#i could buy a set of re-ment for that
cheeriochat · 3 months
Those like little mini-verse little blind bag things are just Re-Ment miniatures for straight people.
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I said what I said.
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Today, on 8th February, 1976 - Queen Story!
New York, NY, USA, Beacon Theater
'A Night At The Opera Tour'
🔸Freddie Mercury was taking tea on the 47th floor of his New York hotel. In his suite. The Royal suite, of course. It was the morning after yet another triumph for Queen - that brilliant and highly original British rock band built around the outrageous ideas and stage presence of the exotic Mr.
Mercury. They had played their fourth concert in as many nights at the battered but fashionable Beacon Theatre, and wvith an album and a single in the American charts, they were riding high.
Warm tea was permitted to slide down Mr. Mercury's regal throat as he prodded gingerly at some nasty looking bruises on the side of his neck.
He explained, My very promising pop career nearly came to an untimely end last night. Two young girls outside the theatre decided to claim my scarf as a souvenir. They quite forgot that it was wrapped around my neck at the time, and they very nearly strangled me. I'm sure Her Majesty doesn't have to put up with this sort of thing. But then, she doesn't have anything in the charts at the moment does she?"
He is a wicked man, Mr. Mercury.
He is also everything that a rock idol is supposed to be, and New York has been quick to recognise this. Like Mick Jagger, Freddie has off-beat good looks. Jagger has those pneumatic lips, and Freddie has the most out- spoken set of teeth ever to have found their way on to a pop fan's wall. He also enjoys the lifestyle of a true superstar - he lives out our fantasies for us far more effectively than we could ever manage to do for our- selves. Even if we had his kind of money.
His dress sense is sensational. He seldom looks less than spectacular, and he is not the sort of chap who believes in going unnoticed. Satin is his favourite fabric, with silk coming a close second. And he loves those loose, floppy, Japanese-style jackets.
But as he is quick to point out, There is a quiet side to me too, you know.
My home life is very civilised, and I hardly ever dress up to watch the tele- vision. Unless I am watching a Royal occasion of course. Then, my dear, it's on with the tiara and the emine ..
the LOT!
But Freddie felt there were better things to do in the city of New York than sit around sipping tea and discussing sartorial matters. He in- vited photographer Terry 0ʻNeill and me to join him on a shopping expedition, and it seemed a reason- able idea. Freddie was his casual self in short fur coat, white satin slacks, white clogs and silver snake bracelet.
The problems we encountered were little ones. Like young girls sobbing softly outside the door of a shoe shop while Freddie sought some- thing for the regal feet inside. And then there was the confusion of the young lady in Bloomingdale's depart- ment store who began to give Freddie a free manicure, only to discover that the nails on his left hand were already painted with black lacquer.
Freddie said, I love America. But l cant imagine ever coming here to live.
Our music is successful over here because it is so distinctively English.
We must keep it that way. I have just bought a new house in London, and an enormous car that looks like a boat on wheels. I could never leave all that.
And I have far too much fun ever to worry about a silly little thing like tax.
I know l'm terribly extravagant.
I always have been. My life these days is one perpetual spending spree. So I suppose l am the sort of person who needs to find ways of reducing tax.
But it's all such a bore. Why don't you buy a pair of these beautiful glitter shoes? They 're outrageous. And they 're cheap. And they re much more interesting than tax, don't you think?
I did think so. But I decided against buying the lurid footwear. You have to be a star to wear shoes like that.
Somebody rather like Freddie Mercury, in fact.
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my-plastic-life · 7 months
New doll diorama is up! This one took a while because there are lots of props, plus I had to decide on the perfect design. :D
Have you ever been to a themed cafe? They're very common in Japan, ranging from anime to video games to role play. Some are permanent, others are pop up (temporary). The interiors are always completely decorated in the theme, and the food is also designed in accordance with the theme. Most of these places also have gift shops where you can purchase exclusive items ranging from stationary to clothes to figures to plushies, all revolving around the cafe's theme. So fun!
I tend to always do things in themes, so this was right up my alley. I just knew I wanted to make my own Japanese themed cafe diorama. There is no shortage of options, but I decided on a Gudetama cafe. Gudetama is a Sanrio character, and his name literally means "lazy egg." This adorable little egg can be seen in a variety of scenarios, usually being prodded to not be lazy. It's quite amusing! I looked up actual Gudetama cafes so I could make my design as authentic as possible. Almost all of them featured bright yellow walls in a variety of patterns with huge wall decals of the star character on them. Smaller wall art was also common, and the wood floors even had a yellowish hue to them to finish off the look. Statues and figures were also prominent, so I placed a white cube shelf in the scene to hold some of my mini Gudetama items I've had for a long time (didn't even have to buy new stuff for this scene!), as well as the menus and place mats that I made. I also painted all the chairs yellow (they were originally purple) and painted the table base white (they were pink). The booth is borrowed from the Licca-chan revolving sushi set.
So here we have a group of dolls enjoying the themed goodies! All the food items are from Re-Ment, and the sets included a lot more - I just couldn't fit any more dolls in there LOL. And of course, this being Japanese themed, I had to use my Azone dolls. They're a better fit for these chairs and tables anyway since they're not as tall as Barbie, so they fit her size furniture better than she does LOL. Plus - interchangeable hands! YES!
Overview of the diorama showing all the wall art and designs:
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Left plate: Curry. Right plate: Ramen.
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Of course ani-ME is on the dessert :D
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Left plate: Cake & ice cream. Right plate: Parfait.
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Cake & ice cream:
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Left plate: Hot cakes (aka pancakes). Right plate: Kanitama (crab omelet).
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Hot cakes (aka pancakes):
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Kanitama (crab omelet):
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Left plate: Ramen, fried egg, & salad. Right plate: Butatamadon (pork rice bowl).
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Butatamadon (pork rice bowl):
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Ramen, fried egg, & salad:
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Cube with various Gudetama figures/merchandise, plus the menus and place mats I made:
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Menu (two-sided) Fun fact: Every single item on the menu is a genuine Re-Ment Gudetama product. I don't have every set, but I included them on the menu anyway:
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judgeverse · 2 years
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various thoughts and discoveries about basher and reuben in ocean’s 13 (while I’m thinking about it, and for the sake of anybody else who ever noticed Them and their wholesome little love story buried in a heist movie): 
there are two freezeframes where several of basher’s love letters are visible. "Dearest Reuben” is the specific one that made me go “oh THAT’S why the letters...”, but here’s everything I could get. they are amazing. https://pastebin.com/Dzf4R1pw 
“Dearest Reuben, When you want-  loving to someone,-  expressing your feeling is-   ment. When someone you-   physically support yourself-  your feet firmly-  to breathe. Thin- they are trying- When your-  you do it wha- Figure out wh- When everything-  are overwhelming-  comforting.” 
the love letters were not in the original script (they were written by basher but were never opened or read). the gay contents of them, and the plot of healing reuben through the power of love, were added later on. not sure if this was a decision made by the actors, director, or both, but the commentary track on 13 says the following (right at the danny, basher, and reuben ending fireworks scene): 
“A lot of the scenes in this movie we’d had to rewrite many times, but that ending, that came easily. Seeing who those guys were, and getting to find a way to let them express their hearts, was really exciting, and that was a moment where the actors and Steven just completely elevated what we’d been thinking of.”
more info bits under the cut - 
this is very blink-and-miss-it and a YMMV type of thing, but I think there may be an implication basher is gay; linus is uncomfortable with buying him the “mags” (and equally uncomfortable with reading the gay letters out loud), but linus later mentions to the group that he’d learned something in maxim magazine, which he’s fine with reading, bringing up, and discussing (albeit awkwardly). QED, whatever basher wanted him to buy was not that, and my guess is something gay, probably, based on linus’s reaction to the letters also
based on actor heights, basher is 5’8’’ and reuben is 6’3’’. this is important information. 
reuben is not in his 70s omg i saw at least one post in the tag somewhere implying this but no!! based on actor ages, in oceans 11, reuben is early 60s and basher is late 30s. definitely an age difference but hey. basher can set his goals wherever he wants to
basher wrote him at least 13 letters in total, based on counting the envelopes (cinematic parallels!)   
