite as perfect a word for Lupin as it is for Reyes. We’re used to Lupin’s face around here, huh.
That we are. Not used to seeing what is rumored to be some very quick feet on him, though. As far as testing went, that is.
Right, the bike test. As well as strength. Who knows. This could be building up to a very interesting season.
Remus stared up at the TV mounted on the wall as he peddled slowly on the stationary bike, keeping his legs warm. He felt bizarre, and had been dodging any type of media to avoid having to talk about it. He was dreading post-game. Every time he tried to think of something to say, his mind went blank.
I’m happy to be here.
I never thought I would be here.
The other half of his brain was trying to compute that it wouldn’t just be the preseason, practice scrimmages he was used to. It wouldn’t just been his team, his friends, out there. Not that it would be a full fledged game, either. No one looked to crushing blows during a preseason game. It was about getting warm. Remus was thankful for it. He didn’t know how he was going to feel when he put his jersey on. When he stepped out onto the ice. He had been nervous enough for the fitness testing.
“You’re literally the fastest guy here,” Finn had said after he’d gotten off of the bike—with the highest score. It had made him feel better, but he knew he wouldn’t really be settled until until coach called his name from the line card.
“Loops,” Logan said, swinging onto the bike beside him. “I keep running into you.”
Remus smiled. “Looks like we having similar warm-up routines.”
“Apparemment,” Logan nodded, turning up the resistance. “Nervous?”
Remus nodded. “Yeah. I am.”
Logan nodded, but stayed quiet and Remus was thankful. Everyone tried to talk him out of it, Sirius included, and he loved them for that, but at the same time, this was nice, too.
“Me too, sort of,” Logan said, and they traded a smile before looking back up at the Gryffindor pre-game show.
“All right,” Coach Arthur Weasley clapped his hands and gestured to the side of the room where the assistant coaches and staff were standing. The whole locker room was flooded with energy of all kinds—nervous, excited—and it flowed through those not in uniform, too. “We all know Moody. We all know our coaches. Mason, Alexandra, and Dan. We all know our PTs—should I say new PTs—“ there were some laughs. “Lars and Layla.”
“Double-Ls,” Thomas whooped.
Layla gave two thumbs up, and Lars remained stoic, arms crossed. He hadn’t said much since arriving aside from the occasional wise-cracking joke delivered without a trace of a smile.
“Who’s captain serious now, eh?” Thomas leaned in to whisper, and Remus suppressed a smile, glancing at Sirius—who was wearing an almost equally focused expression on his face, completely still where he sat a few stalls down, past Thomas and James. Remus glanced around the locker room, down the crescent-shaped row. Kasey and Leo, on opposite ends, were both geared up. Finn and Leo were sharing AirPods. Remus knew Kasey had worked hard over the summer, rehabbing his thigh, strengthening and increasing flexibility. He knew Leo was happy to be his back-up, but part of him wondered what Leo thought about all the games he had played in the play-offs, only to be placed right back on the bench now. It happened to a lot of guys—some were called up for injury, only to be sent right back down to the farm team when injuries healed. But Remus thought it was different for goalies. He hoped Coach wouldn’t leave Leo sitting on the bench for too long.
“Who’s calling first line?” Coach asked, and held the card out to Sirius. “Cap?”
Remus didn’t realize until the cheers broke out that he could be loud with the rest of them, and gave his stall a few bangs as Sirius rose, hat keeping his hair back. His eyes found Remus’ briefly once had turned towards them with the card, and Remus’ breath caught at his beaming grin.
“Okay, boys, first line,” Sirius said. “We’ve got Pots.”
Thomas drum-rolled his stall.
Sirius smiled. “Myself.”
Finn put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.
“And on D, Olli and Timmy.”
While the boys burst into chatter again, Remus watched Sirius hand the card back to Coach, and caught his eye again, raising an eyebrow. Sirius held up Thomas’ number, and Jackson’s. Remus nodded to himself. That could be the third or fourth line, and he’d played well with both of them in scrimmages. It made sense. He could work with that.
And it meant he’d get to watch Sirius out there. At least that wouldn’t change.
“All right,” Coach laughed, putting his glasses back on and turning towards the other coaches. “Get dressed, get dressed.”
Remus had sat in his stall quite a few times by now. For his promo-pictures at the beginning of the summer—the first time he had slipped his jersey on, too, right over his suit and tie. But sitting in it now, strapping his pads over his bare chest before a game, a game where he would be up against other NHL players…that was different.
“You’re one of those?” Thomas snorted, flicking Remus’ bare ribs. “Doesn’t the velcro scratch?”
Remus laughed. “Can’t break old habits.”
Thomas raised an eyebrow. “Or is now the perfect time to make new ones.”
“Not after a year like the last,” Remus said.
“Oh,” Thomas whistled, yanking the laces of his skates tight. “You’re that superstitious.”
“I try not to be,” Remus stood. “But playing again…seems to bring it out in me.”
Remus turned to step into his pants, adjusting the pads and his jock until everything fit together comfortably. He eyed his jersey, the number six hanging proudly on a hanger, and he smiled to himself but turned to his skates next. The jersey sent his heart leaping into his throat. He’d save it for last.
“Let’s go boys,” Pascal called, standing by the door to bump fists and pat helmets on their way out.
Remus laced up his skates, pulling them tight over his taped up socks, and then, finally, removed his jersey from its hook. He didn’t waste time staring down at it. That would just make him overthink and, hopefully, he’d have many times to put this jersey on again.
It slid over his shoulder pads, he tucked in the back, and grabbed his helmet.
“I like that Loops is just over there grinning to himself,” Finn snorted as he left for the tunnel.
Remus shrugged, eyes finding Sirius. He already looked like his mind was on the ice, even for such a low stakes game.
“You know,” Remus said as the team started to file down the tunnel. “I used to go last.”
Sirius’ intense eyes lightened into a softer gray. He shifted from one skate to another. “Oh? I don’t know if I knew that.”
Remus tilted his head, smile playing at one corner of his mouth. “Well? What are we gonna do?”
Sirius just stared at him. “I… I go last.”
Remus let out his laughter, leaning up to tap their helmets together. He vaguely heard a camera flash go off, and smiled. He wanted that picture.
“You should have seen your face, baby,” he whispered, and grabbed his stick from the rack before catching up to James.
He heard Sirius splutter out a laugh—and there was definitely some relief in there—and follow.
The sounds of the crowd in Hogwarts stadium only grew louder. Remus could feel Sirius close behind him.
“Ready, mon loup?” he asked quietly, just before the tunnel opened up to the lights.
Remus didn’t know if Sirius heard his yes over the roar of the team’s entry into a sea of red and gold, but then feet were on the ice he was doing a lap, the Rangers at the other end.
On opening night, Remus knew he would be taking this lap alone, along with Cole. A rookie’s first official NHL game. It felt surreal to think about. He couldn’t knock the feeling that he was too old for that—but he knew plenty of guys did it at his age. You didn’t have to be eighteen.
He picked up a puck and headed towards the goal, trying to decide if it would help to block out the noise, or let it overtake him. The boys were dialed in. Remus glanced over at Sirius, feeling strangely bare without him by his side. But he was over by center ice, tracing the Lion printed there—as usual. Remus didn’t want to seem favored. He didn’t want to seem clingy. They weren’t a couple out here, he knew that. They were teammates.
He shot at Kasey, who caught his puck in his glove, and began the wrap-around again before pushing backwards around the outside of the goal, as he always used to. He’d done his routine a few times at the beginning of practices, but it was nothing compared to being surrounded by a crowd—a bigger crowd than he’d ever actually played in front of before.
Kasey tapped a puck at him once he reached his first post, and he laughed, shooting it back until a sign waving at the glass caught his eye. It was held by a kid, maybe around Julian’s age.
I want a signed stick the ReMOST, Lupin!
Remus laughed at the kid’s wide eyes when he saw that he was looking, and gave him a thumbs up the best he could with his gloves on before holding up his stick.
“One second,” he called over the crowd.
When he got to the bench, Sirius was there stretching, holding out an already uncapped sharpie.
And looks like Lupin’s heading over to sign that young man a stick. I bet that’s a good feeling after—oh! Black’s got a pen ready for him.
Remus shoved a glove under his arm and took it. “You saw the sign?”
“I got the kid down to the glass,” Sirius grinned.
“I love you,” Remus said as he scribbled his signature, complete with the jersey number that players always included.
It took two tries to get the stick successfully over the glass, but for the look on the boy’s face, Remus would have tried twenty.
“Feels good, eh?” James said once the horn blew for warmups and they were settled onto the bench.
“Too good,” Remus said.
“First line,” Coach called, slapping his calling card against his palm. “12, 10, 7, let’s go. Olli, Tims, on D.”
Sirius sent him a quick smile, and Remus spun his stick in front of him. “Let’s go, Captain.”
Sirius snorted, rolling his eyes as he pushed away from the boards towards center ice, where Zibanejad was waiting.
Good to see that sort of…what would you call it, Dean, from Black?
Light energy, I think, Lee. Sirius is well known around the league for his intensity.
Right. Nice to see Lupin getting a smile out of him before what is most probably a season that holds more pressure than usual for the Lions, after a Cup year.
One of Black’s coaches once said in an interview that the only thing Sirius feels after scoring a goal is pressure to score another. Ha, sounds about right.
Remus all but held his breath when the ref dropped the puck. Sirius stole it back for James who nicked it over to Logan. Logan sped it into the neutral zone, narrowly avoiding Lafrenière.
“Bulky kid,” Finn said from beside Remus.
Remus raised an eyebrow. “Logan?”
“Well—yeah, but nah, Lafrenière,” Finn nodded. “Built like a tree, what is he, nineteen? Crazy. I didn’t look like that when I was nineteen.”
“Well,” Remus said as the whistle blew for an icing on the Rangers. “People are comparing him to Crosby.”
“Kuny,” Coach called. “Lupin, Nado.”
Remus’ initial thought was surprise. The shock of being put out with the second line carried him somewhat numbly over the boards beside Evgeni and Jackson. He didn’t have time to look at Sirius take his place on the bench.
“Hey,” Evgeni said, drawing them in with a glove over his mouth so the Rangers filing out of their bench couldn’t read their lips. “I take Lindgren. Loops, go fast, okay? Nado get you puck.”
“Fox,” Jackson warned.
“Sergei take care,” Evgeni said like it was obvious, and loomed towards the face-off circle.
“Left side,” Remus said to Jackson before they parted. “I’ll try to shake Kravtsov.”
“Nice,” Jackson nodded.
Remus and Kravtsov shared a nod as they lined up shoulder to shoulder on the centerline.
“Welcome to the NHL,” Kravtsov said with a slight smile.
“Thanks,” Remus replied.
Kravtsov was so young. All of these guys were so young.
He couldn’t help feeling like time had been stolen from him.
Have you ever seen this many Russian players in one NHL game, Dean? Pretty nice to see. And here’s Lupin’s first shift. Let’s go.
The puck dropped and Remus gave Kravtsov a shove, spinning out and around him. His heart seemed to press the sound out of his ears until all he could hear was his own breathing. Evgeni won the face off.
“Kuns!” Jackson shouted, and Evgeni passed it to him deep in their own zone. It drew Fox forward, just as Remus knew it was meant to, but Sergei was there for Jackson to derail the puck. Fox was forced to turn around, Kravtsov was made to press forward for a pass, and it left Remus free to shoot into their defense zone. Strome tried to cross him, but Remus spun around him. Sergei and Jackson tried to get it to him, but it left the zone. Remus swore as he pushed hard to touch up the neutral zone.
“6, 58, 86, off, Reyes, O’Hara, LeBlanc, on!”
Remus pulled back to the bench, sending Cole a nod as he hopped over the boards for his first NHL shift. Remus’ shift had been thirty seconds that felt like ten, but he was breathing hard. Finn followed Cole with a tap to his back, promptly stole the puck from Chytil, and slapped it into the corner of the Rangers’ goal.
Remus had barely taken a drink of water when the goal horn blared Gryffindor’s roar filled Hogwarts Stadium.
He punched Sirius’ side, who had his arms raised. Sirius laughed from beside him as they settled onto the bench beside each other.
“Ouch,” Sirius rubbed his padding.
“I don’t know, I got excited,” Remus laughed.
They held his gloves out for Finn to tap as he came down the line, the goal song blaring, the crowd chanting along to the catchy drumbeat.
“Nice solo, Harz,” Remus called, and Finn grinned.
“Thanks, Rookie.”
It remained pretty even through the first and second. Panarin had three good chances, the fourth sailing past Kasey’s glove. Sirius scored a dirty wrap-around just before the second’s buzzer, and Remus didn’t think he’d ever like anything more than getting the full force of Sirius’ smile as he tapped gloves down the bench line. No sooner had the final face-off of the period set up than were Evgeni and Lindgren going at it, hands gripping the back of each other’s jerseys as they dropped their gloves. Gryffindor would start the third one man up.
Remus filed back down the tunnel towards the locker room, smiling at Layla as he dropped his gloves in the bucket she was holding to be dried. He felt warm, his muscles used and a little sore. He longed for an ice bath, but he wanted to use them more too. It was the most familiar feeling in the word. He smiled against it as he sat down in his stall, laughing lightly at the way Evgeni threw a wet towel over his head.
“Not skate enough over the summer,” Evgeni groaned.
Remus looked up when a shadow fell over him and was greeted by two hands on his cheeks and a warm, familiar kiss.
“J’adore,” Sirius said.
Remus laughed, holding his wrists where his pulse still high from the game.
“Nice goal.”
“Good to be back,” James said as he pushed his jersey over his head. “Crowd sounds amazing. How you doing, Reyes?”
Cole looked up from where he was re-taping his socks. “The crowd is amazing.”
Remus felt a slap on the back from Evgeni, towel around his neck now. “Good shift, rookie.”
“Kuns,” Remus sighed, and Evgeni just laughed teasingly.
Remus felt Sirius’ eyes on him throughout the entire intermission. He knew he was curious, and had been for months, about Remus’ game routine. He’d asked and asked over the summer, but that was the thing with Remus’ superstitions—he couldn’t talk about them.
Remus took two fresh sticks from his rack and sat back down. He began wrapping it steadily.
“Of course your tape job is perfect,” Thomas sighed, shaking his head. “Of course, of course.”
Remus laughed, ripping the tape with his teeth.
“Speak for yourself,” Jackson grinned, giving his stick a twirl, the tape warped and hurried.
Remus snorted. “All I see is a fucking candy cane.”
Power play. Lindgren went into the box, slamming the door a little too hard on his way.
“Black,” Coach called as the crowd shuffled into their seats, armed with food, and Remus had been expecting that. “Tremzy, Lupin, Fox, Sunny.”
Remus blinked. He hadn’t been expecting that.
Remus hopped the boards beside Sirius, and the stadium seemed to get louder. Sirius knocked their shoulders together, and Remus didn’t doubt the cameras were on them and he tried to control his expression. He didn’t want to look too pleased, or too dopy at the feeling of skating side by side with Sirius in front of a crowd.
I think this is the moment many of us have been waiting for, Dean.
You bet! I didn’t expect it to come so soon. Coach Weasley is trying out lots of different line combos tonight. What’s pre-season for? I hear Lupin’s played on the power play a few times in practice.
Sirius put his glove up by his mouth, holding his mouth guard.
“Try the double pass?” he said quickly.
“Yeah,” Remus nodded. “Let’s do it.”
Sirius bent down across from Zibanejad and the rest of the Rangers penalty kill unit.
It happened fast. Remus was used to seeing this from the bench—but maybe that was a good thing. He saw the ice as if through a wide lens, Sirius passed to Logan, and then it was on Remus’ stick to carry up. Remus blew out a breath, pushing his legs hard ahead of Panarin. He needed to get ahead, needed to stay parallel with Sirius. He felt Panarin scrape at his heels, but then Sirius was calling his name.
Shesterkin was still up and on his feet, reading to dive whichever way.
“Loup,” Sirius called, and it was as though it was only the two of them in the basement rink. Only the crowd was different, and absolutely roaring. 
Remus snapped the puck to Sirius, who passed it right back. Shesterkin went down when Remus pulled his stick back in a fake, only for him to give it back to Sirius to tap into wide open net.
Remus’ hands shot up, and the crowd screamed. Sirius all but slammed into him, wrapping him up tight against the boards.
“Re,” Sirius laughed through he words, pressing their helmets together. “Mon loup, mon loup—”
Logan crashed into them next, followed by Adam and Henrik. Remus found himself in the center of elated shouts, the fans pounding hands on the glass from the other side.
“Merde, it sounds like the playoffs,” Logan shouted, pressing a hand to Remus’ helmet.
Remus could only laugh, giddy, high on it all.
What a goal! Well, Lee, I don’t think we’re going to have to wait long to see this young man’s first regular season point.
“He fell for it,” Remus said for the tenth time as he handed Sirius the last of their dinner dishes. “Shesterkin fell for it.”
Sirius laughed and slid the dishes into the sink and turned, placing slightly damp hands on Remus’ cheeks.
“You are amazing,” he said, accent heavy and laced with a need that Remus had felt stirring in himself since getting off the ice. They’d been on the ice together today. They’d built a goal together, scored. Igor Shesterkin had fallen for their fake-out.
“I was so happy today,” Sirius whispered.
Remus closed his eyes, caught between the feeling of Sirius’ body colliding with his own in celebration, and the feeling of his warm hands here, now.
“It’s everything I’ve ever wanted,” Remus said softly, and opened his eyes, hands against Sirius’ chest.
What a terrifying, wonderful sentence.
Sirius just leaned in to kiss him, mouth tender and insistent. It was the same fire he had on the ice, leading Remus in a way that made his insides warm and his toes curl. Remus let Sirius guide him slowly up the stairs, and he relished in the way they stopped on the landing, on a half-way stair, just to be closer again, Remus’ mouth on his neck, Sirius’ against his temple. The hallway was dark, lit only by the nightlight they kept plugged in near their feet. It cast Sirius in warm angles as Remus tugged his shirt off and dropped it right there in the hallway.
“I’m not saying I’m not going to miss Regulus,” Remus said as Sirius bent to mouth gently against his neck. “But I’m not saying I’m not going to enjoy being able to undress you wherever I want now that we have the house to ourselves.”
Sirius’ laugh was soft, a little breathless. “Name your room, I’ll be there.”
Remus laughed, too. “Bedroom. Nice, soft bed.”
Sirius walked Remus backwards through the door, hands on his hips. “How do you feel? That was quite the race with Kreider in the second.”
“Good,” Remus nodded, but let Sirius’ strong hands dig into the muscles of his shoulders and back. He sighed into it, resting his cheek against his chest. “But I won’t say no to that.”
Sirius kissed Remus’ temple and worked his shirt over his head. He lay him down on the mattress and Remus closed his eyes at the feeling of Sirius’ lips against his neck, and then his shoulder.
Sirius kissed over the scar that Greyback had torn from Remus’ body all those years ago at their shared college, keeping Remus from a career in the NHL—at least until now.
“I wonder what he thinks,” Remus wondered aloud, and he didn’t have to explain himself for Sirius to know what he meant. Remus wound his fingers into Sirius dark hair as he looked up at him.
“Me too,” Sirius admitted. “And then I see red and have to stop thinking about it.”
Remus half-smiled. “Yeah…I felt bad at lunch those few weeks ago. With Cole. I really think he thought he said something wrong, and I wish I could explain but it’s still…it’s still like this weird secret, you know? Like people could find out if they really looked but no one has? And I don’t really want to bring it up but at the same time I know Fenrir has already spread lies. Saying it was a car crash or…who knows what. Sorry.” Remus pressed a hand to his face. “God, I’m completely killing the mood.”
“Re, hey,” Sirius pushed himself up onto his forearm, falling to the side and keeping their legs tangled.
“And it’s such a good mood, I just was thinking aloud.”
“You’re not. Talk to me. You can talk to me whenever.”
Remus ran his thumb over Sirius’ bottom lip. “Okay…yeah, I know that.”
“This was a big day,” Sirius said. “Huge for you. Of course you would be thinking about him. I used to think about my parents every time I stepped on the ice, even after things were getting better. I think…I think its just time. It takes time.”
“It was strange today,” Remus finally admitted. “I couldn’t…I didn’t know how close to you I could be. Out there, I mean. I’m your boyfriend, you’re mine, but we’re also teammates. There’s so much debate, about my place on the team and if you did something to get me there…I don’t know. I don’t want someone to accuse you of favoritism. You don’t deserve that.”
“We’re both,” Sirius said. “We’ll always be both. You’ll always be the boy I love. You’ll always be my teammate.” Sirius shrugged. “It doesn’t matter if we’re on the ice or not. And I don’t care if someone thinks I favor you. We both know I don’t. Not like that.”
Remus made a soft sound and pulled Sirius further on top of him, making him smile. “Love you.”
Sirius let Remus press slow kisses to his lips. “This mood feels pretty good to me.”
Remus just hushed him, tucking a hand into his waistband.
Sirius kissed him until Remus’ cheeks were hot and his cock was aching, pressed up against his sweatpants. Remus could still hear the Lions’ crowd rushing in his ears. Sirius’ palm cupped him and pushed his sweatpants down. They were both flushed and pink. Remus wanted to see those colors together.
He pulled Sirius’ hips against his own, discarding clothing until it was all bare skin. Remus ran his hands over the hard curves of his back. He had to squeeze his eyes shut, hooking his arms beneath Sirius’, holding onto his shoulders.
Their mouths found each other messily, dragging and half open in gasps.
“Sirius,” Remus breathed, voice higher than usual.
The adrenaline that Remus had thought had faded with the game only seemed to thrum brighter. Remus couldn’t help the smile the crossed his face, brows drawn together at the feeling of Sirius rutting against him.
Remus pressed his ankle gently to the back of Sirius’ knee and rolled them, drawing breathless laughs from both their mouths that he sealed away to keep like a love letter. It was soft mouths and hard hands, clutching each other closer, getting the most out of the warm friction. Remus swallowed Sirius’ gasps. His orgasm built up below his spine and Sirius seemed to read his mind. He reached between them with a hand, brushing a thumb at his base, pressing up. Remus’ hips stuttered and he fell apart, shoving hard against Sirius’ tight fist.
Sirius followed at the hot streak of Remus’ come between them, and they lay there, panting, foreheads together. Remus eased their hips back together, both of them letting out a soft moan, then a laugh, as the spent cocks brushed, drawing out the last tendrils of their orgasms.
“That feels good,” Sirius mumbled, head sunken back against the pillows.
Remus rolled his hips slowly, bringing them down, and then pulled his head up. He pushed Sirius’ sweaty hair back from his cheek and kissed it. 
“Communicate to score,” Sirius mumbled.
Remus laughed hard, squeezing his eyes shut, and dropped his face into his neck to catch his breath.
“It’s true,” Sirius said, running a warm palm up and down Remus’ back. “That article we looked at.”
They’d given in and read some press over dinner, laughing at some of the more excitable writers, and grinning at each other at the more serious ones.
Magnetism, one wrote. Feels like we’ve got some mind-readers on this team, a real Crosby-Malkin, Kane-Toews one-two-punch.
“Well,” Remus said, folding his arms across Sirius’ chest. “What am I thinking now?”
Sirius pressed his lips together, pretending to think. “Is it…how to get out of golf with James and the Cubs before the ring ceremony on Tuesday?”
Remus snorted. “Well, that’s definitely on my list. But nope.” He leaned in, brushing their mouths together. “That’s not it.”
Sirius grinned, and Remus sunk into how thick and sated his accent sounded. “Is it…will my handsome boyfriend please run me a bath and make me tea?”
Remus laughed into their next kiss. “Wow, that writer was right.”
It looks…maybe like a twisted knee? What do you think, Dean? Walker is definitely not making a move to get up—oh, there’s the medic. One of the Lions’ new staff members as, of course, someone had to take Lupin’s place. Ah, Walker is pointing to his foot now.
Man, is that a grimace if I ever saw one.
It sure is, Dean.
Here comes O’Hara to help out his teammate.
They were in Madison Square Garden, the Rangers giving them one hell of a re-match. Logan skated a close perimeter towards where Thomas had gone down, just between a line change.
“Shit,” Finn skated to a stop beside him. “It’s fucking pre-season. Did you see what happened?”
Logan shook his head. “Not really. Think it was just a bad fall. Strome looks sorry.”
“Oh, so that’s why you’re not jumping him right now.”
Logan’s mouth quirked up. “I have no interest in jumping Strome, thanks.” His eyes found Leo on the bench. With his hat flipped backwards, the intensity, the worry in of his blue eyes cut a clear path to Thomas.
“T,” Finn said, skating closer. “Need a hand to the room?”
Thomas winced as he made it to one knee. “Yeah, man, thanks.”
Thomas stared up at the dark ceiling from the padded PT table, listening to the game continue on the TV mounted to the corner of the ceiling. There was the X-ray pushed to the corner, his results pinned up on the light screen. Fracture. Minor, but it’d take weeks to heal. He’d miss the beginning of the season. He’d be in a suit when they lifted the Stanley Cup champion banner in the stadium. He missed Noelle.
The light flicked on so suddenly Thomas flinched.
“Walker,” said an unfamiliar voice. It was accented—Swedish, he thought. Thomas squinted at the speaker. He was tall, and dressed in the staff jacket he’d come to associate with Remus. Right. Lars.
“I…hey,” Thomas said. His eyes went to Layla, who gave a wave as she slipped in behind the man. “Hey, man, Lars, right?”
Lars gave a short nod. “Nice to meet you. So, you probably know the drill by now. Couple weeks. Aspirin will be fine for pain management.”
“Right,” Thomas nodded.
“We’ve got a boot for you here, but I’d take everything to a doctor, just for a second opinion. I’ll recommend someone,” he shrugged. “That was an unlucky hit. I’m sorry.”
