#i am blaming ut on that haha
norsesuggestions · 1 year
A stone tool based society need to make ALOT of stone tools because when they break one (almost) always need to make an entire new tool
Compared to metal tools which one often melt down and remake. This ALSO means that there are less "thrown away" broken metal tools than stone tools
Anyway the archeological result of this is that the stone tool based epochs of swedens pre-history is just.
Drowning in stone tools, and the left overs from making the tools and etc
As an exemple, here pictured: many rocks found in archeological digs which have traces of human usage, not yet proper archived by archeologist:
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Later at the very same musuems collection, the archeologist appear to have sat down and tried to organize all these darn stone age rocks. Pictured below:
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Now digitalt musuem were i got these pictures do not SAY that this is what happened, but first pic got "rocks of unknown type and heritage" as description
But the rest of the photos got all the pictured rocks identified with what type of tool they are, from were etc
So reading between the lines, that is totally what is going on haha
Pictures are from Vänersborgs musuem. Via digitalt musuem.
Here are the source links:
Picture 1: link
Picture collection found via search word sune östlund: link
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ndarnila · 2 years
I felt difficult to loving myself since long time ago
Hello, it's me again. I'm the problem. Haha, mentang-mentang lagi populer ya lagunya Taylor Swift.
Halo-halo, apa kabar??! Ya ampun.. kapan y aku bisa konsisten nulis di sini jadi gak cuma karena salah satu upayaku utk bs tidur efek ngopi tadi. *si paling ngopi, kontemplasi, depresi
Gonna put some my thoughts here, so the future me gonna remember this day and hopes will laugh at it.
AKHH!! gile stress banget yah ternyata di umur 27 tahun tuh. Rasanya betul-betul, bener-bener, tru-tru capekk banget. Seenggaknya buat aku. Please validate my feelings. hehe
Pertama, kerjaan. Kedua, kuliah. Ketiga, loneliness. Sedapp. Wakaka.
The important things, I just can't love and thank myself enough. Karena ya.. aku ngerasa belum ada upaya yg cukup aja buat ngelakuin itu semua. Aku liat teman-temanku semuanya sudah ngelakuin itu. Kalau aja alasan kita ngelakuin sesuatu untuk diri sendiri udah cukup, aku ngerasa alasan itu gak cukup. Duh, paham gak si? Should i start seeing a therapist, tho?
im too scared. These mental things are really scary. Not to blame my father's illness. But, schizophrenia is frightening.
Coba yah kita breakdown satu per satu. * yailah.
Pertama kerjaan.., Alhamdulillah-nya, setelah 4 tahun dan 2x pindah divisi, aku dipindahin lagi ke divisi baru yang menarik. Awalnya aku jadi admin social media, terus dipindahin lagi ke CS, dan akhirnya ke PR. Memang semuanya masih ada benang merahnya, tapi di divisi kali ini bisa dibilang jobdesknya cukup spesifik dan kompleks.
That's whyyyy..., tingkat stressnya lumayan tinggi dibanding divisi-divisi sebelumnya. But, im pretty sure, i enjoyed it. Lets just hoping im not transfered to another division or back in to the division i had, at least before i finished my study✌
With all lack of skill and experience, i am willing to learn a lot from here. Tapi, tetep aja insecure weii.. Di tim ini tuh luar biasa banget isi orang-orangnya. Kayak, whoaah, affakah aku bisa menggapai nya?
Lanjut, perkuliahan duniawi. Udah masuk semester 4 yang mana aku diharapkan di semester 5 ini udah bisa selesai dan bs nyusun skripsi. Memang, masih S1. Tapi tekanannya ada banget ya, bund.
Karena aku masih kuliah online, dan cuma ada 1 kelas yang sesekali offline, matkulnya masih bisa teratasi, insya allah dgn baik. *tunggu aja masuk UTS ke-2 atau UAS, pasti beda lagi. WAKAKA* Masih menyesali kenapa aku baru lanjut kuliah sekarang2 ini.