reuben’s mentioned as having an ex wife, which, provided he’s being honest to bank about that, would seem to contrast with the earlier statement that he doesn’t have any family to support him. presumably that wasn’t an amicable divorce (and, I’d guess, probably happened a while ago) and I have a hard time seeing him or basher as anything other than very gay, but it’s an interesting little bit of material for their story, especially in light of reuben not being immune to pressure to conform to others 
this is just a throwaway line from ocean’s 12, but they have a little dialogue piece talking about lifting buildings, where reuben’s like “they did it with the leaning tower of pisa” (which he pronounces pizza lol) and basher’s like “yeah, but it took them 300 men over 2 years to do it” and i just love them both having obscure and specific knowledge, on top of being super smart in their areas
also from ocean’s 12: they’re sitting next to each other in the very last scene with the party! it’s so hard to notice because the scene goes by so fast, but they are. I’ve spent a lot of time wondering how they arrived at the point of Being In Love that they’re at in 13, so that was fun to notice, even if probably not intentional foreshadowing 
two out of the three scripts (ocean's 11 and ocean's 12) had bad scenes completely cut that would've made reuben not be as gay as he is. not sure who vetoed them, but i’m thankful. (the drafts of the scripts are a painful read; I strongly recommend not reading 12 or 13. 11 is okay for the most part.)
that’s all. if you have anything else about them, please add. I crave the knowledge 
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jejciu · 1 year
Dear Maurycy, you have inflicted upon me a longin for the Muminki house so strong that I would be buying it if I had the money. It's so cute with the little dishes and furniture! Miniature models always make me feel some kind of way
I love miniatures myself, I mentioned in the tags that this feels like the closest we could get to re-ment sets in poland, it's just sad the cost amounts to so much and it's not even certain whether they'll release the full collection or not!
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littlewalken · 6 months
Dec 24
I opened the outer carton of the Sakura art supplies Re Ment but not the inner boxes yet and there is a secret set for this one. ~makes a happy noise~ Don't know what it looks like but I have a fair chance to get it.
First off let me tell you the way it works- all sealed cartons of Re Ment, and quite probably other similar toys, will have a full set. This is usually represented by an 8 (or like a 6 or 12) on the outside of the box. It has something to do with the laws over there. You buy a sealed carton/full set you will get all the pieces to that set. The last few I've gotten from Lord Bezos' estate have had stickers sealing them closed to say so.
Ah, but some have an extra 1 on the small box and in the ads! That means in every so many cartons one of the small boxes will contain a "secret set". That could mean from a color variation to a 1 in however many different but related to the set item. Like the first cat set having a cat and dog facing off or the tea garden having a kettle and ladle pouring water.
Of all the Re Ment I've bought I got like 2-3 secret sets at random, bought the tea and cat ones, one was for a family restaurant but the pan had cooked food and sauce residue instead of raw food, and the other was for me the bestest only secret set I probably ever could have wanted and don't know how I manifested but opened up a box to find...
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The colored pencils. Yes, each of the pencils is loose. Haven't looked recently but people still might be getting the price of a full carton just for that one item. Hell, I don't even have a box like that for my pencils yet.
So I really want to hold off until Shitscram proper to open the little boxes and have one more night of wishing and hoping and wondering what the secret set might even look like because I can't seem to find pictures of it on line.
Don't care tho as doll sized art supplies are doll sized art supplies.
I generally say "Re Ment is for littles" (1/6 scale) to keep me from buying and going crazy on miniatures for the bjds but I make exceptions for art supplies/stationary and the occasional exact mini of something I have.
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Look up bird/compact computer mirrors for doll sized electronics. It also works as a toy for your cat if they keep laying on your lap top. Just give them their own.
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catboirights · 3 years
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The desperate need to buy miniatures vs the fact that all re ment sets are $200....
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New Years with Lan Zhan
The following week leading up to New Years was… tense. But not in the way it had been before. This tension…. It was.. Well it was certainly potent. 
I was just… I was AWARE of him. I’d decided to hope and hoping ment I had to re-examine how I saw him. How I saw how he saw me, rather. Reading into his actions and words with a romantic lens is…. Well… The kind of tension it creates is not exactly kid-friendly, let’s just say.
I wanted to jump him, okay? Jump his bones. 
I wanted to kiss him. To hold him. To touch him. In every place. In every way.
Ya boi was thirsty okay. (Still am but whoo-boi that was a TENSE week.)
We kinda danced around each other. I was very aware of the fact that we had kissed on Christmas under the mistletoe and that I had almost kissed him again two other times since.  
Whenever we were close… the urge was so strong. Remembering the taste of his lips makes me just want to lick mine as if I can find traces of it still there. And every time I do I KNOW his eyes follow the movement. 
Does that mean he wants me to? Is he thinking about it too? Or is he just tracking movement like human eyes just do?
We agreed that our first kiss was a disaster and didn’t mean anything.
Was it possible… that he feels the same way I do about that? Because it didn’t mean nothing. It meant everything. 
Even if I tried to make it mean nothing. Even if I tried to convince myself it was just a mistake. Not to be repeated. Heat of the moment. Wrong. Manipulative. Bad. 
And it was.
But at the same time
Even if I never should have done it. That kiss…. 
When did I get to be this selfish? 
But maybe…. Selfish is okay.
Because Lan Zhan returned that kiss. And maybe it wasn’t just out of pity. 
I mean I’ll never know. I’ll never be ABLE to know regarding that kiss. But that doesn’t mean I can’t know for… well…. Future kisses. If he wants them even half as much as I do.
Even if it’s just a casual attraction. I can deal with that. If he wants me in ANY capacity beyond friendship….  I mean I can work with that.
It all came to a head on New Years Eve. Or… Well I guess just New Years. We’d decided to spend the holiday together at home.  
All in all there isn’t much to say about the day leading up to ringing in the new year together. We decided to order in and have something delivered so we could be lazy and stay in our sweatpants all day. (Well I stayed in his sweatpants. I have a modest selection of clothes again now but nothing is more comfortable than stealing his. ((Also on that note, I’m still really kinda sad that I lost my sexy jeans. I haven’t been able to find anything that hugs my ass quite so well as those did. Shame.)))
We spent most of the day just sitting together on the couch and watching stuff. Streaming movies and trying out some episodes of new TV shows. We ate when we were hungry and munched when we weren’t. 
We even found some of the left over face masks to wear while he started our nightly routine of rubbing ointment into my hands (which by then had already almost completely healed due to his care and attention). My hands are completely healed now he still rubs in the lotion every night. It’s something neither of us seem willing to end. 
And… well… okay so… somehow. Don’t ask me how. But all day long I happened to find myself more often than not sitting er… in his lap.
Okay so it was on purpose. I sat on him as a ‘joke’ but then he slid his arms around my waist to hold me there and so… Well, I just stayed. 
I tried to get off at one point saying his legs were probably getting numb but he just pulled me back on and told me to stay.
So what was I supposed to do? His arms stayed around me most of the night. And when his arms weren't around me, his hands were on my hips or arms instead. Always touching me somewhere. Sometimes when I’d laugh at something on the TV his grip would tighten. Other times, when I was relaxed against him, he’d let me nuzzle his neck and breathe him in. I couldn’t help myself. In those moments he’d stroke my back, tracing patterns into my skin over my shirt. 
When it started to turn towards the evening I did finally get up. He let me after I promised I’d be back in just a moment. I hopped off to the kitchen. I’d bought a store of very low-alcohol content beverages. Lan Zhan and I had briefly talked at some point about trying this - seeing if we could find alcohol content low enough that he could enjoy getting tipsy without blacking out entirely. There were just things like Mikes Hard Lemonade or wine coolers and such. Very low content stuff. I tried to pick out things I thought he’d enjoy the flavor of. 
He looked confused when I returned with arms-full of different drinks, but still came up to help me take some.I reminded him of our talk of experimenting and said how I thought this was the perfect opportunity to try. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to. If you’d rather not I’ll just drink these myself. But I thought it would be nice. Since you said you wanted to try to drink with me and these are very mild.”
He cut off my rambling with a hand to my cheek and a smile to my heart. He placed the bottles on the coffee table and selected something to start with. I grinned at him and opened up a bottle of my own Emperor’s Smile (always in supply gratitude of the ever-attentive Lan Zhan. Poor liquor store is gonna think he’s an alcoholic with how often he buys it. ….
Am I an alcoholic? I mean I don’t have a problem going long periods of time without drinking. I honestly just like the taste. And I don’t usually drink enough to get even a little buzzed… so like… that’s fine right???
┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah well I’ll talk to Wen Qing about that later…..))))))
I resumed my rightful place on his lap when he literally picked me up and placed me there. I laughed which made him smile and together we started to drink. He sipped at first, carefully testing out the flavor, but soon apparently decided that it wasn’t bad and drank with more confidence. 
We took it slow at first, seeing how he reacted. By the end of the first bottle he was feeling it a little but only just, he said. Which was a good sign!!