Thomas blinked. He didn’t know someone could seem sweetly uninterested. He smiled hesitantly. “Thanks.”
Thomas snapped a picture of the boot once he strapped it on and sent it out complete with a frowning emoji.
He had just opened the door to the locker room, accompanied by his new crutches and to meet his victorious team, when his phone began to ring with a Facetime.
“T,” Noelle’s voice gasped. She was beautiful, her hair curling around her face. “Baby, I saw.”
“It’s not too bad,” Thomas said beneath the noise as the locker room filled up. “You look like you’re about to go somewhere, I can call back, I just wanted to…”
I’m just sad about it. It sounded lame in his own ears.
He cleared his throat. “Logan, say hi to your sister.”
Logan poked his head into the frame and stuck his tongue out, then left.
“Lolo!” Noelle shouted for the locker room to hear, and Logan groaned.
“Lolo,” Kasey imitated, grinning, and Logan shoved his mask down over his face.
“How is it?” Finn asked, wrapping an arm around him. “Hi, Noelle.”
“Fractured. Couple weeks.”
“Damn,” Finn sighed. “Sorry, T. That was an—”
“unlucky hit,” Thomas laughed. “Preach.”
“Hey, baby, we’re all heading to grab some food, but call you tonight?”
Thomas nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
He tried not to feel lonely as the screen went dark. He was in a room surrounded by people. People he loved.
It crept in anyway.
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Eighty
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
August 30th, 2002
Emile set down the last box with a heavy sigh and looked to Faith with a smile. “That’s the last of them,” he assured her.
“Thanks for being willing to help me move, Emile,” Faith said. “I really wish my folks weren’t so far away sometimes, but you and everyone else I’ve made friends with have been a huge help.”
“Hey, no problem!” Emile chirped. “So long as you crush your final two years like you crushed them at your last school, you’ll do fine.”
Faith grinned and crushed Emile in a hug. “Thanks. Now, I think you’d better find Remy, because I believe some of the guys in the dorms were eyeing him earlier...”
Emile groaned and nodded. “Thanks for the tip. Talk soon?”
“You know it!” Faith exclaimed with a grin.
  January 26th, 2003
Emile laughed a little as he moved the last box from the car to the townhouse he and Remy were now proudly paying a mortgage for. He wiped the dirt from his hands and looked around the empty space with a happy grin. Remy was leaning against the wall with a huge smile. “We’ve done it!” Emile exclaimed. “We’ve officially moved into a townhouse!”
“No more mother coming to bother me, no more Grace knocking on our door or subtly hinting that she doesn’t approve of us!” Remy crowed. “Oh, God, we’re gonna have to save up for more furniture than just a couch, the TV stuff, and a card table, but we have a fully furnished master bedroom, an office, and two guestrooms, and that’s good enough for now!”
Emile closed the front door and sighed, looking around. “We should probably unpack our clothes and stuff soon. Before tonight. And get out enough plates and utensils that we can eat.”
“You take care of the clothes and I take care of the kitchen?” Remy offered.
“You just want full range of knowing where everything in the kitchen is without both of us arguing over the sorting systems of pots and pans,” Emile playfully accused.
“Duh,” Remy said, shamelessly grinning.
“Of course, you know if you sort the pans and I sort the clothes, I get to color-sort your shirts,” Emile said innocently.
Remy froze at that declaration and Emile watched the gears whir in his mind, weighing his options. Remy hated when Emile tried to sort through his clothes, so this would either make or break the afternoon plans. “You know what? Fine. It’s worth it if I get free reign over the kitchen,” Remy said with a shrug. “And if I don’t like your system I’ll just move all my clothes around at a later date.”
“We both know that’ll never happen, but all right,” Emile laughed, taking the boxes of clothes and heading to the master bedroom.
Emile set the clothes down with a sigh, stretching before pulling out hangers and getting all of his clothes in the closet the way he liked them first. Sweaters and sweater vests on the inside, shirts in the middle, pants towards the edges, and everything sorted by color. He went through Remy’s clothes, after, tutting at the state that they were in. Remy had mostly thrown all his clothes into the box, barely folding anything outside his suit and blouses.
Slowly but surely, Emile sorted through everything and followed the mirror image of what he had done with his clothes for Remy’s. As Emile moved the last of the clothes, it became evident that Remy had used the box for more than just moving the clothes, as there were lumps and bumps that were slowly revealed to be knick-knacks. Emile glanced at the bedroom door. Hopefully Remy wouldn’t mind if Emile looked through them.
Emile saw Bones first, of course, and carefully put him on the bed, making sure nothing had dug into or torn the fur. Next, came a small trophy that Emile recognized as being from when all their friends had gone to the dollar store and gotten each other trophies with various ridiculous stickers on them. Emile kept that in the box, figuring that Remy would want to deal with that on his own. There was a small yet valuable stack of comics, and underneath...
Emile blinked when he pulled out a photo album, the cover done in blue plaid, with stickers on the front, slapped on in the way a child might try and be neat, spelling “BEST BROTHERS” in all capital letters. Emile flipped the cover open and put a hand to his mouth as tears inexplicably formed in his eyes. There, the very first photo, was a picture of a toddler with almost-tamed brown hair and freckles, staring in wonder at a baby with a blue blanket and hat. He flipped the photo over and saw “Toby meeting Remy” in loopy cursive written on the back.
The next photo in the album was the same toddler, sitting on a sofa, staring adoringly at the baby as a woman who looked like Remy’s mother pointing, no doubt showing the toddler how to hold Remy. There were several pictures of the toddler and the infant, one where the toddler was holding a bottle which made Emile grin and coo at the photo. There were a few photos of the two playing, or the toddler and another girl sitting and reading while a baby Remy slept in the corner.
Then came a photo which had Emile outright crying. A baby Remy, with unkempt blonde hair was reaching for a slightly-older-than-toddler Toby, foot raised midstep as Toby held out his arms. The photo directly after that showed Toby hugging a beaming Remy, and Emile knew that had to be Remy’s first steps.
“Emile, come on, sorting clothes can’t take this...” Remy paused midway through his sentence, staring at Emile, who glanced back at him guiltily even as he was still crying. “...Long. Where did you find that?”
“It was at the bottom of your clothes box,” Emile said, offering it back to Remy. “Sorry for prying, I was just curious.”
Remy looked at the photos on the page Emile had been staring at, and he smiled. “Hey, those were my first steps. Toby asked for a hug and I just walked over and gave him one.”
“I thought they must be, to be captured on film,” Emile said softly. “How long have you had this?”
“Toby gave it to me that first Thanksgiving when I went back home, a reminder that we’d always be there for each other,” Remy said softly, flipping through the pages, before turning the book over and flipping to the last photo, where there was a beaming Toby and a reluctantly smiling Remy in his cap and gown. “That was the day I graduated high school,” he said. “Toby insisted on getting a picture where I didn’t look completely sullen.”
Emile grinned, marvelling at the picture. “That’s amazing, Rem,” he said.
Remy sniffed a laugh. “Yeah, Toby always insisted I smile for at least one photo for his album. This was his. He had to be about five when he noticed my mom had photo albums in our parents room and he insisted on having one of his own, complete with copies of the photos that featured me and him when I was just a baby.”
“Wow,” Emile said, not really knowing what else to say.
“Yeah. He had one for him and Vanessa, too, but this was ours,” Remy said with a smile. “He was so proud of it, even when he went off to college. He would brag to me about how he would always catch me mid-smile without me realizing, no matter how much I would snarl after I realized he took a photo of me. He loved photography, and graphic design. That’s actually his ideal job. Marketing and graphic design.”
“He went to an art school, I remember you saying,” Emile said. “I was surprised. I would have thought your parents wouldn’t want him to take that sort of risk.”
“Nah, Toby was the golden child, he could do no wrong and he could make anything work so long as he put in the effort,” Remy said, shaking his head. “Once he started showing that he had a knack for art my parents pushed him to continue. You should see his portraits, Emile, they’re works of art.”
“You don’t resent him,” Emile observed.
Remy looked up, confused. “Why would I?”
“You said he was the golden child, and most kids resent when one of their siblings is favored over themselves,” Emile said.
“Nah. Toby made up for the love my parents didn’t give me in spades. They adored him and he adored me.” Remy shook his head again, blinking back tears. “I miss him and his dorky insistence on taking a photo at every big milestone. He would insist on taking a photo the opening day of Sleep Easy, when that happens, and he would have probably gotten a picture of today, too, and just...God, he took so many photos, but I do miss it.”
Emile swiped Remy’s tears away with the pad of his thumb. “Hey, remember what Dice said? He has the city. He has the city Toby is in and he’s asking around for a specific address and phone number. We’re so close to finding him, Rem. We might even find him before Sleep Easy opens and he can take that picture opening day. You two will be together, and get to take so many more photos.”
Remy laughed. “So many photos. I’ll be begging him to stop, and he’ll simply respond with a ‘never.’”
“That’s the spirit!” Emile encouraged. “He’ll take pictures and we’ll cover the walls of this house with them. It will be great.”
“You really mean that?” Remy asked. “You’d really cover the house with photos that Toby took?”
“Yeah, I really would,” Emile said. “Even if he never took a single one of us, which I severely doubt, I would buy his art in a heartbeat to cover the house with. Because it’s a good reminder that he’s there for you even when it doesn’t feel like it.”
Remy smiled softly. “I think there are probably some old home movies of Toby and I running around and playing. We’d go on epic adventures around the house, and Mom hated us climbing on the furniture to do it, but she didn’t stop us until I was about five and old enough to understand that the table probably wouldn’t support my weight if I kept clamoring on it.”
“Did you have a favorite adventure?” Emile asked, electing to ignore the comment on Remy’s mother for the time being.
“Oh, I loved them all, it’s hard to think of just one. I loved being astronauts, pirates, criminals, cowboys, any and everything Toby and I could think up. We’d spend most of, if not the whole day playing in just a single world with one of the scenarios we came up with. That’s what made it so special. Toby would spend hours with me, just playing. There were times he’d spend the day with Vanessa, or Mom, or Dad if Dad was off work. But then he’d spend days with me...and it was like nothing could make me happier. I had his undivided attention, I could talk to him about whatever I wanted. And sure, I could talk to him on days we didn’t do that, and he’d still give me undivided attention. But the fact that he did that on his own, for a whole day, just because he wanted to...it meant the world.”
“I wouldn’t recommend climbing on the furniture when we find him again, but I’ll leave you two be to talk all you want,” Emile said.
“What? No!” Remy exclaimed. “Emile, you don’t understand. You’d be part of that conversation. You’re just as important to me as Toby. I want Toby and you to talk and get to know each other too. When we meet up again, I’m keeping you in on the conversation, too. It’s only fair.”
“And...you wouldn’t mind?” Emile asked, a little shocked. “You always talk about you and Toby together when we go over this sort of thing, and...I don’t want to accuse you of anything, you just...usually don’t include me in the equation.”
“Because I mostly talk about memories and things that have already happened, Emile,” Remy said, not unkindly. “I let you in on those memories so you’re not completely lost when I talk about stuff Toby and I have done. Because we will slip into inside jokes and ribbing each other at a moment’s notice. I want you there, Emile, of course I do. I want the two most important people in my life to meet.”
Emile grinned shyly. “Thanks, Rem,” he said softly. “Is there a reason you came up here?”
“I figured we could celebrate our new home by cooking something, making this place smell like home. You in?” Remy asked.
“Absolutely,” Emile said, kissing Remy’s cheek. “I’d love nothing more.”
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fluffy-yoongi · 4 years
Across The Sea
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You had been in Souel for about a month now. You had taken a promotion for work that required you to move abroad for a year to project plan a new division. When you took the job, you thought you’d be staying in NYC, but a month before you were set to start, you found out that the job was actually moving you to Souel. You were absolutely terrified, but you figured you were young and unattached, plus is was only for one year.
You were settling in okay. It was difficult adjusting to the time zone and trying to still talk to your friends and family at home, and you were starting to get homesick and lonely. You knew enough Korean to get by, but you definitely weren’t fluent by any means. For work, it wasn’t too bad. Most of what you were doing was graphic designed based, so it was just a mater of making sketches, and adjusting. It was going out and having a social life that was hard. You were the youngest on your team, by around 20 years, and hanging out with 40 and 50 year old men wasn’t really your idea of fun. So during the week you worked, and on the weekends, you silently explored the city.
You set off on Saturday morning to go get a coffee from the cafe down the street from your apartment and sit along the river with your sketch pad. It was about the only way you’d been able to find comfort while half a world away from home. So you woke up around 8, showered and called your mom to talk while you were getting ready. After talking to your mom for about an hour, you said goodbye, packed up a bag with your sketchbook and pencils, then headed to the cafe. You ordered your usual, americano and a blueberry muffin, then put your headphones in, and left the cafe.
As you were heading to one of your favorite spots along the river, your phone dinged. You mom was sending you a picture of your cat cuddling with her dog. They had been fighting since you moved, and this was the first time they were getting along since your mom started taking care of you cat. You felt the tears in your eyes start to well up, completely taking your mind off the fact you were walking down a sidewalk. Suddenly, you can to an abrupt crash, your coffee going all over the front of you and phone crashing to the sidewalk.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry. My mom just sent me a picture of my cat, and I’m sorry. Does you jacket need dry cleaned? Here, let me get some cash.”
The person in front of you began to laugh. “Are you okay?” A deep voice asked in the cutest accent.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. Did my coffee get on you?”
“No. I’m fine.”
The strangers face was hidden by a mask as he bent down to pick up your phone. “Uh, your screen.”
You looked at you phone, and the screen was shattered beyond use. “Great, guess there goes my off day.”
The stranger in front of you chucked again. “Let me get you a new phone. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”
“No, I can’t accept that. I wasn’t even looking up. It’s fine, really. I should have been paying attention. I just live up the street, so I can run home and change and get a phone this afternoon. Really, it’s fine.”
“No, really. I wasn’t paying attention. I was daydreaming and lost in my own world. Now I insist. Let me get you a phone. Plus, now I know you live on this street, I can just sit out here and wait until you let me pay for it.”
“Are you sure? Because it’s really not that big of a deal. I can-“
“You can let me get you a new drink while you go change, then meet me back here so I can buy you a phone.”
“Okay, thank you, stranger.”
“Yoongi.” A hand extended out for a handshake.
“Thank you, Yoongi.” You retuned the handshake, and it lasted a few seconds longer than it needed to as your eyes locked.
“It’s no problem, stranger. Now what do you want to drink?”
“Y/N. My names Y/N. And an iced americano, please.”
“Y/N. I like that. And you’ve got good taste. Now go change, and I’ll meet you back here in a few minutes, coffee in hand.”
You thanked the stranger, who now had a name, once more as you turned to walk back to your apartment. “Yoongi. What a unique name. And his eyes are so deep.” You thought out loud as you frantically shuffled through your closet looking for an equally as comfortable sweater and leggings combo as the one you had changed into. Thankfully, your jacket seemed to avoid the coffee, so you threw it back on, then set off back to the cafe.
You didn’t know if would still be there, so you didn’t get your hopes up, but sure enough, there he was, sitting at the little bistro table outside the cafe.
“That was quick,” He smiled as he stood up to hand you your coffee.
“Thank you. And yeah, I have to wear my business clothes during the week, so the weekends are reserved for the comfiest thing in my closet.” You let out a little nervous laugh, feeling your cheeks flush with color.
“I like your style. I called for a car while you were changing, it should be here soon.” A warm smile broke across his face. The mask he was wearing when you first collided was now tucked under his chin so he could drink his coffee.
“Really, you don’t have to be so kind. I appreciate it, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want you to feel like you owe me this or something for my clumsiness.”
He let out a deep, raspy laugh. “I can see the car coming, so it’s too late to change my mind now.” A few seconds later, a black town car pulled up to the curb, and Yoongi went out to open the door for you.
“Oh, thanks.” You were shocked at how nice this complete stranger was being to you. You’d been living here for nearly a month, and this was the first time you’d talked to someone outside of work for more than a casual greeting.
Yoongi got in the car on the other side and gave the driver the address of a store on the other side of the town. “So, you’re obviously not Korean. What brings you to the other side of the world.”
“I work for a large company doing project planning. There’s a new division opening, and I’m the designer for the new infographics and displays. It was supposed to be in New York, but got changed at the last minute. The project is only for a year, so my mom is keeping my cat, and I’m living in Souel now.”
You could feel yourself instantly regretting everything you just said. You couldn’t read Yoongi’s expression as you studied him for a response.
“So, you do art?”
“Yeah, not as much as I want to. My major in school was fine arts, but not as many companies are looking for painters.” You leg was shaking nervously. Not at anything the person next to you was saying or doing, you just felt weird talking about yourself.
“Let me know if I’m asking too much. I don’t want you to think I’m stalking you or something.” He let out a breathy laugh that made you smile.
“No! You’re fine! I’m promise. I just get nervous talking about myself. I don’t think what I do is that exciting, but it’s still doing art, it pays well and I get to travel a lot.”
“Having a job that allows you to travel is the best. I feel like I’m always going somewhere new for work.”
“What do you do?” He looked almost surprised at your question.
“Uh, well. I’m a musician.”
“That’s amazing. I love music. I always wanted to play an instrument, but that was never my artistic calling.” He laughed at your comment. “What kind of music do you make?”
“Well, a little bit of everything. I’m in a group, so technically pop music, but we definitely go for more of an R&B sound than traditional pop.”
“So you sing?”
“No way. I produce, write and rap. I wish I could sing, but that was not my destiny.”
“Well, next time you guys have a show, you’ll have to tell me.”      
“Well, if you want that, I guess you better give me you number.”
You felt you cheeks flush with color. That may have been the smoothest pickup line you’ve ever heard. “I..”
“Here.” The driver stopped outside of the phone storefront cutting your response short.          
“Hold that thought.” He quickly ran out of the car to open your door before you could even process everything that just happened.
“Thank you.” You climbed out of the car still flustered by the conversation that had just happened. You tried to relax and walk into the store, but your mind was racing.          
“Let’s get you new phone so you can read the next show flyer I send you.” Yoongi walked into the store, and you followed suit.
“Hi, how can I help you?”
“Hi, we need to get a new iPhone. Whatever the newest model is. And plenty of storage for art and music. Thanks.” Yoongi had answered everything before you could even open your mouth.
“Really, you don’t have to do this. I’m fine with just the same one I have. I’ve got my credit card. It’s fine.”
“No, I ran into you. I’m buying you a new phone. End of discussion.” He reached for his wallet out of his pocket, grabbing a black American Express card.
Who is this man? A black card?
“Did we need any cases or screen protectors today?” The sales representative set the phone on the counter.
“We should probably do the screen protector.”
“Yoongi, at least let me buy that.”
“No, my treat. Besides, you think $20 is going make a difference?” You smiled, still feeling guilty about the kindness of the man who you didn’t even know an hour ago.
“Well, I owe you.” You stepped up to the counter to finish setting up your phone. Once you were finished getting everything set up, the two of you walked back out to the car, and headed back to your apartment.
“So, now that your phone is fixed, how about you text me so I have your number. Then, we can call it even.” Yoongi reached over to grab your phone adding his name and number to your contacts. “Just send me your name so I can save it.”
“Are you sure? Really? Can I at least buy you lunch or something?” You began to send a message to him.
“Hmmm, I guess it is getting close to lunch time. Fine, your number and hot pot. Then, we’re even.” His phone buzzed with the message you sent him, and he saved your number as he asked the diver to take you to his favorite hotpot restaurant.
“I’ve been here a month, and I’ve basically been living off ramen, coffee and whatever is in stock at the 7/11 on the corner. I don’t know enough Korean to try anything else. I’m so scared of ordering something I can’t eat.”
“What?” His face was taken over by a completely shocked expression.
“I know. I know. I’m allergic to eggs, and I’m scared of getting sick. I don’t know what I would do if I got sick without my mom. I still make her come take care of me when I have a cold.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “No eggs. I’ll keep that in mind.”  
The two of you arrived at the restaurant, and walked in for lunch. You had great conversations about family, pets and favorite artist. Before you knew it 2 hours had gone by. The two of you had finished eating about an hour ago, but you were just having a great time getting to know this new person.
“Oh, is it 1:30? Shoot. I have rehearsal in 30 minutes. Let’s get you home.”
“I can call a cab, it’s fine. Really. You’ve done enough.”
“You don’t even know where you are, I’m not leaving you alone. Besides, I have a car waiting outside.”
The two of you got up and left the restaurant, heading back out to the car.          
“Well, did you like it? Better than ramen?”
You nodded you head in a laugh.
“I’ve got to get you out and eating more Korean food. Are you off every weekend?”
“Yeah. I usually spend my Saturday’s drawing by the river, and my Sundays sleeping.”
“A whole day devoted to sleeping. That’s my idea of good time.”
You both laughed, and continued to just get to know each other on for the next few minutes as the car neared your apartment.
The car came to a stop just outside the door up to your apartment.
“Seriously, thank you for everything today. You really didn’t have to, but I truly appreciate it so much. This is the best day I’ve had since I moved.”
“The pleasure was mine. I’ll talk to you later?”
“Okay.” You smiled, got out of the car, and headed toward the door to your building, pausing just before entering to wave goodbye. A soft wave met yours, as the car pulled away.
You walked into your apartment, sat on the couch , turned on the tv and tried process what had just happened over the past few hours. The next thing you knew your phone was buzzing, waking you up.
“New Message from Yoongi 🤴🏻”
“Thanks for hanging out with me this morning. It was nice to step away from life for a few hours.”
“I mean, you didn’t give me much of a choice. You did break my phone. 😉”
“Oh, I see how it is. Much braver now that you’re not with me. 🤔”
“I’m kidding! I really appreciate it so much. Next time coffee is on me. Well... not literally. I don’t need that again.”
“😂 Okay, I’ll hold you to it.”
“Pinky Promise. As long as it’s during the weekend.”
“Well, I have to check my schedule, but I’m sure I’m free the same time next week. This time, we can make it to the river, not the phone store. I can’t afford a new phone ever weekend!”
“😞😖 I’ll try.”
“Hahaha. Listen kid, I’m about to pass out. But seriously, thank you for today. I don’t get my mind off work often, so it was truly refreshing.”
“Well, I’m glad neither of us know how to pay attention when we’re walking. Talk to you soon?”
“That’s not a question, that’s a given. I’ll let you know my schedule next for next weekend soon. Goodnight.”
For the next few weeks, the two of you started to form a genuine friendship. You were surprised at how much the two of you had in common despite growing up on completely opposite sides of the world. Every Saturday morning, you’d meet at the cafe, get coffee and walk along the river. It just felt so good to have someone to talk to that wasn’t the same age as your mom, but your age.  
“So,  do you have any plans tonight?” Yoongi walked up to you, arm extended with a coffee in his hand.
“Well, I did have some big plans of watching Netflix and making instant ramen.”
“Well, I don’t know if I can top that, but we have a show tonight. If you weren’t busy, I was going to see if you wanted to come. It’s just a small fan fest show. You can come hang out with me and the guys backstage. I know it’s not nearly as exciting as Netflix, but we always have instant noodles.”
“Hmmm. I don’t know. Netflix is pretty exciting, and I have been spending every Saturday night at home for the last 3 months I’ve lived here. I really hate to break that streak...” You let out a laugh as you finished the sentence.
“Well, If you can break up with your couch, I can have a car here at 7?”
“7? Let’s see, it’s 12:30 now. That gives me at least 4 hours to nap. I think I can do that.”
“Really? You’ll come?”
“Don’t act so shocked. We’re friends, or at least I think we are. And I’m getting a little bored with Netflix. I gotta tell you, there’s only so many sitcoms you can watch before they all start to seem the same.”
“I’m just excited for you to meet the guys. They all want to meet you. We usually go get food and drinks after the smaller shows like this, you can join us for that if you want, too.”
“That sounds great. I’m a little nervous about meeting everyone, but I think I need more than one friend.” You laughed as Yoongi rolled his eyes.
The two of you continued on with your Saturday morning walk for another half hour before you made it back to the entrance to your apartment.
“I’ll give the driver your number so he can message you when he’s here?” Yoongi looked at you with pure excitement in his eyes.
“Yeah! That works. 7, right?”
“Yep. And don’t worry, I’m the most intimating one, seriously. The other six are puppies.”
“Okay,” you could let help but giggle. “I’ll see you in a little bit then. Do I need to wear anything fancy?”
“You’re so cute. No, it’s just a small concert. Wear whatever you’re comfortable in.” He chucked at your question.
“I don’t know. You’re draped in mystery. Maybe.. I don’t know.” You laughed together for quick second before Yoongi pulled you in for a hug.
“I have to get to sound check, then get ready. The car will drop you off backstage.”
“Okay. I’ll see you then.” His driver was now staring at the two of you, clearly getting impatient.
“I think you better go, or he may not come pick me up later.”
“You’re probably right. See you later.” And with a soft laugh, he climbed into the car, and took off.
You walked into your apartment tried to process everything that just happened. In the time the two of you had spent together, that was the first time he’d called you cute or hugged you. I mean, it’s not like you mined it, but you also couldn’t help but overthink the situation. You figured a shower and quick nap would help calm you down, so you did just that.
You woke up around 4:30, giving you more than enough time to change. You threw on an oversized sweater and swapped your leggings for some skinny jeans, threw your hair up in a bun, did some soft and natural makeup and topped the outfit off with your favorite doc martens. You still had about 20 minutes to kill, so you walked down to the cafe for a coffee, then sat outside waiting for the car.
7 pm on the dot, a black town car turned the corner. You stood up to start walking down to where he was going to pick you up, but he stopped in-front of the cafe.