Ketiga, loneliness. Arent we all guys? wkaka langsung case closed. Hehe, enggak deng. Untuk loneliness ini aku rasa masih bisa teratasi juga. I still got a very few friends and my remaining family. Plus, all my favorite fictional hommies on anime / manga. More than enough😂
*lost inspiration to write again here
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
Venice Avenue Bridge re-opens after being closed down due to inspection
You ppl are losers ok. Comevdn here get sick expect me and mine To hold You up wexarent physically here but me so I do?? Bold your fn bridge to Italy...and break it so I am crushed your idea for here now translates to there for you fat useless slobs here. You order it overtly ppl will blame you you are the Vatican cork n trump vs Macs vs cruise nah no mas. Horseshit most hit you for this. And tanks ad stuff into Italy..due t the cavern busting to say. We say no way. Italy isn't the issue mainly it's the things they drove over odd looking fresh yellow painted heavy equipment headed here to bolster thier move here failed cork saw to.ut hit the bridge you see the fix. Nope it's crap. A fireman joke haha we laugh you seeut never works.
Bg is sinking fast his grave is in Disneyworld will depart soon when he does Disney moves outwards.
He pointed it ut too the other vehiclebtrump the media. Huge ones too in the river failed they lost. Cork n trump failed all is up.
H7ge epiteths set it off. Mac will if to fight crazy chicken tonight at 11 MGM Bitol covers as he can't get on Mac to win. Bitol places it on cork. Mac accepts as Carlton Fisk.
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ayy idk if this is nsfw but i hope this isn't troubling or anything. what would the skeles from ut, us and uf do if they saw their s/o in a very R E V E A L I N G outfit for a beach party or something? heheh ;OOO (tysm this blog is so cute haha)
{ I can do only 4 Characters for ask, so I chose to do them this time. Then, I missed so much Lewd! Blueberry, he’s too precious~Uhm, jokes can be considerate something NSFW? I am not sure– And thank you-! } 
⛱️ Sansy ⛱️
He is not usually flirty or something but you are crossing the line if you show yourself in that way. At first, he is so embarrassed and he tries to respect your personal space avoiding your body and your curves but it’s not that easy so he looks in another direction. Actually, he seems a maniac because his stare is so intensive and concentrate to the people that a woman gets worry because it seems Sans was watching her kids with his deep look that is not so comfortable. Yes, he is still a skeleton and people can get scared. He feels more embarrassed than before so he tries to look somewhere else until he sees you in all your glory while you are coming out from the water like a mermaid. In his mind, this scene goes in slow motion. Your skin so wet and bright under the summer sun and he feels warm, too. Different parts of him are so warm and he tries to ignore them.When you approach him while you are patting yourself with a towel, he tries to chill out because he needs to breath after this show. You know what his method to chill out is. Using some funny jokes: « A man was sunbathing in the buff at the beach. For the sake of civility, and to keep it from getting sunburned, he had a hat over his private parts. A woman walks past and says, snickering, “If you were a gentleman you’d lift your hat.” He raised an eyebrow and replied, “If you weren’t so ugly it would lift itself"». No, it was the wrong joke. He can do better than this, he is just too nervous. Give him another possibility! « A harp is a nude piano», ah, this was cute. Brief yet intense, you are laughing, well. « Little Johnny came home from school one day and went by his mom’s room. The door was open, so he looked in and saw his mom lying on the bed naked moaning and touching herself saying, “Ooh, I need a man! I need a man!”The next day, Little Johnny got home from school and saw his mom lying on the bed naked with a naked guy on top of her. So Little Johnny ran to his room, stripped down naked, and started to touch himself, while moaning, “Ooh, I need a bike! I need a bike!“». Oh, it’s cool too, you are so amused. Yeah-! It seems he is flirting with you using these jokes but he uses them to calm himself but you decide to hug him, kissing his cheek saying he is so funny so he is going to faint soon. Sans becomes as blue as an Avatar for the embarrassment. No, it was not the right method to chill out-!