We thought about doing a drinking game but I thought that might be pushing it for our first time doing this together and we decided that depending on how this went maybe we would try that next time. If there was a next time.
The ‘Game’ idea stuck though and we both suddenly remembered the Switch that SangSang had left him all that time ago. We still don’t really have many games for it but that’s okay. 
Long story short
Tipsy Mario Kart is hilarious. We kept drinking through the night and both got a nice buzz going. I don’t know how to drive anyway but whatever. It helps you if you fall off the track and there are no turn signals or anything to worry about. But like okay here’s the thing.
As Lan Zhan got tipsier, he started to drive slower and MORE carefully. Like There’s this section on one of the maps where if you take a riskier jump it works as a shortcut. Like one of those high-risk/high-reward things. 
But like… I stopped one time to watch him. He very carefully steered his car so that he was lined up on the ramp and tried to like back up so he’d have a runway. It took him a good 20 or 30 seconds to just get his car straight. And then he punched it. 
Except there wasn’t any momentum. Because he went from dead-stopped. So he got to the top of the ramp
And just flopped over upside down on the track below. He was so frustrated!! It was adorable!
He came in dead last that time. (Though I was second to laugh because I kept flying off the edge as a result of laughing so hard while pressing the ‘go’ button. Oh my god. It really was hilarious. He was SO frustrated. I mean he’d tried SO hard!!). 
And don’t even get me started on Rainbow Road. I wish I’d recorded it somehow to show you guys. Just. Damn.  There was this one time that I flew off the road, yeah? And like normally the little guy carries you back on with the fishing line right?
Except I managed to fall ONTO the track below. Like going the wrong way and way further behind but like it was impressive!
Well I thought so anyway. 
Still managed to lap Mr. Careful though because Lan Zhan was DETERMINED not to fall off the road after the botched ramp incident. 
In the end we were so into the game that we both lost track of time completely. Fortunately sober Lan Zhan foresaw this problem which meant that at 11:45 the two of us were scared out of our skin by the sound of his phone’s alarm going off. 
“Oh! Oh yeah!! The fireworks!!!” I yelped in a moment of panicked clarity. (Nevermind that 15 minutes was more than enough time for even tipsy us to get our asses up to the roof like we’d planned.)
We gathered up some blankets and made the hot chocolate we’d planned for to keep us warm and both of us tromped up the little-used ladder that led to the roof. 
I’d always wanted to do this specific cliche. Sitting on a roof with the person I loved to ring in the new year together under the light of the celebratory fire-works. We were close enough to see them pretty well from there, Lan Zhan had promised. Even though he’d never done it himself. 
I trusted him. As I do with all things.
We managed to get our blankets set up. We’d planned on using chairs but instead decided on just some cushions instead so that we could stay closer to each other. 
“For warmth” I claimed. 
I remember waiting on that roof with him, half on his lap again as our misting breath mingled with the curling steam from the hot mugs of chocolate held in our hands. 
There was just enough snow around to make everything a little muffled. Quiet and calm. 
Between the liquor and the hot chocolate and Lan Zhan’s body pressed so close to mine, cold wasn’t even a whisper in my mind. I could have stayed like that forever.
I keep saying that don’t I? I guess it’s not so bad to have so many forevers, huh? Just means I’m happy with him, doesn’t it? And I am. I really am. As much as I want these moments to last forever… As long as I can have a forever with him… what more in this world could I possibly ask for? That’s what I want. I want a forever with him. I don’t care how or where. Just… as long as it’s with him.
My thoughts were swimming lazily in that direction when the first of the fireworks shimmered in the distance. We were far enough away that we could hear the boom without feeling the rumbling that accompanied it. I shimmied the rest of the way onto Lan Zhan’s lap when the display started and he put both of our mostly empty mugs aside so that he could slide his arms around me. 
The air shimmered. Pinks and golds and silvers and greens. Reds and blues  and oranges and purples. Sometimes in patterns. Sometimes just in a spray of glittering color.
I’ve always loved fireworks. The sound and the sight and the feel of them. The way they color the world for even a moment. I was always fascinated how different they are in person than they are with even the highest quality camera. It’s just… you have to see them live. Film just doesn’t do them justice.
Kinda like Lan Zhan. Beautiful on paper but in person just.. Stunning. 
The finale was timed perfectly for Midnight. “Happy New Year, Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said softly in my ear, making me shiver for the first time since coming outside. And not from cold. 
I turned in his lap to look at him. “Happy New Year,” I replied in a whisper. He was so close. So so close.
This time… this time we both moved. I hadn’t been cold but the press of his lips against mine almost burned anyway. The kiss… it wasn’t the passion of our first kiss, or the awkward chastity of our second. This one lingered just a moment. Just enough that we could be sure that it was reciprocated on both sides. And when we parted a moment later we still stayed together. Lan Zhan pressed his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes and smiling that sweet smile that’s just for me. 
I remember laughing a little and nuzzling my nose against him, scrunching it in an attempt to be cute. It must have worked because he chuckled too. 
I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but despite the warmth of the moment, eventually we did start to feel the chill of the midnight air. It was with great reluctance that I untangled myself from him. We gathered everything up and took each other’s hand as we made our way back inside to the warmth of the apartment. 
We let go to start cleaning up a bit before bed. I knew it was late for Lan Zhan but I also know that he’d prefer going to bed with the place relatively tidy and that we’d thank ourselves in the morning. 
He went off to the kitchen to at least clean up some of the dishes and I set to putting the living room to rights. 
My task was the easier one so I finished pretty quickly. Unwilling to be separated from Lan Zhan any longer than I had to, though, I went to the kitchen to see if he needed some help. But then….
Well you all know I’m a little goblin, right?  
He was just… his back was turned to me at the sink. And his sides were exposed. Just begging to be tickled. 
And well, I wasn’t DRUNK, (at least off alcohol) but I was definitely tipsy and so I crept in like the goblin man I am, slinked up behind him and went in for the tickle. He SQUEALED and started laughing like a mad-man. All the dishes he was holding crashed into the sink and he held onto the counter for dear life. His leg seemed to give out on him for a moment as he gasped for breath between more peals of laughter. It wasn’t until the pig snorts started that he really tried to fight me. His ears were so RED as he twisted in my grip, snorting all the way like little (or not so little) laugh hiccups. Oh Oh I never thought that a pig snort could sound so wonderful. Hah. It was ridiculous.
Eventually he managed to twist around and wrap his arms around me, effectively pinning my arms to my sides so he could catch his breath. His head was resting on my shoulder as we both let our laughter die down some. 
It was all a ruse!
 A RUSE!!!
All of a sudden while I was pinned there completely defenseless I felt
Apparently tipsy Lan Zhan decided that copping a feel was the only reasonable path for revenge.
Except… I don’t know how he knew. Or maybe it was just luck.
I am not ticklish anywhere on my body. Not even my feet.
Except for one place.
Nie Huaisang if I find out you’re the one who told him this I will skin you alive. 
My butt… I don’t know why and honestly it is a very well guarded secret except that SangSang found out by chance once. But my ass is SO ticklish. 
Lan Zhan grabbed a chunk (And there is a nice chunk to grab if I do say so myself) and just… 
I collapsed instantly. 
And now he knows.
That if you tickle my ass
I bray like a damn donkey. 
Like I laugh THAT hard. That I can’t breath. And when I gasp for air it sounds like a fucking donkey.
Which of course got his pig snorts happening again. 
Thank GOD no one was near us wondering if we were expanding the bunny cafe into a full on fucking petting zoo. 
Just to make matters WORSE.
Okay so I’m a weak man. 
And I was trying to squirm away from him and he was trying to keep tickling my ass
And in order to keep tickling my ass and keep me from running his arms were still around me
Which means that we were pressed very close to each other
And I was squirming to get away and laughing and
You can guess what happened.
Let’s just say we were really feelin’ each other. 
And if you DON’T understand what I mean. Good for you. Keep your innocence. I will not tarnish. 
SO I mean clearly he was disgusted with me and made me sleep in the guest room and avoided ever touching me again, right? Except he wasn’t and he didn’t.
It was… well it was definitely awkward but…. We didn’t let go. 
I mean we didn’t do anything else either. Maybe we could blame the alcohol or the fact that it was late or the just natural reaction of rubbing up against someone else. All of which may be true. 
I mean we did talk a little. It is a natural reaction right? And… well… 
I could still feel that kiss from the rooftop. I’d been trying NOT to linger on it too much, deciding it was something for my more sober brain to process in the morning. But I mean… We had just kissed. Under the moonlight. On the rooftop. In some new cheesy cliche 80’s romcom moment that I’ll treasure forever. 
