#i am an absurd human
pockysquirrel · 2 months
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chubbychiquita · 4 months
i have the most massive crush on you and you are so motivating in such a cute and fun way like you make me wanna indulge more and have fun with life
motivating??? me??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that is so sweet thank u!!!!!! and im so glad that my whimsical horniness can inspire others to try to live their best emotionally & physically fulfilled lives ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
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birdybumbles · 8 months
getting older is just realizing you have a lot in common with Franz Kafka
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calamitaswrath · 3 months
Uh, hey. Question for any enbies that are primarily or exclusively attracted to one gender. How exactly do you define or decide for yourself whether you consider yourself straight or gay? Does it just come down to your own agab, or is there something else to it?
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echoofawind · 4 months
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soldier-poet-king · 2 months
Finished r&g are dead on my lunch break I am SOOOOOO normal about theatre of the absurd and existentialism and the next person to conflate it with a grimdark atheistic nihilism is gonna fuckin catch my fists. Like. That's not the POINT. Existentialism, is a thing of hope. It is bloody and resolute determination when there is no reason to hope and nothing to hope for. Soren father of existentialism Kierkegaard would not stand for this. Even fuckin Camus is like. Anti suicide. Create meaning. 'we must imagine Sisyphus Happy' became a meme but most of these mfs don't even GET THE POINT of it and it's just
/mangled screaming/
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belfryprepz · 2 years
You ate my mother???
*blushes* *tucks hair behind my ear* *wipes my fangs on my shirt*
*gets kissed passionately*
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britneyshakespeare · 4 months
i had a very strange dream last night where i was looking through my facebook memories and a year ago today i had apparently posted a long, intended-as-a-joke post about how it's a shame we don't hang people from the gallows in the public square anymore. i was like wow oh god i don't remember writing this at all. this seems unlike myself; i think this is so unfunny and hurtful. how will this change how people see me? well it's a good thing i never posted that after all then.
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one of these days i'm writing some kind of essay about lost media and humanity's need to solve loose ends. people only care about it because its lost. people only know its lost because somebody cared about it. it's such an achingly beautiful concept. it's such a horrifying fate. it's about mortality and the traitor that is memory and about love. its about the human spirit and a new kind of folklore. all forms of media preservation are a race against the deprecation and physical decomposition of their storage medium. i hope there's a heaven for art.
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pockysquirrel · 10 months
I got mail today
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goldy-engine · 4 months
More Art of them! I think I will just go with the ship name Clawedheart because it stuck with me… anyways random fact, My Diesel 10 is a drag queen, she (my 10 uses multiple pronouns) also sometimes just likes dressing up for fun. She likes to be prettyy
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steakout-05 · 7 months
since today i am just loving the idea of Barry wearing these shirts that say the most out of left field stuff like "my balls itch" or "BIG DICK ENERGY LEADS TO BIG DICK INJURY" so here is a Barry wearing the former as a (ripped) shirt
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dakotabone1213 · 7 months
if he's a maus what does that make you ಠ_ಠ
NOTHING! How DARE you assume I'm anything other than a human being! I have fur and paws just like all of you!
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Guy who only ever thinks about kindness and the absurd nature of divine grace: getting a lot of kindness and the absurd nature of divine grace vibes from this
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katyspersonal · 1 year
I don't understand how there are people still supporting your content after it's clear you are an emotionally unstable narcissist. I swear some people care about their dumb fandoms more than common human decency.
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First - I refuse to let my lore posts, drawings and theories be called 'content'. I protest. It is a very soulless term that reduces creativity (the very expression of the soul, mind you!) to some sort of shallow and more importantly, replaceable good. "Why you consume the content from this PROBLEMATIC :( person" in the same vein as "Why you buy your car fuel from an unethical corporation" is absolutely absurd in any way, because creations are not physical goods but something unique.
Second, you seem to be confused on what the fandom entails.
Being a fan of something, in fact, doesn't... really entail all that much? Being a fan of something doesn't, and will NEVER mean that you subscribe to certain cultural, religious, political or humanity values or opinions, it will NEVER be only for the ones the loudest people in the crowd deemed "right" and "pure" enough, and certainly it will NEVER be only for people with clear history *cough cough* or people of "proper" mental state *COUGH cough*.