⛱️ Reddy ⛱️
Oh, you are provoking him, it’s clear. And you are doing it very well because he feels so provoked and hot, too. His eyes are wandering around your body as if he is studying your figure because he has to prepare an important exam about you. Let him study you more closely. Do you want he get a good grade, aren’t you? It’s a good way to do some anatomical lessons. Then, he thinks you are also sadistic because you are still wearing something and it does not matter how small the outfit is. The next time, he will bring you to a nude beach so you have no excuse to hide yourself. Smarty!When the two of you are in the water (actually, he hates water and he cannot swim so he remains when he can touch the ground so he is not going to drown) he will do his best to bother you. He splashes you with the water and he pretends to be a shark but his fundamental aim is one: take your little outfit off. Such a moron-!Sans likes doing this kind of joke and he also throws you into the pool when you least expect it. Oh, funny days!We have the second round of the most hilarious jokes of the existence… Maybe you would like to end your own existence after you heard them…«What is the definition of Confidence? When your wife catches you in bed with another woman and you slap her on the ass and say, “You’re next Baby… !”», he is saying you this bullshit while he is message your back and you can see his hands are going down, down, down… He wants to distract you using the jokes! « Yeah. I’m an asshole, but will that stop me from getting in yours?» After this, you should go away but you are still here so you know what’s going to happen! «Wanna hear a joke that will make you laugh your ass off? Oh wait I see you already heard it.» Ahahaha… No! « Mom: If a boy touches your boobs say “don’t” and if he touches your butt say “stop”? Girl: But mom, he touched both so I said “don’t stop”».No, he cannot stop neither. You are too booty-ful-!
⛱️ Stretch ⛱️
Oh, lord-!What’s the occasion? You are exposing so much skin so maybe he has to expose his bones as well? Even if he will never appears as gorgeous as you. Oh, maybe you want to participate to a contest about little swimsuit? He can be your personal judge if you ask, and you already know how to buy his vote, it’s not that difficult.Since he is a first-class jerk, he will bother you in any way possible, touching your belly with his long fingers so you will laugh like crazy (if you are ticklish), or doing weird jokes about your presumed nudity just like these:«How do you know Adam was a Canadian? Who else could stand beside a naked woman and be tempted by a fruit?» and Papyrus is tempted by you as well. He is just ignoring his sin now but it exists. He can perceive it crawling on his back. He adores it!«Two parents take their son on a vacation to a nude beach. The father goes for a walk on the beach and the son goes and plays in the water. The son comes running up to his mom and says…"Mommy, I saw ladies with boobies a lot bigger than yours!” The mom says…“the bigger they are, the dumber they are.” So he goes back to play. Several minutes later he comes running back and says…“Mommy, I saw men with dingers a lot bigger than Daddy’s!” The mom says…“the bigger they are, the dumber they are.” So he goes back to play. Several minutes later he comes running back and says…“Mommy, I just saw Daddy talking to the dumbest lady I ever saw and the more and more he talked, the dumber and dumber he got! » next time, you will think twice before you decide to wear like this. Your libido is dying while you are hearing his wonderful joke, « A couple at an art gallery see a picture of a naked woman with only her privates covered with leaves. The wife doesn’t like it and moves on, but the husband keeps looking. She asks, “What are you waiting for?” He replies, “Autumn.”». Instead, he is getting hot with all these jokes. They are the ultimate weapon of seduction!