And then
We both decided in the end that that was something to be dealt with when we were sober and that it was either way a natural reaction that just happened sometimes and that we could talk about it later if needed. 
And after we.. em… caught our breath… we did eventually finish cleaning up and went to bed. As we normally do. Which means he was holding me. (Though I did pointedly avoid hip contact just in case ( ఠ ͟ʖ ఠ). )
We did NOT actually mention it again. I don’t know for sure that he remembers it and there’s no way in fuck I’m gonna bring it up if I don’t have to. At least not right now. We’ve got… other things to sort out in our relationship first. 
Like… like the kisses. 
First one doesn’t count (even though it does count.) because of circumstance
Second one still doesn’t really count because peer pressure and circumstance
But third one…..
It could have been the alcohol. And well, yes. The alcohol absolutely played a part. I know it gave me courage but I don’t know how it was influencing him. So STILL iffy on that circumstance and all that. (Alcohol =/= consent guys. Legit.) but like with how we’d been acting since Christmas and just… 
It’s given me a lot to think about. 
And we haven’t really talked about it but we aren’t like… avoiding it either. We’re just… I think we’re both testing the water. 
And I’m starting to really really… It’s more than hope now. 
His birthday is like in a week. And I’ve made my choice. I wanted to wait until my situation was much more settled before I even thought about trying to move our relationship in any direction. 
And Now….
I’m in a much better place. I’m emotionally much more stable. And if needed I can find a new place to stay now so I’m not so dependent on him anymore.
So I think… I think at his birthday on Saturday… Maybe after the actual shindig… when we’re home alone together…. 
I’m going to get him a gift just like he got me and…. And I’m going to tell him. I’m going to tell him everything. Tell him how I feel. I’ll confess and then… well… Whatever he decides then… well I’ll respect it. 
But I’m tired of this in between. I want one or the other. I want to know. I want to take my chance. Shoot my shot. I want to throw the ball into his court.
I just… I just hope he picks it up. 
Fuck. This is gonna be hard.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
I’m gonna ramble a little about... OGATA HYAKUNOSUKE NENDOROID PROTOTYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before I’ll start talking about how cool he is I’ll answer to the question that’s apparently haunting all the Sugimoto fans and that’s ‘Why Ogata is released before Sugimoto?’
Well, truth is Sugimoto might not even be released.
Goodsmile is specialized in girls and, to promote the first series of the anime they released Asirpa which is based on her anime version, not on her manga version.
Ogata was released because fans requested for him so much he got a spot in the 6 most requested characters. When I say 6 most requested characters, I don’t mean, among the Golden Kamuy characters, I mean among all the characters possible, characters from anime, manga, video games, American comics, Chinese donghua, virtual youtubers, vocaloids, Disney characters, movie characters and who knows what else as Goodsmile can and had released Nendo for characters from all these sources. If you think at it, it’s quite a feat.
Sugimoto wasn’t among the 6 most requested characters, we actually don’t know how many had requested him or if he had been requested at all so, before asking why he’s not released ask yourself ‘did I showed my support and requested for him when Goodsmile asked for requests?’ because if you hadn’t done it back then, maybe it’s time you’ll do now.
It would be great to have more Golden Kamuy Nendo, not just Sugi but also Shiraishi and Kiroranke and Koito and so on. but you need to vote for them, otherwise Goodsmile might not consider making them.
Also, did you show your support to ‘Golden Kamuy’ characters by buying Asirpa? Are you planning to continue showing your support by buying Ogata?
If they do not sell well it’s unlikely Goodsmile will continue producing characters from that series.
Now... Ogata Nendo.
I think it’s no secret I’ve made my own custom made Ogata Nendo, using Katsuki Yuri’s hair and Tanya Degurechaff’s body.
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A Twitter user instead used a mix of Katsuki Yuri and Otabek Altin’s hair and Nikkari Aoe’s body, customizing everything much more than I did so as to get an even better result.
But our efforts can’t even get close to the awesomeness of the prototype model.
Everyone, enjoy Ogata!
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His pose mimics the one on the image used to announce him (it’s not a given, sometimes they change it), although, as you can see, now he has a nose (it’s actually pretty common not to draw it on ).
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The pose is also likely inspired by this image, only without the scarf.
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The hair, being sculpted purposedly for him and not just being adapted from the one of another nendo are a perfect copy of his hairstile. In the prototype that rebellious strand of hair of his seems to be detachable. It might be that they won’t make it as such in the definitive model or that it’ll stay as such, allowing for more posing.
They sculpted his face giving him a very Ogata grin, with the  left corner of his mouth turning more up which gives him a more confident and smug expression.
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The cape is sculpted in one piece (“Attack on Titans”’ capes are sculpted in more pieces). As the right side is clearly more pulled up than the left to allow the arm to be positioned as such, it’s possible this means the definitive version will include 2 capes to suit different positions.
From what I can see the cape is well sculpted, with folds and the tiny buttons that close it. I wonder if the definitive version will include an hood pulled up head part (it’s one of the things I nagged Gooodsmile for in my requests for him).
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Now... body. There are carefully sculpted foldings in his gaiters and in the jacket, giving it a beautiful look but what I like the most is that it seems it can be parted at waist level.
It’s not a given, Tanya’s for example can be parted and the same is sadly also true for Asirpa.
Why this is a good thing?
Because it opens up to the possibility they’ll include a sitting part so that you can switch Ogata’s lower half with it and have him sit down to do the citatap scene... or snipe someone while sitting down (another thing I nagged Goodsmile for...).
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Honestly I was really offput by how Asirpa couldn’t sit down and make citatap, especially considering all the poses Goodsmile gave her had her seated in Golden Kamuy...
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...so I would be delighted if Ogata couls sit down and either make citatap or shoot (I think I’ll go nag Goodsmile some more about it after I finish writing this).
Another thing relevant is they gave him the ammunition puches and the bayonet.
They seem detachable (which is also not a given), sometimes they’re sculpted as a single piece with the clothes.
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This is both good and not so good as Asirpa’s knife and Menomakiri had the bad habit to ‘detach themselves’ if I’m not careful handling her, so I hope they made the puch and the bayonet better attached.
On a sidenote I also hope Ogata can hold the bayonet (yes, I nagged Goodsmile for this too... is there a thing I didn’t nag them for?)
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By the way, I genuinely doubt the Nendo will include Ogata’s army hat and his older haircut.
Anyway, continuing to talk about the body, the arms seems to be made with two pieces. If this is keep this would allow for greater mobility and more posing (only Asirpa’s right arm could be split in 2 pieces sadly...)
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Ogata’s feet are obviously smaller than Asirpa has he doesn’t wear the same large boots she wears, which means it will be likely impossible for his Nendo version to stay up without a support.
The arm peg is shown to attach behind his back so it will clearly have a longer peg that can go through the cape and his back, same as Asirpa.
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Differently from Asirpa Ogata doesn’t have a lot of expressions, so I expect him to have only 3 faceplates (Asirpa has 5).
I’ll figure the other 2 might be either a serious expression or a fighting expression (which is usually done by having the character with his mouth open, shouting something) and I would love if he could have the closed eyes citatap expression but that’s just me.
I do wonder if he’ll come with a background sheet and which they will include as a bonus if you preorder him from Goodsmile (for Asirpa it was just another background sheet).
On a personal note I also really, really hope Goodsmile will release an expansion set for Asirpa, to allow her to have citatap, use her arrows and maybe have a cute mini Retar but I guess this might be asking too much.
Still, I recomment every fan to show your support by buying Asirpa and Ogata (you will probably be able to pre-order him once the prototype gets approved and they give him a paint work) and request for more Golden Kamuy Nendo.
Showing Goodsmile how Asirpa and Ogata sell well and that there’s interest for more Golden Kamuy Nendo is our only way to see more Golden Kamuy characters to be released.
Who knows, maybe even Re-ment will get interested and will release a Meiji Hokkaido set. We’ll see. Anyway, if you can buy them.
Those little Nendo guys need all our love.
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes: 18
Book 18
Narrated by Aximili
Again I really wish something had come of the andalite traitors thing
Ax’s audience is other andalites
Leera’s like the only planet besides Earth to get an actual name in this joint
Andalites don’t use money
Ax is tryin g to work to get money to buy food
Ax needs to stop dicking around in human morph b;c he’s gonna getsomeone in trouble, possibly killed
This manager is actually a nice person
So Marco caught Ax
They are retelling the event at Cassie’s barn]
They are waiting for news from Erek
So was Ax? Alone at the damn mall? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again there are rocks smarter than these kids
Erik has hidden chee with him
Of course Tobias fucking spots them all, its not like the chee could make themselves invisible
Hewlett Aldershot the Third, that’s a serious name
Yeerks wanna infest im for reasons and had Iness hit him with a car
Is this the same yeerk infested hospital from an earlier book? I guess boiling a bunch of folks alive and a minor wildlife rampage didn’t do shit.
