#i am not in a constant anxiety attack
shannananan · 4 months
three months later, it is finally freaking behind me
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moothecowgirl · 21 days
When in doubt, evoke Gods name
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eyluvu · 4 months
One fun fact about me is I constantly feel like I'm teetering on the edge of a panic attack
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newfeeling77 · 7 months
i wish i had gotten properly medicated n therapized earlier 1. bc it hasnt even started yet i had one therapy appointment and i wont be feeling the effects of medication for another month and a half and 2. im already feeling regretful of the time i wasted these past few months being depressed. not unhappy just apathetic and frustrated. bc objectively im having a good time n learning new things and making friends like its a really good semester but i havent been able to enjoy it bc im currently incapable of enjoying anything. i can appreciate things, i can acknowledge the positive aspects of my life but they dont give me any positive feelings. instead im just angry or overwhelmed all the time
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manofmanymons · 4 months
#mom said it's my turn on the tags vent#so like#sometimes i trick myself into thinking#i cant have any mento iwness#i do well in school#bc despite me jokingly referring to whatever tf is goin on with me as the Mental Illness#im not like#diagnosed with literally anything#not even like anxiety despite the constant sense of dread that never leaves me and the Frequent Panic Attacks#like officially on paper i am 'normal'#but i digress#i really gotta stop using how im doing in school as an indication of mental health#cuz ive come to accept that im just a person who happens to be Good At School#baby sam living through The Horrors? still did good in school#fuckinnn 9 years old having cps and the police showin up at my house askin me a bunch of weird questions#still did good in school#height of my 'actually i fucking hate all of you' phase where i was constantly in the office for getting in fights#STILL did really good in school#completely gave up on life and legitimately believed i would never be happy again bc the only person who unconditionally loved me—#and was always there for me fuckin died#still got all a's in nearly all ap classes#deeply traumatized from almost dying during the pandemic to the point where i couldn't go outside without hyperventilating instantly?#would ya believe it i still did good in school#so i should#really stop going#nothing can be that wrong with me if im getting through school#bc even during times where shit was objectively severely wrong with me#it had 0 impact on how i did in school#lowkey don't even know where to start unpacking whatevers goin on up there tho#where would i be if my parents had listened to my doctor when i was younger who said they should take me to a psychiatrist i wonder lmfao
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chaotic-history · 7 months
How are ya doing?
Not Great but we stay silly 👍
is this randomhistoryandmemes
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piplupod · 5 months
thinking too hard about my situation and ending up with heart pounding and inability to breathe yayyyy
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elftwink · 1 year
forgot my food in the work fridge even though i spent the entire shift looking forward to eating it and wrote on my fucking arm do not forget food in fridge. i am so fucking sick of living in this godforsaken world
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murobrown · 2 years
#new ability unlocked....✨health anxiety✨#I'm tired man I'm so fucking tired of panicking all the time because I feel like I'm going to pass out ot throw up#or constantly googling health symptoms what makes me feel thousands times worse and definitely doesn't calm me down#one day I'm sure I'm getting a heart attack on next day I have a brain tumor then epilepsy then I go for aneurysm...#fucking funniest thing is that it's been going on for two months and absolutely nothing happened to me#i just have constant headache nausea and pain in my stomach but I haven't passed out or threw up or anything#fuck I just want back my normal life when I'm not in constant worry#i feel like im 24/7 in a high alert panic mode so I can't comprehend anything calmly...#i feel like an animal that's constantly just running away from something#I'm scared too see a doctor because I don't even know how to explain my problems...they will think I'm completely insane...#I can't remember last time I ate something without feeling anxious and being in pain afterwards#and the worst thing is that I developed even ubhealier relationship with food by counting calories :))))#so even though I eat nothing I need to push myself into an intense workout because my brain tells me I need to burn everything#i didn't know ai could be even more messed up than I was before#but hey I lost a ton of weight and I am in the best shape I've ever been... it's all I ever wanted and it cost me only my sanity :)))))#i don't even have clothes to fit in anymore because everything literally falls down from me...#currently I'm convinced I'm going to pass out and die any second but I know I'll be alright I can't just die out of nowhere...#I'm healthy and everything will be okay...I survived so much and it will get only better#if you read this rant I typed out while hyperventilating congratulations you get a free cookie and a warm tea I'll be making#guys but seriously...do you know how to tackle this? or the only logical way is to see a doctor?#because I don't know how long can I go on like this considering from September my job should get even more stressful...#now my stress level is high like never before... just thinking about September is giving me a panic attack#aaaaand those are the things I shouldn't think about because the only thing stressing me out the most is my fucking self :)#that's the damn problem like the thing that's making me most stressed is the stress 🙃#I feel nauseous because I'm stressed and I'm stressed because I'm nauseous...makes sense#i think I'm loosing my mind...and it fucking sucks that I do this to myself for no reason at all#i have a nice relaxing day and then in the evening I decide to think about all the bad stuff and kill it all#another scary thing is living on your own without any close friends in your life and with your family hours away...it won't let me sleep#if anything happens I'm alone...if I pass out right now I need to take care about myself#i often think how long would it take to find my dead body here...and then I shake and cry because I don't want to die
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aastarions · 2 years
this weekend i’m gonna start working on chapter 5 of stay gold me thinks
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burden-boy · 3 months
Could try to accept I'll never have a normal life and I'll always struggle with loneliness, autism, ADD, broken family/home issues, drug dependencies, not fitting in anywhere, no passion/goals in life, keeping jobs, making payments etc, and fucking struggle n stumble and suffer my way through it all, or... I could learn to accept being found hanging on a rope in a forest isn't that scary and everything I leave behind will survive without me fine burdening them.
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cryptidimp · 9 months
my brain is loud
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think-im-kind-of-gay · 9 months
Right so, when do I get to the whole cool club kid gay part of my existence? Or like the put together high powered career lesbian with a wife and a gaggle of friends? Like. I'm just stuck in the constant anxiety attack broke bitch queer person who fucking hates talking to people part. What the fuck.
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insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
#sometimes I wonder if our relationship is really healthy/good for me#because truthfully I get constant anxiety attacks and bad feelings and they’re all usually centered around our relationship in some way#a good portion of our relationship was based around one thing but then you took that thing away#so how do we fill that gap without feeling like something is missing?#and I know you’re not struggling with this the way I am because you have other things going on#but I’m just saying it hurts really fucking bad sometimes missing what we had and feeling like our whole connection is just a little bit off#and the problem is that you’re pretty much my best friend#and truly you are a very good friend overall#you’re the only person I want to talk to every single day and at all hours of the day#so there’s no way I could give you up or try not to talk to you or something like that#but I also still have a crush on you that you encouraged for months#and for a while you didn’t tell me to stop you just strung my feelings along knowing I was waiting for you to come back to me#knowing how much I missed you and wanted you and you couldn’t be fully honest with me about what you wanted#and that makes my struggle with this worse I think#how do I get rid of these feelings when I can’t not talk to you#how do I not like you that way when you’re the first person to make me feel anything in the longest time#every day I hope it’ll be the day you decide you want me again#that’s not really very healthy is it? waiting on something that may never happen again#but truly I have nothing else to hold onto and so I have to hold onto you#but still the consistent anxiety and shit is getting old#and I can’t talk to you about any of this because you’ll probably just snap at me again#but fuck sometimes I just feel like I’m being torn apart and I don’t know how to fix that#personal
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tempe-brennans · 1 year
gonna throw up <3
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4byun · 2 years
(´ε` )
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