You slid into the back of the car, said thank you, and headed off to the venue. You never really talked to the driver much the few times you had met him, plus you didn’t even know if he spoke any english, so you sat in the back reading the book you kept in your bag. It wasn’t long until you were being escorted from the car to the backstage area. Everything was starting to feel like a blur and a rush. Was this really happening? A guy you had known for maybe two months was inviting you to his concert?
You walked in, and suddenly felt underdressed and incredibly nervous. There was a room full of people all just staring at you, and you didn’t know a single face looking back at you.
Suddenly you heard a familiar voice coming up beside you, “Hey, kid.” It was Yoongi, looking completely different than how he did when you last saw him, or really from how you ever saw him. You were used to him in sweats and oversized t-shirt’s, beanies and usually a mask tucked below his chin. This Yoongi was in a suit, hair and makeup done, looking like a casual model.
“Hi. I’m.. Uh.. Sorry I’m not dressed better. I’m used to just, like, small bands and house shows. Like 200-300 people. And you said small show, so I figured, and—“
He cut you off with a hug. You don’t know why he chose to pick up that habit today, but you were complaining. He laughed as he felt you take a deep break into his chest. “Come on, I want you to meet the guys before we have to go out.”
He grabbed your hand and drug you over to a side of the room you didn’t notice when you walked in. There, sitting across 3 separate couches, were 4 other guys, all dressed similar to Yoongi, and all looking like they, too, were part time models.
Before you could even introduce yourself, a warm voice greeted you, “So you must be the famous y/n our hyung won’t shut up about. I’m Jimin.” A sweet hand reached out to greet you.
“Uh, yeah, I guess that’s me.” You nervously smiled as you felt color rush to your face. What did he tell them about you? How clumsy you were? How he felt bad you didn’t have any friends?
You thought was cut short. “Come sit down, we have around a half hour before we need to go out. We’ll see if your all you’re cracked up to be.” The comment was immediately followed by a laugh and a slap on the knee.
Yoongi leaned in to whisper in your ear, “Please don’t take Jin seriously. He thinks he’s funny.” His warm breath and deep voice sent chills down your spine. You were still in shock, so you just smiled, nodded and sat down.
“I have to say, I’ve known Yoongi for 5 years now. I’ve never seen him want to bring someone around us other than his family. You must be pretty special.”
“And that’s Namjoon. You’d think with an IQ of 148, he’d be a little smarter.” You could tell Yoongi was nervous, and you kind of liked seeing this side of him. He always seems so cool and collected on your walks, it was nice to know he was still a human under his cool exterior.
“Hi, uh. I’m y/n.” You waved for some reason, and instantly regretted it. You must have looked so dumb, here you are, clearly out of place and from the other side of the world, waving to people in the same room as you introduced yourself. You could feel your cheeks start to turn red. Suddenly you felt a hand caress your back, and you looked over to see Yoongi raise his eyebrows and mouth “You good?” You nodded.
“Okay, guys. I didn’t bring her here for an interrogation.  She’s new to Korea, and if I weren’t such a klutz, she’d still be alone in Korea.” You could hear him hold back his laugh at the bad joke he just made. “Now, let’s show her an actual good time, and not make her more nervous?” His hand still resting on your back, not low enough to make you uncomfortable but not high enough to be just friendly. Maybe you were just over reading the situation. Maybe he was just trying to make you comfortable. You mind was racing trying to process everything that had happened over the course of the last 12 hours.
Thankfully, another voice broke your racing mind. “Well any friend of Suga-hyung is a friend of me.” You couldn’t help but smile at the sweet smile from the man sitting across from you, before turning to Yoongi for clarification on who the hell Suga was.
“Wait, you didn’t tell her that?” The same sweet smiling face from earlier, no rounded in surprise.
“Yeah, I guess it never came up. I don’t really introduce myself as Suga when I’m alone. Not all of us have the same name on and off the stage.”
“I do. I’m Jungkook!”
You smiled and said hi, then realized there were still two people sitting in chairs getting their hair finished. “Wait, how many are in the band?”
“Seven. Tae and Hobi are still getting their hair done, so you may not meet  them until after. They only look intermediating, they’re actually big softies.”
“I think I’m noticing a trend.”
“Boys, it’s time to go.” Namjoon quickly gathered everyone up.
“If you go over there, the stylist will take you to the side stage. They’re all super sweet, and I told them you were coming. Don’t believe any of the stories they tell you.” Yoongi smiled before removing his hand from your back and standing up to go off with the group and get ready for stage.
You walked over to a group of 3 women, obviously nervous, but as Yoongi promised, they were all super sweet. You all introduced yourself before walking over to an area labeled “staff”. There you were giving a giant sticker that said “VISITOR” before being allowed into the area. What you were told was a small show, was actually a small theater of about 800 people. “This is a small show?” You turned to the stylist.
“Yeah, they usually do arenas.”
Your mind was back to that racing place, and this time you felt your stomach drop. Who was your new friend? Everything had been so casual and just fun. You never even fathomed that he was an actual celebrity. Was that why he always had on a mask and hat? Was that why he came over to the cafe on your side of town? Because it was mostly older people and business people? You tried not to panic, but your mind was racing. You wanted to get out your phone and google “Suga” but you also didn’t want to get caught by the stylist. You tried to enjoy the show, but you were visibly shaken.
“He didn’t tell you about any of this?” His stylist leaned over during a break in the show without music.
You shook your head no.
“That’s so typical of him.” She laughed, easing your worry slightly. “They’re a lot bigger here in Korea than they are over seas, so any of the guys have trouble meeting people who don’t gawk over them. When you came in, and I saw you were foreign, I figured you didn’t know.”
“Yeah, he told me a show, I figured like a small band. That’s what I’m used to seeing in New York. A couple hundred people, max.” You we’re still nervous, but somehow calmed by the stylist words.
“They tend to be pretty tight knit, Yoongi is probably the most closed off to the outside out of all of them. Honestly, he’s the last one I would have figured for a plus one. But you got to know Yoongi, not Suga, so don’t let all of this cloud that for you.”
“No, definitely not. I mean, it’s a shock for sure. But The man on that stage is like watching a different person from the one I’ve been spending time with over the last few weeks. It’s nice to know he’s a real person outside of all of this, and know that side of him first.”
“He really is one of the best people I know. All seven of them are, truly, but Yoongi just has this calming attitude about him. I’ve been with them since pretty much the beginning, before they even had a show or an album, and you’re one the first people outside of family or pre-fame friends they’ve let into this world. He must see something pretty special in you.”
Before you could respond, there was a loud base thump, and the show started back up. There were only a few more song, and you were relieved because your stomach was growling.          As the boys all lined up for the final bow, you followed the rest of the staff back to the backstage area and waited for the boys.
“Hey! Just let me shower off and change, then we’ll go get some food. Just go back over to the couches, I’m sure Hobi and Jimin will be over there soon. They always like they sit for minute and cool before that change.”
You nodded your head and went back over the the couches, still kind of shaken by everything that just happened. You sat down, and before you could get your book out of you back, a hand reached out to shake yours.
“Hi. I’m Hoseok, but Yoongi probably called me J Hope or Hobi.”
You reached out to shake the hand, and look up to see one of the nicest and sweetest smiles you had ever seen in your life. “Hi, I’m y/n”
“I know. Suga has been talking about you for the last few weeks now.”
“Oh, I—“
“Don’t worry! It’s all good. He said you make really good art and tell funny jokes without trying. And you bought him hot pot.”
“He... He talked about that? I figured it was all embarrassing things.”
“Suga? Never. The only people he ever makes fun of are Jin and Jimin.”
“Oh.” You felt a smile taking over your face, completely out of your control. “I’ve really had a great time getting to know him, so I’m glad to hear he hasn’t been spending time with me just because he feels sorry for me.”
Hobi laughed and the two of you had light conversation for the next few minutes until Yoongi emerged back in the typical uniform you were used to seeing him in.
“You ready?”
“Yeah. Do we need to wait for the rest of the guys?” You remembered he said they usually all would go out after shows like this.
“No, I think it’s just the two of us tonight. Unless you’re too tired, I can take you home.”
“No! Not at all I’m starving!”
“Good, me too. Let’s go. My car is on the other side.”
“You drive?” You we’re shocked, all this time you’d only seen him with a driver.
“Yeah, I don’t like to that often, but I gave Hank the night off”
“Wait Hank. Your drivers name is Hank? I feel so bad! I didn’t say anything earlier, I just read my book on the way here. I didn't know if he spoke english, and I just...”
Yoongi could tell you were worried you’d upset the driver, and couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t worry. Hank doesn’t talk much. He was probably so relieved when you pulled out your book.”
“Okay. Are you sure?”
“Yes.” He couldn’t help but smile at you. “You’re so caring. It’s so cute.”
You felt a warm rush back to your cheeks again. There was that word again. I mean, this time he wasn’t directly calling you cute, but still. This was a whole different side than you’d been seeing. You didn’t mind it, it wasn’t like he wasn’t an attractive man, you just didn’t know if it was just how he talked or if you should read more into it. You tried to not let the thought consume you as you walked to his car with him. He opened the door for you before he walked over and got in the drivers seat.
“So, what sounds good?”
“I really liked the hotpot restaurant you took me when we first met. If you want that-“
“Say no more. I’m always in the mood for hotpot.”
You laughed at his eager response as he shifted the car into reverse to pull out of the parking garage.
“So, did you like the show?”
“Yeah, It was amazing. I guess I just wasn’t expecting something that big. You’re, like, really popular. And you’re all so talented.”
“Sorry I didn’t tell you about that sooner. I just didn’t want you to freak out and not come or something.”
“No! Don’t apologize. I had a really good talk with your stylist during the break.”
You could see his hand tighten on the gear shift, obviously nervous at what you may say next. “Hopefully all good?”
“Better than good.” You rested your hand on his on the gear shift. You figured you might as well shoot your shot. Try and figure out if he was flirting or just flirty. You tried not to smile when you saw him visibly gulp out of the corner of your eye.
“Since it’s Saturday night, they’re probably busy. Don’t worry, we can go in the back. I know the owner, and he always has a few private rooms ready upstairs.”
You nodded your head and he turned into an ally, pulling up to the back of what you assumed was a restaurant. “You’re lucky I trust you, or I would be a lot more suspicious about where we are right now.” Although it was dark, you could see his stoic face break into a warm smile.
“You don’t know, maybe I have a third name, and that one is a criminal.”
You both laughed out loud at the suggestion, and he shifted the car into park. You both got out of the car, and Yoongi draped an arm around your shoulders. “I would have opened your door, you know.”
“Maybe I wanted to get out and open yours this time.”
He smiled down at you before the two of you walked in through the back entrance of the restaurant into a storage room.
“Are you sure-“
Suddenly an older man greeted Yoongi with a warm embrace speaking only in Korean. The two of them exchanged a few words, of which you understood hello and table, then the two of you were lead upstairs to a much more intimate setting than the main dinning room you knew. You sat down in room clearly meant to seat no more than 7 or 8 people, as the older man bowed and left the room.
“That’s the owner. I’ve been coming here since I first moved to Souel. It’s the best hotpot in the city, seriously. I’ve tried them all.”
You smiled looking at the clean face you were more familiar with and smiled. You could tell he was nervous, but you weren’t sure what to say to make him relax.
“So that’s a small show, huh?” You instantly regretted it, but It was honestly just the first thing that came out of your mouth.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I just didn’t want you to get nervous or think something different of me. A lot of people who meet me, well any of us, tend to treat us different. I didn’t want you to look me up or not come after you found out what I really did. It was just...”
“It’s fine! Yoongi. I don’t care.” You reached out and grabbed his hand. This time, he took your hand between both of his, softly caressing the top of your hand with his thumb. “Your stylist explained a little bit, and after going to the show, I see  why you didn’t want to tell me. I probably wouldn’t have come if i knew Suga or BTS before. I would have been so terrified. I’m glad I know Yoongi.”
You could see his body relaxing as you talked. “You’re the first person I’ve met in the last two years who only knew me as Yoongi. It was just nice to have that again. No pressure to live up to a certain image.”He was still holding you hand, his eyes focused on his thumb making small circles on the top of it.
“Yoongi, the person I know, the person who I bumped into, the person who bought me a phone, the person who has talked about anything and everything with me, never been more than second late on Saturday mornings, that’s the person I’ve grown fond of. That’s the person I look forward to seeing every weekend, and that the person I came to support tonight.”
His eyes met yours with a soft gaze. “I have a confession.” You could feel your heart start to pound. What was he going to say? Was this Yoongi thing all an act? We he done spending time with me? “The guys all wanted to come tonight, but I told them the couldn’t.”
“Wh-what? Why?”
“I don’t... I haven’t... I...” You could tell he was struggling for the words, something you’d never see him do. He was usually so calm and collected. “I just needed to tell you something, and I didn’t think all the guys should be here. I mean they know, and they know why I wanted to bring you here. I just... I just haven’t done this since I was a kid.” He took a deep breath, and you could feel heart pounding so hard it felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. “I like you. Genuinely, 100%, haven’t felt this way about a person since I was kid type of feelings. After we started getting famous, I didn’t think I would ever be able to form just a genuine bond with someone like this again. And these last few weeks, between the coffee and the walks and the messages, I feel like I’m in school again. I just, I’m sorry to spring this all on you, I know it’s a lot. And if you don’t feel the same...”
You cut off his words by leaning over to give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
“How could I not share those feeling with you? In the short time we’ve known each other, you’ve treated me better than most of my friends, let alone any boyfriend I’ve ever had. I just didn’t want to say something, and have you think I was over reading your kindness. But the conversations we’ve had, we can talk about anything. It feels like I’ve known you for years.”
“Really?” His face lit up, leaning in for a more passionate peck this time. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
Your moment was cut short by the food coming in.
“You remembered I cant have eggs.” You smiled as everything was sat down and there wasn’t even a smaller dish with eggs for him.
“Of corse. I can’t have you sick on our first date.”
“D-Date?” The word ignited a warmth in your stomach.
“Sorry, was that too forward? I know it’s not a proper date, and a little weird, but I just though...”
“No. I like it. Our first date.” You couldn’t help but smile. The rest of the meal was just the same conversation you’d always had, hobbies, family, favorite tv shows, everything. Nothing ever felt forced in conversation, the two of you just genuinely liked learning more about the other.
You finished up dinner, the stood up to leave. Before you left, Yoongi looked down at you and smiled.
“Do I have something on my face?” You started to lift you hand up to wipe your face when he let out a soft laugh.
“No, I’m just happy I can finally just study every part of your face without you thinking I’m weird.”
Your cheeks filled with color, as he smiled, grabbed your hand and led you back out to his car. He went to open the door for you, stopped to steal on more kiss before he did. “Seriously, You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted to do that.” He smiled as his face lingered in front of yours for a minute before he finally opened the door for you. You’re whole body was taken over with a warm glow, and you stomach filled with butterflies. Everything was starting to feel like a movie.
Once you got back out to the road, he started to head back to your apartment. You laced your fingers with his, and he pulled you hand up for a kiss before placing your laced fingers gently to rest on you lap. You just stared at him, watching the way his eyes lowered as he drove, the way they slightly squinted when he read a road sign.
“Do I have something on my face?” He asked with a smile, his eyes not leaving the road.
“No, I’m just happy I can finally just study every part of your face without you thinking I’m weird.”
“Ah, stealing my line, huh?” He smiled as his eyes still focused on the road.
“Maybe.” You both let out a soft laugh as the car turned on the your street. “You, if you want to I mean, You can come up for a glass of wine.”
“I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.” He parked the car along the street, before turning it off and leaning in for one more soft kiss before you both got out of the car and walked up to your front door.
You entered you apartment and immediately felt the urge to apologize for its lack luster appearance. “Sorry, it’s small and kind of plain. I really just have some pictures of my mom and my cat.”
“Don’t apologize, it’s perfect.”
You felt you cheeks begin to flush with color again. “Um, you can go sit on the couch, I’ll get the wine. Red or white?”
“Red. Unless you want white.”
“Red it is.”
You watched Yoongi walk over to the couch, and nervously rub his hands up and down his thighs. It was cute and also comforting to know you both were nervous as hell about this night that was turning into your first date.
You walked over with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses, setting them in the coffee table. “I’m going to go take off my makeup real quick. You can put on a movie or something.”
He smiled and nodded at you as he reached for the wine bottle and began to pour wine in both glasses.
You came back out, and he looked at you, taking in every inch of you before you sat down on the couch. “You wear glasses?”
“Oh, yeah. I, uh, I usually wear contacts, but my eyes were hurting so I took them out.”
“I like the glasses. They’re cute.”
Your face once again flushed with color, Yoongi was good at making you blush. You sat down on the couch next to him, and he pulled you in closer with his arm wrapped over your shoulder.
“Oh, I forgot I was watching this earlier. We don’t have to watch it.” You we’re suddenly embarrassed at your favorite movie, Terminator 2, playing on the tv.
“Nope, I love this movie. I was shocked to see it paused when I turned in the TV. I didn’t take you for the action movie type.”
“Yeah, I pretty much only watch action and horror movies. This is my favorite movie.” You instantly regret the words you just said, feeling like a total nerd.
Yoongi smiled, placed a kissed on you head then rested his head on yours, softly combing his fingers through your hair. “I love it.”
You must have been more tired than you realized because suddenly you felt the sun peaking through your window onto your face. Your eyes fluttered open to realize that you and Yoongi had both fallen asleep watching the movie. You looked up and smiled at his sleeping face, then bushed his hair off his face, leading to a low hum from the chest you laying on.
“Good morning, beautiful.” His low and soft morning voice sounded so warm in your ears.
“Good morning, handsome. I hope you don’t get the wrong idea about me.” You let out small giggle as Yoongi’s hand rubbed you back softly. “I’ve never had a boy spend the night that wasn’t my boyfriend.”
“Hmmm. Boyfriend. Are you asking me to make things official” His sleep voice vibrated in his chest below your ear.
“I just mean... I’m not...” He cut you off with a laugh and a soft kiss on the top of your head.
“No, I like the sound of it. You being my girlfriend, no one else’s.” His hand still rubbing your back. “I know we haven’t known each other that long, but I really don’t want to loose you to someone else. So, do you want to make this official? Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“I know we haven’t known each other that long, but I really don’t want to loose you to someone else. So, do you want to make this official? Do you want to be my girlfriend?”                
It’d been over five years since you said yes to that question, and you’d been happy you did everyday. By no means was it easy, and there were times you wanted to just give up, but Yoongi was the best thing that had ever happened to you.                
Over the last few years BTS had exploded, and they  couldn’t go anywhere without being noticed by people. Every year the comeback grew bigger, so the tours grew bigger and the time apart became longer and longer. You loved and respected your boyfriends work ethic, but it was also making it harder to spend time together.                
The two of you had certainly survived more than most relationships. When your contract in Seoul was over, you moved back to New York, and the long distance was so hard. long distance in the same country is hard enough, but you were on opposite sides of the world? Miserable. Trying to find time to talk between you both working constantly was hard, but you made it work. The boys also came to New York a few times for different events, and you took 2 trips to Korea during the year.                
Around a year and half after you started dating, while you were in Korea for the new year, Yoongi suggested you moved in with him while laying in bed.                
“I know it’s so far away for you, but I can’t keep doing this. It kills me not being able to kiss you or hold you when I want to. I love you so much, it’s killing me only seeing you for a week or two at a time.”                
“Yoongi, what about work? I don’t have a job lined up here. There’s nothing more I want than to spend the rest of my life with you, but it’s just so sudden.”                
“You don’t need a job, let me take care of you. You can stay home and do your art. Make the guest room into an art studio. Please, I don’t need anything from you other than you.” He was getting emotional at the idea of you leaving in two days back to New York.                
“Yoongi... I ca—“              
“Don’t say you can’t because you know I can support you and take care of you. Make art on your own terms and sell it on your own terms. You don’t need to depend on your art to survive, and you don’t need to make art you don’t love ever again. I love you. I love you more than I thought I could ever love someone. Please, just think about it. Please.”                
You pulled your boyfriend to your chest in a tight hug as he tried to hold back tears. It wouldn’t be hard to move to Korea, really. You’d lived away from your family since you were in college, only seeing them on holidays for the last 6 years. You had more friends in Korea at this point than in New York. But it wasn’t that idea that scared you. You’d love nothing more than spending everyday like this, melted into one person with your boyfriend. But the idea of not working and just becoming dependent on someone, regardless of how minor it was for him, it wasn’t something you were used to. You’d lived alone and supported yourself since you were 18. That was the last 8 years of your life. And now you have this man wanting to give you the world, and you were considering saying no?                
You must have contemplated the decision longer than you thought because you went to tell him you wanted to move, and he was asleep on your chest. In a weird way, you were happy he was asleep and you couldn’t tell him. This moment just confirmed that he was your person, and this was where you were supposed to be.                
The morning after he suggested you move to Korea, you woke up to an empty bed. You were slightly confused, you didn’t remember him saying he had to go to the studio, but you also wouldn’t be surprised if he forgot.                
You walked out to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and there he was, making you breakfast. He’d even gotten vegan eggs for you.                
“So, are you going to make me breakfast every morning when I move in, or is this just you trying to butter me up?                
He turned around to tell you good morning, but then he suddenly realized what you had just said. “Wait... are you serious?”                
“Yeah. I wanted to tell you last night, but you were already asleep. I hurts too much to leave, I can’t keep doing it. You’re my now and my future. It’s going to take some adjustments, but like you said, I can make art and sell it. That’s what I’ve want to do since i was a kid. So to not only have the love of my life want me to spend everyday with him, but to have him support me and encourage me to do what I love? You’re almost too good to be true sometimes.”                
He left the food on the oven, and wrapped you up in a tight embrace. “I just wanted to make you breakfast because it was your last morning with me. But if you want breakfast in bed every morning, I will make you breakfast until I can’t stand up anymore. What ever you want, for the rest of your life, I will give it to you.” He covered your face with soft kisses.                
“All I want forever is you.” You leaned into a kiss, this time feeling a little sweeter than usual. “I’ll start figuring everything out once I get back to New York.”                
“Are you sure? Because I know this is what I want. I would have asked you to move in before you even moved back to New York when we started dating if I didn’t think it would have freaked you out.”                
You laughed at the idea. “Yeah, you’re right. I definitely would have freaked out. But there’s nothing more I want in life now.”                
He continued to kiss you, your cheeks, your forehead, your neck, your fingers, you hands, just showering you in the sweetest and softest moments of pure joy. “I think I can move somethings around and come back with you to the city. Help you pack, get documents, tell your boss you quit. Whatever.”                
“I don’t think I can get this handled in just a week. The visa process alone can be like 90 days.”                
“Well, at least turn in your resignation when you get back. So you can start moving things until your visa gets approved. I’ll get you added on my bank account and credit cards before you leave. You can use them to pay for everything.”                
“Are you sure? I have money. I have enough in my saving to live for six months without working.”                
“Then keep it there. Or invest it. Please, this was my idea, you’re moving half way around the world for me. Let me take care of everything.” His face was so soft and sweet, you couldn’t believe this was the man that was in love with you. That wanted to be with you. That would do anything for you.                
It took 6 months to get everything finalized for the move. And man, did those six months feel like forever. By some weird twist of fate, the paper work came through and the everything was finished on your two year anniversary. Yoongi was in New York with you for a few days to celebrate.                
You’d spent weeks trying to find the perfect gift, and somehow, fate led to it falling into your lap. So that morning, you snuck out while he was still sleeping to go get a card and print off the email to put inside. When you got home, he was just starting to stir in bed.                
“Come back.” His morning voice always made you smile.                
“Give me 2 minutes. I’ve got something for you.”                
“Mmm. I don’t need anything but you. Come back, I’m cold.”                
“Trust me, you’ll want this.” You quickly folded up the printed email, signed the card and stuffed everything into the envelope, before crawling back into your boyfriends arms. “Here.”
He rubbed his eyes, before taking the card and giving you a nearly missed sleepy kiss. “What’s this?”                
“Just open it.”                
He shifted his weight to sit up a little more, and opened the card. He chuckled at the stupid little card you got him. The two of you had a history of getting the dumbest cards you could find, and this was no different. But it wasn’t about the card, it was about that piece of paper in the card. He unfolded it, and as he read it, his eyes tripled in size. “Wait, is this... Is this real? Everything is done? You can move?”                
You nodded your head as Yoongi buried his face into you neck and began to cry.                 “Why are you crying? I thought you would be happy?”
“These last six months have been the hardest. From all the struggles and the long distance, and just waiting for you to come be with me. And now it’s happening. This gets to be my everyday. Forever.”                
You felt the tears starting to swell in your eyes as you listened to his words. It had been hard being apart for so long, but to know it would soon be over, that was the best feeling in the world. You combed your fingers through your boyfriends hair, and the tears slowly turned to kisses.                
“So this is real? We’re really doing this?” You knew it’s would make Yoongi laugh, and he quickly flipped you over, pouncing like a cat pounces on its prey.                
“You’re stuck with me now, kid.” That morning quickly became afternoon, and you missed your dinner reservations that night.                
So, now, here you were. Dating a member of the most popular Boy Group in the world. You’d been living together for nearly 3 years now, and the bliss never seemed to end.                
Everyone told you the honeymoon phase would end, or how hard it would be dating someone with his job, but it just worked for the two of you. You had a mutual understanding of each other’s limits and needs, and he truly was your best friend and your boyfriend.                
You both were so comfortable with each other, you could just sit in the same room and say nothing, but be happy. And you did that a lot. He’d watch you paint, and you’d watch him mix music. You’d lay on the couch together and read books the other picked out. Even just laying in bed together, scrolling through your phones together, it was all just comfortable and felt right.                