Marco’s snippy when bored
So, either Visser 3 knows how to morph regular clothes or isn’t hamped by them at all and no one feels the need to mention them ripping through some while morphiong
Yeerks can’t do anything with a comatose host. 
Either the head of the secret service is a lady or the president is
That’s not really how wings work forget it
People have to be seeing this 6 winged bird thing chasing a seagull
Also apparently the kafit is some kinda bird of prey
Ax’s seagull morph has talons apparently
Visser 3 is scared of getting into a tail fight
Visser 3 thinks a teenager can beat him.
They’re right b/c they are shit at fighting
Stand face to face for even more opportunity to injure yerself and give yer opponent a better shot at yer head
Visser 3 nopes out of the fight, breaking a leg in the fall, but morphing human fast
Too much protein keeps Aximili awake
Dinnier at Cassie’s ment a lot for Ax
Ax races around as he wrestles with his thoughts and goes to Tobias to talk about feeliongs
Yeerks infultrating the andalite homeworld was an interesting idea and the writers are cowards
Shut up Cassie
Cassie you liar
If they could aquire from say blood alone, then why don’t they just try acquiring from parts of animals like ever?
Rachel is concerned about blood borne diseases and doesn’t know how most of those are contracted
Ax that sounds like bullshit. 
Ax you just hang with little squeemish bitches
Andalites have weak slow baby hands
How exactly do they plan to acquire blood that they ate as a mosquito? If they eat it it starts to break down from digestion and would be decently degraded by the time they vomit it back up and try to acquire from it.
A random sick kid has seen Ax and now knows his name
More humans have seen Ax
And like what reason with the yeerks have to let witnesses go like? Good job at getting more folks enslaved Ax
Ax thinks about collateral damage for once
...that’s a false surrender. Good job Ax! Not no one on yer side can ever actually surrender! Also a war crime.
Ax jumps out a window and morphs mosquito
That’s still not how compound eyes work
And now in the imaginary place
Huh, Ax and the animorphs get to see themselves in a 4 dimensional? view
Like tesseracts made of meat
Why, exactly would Tobias., who is in morph in ya know the shape of a bird not appear as a human jigsaw as well in this place?
They got dragged into Z space by a passing ship
And resqued by an andalite crew
The animorphs and Ax made a scientific breakthrough
.7 Andalite years stuck on Earth
I havent gotten to thhat book on my re read but everything you just said was wrong Ax
So there are multiple pool ships and such
Aximili doesnt actually have to stay with you all
He can fight yeerks where ever he pleases and really kinda needs to see others of his own kind every now and then
That grass probably tastes good as fuck tho after almost a year in Earth grass
Andalites being speciest
“May your great god Cha-Ma-Mib smile on you this day.” religious space frogs
“The continent loomed larger and larger. Most of it was lush and green, primarily jungle. Green like Earth's forests and jungles, but with wide swaths of some brilliant yellow vegetation, too. The northern end of the continent was less fertile, more barren, probably colder.”
The captian is a traitor
Also it is apparently pretty damn easy to take out andalites if you have even the slightest amount of drop on them
Visser 3 and Visser 4 are friends
That tailless dick fortified and used a weapon
The animorphs decided not to stick around in just listening to orders
Gonna blow the kids out an airlock and hope they survive
None of these fucks think to get in a damn fighter craft or emergency escape and attempt to survive
Just, welp folks we’re fucked time for some suicide!
Also the captain wasn’t even a controller, just willingly on the yeerk’s side
On the one hand Ax did abandon them. On the other the animorphs are not entitled to his service
Also this just isn’t the right time to pick on Ax
This is reallt not the right fucking time, Marco and Rachel are either trying to get themselves or someone else killed with their bullshit
Tobias u fucking chose to live in the woods as a wild animal, Aximili didn’t choose to be marroned on an alien world
You feathery asshole
Tobias vanished
The yeerk forces are doing well on ground battle
Ax, the animorphs, the andalites, and the writers have failed ecology
Rachel vanished
The writers just really fucking hate sharks
“The water was perfectly, utterly clear. We were swimming in water that was forty feet deep, and we could see every detail on the ocean floor.
 And what detail! Huge, billowing creatures like white and yellow sails, triangular with biological propellers at each corner. Brilliant, electric-blue worms or snakes, each seventy feet long, swimming in wild schools. A bizarre creature that rose and fell through the water by blowing air into a bladder so thin it was almost transparent. A wonderful sort of fish in the shape of a screw that rotated its way through the water.
 And these creatures weren't scattered here and there, but everywhere. The Leeran ocean was a madhouse of life-forms.
 Spread around across the ocean were bubbling chimneys of rock and soil, encrusted with squirming, writhing creatures, small and less small. My shark senses could feel the electrical discharge from these chimneys, and the intense warmth. As I watched, a massive school of the brilliant blue worms came swirling around one of the chimneys. It swirled and my shark senses could feel the energy flow from the chimney into the worms.”
There would still be fucking predators u nits
“They were mostly yellow. They had skin that was slimy, as if covered with ooze, yet rough in texture, like gravel. They had large, webbed back legs. For arms they had four tentacles arrayed around their plump, barrel-shaped bodies.  The head was quite large, with a bulge at the back. It sat right on the shoulders. There was no neck. The face bulged outward and seemed to have just two features. A huge, wide, almost ridiculous mouth. And big, bulging eyes of a green that seemed almost to be lit from inside.
 There were four Leerans. They were riding on water jets. The water jets were long, narrow tubes, flared in front to make a sort of wing, flared again in back to give extra
maneuverability. Arrayed along the back wing were clusters of very narrow tubes pointed forward.”
The crew free some leerans (granted they were going to kill them) b/c the leerans showed them how to get the yeerks out of them
The team morph leerans and are uncomfortable with knowing eachother’s thoughts
Oh what normal space ships arent good enough for crushing ocean pressures now? Gotta have actual submarines?
A lot of these high ranking andalites are quick to yelling and threats of violence aint they
That is a very iffy plan not the least being the yeerks with their mostly terrestrial shock troops would have likely set up camp there anyway it seems. But if u wanna throw away lives who cares
Marco vanished
Talking to scientists and shit
Actually Jake, if all of you vanish b4 u carry out the mission it will be too late for a back up
A world with no predators my ass
Cassie vanishes
Ah, so yeah bats aint flying with torn to shit wings. They’s ded
Jake vanished
How exactly did the andalites get the shit in there in the first place?
Hah, the hork hosts have rocket boosters
Aximili is saved by vanishing
So why were they snapped back in mosquito morph and not just flund full force back into their real bodies
And why snap them all back to the same moment and not staggared into different moments in time
How the fuck did this man feel a damn mosquito bite? A notible aspect of mosquitoes as that we don’t really feel them biting
Genral yeerk panicking over management
End with scene at mall
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figureviews · 5 years
Review: Nendoroid 769 Kagamine Len Harvest Moon Ver.
I wanted Len Harvest Moon Ver. for a long time and ultimately I ordered him along with his sister and I’ve to admit this one is another of the Nendo I particularly love, not so much for its accessories but because he’s simply beautiful (below in an official photo).
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...they were both sadly damn expensive to get... but I really love them.
So, a premise.
What does it mean ‘Harvest Moon version’? Everything starts with Hatsune Miku. At the HATSUNE MIKU EXPO in Shanghai held in China Goodsmile announced they would release a Miku based on an illustration (which you can see below) by the Chinese illustrator Rella, who is well known as one of the greatest Hatsune Miku illustrators on Pixiv in which Miku was dressed up in outfit based on those seen at the Mid-Autumn Festival in China (hence the name ‘Harvest moon’ due to it being a harvest festival).
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(for who’s wondering she’s on my ‘I’M GONNA BUY THIS NENDO’ list)
Afterward though, Goodsmile decided to release also Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin, always using illustrations made by the Chinese illustrator Rella in which they were dressed up in outfit based on thoseof the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (which you can see below).
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And now let’s dig into how this Nendo is.
Kagamine Len Harvest Moon Ver.’s package is the Nendoroid standard package, with the mark Goodsmile company clearly visible (actually sorry, in the first photo isn’t so clearly visible due to the light hitting the box but it’s there). Do yourself a really HUGE favour and avoid buying bootlegs of this Nendo as there are a lot for Kagamine Len Harvest Moon Ver. but they’re really, really ugly.