⛱️ Lewd! Blueberry ⛱️
Oh, it’s his birthday and he does not know it? What a wonderful surprise but it seems there’s anything to unwrap since your swimsuit is so small and it leaves no room for imagination. He is not going to complain about it. You can dress as you want and he’s not a stupid bigoted and he truly appreciates the view of your pretty exposed skin, the way your ass moves and all that jazz. It’s too perfect.Then, Sans is very discrete so he compliments you saying how beautiful your outfit is even if he means that you cannot be hotter than this. Sans is a little devious in his words and attitudes and you have to understand his intentions since he says a thing but he means another.  He will use all his cuteness and cordiality to hug you and caress you in the less malicious way since his gestures are so sweet but he wants just to touch you and he is too cute to deny. You cannot say No to Sans, he knows.He will ask to you, with his pretty voice, seeing you with those puppy eyes, to apply on your delicate and soft skin the sunscreen. His hands travel towards mysterious places of your body. It’s a mistake if he is touching you here and there. How could you blame him?He is touching you very well, you are unable to control your moans and giggles, and he is so glad you seem so happy. Maybe it’s time to change the background and go somewhere else where you can enjoy more his attentions. He would suggest going in the locker room so he can finally tear that little outfit apart… With delicacy, obvious.
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lalalaugenbrot · 7 years
entirely unasked for, read books 2017, first half.
Unter der Sonne (Daniel Kehlmann, 1998/2008): Daniel Kehlmann is, for now, my favourite germanspeaking writer (style-wise, no worries Fritz) and I started the year with reading some of his early works I hadn’t read yet. Unter der Sonne is a collection of short stories and as almost all of Kehlmanns narrations they are always very real but shifting into a dream, or it feels like it at least, always on the verge of a nightmare. one could call it surreal realism? or very real surrealism? it’s very hard to put into words but oh boy, I just love it so much. so I have already read Ruhm (Fame), a later collection of short stories and I liked the overall compilation of those more, especially because the stories were slightly linked to each other. But still Unter der Sonne was brilliant as ever! / English title: this has not been translated I think?
Der Verbrecher aus verlorener Ehre (Friedrich Schiller, 1786): this was… quite wild to say the least. / English title: The Criminal of Lost Honour
Du hättest gehen sollen (Daniel Kehlmann, 2016): I love this little novel. It’s definitely one of my favourites by Daniel Kehlmann. And i really need to reread it! The mathematics mysticism is strong in this one. Das Geodreieck! / English title: You should have left
Maria Stuart (Friedrich Schiller, 1800): i feel terrible but the best thing about this book, which i bought at the flea market, is still that it came with a self made book mark -a ladie’s leg in a pantyhose and a very fancy high heeled shoe, probably cut out from a magazine and strengthend with adhesive tape- which must be, judging by the look of it, at least 60 years old, if not older (the book is from 1939). but apart from that, I also liked the play itself! but it has already been several months and to say anything specific about it now I would have to ask Evelyn Hamann to give a short recap of the bisher gesendeten Folgen. “Auf dem Landsitz Fortheringhay…” 
Die Wahlverwandschaften (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1809): i was meaning forever to read this and it was so beautiful, and sad! :( not even to speak of the quite obvious Schiller parallels. :(( and also, if you ever decide to read Die Wahlverwandschaften, please do so while listening to Die Ballade von Wolfgang und Brigitte by Wir sind Helden! / English title:  Elective Affinities
Beerholms Vorstellung (Daniel Kehlmann, 1997): this was Daniel Kehlmann’s first novel and ironically the last left that I hadn’t read. Compared to later works it maybe wasn’t as strong and the style not as developped but still very, very good. It’s about a magician, that is illusionist, who isn’t satisfied with his own skills because he himself still is aware that it’s all just tricks and illusion and thus tries to master his tricks so perfectly and blindly that he can become oblivious to the procedure in order to become a Real Magician and in the progress partially loses grip of reality. I mean… that idea alone is fascinating.
Cornelia Goethe (Sigrid Damm, 1992): Sigrid Damm deserves a medal for writing honest, inspiring and heartwrenching biographies about people (esp. women) we know so very little about! 
Heinrich von Kleist (Dora Wentscher, 1956): this was a true lucky find at the flea market, I am still amazed. Oh Berndi!