So now, you laid in bed with your boyfriend of over 5 years, just paying with his hair as he lay asleep beside you. You loved these little moments with him more than anything. Life had become so hectic over the last few years, but moments like this reminded you why you feel in love with him. Whenever he started to stir awake, he would always pull you in closer to his body, and today was no acceptation.                
“Mmmmm.” Am arm reached out and wrapped around your waist, pulling you in closer to his chest.
You let out a soft giggle as you rested your head on his chest. “We can’t stay here forever, kid.”
“Shhhh. Just five more minutes.” He nestled his head on top of yours.
“But it’s Saturday. You know what that means.” Somehow, through all the chaos and the fame, the two of you always took a Saturday morning walk. No matter the city, no matter the schedule, even if it was walking to the hotel lobby to get a coffee and walk back to the room, the only time you’d missed a Saturday was when you lived apart.
“The side walk will still be there in fine minutes. I just want this for five more minutes.” His hands softly rubbing your back as you drew shapes on his stomach with you finger.
“Fine. But any longer, and you’re buying coffee this week.”
“I’ll buy the coffee shop if that means we can stay here forever.” He somehow hugged you even tighter, still sending that same rush through your body that you got the first time he kissed you.
Five minutes came and past, but you’d both managed to fall back asleep for another hour. This time, you were woken up by a cold nose pressing your face.
“Okay, the kids need to go out. It’s time to get up.” You sat up and gave the two dogs laying beside you good morning kisses. When you moved to Korea, you brought your cat, Yoongi already had Holly, and after months of torture, the two of you adopted a second dog. Of course, that led to a second cat about 6 months later because your cat couldn’t be without a friend, and your bed now being occupied by 4 pets you both referred to as your children.
“Fine, Fine. Let’s go. But walk, then coffee today? I’ll make it.” Yoongi sat up, hair a mess and eyes still closed, but still just as perfect as ever.
“Okay, I’ll get the kids ready for their walk, you get the water?” You leaned over to kiss his cheek, leading to a soft hum and eyes slightly opened.
“One more?” You kissed his other cheek, opening his eyes a little more. “Okay, now one more?” You gave him one more kiss as you laughed, then stood up.
“Okay, kid. Let’s go. We can stay right here, just go around the building a few times. Then you’re making coffee.” You walked out to then entry room to get harnesses and leashes on the dogs, put on your shoes and wait for your boyfriend to get his. “Yoongs? You moving?”
“I’m here, I’m here. I had to get water.” He shuffled into the entry, eyes still half closed and water bottles in both hands. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
“Slip on some shoes, or you're making coffee and cleaning up the accident.”
He let out a groan that made you laugh out loud, slipped on some sandals, and followed behind you as you led the dogs out the door.
You’re walks weren’t nearly as talkative as the used to be, but you still loved them just as much. It usually consisted of going to the dog park outside your building, you chasing the dogs for 30 minutes and him laughing and recording it. Today, even the dogs seems extra sleepy, so you just took a little longer of a walk, then all headed back home.
You walked back in, and while Yoongi made coffee and a light breakfast, you got breakfast ready for your babies.
“So you know what today is?” Yoongi sat down a coffee and bowl of oatmeal in front of you.
“Hmmmm. Saturday?” You pretended like you didn’t know what today way, but you were fully aware. It was 2000 days since he asked you out. You’d managed to hide a card in the front pocket of your hoodie, and had it waiting for him when he sat down.
“And here I thought you forgot. You always amaze me, kid.” He opened the card and laughed at the stupid joke the bear on the front made. Inside was a picture of a painting you’d been working on of the two of you. “How’d you keep this hidden from me?” He studied the image before leaning in to a deep kiss.
“I have my ways. And Kookie is also a hopeless romantic with a half empty apartment, so he let me steal a room for a few weeks. We can go over and get it when ever you want.”
He leaned in for one more sweet kiss, “It’s so beautiful. I know just the place for it in my studio. Thank you. You’re amazing.” He kissed you one more time before he stood up. “Now wait here. I have something for you.”
He walked down the hallway and turned into the guest room. You had no idea what he was hiding or planning. Suddenly, he reappeared, holding what looked like a dvd case in wrapping paper. “Here.”
“You took the gift and unwrapped it to reveal it was a Terminator Two dvd. You couldn’t help but laugh. “We don’t even have a dvd player, plus we have it downloaded to the tv.”
“Just open it.”
“Open it.”
You looked at your boyfriend confused, but followed his instructions. There, inside the case in place of a dvd, was a ring. Not just any ring, it was an absolutely beautiful opal ring, set by two diamonds on either side.
“Well, kid? Let’s make it official.” You looked up from the ring to see your boyfriend now kneeling in front of you on one knee.
The tears were filling your eyes, and you couldn’t even get any words out. You just nodded your head. He then slipped the ring on you finger, stood up and pulled you into the tightest huh you’d ever shared. You could feel him start to cry on you shoulder as the two of you just stood there, holding each other so tight you may just become one person.
After a few minutes, you both got two a point of where you could talk same, and the first thing he did was ask you if you were sure.
“Are you sure? Because I don’t want you to feel any pressure or anything. I know we’ve both said were fine with not getting married, and this doe-“
You cut him off with a kiss that made him melt into you. “Have you ever known me to mix words?” You took his face in you hand, “Do you think I would move to the other side of the world, bring my child, adopt two more babies with you and put up with your schedule if I didn’t want this? If I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life with you? I always told you I just wanted you. That’s it, for the rest of my life. This is just the perfect reminder of that. But I want you. Everything could end tomorrow, we could go back to working 9-5 jobs, and I’d still want nothing but you.”
He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a deep and long kiss. He then just studied your face for a minute before he said anything. “You know, I’ve spent 2000 studying this face, and Instill find things to love. I’ve spent 2000 days with your heart and your mind and your soul, and I never run out of things to love about you. From the freckles on your forehead, to the scar on your pinky. The mole on your shoulder, the way your knees turn in when you stand. The scar on your knee from falling in first grade, the way your left pinky is crooked from breaking it when you were 6. The way your hair curls when it rains, the color your eyes turn during golden hour. The way you know the constellations and drag me out of the city to see meteor showers. I even love when you crack you toes. The way you hum as you’re falling asleep, and you ears raise when you smile. How one dimple is deeper than the other, I know you think you only have one, but the second one just hides until you have a full body laugh. When you’re painting, you always forget you have paint on you hands and fix your hair, getting paint on your face and in your hair. I could fill encyclopedias about the things I love about you. I want to spend this life, and every other life with you.”
You’re eyes filled with tears again listening to everything he said. He truly knew you better than you knew yourself. “You’re so amazing and perfect. How’d I get so lucky?” You snuck in about her kiss before sitting back down to study your ring.
“Well, thankfully, you’re a pretty clumsy person.” He sat back down talking your left hand with both of his, studying the ring on our finger. “But I want to tell you about the ring. Because this has been a few months in the making.”
“What?” You looked up at him with rounded eyes, confused by the statement.
“Well, I wasn’t about to let you wear a ring someone else my have. Everything about this is custom. Even the stones. Remember when I took that trip to LA for recording?”
You nodded your head, still confused about what he was talking about.
“Well, I went to the US, but I didn’t go to California. I went to Ohio. The diamonds are from your  Grandma’s original wedding ring. And the chrysoprase, I know you’re not into diamond, so I wasn’t about to get you a big Diamond. But your mom said you loved it and she said it was your dad’s grandmothers necklace. That it was the only piece of jewelry she had when the immigrated during the war.”
Your eyes filled with tears all over again, you knew the ring and necklace he was talking about. Your mom had them in her safe at her house along with some other small things that had been passed down to you. “You really did all of this for me?”
“I know i could have bought you a ring, or even made some big fancy ring with a jeweler, but I know  that’s not you. I started talking to you mom about it a year ago, asking what she thought, and she told me there was some old family jewelry if I wanted to look thought it. I saw the necklace, and I knew it was perfect. She suggested the diamonds from your grandmas ring, that you loved that ring. She also told me if you were going to wear it everyday, it couldn’t be too big, or you’d go crazy. I wanted to do some big date, or some special vacation, but that’s not us. I’ve had the ring for a few months, just trying to figure out what to do and last night it hit me. I couldn’t just keep it forever. I watched you sleep, with all of the kids down at our feet, and this is the family and the life I want for the rest of my life. Then I thought I would do it at dinner tonight, or I could sneak out and get flowers, or I’d take you on some romantic moon lit walk, but watching you kiss the dogs. Then seeing that painting. I think if I waiting any longer, I would explode. Sorry it wasn’t some big grand gesture, but I didn’t want a box. And I knew the movie would throw you off.” You could tell he was getting emotional talking about everything, so you cut him off.
“I love you so much it should be illegal.” Your eyes still filled with tears, over flowing on to your cheeks. “Now let’s call my mom and tell her.”
“Hold on. One last thing.” He stood up and took your hand, leading you over to the couch. “Let’s just enjoy this one little moment, just us.” He sat down, pulling you on to his lap. He studied your face for a minute before saying anything again. “I just want to study the face of my fiancé.”
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cardandpixel · 4 years
RocketBook Flip - a rare review and it’s not a game!
Before I go any further, I feel I must point out that I don’t have any financial connection to RocketBook whatsoever – this isn’t a piece that was requested or courted by RocketBook or affiliates and I’m not receiving any reward or sponsorship either in product or direct payment for this article. I just like the damn thing and love it when an innovative piece of tech (in this case quite low key) just works. Hi I’m Paul, and I have a bit of a problem with notebooks – A4 lined, sketch, reporters, Black & Reds (ohhhh the sheer number of B&Rs), goofy ones, serious work ones, battered ones, pristine ‘for best only’ ones – and they all fill at an alarming rate. I make notes on everything. Working as a sound engineer and designer, there’s always mix notes, soundscape plots, ideas, VO notes and scripts, SFX ideas etc etc. At home it’s a very different story – it’s much worse. Game notes; blog notes; hurriedly scribbled quiz questions spurred by watching another episode of Mental Floss’ 500 facts about cheese; RPG notes and story ideas; my own script writing; world building; sketches; other creative ideas; song/music notes and ideas; and that’s before we get to to-do lists; and the dreaded ‘things I must remember’. So my journal life is many, varied and plenty. The usual issue is… ‘what frakking journal did I put that amazing idea in????’, and that’s way before we get to the utter horror that is possibly losing a whole journal or forgetting to bring one home from work. I’m 53, I forget more than I recall, and journals help bring some semblance of order to a massively chaotic and fertile brain. What I’ve needed for a long time is some way of organising all this info or centralising it in some way. Sure I’ve looked at apps – I used Things, Evernote, Notes, and One Note for years, and they are really, really good, but they relied on either having a charged device exactly when I need it (yeah – me too) or net access, which for a new-ish theatre, is surprisingly a bit of an issue at work. And the most important part – I actually enjoy the physical act of handwriting long-hand. I still write actual physical letters to people, it’s adorable and a bit creepy in this age, but I call it charming and leave it at that. Handwriting, for me, allows me time to think and process in a way that typing just doesn’t. Handwriting is slower, I rarely cross anything out, and so I always have the whole of the thought. So what I’ve ideally wanted for years, was a reliable way of organising all my notes and storing them electronically so I have access even without the actual journal, with OCR so they’re editable, and still being a tactile handwritten experience. I’m naturally a sceptic (I actually subscribe to Fortean Times – yeah – I card carry!) and so online ads and particularly FaceAche ads are a field day for critical thinking triggers. I don’t think I’ve ever received from Wish, exactly what I ordered from Wish. And so when an ad from RocketBook constantly kept popping up on my timeline a few weeks ago, I was naturally “it’ll never work” But their website looked legit enough – they had a dedicated UK shop, it was relatively steep to buy in but not so wild that if it didn’t work I wouldn’t be crying too much about the money wasted, and at the end of the day it was a 10th the price of a ReMarkable 2 which is actually what I thought would solve my problem. I’m furloughed at the mo and though I could argue the case for £300+ notebook (test me, I could), I just couldn’t justify it now. And RocketBook had a good summer intro offer. I ordered on the Wednesday, and the impressively glitzy and graphic-design-playbook poly package was dropped on my doorstep just 2 days later by my cheery postie who yelled up the drive “Package for ya, looks very exciting!!!!” I like that our postal service is still invested in the hopes and dreams of their customers. It was exciting. All the instructions for getting started with my new Teal RocketBook A4 Flip were right there before you even open it. The main body houses the pad and a cleaning cloth, and a clever little side pocket houses the supplied Pilot Frixion pen.
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RocketBooks come in several models, all configured slightly differently. I have the Flip which is a top spiral-bound softback pad with 21 double sided ‘pages’ giving 42 pages in total. The Flip has lined paper one side, and dot paper on the reverse (great for D&D maps, impromptu tables, mixer channel plots etc)
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DELIVERY & FIRST IMPRESSIONS The pads are nicely made, with sturdy covers (available in some really nice colours too) and a solid, thick plastic ring binding. Initially, The RocketBook does feel a bit odd. Its ‘pages’ are actually a synthetic polyester blend and feel quite shiny to the touch. The sort of surface you just instantly feel is not going to be great for ink! Each page is edge-to-edge lined or dotted with a heavy black border. At the bottom is a prominent QR code used for scanning and some very feint icons. These 7 icons are the key to the ease of use of the RocketBook series. But more later.
The pads work with a companion app, that is absolutely free and available for Apple & Android. In fact, RB even do downloadable printable pages so you can try the whole system absolutely free before you buy – I didn’t, I just bought one, y’know. The app allows you to set up your destination locations, your preferences and does the actual scanning. Just one quick note, I have the app on both my phone and iPad and had to set-up the app the same for both, there appears to be no way of swapping preference settings between devices, though I can see why this may be intentional.
Currently, the RocketBook allows you to choose from the following locations to send files to: GoogleDrive, box, EverNote, DropBox, slack, OneNote, iCloud, OneDrive as well as simply to an email (or multiple) addresses and iMessage. Impressively, these are not fixed either, so you could choose your 7 destinations to be 7 email addresses of team members. These 7 locations are the icons at the bottom of each page. To select a destination for your file, you just make a mark in that icon box (tick, circle, something unsavoury) and that page will be sent to whichever you select. This makes the system very flexible indeed as not every page is necessarily sent to every destination. You always decide every time you fill a page. Change your mind on a second revision? No problem, add or change icons at any time and re-upload.
There’s a really handy table on the inside front cover for you to note what icon sends what where. This is also wipeable, so can be changed anytime.
I have mine set by default to:
Rocket > main email address (either as PDF, JPG, OCR embedded or as separate txt file)
Diamond > GoogleDrive (you can specify exactly what folder too)
Apple > iMessage
Bell > OneNote
That actually still leaves me 3 spare: shamrock; star; and horseshoe.
The app took me maybe 20mins to set-up, that included decision time for destinations and setting up a few target folders. It also included a few ‘test firings’. I didn’t get everything right first time and a few things didn’t send, but crucially, a tiny bit of digging revealed very simple troubleshooting (including the aforementioned issue with no sync’ing of phone and iPad), and all in I was finding the files in all the right destinations within about 30 mins. The website, FAQs and community are immensely helpful with any other issues as well. I had a tiny issue with OneNote seeming to take ages to sync, but I think that’s an issue with my OneNote settings, everything else was almost instantaneous. You can also handily set the app to auto-send as soon as it scans, or allow for manual review.
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CLEAN UP ON AISLE ROCKETPAD The main reason I wanted to look at the RocketBook was the issue of reusability. My journal shenanigans are by no means the biggest ecological disaster on the planet, but if we are to believe Tesco (who probably issue as many receipts at our local Tesco Express in a day as journals I’ve ever used), every little helps. If I could find an ecologically better solution, I should at least take a look. The RocketPads work by partnering with Pilot pens called Frixion. The really clever bit is RB’s paper technology and how it works with the Frixion ink. At present, the pads only work with the Frixion pens – except the RB Colour which works with Crayola’s dry-erase crayons. When you write on the ‘paper’ with a Frixion pen, it remains wet for a few seconds and then dries pretty quickly. There’s no smudging whatsoever in transit, which is pretty cool. From then on, it may as well be permanent, until you have transmitted your page and decide you don’t want the text anymore.  To wipe the page clean, you can dampen the supplied cloth and just wipe the surface clean, it’s weird but it works! But then damp cloth in your bag? So I use kitchen roll to dampen, then wipe dry with theirs. Others even have an adorably kitsch spray bottle in their kit. RB reckon if you are not going to use the pad for a few months, to clean the pages as the ink can get trickier to shift after a long time, but for day-to-day use, I’ve tried writing and wiping well over 20x and the page hasn’t become discoloured or tarnished at all. The only pad different in the range is the Wave which cleans by microwaving! Do NOT do this with any of the others, bad things will happen. The ink doesn’t take scrubbing or any time to come up, I clean my pages in about 10-15s. The page can feel a little tacky when it’s damp, but leave a minute or so and the page will be back to normal. RB do say that odd things can happen if the book is left near a heatsource or in a hot car, vis-à-vis, the ink can completely disappear horrifyingly enough. They say that putting the pen or the pad in the freezer for a little while will actually restore the ink, but I’ve not tried it yet so can’t confirm or deny how that goes. Handy for spies in hot countries though, so there’s another target market. If you are always going to send your pages to the same places, then don’t erase the marked icons, and the page is ready for new notes straight away, otherwise, scrub them too.
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I CAN’T READ YOUR WRITING – ARE YOU A DOCTOR? Initially, the RB pads send their files as scans of the pages in high contrast monochrome (colour is available) when you snap the page in the app (which auto-frames for you and takes maybe 10s to capture). The formats are either as images or PDF. If that had been it, I would have been quite happy, but the RB pads have another trick up their sleeve. Firstly, they have a function called ‘Smart Titles’ which allows you to name your files directly from the page by writing a filename between double hashtags ie ## this is my scrawl 24/8/20 ## and the file will pop up in your destinations with the filename “this is my scrawl 24/08/20” – this is insanely handy – there’s no protocol except your own and the hashtags, and it makes your files super easy to search. You can even send groups of pages as a single PDF. But the notebooks go even further. They actually offer full searchable OCR which the app can be set to send embedded in the PDF or image, or more usefully, as a companion separate .txt file. Now, my handwriting isn’t the neatest, but it’s not bad so I was prepared for some editing to be necessary, but impressively again, the OCR was about 90-95% accurate. In a page of text it missed maybe 3 or 4 words and even those not badly. This is all considering their full OCR is still only in beta! It gets confused with diagrams on the page, but that’s to be expected.
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Text Generated by OCR: ## Blog post och test Aug 2020 ## This is a little demonstration of the OCR capabilities of the Rocket Book pads and app. I've told the lovely people that the hit rate is about 90-95% so please dant let me down here flip pad. Hopefully the file name will also prove another point further up in the section and not make me look like some charlatan or snake-oil salesman.Hope you enjoyed this demonstrahen, now go away and leave me to write the next great novella.Bye!
HOW MUCH? On average, I pay anywhere from £4-8 for a decent A4 notebook/journal, so at £30-37 (dependent on model), the RocketBook pads are not a whim purchase. That said, I get through a lot of journals in a year, and given that I would expect to easily get 2-3 years out of a RocketBook pad, then I’ve saved money. Will it replace all my notebooks? No. You need to be thinking of carrying this round as a kit: pad, Frixion pen (at least 2), and cloth.  RB do a series of portfolio sleeves for the pads but it does push the price up a bit still, but for a rep, engineer or salesperson, this still makes sense. They’re less bulky than a normal A4 pad too. What I would say is Tesco and Sainsbury’s currently stock Frixion pens and at much better prices than buying them from RB directly, I just paid £3 for 3 pens on offer at Tesco compared to £10 from RB. You get one pen with the pad, but you’re going to want more soon, so stock up next time you’re shopping for truffle oil crisps. If you use whiteboards a lot, RB also have you covered. Instead of the pad, £16 will get you a 4 pack of ‘beacons’ – little self-adhesive triangles that effectively do the same thing as the QR code in the pad. You don’t have the icon options obviously, but if you’re looking to distribute quick meeting or group notes, this would be a boon. CONCLUSION Considering this was a fairly speculative purchase on my part, my early experiences with the RocketBook Flip have been really impressive. The flexibility, the ability to store every page in a different location if you really wanted to make it fantastic for organising my notes, which can save me hours of finding the right ^^$&^$&$ notebook in the first place, then scouring that for the one paragraph I was looking for etc etc. The searchable text facility, in-app history for re-sending etc and last but no way least, functional handwriting OCR, makes the RocketBook not only novel, but actually useable! Would I buy another? As a second notebook – yes. I look forward to seeing what the actual longevity of the product is once I come off furlough and start cramming my day bag with all my junk and a notepad again, but yes, I’d probably just have one at home, and one for work, but make the last 5 mins of each day, scanning and sending work notes so I have them with me wherever. Impressively, the RocketBook Flip just works and it works well. ‘Er Across The Table has already sold several folk at her work on the idea and she doesn’t even have one herself yet! I love it. It’s taking a little adjusting to, but it’s all good. The most important thing though is the writing experience, and I have to say, the combination of the Frixion pen/ink and the polymer technology of the Flip, again, just works. It’s smooth, doesn’t skip or smudge for me (I know some right to left users and left handers have reported some issues) and feels great to write on. If anything I have to slow down a bit as the contact is so smooth that your writing can get a bit ahead of you! RocketBook have produced a cracker of a product. It might not seem like much, but if practical working journals are your thing (ie not create and keep things) then I can highly recommend the RocketBook series.
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jackalopegirlteeth · 5 years
He Who Gazes
Some notes before we begin: Parts 1 and 2 can be found here (part 1) and here (part 2). I would recommend checking them out first. Secondly. Some content warnings for you all. There is quite a bit of violence near the end. Which contains some descriptions that some viewers might find upsetting. Depictions of some pretty graphic injuries and also eldritch body horror. But with that out of the way. Lets begin.
The question of what exists beyond the physical world has been one that has captivated humanity throughout the ages. Gods, demons, spirits, angels. Giving animus and soul to the mundane in the hopes of learning something valuable about the world we inhabit. An indescribable craving to not feel alone, to be noticed, even if said notice brings malign intent. For humans are driven to find an external source for the cruel and wicked. Demons that corrupted the once pure, curses laid down by the capricious fey and the eldritch machinations of beings both alien and ancient beyond measure. We are so preoccupied with our attempts at fantastical vindication we so rarely notice the evil staring us in the face. We crave the ignorant bliss that Cthulhu, Lucifer or the Titans are the cause of our ills. Blinding ourselves to what lies in front of us.
A lesson that a young elf is just about to learn. Something that will stick with her for the rest of her life, as long and eventful as it will be.
As a simple act of respect. Elana had for the longest of times operated a no portals rule when it came to her mother's home. She had no desire to startle her and even less to desire to be admonished for ‘letting the cold in’ as Gwen would say. Noting an extra car next to her mother's, a black sedan. She would knock twice before entering. A little habit the pair of them had picked up to let each other know that whoever was coming in was a friendly face. She wasn't expecting her mother to come and greet her and she certainly wasn't expecting what came next while halfway through removing her shoes.
“Elana, Escher. We're in the sitting room. We have a guest, an old friend of your father's he says.” The voice was definitely her mother's. But a guest? Was that who the car belonged to?
Her world crystalizes, freezing in place for a moment. A sudden anxious spike, there and then gone within the blink of an eye that leaves the pair of them swimming in a stew of conflicting signals. Elana knew where they were coming from. And she couldn’t exactly blame her symbiotic twin either. Things had been strange the past few months and she had a feeling they were merely at the tip of the iceberg so to speak. People had noticed the pair of them. And attention being brought to bear upon them was something neither truly relished in.
When the courage once more finds her, she finally follows the voices and opens the door into the room before her. As expected, her mother in her usual chair is the first thing she notices. The wheelchair at her side should she need to rise. The family resemblance is clear, save for the strange skin or eyes. Perhaps a glimpse of what Elana might have been like in the absence of interference of the cosmic sort. And of course we could hardly forget the smile.
But what is unexpected is the man sitting opposite her. Shaved bald head, dark skin, expensive suit and a cane sitting at his side. Almost a complete opposite to what she’d expect from a friend of her father’s in many respects. She only knew him as the well meaning house husband. A kind and gentle man, down to earth. Already little niggling sensations of doubt were beginning to form in the elf’s mind. There was something odd going on. She just had no way of measuring what just now.
“Elana, Escher. This is Dr Joshua King.” Gwen indicates towards her guest and then back to the duo who had just entered. “Joshua. These are my daughters, Elana and Escher. The latter of whom is usually rather shy.”
Pushing himself to his feet with some apparent effort and the help of the cane, Joshua takes a step towards Elana. Offering a hand to shake. “Please, just Joshua. It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss.”
It takes a second to break through the barrier of hesitation before she takes his hand. Some people like to claim you can tell a lot about a person from just a handshake, and in this moment Elana might be inclined to agree. The impression she was getting was much more gentle than she had been expecting. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
Elana, his cufflinks.
Not a second passes before she realises what Escher is talking about. Her gaze snapping to them in an instant. It was as if the sound of people dropping from helicopters had once more resurfaced. A small shield like sign. The insignia on the man’s cuffs and even tie clip were the same ones she had noticed that day with the Void Spawn. A heartbeat later and her hand pulled away from his in a flash.
He notices the recoil from her, the hand that had once held hers doesn’t go for her. Instead of becoming a pair of upheld palms. He clearly knows how jumpy she can be, his first instinct to attempt to accommodate for that. An effort to show he didn’t mean any harm. “Elana, it’s okay. We don’t mean you any harm.”