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The blister box isn’t as filled with accessories as Hatsune Miku Harvest Moon Ver.’s one but it still contains many cute things so let’s look at him!
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His stand has the standard Nendo base, a square with many holes in which you can insert the brace those plug can be attacked to his back to support him.
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However we don’t have just Len’s stand but also a stand for the special background that comes with Len and that you can place behind him.
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Included is also an extra neck joint.
Like all the Nendo Len is stored in the box in a neutral position, with his legs straight and his arms straight and at his side.
The cartoon inserted behind him in the box has no background, it’s just a yellow with written over his Nendo number 769 but behind it in a plastic bag it’s attached the special background panel I mentioned before (below without the stand).
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It’s really cute and gives a nice atmosphere, sort of like an ancient illustration centered on moon viewing.
Oh, and of course we’ve instructions in English and Japanese.
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And now let’s look at him disassembled with all his spare parts!
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We’ll start with the legs.
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Sadly they’re just two straight legs. Same as KAITO Senbonzakura Ver. Len’s legs don’t come with the plug. Basically there are holes on the legs and you insert in them the ball shaped joins on the Nendo’s pelvis.
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It gives the legs mobility… but I get really fearful about the ball shaped joint to break each time I pull a leg out so in a way I’m sort of glad I don’t have extra legs with whom to replace these ones.
Let’s continue with the arms, 2 for the right side, 3 for the left.
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The arms are fundamentally a pair of straight arms and then arms to hold the bunnies and the Chinese tea set he comes with. As you can see they can be removed by the sleeves so that you can exchange them (actually I didn’t manage to remove the last left one so i think it’s not meant to be removed).
The sleeves have detailed folds and I love how their colour slowly changes from grey to orange.
We continue with Len’s body.
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His Chinese clothes aren’t overly complicate, they’re actually pretty simple compared to Miku or Rin but they’re still lovely. In them too the colour switches gently from grey to orange.
I couldn’t manage to remove the pelvis from him. Below you can see the ball joint for his legs.
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Only two sadly, a smiling one and an embarrassed one. The smiling one is nice but nothing special, the embarassed one is very cute.
It’s true, Len’s face and Rin’s face are exactly the same so you can easily swap among them and, in addition to this, Goodsmile produced already 3 more Len (4 if you count the cheerful version) and an equal number of Rin, so, if you are a Kagamine siblings fan you have already other faceplates for them but, well, I would have still loved if they had given him an extra one.
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Len’s cute, little ponytail is connected to the rest of his hair by a peg, so you can move it a bit.
For once Len’s hair doesn’t come with his headphones so I really love it all the more!
I also like the yellow used for them, which has darker shades.
And now we move to talk about the accessories included, the first being the bunny ear parts.
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Following the Goodsmile tradition the idea is that you basically stick those small trasparent pieces in between the sealing parts of the hair so to keep them still.
I HATE THIS as they tend to slip and, what’s worse, one of the tiny plastic pieces somehow managed to slip out of the ears and I almost lost it. I had to gue it to keep it safely inside the ear, which is something I hate.
To be honest though the ears are cute, much cuter than the ones included in the Nendoroid More: After Parts 04 A Set rabbit ones.
Personally though, I love more the other accessories, my fave being the two cute rabbits.
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Len (or another Nendo) can hold them both as each of them has, below it, a little hole to hold them.
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They can also stand on their own! (by the way, they’re white, no idea why they come so grey in the photo... -_-;)
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The bunnies are really beyond cute, I lvoe them so much!
Another accessory I love is Len’s adourable Chinese tea set.
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Here it’s how it looks from above...
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...and below it you can see the hole that allows Len to hold it.
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It’s adourable and very Nendoroid sized. As I’m used to give them Re-ment accessories, which are often slightly bigger, I love how this one instead fits them perfectly!
Now… poses. 
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The poses are all easy to get and, as you can see, Len comes out always very cute, no matter if you leave him alone or with Rin.
By the way, Rin and Len’s design as well as the rabbits make me think of some Chinese legends among which the story of Chang E, which is the most widely accepted tale regarding the moon and the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival and of the legend of the jade rabbit. Maybe it’s just me though.
Would anyone who’s not fan of the Vocaloids or of Kagamine Len himself, want to buy him?
Honestly I love Kagamine Len Harvest Moon Ver. both for his Chinese clothes and his accessories as well as his cuteness.
Yes, he could have more spare parts but I still think he’s enjoyable enough and I would recomment him.
And that’s all for him.
Next time I’m going to give a look at Kagamine Rin Harvest Moon Ver. which I got with him!
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My Profile: This is where you fill out your profile. Uploading a photo is probably a good idea if you're serious about meeting someone. Since looks are they going to be the first thing that catches someone's eye when viewing your profile. You can also edit your age, profession, education, city, country, height.
My Messages: This section is where you receive messages.
Be2.com is a mainstream dating site. This company owns dating services that target all the main languages on earth including English, French (Be2.fr), Italian (Be2.it), Norwegian (Be2.no), and German (Be2.de) to name only a few of them. Just like we do with our adult dating reviews we registered as a free member on this site to see exactly how it operates. You can read the full review and what we found out about this site below.
What We Think About Be2 After Signing Up
For every investigation we do there is a set agenda we follow. The first one is to create a personal profile on the dating site that we are reviewing. When we create our dating profile we make sure not to use any photographs and leave out as much information as possible. This way we can use this to our advantage. If we start receiving emails and instant messages immediately after registering on the site then we know it's probably going to be a scam. Why would anyone contact us when our profile is completely empty and we have no profile photographs? In this particular situation with Be2.com we received no emails, no instant messages, no webcam chats at all ZERO. Our profile was left empty and that's the result you would get if the dating site was legitimate. This is one indicator that leads us to believe that Be2.com is a real dating site.
Usually when a dating site is a scam you get so many emails that flood your inbox it's ridiculous. In this case we got no emails at all. The reason that dating scams use email messages is to lure you into upgrading so you can communicate back to the women sending you the emails. But in every situation we have encountered the women sending us those emails were fake. In this situation we received no emails at all. So we have to conclude they're not using automated chat bots to deceive us so we buy a paid monthly subscription.
Another method we use to identify scammy dating sites is a software program called Tin Eye. This helps us to find fake profile photos and the exact locations where those profiles have been stolen from on other sites (many times amateur porn sites). And we're happy to report in this situation that the profile pictures we dug through were NOT found on other sites.
Hosting Server Info:
Address Of Host: 291, Route d'Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg
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Name Servers: ns25.ns25.de, ns26.ns26.de, ns27.ns27.de, ns28.ns28.de
Contact Information :
Be2 Website Reviews
Addresses: be2 S.à.r.l. of 291, Route d'Arlon, L-1150, Luxembourg
Email:(email protected)
Final Decision:
From what we have seen about this site everything looks to be legitimate. After doing over 200 reviews of dating scams it's very easy to spot a scam. This website does not use utilize automated bots, it does not send out fake emails, or phony instant messages. We received none of that whatsoever. In fact we received absolutely no emails from anyone on the site. For these reasons we have determined that Be2.com is a legit dating service.
Be2 Website Template
Search For Women
If you want to search for real females, then look at these legitimate dating sites.
File A Report
Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off by this dating site.
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The latest news on swedish mail and customs’ efforts to cut down on the influx of cheap goods from China is they’re going to present a plan for new fees and guidelines in March, so to be on the safe side I should probably order those doll shoes and re-ment sets I’ve been looking at from HK sellers before that. It won’t matter in the long run since the new rules will apparently apply to ALL non-EU countries, but if I’m going to buy doll shoes for $3 at least I’d like to get in before they raise the handling fee, in case they’re going to start by charging it slavishly for every tiny envelope. And if they do, I assume they’ll be looking at China and HK first.
(I’m not sure exactly to what extent they’re including HK in this - without getting into politics, I know HK has its own postal system etc, but I also suspect a lot of the packages they’re referring to are actually shipped from there and not mainland China, so.) 
On the other hand, the papers pointed out how these countermeasures could easily be avoided by shipping via a middle hand in Luxembourg (no VAT) or Holland (no VAT for imported goods under 22€), so I guess I should start looking for a shipping buddy there (or wait for some enterprising person to start a parcel relay service).