Wallensteins Lager (Friedrich Schiller, 1798): this is merely a prologue to the other two parts of the Wallenstein triology so i really need to go on reading the other two (main) parts. / English title: Wallenstein’s Camp
Sprachwandel (Rudi Keller, 1990): How and that language changes is something that amazes me to no ends and I have been musing about that subject for years now but I have never actually read anything about it by someone who actually knows what they’re talking about. So it was amazing and interesting and I am (still) so thrilled by this. Language is like the most amazing yet inapprehensible thing ever?! / English title: On Language Change
Maurice (E. M. Forster, 1914/1971): this book stole my heart all over again after having seen the film already some years ago. like seriously, I am internally crying tears of joy ever since. please read this! it will not diasappoint, and Christopher Isherwood himself was a fanboy okay?
Goodbye to Berlin (Christopher Isherwood, 1939): talking of the devil-this book is amazing! it’s like a mosaicy glimpse into pre-nazi Berlin, or rather Berlin right before turning and already turning into nazi Berlin. despite all, this book made me want to be there myself with all these people.
Die Physiker (Friedrich Dürrenmatt, 1962): that was a weird and funny one. and not at all what I expected. I had always heard that even people who had to read it in school had liked it but apart from that knew nothing about it. / English title: The Physicists
Christopher and his kind (Christopher Isherwood, 1976): this is the non-fiction version of Christopher Isherwoods time in Berlin with its gay community. mainly, he is on the run from the nazis with his boyfriend Heinz. very sad and also a bit wild.
Winnie-the-Pooh (A. A. Milne, 1926): I might be identifying with Eeyore A Little Too Much. But really what a cute and clever book! (It made me think in Capitalised Expressions for days.)
The Importance of being Earnest (Oscar Wilde, 1895): i don’t know why i waited so long to read Oscar Wilde but omg, that was hilarious and amazing!!
Mr Norris Changes Trains (Christopher Isherwood, 1935): i didn’t enjoy this as much as Goodbye to Berlin and Christopher and his Kind, the entire story is somewhat sinister and the characters not really likeable somehow? but then I also read that Isherwood himself didn’t like it before i even started reading so I think I was also a bit biased. but it’s also very interesting to see how his style developped in contrast to the masterpiece I think Goodbye to Berlin is
Relato de un náufrago (Gabriel García Márquez, 1970): earlier this year I started reading Cien Años de Soledad (100 Years of Solitude) by García Márquez but stopped half way through because it confused the hell out of me and I somehow didn’t connect to the characters at all. I don’t know if it was for the Spanish or simply for the sheer amount of characters -of which half have the same name?!- and the large time span the novel is narrated on? anyway I wanted to give García Márquez another chance and picked something lighter, shorter and with less people - only one to be precise! And I enjoyed it very much! / English title: The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor
Schillers Schwester Christophine (Annette Seemann, 2009): Christophine (Fene) was two years older than her little brother Fritz and since they both were much older than their younger siblings they were an inseparable duo in their childhood days. It is also said that Christophine’s character was a model for a lot, if not most, of Schiller’s female heroines. But as biographies about women in history go they can be a tough thing and this one makes no exception - to the point where it becomes almost unbearable! I got teary eyed reading this in the subway; but then I also might be caring about the Schillers A Little Too Much. / I highly doubt this has been transated.
Progress in Sign Language Research (Schulmeister/Reinitzer, 2002): blame (that is thank) Fargo and Russel Harvard that I suddenly became aware of how there’s an entire different set of languages to learn and learn about! The craziest thing was that while I was reading this very book (at work, sometimes there’s just not that much to do) an actual Deaf Person came to the cinema and asked if we were showing movies with english subtitles (which we don’t). That is he came up to me and said “deaf” and gestured writing in his hand and I then handed him a notepad on which we had our conversation. But everything happened so fast and there was another costumer waiting, and I was so taken aback, (I misspelled english as englisch how awkward!) but I had that book literally laying there next to me on the counter. I still wish I could have showed him. :/ I also regret not having been able to look up some cinemas for him that show movies with english subtitles. I hope he found one anyway!