The will to just portal out was strong, the power at the very tip of her fingers demanding to be used. It would be so easy to flee, but could she risk leaving her mother with this stranger. Phenomenal cosmic power and yet, not much use in this situation. “Who are you really?” The situation was clear, the demands of the world around her fresh in mind. A touch of confidence returns to her voice and posture. Fighting back the urge give into fear.
“I haven’t lied to you. I am Dr Joshua King. And I did know your father. The only detail I have concealed is this.” Slowly, his right hand reaches to the cuff of his left sleeve. Undoing the cufflink and slowly rolling the shirt back up his arm. Though not of the same contrast as it would have been on someone like Elana or Gwen, the black streak up his forearm was unmistakable. The Voidling opens single yellow eye, lazily rolling its focus around the room. “I’m with a very particular group. We study The Void, we hope to better understand people like myself, like Gwen and most importantly. You too. I know I have precious little to offer and I ask much. But I need you to trust me.”
He was right, there was a lot to take in. In the blink of an eye the world seem to fold inwards and a sharp bang rings out. She was no longer in front of Joshua, but now between both him and her mother. A joint surprised exhalation was shared between them. Gwen reacting the least due to familiarity with her daughter’s capabilities. Joshua on the other hand utterly dumbfounded, unaware something like that was even possible. It was clear he expected her to be different, but not this different. Was there a mild touch of fear in his eyes too?
“What is it you want?” The hackles were raised, Escher’s tendrils sliding out from sleeves and collar of her shirt. She may not be the most formidable of opponents. But she had the home turf advantage and was fairly certain she had the upper hand. The truth is she didn’t want to fight. She wasn’t even sure she could fight. But as far as she knew, he didn’t know that.
“We saw your goons descend on a Spawn.” The disembodied voice of Escher calls out. It was time to put the chips down, at least tip her hand and see what would come of it.
Shifting forward in her chair, Gwen makes an attempt at standing, but doesn’t get very far. 
“Is someone going to explain what in the sweet hells is going on here? All of you.” Her attempt to stand is once more renewed, this time being much more successful. If only for the few steps to get into her wheelchair. Landing heavily on the chair padding.
“You’re right, they approached it. But not to cause harm or anything like that.” With careful and precise movements, he sets his cuff right again. “Reality is a strange and confusing place for such a being. We only intended to do as you did. Open a Void Tear and allow it free passage beyond. That's all.”
Slowly Joshua removes a card from his shirt pocket. Setting it down on the table with a kind of care not usually see used on such an innocuous item. “You have no reason to trust me. But if you wish to talk about all this. My number is here for you. I will see my way out.”
After what felt like an age, he begins to leave. Backing away from the pair of them as calmly as he could. “Good day to you ladies. I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.” And with that he was gone.
“Elana what ha-” The beginning of a question cut short by the bang of air rushing to fill a void. The young elf vanishing in a heartbeat without a word of explanation where she was going. “And she's off… Great. You and I were never this rebellious were we Dali?”
There isn't a comprehendable response. Merely an eldritch gurgle from the Voidling bonded to Elana's mother. It's meaning lost to all those who might hear it, except for Gwen. Or at least she was fairly certain she could get a rough idea.
Some time later, a soft pop is all that announces her arrival. The location was… Well she had been teleporting in blind against the better judgement of her conjoined friend. For all she knew it could have lead her anywhere. Into any sort of danger or  And the where? An office seemingly. Rich dark hardwood, brass lighting fixtures, bookshelves with leather bound books and even an ornate writing desk. Behind which a familiar face sat, opposite the chair that Elana had appeared in.
Joshua is startled almost immediately. Stumbling to his feet with the support of his desk. “Miss Symwright! What is th- How did you- This shouldn't be possible. We have fields and-” His face seems to scrunch up, the gears of his mind working over all the possible explanations for this fingers pressed into his brow. Finally sighing and shrinking back into his chair once more.
For a heartbeat he his eye seems to catch something. Lingering on the edge of his desk, contemplating whether or not to overreact. How effective would that be against someone who can apparently appear and disappear on a whim. “So why have you come here?”
Elana's strange eyes fix upon him. Not an angry or mean stare, but unusually focused. An intensity seldom seen in one like her. “You knew my father. I want to know everything.” The determination in her voice so clear, it would take an army to dissuade her from this course of questioning.
A heavy exasperated exhalation follows. Pinching the bridge of his nose. “Alright. I'll give you answers. But. I expect some from you too.” His statement hangs in the air for a moment before he continues.  “It all started as we were going through University-”
“Joran! We're almost ready to begin. We can't hold off too much longer.” The young man calls out, hands cupped around his mouth. A rudimentary bit of amplifying. He was certainly the Joshua Elana knew, albeit much younger and still in possession of a full head of hair. “The other two are setting up. We'll have the gate opened in just under half an hour.”
The sound of shuffling is heard. As if some wild animal had managed to wander and taken up residence inside the storage closet. Wandering around in some confused daze. The sounds get steadily louder. It was of course just his imagination providing such scenes, beyond was nothing more than a very tired and overworked graduate student wrapped in a blanket. In his current state, you'd almost never recognise him. The usual charismatic handsome rogue looked a little worse for wear. Shaving had been abandoned about a week ago resulting in the beginnings of a patchy beard. And the dark circles around his eyes evidence to how little sleep he was getting. Unusually lethargic, that is until a quick peck on the cheek has him perking up.
"Today's the big day." He says, leaving the side of his lover. "Make yourself presentable. This may not be the demonstration. But might as well make the practise as close to the real thing, right?" With a sly little wink he's gone once more.
Leaving the awakening Joran time to consider the exact implications of what was about to be undertaken. So many years spent picking apart the threads underlying the seemingly impenetrable conundrum before him and his team of three. "Yeah, big day today. Should shower."
Every fibre of his being had been telling him not to get out of the shower once he had managed to convince himself to get in. A problem that stacked itself on top of the desire to delay shaving and even worse the hurdle of picking out presentable clothing. Even the post waking coffee was something his body seemed determined to put off. But this was far too important to set aside now.
By the time an hour had passed he was finally making his appearance. Looking significantly better than he had been having just awoken from what had intended to be a power nap in a supply closet that ended up being longer than anticipated. The half finished second coffee of the day currently in hand as he surveyed the room before him.
All in all, it was the culmination of several years worth of calculations and attempts at wooing the wallets of both investors and the university itself. The amount of kit that was on display was staggering, a significant quantity of it a complex blend of the most sophisticated arcane workings and some of the finest technology produced since the great war. And at the centre of it all. The Gate. What they were all there for. Officially it was Project Egress, a name he hadn’t been especially in favour of. But Malcolm insisted on it. Not that it really matters, the results would speak for themselves. The first attempt to create a tear in reality, to enter the nebulously defined Void beyond the boundaries of this universe and into another. A scary prospect, but one that may end up providing valuable insights into the world. At least that was what Malcolm seemed to believe.
Speaking of, the man in question is standing front and centre. Gazing up at the culmination of the work he had both collaborated on and so fervently encouraged. Compared to the man Elana had met that day on that fateful intersection. He was significantly younger and this time in possession of both his arms. The left that should have been missing currently occupying the shoulder of the woman beside him. Against all logic, the pair of them seemed to be faring significantly better than their other colleagues.
“The wonder couple observes the work of the tired masses I see.” A playful barb, enough to announce Joran’s presence to the rest of the room, even if that was just three other people. An attempt at witticism was about all he could do to mask the apprehension gnawing at the back of his mind. There was much that could go wrong, and he knew enough of them to ensure unease.
The woman, to Malcolm’s left peels herself away from the centre of attention. Closing the gap and embracing her eleven friend. She was about on an equal footing to Joran, making them the joint tallest of the group. Long silky smooth auburn hair, a detail he’d been meaning to ask her about, his own could certainly use the same treatments. She was hardly a soft featured woman by any stretch of the imagination. “Was beginning to worry that you wouldn’t be joining us sleepy head.”
Joran smiles, exchanging brief friendly kisses on the cheek. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Turning to face them, a devil’s smile across his face. Malcolm has the look of a man watching every detail of his carefully orchestrated plan falling into place without the tiniest hint of friction. “We’re all here, time to get this show on the road.” An excited clap follows a dramatic inhale. “We’re at the edge of the map here, time to trespass in god’s domain.”
“Or create a black hole.” The response is kept low. Only Katherine, the woman beside Joran, would have heard it. Something evident as she follows after him as he approaches the protective suits that had been designed specifically for this endeavour. A minor tremble of the hand breaking through the mask as he goes to reach for the one that had been fit for him.
A tremble that is calmed as her hand rests upon his. “Is something the matter?” Her voice kept low so as to not alert the other two this conversation was going on. For all her fervour towards the machinations of her husband, a certain concern was unmistakable.
“Just lack of sleep.” His other hand lands upon her’s. “Been…” A hushed exhale that had been a suppressed chuckle. “I think everyone’s just a little stressed. Been so many all nighters this month. I don’t know how we’ve made it through this. But we’ll see it to the end.” He pulls away from her, getting ready to suit up. “You got to admit, there’s a certain… electricity to it? The ultimate edge to the unknown. The poet says let the edge be mysterious and beautiful. The scientist demands the answers. And here I am playing a balancing act between them.”
The donning of suits was about as awkward as one might imagine. They may have access to some of the most sophisticated technology, but in the early 30s that didn’t really amount to a hell of a lot. Mostly repurposed diving equipment reinforced in whatever additional methods they could realistically think of. At the end of the day, they performed their function even if they were a little clumsy to operate. And as students that was all they could really hope for. Well it was all they could manage to squeeze out of their funding, which was close enough.
Standing before the inactive gate, Joran couldn’t help but feel a little foolish. A little voice in the back of his head telling him that in spite of all the theory work, math and preparation. There was always the chance this wouldn’t actually work and that when the switch was eventually flipped the three of them would be standing before a very fancy looking metal ring for absolutely no reason.
His breath misting up the cold glass as Joran looks ahead. Only breaking his gaze to catch the eye of Joshua sitting by control consoles. A gauntleted hand raising give the thumbs up. “Alright people. Comms check, are sending stones functioning?” “Loud and clear.” Is the response, one after another.
“Oxygen is steady, starting up primary generators.” With a roar generators rev up. Power now flowing steadily through the network of sensors and fail safe devices and most importantly. “Beginning primary puncture drive charging in three. Two. One. Engage.” An electric whine as the centrepiece to this entire show comes to life. The kind of device one might expect in a period science fiction movie. All coils and wires, lights coming to life across panels with safety warnings.
“I guess it’s now or never huh. Mr King, the honour is yours my friend.” Malcolm, being the one to take charge, seemingly unaffected by the mounting tension.
Unlocking the safety cover on the big red button. Joshua sets his hand upon it. “Firing puncture drive in. Three. Two. And one.” With a click, history was made.
All the arcane and electric energy they could muster focused on a singular task. A tortured whine as the drive capacitors prepared to discharge. The thunderous boom echoes, shaking the walls with such magnitude as a thin line of high intensity thaumic radiation that hurts the eyes to look at tears. Impacting the point within the designated ring. An event over in the blink of an eye, leaving the ears of those present and indeed most of the building ringing.
Knocked to their knees, the scientists present take their time to get to their feet. Hearing and sight gone for a brief few moments. What they see as the dust settles is what they hoped for above all else. A single point hovering in the centrepoint of the ring contraption. Not simply black, but a true absolute absence of colour. The three of them knew at once what it truly was. The hole in reality they had been chasing, the Void Between Worlds.
As sense comes back to him, Joshua is quick to slam the containment switch. An electric crackle running through the ring as static arcs between electrodes set at equal intervals across its circumference. Unseen forces pulling at the tiny point, stretching it’s resisting form wider till at last before them stood a yawning portal to the beyond. A sickening hole in reality that demands the beholder to look away as it strains at the mind to comprehend it. And yet it commanded the most focused attention any single thing had gained in it’s brief existence.
The first to react to their shared success. Malcolm is rushing the portal with barely  contained glee, expression hidden from direct view by his suit but all too easy to read. Stopping only inches from stepping out beyond the boundaries. “We did it.” His open palm coming to rest a millimeter away from the portal itself, feeling the cold radiating from the empty expanses beyond.
The second to react is Joran, not as quick as his comrade. Only managing to cross half the distance by the time Malcolm was nearly crossing the threshold. “Careful, we don’t know what’s out there.”
Shaking his head at the readings before him. "We're getting no radiation emissions, nothing on the thaumic spectrum either. As far as I can see it looks about as safe as we can determine."
Looking back at Joran, the vindicated young man gave him a smile before pushing off. "To boldly go." The last words that can be heard before he leaves this world. Now adrift in the endless cosmic nothing beyond the stars.
Although the last to react. Katherine is the second to make the intentional trip out into the Void. Passing Joran as quickly as the bulky suit would allow her to move.
Realising he's being left behind, the apprehension he feels eased as he catches a glance at the smile on Joshua's face. A very brief pause to give a thumbs up before bounding onwards. "Wish me luck."
Space was a place far out of the reach of men at this time. But if he had to guess, this would be how it felt. The cold hitting almost immediately. A constant freefall rendered alien by the lack of rushing air. Although it felt livable now, he knew that removing his helmet would mean death. Likewise lingering here too long would more than likely erode the mind beyond repair. He could already feel a sense of unease creeping over him.
"A whole lot of nothing huh." Joran remarks, gazing into the endless black around them.
"Damn, and here I was expecting endless riches." The first man to enter the Void intentionally, the lack of anything to see hadn't blunted his enthusiasm. On the contrary it had ignited it further.
“Peaceful, in a kind of everything’s dead sort of way.” A playful punch on the shoulder from the elf to his human friend before pushing off deeper into the abyss. The weightlessness a unique feeling for a world in which humans hadn’t left their own planet yet and wouldn’t do so for close to another thirty or so years.
But several minutes in, their silence would be interrupted by Katherine. Who has drifted out ahead of the other two. An adventurous soul more so than the boys. "Guys, we were meant to be alone put here right?"
Hearing that over the sending stones, attention was gained. "What is it?"
The world has returned to tense. A complication arising as new was thrown into the mix, Joshua at the overseer seat of this fateful mission. Faithfully monitoring both vital signs, oxygen and potential threats in the way of radiation or wayward magic. A collection of gauges and dials that for the most part were sitting in amongst the safe zones, twitching only occasionally. It started with the subtle crackle of the geiger counters on suits that escalated into needles swinging wildly.
Somewhere out there, a headlamp flickers on. For the first time in an age, something is illuminated. Shape indeterminate, shifting in ways that the human eye cannot follow. Titanic on a scale hitherto unseen by mortal eyes and likely would never be fully comprehended. The owner of the light floating out far beyond the others, Katherine reaching out to lay a hand on this leviathan entity before her. Curiosity of the unknown overriding the instinct towards caution that she had attempted to drum into herself when preparing for such a mission.
A wave rippling out through The Void around them, something deep and primal beyond understanding, a tongue that predated all creation and would in time outlast it. The world on the opposite side of the gate shaking violently, cracks in the solid concrete tearing through the laboratory floor. Lights flickering as the whole building and beyond felt the overwhelming reverberations of a single colossal utterance.
Finding his balance and upon seeing the gate containment failing, the only response that made any sense to him was to hit the recall. The whir of the winch attached to each of the explorers hidden under the deafening ring in the wake of such a sound. The cracks above him unnoticed before a fateful chunk of ceiling drops.
The hiss of one of the safety cables meets an end to the encroaching lip of the portal. A mere two of the three brave explorers landed heavily on the hard stone floor. The arm of Joran’s suit charred and the arm underneath scorched where it had grazed the edge of the gate.
He only barely manages to get to his feet in time to see the man who had orchestrated this all rushing the slowly closing gate. With little time on his side, the only path before he could stand to entertain was clear. With the only good arm left grabbing Malcom’s line and one foot anchored onto cracked floor, a herculean effort to save a cherished comrade. Pulling him back into reality as the portal closed. At first he thought in time, only for his heart to sink as he beheld the sight of Malcolm laying on the ground clutching at the stump of an arm.
There was no denying that this was all a lot to take in. The baited breath look of shock and surprised the only thing she could manage, the effort to change that all tied up with comprehending what any of this new information could mean. Escher herself silent to the point Elana herself might come close to forgetting that her Voidling even existed at all.
With a nervous swallow, she mentally prepared herself before asking. “...How can I know you’re telling the truth.”
Rising from his chair seems especially painful for the old man, the memories coming with a mix of nostalgia and bitterness. The cane at his side a small comfort to the man who has evidently lost much. “The truth.” He sighs. “The truth is that you can’t. If you want a second opinion you can ask Malcolm himself. I have some things I need to discuss with him too.”
Deciding on whether or not to catch up with joshua was hardly a difficult feat, but it takes Elana a minute or two. The pause as she debates on what to do giving him a decent head start. Leaving his office was a hell of a reveal. The office had seemed to imply some kind of older office building, but the outside was almost the polar opposite. Light and airy, metal, plastics and glass. As if stepping out of an elderly victorian gentleman’s study out onto the deck of the starship Enterprise. The great cavern of a room was likely on the scale she thought she’d only see with the biggest football stadiums. The catwalk she was making her way across several dozen feet above the floor of such an enormous room. This Aegis group certainly had money on their side. Government or private would be the big question on her own mind.
Catching him just at the lift that operated on this floor, she doesn’t have to wait long before it arrives. Allowing her host in first before following. “So… Government?” A weak attempt at conversation. Hoping to start something up to fill the void that is a trip in the lift.
Though it would soon turn out to be almost entirely unnecessary as the sound of quick heavy footsteps make their approach. A pair of fingers only just managing to slip in and stop the door from completely closing.
What steps in definitely changes up the atmosphere. Elana was often used to being the odd one out. The strange person among the more normal seeming folks. And yet now it would seem that she’s the norm and Joshua the outlier. From the waist up they seemed perfectly human, barring a pair of small antlers and an odd nose. But the waist down, well that really wasn’t human. More accurately deer of some description. Their clothing, lab coat, shirt and shorts, suggested scientist. But the slight disorder to it all screamed applied thaumic sciences. Hair was messy too, but in a way that suggested it had been purposefully styled to be so, a little faded green dye yet remained at the tips.
“Ah boss, ben lookin fer de aul day. Got t’ bills fer the waas that came doon last night. Yer prob’bly gonnae cringe as ye see ‘em but hey. Progress an a’ that right? Solid ten minutes the gate held, lik a fuckin’ record or summit. Gotta be. Shid be. Just need yer scribble an’ we’re gold.” The clipboard under their arm is rather enthusiastically handed over, or is partially handed over. Only getting halfway before they stop, only in this moment noticing that Elana was there, and importantly that they didn’t know who she was. The realisation was slow, probably the only thing slow that had come from them in the few seconds since they’d intruded. “Oh.” The clipboard is forgotten in a flash, dropped without a care as the target sights have been moved. A rather enthusiastic and energetic handshake given. “Put ‘em there newbie. Am Robin, the auld fella’s geen ye the lay o’ the land, engineerin’s me own wee country aal me ain. Come doon some time, bangin’ place tae be. In a the right places a’course. So who’re ye and where’s he aud codger sentenced ye?”
Arm hanging practically limp in this strangers grasp, Elana could do little but nod along. Maybe only understanding one word in twelve that had been said.
Thankfully for Elana, she’s saved from the awkwardness of having to answer a question she never fully comprehended. The clipboard that had been dropped is now being handed back. “Please, Mx Finlay, some space would be appreciated. This is Elana, she’s a guest. Anything more is classified.” The button for the next floor is pressed.
Handshaking begins to slowly fade till once more Elana is free from the binds of Robin’s handshake. The faun staring confused at their boss. Accepting the clipboard and pen. “Riiiiight… Toodles.” As the lift doors open, they make a quick dash exit. Vanishing from sight with all the speed one can muster post realisation they had just blundered into something important.
Silence reigning once more as it is now just Elana, Escher and Joshua. A cough as their downward journey continues. "Former government actually. Convinced parliament to fund a Void defence department in the sixties. Lasted till the eighties before we were defunded. Picked up a private investor and managed to keep much of our equipment in the swap over."
Another minute or so passes. The floor of the cavern cone and gone and they continue to descend to levels even deeper. "So what happened between you and… Well my dad?"
The silence made Elana think she had struck a nerve. As if the split had been something that still was healing nearly a century onwards. It's only just as she's about to apologise that he speaks up. "Things were a little strained after Katherine's death. Malcolm was kicked out not long afterwards. Joran refocused, became a nurse. We tried to keep in touch but it never worked. Last I'd heard he'd taken a position in a military hospital after the war started. Until Malcolm informed me, I had no idea he had passed away. You have my condolences. He was a good man."
The silence once more reigned. Elana had come for answers and she had got them, but wasn't sure if they were the answers she had been hoping for. Part of her was unsure he was telling the truth. But her mother seemed to buy into what he was saying. Her father really was the good person she had always been, but how many secrets had he kept from her. How much had he kept from mother? She would have to ask.
The sudden shudder as the lift comes to a stop at the bottom of the shaft. A small pause and then the opening of doors. The reveal of an expansive room. It certainly didn’t hold a candle to the massive atrium that Elana had seen on the way down from her guide’s office. It was just open space, two doors either side with fortified emplacements at the far side. But all this for a single person?
With heart threatening to escape the clutches of her body, the walk across the room felt an eternity. The looks of those sitting by the door, weapons at the ready. A gun was something she had never been comfortable around. And that wasn’t going to be changing anytime soon if this encounter was going to be any indicator.
The hiss of a door sliding out of the way was almost too much for her. Jumping though feeling stupid for doing so a moment later. As far as cells go it wasn’t the most flush, but comfortable in it’s own little way. He certainly wasn’t being mistreated. The man seated at the opposite side of a small table Elana almost instantly recognised. The one she had saved from that Void Spawn. 
Now getting a better look at him. There wasn’t anything that suggested a need to imprison him. Well aside from the arm composed of writhing black tentacles where there had once been nothing. He didn’t look old enough to fit Joshua’s story, maybe 40 at a push, not nearing a hundred. But then again Joshua looked a similar age, so who could really say.
There was something about the way he sat that unsettled the elf. Amidst all this effort to keep him in place, he still had an irritating arrogance to him. As if he ruled the roost, not lay in some cell hidden away from the world. His first reaction to lean forward, hands resting upon his knees as a smile appears to greet his new visitors. “Oh Josh, spoiling me today aren’t you. Not just my bested of buddies, but a new friend. You are too kind.” His focus laser precise on the man leading Elana. He seems for a split second to want to rise from his chair as he looks to Elana, a moment that doesn’t last before he decides against it. “You two, you must be Elana and Escher. I’m so sorry we didn’t get acquainted the last time we met.” The look on his face says apologetic, but Elana had doubts. “I’d rise to shake your hand, but I’m under strict watch. I’m Malcolm. My partner, is Mobius. He and Escher have a fair amount in common. But as much as I adore him and the team we make. I must say we’re barely a spluttering match to a radiant star like yourself. What you did, simply breathtaking. Your daddy would be proud of you.”
As Joshua takes a seat. Elana tries to follow, body seizing up. Another attempt and fail before she finally follows seat. A pregnant pause that seems to swallow all descents, broken by Escher of all people. “What do you know?”
“I had suspicions. But…” The grin of a man who has finally had that one troublesome piece that had confounded him for an age dropping into place washes over him. Hands under the table. She couldn’t see but would have guessed fidgeting to some degree. “Well I know a hell of a lot more than I did ten minutes ago. That’s for certain.”
“And that would be?” A question that has Joshua practically on the edge of his seat.
Shaking his head, Malcolm chuckles. “Can I get a raincheck on answering that?”
Anticipation becomes confusion in elf, man and Voidlings. Joshua the one to ask again. “Why? You’re not exactly going anywhere.”
“I only really stopped by to pick up something of mine- THAT YOU STOLE!” The flash of anger like a lightning bolt, there and gone. “Really do need to make my exit about now. I hope you’ve been treating Kat well. For yo-”
Were Elana not already oddly pale, she would be white as a sheet. Stuck to the chair like a deer in the headlights. Not a single thing she had seen in this world or any other had frightened her quite like this. Demons, gods, elder things. She’d fraternized with them all. Nothing could come close.
“She’s dead Malcolm!” Forcing himself to his feet through no small effort of his own, he towered above the other two. “When will you realise this. We made a mistake and she’s dead now. Nothing we say or do can change that.” His shoulders sagging visibly, the weight of years hanging heavy on him.
“Katherine and I. Are leaving now.” Malcolm raises his one remaining good had. Showing off a thin trail of red blood across his palm. Intricate lines and circles painted with the help of a tentacle finger. “Just try to stop us.” A single word more and a tentacle pressed into the centre. The invisible wave of power cascading outwards.
Eyes widening she realises now too late what he has just done. A circle of unbinding. Dispelling an enchantment previously placed from a distance. Had she realised just a few moments later, a counterspell might have been possible. But she hadn’t. He’d let something loose, and as the sirens began blaring. The earth shook and Elana knew it wasn’t something good.
Outside the soldiers could be heard frantically in their radios, or at least trying to use them. Panic, pure and simple. Malcolm had all but been forgotten, Joshua having given up attempting to get through using his own communications equipment. Opening the door and only seeing men ready to defend him. An eerie stillness that is threatened by the door to the lift buckling outwards before a gout of flame tears it open sending shrapnel flying.
Reacting quickly, Elana is at the door with her palm against the scanner. A harsh error tone blares before the door slams shut. Great dents smashed into the steel coming a hair’s breadth from Joshua’s face.
Gunfire and screams, sounds neither Elana or Escher would ever forget. In short, hell. Then silence.