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biointernet · 4 years
Frank LaCavera and his hour glass collections
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Frank LaCavera and his hour glass collections By  PEOPLE STAFF June 05, 1989 12:00 PM Like the sands through the hourglass, so are the days of Frank J. LaCavera’s life. LaCavera, a 70ish retired electrical engineer, lives in Cleveland in a house that is filled with reminders of the temporal — more than 300 one-of-a-kind hourglasses that he has designed and made in the last 32 years. Each is set on a marble base with the hourglass in a wooden frame, and the whole is adorned with whimsical decoration. “I only do this stuff when inspired,” says LaCavera. “It’s like magic.”
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Frank LaCavera hourglass Among the inspirations that became hourglasses are: Castle and Dragon, which includes a tiny steel dragon next to a tiny castle, set on a piece of amethyst, all inside a crystal ball; Pluto, with the hourglass perched atop a spaceship; and Ribs, which includes a plastic pig under glass, reclining in a centerfold pose. LaCavera took up his hobby when he was looking for an hourglass to decorate his study and found out that the closest thing he could buy in Cleveland was an egg timer, so he went into business for himself. He had to invent the machinery and instruments, including one to remove static electricity from inside the glass and another to determine the proper size of the hole between the two halves of the hourglass. (His hourglasses are accurate to 14 seconds an hour.) LaCavera has sold only a few hourglasses over the years (they run from $89 to $1,500), but he prefers to hang on to his work, which now fills the modest three-bedroom frame house he shares with wife Phyllis on the city’s west side. Phyllis thinks the world should see more of her husband’s hourglasses. “Work this beautiful,” she says, “should be out there where people can enjoy it.” Hourglass maker Frank LaCavera filling 12 of his hourglass bulbs w. sand as he prepares to time test each piece that he will use in his ornate hourglass creations at his workshop in home. (Photo by Taro Yamasaki/The LIFE Images Collection via Getty Images/Getty Images)
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Frank LaCavera hourglass collections Frank LaCavera and his hour glass collections Lima News, The (Newspaper) - August 12, 1976, Lima, Ohio I lie jLiiua CLEVELAND (AP) Frank LaCavera is an hourglass master, one of the few in the world still making two-and three-foot hourglasses that can run from one to nine hours. His basement in his Cleveland home has become a collection of tubes, bottles, glass beads and other paraphernalia. He even has a small museum with a revolving stage and a curtain behind which is his handiwork. LaCavera said he became interested in mak- ing hourglasses, an instru- ment for measuring time Liquor to flow on Election Day Modern-day hourglass maker works for sentiment not money v" J mt Frank LaCavera considered expert in his hobby usually by the trickling of sand through a small open- ing, after he tried to buy one and discovered that stores only sold small ones used by housewives to make three-minute eggs., "When I saw how scarce they were, I thought I'd make them as a chal- he said Dr Warner Bundens Jr. president of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Inc., said that "nobody else in the world is making modern hourglasses. I have one of LaCavera's originals at home. It's a 60-minute COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Starting with the November election, Ohio no longer will be a state where you can't buy a drink or a bottle of liquor on election day. A new law which takes effect Friday repeals the antiquated statute which shut down taverns, bars, and other liquor along with the state's monopoly retail voting hours. All will be open Nov. 2, including the state which in the past have given their employes the entire day off although bars and restaurants usually let the booze flow again an hour after polls closed, as the old law per- mitted. Rep John A Galbraith, R-69 Moumce, sponsored Ihe new law, calling the old one "archaic He said the days are gone when people "voted publicly and sat under the trees passing the jug around. No one tries to buy votes with whisky anymore." Galbraith got little help from his Republican colleagues as his bill squeaked through the Democratic House 55-39 and Senate 17-15 Restaurant and bar owners who claimed the law unfairly penalized their businesses lobbied for him, and may have helped convince Gov. James A. Rhodes who signed the repealer without comment. The 52-year-old Galbraith said despite the lobbying, the bill represented his "personal conviction that the old law was out of date Ohio was the only one of the 10 largest states which continued to have such a prohibition." Rep Alan E Norris, R-27 Westerville, whose hometown claims to be the "birthplace of prohibition" and remains dry. carried the House opposition. He said he felt simply that "people should be sober when they vote." He said it wasn't a moral issue with him, but felt the old law "was good for more than 100 years" and was needed to help protect the integrity of Ohio's election process. Frank LaCavera and his hour glass collections The election day liquor law is among five taking effect this week, 90 days after being signed into law by the governor. Other new laws: take away the authority of county and townships to enact zoning ordi- nances affecting oil and gas operations, per- mit senior citizens to take courses without credit or tuition at state universities when space permits; bring health district subsidies under _0hio Public Health Council regula- tions, and exempt delayed gram contracts held bv farmers from the state intangibles tax on stocks, bonds, and other securities. TECHNICIANS apply makeup and an ear plug to Sen. Walter Mondale, D-Minn.. prior to his ap- pearance on ABC's "Good Morning America" program Tuesday in Washington, D.C. Mondale is the Democratic vice presidential nominee. 'Beautiful river' helped young Ohio's economy By The Associated Press The Ohio River, "La Bel- le Riviere" or "the beautiful river" to the ear- ly French explorers, re- mains to this day a prime consideration in Ohio's transportation network but it has always been (he focus of Ohio history from the verv beginnings of the state, and even before Ohio was a state. The river always kept its prestige in competition with Lake Erie as a chan- nel of trade, and from its banks came some of the men and helped make the nation's greatness One of the first com- panies of the pioneer city Marietta was a shipyard The brig St Clair, built there, reached Cincinnati in April, 1801, and got as far as Cuba on that trip It demonstrated that the black walnut of the In the library there are papers showing that the Louisiana of Marietta, in 1805, visited New Orleans, Norfolk and Italy. Purchase of the Louisiana Territory swel- led the river trade as well Ohio yesteryear Muskingum Valley, a wood now almost priceless, could be combined with Marietta iron and rope to defy the Spanish grip on the trade of the Mis- sissippi. More than 100 such ships were soon produced at the mouth of the Muskingum. Carter recalled as pious preacher LOCK HAVEN, Pa "He knocked on doors asking people if they needed Jesus Christ as their per- sonal savior. He never breathed to us he was a politician." Mrs Robert Farwell was reminisc- ing about Jimmy Carter. She remembered him as the evangelist who eight years ago trumpeted Christianity in this central Penn- sylvania town. It was in 1968 that Carter visited the Lock Haven area as a member of a six-man team of Southern Baptist laymen attempting to start a second Baptist church. "He was the most humble and com- passionate man my husband and I ever met." Mrs Farwell, a widow of six months, said recently in a tele- phone interview. "He was a man who really loved the Lord Jesus Christ You could feel it every minute you were around him." The Baptist laymen remained two weeks, working in pairs and visiting 10 to 15 homes a day. Support for a se- cond Baptist parish grew and even- tually a new church was established. For a time the new congregation was led by a divinity student from Texas, but he left. A permanent pastor was never found and the con- gregation dissolved and the new church closed. "He always wore a business suit." recalled Mrs Farwell, who lives in Flemmgton, near Lock Haven. "We knew he was a distinguished person. as the volume of ship- building However, the em- bargo of 1807, caused by the war between Great Bri- tain and Napoleon, ruined the Ohio shipyards for a time. Four years after Robert Fulton invented the steam- boat, the first such craft was seen on the Ohio It was the New Orleans, built at Pittsburgh, which went down river in 1811. It had a speed of only 12 miles an hour, but that was enough to mark the beginning of the end for the flatboat and barge lines which had en- joyed all the trade until that time. The steamboats made travel safer and cheaper as well as faster, thus adding much to Ohio's growth and prosperity. Carolina dams lose to scenery WASHINGTON (AP) After a four-year legislative fight, a bill to save a scenic stretch of the New River in North Carolina from being inundated by power- generating dams is likely to win congressional approval this year. The House passed the bill Tuesday by a 311-73 vote and sent it to the Senate, which approved similar legislation jn the last Congress. President Ford has announced he would sign the bill. Every major environmental group in the country has backed the measure to save the 26.5-mile stretch "It looks like we will finally get it through this said Rep Ken Hechler. D-W.Va one of the long-time supporters of the New River legislation. The measure would bar the two-dam Blue Ridge Pro- ject of the Appalachian Power Co. The Federal Power Commission has approved the project but construction has been delayed by court appeals. Rep. Paul Simon, D-I11, who has taken a boat trip down the river, said it is a wonder of nature that should be preserved for posterity. "If any of you have a chance to take that trip, then I don't think you'll ever vote against this he told his colleagues. "God took 100 million years to create this river. Let's keep a power company from destroying Hechler said. He cited the statement by geologists that the river is the oldest in the Western Hemisphere.