A Room with a View (E. M. Forster, 1908): so after Maurice I wanted to read more by Forster and he did not disappoint! i had a lot of other stuff on my mind while reading this so it lost me a bit in the middle but totally got my attention back towards the end and i’m definitely going to reread this some day. and I simply cannot believe how wonderfully fantastical the Emersons are! although i’m yet to read Walden I am already contemplating putting “mistrust all enterprises that require new clothes” on my wardrobe as well-what a thing to do lmao! naturally I immediately watched the film after finishing the book and it was also nice seeing the entire Maurice cast again, only in different roles, haha!
books on my reading list for the second half of 2017: 
Hundraårigen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann (Jonas Jonasson, 2009)
A Single Man (Christopher Isherwood, 1964)
Die Leiden des jungen Werther (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,1774)
The House at Pooh Corner (A. A. Milne, 1928)
Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck 1937)
A Manual for Cleaning Women (Lucia Berlin, 1977/1999)
Die Piccolomini (Friedrich Schiller, 1799)
Wallensteins Tod (Friedrich Schiller, 1799)
Walden (Henry David Thoreau, 1854)
Christiane und Goethe (Sigrid Damm, 1998)
La Casa de los Espiritus (Isabel Allende, 1982)
Penthesilea (Heinrich von Kleist, 1808)
Die Geschichte der Bienen (Maja (!) Lunde, 2015)
Glimpses of World History (Jawaharlal Nehru, 1930/1962)
Howards End (E. M. Forster, 1910)
A Passage to India (E. M. Forster, 1924)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde, 1890)
Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit (Sten Nadolny, 1983)
Frühlings Erwachen (Frank Wedekind, 1891)
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caitielou-askew · 7 years
After careful preparations are made, Sans and Papyrus get their hand plates removed.
BOY that took longer than it should have. Between the insane number of edit markers I had after the first pass of editing, and my own pickiness with how this came together, I am several days later on this than I wanted to be. But here we are! The video’s up there, and here it is on Ao3 if you’d prefer to read it. Links to download the chapters as MP3s or listen on Soundcloud are in the video description on YouTube. And in case you’re lost, here’s where the series started and here’s the first chapter of this part.
Thanks yet again to @hatori1181​ for performing Gaster and Asgore, and to @zarla-s​ for making this wonderful story, and being so generous in letting us fans put in our two cents on how different timelines might go.
As I’ve said before I have a few more ideas on future events for this, but they’ll probably come out as little single-scenes and one-shots rather than big honking things like this. I’ll build up a few before recording them though, lol.
Also, there’s a lot I want to talk about with what’s going on in this chapter, but it’s best that you read or listen before reading that. So it’s under the fold to avoid spoilers. EVEN MORE SELF-INDULGENT RAMBLING AHOY!
Whaddya know, it's a "Gaster survives" timeline! Just look at this big ol' happy screwed-up family. I thought about putting in a line directly pointing out that all 3 of them were now physically scarred by all this, but I couldn't find a good place to fit it in. So I trusted the reader would put that together, lol. Of course this wasn't going to go perfectly, nothing about this situation is ideal. Papyrus's reaction to it came directly from his understated reaction to getting killed in the genocide run, which Zarla has previously discussed. (wow until I found that link just now I didn't realize I copied her use of the word blase in describing that, rofl).
I worked in as many throwbacks as I could, given this is basically additional vetting to Gaster's horrible deeds. Sans and Papyrus have been slowly sharing with Alphys (and to a lesser extent Asgore) what Gaster did to them, and Alphys has been reading Gaster's notes. The mention of the handrail was by far the latest addition to the story, even after my betas had read it and given their feedback. One of them had been a bit confused that the end was meant to establish that Gaster wasn't going to fall into the core in this timeline. And until that one comic about the core, I really had no way of setting that up without making it stupidly blatant. Now it should be a lot clearer without being clunky (I hope)
Even though the scarf was sort of the unifying element in this one (like the light motifs in Revealed), it was actually the second latest addition to the story. The first ending I wrote had Papyrus asking about Gaster's name, since "W.D. Gaster" is most likely what would have been posted outside his office door. Buuuut I couldn't think of a good origin story for his name, and the whole exchange just didn't feel right. Then I remembered Zarla's adorable sketches of kid Gaster and the hint that Papyrus finds the scarf in the lab after Gaster is erased, and it hit me. So then I had to go back into the first part and retcon it into there, haha.