The screams of tortured metal and then a crash. Smoke pouring in from where the door had once been. Blood pooling on the floor and other things Elana wished she could unseen. A dark shape looming in the doorway. Human, a woman covered head to toe in blood, concealing most of her features. Her posture unnatural, as if she were somehow only vaguely acquainted to how a human should stand upright. Huge foot long claws slowly retract as she locks eyes with Malcolm. A moment of recognition before a colossal clay fist seizes her, wrenching the woman from where she stood like a ragdoll.
Hitting the far wall, the steel plating cracks and crumples. The gore soaked woman sliding off and landing heavily on the floor. Motionless, limbs jutting at odd angles and half a face reduced to a red ruin.
The perpetrator of such violence standing in the middle of the killing room. Sweat and soot staining her face. Her head topped with messy black hair and a pair of curved horns. In place of arms were two large clay prosthetics, one stretched long but quickly retracting. The sleeveless leather jacket she wore currently showing signs of damage, she’d been fighting this thing probably since it had escaped. And wasn’t about to let it get away. “DON’T YOU KNOW IT’S RUDE TO WALK AWAY WHEN PEOPLE ARE TALKING TO YOU?!” Cracking her knuckles, she approaches the downed combatant. Glyphs appearing around her wrists as her hair catches ablaze. The formerly clay arms superheating and transmuting to become molten rock. “Now you’ll see why they call me the all consuming flame!”
Although initially still, the woman begins violently twitching. Limbs flailing and bones cracking as joints are reset and breaks repaired. Her journey to her feet disturbing, like a spider with many of its legs fused together. A messy sprawl of limbs that in time finds its feet. A reforming head lolling to one side before snapping back into place. Slowly advancing on the door once again, as it nothing had happened.
Rushing her opponent, the tiefling opens with a right hook. Catching the intruder in the chest, staggering her backwards. Heat scorching flesh that knits itself back together again. Each hammer like blow gaining less and less ground.
Till at last a fist is caught. Comparatively tiny human hand holding back a molten fist near three times its size. Flesh sizzling and repairing at near equal rates. Seemingly blank black and yellow eyes locking with the tiefling’s own green ones. A moment of contemplation before the strange woman’s chest erupts into a mass of repulsive black fleshy tendrils, strands of exposed muscle and tendon. An eldritch strength that overwhelms her opponent.
Amidst crushing flesh, the tiefling is finding breathing difficult. A tentacle forced down her throat and cutting off her air. Vision slowly blurring, her mind racing as she begins looking for a way out that wasn’t presenting itself. Till instinct took over, jaws clamping shut. Tearing flesh between jagged fangs. The taste of eldritch flesh nearly gag worthy but she swallows. A primal scream and she ignites, white hot flame engulfing her for a few seconds. Tentacles whipping furiously as they crumble into ash.
Collapsing to one knee, smoke pours off the exhausted quasi-demon. Each breath a labour in its own right. Even as green blood dripped from her nose and a gash above one eyebrow, she forced herself to stand once more.
In spite of her efforts, her opponent once more regenerates. Looking no more worse for wear than she had to begin with. For her efforts, the tiefling merely gets a backhand blow from her assailant. Crashing into the wall, landing heavily on the ground and out cold.
Entering Malcolm’s cell finally. The mystery woman takes survey of her surroundings.
Elana and Joshua scattering at the sight of her. The latter finding his leg caught on his chair and landing heavily on the ground. The former making it to the far corner. Nigh inconsolable at this point. Tears streaming from her eyes.
Looking as if beholding the most beautiful thing imaginable. Dr Richardson is in motion near instantly, embracing the blood soaked woman. Seemingly either unaware or uncaring of her lack reaction to being hugged. “Come my love, lets be out of this dreadful place.”
“Thank you my dear, you’ve given this world hope. Hope for a better future.” His eyes locked on Elana. A smile she would never forget. Still with one arm around his supposed wife, a series of gestures and words sees the pair of them vanish in a brilliant light.
“No… Why this…” A thunderous clap rings out as air rushes to fill the empty space left by a terrified elf. Leaving Joshua alone amidst smoke and ruin.
Bleak and cold, at least to all but Elana and Escher. The lights of far off universes filling the sky, glittering through great dust clouds filling the Void. And the song of Titans. She knew what to listen for now. A month by their reckoning had passed. Neither had spoken in that time. What was there to say? That people could be the most terrifying monsters of all. It was all she could really think about of late. Staring out into the Void with little else on her mind. And she knew Escher was the same. The bleedthrough of their minds enough that even her mightiest attempts were like blocking the light of a bonfire with a scrap of tissue paper.
“What can we do Esch.” The first words she had spoken in what seemed like forever. She didn’t expect an answer. She knew Escher didn’t have one.
The sky split as the Titan looked down upon the child. Her heart swelling in her chest as the world around her became almost electric. Charged by the presence of a being vast beyond limitation.
“Be you.”
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jenroseyokel · 5 years
Awesome of the Year 2018: The Books
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Happy New Year! ‘Tis the season for year end lists left and right as we attempt to figure out the best of everything from 2018. And of course, as a fan of books, music, and movies, it’s only right to get in on the list-making. Over the next week or so, I’ll be sharing my 2018 favorite lists. First up: books! This year, I set my Goodreads reading challenge at 40 books, and actually passed it. I’ve been setting arbitrary book goals for years, but I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve succeeded since 2007. Probably because of all the graphic novels and comic trades I read this year WHICH TOTALLY COUNT BTW. Ahem. Anyway. This isn’t really a best of 2018 list so much as a Here’s a Bunch of Books I Really Liked in 2018 list, split up into categories. I hope you’ll find something interesting here, especially if you’re looking for ways to spend bookstore or Amazon gift cards you got for Christmas… ;)
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Newish Books by Rad Christian Women:
Every Arbitrary Book Goal should have a small correlated goal attached. This year mine was to make sure I read at least 50% women authors… and there have been a lot of GREAT new books from women writers in the past few years. If the “Christian women” section of your local bookstore makes you cringe a little inside too, check out these three wonderful books, all released in the past couple years:
Courage, Dear Heart by Rebecca K. Reynolds (NavPress, 2018)
Anyone who has read Rebecca’s writing knows she needed to write a book. She has a sharp mind, a poet's soul, a scientist's eye, and the most beautiful, tender heart. Also, she's an incredible writer who loves her readers with a love that radiates off every page. Buy a copy for everyone you know.
Wearing God by Lauren F. Winner (HarperOne, 2017) Girl Meets God was a formative book in my early 20s, and I’ve always meant to read more from this author, but somehow haven't. I finally picked up this one and oh man, for a solid month afterward I couldn’t stop thinking about it. With the eye of a scholar and the heart of a poet, Winner draws on personal stories, deep Biblical study, and a love of language to explore lesser known metaphors for God. Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren (InterVarsity Press, 2016)
Several years ago, James K.A. Smith’s Desiring the Kingdom helped me see liturgy in a new way, as not just religious practice, but the embedded routines that shape us. In this book, Tish Warren brings that idea to life as she walks through an ordinary day explores the holiness in our most mundane moments of living. You may not look at brushing your teeth or losing your keys the same way again.
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Good Stories
This year, fiction reading was… all over the place? I don’t know if I read much that was OMG amazing, but here are a few that were fun…
The Fairyland Series 2-5 by Catherynne M. Valente (Feiwel & Friends, 2012-2015)
I am notoriously awful at finishing book series. I read the first Fairyland book maybe… two years ago? Yikes. Just finished the last one and wow, so fun. Colorful characters, a whimsical narrator, crazy locations, and a whole lot of heart make this Victorian fairytale meets contemporary fantasy a delight to read. 
Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis (Harcourt, 1956)
Lewis’ contemporary retelling of the Cupid and Pschye myth through the eyes of Psyche’s jealous sister Orual. Second read for me, and even better this time around. Pretty sure this is Lewis’ storytelling at his best.
Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw (Orbit, 2017)
This was a year to embrace fun, nerdy reads. So there was the Star Trek spoof Redshirts (with a plot twist I totally saw coming... and I am not good at guessing plot twists) and my first trip into the Star Wars extended book universe (or whatever the heck they call it these days) and… this. A story about a doctor for the undead in London, trying to solve the mysteries surrounding a murderous cult and keep her monster friends safe. Not the greatest, but a fun Halloween read. I’ll get to the sequel eventually. (See also: bad at finishing book series.)
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Poetry for Everyone 
Another new reading practice this year: always keeping a poetry book on the bedside table. Poetry books are best for leisurely dipping in and out rather than reading cover to cover. If you think poetry is only for the ivory towers, give these writers a try and think again.
A Child's Year by Christopher Yokel (Independent, 2018)
Okay, I’m biased here, but hey! Chris quietly released a new poetry book into the world this fall, and I’m a big fan of Chris AND his poems. A Child’s Year is a season cycle, sort of like his last book A Year in Weetamoo Woods, but this time it’s anchored by a four part poem recalling the journey of seasons through childhood eyes. And according to our friend Kirsten’s 7-year-old son, he gets the experience right. ;) 
The Jubilee by John Blase (Bright Coppers Press, 2017) For his 50th birthday, John Blase released his first poetry book, with a poem for every year of life. It’s rare for me to make it through an entire collection start to finish but these were just so good. There are poems about aging — the author’s and his parents’ — and poems that evoke wide spaces and natural wonder. There are psalms and parables, and meditations on dying and, yes, living. All of them finely tuned with wisdom, gentle grace, and a touch of humor in all the right places. How I Discovered Poetry by Marilyn Nelson (Dial Books, 2014)
When I heard Marilyn Nelson read her poem “Thirteen-Year-Old American Negro Girl” on the On Being podcast, I was captivated. And when I found this lovely hardcover in a used bookstore back home in Florida, I knew I needed to read more. This is a memoir in poetry about growing up in a black military family during the American Civil Rights era, told with gentle lyricism, warmth, and humor. Plus, the book itself is lovely with whimsical illustrations and family photos.
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I’m always on a quest to get more comics in my life. Plus knocking out a whole series in a couple weeks is a solid way to pad out your Arbitrary Book Goal.
Amulet 1-7 by Kazu Kibuishi (Graphix, 2008-2016)
After their father’s tragic death, Emily and Navin move with their mom to a strange old house that belonged to their great-grandfather… and so the adventure begins. In this fantasy series, the two kids find themselves in an underground world of demons, robots, talking animals, and a dangerous and powerful Amulet. A captivating and beautifully illustrated fantasy tale. Ms. Marvel 1-5 by G. Willow Wilson (Marvel, 2014-2016)
Y’all, I super want to be a Marvel nerd. But alas, I can't keep up, so I get my sister to loan books to me. Ms. Marvel is my new fave. A Pakistani-American girl from Jersey City has the power to grow, shrink, and stretch her body at will. So she’s trying to fight crime, keep up at school, and well, stay out of trouble with her parents. So fun. (Dear Disney: I really want this kid to show up in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. before it gets canceled kthxbye.)
The Legend of Wonder Woman by Ranae De Liz and Ray Dillon (DC Comics, 2016)
Weren’t we all mildly obsessed with Wonder Woman after the 2017 film? Another one I borrowed from my sister. A solid take on Diana’s origin story that’s accessible for comic n00bs (ahem, like me) who can’t figure out where to begin with beautiful art and a lot of heart.
The Classic I Finally Read 
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen I always try to tackle either a thick intimidating novel or an unread classic in the wintertime. This year, I worked on my Austen deficiency and discovered I relate a little too much to Elinor Dashwood.
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What’s Next?
In the new year, I think my goal is less about numbers and more about reading widely. I liked the 50% women authors goal because it helped me actively choose to support women writers. This year, hoping to read more books by authors of color, explore some new ideas and genres, and hopefully do a better job reading deeply and taking notes. I’ve got my eye on Book Riot’s Read Harder Challenge too, perhaps as a way to dig into new things I wouldn’t normally notice. And yeah... perhaps a monthly reading life update is a thing I can do here on the blog. :)
If you’re curious to see the full list of What I Read This Year and follow along with me in 2019, feel free to follow me on Goodreads!
What were some of your favorite reads in 2018? And what are your goals for the new year? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments!
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wwfagseg · 3 years
The New Zealand bowlers then showed how damaging the new ball
Smith, a first baseman, and Haseley, an outfielder, were camisa gris oscuro taken Monday on back to back picks in the first. This gold medal is really great going into the World Single Distance Championships. Mirza International could be a beneficiary if and when that happens.. The New Zealand bowlers then showed how damaging the new ball could be by getting it to dart around. You can heal this way." The pain of losing a child never goes llantas 4x4 online away, she said. This wretched condition of slaves roused the friends of humanity, who, like men, and Christian men, came fearlessly forward, and told truths, indignantly expressing their abhorrence of their oppressors. However, on more than one occasion this app lost its GPS signal for an extended period of time, yet encouraged me to keep going. Its 70.3 degree head angle (on a size small) is about in line with modern XC bikes, balancing speedy response with stability, and the chainstays on the size small are a shortish (for a 29er) 437mm. Members of the consortium include Itochu,, NTT Data, Sanyo, Sharp, and Sony. Some nights, Ser Barristan wondered if he had not done that duty too well. “‘It’s commonly supposed that the property interest is a sufficient guard in these cases. Send help by land, seas wracked by storms. For six whole months you had been doing your utmost to draw him away from me. Their colors, lacing, and cuts are equally sporty and edgy it's a mix that makes these sneakers one of the more unique shoe styles out there. Do you know how to shine shoes?' And I told him I did and nike black tn 001 he gave me a pair of shoes to shine. The children of 1999, he told CNN, are down, the same as the children of 1969 (and, you can surmise, the children of 1909 and 2009): all long to be lovable, and capable of loving. The wolf is part of you from that day on, and you’re part of him. Previously, they only had to wear their heels whilst passing through the airport and greeting passengers, just like a scene from Pan Am.. Waves 10 through twenty can be focused on adding 3 Cannons spread out along the same line the MG turrets are lined against to provide extra firepower against the tougher armored naval vessels. Write often, as the times are critical, and it depends on the prices you get to govern me in buying.. Manuel in Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park in Big Sur on Tuesday, August 9, 2016. He added that he puma red bull racing evo cat iiwas surprised to see how close the Canadian trenches were to the German ones. The fur on his neck was bristling. He even described a few homes that are on the market for less than $100,000. But for now, that magic solution has not appeared for the GOP in the Senate. And if I want to move unseen, I need only slip it off to become plain and unremarkable.” He gestured at the bench across from him.. He had heard through the grapevine
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that DPF deletion was going on.. I can see why they would want to 'order' a wife, I suppose. Was received, and would have been noticed earlier galeb spodnjice but for my absence from home. In some cases, we may work with you to find the answers. A man of justice and humanity when in health, is often tempted to become unjust, exacting and exorbitant, in sickness. And yes, it's dangerous. The "Flightboot" is a 22 oz. "The Fire Department biggest comment about all this has been that the landscaped island in front of the station (as depicted in drawings) has got to go. ASUS chose good here. The Alumni Bulletin, published from 1940 to 1950, highlights news and events of the St. The cost includes complimentary refreshments from local sponsors. I maxed out the power and temperature targets, and while the fans got pretty loud, I was able to get a +125 offset on chaussettes bon marchéthe core and stunning +550 offset on the GDDR5, leading to a peak boost clock of 1150MHz and a GDDR5 clock of 7.1GHz. No words of yours will secure this peace for Meereen. Played the guitar! And learnt how to play El Condor Pasa all over again from Net videos. BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC in South Carolina is part of BMW Group's global manufacturing network and is the exclusive manufacturing plant for all X5 and X3 Sports Activity Vehicles and X6 Sports Activity Coupes. So my testing shows that these inserts work best in shoes that are a little large in the toe box
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dipulb3 · 4 years
Amazon Fire HD 8 Plus review: Key extras give it an edge over other cheap tablets
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/amazon-fire-hd-8-plus-review-key-extras-give-it-an-edge-over-other-cheap-tablets-2/
Amazon Fire HD 8 Plus review: Key extras give it an edge over other cheap tablets
With models available in 7-, 8- and 10-inch screen sizes and priced as low as $50 before Prime Day discounts, Amazon’s line of Fire tablets have long been the go-to option for bargain gadget hunters. But with its 2020 refresh of the 8-inch Fire HD 8 tablet, long the Goldilocks of its line, Amazon is adding a twist that may leave you wondering which one to buy. There are now two 8-inch models to choose from: a baseline Fire HD 8 starting at $90 (£90), and the $110 (£110) Fire HD Plus, which adds wireless charging and slightly better performance. The tablet isn’t available in Australia but the starting price converts to about AU$160.
Faster processor
Wireless charging
Fast USB-C charging
Better front camera placement
3GB of RAM (up from 1.5 GB)
Optional wireless charging dock turns the HD 8 Plus into an Echo Show
Hands-free Alexa voice-assistant
Improved battery life
Don’t Like
Display is HD but not 1080p (could be sharper)
Amazon app store is limited compared to Google Play and Apple app store
Amazon Prime membership is a must
The two models look identical on the outside. The HD 8 Plus is only available in a slate color while the standard HD 8 is available in black, white, plum, twilight blue and slate. But apart from the white version, they all have a black bezel around the display. Both models improve over the previous 2018 Fire HD 8 version with a faster processor, USB-C charging, improved Wi-Fi performance and a bump from 16GB to 32GB of storage in the base model. The standard HD 8 has 2GB of RAM — that’s up from 1.5 — and the HD 8 Plus has 3GB of RAM, which is where you get the performance boost. The USB-C charging does help reduce charging times by about an hour from the previous HD 8, with the HD 8 Plus charging even faster.
The 2018 Fire HD 8 (left) is taller but slightly slimmer than the new Fire HD 8 and HD 8 Plus. 
David Carnoy/CNET
What’s a big deal is that Amazon has moved the front-facing camera. It used to be at the top of the tablet when you had it in portrait mode. Now it’s on the side, so it’s at the top when you have it in landscape mode. That helps when you’re doing video calls with Zoom and other video calling apps, including Amazon’s own. The new model is a bit wider than the 2018 HD 8, but it’s shorter and the bezel is now a similar width around the whole display, which remains the same 8-inch size. Only a high-end tablet like the iPad Pro has more screen and less bezel: Other budget tablets typically have wide bezels.  
Thanks to the combination of a new 2.0 GHz quad-core MediaTek 8168 processor and some software updates, battery life is now rated at 12 hours of “mixed-use” instead of 10.  The other small upgrade is that the microSD expansion slot now accepts up to 1TB cards. Previously, the maximum capacity was 512GB.
So all in all, there are some substantial changes. And you’ll have to pay more for them. As stated above, the standard HD 8 now costs $90 instead of $80 and the HD 8 Plus with wireless charging and the extra gigabyte of RAM is $20 more at $110. The price for the Plus goes up another $20 if you buy the companion wireless charging dock for the Plus, which you probably want to do.
The Fire HD 8 now features USB-C charging.
David Carnoy/CNET
Both new Fire HD 8 models have the same 1,280×800-pixel resolution display as the previous HD 8. The screen is technically HD but it’s basically 720p and not 1080p. It’s fine for watching videos but it’s not nearly as sharp as the screen you get with, say, an iPad, which is why you’re paying a lot less for this. At 355 grams, the new Fire HD 8 weighs a touch less than its 363g predecessor.
A few years back, the HD 8 seemed sluggish, but its performance has steadily improved and now it’s pretty zippy (Amazon says the new HD 8s are 30% faster than the 2018 HD 8 thanks to the new processor and software optimization). It isn’t as responsive as an entry-level iPad, which is often on sale for about $250, but it’s overall pretty smooth and I didn’t have any problem running games like Asphalt 9: Legends. That said, the 8-core processor and GPU — the graphics processor — are faster in the 10-inch Fire HD 10, which also has a sharper 1080p display. When that model goes on sale for $100, it’s probably the best value in tablets. But some people are looking for a smaller, lighter tablet and the HD 8 is a significant bump up from Amazon’s cheapest tablet, the Fire HD 7.
When docked in the optional wireless charging dock, the HD 8 Plus automatically goes into Show Mode.
David Carnoy/CNET
I didn’t see a big difference in performance between the HD 8 Plus and standard HD 8, but the extra gig does help. Apps open a touch faster and it can help with multitasking and more graphically intense applications. It never hurts to have more RAM, I can tell you that. 
The HD 8 Plus seems to wirelessly charge on any Qi-enabled charging pad — at least the ones I tried with 7.5 watts or greater charging power. But you really want the charging dock that Amazon bundles in for an extra 20 bucks. That’s because one of the big appeals of the Fire HD 8 Plus is that you can drop it in the dock and it automatically goes into show mode, essentially turning your tablet into an Echo Show 8, complete with hands-free access to the Alexa voice assistant. It’s still using the tablet’s internal speakers instead of a real speaker and the tablet doesn’t have a more extensive microphone array for picking up your voice like an Echo speaker does. But it works well enough and the sound is OK (it’s fine for watching video but not so great for music). You could wirelessly connect a Bluetooth speaker to augment the sound.
I put the dock in my kitchen and used the HD 8 Plus as a mini TV because I have Spectrum TV as my cable provider (like the Fire HD 10, the HD 8 now has a picture-in-picture mode for watching video in a small window in the corner of the display while using the tablet’s other applications). There happens to be a Spectrum app that gives me all my channels on the Fire HD 8 or HD 8 Plus so long as I’m on my home network (you get a reduced number of channels when you’re away from your home network). You could get a cover with a built-in stand — Amazon sells plenty of those, including its own nicely designed but expensive covers — and create the same set-up for watching videos. But you wouldn’t be able to wirelessly charge the tablet at the same time.
The wireless charging dock is an additional $20, which is a good value. 
David Carnoy/CNET
The Fire HD 8 has always been a handy tablet for consuming Amazon content, whether it’s video, ebooks or music, and it’s still particularly useful for Prime members. You can also watch other streaming video services such as Netflix and Hulu, but the Amazon app store has always been limited compared to Android and iOS, especially for games. You won’t find apps for Vudu or HBO Max, for instance (though the latter may be coming sooner or later).
The Fire HD 8 runs on Amazon’s latest Fire OS, a customized version of Android P, which was released in the fall of 2018. And while Amazon doesn’t encourage it, you can install the Google Play store by following some instructions on the internet. That would allow you to run a lot more apps. But some people may feel intimidated by the process.
The Fire HD 8 is popular with parents who want an affordable tablet for their kids. If that’s who you’re buying this for, the standard HD 8 is going to be just fine. It’s a good value and it’ll be a bargain when it goes on sale. (There’s also a $130 Kids Edition that bundles in a protective case and a year of Amazon’s Freetime Unlimited all-in-one subscription service that gives kids access to thousands of age-appropriate books, videos, apps, Audible books and games).
I like being able to wirelessly charge the Fire HD 8 Plus and the dock is nicely designed. I think you’ll end up using the tablet more because it does double duty as an Echo Show; it’s basically always charged and ready to go when you want to use it outside the dock. So for me the HD 8 Plus with the dock bundle is the way to go, especially if it goes on sale. I do wish the screen was 1080p, but you apparently can’t have everything at this modest price.
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dropswisdom · 4 years
Minix Neo U22-XJ is Minix’s latest (and blazing fast!) Amlogic based Android TV Box! Based on Amlogic’s most powerful S922-XJ SoC, you can now expect great HDR support as well as Dolby Vision straight out of the box.
  What’s in the Box?

U22-XJ comes in the standard classy box embossed with the logos of supported standards such as 4k, HDR, Dolby and so on. Inside we find the TV Box itself encased in soft nylon and laid in a caveat inside a cardboard cover. After we lift that cover we find all the peripherals – HDMI 2.1 cable, USB-OTG cable and, of course, the DC power adapter (with multiple power plug adapters), removable antenna, IR remote control and the Setup guide. U22-XJ itself uses the standard black minix matte plastic box with its plethora of ports (see details bellow)
  U22-XJ Looks
Minix box design remains the same over the years. If I had to venture a guess, it is to reduce cost and use the same basic box design for all of Minix’s Android/Windows product lines. At most, extra ports need to be embedded into the box, but the classic black plastic shell is the same.
U22 Top
U22 Front
U22 Back
U22 Right
U22 Bottom
U22 Left
U22-XJ PCB Top without heatsink. Curtesy of Minix & Trebor from Freaktab Forum
U22-XJ PCB Bottom. Curtesy of Minix & Trebor from Freaktab Forum
U22-XJ Open Box showing PCB with heatsink. Curtesy of Minix & Trebor from Freaktab Forum
Here are the items that come in the box: WiFi antenna, HDMI 2.1 cable, User Guide, IR Remote, Power adapter, Power plug adapters, and a USB-OTG cable.
Minix Neo U22-XJ Items
Minix Neo U22-XJ Home Screen
  U22-XJ Specifications
Chipset Amlogic S922XJ Quad Core Cortex-A73 + Dual Core Cortex A53 Processor (64-bit) GPU Mali-G52 MP4 Memory / Storage 4 GB (LPDDR4 3200 MHz) / 32GB eMMC 5.1 flash, microSD card slot LAN Yes, RJ-45, 1Gbit / s Wireless 802.11ac 2.4GHz / 5GHz WiFi (2 × 2 MIMO) Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.1 + EDR OS Android 9.0 Pie Video Output HDMI 2.1 output up to 4Kp60 with HDR10, HDR10+, Dolby Vision support Audio Output / Input HDMI 2.1, Optical S/PDIF, 3.5mm audio jack Power 5VDC/3A via power jack Peripheral Interface RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet Micro SD card reader, Kensington Lock ready USB 3.0 port x 3, USB-C port x 1 (data only) 3.5mm audio jack, IR receiver (remote included) Packing Included power adapter, OTG-USB Cable, HDMI Cable, MINIX IR remote control, and a user manual Dimensions 128mm x 128mm x 28 mm
  U22-XJ Benchmarks and Testing
All benchmarks have been repeated 3 times and results have been averaged to give a more accurate reading:
Antutu Benchmark
The Antutu benchmark tests single core performance over multi-core as it is a better indication of the performance of one device over others in most situations. Minix U22-XJ performs amazingly, and is placed number 1 in the list of TV boxes (and one tablet) reviewed. It is also worth noting that Minix U22-XJ is placed above any other Amlogic based box on the list.