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Frank LaCavera and his hourglass collections https://people.com/archive/meet-hourglass-maker-frank-lacavera-one-retiree-who-knows-how-to-pass-the-time-vol-31-no-22/ https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/frank-lacavera?family=editorial&sort=mostpopular&phrase=frank%20lacavera https://newspaperarchive.com/lima-news-aug-12-1976-p-7/ Frank LaCavera and his hour glass collections
See also:
Time symbolism
Time is… The Full History of Time Time in physics and time Science Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Time and Text
Text, Time, MHC Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life The End of Time Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Death does not Exist Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Father and Mother of Time Time Hub Time Philosophy Time synonyms Time perception and Sense of Time Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Figure Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Beauty Bio-Net Father Time Department Father Time and Mother Nature Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases Time Management Time Management tools Time Travel Management MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter
The Hourglass Figure:
MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum Frank LaCavera and his hour glass collections Read the full article
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Gacha Gacha Crate April 19
Welcome to last months Gacha Gacha crate review :D
Er... I forgot to get a picture for the opener of this post, but rest assure the review has pics!
Sailor Moon Pouch
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Our first item is perfect for magical girl and/or Sailor Moon fans, an adorable pouch that comes in six variations: the crystal star I got, another brooch (I’m sorry but its been ages since I watched Sailor Moon, I can’t remember everything), Luna or Artemis, the Moon Stick/Scepter, a patterned pouch, and a rounded “secret pouch”.
Each pouch is fairly flat but has accurate detailing and feels very smooth with a great working zipper. The inside has cloth-ish fabric.
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The back of mine had this design on it, but I assume they all have it or something similar. In terms of what it can fit, I noticed it can fit 1 of any size gacha capsule, or several little trinkets like change, dollar bills, cards, certain beauty products; just not too many at once.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I think it’s pretty cute and well made. I wish it might have been a little bit bigger or spacious, and the material makes me think it wont hold up against staining- but I’m not going to test that theory out. I would have liked it if it had a ball chain or strap to attach it to things as well, but as a long-time magical girl fan I kind of like that feeling of being able to pull out a magical transformation device- even if it’s only to summon money or a card rather than a cute outfit and wand.
Build A Pokemon
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I heard these “figures as the capsule“ are popular lately, and that seems to be the case. This is our second one we’ve gotten in the Gacha Gacha crate, which features adorable Pokemon!
There was 4 available: Pikachu, Gengar, the new electric mouse I never remember the name of, and Mew. They’re all cute but I’m very happy I got Gengar, who has always been one of my favorite Pokemon x3
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This piece serves no purpose other than to keep the plastic wrap that was on him smooth, due to his “spikes” on his back. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Compared to my Donald Duck (whose beak still isn’t on right) Gengar was much easier to build. He’s very accurate in appearance, and he makes a really cute decoration! It’s also fun putting together figurines, even if this wasn’t as detailed as my Yokai Watch collection (pretty much every version of Jibanyan I found back when I was collecting them. I still have them but I don’t buy them anymore).
Kuma and Tanooki Handkerchief
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This is our biggest item yet by far! Kuma and Tanooki are popular characters who have their own twitter in Japan, and this handkerchief is perfect for this season when spring allergens start kicking up, or say, if you needed somewhere to sit a food item or clean up a spill.
There are 5 possible  “4-koma“ you can get in this collection, and it is by Takara Tomy Arts.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I think it’s very cute, kind of a random item but you guys know how much I like practicality. One of my concerns is getting items from the gachapon that I can’t actually do anything with- and considering I have “seasonal change weather allergies“ this will probably come in handy in some shape or form.
However... After barely touching it I noticed that it already has a couple of loose strands and I’ve done nothing to it. So I’m kinda worried about getting something on it/using it and then trying to wash/clean it off. It’s a very delicate and thin material.
Shiba Terrarium
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This next item combines the adorable, popular shiba brothers and the recent trend of Character Terrarium displays. I really like things like snowglobes, toy house displays, re-ment, so I quickly took a liking to Terrariums too. Lately I’ve been seeing all kinds of popular character ones, like Pokemon, Kirby, Sumikko Gurashi, Rilakkuma.
In this specific set there are 4 to collect, each one is 400 yen and features one of the shiba brothers in one of the seasonal settings. Each terrarium includes the little setting/stage (in 2 pieces) the shiba, and decoration, they also incorporate the capsule, which is the terrarium obviously. The bottom part is flat so that they can be sat out to display. 
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Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I really like the white shiba (who has spring) but my favorite season is winter, so I think this was meant to be~
It’s extremely easy to put together, there’s no gluing or even pressing needed; although considering how easy it is for the pieces to move around when jostled or shifted, I kind of wish there was some pegs or something to hold the shiba and items down.
The detail is also spot-on and looks very nice for such tiny pieces, besides the perfect paint jobs on the snowman and shiba (he even has toe beans!), but there are markings in the snow where they sit for added detailing.
If you like terrariums but want a cheaper and less-messy (as in if something would happen less clean-up) this would be the way to go.
Mushroom Bird
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This would be an adorable addition to a fall-themed terrarium, a MUSHROOM BIRD. Japan really likes cutesy animal-item/food combinations; and this is one of the few I’ve seen for birds. It’s by EPOCH and each one costs 200 yen.
As you can see by the checklist this is a medium-big collection. Each bird has a “rarity“ marking beneath them, mine being 2 out of 3 stars. At the second I don’t recall what mine is, I want to say shitake but I’m not positive- although I do like eating mushrooms.
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Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s small but the detail on it is really nice and it’s very cute in my opinion. As I said above, you could use it in things like terrariums, or even re-ment or decorative items like planters or something.
Squeeze Sushi
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This is our final item- and if you’re wondering why the setting looks different it’s because when I was uploading the images, the one I took was like... glitched or something? It wasn’t uploading right, so I hurried up and grabbed another pic.
Anyway, these types of Squeeze toys/squishy are pretty popular in Japan, and as of late here too! There’s a really adorable series I like collecting called Moj Moj that has some like this, but I know there are several varieties that can be found online too.
There are 6 sushi types available, from my cucumber (maybe avocado? I’m pretty sure it’s cucumber), crab, salmon, something that looks like fish cake, egg or vegetable, and fish eggs.
I usually see the one I have on a lot of videos from Youtubers I watch- and as a squishy fan I REALLY wanted my own but never bothered looking online to get one, so I was extremely happy when I saw this~
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This was everything i hoped for and more! I love squeezing it and watching the stuff come out, then get sucked back in. The item is in a little oiled sack as I’ve learned watching people cut them open, and they can be a little fragile if handled too roughly (they’re also sticky so they collect dirt); but they’re super cute and fun.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Quality - 5 out of 5. Everything is fine and I love all the detailing put into each item. From the perfect coloring jobs to the rice texture of the squeeze toy and elaborate handkerchief.
Content - 5 out of 5. I really liked everything, maybe not as much as I did the prior months box, but I would put it in the top 5 thus far.
Total Rank: 7 out of 10 cuties. It was a lovely box full of adorableness~ and even though there was 3 non-practical items (unless you consider displaying an item practical) I still really liked them a lot. I didn’t dislike anything in this box, which is probably a first for this series. I’m not sure what kind of price range all of these items were together, but I could say that this box was worth what we pay.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1.  Sushi Squeeze - I love squeeze toys, squishies, and sushi; and considering how much I wanted one of these, I think my choosing this as my #1 item for the month wasn’t a surprise to anybody.
2.  Shiba Terrarium - It was simple, but still detailed enough. I still wish they had included pegs or something to hold the pieces in place, and looking at it again I wish the Shiba interacted with the items a little more, but it makes a very cute decoration regardless.
3. Handkerchief - As a fan of manga and cutesy or funny comics, I really appreciated the design behind this one. It has an adorable charm to it.
4. Mushroom Bird - it’s kawaii and little x3 but at the same time, unless you really looked at it, you probably couldn’t tetl it was a bird due to how small it was. I really wish I got one of the more colorful ones.
5. Sailor Moon Pouch - If I got Luna or Artemis this would have been higher up on the list. But it’s a perfect representation of Sailor Moon’s more known compact/brooch/whatever and just holding it gives me all sorts of feels~
6. Build a Pokemon - As much as I adore Pokemon, there isn’t really anything different than this Gengar. In fact it almost looks exactly like a plush keychain Gengar I got when I was little.
Alright, we’ve reached the end of another box and review. As usual I will be resuming normal order so up next we got the two beauty boxes, NMNL and Kira Kira crate.
Until then, remember to open up a box of cuteness every day!
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daziran1 · 5 years
Disney Doc McStuffins Balloons
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