The only, and only, and only, and ONLY "requirement" for being a Bloodborne fan is - to care about Bloodborne. Ironically, this is something people I tend to become antagonists with often fail at, as there is a difference between 'Bloodborne fan' and 'Mariadeline fan that knows nothing about BB lore and holds only interests in how to shame men more and what kind of fans to declare "problematic"' *COUGH COUGH* god sorry guys, got a bad cough attack during this ask fhdhgfds
But, again, I think we the people that obsess with this or that media came to the conclusion that gatekeeping leads to another extreme - the whole thing with shaming artists that draw something not accurate, and think something not 100% correct to the canon is 'dirtying' the canon. You know, the whole 'oh you are fan of X band? name 40 songs' thing. So I think gatekeeping should be avoided unless someone appears who is both completely uneducated about lore AND tries to set their own rules.
But, yeah. Your confusion is likely caused by the fact that people who like Bloodborne... love to read about Bloodborne, and not about what user should be blacklisted and what character is this or that identity and what this or that character is "problematic" etc. I object the idea that certain game/movie/book/etc is only for "right" kind of people and I think we as society at this rate are capable of separating interaction with the fictional universe and personality/personal lives.
#ask replies#personal#disco horse#/negative#i think my line of thought started with cringe statements YEARS ago such as the stuff like uhhhhh...#like people being like 'hey CIS MEN stephen universe is for women and trans men and nb folks we take it back!!!'#i then thought 'wow bitches really think enjoying a fictional thing is only for certain type of people????'#but by now it seems to have came the full circle#that said i welcome everyone in this fandom who likes bloodborne#because art is supposed to unite people not divide them#and certainly no game or movie or book is ONLY for 'certain' type of people#art is supposed to have default capacity of reaching everyone despite everything.#yooo you remember how j k rowling claimed ppl who still love hp support her ideals? NEVER do that shit folks#granted there is grey area of people not wanting to get money from people that are on polar different side of politic/humanity compass#which is valid? but i'd appreciate it if that wasn't forced onto people who do NOT benefit anything and just want to enjoy stuff#also emotional stuff is somewhat absurd tbh#i am making conscious effort ever since sp*de blocked me without explaining why to hold people at far emotional distance#so they do not have to be exposed to possibly questionable emotional stuff they don't know how to address#like... i do not in fact cling to people nor i make friends anymore unless they are PROVEN to be as chaotic as me#but again for some people bad once = bad forever and I don't play that game anymore lol
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 8 months
people who are batshit insane bipolar narcissists who happen to take an unfortunate interest in religion: yeah like I get told off by my entire family because I won't stfu about how they're all going to hell. I can't believe them. or when I tell my friend the same thing and they insult me or call me too religious like I am literally stating facts?? not my fault it's god's 🙄 can't believe they're following religion wrongly and not like My Holy Interpretation and way of practice
#no bc. i am muslim and 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 its a struggle if not for my absolute convinction in god#man. honestly#i'll like a story and then come online or talk to someone else about it and they'll have the most absurd and obviously wrong interpretation#so of course something like this happens with something so important as religion. the vast majority of people are stupid no matter what#unfortunately#idk im not denying the quran either. i Really Really hate being delusional and denying whats Infront of me or whats otherwise#literally the truth of. everything#but yknow we are human... the truth is that we aren't angels who do no wrong and are perfect and we shouldnt treat others like that#like i cant fathom seeing someone do something even factually wrong and instead of trying to figure out the Core reason theyre doing that#or their feelings or their mentality#which are the cause and root of everything btw#you just insult them and call them names and say theyre better not practicing at all or FORCING THEM to do whats right#like idfc if the thing youre forcing them to do IS factually right I do not care youre ruining and tainting islam by your actions.#that mentality is so disgusting. to be the judge of someone and order them around#at the end of everything Everyone has their own opinion and choice#if you truly are convinced islam is right then you won't force your child to practice. your child will eventually practice by themselves#when they grow up! and realize how the world works#and if they dont then oh well. everyone is going to be judged alone and that's their problem yknow#it may be incredibly frusterating but ultimately cope#theres nothing right that will be right with yelling and fighting and screaming and force.
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