Bellow is a screenshot of the latest Antutu benchmark (I have not tested other boxes with this new version, so there is no comparison graph as yet):
    GPU Mark Benchmark
[easy-image-collage id=28444]
GPU Mark tests 3d gaming performance and also provides a normalized score according to the used screen resolution (for a more accurate result). The test is quite short and should be taken as a supporting result to that of the more serious 3D Mark benchmark. Minix U22-XJ performs very well here, placing it second only to the top contender (a powerful tablet) – it’s S922-XJ chipset placing it higher than all TV Boxes reviewed so far.
    A1 SD Benchmark
[easy-image-collage id=28447]
A1 SD Benchmark tests RAM and flash memory speeds. As can be seen in the provided graphs, RAM is much faster (by a factor of about 40) than flash memory – that is why it’s in smaller amount and is also volatile (does not keep its contents after a reboot). Minix U22-XJ achieved 2th place in the RAM Copy Speed test, placing it only under the powerful tablet. In the storage Read/Write testing, Minix U22-XJ takes 2nd place again, this time only behind a Realtek based box.
    PC Mark Benchmark
The PC Mark benchmark tests run several productivity tests, but sadly, results page comes up empty, and freezes the application.
  3D Mark Benchmark
Slingshot Extreme
3D Mark benchmark is considered as one of the best ways to test 3d performance on Android (and other platforms). Minix U22-XJ is officially compatible with only these two tests: Slingshot, and Slingshot Extreme (which results are also showing above). But using an older APK of 3dmark, I was able to run the older “Ice Storm Unlimited” test and get quantifiable results (with the new version on the android play store, you can run the test, but the result comes out as “Max”). As can be seen, this new generation of Amlogic chipsets opens a wide gap ahead of everything I tested before it..
    U22-XJ Extra Benchmarks
For some more information, see the following screenshots from other benchmarks such as Basemark, Vellamo, Passmark, and GFXBench:
    U22-XJ Bugs and Issues
Restarting the box causes loss of picture on screen. Must unplug and re-plug HDMI cable to restore.
PCMark Work 2.0 benchmark will not show results at end of testing
After shutting down box from remote, sometimes unable to turn it back on from remote, and must use the physical power button. Then must unplug and re-plug HDMI cable to restore picture as in issue above
Built-in Root function only works per session (while the device is running, and reverts to non-root after a restart). Also does not play well with SuperSU root permission management app, as when you try to update the SU binary, it will brick the U22-XJ box. Also, the root switch stay “ON” after a restart, even though root functionality is not active.
John from Minix assures me that at least some of these aforementioned issues (especially the loss of picture) will be corrected in upcoming firmware updates.
  U22-XJ Root function
Minix seems to have done away with the unofficial (which requires some know-how and may cause box bricking) methods for rooting their new boxes. Instead, you get a nice menu option for turning Root “ON” or “OFF”.
But.. it is far from perfect. Instead of turning it on and expecting it to stay on after reboot, this root is only per session. Meaning, after reboot the U22-XJ is no longer rooted. On top of that, the switch option itself still remains as “ON”, even though the root is not active. To allow root status again, you’ll need to turn it “OFF”, and then back “ON”. That’s tedious, and really unnecessary.
On top of that, this is a permission-less root. So there is no “SuperSU” or other permission management app which gets installed along with the root. It will automatically grant your application root rights as needed. Personally, I prefer to have better control of which applications gets root access and which do not. You can always install SuperSU yourself, but be warned: if you agree to update the SU binary – which the application will automatically offer you to do, the U22 will be soft bricked upon reboot, and will require a firmware flash using a cable and a PC. Learned that the hard way.
    U22-XJ Video Playback testing (Using KODI)
Resolution Video Format Local Playback Network (Wi-Fi) Playback 720p (1280*720) AVC ([email protected]) Plays OK Plays OK 1080P (1920*1080) AVC (High@L4) Plays OK Plays OK  2160P (3840*2160) HEVC (H.265) Plays OK Plays OK 4K (4096*2304) AVC ([email protected]) Plays OK Plays OK 4K HDR HEVC Main 10@L5@High HDR10 Plays OK Some buffering 4K TS HEVC HEVC (H.265) 10Bit Plays OK Plays OK
Kodi 18.6 arrives pre-installed on the U22-XJ. Video performance is very good, although local network streaming was less than perfect (especially with 4k HDR content) even though the WiFi performance measured very well outside of Kodi.
* 8k video is not really usable in kodi, but I have found that these samples DID play locally (with some stutter and a bit of buffering) on MX Player Pro
Kodi add-ons tested quite well. IPTV streamed without issues. Also, this box contains a SDR to HDR and HDR to SDR capabilities. It makes the picture pop. Some would like it and some would not, but you can always turn that feature off.
Antutu Video Testing got mixed results: U22-XJ played all the videos in the test, aside for FLV and RMVB formats which failed. Video playback was pretty flawless in general.
  U22-XJ Network performance
I tested the network performance using the popular Speedtest.net application from the play store. I tested both WiFi (the fastest WiFi supported – in this case 5GHz 802.11ac), and wired connection (in my case AV1200 Ethernet over power line). My home connection is a symmetric 500 Mb Fiber connection so it would not limit the testing (but the Ethernet over power line connection does) – Minix U22-XJ shows the strength of its MIMO antennas in the excellent WiFi performance, but less so with the LAN over Power-line connection:
WiFi 5Ghz
  Wired, over power lines
According to the Speed test, the network connection performed amazingly on WiFi 5 GHz (probably due to the MiMo and hardware), but not so great on the wired connection. Since the wired connection is over powerline adapters, inferior speeds are to be expected.
  U22-XJ Gaming performance
U22-XJ is definitely suited for smooth gaming – as long as you have a proper controller with which to play:
Asphalt 8 Airborne – a 3d graphic intensive racing game. Loads and runs smoothly, Using the included standard IR remote I could steer, but could not use Nitro..
Angry Birds 2 – a popular 2d action game. U22-XJ loaded the game fast and run smooth as butter – using an air mouse (not included). There is an issue where you cannot move from one stop to the next due to inability to click on an icon (clicking does nothing – also tried with a mouse), but that seems to be due to a game bug with this and some of the other TV boxes I tested.
Walking War Robots – an online robot warfare game that requires a game-pad (I don’t have a game-pad). U22-XJ loaded the game fast, and it run smoothly without issues. But full control was only possible via an air mouse with built in keyboard. otherwise, could only look around, but could not shoot or move with the standard IR remote.
    U22-XJ Conclusions
Did I like it? Yes, it is another quality power performer from Minix.
Would I recommend it? Yes, even though there area few issues, they do not affect the stability or the performance of the box in general. (8k is not currently common, a requirement or officially available on this chipset, so it cannot be counted)
You like it! Where can you buy it? It’s not a cheap box, but starting at about 170 USD for the basic package, you can find it here: AliExpress.com Product – MINIX NEO U22-XJ TV BOX S922X-J Android 9.0 4GB DDR4 32GB eMMC Smart TV BOX Dolby Video Audio 4K UHD Media Hub 2.4G/5.0G WiFi
or here: MINIX Android 9.0 Pie Media Hub 4K Ultra HD Dolby Vision Dolby Audio HDR10+4GB DDR4/32GB eMMC HDMI 4K @ 60Hz 3 x USB 3.0 USB-C [data only] GLAN AC Wi-Fi TF Card (NEO U22-XJ)
Amazon Minix Store
Aliexpress Minix Store
Review | Minix Neo U22-XJ AMLogic S922-XJ TV Box Minix Neo U22-XJ is Minix's latest (and blazing fast!) Amlogic based Android TV Box! Based on Amlogic's most powerful S922-XJ SoC, you can now expect great HDR support as well as Dolby Vision straight out of the box.
0 notes
tech-battery · 4 years
The ThinkPad T490s (note the s) is a slimmer take on the already slim ThinkPad T490, both of which are 14-inch models in Lenovo’s current ThinkPad lineup.
It seems to fit somewhere between the standard T-series and ultra thin-and-light X-series laptops from Lenovo, and any way you look at it the T490s is a slim and very lightweight business machine.
Another aspect of the T490s is the variety of display options available, from low-power FHD panel of our review sample all the way up to a WQHD option featuring Dolby HDR support.
But the best part of this design? Though it carries the ubiquitous “thin-and-light” label, the T490s actually offers legitimate I/O support in the era of USB-C-only laptops.
The case material is the familiar ThinkPad combination of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic and magnesium alloy, and this version of the T490s measures 12.94 x 8.85 x 0.63 inches and weighs just 2.81 lbs (there is some variance based on display panel configuration).
And now for a look at the all-important I/O, which is significantly above average with the ThinkPad T490s compared to other laptops in the “thin-and-light” category. No, it’s not quite up to the level of the full-sized T-series models, but we aren’t talking about yet another slim laptop with just a pair of USB-C ports, either.
From left to right we have the USB-C AC power input, USB-C Thunderbolt 3 port, Ethernet (requires optional Ethernet Extension Adapter), USB 3.1 Gen1 port, HDMI output (1.4), and 3.5 mm headphone/mic combo port.
On the other side we see, again from left to right, an ExpressCard slot for an optional Smart Card reader, another USB 3.1 Gen1 port (this one offering Always On power for charging), and a Kensington lock slot.
The rear of the T490s is where you’ll find this model’s combo MicroSD card reader/micro-SIM slot.
The front edge of the laptop’s lid houses the slider for the physical camera cover (ThinkShutter).
While this is a not a 360-degree hinge design like the Yoga series, this ThinkPad offers a hinge that allows the display to fold nearly flat:
Next up we’ll check out the all-important input.
Long-time ThinkPad users have very strong opinions about their laptops, particularly when it comes to input. Here I decided to compare the T490s to recent ThinkPads and other thin-and-lights that I have used.
The keyboard is comfortably wide, with slightly concave key caps that help make these feel a bit more traditional. The key travel is still fairly shallow, but still deeper than most chiclet-style options out there. I found this model to feel almost exactly like my trusty ThinkPad Yoga S1’s keyboard, which is to say it’s very, very good.
The keyboard is also spill resistant (though I was not brave enough to test this out before I had to send it back), and our review unit featured LED backlighting. I really don’t have any complaints here.
The buttonless touch pad (UltraNav) offers a smooth multi-touch surface that feels good, though not up to the level of the large glass touch pads on Apple machines. That unpopular Apple reference aside this did feel quite good and was very responsive, and I had zero issues with it.
For its part the TrackPoint “nub” felt like any other ThinkPad’s TrackPoint I’ve personally used. Some people will prefer this method, and you do get physical buttons for left and right click at the top of the touch pad just below the space bar. Tracking felt as precise as ever.
I found myself favoring the TrackPoint for certain types of work including photo editing, while I defaulted to the touch pad for things like web browsing, where I appreciated the solid implementation of two-finger scrolling.
Without doing a thorough analysis I can only offer subjective impressions here, and the low-power FHD display on our sample was excellent. It offers a matte surface that was pretty good at rejecting glare, but I was immediately struck by its rich color and what I thought was very good accuracy out of the box (especially for a business machine that isn’t marketed toward creative professionals).
Lenovo doesn’t provide specifics about the Low Power FHD panel in our sample, other than the fact that it is IPS. I have seen it suggested that they may be using IGZO technology for this low-power variant (in the Notebook Check review), and going all the way back to 2016 when I experienced my first IGZO display (with the Dell XPS 15) that seems right. There’s just something about the color, which I would describe as a quasi-OLED effect.
I set out evaluating this laptop by simply using it as my daily driver for a few months. I used the T490s exclusively over this past summer (keen-eyed observers may have noticed a system date from way back in July in the photos of the system), and I continued to use the machine until the end of August.
This isn’t new information, but honestly there is nothing earth-shattering about performance numbers from a notebook with an 8th-Gen Intel Core i5 mobile processor. The most important aspects of a laptop (to me, anyway) have nothing to do with compute performance, and everything to do display and input quality – and of course battery life.
I did run the PCMark 10 Extended benchmark (and a couple of others) for reference, and provide the results below for anyone interested. One thing of debatable interest was the x264 benchmark, which I’ll admit right now is a terrible idea for a mobile benchmark – just like Cinebench. How many people are rendering or transcoding with their laptop? (Unless it’s their only PC, of course.)
After the first pass of the first iteration (of four consecutive) of the x264 benchmark, the CPU performance dropped considerably as thermal/power management kicked in (from the benchmark’s text output):
Pass 1
encoded 11812 frames, 79.49 fps, 7754.22 kb/s
encoded 11812 frames, 69.55 fps, 7754.21 kb/s
encoded 11812 frames, 69.32 fps, 7754.22 kb/s
encoded 11812 frames, 69.30 fps, 7754.32 kb/s
We’re talking a drop from 79.5 to 69.5 FPS immediately, which stabilized at around that 69 FPS number after that. What does this mean? It means don’t use a laptop for video transcoding unless you have to.
In closing, performance with an 8th Gen Core i5 processor is just fine for most tasks, and you only run into problems if you want to do something very CPU or GPU intensive – particularly the latter. There is no discrete GPU option with the T490s, and a Core i5-8265U processor limits you to Intel UHD 620 graphics. This isn’t going to take you very far up the resolution/detail settings ladder, but this is a business machine after all (though it runs DOSBox like a champ, which is all that really matters anyway).
I used a number of laptops in 2019, and this ended up being my overall favorite. No, it’s not a big gaming beast with a mechanical keyboard and desktop GPU inside, nor is it an impossibly slim aluminum lifestyle accessory with zero connectivity. The ThinkPad T490s exists in this happy medium of professional machines where at least some of the I/O we used to take for granted is still built in to the device itself, and doesn’t exist only in one’s imagination (aka a series of dongles).
Can it be argued that an extra-slim T-series machine from Lenovo is really a T-series machine, considering concessions to size such as the need for an optional adapter for Ethernet? I wasn’t hung up on the branding of the laptop, so I won’t argue either way. To me it was just a solid business-oriented laptop with a great display, great input, and great battery life. And it was super lightweight. What more can you really ask for from a work laptop?
Now we come to an aspect of the T490s that I didn’t get into in the review as I was evaluating a single variant of this model: there are a lot of different configurations available. A ThinkPad T490s as reviewed is about $1700, but a T490s actually starts at around $1399, and there’s even a T495s variant with AMD processors available now (starting at ~$1050).
I would certainly recommend that anyone check out this T490s/T495s product family if they are in the market for a lightweight productivity laptop that doesn’t require carrying around a series of dongles everywhere you go. The T490s might not be what long-time T-series users think of as a “T-series” laptop (it’s probably more like a thicker X-series), but regardless of the designation it’s a damn good laptop.
0 notes
goadapter-blog · 5 years
The Asus N552VW Review
The Asus N552VW batteria asus n552vx is often a laptop computer designed for gaming and multimedia.The lid from the laptop is coated which has a dark gray metallic product.It includes Windows 10 and it has McAfee Are living Safe and sound software pre-installed.The laptop functions a 2.six GHz Intel Main i7-6700HQ processor,16 GB of DDR4 RAM,an Nvidia GeForce GTX960M,a 128 GB Good State Push plus a 2 TB hard disk for space for storing.Both RAM modules is usually replaced.Its fifteen.6 inch monitor that has a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels gives provides superior performance for gaming and multimedia.Colour protection and precision are first rate.The laptop is ideal for simple desktop jobs and media encoding jobs.The keyboard comes along with a range pad as well as touchpad supports most of Home windows ten gestures which include Cortana and window variety.A DVD drive is involved as well as the connectivity is respectable.There are actually three USB three.0 ports,a USB three.1 Type-C port,a Gigabit Ethernet port,an HDMI port,a DisplayPort,an SD card reader plus a three.five mm headset combo jack.What's more,you will find a 720p webcam for online video conferencing.The N552VW weighs 2.53 kg and its battery daily life is about three hrs.We explore all components of the Asus N552VW in the review under.
High-powered laptops are likely to tumble into two unique camps in recent times.You have your significant,brash gaming laptops,which choose all-out power and specs,and don't provide a fig for portability.After which you've got a selection of elegant, far more sensible machines.It is really this classification which the Asus VivoBook Professional N552VW falls into,and although its main specification has far more in widespread with gaming laptops,it cuts a more refined and chic figure.Around the outside,you will find Asus's trademark brushed steel concentric circle finish,resembling the grooves of a vinyl document,even though within is a stylish silver keyboard tray.Admittedly,I did discover a little bit flex within the keyboard base,however it was not particularly worrisome,and also the relaxation of your establish and style and design,whilst not up to the significant requirements established by Dell's XPS selection or Apple's MacBook Pro and Air laptops,is nice more than enough.For all its elegant superior appears,the N552VW is still pretty hefty,measuring 29.9mm thick asus li ion battery pack a41 k56 and weighing a sizeable 2.5kg,so it is not the most beneficial laptop for carrying all around all day.Most of its bulk might be attributed to its built-in DVD travel,however the thick,black bezels round the screen also drag down its total charm.However,this really is obviously created like a desktop-replacement laptop computer rather than a skinny,modern ultra-portable,which makes it a contact simpler to forgive its fairly unwieldy proportions.The 720p webcam just isn't significantly great.Despite its sensible resolution,it won't tackle improperly lit or backlit topics incredibly nicely.With daylight shining in through gaps hp spare 807957 001 in the roller blind guiding me,the digicam set its exposure to minimise the sunshine and my face was mostly obscured.Inside a lit place devoid of backlighting illustrations or photos have been still noisy,but my experience was at the very least recognisable.The microphone isn't really great: it really is flawlessly satisfactory for online video chatting,but if you are going to be chatting quite a bit,an external headset or microphone might be a much better guess.
The keyboard particularly was exceptionally comfortable to form on.The keys possess a excellent number of vacation using a superior action to each stroke,plus they all sit exactly exactly where your fingers would assume them to,which means I'd no acclimatisation interval and only created quite infrequent problems.Extra importantly,the keys Batteria HP 15Ak100 are relatively tranquil,much too,and that is great in the event you value unobtrusive working.The one disappointment was that my specific critique model lacked any backlighting,so be sure to look at the model variety prior to deciding to acquire. The large touchpad is equally comfortable to use and its sleek,slick surface area lets your fingers to glide across it without having a lot resistance.It felt lovely and responsive during screening,and also the built-in mouse buttons worked properly,far too.The sheer dimensions of the notebook means you can find a lot of home for ports and sockets.For info,you obtain three USB three and a single USB three.1 Type-C port.There is certainly also both a full-size HDMI output and mini-DisplayPort for hooking up external displays.The aforementioned DVD-RW travel is on the ideal aspect and there is also place for an SD card reader and Gigabit Ethernet.Wi-fi,in the meantime,is covered by 802.11ac Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0.If disregarding the whole absence of bass,the two upward-facing speakers do a superb occupation.Dialogs in movies seem abundant and normal.The most volume really should be adequate for medium-sized rooms of around twenty m2.Audio is rendered plainly,without any distortions batteria 586007 853 in any respect and it doesn't annoy with fluctuating volumes even at substantial amounts.The default driver offers fantastic configuration possibilities for adapting the audio good quality.Configuration by using the AudioWizard is also available.The author did not use this since the subsequent two options previously supplied superb benefits.Low-pitches can be set extremely perfectly through the equalizer preset "Club" and "Live".Dynamic and surround are remarkable for just a notebook once the possibility "Virtual Surround" is enabled.Significantly less is sometimes simply just much more,and it's user-friendly to obtain these kinds of excellent effects using these modest environment solutions.Weighty tracks like Madonna's "Frozen" are rendered adequately and therefore are under no circumstances as flat and tinny as identified in laptops.Nonetheless,the person should really not anticipate finding a Bose property audio system inside of a laptop.The audio excellent of your audio jack batteria lenovo b590 at the side of a superb headset can make an excellent impact.Excellent ends in dynamics and basses are achieved thanks to your default driver's good configuration alternatives.The internal speaker and audio jack of Asus' N552VX are managed via the built-in High definition Audio Controller of Intel's Skylake PCH-H.
The Asus N552VW will come outfitted with Intel's top-end Core i7-6700HQ CPU,which is a single in the most powerful cell processors all around.It's a quad-core chip that has a base clock speed of two.6GHz plus a optimum Turbo Improve of 3.5GHz.Paired with 16GB of DDR4 RAM it's capable of excellent performance in basic desktop tasks and multi-core-focused media-encoding duties batteria bose soundlink mini 2 as well.The laptop's thirteen,168 Geekbench multi-core benchmark score is actually a testomony to everything.This puts it within the league of high-end gaming laptops with regards to processor efficiency,even though at this value you would assume absolutely nothing less.Graphics power is furnished via the mid-range Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M,and that is a highly capable card at Comprehensive Hd resolutions.It only has 2GB of memory versus some models' 4GB,but it really is nonetheless a decent piece of package.I fired up a video game of XCOM two and applied the game's encouraged configurations based upon my hardware.Its selection of Significant was rather optimistic batteria hp pavilion dv6 and although this turn-based video game was surely playable at 27fps,I found dropping depth configurations to Medium and turning off anti-aliasing enhanced matters to the constant and sleek 47fps.Asus' option of exhibit is really a curious 1.It's a three,840 x two,160-pixel panel,meaning every little thing is super-sharp and high-resolution material seems superb,but in the majority of normal utilization circumstances you will not often begin to see the profit.As a way for on-screen items to be remotely legible,Windows' screen settings need to have for being set to scale up by 250%.What is additional,although the graphics card batteria originale hp 250 g3 is eminently capable,it only offers superior gaming functionality at Comprehensive High definition resolutions and beneath,so these a high-resolution monitor seems like overkill.With that said,photographers will definitely value it.You can expect to manage to see more of each and every of the pictures you're taking in greater depth,which means you won't need to zoom and pan all around your snaps so generally.Actual display screen efficiency is cheap.It can be reasonably dazzling at 260nits,even though this is certainly commonly eclipsed by higher-end screens,and its 0.27nits black ranges equate to great,deep blacks when taking part in atmospheric game titles.I did locate the display screen erred toward fairly crushed blacks and greys occasionally,which lessened depth in a few scenes.Color protection is reasonable,too,with all the screen running to deal with ninety seven.5% from the sRGB colour gamut,and accuracy is rated at a delta E of 6.seven,which is not notably good,but completely high-quality for non-professional use.The N552VW runs Windows ten and includes fairly number of bundled items of bloatware.Regrettably,McAfee LiveSafe is pre-installed and might once in a while result in challenges carica batteria computer compaq cq61 when opening some systems,blocking them by surprise.I might uninstall that rather promptly and discover alternate safety program.In addition to that,Asus has corralled all its bloat right into a program called Asus Giftbox that's a website page of apps that deliver you to definitely the Windows ten Retail outlet to download.There's also a pre-installed Gameloft app that provides inbound links to your firm's several games,which,again,redirects to the Home windows ten Retail store.So far as bloatware goes,it's a somewhat slight offender as opposed for the likes of Acer and Lenovo.
The variety of interfaces within the N552VX is satisfactory.Compared together with the predecessor,a USB three.0 Type-C is added.Unfortunately,it is far from a USB three.1 Gen2.This  was verified through the specialized help of Asus Germany on inquiry.For that reason,this USB three.0 Type-C will not deliver both Thunderbolt lenovo b50 30 caricatore or DisplayPort.Furthermore,a few "standard" USB three.0 ports,an Ethernet socket and 3.five mm combo audio in/out jack are installed.Two exterior monitors may be related via a mini-DisplayPort and HDMI out.These interfaces and  the DC-in can be found on the still left.Too undesirable: Nearly all the ports are already positioned incredibly shut towards the entrance,which could lead to obstructions when extensively utilized.An optical generate is also current.Only CDs/DVDs are compatible with the evaluate sample,but Asus claims configurations with Blu-ray and 4K panels in long term.We can easily only hope that this assure is going to be saved.The SD card reader is situated on the entrance.We examination its overall performance with our Toshiba Exceria Professional SDXC sixty four GB UHS-II reference SD card.Based on AS SSD,the SD card reader achieves eighty four.7 MB/s in read and 55 MB/s in compose.Copying 250 JPG image data files was carried out at 54 MB/s.These effects are common.While the standing LEDs to the laptop's entrance edge will not be in the place of the enter equipment,they can be plainly obvious.This is often especially valuable in the evening since standing LEDs alimentatore dell xps 13 from the vicinity on the enter equipment may well confirm distracting.One particular LED shines orange when the battery is very low and inexperienced when fully billed.All other LEDs glow white.To place items straight: Asus' N552VX is not really significantly slimmer than its predecessor.Nevertheless,the clever design in the matte-black underside indicates a trim notebook.Mild brown,silver and black dominate the casing.The latter is identified over the display's matte bezel and non-slip structured underside.Asus promotes the N552VX as "One-Body Aluminum Casing".Sadly,this is not real because the base consists of two components plus the lower element is plastic.Nevertheless,the upper side shimmers in aluminum that defies fingerprints quite successfully.The identical is genuine of your lid's aluminum again.It looks like the concentric minimize familiar in Asus' ZenBooks by having an illuminated Asus emblem inside the center.In addition to the rounded corners and effective surfaces,the concentric perforated grille below the hinges established visible highlights.The base is often effortlessly warped that has a whole lot of effort.It doesn't make any noises.The stability and evidently impeccable create high-quality express a solid effect inspite of a whole lot of plastic.The display's lid is straightforward to open with one hand and rocks only marginally in the course of actions.Awareness has been paid out to make sure ample stability right here.Asus N552VX has much more than plenty of energy for the many regular software eventualities alimentatore asus f550c with Intel's Core i7-6700HQ quad-core processor.It's not at all a ULV processor,but a typical cell processor.The CPU clocks at a foundation pace of two.6 GHz,which often can be boosted to 3.1 GHz,3.three GHz and three.five GHz through Turbo.Turbo is also used routinely,but however only in AC manner.Cinebench R15 delivers a reasonably realistic CPU load.We looped the program and learned the critique sample has a tendency to throttle excessively at a load of down below 45%.The outcome is only half the rating then.Regretably,the graphics card presents exactly the same photo.We've to notice positively which the entire performance is offered when inserting the power twine into an outlet.As soon as the battery is recharged by 45%,the general performance of Cinebench R15 could be the similar in AC and battery method.The Skylake processor hp elitebook 840 g4 caricabatteria can only outperform its immediate Broadwell predecessor Intel Core i7-5700HQ in single-thread apps.The Broadwell design has the direct in Multithread purposes thanks to its bigger Turbo Strengthen.The improvements designed on the Skylake architecture usually are not enough to compensate with the increased speeds of your Broadwell products.Skylake brings pros to built-in GPUs alternatively.As opposed with very last year's Intel Main i7-4720HQ and Intel Main i7-4710HQ Haswell styles,the Skylake architecture delivers a very equivalent general performance amount Caricabatterie HP 17 G4 in single thread apps.On the other hand,in line with Cinebench,Skylake shines in Multithread apps and Intel's surpasses the Main by 25%.