Also it's kind of funny, Zarla literally just gave a few thoughts on possible "Gaster gets arrested" timelines, saying depending on how it goes it may make him MORE emotionally shut-down inside. I think in this timeline Gaster would definitely prefer that, and actually tried to make that happen in Released. But it all fell apart when Asgore blamed himself and showed mercy instead. So now he tries to be as stoic as possible when it comes to the boys, but between his dad instincts and those pesky brats' shenanigans it's just not a hurdle he can totally clear. He'll never accept forgiveness, but he also can't stop indulging in those paternal thoughts from time to time. So he's stuck in this sort of emotional limbo.
Very similar to the limbo Sans is now trapped in. Another fun thing about doing this was exploring Sans and Papyrus's characters, and showing how they come into their adult selves. They haven't met too many people in the castle at this point, but I figured the chef would have been one of the first. At first they wouldn't really know their likes and dislikes as far as food, and Asgore wouldn't want them to go hungry. So he'd just show them where the kitchens are and introduce them to the chef. Gaster never used food as a punishment, or hurt them while they were eating, so whenever he brought it Papyrus knew instinctively that he wasn’t going to hurt them just then. So naturally, Papyrus quickly became attached to both eating and making food, associating it with mercy. His tastes are still questionable though, probably a side-effect of growing up on junk food, haha.
As far as Sans, I've always loved the almost diametrically opposed ideas of him being this "final judge" the player has to answer to, but also being a sort of apathetic nihilist. In the game it was his awareness of the resets but his inability to do anything about them which (presumably) brought that apathy on. Since Sans is still pretty young here, I thought he’d still have a bit of that fire in him, especially at the beginning when they were first rescued. I think at his core Sans really does have a strong sense of justice, which is why he still shows up in that final corridor every time even though he knows it’s pointless. He knows he can't stop you, but he also knows he's the only one who can speak to you about the timelines "on your level," so to speak. So he throws himself in there to be the last voice of reason, or the last stumbling block, on your journey.
But now in this timeline, Sans is getting worn down by Gaster not getting proper retribution for his crimes. He eventually shuts up about it because he's making no progress, and taking any more drastic measures would make Papyrus unhappy. So he's also stuck in emotional limbo, unhappy with the way things are but powerless to change them. Good thing that's not going to get any worse anytime soon… Oh speaking of that, I chose Snowy for the ending music because it just sounds so bittersweet to me. It was quaint my first time playing the game, but on my second runthrough I couldn’t help but think about the monsters being trapped underground, but also Sans being aware of how they’re doubly trapped in this time loop. So while it’s pretty and nice and an overall benign area of the game (at least on pacifist), it became a bit more melancholy to me.
And PERSONALLY I think the "running around looking like a CLONE of..." line is the greatest thing I have ever written. Not gonna lie, I had the worst shit-eating grin on my face for like an hour after that line hit me. YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF, GASTER. You emotionally constipated twig.
Anyway, given Gaster isn't going to disappear, that leaves the future for this story a bit more open. I have a few ideas rolling around in my head for a few more moments as they're growing up in the castle. Also some speculation on how different UT timelines would play out (including a pacifist timeline that's just...MMPH. SO GOOD). But they will all be much shorter than this, so I'll wait until I've got a few written and put them out as little one-shots. Sort of like those short story collections I keep saying I'll get back to, lol. Anyway thanks for reading! If you have questions or want to talk or speculate about stuff my ask box is always open <3 Obviously I am totally down with nerding out about this stuff, lol.
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