There's a whole lot to like with regards to the Asus VivoBook Pro N552VW.It truly is great benefit taking into consideration the specifications on provide,and it's a much better gaming laptop compared to mid-range ROG GL552VWwithout even seriously seeking to be a gaming laptop.It can be equally as swift as the substantially dearer Dell XPS 15,as well,although its design does not very stay up to the identical expectations. Continue to,for approximately £900,you're obtaining a decent 4K screen,top rated overall performance plus a respectable dedicated graphics card,making it an excellent all-rounder when you are searching for a desktop alternative.Offered you happen to be joyful with its heft and a little lousy battery life,it's a good preference.There is a good deal to like with regards to the Asus VivoBook Pro N552VW.It truly is very good value looking at the technical specs on offer you,and it's a halfway-decent gaming notebook,much too,whilst that's not its main objective in everyday life.It really is equally as fast because the substantially costlier Dell XPS fifteen,too,regardless of whether its style will not quite are living as many as exactly the same expectations.Continue to,for around £900,you might be having an honest 4K screen,top overall performance,and a respectable focused graphics card,which makes it an incredible all-rounder for any person seeking a speedy desktop alternative.Furnished you are satisfied with its heft and slightly disappointing battery lifetime,it's a good selection.
0 notes
plug2game-blog · 5 years
We keep in mind the Sega Dreamcast, 20 years on - CNET
Disney World thing, seeing the last gasps of 1990s interactive games, and there it was. That Sonic Experience demo with the whale chase-- incredible to enjoy and dreadful to play.I wouldn't spend any quality time with the Dreamcast up until at least a year later on, however seeing that display was impressive for the time. At that point I still simply had a Genesis, so even a short glance of Sonic looking halfway-decent in 3D was a discovery. And no, Sonic 3D Blast does not count. Though I never purchased one myself, a buddy did, and it ended up being the go-to console for sleepovers and lost Saturdays. The mix of Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Power
Stone, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 which dreadful Chao Garden function from Sonic Experience 2 was more than enough to keep us playing that Dreamcast until long after it had actually died and everyone else carried on. Plus, its huge controllers were still better than the dreadful DualShock 2 on the PlayStation 2. That's simply a fact. Now playing: See this: Remembering the Sega Dreamcast at 20 Scott Stein I had every Sega system that was ever made. Yes, even the 32X. I was a Sega kid-- the Master System with Superscope 3D glasses was
my present after getting appendicitis. While the Genesis was my preferred, the Dreamcast is a place of special memories I
was residing in
LA, working as a script reader and story editor, and playing amazing NFL 2K video games to get in touch with my inactive sensations about the New york city Jets. That NFL 2K game stunned me ... it was the first TV-real sports game I 'd ever seen. Crazy Taxi was my LA commuting treatment. I loved the weirdness of Chu Rocket. And much more, I was obsessed with Seafarer. My very first E3 I ever attended had the Dreamcast, and I saw the Leonard Nimoy-voiced fish-man in all its Lynchian scary. Seaman was so ahead of its time: It had a microphone I might talk to Seaman with. It resembled if Alexa were a depressed cannibal fish. In my dusty little Sherman Oaks house, Seamanwas my
mystic surrealist fish tank. In addition to the Museum of Jurassic Innovation in Culver City, it was part of my cabinet of curiosities that made me imagine how weird art might be. Area Channel 5, the remarkably real-feeling Shenmue, and yes, I owned Typing of the Dead. It was a great system of video gaming oddities.The Dreamcast was little and magnificently developed, had arcade-perfect games, and was my first real online gaming system.
May it rest in peace in my mom's basement.Rez Infinite is a modernized variation of the Dreamcast classic. Other than the graphics, very little else was changed. Dan Ackerman The Dreamcast was
the first console launch I ever covered as a beginner "video games journalist" at the long-forgotten (however pioneering!) games-and-culture site UGO.com. My colleagues and I all spent for launch day bundles, and Soul Calibur was everybody's instant favorite.We all wound up playing a great deal of meeting room Soul Calibur with UGO's most well-known staff member, previous kid star Gary Coleman. Gary was a total fiend for Soul Calibur, and frequently held court in our Park Opportunity office, taking on all challengers and giving unlimited foul-mouthed garbage talk. He was really pretty excellent, and probably had an 8 out of 10 win ratio.Other early Dreamcast highlights for me consisted of Power Stone, Shenmue, a Local Evil knockoff
called Blue Stinger( I bet I'm the just one considering that a shoutout), and bizarre fish simulator Seaman. When my now-wife utilized the Dreamcast microphone accessory to inform Seaman she was going to consume him, he replied," Or maybe I'm going to eat you." If that's not next-gen, I don't know what is.I've come back to the Dreamcast a couple of times because its 2001 discontinuation, discussing it on my old talking head video game web series Play Worth( circa 2006), and taking a deeper dive for the Dreamcast's 10th anniversary, which I blogged about here. Would I buy a brand-new
" Dreamcast Classic "micro console? Definitely. Would I plug it in more than as soon as or twice? Probably not.Tim Stevens My Dreamcast memories are a little different than the majority of. Like Scott I was a Sega kid and, like Scott, I too owned( and still own) every Sega system. But my memories of the Dreamcast weren't a lot about video gaming as they were about coding. Lots and lots and great deals of coding.I was in college studying computer science and
composing when the Dreamcast dropped, and my dream was to combine those passions and get a gig in the videogame market after graduation. It was time to select a senior thesis, therefore I blindly emailed some folks at Sega to see if there was any way I might get consent to write a simple game for their hot new console.Amazingly, I got an action. As it turns out I would not be allowed to
develop anything for the Dreamcast-- the advancement hardware alone cost thousands of dollars and I was lucky if I might manage pizza on Friday night-- but I was admitted to the Visual Memory Unit designer package. The VMU, you might keep in mind, was the small, Game Boy-looking thing that slotted into the controller. It had a small, gray and black LCD, a four-way D-pad and a number of buttons.Games for the VMU were written in assembler, an arcane language I 'd never ever been exposed to in my research studies. If that weren't daunting enough, the
only documentation for the VMU package remained in Japanese, another language I didn't speak. In spite of all that I figured it out over the list below few months, then labored and labored and toiled to compose what would be the first-- and to my understanding only-- multiplayer VMU video game. You could, you see, connect two of the mini handhelds together at the top thanks to a cunning, reversible connector. I composed a Pong-like video game played vertically, with the ball taking a trip from one screen to the next, back and forth. Establishing that game, plus another simple, Simon-like video game, consumed my senior year at school. The resulting code, when printed out for my final thesis discussion,
filled a binder as big as a phone book. Along the method I learned enough about the game development market to recognize it wasn't for me, however that project, just me and my text editor toiling for months, is still the programming task I look back upon a lot of fondly. The recently remastered version of Shenmue. Jeff Bakalar I was 17 when the Dreamcast released and was working for a dotcom start-up run by 3 21-year-olds. I remember the day it went on sale
, among the partners bought it for same-day shipment
from a service called UrbanFetch.It showed up and we didn't do any work for the rest of the day. It was just nonstop Ready 2 Rumble. I recall being instantly pleased with how crisp the visuals were. It was a level of fidelity I hadn't ever seen before. Whatever appeared so fast, so innovative
, so futuristic. The Dreamcast showed up in between the other console cycles, so it seemed like we were getting a really early glance into what the remainder of the competitors would quickly be providing. I didn't end up owning my own
Dreamcast till college, however I ultimately fell for Sonic Adventure, problems and all. I played many of the Burial place Raider and Local Evil video games on the Dreamcast too. The Dreamcast will always have a place in my heart for its ridiculous memory card adapters, its primarily horrible controller and the outrageous speed at which its disc reader would spin and change, like some type of dot-matrix printer that went off the rails.Jason Parker I never ever actually owned a Dreamcast, but for a duration in my life, I could not
get enough of one video game: Fighting Vipers 2. It was while I remained in college and among my good friends had a Dreamcast, so when we were not out in the evening or studying, we 'd invest hours fighting match after match.The funny thing is, it wasn't called Fighting Vipers 2 as far as I knew at that time.
My buddy had a
bootlegged copy on a disc and whatever composed on the sleeve remained in Japanese, as was all the on-screen text in the game. I even had to count on him to launch video games because I couldn't navigate the menus. At the time, he discussed the video game wasn't offered in the States, however it didn't officially pertained to Dreamcast till 2001 and never in the United States. Now playing: Enjoy this: Our most cherished video game memories. 8:00 Once he started a match, it was button-mashing paradise. I remember being blown away at the crisp 3D graphics and cool-looking fighters at that time. But the best mechanic of all, and most likely the greatest factor I loved the game, was that you might kick your challenger through the wall of the arena at the end of the match. Possibly that sounds ridiculous, but fighting games in between good friends can get tense. When you can send your pal through the wall at the end of a long fight it's an exclamation point like no other. We
'd get significant about it too, shouting" Boooooooom!" as we 'd blast the other person about 50 lawns beyond the cage. No, I didn't own a Dreamcast, due to the fact that I was a poor college student, however I still have
fond memories of stomping out my good friend in Great Buddy 2Battling" You're going through the wall! "Jet Set Radio on the PC, running at 2,560 x1,440 pixels with mostly the very same possessions as the original, still looks terrific. Sean Keane The Dreamcast was the most amazing console I never owned. Games like Homeowner Evil: Code Veronica,
Sonic Adventure and the mighty Shenmue, and functions like online video gaming and the VMU made me want one terribly, however I simply couldn't manage it as a 12-year-old. Code Veronica looked unbelievable
at the time of its release-- replacing fixed prerendered environments with completely 3D ones and bringing n't rather satisfied ... but it's fine. I'm fine.Sonic Experience appeared like an extraordinary growth of Sega's mascot into 3D, even if it's misery to play today. That whale chase looked fantastic
at the time and it seemed the obvious advance for Sonic after Mario's wonderful transition into 3D. Shenmue was the big one however-- a remarkable life simulator with an abundant open world that was extraordinary. Seeing Ryo Hazuki wandering around Yokosuka, Japan, as he tries to unravel the secret of his daddy's murder was remarkable, and something I just got to experience fully through the current remaster. Eric Franklin I bought the original Japanese Dreamcast from
" http://www.ncsx.com/" target =" _ blank" data-component=" externalLink" rel=" noopener" > NCSX back in November 1998 and got 2 video games: Pen Trilcelon and Virtua Fighter 3tb. While Pen Pen was and still is dreadful, VF3 was anything however! Why did I pay a premium to have this system imported? I was a Sega fanboy and the Dreamcast was where I might continue playing Sega video games beyond the defunct Sega Saturn. But as much as I enjoyed playing the Dreamcast, recalling now, it's clear to me what it truly represented for me: A last possibility at console success for Sega. I got a Sega Master System in 1987 and from then through the end of the Dreamcast's life I was not just bought playing Sega video games, however also extremely invested-- emotionally, to be sure-- in Sega's success as a console designer. It's most likely unusual for people to comprehend
that, however here's the way I saw it: The more effective Sega's consoles were, the more terrific Sega games the company would make. I not only wished to play those video games, however to likewise have other people discover how excellent they were. To see in them what I saw in them: Games with great graphics and simple gameplay that belied a depth you had to reveal. You could play Crazy Taxi like a normal individual,
sure. But if you didn't use the Crazy Dash and the Crazy Stop, which allowed you to go from 0 to 60 in less than a second and quickly stop, then you weren't playing it right. That desire and require for the Dreamcast to be successful was genuine.
Even at the time I knew that if the Dreamcast didn't offer a particular variety of systems, Sega would likely leave the hardware company, which the business eventually did. And the anticipation of each brand-new big release was addictive for me. It was less about how much
I would like Shenmue and more about whether it would push enough mainstream audience buttons to make people purchase a Dreamcast over a PS2. It's ridiculous to think of now, however that was me. I think I simply required something to distract me from my genuine life at the time. For a couple of strong years, it was the
Dreamcast. Presents for the player who has
everything: Please that hard-to-shop-for PC player in your life. CNET's Vacation Present Guide: The very best tech gifts for 2018.
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dropswisdom · 4 years
The new Neo U1 from Minix is the latest and greatest from the leading TV Box manufacturer in the market. It is based on the successor of the S805, but is pitted against S812 and RK3368 devices – mostly for one reason: as the new generation of SOCs, it supports 10 Bit video decoding. Meaning, it can basically play all the video formats out there (not really, but mostly).
This review unit was sent to me courtesy of the good people at Minix, so thank you all, and especially John, for the helpful communication.
What’s in the Box?
As can be seen, the box contains the following: the Neo U1 S905 TV Box, MiMO Dual Wi-Fi Antenna, DC Power adapter, HDMI 2.0 cable, USB OTG cable, Micro-USB cable, and the basic IR remote control.
Not much to be said regarding the look of the box, as Minix uses the exact same design (saves on production and design costs) in each and every model. It is still simple and elegant with the embossed logo on the top, a new IR sensor on the front, and a multitude of ports on the side and back of the box.
Chipset Amlogic S905 Quad-core 64 bit Cortex A53 GPU Penta-Core Mali-450 GPU Memory / Storage 2 GB DDR3 / 16 GB EMMC LAN Gigabit (10/100/1000M) Wireless 802.11ac 2 x 2 MIMO Dual-band WiFi (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz) Bluetooth v4.1 OS Android 5.1.1 Video Output HDMI 2.0 (4K/2K 60 FPS) Audio Output / Input HDMI out, 3.5 mm Headphone Jack, SPDIF (optical), 3.5 mm Microphone Jack Power DC 5V / 3A Peripheral Interface 2 * USB Host, 1 * Micro SD card (TF card) reader, 1 * SPDIF, 1 * 3.5mm Headphone Jack, 1 * HDMI(A type Male), 1 * RJ45 LAN Port Packing Included 1 * Neo U1 1 * Adapter(DC 5V/3A), 1 * HDMI Cable ,1 * IR Remote Controller,1 * Quick Guide, 1 * Product Brochure
Benchmarks and Testing
All benchmarks have been repeated 3 times and results have been averaged to give a more accurate reading:
* Antutu Benchmark
The Antutu benchmark tests single core performance over multi-core as it is a better indication of the performance of one device over others in most situations. The box shows that it’s single core performance is not the highest which is consistent with the S905 being a more “budget-y” SOC and not really meant for the high end products. It is still in the top 4 and not too far from the S812 and RK3368 based boxes. * Recently, Antutu benchmark has been updated to version 6 which uses different parameters and sub-tests, so the graphs are still based on the older 5.7.2 version for comparison, but here is the result of the new (6.0.0) Antutu version: 38260
GPU Mark Benchmark
GPU Mark tests 3d gaming performance and also provides a normalized score according to the used screen resolution (for a more accurate result). The test is quite short and should be taken as a supporting result to that of the more serious 3D Mark benchmark. The U1 had issues completing GPU Mark benchmark properly and froze either mid-test or upon the result screen. Issue has been reported to the manufacturer for correction.
A1 SD Benchmark
A1 SD Benchmark tests RAM and flash memory speeds. As can be seen in the provided graphs, RAM is much faster (by a factor of about 40) than flash memory – that is why it’s in smaller amount and is also volatile (does not keep its contents after a reboot). The RAM performance is similar between the new Minix and the Probox2, as both are using a similar chipset. But in both Internal and External SD card tests, the Probox2 seems to take a backseat to the new Minix, probably due to a better implementation of a memory reader/controller.
PC Mark Benchmark
Work performance, Photo editing, Writing and Web browsing Scores
The PC Mark benchmark tests run several productivity tests and the U1 performed well in most of them. It came second only to RK3368 based boxes which have the advantage of four more cores..
3D Mark Benchmark
3D Mark benchmark is considered as one of the best ways to test 3d performance on Android (and other platforms). The U1 did not shine in it, coming as number five out of seven in the running. As this is the budget chip of the new AMLogic generation, it is understandable.
The U1 got a new update to firmware version 003 over the weekend (11 December), which was aimed at solving some of the issues that were encountered – especially regarding video playback. However, even with the update and a specialized Kodi version made for Minix, there are still issues:
1. Long pre-buffering for heavy videos (25mb and up) – even if played from local storage
2. Degraded audio noticed in both 4K 10bit TS demo file (http://www.andytather.co.uk/Panda/Files/Video/UHD_PQ_Dive_to_New_World.ts) and in a standard 1080p DTS (2 channels) encoded film (The.Hard.Way.1991.1080p.BluRay.x264-HD4U) may be in others as well. sounds like clipping.
3. Volume bar bug – appears randomly on the screen without any remote control interaction.
4. Low volume audio. Even when defined to keep audio amplification settings on all videos, many (or all) start with low volume.
5. 10 mb bug. Unable to copy to, rename on, or delete from connected USB drives. in my case it’s a 1.5 TB hard drive that works perfectly when connected to any other TV box. Update: when testing with a smaller, 500 GB USB drive, the drive was correctly recognized (size wise) inside ES explorer and allowed copying of files. This indicates to a size related issue with the 10 mb bug. Both drives were formatted in NTFS file system.
6. Reverts to 720p. Upon reboot (not sure if it happens every time, but it happened at least twice so far), the screen resolution reverts to 720p (from 1080p) even when the “return to default resolution” is set to “off”.
7. Add-ons installation – it requires repeat action almost every time since some dependencies fail to install. the installation succeeds the second time, but this happened in any Kodi version I tried (the 16 beta included, the XBMC for minix offered with the firmware upgrade, and SPMC 15)
8. Backing up XBMC/Kodi/SPMC to a folder either on the external USB drive or a MicroSD card failed. (“not writeable” error) It seems that small files can be written correctly to the targets, but bigger files just refuse to write. The targets are formatted in NTFS, and I was using compression in the backup add-on.
9. ES Explorer, a popular file manager is unable to retain passwords for network locations (SMB shares) and asks for them anew even though “remember password” tick box is checked. 10. Torrent streaming Kodi Add-ons still do not work (pulsar, Kmediatorrent and so on) in Kodi or Kodi variants.
11. GPU Benchmark froze either in mid test or at the end of it, forcing to use “home” button and kill the program.
Keep in mind that this is a brand new model and that those are most likely growing pains that will be ironed out in time. All issues have been reported to Minix and should be dealt with in future updates.
Video Playback testing (Using KODI)
Resolution Video Format Local Playback Network (Wi-Fi/LAN) Playback 720p (1280*720) AVC ([email protected]) Playing correctly Playing correctly 1080P (1920*1080) AVC (High@L4) Playing correctly Playing correctly  2160P (3840*2160) HEVC (H.265) Playing correctly Playing correctly 4K (4096*2304) AVC ([email protected]) Playing correctly Long Pre-buffering (on Wifi. PLC over LAN is worse with stutter and buffering) 4K TS HEVC files HEVC (H.265) 10Bit Playing correctly Long Pre-buffering (on Wifi. PLC over LAN is worse with stutter and buffering)
Antutu Video Tester
Video playback is quite great. 10 Bit TS files that never worked before are now playing quite well, but bandwidth still affects playback, and the heavier the file is, the more of an issue it is. Wi-Fi performance is noticeably better (especially AC/5GHz connection) than LAN over PLC.
However, when testing the latest Kodi version (16 Beta 4), I was able to use the WiFi bandwidth and play most of the heavy files consistently. Of course, once there are peaks that exceeds the measured rate (around 85 Mbit/s) the video will start to buffer. There were also a few dropped frames and skipped frames, but as long as it did not buffer, the playback was quite smooth.
Network performance
I tested the network performance using the popular Speedtest.net application from the play store. I tested both WiFi (the fastest WiFi supported – in this case 802.11ac), and wired connection (in my case AV500 Ethernet over power line). My home connection is a synchronous 200 Mb Fiber connection so it would not inhibit the testing (but the Ethernet over power line connection does):
Wired (Ethernet over Power line) connection
WiFi – 802.11ac connection
Gaming performance
Rooting became available over the last few days, and for review purposes it is quite an important requirement. \
I am now able to measure frame rate and resource usage:
Asphalt 8 Airborne – a 3d graphic intensive racing game. Game performance is fine in standard settings. It is not completely smooth, but is more than playable. I cannot offer frame rate count due to the reasons mentioned above.
Angry Birds 2 – a popular 2d action game. The gameplay was mostly smooth with a few stutters/jerks (both in picture and audio) along the way. The loading times were a little slower than I expected. Overall, a mediocre to good experience. The GPU/RAM handling may need some polishing to avoid these issues in the future, and it may also have to do with the “Google play services” bug that does not allow games to use it for game play tracking.
Walking War Robots – an online robot warfare game that requires a game-pad (I don’t have a game-pad). Game loaded fast and frame rate was quite satisfactory. The A2 Lite gyro function did not work with the game, so only directional arrows were used.
Did I like it? Yes. As can be seen, on the top, I’ve given it the highest marks I gave any box, even with the list of bugs and mediocre 3d performance. I believe TV boxes are measured more by their video/audio playback performance – unless there are other issues that make them mostly unusable as anything else. In this case the general performance (gaming, web browsing, working) is quite satisfactory even if not the best. Minix has come out with the best (so far) S905 64 bit box in its class. It can play pretty much any video/audio file, and aside from no support for some new HD audio formats (DTS: X and Dolby Atmos) due to lack of licensing, it is another impressive high quality release.
Would I recommend it? Definitely. It still got some rough edges, but with Minix’s excellent support, I am sure it will shine much better in the future. And it is quite future proof.
UPDATE: A first rooting solution has been presented as of yesterday (14 December) on freaktab forum: http://freaktab.com/forum/tv-player-support/amlogic-based-tv-players/minix-aml-devices-x6-x8-etc/543706-root-minix-neo-u1-root-method
And a second one, easier by recovery: http://forum.tronsmart.com/forum/vega-s95/1454-tronsmart-vega-s95-root-method#.VnT_A-h96Ul
The rooting solution has already been reported to work. When I get the time, I will root the box and add information regarding the game performance – if the measuring tools work (rooting does not guarantee it).
The Minix Neo A2 Lite Air mouse (and keyboard) Mini Review
When you buy the Neo U1, you may also get the Neo A2 Lite Air mouse bundled with it.
What makes it so great? It is one of the most comfortable air mice I ever used, and it’s also quite versatile thanks to the included keyboard.
It is compatible with Android, Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
It takes 2 standard (or rechargeable) AAA batteries which goes on both sides of the Air mouse. (keyboard side)
Range could not be tested seriously (the room is not spacious enough), but the responsiveness is quite good and the buttons are of the softer, quiet kind.
The keys arrangement is quite good, although somewhat different than other remotes. It does not take long to get used to.
Switching to the A2 Lite from another (Minix) air mouse I have (the Neo M1), is like moving up from a banged up Beetle VW to a Mercedes. The experience is on a completely different level and makes the TV box usage that much more enjoyable.
The “Lite” in it’s name refers to it’s bigger brother, the A2 which adds one more function: a built in Speaker and Microphone for voice commands and sound recording.
However, it is not  be aware that it is relatively bulky and heavy for a remote. If you have small hands, you may be better off with another, smaller product. Also, the mouse function reverts to remote function very fast once the remote loses it’s line of sight. On top of that, I was not able to use the Gyro functions on the (two) games I tested.
Neo A2 Lite Conclusions
Did I like it? Most definitely!
Would I recommend it? Yes. I haven’t tested it with other boxes, PCs or devices, but from past experience with other Minix remotes, I am sure it will perform on the exact same level.
I give it…  4.2/5 Stars – Great, with the only thing missing (and I am nitpicking) is true game-pad functionality (the gyro did not work in the games I tested)
So, you like it? You can buy the Neo U1 for 15 USD less, with this discount code (kodilU1) at Geekbuying (minus the A2 lite air mouse) which brings the price down to USD 114.90, Or with the A2 Lite and the same coupon (kodilU1) to bring the price down to 134.90 USD.
[Updated] Review | Minix Neo U1 S905 TV Box & Neo A2 Lite Air Mouse The new Neo U1 from Minix is the latest and greatest from the leading TV Box manufacturer in the market.
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